General characteristics of pedagogical activity. Psychological characteristics of teachers

General characteristics of pedagogical activity.  Psychological characteristics of teachers
General characteristics of pedagogical activity. Psychological characteristics of teachers

Pedagogical activity has many principles and characteristics that every teacher must remember and adhere to. We will try to consider not only the general characteristics of pedagogical activity, but also learn about its features, ways of building, ways of working with children. After all, even a certified teacher may not always know exactly every rule and concept.


So, perhaps it is worth starting with the characteristics of the teacher's professional pedagogical activity. It lies in the fact that pedagogical activity is, first of all, the influence of the teacher on the student, which is purposeful and motivated. The teacher should strive to develop a comprehensive personality, to prepare the child for the exit into adulthood. Such activities are based on the foundations of education. Pedagogical activity can be realized only in the conditions of an educational institution, and it is carried out exclusively by trained teachers who have passed all the necessary stages of training and mastering this profession.

The characteristic of the goal of pedagogical activity is that it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for the normal development of the child, so that he can fully realize himself as an object and as a subject of upbringing. You can easily determine if the goal has been realized. To do this, simply compare the personality traits with which the child came to school and those with which he leaves the educational institution. This is the main characteristic of pedagogical activity.

Subject and means

The subject of this activity is the very organization of the process of interaction between the teacher and his students. This interaction has the following orientation: students must fully master the socio-cultural experience and accept it as the basis and condition for development.

The characterization of the subject of pedagogical activity is very simple, in his role is the teacher. In more detail, this is the person who performs a certain type of pedagogical activity.

There are also certain motives in pedagogical activity, which are usually divided into external and internal. External ones include the desire for professional and personal growth, but internal ones are humanistic and prosocial orientation, as well as domination.

The means of pedagogical activity include: knowledge not only of theory, but also of practice, on the basis of which a teacher can teach and educate children. It also includes not only educational literature, but also methodological, various visual materials. This concludes the characterization of the content of pedagogical activity and move on to practical aspects.

Value characteristics

It has long been known that teachers belong to the class of the intelligentsia. And, of course, each of us understands that it depends on the work of the teacher what our future generation will be like, what will be the focus of his activities. It is in this connection that each teacher must take into account the value characteristics of pedagogical activity. So, they include:

  1. The attitude of the teacher to the period of childhood. Here the main emphasis is on the extent to which the teacher fully understands the features of the relationship between children and adults, whether he understands the values ​​that are now facing children, whether he understands the very essence of this period.
  2. Humanistic Only from the name it becomes clear that the teacher must show his humanistic position. His professional activity should be focused on the cultural values ​​of all mankind, on building a correct dialogue with students, on organizing a creative and, most importantly, reflective attitude to work. As a kind of application to this value, we can single out the principles of pedagogical activity, voiced by Sh. Amonashvili, that a teacher should love children and humanize the environment in which these children are. After all, this is necessary in order for the child's soul to be in comfort and balance.
  3. High moral qualities of the teacher. These qualities can be easily noticed by observing a little the style of the teacher's behavior, his manner of communicating with children, his ability to resolve various situations that are encountered in pedagogical activity.

These are the value characteristics of pedagogical activity. If the teacher does not take these points into account, then his work is unlikely to be successful.

Styles of teaching

So, now it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the styles of pedagogical activity, of which there are only three in modern science.

  1. Authoritarian style. Here pupils act only as objects of influence. When organizing the learning process, this acts as a kind of dictator. Since he gives certain tasks and expects students to fulfill them unquestioningly. He always tightly controls educational activities and at the same time is not always correct enough. And it makes no sense to ask such a teacher why he gives any orders or so tightly controls the actions of his students. The answer to this question will not follow, since such a teacher does not consider it necessary to communicate with his children. If you dig a little deeper into the psychological characteristics of this type of pedagogical activity, you will notice that most often such a teacher does not like his work, has a very tough and strong-willed character, is distinguished by emotional coldness. Modern teachers do not welcome this style of teaching, since there is completely no contact with children, their cognitive activity is noticeably reduced, and the desire to learn disappears. Pupils are the first to suffer from the authoritarian style. Some children try to protest against such training, go into conflict with the teacher, but instead of getting an explanation, they encounter a negative reaction from the teacher.
  2. Democratic style. If a teacher has chosen a democratic style of pedagogical activity, then he, of course, loves children very much, he likes to come into contact with them, thus he shows his high professionalism. The main desire of such a teacher is to establish contact with the children, he wants to communicate with them on an equal footing. Its goal is a warm and calm atmosphere in the classroom, complete understanding between the audience and the teacher. This style of pedagogical activity does not provide for the lack of control over children, as it might seem. Control exists, but somewhat hidden. The teacher wants to teach children independence, he wants to see their initiative, teach them to defend their own opinion. Children quickly make contact with such a teacher, they listen to his advice, offer their own options for solving certain problems, they wake up with a desire to take part in educational activities.
  3. Teachers who choose this style of teaching are called non-professionals and undisciplined. Such teachers do not have self-confidence, they often hesitate in the classroom. They leave children to themselves, do not control their activities. Any student collective is certainly happy with such a teacher's demeanor, but only for the first time. After all, children are in dire need of a mentor, they need to be monitored, given assignments, and helped with their implementation.

So, the characteristic of the styles of pedagogical activity gives us a complete understanding of how the relationship between students and the teacher can be built and what this or that behavior of the latter will lead to. Before you go to a lesson with children, you need to accurately determine your preferences in teaching.

Psychological and pedagogical activity

In this topic, it is also necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of psychological and pedagogical activity, since it differs slightly from the pedagogical that we have already considered.

Psychological and pedagogical activity is the activity of a teacher, which is aimed at ensuring that the subjects of the educational process develop in personal, intellectual and emotional directions. And all this should serve as the basis for the beginning of self-development and self-education of these very subjects.

The teacher-psychologist at school must focus his activities on the socialization of the child's personality, in other words, he must prepare children for adult life.

This direction has its own implementation mechanisms:

  • The teacher should bring children real and invented social situations and together with them look for ways to resolve them.
  • A diagnosis is made as to whether the children are ready to enter into social relationships.
  • The teacher should encourage children to strive for self-knowledge, can easily determine their own position in society, adequately assess their behavior and be able to look for ways out of various situations.
  • The teacher should help children analyze various social problems, design their behavior in cases where they will find themselves in difficult life situations.
  • The teacher creates a developed information field for each of his students.
  • Any children's initiative in the school is supported, student self-government comes to the fore.

Here is such a simple characteristic of psychological and pedagogical activity.

Pedagogical activity of the teacher

Separately, in pedagogical activity, I would like to highlight the types of activities of a school teacher. In total, eight species are distinguished, each of which has soybeans features. We will consider the essence of each of the available types further. The description of these types can also be called a characteristic of the pedagogical activity of a teacher who works at school.

Diagnostic activity

Diagnostic activity consists in the fact that the teacher must study all the possibilities of the students, understand how high their level of development is and how well they are brought up. After all, it is simply impossible to perform high-quality pedagogical work if you do not know the psychological and physical capabilities of the children with whom you have to work. The moral and mental upbringing of children, their relationship with the family and the general atmosphere in the parental home are also important points. A teacher can properly educate his student only if he studied him absolutely from all sides. To correctly carry out the diagnostic activity, the teacher must master all the methods with the help of which it is possible to accurately establish the level of education of the student. The teacher should know not only everything about the educational activities of children, but also be interested in their interests outside of school, study their inclinations to one or another type of activity.

Orientation and prognostic

Each stage of educational activity requires the teacher to determine its directions, to accurately establish goals and objectives, to be able to make predictions on the results of activities. This means that the teacher must know exactly what he wants to achieve and in what ways he will do it. This also includes the expected changes in the personality of the students. After all, this is precisely what the teacher's pedagogical activity is aimed at.

The teacher should plan his educational work in advance and direct it to ensure that children have an increased interest in learning. He must also voice the specific goals and objectives that are set for the children. The teacher should strive to unite the team, teach children to work together, together, set common goals and achieve them together. The teacher should focus his activities on stimulating the cognitive interests of children. To do this, you should add more emotions, interesting points to your speech.

Orientation-prognostic activity cannot be interrupted, the teacher must act in this direction constantly.

Constructive and design activities

It is very much related to orientation and prognostic activity. This connection is easy to see. Indeed, when a teacher begins to plan the establishment of connections in a team, in parallel with this, he must design the tasks assigned to him, develop the content of educational work that will be carried out with this team. Here, the teacher will be extremely useful knowledge from the field of pedagogy and psychology, or rather those moments that directly relate to the methods and methods of organizing the educational team. And you also need to have knowledge about the existing forms and methods of organizing education. But this is not all that a teacher should be able to do. After all, it is also important here to be able to correctly plan educational work and educational activities, as well as to engage in self-development. Since the ability to think creatively is extremely useful in this matter.

Organizational activity

When the teacher already knows exactly what kind of work he will carry out with his students, has outlined a goal for himself and defined the tasks of this work, it is necessary to involve the children themselves in this activity, to awaken their interest in knowledge. Here you cannot do without the following set of skills:

  • If the teacher has taken seriously the teaching and upbringing of students, then he must quickly and correctly determine the tasks of these processes.
  • It is important for the teacher to develop the initiative on the part of the students themselves.
  • He must be able to correctly distribute tasks and assignments in the team. To do this, you need to know well the team with whom you will have to work in order to sensibly assess the capabilities of each participant in the pedagogical process.
  • If a teacher organizes any activity, then he simply must be the leader of all processes, carefully monitor the progress of students' actions.
  • Pupils cannot work without inspiration, and that is why the teacher's task is to become this very inspirer. The teacher must control the entire process, but so carefully that it is hardly noticeable from the outside.

Information and explanatory activity

This activity is quite important in the modern pedagogical process, since now almost everything is connected with information technology. Here the teacher will again act as the organizer of the educational process. It is in it that children should see the main source from which they will draw scientific, moral, aesthetic and worldview information. That is why it will not be enough just to prepare for the lesson, you need to understand each topic and be ready to answer any student's question. You need to completely surrender to the subject that you teach. After all, it will probably not be news to anyone that the course of the lesson directly depends on how much the teacher was able to master the material that he teaches. Can he give qualitative examples, easily move from one topic to another, give specific facts from the history of this subject.

So, we see that the teacher should be as erudite as possible. He must be aware of all the innovations within the framework of his subject and constantly inform his students about them. And also an important point is the level of his mastery of practical knowledge. Since it depends on him how well students will be able to master knowledge, skills and abilities.

Communication and stimulating activities

This is the activity that is directly related to the influence of the teacher on the students at the time of learning. Here the teacher must have a high personal charm and moral culture. He must be able not only to establish friendly relations with students, but also to competently maintain them throughout the entire educational process. You should not expect high cognitive activity from children if, at the same time, the teacher is passive. After all, he must, by his own example, show the need for the manifestation of his labor, creative and cognitive skills. This is the only way to force children to work and not just force, but awaken desire in them. Children feel everything, which means they should feel respect from their teacher. Then they will respect him too. They must feel his love in order to give theirs in return. During pedagogical activity, the teacher should be interested in the life of children, take into account their desires and needs, learn about their problems and together try to solve them. And, of course, it is important for every teacher to win the children's trust and respect. And this is possible only with properly organized and, most importantly, meaningful work.

A teacher who, in his lessons, shows such character traits as dryness and callousness, if he does not show any emotions when talking with children, but simply uses an official tone, then such an activity will definitely not be crowned with success. Children are usually afraid of such teachers, they do not want to get in touch with them, they have little interest in the subject that this teacher presents.

Analytical and evaluation activities

The essence of the characteristics of this type of pedagogical activity lies in its name. Here the teacher implements the pedagogical process itself and at the same time makes an analysis of the course of training and education. Based on this analysis, he can identify positive aspects, as well as shortcomings, which he must later correct. The teacher must clearly define for himself the goal and objectives of the learning process and constantly compare them with the results that have been achieved. It is also important here to conduct a comparative analysis between your achievements at work and the achievements of your colleagues.

Here you can clearly see the feedback of your work. In other words, there is a constant comparison between what I wanted to do and what I managed to do. And on the basis of the results obtained, the teacher can already make some adjustments, note for himself the mistakes made and correct them in a timely manner.

Research and creative activity

I would like to finish the characterization of the teacher's practical pedagogical activity on this particular type of activity. If a teacher is even slightly interested in his work, then elements of such activity are necessarily present in his practice. Such activity has two sides, and if we consider the first, then it has the following meaning: any teacher's activity should have at least a little, but a creative character. On the other hand, a teacher must be able to creatively develop everything new that comes into science and be able to present it correctly. After all, you must agree that if you do not show any creativity in their pedagogical activity, then the children will simply stop perceiving the material. No one is interested in just listening to dry text and constantly memorizing theory. It is much more interesting to learn something new and look at it from different angles, to take part in practical work.


In this article, all pedagogical activities were presented, which reveal the entire learning process as fully as possible.

Pedagogical activity is a purposeful, motivated influence of the teacher, focused on the all-round development of the child's personality and preparing him for life in modern socio-cultural conditions.

At the heart of pedagogical activity are the laws of the practice of education. Pedagogical activities are carried out in educational institutions and carried out by specially trained and trained people - teachers.

The nature and content of pedagogical activity is determined by its subject, motives, purpose, means and result.

Target pedagogical activity - creating conditions for the implementation of the prospects for the development of the child as an object and subject of upbringing. The implementation of this goal is the result pedagogical activity, which is diagnosed by comparing the qualities of the child's personality at the beginning of the pedagogical influence and at its completion.

The subject of pedagogical activity is the organization of interaction with pupils, aimed at mastering socio-cultural experience as the basis and conditions for development.

By means pedagogical activities are: theoretical and practical knowledge, on the basis of which the teaching and upbringing of children is carried out; educational and methodological literature; visibility, TCO.

The ways of transferring the experience of social behavior and interaction in pedagogical activity are explanation, demonstration, observation, play, joint work.

B.T.Likhachev identifies the following structural components of pedagogical activity:

    the teacher's knowledge of the needs, trends of social development, the basic requirements for a person;

    scientific knowledge, abilities and skills, the foundations of the experience accumulated by mankind in the field of production, culture, social relations, which in a generalized form are passed on to the younger generations;

    pedagogical knowledge, educational experience, skill, intuition;

    the highest moral, aesthetic culture of its bearer.

A specific characteristic of pedagogical activity is its productivity. N.V. Kuzmina, I.A.Zimnyaya distinguish five levels of productivity of pedagogical activity:

    unproductive; the teacher knows how to retell to others what he knows himself;

    unproductive; the teacher knows how to adapt his message to the characteristics of the audience;

    medium productive; the teacher owns the strategies of equipping students with knowledge, skills, abilities in individual sections of the course;

    productive; the teacher owns the strategies for the formation of the desired system of knowledge, skills, abilities of students in the subject and in general;

highly productive; the teacher owns the strategies of transforming his subject into a means of forming the student's personality; his needs for self-education, self-education, self-development.

... Professional skills and personal qualities of a teacher

The fundamental role of the preschool period of development in the process of the formation of the human personality makes a number of specific requirements for the teacher that make him develop certain personal qualities as professionally significant and obligatory. As such, S. A. Kozlova, T. A. Kulikov distinguish:

    pedagogical orientation, as a complex of psychological attitudes towards working with children, professionally oriented motives and abilities, professional interests and personal qualities, as well as professional self-awareness;

    empathy, expressed in emotional responsiveness to the child's experiences, in sensitivity, benevolence, caring, loyalty to one's promises;

    pedagogical tact, manifested in the ability to maintain personal dignity, without infringing upon the pride of children, their parents, colleagues at work;

    pedagogical vigilance, which presupposes the ability to fix the essential in the development of the child, to foresee the prospects, the dynamics of the formation of the personality of each pupil and the collective as a whole;

    pedagogical optimism, based on the teacher's deep faith in the strength and capabilities of each child, in the effectiveness of educational work;

    a culture of professional communication, which presupposes the organization of correct relationships in the systems "teacher - child", "teacher - parent", "teacher - colleagues";

    pedagogical reflection, as an introspection of the work done, assessment of the results obtained, correlating them with the set goal.

In addition to the listed qualities, the pedagogical literature names humanity, kindness, patience, decency, honesty, responsibility, justice, commitment, objectivity, respect for people, high morality, emotional balance, the need for communication, interest in the life of pupils, benevolence, self-criticism, friendliness , restraint, dignity, patriotism, religiosity, adherence to principles, responsiveness, emotional culture and many others. Among these are diligence, efficiency, discipline, responsibility, the ability to set a goal, choose ways to achieve it, organization, perseverance, systematic and systematic improvement of their professional level, the desire to constantly improve the quality of their work, etc.

The personal qualities of a teacher are inseparable from professional ones (acquired in the process of professional training and associated with obtaining special knowledge, skills, ways of thinking, methods of activity). Among them, I.P. Podlasy emphasizes scientific enthusiasm, love for his professional work, erudition, mastery of the subject of teaching, methodology of teaching the subject, psychological training, general erudition, a wide cultural outlook, pedagogical skills, mastery of the technologies of pedagogical work, organizational skills, pedagogical tact, pedagogical technique, mastery of communication technologies, oratory and other qualities.

In addition to personal and professional qualities, a teacher must have a number of skills that testify to his subject and professional competence. Conventionally, these skills are divided into gnostic, constructive, communicative, organizational and special (E. A. Panko).

Gnostic - these are the skills with the help of which the teacher studies the child, the collective as a whole, the pedagogical experience of other educators;

Constructive skills are necessary for a teacher to design the pedagogical process, upbringing children, taking into account the prospects of educational work. Constructive skills are embodied in work planning, in the preparation of lecture notes, holiday scenarios, etc.

Communication skills are manifested in the establishment of pedagogically expedient relationships with different people in different situations.

Organizational skills the teacher applies both to his own activities and to the activities of pupils, parents, colleagues.

Special skills of the teacher - these are the skills to sing, dance, expressively tell, read poetry, sew, knit, grow plants, make toys from the so-called waste material, show a puppet theater, etc.

Thus, the teacher of preschool education is characterized by the most developed professional-subject, personal characteristics and communicative qualities in their totality. This is primarily due to the responsibility towards the age characteristics of children, as well as the purpose and content of upbringing and developmental education.

Basic concepts of preschool pedagogy

The methodological foundations of preschool pedagogy reflect

modern level of philosophy of education.


Defines a special place for leading activities,

enabling the implementation

different needs of the child, self-awareness

subject (S. L. Rubinstein, L. S. Vygotsky,

A. N. Leontiev, A. V. Zaporozhets, D. B. Elkonin and

etc.). Of great importance in the development of the child and has

play as a leading activity, creative software

nature, independent in organization and

emotionally attractive for self-expression

Here and now.

In FGT to the OOP of preschool education

children's activities are listed:

motor, communicative, productive,

cognitive research, labor,

musical and artistic, reading




Unleashing the potential of every child, his

ability to be active, creative,



Development of requests, desires, interests,

the child's inclinations. Preference is given to

humane, democratic (helping) style


The meaning of the pedagogical position is

support: an adult only helps what is already

in stock, but has not yet reached the due

level, i.e. development of the child's independence.

Modern training of preschool specialists. education

In accordance with the "Charter of a preschool educational institution in the Russian Federation", the teacher has the right to:

· Participate in the work of the council of teachers;

· Elect and be elected chairman of the council of teachers of preschool educational institutions;

· Choose, develop and apply educational programs (including copyright), teaching and upbringing methods, teaching aids and materials;

· Defend their professional honor and dignity;

· Require the administration of the preschool educational institution to create the conditions necessary for the performance of official duties, advanced training;

· Improve qualifications;

· Professional skills;

· To be certified on the basis of an application for the relevant qualification category;

· Participate in scientific and experimental work;

· To disseminate their pedagogical experience, which has received scientific substantiation;

· Receive social benefits and guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation; additional benefits provided to teachers by local authorities and administration, the founder, the administration of the preschool educational institution.

In accordance with the "Charter of a preschool educational institution in the Russian Federation", the teacher is obliged to:

· To comply with the Charter of the DOE;

· Comply with the job descriptions, the internal regulations of the preschool educational institution;

· To protect the life and health of children;

· Protect the child from all forms of physical and mental violence;

· Cooperate with the family on the education and training of the child; have professional skills, constantly improve them

Parenting Concepts

The pedagogical concept is a system of ideas, conclusions about

the laws and essence of the pedagogical process, the principles of its

organization and methods of implementation.

As methodological guidelines in modern preschool

pedagogy distinguish the following concepts of childhood.


D. B. Elkonina

The nature of childhood is viewed in context

specific historical conditions that determine

development, patterns, originality and character

changes in a person's childhood.

Childhood is seen as a social

psychological phenomenon in life

person as a necessary condition for acquiring

personality of human ways of satisfaction

organic, social, spiritual needs,

mastery of human culture.

The adult's role is to help the child to

mastering the native language, practical

actions, culture.11


D. I. Feldshtein

Childhood is a special phenomenon of the social world.

Functionally, childhood is a necessary state in

system of development of society, the state of the process

maturation of the younger generation, preparation for

reproduction of the future society.

physical growth, accumulation of mental

neoplasms, defining oneself in the environment

the world, its own self-organization in constantly

expanding and complicating contacts and

interactions with adults and other children.

Essentially, childhood is a special state of the social

development, when biological laws,

associated with age-related changes in the child,

significantly manifest their action, "obeying"

increasingly regulating and

the determining action of the social.


Sh. A. Amonashvili

Childhood is defined as infinity and

uniqueness, as a special mission for yourself and for

of people. The child is endowed by nature with unique

individual combination of possibilities and

abilities. An adult should help him grow

create conditions of benevolence and care, and then

the child, becoming an adult, will bring to those around him

joy to people.

“Man needs a man, and people are born a friend

for friend. Life itself, seething by its own laws,

causes the right person to be born. Here they are

is born with its own mission. "


V. T. Kudryavtseva

Childhood determines the existence of a cultural whole and

the fate of the individual. The value of childhood in

interdetermination of culture and childhood as a sphere

the culture itself. Two presenters stand out

complementary tasks that the child solves

- culture development and culture creation. The same

problems are solved by an adult who supports and

enriches the experience of the child's interaction with the culture.

The result of their solution for children and for the teacher

there will be a subculture of childhood.

Childhood concept

V. V. Zenkovsky

The special role of play in childhood is emphasized. In Game

the child is active, he fantasizes, imagines, creates,

experiences, creating images that emerge in

consciousness and which serve as a means of expression

emotional sphere, and the game itself serves the purposes

bodily and mental expression of the child's feelings.12

Pedagogical theories are divided into global and private,

generated by the demands of real educational reality

Parenting concepts.

In the period from 1917 to the 1990s. in our country actively developed

the system of public preschool education, which was associated with

social, socio-political changes. Happened

correction of the real goal and concepts of the upbringing of the growing up


In the 1920s - early 1930s. the leading concept was N.K.Krupskaya.

The main directions of the concept: upbringing of an ideological orientation;

collectivism, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of the child.

During this period, the first program documents appear - Project

kindergarten programs (1932) and program and internal regulations

kindergarten (1934). In the late 1930s. the requirement is introduced into the concept

patriotic and international education.

1950s characterized by attention to the mental development of children,

compulsory education of children was introduced into the program (A.P. Usova).

1959 Ordinance on the merger of the nursery and kindergarten into a single

preschool gave birth to the Education and Training Program

children in kindergarten (1962). Later this program was reprinted

and was refined up to 1989. All programs were aimed at

submission to one ideal goal - the upbringing of a comprehensively developed 15

harmonious personality - and were uniform and binding for the entire system

preschool education.

In 1989, a new concept of personality-oriented

models of building the pedagogical process and interaction between an adult and

child in kindergarten. The guiding idea is the development of individuality

personality. The new concept lacked parenting requirements

ideological, patriotism, collectivism.

An important event during this period was the acceptance by the peoples of the world

Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In documents

it says that the child has the right to protection, to social security,

getting an education, for the love of parents, for shelter, for respect for his

personality, etc.

In the 1990s. new variable programs have appeared based on

the concept of a personality-oriented approach in education: "Childhood"

(St. Petersburg, 1996), "Rainbow" (Moscow, 1996), "Development" (Moscow, 1994), "Origins" (Moscow, 1997)

Nowadays, the pedagogical concept is widespread

integral development of a preschooler child as a subject of children's

activity (M.V. Krulekht, 2003). Holistic child development is

unity of individual characteristics, personal qualities, development

the child of the position of the subject in children's activities and


At preschool age, the child realizes his own "I", gains

components of the "I-concept" (my gender, my interests, achievements, values,

relationships with adults and peers), strives for independence

("I myself"), establishes relationships with the people around him, the world

things, nature. The child develops in activity, in it he

self-actualizes, asserts itself. Intellectual, emotional

the personal development of the child, his social status and well-being are connected

with the development of the position of the subject of children's activities. Mastering the child

the position of the subject requires special pedagogical technologies and

programs to develop his personality.

The traditional approach includes physical, mental,

moral, aesthetic, labor education. The question is raised about

the need to expand the content of education at the expense of sexual,

legal, environmental, ethnocultural, etc.

Modern pedagogical theories implement the principle of integration,

which is in the stage of scientific comprehension (G.M. Kiseleva,

Yu.N. Ryumina, S.M. Zyryanova, B.C. Bezrukov, etc.). B.C. Bezrukova

considers pedagogical integration in three aspects:

 as a principle (foundation) of the current state

pedagogical theory (for example, "Problems of moral and labor

upbringing of preschoolers "," Psychophysical well-being of children ",

"Cognitive speech development of children"). With this integration

better results are achieved in scientific and pedagogical 16

activities, the interconnection of various aspects of development and

raising children;

 as a process of direct establishment of connections between objects and

creating a new holistic system (for example, a combination in one

classes of different types of arts), combining forms and methods

cognitive activity (observation + story +

experimentation + model);

 as a result (the form that objects take on entering

interconnection), - integrated lessons, modular

training, etc.).

In the theory and practice of preschool education, the most indicative

integration of teaching aids, such as the synthesis of arts. Integration

makes you look for new forms of education. We are looking for ways to integrate

types of activity ("play-work", "construction-play", etc.)

The cadres of teachers in secondary specialized educational institutions are recruited and replenished mainly at the expense of engineers and other highly qualified specialists who have gone through the school of work experience in production, in an institution, a design bureau, a collective farm, a state farm, etc. Such teachers have that positive quality that they not only have the necessary stock of theoretical knowledge, but also have gained empirically the skills and abilities of their application in the conditions of economic activity. They know the production requirements for the future mid-level specialist. Many of them also received teacher training. But is this enough to become a real teacher? The experience of educational institutions convincingly shows that in order to successfully fulfill their professional duties, a teacher must have a complex set of specific traits and qualities that characterize him as a specialist and as a person endowed with a special social status - an educator of the younger generation. The teacher of a secondary specialized educational institution bears a large share of responsibility not only for the training of a highly qualified specialist who meets the modern requirements of production or other sphere of social life, but also forms a young person as a person. During the years of study at a technical school, young people should mature and consolidate all the traits and qualities necessary for a person who independently enters the life of socialist production collectives, a person who is an active conductor of ideas and policies of the Communist Party, endowed with the moral, ethical and civic qualities of a member of a socialist society.
The success of a teacher's work will depend primarily on how much he himself will be a carrier of these qualities. Ideological hardening, political maturity, high communist consciousness of the Soviet teacher, his deep understanding of the goals and objectives of educating young builders of communism - an indispensable condition for success in work, the professional quality of a teacher. A real teacher educates students not only at certain hours, but always and in everything, with every step, deed, word and deed, with all his behavior.
Such requirements for a teacher, arising from the tasks of communist education, give rise to another feature of his profession - a variety of functions, forms and methods of work. The teacher deals with material of extreme complexity. The student is not a passive product of nature. He is an object and at the same time a subject of the influence of educators, teachers and a wide variety of factors of the natural and social environment. In the process of the formative INFLUENCE of the teacher of the NI pupil, it is necessary to take into account not only the whole variety of external influences, but also the peculiarities of the psychological characteristics of his age, individual differences in inclinations and abilities, character and habits. Only the ability to penetrate into the psychology of each individual student and the collective of the group as a whole makes the work of a teacher useful and highly effective.
The teaching profession requires from him a comprehensive and thorough scientific education. A teacher should not only have deep modern knowledge in the field of those sciences, the foundations of which he teaches to students, but also be comprehensively educated: to know the fundamentals of Marxist-Leninist doctrine, dialectical and historical materialism, the theory and history of the development of human society, the laws of class struggle, strategy and tactics of the communist and labor movement. The teacher should be a highly cultured person with a strong aesthetic feelings, tastes and needs.
Such requirements for the teacher are set by life itself, the nature of his work. Modern students live in conditions of the rapid development of science and technology, which exert a profound and comprehensive influence on all aspects of life. The development of various means of communication, including individual use, with the simultaneous development of means and methods of mass communication, lead to the fact that students are able to receive a wide variety of information from the most remote regions of the globe.
In such conditions, the teacher in his teaching activity cannot be limited to the presentation of the scientific material of the textbook. He should also be ready to answer the most unexpected questions from curious students. Constant replenishment of their scientific knowledge, as well as knowledge in the field of history, philosophy, politics, literature and art will strengthen the authority of the teacher in the eyes of students, help him to be useful in the process of the ever-present heated debates of young people on various issues of life. Since upbringing is part of the professional responsibilities of every teacher of a technical school, one of the features of the teaching profession is love for children, students, pedagogical work, and the ability to properly build relationships with students. “To educate,” wrote MI Kalinin, “means to behave in such a way with the students, so that when the countless number of misunderstandings and collisions inevitable in school life are resolved, they have the conviction that the teacher did the right thing” 1.
At the same time, the teacher's observance of the principle of unity of respect and exactingness to the pupil, such exactingness, which externally and internally looks in the eyes of both: the educator (teacher) and the pupil (student), as an invariable form of respect for him, plays an important role. AS Makarenko emphasized that in this the Soviet school, the Soviet educational system, the Soviet way of life are fundamentally different from the bourgeois one.
The work of a teacher requires great strength of waves, firm character, perseverance and sufficient endurance. Such traits are especially necessary * for a teacher-mentor and educator of youth.
A teacher who has a strong character, a strong will and at the same time is fair, always objectively evaluating the actions and actions of students, has a more effective educational influence on them than a teacher who does not sufficiently possess these qualities.
In order to instill in students the courage, courage, will aimed at overcoming difficulties, the teacher must himself possess these qualities. Thus, the profession of a teacher, like no other, puts him in the position of an example for students. He must be an example resolutely in everything, starting with the most ordinary behavior, appearance, manners and ending with high ideology and morality.
“... Teachers,” said MI Kalinin, “must be people, on the one hand, highly educated, and on the other hand, crystal-clear. For honesty, I would say, is an incorruptible character, in the highest sense of the word, it not only appeals to children, it infects them, it leaves a deep imprint on their entire subsequent life ”2.
Hence follows the conclusion about the exceptional value in the work of a teacher of moral and pedagogical knowledge, beliefs and behavior, that is, the unity of moral consciousness and the corresponding practice of behavior. Any deviations from such an understanding of communist morality in its concrete manifestation will not go unnoticed by the students and will have a negative impact on the young emerging personality.
Kalinin MI About communist education. M., "Young Guard", 1956, p. 143.
Kalin and MI About education and training. M., Uchpedgiz, 1957, p. 261.
One of the features of pedagogical activity is the need for multilateral relations with the population. This is required by the tasks of educating student youth and training young specialists,
Communication with parents is an indispensable condition for the success of the upbringing of students. Constantly informing parents about their studies, participation in public life and the behavior of their children creates more favorable conditions for their upbringing. Contacts of teachers with parents, the establishment of companionship between them open up additional sources of information for teachers in order to study students and, finally, communication with parents is aimed at pedagogical education of parents, including them in the sphere of active educational influence on their children - students of technical schools. The second direction of contacts of teachers with the population is the implementation of the principle of linking education with life, the practice of communist construction.The system of training a specialist provides for the organization at different levels and different durations of practical work of students in production together with adults. Teachers care about creating favorable conditions not only for the successful fulfillment of educational work assignments by students, but also a positive moral climate in the groups of adults where students work. Through conversations with workers and leaders of labor collectives, teachers do everything possible so that people and the entire environment where students undergo practical training contribute to the upbringing and development of communist consciousness and behavior in them.
Among the diverse ties with the population, a large place is occupied by patronage relations with production teams, military units, the leadership of specialists in student scientific circles, design bureaus, etc.
Such forms of communication of teachers with the population require the teacher to have a good knowledge of the life of the city, district where the educational institution is located, knowledge of the advanced people of their area, specialists, the ability to communicate with people, that is, to develop high, positive communicative qualities.
Only the close connection of the teacher with the families of students, with wide circles of the Soviet public, the active participation of the teacher himself in the public life of the country makes his work sufficiently socially significant and valuable.
The need to train creatively thinking specialists requires modern mentors of student youth - teachers of creativity in work. Only a teacher who is constantly looking for something new in science, in love with search, can ignite students, teach them to creatively apply knowledge in practice, find new solutions to economic or other practical problems. The work of a teacher involves not only the ability to apply methods and techniques of teaching and upbringing known in pedagogy, traditional means that help students learn the processes and phenomena of reality, but also to analyze their own and other teachers' experience, to introduce into practice everything new that has been developed
pedagogical science and tested by experience, to be in a constant search for ways and means of further improving the educational process, ways of training young specialists.

More on the topic § 2. Features of the teacher's profession:

  1. Genesis and history of the journalistic profession, features of the development trend. The journalistic profession in the system of civilization and culture, in the informational post-industrial society. The current state of the profession.

Features of pedagogical work at the present stage

Functions of pedagogical work

1. Educational: equipping students with a system of knowledge, skills and abilities.

2. Educational: the formation of students' scientific outlook, moral qualities of the individual, views and beliefs. There are no lessons of generosity, nobility, respect and attention to the dignity and honor of people at school. Even ancient thinkers posed the question: "Why are there teachers of mathematics, but there are no teachers who would teach virtue?" And they themselves answered: "Because all teachers should be mentors of morality."

3. Developing: when teaching, students should develop cognitive interest, creativity, will, emotions, cognitive abilities - speech, thinking, memory, attention, imagination, perception.

4. Social and pedagogical: to educate not only the student, but also his parents, carrying out pedagogical education.

5. Public: a teacher is a conductor of ideas of universal human values, a propagandist, an active member of our society.

Characteristic features of the educational (pedagogical) process

1. A definite focus.

2. Interconnection and internal contradiction of teaching and learning processes.

3. Continuous change in the components of the educational process in connection with the change in the social order of society (goals, objectives, content, forms, methods).

4. Subject - subjective relationships, constant interactions. These features determine the entire structure of pedagogical activity and make the teacher's work different from the work of other people.

The main factors mediating teacher activity and its results

1. The nature of the stage of socio-economic development of society.

2. The ideology of society.

3. The transformation of science into a productive force.

4. Differentiation and integration of sciences.

5. Scientific and technical progress.

6. Increase in the flow of information.

7. The growing role of leisure in the formation of people of a new type.

Requirements for the activity of a teacher of a modern school

1. Purposefulness of training, development and education of the younger generations.

2. Implementation of the educational process on an activity-communicative basis and a humane-personal approach.

3. Taking into account changes in social and age relationships, acceleration of mental and physical development of schoolchildren.

4. Realization of the constantly changing content of education and upbringing.

5. Improving the educational and material base of the school.

6. Compliance with the requirements for the organization of the educational process in accordance with innovative educational institutions and new pedagogical technologies.

7. Systematic professional development.

Features of the work of a teacher in a modern school

1. The nature of the teacher's work is determined as a whole by the direction of the educational process arising from the needs of the development of our society, its social order.

2. The specificity of the object of the teacher's activity - students. The organization of all pedagogical activity should take into account the characteristic features of training, education and development of the individual as an object of pedagogical influence. This is a complex dialectical process proceeding in accordance with the laws of personality development; it is associated with changes in its structure and functions. Development does not take place in direct dependence on pedagogical influences, but according to the laws inherent in the human psyche, according to the peculiarities of perception, understanding, memorization, the formation of the will and character of the student.

3. The object of pedagogical influences is at the same time their subject. There may be responses to influences: a resistance response (from minimal in terms of tension to acutely conflict) or a response in the form of cognitive activity (from low to maximum). In the educational process, there should be not just the influence of the teacher on the students, but their peculiar interaction, dialectical relations between them, as well as between the teams of teachers and students. In this case, there may be refractions of such influences before the independent influence of the subject on himself: self-education, self-training, self-improvement.

4. The teacher deals with two objects of activity: with the students and with the teaching material. A real teacher spends a lot of time and energy on replenishing his scientific knowledge, on purposeful selection of material, on correlating it with the capabilities of students. He creatively reconstructs the content of education, dissects it, enriches it with the experience of the surrounding life and personal observations of students, makes it accessible to the educated, etc.

5. An essential point in pedagogical influences is the nature of the types of activities in which the teacher includes schoolchildren, arousing the need and interest in knowledge and methods of obtaining it, as well as developing their persistence in overcoming learning difficulties.

6. Pedagogical work - creative work. It requires the teacher to constantly search for new solutions to the problems of teaching, upbringing and development of children and youth.

7. The source of personality development is the contradictions between the new needs, requests, aspirations of the student and the level of development of his capabilities, between the requirements presented to him and the degree of mastering the skills and abilities necessary for their implementation, between new tasks and the ways of thinking and behavior that have developed in him. The activities of the teacher should be aimed at the dialectical resolution of these contradictions, at their transformation into the driving forces of the educational process.

8. The creative nature of pedagogical work is manifested in all areas of the teacher's activity:

1) in a constructive one, which includes activities aimed at designing the educational process (selecting content and composing a composition from the information that it communicates to students; planning students' activities aimed at mastering this content; designing their own activities at each stage of training);

2) in the organizational, which includes: the organization of information in the process of learning new material, the organization of students' activities, the organization of their own activities and behavior;

3) in the communicative, which includes the organization of relationships in the process of various types of activities (play, work, etc.);

4) in the gnostic, which includes the study:

a) the object of its activity (students);
b) the content, means, forms and methods by which this activity is carried out;
c) the advantages and disadvantages of his personality and activities in order to consciously improve it.

9. Creativity in pedagogical activity is such an activity, the products of which are spiritual values ​​of public importance. First of all, pedagogical creativity is of a mass character; secondly, it rarely ends with new inventions or pedagogical discoveries; thirdly, the teacher's creativity has a wide range.

10. The work of a teacher always takes place in the collectives of students, teachers, parents, in close interaction with the public. And this work achieves high efficiency if all actions and searches of the teacher are aimed at meeting common needs and goals.

11. The productive activity of the teacher is provided only by skill... It consists in the ability of a teacher to achieve maximum results in teaching, upbringing and development of schoolchildren through rational efforts using a system of pedagogical tools, spending the time allotted by curricula and programs for this.

Levels of implementation of pedagogical activity by a teacher

1st levelreproductive... The teacher retells to others what he knows himself, and as he knows himself.

2nd leveladaptive... The teacher not only conveys information, but also transforms it in relation to the characteristics of the object with which he works (ensures its accessibility).

3rd level - locally modeling... The teacher not only transmits and transforms information, but also models the systems of activity that ensure the mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities on certain topics and sections of the program for the majority of students.

4th levelsystemically modeling knowledge and behavior... The teacher models and implements a system of activity that forms a system of knowledge and skills in a subject, as well as a system of value orientations of students.

5th levelsystemically modeling activities and relationships... The teacher models a system of activity, which, in turn, forms students' ability to acquire knowledge, develop traits of universal human values ​​and relationships. This level is the highest proof of the formed creative mastery of the teacher, it provides the maximum result of his activities.

Characteristics of types of teachers

1st type - proactive: proactive in organizing communication and interaction in the classroom.

2nd type - reactive: is also flexible in his attitudes, but internally weak, subordinate to the element of communication (it is not he, but the students who dictate the nature of his communication with the class).

3rd type - overreactive: noticing individual differences, he immediately builds an unreal model that exaggerates these differences many times, believing that this model is reality.

If a student is a little more active than others, in their eyes he is a rebel and a bully, if a little more passive - a quitter, a cretin, etc. Hence, the teacher's behavior is not always objective and justified in communication.

Signs by which one can "identify" the presence of negative attitudes, that is, an unconsciously bad attitude towards the student:

1) he gives the “bad” student less time to answer than the “good” one, that is, he does not allow him to think, prepare;

2) if the “bad” student gives the wrong answer, the teacher does not repeat the question, does not offer a hint, but immediately asks another or gives the correct answer himself;

3) he is "liberal" - evaluates positively the wrong answer;

4) at the same time, he often scolds the "bad" for an incorrect answer;

5) accordingly, he is less likely to praise the “bad” for the correct answer;

6) seeks not to respond to the answer "bad", calls out another, not noticing the raised hand;

7) smiles less often, looks less into the eyes of the “bad” than the “good”;

8) less often causes, sometimes does not work at all with the "bad" student in the lesson.

Professional identity of the teacher

It is an important condition for the growth of pedagogical skills and includes:

1) knowledge about yourself as a specialist;

2) knowledge about oneself as a person;

3) an emotional attitude towards oneself as a professional teacher.

The development of professional self-awareness occurs:

1) in the process of comprehending the level of preparedness;

2) in self-knowledge of oneself as a person;

3) in self-knowledge of oneself as a professional;

4) in the process of introspection of their activities and their results;

5) in the process of professional self-assessment.

The professional growth of the teacher and the development of his creative potential depend on the depth of analysis of these criteria. An important indicator of the level of professional self-awareness, critical attitude towards oneself, towards the results of one's activities and the possibilities for self-improvement of a teacher is his professional self-assessment. It plays a regulating role in the process of the teacher's professional growth, which is possible only with self-regulation, based on the "mismatch" between self-assessment and the ideal idea of ​​the teacher.

Self-regulation parameters:

1) the need for self-regulation of cognitive activity and self-improvement (the desire to change oneself, one's character, one's will, organize one's activities, improve one's skills, etc.);

2) stable self-regulation (real productivity of self-improvement, self-regulation at the level of habit, that is, mastery of one's own behavior, the ability to organize one's activities, etc.).

Self-regulation levels

1st level - high... The need for self-education, self-education, self-improvement, that is, in increasing the indicators of the manifestation of all personal and professional qualities. This level is characterized by a high development of curiosity, intelligence, will, general and professional culture and erudition, needs and value orientations. A high level of self-regulation presupposes intellectual activity, which is characterized by the following features:

1) awareness and isolation of the problem;

2) the ability to predict their own activities and the activities of others;

3) the ability to plan and implement plans;

4) the ability to use logical operations and transfer existing knowledge and skills to other situations;

5) motivational-value dialectical approach to activity; the ability to perceive, search, analyze and process information necessary for making and implementing pedagogical decisions;

6) economical thinking (rationality, finding the most original way of solving problems, etc.);

7) independence of thinking in overcoming difficulties, in choosing ways to resolve difficulties, in developing action algorithms, etc.;

8) flexibility of thinking: the speed of transformation of the mode of action in accordance with changes in the situation, departure from standard solutions, from a stereotype, finding an appropriate option, switching from a direct line of thought to the opposite;

9) the developed ability of pedagogical foresight, both meaningful-targeted and operational, providing the teacher with a complex of strategic and tactical means and methods for a more perfect organization of the educational process.

2nd levelintermediate... It is characterized by the fact that, with a high need for self-regulation, there is a lack of system in performing the necessary work: “I want to be a good teacher, but I don’t always plan to accomplish what I have planned,” or “I cannot always agree with what is proposed or recommended to do”, etc. .NS. In this case, the stability of self-regulation and self-improvement lags sharply behind, since such a person does not control his behavior, is not guided by methodological requirements and practical recommendations, and cannot organize his activities correctly and in the right direction. In the judgments of such a person, subjectivity prevails; he rarely turns out to be a master teacher, since when preparing any business he neglects the main postulates and is guided by "his own understanding", his not always rational approaches.

3rd levelshort... Self-regulation is characterized by the fact that it is combined with a low need for self-improvement. Although such a person knows little, he does not want to know more, does not want to find and read the appropriate literature that would raise him to a higher level of intelligence, erudition, personal and professional qualities. The intellect of such a person is narrow and infantile. He tends to choose light entertainment activities, spend his free time hanging out with friends, ignore reading newspapers and fiction. From such people, creatively working teachers do not come out. They are characterized by narcissism, selfishness, subjectivity. The main feature of such a person is that his self-esteem is of a conflicting nature, since it comes into direct conflict with the norm, with scientifically grounded conclusions, confirmed by practice. These are, as a rule, conflicting people, because they tend to overestimate their abilities, levels of knowledge and judgments, overestimate claims and self-esteem and reduce the importance of improving the motivation of activity and the importance of working on themselves.

The teaching profession is special in its essence, significance and contradictions. The activity of a teacher in terms of social functions, requirements for professionally significant personal qualities, in terms of the complexity of psychological stress is close to the activities of a writer, artist, scientist. The peculiarity of the teacher's work is, first of all, that the object and product of it is a person, the most unique product of nature. And not just a person, not his physical essence, but the spirituality of a growing person, his inner world. That is why it is rightly believed that the teaching profession is one of the most important in the modern world.

The specificity of the teaching profession is expressed in constant communication with children who have their own world outlook, their rights, their own conviction. By virtue of this, the leading side of the teacher's pedagogical skill is the ability to correctly direct the development process of the younger generation, to organize all the activities of students so that each of them has the opportunity to fully develop their inclinations and interests. Pedagogical work as a specific social phenomenon is characterized by special functions and consists of the following components:

a) labor as an expedient activity;

b) the subject of labor;

c) means of labor.

But in this general form, the named components are inherent in any type of labor. In this case, what is the specificity of pedagogical activity?

First, pedagogical work as a socially significant activity consists in the formation of the younger generation, its human qualities. Pedagogical work is a process of interaction between a person who has mastered culture (teacher) and a person who has mastered it (student). It largely implements the social continuity of generations, the inclusion of the younger generation in the existing system of social ties, realizes the natural capabilities of a person in mastering a certain social experience.

Secondly, the subject of labor is specific in pedagogical work. Here he is not a dead material of nature, not an animal or a plant, but an active human being with the uniqueness of individual qualities.

This specificity of the subject of pedagogical work complicates its essence, since a pupil is an object that is already a product of someone's influence (family, friends, etc.). Having become the object of the teacher's work, he at the same time continues to be an object that is influenced by other factors that transform his personality. Many of these factors (for example, the mass media) act spontaneously, multidimensionally, in various directions, and the most important of them, possessing the greatest persuasiveness and clarity, is real life in all its manifestations. Pedagogical work also involves the adjustment of all these influences emanating both from society and from the personality of the pupil. Finally, the means of pedagogical work with which the teacher influences the pupil are also specific. On the one hand, they are material objects and objects of spiritual culture intended for the organization and implementation of the pedagogical process (drawings, photographs, films and videos, technical means, etc.). On the other hand, a pedagogical tool is a variety of activities in which pupils are involved: work, play, learning, communication, cognition.

In pedagogical work, as in other types of labor, the subject of labor and its object (subject) are distinguished. However, the student acts in this work not only as his object, but also as a subject, since the pedagogical process will only be productive when it contains the elements of self-education and self-teaching of the student. Moreover, the process of teaching and upbringing transforms not only the student, but also the teacher, influencing him as a person, developing some personality traits in him and suppressing others. Pedagogy is a purely human form of activity, born of the needs of social life, the needs of the development of human culture, which can be preserved and developed if society is able to pass it on to new generations. In this regard, the pedagogical process is an indispensable condition for the existence of human history, its progressive development, without which material and spiritual culture could neither exist nor be used.

The goal of the pedagogical process determines not only its organization, but also the methods of teaching and upbringing, the entire system of relations in it. Changes in the historical forms of pedagogical activity are ultimately determined by the needs of society for certain types of human personality, which dictates the goals and objectives of education, its methods and means, guides the teacher's activities, although outwardly it may seem that the teacher himself chooses what he will teach and how. The result of pedagogical work is also specific - a person who has mastered a certain amount of social culture. However, if in material production, which is aimed at nature, with the receipt of the product of labor, the process ends with this, then the product of pedagogical labor - a person - is capable of further self-development, and the teacher's influence on this person does not fade away, and sometimes continues to influence him all a life. As you can see, the most important feature of pedagogical work is that it is, from beginning to end, a process of human interaction. In it the object is a person, the tool of labor is a person, the product of labor is also a person. This means that in pedagogical work, the goals, objectives and methods of teaching and upbringing are carried out in the form of personal relationships. This feature of pedagogical work emphasizes the importance of moral aspects in it.

The activities of a teacher have always been highly valued in society. The importance of the work he performed, authority has always determined the respectful attitude towards the teaching profession. Even the ancient Greek philosopher Plato said that if the shoemaker is a bad craftsman, the state will not suffer much from this - the citizens will only be slightly worse dressed, but if the educator of children does not perform his duties poorly, whole generations of ignorant and bad people will appear in the country. The great Slavic teacher Jan Amos Komensky, who lived in the 17th century, who is rightfully considered the founder of scientific pedagogy, wrote that teachers "were given an excellent position, higher than which nothing can be under the sun" (Komensky Ya.A. ., 1955.S. 600). He argued that teachers are the parents of the spiritual development of students; the closest concern of teachers is to attract students by a good example.

The importance of the teaching profession in society has always occupied an important place in the works of great teachers, writers, and public figures of our country. So, in the 19th century, K.D. Ushinsky, the founder of the Russian school of scientific pedagogy, emphasizing the high social role of the teacher in society, wrote: “An educator who is on a par with the modern course of upbringing feels himself a living, active member of the body, struggling with ignorance and the vices of mankind, an intermediary between everything that was noble and high in the past history of people, and a new generation, the keeper of the holy covenants of people who fought for the truth and for the good. He feels like a living link between the past and the future ... ”(Ushinsky KD On the benefits of pedagogical literature).

Considering pedagogy "in a broad sense as a collection of sciences directed towards one goal", and pedagogy "in a narrow sense" as a theory of art "derived from these sciences", K.D. Ushinsky in his work "Man as a subject of education" wrote: "The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems to almost everyone to be a familiar and understandable thing, and to others even an easy thing, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it. theoretically or practically. Almost everyone recognizes that parenting requires patience; some think that he needs an innate ability and skill, i.e. skill, but very few have come to the conviction that in addition to patience, innate ability and skills, special knowledge is also needed ... "(Ushinsky KD Selected ped. op .: In 2 volumes. M., 1974. Vol. 1.P. 229, 231).

K. D. Ushinsky emphasized that the teacher should have a wide range of knowledge in various sciences, allowing him to study the child in all respects. An important role in the pedagogical heritage of the great Russian teacher is given to the requirements for the personal qualities of the teacher. He argued that no statutes and programs can replace the individual in the matter of education, that without the personal direct influence of the educator on the pupil, true education, penetrating into character, is impossible. V.G. Belinsky, speaking about the high social destiny of the teaching profession, explained: "How important, great and sacred the dignity of an educator is: in his hands is the fate of a person's whole life" (Belinsky V.G. 1948.S. 43). The great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy, as you know, made a great contribution not only to literature, but also to the theory and practice of education. The experience of working in Yasnaya Polyana is still the subject of close study. Speaking about the teaching profession, he wrote: “If a teacher has only love for his work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has love only for the student, like a father, mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read the entire book, but has no love for either the work or the students. If a teacher combines love for work and students, he is a perfect teacher ”(LN Tolstoy Ped. Op. - M., 1953, p. 342).

The ideas of progressive pedagogy about the social and moral role of the teacher were developed in the statements of famous public figures and teachers of the 20th century. A.V. Lunacharsky stated: “If the goldsmith spoils the gold, the gold can be poured. If precious stones deteriorate, they go to marriage, but the largest diamond cannot be valued more in our eyes than a born person. Damaging a person is a huge crime, or a huge guilt without guilt. You need to work on this material clearly, having determined in advance what you want to make of it "(Lunacharskiy AV On public education. - M., 1958, p. 443). The last decade in the history of our country has been characterized by complex, sometimes contradictory processes. Spiritual guidelines that have recently seemed unshakable are receding into the past. With the elimination of the "iron curtain", the process of interpenetration of spiritual values, both from the West and from the East, is gaining momentum. Domestic school and pedagogy are actively involved in the global educational space, absorbing the positive experience of foreign pedagogy. At the same time, one cannot but admit that foreign pedagogical theories and technologies that are not always adopted for service are indeed progressive. At the same time, a huge stream of Western pseudo-culture falls on students, which often forms a distorted idea of ​​the essence of certain moral values. In these difficult conditions, the role of the teacher as a protector and conductor of moral values ​​that have been tested for millennia, including those characteristic values ​​for Russia, is increasing as never before.