Methods for familiarizing children with geometric shapes. Formation of geometric representations from preschoolers

Methods for familiarizing children with geometric shapes. Formation of geometric representations from preschoolers
  • 11. The ratio of specialized learning, joint and independent activities in the organization of mathematical development of preschoolers.
  • 12. Requirements for organizing classes in different age groups.
  • 2. Gnostic skills
  • 15. Concepts of the development of quantitative representations.
  • 16. Features of perception by preschoolers of quantitative representations in different age groups.
  • Comparison of sets by establishing mutual compliance between them (using the applix and applications)
  • Reception machines.
  • 18. Methods of learning a quantitative account in different age groups: stages, receptions and account skills.
  • 19. Improving the account skills by learning counting from more sample and by the named number in different age groups.
  • 20. Improving the account skills through account training with the participation of various analyzers (the score of sounds, movements, tanging) in different age groups.
  • 21. Formation of the concept of the number as a quantitative characteristic of sets. Types of work on overcoming phenomenon Piaget.
  • 22. Relations and relations between the numbers of a natural series. Methods of learning comparing adjacent numbers.
  • 2 + 2 = 2 + 1’ = (2 + 1)’ = 3’ = 4.
  • 23. Methods of teaching a sequence account on average and senior preschool age.
  • 24. Methods of familiarization with the quantitative composition of the number from individual units in the senior preschool age.
  • 25. The method of familiarization with the composition of the number of two smaller numbers and the decomposition of the number into two smaller.
  • 26. The methodology for familiarization with the division of a whole to equal parts, establishing the relationship "whole" and "part".
  • 27. Methods of familiarization with numbers and arithmetic signs.
  • 28. Methods of familiarization with coins.
  • 2. Practical part
  • 3. Conclusion.
  • 29. Methods of learning to solve and drafting arithmetic problems: types, stages of work, various approaches to the method of learning to solve and drafting arithmetic tasks.
  • 31. Properties of magnitude, features of perception by preschoolers.
  • 32. Methods of comparison in size: immediate mediated, with the help of an eyeball.
  • 33. Methods of learning comparing 2 items largest in the younger and preschool age.
  • 34. Methods of learning compared from 2 to 5 items on average and 10 items in senior preschool age, ordering (seriation) in ascending order and descending.
  • Tasks give a gaming character using the game:
  • 35. Methods for learning measurement of lengths, volume of liquid and bulk bodies conditional standards and generally accepted measures in the senior and preparatory preschool age.
  • 36. The concept of form and geometric shape, peculiarities of perception by preschoolers.
  • 37. Software tasks and receptions of familiarization with geometric shapes in the younger, middle and senior preschool age.
  • 38. Methods for the formation of generalized concepts quadrilateral and polygon.
  • 39. The use of various types of material in the formation of ideas about form and geometric shapes.
  • 40. Orientation in space. Features of spatial representations from preschoolers.
  • 41. The system of work on the formation of spatial representations from preschoolers.
  • 42. Methods of forming orientation in space in different age groups.
  • 44. Software objectives and methods of work on the development of temporary representations in different age groups.
  • 45. Acquaintance with the calendar as a system of time measures.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bDevelopment of a sense of time from preschoolers.
  • Stage 1.
  • Stage 2.
  • 3 stage.
  • 4 stage.
  • 48. Features of the organization of work in different age groups.
  • 1st option
  • 2nd option
  • 3rd option
  • 50. Features of working with gifted children.
  • 51. Communication of pre-school institution and family on the mathematical development of the child.
  • 52. The continuity of the pre-school institution and 1 class school on the mathematical development of children: forms and content.
  • 53. Indicators of the child's mathematical readiness for school.
  • 37. Software tasks and receptions geometric figures In the younger, middle and senior preschool age.

    Goals to familiarize children with the form of objects and geometric figures Enclosed in the organization of surveys of objects of different shapes, manipulating them. Children should accustom to perform actions related to finding items that are the same in shape; It is necessary to create conditions for comparing items in form.

    As didactic tasks The following are formulated:

    Distinguish and call geometric shapes;

    Group figures in different signs (volumetric, plane, having angles and rounded);

    Compare items in form, understand the dependence of the form from other qualities, signs;

    Call and show elements of geometric shapes (sides, angles, vertices, bases, side surface);

    Recreate and transform shapes (draw, draw, lay out, divide into two or four parts, etc.);

    Know the features of geometric pieces as standards when determining the shape of objects;

    To own different ways to compare items in shape, finding general and different;

    Develop eyemeter.

    The implementation of the program depends on the age characteristics of children.

    So, in the first younger group Children get acquainted with a ball and cube in the process of practical actions with them (raise, bring, rolling).

    In the second younger group Kids can be familiar with the square, circle, bar, consolidate their knowledge about Cuba and a bowl. The main content is to train the surveillance of the figure by contacting motor and visual. Children compare the same in shape, but different in color and magnitude familiar figures: circles, cubes, squares, triangles, balls, bars.

    In the middle group Knowledge of children are enshrined about already familiar figures, as well as they get acquainted with a rectangle and cylinder.

    IN senior group The formation of knowledge of geometric figures continues. Children can be familiar with the rhombus, pyramid, oval. Based on the existing knowledge in children, the concept of a quadrangle is formed.

    In the preparatory group Children are offered only one new figure - cone. However, children exercise in distinguishing and building polygons (five-, six-, sevenfones).

    In tab. presented the content of children's knowledge (the program of raising children in children's garden. Kiev, 2000.)

    Early age

    (1st Junior Group)

    Perform actions related to finding items are the same in shape. Exercise the child's hand in examination of the subjects; establish the similarity and difference of objects in form; Group, respectively, sample

    4th year of life

    (2nd Junior Group)

    Compare items in the form using a geometric shape as a reference. Select and call geometric shapes: cube, circle, ball, square, triangle. Learn to examine geometric shapes with a visual connate motor

    5th year of life

    (middle group)

    Acquaint with the title and signs of geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, ball, cube, cylinder)

    6th year of life

    (senior group)

    Sharing familiar geometric shapes into groups: flat (circle, square, rectangle, triangle, quadrilateral) and volumetric (ball, cube, cylinder) compare items in shape using geometric shapes as standards

    7th year of life (preparatory for school group)

    Expand knowledge of polygons: triangle, quadrangle, five, hexagons. Call and show elements of geometric shapes (sides, angles, vertices). Share geometric shapes, two, three, four objects, etc. Parts

    From age to age, there is not only an increase in the number of geometric shapes and expansion of knowledge, but also the deepening of them, the ability to freely use them in different activities.

    Methods of formation of ideas and concepts about form

    Acquaintance of children with the form of objects the best way occurs with a combination various methods and teaching techniques.

    Are used visual methods and techniques: "Look and find the same figure," "What is like a figure", etc.

    Wide use in training find practical methods and techniques: "Find, bring, show ... Lay out, draw, make a pattern," et al.

    Along with visual and practical used verbal methods and techniques: "What is called, what is different than similar; Describe, tell me "...

    N. A. Sakulina suggested methodological model of children's learning examination of objects, defining the form as their main sign. This model stands out five components:

    1. Complete perception of the subject;

    2. Analysis of the subject - the decaying of the characteristic essential features, the definition of the shape of individual parts of the subject (round, square, triangular, long, spinning ...), the likeness of this part of the geometric shape, closest in shape;

    3. Evigious and tactile feeling of shape - loving motions with simultaneous pronaling, i.e., the survey of the subject;

    4. Again the holistic perception of the subject;

    5. Constructing a model from specified forms or parts.

    Based on this scheme of teaching children was developed specific method - sequence in the formation of knowledge about geometric figures (3. E. Lebedeva, L. A. Wenger, L. I. Sysuva, V. V. Kolezko, R. L. Nepomnyaznaya):

    1. Demonstration of the geometric shape and calling it.

    2. Examination of the geometric shape through concrete practical actions.

    3. Show a few of the same geometric figures, but different in color and magnitude. Comparison of geometric shapes. At the same time drawn the attention of children to the independence of the shape from the size and color of the figure.

    4. Comparison of geometric shapes with objects close in shape; Finding among the surrounding items of such that are close in their form with this figure.

    5. Comparison of items in the form of each other using a geometric shape as a standard.

    6. Comparison of familiar geometric shapes, determination of common qualities and differences (oval and circle, square and rectangle, etc.).

    7. Fastening the properties of geometric shapes by measuring, modeling, drawing, laying, construction, etc.

    Children must learn the basic actions to survey the form of objects.

    Survey Geometric shape is carried out by concrete practical actions (loving by contour). An important element Surveys is comparison of figures, different in form and magnitude. After the children have learned to compare geometric shapes with objects close to form, it is necessary to provide them with the ability to fix the properties of geometric shapes in drawing, modeling, appliqués, design.

    Children follow teach correctly showing elements of geometric shapes (corners, side, base, etc.).

    - when recalcifying the corners The child should indicate only to the top of the corner. The educator does not explain what a vertex is, but shows the point where the two sides are connected.

    - showing parties, the child must fingers along the whole segment - From one vertex angle to another.

    - Corner itselfas part of the plane is shown at the same time with two fingers - Large and index.

    IN volumetric figures Children stand out and called side sides and basis.

    In each age group, the method of familiarization with geometric figures it has its own characteristics.

    In the second younger group Children learn to distinguish ball and cube; Circle and squareUsing receiving a pair comparison: Ball and Cube, Cube and Bar - Brick; Circle and square; ball and circle; cube and square. In this case, the subject should be kept in the left hand, and index finger right hand to circle him along the contour. To demonstrate the geometric figures, it is necessary to use different in size and color of the figure.

    Children look at and compare the ball and cube, Find a common and different in these subjects (figures). Turning to the question of children, the educator attracts their attention to the features of the figures: "What is it?", "What color balls?", "Which one is less?"

    On the instructions of the teacher, one child takes a small ball in his hands, and the other is big. Children pass balls in a circle: a little ball drives a big ball. Then the direction of movement changes. In the course of such games, children specify the features of the ball - is he round, he has no corners, you can ride it. Children compare balls different colors and sizes. Thus, the educator brings them to the conclusion that the form does not depend on the color and size of the item.

    Similarly, clarified children about Cuba are specified and summarized.. Children take a cube in hand, trying to roll it. He does not roll. Cuba has corners and sides (face), it is steadily standing on the table, the floor. From the cubes you can build houses, columns, setting one cube to another.

    The most important point When familiarizing children with the form is spectator and tactive-motor perception, a variety of practical actions, developing it sensory abilities.

    In organizing work to familiarize children with the form of the subject significant place is occupied by showing (demonstration) the Figure itself, as well as ways to examine it. The educator teaches children when examining the subject to keep the subject in the left hand, the index finger right hand Cut it along the contour.

    For development in children, the skills of the subject of the subject and accumulation of relevant submissions Different are organized didactic Games and Exercise. So, in order to assimilate the name and clarification of the main features of individual geometric shapes, the educator organizes the games: "call a geometric shape", "magic bag", "Domino figures", etc.

    In the game "Magic Bag" The teacher teaches children to choose the shapes to the touch, find along the sample. On the table there are geometric figures familiar children, and the bag is the same. At first, attention is drawn to geometric shapes placed on the table. Children call them. Then, by instructions, the child finds such that stands on the table, and shows it. If the child cannot fulfill the task, the teacher once again resembles the ways of examination of the figure: the right hand slowly drives along the edge (contour) (you can help with your left hand). When re-conducting the game, the number of geometric shapes increases.

    In the game "Find the subject of the same form", "What lies in the bag?", "Geometric lotto" children exercise in finding items on geometric samples. Such tasks are difficult, but generally affordable for children. They develop their ability to analyze the surrounding environment, abstract when perceiving the form of objects. The child, perceiving the Estamp, which hangs on the wall in front of him, is distracted by the plot of the picture, and it allocates the shape of the frame (square).

    In his free time, the children of this age group are very likely to love games with cutting pictures, mosaic, building material.

    In the learning methodology Children of the middle group distinctive is an a more detailed examination of geometric shapes. With new geometric figures of children introduced, comparing their models with already familiar or each other: a rectangle with a square, a cylinder with a cube or a ball.

    From the immediate comparison of items with geometric samples Children go to verbal description their forms, to generalization.

    Procedure for viewing and comparing figures Maybe such: what is it? What colour? What size (values)? What made? What is the difference? What are like?

    The main techniques may be:

    Practical actions with objects (ride, put);

    Imposing and applying;

    Circuit circuit, feeling;

    Exercises in grouping and ordering - didactic games, exercises for the assimilation of the features of geometric shapes;

    Comparison of the forms of objects with geometric samples;

    Analysis of complex shape.

    From children required deployed verbal designation of its actions (Describe the form of an object consisting of 2-4 parts: a nevosha, a car, etc.).

    L. A. Wenger, L. I. Sysueva, T. V. Vasilyeva developed 3 types of tasks in the field of familiarization of children of the fifth year of life with the form of objects and geometric figures:

    Assignment of geometric shapes;

    Tasks for comparing forms real objects with geometric shapes;

    Tasks for spatial analysis of composite form.

    In the senior group M. etodyics of formation geometric knowledge in the sixth year group Life fundamentally changes. but the survey becomes more detailed and detailed..

    Along with practical and direct comparison famous geometric shapes, overlapping and applying, widely used as a methodological reception measurement of conditional measure.

    All work on the formation of ideas and concepts about geometric figures is built on comparison and comparison of their models.

    The models are first compared in pairs, then 3-4 shapes of each type are compared, for example, quadrangles.

    Based on the identification of essential signs of geometric shapes Children are summarized to a generalizing concept " quadrangles».

    So, familiar children with a rectangle, they show several rectangles, different sizes made from different materials (paper, cardboard, plastics). "Children, look at these figures. These are rectangles. " At the same time drawn attention to the fact that the form does not depend on the size. Children are offered to take in left Figure, and index finger right hand to circle along the contour. Children identify the features of this figure: the sides are pairwise, the corners are also equal. Check this flexion, overlapping one to another. They consider the number of sides and corners.

    Then compare rectangle with square, find similarities and differences In these figures. Comparing the square and rectangle among themselves, children set that all these figures have four sides and four corners. This is the number of sides and corners he is a common signwhich is based on the definition of the concept of "quadrilateral". However the rectangle is different from the square what at the square, all sides are equal, and the rectangle is equal to the opposite, pairwise.

    Special meaning Acquires work on the image and reconstruction of geometric shapes: laying out of sticks, paper strips. This work is carried out with both demonstration (near the table of the educator) and handouts.

    At one of the classes, the teacher lays out a rectangle from the strips on the flannelf. "Children, what is the name of this figure? How many sides of the rectangle? How many angles? " Children show the sides, corners, tops of the rectangle. Then the teacher asks: "How and which figures can be obtained from a rectangle (create smaller rectangles, squares, triangles)?" At the same time, additional paper strips are used. Children consider the parties to the figures received.

    In the older preschool age, children are formed the ability to endure the mined knowledge in the situation unfamiliar to them, use these knowledge in independent activity . Knowledge of geometric figures are widely used, clarified, fixed in classes on the visual activities, design. Such classes allow children to acquire skills in division complex drawing for composite elements, as well as create drawings complex form Of one or two types of geometric shapes of different sizes.

    So, during one of the classes, children distribute envelopes with a set of models of geometric shapes. The educator shows the applique of the "robot" composed of squares and rectangles different sizes and proportions. First, all together consistently consider the sample. Install from which parts (figures) each detail is performed. In the same sequence, children create an ornament. The teacher shows two or three ornaments and invites children to choose one of them, carefully examined it, lay out the same ornament.

    In bulk figures (such as cylinder, cube) children stand out and called side sides and bases. At the same time, they can be shown a few fingers or the whole palm.

    Children perform practical actions, manipulate with geometric shapes, reconstruct them.

    In the process of such training enriched "Mathematical" Speech of Children.

    Acquaintance with form, usually, occupies part of the classin mathematics, as well as on design, visual activities.

    During classes are widely used Outing, applying, circuit in contour, hatching, measurement. Flat geometric shapes The children are cut, bulk - pose of plasticine, clay.

    This work is closely related to the teaching of children to the elements of the letter: the circulation of cells, drawing circles, ovals, carrying direct and inclined lines. Children get acquainted with notebooks in a cage, consider how the pages in the notebook are rapidly. The educator offers children to find and circle cells in different parts Pages: at the top, below, on the left, right, in the middle; Draw seven squares in size in one cell with pass between them in two (three) cells. At the same time he shows different methods Task Performance: Designation initial contour Points, hold lines from left to right and top down.

    Future schoolchildren teach distinguish and call polygons (triangle, quadrangle, pentagon, hexagon), call and show their elements (sides, corners, vertices), share geometric shapes on the part, compare among themselves, classify in size and shape. The work is directed, first of all, to improve the quality of these knowledge: completeness, awareness. The geometric material is widely used during classes as a demonstration and distribution in the formation of numerical concepts, dividing the whole to the part, etc.

    For preschool age Children learn examine a simple and complex Objects, hold specified sequence:

    First allocate general contours and the main part,

    Then define the form, spatial position, the relative size of other parts.

    You should teach them notice not only similarity, but also the differences Items from the familiar geometric shape. It has great importance To improve the visual and other types of independent activities of children.

    In 5-6 years, children are able to perceive the geometric shape as a standard (apple, the ball is a ball), i.e. Abstragging the sign of the form from other signs of objects (colors, values, location in space, proportions of parts). Able to distinguish close in the form flat and volumetric figures. Can establish a connection between the properties of the figure and its name. Children are able to conduct a generalization in shape.

    3.3 Methods for familiarization with geometrically figures and form of objects

    3.3.1 Stages of familiarization of children with geometrically figures

    Stage 1 (up to 3 years). We organize the performance of characteristic actions with objects of different shapes, we introduce the name of the geometric shapes in the passive dictionary of children. A kindergarten tutor from the very beginning uses generally accepted terms. Most often children early age Use for the name of the form the name of the frequently encountered subject. At the first stage, it is permissible. However, it is impossible to impose a word-substituent word invented by adults. The tutor can repeat his name for the child, but immediately pronounce the correct name.

    In 3 years, the name of the geometric figures is gradually translated into the active dictionary of children. To do this, children ask questions: "What is it? What is the name of?"

    Exercises are offered to find a pattern of sample, and then by name.

    Stage 2 (3 - 6 years). We teach children to realize the properties of geometric figures based on the comparison of the figures between themselves. We introduce the name of the figures in the active dictionary. First, each other compares strongly contrasting figures of the same volume, and then low-contrast the same volume and, finally, low-contrast different volumes (for example, a circle and ball).

    For children, 3-4 years have shown and compare:

    1. Circle and square (rolls - it does not roll, there are no obstacles, there are obstacles);

    2. The triangle and circle (rolls - it does not roll, there are no obstacles, there are obstacles);


    Chapter 1. Formation of the presentation of geometric figures in senior preschool age

    1 Psychology of formation geometric representations

    2 meaning of plane modeling

    Chapter 2. Justification of the choice of games for plane modeling for the development of ideas about geometric figures from senior preschoolers

    1 Value for game activity in senior preschool age

    2 Using games on plane modeling in the joint and independent activities of the teacher with senior preschoolers


    List of used literature



    For successful education at school and for the full development of the child as a whole, it is necessary to form geometric representations.

    The first ideas about the form, sizes and mutual position of objects in space, children are accumulated in the pre-school period. In the process of playing and practical activity, they manipulate objects, consider, feeling them, draw them, are slammed, design and gradually decay among other properties their form.

    The formation of ideas about geometric figures in preschool age is one of complex tasks in intellectual Development Child.

    To the older preschool age, many children correctly show the shape of objects having a circle form, rectangle, etc. However, the level of synthesis of concepts is still low: children may not recognize the form of the subject of them, if the subject itself did not meet them in their experience. The child is confused by the unusual ratios of the parties or the angles of figures: other than always, location on the plane and even very large or small dimensions of the figures. The name of the figures are often mixed or replaced by them.

    For the full development of geometric ideas, it is important to use all the main forms of perception: visual, tactile and auditory. To do this, you can use didactic games on plane modeling.

    In order to master the form of form, the dimensional relationships were developed by cognitive-gaming benefits focused on enriching the experience of integrated development by preschoolers of ideas and skills. Bright examples are the "gifts" benefits F. F. Rubel, "Board-inch" E.I. Thaiyeva, games with mud and flat modeling, a series of games "Cubes for all", "Transparent Square", a variety of designers (for example, "Lego" and others).

    The idea of \u200b\u200bintegrating spatial modeling is based on the fact that in the process of mastering various disciplines (for example, economic, mathematical), a variety of mathematical actions (score, measurement, calculation) are in demand; Problem situations are also created, for whose decisions, children seek to establish a variety of relationships (quantitative, dimensional, etc.), analyze the condition, arguing. The ideas of this integration were presented in the works of E.I. Thaiyeva, A.M. Leushina, A.A. Smolentes and others.

    This paper presents methods for the formation of geometric representations in preschool age by plane modeling. This method is represented not only theoretically, but also practical exercises in the second chapter.

    Object of the study: Method of plane modeling.

    Research Subject: Applying a method for the formation of submissions of senior preschoolers about geometric shapes.

    The purpose of the work: to highlight the question of practicing the use of games on plane modeling in senior preschool age.

    ) Show features of the formation of geometric representations in senior preschool age,

    ) reflect the essence of games on plane modeling,

    ) Prove the validity of the application of games for senior preschoolers,

    ) Reveal the private features of plane modeling.

    Research methods: Analysis of literature, synthesis of received information.

    Chapter 1. Formation of the presentation of geometric figures in senior preschool age

    .1 Psychology of the formation of geometric representations

    The formation of geometric representations is evolving according to age features.

    So, in the senior group you can already observe the following skills and skills (reflected in the "Childhood" program):

    Transformation of geometric shapes, recreation of them from parts. Analysis of the objects of the environment, identifying similarities and differences in comparison with geometric references (circle, rectangle, square, pentagon, etc.).

    Selection of similar i. distinctive signs Geometric shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, circle, pentagon, trapezium, rhombus).

    An image of individual elements of geometrically figures (segment, dot).

    Determining the form of real objects, comparing them with geometric shapes.

    Compilation, transformation of geometric shapes, compiling them from sticks.

    According to the observations of Sharabayev T.V. At the initial stage, children are difficult to memorize the names of geometric shapes and their representation. Studies of teachers are focused on how you can help the children easier to absorb material about geometric figures.

    For senior preschool age besides a beginner appearing learning activities (in minimal quantity in order psychological training To school), there are gaming activities and fairy tales as a pedagogical instrument.

    Tales are created not simple, but geometric. So when you find a triangle, you can tell such a fairy tale. IN trident kingdom, the distant state lived was the king. The king was very kind, and called his circle. The king had a son - a wonderful prince of Square. They lived well and friendly. But once a hurricane flew and defeated the prince to his kingdom. The king circle clicked the cry: "Who will save the Prince of Square, he will receive the fill in the award!" Agreed one of the servants. Found a magic horse and that in the midst of him to the kingdom of the winds. The servant whispered the spell, the wall of the Dwarf spread and the prince of the square was free.

    What is your name, my Savior? " - asked the square.

    Everything is called a triangle, because I have three angle - the servant replied.

    What are you bold, triangle - said the square - I invite you to live to us into the palace and to be a named brother.

    After telling the fairy tale, the teacher with children explores the figure, spends his finger on the sides and considers the angles. You can tell special poems.

    You can not tell, but invent a fairy tale with the children, at the same time lay out already familiar figures and draw up the plot - lay out scene picture Of the individual sets of geometric shapes. So, the tactile side of perception, and visual, and the auditory are also involved. This presentation in the form of a fairy tale helps children easier to remember the name of the geometric shapes and the ability to transform and combine these figures.

    When meeting a new figure, famous geometric heroes are found with the figure, it turns out to be a continuation of the already familiar to children of fairy tales (for example, a rectangle can be a bridge and river, a polygon can be a lake, a circle - the sun, an oval - a cloud, a puddle, etc. ).

    In this way, fabulous stories Help to form an idea of \u200b\u200bgeometric shapes.

    In addition to fairy tales in the formation of ideas about geometric figures, as we already wrote, didactic games, gaming tasks. In the game you can create such situations in which the distinction of the form and perception of the subject becomes important for the child. During the game, the child very easily mastering rational techniques for the form of form as eyes and hands, while he not only studies, but also actively uses these techniques, improving them in independent use. In the game, children study geometric shapes, get acquainted with the form of objects - volumetric and planar. The game is the main and favourite hobby Children, their work. The game often becomes affordable. Didactic game helps to acquaint with new geometric shapes, fix the material already passed, develop small motor During the study of the geometric shape, and of course develops memory, thinking, speech, imagination.

    In preschool age, the child is developing mathematical concepts, communications and dependencies, ways of action; Learn to choose active search engines, carry out activities based on logical operations of thinking, relate actions with the result, strive for the purpose based on forecasting, objectively assess the result.

    The essence of the technology is the creation of adult situations in which the child seeks to actively and receive a positive creative result.

    Specific traits technologies:

    the child is not limited to search for practical actions, experimentation, communication to resolve errors and contradictions, manifestation of joy and chagrin;

    usually excluded display and detailed explanation;

    the child independently finds a way to achieve a goal or mastering it;

    the child naturally accepts assistance from an adult: a partial tip, participation in the implementation or clarification of actions, speech evaluation methods, etc.;

    an adult creates motivation and picks up an interesting game for the child, exercises, developing smelting and intelligence.

    One of these technologies are games on plane modeling.

    1.2 Meaning of Plane Modeling

    Plane simulation is a construction on the plane of modified images of items from various flat geometric figures: triangles, squares, rectangles, parallelepipeds, oval.

    Such work increases the interest of children to conscious search work, to carry out an element of surprise in their activities, activates children's design creativity, promotes the development of observation, memory, imagination, enriches vocabulary junior schoolchildrenTo then include them in active speech.

    The principle of availability and accuracy is based, i.e. The compilation of geometric shapes The silhouette drawings depict the pictures of animal figures, birds, plants and goods, letters, numbers to children. At the same time, children develop observation, memory, thinking and imagination, intelligence, which contributes to more active and conscious memorization of letters and sound.

    Consider using games on plane modeling in different age groups.

    gaming pre-school plane modeling

    Table 1. Using games on plane modeling.

    Junior Group Emergency Group Commercial Commercial Group1. Dienesh blocks. 2.Logic - mathematical game. 3.Magnetic geometric mosaic (with options simple images subjects). 4. Explosioned games with counting chopsticks. 5. "Lock the pattern" (Su - A No. 1-110). 1. Dienesh blocks. 2.Logico - mathematical game. 3. Magnetic geo metric mosaic. 4. "Slug Square." 5. Square Vosobovich. 6. Games with counting chopsticks. 7. Claisen sticks. 8. Frames - Montessori Inserts. 9. Geometric mosaic. 10. Tetris. eleven. " Mongolian game" 12. "Fruit." 13. "Mouch pattern." (Su - A No. 3-15; Su -B No. 1-12) 14. Tangram .1. "Mass Square." 2. "Mongolian game". 3. A variety of geometric mosaics. 4. Squadrat Vosobovich. 5. Frames - Montessori Inserts. 6. Tangram. 7. Game with counting lords. 8. Tetris (drawing up on speed, with knitted eyes). 9. Games with chopsticks, Cuizer 10. "Froy". 11. "Lock the pattern" (Su -A No. 16-22, Su - B No. 10- 24, Su- No. 1-15). 12. "Transparent Square". 13. "Magic Square" .1. Different geometric mosaics. 2. "Tangram". 3. "Slow pattern" (Su - B, Su - D, SUD). 4. Games with counting chopsticks. 5. "Froy" (acquaintance with the concept of fraction). 6. "Square" Vosobovich. 7. "Transparent Square". 8. Claisen sticks. 9. "Magic Square". 10. "Vietnamese game". 11. "Columbovo Egg". 12. Pythagoras. 13. "Pentamino". 14. "Magic Circle".

    One of the conditions for the implementation of such games is the presence of a specially created subject environmentwhere the instruments and materials are placed in accordance with the problem that children decide along with the teacher. To create all levels of perception: audible, visual and tactile, it is necessary to properly guide the teacher's process.

    Guide steps:

    Joint with teacher Activity: Clarifying the ideas of children about the properties and qualities of materials, motivation, creating a problem situation, setting the goal, determination of the stages of the study, nomination of assumptions about the results, their substantiation, conducting an experiment, fixing the results, their discussion.

    For discussion, ready-made schemes and models are used: what did you do? What did you get? why?

    Independent work - modeling. The teacher with the help of schemes shows the problem, children offer solutions, select necessary materials, fix the results.

    The source of experimentation is children's questions: what happens if the cube glue differently? How to build a form from the specified figures?

    Thus, plane modeling implements problem learning that best prepares children to school.

    Chapter 2. Justification of the choice of games for plane modeling for the development of ideas about geometric figures from senior preschoolers

    .1 Value of game activity in senior preschool age

    Didactic games are specially created or adapted for the purpose of learning the game. The didactic game systems for the first time were developed for pre-school education by foreign educators F. Rabel and M. Montessori, for primary learning - O. Decrolli.

    In domestic pedagogical practice up to the 50s. Didactic games were considered mainly as a form of work with preschoolers.

    From the 60s The didactic games began to be used in the initial, mid-link in school classes, the need to use this form of work a lot contributed to the introduction of training from 6 years of age.

    From the 80s. Didactic games began to use and in teaching adults in the form of business games.

    From all other game forms didactic games are distinguished by a special combination of a game plan and gaming form With its educational activity.

    As part of the Didactic Games, the objectives of the study are achieved through the solution of gaming tasks, in which the course of gaming actions and a well-expressed learning basis is shown.

    Perspective is the use of didactic games based on imitation and modeling of real or hypothetical life situations. For these games, not only cognitive, but also ideological and emotional and personal impact is characteristic.

    In addition, didactic games can pursue different additional goals to the main: for example, computer games We become a means of formation in children of computer literacy, familiarization with the programming language, the formation of computer skills. At school, computer games are applied not only when teaching mathematics, but also in the disciplines of natural scientific and humanitarian cycles. IN higher School Computer imitation games are used that allow you to simulate complex processes, for example, in politics, economics, production management, etc. Business gamesbased on reproduction, imitation or modeling of production situations and relations, are aimed at acquiring experience of effective solutions to real professional tasks.

    Games are pursued not only educational goalsThey affect:



    communicative and other parties to the younger person.

    Activation cognitive activity Junior schoolchildren occurs through the understanding that the game is an activity in which the child is first emotionally, and then intellectually masters the entire system of human relations.

    Didactic games as a result of regular, but not frequent use give the following effect:

    ) Develop cognitive processes;

    ) form sociocultural competence;

    ) form picture item world;

    ) Develop emotional and aesthetic experiences and competence of students.

    In didactic games for the formation of ideas about geometric figures, a child can play alone, with friends and together with adults. Each age group of the game is complicated, respectively, age - on the example of games for plane modeling it was clearly reflected in table 1 of the first chapter.

    In the senior preschool age, children really like chopsticks and plasticine (instead of chopsticks, you can use matches or toothpicks). These games help to remember volumetric geometric shapes and it is better to develop spatial thinking. Also offered to children for development logical thinking, the ability to compare and summarize, such as "fill empty cells", "Find a couple", "House for Figure", etc.

    There are games that are sold at the finished version and also contribute to the formation of ideas about geometric figures.

    Designer geometric "Malysh Geo" helps consolidate knowledge about the properties of geometric shapes.

    "Square fun" or "Squadges of Vaobovich". This game helps consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bgeometric figures and develops imagination.

    The "miracle puzzle" this game is aimed at acquaintance with forms, on the development of design skills from parts of specified geometric shapes.

    All these games help children know the properties and characteristics Geometric shapes, see their diversity.

    How to use benefits and organize games for plane modeling - see the next paragraph.

    2 Using games on plane modeling in the joint and independent activities of the teacher with senior preschoolers

    In classes on the formation of elementary mathematical ideas include as a special methodical materialAnd the healthy (cubes, sticks). At the same time, the purpose of the lesson, the time of it is taken into account (the conversion of the child to perceive).

    Thus, puzzles are suitable when consolidating the representations of the guys about geometric figures, their transformation in the middle, senior and preparatory to school groups. Riddles, task-jokes are appropriate in the course of learning to solve arithmetic tasks, actions on numbers, the formation of temporary ideas, etc. At the very beginning of the classes in the senior and preparatory for school, the groups justify themselves the use of simple entertaining tasks as a "mental gymnastics".

    Plague modeling games along with other educators uses for the organization of independent activities of children based on their interest. The forms of the organization are diverse: games are held with the whole team of pupils, with subgroups and individually. Pedagogical guide It is to create conditions for games, maintaining and developing interest, promoting independent searches for solving problems, stimulating creative initiative.

    Such games not only develop a mathematical representation, but also forms perfection, curiosity, independence, observation, resourcefulness, intelligence, develop constructive skills and other useful qualities.

    Smekalki, puzzles, entertaining games cause guys great interest. Children may not be distracted by a long time to exercise in the conversion of figures, shifting chopsticks or other items according to a given pattern, according to their own design.

    Of all the variety of puzzles, the most acceptable in the older preschool age (5-7 years) puzzles with chopsticks (you can use matches without sulfur). They are called the tasks for the smell geometric characterSince during the solution, as a rule, there is a transfiguration, transformation of some figures to others, and not just a change in their quantity. In preschool age, the simplest puzzles are used. To organize work with children, it is necessary to have sets of conventional counting sticks to compile from them visually represented puzzle tasks. In addition, tables with graphic figures are graphically depicted on them, which are subject to transformation. On the back side The tables are indicated which transformation must be done and which figure should turn out as a result.

    Tasks for smelting are different in the degree of complexity, the nature of the conversion (transfiguration). They cannot be solved in any previously learned in the way. During the solution of each new task, the child is included in the active search for the solution of the solution, striving to the ultimate goal required by the modification or construction spatial Figure.

    For children, 5-7 years old, the tasks for the smelting can be combined into 3 groups (according to the method of rebuilding figures, the degree of complexity).

    Tasks for the compilation of a given figure from certain number Chopsticks: Create 2 equal squares of 7 sticks, 2 equal triangles Of 5 sticks.

    Tasks for changing figures to solve which the specified number of sticks should be removed.

    The tasks for the smelter, the solution of which consists in shifting the sticks for the purpose of modification, the transformation of the specified figure.

    In the course of learning how to solve, the tasks for the mixture are given in the specified sequence, starting with the simpler, so that the skills learned by the children and the skills prepared the guys to more complex actions. By organizing this work, the educator puts the goal - to teach children to accepting self-searching for solving problems, without offering any ready-made techniques, methods, samples of the solution.

    To such an independent search for solving the simplest tasks of the first group, children are prepared as a result of everyday work. For this, it is sufficient to further exercise them in the preparation of geometric figures (squares, rectangles, triangles) from the counting sticks.

    Drawing up geometric figures

    (Preparatory gaming exercises for children 5 years)

    Purpose. Exercise children in the preparation of geometric shapes on the plane of the table, analysis and examination by their visual-tactile way.

    Material: Counting sticks 5 cm long (15-20 pieces per child), 2 thick threads 25-30 cm long.

    Progress. The educator invites children to call the famous geometric shapes. After the listing reports the purpose: "We will draw up shapes on the table and talk about them." Gives tasks:

    Make a square and triangle little size.

    Questions for analysis: "How many sticks needed to compose a square? Triangle? Why? Show parties, angles, tops.

    Create a small and large squares.

    Questions for analysis: "From how many sticks are each side of a large square? All square? Why is the left, right, upper and lower sides of the square composed of the same number of sticks? "

    You can give a task to the compilation of a large and small triangle. Analysis of the task is carried out similarly.

    Create a rectangle, the upper and lower sides of which will be equal to 3 wands, and the left and right - 2.

    After analysis, children are offered to make up any quadrilateral and prove the correctness of the task.

    Create consistently shapes from threads: a circle and oval, large and small squares, triangles, rectangles and quadrangles. Small figures are made up of threads folded twice.

    Analysis of figures is carried out according to the scheme: "Compare and tell me how they differ than the figures like. Prove that the figure is made correct. "

    Clarifying the ideas of children about geometric figures; Their elementary properties (number of corners and parties), the exercise in the preparation will help the assimilation of the methods of solving the puzzles of the first group. They are offered to children in a certain sequence:

    Create 2 equal triangles of 5 sticks.

    Create 2 equal squares of 7 sticks.

    Create 3 equal triangles of 7 sticks.

    Make 4 equal triangles of 9 sticks.

    Create 3 equal squares of 10 sticks.

    Of 5 sticks, make a square and 2 equal triangles.

    Of the 9 sticks, make a square and 4 triangles.

    From 10 sticks to make 2 squares: a large and small (a small square is made up of 2 sticks inside the large).

    Of the 9 sticks, it is 5 triangles (4 small triangles obtained as a result of a building form 1 large).

    From 9 sticks to make 2 squares and 4 equal triangles (of 7 sticks are 2 squares and divided into triangles with 2 chopsticks).

    In order to solve these tasks, you need to own the method of pre-building, attaching one figure to another. For the first time, receiving such a task, children are trying to make 2 separate triangles, square. After a number of unsuccessful attempts, they recognize the need to attach to one triangle, the square of the other, for which it is enough 2, 3 sticks.

    As the experience of experience accumulates in solving such problems by the method of "samples and errors" the number of incorrect samples, practical actions begins to decline. Based on this, the educator, while maintaining the enormity, the gaming nature of the exercise, sends the guys to targeted samples, which precedes at least elementary thinking of a particular course of the solution. In the process of finding a solution, the guys pay attention to the fact that, before making a response, it is necessary to think about how it can be done. It is enough to hold 3-4 classes, in the process of which children master the ways to attach to one figure another so that one or several sides are common. Examples (for children 5-6 years)

    Drawing up figures from triangles and squares

    Purpose. Teach children to make geometric shapes from a certain amount of sticks, using the admission of attachment to one figure, taken as the basis, the other.

    Material: children on the tables counting sticks, board, chalk at this and next occupations.

    Progress. 1. The tutor offers children to count 5 sticks, check and put them in front of them. Then says: "Tell me how much sticks need to make a triangle, each side of which will be equal to one wand. How many wands need to compile two such triangles? You have only 5 sticks, but they also need to be 2 equal triangles. Think how it can be done, and make up. "

    After most children fulfill the task, the educator asks them to tell, how to make 2 equal triangles of 5 sticks. Draws attention to the guys to perform the task in different ways. Methods of execution must be sketched. With the explanation to use the expression "attached to one triangle another bottom" (left, etc.), and in explaining the task's solution to use the expression "attached to one triangle another, using only 2 sticks."

    Create 2 equal squares of 7 sticks (the tutor pre-clarifies which geometric shape can be made up of 4 sticks). It gives a task: count 7 sticks and think about how to make up 2 equal square on the table.

    After completing the task, various ways of attachment to one square of the other are considered, the teacher sketches them on the board.

    Questions for analysis: "How did 2 equal squares of 7 sticks amounted to 2 equal squares? What did first come, what then? From how many sticks amounted to 1 square? From how many sticks attached to him the second square? How many chopsticks needed for compiling 2 equal squares? "

    Purpose. Make figures by attachment. See and show the new, resulting from the compilation of the figure; Use the expression: "attached another figure to one figure," thinking about practical actions.

    Progress. The educator invites children to remember which figures they constituted using the admission of attachment. Reports what they will do today - learn to make new, more complex figures. Gives tasks:

    After completing the task, the teacher offers all children to make 3 triangles in a row so that the new figure is a quadrangle (Fig. 2). This version of solutions are sketching with chalk on the board. The educator asks to show 3 separate triangles, a quadrangle and a triangle (2 figures), a quadrangle.

    Fig. 2 Drawing up figures from triangles

    Of the 9 sticks to make 4 equal triangles. Think about how it can be done, to tell, then perform the task.

    After that, the teacher invites children to draw up the shapes on the blackboard and tell about the setting of the task.

    Questions for analysis: "How did the 4 equal triangle of 9 sticks amounted to? Which of the triangles was the first? What figures turned out as a result and how much? "

    The educator, specifying the answers of the children, says: "It is possible to start to make a figure from any triangle, and then add to it the other on the right or left, on top or bottom."

    Purpose. Exercising children in independent search for ways to make figures based on a preliminary flow of the solution.

    Progress. The teacher sets the children questions: "From how many sticks can be a square, each of the sides of which is equal to one wand? 2 squares? (out of 8 and 7). How will you be 2 squares of 7 sticks? ".

    As the teacher is fulfilled, it causes several children to draw them figures on the board and tell the sequence of compilation. It offers all children to make a figure from 3 equal squares located in a row, horizontally. On the board draws the same and says: "Look at the board. It is drawn here how to solve this task in different ways. You can add to one square another, and then the third one. (Shows.) And you can make a rectangle of 8 sticks, then divided it into 3 equal squares with 2 chopsticks. " (Shows.) Then asks questions: "What figures turned out and how much? How many rectangles did it work out? Find and show them. "

    Of 5 sticks, make a square and 2 equal triangles. First tell, and then make up.

    When performing this task, children tend to make a mistake: form 2 triangles with an assimilated method - an attachment, resulting in a quadrangle. Therefore, the educator draws attention to the guys on the condition of the task, the need to compose a square, offers leading questions: "How many sticks need to compose a square? Since you have chopsticks? Is it possible to make up, adding 1 triangle to another? How to make? What kind of figure should be started to start? " After completing the task, the children explain how they did: it is necessary to make a square and divide it with 1 stick to 2 equal triangles.

    Purpose. Exercise children in the ability to express an alleged decision to guess.

    Progress. 1. From 9 sticks to make a square and 4 triangles. Think and say how to make up. (Several children express assumptions.)

    If children are hampered, the teacher advises: "Remember how the square and 2 triangles were made of 5 sticks. Think and guess how you can perform the task. The one who first decides the task will druit the resulting figure on the board. "

    After performing and sketching a response, the tutor offers all children to make the same figures (Fig. 3).

    Fig. 3 Compilation of triangles figures

    Questions for analysis: "What geometric figures turned out? How many triangles, squares, quadrangles? How did you make? How comfortable, faster to make up? ".

    From 10 sticks to make 2 squares - small and large.

    From 9 sticks to make 5 triangles.

    If necessary, during the implementation of the second and third tasks, the educator gives leading questions, tips: "First consider, then make up. Do not repeat the errors, look for new move solutions. Is the problem of the size of triangles? These are the tasks for a smelter, it is necessary to figure out, guess how to solve the problem. "

    So, in the initial period of children's training for 5 years, solving simple tasks to the smelter they independently, mostly practically acting with chopsticks, are looking for a solution. In order to develop the ability to plan the course of thought should be offered to children to express preliminary reasoning or combine them with practical samples, to explain the way and the path of decision.

    In the course of solving tasks for a mixture, puzzles, children learn to plan their actions, think about them, guess in search of the result, showing creativity. This work activates not only the mental activity of the child, but also develops in its quality, which is necessary for professional skills, in whatever sphere he worked.


    For successful program development school learning The child needs not only to know a lot, but also consistently and evidence to think, guess, show mental tension. Intelligent activities based on active thinking, searching for action methods, already in preschool age under appropriate conditions can be familiar to children.

    As you know, a special mental activity, a child exhibits in the course of achieving a gaming goal both in class and in everyday life. Game entertaining tasks contained in different kind of fascinating mathematical material. In the history of the development of the methods of teaching children in mathematics, quite a lot of similar material has been accumulated, part of it is also available and preschoolers.

    With systematic use of didactic games in classes and in free activities, children do not arise difficulties on the formation of ideas about geometric figures. Children are easily oriented in the names of the figures and can freely compose them and convert them.

    One of the most important methodical principles Studies geometric materialIn this case, the formation of ideas about geometric shapes is a relationship with productive activities (drawing, manual labor).

    Classes with productive activities are closely related to the formation of ideas about geometric figures. This relationship is effective. In the process of working with the material (paper, cardboard, plasticine), we simulate geometric shapes and bodies, know their properties. Here main role Play touch, visual perception, sensations when driving hands (work with scissors). Creating a craft or details to it, constituting patterns or decorations, children face a large variety of forms.

    Via geometric fairy tales, didactic games, gaming tasks and communications with productive activities are the formation of geometric ideas about the forms of the subject, about their mutual location.

    The second chapter of the work describes in detail the method of plane modeling as a form of development of geometric representations of the child. Paragraph 2.2 reflects the development of Z.A. Mikhailova, which are most progressive and relevant. Based on studies of teachers and practitioners, modeling on the plane - very effective methodwhich develops not only elementary mathematical ideas that the senior preschoolers should own, but also psychological qualities (perfection, attentiveness) that are necessary for the formation of comprehensively developed personality.

    List of used literature

    1.Arapova-Piskareva N.A. Formation of elementary mathematical representations in kindergarten [Text] / N.A. Arapova-Piscares. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006. - 243c.

    2.Beloshesky A.A. Acquaintances with geometrical concepts [Text] / A.A. White // Pre-school education. - 2008. - №12. - P. 8-9

    .Bondarenko A.K. Didactic Games in kindergarten [Text]: Book for kindergarten teachers / A.K. Bondarenko. - M.: Enlightenment, 2001. - 160c.

    .Let's play: mat. Games for children 5-6 years old [Text]: KN. For educators children. Garden and parents / N.I. Casabitsky, G.N. Skobeliev, A.A. Stolar, TM Chebotarevskaya; Ed. A.A. Joiner. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002. - 80 s.

    .Childhood. Program for the development and education of children in kindergarten. - M: Childhood-press, 2010. - 244 p.

    .Yerofeyeva T.I. Mathematics for preschoolers [Text] / T.I. Erofeev. - M.: Enlightenment, 2002. - 191 p.

    .Kozlova S.A. Preschool Pedagogy [Text]: Tutorial for stud. environments prof. studies. Vehicles / S.A. Kozlova TA Kulikova. - M.: Academy, 2007. - 273 p.

    .Kuznetsova G.V. With mathematics on the path [Text] / GV Kuznetsova // Pre-school education. - 2006. - №12. - P. 43.

    .Leusin A.M. Formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschool children [Text] / A.M. Leusin. - M.: Enlightenment, 2004. - 368C.

    .Luria A.R. Lectures for general psychology. - St. Petersburg, Peter, 2007. - 320 s.

    .Miklyaeva Yu.N. An integrated approach to classes for the formation of elementary mathematical ideas [Text] / Yu.N. Miklyaev // Child in kindergarten. - 2008. - № 3. - P. 32.

    .Mikhailova Z.A. Mathematics is interesting / Z.A. Mikhailova, I. Cheplashkin. - M: Childhood-press, 2008. - 102 p.

    .Sub-clause I.P. Pedagogy [Text] / I.P. Salary. - M: Yuraight, 2012. - 576 p.

    .Serbi E.V. Mathematics for kids [Text]: KN. For the tutor's children. Garden / E.V. Serbin. - M.: Enlightenment, 2005. - 80 s.

    .Taruntaeva T.V. Development of elementary mathematical representations of preschoolers [Text] / T.V. Taruntaev. - M.: Enlightenment, 2008. - 40C.

    .Uruntaev G.A. Pre-school psychology [text]: studies. Manual / G.A. Urundayev. - M.: Academy, 2001. - 336С.

    .Formation of elementary mathematical representations in preschoolers [text] / ed. A.A. Joiner. - M.: Enlightenment, 2008. - 236c.

    .Sharabaeva T.V. Formation of ideas about geometric figures in preschool children. - Vorkuta, 2011.

    .Shechira E.V. Plane modeling. - Perm, 2012.

    .Shcherbakova E.I. Methodology of learning mathematics in kindergarten [Text] / E.I. Shcherbakov. - M.: Ed. Center "Academy", 2002. - 272 p.

    .Elkonin D.B. Psychology of the game [Text] / D.B. Elkonin.- M.: Vlados, 2001. - 360 p.

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    Introduction 3.

    Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of the development of ideas about geometric figures in children of senior preschool age 6

    1.1. Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the formation of ideas about geometric figures in children of senior preschool age 6

    1.2. Features of the formation of ideas about geometric figures in children of senior preschool age. 13

    1.3. Methods of forming ideas about geometric figures in children of senior preschool age. eighteen

    Conclusions by I Chapter. 25.

    Chapter II. Experienced search work on the study of the ideas about geometric figures in children of senior preschool age 27

    2.1. The state of the level of development of ideas about geometric figures in children of senior preschool age. 27.

    2.2. Perspective plan Formation of ideas about geometric figures in children of senior preschool age. 31.

    2.3. Analysis of operating search work .. 45

    Conclusions on the II chapter. 46.

    Conclusion. 47.

    List of used literature .. 49

    Appendix 1. 52.

    Appendix 2. 54.


    The development of science and technology, universal computerization determine the increasing role of the mathematical preparation of the younger generation.

    The entry of children into the world of mathematics begins in preschool age. They compare items in magnitude, set quantitative and spatial relations, absorb geometric standards, seize modeling activities, etc.

    In the process of familiarizing preschoolers, two aspects are distinguished since the beginnings of the geometry: the formation of ideas about the form of objects and geometric shapes on a touch basis and the formation of ideas about geometric shapes, their elements and properties.

    Relevance of the topic term paper It is due to the fact that children of preschool age show a spontaneous interest in mathematical categories: the amount, form, time, space, the value that helps them better navigate in things and situations, organize and bind them with each other, contribute to the formation of concepts. Kindergartens take into account this interest and try to expand the knowledge of children in this area.

    However, acquaintance with the content of these concepts and the formation of elementary mathematical representations is not always systematically.

    Concept preschool education, guidelines and requirements for updating the content of pre-school education are delineated by a number of sufficiently serious requirements for cognitive development younger preschoolers, part of which is mathematical development. In this regard, we were interested in the problem: how to provide familiarization of children with the form of objects and geometric figures.

    Irina Alzazov
    Methods of formation of geometric representations in children of senior preschool age

    In each age group Methodology for familiarization with geometric Figures has its own characteristics. So, in the second youngest group, children learn to distinguish the ball and cube; Circle and square using the reception of pairs comparison: Ball and Cube, Cube and Bar - Brick; Circle and square; ball and circle; cube and square. Wherein thing It should be kept in the left hand, and the index finger of the right hand to circle it along the contour.

    For demonstration geometric Figures need to use different in size and color of the figure. Children look at and compare the ball and cube, find the general and different in these subjects(Figures). Referring to the question of children, the educator attracts their attention to the peculiarities figs: "What is it?", "What color balls?", "Which one is less?" On the instructions of the teacher, one child takes a small ball in his hands, and the other is big. Children pass balls by circle: The little ball drives a big ball. Then the direction of movement changes. In the course of such games, children clarify the features of the ball - he is round, he has no angles, it can be rolled. Children compare balls of different colors and sizes. Thus, the educator brings them to the conclusion that the form does not depend on color and size subject. Similarly specify and summarized knowledge children about Cuba. Children take a cube in hand, trying to ride it. He does not roll. Cuba has corners and sides (face, it is steadily standing on the table, the floor. From cubes you can build houses, columns, setting one cube to another. The most an important point When reading children with form is a visual and tactive motor perception formsA variety of practical actions that develop its sensory abilities. In the organization of work on review children with the form of the subject Significant place is occupied by showing (demonstration) The figure itself, as well as the methods of its survey. Educator teaches children when examining the subject to keep the subject in the left hand, index finger right hand to circle it along the contour.

    For u. development children Skills examination forms of the subject and accumulation of relevant representations Different didactic games and exercises are organized.

    So, in order to assimage the names and clarification of the main features of individual geometric Figures educator organizes games: "Nazova geometric shape» , "Wonderful bag", "Domino figures" and others. in the game "Wonderful bag" Educator teaches children Choose shapes to the touch, find the sample. Familiar to children on the table geometric figuresand in the bag there are the same. First draws attention to geometric figuresplaced on the table. Children call them. Then, by instructions, the child finds such that stands on the table, and shows it. If a child can not fulfill the task, the teacher once again resembles a survey methods figures: Right hand slowly drives around the edge (contour) (you can help your left hand). When re-conducting the game increases the number geometric figures. In games "Find the subject of the same form» , "What lies in the bag?", « Geometric lotto.» Children exercise in finding samples on geometric samples.

    Such tasks are difficult, but generally available for children. They develop their ability to analyze the environment, abstract when perceiving forms of objects. In class free children age Groups love games with cutting pictures, mosaic, building material.

    IN methods of learning children middle group Distinctive is a more detailed examination. geometric figures. The child is developing the ability to see which geometric Figure or what a combination of them corresponds to form of one or another object. First, children exercise in comparison geometrical figures with objects of similar shape. They choose items to shape models. So manages to separate the models geometric shapes from other items, give them the value of the samples. Game are held exercises: "Find the subject of the same form» , "Find what I say" et al. with new geometric figures of children introduce, comparing their models with already familiar, or friend with friend: Rectangle with square, cylinder with cube or ball.

    From direct comparison items with geometric Samples kids go to the verbal description of their formsto generalize. The procedure for viewing and comparing the figures may be thus: What is it? What colour? What size (magnitude? Of which made? What is different? What are like? For exercises, they first pick up objects simple formWith no details. It is advisable to use objects as one type(Miscellaneous forms - flags, plank, etc., and of different types (Square shawl, rectangular scarf, brazer, triangular tie). Children choose objects of this form(out of 4-5 pcs, pick pictures with the image objects of the corresponding form; Call what forms Items Drawn on the table.

    Later to them offers find items of the specified form in certain places of the room.("Look, whether there is on the shelf itemssimilar to the cylinder, "hold games "Travel by group room", "Find what is hidden".

    Connecting a motor examination objects. Children rub out contour objects, feel them. You can set, for example, such questions: "How did you guess that a triangular brazer, and a round plate? Than similar items? " Children make a generalization on the basis of forms. At the end of the year they offered to describe the form of objectsconsisting of 2-5 parts (Neva, car, etc.).

    The main techniques can be: Practical actions with items(roll, put); imposing and applying; circuit circuit, feeling; Exercises in grouping and ordering - didactic games, exercises for assimilation of features geometric figures; Comparison forms of objects with geometric samples; Analysis is complex forms. From children Requires a detailed verbal designation of its actions (describe form of the subjectconsisting of 2-4 parts: Neva, car, etc.).

    L. A. Wenger, L. I. Sysuva, T. V. Vasilyeva developed 3 types of tasks in the field of review children The fifth year of life with form of objects and geometric shapes, tasks:

    for assimilation geometric figures;

    on a comparison forms of real objects with geometric shapes;

    on spatial analysis of composite forms.

    IN senior Survey group geometric The figures becomes even more detailed and detailed. An important element methods It is a measurement of the conditional measure. Work on figures is based on comparison and opposition geometric figures. The models are first compared in pairs, then 3-4 shapes of each type are compared, for example, quadrangles.

    Of particular importance is the work on the image and recreation geometric figures: laying out of sticks, paper strips. Based on the identification of essential signs geometric shapes of children summarize the concept "Quadrangles". As a result, children master the ability to transfer learned knowledge in unfamiliar situation, use them in independent activities, in design classes.

    Senior preschool children Learn to dismember the complex pattern on the components of its elements, call them form and spatial position, draw up a complex pattern forms of geometric Figures of one or two species, different in size (size). Methods of formation geometric Knowledge in the group of the sixth year of life does not change fundamentally. However, the survey becomes more detailed and detailed. Along with the practical and direct comparison of famous geometric figures, overlapping and applying, is widely used as methodical Receive measurement with conditional measure.

    All work in formation of ideas and concepts about geometric Figures are based on comparison and comparison of their models. So, acquaintance children with rectangleThey show several rectangles, different sizes made from different materials. (Paper, Cardboard, Plastics). "Children, look at these figures. These are rectangles. ". At the same time drawn attention to the fact that the form Not depends on the size. Children offer Take into the left hand a figure, and the index finger of the right hand to circle along the contour. Children reveal the features of this figures: In pairs are equal to the parties, the angles are also equal. Check this flexion, overlapping one to another. They consider the number of sides and corners. Then compare the rectangle with the square, find similarities and differences in these figures: Square and rectangle at four corners and four sides, all corners are equal to each other. However, the rectangle differs from the square in that the square all sides are equal, and the rectangle is equal to the opposite, pairwise. Special attention in this group should be given to the image. geometric figures; Laying from counting sticks, strips of paper. This work is carried out as a demonstration (near the table of the educator and handouts. At one of the classes, the teacher lay out on the flannelhemph of the rectangle strips. "Children, what is the name of this figure? How many sides of the rectangle? How many angles?" Children show sides, angles , vertices of the rectangle. Then the educator asks: "How and which figures can be obtained from a rectangle (create smaller rectangles, squares, triangles?" At the same time, additional paper strips are used. Children consider the parties in the figures obtained. Based on the identification of essential signs geometric shapes of children sum up to a generalized concept "Quadrangle".

    Comparing the square and rectangle among themselves, children establish that all these figures have four sides and four corners. This number of sides and angles is a common feature that is based on definitions of concept"Quadrangle". Next, children compare different form quadrangles. In the equality of the parties and corners, children are convinced when overlapping one to another

    IN older preschool age in children is formed The ability to endure the mined knowledge in the situation unfamiliar to them earlier, to use these knowledge in independent activities.