General impression of the painting alyonushka vasnetsov. V

General impression of the painting alyonushka vasnetsov.  V
General impression of the painting alyonushka vasnetsov. V

According to Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka", you can familiarize yourself with the author's biography, find out the background of the creation of the masterpiece, and then study the description of the landscape, the heroine. Then the written work will be thorough and interesting.

Artist biography

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov was born on May 3, 1848 in the village of Lopyal. From 1858 to 1862 he was educated at a theological school, then graduated from the Vyatka Theological Seminary. The boy learned the basics of artistic craft with a teacher in the fine arts of the gymnasium N. G. Chernyshev. Then, having moved to St. Petersburg, from 1867 to 1868, Victor took painting lessons from I. N. Kramskoy at the Drawing School. In 1868 he entered the Academy of Arts, which he graduated in 1873.

In 1869 Vasnetsov began to exhibit his exhibitions, since 1893 Viktor Mikhailovich was a full member of the Academy of Arts.

In his work, V.M. Vasnetsov uses different genres. He begins as an artist of everyday subjects, creating the paintings "Military Telegram", "Balagans in Paris", "From apartment to apartment", "Bookstore". Then the main direction of his work became epic and historical themes. In this genre, the artist painted pictures: "Ivan Tsarevich on the gray wolf", "The Knight at the Crossroads", "Heroes", "Alyonushka".

If the student is asked to write Vasnetsov "Alyonushka", you can start with a short biography of the author, then tell when this picture was created. The artist painted it in 1881. It depicts Alyonushka, Vasnetsov painted not only the girl's appearance, conveyed her state of mind, but also, with the help of natural landscapes, made the viewer understand the mood of the picture.

The history of writing a masterpiece

Viktor Mikhailovich began work on the canvas in 1880. Painting by V. M. Vasnetsov "Alyonushka" began to be created in Abramtsevo, on the bank of the pond in Akhtyrka. If we compare the natural Abramtsevo landscapes with an artistic picture on a fairy-tale theme, you can find many common features, these are the coastline, dark waters, trees, bushes.

It is in such conditions that the main character of the canvas is sad. The artist told how the idea of ​​painting a picture was born. From childhood he knew the fairy tale "About Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka". Once, walking along Akhtyrka, the painter met a girl with her hair down. She struck the imagination of the creator, as Viktor Vasnetsov himself said. Alyonushka, he thought. The girl was full of longing and loneliness.

Under the impression of this meeting, the artist drew a sketch. If you look closely at him, you can see that it was this girl who became the main character of the picture. The same big sad eyes, under them, which show that the young creature did not get enough sleep, as it was necessary to get up early, hard work.

The storyline of the painting

You can start writing based on Vasnetsov's painting Alyonushka with a story about the plot. As mentioned above, the canvas was created under the impression of a fairy tale, Abramtsevo landscapes and a meeting with a young peasant woman.

After that, you can go on to the story of who is depicted in the picture - Alyonushka. Vasnetsov painted a young girl sitting on a large stone on the shore of a pond. She looks at the water with detachment, her eyes are full of sadness and sadness. Perhaps she looks at the surface of the water and thinks when her beloved brother, turned into a kid, will become a boy again. But the pond is silent, does not answer the innermost question.

Description of the main character

The little girl is dressed in simple Russian clothes, she is barefoot. She is wearing a jacket with short sleeves and from under it you can see an undershirt. This is how peasant women dressed in Russia. In this shirt they went to bed or sometimes bathed in the heat. Alyonushka was also dressed like that, Vasnetsov portrayed the heroine of a famous fairy tale with a little disheveled hair. Apparently, the girl spent quite a long time on the shore of the pond, looking into the abyss of water.

She, without looking up, looks in front of her, obediently lowering her head in her hands. I would like to finally dispel the evil spell, Alyonushka soared in spirit and went home in a good mood. But the gloomy colors of the picture do not give an opportunity to hope for this.


The student can continue to create an essay based on Vasnetsov's painting "Alyonushka" describing nature. She plays an important role in the plot and helps to understand its drama. The surrounding landscape, like the girl, is full of sadness and grief, it is gloomy.

In the background we see a fir forest, painted in dark green colors, which gives it a mysterious look.

Coldness blows from the dark surface of the water, it is clear that the pond is unfriendly towards the child. Green reed leaves, which are located not far from the heroine, bring a little optimistic notes to the water landscape. Alyonushka is surrounded by friendly aspen trees, they also add a little rainbow colors. When a light breeze comes, their leaves rustle, as if telling the girl not to be sad that everything will be fine. All this was conveyed with the help of oil paints and canvas by V.M. Vasnetsov.

"Alyonushka", composition, final part

If the essay was given to the pupils of the elementary grades, they will tell about their vision of the picture, and at the end of the work they will tell what will happen next. Let the conclusion become rosy, as in a fairy tale. Alyonushka will eventually meet a loved one, marry him. The little goat will turn into Ivanushka again, and everyone will live in peace, love and harmony!

Inspired by a lyrical fabulous image, Vasnetsov's painting Alyonushka was painted in 1881. The real girl, noted by the artist Akhtyrka, became the prototype of the heroine of this picture. The melancholy and sad look of a simple Russian girl pushed Vasnetsov to paint the painting "Alyonushka". Indeed, the picture breathes with a real Russian spirit.

Tired of looking for her brother Ivanushka, sister Alyonushka sits in a lonely position on a stone by a gloomy pond in a dark coniferous forest. The girl's clothes have become dilapidated from time to time, her feet are bare, and in her eyes there is sadness and sadness. It can be seen that Alyonushka does not leave anxious thoughts about brother Ivanushka. Maybe the insidious Baba Yaga turned him into a goat. Alyonushka blames herself for not saving her only brother and all the surrounding nature experiences and grieves with her. The relationship between nature and Alenushka in Vasnetsov's painting is very close. A beautifully painted landscape, as if echoing our heroine in anguish and sorrow. The close interweaving of nature and Alyonushka in the picture does not distract the viewer from the main plot and at the same time, even the most daring detail of the picture, calls for thoughtful reflections. A lot of fairy tales were invented by the Russian people and writers, but we are accustomed to presenting them only mentally, but in this painting by Vasnetsov "Alyonushka", the artist skillfully expressed all the aspirations of the heroine of the fairy tale in painting.

The painting was painted in the vicinity of Abramtsevo, where the picturesque expanses of spruce, oak, birch forests and groves are intricately divided by the winding river Vorey, ponds, deaf ravines, hillocks. It was these places that prompted Vasnetsov to paint pictures of the national landscape. In the painting "Alyonushka" Vasnetsov expressed the lyric poetry of the Russian people very soulfully and most fully. According to the artist, the idea of ​​painting a picture seemed to have lived in his head for a long time, but he could only get down to work when he met a girl who had amazed his imagination. Purely Russian sadness, longing and loneliness were visible in her eyes, and Vasnetsov turned to the fairy tale. The seated girl reflected on her difficult fate and was echoed by the gray sky, as well as the repulsive and frightening darkness of the surface of the pool, on which yellow leaves were frozen. The deep dark green of the fir trees and the gray faded tones of aspen foliage are very laconically inscribed in the picture.


The painting, based on Russian folklore, looks like the personification of the melancholy-kruchinushka of the people. This is not so much Alyonushka, who has lost her brother Ivanushka, as all the female fairy-tale images that were tested according to the plot.

Nature is both a place of events and an active participant in them. Vasnetsov's landscape is psychological, it is a mirror of the souls of the heroes. Alyonushka, frozen on the stone, seemed to be lost in this tall grass. Her skirt is as if gathered from meadow flowers, her hair is like sand, and her shirt is like stones.

The forest is young, but dark - you can see that it is easy to get lost in it and disappear. Or meet inadvertently other heroes of the Russian epic. The pond is mirror-smooth, as if no one lives in it: not a fish, not a frog, not a bird. Deathly silence and melancholy.


Vasnetsov worked on the painting in Abramtsevo on the estate of Savva Mamontov. By the way, there were a lot of those who found Alyonushka's similarities with the philanthropist's daughter Vera - the very famous "Girl with Peaches". The artist rejected this and recounted a case of meeting with a peasant woman: “Alyonushka seemed to have lived in my head for a long time, but in reality I saw her in Akhtyrka when I met one simple-haired girl who struck my imagination. There was so much melancholy, loneliness and purely Russian sadness in her eyes ... Some kind of special Russian spirit breathed from her. "

Pond in Akhtyrka, 1880

Having made several sketches and sketches on the banks of the Vori River and by the pond in Akhtyrka, Vasnetsov returned to Moscow, where he was completing work on the painting in winter. Its original title - "Fool Alyonushka" - contained the very melancholy about which the artist wrote. A fool, that is, an orphan, abandoned by everyone, destitute. But even without this word, everything is felt, everything is clear.

The fate of the artist

Born into the family of a Vyatka priest and at first was going to follow in his father's footsteps. But in the last year of the theological seminary he left his studies and went to St. Petersburg to enter the Academy of Arts.

At first, Vasnetsov wrote on everyday subjects. Subsequently, he developed the so-called "Vasnetsov style" - an epic and historical basis with a strong patriotic and religious bias.

Vasnetsov, 1891

Vasnetsov was both a religious, a portraitist, a decorator and a graphic artist. In addition, he was an architect - according to his designs, the church in Abramtsevo, the facade of the Tretyakov gallery, the Tsvetkovskaya gallery and his own house with a workshop in Troitsky Lane were built.

During his lifetime, they began to call him the hero of Russian painting. To a greater extent, this is due to the volume of the cultural layer that he raised in his work. The breadth of themes and forms of embodiment, genre diversity and skill delighted contemporaries.

Viktor Vasnetsov is the most beautiful painter of the turn of the century, he worked successfully in the late 19th - early 20th centuries, so the genre that he chooses was constantly changing. At first, these were canvases, in which their genre was more related to the everyday direction, then he moved on to portraits, and only then did he move on to oral folk art, to which he devoted his entire rest of his life. This happened after the artist had read epics and fairy tales, which impressed the artist so much that he decided to reproduce it all in his paintings.

It is known that the artist painted his painting "Alyonushka" in 1881, the plot of which was based on the events of a Russian folk tale, which is known to everyone. Viktor Vasnetsov was amazed at the image of a young girl who was left alone, without parents, continuing to raise her brother. He was struck by her hard work and sense of responsibility. Therefore, he decided to show the main character of the Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka".

The artist placed the girl in the center of his painting. Alyonushka is wearing a simple, light and colorful dress. A beautiful and sad heroine sits alone and sadly on a large gray stone. She wrapped her arms tightly around her legs. She has no shoes on her feet. The girl sadly lowered her head to her knees, her wavy and light hair had time to get disheveled and knocked out of her braid. The expression on the face of the hardworking heroine is kind, but very sad, since the viewer sees how wide and sad her eyes are, and her mouth is slightly open, and her lips tremble a little. The strongest melancholy and sadness is read in all its charming image.

Most likely, at that moment, all her thoughts were about her brother, who got drunk from a puddle, not listening to his sister, and now he has turned into a small and snow-white kid. Because of this, she is so sad and sad, because the girl does not know how to help him. And the painter depicted this image of sadness and sorrow against the background of a beautiful and early autumn. The girl is sitting on the bank of the river, so in the foreground is depicted the darkish and still water of the river, along the calm surface of which small yellow leaves are floating. A girl sitting on a stone, right on the bank of the river, looks into the water and clearly sees her image.

Near Alyonushka, tall and slender reeds grow in the water, the leaves of which are thin and bright green. They stand in the water and everywhere you look, there are reeds everywhere. It can be seen that people practically do not come to this river in the forest. And only a girl who is worried about her brother came here by accident.

In the background of the picture, behind the girl, a dark forest is visible. It grows low white-trunk birches and aspens with thin trunks. On the trees, the leaves are already beginning to turn yellow and they, as if trying to hold the girl, are also sad and trembling from the light breeze. On one, stronger branch, a flock of birds also perched. But they are also not cheerful: they sit quietly, do not jump and do not frolic, as birds usually do, one cannot hear their cheerful and perky songs.

A little further, a dense and impenetrable forest can be seen. In this thicket, fir trees are comfortably located, which are always green. And their dark color adds even more sadness, sadness and even gloom to the picture of Viktor Vasnetsov. The entire forest nature is in a tense period of wilting, as if she, like the heroine of the picture, is sad. But the forest is not only gloomy in the painting of the painter. The unsightly and gray sky scares you with its dark colors. The sun does not peep on it and even one small ray does not slip out and shine. The firmament is gloomy and sad.

The whole composition of Vasnetsov's painting amazes with its unified concept and the color scheme the artist selects in order to reflect the sadness and sadness in the girl's life. All nature empathizes with her grief and tragedy along with her. But right there, Viktor Mikhailovich also uses the method of contrast, since against the background of all this gloomy and dark nature, where various shades of green are mainly used, a girl stands out. To depict her face, light and delicate, the painter used only light colors.

The mood of the artist Vasnetsov himself is perfectly felt: he sympathizes with Alyonushka and worries about her fate. The whole picturesque Vasnetsov painting evokes sympathy and compassion in any viewer for the girl herself with a difficult fate. It is sad and sad to look at the heroine of the picture, who was in such a tragic situation, so I want to help her somehow, to remove all hardships and troubles from her life. The artist, using green colors, was able to bring realism to his canvas. It seems that here's another moment and everything will come to life in the picture: the forest will rustle and begin to tremble easily with its leaves, and the girl will suddenly come to life, raise her head, look and ask for help. This painting by the artist Viktor Vasnetsov was recognized as his best work.

The image of a Russian orphan girl, hardworking and kind, simple and modest, excited the artist's sensitive heart and inspired him to create the picture. However, this picture is not an illustration for a fairy tale. Vasnetsov created not a fairy-tale character, but a true image of a poor peasant girl. The painting "Alyonushka" was written in 1881 and is in the Tretyakov Gallery.

Examining the picture

  • - How do you see Alyonushka? Does your idea of ​​Alyonushka differ from that of the artist? (No, the artist portrayed the heroine, probably at the moment when her brother turned into a kid. Alyonushka is very sad and sad).
  • - What can you say about the title of this picture? (It resembles the Russian folk tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")
  • - Right. The idea of ​​the picture is inspired by a Russian folk tale. “I have always lived and still live in Russia,” VM said about himself. Vasnetsov. The artist's childhood was spent among the peasants. He knew the life of the people well, therefore, in the picture of V.M. Vasnetsov reflected not only a fairy tale, but also reality itself.

Comprehensive analysis of the picture under the guidance of a teacher

What impression does the painting make?

What feelings does it evoke?

Description of Alyonushka

Who do you see in the center of the picture?

Why did Vasnetsov depict Alyonushka in the center, in the foreground of the picture? (The artist wants us to immediately pay attention to her, she is the main character in this picture)

Where is Alyonushka located? (She sits on a rock by the lake)

Describe the pose of the girl. (Alyonushka sits alone by the lake on a gray cold stone, clasped her knees in her arms, bent over, laid her head on her clasped hands)

Why did she take this pose? (She sadly looks at the water, thinking about something sad. She sulked, drooped)

What is Alyonushka's mood? (Sad, bleak, gloomy, dull, joyless, crushed, dreary, sad, depressed; she thought)

What do you think is the reason for Alyonushka's sadness? (She had a trouble; she is sad about her brother, she has a hard, joyless fate, she was left alone)

What words can describe the grief of Alyonushka? (great, great, inconsolable)

With the help of what the artist showed that she had a bleak fate? (Shabby clothes, a tattered shabby sundress, an old blue jacket that has faded from time to time, there are no shoes on the feet)

How does Viktor Mikhailovich feel about his heroine? (He loves her, regrets her. The face is shown kind, charming. This is a sincere, warm-hearted girl)

What artistic techniques does the artist use to draw attention to Alyonushka's face? (He made it light, and everything around is dark)

Description of nature

What can you say about the nature surrounding Alyonushka?

Describe everything that you see in the foreground and background.

What time of year is shown in the picture?

What are the details of this? (Yellow leaves hid on the water surface, birches are strewn with yellow leaves, thin quivering aspens froze in silent silence, gray gloomy dull sky)

Why do you think the artist chose autumn? (Autumn is a sad, sad season. Nature withers, dies. It causes sadness.)

The artist shows that nature is sad along with the poor girl.

By what means did the artist show this? (Young thin birches have become quiet. The aspens bent and bowed their branches to the water, in some places sedge leaves drooped)

Who else in the picture sympathizes with Alyonushka's grief? (Birds)

Why do you think so? (If they had fun, they would fly, frolic, and in the picture they are depicted sitting next to Alyonushka, as if listening to her melancholy, but they cannot do anything)

What colors does the artist use to create a sad, inconsolable mood? (Cold colors, dark colors create a sad impression)

Summarize what has been said. (Strong student)

The girl's pose, the expression of her eyes, clothes, season, dark forest, gray sky, cold, joyless tones of the picture evoke a sad, sad mood.

Attitude to the painting

Express your attitude to the picture, to Alyonushka? (The picture expresses sadness, the main character wants to feel sorry, the image of Alyonushka evokes compassion)

What is Vasnetsov's attitude to Alyonushka? (He loves his heroine and has compassion for her)

Yes, the artist was very fond of this image. He tried to excite the viewer with the image of a simple, poor, but charming girl. This painting evokes feelings of excitement and anxiety, compassion and sadness. She leaves no one indifferent, makes us sad with the heroine.