What makes thinking about the 19th century literature. Classical Literature (Russian)

What makes thinking about the 19th century literature. Classical Literature (Russian)

The poem of "ruler and judges" was written by Derzhavin in 1870. Published - in the St. Petersburg Bulletin. With great difficulty, the poet of this publication was sought. Nevertheless, the accusatory ode was printed in a popular newspaper. She was the free translation of one of the Biblical Psalms of King David. Derzhavin, keeping the angry pathos of the original, added his purely "Russian" perturbation from the "acts of the strong world of this".

Throughout the poem, people endowed with high power are accused. The author convinces the reader in the fact that only God can rule on earth, and only he can be fair. According to Derzhavin, the "Pulselyubts" is not able to understand a simple person and all the more help him. The poet bitterly "shouts" about injustice, meanness, indifference and greed of coming to power "Earth gods". Derzhavinskaya pain is heard in each Word of OD. Subject It is clear - to convince the rulers to live according to the laws of humanity and virtue. Still Derzhavin addresses to "Courts". He sees wisdom in their face and justice. The parallel dialogue of the author reveals the essence of his verse - to assist "high judging" and to shift the "disturbed" word "tested" Vladyk.

At the time, the poem was more than bold. It was revolutionary, it called for the overthrow of self-defense and lawlessness. Phrase "Karai Deuts" - This is an explicit call to the political coup. Derzhavin believes that the retribution will cover the rejected rulers. Catherine condescended to "rulers and judges". In the state of Russian, she heard the patroness of all progressive and spoil relations with Derzhavin did not want. That is why the poem reached us without the intervention censorship.

Content The poem can be described in the form of a small story, that is, to get away from the lyrics to Epos: "Once, God looked around and saw a large crowd of the people below. All of them were influential people in their state: they created laws, peak fate ... and noticed the Most High that people were not managed by these authorities fairly, not honestly, not humane. Also, God saw what the earnestness work around: a lot of poverty, hunger, deaths, humiliation ... And God understood that the leaders of states were to blame for the disasters of ordinary people. And appealed on top of the angry Almighty crowd to conscience. But the crowd did not hear the surrounding of the wise of the scenery. God disappointed in people disappeared, saddened ... The sadness of God picked up a lonely and honest person. He began to brand the "earthly" rulers by the strength of his poetic word. "

"The rulers and judgments" are written jambUsing the crossliner: judges-be (female), their evil (Male). Rhymes are, mostly, words of one part of speech: innocent-powerless (adjectives), pokrov-Okov (nouns), know-shock (Verbs). But there are exceptions: the judge - I, I, Earth.

IN epithets There is a truncation of the end of the adjective: gods powerful, passionate, mortal. It gives the poem solemnity and strength. Historisms: river, Sonsme, Donol, To Defogitate, Mozu, Hair, Harvesting, Tree - emphasize both the ability of events and the unreasonable beauty of the outgoing word. The syllable is the magnifier and is simple. In ODE seven exclamation purposes! They are filled with a huge feeling of anger and contempt. Good at Derzhavin comparison:

And you like so fall,
as with the trees a faded leaf falls!
And you like so die,
how your last slave will die!

Adjectives faded, last Show the briefness of dishonest reign.

The lyrical hero is full of bitterness, disappointment, powerlessness. And yet he believes that justice will triumph. Solemn Song - oDO - Call Derzhavinskoye poem. Ostly passionate, angry, accusatory, revolutionary.


class 10 student


named after V.V.Rastorguyev

from. AMGA RS (I)

Illarionna Aina

Reflections on the literature of the 19th century

19th century - time when literature reaches a special heyday and deservedly gets the name "Golden Age". At the very beginning of the golden century, art began to change dramatically, separating from the gray masses, the poetry began to flourish. In the future, literature made a huge step forward. Our classics began to create, indeed, valuable artistic images.

Russian literature is the literature of a deep psychological analysis of a person. One of the poets, in whose works there is a similar sign, is M. Yu. Lermontov. His famous Petzyrian poem personifies a deep mental crisis and desire for freedom. Mcsiry understands thin and feels the environment. There he rests after the monastery and enjoys nature. In this work, I admire me the heroic character of the MTSI. He seeks to know the world, wants to merge with nature and become a free person as a free people.

The topic of love worried all writers at all times. After all, love is one of the most beautiful feelings and most significant all over the world. Special admiration for me is the story of Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin. Most of his works are permeated with the theme of love, "pomegranate bracelet" is no exception.

Probably, everyone who read the story A. I. Kuprin will say that she is about love. Strong love that was tested by a modest headseeler yolks. However, his love is completely extraordinary - hopeless, unrequited, but so beautiful and clean! Unfortunately, the story ends with the death of the hero. Vera was for him all - the only joy of life and the only consolation, he lived only with love for her. And when it is torn, yolks cums suicide.

In Russian literature, sad stories due to unrequited love. The most striking example can be called an excellent story N. M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa". This story we are talking about a young nobleman named Erast and young girl Lisa. Erast seemed to her very kind and smart, but at the same time, according to the author, "windy and weak." Between young flames flames of love. Lisa is hopeless in love with Erast, but he makes a decision to part with her and marry a rich widow to pay off his debt. The main heroine, broken and unhappy, jumps into the pond.

While reading, it is impossible not to behave on the side of Lisa, not to feel all her love, burning bitterness of disappointment and resentment, but it seems that Lisa did not love Erast, and was in love, which is typical of girls like her.

After reading, I made a certain conclusion for myself that "love" and "love" absolutely different feelings. Love - It means to understand, find in the shortcomings of the pros, not to communicate with the beloved in your free time, but to find time to communicate with him, love, no matter what and forever, and love is a feeling that sharply flashes and suddenly fades and If they are confused, then the consequences may be irreversible.

Of course, the topic of love is peculiar to many poets. For example, the Great Writer A. S. Pushkin. Without this wonderful feeling, these magical lines would not be born:

"I remember a wonderful moment:

Before me came,

As a fleeting vision

Like a genius of pure beauty ... ".

In my opinion, the works of A. S. Pushkin are distinguished, in their verses he affects the feeling of beautiful in every person, his lyrics are full of love experiences.

Let's return to the story A. I. Kaprina "Pomegranate bracelet". Alexander Ivanovich always blessed love everywhere. He said: "I haven't written anything more than anything else ...". Indeed, selfless love passes through his work, all his characters are so vividly depicted that they make each event with them. I believe that the "grenade bracelet" can serve as the standard of real humanism and the greatness of the human soul. Probably, every person who read this work becomes a little better and understands how tragic is love, which seems like something outside of consciousness, mind, calculation.

Thus, based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the 19th century is the era of romanticism, all heroes have brightly manifested characters, are often endowed with the Bunlet spirit. Also, the poetry of this century can be called an era of the heyday of the spiritual forces and the time of hot aspirations for light. It is in the 19th century that literature acquires world-historical importance.

The 19th century for Russian literature on the right is called gold. He presented us with a lot of talented writers who opened Russian classical literature around the world and becomes fashion law. A replacement of the early 19th century comes the era of realism. The founder of realism is considered to be A.S. Pushkin, more precisely, his later works that marked the beginning of this era.

In the 40s, a "Natural School" arises - which became the beginning of the development of the direction of realism in Russian literature. The new direction illuminates the themes that are not widely covered before. The object of the study for "simulars" was the life of the lower estates, their life and morals, problems and events.

Since the second half of the 19th century, realism is called critical. In his works, poets and writers criticize reality, try to find an answer to the question who is to blame and what to do. Everyone took the question of how Russia will develop further. Society is divided into Slavophiles and Westerners. Despite the difference in views, these two directions unites hatred for the fastening right and the struggle for the liberation of peasants. Literature becomes a means of struggle for freedom, shows the impossibility of further moral development of society without social equality. During this period, works are created in the consequence of masterpieces of world literature, they are displayed in vital truth, national identity, dissatisfaction with the existing autocratic-serfs, the vital truth makes the works of that time are nationwide.

Russian realism in the second half of the 19th century has significant differences from Western European. Many writers of that time denote in their works of motives that prepared a shift to revolutionary romance and the social realism that occurred in the 20th century. Romanes and notes were the greatest popularity in Russia and abroad, and the age of the second half of the 19th century, which showed the social nature of society and those laws with which its development occurs. Heroes in the works argue about the imperfection of society, about conscience and justice.

One of the most famous literary figures of that time is I. S. Turgenev. In his works, he raises important issues of that time ("fathers and children", "on the eve" etc.)

A great contribution to the upbringing of revolutionary youth introduced Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?"

In the works of I. A. Goncharov, the morals of officials and landowners are shown.

Another largest figure whose creativity was influenced by the minds and the consciousness of people of that time, was F. M. Dostoevsky, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of world literature. In his writings, the writer reveals the many-soul vests of the human soul, the actions of his heroes are able to put the reader in a dead end, forced to show sympathy for "humiliated and offended."

Saltykov-generin in his works takes on clean water officials and casnocrads, bribes and hypocrites who rob themselves.

L. N. Tolstoy in his work showed the difficulty and inconsistency of human nature.

Experiencing A. P. Chekhov for the fate of Russian society found a mapping in his creations, giving a writer, whose talent makes admire and to this day.

The literature of the late 19th century has a great influence on all areas of culture, the same theater and music come into the struggle for their ideals. The mood of the society of that time finds a mapping and in painting, introducing the thought of equality and good to people in the consciousness of people.

  • Steppe Eagle - message report

    Steppe eagle is a powerful predator that lives through the territory of Eurasia. He has developed claws and beaks, and he prefers the nests to be placed on a flat surface of the Earth and practically does not use trees for this.

Packing A. S. Pushkin is the property of all mankind. Reading his works, people plunge into the "Mir of Pushkin", with his unique, bright language, forever modern images and problems. As a child, we read fairy tales, growing up for themselves romantic poems and "Tale of Belkin". The crown of Alexander Sergeevich's creativity, in my opinion, is, the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin". I read it quite recently, after my parents gave me a two-volume member of the works of A. S. Pushkin, prepared and published in our city to the anniversary of the writer. Much struck in the novel: and the latitude of the image of the reality of the 19th century, and the magnificent pictures of nature, and the relationship between the heroes of the novel.

The strongest impression was made on me the image of the poet of the main character - Eugene Onegin, a person with a complex contradictory character. The author depicts his hero as an ordinary person with his advantages and disadvantages. As the central hero of the work, Onegin concentrates around himself the main problems of the novel, makes the reader think, is it a positive hero, whether he is superior to his time.

The author's meditation and the reader can be expressed by Tatyana's question: "Who are you, my guardian angel, or a cunning tempter: my doubts are allowed." At the beginning of Roman Onegin appears as a man typical of secular petersburg youth. In his appearance, the characteristic features of the metropolitan noble environment are revealed.

It is "young hang", Frant, "Like Dandy London is dressed", the life of which goes only in secular entertainment and deepends deep human content. This is partly due to the upbringing, cut off from the folk soil, surrounded by foreign governers and governess, who learned perfectly to own French, to dance, ease to hold on to society.

For the light of this it was enough: "The light decided that he was a smart and very mil." The author emphasizes his "sharp, chilled mind" in Onegin, showing skeptics, "philosopher in the amp at the ages": he is fond of economic exercises, he is ironic in disputes, peeled. This makes it similar to Chatsky. From the very beginning, the characteristics of Onegin is planned by the possibility of spiritual evolution. The lifestyle that he leads, despite the external filing (endless visits to theaters, balls, pirosh), does not bring onegin satisfaction, the hero does not see the goal and the meaning of life. They own "Russian Handra": he is disappointed in reality and, "despite youth," feelings are fed.

And yet in Onegin, "Hero of Her Time", a lot of Pushkinsky, autobiographical. In the very character of Onegin, in his "Handra" there was a lot of such that Pushkin himself survived. The author writes about his hero and about himself: the conditions of the world overthrowing the burden, as he, the rest of the fuss, I made friends with him at that time.

I liked his features, dreams involuntary dedication, inimitable strangeness and sharp, chilled mind. I was angry, he is a sullen; Tomil life of both of us; In both hearts, the fever Both waited an evil blind fortunes and people on the very morning of our day (V, 26). So, both are disappointed in the secular bustle, both have experienced the game of passions, both are unhappy, angry, cold. The author shows that Russian Handra is not a fashion, but a national peculiarity generated by Russian life, the blows of fate who experienced the best people. Gradually, the gap between Onegin and the St. Petersburg light is growing increasingly; And Onegin leaves to the village, where he is trying to do any useful public activity.