How does the society affect a person? A literary example is needed. Only not from "Oblomov"

How does the society affect a person? A literary example is needed. Only not out
How does the society affect a person? A literary example is needed. Only not from "Oblomov"

V. G. Belinsky said that the fate of every person was solved by the upbringing. This can be fully attributed to Oblomov Ilya Ilyich and Stolz Andrei Ivanovich - two main characters of the novel "Oblomov" I. A. Goncharov. These people seemed to be out of one medium, class, time. Therefore, they must have the same aspirations, worldview. Why then, reading the work, we notice in the gallery and the brood mainly the differences, and not similarity? In order to answer this question, you should refer to the origins that have formed the characters of the two characters that interest us. You will see that the upbringing of the gallery and Oblomov had its own characteristics that influenced their further life.

Sleep Oblomov

The first head of the work is devoted to the child's childhood. Goncharov himself called her "Overture of the whole novel." From this chapter, we learn in general terms about what was the upbringing of Oblomov. Quotes from it are not accidentally given to the proof that the life of Ilya simply could not work out otherwise. In the first chapter of the work, it is possible to find the raystery of the nature of the capital hero, an inactive, lazy, apathetic man who is used to exist at the expense of labor belonging to him.

It was worth just to rear words Ilya Ilyich, as he started to dream of the same dream: the gentle hands of the mother, her gentle voice, embrace friends and loved ones ... Every time, bugs in a dream returned to his childhood when he was loved by everyone and absolutely happy. He like fled to children's memories of real life. In what conditions was his identity formed, how was the upbringing of Oblomov?

The atmosphere that reigned in a crushing

Ilyusha childhood spent in the crushing, in the genital village. His parents were nobles, and life in the village was on special laws. In the village reigned the cult of nonesthelnia, sleep, food, as well as nothing disturbed calm. True, sometimes the quiet course of being was broken by quarrels, losses, diseases and difficulties considered for the inhabitants of the village, from which they sought to get rid of the first opportunity. We will tell about what kind of education got brooms. You probably have already compiled some idea about it on the basis of the above.

How did the desires of Ilyush be pretended?

He was expressed mainly in the forbids. Ilya, a moving, dexterous child, it was forbidden to perform any work on the house (there are servants for this). In addition, his desire for independence each time was taken away by the cries of the nannies and parents who did not give the boy and make a step without supervision, since they were afraid that he would catch or whistle. Interest in the world, activity - all this in childhood Ilyushi was redeemed by adults who were not allowed to frolic, jump, run on the street. But it is necessary to any child for the development, knowledge of life. The incorrect education of Oblomov led to the fact that the forces of the Ilyoshi, seeking manifestations, turned inside and, fading, Nicli. Instead of activity, he was given a love for a strong afternoon sleep. In the novel, it is said as a "true similarity of death", replaced by the upbringing of Oblomov. Quotes from text, no less bright, can be found and dedicated to good food, the cult of which has become almost the only occupation in the village.

The influence of the tales of Nyanki

In addition, the ideal of inaction was constantly reinforced by the tales of the nanny about the "Emeyle-Fool", receiving various gifts from the magical pike, while doing nothing. Ilyich will subsequently be sad, lying on his sofa, and ask himself: "Why is life - not a fairy tale?".

Ilya Ilyich is all called the dreamer. But after all, the upbringing of Oblomov endless tales of nannies about the heat-birds, sorcerers, heroes, Militis, Militis, could not sit in his soul hope for the best, faith in the fact that problems would somehow be allowed by themselves? In addition, these fairy tales gave rise to the hero of fear of life. The lazy childhood and the upbringing of Oblomov led to the fact that Ilya Ilyich tried in vain to hide from reality in his apartment located on a pea street, and then on the Vyborg side.

Parents' ratio of Ilyusha to education

Parents tried not to burden Ilyuly education, considering that study is not worth passing holidays and lose health. Therefore, they enjoyed each convenient case in order not to put on their child's classes. Ilyusha and soon realized that he had such a sluggish and measured existence. Childhood and education of Oblomov did their job. Habit, as they say, the second nature. And the adult Ilya Ilyich completely satisfied the situation in which the servants are doing everything for him, and he does not have anything to take care and worry. So childhood hero imperceptibly flowed into an adult life.

Adult Life Ilya Ilyich

Little has changed in it. All the existence of Oblomov in his own eyes was still shared by 2 halves. The first is the work and boredom (these concepts were synonyms), and the second is peaceful fun and peace. Zakhar changed the nanny, and the Vyborg Street of the city of St. Petersburg is a crushing. Ilya Ilyich was so afraid of any activity, he was so frightened by any changes in his life, that even the dream of love was not able to bring this hero from Apathia.

That is why he had a joint life with a good mistress wheat, because it became nothing more than anything else, as a continuation of life in the village of Oblomovka.

Parents Andrei Stolz

The exact opposite of Ilya Ilyich is Andrei Ivanovich. Ringing gallets took place in a poor family. Andrei's mother was a Russian nobility, and the father - the rubbish German. Each of them contributed to the rapidation of the gallery.

Father's influence

Stolz Ivan Bogdanovich, Father Andrei, taught his son German, practical sciences. Andrei began to work early - to help Ivan Bogdanovich, who was demanding with him and in Burgers strict. The upbringing of the gallery in the novel "Oblomov" contributed to the fact that pragmaticism was developed in it, a serious look for life. For him became the need for everyday work, which Andrei considered an integral part of his life.

The influence of the mother

Andrei's mother made his contribution to the upbringing of the gallez in the novel "Oblomov". She looked at the methods that her spouse applied, with anxiety. This woman wanted to make a cute and clean and clean boy-Barin, one of those whom she saw when she worked in rich Russian families with a governess. Her soul was talked when Andryusha returned after the fight the whole washed or dirty after the field or factory, where he went along with his father. And she was taken to cut his nails, sew elegant manic dogs and collars, curling the curls, ordered clothes in the city. Mother Stolz taught to listen to Hertz sounds. She sang on his colors, whispered about the vocation of the writer, then the warrior, dreamed of a high role that falls into a share of other people. Andrei's mother, in many respects, wanted her son to look like Oblomov, and therefore he was happy to let him go to Sosnovka.

So, you see that, on the one hand, the practice of Andrei was laid by practicing, father's business, and on the other - the mother's dreamability. Everything else, there was a breakdown nearby, in which the "eternal holiday", where they sell work from the shoulders as Igo. All this has affected the gallery.

Parting with home

Of course, Andrei's father loved him in his own way, but he did not consider it necessary to show his feelings. Before the tears is a piercing scene of goodbye gallery with her father. Even at that moment Ivan Bogdanovich could not find good words for his son. Andrei, swallowing tears of resentment, goes down. It seems that at this moment Stolz, despite the efforts of his mother, does not leave the place for "empty dreams" in his soul. He takes with him in an independent life just that, in his opinion, it was necessary: \u200b\u200bdedication, practicality, calcality. In a distant childhood, everything else was left with the way the mother.

Life in Petersburg

He goes after graduating from the university to St. Petersburg, where it is accepted for affairs (sends the goods abroad), travels around the world, leads an active life and everything has time. Despite the fact that he was a peer of Oblomov, this hero succeeded in life much more. He gave money and house. Energy and activity contributed to the successful quarry of this hero. He achieved heights that could not even dream of. Stolz managed to properly dispose of life and abilities laid out in nature.

Everything was in moderation in his life: and joy, and sadness. Andrey prefers a direct path that meets his simple look at life. He was not disturbed or dreams nor imagination - he simply did not allow them in his life. This hero did not like to build guesses, he always retained a sense of self-esteem in the behavior, as well as a sober, calm opinion on people and things. Andrei Ivanovich considered the passion for the devastating force. His life resembled "Slow and smooth burning of fire."

Galley and brooms - two different destinies

The upbringing of the gallery and Oblomov, as you see, significantly different, albeit that, and the other were immigrants from the noble environment and belonged to one layer of society. Andrei and Ilya - people with different worldviews and characters, so fate were so unlike. Very difference in the upbringing of Oblomov and Stolz. The comparison makes it possible to notice that this fact was strongly influenced by the adult life of these heroes. The active Andrei tried until the last day "convey the vessel of life" and not shed in vain any drops. And the apathetic and soft Ilya lazy even just stand up from the sofa and get out of her room so that the servants were removed. Olga Oblomova asked once in the Ilya longing about what he thwarted him. He answered this: "Oblomovshchina". N. A. Dobrolyubov, a famous critic, also believed that the "Oblomovshchina" - the fault of all the troubles of Ilya Ilyich. This is the medium in which the main character was forced to grow.

The role of education in the formation of a person's personality

In the novel, "Oblomov" was not accidentally emphasized by the author. As you can see, lifestyle, worldview, the nature of each person is still in childhood. The environment in which the development of the personality, teachers, parents - all this greatly affects the formation of character. If the child since childhood does not teach labor and independence, in its own example, do not show him that every day you should do something useful and it is impossible to spend time, then you should not be wondering that he will grow a brown and lazy man, like Ilya Ilyich From the work of Goncharov.

Everyone knows that a person can affect the life of society. Recall historical examples: coups, revolution, war. Many of them unleashed specific people affecting the further development of society. But society has its influence on man. Someone from the classics said: "It is impossible to live in society and be free from society." I fully agree with this. In literature, we will find a lot of examples of heroes that have experienced the influence of society.

This is Yevgeny Onegin, the hero of the same name of A. Pushkin. The Company has formed his character, "taught" to idle life, in fact, turning. Onegin did not find his place in life, lost a friend, passed past real love.

The same fate was the character of Roman M.Lermontov "Hero of Our Time". The best qualities of Pechorin Nature were finished completely on the bustle of secular life. I did not find yourself and bugs, whose childhood passed in the crushing, which had an influence on the formation of his personality.

More often the influence of society is negative. Vulgarity of the surrounding life presses per person. The limitations of people, their inability to dream, reconciliation with reality is often quenched even the highest gusts. This was what happened to Dmitry Ionovich Startsev, the hero of the work of A.P.hekhov "Ionch". At the beginning of the work is a young promising doctor. He came to work in a small town of Lylizh and all the forces gives his beloved business. We can understand this to the smallest copyright details: for example, even on the Holiday Ascension, it works. But the desire to serve people faces a boredom of provincial life. The most talented family in the city is by no means talented. Vera Josephovna writes worthless novels, Ekaterina Ivanovna plays on the piano so that the hero has a feeling that stones are filled with mountains. Her father is constantly exercised in wit, but his jokes do not change for many years. What to talk about other residents of the city! And the elders fall under the influence of these people. Gradually, it is the best that it was: the ability to see the beauty of nature (remember the scene in the cemetery), the desire of love (the relationship with the cat did not work out, which he was even glad: "He stopped resting his heart restlessly." But the desire comes to earn as much as possible. The author shows how fewer in the hero remains moral, more and more time he gives the urban patient, and he performs the duties of the Zemstvo doctor. There is a passion to earn money. He puts them at interest, buys at home. But who live in them, because he is alone? At the end of the work, we are no longer a person, but a "pagan God." So the vulgarity of the surrounding life was drowned in the jonet (so now it is called) all human.

Thus, we saw that society undoubtedly affects human life. It forms habits, lifestyle, affecting the formation of moral qualities. If the main value in society is money, then, unfortunately, sooner or later, the person begins to absorb these values. Of course, if a person is strong and can confront society, this influence will be smaller. But this is a completely different story.

\u003e Works on the work of bugs

Is a man of bugs?

Oblomov Ilya Ilyich - the protagonist of the most famous Roman I. Goncharov and a person who gave the name of the concept of "Obloming". "Oblomov" appeared in the middle of the 19th century at that time when changes in the sphere of serfdom were already brewing in the country. Ilya Ilyich is described by the author as a typical representative of the nobility of the Middle Ages, which grew up in such rampant and non-night conditions, which later could not solve any problem in his life.

Since childhood, the hero was guarded and felt from the slightest abrasion and physical labor. That is why he grew up so not adapted to life and a lazy man who is not capable of further development. Any decision was given to him with difficulty, and he did not put goals at all, as he knew in advance that he could not achieve them. This hero can not be submitted outside the sofa. His whole life passes away from society in extensive dreams and aimless reflections. It is important to note that inaction is a conscious choice of the hero.

He does not see the meaning in a hurry, in any socially useful activities, in friendly meetings, dating evenings, new acquaintances. The estate that he inherited him is not able to manage. For him, everyone makes servants, and the most approximate servant Zakhar is also lazy as the bugs himself. Is it possible to call the main character with a good person? In my opinion, and yes, and no. On the one hand, he is very kind, open and welcome. He does not hold anyone evil and does not want it to anyone.

On the other hand, in relation to itself, he makes the bigger evil. He intentionally does not strive for spiritual and physical development, as it is much easier to remain an independent, infantal child. Even having met love on his path, he quickly lowers his hands, because he understands that he is not able to change. Olga Ilinskaya is trying to pull him out of "Oblomovka", which reliably seen the soul and body of the hero and it initially succeeds. However, over time, he sinks again in his meditation, takes the same sofa and walks in one bathhouse.

The path of Oblomov is predictable. He never became a notable official, never could arrange his life with his beloved woman, could not equip his life on his own. As a result, all the work took over the housework

The problem of the influence of the medium per person has already risen in Russian literature, but the image of Barina-respect has finally formed and acquired the features of the typical generalization of Goncharov. It was the hero of Roman, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, Russian Barin, embodied the features of idleness, laziness, apathy, the lack of a flight of thought and feelings - in a word, the death of spiritual, which in the end and led to the death of physical. Drawing a portrait of Ilya Ilyich, Goncharov indicates the features of the flakes acquired to thirty years from a fixed lifestyle, on ramped hands, unusual to work, on chubby shoulders that have not experienced lives. The interior also emphasizes indifference and laziness of the host house. Everywhere reigns "nestness and negligence". Showing the usual day of Oblomov, Goncharov describes in detail the details (shedding bathrobe, stopped slippers), the constant calls of the Zakhara servant for writing the letter, the course of the thoughts of the hero (get up or lie down) and notes the inexorable time of time (woke up "early, about eight in the morning", when I thought that you need to get up, was already the tenth hour, but until eleven in the morning I was not going to climb and took guests, lying in bed). In everything repeats its owner and servant Zakhar. As a constant bathrobe Ilya Ilyich, and the old coat with a knife under the arm - the attribute of Zakhar. For Oblomov, climb from the sofa is an incredible difficulty, for Zakhar - to break away from the stove. Like a barin, he always finds justifying his laziness. Capture of one and the other is aimed at doing nothing, find an excuse from the case. Zakhar is waiting for a banal for a whole day to leave in his absence to "call women" and make cleaning, and the bugs are waiting for the "routing plan" to write a letter to the village. All the inner life of Oblomov takes place in fruitless Manilovsky fantasies: he imagines himself with Napoleon, the hero of the fairy tales of his nanny - the word, makes the "feats of good and generosity." Even the plan of reorganization of estates in his mind acquires grandiose features: Majord Zakhar, orangeneie with southern fruits. "Thought walking with a free bird." Bakes are proud of their idleness. According to his concepts, peace and laziness, the lifestyle he leads, its "normal state" - lying - there is the true lifestyle that the Russian Barin should lead. He is angry with Zakharu, carelessly compared him with others: "I have never pulled the stocking to my feet, as I live, thank God!". However, proud of its boric in disabilities and independence, the bugs fall under the influence of someone else's will, ranging from Zakhar and ending with Tarantyev with Ivan Matveyevich. Thus, in the portrait characteristic, external details, the lifestyle of the Oblomov Goncharov showed typical features of the Russian Barina-Baybak: apathy, laziness, intact. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe prehistory of the Hero of Goncharov gives readers from Sleely Ilya Ilyich, where he sees his childhood, a native home, family. Here, we appear such a phenomenon as the "Oblomovshchina". Goncharov makes it clear that this is not a lifestyle of one person, but a state of society, in which a bright start, initiative, humanity (recall the sick wanderer in the crushing), any movement (prohibitions on games with rustic boys Little Ilya). From the first lines of sleep, Goncharov emphasizes the serenity and peace of nature, as it were, as it were, the lifestyle of people inhabiting the broom. There are no storms, no shocks, nor high mountains, nor the inequate seas, as there are no wars and strange diseases in the life of Oblomovtsev, as the aspiration of the aspiration of dreams and thoughts. As the sky, "closer picks up to the ground, so that it is to rummage to embrace it, protect it from adversity" and parental love is aimed at getting rid of the catties from labor and teaching. As the time of the year, the calm, and life in the ruble is measured by homelands, christenings, a wedding, a funeral, and life. Silence and immobility of nature is in harmony with a sleepy lifestyle of Oblomovtsy, and the writer focuses on this "uncompaired all-consuming sleep, similar to death." On the one hand, the motive of sleep, consonation with him the dead of the Dum and the lifestyle of Goncharov will show in other episodes that reveal the essence of the gang, with the other -one, as a dream, like the idyll of patriarchal life, focusing on physiological needs (food, sleep, continuation of the kind) , attachment of 284 people to one place, closedness from the outside world, softness and cordiality, large than in an alien by the external business world, humanity, self-sufficiency is poetted by Goncharov, as well as Russia. Thus, the life position of Oblomov was formed in this environment with its concepts and ideals, where labor people perceived as "the Punishment of the Lord", where everything you need will make three hundred Zakharov, where the eyes of the father had an example of the father, the whole activity was observing Where I went and that it was carrying, where the boy endowed with an immense maternal love acquired the devils, tenderness, sensitivity ("pigeon heart"), but lost the will and desire to work. "It all started to wear stockings with inability, but ended in the inability to live." As once, the Oblomovtsy, faced with a real exterior world, salted before the letter, and subsequently, the bugs will save before responsibility for their mistake (confuses Astrakhan with Arkhangelsk) and resign. As Father Ilya Ilyich could not send a friend's recipe, and Ilya Ilyich will not be able to write a letter to a manager to the village, nor answering a friend gallery. Excluding all the initiative from the life of the boy, the society killed any living movement in it, but the child's soul was preserved in Oblomovoy in all tenderness, naivety, since he was interested in Goncharov. It was these qualities that no one from those surrounded, attracted Olga Ilinskaya in Olga Olga, the girl is unusually intelligent, pure, natural, deeply, deep. She was able to see that he was hiding behind the shell of clumsy respect. For Olga, an appearance is not important, it appreciates ordinary human qualities: mind, sincerity, naturalness, which, in turn, attracted her hero. In this bug and Olga are similar, but only in this. By testing his hero's love tests, Goncharov is trying to be tried in Russian literature, checking his identity for consistency. Olga for Oblomov Ideal, as well as for Goncharov. Olga fell in love with a real Oblomov, but the future, how she wanted to see him. Oblomov understood this much earlier than Olga and tried to warn her, and save himself from future mental distances. The wedding was impossible initially. Olga demanded activities - Oblomov sought to peace. For Olga, the ideal of life is in the desire for the development of the soul and intelligence, for Oblomov, in a serene family circle with a series of lunches and dinners. This ideal of the family, the native ruffle of Ilya Ilyich, is in marriage with Agafei Matveyevaya Wheat, blessing, in the house of which he moved from the pea street. In the description of the courtyard of Goncharov, gives a multi-valued characteristic of silence and peace, noting that "except for a barking dog seemed no living soul." FIRST, which notices the bugs in Agafier, is its economic and thoroughness. In the management of the economy, it is talented, but otherwise nothing is seal. The feeling of Oblomov to Wheat was landed, to Olga - sublime. About Olga he dreams, looks at Agafia, for a wedding with Olga, it was necessary to do something, and marriage with Agafey addresses himself, unnoticed. Even Stolz has already left hope to pull out his friend from this grocery, seeing the "eternal" bathrobe Ilya Ilyich. If Olga "removed" a bathrobe, then Agafya, Zaladav, "So that she served longer," Oblomov took it again. The only thing to do gallery is to take care of the son of Oblomov. Thus, transmitting to the upbringing gallets of Little Andryung, Goncharov shows for whom the future. Increasing communication with the Oblomovskaya environment can not overcome Agafya, who after the death of Oblomov Stolz offered to live with his son. The value of the Criminal Image is extremely large. His Goncharov opposed the fumes and meaninglessness of the St. Petersburg life of the wolves, the fatery, fincons who forgot about the person and seeking to satisfy their petty vanity or mercantile interests. This Petersburg "Oblomovshchina" does not accept and goncharov, the mouth of Oblomov expressing protest against the condemnation of "fallen people." Oblomov says about compassion to the "fallen", in the impulse of the feelings of the sofa. Without seeing the point in the vigorous life of St. Petersburg, in pursuit of ghostly values, the barbecue is a kind of protest against the upcoming rationalism of the bourgeois epoch. In this era, obcomments retained a clean children's soul, but the "Oblomovshchina" - apathy, laziness and lack of will - led him to the death of spiritual and physical. So, the value of the work is that Goncharov showed a real picture of the state of the Russian society, in which the best human deposits are suppressed by a lack of life. The image of Oblomov, which preserved the "pigeon soul" in the era of the change of the feudal structure of bourgeois and embodying laziness and apathy, acquired a none value. The best thing to generate landfill Wednesday is bugs with his "golden heart." In the personal manifestations of Ilya Ilyich and noble, but he is all hidden only in them. It's not by chance that Olga Ilyinskaya all the time waiting from the hero of the publication of public. The girl who loved the Oblomov and in vainly trying to save him, asks: "What disguised you? There is no name to this evil ... "-" There is ... Oblastovshchyna, "the hero answers. Life similar to sleep, and a dream, similar to death, is the fate of not only the main character of the novel, but also many other characters. Events described in the work are common for public life 1855 - 1862. This is the tragedy of the novel, which describes the Patriarchal Rus who goes into the past. So, the bugs lies on the couch in a comfortable home coat, and life goes irretrievably. Peace is the ideal of the hero's life, "his normal state". Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a Russian landowner who lived in St. Petersburg on income from his estate. This is a man of thirty-two-three years old from the genus, medium height, pleasant outforth, received an adopted in the noble society education, once dreamed of service, about travel, was fond of poetry. According to the mind and development, he stands above his acquaintances - Volkova, Penkina, Sudybinsky, Tarantyev. Oblomov has many positive qualities. "This is a crystal, transparent soul," says gallery about him. Attempts by a friend awaken the hero to life do not lead to anything. Many answers to the questions by the author gives in the "Obloma dream" in the ninth chapter of the novel. In the crushing, in distant childhood, there was an important and subsequent life in many ways the defining character of the nature of Ilya Ilyich - poetic dreaminess. Here Goncharov, after Pushkin, emphasizes that noble culture is inextricably linked with folk soil. These estate traditions, on the one hand, will play a sad role in the formation of the nature of Oblomov, turn in part in the "Oblomeness" feature. But the same foundations will allow the hero to preserve the naturalness and free state of the soul, which will be higher than the all-life practicing gallery. In the Oblomovsky Dream, in his attitude to the past life, the attendance of the follow-up actions of the hero. Oblomov can not be fully understood, if not to realize the fabulous mythological nature of his character, reproduced in the "Sing of Oblomov". The fairy tale from the "Sleep Oblomov" goes into the life of the hero and settles with him on the Vyborg side, "the present and past merged and mixed." And again the hero is immersed in the "Sleepy Kingdom", only it is already referred to as life. It is not by chance that in the Roman Goncharov's novel, hero gets out of the Oblomovsky paradise, not somewhere, but in St. Petersburg - the city is a villagers, semi-European, cold, rank, full of bustle. Everything here is opposite to the businesses in the obligation: the burdensome service, insincere relationships between people, even the weather - cloudy and dull. The image of Ilya Ilyich is embodied nostalgia over the past. As a man is sad about his childhood, the people are sad about their past, which always seems better than the present. Bugs are only a child of his time. The kingdom of serfs of Russia is the origins of the Oblomovskaya apathy, inactivity, fear of life. The habit of getting all the gift, without applying any work, is the basis of all actions and actions of Oblomov. In his work, Goncharov created a generalized image. This is a literary type, a system of vices of the noble society. In the image of Oblomov, typical features of Russian character are embodied. The author showed the Russian Barin - sloth with a broad soul and kind heart, high feelings. Unlike his people around him, the bugs are aware of their unsuitability for a new life, while it suffers, today's life is also not satisfied: "It is for the sake of such a life to get up from the sofa." Turning into unnecessary and bitter stagnation, the life of Oblomov ends, and without ending with something significant. The future of the country is not for people like Ilya Ilyich. In his novel, which can be called Central in the work of the writer, Goncharov managed to realistically reflect all those complex processes that took place in Russian society in the second half of the XIX century. In the face of Oblomov, on the one hand, the image of the Russian Barin was reproduced, and on the other, the vices of the modern author of reality - "Oblomovshchina".

Man and society .. What are their relationships? How does society affect a person? Is it possible to resist society? Of course, the truth is known. What to live in society and it is impossible to be free from it. People united by public bonds must comply with certain rules of behavior, following historically established canons. And if it is broken, conflicts, riots, chaos arise. Society, in a certain sense, subordinates man, keeps him within. Society forms a worldview, gives some important settings. And if someone challenges the society, he becomes outcast, rejected. But after all, society is different: both conservative, and progressive, and democratic, and bourgeois. Undoubtedly, living in society, it is necessary to comply with his laws, but at the same time keeping his own "I", his individuality.
In Roman I. Goncharov "Oblomov" we see how the hero of the work, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, becomes a victim of "Oblomovsky" education. The society in which he has grown, formed, cripped up his ideas about life. Parents defeated little Ilyuha from all everyday worries and adversity, were not allowed to be independent. Since childhood, Ilya saw the Oblomovtsians lived: they were fear before the world around the world, they were afraid of any change and transformations, believed in monsters with pests. And the bugs also became such. Having matured, he closed from the world in four walls and lay down on the sofa. But the St. Petersburg light does not attract it by no means. Goncharov shows that the metropolitan society, which is so insistently calling gallets Oblomov, deprived of moral ideals. Bakes with his fine soul feels well. It turns out that the society, which robbed Oblomov, despite all conservatism and ignorance, no worse than that in which careerism, hypocrisy, idleness, envy flourishes. And the hero turns out as if on the side of life. Oblomovka remained in dreams, and the secular society is alien to Oblomov. Its similarity of the happiness of the bugs finds in the house of Agafei Wshetitsky, who, having loved Ilya Ilyich, protects him from the everyday storms. The author of the Roman makes you think about what role the society played in the life of the main character, as it turned out that a clever, kind, noble man became absolutely unnecessary, unclaimed in life. If you consider this problem from a historical point of view, you can come to the conclusion that the nobility class comes from the scene of history, and enterprising figures like galley, future bourgeois occupy its place. In this update - the eternal breath of life and her eternal tragedy.
A person can adapt to the society in which he lives, but it must take his human dignity under any circumstances, his honor, its principles.