What person can be called cultural in modern society? Cultural person is a cultured man.

What person can be called cultural in modern society? Cultural person is a cultured man.
What person can be called cultural in modern society? Cultural person is a cultured man.

2014 announced in Russia the Year of Culture. In the course of studying cultural studies, IED students wrote an essay on the problems of determining the concepts of "culture" and "modern cultural person."

We bring to your attention the most interesting works.

Student Scientific Historical Society "Clio"

Nina Guseva, 1-4:

Culture is a desire

to perfection by cognition

that most of us cares

What is thinking about and talking about ...

Matthew Arnold.

What does it mean to be a cultural person? In my opinion, a cultural person is an educated, brought, tolerant, intelligent, responsible. He respects himself and others. A cultural person is also distinguished by creative work, the desire for high quality, appreciation and ability to be grateful, love for nature and homeland, compassion and sympathy for neighboring, goodwill.

A cultural person never satisfies, he will retain composure and dignity in any life situations, this is a person who has a clearly set target and achieving it.

D.S. Likhachev wrote: "What is the biggest goal of life? I think: increase the good in the surrounding us. And good is, above all, the happiness of all people.

It is composed of a lot, and every time life puts the task that is important to be able to solve. It is possible to make good things in the little things, you can think about a major thing, but a trifle and large cannot be divided ... ".

But it is impossible to rely on good, education and "right" behavior. Nowadays, people pay too little attention to culture, and many do not even think about it throughout life, thereby showing ignorance, laziness, egoism, hypocrisy.

Well, if a person has the process of attachment to culture, that is, an inculturation, as well as an introduction to cultural values \u200b\u200band knowledge through social institutions, that is, socialization, occur since childhood. The child is attached to the traditions moving from generation to generation, absorbs the positive experience of the family and the environment. After all, in life, the person, the more competitive, and if he has where he has to take this experience, it means that he has advantages.

In conclusion, it should be noted: how much would not be mentioned about culture, but "only a person is known for affairs."

The ideal of a cultural person is nothing but a person's ideal, which in any conditions retains genuine humanity.

Galkin Oleg, 1-4:

In the explanatory dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova The concept of culture is interpreted as follows: "This is a combination of production, social and spiritual achievements of people;" Cultural person - "This is at a high level of culture and corresponding to him," as well as "related to educational or intellectual activity."

This definition is blurred and not very clear. Let's try to paint on the topic: "What person is considered to be cultural? How do education and culture relate? " Russian philosophers (for example, Ivan Ilyin), writers, publicists: (D.S. Likhachev, D.A. Granin, V.A. Soloohin, L.V. Uspensky, etc.) more than once elevated on this topic in discussions, Essays and articles.

Interesting reflections on traditions in culture we find Ivan Ilin. He believes that the future of culture in the ability to be grateful for the past, that is, absorb all of the fact that it has already been created, but not a cold and calculating, "the response of the heart, on the already rendered to you."

It is impossible to disagree with this opinion. Cultural person is able to know the world in his past, present and future (this is the cognitive function of culture) Such a person is able to perceive everything that was created by another person, his mind. But do not envy, and even more so "black", but to perceive as an interesting phenomenon, to evaluate and, maybe know deeper.

Education and culture - Concepts correlated, but not unambiguous. What does education mean? This is a combination of certain knowledge from any area. By the way, who is more educated? Who kept knowing certain science or has extensive ideas from a variety of knowledge about the world? Undoubtedly, education, knowledge feeds human culture, but it is only part of it. Good about it told D.S. Likhachev "Cultural man is an intelligent person. And the intelligenceity is not only in knowledge - it is in the ability to understand the other and respect for him. "

Cultural person is able to absorb good and confront bad. Many disputes are conducted, for example, language culture. A cultural person is not capable of a coronal speech, on rude words in everyday life, they will prevent his nature. He will still strive for knowledge, as more correctly, it is better to say, write, lead a dialogue. The ability to communicate, the logicality and evidence of its opinion is one of the abilities of a high cultural person. Cultural man is an open heart man capable of rejoice and surprise the beauty of the world. It does not matter whether it is miracles of the world, or a modest Romashkaya Polyana, Niagara Falls or a quiet forest lake. Cultural person is capable of experience and mercy.

So, the "cultural person" - the concept is wide enough. Such a person owns the communicative, educational, cognitive culture, respects tradition, man outdoor world.

Blechechenkova Anastasia, 1-4:

"Culture is the essence of the body. The history of culture is their biography. Culture originates at the moment when the Great Soul is allocated from the primitive-mental state of the everlasting humanity "(Oswald Spengler).

Relying on this quote, I would like to be painful from the point of view of a civilization approach to the history of culture development. I believe that culture determines the time and society. That is, the personality should correspond to the time and public idea of \u200b\u200bthe cultural person. In most cases, this assumes the presence of a certain level of intelligence, knowledge of etiquette, the ability to correctly and competently express thoughts, be objective, to control their emotions under control.

Man - Creator Culture. But everything starts with him. It passes inculturing back in childhood, then socialization through such social institutions, as a family, school, university, etc. From this we can conclude that the formation of a cultural person depends largely on external factors.

Recall the story of Mowgli. A little baby gets into the jungle, in a wolf family that lives in a flock and lives by the law of the jungle. Naturally, when he falls into the village, he is unusual to live in human rules.

In the modern world, the cultural space of a person mainly forms various media. Television and the Internet displaces the theaters, libraries, museums from the cultural needs of modern person. And it is bitterly aware. After all, everything that now exists, all that we study, created by people. Music, literature, great scientific discoveries, created several centuries ago, allowed us to live in such a world, this is a base, without which a person cannot be considered cultural, if not knowing the elementary.

A modern sociocultural situation that determines the formation of a cultural person and the requirements for it in the modern world is characterized by saturation and diversity of dynamic processes. The upgrade pace covers an increasing number of existing cultural forms. The face is erased between different ethnic cultures, national formations. Historically formed cultural tradition loses its priority in social processes. Professional activities of any kind becomes the main form of individual self-expression.

Culture is the realization of human creativity and freedom, from here - the diversity of cultures and forms of cultural development. On the example of subculture, we can well see how a person can create, bring something new within its social group. Also, in each country, we see our religion, architecture, language, dancing, traditional clothing. And when a person moves to another country, he often tries to adapt to this culture, which once again shows how the social environment affects a person.

From all this we can conclude that the cultural person in the modern world can be called someone who knows, understands the culture of the past, who complies with the norms and rules of behavior of this time, and who contribute to modern culture, thinking about the future.

Health is culture and tradition. Not words in books, but your real actions, culture that creates your lifestyle. The basics of health are laid in the earliest periods of life, when the child unconsciously copies the behavior of significant adults, primarily parents. Therefore, learning to health is useful not only for you - this is a cultural investment, which is the cultural value of your family and can be transmitted to generations.

We accustomed to believe that culture is statues and ancient works. Live culture is the culture of our daily actions, traditions, plants of the environment and society. Health Culture is a thousand-year experience accumulated by humanity in the field of health. True, it is necessary to approach the mechanical transfer of someone else's experience. For example, the wellness system of yoga in India is not only exercise, it is a lifestyle, and a power system, this is a whole religion. We have the use of these, of course, only a moderate wellness effect, and sometimes harm, as it is often not taken into account that the learning of one exercise may occupy a whole month and is carried out, as a rule, under observation of the experienced Guru (teacher).

Health culture - This is social heredity, OAN accumulates socially progressive creative activities of humanity in Healthy, it defines a system of values \u200b\u200band priorities of man and society, social group and nationality, nation and humanity.

Like other types of culture, health culture is alive when she lives in families. Unfortunately, for the last hundred years we will see a significant destruction of traditions, local cultures within Etometid. But not everything is lost, you can learn the culture of health yourself. Even if you have grown in an unfavorable environment. From the point of view of Pestalozzi, a person is a "product of nature", "the work of society", and the "works of oneself." According to this, the person in his life is experiencing three states to a certain extent, which do not necessarily replace each other in time sequence - a natural state, social condition and an ideal state in which a person fully becomes itself.

Health Culture is purchased.

Culture is daily actions, not passive knowledge. It is not enough to know about health culture, such a culture is not exhausted by knowledge, it is characterized, first of all, the ability to apply these knowledge in practice in everyday life throughout life. Health Culture is the desire and ability to make the best achievements of world experience by our personal property in painstaking self-improvement, a reward for which there will be not only physical health, but also the clarity of the mind, the fullness of feelings and a constant influx of cheerfulness.

Health Culture is acquired by difficulty and consists in habit and the constant need of a person at all to do anything. Practical health culture becomes the result of "discipline habits for objective activities and common skills. Example of a developed health culture is Greece, where there was a health cult. "When there is no health, wisdom is silent, it cannot bloom art, do not play strength, wealth is useless and sick mind" - he writes Herodot.

Health Culture is part of your total culture.

Health culture is an integral part of the total culture of the educated person. Today, a person with an average or higher education, but practically does not know anything about his health and how to maintain it can be considered a little ones.

The health culture indicator is the total human culture, expressed in a sufficient level of physical, mental, spiritual and moral and social development. Currently, there are curable chronic diseases - this is a sign of a low culture of health, and you need to get to be ashamed (at least a bit) and certainly not proud of it.

The use of a thousand-year experience gained by humanity to preserve and strengthen its health, today would allow living long, happily and not pain. Unfortunately, modern medicine is mainly engaged only by human diseases and is practically not engaged in his health.

Health culture As a manifestation of developed universal culture, includes a consciousness of a high value of his health. It provides for an understanding of the need to protect health and its strengthening as an indispensable condition for successful human self-realization. Human health culture is, first of all, an environmental culture in a broad sense, based on the harmony of all manifestations of human activity and its relationship with the people surrounding the person and nature.

The basis of education of health culture is the formation of an active, active, hard work and creative person, aimed at a healthy lifestyle, on successful self-development and full disclosure of their potential opportunities. Culture of health and healthy lifestyle are categories of a broad ideological transformative impact on the formation of a developing personality.

Cultural person is a rare phenomenon today. And the thing is that the concept of "cultural person" includes many requirements that, unfortunately, does not correspond to each of us. Let's look at what person can be called cultural.

Modern cultural man

First of all, the one whom the cultural person can be called politeness and good manners. Etiquette, basics of behavior, is exactly what man is cultured. This is not congenital instinctive knowledge. They are purchased with age, this is taught by parents, kindergarten, school. In fact, etiquette is not based on empty, no meaningful rules, but on a fundamental basis of life in society. The ability to behave well to improve each modern cultural person.

How to become a cultural person?

What determines the concept of a cultural person? It is worth considering the defining features of a cultural person, and then we will learn what means to be a cultural person. We list the main distinguishing qualities of the cultural person who should prevail in us.

All qualities and signs of cultural person are hard to list. Everyone implies something under this characteristic. However, we tried to present the main features of a cultural person who could well develop and raise themselves. Strive for excellence and be cultural!

The rules and generally accepted models of the norms of behavior in society are the sort of personnel code of honor. In principle, by this "duties" of a "cultural person" for society and end.

Cultural man as a social facility

Modern elects behavior, reflecting his identity that meets the requirements of behavior in society and not based on the desire to stand out. Own conscience and beliefs help to stay as it really is, not to hide disadvantages and put advantage. A cultural person always behaves naturally and at ease, not paying attention to the public situation of others. The manners of behavior and the internal qualities of the individual are not thrown into the eyes, but constitute the essence of such a person.

The educationalness of a cultural person is not limited to a good formation, correct habits. The main thing is to have a rich spiritual culture, constantly engage in self-education, respect other people.

External appeal will quickly disappear, if there are no own thoughts, mind, sincerity, sense of humor in man. The beauty of a person is hidden in charming, an external manifestation of the beauty of the inner world.

A truly cultural person is unusual for the manifestation of cynicism. Whatever beautiful, smart and educated, who complies with the rules of decency, a person, arrogance and shamelessness, a dismissive attitude towards other people unconditionally exclude it from the category of cultural individuals.

We gradually smalleled the first upheld days of the new school year, the school life flowed in his direction. To say that he just missed the guys - not to say anything. Therefore, I was waiting for the first lesson on the basics of Orthodox culture with impatience. And finally, a solemn greeting, congratulations on the start of study, a somewhat excited voice of the teacher. Suddenly - laughter. "What?" "You are very fun and we are fun!". "Ah, that's what it is!"

Then came the five-defillates, the staggering threshold of primary school - cute, naive, with boiled notebooks, notebooks "just in case" and a good tenth of frivolous multi-colored handles. As learned to barely stand on the rapid legs of the Karapuz, stiguously escaping from the caring hands of mothers, and they strive to know the adult middle school world who opened in front of them, after a cozy and warm mother - "began".

And the "veterans" of the OPK prepared arguing over the topical theme "I am a cultured man?" Before that, I completely clearly formulating the main qualities of a truly cultural individual (the basics once proved the truth of the name of our own and those tasks and goals for which they thought. ). The arguments on the court of teachers presented two sixth grade. But, before proceeding with the most "tasty" - contact with the thoughts of children, I will share my little discovery. The first of the sixth grades, who came to the lesson said that "only one who remembers himself could call himself culturally, and the next sixth grade answered a similar question:" The cultural is that person who does not foul! "

What is the opening, you ask? At first, I also could not in any way for myself to clearly formulate the "interestingness" of the situation, but the intuition suggested that the situation is somewhat more complicated than it may seem at first glance. Well, it can not be that the children of the same age, students in the same school, in the same teachers on the same issue answered completely differently. And - notice: the class, which offers as a measure of human culture historical memory as a measure - a lot more successful guys from another class, who seem to have problems with foul language (which subsequently confirmed). Rather, there are no problems with the challenges, and there are problems with the purity of their own speech. Nothing remains as soon as we assume that the impressability of the guys is directly connected with the integrity of the mat, and he, in turn, grows in a family in the family, because at school I did not meet a single teacher-Squarelov. So, dear parents, to you my voice: Sick your family children! Do not clog it the young heads and children's souls to the infernal vocabulary. We specifically use this term, maybe he will make you think, because "Inferna" in translation from Latin means "hell." Well, the children are not guilty in the fact that his father drinks, completely defeated his senior son's hands, and her grandmother refuses to give his pension to pay for utility payments tired of the rigeon, etc. I write "so on" because all the facts are not historically reliable, but simply with reliable facts of our Russian reality. And then, do not feel sorry for children - please yourself: will not grow out of the daughter-mothers and the son-firmware of caring children, next to which old is not scary. And after all, it is much more pleasant to hear from the child the word "mommy" and "Papula", rather than the disgusting-kham "ancestors" and "shoelaces".

And now - the promised dessert. So, children argue.

Mosina Daniel: "I don't know yet, I have a cultured person, but I know that I have no bad habits. I do not like people who drink, smoke and disrespectfully belong to our shrines "

Chubtenko Alexander: "I know Russian well, but I want to know other languages \u200b\u200bof the world. We lead a healthy lifestyle, I go to about. Alexander and his son fishing with overnight, I go to the service. Conclusion: I am a cultural person. "

Sergey Rostislav: "I help the eldest - grandparents and grandparents to get to the house of gravity, always and greet everyone. I go to church and pray for my relatives. I need to replenish your vocabulary "

Sims Nikita: "When I come to visit, I always greet. It is very culturally. I do not like adults who drink and swear by mat. "

Mudrak Nikita: "I am a completely uncomplicated person, but I try to become very hard. I have it badly. My plus is that I respectfully treat the shrine, I know etiquette and apply it in life. And I have a lot of cons "

Amazingly strict self-esteem, isn't it?!

Talibova Masha: "I want to understand whether I am a cultured person? I do not fade, I know well the story of my homeland. But I would like to know the history and culture of other countries "

Nikolaev Yaroslav: "With the etiquette at the table I do not have everything, I speak during meals. I try to correct, I even have a book of etiquette. I go to church once a week. I do not know whether I am cultured man "

Tikhomirova Natasha: "I treat with respect not only to my shrine, but also to someone else, I know and love the history of my homeland, and the lesson of the OPK helps in this"

Sukochev Yasha: "What is etiquette? This is how man should behave. Screw or not - this, by the way, is also a question of etiquette. I do not fill, but the OPK helps become better. "

Baranova Olya: "I would like to understand: I am a cultured person? I remember the story of His Fatherland, respectfully, I respect my shrine. I want to know many languages \u200b\u200b"

Babenko Nastya:"I never swear with anyone, I'm not a bad person. Always greet. I want to know French. I think that the OPK will help me understand: I am a cultured person? "

Petrovskaya Nastya: "I believe in God, lead a healthy lifestyle. I do not know, I or not cultural. I would like to look at your behavior from

Bondareva Katya: "I read my native language. I want to replenish my knowledge luggage, grow fair and noble, but most importantly - cultural, and not a wild cat "

Kostin Dima: "Sometimes it seems to me that I am a cultural person, sometimes not. I have small problems with the language. I need to be corrected, and everything will be fine. I love Meshovsk, and Russia, and all other countries "

Kiselev Dasha:"I am a cultural person, I remember my story, I believe in God, I love my people, the shore is your language. But this is not enough. I need to stop quarrel with my girlfriend Tanya, and then I will become a cultural person. " (True, great?!)

Tarasov Vanya:"I never squander and I am ashamed to look like people swear. I need to reinforce my knowledge. "

Gagalov Yaroslav: "In one I am a cultural person, and in the other - completely uncultural. For example, I'll poison, and this is expressed by my Blessing, but in general I am quite normal when I help other people, old people, for example, to convey heavy bags. "

Denisova Veronica: "About the cultural, or not, should say other people, friends, for example."

Very mature adult decision.

Krasikov Dasha: "I am half a cultural person. I remember the history of my family and love the CPK lesson. "

Chibisov Maxim: "I am a cultural person, I love my homeland and Orthodox culture, do not fight and do not offend the little ones. I need to learn how to handle the right language. "

Carpilenko Tanya: "I consider myself a cultural person: I say" thank you, "when I give me something, I apologize if I did something wrong. I can apologize for my sisters. I think they did not do badly inadvertently, by negligence. "

There was one incognito - I think the non-soccer, forgot to sign up Toropa. So he (or - she?) Posted that he was listening to his guardian angel, it's easier to remain a cultural person. Agree, in order to specifically come up with a similar sample of culture, even from an adult, not only certain brain equilibristics, but also a clean heart, which is much more valuable.

Most of our children for a sample of cultural person took their parents - and this is in the country where the authority of the family catastrophically quickly depreciates! So believe after this social polls. Or are we - a special city? And only one girl wrote that "wants to be like himself and a little bit on Merlin Monroe." Here is such an unexpected standard of cultural person! Well, it is possible to console yourself (and you need), at least that she - Merlin - retained, it is frivolous and not in time the dressing dress, and there, even if everyone in the measure of her own culture (and the Break of Utriculture) thinks the piquant situation . Although, I think that Merlin herself would be quite surprised that in a distant Russia, a 12-year-old girl who was unknown by her 12-year-old girl from a provincial town, not the notorious sex symbol of the West, but the most importantly, a cultural sample.

That's the way, comrades parents and colleagues teachers! Not everything is so bad in our country and our school. It is possible that we will make all the efforts by the vertical jerk, which not only Russia is waiting for us, not only our "today", but also God and our - "Tomorrow", inevitably recerving in eternity, we want it or not. And for those who live with the perspective of eternity, not a single unimportant and non-serious business remains. Whether it is a grandmother's heavy bags or a friend of a girlfriend, with which she, I am sure will cease to quarrel.

Anna Bahaeva