"The historical era, developed in the fictional narrative" brief summary, please. Historical era, developed in a fictional narration historical era of development in a fictional narration

"The historical era, developed in the fictional narrative" brief summary, please. Historical era, developed in a fictional narration historical era of development in a fictional narration


Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

"Captain's daughter" grade 8

The historical basis of the story. Features of the composition.

Goal : 1. Talk about the history of creating a story

2. Remove the connection of the "Captain's Daughter" with other works of Pushkin

3. Talk about the features of the composition

4. Develop the ability to be connected and logically to answer questions

5. Educating love for Russian history and Russian literature

Equipment: Electronic presentation, Map of Russia 18th century, distribution material

During the classes

1. Summer word teacher.

Today in the lesson we begin to meet the historic tast of Pushkin "Captain's daughter". Our lesson will be held in accordance with the plan:

  1. Pushkin movement to prose
  2. Roman and the story in Russian literature of the 1930s of the 19th century
  3. Pushkin requirements for historical novel
  4. Pushkin's interest in the theme of folk uprisings
  5. Work writer over the "Pugachev history" and "Captain Daughter"
  6. Composition Tale
  1. Another 3 chapter "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin speaks of his desire to apply to the realistic narration in prose. It was in 1824 in Odessa.

And in 1827, Pushkin works on the "Arapom of Peter Great". 1830 - ended "Tale of Belkin", 1832 - 1833 - Work on Dubrovsky. Since the end of the 20s, the prose occupies a huge place in the works of the writer, although it does not mean the refusal of the poetic form.

  1. The development of prose in the work of Pushkin is connected with the fact that in the 30s in Russian and foreign literature, the novel is beginning to develop and especially the story.

Message of the student about the famous novels of that time (Marlinsky, Lazhchnikov, V.Skott)

  1. Pushkin carefully monitors the development of the novel and the story. It formulates its requirements for the historical novel:"In our time, there is a novel about the story of the historical era, developed in the fictional narration."
  2. In the course of studying the work of Pushkin, we have already noted the interest of the poet to the native history, for the periods of large social shocks, large fractures in the history of the country.

- Personality of which statesman caused a look at the writer? (Peter the First)

What are the works that describe Peter's activities and his era? ("Poltava", "Copper Horseman", "Arap Peter Great")

Why is Peter the Great Activities of Pushkin's great interest?

In addition, the writer is also interested in the theme of folk uprisings.

  1. The interest of Pushkin to the folk movement is unrestrained. In the early 1930s, the 19th century, peasant unrest flames with great strength. Among them are the uprising of the military in the Novgorod province. Pushkin with excitement monitors its development. In 1833, the poet works in historical archives. He addresses the Military Minister Chernyshev for permission to gain access to documents relating to the investigative case on Pugachev. Pushkin motivates this by the fact that he conceived working on the history of Suvorov (Suvorov participated in the elimination of Pugachev Bunte). He gets permission and starts work. In addition to work in the archives, Pushkin commits a trip to Kazan, Simbirsk, Uralsk, Orenburg, and he also visited Berdy Sloboda - the capital of Pugachev. He talks with still surviving witnesses of those events. In early 1834, the historical work "History Pugacheva" ("History of Pugachev Bunt") was published.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe "Captain's Daughter" originated at Pushkin before working on the "Pugachev history", while he writes Dubrovsky.

What are the actors of the tale of "Dubrovsky"?

What conflict is based on the work?

Why did Dubrovsky be defeated and dissolved his whip? (In the fight against Troekhurov, Dubrovsky acts as a hero-avenger for his own insults, the fate of his people does not interest him).

Pushkin realized that on the material of modernity he would not be able to portray the genuine peasant uprising. Therefore, he refers to the history of Pugachev Bunt.

The figure of Emelyan Pugachev seems to be a Pushkin very bright and distinctive. He is a leader of a big historical scale.

Work with a map. Specify cities, areas covered by the uprising, say about the causes of the defeat.

Work on the story lasts for several years. In 1836, it was completed and published in the magazine "Contemporary". Pushkin made a story as a historian scientist and an artist who created the first realistic historical novel.

6. Work with epigraphs.

How do you understand the meaning of expression that is the epigraph to the whole story?

Why Pushkin took these words?

Whose person is the story?

What are the main features of the story (accuracy, compression, rapidness in the development of action, no deviations from the plot, strict compliance of the story of the event chronology)

How would you identify the main topics of the work? (1. The theme of the people's movement. "Honor, debt, loyalty - and in the service, and in love)

7.Instation of the lesson.

8. Homework:1-2 chapters read; Retelling Overcoming "Meeting with the Counselook", or a message about Emelyan Pugachev, or drawing up an article in the Encyclopedia "Pugachevsky Riot"

History of creating a story "Captain's daughter"

Since mid-1832, A. S. Pushkin begins work on the history of the uprising under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev. The poet of the king was given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the secret materials about the uprising and the actions of the authorities for its suppression. Pushkin addresses unpublished documents from family archives and private collections. Copies of registered decrees and letters of Pugachev have been preserved in his "archival notebooks", extracts from reports about combat actions with Pugachev detachments.
In 1833, Pushkin decides to go to those places of the Volga region and the Urals, where the uprising occurred. He expects to meet with eyewitnesses of these events. Having received the resolution of the emperor Nicholas I, Pushkin leaves to Kazan. "I'm in Kazan with the fifth here I was torn with the old men, the contemporaries of my hero; He climbed around the neighborhood of the city, examined the places of battles, asked, recorded and very pleased that it was not in vain visited this side, "he writes to his wife Natalia Nikolaevna on September 8. Next, the poet goes to Simbirsk and Orenburg, where he also visits the places of battles, meets with contemporaries of events.
From the materials about Bunte there was a "history of Pugacheva", written in Boldin in the fall of 1833. This work Pushkin came out in 1834 called the "History of Pugachev Bunt", which the emperor gave him. But Pushkin has mature the idea of \u200b\u200bthe artistic work about the Pugachev uprising of 1773-1775. He arose while working on Dubrovsky in 1832. The plan of the novel about the nobleman-otchenzhenets, who turned out in the Pugacheva camp, changed several times. This is also explained by the fact that the topic to which Pushkin was addressed, in the ideological and political plan was acute and difficult. The poet could not help but think about censorship obstacles that had to overcome. Archival materials, the stories of the living Pugachevetsev, who heard during the trip to the rebellion of 1773-1774, could be used with great caution.
At the initial plan, the hero of the novel was to become a nobleman who voluntarily passed towards Pugacheva. His prototype was a porquet of the 2nd Grenadier Regiment Mikhail Schwanovich (in the plans of Roman Shvanvich), which "preferred a native life - honest death." His name was mentioned in the document "On the punishment of the death of a penizer, a rebellion of Pugachev and his accomplices." Later, Pushkin stopped his choice on the fate of another real member of Pugachev events - Basharine. Basharin was captured by Pugachev, fled from the captivity and entered the service to one of the Usmir to the uprising General Michelson. The name of the main character was changed several times, until Pushkin stopped on the Grinyow named. In a government report on the elimination of Pugachev's uprising and punishment of Pugacheva and his accomplices of January 10, 1775, Greenöhva name was listed among those who were first suspected of "in a message with the villains", but "in the investigation turned out to be innocent" and were released from under arrest. As a result, instead of one hero-nobleman in the novel turned out to be two: Greenwood was opposed to a nobleman, "Gnut villain" Schvabrin, which could facilitate the holding of a novel through censorship obstacles.
Pushkin continued to work on this work in 1834. In 1836 processed it. October 19, 1836 - the date of completion of work on the "Captain daughter". "Captain's daughter" was published in the fourth issue of Pushkinsky "Contemporary" at the end of December 1836, a month with a little to the death of the poet.
What is the genre of "Captive Daughter"? Pushkin wrote a censor, passing him a manuscript: "The name of the Mironovaya Mironova fictionar. My novel is based on tradition ... " What is a novel, Pushkin explained: "In our time, there is a novel about the name of the historical era, developed in the fictional narration." That is, Pushkin considered his work as historic novel. And yet, the "Captain Daughter" is a small largest work - in literature, it is often referred to as the story.

Municipal Autonomous Secondary Institution
"Basic Secondary School No. 19" Kandalaksha

Integrated lesson

"According to the pages of Pushkin

"Baryshnya-peasant woman"

teacher literature Kotikova TM
On the pages of the story of Pushkin "Baryshnya-peasant"

Equipment lesson. Portrait of A.S., Pushkin.
Set of reproductions of paintings
russian artists.
Set of photos of people
peasant costume.
Phonograms of works M. Glinka.
On the tables of children - scissors, glue,
paints, colored paper.
Objects for serving a table.
Fragments Hood. the film "The lash

The design of the board. Theme of the lesson: "According to the pages of A.S.
Pushkin "Baryshnya-peasant woman"
Epigraph lesson:
Writing a story
eDAK: Just, short and clear.
A.S. Pushkin
New words:
landscape, facade, interior,
living room, nobility.

Lesson plan.

The word of the teacher. Characteristics of the Pushkin era (first half of the 19th century.)
Conversation to the perception of the work.
Analysis of the literary passage.
Drafping ahead of the story.
Analysis of the literary passage.
Group task. Draw a landscape to the story of Pushkin.
The word of the teacher. Russian landscape on the canvases of famous artists.
Analysis of the literary passage.
The word of the teacher. Peasant dress in the paintings of Russian artists and photographs.
Art workshop. Production of details of the peasant costume.
Drawing a passage to negotiate with the use of the details of the peasant costume.
The word of the teacher. Architecture of noble houses, places through text analysis.

During the classes.

1. The word teacher of literature.
In the "Peters of Belkin" (and in the station "Stationery", and in the story "Blizzard", and in the story of the "young lady-peasant") Pushkin shows the life of what she was at that time, without wondering, not decorating it. He talks about the life of different classes and estates of Russian society: about small officials, about the urban poor, about the provincial nobility.
Pushkin and Epoch Pushkin - 19th century. What was it during the time? We lived in this epoch for a long time, studying the "Tale of Belkin". Pushkin presented us with a meeting with Samson vyrin, with the heroes of the story "Blizzard".
Let's turn to the story of the "Lady of the Peasantka". Re-read the pages of this work. Wait for a while with the heroes of the story in the epoch, we can call it, which is Pushkinskaya.
What do you know about the first half of the 19th century?
(-skoyal law, there are two class: nobility and peasants)
There was a nobility of the capital and local. Most of the nobility preferred noisy cities with life in secluded corners of Russia. Pushkin himself preferred Mikhailovskoye, Boldino Moscow and St. Petersburg. He was best among the village landscape. About Pushkin Epoch We know a lot from fiction, memoirs, historical essays.
Count Minsk and Samson Vyrin. Two poles of life - luxury and poverty, material well-being and poverty. Pushkin is not accidental in the story "Stationander" showed the tragedy of a small man, born time of serfdom, legalized, which allowed the strong, rich, lucky to break the life of small people.
Without seeing tears, not a moan,
On the Pump of People Choices Fate,
Here Barzness is wild, without feeling, without the law,
Awarded a violent vine
And work, and property, and the time of the farmer.
Leaning on an alien plow, conquering Ticham,
Here Slavery Skinny worschers in the Brazdam
Inexorable owner
Village, 1812

But here we are another work that entered the "Tale of Belkin". The work is amazingly easy, joyful.

2. Let's re-read the pages of this story and think:
What artistic image of this era created Pushkin in the "Baryshnya-peasant"? (conversation on the perception of the work).
Where are the events shown in the story? (remote provinces of Berestovoy, Murom).
What pictures of the provincial nobility occur when reading a story? (Lunch, rest, hunting, guests.).
Which heroes did you like most and why?
What is pleasantly surprised by us in the relationship of heroes? (lightness, goodwill).

· What feeling causes your finale story?

3. Working with text.
Find in the text Description of the morning, groves where Liza and Alexey Berestov are a date. Express the passage expressively.
What artistic remedies used the author in the description.

The conversation continues the teacher from

The teacher talks about the Russian nature depicted on the canvases of Russian artists Levitan, Polenova, Savrasova, Shishkin.

What paints would be the artist, drawing it morning, grove? (Golden, Blue, Pink)
What is a landscape?

Draw a landscape that you imagine thanks to the word Pushkin (work is performed on sheets attached to the board).

With the rest of the class work teacher literature

Find and read the description of the peasant costume, which cooked fortress girls for Lisa Murom.
Name the details of the peasant dress.
Who made peasant clothes?
How did the peasants decorated their dress?

The conversation continues the teacher from

The story about the peasant dress, demonstrating the slides of the collection of a Russian costume of the 19th century from the collection of the Zagorsk State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve.

Group task (3-4 people)

Make using colored paper, scissors, glue, etc. Details of the peasant female suit: headdress, beads, ribbons, rings, etc.

During the execution of group tasks, M.I music sounds Glinka.

The conversation continues the teacher from

Summing up the group work of artists. Evaluation of work.
Summing up the work on the manufacture of details of the peasant costume. . (Best works are used to create Lisa costume).

4. Drawing passages to the story.

(Nastya is in painting in visit in Prillucino. Tells Lisa about Alexei Berezov)
(Date Lisa and Alexey Berestov. The scenery is a landscape drawn by a group of children.)

Find an excerpt in the text where GI is taken. Murom guests - Berestovoy, Father and Son.
What did the living rooms look in the homes of Russian nobles? What a furniture that decorated the halls (view the fragment of the film "Ladder-peasant").

The conversation continues the teacher from

(Story about the architecture and interior of the noble estate of the 19th century. Demonstration of the Reproduction of the painting of K.A. Zelentsova "in the rooms. Living room with columns on Antlesole" 1833)

The literature teacher gives the lexical meaning of the words "interior", "living room", "Facade".

Group task (5-6 people)

Draw details of the interior of the nobility house.

The conversation continues the teacher of literature

How does Muromsky receive guests? What does he treat them?

Group task (2-3 people)

Table dinner table setting in the nobility house of the 19th century.
Drawing excerpts from the story "Baryshnya-peasant" (Berestovy at dinner at Murom)

Final word teacher literature

What artistic image of the era created Pushkin in the story of the "young lady-peasant?" (Epoch of joy, love, happiness, holiday).
Was it a norm of life in that epoch? (No. The norm of life is Samson's tragedy Osnow).
So Idealized the era? The peasant girl Nastya and the daughter of the landlord of Lisa - girlfriend. The landowner Alexei Berestov plays in the burners with servants and is ready to marry the daughters of the forge of Akulin. No, Pushkin has not idealized. He wanted the norm to have the lives of such landlords like Berers and Murom. This is what you need to strive for. After all, this story about eternal values: love, mutual understanding, forgiveness, beauty of nature, beautiful human relations without deception, without pretending Pushkin called to this.

Homework (variable)

The writing "My reader's experience after reading the" Love of Belkin ".
Illustrations of liked episodes of the story.
Pick up a musical work, justify his choice, to the episode you like.

Theme of the lesson: the historical era, developed in the fictional narration. (According to the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter"). Not only can be proud of the glorus of their ancestors, but should be; Do not respect oni there is a shameful foolishness. A.S. Pushkin Objective: To introduce students with historical events of 1773, show the reasons for the appeal of Pushkin to the topic of the Pugachev uprising, doubts about choosing the main character. Explore the historical era shown by Pushkin in the novel "Captain's daughter", present the historical work of Pushkin dedicated to this era. Find out what the attitude of the people and historians to Pugachev. Develop the skills of independent work with historical sources, information technology tasks: to repeat the biographical information about Pushkin known to children, repeat the concept of a historical novel, to expand the knowledge of children about the history of Pugachev Bunt. Implementation of the educational project. For the formation of search and research skills, the project is carried out in several stages. I Stage - class is divided into 3 groups: - historians are engaged in collecting information about the historical era of Catherine II; - Pushkinists work on the historical work of Pushkin "History of Pugachevsky Bunta" and the novel "Captain's daughter"; - Artists illustrate the text. Stage II - Summing up the interim results: - The participants of each group represent a report on the work done and produce a plan for further activities. III Stage - Working with a computer: - Placing information collected on slides. IV Stage - Presentation: - Students clearly impose the result of their project activities. Location lesson 1. Organizational moment. Introduction. History teacher: - On January 10, 1775 by frosty in the morning in Moscow on the Swamp area, Emelyan Pugachev was executed. The identity of the legendary rebellion is inseparable from Russian history. Teacher literature: Moreover, the tragedy of Pugacheva and Pugachev Bunt attracted the closest attention of our great writers: Pushkin - in the XIX century, Yesenin - in the XX century. Today at the lesson we will look at the historical situation, we learn the story of the creation of the story A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". 1. The history of the creation of the story "Captain's daughter" A. S. Pushkin. - History and literature are so intertwined in this artistic work that, only studying these two sources, we can solve the mystery of the hero of Pushkin. 1) The reasons for the appeal of the poet to Pugachev Bunut. The reasons that prompted Pushkin to refer to the history of Pugacheva are related to the events of December 14, 1825. After Pushkin learned about the rebellion of the Decembrists, as he would do not think that he would write, the thought of "friends, brothers, comrades" owned them relentlessly. Shocked message about the feat and death of friends, the poet appeals to the history of his people, to the topic of popular uprisings. It is at this time "Songs about the walls of Razene" are born, then "Message to Siberia". It was with the poet to be explained to Siberia to Siberia: "I want to write an essay about Pugacheva:" I go to the places, I will move through the Urals, I will go further and come to ask you to have asylum in nonsense mines. " Pushkin is worried about why all peasant riots and noble rebellions suffered defeat? Is it possible to find other ways to welfare Russia? The figure of rebellious Pugacheva more and more attracts Pushkin. He decides to devote to him the historical work of the "History of Pugacheva" and a artistic work. To reveal the reasons for the appearance of the Pugacheva Rayman, let's remember what the situation has developed in Russia in the 60-70s of the XVIII century. 2. The situation in Russia. Strengthening fortress dependency. - Considering the reign of Catherine the second as an era of the heyday of serfdom, we see that the people's anger, which took place in a grand rebellion of 1773-1774, was a response to the monstrous economic, legal, moral suppression of the people. Continuous strengthening of the fortress dependence and rising growth over the first half of the 18th century caused the fierce resistance of the peasants. The main form was escape. Furious leaving in the Cossack region, to the Urals, Siberia, Ukraine, to the northern forests. Often, they created "robberies", which not only robbed on the roads, but also thickened landlord estates, destroyed the documents for the ownership of land and serf. Without times, the peasants openly restrained, beat and even killed their Lords, resisted the troops to the troops. Finally approved serfs only in 1762-1769 caused 120 serfs. What was the state policy towards peasants? Pushkin depicted in the story of the XVII century, the reign of Catherine II, the neborn Sophia Frederica Augustus, Princess Anhalt - Crebst. In August 1745, she married the heir to the Russian throne, the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich. In June 1762, Catherine II came to power, with the help of Guard overthrowing Peter III, his husband, who was killed, and nobles who served in the guard and had her help, were generously rewarded. The time of her rule was called the Catherine Epoch. During this period, Russia expanded its territory, led extensive trade through the ports of the Baltic States and the Black Sea region. The author of the authorities strengthened, the courtyard expanded, science developed. The position of the fortress peasants at this time has deteriorated even more: the peasants were bent, they could be sold like things like cattle. Newspapers Natreli ads for the sale of peasants. By decree of the empress, the landowners were right without trial to punish the sheltered peasants without trial, to refer them to the cautious, to create arbitrariness. Weakness, poverty pushed the peasants to the riots that were brutally suppressed. In such a situation after a sudden and mysterious death for Peter III, rumors were separated that the emperor is alive that someone else is killed, and the emperor is hiding somewhere. But he will appear and will save the people, give peasants freedom and land. 3. Work with documents. "Studies on the novel" Captain's daughter "Students explore the history of the creation of historical labor A.S. Pushkin. Slide number 10. On the slide - the route of the trip by A.S. Pushkin in Pugachev's places. Students on the map are studying the path of Pushkin, describe his meetings with eyewitnesses of events. Slide No. 11. The conclusions of students on the role of A.S. Pushkin in the study of the era of Catherine II are given. Students summarize the results of the poet as a historian. 2) How Pushkin collects material about Pugachev. More from the link in Mikhailovsky in letters to his brother, he asked him to send him the "life of the Pugacheva Emetela" and other materials about him. In subsequent years, he read a lot about Pugacheva, studied archival documents. But all this seemed not enough to him, I wanted to know more, better. In 1833, taking a four-month-to-month vacation in service, he decided to turn around the places where the peasant uprisings took place; To see where Pugacheva's troops were stood, where the landlord estate was burning, where, maybe, old men were still alive - the witnesses of the uprising. Slide 8 He goes to Kazan and Orenburg province. In September, he visited Kazan, Simbirsk, Orenburg, Uralsk - Berdy Stanitsa. Slide 9-10 He worked with hobby, talked with old men, recorded songs, fairy tales, stories about Pugachev. "I sleep and see to come to Boldino and shifted there ..." - he wrote to his wife and in the late autumn was already in Boldin, put his notes in order, wrote "Pugacheva's story." At the end of next year, "The History of Pugacheva" was published. Tsar Nicholas I redid the name. He believed that such a criminal, like Pugachev, could not have stories, and ordered the book "History of Pugachev Bunth". But Pushkin saw in Pugacheva not a criminal, but a large leader of the peasant movement, showed his leadership role in the folk rebellion, spoke about him, as a man's smart, talented, who knew how to mercilely treat enemies and generously to ordinary people 3) the time depicted in Tale. And here in the endless Orenburg steppes there are appeals written in a simple and understandable people language on behalf of Emperor Peter III. - Frequent repeatability of folk speeches, the fierce of the rebels testified of the disadvantaged in the country, about the impending danger. The same spoke of the proliferation of impostor. The impostors under the name of Peter Fedorovich appear in different places under different appearance. Peter III's salvation conversations began immediately after his death in 1762. People said about it, passed rumors from the mouth of mouth as in St. Petersburg, and far from him. Until 1773, Petrov III appeared to 1773. The premeditated merchant Anton Aslanbekov issued himself for the emperor in 1764 in the area of \u200b\u200bKursk, Obovoi, Miropolya. He was supported by local one-bedrooms. Running Recruit Ivan Evdokimov issued himself for Peter III in the Nizhny Novgorod ureet. Gabril Kremnev - One-Novorets Sadznovka Lebedinsky County, acted in 1765 in Voronezh province and Slobodskoy Ukraine. With two bright peasants (he called one - by General Rumyantsev, the other - General Alexei Pushkin) he traveled in the villages and led the population to the oath "Emperor" - to his own. He promised to local residents to free them from the serves, release from prisons of the wells. At the same time, another "emperor" appeared in the Izyuman province - a runa soldier Peter Chernyshev. In 1772, one of Kozlovsky Odnodvord residents argued that Peter III hides at the Don Cossacks. This was also talked to many others. However, only one of the numerous impostors managed to seriously shake the empire. This emperor was called by the Yaitsky Cossack Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev followed him, the uprising embraced a huge territory and lasted a year and a half. It was brutally suppressed, and Pugachev executed. 3. Biographical certificate of Emelyan Pugacheva (pupils). - Emelyan Pugachev was born in the village of the Zimovoy Don Province. Father - Ivan Mikhailovich Pugachev, died in 1762, Mother - Anna Mikhailovna in 1771. The surname Pugachev occurred from the nickname of the grandfather - Mikhail Pugacha. In addition to Emelyan, there was a brother - Dementy, and two sisters - Ulyana and Fedosya. As Pugachev himself pointed at the interrogation, his family belonged to the official Orthodox faith, unlike most Don and Yaik Cossacks, who adhered to the old faith. In the service was located since 18 years old, in 19 years he married Sofary Dmitrievna Nevozhova, the Cossack of Stanitsa Esaulovskaya. From 1763 to 1767, Pugachev was served in his village, where his son Trofim was born in 1764, and in 1768 - Agraphen's daughter. In the break between the birth of children of Pugachev, Poland was sent to Poland with the Esuula Team Elisha Yakovleva to search and return to Russia of fled Old Believers. After removing the troops to winter apartments in Elizavetgrad in 1771, Pugachev fell ill ("... and he got his chest and legs"). Colonel Kuteikov sent it to Don as part of the team from 100 Cossacks to replace horses. Due to Pugachev's disease, he could not return back, hired a replacement - "Glazanovskaya Stone (on the Medveditsa River) Cossack Biryukova, who was given two horses with saddles, saber, Burku, Zipun blue, Harch all and money twelve ruble." He himself went to the military capital Cherkask to retire. Resigns refused to him, offering to be treated in a climb or independently. Pugachev preferred to be treated independently, after which he went to see his sister Feodosia with then Simon Pavlov in Taganrog, where he served. In a conversation with the son-in-law Pugachev found out that he wants to run from service with several comrades, and volunteered to help him. After the capture of Pavlov spoke about the circumstances of escape. As a result, Pugachev was forced to hide, was repeatedly detained and fled, unsuccessfully tried to move to Terek. In November 1772, Pugachev is hiding in the Old Believers of the introduction of the Virgin, in the rector of Philaret, from whom he heard about the excitement in the Yaitsky army. A few days later, at the end of November, in early December, Pugachev went on a ride for fish to the Yaitsky town, where he met with one of the participants of the uprising of 1772 Denis Punkov. In a conversation with him, Pugachev first called himself to be saved by Peter III and discussed the possibility of organizing the escape of the hiding participants of the uprising to Kuban. Upon returning to a dreaming approach, the peasant Philippova Pugacheva, Filippova Pugacheva, was arrested and sent to Simbirsk, and then in January 1773 in Kazan, and then in January 1773 in Kazan. On the way, he managed to run. 4) Work on the story. Work on the history of Pugacheva inspired Pushkin: He began writing a story "Captain's daughter" - the best work in prose. He changed six plans, so in no one stopped. Work on the tale was difficult, because the Pugachevshchyna was the topic forbidden. In the story, Pushkin wanted to make the chief hero of the noblemannoofic sector, which passed on the side of the rebels. Several times he reworks the plot, changing the names of heroes. Finally he stopped on one, which will remain in the final version of the text of the novel - Grinyov. This surname is taken from archival materials. The Podororuk A.M. Grinin was listed among those officers who were suspected of "report with villains, but in the investigation turned out to be innocent." Grinyov in the story of Pushkin became an eyewitness, witness and participant of events. Together with him, we will pass through the tests, mistakes and victories, discoveries and difficulties, by the knowledge of the truth, comprehension of wisdom, love and mercy. In the story, Pushkin showed the bloody episodes of fruits. But he does not admire the peasant insurgency. In historical work, he showed that the cruelty of the rebels was provoked by the injustice of local and government authorities. On the pages of the story there is a bashkitra - a member of the Bunt of 1741. Pages where this person describes is described without shuddering. So, Pushkin finished the story a year before his death in the fall of 1836. He passed the "Captain Daughter" to the censorship for permission to print. He sent a letter to the letter in which I wrote: "My Roman was based on a legend, once heard me, as if one of the officers who had changed his debt and switched to Pugachevsky's gangs, was pardoned by the Empress at the request of the elderly father who rushes her to her feet." Pushkin means the history of the Schwwitch officer. His father, strongman, Buyan and Zadira, during the time of Peter III in the Taucasian quarrel destroyed the cheek Alexei Orlov, the favorite of Catherine II, Spouse Peter III. Alexey Orlov headed the plot, as a result of which Peter III was overthrown from the throne, and Catherine became Empress. Shvanvich thought that he would be executed, but the eagles did not take revenge the offender, but remained a friend with Shvanvich. After many years, Schvanvich's son "had little to stick to Pugachev and stupidity to serve him with all." They said that he was Alexey Orlov - now the Count, the favorite of the Empress, "scored at the softening of sentencing" the son of his former enemy, and then a friend. What is in this "anecdote" reliable? Young Shvanvich, taken by the rebel, swore Pugachev and served in his headquarters. After the defeat of the rebellion, Shvanvich fled, but was caught and arrested. He was deprived of the nobility and ranks, refer to Siberia. He died, and without waiting for softening his fate. Where is the "pardon of the Empress", which was so struck by Pushkin, what did he put it on the basis of the novel? There was no pardon. And, of course, there was no scene with the Father, fallen into the legs of the Empress. Pushkin knew it, but it was "distracting maneuver." Pushkin clarifies the censor, in whom the plot of "Captain Daughter". He, referring to this legend, inspires him that the novel, strictly speaking, was written in the sake of the final episode - the meeting of Masha Mironovaya and Catherine II and, therefore, aims to glorify the royal charity. Pushkin is forced to interpret the plot of the novel, because the plot of the "captain's daughter" was completely different. We will learn about this at subsequent lessons. Students are looking for an answer to the question: "How do historical truth and fiction in the novel correlate, what is it - a real Pugachev?". Slide number 13. The answer to the question of M.I.TSvetaeva given in Slide No. 5. Slide number 14. The statement of A.S. Pushkin on the meaninglessness and merciless of the Russian rebellion. Students are trying to comprehend the presented statement, tie it with modernity. Slides number 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. The slides shows illustrations of artists to the novel "Captain's daughter". Students represent their own illustrations to the novel. Summing up the lesson. Homework.

A. S. Pushkin became interested in the events of Pugachevsky Bunta (judging by his letter to his brother) in 1824, during the Mikhailovsky reference; I asked to send a famous, even trendy (although, as it turned out, full of absurdity and peep) Roman "False Peter III, or the life and adventures of the Bunvader Emelyan Pugacheva."

In the summer of 1832 (or, as Pushkinists believed, somewhat earlier) Pushkin sketched the first story or a novel, in which the features of the future "captain's daughter" are guessed. After some time, the second appeared, and then the third; Under him - date: "Jan 31 1833, "but the novel" did not go "... why? - One of the reasons see that Pushkin, most likely, not so well knew the era of Pugachevsky Bunte to write a historic novel.

Pushkin studied newspapers and books and soon already knew "everything that was promulgated by the government regarding Pugachev."

In early February 1833, Pushkin appealed to the Military Minister of Count Alexander Ivanovich Chernyshev with a request for permission to use the materials of the military archive. My desire explained to the intention to write "the story of Generalissimus Prince Itali Count Suvorov-Ramniksky", but she held Pushkin not a brilliant commander, but forbidden "Menitsky Tsar" Emelaka Pugachev: The true intentions for the time being beyond the time.

The answer came quickly - the permission was obtained. In late February - early March, Pushkin has already acquainted with the materials

Pushkin Map Scheme

The secret expedition of the Military College, archival materials of the General Staff, and in April began to "History Pugacheva" and in just five weeks, completed work. Such a speed is explained by the fact that "History" thought, probably as an introduction to the novel, but rapidly overwhelmed into an independent study, which does not cross the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel, but the component of its verified historical basis.

In September, Pushkin visited Pugachevsky Bunt places in Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Simbirsk, Orenburg, Uralsk, interviewed old men, contemporaries and witnesses of the peasant warriors, recorded their stories, devotees, songs; Collected materials in provincial archives.

In October, arrived in Boldino; He led to the order of paper, wrote a new preface to the "History of Pugacheva" and, returning to Petersburg, turned to the head of the III department of his imperial majesty of the office General Adjutant A. X. Benkendorf with a letter:

"Gracious Sovereign Count Alexander Christforovich!

Although I as less often tried to use the preciousness of the emperor's sovereign, but now we need to ask for the highest permissions: I thought there was no time to write a historic novel on the time of Pugachev, but I found a lot of materials, I left fiction and wrote the story of frightening. I dare to ask through your begging permission to submit to the highest consideration. "

The king manuscript read, made 23 amendments, noticed that the name "History of Pugacheva" is better to replace the "history of Pugachevsky Bunta" (with which Pushkin agreed: "The royal name, we accept, more precisely"), and not only allowed the book, but also expenses According to the publication, he was at his own expense: Pushkin was borrowed by a loan at 20,000 rubles.

In December 1834, "History of Pugachev Bunt" was published. Met the book cold. The circulation bought badly, and the Minister of Folk Enlightenment Sergey Semenovich Uvroa "shouted" about her "as an outrageous essay." In Pushkinsky time, the word "outrage" had the following meaning: "Worry, disturbing, disturbing, encouraging to the ropot, displeasure, to rebellion, produce an uprising."

What was so excited, alarmed the minister? What did he find the "outrageous" in the "History of Pugachev Bunt"? What is the value of this historical work of the great poet of Russia?

Pushkin first struck the gap in the decree on the forever