Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech for children of early preschool age: “Spring tale. Summary of the lesson on the development of speech "journey into a fairy tale" for older preschool children

Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech for children of early preschool age: “Spring tale. Summary of the lesson on the development of speech "journey into a fairy tale" for older preschool children

Target: develop imaginative perception and associations using multi-colored circles; learn to express your thoughts correctly and build sentences; develop children's creativity in coming up with the plot of a fairy tale. To cultivate attentiveness, a kind attitude towards the weak.

Preliminary work: reading of the fairy tales "Teremok", "Zayushkina hut"; considering illustrations for fairy tales; transformation games ("Become a bunny", etc.).

Material: casket, circles of different colors, green triangles, flannelegraph, colored pencils.

The course of the lesson.

1. Creation of a situation of amusement: disappearance of the box with a fairy tale.

2. Search. (The box is found on a high cabinet). How to get it? (stairs, chair, ask someone ...).

3. The box is asked to open with the help of magic words (the children themselves come up with the magic words).

4. Geometric shapes (multi-colored circles and green triangles) are taken out of the box. What can be built from triangles? (Christmas trees). It turns out a forest. Who can live in the forest? (children's answers).

5. Guys, let's compose a fairy tale using colored circles.

In the forest lived a small (showing a white circle) - a snowball, a bun, a bunny. Determining the time of year if a bunny became the hero of a fairy tale.

One day he went for a walk. The bunny jumped merrily, admired the forest. Suddenly, a big and scary one came out from behind the tree to meet him ... (showing a gray circle) - maybe a mouse or .... What kind of wolf is there? (gray, big, angry)

It was a wolf. The bunny rushed to run away from him, and then a squirrel, a dog, a cat, a chanterelle ran out from behind another tree (orange circle) ... Who is the bunny in the forest afraid of? (foxes)

The bunny was frightened, he had nowhere to run, on the one side a wolf, on the other - a fox. What should a bunny do? (call for help, hide, run away, jump high).

The bunny began to cry, and the fox and the wolf began to argue who would get the bunny. They made so much noise that they woke up (brown circle) - a deer, a bear. The bear (deer) was big, strong and kind. He felt sorry for the bunny. And what did he do? (I drove the wolf and the fox away, asked them not to offend the bunny, took the bunny to another forest, invited them to visit).

It turns out that there are animals in the forest that stand up for the little ones (you can use yellow circles - the sun, a bunny's friend; a blue circle - a cloud, a bell, etc.)

Have we composed a good fairy tale? Who do you like best?

Is it good or bad for a bunny to be small?

6. The game "Good - bad" (good: easy to hide, you can pick up, runs fast; bad: he is afraid of everyone, you cannot see him in the forest)

What would happen if the bunny became big in a fairy tale? (everyone would be afraid of him, he would not be afraid of anyone, he himself would drive the wolf and the fox)

What advice would you give a bunny to get big? (eat a lot of carrots, vitamins, exercise, stand in the rain, eat a lot of herbs, be enchanted with a magic wand)

7. The game "Draw a magic forest", in which the bunny will not offend.

Physical minute.

"One, two, three, portray"

How a chanterelle walks, how a bunny jumps, how a wolf runs, how a bear walks.

Software content:

Reveal the level of speech development of the children of the group; fix:

Ability to use generalizing words in speech: transport, dishes, furniture, etc .;

Use words of address, greetings;

Determine by ear the sounds of musical instruments;

Form adjectives from nouns, for example, apple - apple;

Compose a short story based on the picture, answering the questions of the teacher;

Tell poetry expressively;

To activate in the process of speech the use of nouns with suffixes - point, - echk, - ichk, - enk, adjectives, verbs.

To develop speech breathing, attention, speech, thinking, visual and auditory memory, orientation in space, the ability to recite short poems.

Foster a desire to help others, to be polite.

Maintain a positive atmosphere in the children's team.

Equipment: figures: grandfather, woman, house, toys: bun, crow, bee; illustrations for the didactic game "What Juice?" audio recording of music. instruments, a magnetic board, magnetic elements for a fairy tale: tree, sun, clouds, flowers, leaves, birds.

Preliminary work: memorizing poems; storytelling; consideration of illustrations on the themes "Clothes", "Animals", "Flowers", "Insects", "Transport", "Furniture", "Birds", "Trees", "Toys"; listening to the sound of musical instruments; drawing up and reviewing the picture.

Word of art: poems about the sun, clouds, crow, fairy tale about spring.

The course of the lesson with children of early preschool age:

I ... Organizing time.

The teacher brings in the Vesna doll and recites a poem.

Spring was walking in a blue kerchief.

She was carrying Spring-red in the chest of the gift.

For lambs - grass

Gusyam - water,

For ducklings - duckweed,

And for kids - a fairy tale.

Guys, today Spring has come to us, and along with it - guests. Let's say good morning to everyone!

II. Motivation.

Children, Spring made a fairy tale for you and drew it in a picture, but the strong wind dispelled the elements of the fairy tale. Only a tree remains in the picture. Spring is very upset, because now she will not be able to tell you a fairy tale. Kids, let's help Spring compose a new fairy tale ?!

III. Main part.

But for this we need to travel a little and complete some tasks. Spring and the heroes of fairy tales will help us in this.

We'll go traveling

Look for a spring fairy tale.

Oh, children! You see - some kind of hut. I wonder who lives in it? (grandfather, woman).

The grandfather and the woman had trouble, they forgot the name of their things. Can we help them remember?

Didactic game "Call in one word"

Grandfather and grandmother are very grateful to you for your help, and give you a bright sun. We will take it with us, it will come in handy for our fairy tale. Children, do you know poems about the sun? Tell us!

Sun in the sky

Rises first of all.

Goes to bed late

How does it not get tired?

I couldn't do that -

On his way

In one day

Pass the sky!

Educator. Children, I saw something.

Guess the riddle:

She's big, fluffy

Floats in the sky

The rain is pouring down. What is it? (Cloud)

Kolya, tell me about the rain.

Next to the sun in the sky

A blue cloud floats.

And for me and for you

The blue rain is pouring down.

Our cloud is very fond of fairy tales. She has illustrations for fairy tales. But they got messed up. Let us help her to put things in order in fairy tales.

Didactic game "Learn a fairy tale"

For your help, the cloud gives you its cloudy sisters. Let's take them with us.

Look for a spring fairy tale.

Do you guys hear some strange sound? What is it? (bee)

Look, this is a bee. But for some reason she is sad. Ask her: “Bee, what happened? Why are you sad?"

The bee says that she found some object and does not know what it is. Do you know what this is, children?

Yes, this is a pipe, this is a musical instrument. Our Danil knows a good verse about a pipe.

Whistle whistle

I made it myself.

Imitates a pipe

The bee does not know what a pipe sounds like. Do you guys know? We will now check it out.

Didactic game “What does this sound like? (music in.) "

Well done boys! You guessed everything correctly. And now the bee invites you to dance to the tune.

Physical education.

The teacher and children perform dance movements to music.

For a wonderful dance, the bee wants to give you such beautiful flowers.

And we will tell the bee a poem at parting.

From flower to flower

A bee is flying.

Prepares honey,

Always cheerful.


Look, kids, who's that rolled over to us? (Gingerbread man)

Gingerbread man is very fond of drinking juices. Do you kids like juices? Are there a lot of things in them? (Vitamins)

Let's tell you what juices are!

Didactic game "What is the juice?"

Well done boys! Kolobok has a gift for us - leaflets. Let's take them for our tale.

And let's go travel again,

Look for a spring fairy tale!

Children, you see a tree with a nest on it. Do you know what kind of bird lives there? (Crow).

Subject, tell a poem about a raven.

And the crow is black, black

Although loud, but also agile

Flies into black pipes,

Sweeps away black soot.

The crow was very happy that you came to her. She wants to play an interesting game with you.

Didactic game "Say kindly"

Kids, you are great, you answered very well. Our crow has a lot of bird friends. Let's remember what kind of birds you know.

Children call birds.

The crow wants these birds to become our friends. Let's take them for our fairy tale!

Children, it seems to me that we have already collected all the elements of the fairy tale. Let's see what we have.

Didactic game "One - many"

Now sit down comfortably, we will compose a fairy tale.

The teacher lays out the collected elements on a magnetic board and tells a fairy tale. Children finish sentences, answer questions about the content.

One morning, a small ... (sun) woke up in the sky.

It looked around and became sad - the tree stands without leaves, flowers do not bloom. Clouds suddenly appeared. One cloud covered the sun and went over the ground ... (rain).

What kind of raindrops were there? (Small, blue).

How does the rain drip? (Drip-drip).

The rain ended and blossomed in the clearing ... (flowers).

What color are the flowers? (The flowers are red).

Flowers bloomed on the tree and grew ... (leaves).

What color are the leaves? (Green).

Many birds have appeared. The crow croaked. Where is the crow? (Under the tree).

Chirp sparrows. Where does the sparrow sit? (On the tree)

The dove cooed. Where does the dove walk? (Near the flower)

The magpie chirped. What does a magpie do? (Flies in the sky)

So, it turned out to be a real spring fairy tale.

Dasha, tell us a poem about spring.

Verse about spring

Spring, spring.

Streams flow

Spring, spring.

Rooks are flying

Spring, spring.

Flowers are blooming

Spring came.

How glad we are!

I V. Summary.

Children, did you like our fairy tale? Spring also really liked our trip and for your help she wants to treat you to delicious juice.

Lesson on fairy tales in kindergarten in the middle group of preschool educational institutions

the formation of an emotional attitude to fairy tales.
* to teach to recognize fairy tales according to assignments, to clarify and enrich the knowledge of children about fairy tales.
* develop speech, imagination, fantasy, thinking, the ability to act in concert.
* foster interest in fairy tales.
Methods: playful, verbal and logical, independent.
Material: envelopes with tasks, an envelope with a letter from the Wizard, a ball, a magic wand, cards depicting the heroes of a fairy tale, cards with riddles, a red arrow, key cards, a golden egg and a broom, audio recording of the song "Kindergarten", tea drinking.
Equipment: record player
Activity type: activity-game.
Forms of work: individual, collective.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, trouble happened. I received a letter from the Wizard, listen here: “Hello, my dear guys! I am writing to you secretly and urgently. I was kidnapped by famous villains - Koschey the Immortal and Baba Yaga. They hold me captive and do not want to let me go. On the way, I dropped my magic wand and now I just can't get out. I need your help. To save me, you must go to a fairyland and complete the tasks that I have left for you. I am sending my faithful friend to help you. The magic ball will show you the way. I can't write anymore. Help me please. Your friend is a Wizard.

I think we need to go to the rescue. Are you ready to help save him?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Let's remember who is holding the Wizard captive?
Children: Koschey the Immortal and Baba Yaga.
Educator: Where do they keep him?
Children: In a fairyland.
Educator: Yes, that's right, he is being held captive in a fairyland. And in order to save him, we need to overcome fabulous obstacles. But you are strong, brave guys.
Children: Yes.
Educator: The wizard sent us a magic ball, which was lost on the way to the kindergarten. And in order for the ball to find its way to the kindergarten, you need to help it pass the obstacle. I suggest turning on a song about kindergarten and singing together, and then the ball will definitely find its way. Let's try?
Children: Yes

Educator: Guys, look, our kindergarten found a ball. Now he will show the way to the fairyland. And for this, you and I need to say loudly: "Roll the ball, show the way to the wizard." (A ball rolls to the door of a fairyland)

Educator: Guys, the doors won't open. Here, some kind of inscription: "You can open me if you find the right key." What do we need to find?
Children: Keys to the lock. (Children look for keys together with the teacher and find. After they find, they try to open the door).

Children: Hurray! We have opened. We made it. (Enter the door)

Educator: Let's ask the ball to show the way.
Children: Roll the ball, show the way to the wizard.
There is an envelope with a task on the path.
Educator: This is the first obstacle. (Opens the envelope and reads the task, if you complete the task correctly, you will see a red arrow that will indicate the path to the next task)
Exercise 1: Collect the heroes of the Teremok fairy tale and name them.

Children: Frog - frog, bunny - runaway, clumsy bear, mouse - burrow, top gray barrel, chanterelle little sister.

(A red arrow appears - a pointer)
Educator: Oh, yes, my smart girls. The arrow points straight, so we go straight.
The children find another envelope. They also open the task inside.
Assignment 2: Guess the "Fairy Tale Riddles" and you will see an arrow:
Near the forest, at the edge, Three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, Three cribs, three pillows. Guess without a hint Who are the heroes of this tale?

Children: Three bears
They waited for mom with milk, but they let the wolf into the house. Who were these little children?
Children: Seven kids
Educator: Both the hare and the she-wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.

Children: Dr. Aibolit
Educator: So the arrow has appeared. Well done guys, it's not for nothing that you love fairy tales. We go along the arrow.
Children find an envelope. The teacher reads the assignment.
Assignment 3:“Listen and guess which fairy tale these phrases are from:

Educator: Ah, the song is good, but I can hear badly. Sit on my toes and sing one more time, louder.
Children: Tale "Gingerbread man" words of the chanterelle.
Educator: Climbed into the house. Climb-climb, climb-climb - I could not get in and says:
- I'd rather live on your roof.
Climbed onto the roof and just sat down - fuck! - the house collapsed.
Children: Tale "Teremok", words of a bear.
Educator:- I'll sit on a tree stump,
Eat a pie!
Children: Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear", words of the bear.
Educator: He looked at his broken chair and squeaked:
- Who sat on my chair and broke it?
Children: Tale "Three Bears", words by Mishutka.
Educator: Look, the arrow has appeared, so you did a good job. Clever girls. We go further with the ball.
Then they follow the arrow and see that pictures are scattered and an envelope with an assignment lies nearby. The teacher reads.
Assignment 4: Place the characters from the Turnip fairy tale in the correct sequence and then you will receive the Wizard's magic wand.
Educator: Guys, if we don't get the Wizard's wand, we won't be able to save him. Let's try to complete the task correctly.

Children: First, grandfather-granddaughter-dog Bug-kitty Masha - mouse.
Educator: Oh, what is that glistening under the bush?
Children look and see the stick is lying. The teacher takes the stick with him.
Educator: Oh yes, well done. I'm proud of you. We did a great job.
They go further along the arrow. There is another envelope on the path.
Educator:“This is the last and very important task. Listen to me carefully. "
The teacher continues to read: "To save the Wizard from the hands of Baba Yaga and Koshchei the Immortal, tell me, what does Baba Yaga fly on?"
Children: On a broomstick.
Educator: Thanks to what Koschey is invincible? What can defeat Koschei
Children: Needle.
Educator: Guys, do not forget, the needle is in the egg, we need to find an egg, not a simple one. It must be fabulous - beautiful.
Assignment 5:"Find Baba Yaga's broom and Koshchei the Immortal's egg among the objects."

Educator: Good guys, guys, we found a broom and an egg, now we can exchange it all for the Wizard. Let's ask the ball to indicate the path to the Wizard. Since this was the last task, the arrow will no longer show you the way. Then you yourself must find the Wizard. What are the guys to do? Who do you think will show us the way to the Wizard?
Children: Magic ball. If we ask him.
Educator: That's right guys. How quick-witted you are.
Children: Roll the ball, show the way to the wizard.
Educator: So this is where the Wizard is hidden.
Children: In the cave.

Educator: Guys, now we will defeat Baba - Yaga and Koshchei. We go for the ball.
Yeah, the kidnappers got caught. Oh, where are they?
Children: Escaped.
Educator: Yes, they really escaped, but where is the Wizard? Here is a note: “The wizard is hidden in a cave, but you will not find him. If you want to find the wizard, throw the broom and the egg deep into the cave. And say the words: "Cribly, crabs, booms." Then the broom and the needle will disappear, and a wizard will appear in their place. If you don’t believe, then you have a magic ball, you can find us. We promise we won't do this again. We realized our mistakes. Please forgive us "

Educator: Well, guys, let's forgive them?
Children: Yes.
Educator: Let's try to do everything as written in the note and see what happens. After all, Baba Yaga and Koschei promised to improve. (The guys do everything as written in the note. They hide the broom and the egg in the "cave", pronounce the spell - a wizard appears.)
Wizard: Thank you guys very much for saving me and thank you ball for showing the guys the way.
Educator: We were happy to help you, because we love fairy tales. Guys, let's go back to the kindergarten and show the wizard our childhood house.
Children: Yes, let's go back.
Wizard: Now I will cast a spell, and we will be in the kindergarten "Sim salabim and we will return to the kindergarten" (they return back to the kindergarten).
Educator: How good it will be to return home. Let's have a tea party.

Wizard: Can I help you a little with this - after all, I'm a Wizard. And so I can thank you for my salvation: "Yum-yum appear and decompose on the table."
Food appears on the table. And the "feast for the whole world" begins. After drinking tea, the children say goodbye to the Wizard.
Wizard: Thank you guys again, I don't even know how I would get out of this cave without you. If you need my help, please contact. I am not saying goodbye to you. Until next time.
Children: Goodbye, Wizard, goodbye ball. (They hug the wizard, and he leaves with the magic ball).

Software content:

1. Learning tasks:

Coherent speech:

  • teach children to compose a fairy tale based on "Model-scheme for composing fairy tales" ;
  • consistently and coherently tell a fictional tale;
  • teach to come up with a name for a fairy tale.


  • teach children to choose adjectives for nouns (description of heroes);
  • to consolidate the ability to use figurative expressions typical for fairy tales in speech.


  • train children in building sentences;

Sound culture of speech: to teach to convey in intonation the characteristic features of the heroes of the fairy tale.

2. Developmental tasks:

  • develop the ability of children to work with conventional substitutes for characters in fairy tales.

3. Educational tasks:

  • foster interest in fairy tales, their writing
  • foster a desire to collectively compose a fairy tale
  • develop the ability to listen.

Material: audio recording "Sounds of the forest" ; a tree and a letter on it; direction indicator; flowers with petals (3 pcs.); book of fairy tales; screen; jobs printed on sheets; model-scheme of writing a fairy tale; blank A4 sheets with frames (to draw up a diagram of a fairy tale); conditional substitutes for the characters of the fairy tale; felt-tip pens; glue.

Methods and techniques: questions to children, modeling, prompting answers, encouragement.

Preliminary work: reading fairy tales; acquaintance with "Model-scheme for composing a fairy tale" ; carrying out exercises, games.

Course of the lesson:

1. - Guys, an extraordinary journey awaits us today. We will go to the fairy forest. To do this, you need to close your eyes and say:


Open the fairy forest! "

(we say magic words, open our eyes, sound "Sounds of the forest" - the noise of trees)

Children, here we are in the fairy forest. Everything about it is unusual and magical. Hear the trees rustle?

Guys, what's this on the tree? (I draw the attention of the children to the inscription on the tree).

Someone wrote something: “Urgently urgently help

Find the book of fairy tales! "

Inhabitants of the forest.

Guys, we need our help. Can we help the inhabitants of this forest find the book?

2. - Look, the direction indicator of the road: if you go to the left, you will disappear; if you go to the right, you will fall into a hole; if you go straight, you will find a book of fairy tales.

Where do we guys need to go? (directly)

There is a note: “Stop! Now stop walking!

A glade of flowers in front of you!
An animal is enchanted in every flower
Guess it and describe it.
One petal - one description.

Which animal will you answer -
The petal will open.
If you open the petals of all flowers,
Then you will pass the clearing

And you will get to the book of fairy tales! "

(children guess enchanted animals by color; flowers have 5 petals; children name adjectives in turn corresponding to this animal).

  • Well done! We went with you to the glade to the book of fairy tales. But where is she? Here's some note:

“To see the book of fairy tales
You need to guess riddles
It's not easy to guess
But also show! "

(children guess riddles and depict animals)


“What kind of animal is such a forest,
Got up like a post under a pine tree
And stands among the grass -
The ears are bigger than the head. " (Hare)

"Who in the cold winter,
Wandering around angry, hungry? " (Wolf)

Well done! And here is the book of fairy tales! Do you want to open it? Then we quietly sit on the chairs (children sit on the chairs in front of the board).

Are we opening? (open a book that has no pages)

Guys, the book is empty. Someone tore out all the pages. What to do? How will we give it to fabulous inhabitants?

Children, you and I can compose a fairy tale. Our fairy tale will live on in this book of fairy tales. Let's try?

Ours will help us compose a fairy tale "Model-scheme for composing a fairy tale" ... Let's remember and consider the model-scheme for composing a fairy tale (read, consider the model-scheme).

Look at the cover of the book. Who were the fairy tales about?

Which of these characters will be the main character in our tale?

Which of these substitute figures is similar to him?

Describe what our hero looked like?

What was his character?

What did he like to do?

Let's start a fairy tale. How do fairy tales usually begin? (I glue a circle of the corresponding color into the first frame)

What were they talking about?

Look at the diagram, what happened next? Where did they go? (in the fourth frame - the image of the heroes and the place)

How will our fairy tale end?

Well done, we have composed a fairy tale with you! What shall we call it?

In order for our fairy tale to live in the book of fairy tales, we need to tell it, our schemes will help us with this. Who wants to tell a story? (a child is called who tells a composed fairy tale according to the schemes)

- Well done boys! The inhabitants of this forest will be delighted with the book of fairy tales and our fairy tale (sheets with a diagram of a fairy tale should be placed in the book of fairy tales)... You and I will be able to present the fabulous inhabitants with many more fairy tales, which we will compose later. Now we have to go. Come on guys, put the book near the tree. We are returning to kindergarten. To do this, you need to close your eyes and say:

“Fairytale forest, close the doors

Let us go to kindergarten! "

3. - Here we are in the group. Did you enjoy our trip?

What was the most interesting for you?

What was the hardest part?

What is the easiest?

Abstract of direct educational activities

in the middle group.Educational area "Cognition".

Educator GBDOU number 78

Primorsky district

St. Petersburg

Pashkevich Lidia Viktorovna

Topic: "On a visit to a fairy tale"

Goals: consolidate the ability to retell a work of art using the modeling method, teach children to respond with a full sentence, activate the vocabulary, develop children's coherent speech, the ability to reason, imagination, thinking, logic, develop the creative abilities of children, foster love for Russian folk tales.

Equipment and materials: Computer, masks, fox toy, magic bag.

1 Children are standing in a circle.

V.-You all join hands, and smile at each other.

Guys, today we will go on a fabulous journey with you.

“If a fairy tale knocks on the door,

Let her in quickly

Because a fairy tale is a bird

You will scare me a little and not find it. "

2. Surprising moment. A magic bag appears, in which a fox toy is hidden

Guys, look, what is this?

That's right, someone forgot the magic bag, but there is something inside. Let's try with you to guess what's there, but not with the eyes, but with the hands. Now I will give you a touch, and you have to name what is inside the bag.

Children feel the bag and try to guess what is inside.

That's right, guys, this is a fox, she came running to us from a fairy tale. Guys, what is the name of the fox in fairy tales? (Fox-sister, fox, Lisa Patrikeevna)

How did you guess that the fox was hiding in the bag? (she has a fluffy long tail, a sharp muzzle)

3. Guys, let's try to describe our guest.

What can you tell us about fox fur? (the fox's coat is soft, fluffy, red.)

What can you tell us about the fox's face. (The fox's muzzle is sharp, cunning, the ears are sharp, similar to triangles.)

Well done. And what is the tail of the chanterelle? (The fox's tail is long, soft, fluffy.)

Why do you think a fox needs such a fluffy tail? (The fox's tail is long and fluffy to cover its tracks.)

Well done. And what about the character of the fox, what is it like in fairy tales? (The fox in fairy tales is cunning, a deceiver.)

Well done boys. The fox came running to us from a fairy tale, but which one do you think? In what fairy tales did we meet the fox? (Chanterelle with a rolling pin, Kolobok, Teremok, Mitten.)

Indeed, in these tales we meet a fox. Our guest came running from a fairy tale, where she offended a hare and kicked him out of the house. (Zayushkin's hut.)

4. Game with riddles.- That's right, guys, and the fox brought us riddles with it. Let's listen to them carefully and guess.

Slide program.

“Our animal lives in anxiety,

He takes his feet away from trouble.

Come on quickly guess

What is the name of the animal? (Hare)"

"Who is big and clubfoot,

He took the honey out of the barrel with his paw.

I ate the sweetness and roar.

And his name? (bear)"

"Ku-ka-re-ku he shouts loudly,

Flaps its wings loudly.

Chicken is a faithful shepherd

What's his name? (rooster)"

“I have excellent hearing

Sharp eyes and subtle scent,

Immediately I climb into a fight with the cat,

Because I am (a dog) "

"Rides through the swamp

Green frog.

Green legs

My name is (frog) "

Guys, look what animals we guessed, but are they all heroes of the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut"? (No, a frog from another fairy tale)

5. Dynamic pause.

Chanterelle wants to play with you. Do you want to play with the fox?

Then we stand in a circle.

“Hey guys, what are you sleeping,

Show us the animals.

The chanterelle has a sharp nose

She has a fluffy tail.

Red fox fur coat

Untold beauty.

The fox walks through the woods

She strokes her red fur coat.

The hare galloped through the forest,

The hare was looking for food.

Suddenly the hare on top

Ears rose like arrows.

Bunny jumped, turned

And bent under the tree.

The bear got out of the den,

Misha kneads his legs,

On tiptoes he went

And on the heels later. "

Well done, guys, and now let's remember the fairy tale "Zayushkina's hut" together. I will help you.

7. Staging a fairy tale. Roles and masks are given to children.

Now, guys, turn you into animals.

“Once upon a time there was a chanterelle and a bunny. They decided to build each one for themselves

hut. The fox built an ice one, and the bunny built a bast one. But then spring came red, and the fox's hut melted.

Fox: Oh, oh, oh, here, oblique!

How to be? Where is my house?

Hare: All your hut with a porch

She ran away into the river.

Don't worry too much

You move to me.

Fox: (aside speaking):

Lucky, I will say, oblique

I’ll kick him out of the house.

I don't want to live with him

Divide the bread crust: (refers to the hare):

Hey, listen, honey, Zaya!

There is news!

Hare: Come on! Which?

Fox: There is a vegetable garden behind the forest,

There cabbage - all year round!

Hare: Is it already ripe?

Come on, come on, I'll run

And I'll look for cabbage!

What's this? The door is closed.

Fox: (looks out of the house)

I live in a hut now.

The hare ran to look for cabbage, and the fox sniffed and took his house.

The bunny came running, and the brother-in-law is locked.

Hare: Why, this is my house!

Fox: I won't let you go, scythe!

(the hare walks away, sits down next to it crying)

The hare built a very strong house for himself,

Yes, the evil fox settled in it.

Who is not afraid to help a hitch?

Sly fox

Who will drive you away?

The dog appears.

Dog: Woof, woof, woof!

I have a hot temper!

I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights!

Show me where is your enemy?

Here are the ears sticking out in the window.

Dog: Hey fox, can you hear the barking?

Woof, woof, woof, go away!

Fox: How I wave my tail,

I will scorch with fire, beware!

Dog: (cowardly)

Oh, I completely forgot, oblique!

I need to go home soon!

Ved: Sitting on a stump again

Poor bunny, sad.

What to do, he doesn't know

He wipes away tears with his paw.

The bear appears

Bear: I am the Sloth Bear,

I slept long and deep.

I'm not afraid of quarrels or fights!

Show me where your enemy is!

Hare: He sits in my hut,

Here are the ears sticking out in the window.

Bear: Hey! Who is there in the hut?

Here you will get it!

Fox: How I wave my tail,

I will scorch with fire, beware!

Bear: (cowardly)

Oh, I completely forgot, oblique!

I need to go home soon!

(bear leaves)

Who is not afraid

Help Zainka?

Sly fox

Who will drive you away?

The cockerel appears

Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku, ku-ka-re-ku!

I will help, I will help!

Don't cry, don't cry, oblique,

We will quickly deal with the fox!

Fox: How I wave my tail,

I will scorch with fire, beware!

Rooster: How to shake a comb -

And the whole house will fall apart!

I have a braid

Come on out, fox!

(the fox runs out of the house and runs into the forest)

Hare: Well, thank you, Cockerel!

I helped to cope with the fox!

We will live together in the house,

Live together and not grieve! "

8. Summarizing.

Well done. Guys, did you like the fairy tale? What does she teach us?

Well, it's time for us to say goodbye, and to part with the fairy tale. A new fairy tale will come to visit you again.