What and why the palm of the hands of the child, women, men are squealing. What itchies the right and left hand palm or both palms at the same time in the girl, women: folk signs by day of week

What and why the palm of the hands of the child, women, men are squealing. What itchies the right and left hand palm or both palms at the same time in the girl, women: folk signs by day of week
What and why the palm of the hands of the child, women, men are squealing. What itchies the right and left hand palm or both palms at the same time in the girl, women: folk signs by day of week

In former times, people believed in different signs, because they were not aware of the real origin of many natural phenomena, but also in modern society superstition, oddly enough, not forgotten. People continue to believe the signs. Most of all rooted superstitions about hands.

It is said that when, then a person will soon have to greet. Sometimes such superstition is interpreted both as fast cash receipts.

There are signs and about left hand. What the left palm itch is cleaned - such a question is interested in some ordinary people. Someone already knows the answer to him, but it is often wrong or not quite correct because there are many nuances here, which you need to know when deciphering superstition.

There are a few will take about what the left hand it is cleaned. The main superstition says that such a state arises before profit. There is even a few rites to attract money. They do not require any special magical practices. To ensure that the rite was effective, it is not necessary to even own magic. You just need to believe in the effectiveness of the ritual.

In one rite it is said that when the left hand began to hide, it is necessary to visualize the process of receiving money. It is necessary to submit the process of the appearance of money in a scratched hand. When the right amount is checked in the palm, fist is compressed. Then the itchy hand needs to be reduced to the mouth and kiss. By superstition, this gesture is the main moment of the ritual. Next, the fist need to shove in the pocket and there to break the hand.

To attract wealth, you can spend another ritual. When the left palm was worried, you need to scratch it hard and kiss. Next, the scratched hand is hit three times on the forehead. After that, she ships in his pocket, and spent words: "To the money! So be! ". If the ritual is done correctly and believing in his success, he will not make himself wait.

The next rite - you need to take a scratched hand any money that will come under hand, and put it in a wallet. It is desirable that this was not a small coin, but a large bill, but if the metal money is falling, it is impossible to ignore it. When the money is placed in the wallet, it is necessary to visualize the desired souma of profit.

There is another sign in which it is said that when the left hand itch is, then a person is waiting for a profit, and he will have to say goodbye to money. On this day, he will have to pay debts. Give money recommended by your left hand. Profit is accepted into the right palm. It will help forever to divide with debts and constantly receive income.

Not all the challenges about why the left palm itch is related to money. It is said that when such a state arises, then we should expect a change of weather.

Usually the hand begins to hide before going rain. If such a state continues for a long time, the bad weather will delay.

Another sign about why Left Palm Itchies, says that such a state arises before meeting with a loved one. It predicts the ambulance. For single people, the sign foreshadows a meeting with a person with whom it will be possible to tie relationships.

With the interpretation of superstition, it is important to take into account, who had a hand combed - in a man or a woman. For the ladies, this sign means parting with a loved one. In men, the left hand begins to be made to profits or to the raster.

Haming of the left hand by day of the week

Interpretation of the signs associated with the chinee of the left palm should be done by the days of the week, when such a state has come:

  • On Monday The hand should be hung, then the money will come soon, but they will also go fast. It will be a scheduled purchase or an unexpected embezzlement, for example, a gift to a loved one or friends for some celebration.
  • Tuesday Such a state say that debts will be returned soon. Admission to the budget can be expected on the same day.
  • If a on Wednesday Start scratching palm, then money will come soon. They will not be earned, but will be simply found on the street. Such a find will not become successful. It is best to put them on charity.
  • On Thursday Palm itches to money, and they will come, but will cause a quarrel between close people. If it arises, you should not expect soon reconciliation. The quarrel will be protracted.
  • If a on Friday The palm begins, it is for money, but Friday it means that they will not be earned, but found. Daily and sorcerers advise you to spend them immediately, and not to store.
  • On Saturday Note foreshadows profit. Superstition may also mean that career growth will happen soon.
  • On Sunday The palm began to hide, it means that it expects a good gift. Superstition can also be interpreted as a meeting with friends. For men, this means that they are lucky today in the lottery.

Haming left hand

If left palm itchs, the interpretation should be done on the basis of what time of the day it happened. When such a state occurs in the morning, it means that there are good news ahead. They must go within a week. Usually they are associated with work.

If the palm of the left hand begins to hide in the afternoon, that is, it makes sense to prepare for guests visiting. They will visit or a day when superstition arose, or within 2-3 days.

The sorcerers and fortune-tales advise to pay special attention to the superstition, if the palm of the left hand began to be hung in the evening. This is a sign that a person needs to change his life. Changes should not be superficial, but global. He is given a chance to analyze all his life and make plans for further action. The fortunewlings promise that everything conceived will come true.

Other signs about hands

There are other signs associated with left hand, and with both hands.

If only the rear side of the left hand is drawn, then a person needs to be afraid of any problems that will arise due to the received gift. If there is no desire to understand with them, then you need to refuse in the near future from all gifts. The one who will prevent one of them will do it not from a pure heart. He will have bad intentions and because of this and problems will appear.

If both sides of the palm of the left hand, the rear and the inner part, it means that the money that in the near future will offer any people will not be given from the pure heart. They will probably have evil intentions.

If the right hand is sympathetic, then such a superstition will foresee a meeting with long-standing friends or a love acquaintance. In some interpretations it is said that such a process foreshadows profit. For proper interpretation, the signs should be taken into account such factors as the day of the week, the time of day and half of the person who began to be laid.

Superstition about the cheese of both hands says that the action of any event associated with this state will increase by 2 times. Well, if the interpretation of the signs are successful. For example, if it foreshadows profit, the event will happen faster and will come 2 times more. If the interpretation is unsuccessful, then it will also increase by 2 times.

For example, if the sign is interpreted, like getting bad news, they will come faster, and they will either be 2 times worse, or they will go 2 times more. That is, if both palms have begun, this is a stick about two ends.

There are signs that are not related to itching. For example, if a knife fell out of the hands - a man, a spoon or fork - women are expected to visit. This superstition has an addition. If the fork fell out, a hysterical woman will come with intentions to quarrel, if a spoon, then a woman will come with good thoughts.

There are superstition for girls about the finger injection. If she rooted the finger with a needle during sewing or embroidery, then the beloved thought about it. This is explained by the fact that there is always a close spiritual connection between people who have feelings, so when the young man thinks about a girl, she is distracted. If this happens while working, it can prick a finger.

When the hands are cushed, do not always cause the causes in superstitions. Such a state arises due to fungus or infectious diseases, so before looking for a value in the signs, it is worth opening a medical directory or go straight to the doctor.

If left palm itchs, then, according to popular belief, there are two options for developing events: it is worth waiting for profits or unforeseen expenses. It is believed that an angel sits on the right shoulder, and the left side of the body is the location of the unclean power. Hence the conclusion: when the left stop and palm itching, it is necessary to wait for the bean demon-tempter, which does not foreshadow anything good. But for people less frequent, not inclined to see mystical importance, the reason, because of which the left hand is a disease for which there is adequate treatment. Almost always, when the left palm is strongly drawn, dryness is dry, blisters appear, redness or rash, have to look for medical care.

Causes of itching and ways to get rid

It is important to know why the left palm is itching and what kind of deliverance to give preference in a particular case? Attention! Arrange all the points above I will help the list below:

  1. Contact with chemicals, some plants, food, and even the "brothers our smaller", can cause an allergic reaction, which gives itself to know itching, rash, redness. The first thing to do is to identify an allergen and remove it. In addition, constant humidification of the skin of the arms (herbal infusions, hand cream, etc.) and treatment with anti-allergenic drugs will be required.
  2. Insect bites make themselves felt eating from different sizes. In this case, it is worth staying from the calcination and use any alcohol solution like a calendula tincture.
  3. Scabies arises due to the settlement of a tick under the skin. In order not to harm yourself, you need to make sure this through a special analysis. As treatment, sulfur ointment or other drugs can be appointed. In addition, disinfection of clothing, premises are needed.
  4. Often itching left palm when eczema begins. Make sure the diagnosis will help a specialist who will determine the form of the disease (microbial, atopic, professional, idiopathic) and prescribe treatment. From folk remedies choose a row from the casis of fresh cabbage, viburnum berries; The compresses from the beam leaf leaf, baths from birch beam, etc.
  5. Left palm and in those of us who suffer from liver diseases are constantly. This situation may arise due to complications after a number of infectious diseases and long-term drug treatment.
  6. When the left hand is eaten and the palm itchs, there is every reason to worry about cardiovascular diseases.
  7. It is important to know what to do if the left palm is drawn as a result of psycho-emotional stress? Feed yourself from provoking factors and be sure to contact a neurologist or psychotherapist.
  8. Left palm is very much drawn due to violations in the work of the endocrine system, which subsequently can cause diabetes, leukemia. Such manifestations may indicate the emergence of malignant processes.
  9. Skin dryness and itching often causes avitaminosis and uncontrolled diets. Here will help the cream for hands and weekly oil baths.
  10. Late time of pregnancy.
  11. Increased sweating, frostbite, age-related changes (climax).

Treatment - Landmark for the types of itch

Having studied the reasons why left palm constantly itching, it is possible to allocate different types of itching:

  • as a reaction to irritation C-fibers, pertogens appears proprioceptive itching;
  • vessel thrombosis and neuralgia leading to damage to the nervous system provoke neuropathic itching;
  • psychogenic discomfort;
  • neurogenic itching is not associated with nervous pathologies, but rather indicates the central genesis;
  • mixed.

In accordance with folk signs, even the day and an hour of this phenomenon matters. For example: left palm on Wednesday in the evening - do not expect that the money found on this day will be beneficial. And from the point of view of medicine, it has a pathogenesis, resulting from the causes of discomfort, amplifying and weakening at a particular time of day. The basis of such oscillations is often the change in the temperature regime, the effect of water or the calcination leading to the strengthening of the disorder and the appearance of infiltration. For example:

  1. Strengthening itching in the morning may indicate microbial eczema, fungal lesions of the skin, lymphostase, varicose veins, piedermia. In such cases, itching is accompanied by foci of inflammation on the skin and rash in the form of bubbles.
  2. Increased intensity of uncomfortable sensations in the evening hours is a faithful sign of infection with a garlic tick.
  3. At night, nervous disorders and damage to the epidermis make themselves. Here is the time it is time to suspect: the disorder of the CNS; dermatological reaction to some of the allergens; Disease of internal organs.

In different cases, unpleasant sensations can appear both throughout the surface of the hand and in its individual sites.

What will strengthen itch

Distinguish different types of manifestations of itching:

  • with acute symptoms;
  • in chronic flow;
  • progression with damage to other parts of the body.

But in any case, the severity of the pathological process is intensified from such factors:

  • the impact of some plants;
  • insect bites;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • defeat epidermis infections;
  • intensity of sweating;
  • thermal impact;
  • chronic diseases;
  • stressful states;
  • reaction to cosmetics and synthetic agents.

Causes of itching for other symptoms

To know exactly what to do when the left palm itchs, additional symptoms will help:

  1. Itching, associated with the lesion of the liver, is accompanied by weight loss, headaches and barking of nausea.
  2. Failure in the work of the cardiovascular system entails the feeling of cold hands, which are neglected and covered with rash. In addition, there is a weakness, dizziness.
  3. Itching pimples in the hands provoke violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. The reason for this kind of complications is also a drawback or excess of vitamins, an imbalance of trace elements.

To establish the reasons why the left palm is strongly drawn, laboratory diagnostics will help (total urine and blood analysis, biochemical studies, feces analysis, etc.). It is possible to proceed with the preparation of the treatment plan, it is possible only by the results of differential diagnostics, allowing:

  • exactly name allergen;
  • get skin samples and provocative tests;
  • comparison symptoms with manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis.

There are various reasons why we periodically feel itching in any area of \u200b\u200byour body. From ancient times, it is customary to associate the design of the body surface with the coming events in a person's life. In other words, these are ordinary signs.

Someone believes in the signs, someone is not. In fact, it all depends on how much you believe that the mandated will come true. As they say, thoughts are material. All signs take their roots from the most ancient times. Instant of ages Signs and believes wander from mouth to mouth. Some signs, by the way, even gained the shape of the sayings. For example, the cushioned fists moved from the category to take into a separate saying, which means the intention of one person to deal with others with the help of rough strength. With palms (especially with the left) everything is much easier. A person can be sure that his profit in any case is waiting for him. What is another question.

Itchies left palm - sign

Very often you can hear: Left palm itchs - to the money. After a person finds out the news about the upcoming money suppression, it is customary to kiss the left hand so that everything comes true. In fact, the causes of it can be a different one.

Interesting! Sketches with the right palm is a bit different. If the palm on his right hand itches - any changes in relationship with the beloved are coming. To determine which changes that are coming (a meeting is either, on the contrary, separation), it is necessary to see the interpretation depending on what day the lady was combed.

So we turn to the reasons for the appearance of a strange itch on our palms. It should be distinguished when the hand is simply itches, and when it gives you to understand any diseases and infections in the body. Very often, palms are cushed with those who suffer from excessive sweatiness in this area. There are a lot of such people. Treat this disease should be solely under the supervision of an experienced specialist. In addition, palm itches after a certain nervous shock. Such is the reaction of the body into stress factors affecting from outside. It is worth noting that itching in the palm area can also symbolize allergic reactions. In this situation, it is also necessary to immediately consult a doctor, because only he can reveal an allergen and register the necessary treatment.

Interpretation Signals by day of the week

Once it was said above: the palm is drawn on his left hand - to profits. However, not everything in this postponement is definitely. To determine what exactly what exactly says, it is necessary to look at the interpretation on certain days of the week.


Monday - day heavy. Sketches with left palm can pick up a person on this day, however, for a short time. If the left palm itches on Monday, it means you "threaten" a monetary replenishment. And profit you get enough easy way. The problem is that money will also go away from you.


Does left hand on this day? Sick says: Wait for monetary replenishment. Moreover, the gain in the pocket will be expressed as a return to you by another debt. Perhaps about these finances you have already forgotten. A reminder about yourself will be undoubtedly pleased.


Believe it says that on this day the money found can bring mountains. No matter how happy financial replenishment is recommended, it is recommended to give the find to a charity or just a person who needs it more. Happiness will not bring you this money.


If the palm on your left hand is scratched on Thursday, then replenishment in the pocket is accurately guaranteed. The problem is that the addition in finance on this day is involved in a quarrel or a broken person with a close person.


Scratching left palm foreshadows money find on this day. Folk sign says that the find can reach quite large sizes.


Specifications, which marked on this day, foresees replenishment of finances in the form of salary issuance. What a person will not be happy about the salary!


On this day, you will no doubt that you will be glad that your left palm is itching. And why? Note guarantees a luxurious gift. In what form it will be purely individually. However, what you will be incredibly happy, that's for sure.

Sometimes we do not notice in our life some little things. Itchy palm - well, let yourself itch. Only believes in the conceived, it is possible to "attract" the desired result. Each person himself determines his fate. Our body is only able to prompt us how to behave in various situations. And if you have worried the left palm, then you should not just wait for the profits back. Do something so that luck rather came to you!

There are many legends, superstitions, testes and visits. And despite the common stereotype, not only the elderly believe in them. Remember how you were afraid when the mirror was broken, or a black cat moved the road before an important event? And when the nose itchs, everyone knows that a grandiose drunk is coming. Signs apply to the people with the speed of the virus, tirelessly transmitted from the mouth to the mouth. We believe them, because it's easier. After all, I want to think that we can monitor at least a part of our future.

For example, many know what the left palm it is cleaned. If the left hand is drawn, put the pockets - there will soon be a money. Some believers bind this not with finance, but with a meeting of acquaintances. And someone performs a special ritual, after the left palm will begin - the palm is scratching, it hits his forehead three times and hides his hand in his pocket. Superstitions on this score there is a huge amount. Today we will learn what the palm it is cleared, and what could be the causes. Consider two points of view: medical and folk.

What does the palm itching - explanations from a medical point of view

Itching palms, we usually rarely perceive seriously. If the palm is drawn occasionally, there are no reasons for concern. It is absolutely normal and happens with all people. But if you feel that itching recently began to annoy, it's not in folk signs. Palm can be made due to certain disorders in physical and mental well-being. The most common causes of itching Ladoshek:

Allergies - the cause of the palm can be the usual allergy. If the palms can be squeaked, you can suspect an allergic reaction to the cream for hands, powder, soap, or any other chemical to which you touched by bare hands. Sometimes a small rash can join the ferrous. It may also be allergic to wool, dust or some food. With an allergic reaction, the human immune system attacks allergens with excessive activity, hence the unpleasant symptoms.

Eczema. This disease is usually not accompanied by one itch. Over time, other symptoms are joined - redness, blisters, peeling. If you have noticed such symptoms, writing down to a consultation to the dermatologist.

Stress. After a strong emotional surge in a person can have palms. When the next time you ask yourself, why the palm it is cleaned, remember, if you were nervous on the eve. If the other day you quarreled with your loved one, or with someone from relatives, read on the Internet for what the palm itch and look for signs. In this case, the itch is caused only by emotional overvoltage.

Scabies - not the most cheerful cause of itching in the palms. But the scaffold tick simply adores the area of \u200b\u200bpalms and fingers. The tick chooses places with thin and delicate skin - usually between your fingers. A few days after the start of itching, the rash of the water structure appears on the palms or fingers. The characteristic feature of this insidious sorer is the strengthening of itching in the evening and night time. In this key characteristic can be suspected of a garlic tick. These symptoms can enhance with excitement. Some people have a rash completely absent, which greatly complicates the search for the root cause of the ferrous. If there is a suspicion of scabies immediately turn to the doctor and do not engage in self-medication. Preparations from scabies need to be properly applied to the skin, otherwise it can be burned. The doctor will determine the cause and pick the necessary drug.

Other possible causes - liver diseases and fungal diseases.

To distinguish a simple itching from itching caused by the disease, watch your well-minded. If the palms are kept constantly, then it is clearly not in popular beliefs.

What itchies the left palm - folk beliefs

Folk beliefs is extremely elevated. They predict the coming events and often come true. Everyone knows when a sleeping cat hides a muzzle - wait in the cold. If you are interested, what the left palm it is cleaned - read on.

From the children's years we heard that the left palm itching. Left palm has been combed - money will be more than a little bit. But there are beliefs who say that the left palm can be wanted not only to profit, but also to losses - for example, repair or breakdown of things.

Various signs and beliefs closely sat down in our subconscious. Even the biggest skeptics believe in signs. And the optimists notice only favorable signs. And the title left palm applies precisely to favorable signs.

The lion's share of people will accept, suggests that the left palm itches to profits. It does not have to be money, perhaps it will be an unexpected gift from the spouse. If we talk about money, then what itch is the left palm: to the premium, the rapter to the salary, the return of debt or win in the lottery. Or unexpected cash finding on the street or in the store. Here are the main reasons explaining what the left palm is cleaned. In order not to move good luck when the palm will begin the next time, it is chewmed towards yourself. So you will attract a financial luck. Or put on the left palm of the coin or bill so that the money is so and the lips to the hands. You can put money in the wallet in this hand, so as not to move the luck.

What itchies the left palm to the days of the week:

Monday - you can easily find money, easily and lose;

Tuesday - you will be returned with long-time duty;

Wednesday - if you find money, it is better to give them to charity, they will not bring happiness;

Thursday - get profit, but quarreled with your loved one;

Friday - high probability of cash finding;

Saturday - to an unexpected increase in salary;

Sunday - to a luxurious gift.

What itchies the right palm - folk signs

If you are interested in what the right palm is drawn, stay with us. Our ancestors treated their hands very carefully. They believed that there were special power in human hands. It is difficult to disagree with them. With the help of hands, everything is being created: items, culinary dishes, works of art. In our hands there is a powerful energy of creation. What is the right palm? When the hand begins to hide, she is trying to warn us about a certain event. Energy comes out of the hand and with the help of such signs trying to tell us something. You just need to correctly interpret these signs. Answering the question of what the palm it is cleared, we can say that this happens before an important event in a person's life.

For a long time, the right hand was considered tantomic, and left-handed. Based on these beliefs and the signs about the scenes in their hands were born.

Do you remember the famous phrase: "Fists are combed"? She very brightly illustrates the cause of itching in the right palm. If you do not know what the right palm is drawn to, remember, do you not copy anyone offense or rage. It is slamming that is anger, anger, offense or rage could serve as such itch. If there is a person who is extremely unpleasant to you, the hand can begin to be involuntarily. When you copy the negative, the energy is involuntarily stirred inside you. Therefore, the palms begin to hide. This is especially true of people of closed, preventing their emotions and experiences. Energy accumulates and literally tries to break through the body. No need to allow negative energy to be copied inside. Try to find her out. Go to the concert, to the club, on a scary attraction. You need a place where you can shout loudly. When steam inside cools, the palm will gradually stop hide.

Some challenges argue that the right hand can be in front of an important event in your life. This event will require you a responsible decision. If you have a responsible event, treated this seriously. After all, what the palm it is cleared, indicates a difficult solution that you have to take. Most often this applies to the business sphere of life.

In some cases, itching in his right hand can serve as a harbinger of friendly meeting. So, what itchies the right palm: to a meeting with a loved one, to a meeting with a family member, a close friend or relative. In other words, with a person, close to your heart. In order not to move the upcoming meeting, when the palm will be laughed, sicked it in a fist and hide in his pocket. Then you will meet with this person in the coming days. But if you want to avoid a meeting for some reason, helping your hand under cold running water and hold the palm open one for a while. The truth is, or not, but it says folk wisdom.

The right palm can be sewn on the eve of a good deal, raising at work or any profitable case.

There is a legend, according to which itching in the right palm can be a harbinger of a romantic meeting. Young herbs itching in his right hand often predicts a date. Very important at the same time and day of the week. What itchies the right palm by day of the week:

Monday - You will be waiting for Randevo with a man you know;

Tuesday - an unexpected date with an old friend;

Wednesday - acquaintance with the potential fiance (most favorable day of the week);

Thursday - Favorite will return ahead of time;

Friday - to a meeting with the former;

Saturday - a romantic meeting with a stranger;

Sunday is a meeting with a rich man.

Since ancient times, many people sacredly believed in various signs who played in the life of each important role. Since then, a lot of water has flowed, but modern people still do not have no yes and will remember some of the superstitions, especially if they concern the material benefits. Even the youth knows perfectly well, for example, what the left palm it is cleaned. But what do you need to do to come true?

That in general say signs

Among the set will take, the value of what the left hand itch is, it knows almost every one of us - this is to profit. If you start to smoke your palm, the surrounding immediately fall asleep a bunch of tips, as it is necessary to scratch the burial news about the profits of the body. And now the happy owner of the harbinger of wealth begins to worry, whether everything is properly done in order for the sudden income to donkey in the wallet, and not penetrate.

When the left hand itchs, wait profit

For doubts about the correctness of actions dispelled once and for all, consider in detail all interpretations associated with this process. But first let's talk about the right palm, because sometimes it is considered to be the most material benefits.

Remember when you greet a man, what hand feed for a handshake? That's right, right. It was from here that I went to sign that the right palm itchs from the premonition of the ambulance. It may be an old friend with whom you have not seen for a long time, and maybe familiarity with a new person. To bring the meeting or on the contrary, to remove it, even there are special rituals.

Depending on the day of the week, the right palm can promise and financial benefits. This happens on Tuesday. And on Wednesday, on the contrary, to large cash spending or losses.

Palm itchs - video

By the way, the left-handed signs associated with their hands are interpreted by the opposite. This is due to the fact that all signs act precisely for an active hand.

Have a woman or a man?

The man has always been a getter and cared for the well-being of the family. Therefore, all the challenges relating to the harness of the palms for the strong half of humanity had a more rational and pragmatic. It is for men who, the signs associated with money or meetings are almost always business. This is not only the opportunity to get money, but also promotion through the career ladder, which is also associated with material benefits.

For men, the left palm can be wanted not only for money, but also to a successful career

Women are more sensitive, so the signs are emotional painting and relate to relationships with a man. And all the marks associated with money are interpreted into a special female way.

For a weak half of humanity, all the money-related signs can be interpreted into women's way

What itchies left palm by day of week

If the left palm has been triggered, first make sure that this is not a manifestation of any disease or insect bite. When all doubts are noted on this score, remember what day the day of the week. It is from this factor that a lot will depend on.


The shortest day of the week is promulit a very easy profit. This money is not worth investing in something, there will be no sense. The motto of this day is that it is easy to come, easily and left.

  • for men - it will be a pleasant find, perhaps the old and forgotten junk or an unexpected cash bonus from the bosses;
  • for women, a bonus or winning lottery is also possible. Spend this money on your favorite. Buy a new clothes, she will delight you for a long time.

On Monday, money come easily and also easily go


This day of the week is considered the most fruitful and precisely at this time the palm, more than ever, reacts to the return of the old debt.

  • for men, an old acquaintance unexpectedly remembers that you materially supported him in a difficult moment and returns debt. But this money is best to spend on relatives. Thus, you will attract other money masses that will make the basis of your future financial well-being;
  • for women, the debt will return at that moment when the exercise of the long-time has lacking money. The highest forces give you the opportunity to realize the dream of life.

On Tuesday, old debts are suddenly returned.


This day is considered severe not only in the emotional plan. The unexpected addition in the monetary equivalent will not bring happiness. This money must be spent on charity. In this way, you will avoid possible problems in the future.

  • for men - here are lucky representatives of strong sex. The gift in the form of finances can be spent on the improvement of the house or to purchase the necessary small things;
  • for women, the money they came on Wednesday only for good deeds. Moral satisfaction is sometimes more expensive than poor-quality things or spoiled rest.

Unexpected cash environment is best to spend on charity


Because of the accumulated physical and emotional fatigue, vigilance is lost. This day is fraught with quarrels from a scratch, and if unexpected money interferes with the conflict, then the quarrel can delay for a long time. Therefore, try to control the behavior and not scatter offensive words.

  • for men, conflicts may occur at work due to the wrong distribution of responsibilities. At home try to avoid provocations and scandals with loved ones;
  • for women, a long-awaited meeting with a loved one can end the quarrel due to friends interference. Therefore, it is worth expressing priorities and meet those who are really roads.

On Thursday, unexpected money may cause a quarrel


The day is heavy, but you should not relax. Not even an hour will disturb the gift of fate in the form of a large amount that falls on your feet literally. But so that good luck does not turn away from you, try to spend this money on the same day.

  • for men, it is highly likely to find a large sum in the currency. Spend money with the mind, and then you can count on a further luck;
  • for women - spend money from the soul to any needs, negative consequences will not.

Friday gift of fate raise with pleasure


Light and good day. Pleasant itching in the palm of the palm predicts a lung promotion through the career ladder, which means an increase in income.

  • for men - a promotion or a successful deal that will bring considerable material benefit. In any case, the pleasant news should be magnificently note that luck does not turn away from you;
  • for women - you did not regret nerves, forces and time to perform work? Then get the long-awaited bonus in the form of a salary increase.

If the left palm itches on Saturday, wait for the service


Good day in all respects. Especially for those whose left palm itch. At a party with friends or on a romantic dating, you will definitely get an unexpected present. It may be the most unexpected, but very generous.

  • for men, it will be a valuable gift that will give the opportunity to achieve intended goals without making great efforts. But it is not necessary to be accomplished, luck - the lady of the capricious;
  • for women, a chic gift will not only bring a lot of positive emotions, but can also become a fateful.

Sunday generously on unexpected gifts

What time of day is a hand: Signs in the morning, day and evening

More accurately interpret the time of day. Depending on when it started itching in the left palm, the predictions are somewhat different.

  • if itching appeared in the morning, the news will be exactly very good. And the stronger the palm itchs, the more pleasant the subsequent events;
  • day smoke - expect guests. But perhaps someone will invite you to visit;
  • if palm itches in the evening, take it seriously. This may mean conflicts with relatives, friends, or with bosses, and not only financially. Stop looking for a culprit in your own failures, refuse criticism in someone else's address and forgive the resentment. You look, and everything will work out.

The stronger the left palm itches in the morning, the more nice the following events

What you need to do to strengthen the action

In order to strengthen the action of signs there are several rituals that will help achieve the desired result.

  1. Most often, knowledgeable people advise to imagine in the left hand a stack of large banknotes. Virtual money should be firmly squeezed in the fist, omit in his pocket and hold there for some time, representing how money remained in your pocket. After that, relieve your hand.
  2. Feeling the light itch in the left palm, kiss her thoroughly, then kiss three times, and shove in my pocket. It should be sought: "To the money! So be ".
  3. If there is no pocket, you can touch the handbag or wallet.
  4. Has the left palm combat? Urgently grab it with a bill or coin. Hold money for a few seconds and calmly put them in place.
  5. You can still scratch your palm about the edge of the table or something red, since this color symbolizes wealth. Actions accompany the words: "Czech Padon about red to not be in vain."
  6. If the prick of the palm caught you in a crowded place, and you were ashamed to fulfill the actions described above, you can simply lay the thumbs in your pockets. This posture is considered a monetary value.
How to quickly scratch the left palm

So that the sign really came true, try to fulfill the ritual correctly. After all, inaccurately performed actions can turn into rapid waste or loss of money.

  1. Scratching palms always need to go to yourself.
  2. You can make arm you can. But best of all money or wallet. If you scratch your palm about the furniture - it promises the purchase of new furniture, about clothes - to make you in new clothes.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to scratch the palm about an empty wallet. Although there is an opinion that it is an empty wallet that will hint with the highest forces about the need to replenish monetary stocks. Here you can decide which option is preferable.
  4. Before buying a lottery ticket, scratch your palm coin.

So that the sign worked to scratch the palm can be monetary

What else can foreshadow such itch

Sometimes the left palm feels at all profit, but on the contrary - spending. It is possible that unforeseen circumstances will appear, which will require large expenses from you, or you planned the purchase of expensive things. In order not to break the balance between the spending and the arrival of funds, there is an excellent rule - money to pay for something only with your left hand, and necessarily take the right.

It is believed that those who often scratch the back side of the left palm have a deductive warehouse of thinking. And if the call is the edge of the brush, it is necessary to be relaxed - due to the rapid acts you can break with a close person in the fluff and dust.

Trust the signs or not - the case of each of us. I personally do not mind believe in positive predictions. After all, it is better to live with the foreboding of something good than with the expectation of the negative. But at my feet, sometimes you need to watch, so, just in case.