Unified repair and installation department. To obtain the basic laws of evaporative cooling, a stationary process of heat and mass transfer in the simplest film cooling tower is considered, in which water and air are brought into direct contact with each other.

Unified repair and installation department. To obtain the basic laws of evaporative cooling, a stationary process of heat and mass transfer in the simplest film cooling tower is considered, in which water and air are brought into direct contact with each other.

interview with chief power engineer of PJSC "KMZ" Matsievsky Boris Nikolaevich.

- Boris Nikolaevich, energy is one of the most important sectors of the economy, which is of key importance for the development of the country as a whole and our plant in particular. That is why the management of the plant pays such great attention to the work of the CHPP-PVS, the electrical department, the gas and the W&C department. Is it possible to concretize the work of power engineers on the modernization and repair of equipment?

- Oh sure. In 2015, large repairs and modernization of equipment were carried out in the power shops. At CHPP-PVS, under the leadership of the director of the power plant Roman Karpachev, overhaul of boilers No. 1, No. 4, No. 5 was carried out.

In the electrical shop under the leadership of Viktor Morozov, during the year, fifteen 6kV oil switches were replaced with modern vacuum ones, the switchgear of pumping station No. 1 was reconstructed with the installation of a new section.

In the gas shop under the leadership of Evgeny Chernov, a major overhaul of the dry gas cleaning of blast furnace No. 1 was carried out. Work is underway to introduce electrodialysis water purification into production.

In the V&K workshop, under the leadership of Sergey Ivanov, a major overhaul of the aeration tank unit of the aerobic digester of the treatment facilities was carried out.

Only major works are listed here. But work is constantly being carried out, which we call "routine". These are current repairs to eliminate minor faults. They require a significant investment of time and human resources. The amount of such work depends on the correct operation of the equipment. The fewer violations in operation, the fewer repairs have to be carried out. Correct operation is ensured by shift personnel. These are specialists who monitor the operation of the equipment around the clock and take all measures in case of deviation from the specified parameters.

- Now we have to think about the future. Anticipate events. The reliability of the equipment depends on the attitude towards it. Is there a preliminary plan for major overhauls for the beginning of the year?

- Of course, this plan is being worked out now. The heads of the shops have prepared their proposals for 2016 on the overhaul of equipment. These proposals were previously discussed in the department of the chief power engineer, then with the chief engineer. The activities that will be included in the 2016 action plan have been finalized.

Now it is necessary to clarify the cost of these activities. In January 2016, the plan will be approved by the management of the plant.

- In your activity, as in any other, people decide everything. What can you say about the personnel of power engineers?

- Many competent and responsible specialists work in our workshops. I would especially like to note the following employees: Valery Baklanov - senior machinist of CHPP-PVS, Evgeny Kazakov - locksmith of CHPP-PVS, Igor Fedryakov - gas operator of the gas department, Yuri Merkin - shift manager of the gas department, Vladimir Smolyakov - deputy chief engineer of CHPP-PVS, Alexander Eremkin - repair and maintenance technician of the electrical equipment shop, Maxim Mishin - repair and installation of electrical equipment of the electrical shop, Sergei Solovyov - repair technician of the electrical equipment shop, Yuri Zasimov - repair and maintenance technician of the electrical engineering shop, Pavel Petrov - electrician of the electrical shop and more many other great workers.

- Boris Nikolaevich, how do you assess all the work done by power engineers in 2015?

- My mark is a four with a plus. Why? Because all the activities planned for 2015 have been completed. Power engineers work stably and confidently, uninterruptedly providing energy resources to all workshops of the plant, as well as to third-party consumers. The confirmation of the good work of the plant power engineers is the issuance of a certificate of readiness for the 2015-2016 heating season.

I wish everyone in the coming year trouble-free work, economic stability, self-confidence, good spirits and new successes in noble work for the benefit of the native plant.

Press center of PJSC "KMZ"

They say about some people: a talented leader, a good organizer. And what is contained in these words, few people understand. Even psychologists have developed at least a dozen very different theories on this score, which, however, agree on the main point. In a talented leader, they distinguish a quality called charisma, in other words, it is a special will that allows people to unite around them. The second is the ability to make the right decisions in difficult situations. The third is high professionalism, and without it, of course, there would be no trust in the leader. And, perhaps, the most important thing is the ability to take on responsibility, which an ordinary person will not dream of even in a nightmare. "Tulachermet" is lucky in this respect - among our leaders there are mostly people who fully correspond to such characteristics. It is gratifying that one of the most important production facilities of the plant - CHPP-PVS - is headed by just such a person - Vladimir Ivanovich Kvachenko. Today he is visiting our newspaper. - Vladimir Ivanovich, I know that under your leadership the CHPP-PVS was brought out of its decline. Tell us about that period.
- I am not inclined to ascribe to myself all the laurels. The credit for the work that was done at CHPP-PVS in the past decade belongs to both the plant's management and shareholders, as well as the CHPP team itself. I was required to rally the team of the unit, discipline, set tasks and demand their fulfillment. I did not come to CHPP-PVS as a beginner. Prior to that, he worked in Siberia for 24 years, first at the West Siberian Metallurgical Plant in Novokuznetsk, then in Kemerovo at OJSC Koks. All the years in the energy sector, he went through the stages from the foreman to the deputy head of the shop and the technologist. He came to Tula in 2001, was appointed deputy head of the CHP, and soon head.
- In fact, from the very first days, did you participate in the restoration of production with the arrival of a new management at Tulachermet?
- At that time the greatest difficulties fell out. There is nothing to hide, by the beginning of the 2000s, the production was brought, as they say, to the handle. And not only at the thermal power plant, but practically in all divisions of the plant. What discipline was, no one knew, thugs flourished, sloppiness, alcohol was almost openly sold on the territory of the plant. Production capacity was in decline. The territory was littered, the roads were destroyed - a ditch in a ditch, a lot of some kind of heating plants were built. Depreciation of equipment at the CHPP exceeded 80 percent.
It took a lot of effort to turn the tide. They began to establish discipline, took up re-equipment and in the end achieved good results. For example, before me, boiler No.8 was being built at the CHPP for eleven years. There was an opinion that the construction should be stopped altogether, the boiler should be dismantled. But then all the same, after consulting with specialists, with Rostekhnadzor, we decided to restore it. Built in 4 months. I would like to especially note its commissioning, since the boiler provides not only the plant's own needs, but also supplies heat to the Proletarsky District. But it is in Proletarskoye that a lot of metallurgists live.
Today, the percentage of worn-out equipment at CHPP-PVS has been reduced to 64, which is already acceptable. Although this figure is not the last one, we will continue to improve the indicator. And the entire plant has completely changed over the years. I have visited metallurgical plants in Germany. So today Tulachermet is not inferior to the best European metallurgical plants, not only in production and environmental performance, but also in the aesthetics of production. Everything is asphalted, paving stones everywhere, lawns, buildings in good condition. It looks more like city streets.
Only in recent years, a lot has been done at the CHPP to eliminate the comments of the industrial safety expertise. The resource was extended by 4 years after the overhaul of the turbine generator No. 5. The steam-bypass pipelines of the same TG-5, transfer and feed pipelines, and a fast-acting reduction and cooling unit were replaced. We completed the transfer of technological equipment from a voltage of 3.15 to 6 kilovolts. And this is a decrease in losses in electrical circuits and simplification of repairs. In 2009, turbine generator No. 3 with modern controls was put into operation. Recently, dismantling and subsequent overhaul of the 1700 turbocharger began.
- You were sent to other parts of the plant, and there you also achieved success.
- For 10 years I had the opportunity to go through almost all the main productions. He was the head of the blast-furnace shop, the head of the sinter-blast furnace production, the head of the production department, the deputy manager for capital construction, and the director for production. But in the end, he was again appointed head of the CHPP-PVS.
- CHPP-PVS is itself a decent plant in terms of production volumes. No wonder it is considered the heart of Tulachermet. What is the structure of your production today?
- Over the past decade, CHP-PVS has undergone some changes in the organizational structure and personnel policy. Rotation and optimization of production have reduced the number of employees to 253 people. Labor productivity has increased significantly. Today, the team provides the plant and third-party consumers with energy resources in full. Organized, so to speak, production on demand. At present, the CHPP has four main sections, which were previously rightfully called workshops. The first in the technological chain is chemical. Filtration, clarification, softening and demineralization of water are carried out there. It is headed by a very experienced specialist - Galina Vasilievna Bodrova. The structure of the site includes a laboratory for chemical analysis, a laboratory for oils and an express laboratory. Elena Vladimirovna Spiridonova is in charge of this farm. Next is the boiler section. Power boilers are installed here: hot water, medium pressure and high pressure boilers. Site manager - Mikhail Alexandrovich Rumyantsev, senior foreman - Alexander Evgenievich Romanov. Both are highly professional workers. The turbine section is equally important. This is where power generation takes place, blowers, compressors and generators work in the turbine room. The chief there is Valery Aleksandrovich Terekhov, a former submarine officer. And, finally, the electrical section, where the distribution and metering of electricity takes place, the synchronization of the current with external networks, the control and management of the operation of generators and transformers. It is headed by Nikolai Ivanovich Sashilin, one of the most experienced electricians of Tulachermet.
- They say that you are a strict leader. Figuratively speaking, in order for iron to work well, people must also be iron?
- Metallurgy is metallurgy. It is akin to military production. The discipline must be iron. Everyone benefits from this - including the conscientious worker. But at the same time, the nuts must not be tightened all the way. There should also be encouragement, and here it is not only a kind word that is important, but, above all, a good salary.
- Probably, the prospects for the development of CHPP-PVS are already visible in the coming years?
- This year we intend to complete the overhaul of the TK-1700 turbocharger, we have already started dismantling the foundation, new equipment is waiting at the warehouse. In addition, an examination of the foundation of the generator No. 2 was started. Foundation design and installation are outlined. You can also say about the upcoming major repairs to the main building of the CHPP. For these purposes, the plant's management allocated 11 million rubles. Further plans: replacement of two medium-pressure boilers, which have exhausted their resources - an examination for the extension has to be done annually. This is a very important sector of the production, providing energy to blowers.
- Good luck to you and your team.

Aleksandr Kuznetsov.

Today, the metallurgical plant of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC includes:
- by-product coke production;
- sinter-blast-furnace production;
- steel production;
- rolling production;
- unified repair and installation department;
- Department of the Chief Power Engineer;
- Transport Department.

By-product coke production

A by-product coke plant consisting of six coke oven batteries with a production capacity of 3.5 million tons of coke per year.
The coking coals of the Karaganda coal basin are used as raw materials for the by-product coke production.

The KHP also includes:
- Workshops for chemical capture
- Coke shop
During coking, the main product is formed - coke and accompanying gas and tar, which are fed to the chemical recovery, rectification, tar distillation shops, where the accompanying chemical products are obtained.

Sinter-blast-furnace production

The design capacity of the sinter production is 6 million tons per year. It includes a crushing and sorting plant with blending warehouses, sections for the preparation of charge materials and sludge, a sinter plant, a blast furnace shop and a slag processing section. The crushing and sorting plant provides reception, crushing, storage and homogenization of materials intended for the production of sinter. Three sintering machines with a total sintering area of ​​1008 sq.m. produce sinter for the needs of the blast furnace shop.
Ores and concentrates of Orken LLP, as well as concentrate and pellets of SSGPO JSC are used as raw materials. As fluxes - purchased limestone, dolomite and lime of our own production.

Blast furnace shop smelts pig iron and foundry for converter and molding shops. The blast-furnace shop includes four furnaces with a volume of DP1 - 1719m3, DP2 - 2291m3, DP3 - 3200m3, DP4 - 3200m3.
DP-2 is a new generation unit in terms of technical equipment, reliability and environmental impact. Reconstruction of the blast furnace was one of the largest and most expensive investment projects of ArcelorMittal Temirtau. The design capacity of the furnace is 1.3 million tons of pig iron per year.
As a result of the reconstruction, the furnace volume was increased by 300 cubic meters, and its productivity - by 15%. In addition, the oven itself, after overhaul, complies with the European level.
The uniqueness of the project lies in the installation of modern equipment in all sections of the furnace, the use of components, mainly of Western production. The design documentation was developed by PAUL WURTH, a part of ArcelorMittal, together with the design and development department of the metallurgical plant. A new bell-less charging device was installed, on which both the durability of the blast furnace and its productivity, as well as the consumption of coke, depend. In addition, during the reconstruction, new stoves of the Kalugin system were built. They allow you to keep the blast temperature at 1230 degrees. Similar air heaters have already been installed at the best metallurgical enterprises in the world, including at the plants of the ArcelorMittal company. In total, this is about 230 devices.
Two new generation electrostatic precipitators were installed to clean off gases from the bunker rack and the casting yard. Two cowpers designed by Kalugin provide a blast temperature of 1250 degrees. The flat foundry provides a safer and better working environment for the forges on the job site. Small-sized machines of a new design were installed for opening and driving the cast-iron tapholes. The gutters, through which the pig iron and slag flow, are covered, and the exhaust gases are captured, cleaned and only then released into the atmosphere. Surplus blast furnace gas will now be used to generate steam in the new boiler house.
To obtain pig iron, modern technologies of blast-furnace smelting are used.

Steel production

The steelmaking production includes an oxygen-converter shop and 3 continuous casting lines (continuous casting machine). Continuous casting machine - CCM-3 is designed for the production of billets with dimensions of 130 by 130 and 150 by 150 millimeters on the territory of the existing converter shop. The productivity of the machine is designed for 1.2 million tons of billets per year, which will meet the needs of the section rolling shop. CCM-3 was fully adapted to the existing workshop.
The converter shop has three oxygen converters with a capacity of 300 tons and two mixers of 2000 tons, two ladle furnaces, 2 radial continuous casting machines, each with a capacity of 2.6 million tons of slabs per year. In the production of converter steel from phosphorous cast iron, a complex of modern methods of metal smelting is used.

Rolling production

The rolling production includes a hot-rolled shop, two cold-rolled shops and a hot-dip galvanizing and aluminizing shop, a line of polymer coatings.

Hot rolling:

Selective stripping of slabs prior to hot rolling ensures the surface quality of the rolled metal, free from captivity, non-metallic inclusions and other surface defects that can directly affect the quality of galvanized and tin-plated steel. By strictly controlling the rolling and coiling temperatures of the strip, the mechanical properties are the same in all directions. The line also has a continuous gauge control system to ensure a consistent gauge.

Cold rolling:

Before cold rolling, the surface of the hot-rolled metal strip is etched with a hydrochloric acid solution on two etching lines. Then, depending on the required final thickness, the strip passes through a 5 or 6 stand cold rolling mill. At this stage, the edges are trimmed.
The design capacity of the 5-stand mill is 1300 thousand tons, the 6-stand mill is 850 thousand tons per year.


The technological process includes the following processing stages:
- cold rolling of carbon steel;
- electrolytic cleaning of the surface from mechanical contamination of the strip - annealing and tempering;
- degreasing and preparation of the strip for the main process - tinning;
- electrolytic tinning (design capacity of three lines - 375 thousand tons per year);
- cutting into sheet blanks.

Hot-dip galvanizing and aluminizing shop (TsGCA)

The main units of the workshop:
- 2 units of continuous hot zinc plating with a total capacity of 620 thousand tons per year;
- cut-to-length unit;
- roll forming unit;
- line of polymer coatings with a design capacity of 85 thousand tons per year.
Hot-dip galvanizing technology includes technological operations: chemical cleaning of the metal surface, thermochemical treatment of steel strip, coating, regulation of coating thickness, tempering, cooling, tempering and straightening of metal, passivation and oiling of rolled steel with coatings.

Polymer coated steel

The polymer coating technology consists in the chemical preparation of the strip, the application of paint to the strip, and heat treatment of the strip for polymerization (fixing) of the paint. The challenge is to apply the coating evenly, to obtain a uniform surface and the required coating thickness.
Coiled steel is painted on automated lines using the roller method. A polymer coating is used to paint the rolled products.

Long products

The production of long products is carried out by hot rolling on a rolling mill, using ordinary quality carbon steel or low-alloy steel grades. The section rolling shop is designed for the production of various types of metal products for the construction industry and mechanical engineering: rebar, circle, square, strip, angle, channel. The capacity of the mill is 400 thousand tons of products per year.
The section rolling mill includes roughing, intermediate and finishing groups of stands, a heat treatment system for rolled products, a refrigerator, a section for cutting and forming finished rolled products for shipment.

Unified repair and installation management

The unified repair and installation department is an independent structural division of the management of JSC "ArcelorMittal Temirtau" and is directly subordinate to the director of repairs.
The main goal of ERMU is:
- ensuring reliable operation of the mechanical equipment of the divisions of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC, which is necessary for the production of competitive products at the lowest cost of labor, material and financial resources.
ERMU plans:
-current and major repairs of equipment and units;
- the number of semi-finished products, spare parts and replacement equipment required to ensure the operability of the equipment of the divisions of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC;
- performance of repair work required to ensure the operability of the equipment of the divisions of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC;
-production of metal for the repair and maintenance needs of the divisions of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC.
ERMU develops scheduled preventive maintenance schedules for the main units and equipment and adjusts the established repair times due to production needs.

Chief Power Engineer Department

The Chief Power Engineer Department includes:
- CHPP-2;
-Steam power shop (PSC);
-Oxygen shop;
-Gas shop;
-Water supply workshop (TsVS);
-Shop of hydraulic structures and hydrotransport (GTSiG);
- Workshop of treatment facilities (DSP);
-Shop for repair of power equipment of metallurgical workshops (EnRTs);
-Shop for repair of electrical equipment of metallurgical workshops (TsREMTs);
-Electrical repair shop (ERC);
-Shop of networks and substations (CSP);
-Shop of technological dispatching (TsTD);
-Ventilation workshop;
-Central Factory Electrotechnical Laboratory (TsZ ETL);
-Central Heat Engineering Laboratory (CTTL);
CHPP-PVS - providing the plant's shops with electric and thermal energy, blast-furnace blast, and chemically purified water. The installed capacity of CHPP-PVS is 192 MW / h.

CHP-2- provision of workshops with electric and thermal energy, chemically purified and demineralized water. In addition, CHPP-2 provides heat and electricity to the city of Temirtau. The installed capacity of CHPP-2 is 435 MW / h.

Steam power shop is designed to provide the workshops and production facilities of the plant with energy carriers (steam, compressed air, chemically purified water) of various parameters.

Oxygen shop provides production with air separation products (oxygen, nitrogen, argon), and also produces raw and dried compressed air for consumer workshops. Oxygen production capacity is 144 thousand cubic meters per hour.

Transport Department

Transport services include:
-the department of transport logistics, cargo and commercial work;
-organization of external transportation, cargo and commercial work;
-automotive workshop, which provides the production cycle of the plant with road transport, provides transportation of the plant personnel, routine repairs and maintenance of vehicles and DST,
- management of railway transport.
UZhDT includes:
-Shop for the current maintenance and repair of the track, which performs maintenance and repair of railway tracks, buildings and structures, operation of track and snow removal equipment.
-The rolling stock workshop carries out routine repairs and maintenance of locomotives, wagons in specialized depots and stations.
-The operation shop organizes internal, including technological, cargo transportation, as well as loading and unloading operations on the cargo fronts of workshops and production facilities.


GLLLVL 1. Analytical review and analysis of task 10

    The current state of the issue of construction, research and optimization of the fuel and energy balance of the metallurgical plant

    Modern solution of the problem of mathematical modeling and optimization of the power supply source of an industrial enterprise

    Combined Cycle Technologies at the Present Stage of Development of 21 Energy

1.4. Problem statement 30
GLLVL 2. Construction of mathematical models for CCGT-VGER, CHPP-32
PVA and the mathematical model of the averaged metallurgical

2.1. Description of the mathematical model of CCGT-VGER 32

    Description of the mathematical model of GTU 32

    Description of the mathematical model of the waste heat boiler 41

    Modeling heplophysical properties of water and 44 water vapor

    Mathematical description of the working thermal diagram of the 48 steam turbine CCGT-VGER

    Methodology for simplified calculations of indicators of 50 escapement and discharge schemes of CCGT-VGER

2.2. Integration of the mathematical model of CHPP-PVS with CCGT-VGER in 55
calculation of the energy balance of a metallurgical plant

    Statement of the problem of circuit-parametric optimization of 60 TPP-PVS in the framework of considering the complete energy balance of a metallurgical plant

    Optimization criteria for an energy and technological system, 63 including a CHPP-PVA, within the framework of a complete energy balance for the metal of a pi ical plant

    Features of the application of the oshimization meyuds in the problems of 64 optimization of meіallurgical and heat-and-power processes

    Brief description of the applied optimization method DSFD 65 (Direct search for possible directions)

    Search for a global optimum based on a multivariate search for 67 local optima

CHAPTER 3. Computational and theoretical study of the characteristics of GTU 70
and CCGT operating at the VGER Meіallurі icoіo Combine

    Features of the use of steam and gas technologies in the conditions of the 70th metallurgical plant

    Characteristics of a blast-furnace i aza 71

    Characteristics of coke oven gas 73

    Characteristics of the converter i am 74

    Characteristics of a simple cycle of a gas turbine unit when operating on 77 different fuels

    Characteristics of a CCGT unit with a utilizer (ІІGU-KU) at 100 operation on various іazovіkh fuels

Conclusions 103

CHAPTER 4. Optimization of circuit-parametric solutions of CHPP-PVS 105
metallurgical plant
4.1. The structure of the fuel and energy balance 105

metallurgy combination

    Fuel and energy balances of 111 foreign metallurgical plants

    Fuel, energy and material balances 115 averaged metallurgical plant

    Schematic-parametric optimization of power supply of 126 averaged metallurgical plant based on traditional steam turbine plants according to the criterion of minimum consumption of fuel and energy resources

    Schematic-parametric optimization of energy supply of 131 averaged metallurgical plant based on traditional steam turbine installations according to the criterion of minimum costs for fuel and energy resources

    Schematic-parametric onimization of power supply 136 of the averaged metallurgical combination based on CCGT-VGER

according to the criterion of minimum and consumption of fuel and energy resources.

4.7 Schematic-parametric power supply optimization 141
averaged metallurgical combination based on CCGT-VGER

according to the criterion of the minimum cost of fuel and energy resources.

4.8 Schematic-parametric optimization of airyrespabzhspiya 147
averaged metallurgy plant based on CCGT-VGER

according to the criterion of minimum shrugs for fuel-non-erotic
resources in conditions of increasing cost of natural gas.
4.9. Schematic-parametric power supply optimization 149
averaged metallurgical combination based on CCGT-VGER
according to the criterion of the minimum total (integral) costs.
Conclusions 151

Conclusions on work 152

Literature 154

Introduction to work

One of the most critical problems in ferrous metallurgy is increasing energy efficiency and EKOL01ICHNOSGI production at metallurgical enterprises. In the context of a gradual rise in prices for fuel and energy resources, energy consumption in steel production is becoming an increasingly important factor. A large full-cycle metallurgical plant can have a capacity of about 10 million tons of steel per year and consume a colossal amount of fuel - more than 10 million tons of fuel equivalent. in year. In the whole country, ferrous metallurgy enterprises consume about 15% of all produced natural fuel and more than 12% of electricity. The share of ferrous metal enterprises in the total volume of industrial production of the Russian Federation is significant - more than 12%.

It is estimated that the energy saving potential of Russian metallurgical enterprises is 20-30%. The share of purchased energy resources - coal, coke, natural gas and electricity - in the structure of the cost of rolled products is 30-50%, which means high energy intensity of production. Significant energy saving can be achieved, first of all, due to the rational construction and optimization of the fuel and energy balance of the metallurgical plant, as well as optimization of energy use in individual technological processes.

The CHPP-PVS of the metallurgical plant compensates for the imbalance of the production steam, at the same time ensuring the utilization of VGER, supplies the specified volumes of compressed air and electricity. "Go is the most important link that closes the fuel and energy balance of the metallurgical plant for these energy carriers, therefore, the optimization of energy use in individual technological processes should be considered jointly not only among themselves, but also include issues related to the energy of the enterprise.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to use this and a lot of analysis for the energy-technological complex of a metallurgical plant,

6 which is a complex system.

At many metallurgical plants, the equipment of the CHPP-PVS has physically and mentally worn out, in connection with which it is necessary to carry out its technical re-equipment, using modern or even developing new power equipment.

Increasing the economy of fuel and energy resources, reducing emissions of harmful substances and greenhouse gases, and, consequently, increasing the economic efficiency of the metallurgical plant, due to the development of optimal circuit-parametric solutions for CHPP-PVS on the basis of ISU and linking the fuel and energy balance of the metallurgical plant is a very urgent task.

Purpose of work. The purpose of the work is the development and selection of optimal circuit-parametric solutions "1ETs-PVS based on CCGT in linking the fuel and energy balance of the metallurgical plant.

to develop a mathematical model of CHPP-PVS, including a model of CCGT (GTU) at VGER, a model of a steam / turbine CHPP-PVS, which allows calculating and optimizing the schemes and parameters of 1ETs-PVS taking into account the full fuel and energy balance of the plant;

to develop a method for assessing the optimal areas of application of CCGT and GTU, PTU-CHP, operating at the VGER of the metallurgy plant;

to develop a tool for choosing the optimal strategy for the development of CHPP-PVS on the basis of mathematical models and methods, taking into account the full fuel and energy balance of the plant.

Scientific novelty The work is as follows:

    For the first time, a unified mathematical model of CHPP-PVS has been developed, including a model of a combined cycle power plant at VGER, a model of a steam-turbine CHPP and a PVS, which makes it possible to calculate and simulate schemes and parameters of CHPP-PVS taking into account the complete fuel and energy balance of the metallurgical plant.

    The characteristics of the CCGT-KU on the VGER fuel of the metallurgical plant were obtained, it was found that with the same initial parameters of the gas turbine

7 characteristics have an effect on the volumetric content of CCL, CH 4, LO, CO, U, Cb, N 2 in the fuel (in order of decreasing influence).

    The conditions for the interchangeability of VGER fuels for CCGT-KU were obtained; it was shown that, depending on the composition of the VGER GTU (CCGT) fuel, its aggregate and circuit implementation should be different. For a group of low-calorie mixtures (up to 12 MJ / m3) based on blast-furnace, converter and natural gases, a dynamic-action gas turbine compressor should be used; for a group of high-calorie mixtures (more than 17 MJ / m 3) based on coke oven and natural gases - a gas-powered gas turbine compressor.

    It has been established that for the tasks of increasing only electric power, it is optimal to use a CCGT, for the tasks of replacing equipment with a high share of heating load - STU, for tasks of replacing equipment with increasing electrical power and and with a high share of production heat load - a combination of STU and CCGT (GTU) at the VGER of the metallurgical plant, which depends on the structure of the production of the metallurgical plant.

    It has been adopted that the existing and the first are the optimal areas of application at CHPP-PVS of the metallurgical plant IGU-CHPP and GTU-CHPP, operating on VGER fuels, depending on the amount of heat supply.

Practical value It works in that the methods developed in it and its results make it possible to solve the complex problem of forming an energy strategy for metallurgy production. The developed technique is recommended for use in the technical re-equipment and modernization of 1ETs-PVS metallurgical plants in Russia and the CIS countries.

Authentic and "and grounded! results the work is due to the use of modern methods of thermodynamic analysis, proven methods of mathematical modeling, reliable and proven methods of system research in industrial heat power engineering, the use of widely used calculation methods for heat power units and reliable reference data, comparing the results obtained with data from other authors and data obtained

8 when conducting an energy audit of heat and power systems of metallurgical production.

a developed methodology and an optimization mathematical model for CHPP-PVS, including GTU- and CCGT-VGER, integrated into the optimization mathematical model of a metallurgical plant;

results of computational studies of the characteristics and energy efficiency indicators of steam-gas and gas turbine plants operating at the VGER metallurgy plant

results of optimization studies and search for the structure of CHPP-PVS, including GG- and CCGT-VGER, taking into account the complete fuel and energy balance of the metallurgical plant.

Personal contribution of author consists of:

in the development of a methodology and an optimization mathematical model for CHPP-PVS, including GTU- and CCGT-VGER, which is included in the optimization mathematical model of a metallurgical plant;

in carrying out comb studies of the characteristics and energy efficiency indicators of steam-gas and gas turbine plants operating at the VGER of a metallurgical plant

v carrying out optimization studies of the structure of an energy source of a metallurgical plant, built on the basis of traditional steam turbine, as well as gas turbine and steam-gas equipment, taking into account the complete fuel and energy balance of the metallurgical plant.

Approbation and publication. The results of the work were presented at VIII-XII International scientific and technical conferences of students and graduate students "Radio electronics, electrical engineering and energy" (MPEI; 2002-2006), II and III All-Russian schools-seminars of young scientists and specialists "Energy saving - theory and practice" (MPEI; 2004 and 2006), III International scientific and practical conference "Metallurgical heat engineering: history, current state, future" (MISiS, 2006).

Avgor expresses his deep gratitude for the advice, support and creative participation in the work of prof. Doctor of Technical Sciences Sultanguzin I.A., Ph.D. Sitasu V. I., Yashin AL I.

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, 4 chapters, a conclusion and a list of sources used. The work is outlined at 167 pages of typewritten text, contains 70 figures, 9 tables. List of sources used from 136 titles.


Theoretical part

1 Power facilities CherMK JSC "Severstal"

2 Description of the current situation

3 Characteristics of the equipment of the 1st stage of CHPP-EVS-2 of JSC "Severstal"

3.1 Basic heat and power equipment

3.2 General characteristics of the thermal circuit CHPP-EVS-2

3.3 General characteristics of the electrical circuit of CHPP-EVS-2

3.4 Characteristics of steam turbines CHPP-EVS-2

3.5 Heating plant

3.6 Characteristics of steam boilers CHPP-EVS-2

3.7 Peak hot water boilers KVGM-100 st. No. 1, 2

4 Fuel mode of CHPP-EVS-2

5 Characteristics of the main equipment of the II stage of CHPP-EVS-2

5.1 Power boiler Е-500-13,8-560 ГДП (ТПГЕ-431)

5.2 Steam turbine Т-110 / 120-130-5

5.3 Characteristics of the gas turbine SGT 800, Siemens

6 Review of periodical literature

Calculated part

1 Calculation of the thermal scheme of a gas turbine with cooling

1.1 Initial data

1.2 Determination of the parameters of the working fluid in the compressor

1.3 Thermal calculation of the main parameters of the gas turbine combustion chamber

1.4 Determination of the parameters of the working fluid in a gas turbine

1.5 Calculation of the energy performance of the gas turbine

1.6 Calculation of the cooling system

2 Calculation of complete fuel combustion

3 Calculation of the thermal scheme of CCGT-S (discharge type)

Organizational and economic section

1 Calculation of technical and economic indicators

1.1 Calculation of capital investments

1.2 Calculation of the equivalent fuel consumption for equipment operation

1.3 Calculation of economic benefits

1.4 Calculation of the payback period and the coefficient of economic efficiency

Life safety

1 Analysis of working conditions

2 Measures to ensure safe and healthy working conditions

3 Calculation of the noise characteristic

4 Measures to ensure the stability of the facility in emergency situations

Ecological part


List of sources used


Cherepovets Steel Works OJSC Severstal is one of the world's largest vertically integrated steel and mining companies. One of the advantages of CherMK is its geographic location. Cherepovets, where the plant was built, is located at the junction of three economic regions: the European North, the North-West and the Center of Russia.

OJSC Severstal, open to everything new in the field of metallurgical equipment and technologies, is the largest developer and supplier of technologies on the intellectual property market. In terms of the number of patents received for inventions, the company is one of the leaders in the Russian metallurgy. Most of the inventions were obtained for new grades of steel, new technologies for their production, improvement of metallurgical equipment and the design of new units. In addition, the strategic direction of CherMK OJSC Severstal is the introduction of new technologies, progressive, both in terms of creating competitive products and environmental safety. combined heat and power plant gas turbine

The Cherepovets Metallurgical Combine includes eight types of production: sintering, coke-chemical, blast-furnace, steel-making, hot-rolled flat products, cold-rolled products, section and pipe.

The Office of the Chief Power Engineer (UGE) is responsible for meeting the needs of the metallurgical plant for electrical and thermal energy, their rational use, ensuring reliable and uninterrupted operation of power and electrical equipment.

UGE includes the following shops: TPP-PVS, TPP-EVS-2, TPP, gas shop, oxygen shop, water supply shop, power supply shop, energy saving center.

At CherMK of OAO Severstal, there is a shortage of both steam for technological needs (in winter) and electricity. If you look at a percentage, the plant's electricity needs are covered by about 65% from its own producers (CHP-EVS-2 accounts for 25%, CHP-PVS 35%, heat power shop 3%, gas shop 2%), the remaining 35% of electricity is purchased. It is always more expedient to generate additional power, because additional fuel costs turn out to be less than the cost of additional purchased electricity. In addition, the repair cycles of the main equipment do not correspond to each other (overhaul: boiler - 3 years, turbine - 4 years). This necessitates the expansion of CHPP-EVS-2.

One of the solutions to this problem can be the installation of a CCGT unit with discharge of gases into the boiler furnace. One of the advantages of this installation is that gases with an increased temperature are supplied to the boiler furnace, and therefore the heat consumption for heating the flue gases decreases, this is the reason for the increase in the efficiency of the entire combined installation.

1. Theoretical part

1 Power facilities of CherMK JSC "Severstal"

The energy sector of CherMK OJSC Severstal is a complex energy complex, which includes 9 power shops.

CHPP-EVS-2 is a combined heat and power plant, electric blower station No. 2, which is a structural subdivision of the Cherepovets Metallurgical Combine of OJSC Severstal and is part of the Chief Power Engineer of the Production Directorate.

The main tasks of CHPP-EVS-2 are:

power generation for the workshops of OAO Severstal;

supply of heat with steam for production needs;

heat supply with hot water for district heating of JSC Severstal;

production of chemically treated water for technological needs;

use (disposal) of combustible waste of metallurgical production (blast furnace and coke oven gases, industrial products after coal processing);

providing with blowing the necessary parameters of blast furnaces No. 5 (4).

The installed electric capacity is 160 MW; heat: steam - 370 t / h, hot water - 360 Gcal / h.

The operating mode of the CHPP-EVS-2 units is round-the-clock.

Combined electric and thermal power generation scheme.

CHPP-EVS-2 provides the technological needs of OJSC Severstal with heat and electricity and other resources, avoids deep restrictions in electricity from the system, the possibility of commissioning new facilities, development, reconstruction and permission of existing production facilities.

CHPP-PVS - combined heat and power plant, steam-blowing station.

The main tasks of the workshop:

generation of electricity for the production of the plant and for its own needs;

production of blast for blast furnaces No. 1-4;

use (disposal) of combustible metallurgical gases (blast furnace and coke oven gases).

The main tasks of the TSC (heat power shop) are: generation of heat and electricity; uninterrupted supply of consumers with industrial steam, chemically treated, feed and hot water, heating oil; ensuring economical, trouble-free operation of equipment and shop networks.

The gas shop is engaged in cleaning blast furnace gas, uninterrupted supply of gaseous fuel to the structural divisions of the plant, transportation of gas and maintaining its parameters within the specified limits, generating electricity from GUBT, and producing carbon dioxide. Blast furnace, coke oven and natural gases, as well as their mixtures of various calorific value, are used as gaseous fuel at CherMK.

The oxygen shop ensures timely production and provides the plant's divisions and third-party consumers with compressed air, its separation products (oxygen, nitrogen, argon and hydrogen of the specified quality), ensures trouble-free and economical operation of the shop's equipment and networks.

The water supply workshop provides uninterrupted water supply with fresh technical, circulating water, is engaged in wastewater disposal in accordance with the water quality requirements of workshops and third-party organizations, provides the Company's divisions with drinking water to meet the household needs of employees of structural divisions. The workshop also serves environmental facilities, excludes the ingress of contaminated water into the surface sources of the city of Cherepovets.

The power supply shop provides power supply to the subdivisions of the plant and third-party consumers. The main tasks of the workshop are the operation and repair of the equipment of the main step-down substations, overhead and cable electrical networks, outdoor lighting networks, testing of protective equipment.

The main tasks of the energy saving workshop are:

control and adjustment of thermal modes of operation of fuel-consuming units and modes of fuel combustion;

control of the main heat engineering and heat power indicators of the main equipment operation;

ensuring accounting of the quantity and quality control of energy carriers;

detection at the time of occurrence and elimination by means of fire-fighting automation of fires and fires at the facilities of JSC "Severstal" in order to reduce economic damage and losses;

reduction of non-productive costs and losses in the production and distribution of energy resources, increasing the efficiency of their use;

ensuring monitoring of the impact on the environment.

2 Description of the current situation

CHPP-EVS-2 is a part of the heat and power facilities of JSC Severstal and together with other power sources of the plant (CHPP-PVS and the heat power shop) is a source of steam for technological needs, hot water supply, heating and ventilation of the plant and the city of Cherepovets. In addition, it, together with other generating energy sources of OJSC Severstal and the power system, covers the needs of the plant for electricity.

At the 1st stage of CHPP-EVS-2 the following were installed:

Two power boilers E-500-13.8-560 GDP (TPGE-431), with a capacity of 500 t / h each with a steam pressure of 140 ata and a temperature of 560 ° C;

two turbine units of the PT-80-130 type, with an electric power of 80 MW each;

two hot water boilers, type KVGM-100, with a capacity of 100 Gcal / h each.

For power boilers, blast furnace and coke oven gases are used as the base fuel, and solid fuel is used as the trailing gas. Natural gas is used as needed.

CHPP-EVS-2 was designed taking into account its further expansion.

The main equipment of the 1st stage is located in the building, which provides for the installation of the 3rd boiler and the 3rd steam turbine.

Installation of equipment of the 2nd stage is provided in stages, by three start-up complexes:

Steam power boiler Е-500-13.8-560 ГДП (ТПГЕ-431) and its auxiliary equipment

Gas turbine unit (GTU), capacity 45 MW, gas compressor.

Steam turbine Т-110 / 120-130.

First launch complex

The steam power boiler Е-500-13.8-560 ГДП (ТПГЕ-431) is installed at the place provided for it during the construction of the CHPP-EVS-2 building in axes 10-12, Г-Д of the existing building. The boiler is practically the same as the existing boilers, but only runs on gaseous fuel.

To ensure the operation of the boiler, 3 VDN-26-0.62 fans, DN 26x2-0.62 smoke exhausters are installed. The smoke exhausters are located in the expandable part of the smoke exhauster.

The discharge of flue gases is provided in the existing chimney already on which two existing boilers are working.

A deaeration unit of the DP-500 boiler is being installed, as well as other auxiliary boiler equipment.

The network installation provides for the installation of additional network pumps, a DA-200 heating network make-up deaerator.

Second launch complex