The value of the image of Onegin and Pechorin. Comparative characteristics of Evgenia Onegin and Grigoria Pechorin (comparative analysis)

The value of the image of Onegin and Pechorin. Comparative characteristics of Evgenia Onegin and Grigoria Pechorin (comparative analysis)

In the literature of each people there are works, whose heroes, positive or negative, a person remembers all his life, and there are characters who are erased from time to human memory. If we talk about Russian literature, then the works of M. Yu. Lermontov "Hero of our time" and A. S. A "Eugene Onegin" are outstanding novels, the main characters that Grigory Pechorin and Evgeny Onegin remain in our memory until the end of life. These are pretty controversial characters with vivid characters who know anyone who is a little familiar with Russian literature.

Heroes of Romanov A. S. A and M. Yu. Lermontov shares less than ten years. Be they real peopleThey would easily meet at a reception in one of the living rooms, on one of the balls or in the bed one of the beauties at the premiere of some play.

However, let's try to figure out what more in Onegin and Pechorin are differences or similarities. After all, differences in characters, lifestyle and behavior sometimes shares people stronger than a whole century.

Evgeny Onegin Already from the first chapter of the Roman appears in front of us in the image of the established secular young man, no worse and no better than other contemporaries. Good home education, solid legacy, light and pleasant mind, secular gloss, the ability is elegantly express and find with anyone mutual language. In addition to this, thorough knowledge of fashion issues and the ability to organize bacheloy dinners - that's all that Evgeny Onegin lives. A. S. describes in detail one day from the life of Onegin - lift, breakfast, toilet, lunch, theater and sleep. And this description is quite enough, because the life of Onegin passed calmly and evenly, and every new day was similar to the previous one.

"Before the morning, his life is ready,

Monotony and sand

And tomorrow the same thing that yesterday ... "

Such a dimension of his life, the repetition of the same, hidden behind the external diversity and brightness is a meaningless spending of time, the emptiness in which the hero of the novel is not aware of the report. He is trying to give all the vitality to give to women, but where there is no love, the passion turns very quickly into habit.

Only a little revives the moving of Onegin to the village, he tries to change something there, to apply progressive knowledge in practice, but he does not come out and soon he comes in despondency. However, the sky character is still different from its peers, from typical lifespan lifesters, which secular society was filled. He has

"The dreams are involuntary devotion,

inimitable strangeness

and sharp, chilled mind. "

Carefully looking at Onegin, you can see what it uncommon person With depositts strong man With a bright character, which is concluded within the boundaries of the time of that time and with which there is not enough strength, but rather lacking the desire from there to break out. All the aspirations of the gusts, he does not understand that only "labor persistent" will allow to build real life. Going on the mind of the Easy Decisions, he involuntarily becomes a seducer and a killer. But at the same time, decency and nobility, which he shows to Tatiana, are somewhat encouraging and make you believe that Onegin, though he has a blank life, in the soul it is not empty. And the poet gives him a chance for resurrection. Onegin wakes up all human thanks of real loveThat showed him that there is truth on earth, and what remains a lie. We part with Onegin, seeing him who has not yet revived, but still not fallen and not disappearance. Provides us with the opportunity to think about whether Onegin will be a spiritually rich man and whether to really live, or so will remain until the end of his days a soulless mortar of life.

As for Grigory Pechorin, he is somewhat younger than Onegin. He booked and very fresh - this is exactly this represents to us by his Lermontov. It is very good and stands out in his surrounding society. But from the first minutes of dating with this character, we see His endless fatigue and lethargy, inherent in the old men who lived a long and hard life. And if the author of the novel tells about Onegin, then we will learn about Pechorin more from his diary. We do not know anything about his childhood and youth years. But he had matured, he became a man soberly assessing his strength and weaknesses, his advantages and disadvantages. Pechistan knows, but rather he feels that "after all, it was right, I had a great appointment, because I feel in my soul of my strength." However, he missed his strength, his vital energy Wasted, "carried away by the bait of passions of empty and ungrateful." And if Onegin is looking for the meaning of life, then Pechorin is confident that it does not exist. The power of his personality, his influence on others is so great that it easily can manage situations and people, it can easily get everything that wishes. But having received the desired, he instantly coats, realizing that he was completely different. Such a piggyness of Pechorina is quite similar to the behavior and actions of Onegin.

Pechorin is not afraid of death, it is indifferent to life. And if Onegin, becoming an involuntary killer, was depressed and shocked, then Pechorin is a surprisingly cold-blooded killer, for whom people are no more than the shadows. You can very easily hurt his pride, but not a soul and heart, because Pechorin believes that his soul is dead. Two times, two heroes that are very similar to each other. But if they had a chance to meet, then, despite their similarity, they would rather be enemies rather than turn into friends. Each of them is looking for the meaning of life, but is looking for alone, neglecting by other people and without seeing the world around them.

Sad I look at our generation!
His coming - Ile is empty, Il is dark,
Meanwhile, under the burden of Poznan and doubt,
In idle it will make up it.

In Romanov A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" and M.Yu.lermontova "Hero of our time" is shown dramatic fate typical representatives of the noble intelligentsia first halves XIX. century. The main characters of these works, Evgeny Onegin and Grigory Pechorin, belong to the type of "extra people" of Russia, which, not finding their abilities, disappointed in life and in the surrounding society. Heroes A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu.Lermontova shares only ten years, but they belong to different epochs in the history of Russia. Between them standing famous date - Fourteenth December, a thousand eight hundred and twenty-fifth year, the uprising of the Decembrists.
Onegin lives in the twenties of the XIX century, during the heyday of social movement and freedom-loving ideas. Pechorin is a man of another era. The action of the novel "Hero of our time" unfolds in the thirties of the XIX century. This period is marked by a cruel political response that has come after the speech of the Decembrists in the Senate Square. Onegin could still go to the Decembrists, thus acquired a goal in life and giving meaning to its existence. Pechorin is already deprived of such an opportunity. His position is much more tragic than the position of the Pushkin Hero.
What is the similarity between Onegin and Pechorin?
Both of them are representatives of the metropolitan aristocracy, got good upbringing and education, their intellectual level above the average level of their surrounding society.
Both heroes critically belong to life and to people. They are unhappy with themselves, they understand that their life is monotonous and empty that in the world reign slander, envy, malice. Therefore, Onegin and Pechorin begin to suffer from boredom and melancholy.
To satisfy your spiritual requests, dispel boredom, Onegin is trying to write, but "the work stubborn him was tense," reading books will also not take him long.
And Pechorina quickly tires any business started, it becomes boring for him. Once in the Caucasus, he hopes that "boredom does not live under Chechen bullets." But he gets used to whistle bullets very quickly. Love adventures Also bored with the Lermontov Hero. This manifested itself in his relationship to Bale and Mary. Having achieved their love, he loses interest in them.
Characteristic feature Onegin and Pechorin is their egoism. Heroes are not considered with the opinions and feelings of other people.
Onegin rejects Tatiana's love, not wanting to lose their freedom. The petty desire to depart Lensky leads to the murder of a friend.
Pechorin brings the misfortune to almost everyone with whom he meets: kills the Huschnitsky, destroys the life of Bala, Mary, faith, to the depths of the soul grieves Maxim Maxim. He seeks to love women exclusively from the desire to entertain himself, dispel boredom, and then goes to them. Pechorin is cruel even to a seriously sick merry, saying that he never loved her, but only laughed at a poor girl.
And Onegin, and Pechorin is self-critical to themselves. Onegin, tormented by remorse, cannot stay where a crime is committed. He is forced to leave calm rustic life And wander in the light. Pechorin admits that for his life caused people a lot of hot, that he plays "the role of an ax in the hands of fate." At the same time, Pechorin is not going to change its behavior. His self-criticism does not bring relief to him or anyone else. This behavior makes Pechorin, as he followed himself characterized, "moral cripples".
Onegin and Pechorin are observed, they are well versed in humans. They are subtle psychologists. Onegin at the first meeting allocated Tatiana among other women, and from everything local nobility I came out with Vladimir Lensky. Pechorin also faithfully judges people found on his way. Characteristics given to them, accurate and tags. He knows the psychology of women perfectly, it can easily predict their actions and uses it to win their love.
But both heroes are capable of deep feelings. Onegin, realizing that in love with Tatiana, ready for everything to at least see her. And Pechorin, having learned about the departure of faith, immediately rushes after her, but, not dodged, falls in the middle of the road and crying as a child.
Soviet society negatively refers to the heroes of A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu.Lermontov. Their behavior is incomprehensible to others, their point of view does not coincide with the generally accepted, they are alone in their surrounding society, which feels the superiority of these "unnecessary people."
With all the similarity of characters and provisions in society, Heroes A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu.Lermontov a lot of differences.
Onegin is not deprived of nobility. He is honest towards Tatiana, does not want to take advantage of her inexperience. Pechistan appears before us immoral, for which people are only toys. Perfectly realizing the consequences of their actions, Pechorin does not even try to change his behavior, severely destroying the fate of other people.
Differently include heroes and duel.
On the eve of Negin sleeps hard, not perceiving the upcoming duel seriously. And after the murder of Lensky, it covers horror, begins to distort the remorse.
Pechorin approaches the question of the duel seriously, carefully choosing the place of the fight. Lermontov's hero is not sleeping before the duel and reflects on issues over which any person is thinking over or later: "Why did I live? For what purpose did I born? " Very soon, Pechorin will kill the pearshnitsky cool and, politely smelling, will leave the duel.
Onegin and Pechorin are deeply disappointed in life, tired of emptiness secular society, reject his ideals and values. At the same time, Onegin, suffering from his closer, is not able to resist the society that he condemns. Pechorin, unlike him, does not swim by the flow, but looking for his way in life, his calling and purpose. He thinks about the goal in life, feeling in his soul of his "force immense". Unfortunately, his whole energy brings only the misfortune to people with whom he faces. This is the tragedy of the life of Pechorin.
Depicting the fate of her heroes, typical of their generation, Pushkin and Lermontov protest against society, which deprives people of the goal in life, forces their forces to waste them, does not allow to find the use of their mind and abilities. This society generates "extra people", which are not able to find either love, no friendship, nor happiness. The exposure of this society is historical meaning Romanov "Evgeny Onegin" and "Hero of our time."

/ / / Comparative characteristics Onegin and Pechorina

And - outstanding images that personify their time. They created different authors, but they are very similar. The simplest explanation for this is that Mikhail Lermontov was largely equal to Alexander Pushkin. However, Pechorin Lermontov is not imitation of Pushkin Onegin, but a similarity in the worldview image.

What brings these images? Onegin and Pechorin - people of noble origin. Both are still young and full of energy. From nature they are endowed acute mind. Intellect of heroes is mainly much higher than those of their surroundings, so they feel lonely.

Onegin trained a alien governor who tried not to redistribute the pupil with science. But Eugene, still received a good education due to his intelligence and love of reading. Pechorin is as well educated.

Attitude towards love also brings the heroes. They early learned the "art" of love, knew how to easily conquer women's hearts. However, herself could hardly be able to truly love, although they strive to ideal. Onegin was tired of relationships with stupid and false metropolitan ladies, but also the love of a pure rustic girl he also did not accept. His strict refusal he wounded the feeling of a sincere girl. Love Peripetia Pechistan is even more difficult. The greatest crime was his passion for Young Belle. I like the desire to possess a girl, he takes her captive, falls in love with himself, and then, having played in feelings, forgets about her.

Both heroes have rejected the society in their own way, in which they lived. Onegin it did passively, his cynical and indifferent attitude to all. Pechorine is a more active personality. Perhaps the reason is that Onegin is a bummer, the baloveman of fate. He did not serve anywhere, but just lived in his pleasure. Pechorin is an officer who went through the provinity to serve in the Caucasus.

Onegin and Pechorin - romantic heroes disappointed in his time. But despite this, they are a generation of their time. No matter how the Onegin from the generally accepted rules were removed, he depended on public opinion. That is why he goes to a duel with a friend to "not fall" in the eyes of other people. Pechorin is also shooting on a duel, thinking that it will dismiss the hated society so. However, such an action only becomes part of it.

Heroes do not believe in real friendship. Onegin is friendly with Lensky from boredom. Pechorin does not let Maximovich Maximovich's friendly Maximovich come to him. When meeting with the senior comrade, Pechorin holds a demonstratively cold. Although Maxim Maksimovich still sympathizes the hero, perhaps feeling his real soul.

Onegin and Pechorin - bold, decisive young people. But nevertheless Onegin is more cautious. He is accustomed to his life, even though she is in many ways tired. Pechorin is a fatalist playing with life. What is only worth his participation in the game "Russian Roulette". Pechorin easily risks own lifeAnd as easily refers to the life of other people.

Both heroes twisted in anticipation of some great deal. Their inner force, the thirst for adventure could come in handy, they will be born in a more "heroic" time. And if Onegin could still be implemented in the ranks of the Decembrists, then Pechorin found the time of cruel reactions of the authorities to the Decembrists' uprising. Therefore, Pechorin is a more tragic image.

Evgeny Onegin Alexander Pushkin and Grigory Pechorin Mikhail Lermontov have a lot in common, and at the same time they are distinctive literary images.

Sad I look at our generation!
His coming - Ile is empty, Il is dark,
Meanwhile, the Bremennaya and doubts,
In idle it will make up it.
M. Yu. Lermontov
"Evgeny Onegin" Pushkin was for the poet, according to him, the fruit of the "mind of cold observations and the heart of sorrowful notice." Belinsky in his article "Eugene Onegin" called this work of the "Encyclopedia of Russian Life". And in fact, in this novel, as in the magic crystal, a picture of all the layers of Russian life was reflected: both of the highest light, and a small nobility, and the people - Pushkin studied the lives of all the layers of society early XIX. century. In those years, when the poet worked on his favorite work, he had to survive a lot, lose many friends, experience bitterness from death best people Russia. On the backdrop of Russian life pictures of the 20s of the XIX century, the dramatic fate of the best people, the advanced noble intelligentsia of the Decembrists era is shown.
Without Onegin, Lermontov hero would be impossible without Onegin, because the realistic novel created by Pushkin opened the first page in the history of the great Russian novel of the XIX century. Pushkin embodied in the image of Onegin, many of those traits, which are then deployed in separate characters Lermontov, Turgenev, Herzen, Goncharov. Evgeny Onegin and Pechorin are very similar in nature, both of them from the secular environment, got a good education, they stand at a higher level of development, from here their longing, Handra and dissatisfaction. All this is characteristic of souls more subtle and more developed. Pushkin writes about Onegin: "Handra waited for him on guard, and she ran after him, like the shadow of Ile a faithful wife." A secular society in which Onegin rotated, and later Pechorin, spoiled them. It did not require knowledge, there was enough superficial education, it was more important to know french And good manners. Eugene, like everyone else, "easy Mazurka danced and bowed at ease." Their best years He spends like most people of his circle, on balls, theaters and love hobbies. Pechorin leads the same way of life.
Very soon both begin to understand that this life is empty that there is nothing for the "external tinsel", the boredom reigns in the world, slander, envy, people spend domestic powers Souls on gossip and malice. Small bustle, empty conversations "necessary fools", mental emptiness makes the life of these people with monotonous, externally dazzling, but devoid of internal content. Idleness, the lack of high interests bypass their existence. The day looks like a day, there is no need to work, there are few impressions, so the smartest and best friends are melancholy. They, in essence, do not know their homeland and the people. Onegin "wanted to write, but the work stubborn him was a torn ...", in the books he also did not find an answer to his questions. Onegin smart and could benefit society, but the lack of need for labor is the reason that he does not find his own classes in the soul.
From this he suffers, realizing that upper layer Society lives at the expense of the slave labor of serfs. Serfdom It was a shame tsarist Russia. Onegin in the village tried to facilitate the position of his fortress peasants ("... ... he was light replaced with an old patch with an old patch with an old lifestyle ..."), for which she was convicted by the neighbors who considered him the eccentric and dangerous "free-rope." Pechorina also do not understand. In order to deeper the nature of his hero, Lermontov places it in the most social spheres, Fights with the most diverse people. When it went out separate edition "The hero of our time," it became clear that there was no Russian realistic novel to Lermontov. Belinsky noted that "Princess Mary" is one of the main leads in the novel. In this story, Pecherin talks about himself, reveals his soul. Here the most important features of the "Hero of Our Time" appeared psychological novel. In the diary of Pechorin, we find His sincere confession, in which he reveals his thoughts and feelings, mercilessly by the biles inherent weaknesses and vices. Here is the solution of his character and the explanation of his actions. Pechorin - a victim of his hard time. The peculiar character is complicated and contradictory. He speaks of himself: "In me, two people: one lives, in the full sense of the word, - another thinks and judges it." In the image of Pechorina, the character traits of the author himself are visible, but Lermontov was wider and deeper than his hero. Pechorin is closely connected with the advanced public thought, but it ranks himself with a pitiful descendants who wander around the ground without beliefs and pride. "We are not capable of more great victims for the good of humanity, nor for their own happiness," said Pechorin. He lost faith in people, his disbelief in ideas, skepticism and undoubted egoism - the result of the era that comes after December 14, the epoch of the moral decay, the cowardice and the vulgarity of that secular society in which Pechorin rotated. The main task that Lermontov put in front of him is to write the image of a modern young man to him. Lermontov puts the problem strong personality, so unlike noble society 30s.
Belinsky wrote that "Pechorin - Onegin is our time." Roman "Hero. Our time "is a bitter meditation over the" Human Soul Story ", the soul, destroyed" brilliance of a deceptive capital, "seeking and not finding friendship, love, happiness. Pechorin - a suffering egoist. About Onegin Belinsky wrote: "The forces of this rich nature remained without an application: life without meaning, and a novel without end." The same can be said about Pechorin, comparing two heroes, critic wrote: "... the difference in the roads, and the result is one." With all the difference appearance And the difference in characters and Onegin, and Pechorin, and Chatsky belong to the gallery "of unnecessary people for whom there was no place or a case in the surrounding society."
The desire to find his place in life, understand the "appointment of great" is the main meaning of Lermontov lyrics. Do not these reflections occupy Pechorin, lead him to a painful answer to the question: "Why did I live?" You can answer this question with the words of Lermontov: "Perhaps the thoughts of Heaven and the power of the Spirit are convinced, I would give the world a wonderful gift, but for me to be immortal ..." In Lyric Larmontov and thinking of Pechorin, we celebrate the pronouncement of what people - These are skinny fruits, ripening until time. How the words of Pecherin are echoing that he despises life, "and Lermontovskoe" but fate, I and the world despise ", so in the" Hero of our time "we are so clearly heard the voice of the poet, breathing his time. Depicting the fate of her heroes, typical of their generation, Pushkin and Lermontov protest against reality, which forces people to waste forces.

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We are checked: Comparative characteristics of Onegin and Pechorin (advanced people XIX. century)

(1 option)

Evgeny Onegin and "Hero of Our Time" are the main milestones of the development of Russian xIX literature in. it best works Two True Geniuses of Russia: A.S. Pushkin and M.Yu. Lermontov. The novels will shook readers and literary critics not only the grandiosity of the plan, but also by their innovation. It is primarily manifested by the disclosure of the images of two main characters. For the first time Pushkin wrote a realistic novel in verses. It was akin to revolution. The poet worried about his creation, realizing that not all people would be able to appreciate the work that was ahead of their time. These experiences were not unreasonable. Even many Friends of Pushkin could not understand the genius of the concept of the work.

M.Yu. Lermontov went to his creative quest even further. The romance created by him was not realistic as Pushkin, but combined the features of two flows. And this ingenious work was not appreciated by critics and contemporaries.

First of all, the innovation of two novels is the heroes for the literature. Subsequently, this type was called "excess person." This concept implies a romantic, then the realistic image of a young man, nobleman, intelligent, educated and interesting, but far from real life, disappointed, lackless, alien to its contemporaries. The gallery of these characters opens with Onegin, followed by Pechorin.

The time of the appearance of such characters - the 1830s, the decline period. After the uprising of the Decembrists and the top of Nicholas I, cruel, reaction policy, the social life of Russia for a long time subsided. Appeared new social phenomenon - Young people who had everything except happiness and feeling the significance of their personality. Their suffering and quest were embodied in novels about Onegin and Pechorin - the heroes of their time.

Despite the seemingly dissimilarity of the two works, their plot is built the same: the hero passes through some test, its character is revealed depending on the situation.

Undoubtedly, the main test and for Onegin, and for Pechorin is a test of love.

Onegin, like Pechorin, at the beginning of the novel appears as a conqueror of other people's hearts, "non-permanent admirer of charming actresses." He was not interested in deep feelings, he did not look for love for life, to a coffin board, but only cynically achieved adements of pretty girls, and having achieved, quickly threw them, not thinking about the suffering caused. It was his medicine from boredom.

How soon he could hypocrite

Hide hope jealous

Default, make you believe

Seem gloomy, languish

Be proud and obedient

Attentive Ile indifferent!

In the "science passion gentle" Onegin clearly succeeded.

So, Onegin is a lifespan. But he gets acquainted with Tatiana. He can easily conquer this provincial young lady. It does not shine with beauty, and her soul is a dwarf for wind turbines. And Eugene here simply plays the role of a mentor, tells the girl how to live. But, returning from the journey, having survived the moral coup and cleansing, he looks at Tatyana with other eyes. Onegin falls in love with her, completely loses his head, and not because Tatyana has changed (in the soul it remained the same), and because deep changes touched the Evgeny himself, he grew spiritually, became worthy of Tatiana. But Onegin is late, she is married and will be "the century he is true." And this - visual illustration tragedy " excess person", His" pitiful lot ".

Pechorin repeats the fate of Onegin. He also shamelessly wander in life, trying to find himself, also for some reason he wants the love of women, and then leaves them. Onegin sees that Tatiana has become his victim, but it's too late. Pechistan, too, could prevent Bala and Mary tragedies, but did not want. He played and fate faith, but she was stronger than him - and now he, crushed and humiliated, crying about lost happiness.

In the romantic "hero of our time" there is no single female image. We will know the features of Tatiana and in Bale, and in Mary, and in faith. And thus, the love of the hero is more multifaceted and expressive.

No less expressively describes the attitude of the heroes to friendship. Lermontova has no unambiguity again, Lensky is embodied in the Grucnitsky, and in Werner, and even in Maxima Maxim. However, the comparison of Lensky and Poochnitsky is suggested. Pechorin and Grushnitsky, too, "from doing nothing friends." Story line Dueles because of a trifle, hobbies with one favorite other also can also be traced in both works.

It is impossible not to mention about mustional quest Onegin and Pechorin, because they are both unwittingly alien higher Light, society to whom should belong. Onegin travels in Russia, Pechorin - in the Caucasus, both are trying to find the meaning and purpose of their existence on these journeys. They are dragging for women, make them suffer, shoot on duels, break the fate of people, not knowing for something. As a result, the fate of them is unquosable.

And Onegin, and Pechorin - real "time heroes". They are very similar to each other, similar to their tragedies. In general, there is no shelter for them, they are destined to suffer and look for peace. Such is the fate of unnecessary people.

(Option 2)

Probably starting to his novel, Lermontov thought about his the main character will be reminding the readers about the existence pushkin Onegin. The undoubted similarity of the images of Evgeny Onegin and Grigoria Pechorin noted one of the first V. G. Belinsky. "The misstitution of them between them is much less than the distance between Oneget and Pechoro ... Pechorin is Onegin of our time," the critic wrote.

Heroes life is different. Onegin lived in the era of the Decembrism, Volnodumia, rebellions. Pechorin - the hero of the era of a littleness. Common for the great works of Pushkin and Lermontov is an image spiritual Crisis Noble intelligentsia. The best representatives of this class were not satisfied with life, removed from public activities. They did not have anything, as aimlessly to waste their strength, turning into "extra people."

The formation of characters, the conditions for the education of Onegin and Pechorina, without a doubt, are similar. These are people of one circle. The similarity of the heroes and in the fact that both of them went through the way from consent with society and themselves before denial of light and deep dissatisfaction with life.

"But early feelings were cooled in it," Pushkin writes about Onegin, who "fell ill" "Russian Handrea. Pechistan is also very early" ... despair, covered by courtesy and a good-natured smile. "

These were spent and educated peoplethat put them above the rest of the young people of their circle. Education and natural curiousness of Onegin is found in his disputes with Lensky. One list of what is:

Tribes of the past contracts

Fruits of science, good and evil,

And prejudices of centuries

And mystery fathers

Fate and life ...

Evidence of the High Education of Onegin is and its extensive personal library. Pechorin said so about himself: "I began to read, learn - sciences are also tired." Possessing non-Runny abilities, spiritual requests, both failed to realize themselves in life and was excited her in trifles.

In his youth, both hero was fond of carefree secular life, both succeeded in the "science of passion gentle", in the knowledge of the "Russian ladies". Pechorin says about himself: "... Meeting a woman, I always immediately guess whether she loved me ... I never got a slave of my beloved woman, on the contrary, I always acquired over their will and heart invincible power ... Whether I never really Route ... "Neither love of an excellent Bale, nor serious passion for young princeditle Mary could not melt the coldness and disrepair of Pecherin. He brings only misfortune.

Love inexperienced, naive Tatiana Larina also leaves an indifferent Onegin. But subsequently our hero when new meeting With Tatiana, now the secular lady and the general, is aware that he lost in the face of this extraordinary woman. Pechorin, it turns out, is not capable of great feeling. In his opinion, "love is a mustache pride."

And Onegin, and Pechorin will value with his freedom. Evgeny in his letter to Tatiana writes:

His postal freedom

I did not want to lose.

Pechorin directly declares: "... twenty times his life, even the honor I will put on the card, but I will not sell my freedom."

Inherent in both indifference to people, disappointment and boredom affect their attitude to friendship. Onegin friendly with Lensky "from doing nothing." Pechorin says: "... I am not capable of friendship: Of the two friends, one slave is always another, although it's often not one of them in this one; I can not be a slave, but in this case - the work is tedious, because it is necessary Together with this and deceive ... "and he demonstrates it in his cold attitude to Maxima Maxim. Words of the old headquarters-captain sounds helpless: "I have always said that there is no right in the one who forgets old friends! .."

And Onegin, and Pechorin, disappointed in their surrounding their lives, critically refer to empty and idle "secular blacks". But Onegin is afraid of public opinion, taking the challenge of Lensky to a duel. Pechorin, shooting with Pereshnitsky, Mustrate society for unfinished hopes. Essentially, the heroes led the heroes to the duel. Onegin "swore Lensky to scatter and revenge for a boring evening of Larina. Pechorin says the following: "I lied, but I wanted to win him. I have a congenital passion to contradict, my whole life was only a tribute to the sad and unsuccessful contradictions of the heart or mind ..."

The tragedy of the feeling of one's own closer is deepened in both understanding of the uselessness of his life. Pushkin exclaims with bitterness:

But sad think that in vain

There was a youth of youth

That they changed it all

What did she deceive us

That our best welcome,

That our fresh dream

Thinned a quick turn

As leaves in the fall of rotten.

He's how Lermontov's hero will be restored: "My colorless youth flowed in the fight against me and the light, the best of my qualities, afraid of mockery, I buried in the depths of my heart: they died there ... Learning well light and springs of life, I became moral crippled."

Words of Pushkin about Onegin when

Killing a friend's duel

Having live without a goal, without work

Up to twenty six years

Timing in the inaction of leisure

he "began to travel without a goal," can be attributed to Pechorin, who also killed the former "friend", and his life continued "without a goal, without work." Pechorin, during the trip, reflects: "Why did I live? For what purpose did I born?"

Feeling "in the soul is immense", but a completely looking to them, Pechorin is looking for death and finds it "from a random bullet on the roads of Persia." Onegin same at twenty-six years also "hopelessly tired of life." He exclaims:

Why not bullet I pierced,

Why not sickly I am an old man? ..