Yakovlev. Educational and methodological material for reading (grade 4) on the topic: lesson - socialization on literary reading "Right to life" Y.Yakovlev Yakovlev Right to life Read sore

Yakovlev. Educational and methodological material for reading (grade 4) on the topic: lesson - socialization on literary reading "Right to life" Y.Yakovlev Yakovlev Right to life Read sore

Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev (Nak. Fam. Hovkin) (buried in the Danilovsky cemetery) - Soviet writer and screenwriter, author of books for adolescents and young people, the father of the famous Israeli writer Ezra Khovkina.


It is called for military service in November 1940. Journalist. Participated in the defense of Moscow, wounded. Lost mother in love with Leningrad.

He graduated from the literary institute. M. Gorky (1952). Journalist. Yakovlev is a pseudonym writer, taken by his patronymic, real last name - Hovkin.

"Collaborated in newspapers and magazines and traveled around the country. Was on the construction of the Volga-Don Canal of the Istalingrad HPP, in the collective farms of the Vinnitsa region and in the oilmen Baku, participated in the teachings of the Carpathian Military District and went on a torpedo boat along the path of the bold landing of Caesar Kunikova; There was a night shift in the shops of Uralmash and made his way to the melts of the Danube with fishermen, returned to the ruins of the Brest fortress and studied the life of teachers of the Ryazan region, met the Flotil "Glory" in the sea and was on the border shops of Belarus "(from the autobiography).

Yuri Yakovlev is the author of Misteria. Passions in four girls "(Tanya Savicheva, Anna Frank, Samanta Smith, Sasaki Sadako - Characters of the official Soviet cult" Wrestling for the World "), published in the last lifetime compilation" Favorites "(1992).

That's all.

It happened.

Sooner or later it should have happened, but Yakovlev did not think that it would happen so early.

However, is it too early? Six years ago, Stalin declared him that he, Alexander Yakovlev, was appointed by the Deputy Complex of the Aviation Industry, and his heart was then sang against the joy that by 33 years he achieved such a take-off. He, young, can be said, a novice aircraft designer, turned out to be involved in the circle of people close to Comrade Stalin!

... The car shook at the potholes not yet put in order after the war of Moscow bridges, but Alexander Sergeevich did not feel these impetus. The blow of fate was so strong, his consequences could be unpredictable, and the trouble was still stronger than the chest.

Finally, the car stopped near the People's Commissar Building, Yakovlev silent nodded went the chauffeur and began to slowly climb him on the third floor.

Is it only six years ago, Stalin shook his hand, having rode for a long and fruitful work? However, it seemed to him that for a long time. Near Stalin, Yakovlev knew it well, people were not delayed for a long time, but he believed in his star and believed (Istivo believed!) That the leader would appreciate his limitless love and his talent as a designer and leader.

Wife opened the door and abuned:

- Sasha, what's wrong with you? There is no face on you!

Alexander Sergeevich silently pulled his wife and went to his office.

On the desk stood marked in a strict frame card, which he, Yakovlev, loved so much. This snapshot was made before the war in Tushinsky airfield. Then Stalin mixed up with the crowd of athletes and, before the photographer pressed the descent, saw Yakovleva and waved him as crazy. Yakovlev immediately turned out to be near the leader, and he put him on his shoulder, highlighting it from hundreds of other participants in the air parade. This hand on the shoulder Alexander Sergeevich felt all these years. And today, he did not feel her gravity on his shoulder.

The wife, who broke the order, entered the office of her husband and, rushing into a warm bathrobe (four in the morning!), Asked:

- So what happened, Sasha? Do not talk, tell me.

And Yakovlev, also breaking the order - never talk about what happened in the Kremlin, - said:

- Stalin took my resignation.

Ekaterina Matveyevna quietly used:

- What will happen now? How did this happen?

Yakovlev desiredly waved his hand, making it clear that he said so much and he needed to stay alone.

He was sitting in a batch office and looked at the "trump" phone - the one on which only from the Kremlin called. Will he call now? And there was a case when Joseph Vissarionovich called him even on the city telephone. Then during the conversation, the leader asked him some questions to which he, Yakovlev, respond to respond. Stalin was surprised then and asked why this author of the aircraft was with the answers. I had to say that the data about which the comrade Stalin, secret, and in the open telephone line, it has no right to talk about them. Then, more precisely, the next day, he was put on the Kremlin "turntist".

Where did he make a missing?

Maybe all this began with the arrest of Minister Alexey Ivanovich Shahurin? A ridiculous, unexpected, literally stunned everyone. Moreover, his arrest occurred almost immediately after the victory (1946!), In which the air industry has made a very worthy contribution. And Shahurin, by the general opinion, the Protege of the owner (so respected the leader in the Kremlin corridors), led the all-year drug addict - from the fortieth year.

Yakovlev believed that Alexei Ivanovich knew well. After all, he, together with Shahurin, was appointed with one order for the leadership of the drug addict - Shahurin by the People's Commissar, and His, Yakovleva, Deputy Complex. January 11, 1940. Six years side by side - under the unreasonable look of Stalin. All war. And here, like thunder ...

However, Yakovlev could not say about himself that thunder, thundered over his head, was quite unexpected. For six years of work in the highest floors of government, he became an experienced apparatus, "Rowed," as he himself said, and for some smallest signs, according to how he greet his close owner, as he often invited (or, on the contrary, I did not invite someone to dinner on my cottage, how often someone's surname flashed in premium decrees, he learned to guess the change against the leader to his subordinate.

But why from the aircraft industry "took" only one addict, more precisely, the minister, in a new way? Why did not work the "domino principle" when, after the head, the executives, the director of the factories went beyond the head? It was amazing: after all, no one had no longer in the addict for the punishing sword of the organs? And since Shahurina was supplied to the blame that he supplied allegedly low-quality planes for the front, it was logical to assume that his first deputy Petr Vasilyevich Dementiev will follow and, who was just responsible for mass production. But he, to the surprise of many, effort. Put, really, in disfavor, but survived. Until. And at least, to become minister, he could not count. I would have to survive, do not get warm in Lubyansky cellars, and not about the ministerial chair to think. Little taped (so Stalin called Dementieva).

And Yakovlev? Did he think about career growth? Who can say it now? In his book "The purpose of life", Alexander Sergeevich claims that there is no. Moreover, Yakovlev writes that when discussing with Stalin's candidates for the new minister, he himself suggested a comrades to Stalin the candidacy of the "third-party" person - Mikhail Vasilyevich Khrunichev, who once worked as Deputy People's Commissar of the Air Industry and who was responsible for supplying the industry.

We have no reason not to believe Yakovlev, although, knowing his dedication, ambition and managerial talents, assume that he could in his shower cherish the dream to achieve the brightest peaks in the career, we can quite. Although, how to count: What is higher in the Soviet table of ranks - to be a successful Creator of airplanes or a high-ranking official, which is, in essence, is the minister? The answer seems to be on the surface - the constructor of aircraft works for eternity, and the ministers come and go. But, we emphasize, it is impossible to discount the ambition of our hero and fanatical devotion to Comrade Stalin. Today it is difficult for us to imagine how this outstanding politician had a powerful impact on the subordinates, a person of an indomitable will, who has the same unlimited authorities. Work in the same team with this person, to be on his folding feasts in the country in Volynsky, to fulfill his instructions to his associates read for the highest honor, and Yakovlev was no exception here.

All these years, working next to Stalin, he felt his support, and she was covered. The fact that he is now in the field of view of the leader said that recently - on January 15, 1945, he was appointed First Deputy People's Commissar of Aviation Industry. This bore a lot and said many things: the prospects were exciting.

Arrest Minister Shahurin Slistered Events, and then Yakovlev and made that very move, about whose consequences he thought so, looking at the "trump" phone. He wrote a letter to Stalin.

Alexander Sergeevich thought for a long time on its content. In it, he wrote that combining the creative work of the aviation designer with the administrative position of the Deputy Minister is extremely difficult and he would like to focus on something one, meaning the leadership of the design bureau created by him, leaving the decision to them, what to focus on .

Lesson - Socialization
tutorial: L.A. Prosinina, M.I.omorokova "Literary reading" 4 class 2 part "Ventana-Count"
Cards with surnames authors essays and their names

1. Speech workout
On the blackboard text:
Well done, if you read
2 0 1
very many different books!
3 0 1 1
- do this phrase: in exhalation; On the breath (choral reading).

2. - If you guess that they denote the numbers under the words in this text, you can determine the topic of knowledge lesson (with the correlation of numbers and sequence numbers of letters in words, the word "essay" is obtained).

Yes, today we will work on the sketch of Yu.Ya.Yakovlev (the portrait of the author and the word "essay").

3. - Guard, and what is "essay"? (Spells have heard 1-2 disciples)

Promotion of the topic.

1. - Such such a word so that it can finish all three of these suggestions!
On the desk:
Everyone has _______.
I have _________________!
Do you know your ___________?
-Well, this is the word - "rights".
- Today we will get acquainted with Essay Y.Yakovlev "Right to Life" and expand the concept of "right".

3. Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev - Russian writer, beloved not by one generation of children and young people. "There is in the light of the house in which come without an invitation. Come, as they say, on the light, - when sad and lonely. Creativity writer - such a house. My home is my books, and my heroes are people for which the reader crosses the threshold of my house. " So spoke Yuri Yakovlev.

4. - I suggest you to listen to the essay of Y.Yakovlev "the right to life" (reading the teacher).

Did you like the essay?

Who is this essay? (After answering students "On Children!" A poster depicting a child)

Try to call the essay theme (3-4 student options are listened, the correct answer is the rights of children).

And what document protects you?

"Convention on the Rights of the Child" in the form of a framing ring).

6. (- And now focus the view on the field
reading and)
answer questions (front conversation):

What does it mean - "happy man"?

Try to give examples when a person needs protection?

Why is an adult person easier to stand up for his child?

Find the difference between the words "child" and "an inconspicuous baby"?

Explain the expression: "focused in the mother."

Can you call the idea of \u200b\u200bthis essay? (3-4 student listened)

True, every child has the right to life!

7.-Find a meaningful word in 1 paragraph (right)
-Nate meaningful word in 2 paragraph (protection)
- do the text again about yourself, and after reading, I ask you to put any, at your discretion, a sign between these two words and justify your choice (on the board of the word "rights" and "defense" written with the interval).

What sign do you propose to put between these words?

I agree with you, this is the sign "equal"!

-Stand up please. Let `s have some rest.
Imagine that you are puppets dolls, i.e. Dolls on the ropes. Perform my teams! Hands up, slope, sat down. Again.
"I don't want you to be in life with such dolls - puppets and you could manipulate."

6. What is the main document that protects you, children? ("Convention on the Rights of the Child"; brochure is exhibited)

In the explanatory dictionary, I found the meaning of this word

The Convention is an international agreement on any matter.

And these documents are protected by: "Declaration of Human Rights", "Family Code", "Constitution of the Russian Federation" (brochures are exhibited).
-Convention is a complex document, let's see why it has such power.
The Convention is based on 4 major principles.

Look at this photo (photos of children of different nationalities; with different skin color). Do you think these children in defense need equally? (1-2 responses listened)
- Of course, the same. This is the first principle of the Convention on the Rights of the Child: "The States Parties to the Convention respect and ensure all the rights for each child, regardless of race, skin color, language, religion, nationality."

The second principle of the Convention: "The best support of the child."
"States parties undertake to provide a child such protection and care that is necessary for his well-being."

The third principle: "The right to life, survival and development."
-Had principle of the Convention: "Respect for the views of children."
"The child has the right to freely express his views on all issues affecting it."

7. - Here you are children (drawn attention to the poster depicting the child).
- Arrows I will depict the problems that can harm you.
- What is the convention for you? (2-3 respondents are listened; the correct - "protection!")

How to bring it to portray?
-This symbol of protection of the rights of children helped us make an essay on Yu.Yakovlev and the document itself Convention.
8.- And at school your rights protects the social teacher.

IV. Outcome:

Only you were born to the light,
The first is yours:
get to be proud of
your name is your own.

Very hard
live on the light one!
Right with mom to live with dad
use always guys.

There is another right
remember thinking and create
and others their minds
if you want to give.

If the heat, the whole body is lomit
And not at all to the game
Then call a doctor to help
also the right of defensions.

So that with science make friends,
With a book in a small hand
Right use - learn
In their homework.

Grown, I took a book
And I went to the first class.
All kids go to school -
We have this right.

Whether you are weak, or strong
White, black - anyway.
You were born to be happy
This is GRA all given.

Solving exercises. Pages 122-129: Essay on a meeting with the picture V. M. Vasnetsova "Snow Maiden"

Humorous works

from. 122. "FEDINA TASK" (N. Nosov)

"Lenochka with a bouquet" (A. Barto)


from. 123. Motherland (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)


- This is a word full of deep meaning. This is both damping fields, and warm wind, and full-water rivers, and green forests, and high mountains, and crowded cities, people.

- forests and steppes;

- cities.

from. 124. Favorite Mother - Operations (M. Sholokhov)

M. Sholokhov describes the expanses of our Motherland in the winter. The author describes nature in the south, north, east and west of our country.

The main thought of the essay - our homeland

perfect at any time of the year, even when the nature of the winter "collects life-giving forces for new achievements."

from. 127. Pictures-fairy tales (N. Cher)

In the House-Museum V. M. Vasnetsov, we meet in the pictures of three heroes, sleeping beauty, Babu Yagu, Tsarevna-Frog, Tsarevna, Nesmeyanu, Kascheva of the Immortal, Sivku-Burku, Ivan Tsarevich, the fever.

V. M. Vasnetsov said that "every person at least once visited the carpet-plane." The artist had a dream - "fly to the sky." In the painting "Carpet-plane" expressed his dream.

*Creative task

Essay on the meeting with the picture V. M. Vasnetsova "Snow Maiden"

In the picture V. M. Vasnetsova "Snow Maiden" we see the dark winter forest at night. It was at that time that the girl was in the forest in a beautiful outfit of pearl-silver color. Snow Maiden turned out to be in the forest by chance, wandered into the wilderness and no longer knows how to find the road in the dusk of the forest. We as if hearing a cautious snow crunch under the legs of the Snow Maiden. And even on her hat with a fur edge, warm mittens, we understand how cold and terribly the girl here. Differently standing thin birch is emphasized by the loneliness of the Snow Maiden. Only shining bluish light of the moon, illuminating the melan, and fluffy Christmas trees seem to help find the road from here. In the snow, we see traces of animals, and away - the villages of the villages. So, very soon, the Snow Maiden will choose from this dark forest

I liked this picture. She made me think about the inner world of a lonely person: how he is bad, what he thinks about what is going on, what hopes.

from. 129. The right to life (Yu. Yakovlev)

From the essay Y. Yakovlev, I learned (a) that every person (and the child!) There are rights (for life, walk on earth, learn, raise friends, etc.).


- Essay about the picture Vasnetsova

- essay yu i yakovlev right to life

- Essay on the meeting with the pictures of Vasnetsov

- Essay about the picture Vasnetsov carpet plane

- Yakovlev right to life

Other works on this topic:

  1. On the picture Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov depicted a winter night. In a dark, snow-covered forest, very dark and only the diamond stars illuminate the melan, and the lunar light falls on ...
  2. V. M. Vasnetsov. "Snow Maiden" Cold Winter Night. Silence. Polyana. Moonlight illuminates a lonely snow maiden figure. In her appearance - tenderness, purity, inaccessibility. Inexpressible beautifully her ...
  3. Solving exercises. Pages 130-155: Swift, Wagner with. 130. Check yourself as a task 2 1) Rows from the poem of S. Mikhalkov "School" 2) Lines from the poem N. Rubtsova ...
  4. Solving exercises. Pages 39-43: Block, Gorky Alexander Alexandrovich Block with. 39. Russia poet loves Russia very much, she is the way to him, not looking at what: "Beggar ...

The right to live

Alexandra Kaplunova (Lavelel)

Chapter 1. The beginning of the game.

Today came the day I expected all my conscious life. I was one of the thirteen girls led to the ceremonial hall. A quiet and monotonous whisper created by the temples was to act soothingly, but I, on the contrary, only enhanced excitement. A trembling flame of numerous candles placed right on the floor, broke the stains of light from the surrounding darkness. The floor was drawn by incomprehensible characters to which it was strictly forbidden to occur.

I stubbornly tried to suppress fear, although his smell penetrated everything around here. Stone walls crushed as if preventing even breathing. I stolen looked at other girls and was somewhat surprised by their indifference. Neither the shade of fear, they were confident in every step ... Although, if you think about it, it was not so awesome ... After all, for many years we were preparing for this day, growing like plants, Musteria to be worthy. Of us, they sought to make fanatical victims, inspire awareness that we are selected. We were forbidden to communicate with each other, and I did not even know the names of those who were prepared the same fate as me. Only now for me everything has changed ...

I was still a very little girl and unquestionedly believed in what I was taught. But in one day the company boys snuck into a modest celu, curious to look at one of the elect. Then our secret friendship began. Despite all the Mashter, strict rules and ascetic lifestyle, in my soul there was always a naughty, a kind of inner light, who did not give it to finally become obedient lamb ... The secret friendship became precisely what allowed me to keep his inner rod.

There were periods when a desire had appeared to escape, to get away from the fate, which was prepared, but the love of the people who appeared and the world that was behind the walls of the temple, ultimately kept from this act. I did not want to put the dangers of my loved ones, did not want to bring the badness of the gods to our world. So I lived to this day.

The day when the owners of this world should have come for their prey. Behind us. Every two hundred years, they, these gods, creators, invented new entertainment. This time they reported their appearance in twenty years before the term. And they demanded 13 innocent girls. We were selected on the same night. Already born, we were taken away from our families.

I have repeatedly thought that it may not be unfortunately our world is surrounded by wastelands, inhabited by unbelievable monsters, thirsty of human flesh ... Why is everything arranged exactly that way, not otherwise? And really there, behind these emptyings, nothing? But it was not to ask anyone, but the books contained only a laudatory speech in honor of the creators.

I continued to stand where I was left, unable to make a step, from suddenly surging horror. I understood - they are approaching. Suddenly weakness fell. I collapsed on my knees and the edge of the eye noticed that the rest of the girls repeated this movement, and two or three, it seemed to be unconscious and simply lay on the stone floor.

The muddy paddle walked his eyes.

I hated this day all my short life, realizing that he had not yet come, but all his soul seeks to erase him from memory. And now this hatred began to warm from the inside, drivening out weakness, although not too active.

In an instant, all the candles went out, but only in order to light up with a new light. And now their flames shone not a red, but brightly aloe. Smooth reddish light was unknown on the floor and walls.

The next moment rolled the wave of choking pain, it seemed that all the air had disappeared, it remained only inappropriate to try to breathe, plunging even deeper into fear. Naughty fingers, I tried to raise the gate of the Balahon, it seemed that he was suling me. But the fabric was very dense and did not bother.

Through the fog in the head, I began to understand that I choke, the blood was noisy in the ears, I giving a stupid pain in my head.

"Is it really an end? What nonsense ..?" - I thought dismissed, without understanding why all this is necessary. Anger came to replace fear.

In the next moment, I suddenly realized that I completely breathe. Moreover, breathing did not even get confused. Neither a ribbon burning pain in the lungs, nor even shortness of breath.

"What was it? Illusion?"

I finally could clearly see. Looking around - horrified. Two of the girls weighed the chest, trying to learn illusory pain. They shouted, went crazy, left them reason. It remains only the desire to end this in any way. I understood with the shudder that I myself was almost ready for a second ago. All anything, just as soon as it ended.

I rushed to help them, calm, explain that all this is imagined that there is no pain that they can breathe calmly. But something kept in place. An unknown force forced to knock. My body did not belong to me now. I could not not move, but I just blink without permission of an unknown owner.

The next stage of this hellish performance was intermission. As if someone lowered the curtain on four of those who had not yet come crazy and coped with pain. I did not touch this curtain.

I watched with horror as from this shadow wall, surrounding my victims, the bloody pieces of the fabric fly out one after another. One by one ... And the cry. An intolerable scream of despair, pain, horror. And I could not even take a glance.

The shadows dissipated, leaving only shapeless, torn and dismantled, unrecognizable, body. Not. Not bodies. Slices of flesh. And I had to look.

If someone or something did not restrain me and my body, the whole organism, I would have broken up with the fact that I eaten for today's dinner. But I was kept to hold. Me and five more, from those thirteen, which brought here. In this horror. In this hellish Balagan, without even explaining the sense, why we are.

Tears have already approached the eyes, but I climbed, holding back them. Starting began to retreat. I raised my right hand with an effort, bringing it to the face, feeling incredible resistance, as if stirred with bare hands almost frozen a molasses. A few more seconds looked at her back, I began to climb her feet.

"How much can already build the weakest. Tarakanov. Those who you can play, as if with soulless dolls! I am not ..."

Let it! - The last word broke out of my mouth already out loud. And quite loud, even though my voice was clearly hoarse.

And only now I realized that in addition to the temples, both of us, the victims, four were still here. High silhouettes were guessed in the calm light of the candles.

Now I was standing on my feet and breathing heavily, the rise and overcoming someone else's force was given insanely difficult. I as if I climbed up an endless staircase. The muscles across the whole body wept, the back and the lower back flew away from pain. Breathing was noisy, especially in the coming silence.

Enough. - Foured from my lips before I realized what I was saying.