The newspaper has a special mentality from April 1. A special mentality or "a kind word and a gun

The newspaper has a special mentality from April 1.  A special mentality or
The newspaper has a special mentality from April 1. A special mentality or "a kind word and a gun

On a cold autumn day, the mobile team of the social rehabilitation center "Harmony", together with the subjects of prevention and the editor on social and legal issues of the newspaper "Blagodarnenskie Vesti", left for the village of Spasskoye on a complaint from a local school about the improper fulfillment of the obligation to raise minor children in a large family. It was found that the parents are well known to the employees of the social rehabilitation center "Harmony", because S.'s family is registered with the commission on minors' affairs and protection of their rights by the administration of Blagodarnensky municipal as a family in a socially dangerous situation.

Not only employees of the social rehabilitation center "Harmony", but also members of the social patrol of the Blagodarny district with representatives of the prosecutor's office, visited the spouses S. The father does not work, periodically abuses alcohol, refuses to be treated by a narcologist, behaves very aggressively while drunk, has two convictions. The mother was also sentenced twice conditionally: for theft and for stabbing her friend. The family's only income is child benefits. At the moment, the family has four children aged from 1.7 months to 6 years. They practically do not go to kindergarten, everyone has an obvious delay in speech development, and the older boy will soon go to school.

With regard to the fifth disabled child, the spouses have been deprived of parental rights, he is now in the Stavropol specialized children's home for children with organic lesions of the central nervous system and mental disorders. The boy underwent the necessary operation, was granted a disability, and now negligent parents, who have never even visited the baby before, demand to return him in order to receive benefits.

We have a lot of such families, according to statistics, today there are 19 in the KDN and ZP ABMR in Blagodarnensky district. And, as a rule, all of them have children whose experts note a delay in speech development, total underdevelopment of mental functions, an affectively unstable type. In the future, it is very difficult for children to study at school with these problems, and as the rules are sent to the CPMPC, an opinion and recommendations are issued for teaching according to an adapted basic general educational program for children with mental retardation. Children from such families must necessarily attend preschool institutions, engage in a speech therapist, which is what the specialists of the center recommend to parents, but, of course, no one follows these recommendations.

The task of the center's specialists, working on the principles of interdepartmental interaction, is to unite efforts and try to rectify the situation until the swamp, into which the life of the parents has become, swallowed them up completely, until the history of the S. family was repeated in the new generation ...

At the end of the year, a rolling blackout was installed in the city. And in our time, as you know, a power outage entails the loss of the meaning of life. We sat in the evenings without light and were homesick. We remembered the old days, when there was no cinema in the houses, but it was successfully replaced by loto and dominoes. After such considerations, the son decided to make the family a New Year's gift - games (in case of forced sitting by candlelight). In addition to the already mentioned classic lotos and dominoes, he added a modern logic game "DaNetka" to the gift set.

And since January, they stopped turning off the light. Games lie idle. On a beautiful box with the intriguing name "DaNet" there are explanations: "To solve" DaNet "means to solve the puzzle. The presenter tells part of a strange, confusing story, and the guessers reconstruct the situation. The moderator can only answer "yes" or "no" to the players' questions. Here is an encouraging word: "Go for it!"

Time is running. Interest in the box is growing. I decide to open this "Pandora's Box", which contains "secret knowledge". I open it. I get acquainted with the content and ... now I look at the world with different eyes.

The instructions say that the game began its journey in the United States of America. There are 50 cards in the box. On one side a question, on the other an answer with American humor. I read the questions, tried to comprehend the answers and realized: the game is not for us. It was then that Mikhail Zadornov came to mind with his conclusion: "stupid Americans."

Out of 50 cards, I selected 10 that were quieter (without suicides, murders, robberies and other crimes), and decided to invite readers to test themselves by the standards of American humor.

1. Bill knew that John was lying to him and smiled pleasantly. Why?

Answer: “John is a photographer. He is lying: "Now a bird will fly out." What is this a lie? We understand that this is a joke, and that no one has seen the bird, it is either too small or too fast.

2. A man is running with a gun, followed by a crowd. He stops, shoots, shouts: "You will not see my gold!", Runs on. What's the situation?

We have an anecdote on this topic: “Exciting chase, gambling shooting, charming guys. What is it?" You can already guess - biathlon competition.

3. Mary started smoking because of Peter. Why?

Answer: “Peter is Mary's lover. Mary's husband, returning from a business trip, found a cigarette butt in the house. Mary had to tell her husband that it was she who started smoking and to confirm it. "
Our women are more inventive!

4. Bill thanked Max for the eggs he didn’t receive, and Max didn’t give them. Why did Bill do this?

Because he is a hypocrite! Answer: “Bill and Max are neighbors. Max's chickens entered Bill's garden through a hole in the fence and stomped on the beds. Bill had to thank a neighbor for allegedly laying eggs in his garden. Greedy Max plugged a hole in the fence. "
Our people would have decided this question differently. Either they would have repaired the hole themselves, or they would have found a use for the chickens.

5. The stepmother gave Cinderella into the wrong hands. She slept for 13 days. Why?

On this topic, the following question would be clearer to us. Why did Tyutchev write: “I love a thunderstorm at the beginning of May ...”, but did he mean a thunderstorm at the end of May? The point is the difference between the time calendars of Tyutchev and ours. Answer in DaNet: “Transfer of Alaska. 13 days - the difference between calendars at that time in Russia and in America. " Calling Catherine II a stepmother, Alaska - Cinderella, our man will not come to mind.

6. Engineers came to the military plant, worked, left. Why didn't the guards sleep all night?

Here, for sure, because "stupid Americans". Answer: “The guards wrote down the names of the engineers. One engineer had a double surname. They released them, counting them on their heads. All night long they were looking for an engineer who is on the list but did not leave the factory. "

7. A rich woman walks into a cafe, orders food, including cream soup. He eats everything except the soup and leaves. Why did you take the soup?

Answer: "If a gang rushes into the cafe and starts to tear off the decorations, the lady will have time to take them off and throw them into the opaque soup!" Oh God, save us from a similar situation!

8. Tom entered the Milk Cafe and a) was dissatisfied, b) when leaving the cafe, he changed his mind, c) did not go to this cafe again. Why?

Answer: “The tables are uncomfortable, the food is bland, the waiters are curious, everyone asked: did he come alone? Coming out, Tom saw an old woman feeding a cat at the table, he realized that it was a cat cafe.

9. They sat at a table in a cafe, ate, and when he left, she laughed at herself for a long time. What's the story?

Long answer: “The girl took the soup, put it on the table and went to get a spoon. Has returned. A negro sits at the table and sips her soup. I decided to take it with humor. She sat down opposite and began to eat with the Negro from the same plate. Have eaten. The negro left, and she looked around ... On the next table is her untouched soup. " Well, how can you not burst into laughter! Well, a very funny situation!

And the last question. Also with American humor.

10. A woman tries on a new dress and asks her husband: “Dear, how do I like that? Is it going? " What's the humor here?

Answer: “The husband is dying. The wife is trying on a new black dress, in which she is going to figure (what a word!) At the funeral. " Is that funny?

Such American humor is difficult for us to understand. We are different. We have a different mentality, a different life. And it's good that we don't need to hide jewelry in the soup, eat in a cafe for animals by mistake, be hypocritical and much, much more, which I don't want to talk about.

We don't visit psychoanalysts to relieve stress. For this we have our own national product. And the concept of 100 grams (not grams, namely grams!) Is not weight, but the name of this product. By the way, no one complains that he was drinking in vain. He complains that he didn’t have a bite in vain, he was mixing it in vain.

Our man reads the instructions when he is already convinced that the thing is broken. No problem! Nothing is impossible for our people. We know how to find a way out of the most difficult situations. The only pity is that we are even more famous for the ability to find the entrance there.


Dear Galina, it's all about the perception of feelings, which are prescribed by understanding the letters of the Russian and English languages ​​of communication (in the Russian language of communication, 33 letters are feelings, in English there are only 24 letters - feelings). Therefore, the Iwsian person has a greater number of options for resolving such variants of the proposed events, which in no way can correlate with the understanding of the American mentality - the worldview. And as Zadornov wrote about a broom for a bath in the understanding of an American: Why do you need this broom ... Whipping yourself in the bath ... You are a masochist ... And soar a friend like that ... You are a sadist ... That's really Stupid Americans. .. And the publishers of this game are even dumber ... As in the variant of selling the notorious medicine "At the Dog ..." for a headache ...
With respect to you and a smile :), like a bunch of flowers, isho that ... with humor ...

Tolya, hello. In the Russian alphabet there are 30 letters and three characters (b, s, b), and in English, 26 letters are in Greek 24. Chekhov's work "Horse surname" is an ove and it became fun from Ovsov. Zadornov laughed, no longer funny, stupid from the path that he understood, but the mind is not enough because of the letters and you are right here, Anatoly. The essence of laughter in Chekhov's work? Out of nothing, he created a funny situation, a humorist, but the stork is not a cabbage.
Russians and Americans have different mentality and perceptions of life. This is not to say that they are stupid. Sheep and goat - who is smarter? Also Russian and American.
All peoples are like some kind of animals according to tradition. Tradition-good start = it's like eating grass, but the mind feeds on words and thread in letters.
33 letters are like thirty-three heroes, about whom Pushkin wrote, all handsome men are daring.
Bogatyr is like God, and you are Pb or just steal. The alphabet speaks of the syllable - the spirit as Pushkin understood, and the alphabet speaks of the letter as a soul. The spirit speaks of a dull soul and laughs at it, offending. America does not understand the world, it goes towards the measure; if there was Amireka, a rearrangement of the letters "IE", then perhaps a commonwealth with Africa, a part of it.
The dispute of knowledge gives nothing, except a quarrel, because of which the war begins.
Zadornov just set fire to the corners, but in Mowgli there is a promotion of understanding.
The last war of wolves and dogs that awaits us.

Oksana Nikolaevskaya writes: To the question that there are some particularly law-abiding Norwegians (well, or spherical Europeans in a vacuum), who obviously have a Magic Chip inserted in their heads, making them all exceptionally pleasant people of Noon, XXII century.
FIG. Of course, I don't dispute the importance of mentality. But. A kind word and a pistol can achieve more than just a kind word.
This one is not far from our house.

This is a highway exit for city buses only.
Such a shortcut. The same highway can be taken off by car, but this is a little detour.
So that's it. To prevent the cunning Norwegians and guests of the capital from poking into the forehead of the bus, a bear trap has been set there. That is, first, a kind word is a warning sign. Then, around the corner, the sign "brake-and-and, idiot!" And then, in fact, the trap.

There is a moat in the middle of the road, which is clearly designed for the width of the wheelbase of a city bus, but is impassable for any other transport. And not just a ditch, but a ditch with a sub-slope - with such a ridge in the middle, see?

Savva Timofeevich Morozov
Photos from the Internet

"Love Russia honestly"

Cry, people who have God in their heart,
And in the tsar-bell rattle with sorrowful alarm,
Hounded, ruined their own scientists,
They run away from Russia in a long column.
God knows I'm not a hypocrite - I don't know how to lie,
The best brothers run away from their feet into the hands.
And the new Russian is held in high esteem, which is to the joy of troubles
Gave a bugatti to his son along with a Samoyed.
Management does not command, does not wobble abruptly,
Two students moved, apparently, the devil beguiled.
The blood of the sons of Russia flows from the womb,
And the fire was hastily extinguished with green rain.
The presidents promised mountains of gold:
"Don't quit, geeks, Russian open spaces!"
The cunning West lures shots into its nets,
He does not need dancers and bards for nothing,
Offers a place in universities, assistance in the form of grants -
Our planes will become the work of amateurs,
Land less often. Let them not take off!
Let the living passengers scold the white light!
A new master with a sinful virgin is fornicating in Courchevel,
And talent barely makes ends meet ...

To the extent of the funeral money issued by the authorities,
They will be stabbed to death with rusty nails
In a hearse they will take them to the forgotten churchyard,
Unworthy new Russians, fallen or killed,
A drunk neighbor will say something not in essence,
The black raven will shake its head dejectedly ...
What happened? Or maybe we are blind puppies?
This is not the first time the geniuses of Russia have gone to earth.
Maybe throw everyone the capital and go into the woods
In order to have a blood brotherhood with the wild beast in the thicket.
How long will the greediness continue, Father Abba,
Where is citizenship in Russia, good uncle Savva?
To Bolotnaya * with the whole world - a glorious settlement,
Let's win back honor and pride of the Russian people!

* Only not a revolution - passed !!!


Greetings to the poet historian. I read it, Nikolina, I haven't visited for a long time. The soul is out of place from everything that happens, and what awaits us next, apparently, God knows. Just today I watched some kind of political program, where the TV presenter was commenting on the American's speech (I did not remember the last name). I haven't heard anything good and hopeful - wars, from the words of the American, are natural at any time, and the human mind, in his words, does not play any role ... These are the pies ... Let's live as they say: the war will show the plan. With warmth.

Nina, thanks. I want to say that all thinking people in a trance do not know what will happen next because of the madness of American politicians, stupid and greedy. The Americans themselves are hard workers, and due to closed propaganda they are in the dark.

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Somehow my friend from Russia became interested in my words that we, Russians living in Kazakhstan, have a different mentality. In continuation of our conversation with him, I will try to explain this exclusively from my point of view, as a person who was born and raised in Russia, but has been living in Kazakhstan for more than 25 years.

Upon arrival, my first vivid impression was tea in Kazakh, with milk, which my husband and I were treated to by his childhood friends. It was very tasty, but it was poured into a bowl almost on the bottom and I slowly asked my husband - do they feel sorry for them? It turned out that this is accepted, this is a manifestation of respect for the guest, more often they pour in a hot, longer conversation. Seemingly simple thing, but if I then asked the owner to pour more, he would have regarded it as my desire to leave as soon as possible and would be offended. It is in such nuances that the realization opens that all people seem to be the same, but in some ways they are very different, each with its own culture, worldview, and traditions. And your respectful attitude towards someone else's mentality, even if different from yours, causes a respectful attitude towards you.

When Muslims celebrated Kurban Bayram in Moscow, the Internet was simply torn apart by indignant and sarcastic cries - what has the Russian capital become, the invasion of Muslims, advocate good people. And in Almaty, every year, on Parents' Day, in the area of ​​cemeteries, traffic for private transport is blocked and additional buses are allocated, because Christians on this day in a continuous stream of many thousands go to commemorate their loved ones. And this does not bother anyone or outraged. And even at work, in government agencies, in private companies, there is an unspoken rule to release those who need it from work on this day.

And although Kazakhstan is a secular state, two days a year - Orthodox Christmas and Muslim Kurban Bayram - are officially declared days off. And my Muslim friends congratulate me, and I, a Christian, congratulate them from the bottom of my heart. And together we celebrate the New Year, Victory Day and our other common holidays. And I believe that this is normal, and it should be so in a multinational society that does not divide its citizens into friends and foes.

Now there is a lot of talk about the federalization of Ukraine. Of course, the state structure of each state is its own business. But I would like to give an example of Kazakhstan, a unitary state, on whose territory 17 million people of more than 120 nationalities live. Think, 120 peoples, different in their mentality, boiling in the same cauldron. What helps to avoid conflicts in such a large communal kitchen?

I am not a great sociologist or political scientist, an ordinary woman, however, having lived in many regions of the former Soviet Union, I can conclude that mono-ethnic societies are more closed, an unfamiliar way of life is perceived hard, as something alien and potentially dangerous. In a multinational society, someone else's way of life is perceived naturally and does not cause aggression.

I live in a house where one of my neighbors is Kazakh, the second is Ukrainian, the third is Armenian, above is Korean, below are Tatars. And we live normally, without abuse and enmity. We congratulate each other on the holidays, we rejoice if someone has an addition to the family, and we are upset if there is a decrease. Our children went to the same schools, were friends, two from our entrance even got married. Now children have grown up, they work, but even where they work, a multinational team and a person are evaluated not by the shape of the eyes, but for their knowledge and skills.

And it would be a huge tactlessness on my part not to say a sincere word of gratitude to the owner of this large house. This is the ancestral land of Kazakhs, a people who for several centuries was and remains a faithful friend, who in moments of dashing years always stood by his shoulder, shared bread and shelter, and in troubled times of change said - stay, this is your home, there will be enough space for everyone , the main thing is that there is peace and harmony. And it is worth a lot and it must be understood.

Therefore, I would like to dwell separately on the topic of the state language, since in the same Ukraine it has become just a stumbling block. In Kazakhstan, one state language is Kazakh. I believe that this is how it should be in a sovereign state, the state-forming nation of which determines the state language. But since it so happened historically that the Russian language is the language of interethnic communication, then it has remained so.

The President sets the tone, speaking in two languages. Yes, in state institutions, office work, as it should be, is conducted in Kazakh, but it is duplicated in Russian. At the same time, conditions are created for civil servants to study the state language at will on free courses during working hours.

In everyday life, I do not experience any problems - inscriptions in Kazakh and Russian, both on medical descriptions of medicines, on descriptions of the composition of products in the store. News on TV in Kazakh and Russian, there are separate channels purely in Kazakh and purely in Russian, there are mixed ones. As well as schools, there is teaching in Kazakh, but Russian is in the program, and vice versa, teaching in Russian, but Kazakh is mandatory. In any state institution I address a Kazakh manager in Russian and also receive an answer in Russian. And it is completely normal that a Kazakh guy gives way to me on the bus, addressing me in Russian, and I thank him in Kazakh.

I am not trying to idealize society and the country that has become dear and dear to me. There are, of course, some unsightly moments. For example, there was a case when one of the officials insulted a flight attendant on the internal line because she did not respond to his question due to her ignorance of the Kazakh language. This case caused a great resonance in the press and in the executioners. But, having shouted enough on the topic, whether the flight attendant should or should not have known the state language, nevertheless, for the most part, our people condemned exactly rudeness and bureaucratic arrogance.

As elsewhere, there is a big problem with employment in small towns, villages and auls. Life is in full swing in big cities, from small ones, basically the entire working-age population goes to work in megalopolises. The contrast between a modern city full of sparkling supermarket lights and expensive foreign cars, and a small village, sometimes plunging into complete darkness at nightfall, is of course striking, hence a certain social tension. It happens that in the crush of public transport, unable to cope with the growing population of the metropolis, conflicts flare up on the topic "come in large numbers" from both sides, but as a rule, they are quickly suppressed by the sane part of the public of all nationalities. By the way, I almost never hear obscenities either in transport or in public places, this is also condemned and stops immediately.

... There are overcrowded buses, electric trains, trains of our life, in which we all huddle, stepping on each other's feet. And it seems to me that only by respecting and striving to understand each other, we will be able to coexist normally and calmly in our one big house called the Earth. They are all so different and so all the same in their desire to just live, love, raise children, work and rest, go to visit ...

This is the secret of our special Kazakh mentality.