Fiction card in the senior group on GEF with goals. Russian folk fairy tales

Fiction card in the senior group on GEF with goals. Russian folk fairy tales
Fiction card in the senior group on GEF with goals. Russian folk fairy tales

Actual problem modern society - Acquisition of children to reading. It is no secret that already in preschool age hearing fairy tales Many kids prefer viewing cartoons, computer games. Naturally, in school, such a child will be difficult to love reading. Meanwhile, literature is a powerful means of intelligent, moral and aesthetic education. She enriches children's speech, emotions, forms humane feeling, makes it possible to reflect, fantasy. From the side of adults, it is extremely important in time to cause interest and love of the preschooler to the book, open the reader in the kid. And the first stage here will not be a library, but the activities of the educator, his pedagogical skill.

Why do preschoolers fiction

To reading tasks fiction With the children of the middle group include:

  1. Formation in children of ideas that books contain many interesting and cognitive information.
  2. Deepening knowledge about illustrations, their meaning in the book.
  3. Formation of the skill of the moral assessment of the work.
  4. Development of ability to empathize with heroes.

IN medium group Children understand that from books you can learn a lot of interesting and educational

IN senior group The task list is expanding:

  1. The educator teaches preschoolers to listen to great works (by chapters).
  2. The teacher encourages children to express emotional attitude to the read, talk about their perception of the characters, reflect on the hidden motives of their behavior.
  3. Easy to attitude to artistic Word, the ability to notice bright descriptions, epithets, comparisons, feel rhythm and melody poem.
  4. The formation of the skills of expressive reading poems, reading on roles.
  5. The concept of genre, genre features of the fairy tales, story, poem, are explained in the form of the Childhood.
  6. Preschoolers learn to compare illustrations of different artists to the same work.

Without poetry in kindergarten, no event does not do

The tasks of the preparatory group include:

  1. Improving the ability to understand the expressiveness of the language of the artistic work, the beauty of the poetic word.
  2. Development of preschoolers feeling humor.
  3. Development of ability to put yourself in place literary character.
  4. Working out of expressive reading skills, dramatizing the work (manifestation of emotions by intonation, facial expressions, gestures).
  5. Deepening the concept of "genre", the development of the ability to distinguish them.

How to plan and conduct artistic literature

In order to competently build a lesson for familiarizing the kids with any literary work, the teacher needs to think much.

What techniques and methods can be used

The following methods are applied to the artistic literature to read the educator:

  1. Reading the teacher by book or by heart. Such a literal transmission of text retains the author, best transfers the shades of the thoughts of the prose.
  2. Teaching (retelling). This is a freer content transfer: the educator can rearrange words, replace them with synonyms. But such a form of narration gives more opportunities to attract children's attention: you can take a pause once again, repeat key phrases etc.
  3. Drawing - a method of secondary familiarization with the literary work.
  4. Usage by heart or retelling text with preschoolers (depending on the product genre).

So that the occupation has passed successfully, it is necessary to take into account the following:

  1. The occupation must be emotionally saturated. First of all, it concerns the manner of the speech of the educator, which should transmit the nature of the work and influence the mind and feelings of children. The guys must see the interested person of the teacher, his facial expressions and articulation, and not just hear the voice. For this, he must look not only in the book, but also on the faces of children to see their reaction.
  2. Prose articles (fairy tales, stories) can be told, and not read. As for the poems, they are usually read by the voice of average volume (although some need to tell quietly or, on the contrary, loud) and slowly, so that the preschoolers understand what we are talking about.
  3. For greater fullness, the classes can include audio recordings in it (for example, where K. Chukovsky himself reads his poetic fairy tales.
  4. In the process of reading, you do not need to distract pupils by disciplinary comments: for this purpose, the teacher can increase or lower the voice, pause.

Children must see the interested person of the teacher, to see his facial expressions while reading

A better understanding of the content of the work, the assimilation of expressive means of the language contributes to multiple reading. Short texts You can repeat immediately after the initial read. For the works of greater volume, it takes some time on understanding, and then the educator reread individuals, especially significant parts. Remind children The content of the material can be done after some time (2-3 weeks), the short poems, sweatshops, the stories can be repeated often (for example, on a walk, during the mode of moderators). Usually the guys love to listen to a lot of fairy tales in many times, asking the teacher to tell them.

How to explain unfamiliar words

The educator must explain to preschoolers the importance of unfamiliar words in the work. This reception provides a full perception of artistic text: the characters of the heroes, their actions. Here you can use various options: In the course of the story, it is synonymous in incomprehensible children and select synonyms to him (for example, a bunny lobby hut means, it means a wooden; Burning is a room), explain unfamiliar words even before reading (for example, before telling the fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats" The teacher shows a picture with the image of the goat, says the phrase: "Milk flows for skipping, and with a smoothing of a hoofer" and clearly explains what the animal is udder).

Illustrations will help explain the meaning of unfamiliar words.

However, not all words require detailed interpretation: For example, by reading the oldest preschoolers "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish" by A. Pushkin, it is not at all necessary to stop in detail on the phrases of the "Pillar Warm", "Sable Doggreka" - they do not impede understanding the content of the work. Also, you do not need to ask the guys that they are unclear in the text, but if they are interested in what some word means, you need to answer in an affordable form.

How to spend a conversation with children on the work

After reading the work, a analytical conversation should be held (this is especially important in the older preschool age). During the conversation, the teacher brings children to evaluate the actions of the characters, their characters. No need to strive for children to reproduce text in detail in detail: questions must be thoughtful, contributing to a better understanding of the meaning, deepening emotions. The content does not need to tear off from the form: be sure to pay attention to genre, language features (for example, emphasize the attention of the kids on the repeated appeals of "goat-walled guys, retired, dried out!" Or name, which epithets are in a certain fairy tale to fox, wolves, hare).

Examples of questions for identifying an emotional attitude towards heroes:

  • Which of the characters fairy tale most liked and why?
  • Who would you like to be similar?
  • Who would you be friends with?

Questions to identify key meaning of the work:

  • Who is guilty of the fact that Mama-Sparrow lost his tail (M. Gorky "Vorobanyshko")?
  • Why is the fairy tale "Does your eyes are great" so called?

Questions for Motive Detection:

  • Why Mashenka did not allow the bear to relax on the way to Grandma and Grandfather ("Masha and the Bear")?
  • Why did Lisa smear the head of the test ("Fox and Wolf")?
  • Why did mom turn into a bird and flew away from his children (Nenets People's Tale "Cuckoo")?

An analytical conversation is especially necessary when performing works about nature or human labor (for example, S. Marshak "From where the table came," V. Mayakovsky "Horse-fire", S. Bajuadin "Who built this house?" And others).

With children need to discuss and analyze poems dedicated to man

The teacher should not from the content of the book to move to the morals and moral conversation about the behavior of individual children in the group. We must only talk about the actions of literary characters: the strength of the artistic image is sometimes more impact than notations.

How to memorize with children poems using mnemotable

To memorize the poems and the recovery of fairy tales to use mnemotables.They represent a schematic representation of the plot of works in the form of a number of pictures. Such a reception facilitating the memorization of text can be practiced from the average group.

Photo Gallery: mnemotable for preschoolers

Key fairy tale events are represented in the form of schemes on a poster schematically depict the main characters (girl, bear) and key points of the narration (forest, hut, pies, box) Each schematic picture corresponds to the line of poem

How to show kids illustration

A deeper understanding of the text and the artistic images embedded in it contributes to the viewing of illustrations. The method of using clarity depends on the age of preschoolers and the content of the book. But in any case, the perception of text and the picture should be holistic. Some books consist of a series of pictures with signatures (an example of this - A. Barto, "Toys" or V. Mayakovsky, "That neither page is an elephant, then a lioness") or divided into separate chapters (" The Snow Queen»G.-H. Andersen. In this case, the educator first demonstrates the picture, and then reads the text. If the product is not divided into parts, then you should not interrupt the story by showing the illustrations: this can be done after reading or shortly before it (the view of the book will cause interest in preschoolers to the plot). When reading cognitive literature The picture is used for visual explanation of the information at any time.

And younger, and senior preschoolers always consider illustrations for works with great interest

General Structure of Reading

The structure of reading artistic literature depends on its type, the age of pupils and the content of the material. Traditionally, three parts are distinguished:

  1. Acquaintance with the work, the purpose of which is the right and emotionally rich perception.
  2. Conversation about read, aimed at clarifying the content, language means of expressiveness.
  3. Repeated text reading (or its key episodes) To deepen perception and consolidate the impression.

Types of reading in kindergarten

You can allocate several types of artistic literature classes with preschoolers:

Motivating occupation

The key task of the educator is to prepare preschoolers to the perception of the work, motivate them on the hearing. For this, various ways are used.

The appearance of the game character

In the younger and middle age, classes are better to start with a surprise moment with the advent of the game character. It is always with the content of the work. For example, this is a fluffy teddy kitten (the poem of V. Berestova "Kotten"), a funny yellow chick (Tale of K. Chukovsky "Chicken"), Masha doll (Russian folk fairy tale "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bear", "Gus-Swans "And others, where the little girl appears).

The toy transmits the naughty character of the kitten from the poem of V. Berestov

Educator can show kids magic chestin which the heroes of the fairy tale are. As a rule, it is works where many characters appear ("Rack", "Teremok", "Kolobok").

Message from the hero

You can use the motive of the letter - a message comes to the group from Kuzeneki home. He tells what lives in kindergarten - Guards him at night, and in the afternoon he really likes to listen to how the guys sing songs, play, play sports. And here Kuzya decided to make a gift to children - to give them their casket with fairy tales. Now at any time kids can get acquainted with new fairy talewhich the teacher will read them.

Kuzya Domovnok gives kids their casket with fairy tales

Preliminary conversation

In the senior preschool age to create a motivation to read, you can already use personal experience preschoolers. It may be an introductory mini-conversation that binds events from life with the theme of the work. For example, the teacher is interested in the guys, they like to fantasize. Then all together argue: why do people do not fantasize at all (to steal their interlocutor, to make him pleasantly, etc.). Then the educator smoothly moves to the reading of the story of N. Nosov "Fantasies". By the way, in the occupation on this topic you can also introduce a game character - I'm minted, because he also loved to invent and compose noby.

Additionally, children can be offered to paint

Another example - the teacher starts talking about the dream. After all, it is from any person. Adult asks to tell the guys, what they dream about. After that, the teacher leads preschoolers to the conclusion that it is impossible to sit back for the performance of his desire, but you need to work hard, make efforts, although, of course, there are cases when a person smiles good luck, and the dream comes true as if by magic. And very often this is found in Russian folk fairy tales, for example, in the work " schuchy Venyu"(Or a friend where they appear magic heroes Or things helping the main character).

Acquaintance with visual materials

To create a motivation to the reading, the teacher can start an occupation also from considering the picture, for example, the works of V. Vasnetsova "Three Bogatyr". After acquaintance with this work, the children probably listen with great interest to the world about Ilya Muromets or another Russian Vityaz.

After considering brave warns, preschoolers will be very interested to listen to the epic about Ilya Muromets

Shortly before the classes, you can interest the guys with a colorful cover book or her illustrations: the children will want to know who is depicted on it and what happened to the heroes in the work.

After looking at the illustrations, the guys will surely want to find out who is depicted on them and what happened to the heroes

Before reading the poems about some year, it is good to reduce children for a walk or arrange a tour of the autumn or winter park.

Examples of abstract occupations

Examples of occupation abstracts can be found here:

  • Karanova M.S., "Bear Bear" (second junior group);
  • Romanova N., "Reading and memorizing the poem of M. Khudyakova" Autumn "(middle group);
  • Konovalova D.V., "Let's talk about friendship (reading the story of V. Osseva" Who is the owner ")" (preparatory group).

Options for reading artistic literature

In each age group The teacher picks up interesting topics Categories, focusing on the list of artistic literature recommended by educational programs. Some works can be repeated: if at an early age it is just a hearing, then in an older one has already been an in-depth analysis, retelling text with preschoolers, drawing, reading on roles, etc..

First younger group

  • The poem of A. Barto "Bear".
  • The poem A. Barto "Watching the Sun in the window."
  • Russian folk song "I went to a cat on Torzhok ...".
  • Russian folk song "Cockerel, Cockerel ...".
  • Russian folk tale "Repka".
  • Russian folk song "Like a meadow, meadow ...".
  • Russian folk song "Like our cat ...".
  • "Bai-Bai, Bai-Bai, you, a dog, do not bark ...".
  • Russian People's Song "Chicken-Ryabushechka".
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Goats and Wolf" in the processing of K. Ushinsky.
  • Russian folk song "Just like I love my cow ...".
  • Pooh A. Barto "Truck".
  • The poem of S. Kaputicyan "All Sleep".
  • V. Bestov's poem "Patient Doll".
  • Russian folk song "Goat Dereza".
  • Russian folk song "Hare York ...".
  • The story L. N. Tolstoy "Sleep the cat on the roof ...".
  • The work of S. Marshak "Tale of a stupid little face."

    Many fairy tales for children can be included in any regime moments (for example, the transition to day sleep)

  • The story L. N. Tolstoy "Was in Petit and Masha Horse ..."
  • Poem K. Chukovsky "Kotausi and Mausi".
  • Poem A. Barto "Elephant".
  • Outlet of "Oh, you, hacking-started ..." (translation from Moldovan I. Tokmakova).
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Teremok" (in the processing of M. Bulatov).
  • Russian People's Song "Ai Du-Du, Du-Du, Du-Du! Sits raven on the oak. "
  • Poems S. Kaputyan "Masha lunch."
  • Pooh N. Saxon "Where my finger"
  • Pooh P. Voronko "Updates".
  • N. Songevsky "Assistant" poem.
  • Excerpt from the poem of Z. Alexandrova "My Teddy bear".
  • Pooh V. Khorol "Bunny".

    The poem of Khorol about the bunny - very rhythmic, which allows it to use it for motor exercises

  • The poem of M. Poznanskaya "Snow is coming."
  • Tale L. N. Tolstoy "Three Bear".
  • The poem of O. Tedisky "Cold".
  • V. Bestov's poem "Kothenok".
  • The poem of A. Barto "Bunny".
  • Poem A. Barto "Who screams?".
  • Fairy Tale V. SUTEEVA "Who said" Meow "?".
  • German song "Snegirek" (Translation V. Viktorova).
  • Poem A. Barto "Ship".
  • Russian folk song "Falled Fox Lesco with Body."
  • "In the store of toys" (chapters from the book of Ch. Yangcharsky "The Adventures of the Bear Ears", translation from the Polish V. Prikhodko).
  • Russian People's Channel "Sunshko Vödryshko".
  • Shaf "rain, rain, cheerful ...".

    Schedules and fun can become the basis for physical attacks or finger gymnastics

  • Russian folk fairy tale "Masha and the Bear" (in the processing of M. Bulatov).
  • The poem A. Plecheyev "Rural Song."
  • "The wind on the sea walks ..." (passage from the fairy tale A. S. Pushkin "Tale of Tsar Saltan").
  • The poem of A. Intrusion "Mouse".
  • The poem of Sapgira Cat.
  • Russian folk speech "Due to the forest, because of the mountains ...".
  • Tale V. Bianki "Foxes and Mouse".
  • The story of the gang of the "checker".
  • Poem A. and P. Barto "Girl-Rövushka".

    This poem is useful for working with crystal children, but do not allow such a child to start teasing the rest

  • Poem K. Chukovsky "Putanaca".
  • Tale by D. Bissset "GA-GA-GA" (Translation from English N. Shereeshevskaya).
  • Russian folk sweatshop "Ozerechik, Okuchechik ...".
  • The poem "Supozhnik" (translation from Polish in the processing of B. Nodokhod).
  • Poems B. Nodokhnika Mountain.
  • The poem of A. Brodsky "Solar bunnies."
  • Tale N. Pavlova "Strawberry".
  • "Friends" (chapter from the book of Ch. Yangcharsky "Adventures of the Bear Ears").

Second younger group

Medium group

Senior group

  • Reading the story L. Tolstoy "Lion and a dog".
  • A teller on the theme of the poem E. Trutneva "Summer flies."
  • Telling on the theme of the poem E. Trutneva "Falling Autumn".
  • Measuring the poem of M. Isakovsky "Go for the sea-Oceans."
  • Retelling the fairy tales K. D. Ushinsky "Quality to wait."
  • T. Alexandrova "Domovoynok Kuzka".
  • Talking the fairy tale P. Bazhova "Silver Kopytz".
  • Reading the story of Viktor Dragunsky "childhood friend."
  • Exploring the poem E. Blaginina "Sit in silence."

    Poems and fairy tales teach a child kindness, respect for others, support curiosity

  • Retelling the story of V. Chapina "Proteka".
  • Treat of Russian folk fairy tale "Tsarevna-Frog".
  • Reading the fairy tale N. Teleshova "Breeding".
  • Reading the heads of the story of Astrid Lindgren "Kid and Carlson, who lives on the roof."
  • Using the poem of I. Surikova "Here is my village."
  • The told of the Russian folk fairy tale "Zayats-Mislash" (in the processing of A. Tolstoy).
  • Reading the story N. N. Nosova "Live Hat".
  • Treating the work of V. P. Kataeva "Tsvetik-Semichetics".
  • Using the poem of S. Yesenin "Bereza".
  • Talking Nenetska Fairy Tales "Cuckoo" (arr. K. Shavova).
  • S. Gorodetsky "Kotten" (reading in faces).
  • Retelling the story of N. Kalinina "About the Snow Cobble".
  • Measurement of the poem M. Mosnova "Peaceful Review".
  • Treating the Russian folk fairy tale Nikita Kozhemyaka.
  • Reading the work of the city of Snegirev "Penguin Beach".
  • Reading of chapters from the story of A. P. Gaidar "Chuk and Gek". Puppy modeling
  • Reading a poem A. Feta "The cat sings, the eyes quit ...".
  • Reading the poem Ya. Akim "My Rodna".
  • Talking the folk fairy tale "Squa Burk".

    Many plots of Russian literature passed after years, they knew more grandparents and grandparents

  • Reading the story of L. Tolstoy "Bone".
  • Reading excerpts Work B. S. Zhitkov "How I caught a little man."
  • The memorization of the poem I. Belousov "Spring Guest".
  • Reading the poem of the city of Ladonchikov "Spring".
  • Russian folk fairy tale "Fox and Hare".
  • Retelling the story Ya. Thai "Train".
  • The told of the Russian folk fairy tale "The fear of the eyes is great."

    The fairy tale "Fear of the eye is great" - essentially psychological

  • Reading the work of I. Leskevich "Traffic light".
  • Drafting the passage of the Russian folk fairy tale "Masha and the Bear".
  • Meaning the poem of the city of Vier "Mother's Day".
  • Talking the Russian folk fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Cats".
  • Retelling of the Ukrainian folk fairy tale "spikes".
  • Reading a passage of the work of K. Paust "Cot-Voruga".
  • Exhausting the passage "At Lukomorye Oak Green ..." from the poem A. S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila".
  • Favorite fairy tales A. S. Pushkin.
  • Reading the fairy tale R. Kipling "Elephant".
  • The told of the Russian folk fairy tale "Havroshchka".

Preparatory group

Circle for reading fiction in kindergarten

In kindergarten is very often practiced circle work For reading fiction. This direction is very important: children's literature today have a lot of "rivals" - cartoons, children's television programs, computer games. They do not require reflections from the guys, unlike the artistic work. There is also such a paradox: in bookstores A huge range of colorful, cognitive and interesting publications is presented, but reading with the child requires strength, attention and time that many parents are missing. In these cases, the task of the admission of preschoolers to the book falls on the shoulders of the educator. And well, if in addition to works specified educational program kindergartenHe introduces guys with other wonderful fairy tales, stories, epics, poems, as well as proverbs and sayings.

Today, books have many "competitors" in the struggle for the attention of the child

As for the subject of the literary mug, it can cover:

  • works of various genres (names of titles: "On a visit to the book", "Literary Living Room", " Magic world books ");
  • only fairy tales ("Tales - good friends"," Visiting a fairy tale "," Tale of wisdom is rich ... ");
  • poem (children express them expressly and memorize).

The occupation in the circle is usually held once a week in the afternoon.

As an example, you can consider working program and perspective plan The work of the mug "to visit the book" (designed for three years of training) E. V. Nazarova educator. His feature is that reading literature is combined with the holding of Russian folk games similar subjects.

Elizabeth Vasilyevna Indicates the following mug tasks:

  • develop in children the ability to fully perceive the artwork, empathize with the heroes, emotionally respond to the read;
  • teach children feel and understand figurative language artwork, expressive meanscreating an artistic image, develop creative thinking preschoolers;
  • to form a skill to recreate artistic images literary work, develop the imagination of children, associative thinking, develop the poetic rumor of children, accumulate aesthetic experience of the hearing of the works of elegant literature, to bring up artistic hearing;
  • to form the need for constant reading books, to develop interest in reading the fiction, creativity of writers, creators of the works of verbal art;
  • enrich the sensual experience of the child, his real ideas about the world and nature;
  • to form aesthetic attitude of the child to life, entitling it to the classics of fiction;
  • expand the horizons of children through reading books of various genres, diverse in content and subject, to enrich the moral and aesthetic and cognitive experience of the child;

The goal - to inlert to acquaint children with children's literature and book, provide literary development Preschoolers, to disclose the world of moral and aesthetic values \u200b\u200band spiritual culture accumulated by previous generations, to develop artistic taste, form a culture of feelings, communication.

How to organize an outdoor viewing artistic literature

One of important forms Reading work is open classes, during which the teacher demonstrates its innovative experience to colleagues. Novelty may affect various aspects:

  • application of information and computer technologies - ICT (slides with the image of the episodes of the work, its individual heroes);
  • retelling fairy tales by children with support for mnemotable (this direction is always of interest);
  • an innovative can be even physical attachment - a mandatory element of most occupations (for example, using pebbles to enhance the rhythm, by the way, this technique can be applied and when reading poems).

Classes using ICT always looks winning

Interesting idea - connect to the event music executive Either use audio recordings. For example, in the same fairy tale "Masha and the Bear", music will give music, as a girl collects mushrooms and berries in the forest, and a teddy bear walks through the forest. Children will simply be delighted with such deep immersion In the work.

The final lesson finale can also be interested in to beat. For example, children give guests bookmarks for books that they have done with their own hands.

An open view cannot be rehearsed in advance with a group, for example, learn poems or work out answers to questions. It is always visible from: Children will not be so intrigued as if they perceived the work for the first time.

Features of holiday-leisure activities

Various festive events are promoted to raising interest in the book: literary leisure, entertainment, evenings, quiz. Their theme can be the work of a specific writer, poet (for example, A. Pushkin, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky, A. Barto), especially if you connect it with his upcoming anniversary.

The literary event can be coincided by the holiday, for example, the Day of Mother, the Day of the Birds, May 9th. For this, the divorce works (poems, small stories, episodes from fairy tales, proverbs, sayings), which are originally played.

The festive atmosphere always creates an association different species Arts - literature, theater, dance, music, iso. Also in such leisure you can include sports elements.

Structure literary holiday Similar to building a matinee:

  1. Solemn discovery of social introductory word leading.
  2. Show concert numbers.
  3. Demonstration of book exhibition.
  4. Completion.

Combine parts of the event, except leading, game characters. They do not give to weaken child attention.

Pych declamination - an integral part of the literary holiday

Senior preschoolers can arrange for pupils younger age Mini concert with reading familiar kids fun, song, poems. At the same time, it is advisable to use visual materials - toys, pictures, various items.

An example of the abstract of the literary event on the works of S. Ya. Marshak (author A. G. Chirikova).

Video on the topic

Familiarity with fiction often turns into a small idea, on which the children themselves are.

Video: Reading the poems of Agnia Barto about toys (younger group)\u003d3qsyf-eueki. Video CAN't Be Loaded: Excerpt Classes in the second junior group According to meant (\u003d3qsyf-eueki)

VIDEO: TELLOWING AND INSOST OF THE TRAILY "Teremok" (second younger group)\u003d206SR1AFGZI Video CAN't Be Loaded: NOOD on the fiction in the second youngest group on the tale "Teremok" (\u003d206SR1AFGZI)

Video: "Journey through Russian folk fairy tales" (open occupation in the middle group)

Video CAN't Be Loaded: Open occupation On the topic: "Journey to Russian folk tales" (\u003d4xu1mx2qkgk)

Video: Exchange-Journey on the Gus-Swan fairy tale (senior preschool age)\u003dyy4hwjo0zaq Video CAN't Be Loaded: Integrated Travel-Travel Traveling "Geese - Swans" (\u003dyy4hwjo0zaq)

Attach a child to reading to start from the very early age. In addition to parents, kindergarten plays a key role in this - the first social Institute Baby. Of course, preschoolers are rather listeners than readers. The content of the artwork to them is brought to them the teacher, he also reveals the idea, helps children imbued with experiences for heroes. That is why the educator should be able to interest the kids book, being competent in the field of children's literature and in high degree Owning the skills of expressive reading.

Education area

"Reading fiction"

Medium group

With 3. September 14 September

« Beforesvidani Summer, hello kindergarten! "

1.tem: "Goat and Wolf" in Obr.K. Shushinsk (retelling fairy tales )

Purpose:teach children to coordinate words in the proposal, improve the ability to use the proposals correctly.

Develop the ability to retell a familiar short fairy tale.

Rail a love for Russian folk fairy tales.

Wordwork: Intensify the dictionary - thin, thick-prestable.

31 )

2.Mae: " What is good and what is bad"V.Momakovsky

(reading a work)

Purpose: To acquaint children with a new literary product, teach children to understand the content, evaluate the actions of heroes. Learn to answer questions on the content of the work, to use antonym words in speech.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, connected speech.

Educating moral and aesthetic feelings in communication: in everyday life, games.

Wordwork: Activate the dictionary is a bit, bad, good.

Integration of educational areas:


"Fall. Autumn gifts

1.The: "Autumn" K. Balmont ( z. aUCHECTION poem )

Purpose:to acquaint children with a new poem, memorize it. Learn to answer questions by content using lines from text.

Develop attention, memory, thinking, intonational expressiveness of speech.

Rail interest in poetry, aesthetic feelings.

Wordwork: Enrich the dictionary - sad, shine, incense.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition",

(G. Zatulin "Abstracts comprehensive occupations On the development of speech "- p.26 )

2.Mae: "Autumn in the forest" I.Sokolov-Mikitov(reading the story )

Purpose: To acquaint children with stories about nature. Learn to answer questions on content.

Develop memory, attention, cognitive interests of children.

Bring up love for native nature.

Wordwork: Intensify the dictionary - golden autumn, dumb days.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", " artistic creativity"," Music ".

(G. Zatulin "Abstracts of comprehensive speech development activities" - p.30 )

3.Mae: "Earlings" ( talking Ukrainian fairy taleand)

Purpose: To acquaint children with a new fairy tale, learn to follow the development of action, characterize the actions of heroes. Learn children to answer questions about the content of fairy tales.

Develop attention, thinking, memory, intonation expressiveness of speech.

Rail interest in tales of other peoples, hard work.

Wordwork: Enrich and intensify the dictionary - mill, spikelet, hardworking, lodrii.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Socialization", "Music".

(G. Zatulin "Abstracts of comprehensive speech development activities" - p.17 )

From October 1 to October 12 Monitoring

1.Mae: "If good you ..." ( conversation )

Purpose: To acquaint children with Russian folk arts (proverbs and sayings) and the semantic color hidden in them.

Develop attention, thinking, the ability of children to answer questions.

Educate positive features characterize good deeds and actions.

Wordwork: Enrich the dictionary - it will happen, will respond, unfriendly.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Artistic Creativity", "Cognition".

(E.N.Arsenina « Events for children of senior pre-school age"- p.78 )

2.Mae: "Smolyn bull" ( treat of Russian people fairy tales )

Purpose: To acquaint children with a new fairy tale, learning to understand her content. Teach children to answer questions about the maintenance of common offers or short story.

Develop attention, memory.

Rail interest and love for Russian folk tales.

Wordwork:activate and enrich the dictionary - resin, wooden, iron, paper.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Artistic Creativity".

(G. Ya. Zatulin "Abstracts of integrated speech development activities" - p.5 2)

3. Topic: " About yourself and about the guys"Vladonchikova,

"Sun in the house" E.Serova(reading poemsj. )

Purpose: Teach children emotionally perceive and aware of the figurative content poetic text, anwser the questions.

Develop the pattern of speech, the ability to listen.

Relieve love for poetry.

Wordwork: Enrich the dictionary - moths, melt ice, leaps.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Artistic Creativity", "Music".

(V.Yu.Dyachenko,O.V.Gusenko "Speech development. 64 )

1.The: " How a friend's dog was looking for» (tale tagging)

Purpose: To acquaint children with a new fairy tale, learn to answer questions on the content.

Develop memory, imagination, ability to use homogeneous membership members in speech.

Educate interest in fairy tales of different nations, friendly relationships.

Wordwork:intensify the dictionary - cowardly, unimportant, friendly.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Artistic Creativity".

(G. Ya. Zatulin "Abstracts of integrated speech development activities" - p.99 )

2.Mae: "Duck with ducks." E. Scharushin (retelling)

Purpose:teach children to retell the work close to the text.

Develop monologic speech.

Rail love to the surrounding nature.

Wordwork: Enrich the vocabulary, worms, wheels, swear.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Artistic Creativity", "Socialization".

(V.Yu.Dyachenko,O.V.Gusenko "Speech development. Thematic planning of classes »Page68)

1.The: " Three wonderful colors"A. North," If ... "O. Bedarev (reading poemsj. )

Purpose: Continue to acquaint children with new works about the rules road, teach emotionally to perceive and realize the figurative content of the poetic text, respond to questions.

Develop thinking, cognitive interests in children.

Rail a culture of behavior on the road.

Wordwork: Intensify the dictionary of children - transport, traffic light, transition.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", "Artistic Creativity", "Security".

1.tem: "Riddles on Vegetables and fruits» ( acquaintance with small folklore forms)

Purpose: Expand the knowledge of children about the genre features of the works of small folklore forms - chastushki and riddles, give new ideas about them. Teach children to guess the riddles built on the description and comparison.

Develop thinking, memory.

Rail interest in folk creativity.

Wordwork:to replenish and intensify the dictionary of children on the basis of deepening knowledge about vegetables and fruits.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Health", "Cognition", "Music".

(V.Yu.Dyachenko,O.V.Gusenko "Speech development. Thematic planning of classes »Page82)

1.The: "Birch" S.Senin (explore poems)

Purpose:teach children to expressly read by heart a poem, passing admiring winter Nature.. Learn to feel and reproduce the figurative language of the poem.

Develop memory, imagination, intonational expressiveness of speech.

Rise love for nature, aesthetic feelings.

Wordwork: Enrich the dictionary - snapped with snow, snow border, dawn, silver.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Artistic Creativity", "Music".

(G. Ya. Zatulin "Abstracts of integrated speech development activities" - p.55)

2.Mae: « Big Tour Little Mouse» ( tale tale)

Purpose: To acquaint children with the new fairy tale of the peoples of the North, to learn to answer questions on the content.

Develop memory, thinking, attention, cognitive interests.

Rail interest in fairy tales of different nations.

Wordwork: Enrich the dictionary - Eskimo fairy tale, north, tundra, ocean.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Artistic Creativity", "Music".

(G. Ya. Zatulin "Abstracts of integrated speech development activities" - p.75)

1.The: "Khryusha on the Christmas tree" B. Zagoder (reading fairy tales )

Purpose: Continue to teach children emotionally perceive and understand the content and idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale, notice the figurative words and expressions.

Develop memory, thinking, ability to use comparison methods.

Rail interest in fiction.

Wordwork: Intensify the dictionary - lamb, important-previable, patch.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Socialization".

(V.Yu.Dyachenko,O.V.Gusenko "Speech development. Thematic planning of classes »Page86)

2.Mae: "Christmas tree" E.Trudenova (memorizing poem)

Purpose: Teach children to tell the poem by heart, emotionally perceive the work.

Develop a pattern of speech, creative imagination.

Educating the ability to listen, answer questions clearly and clearly.

Wordwork: Activate dictionary - icebreakers, snowy palish, a flock.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Artistic Creativity", "Music".

(V.Yu.Dyachenko,O.V.Gusenko "Speech development. Thematic planning of classes »Page87)

3 .Subject: "Forest Gazeta" V.Bianki(reading stories)

Purpose: Continue to learn children to answer questions by using the simplest types of complex and complex proposals in the speech.

Secure the knowledge of children about the life of animals in winter, how they are preparing for the winter.

Develop thinking, memory imagination, cognitive interests.

Wordwork: Intensify the dictionary - warm housing, cold winds, stocks for the winter.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Artistic Creativity", "Music".

(G. Ya. Zatulin "Abstracts of integrated speech development activities" - p.64)

1.The: " Bubble, straw and lap(reading Tale and )

Purpose: to acquaint children with a new fairy tale, learning to understand her content. Teach children to answer questions about the main proposals.

Develop in children visual and hearing attention - Ability to listen to the speech of an adult, guess riddles, look for a way out of problem situations.

Brief interest in the book, to her artist-illustrator.

Wordwork: Intensifying the dictionary of children adjectives - thin, thick, brave, burst, low.

Integration of educational areas: "Communication", "Artistic Creativity", "Music".

(O.A.Novikovskaya "Abstracts of integrated fairy tale classes with children 4-5 years old"lesson number 1)

Save for myself! I share with you. Thanks to all!

Senior group. References for children 5-6 years old.


Continue to develop interest in the artistic literature. Learning carefully and interested in listening to fairy tales, stories, poems. With the help of various techniques and specially organized pedagogical situations, contribute to the formation of an emotional attitude to literary works. Improve to talk about your attitude towards a specific act of a literary character. Helping children to understand the hidden motives of the behavior of the heroes of the work. Continue to explain (with a support for the read work) The main genre features of fairy tales, stories, poems. Continue to educate sensitivity to the artistic word; Explore excerpts with the most vivid, memorable descriptions, comparisons, epithets. Learning to listen in the rhythm and the melon of the poetic text. Help expressively, with natural intonations to read poems, participate in reading text on roles, in dramatitations. Continue to acquaint with books. To draw the attention of children to the design of the book, on the illustration. Compare illustrations of different artists to the same work. Tell children about their favorite children's books, find out their sympathies and preferences.

For reading children

Russian folklore

"Like a thin iceland ...", "like a granny goat ...",

"You, frost, frost, frost ...", "Early early in the morning ...",

"I'm the pegs of Tesh ...", "Nicholya Hussac ...",

"You will knock on the dubbing, the blue chiz departs."


"Gracii-Kirichi ...", " ladybug... "," Swallow-swallow ... ",

"You're a Ptashchka, you are flying ...", "rain, rain, fun."

Russians folk tales.

"Hare Busthan", "Fox and a jug", arr. O. Kapitsy;

"Winged, shaggy and oil", arr. I. Karnukhova;

"Tsarevna-Frog", "Squa Burk", arr. M. Bulatova;

"Foreign Salt Falcon", arr. A. Platonova;

"Havroshchka", arr. A. N. Tolstoy;

"Nikita Kozheyaka" (from the collection of fairy tales A. N. Afanasyev); "Restrain fairy tales."

Works of poets and writers of Russia


V. Bryusov. "Lullaby";

I. Bunin. "First snow";

S. Gorodetsky. "Kitty";

S. Yesenin. "Berez", "Cherry";

A. Mikey. "Summer rain";

N. Nekrasov. "Green noise" (in Sokr.);

I. Nikitin. "Winter Meeting";

A. Pushkin. "The sky is breathing in autumn ..." (from the novel in verses "Eugene Onegin"), " Winter evening"(In Sokr.);

A. Plescheev. "My Sadik";

A. K. Tolstoy. "Autumn, the entire poor garden is attacked ..." (in Sokr.);

I. Turgenev. "Sparrow";

F. Tyutchev. "Winter is no wonder";

A. Fet. "The cat sings, she opted ...";

M. Tsvetaeva. "At the bed";

S. black. "Wolf";

Ya. Akim. "Jadda";

A. Barto. "Rope";

B. Skodok. "Doggybsy grieve", "About Soma", "Pleasant Meeting";

V. Levin. "Chest", "Horse";

S. Marshak. "Mail", "Poodle"; S. Marshak,

D. KHARMS. "Merry readings";

Yu. Moritz. "House with a pipe";

R. SEF. "Council", "endless poems";

D. KHARMS. "I rang, ran, ran ...";

M. Yasnov. "Peaceful Counting."


V. Dmitriev. "Kid and bug" (chapters);

L. Tolstoy. "Lion and a dog", "bone", "jump";

S. black. "Cat on a bicycle";

B. diamonds. "Gorbushka";

M. Borisova. "Do not hurt Zhakona";

A. Gaidar. "Chuk and Gek" (chapters);

S. Georgiev. "I saved Santa Claus";

V. Dragunsky. "Childhood friend", "top down, macash";

B. Zhitkov. "White House", "How I caught a little man";

Y. Cossacks. "Greedy Chick and Kat Vaska";

M. Moskvina. "Kroch";

N. Nosov. "Live Hat";

L. Panteleev. "Big Wash" (from "stories about a protein and tamoorh"), "Letter" You ";

K. POUST. "Cat-Woruga";

G. Snegolev. "Penguins Beach", "To the Sea", "brave penguins".

Folklore peoples of the world


"Buckwheat soap", lit., arr. Yu. Grigoriev;

"For each other", Tajiksk., Obr. N. Grebneva (in Sokr.);

"Vessenka", ukr., Arr. Litvaka;

"The house that Jack built", "old woman", English, lane. S. Marshak;

"Happy way!", Dutch., Obr. I. Tokmakova;

"Walked", Schotl, arr. I. Tokmakova.

Fairy tales.

"Cuckoo", Nenets., Obr. K. Shavrova;

"As the paternal treasure brothers found", Mold., Obr. M. Bulatova;

"Forest Virgo", per. With Cache. V. Petrova (from the collection of fairy tales B. Nemtsova);

"Yellow Stork", Kit., Per. F. Yarilina;

"About a mouse, which was a cat, dog and a tiger", Ind., Per. N. Khodzov;

"Wonderful stories about the hare named Leka, the fairy tales of the peoples of West Africa, per. O. Kustova and V. Andreeva;

"Zlatovlask", per. With Cache. K. Poist;

"Three gold hairs grandfather-ousebook", lane. With Cache. N. Arosnieva (from the collection of fairy tales K. Ya. Erbena).

Works of poets and writers different countries


Y. Bzzhab. "On the horizontal islands", per. with Polish. B. NEXER;

A. Miln. "Ballad about the royal sandwicher", per. from English S. Marshak;

J. Rivz. "Noisy ba-bah", per. from English M. Boditsky;

Y. Tuvim. "Letter to all children one very an important thing", Per. with Polish. S. Mikhalkov;

V. Smith. "About flying cow", per. from English B. NEXER;

D. Chiardy. "About one who has three eyes", per. from English R. Sef.

Literary fairy tales.

R. Kickling. "Elephant", per. from English K. Chukovsky, poems in the lane. S. Marshak;

A. Lindgren. "Carlson who lives on the roof, arrived again" (chapters, in Sokr.), Per. with the Swede L. Lunkina;

X. Mekel. "Mr. Ay" (chapters), per. with Fin. E. Uspensky;

O. Polyusler. "Little Baba Yaga" (chapters), per. with it. Yu. Corinets;

J. Rodari. "Magic drum" (from "fairy tales, which have three end"), per. with ital. I. Konstantinova;

T. Yansson. "On the most recent Dragon in the world," with the Swede

L. Bryud. "Wizard hat" (chapter), lane. V. Smirnova.

For memorization by heart

"He will knock on the dubby ...", Rus. nar. song;

I. Belousov. "Spring Guest";

E. Blaginina. "Sit in silence";

G. Vira. "Mother's Day", per. with Mold Ya. Akim;

S. Gorodetsky. "Five small puppies";

M. Isakovsky. "Go beyond the sea-Oceans";

M. Karem. "Peaceful Counting", per. With Franz. V. Berestova;

A. Pushkin. "At Lukomorye Oak green ..." (from the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila");

A. Plescheev. "Autumn has come ...";

I. Surikov. "Here is my village."

For reading in faces

Yu. Vladimirov. "Cranks";

S. Gorodetsky. "Kitty";

V. Orlov. "You tell me, river ...";

E. Asspensky. "Roll". (We adore this cartoon))))

Literary fairy tales.

A. Pushkin. "Tale of Tsar Saltan, about his son (glorious and mighty bogatyr Prince Guidon Saltanovic and about the beautiful princess swans ";

N. Teshov. "Breeding";

T. Alexandrova. Domenok Kuzka (chapters);

P. Bazhov. "Silver Kopytz";

V. Bianki. "Owl";

A. Volkov. "The Wizard of the Emerald City" (chapters);

B. Skodok. "Gray asterisk";

V. Kataev. "Semisweetics flowers";

A. Mityaev. "Tale about three pirates";

L. Petrushevskaya. "The cat who knew how to sing";

Sapgir. "As a frog was sold," "Mortymena", "non-residents in the faces."

Perspectively themed plan for educational - educational process

Education area

"Me and my friends"

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussing and retelling the chapter of the second "How Neznoe was a musician" from the book N. Nosov "Adventures of Links and his friends"; Teach to understand the morality and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work; learn to evaluate the actions of heroes; develop cognitive interest, interest in books.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

"Reading fiction"

"My city"

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussion Fear from the book A. Dorokhov "Green, Yellow, Red" - to learn to answer questions on the content of the text; learn to write riddles; consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of road visibility and traffic lights, about road signs;

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

Creative Center Sphere, 2013.

"Impressions about summer. Summer days birth

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading and discussing poems E. Blaginina "Dandelion". Develop a poetic hearing: to form the ability to feel, understand and reproduce the figurative language of the poem; Select epithets, comparisons, metaphors.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

"Reading fiction" M.

Creative Center Sphere, 2013

"World around us"

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussing and retelling the story of N.Nosov "Fantasies" to teach children to retell the text; Improve the intonational expressiveness of speech: to achieve a sequence in presentation of the content; Enrich the vocabulary of definitions, adverbs, verbs, synonyms

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

"Reading fiction" M.

Creative Center Sphere, 2013

"Elderly Day"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussing and retelling the story of V. Oveyev "Cookies" consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe genre features of the story; learn independent retelling;

learn to express your attitude to the read, express your opinion

secure knowledge about birds, their coloring

Voronezh, 2014.

Lesson 2, p. 88

"Fall. Autumn mood "

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading poems on the autumn E. Plesech teach children emotionally perceive the shape of the poetry. works; develop creative principle, expressiveness of speech

O.S. Ushakov. "Familiarization of children with literature."

M., Publishing Center "Ventana-Count". p. 142.

"World around us"

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussing and retelling the Tatar folk fairy tale "Three daughters" - to learn to understand the characters' characters; Learn to perceive the originality of building a plot, notice the genre features of the composition and I have a tale and story;

O. from Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

Moscow, 2014. Lesson 10, p. 19

"The country in which I live"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussion and memorization of the poem N. Rubtsova "Hello, Russia ...", the analysis of the content of the proverbs "every sweet side", "there is no land more painful than our homeland" to learn to identify ideological content works during its collective discussion; Participate in the collective learning of the poem with choral proclaiming; expressively read the poetic text;

O. from Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

"I know the literature of children 5-7 years old"

Moscow, 2014. Lesson 4, p. 12

"My malaya Motherland»

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading and retelling Nanaya fairy tales "Ioga" to learn to understand and evaluate the character of the main character of the fairy tale; consolidate knowledge about genre features of literary works; Forming the ability to understand figurative meaning proverbs and sayings; bring up negative attitude to laziness; Expand the knowledge of children about other peoples and the nationalities of the Russian Federation and to teach interethnic tolerance.

O. from Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

"I know the literature of children 5-7 years old"

Moscow, 2014. Lesson 14, p. 26

"World around us"

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading and conversation on the fairy tale of J. Rodari "Dudechnoye and Cars". Retelling fairy tales. Learning to understand the genre features of the story, see its beginning, the main and final part; Teach to understand the characters fabulous heroes; develop pantomime skills, learn to create expressive images With the help of facial expressions

O. from Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

"I know the literature of children 5-7 years old"

Moscow, 2014. Lesson 17, p. 30

"World of the game"

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading and memorizing by heart the most famous poems A. Barto and S. Mikhalkov. Conversation for read poems. Systematize knowledge O. literary creativity A. Barto and S. Mikhalkov;

O. from Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

"I know the literature of children 5-7 years old"

Moscow - 2014. Lesson 20, p. 34

"Mothers Day"

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussing and retelling the story of E. Permyaka "For what hands are needed." Learn to a coherent, consistent retelling, correctly transfer the idea and content, expressively reproduce the characters' dialogs. Educating love for the family.

V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova

"Abstract classes in the older group of kindergarten"

Voronezh, 2014.

Lesson 2, p. 63

Theme "My World"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussing and retelling the Russian folk fairy tale "Winged, shaggy and oil" learning to understand the characters and actions of heroes; Learning to invent another end of the fairy tale; learn to notice and understand figurative expressions; Familiarize with new phraseologists; Secure the knowledge of children about folk holidays and traditions.

O. from Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

"I know the literature of children 5-7 years old"

Moscow - 2010. Lesson 8, p. 17

"Early winter"

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussion and retelling Flawling Fairy Tales V. Bianki "Sichkin Calendar". Learn to answer questions about the content of the listened text; choose the meaning of verbs; learn retell the text of the story; We instill love for animals and care for them.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative Center Sphere, 2013

"World around us"

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussing and memorizing poems K. Chukovsky "Christmas tree" - to continue to learn to expressively tell the poem by heart; To form the ability to intonationally transmit joy in connection with the upcoming holidays; develop poetic hearing; Fasten the knowledge of children about the traditions of the New Year celebration.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative Center Sphere, 2013

"Comes to us New Year»


Social Communication.

Speech development


O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative Center Sphere, 2013

« Christmas miracle»


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading the ritual song "Kolyada, a wheelchair, and the flaw ..." - introduce children with ancient Russian holidays (Christmas, carols); Learning to distinguish genre features of ritual songs; Learn to understand main thought songs; Open the richness of the Russian language before children, teach them to speak figuratively and expressive.

O. from Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

"I know the literature of children 5-7 years old"

"Me and my friends"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussing and retelling the story of N. Nosova "On the hill". Develop the ability to understand the character of heroes artistic works, assimilate the sequence of the plot development, notice expressive and visual means to help disclosure; enrich speech by phraseologism; Learn to understand the figurative meaning of some phrases, proposals; consolidate kids about winter Games and fun.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative Center Sphere, 2013

« Good words each other"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussing and retelling the story of N. Durov "Two girlfriends". Reading, discussion of the poem A. Kuznetsova "quarreled" to learn to analyze the actions of the heroes and evaluate the characters' characters; learn to answer questions on the content of the text; To form in children the need for friendly communication with others; Rail in children good relations to loved ones;

Fasten the rules of etiquette.

O. from Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

"I know the literature of children 5-7 years old"

Moscow - 2014. Lesson 15, p. 27

"World of professions"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading and discussing the poem of S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Step".

V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova

"Abstract classes in the older group of kindergarten"

Voronezh, 2004.

Lesson 3, p. 11

"World of Technical Wonders"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussion of the poem V. Mayakovsky "This book is mine about the sea and about the Mayak" to learn to understand the emotional-shaped content of the fairy tale, its idea;

develop the imagery of speech: learning to select definitions, comparisons for a given word; to understand the value of phraseological units, proverbs; Fasten the rules of safe behavior in daily life.

O. from Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

"I know the literature of children 5-7 years old"

Moscow, 2014.

Lesson 1, p.7


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading the poem of S. Yesenin "Sings Winter - Aukets ...". Conversation in the content of the poem. Memorizing poem by heart; Teach children to expressly read by heart a poem, intonationally transmitting tenderness, admiring the picture of winter nature.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative Center Sphere, 2013

"Defenders of the Fatherland"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussion and retelling epics "Three heroes"
Discussion of proverbs: "The first in life is to be honestly serve the debris, "" I don't want someone else's land, but I will not give it away, "the" skilled fighter is well done everywhere, "the mind and hands are stronger from military science." - to introduce children with the genre of the epics, its linguistic and compositional features; expanding children's knowledge about the defenders of the Fatherland; clarify the ideas about the birth of troops, cause the desire to be similar to strong and bold warriors; develop imagination, poetic taste;

reliable, love and gratitude to people protecting our homeland.

    V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova

"Labor abstracts in the older group of kindergarten" - Voronezh, 2014.

Lesson 3, p. 76

"Congratulations to Mom"

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading the poem S. Kaputicyan "My Grandma" to teach to understand the characters and actions of the heroes, invent the other end of the fairy tale; to notice and understand figurative expressions; introduce new phraseologists (soul in the soul, we do not overcome water); educate love for oral folk creativity folk culture and traditions.

O. from Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

"I know the literature of children 5-7 years old"

Moscow - 2014. Lesson 8, p. 17


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading. Discussion and memorization of the poem A. Plescheyev "Spring". develop an emotional response to the spring manifestations of nature, aesthetic feelings and experiences;

Learn to be descriptive stories by landscape picture; Enrich the vocabulary of definitions, activate the verbs, synonyms.

V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova

"Abstract classes in the older group of kindergarten"

Voronezh, 2014.

Lesson 4, p. 81

"Book Week"

Social Communication.

Speech development


Stories L. Tolstoy "Leo and Dogger" to develop in children a phonderatic hearing; intensify and enrich children with nouns, adjectives and verbs on the subject of classes; continue to learn to guess riddles

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative Center Sphere, 2013

"Spring came"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Guessing mysteries about read fairy tales and stories. The correlation of proverbs to read fairy tales and stories. - consolidate knowledge of read literary works, about genre features of a fairy tale, story, poem, works of small folklore forms; To form a pattern of speech: the ability to understand the figurative meaning of proverbs, apply proverbs in the appropriate speech situation.

O. from Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

"I know the literature of children 5-7 years old"

Moscow, 2014.

Lesson 29, p. 47

"Humor in our life"


Social Communication.

Speech development


B. Skodnika "Dogschitsy", "About Soma". Teaching children to see funny in the work read, instill love for poetry.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative Center Sphere, 2013

"The Mystery of the Third Planet"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, Discussion and Retelling Jought from the book V.P. Borozdin "First in Space" - introduce children with biographical literature; bring up in children respect for the work of people related to space; to form in children the concepts of "outer space", "space"; introduce the biography of Yu.A. Gagarin

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative Center Sphere, 2013

"Skvorts flew"

Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussing and retelling "What a bird?". V. Suteev. Consolidate knowledge about genre, composite, language features Russian fairy tale; Learn to perceive the figurative content of the work.

O. from Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

"I know the literature of children 5-7 years old"

Moscow, 2014.

Lesson 1, p. 52

"World around us"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading, discussing and retelling the Slovak folk fairy tale "Solnyka is visiting" - to form the ability to perceive the most vivid expressive drugs in the text and relate them to the content; Learning to select synonyms for verbs, build synonymic and antonymic rows to a given definition.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative Center Sphere, 2013

"Victory Day"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading and discussing the poems of S. Marshak "Byl for children" and S. Smirnova "Soldier". Using the poem "Soldier" by heart. Railing up patriotism, respect for the defenders of the Motherland and the feelings of pride in the feat of our people in the Great Patriotic War;learn carefully listen to the reading of the work and answer questions; learn to select definitions for the word soldiers; Develop an arbitrary visual attention and memory, verbally - logical thinking, speech and intensify the dictionary; - Fasten knowledge about military equipment.

O.S. Ushakova, N.V. Gavrish

"I am familiar with the literature of children 5-7 years old."

Moscow, 2014.

Lesson 28, p. 46

"Our Pushkin"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading a fairy tale A.S. Pushkin "Tale of fisherman and fish." Continue to meet the work of the poet; Learning to draw conclusions about greed; briefly retell the content of fairy tales using pictures; educate the love of poetry; Activate dictionary.

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

"Reading fiction"

M. Creative Center Sphere, 2013

"The rights of children in Russia"


Social Communication.

Speech development


Reading poems about homeland. Bring up a sense of patriotism, respect for adults; become acquainted with the rights and obligations of children;

O.V. Akulova, L.M. Gurovich.

Methodical set of the program "Childhood",

"Reading fiction", 2013

"World around us. Spring".


Social Communication.

Speech development


Examination of the poem of the town of Spring "Spring". Develop the pattern of children's speech, understanding the values \u200b\u200bof figurative words and expressions; Teach chosen definitions, comparisons for a given word.

O.S. Ushakov. "Familiarization of children with literature." M., Publishing Center "Ventana-Count". p. 169.

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