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Download and save. The classics of Dagestan literature can now listen
Download and save. The classics of Dagestan literature can now listen

The special region in the North Caucasus constitute the literature of the peoples of Dagestan. This mountainous region has combined several nationalities: Avartsev, Dargintsev, Kumykov, Laksev, Lezgin, Tabasarans, Tatov, as well as many ethnic groups.

The community of historical fate of these peoples, socio-ethnic and spiritual proximity predetermined the emergence of literatures with identity with identical in their leading stages of formation and development, which gives reason to consider this series of multilingual literatures as a holistic literary system with the laws and originality of the ideological and artistic process. .

The emergence of the first samples of written literature among the peoples of Dagestan goes back to the XVI century. There were a special role in the formation of national literature here the centuries-old contacts of his peoples with the culture of the ancient and medieval Middle East. As official religion, Islam established himself in Dagestan in the XV century.

Together with Islam, Arabic and literature penetrated into the Dagestan Wednesday. The impact of the Arabic language was so significant that in the face of multilingualism of the population of the region, he became the language of science, politics, official office work, literature.

Created in Arabic throughout the XVI-XIX centuries. Historical chronicles: "Derbent-Science", set to the history of Derbent IX-XI century, Tarich and Dagestan, Tarich Al-Bab, Comedy "Al-Mukhtasar", a number of small chronicles of the type "Akhty-Science", As well as many works on the right and theology belonging to Dagestan authors, differed by famous artistic advantages.

Among the writers who created works in Arabic, a haraha tie (XVI century), Mohammed Kuzyninsky (XVI-XVII centuries), Shaban from Rim, Damadan Megebsky (XVII century), Abubekir Aimakinsky, Magomed Ubris, Hasan Efendi Kudalsky, Diber-Cadi Hongzakh, Daud Uchyshinsky (XVIII century), Said Arakansky (XIX century) and others.

The names of many of them were known at one time not only in the Caucasus, but also at the Muslim East. A distinctive feature of the compositions of these authors, as well as works of writers of other peoples of the North Caucasus, - pronounced syncretism.

Being religious, as a basis, they also included historical and geographical information, philosophical and ethical views. Many of these authors were not only by the human scientists, but also talented poets. Among them, Abubekir Aimakinsky, Mohammed Kuzyninsky were singled out.

A significant place in Dagestan Arabic literature also occupied the religious-dialing poetic genres - Turks, Mavlida, preaching dogmas Muslim religion. At the same time, new trends are born in the works of Arabic-language writers - the authors seek to oppose the relative thought of religious orthodoxy.

Rationalistic ideas penetrate the work of Mohammed Kuzyninsky and Damadan Megebsk. In the poetry of Hasan Kudalo, along with moralistic themes, attention is noticeable to the everyday worries of man.

Although the first works of Dagestan literature originated and existed in a foreign-speaking shell, they reflected the historical and real life of their land. According to the testimony of Academician I. Yu. Krachkovsky, this literature for the Caucasian horses "was not exotic or browse decoration of foreign scholarships: it really lived.

These chronicles really read and re-read, with an excitement of events re-reflected there. " But Arabic and Arabic writing in Dagestan for a long time remained accessible only to the feudal tip, the Muslim clergy and the limited circle of modern intelligentsia.

The course of cultural development of the region dictated the need to overcome the foreign language barrier, which blocking the path to the wide masses of the population of Dagestan to the written literature in native languages.

At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Diber Cadi Hongzakh was developed by an alphabet on a Arabic graphic basis, reflecting the phonetic features of Dagestan languages. So the "Ajamsk" writing arose, the first literary monuments in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of Dagestan appeared.

These include the translation on the Avar language of the famous monument of the Ancient East of the collection "Kalila and Dimna", implemented by Diber Cadi Hongzakh, as well as other works of Eastern Literature. The literature in native languages \u200b\u200bbegan to be crowned as arabic, although the literary bilingualism continued to remain the characteristic approach of the cultural life of multinational Dagestan.

The famous revival of Arabic Creativity in Dagestan is observed in the 30s-50s of the XIX century, during the national liberation struggle of the horses under the leadership of Shamil, when Arabic becomes the official language of the military-theocratic state of Imamata.

Among the Dagestan writers of the Age of the Caucasian War, there was a fairly clear differentiation in relation to the movement of Muridism. So, the enemy's opponents camp formed the poets of Said from Arachana, Yusuf from Aksai, Ayuba from Gengutoy, Nurmagomed from Hongzach, etc., and the camp of supporters and ideologues of the movement were Magomed Yarahi, Mohammed Tahir-Al-Karahi, the author of the chronicle "Glitter Dagestan checkers in Some Shamile battles, "Haji-Mohammed Sogratlin, the creator of the poema on the heroic feats of the mountain rebels, etc.

Despite the ideas of Muridist fanaticism, Chronicle of Mohammed Tahira Al-Karahi is a significant phenomenon in the artistic recreation of people's life.

The events of the Caucasian War have nominated poets from the democratic segments of the population. The brightest figure of this series is Magomed-Run from Gergebil. His artistic legacy came to us in a far from full: only a few historical songs and the two epic poems "Ahulgo" and "Film Shamil". These works are created in the traditions of folk epic poetry, without religious rhetoric and patter.

The poet primarily attract real events and concrete people of this heroic era. He is famous for the heroes of disinterested and selfless, branding greed, borestolubie, the selling of feudal nobility, naib. Social positions and sympathies of the author's rosary and clear.

A significant variety of Dagestan literature of the period under consideration was the so-called "oral literature", which existed in the forms of oral transfer, but created by creative individuals. A bright representative of this poetry was Said Kochurasky (1767-1812), in whose songs with special drama sounded the topic of social injustice.

Said Kochurasky, blinded for bold poetic chips, curses the executioner and calls to retribution: "About Bloody Khan Surhi! // No matter, nor karai - // Ripped the ruined edge. // Wait for payback, black raven! " (Per. D. Golubova).

In the first half of the XIX century. Also begins the creative path of the famous Dagestan singers Omarla Batyura (1826-1910) and Yyrcci Kazak (1830-1879). Poets are famous for the freedom of personality, social defects of society are branded.

A peculiar phenomenon in the artistic literature of Dagestan of the period under consideration was Ashuga poetry. Everyday exclusively orally, she also carried on themselves the features of the author's personality both in the ideological-thematic strictness of the work and in its artistic and visual means.

Poetry Ashugov is fulfilled deep life content. In the center of their creativity - a person loving and suffering, exhausted from unbearable labor and poverty, angrily protesting against tyranny and oppressants.

During this period, Russian-Dagestani literary ties are born. Thus, the Caucasus newspaper publishes works by Dagestanz D. Shikhayeva, among them "Kumyka's story about Kumykov." It was the first evidence of the formation of a literary and journalistic tradition in Russian in the literature of Dagestan, the tradition, which will subsequently give impulses to the emergence of genres of scientific and artistic journalism.

Thus, the literature of the peoples of Dagestan end of the XVIII - early XIX century was quite complex and inhomogeneous in aesthetic attitude. A bright distinctive appearance gave her the rich traditions of the National Folklore.

From the oral-poetic creativity of the peoples of Dagestan inherited oral, Ashugaya poetry and written literature Democratic and humanistic orientation, socio-and national liberation pathos, richest artistic and visual means.

The foreign language experience of native literature and samples of national literature, with their broad support for people's artistic experience, became the foundation at which the national-distinctive literature has subsequently increased, which presented a single multinational aesthetic system of this region.

History of World Literature: In 9 volumes / edited by I.S. Braginsky and others - M., 1983-1984


1 Explanatory note Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan Dagestanis Research Institute Pedagogy I.A.A. Tahoe-God The literature of the peoples of Dagestan Program (5-11 classes) Makhachkala-2015 This program is built taking into account the multinational nature of the people's literature of Dagestan in order to In order for students to have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the work of famous poets and writers of the republic. The literature of the peoples of Dagestan is most stronger than their poetic tradition. Because of this, the program includes a large number of works of poetry. The literature of the peoples of Dagestan, one according to the historical conditions of their development and in ideological-figurative aspiration, developed and develops due to multilingualism of Dagestan in several languages, including in Russian. Difficulties associated with multilingualism of literature require a special approach to the study of works translated into Russian. It should be borne in mind that when translating is often lost with the originality of the original. Additional difficulties arise when studying the style of the writer. Features of the literature of the peoples of Dagestan found their reflection in the content and structure of the program. As the basis for the structure of the course "Literature of the People of Dagestan" theoretical concepts: the basic concepts of the structure-forming principle 5 genre of genre-thematic 6 genera and genres thematic, genregorodova 7 character - hero themed, genregorodova 8 literary hero chronological, problematic - thematic image - Literary process 1.

2 9 Epoch - Writer Work - reader Literary process Author The work of the artistic world of the writer - the problem is the reader chronological, problematic - thematic chronological, historical-literary, problem-thematic in 5-7 classes are studied by separate works of poets and writers of Dagestan as a literary reading. The course of literature for these classes is given cyclically using the chronological and thematic principle, the study begins with folklore works, then follow the works of literature, which are given in centuries. In grades 8-11, a course of the history of the literatures of the peoples of Dagestan in the chronological sequence is studied. The program is designed so that the knowledge gained by students in 8-9 classes is deepened, complemented in classes. Thus, the systematic course of the people's literature of Dagestan in the 9th grade is not interrupted, but it goes into a qualitatively new to the history of the people's literature of Dagestan in classes, and the attention of teachers and students in these classes is attracted to earlier stages of Dagestan literature. The program gives three lists of artistic works for systematic classroom and home reading: 1) works that are read and studied by all students in mandatory; 2) works for additional reading, which are directly related to the relevant themes of the program and are read by students at mandatory, but do not understand in detail in the class; 3) works for extracurricular reading recommended by the teacher. The task of the teacher is to, using the lessons of extracurricular reading, reader conferences, various types of propaganda of the book, to expand in every possible way and direct reading interests of students. List of works for extracurricular reading can be replenished by newly leaving books. For the lessons of extracurricular reading, a teacher from lists, data at the end of each class, chooses a particular product or several united by a certain topic. Literature lessons should be combined with broad extracurricular work. These are the classes of various literary circles, and the organization of disputes, literary evenings, visiting museums, theatrical performances, movies, local history work, etc. In the appendix to this program, a position is given from the "Norms of the assessment of knowledge, skills and skills of students in literature". They can be used when assessing knowledge of the literature of the peoples of Dagestan. To help the teacher, the program provides a list of scientific and methodological literature and a list of basic knowledge, skills and skills, which students must master in each year. This list was based on recommendations for the program on Russian literature. The program on the literature of the peoples of Dagestan draws the attention of the teacher to the continuity of training at different stages, systematization and generalization of students' knowledge. At the same time, the course of senior literature does not duplicate what is studied in previous classes. The "Interpremable Communications" section identifies possible appeals of the literature of the peoples of Dagestan to other educational subjects. But this does not mean that in the lessons of Dage- 2

3 station literature It is necessary to cover the facts known to students in exchange rates of other items, such as stories: the acquaintance of schoolchildren with the historical basis of the works studied, the teacher must rely on these facts. It should also not be understood the relationship of the literature of the peoples of Dagestan with music, visual art, etc. As a detailed analysis of the works of these arts. Relying on the existing knowledge and presentation of students, it is necessary to establish the relationship between the works of art on the basis of the generality of their subjects, the issues, ideological and aesthetic positions of the author. The program of each class includes a list of basic types of oral and written works on the literature of the peoples of Dagestan. The basis of this list was taken position from the program in Russian literature, which much facilitates the work of the teacher, who relies on the knowledge and skills formed in the course of the Russian language and literature. The program gives an approximate distribution of written works, the place and time of which the teacher can change at its discretion. The program also provides an approximate allocation of study time on the study of each topic. Based on their specific considerations, the teacher can change the number of hours allocated on this or that topic. At the end of each class, the texts are specified to be completed by heart, which can also be subjected to certain changes. When drawing up a program, especially for senior classes, the work of the leading scientific officer of the DNH, Dr. Philological Sciences S.Kh.akhmedov "The History of the Literats of the Peoples of Dagestan" was used. Note: In schools, where the literature of the nations of Dagestan is studied only in classes, the program needs to include a course of oral creativity of the peoples of Dagestan. The grid of the clock in the 10th grade will look like this: I. Oral creativity of the peoples of Dagestan (18 hours) the fairy tales of the peoples of Dagestan. Proverbs, sayings, riddles of the peoples of Dagestan. Historical legends and legends. "Stone Boy." Heroic and heroic-historical songs: "Patim's party," "," Battle with Nadir Shah "," Song about Khanbar "," Charlin "," Abdul Song ". Ballades: "Shepherd and Yusup Khan", "Ladi from Balkhara", "Youth of Kumuha and a Girl from Azaine", "Agazi". II. The literature of the peoples of Dagestan of the medieval era (V c. The first half of the XIX.) (1 h) III. The literature of the peoples of Dagestan of the new era (second half of the XIX century) (1 h) Omarla Batyrai (4 h) Irchi Cossack (4 h) Etim Emin (4 h) Abdullah Omarov (2 h) Mahmoud (4 hours) IV. The literature of the peoples of Dagestan began the XX century. (1 h) V. Literature of the modern time, the development of the literature of the peoples of Dagestan in (2 h) Suleiman Stalsky (4 hours) Gamzat Tsadasa (4 h) Alim-Pasha Salavatov (2 h) Abutaleb Gafurov (2 h) Effesti Kapiev (3 hours ) Depending on the specific conditions and circumstances, the number of hours to study this or that topic can be changed. 3.

4 Program Grade 5 (102 hours) to study the works of 74 hours on the development of written speech 16 hours on conversations for extracurricular reading 12 hours Literature of the peoples of Dagestan as an educational subject. Objective and objectives of the subject (1 h) Folklore Dagestan folk tales: "Sea horse", "Blue Bird", "Sold Boy", Fox and Wolf "," Wolf, Fox and Moul "(10 hours) Avarian folk fairy tale" Sea horse ". Magic hero and magic events. The confrontation of good and evil in a fairy tale. Theme and idea of \u200b\u200ba fairy tale. Folklore features of the fairy tale: fantastic circumstances, actions for actions, figurative language of the fairy tale. Darginian folk tale" Blue Bird ". Interesting plot, magic fairy tale elements. Human knowledge of the world. Patriotic and humanistic meaning of the fairy tale. Characteristic of positive and negative heroes. Approval of the idea of \u200b\u200bstruggle for their happiness. Household fairy tale of Kumkov "Sold Boy". Themes of love and loyalty to their word. Moral accents in the fairy tale. Reflection of real reality in folklore. Features of a household fairy tale. Tales of animals. Lakskaya fairy tale "Fox and wolf. Lezghinskaya fairy tale of a wolf, fox and mule. "Features of animal fairy tales: under the guise of animals and animals tells about people. The ideological meaning of the fairy tales" Fox and Wolf "," Wolf, Fox and Moul ". Fairy tale chosen by the student. Art features of fairy tales, moral Ideals enclosed in her. Tales of the peoples of Dagestan. Theory of literature. The initial concept of oral folk art, about folk genres. Small forms of oral folk creativity. Classification of fairy tales. Language and composition of the fairy tales of the peoples of Dagestan. The initial concept about the topic and the idea, composition and plot . Interpremable links. Literature. Tales of the peoples of the world. Art. Illustrations of artists to tales of different peoples and illustrations of students. Written work (2 hours). Riddles (1 h) Artistic peculiarity of the riddles. Reflection of folk wisdom, observation and creative fantasy. Features Puzzles of the peoples of Dagestan .. Riddles of the peoples of Dagestan. Riddles of the peoples of the world. Theory of literature. Concept of riddles. Proverbs and sayings (2h) The reflection in the proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the aesthetic ideal of the people. The expression of folk wisdom, universal ownership in proverbs and sayings. four

5 Aphoricism, accuracy and accuracy of the language. Briefness and expressiveness. Direct and figurative meaning of proverbs and sayings .. Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of Dagestan. Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the world. Theory Literature Literature. The concept of proverbs and sayings. The legends of the peoples of Dagestan "Stone Boy" (2 h) of the legend about the heroic battle of the peoples of Dagestan with the Terrible Hordes of Chrome Timur. Patriotic legend sound. The image of a young shepherd .. Legend "Eternal Lights". Theory of literature. Concept of legend. Intergovernmental ties. Art. V. Vereshchagin "At the gate of Timur". Written work (2 hours) Literary fairy tales difference of literature from folklore. The role and importance of the author in the literature. Literary fairy tale. Folk and literary fairy tales (1CH) Nuratdin Yusupov. "Pigeon and wheat grain" (2 h) brief information about the life and work of N. Yusupova. The concept of a poetic fairy tale. The proximity of the fairy tale Yusupov to folk tales. Magic elements in it. Man and nature in a fairy tale. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Pigeon and wheat grain" Attitude towards work as a basis of life. Anwar Ageiyev. "Tale of strong" (2 h) Biography of the writer. Folk basics "Tales of strong", the use of elements of magical and household folk fairy tales in it. Moral and social fairy tale problems. The superiority of the mind over gross force is the main idea of \u200b\u200b"Tales of Strong" .. T.huryugsky. "Fairy Tale of Stupid Shakal." Magomed Shamhalov. "Old horse and evil wolf." Theory Literature Literature. The concept of literary fairy tales. Intergovernmental ties. Literature. Comparison with fairy tales of writers p.p. Yershova "Konk-Gorbok", A.S. Pushkin "Tale of the dead princess and seven heroes." Art. Illustrations of artists to Tales N. Yusupova, A. Adzhieva. Atkai Ajamatov. Bird Guoglukhai (2 h) brief information about the life and work of A. Agamatova. Concept of play-fairy tale. Folk basics fairy tales. Ways to image positive and negative characters. Universal values \u200b\u200bin a fairy tale. The main meaning of the play-fairy tale condemnation of the carriers of evil and the glorification of friendship. Theory of literature. The initial concept of play. Written work (2 hours) The literature of the peoples of Dagestan XIX century Irchi Cossack. "New Terrible Song Breasts My Full" (1 hour) Brief information about the life and work of Irchi Cossack. five

6 picture of the sorting lobe of the referee in the poem. An irreconcilable attitude of the poet to despotism. Thirst for struggle and freedom, faith of the poet in a happy life. Omar Batyrai. "Songs about the hero" (1 h) Brief information about the life and work of the battery. The main content of songs about the hero is the gloves of courage and heroism of bravers, folk avengers. Artistic features of poems. S. Rabadanov. "Batyry". We eat Emin. "Solovy" (1 h) brief information about the life and work of E. Emin. The original approach of the poet to a common topic about the nightingale bird of love. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem "nightingale", its artistic features. Rhythm and rhyme poem. Theory of literature. The initial concept of rhythm and rhyme. Intergovernmental ties. Music. Songs of composers of Dagestan on the words E. Emin. Written work (2h) Ali Haji from Inho. "Tips of wisdom" (1 h) brief information about the life and work of Ali-Gaggi from Inho. The meaning of the name of the work. Condemnation of racking, arrogance, sassay, pride, cowardice, betrayal, ungratefulness. The glorification of courage and courage, respect and love for man, Modesty spiritual farewell of the poet of young people. Eternal problem of fairness and injustice. Approval of universal moral ideals. Suleiman Stalsky. "Suleiman's story about himself" (from the Novyssey E.Kapiev's novel). "My songs like crying ...", "Guys" (3h) Brief information about the life and creative activities of S. Stalsky. The story about the inside heavy life of the poet in the years of the wanders in other people's parts. Story Stalsky about himself poetic history of the peoples of Dagestan of the late XIX early XX centuries. Patriotic pathos poems Motherland, covenant of the poet to drive laziness, hold, comprehend knowledge, remember that the fate of the Fatherland in the hands of the generation of educated and able to work. Peculiarity of the language Ka poems .. S. Stalsky. "Peasant". Theory of literature. The concept of refrain and Goshm. Gamzat Tsadasa. Mutalim Song, "Life Lessons" (2 hours) Brief information about the life and work of Tsadasa. Mutalim Song Popular Song among the Mountain Youth. The reflection in the song of motifs, the characteristic creativity of Tsadas, humor, realism, the ability to speak in a simple, intelligible language. Aphorous genre in the work of the city of Dzadasi, moral and ethical commandments of the mountaineers, nationality and folk basis "lessons of life." Writing (2h) literature of the peoples of Dagestan XX century Alim-Pasha Salavatov. "Orphan fraction" (1 h) Short essay of life and creativity A. -P. Salavatova. The theme of childhood in the poem. Pain of the poet for the fate of orphans. Hopelessness, long and helpless longing 6

7 Orphans-honeycomb. The autobiographical nature of the poem. Awareness of the need to compassion to the poor. Vl.Nomov. "Girl in the window", "bread." Tagir Huriuga. "Word about Mother" (1 h) Life and creativity, Personality of the poet. The power of maternal love depicted in the poem "Word about Mother". Inspection links of the concepts of "mother" and "homeland". Written work (2h) Abutaleb Gafurov. "Stories about my life (3 hours) Brief information about the life and activities of A. Gafurova of the People's Poet of Dagestan. A. Gafurov about his insolent childhood. The autobiographical nature of the work. The difficulties of the Terrible Year of the Civil War. The originality of realistic" stories ... "A. Gafurov. Theory of literature. The concept of an autobiographical story. Magomed Shamhalov. "My Father" (3 hours) A brief biography of the writer. The historical basis of the story. The author's attitude to the tragic events of the years in Dagestan through the perception of a small Kamala. Approval of shamhaal moral ideals of honor and debt . The glorification of spiritual beauty, true friendship, human kindness. The role of the landscape and other artistic means in the story. Keyna Medzhidov. "Huts of demons" (2 h) Brief information about the life and work of K. Medzhidov. An image of children's characters in the story K. Medzhidova. The world of children in the work. The originality of the narrative manner of the writer. Magomed-Sultan Yakhyaev. "Silver pencil" (2 hours) brief summary Life and creativity M.-S. Yakhyaev. The topic of human responsibility for their actions. Moral problems raised by the writer in the story. Features of Yakhyeev's letter: figurative language, funny situations in which teenagers are. The author's attitude to his heroes. M.-S. Yaiyaev. "Guests from the mountains", "Ridermen." Badavi Ramazanov. "Portrait" (3 hours) Brief information about the life and work of B. Ramazanov. The main conflict of the story. Relationships of parents and children. Power of personal example in the formation of a childhood. Approval by the author of the moral ideals of honor, debt, self-critical, analysis of their own actions. The meaning of the name of the story. Theory Literature Ugra. The concept of a story. The topic of the work and disclosure means. Written work (2 h) Muradhan Shikverdiev. "In the forest" (2h) biography, M.Simerdiev. The problem of harmony of man and nature in the story "In the forest", the topic of love for the native nature and careful attitude towards it. Moral problems of the story. Writer's skill in creating artistic images. Intergovernmental ties. Art. 7.

8 K.Hizriev "in the forest". F.Sidakhmedov "Morning in the Forest". Rashid Rashid. "Autumn forest", "umbrellas" (1 h) brief biography Rashid Rashidov. Elimination of nature phenomena in poem. Language animation and image image. The joyful perception of life with small mountaineers. Poetic image of pictures of winter nature. I.sekov. "Native village", "Postman". Theory Literature Ugra. The concept of personification and metaphor. Intergovernmental ties. Russian literature. A.S. Pushkin. "Winter morning". Art. A.Alikadiev. "Winter Etude". Casions Shamil. "I'm not joking, son." (1 h) Biography of the Writer. The perception of the Motherland is a lyrical hero in the poem "I am not kidding, son", the blood relationship of the hero with his native land and its expanses associated with each other visible and secret forces. Joyful perception of the surrounding nature. Artistic features of poem. Sh. Kaziev. "Is it possible?". Zulfucar Zulfukarov. "In Buran" (2h) a brief essay of life and creativity Z. Zulfukarova. Labor poetry Chaban Zulfucarov in the story "In Buran". Courage and mind as a means of survival in severe life circumstances. The meaning of the epigraph. The theme of the power and powerlessness of a man in the face of the element. Zulfukarov. "Victory". Intergovernmental ties. Art. Z. Siders. "Morning Shephan." Suleiman Rabdanov. "Night", "Earth" (1 h) Life, creativity, Personality S. Rabadanova. Man and nature in the work of the poet. The desire of people to know the world around. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe greatness of the person's chest .. S. Rabadanov. "Instead of a heart, some ..." Abumesslim Jafarov. "Winged poacher" (3 h) Brief biography A. Jafarov. Deep feeling of nature and homeland. Sincerity, love and compassion for all living things. Spirituality of nature. The topic of moral responsibility for everything that happens on earth. Art features of the book "Winged Poacher". Dm. Trunov. "Where the water is there and life." Ahmedhan Abu-Bakar. "On the valley of the gardens, about Habibulla's grandfather and his clay dolls" (3 hours) Biography Ahmedhan Abu-bakara. Continuation of traditions of the folk fairy tale. The author as a fascinating teacher. The poetization of the life of the hustras, weave fantastic events with real. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe book of Ahmedhan Abu-bakara. Faith writer in the good and wise owner of nature. Originity of the composition, plot, book style. Widespread use of fine-expressive means. Theory of literature. The concept of epitiet and comparison. eight

9 Shah-Emir Muradov "How beautiful Valleys Rosy". (1Ch) Life and Creativity Sh.-E.Muradova. Nature lyrics in the work of S.-E.Muradova. Features of the image of the landscape and their own mood in the poem "How beautiful the Rain Valleys". The spiritualization of nature, the harmony of man and nature. Moments of beauty as giving life. Reflections on the Motherland. The sophisticated sounding in the poem, the features of intonation, melody. Intergovernmental ties. Russian literature. N. Lubtsov "Native village". Art. Sugari hissors. "Dream", "My ship" (2h) brief biography S. Duisov. Belief in the beautiful and dream of happiness in the story "Dream". Reflections on the meaning of life and appointment of a person, his responsibility to the future. True and false in a person's life. Tools of artistic expressiveness in the story. The meaning of life and the purposefulness of the lyrical hero of the poem "My ship". Paphos poem and poetry of bright life, complete struggle for good and justice. Khachov Abdulmahide. "Thank you" (1Ch) Biography A.Khachalova. Prying by the author in the poem "Thank you" humanistic values: solidarity, readiness to help, friendship, respect, hospitality. Approval of all-calorous truths. The idea of \u200b\u200bkindness, mutual understanding, life for others. Awareness of the huge role of a beautiful man in the soul of man, in the surrounding nature. Moral issues of poem. Bahautdin Mitars. "Tell friends" (1 hour) Life and creative path B. Mitarov. Military experience of the poet, the image of the harsh truth of war, heroism and patriotism of Soviet soldiers fighting for the independence of their country .. B. Mitarov. "See, friends." E. Kapiev. "By horses, an eagle tribe." Rasul Gamzatov. "Zarema" (2 h) brief information about the life and work of R. Gamzatov. Humanistic pathos poem "Zarem", incompatibility of war and happy childhood. Call for all people of the Earth "Stop between the warring sides." R.gamzatov. "Mothers". Written work (2 h) phase Aliyev. "Lark" (1CH) biography F.Aliyeva. Man and nature in the artistic world of the poet. Reception of opposition and imagery in the poem "Lark". Love for debris as a sense of life. Artistic features of poem. F. Alieva. "Bird Tel". nine

10 Repetition of the material passed (4 hours) to memorize O. Batyrai. "Songs about the hero." E. Emin. "Nightingale". S. Stalsky. "My songs like crying." B. Mitarov. "Tell friends." R. Rashidov. "Autumn forest". R. Gamzatov. "Sarera" (passage). Main types of oral and written works on the literature of the peoples of Dagestan in the 5th grade is a quick reading of aloud familiar artistic and popular texts. Expressive reading learned by heart of artworks or excerpts from them. Oral and written retelling (presentation) Detailed and selective small epic work or excerpts from it. Oral and written writing-reasoning on the studied work: a detailed answer to the question and a story about the literary hero. Oral verbal drawing. Oral feedback on an independently read literary work, about the product of visual arts, on the movie viewed and TV shows (with the expression of its attitude towards the heroes and events of the work). Intergovernmental ties. Russian language. Narration, description, reasoning. Simple plan. A detailed statement of narrative texts with items describing items. Essay narration and reasoning. Basic requirements for knowledge and skills of grade 5 students should know: authors and names of the studied works; The event side (plot) and the heroes of the studied works; The basic concepts on the theory of literature studied in grade 5; the difference between the folk fairy tale from the literary; Texts recommended by the program to memorize. Students should be able to: allocate episodes in the studied work; establish a temporary and causal relationship between events in the studied work; Finding the text of the studied product of the language of the language under study; characterize the hero of the work under study, guided by the task of the teacher; Right and fluently read out loud familiar artistic and popular science texts; expressively read learned by heart artwork; Retell orally and writing (presentation) briefly, in detail and selectively a small epic work or an excerpt from it; To tell (orally) about the hero of the literary work; make a plan for a small epic work or a passing out of it; Give an interpretation of an independently read literary work. 10

11 List of works for extracurricular reading in grade 5 Abdulmanapova A. Poems. Avshalumov X. "We are brothers." Adzhiev A. "Red Gardener". Idamirov 3. "Sokolok". Akavov A. Tales. Aliyeva F. "First Snow". Aminov M.-Z. "Shepherd", "got a slingshot", "I am waiting for a friend." Asekov I. "My Day" (2-3 poems). Atkay A. "About the Moon and Chaban". Hajiyev 3. Poems. Gafurov A. "Charyki leading to the way." Davydov M. "Hunting", "Bouoti". Kasya A. Poems. Kamalov Ts. Golden Horn. Kaniev R. "Cook leaves the harbor" Nosov V. "Puzanok". Proverbs, sayings, riddles of the peoples of Dagestan. Rajabov A. "Greybel", "Good Jean", "Lazy Arshak". Tales of the peoples of Dagestan. Yusupov N. "Three Gifts". Yakhyaev M.-S. "Hello, dad." Grade 6 (102 hours) on the study of works 74 hours on the development of writing speech 16 hours on conversations for extracurricular reading 12 hours oral folk creativity Epic and heroic historical songs: "Patim's party", "Stone Boy", "Battle with Nadir Shah" , "Song about the hero of Murtzali", "Song about Khanbar", "Charlin", "Song Abdullah" (14 hours) The historical past in the folklore of the peoples of Dagestan. Idean-artistic wealth and genre variety of oral folk creativity and its historical roots. Historical and legendary material in the ancient mountain poetic legends "Patim's Party" and "Stone Boy", a reflection of the centuries-old struggle with foreign conquerors. Artistic means of creating characters. Reflection in the city poetry of the liberation struggle of the peoples of Dagestan against the eastern conquerors. "Battle with Nadir Shah." Patriotic sound work. Historical and folk sources "Song about Hero Murtazali". Epic and lyricism in the portrait of the mountaineers. Patriotic pathos "Songs". Call for unity to fight against the general enemy. L.N. Tolstoy about oral folk poetry Dagestan. "Song about Khanbar". The image of Manbara. Reflection in it 11

12 acute social, antipodeal struggle. Reflection of folk motifs by artists words. I. Huseynov "Charlin". The main content of the Folk Epos "Charlin". The reflection of the struggle of the people for freedom and independence of their homeland. Image of Charlin. Charling Hero-Bogatyr, defender oppressed, wrestler for the freedom of native land. Elements of legends in the work of I. Huseynov. Patriotic meaning of the song Abdullah. People's feat, dedication of the folk hero in the struggle for the liberation of the native land. "Abdullah's song" Poetic understanding of the tragic events of the past. Images of Abdullah and his mother. Dramatic song. Dialogue as the main artistic reception "Abdullah songs". Fine language language. Anthology of Dagestan poetry. T. 1, Theory Literature Ure. The concept of epic and heroic songs. Hyperbole and permanent epithet. Intergovernmental ties. Music. Ballet. N. Dagirova "Patima Party" in the formulation of I. Metaeva. Opera G.A. Hasanova "Khanbar". Theatre. M.Guseynov. Opera "Charlin". M. Aliyev "Patim's Party" (Piece in Laki language). Russian literature. The ninth fairy tale from the "Fairy Tales of Italy" M. Gorky. History. Dagestan country is rich in ancient culture. The value of oral folk creativity, the social pointedness of the folklore of the peoples of Dagestan. The struggle of the mountaineers with the Mongolian invasion in the XIII century. The struggle of the peoples of Dagestan with the Hordes of Iranian Khan Nadir in the XVIII century. Written work (2 h) from the literature of the peoples of Dagestan XVIII XIX centuries Said from Kochure. "The wheel of my fate turned reversed ...", "Oh, thunderstorm!" (2 h) A brief essay of the life and creativity of Said from Kochura. The historical basis of the poems "The wheel of my fate turned reversed ...", "Oh, Thunderstorm!". Ideological content, artistic features of poet poems. Mirza from Kaluka. "Happy nightingale" (1 h) Brief information about the life and work of Mirza from Kaluka. Main content, idea and artistic features of the poem "Happy nightingale". Ahmed Munga. "Song of young Kubachinsev" (1 h) Short essay of life and creativity A. Munga. Love for Life, the ability to surrender, pride in the art of cereal, the main content of the poem. Diligence, skill, sense of self-dignity, expressed in the song of young Kubachinsev. . "I was born in the very edge" (1 h. The image of the Motherland and Nature in the poem. The role of fine-expressive means of language in creating paintings of nature. Aziz Iminaguev. "Life of the Worker" (1 h) 12

13 Brief biography A. Iminagaeva. The skill of the poet in the image of the hard life of the movements of the mountains. The sympathetic attitude of the author to the workers, to their work, hatred for oppressors. Suleiman Stalsky. "Starshina", "Freedomist" (2 h) brief information about the life and work of S. Stalsky. An angry exposition by the poet of the elderly of the neighboring aul, distinguished by the sale and valit in the poem "Starshina". The realistic view of the poet on the world, society and personality, protest against social inequality and injustice, the desire for freedom in the poem "Freedom-happiness". Driving contrast as a means of expressiveness in the poem. Writing (2h) from the literature of the XX century Gamzat Tsadas. Basni: "Elephant and Ant", "Monkey and Carpenter" (2 h) Brief biography Tsadasa. The skill of Tsadasa as a Basinista. Features of the fables as an epic genre. Allegorism Basic Basis. Objects of satire Tsadasa. Moral Basen .. Tsadasa. "Dreamer-shepherd." Zhamidin. "Which of us burns," "Third Gift." Theory Literature Ugra. The concept of basna. The concept of allegory .. Writing (2 h) Bahautdin Mitarov. "In the native language" (1ch) life and creativity B.Mitarov. Native language as a spiritual support of a person in the poem "in the native language". The expression of devotees and limitless love to the homeland and the native language, pride in his small people. Artistic means transmitting the attitude of the poet to the native language .. B.Mitarov. "Jul came." Effesti Kapiev. "Shine in the mountains" (2h) A brief essay on the life and creativity of E. Kapieva. The spirituality of the summer and autumn nature of Dagestan in the work of E. Kapiev. Abutaleb Gafurov. "Spring" (1Ch) brief information about the life and work of A. Gafurov. Picture of the spring awakening of the mountains in the poem. The moral value of the aesthetic perception of nature. Love for native nature. Poet of language. Abdullah Magomedov. "Hymn Sun" (1 h) A brief essay of the life and creativity of A. Magomedov. The meaning of the name of the poem. Heat of joyful life under the sun. Moral and patriotic sound of the work. Language of the poem "Hymn Sun" .. A. Magomedov. "Help Herborobu". Mugutdin Charinov "Fatherland" (1CH) Biography M.Charinov. The topic and image of the motherland in the poem "Fatherland", artistic means transmitting the senses of the author. Motherland as the world of truth and beauty, as Merilo Human Software- 13

14 vitality and memory, loyalty to folk traditions. Keyna Medzhidov. "Are the mountain eagles die?" (3 h) Short essay of life and creativity K. Medzhidova. Majestic pictures of nature mountains in the story. Interesting stories of the old hunter. Man and nature in the story of K. Medzhidov. Moral and environmental problems raised by the writer in the work. Theory of literature. The concept of the language of fiction. Concept of landscape. Intergovernmental ties. Art. F.Sidakhmedov. "Upholstery". R.Nagiyev. "Shahdag. View of Tuffang. " Written work (2h) Mutalib Mitarov. "Lonely Tree" (1 h) Biography of the poet. The theme of life path, the poetic idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem "Lonely Tree". The role of the composition in understanding the meaning of poem, fine-expressive means as a means of creating an artistic image. Abdul-Vagab Suleimanov. "For what to live?" (1 h). Brief information about the life and work of the writer. The theme of truth, debt and labor in the poem "For what to live?", The greatness of the man-creator. Artistic features of poems, features of poetic intonation. A.-V.Suleimanov. "Morning fog". Magomed-Sultan Yakhyaev. "Salavat" (3 hours) Life and creativity M.-S. Yakhyaev. The theme of the Civil War in the Literature of the Peoples of Dagestan. An image of a childhood character in a story. The topic of "fathers and children" in the work. Composition, artistic features of the story "Salavat". Theory Literature Ugra. The concept of a story. Development of the concept of literary hero. Written work (2h) Abdul Rajabov. "Greedy eye" (2h) Life and creativity A. Rajabov. The folk basis of the story of the "greedy eye". The main idea and meaning of the name of the story. The pride of the writer for the people, his patriotism and the smell. Features of the language and forms of narration-parable story. A.Radzhabov. "GIFT", "Live drops". Yusup Hercheev. "Plans of the Azhai" (1 h) brief information about the life and work of Yusup Gheeva. Satire and humor in the works of Y. Gheeva. Artistic and expressive means of the story "Plans Aii". Ahmedhan Abu-Bakar. "Nur Eddin - Golden Hands", "Mom, Light Sun ..." (the story is the first "Good Wanderer") (5 hours) A brief essay of life and creativity A. Abu-bakara. Reflection in the play events that took place in distant times. Opposition to hard work and nonsense. The nature of Nur-Eddin, his durability, humility, skill. Condemnation of injustice and victory of good over evil. Fabulous elements in the play. fourteen

15 Theme of childhood in the story of A. Abu-bakara "Mom, dripped the sun ..." Depth and brightness of the experiences of military childhood. Mother's image, its readiness for self-sacrifice. The image of a good wanderer. The glorification of human kindness, sensitivity, attention to others. A. Abu-Bakar. "Mom, dripped the sun ..." (one of the stories). A. Abu-Bakar. "Copper earrings". Theory of literature. The concept of antithesis and epigraph. Intergovernmental ties. Theatre. Statution of the Dagestan doll theater "Nur-Eddin Golden Hands". Written work (2 hours) Nyutdin Yusupov. "I do not want to be not born" (2 h) brief information about the life and work of N. Yusupova. The main topic, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem "I do not want to be not born." Product language, its features. N. Yusupov. Poems of different years. Rasul Gamzatov. "People" (passage from the book "My Dagestan"), "Cranes" (3 hours) Brief biographical information about R. Gamzatov. The theme of the Great Patriotic War in the works of R. Gamzatov. The main content of the discern "People" and the poem "Cranes" condemnation of wars. Power of a patriotic sense of soldiers who died for their homeland. Fine-expressive means of the language of works by R. Ghamzatov. Intergovernmental ties. Music. Song J. Frenkel "Cranes" on the words R. Gamzatova. Avar version of the song "Cranes". Holiday "White cranes." Art. Sculpture "Cranes" in Makhachkala. Monument in Guniba based on the song "Cranes". Magomed-Rasul. "Wounded Swallow" (3 h) Biography Magomed-Rasul. The ideological content of the story of Magomed-Rasul. Moral problems of the story of the "wounded swallow", questions about the meaning of life, the search for the right path in solving life issues. The meaning of the name of the book. The role of an image-symbol of a wounded swallow in the disclosure of ideological content of the story. Fine-expressive language. Musa Magomedov. "Belated rain" (3 hours) brief information about the life and work of M. Magomedov. An image of the relationship of children in the story M. Magomedov. The main features of the character of adolescents. The author's attitude to small heroes. Images of adults in the story. The meaning of the name of the work. Artistic features of the story. Theory of literature. Types of artistic speech. M. Magomedov. "This Master". Abdullah Daganov. "Autumn rain" (1CH) Biography A. Daganova. Change of nature paintings and mood change in the poem "Autumn Rain". Pictures of nature as a means of expressing thoughts about the frequency of life. Features of intonation, emotionality of poem. Finely visiting means, their role in the poem. fifteen

16 Adam Adam. "Congratulations on the spring." (1Ch) Biography A. Aadamova. The figurative brightness and joy of the merger of the human soul with the world of nature in the poem "Congratulations on the Spring". Artistic perfection of poems about nature. Picturesque language poem. A. Aadam. "Comet Zlatogritaya". Magomed Atabaev. "And they will appeal" (1 h). Summary of life and work of M. Atabaeva. The ideological meaning of the poem "and they will appeal." Epic character of the work. Basic images. Wires for service in the perception of a young mountaineer. Fine language language. M. Atabaev. "I know". M. Gairbekova. "Swirl". Hizgil Avshalumov. "Ai, Shochaish" (2 hours) A brief essay on the life and creativity of H. Avshalumov. The main content of the story "Ay, Shochaish". Riding in the work of human vices. Bayram Salimov. "On the Golden Fish" (1 h) Brief information about the life and work of B. Salimov. Environmental theme in Basna B. Salimov. The problem of the responsibility of a person for the fate of the planet, the impact of mismanagement and a negligent attitude to work. Satire and humor in the bass. The composition of the Golden Fish. B. Salimov. "History of one friendship." I. Aliyev. "Medvezhya Moral". 3. Hajiyev. "Cuckit and Bear." Badrutdin Magomedov. "Native Aul" (1 h) Life and creativity B. Magomedova. The painting of the Motherland and Nature, transformed by the poetic vision of the poet in the poem "Native Aul". Man and nature in lyrics B. Magomedova. Landscape as a means of creating a mood. Fine-expressive means in the artistic world of the poet. Abachara Huseynaev. "Letter". (1 h) Biography and creative path of A.Guseinaeva. Moral problems and values \u200b\u200bin the poem "Letter" A.Guseinaeva. Humanistic meaning of poem. Compassion and sensitivity (humanity) as the basis of human relationships. Approval of a positive ideal. Features of poetics A.Guseinaeva. Adamov A. "Hands of an old Gorianka." Phase Aliyev. "Dragon and Bogatyr" (2 hours) Brief information about the life and work of F. Aliyeva. Fiction of folk fairy tales and legends in the work of "Dragon and Bogatyr". The originality of the legend composition. Confidence of poetess in the victory of moral principle in man. Anwar Ageiyev. "Shinel, horse and me" (1Ch) brief biography A. Agiyev. The glorification of labor in the life of children and adults. The theme of childhood, child fantasy in the poem, the poetic description of the bright dream of a child, the nature of children in the poem A. Agiyev. Artistic identity poem. sixteen

17. Mitarov M. "Little Selim". Shamil Kaziev. "It is easy for us to pronounce the praise" (1Ch) Biography Sh. Kaziev. Love for his homeland in the poem "Easy to us praise." The expression of mental sentiment, human states through a description of nature paintings. Philosophical reflections on the role of man and his love for Earth. Parallel between human life and nature. Artistic features of poem, language and style. Interpremant connection. Russian literature. Zabolotsky N.A. "I am brought up by the nature of harsh." Ibrahim Huseynov. "Morning of the Year ..." (1 h) brief information about the life of creativity I. Huseynov. Nature in the poem of I.Guseynova, her spirituality. The skill of the poet in the image of the native landscape .. Sh. Kaziev. "Heat". Written work (2h) Repetitions passed (2 h) to memorize by heart passages from folk songs (at the discretion of students). Said from Kochura. "Oh, thunderstorm!" A. Munga. "Song of young Kubachintsev". R. Gamzatov. "Cranes". I. Huseynov. "Morning of the Year ...". A. Aadam. "Congratulations on the spring." Main types of written and oral works on the literature of the peoples of Dagestan in the 6th grade is a quick reading of out loud art and scientific and scientific texts. Expressive reading of artworks or excerpts from them, including those learned by heart. Oral and written retelling (presentation) detailed, selective or compressed small epic work. Oral and written writing-reasoning on the studied work: a detailed answer to the question and a story about the literary hero. Compilation of a plan of a small epic work or a passage from an epic work, as well as the texture of the texts of the texts. Oral verbal drawing. Oral review about an independently read literary work, about the product of visual art, movie or television program. Intergovernmental ties. Russian language. Systematization of material to the composition, complex plan; Detailed, compressed or selective summary of the narrative text, an essay-reasoning about the actions of people. Basic requirements for the knowledge and skills of students of graders 6 students should know: names and authors of studied works; The event side (plot) and the heroes of the studied works; The main concepts on the theory of literature studied in grade 6; Texts recommended by the program to memorize. 17.

18 Students should be able to: recreate artistic paintings in the imagination drawn by the writer; allocate episodes in the studied work; establish a temporary and causal relationship between events in the studied work; Finding the text of the studied product of finely expressive means; characterize the hero of the work under study on the basis of its actions and behavior; That's right, I flew to read out loud art and popular science texts; expressively read artwork; retell orally or writing (presentation) in detail, selectively or compressed small epic works or excerpts from epic works; Create an oral writing-reasoning on the studied work (detailed answer to the question); make a plan of an epic work or a passing from an epic work; To give a review (orally) about independently read the literary work and works of other types of art. List of works for extracurricular reading in grade 6 Abu-Bakar A. "Ivory Tube", "Kubachinsky Stories". Adamov A. "Ruch-Shalunshka", "Hands of the old Gorianka", "Review, Cranks." Avshalumov X. "Vizier of Tabasaran Khan." Aliyev N. Basni. Aminov M.-Z. "Do you remember". Asekov I. "Light on the rock." Athnyov D. "I love nature." Bagundov G.-B. "Cote Cat". Gaggikuliev B. "Flower of Life". Guests from the mountains. Collection of stories (2 3 stories). Jachaev A. "Zaitars Uzair." Zhamidin. "Del-took." Zulfukarov 3. "Mystery of Tash-Kapur Island". Medzhidov K. "Good neighbors", "Winged friends". Rajabov A. "Hurdzhina Funduchbek", "Seven Magomedov". Rashidov R. "Summer". Salimov B. "Sleep in hand", "brave parenchy". Suleimanov A.-V. Poems. Sulimanov M. "Dark Gorge." Shamhahatov M. "Error", "Let's go to the cave of zurnists." Grade 7 (102 hours) for the study of works 74 hours for the development of written speech 16 hours on conversations for extracurricular reading 12 h oral folk creativity Ballad "Shepherd and Yusup Khan", "Lady from Balkhar". "Youth from Kumuha and Girl from Azayni", "Aygazi" (8 hours) Gorish folk ballads. Artistic peculiarity of the ballads of the peoples of Dagestan. The main conflict of the Avarian ballad "Shepherd and Yusupphan" Social struggle between the free mountaineers and Khan Feudals. The main idea of \u200b\u200bballads. The role of dialogue in the work. Dramatic painting of Lakskaya ballad "Lady of 18

19 Bakhara. "The principle of contrast when creating the characters of Lady and Aglar-Khan. Moral and social problems of ballads" Ladi from Balkhar ". Means of emotional stress. The topic of love in the Darginsky ballad" young man from Kumuha and a Girl from Azaine. "National peculiarity of the poetic work. The realistic picture of the life of a simple people in the Kumyk ballad "Igazi". Moral values \u200b\u200bin the ballad. Ballads "Tabakhlinsky Kaidar", "Sultan-Ahmed Jr.", "Ali, left in the gorge." Theory of literature. The concept of the ballad. The initial concept of artistic . Interpremable ties. Music. N.Dagirov. Opera "Aygazi". Nogai People's Song "Like Batyr Amita, Son Aisala, rebelled against Janibek Khan" (2 h) The main conflict of the song Clash Isyla and his Son Amita with Janibek Khan. Methods of image of positive and negative songs of the song. Darginian folk songs "If even the battle is distant ..." "How many swallows in Chechnya ..." (1 h) glorification of courage and courage, feeling expression love for native land, condemnation of cowardice in the song "If even the battle is far ...". Heroism and dedication of partisans in the song "How many swallows in Chechnya ...". Song language. Avar People's Song "Plach for the Dead Son." Lakskaya folk song-meditation "Song of Chagana". Kumkaya folk song of heroes "Who is heroicing from the birthday ...". Theory of literature. The concept of the plot and composition (antithesis as a method for building a work). Written work (2 h) from the literature of the peoples of Dagestan XVIII XIX centuries Said from Kochure. "Curse Mursal-Khan" (1 h) brief information about the life and work of Said from Kochura. Reflection of social contradictions of the era in the poem of Said from Kochura. His ideological content. Condemnation "Light, where there is no truth." The symbolic meaning and satirical stroke of the strings "long in the garden is not heard of nightingale. For a long time in the garden, black from Vorona. " The role of figurative expressions, rhetorical issues in the disclosure of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem. Intergovernmental ties. History of Dagestan. Man's despotism and Becks in Feodal Dagestan. The tragic fate of the intercessors of the poor: Omarla Batyraja, Anchil Marin, Said from Kochure, and others. Mirza from Kaluka. "Answer Hanu" (1 h) Biography of Mirza from Kaluka. Reflection in the poem of such a phenomenon as capturing faudals of Urgent Lands in Patriarchal Dagestan. Displeased by the people in the authority of the rich. Critical image of a Khan in the work. Expressiveness of the poem language. Irchi Cossack. "Ashar-Tau "," Our Things No Number ", 19

20 "It's time". (2 h) A brief essay of life and creativity I. Cossack. The main content of the poem and. Kazak. Poetic description of Done and Argamak rivers. Acceptance of comparison in the poem "Ashar-Tau". Fine-expressive language. Reflections of the poet about life, time and eternity, about the origins and foundations of life. Presentations of the poet on justice and honesty in poems "Our Things There is no number", "It's time." Ahmed Munga. "Cutter" (1 h) Life and creativity Ahmed Munga. Champions of the labor of the Waters-Zlatokuznets in the poet who experienced the severity of the worshi in a foreign land. Cutter main tool Kubachinsky masters. Philosophical motifs in the poem "Cutter". Theory Literature Ugra. Concept of lyrics. Versification. Features of the Dagestan renovation. Two-dimensions of verse. Haji Akhtynsky. "If the poor will begin to learn ..." (1 h) brief information about the life and work of the city of Akhtynsky. Rejection by the poet of existing public institutions. The concern of Akhtynsky severe destiny fellow the main theme of the poem "If the poor will begin to learn." Acceptance of comparison in the poem. Role of rediff in the work. From the literature of the pegs of Dagestan XIX century Suleiman Stalsky. "Tabuncher who is not paid completely", "Mountain Eagles" (2 h) Brief biography of S. Stalsky. The skill of the poet in the image of the hard and powerful life of the Tabuchik. Sympathetic attitude to the suffering and needs of the people. Characteristic of the poor and herds and the rich-owner. Cooking irony as a characteristic satire agent in a poem. Intergovernmental ties. Movie. The feature film "Song is born." Written work (2 hours) from the literature of the peoples of Dagestan XX century Gamzat Tsadasa. "Book", "poems about warm winter" (2 h) essay of the life and creativity of the poet. The role of knowledge in a person's life. Approval of the need to master knowledge for the formation of intelligence, comprehending its own "I", satisfying the feeling of the beautiful in the poem "Book". The poeticity of the description of winter in the "verse about warm winter". Protecting as a means of winter characteristics. Man and nature in the poem of Tsadasa. Bahautdin Astanov. "Free Motherland", "Brew, Comrade" (2 h) Sketch of Life and Creativity B. Astemirova. Moral problems in the work. Features of building a poem "Free Motherland". Author's criteria of morality and debt in the poem "Brew, Comrade". Patriotic pathos poem, faith due to 20

21 And the dedication of the hero. Alibeg Fatahov. "Drummers of the roads" (2 hours) Brief information about the life and work of A. Fataov. The topic of road construction in the mountains. Images of builders embraced by the nationwide spirit of creation. Language of the poem "drummers of roads". Effesti Kapiev. "Our Magomed" (2 hours) The main content of the essay "Our Magomed" The glorification of the patriotic attack Magomed Hajiyev. Children's years Magomed, youth, adolescence. Relationships of Hajiyev with peers and mountaineers-old men. Immortion named after and the feat of Magomed Hajiyev. Heroes - Dagestanis, famous at the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. M. Zinger. "Last Fight" (excerpt from the book "Hero of the Sea Depths"). Written work (2 h) Abdullah Daganov. "Happy way" (1 h) Biography A. Daganova. The main topics of the poem of the "happy path": storing the customs and traditions of the peoples of Dagestan. The feeling of joy and sadness, love for their people, loyalty to the traditions of the people. Language, Motherland, customs as the basis of the immortality of the people in the poem. Alirza Saidov. "Three Djigita", "come, friends" (3h) essays of the life and creativity of A.Sidov. People's poetic basis and peculiarity of A. Saidov lyrics. Champions of courage and courage in legend, loyalty to friendship and devotion to the motherland, the expression of a feeling of love for native land. The degree of hero as a manifestation of character. Moral price act. Eternal values \u200b\u200bin life and literature. Careful attitude towards the traditions of ancestors, the moral problems of the poem "Come, friends." A.Sidov. "We have old old custom." Abdul Rajabov. "Ulmez" (2 h) sketch of life and creativity A.Radzhabova. The theme of man and nature in the story "Ulmez". The role of the landscape, artistic parts in the work. The moral sound of the story "Ulmez". Abumesslim Jafarov. "Wise Pathfinder" (3 hours) Brief information about the life and work of A. Jafarov. The legendary base of the poem "Wise Pathfinder". The theme of nature in the work. Deep knowledge of the poet of the world of nature. The image of the wise traid in the poem. Artistic facilities in the work. Gazim-run Bagunds. "Custom" (1CH) Biography G.-B. Bagandova. The theme of the Motherland, a sharp feeling of the Motherland, Her History and National Character in the "Custom" poem. The role of expressive means in the description of the customs of the peoples of Dagestan and the patriotic pathos poem .. G.-B. Bagandov. "Any Language of Earth." Intergovernmental ties. Culture and traditions of peoples 21

22 Dagestan. Ahmedhan Abu-Bakar. "Kultum" (3 h) Biography A. Abu-bakara. The theme of labor and continuity of generations in the story "Kultum". The image of the girl Cultum. Romanticization of Labor Kubachinsev-Zlatokuznets. The meaning of the epigraph to the story. Art features of the work. Written work (2h) Anwar Agiyev. "Sickle and Saber", "No, I am not glad, entering the flowering garden" (2 hours) Brief information about the life and work of A. Adzhiyev. The main theme of the poem "Sickle and the Saber" and Sickle, and the saber serve the people, but in different ways. Composition of the poem "Sickle and Saber". Saber symbol of war, sickle symbol of labor, peace. Artistic funds used by the author in the work. The poem "No, I am not glad, entering the flowering garden ..." It is impossible to be indifferent to someone else's misfortune such is the ideological meaning of the poem. The originality of the art method A. Agiyev. Bahautdin Ageiyev. "Download, cradle ..." Bayram Salimov. "When the mountains sing" (1ч) Biography B. Salimov. The lyric image of wildlife in the poem "when the mountains sing" B. Salimov. The author's voice in the poem and its attitude towards nature. The skill of the landscape. Artistic features of the poem. Intergovernmental ties. Art. K. Hizriev "noon in the mountains", E.aliev "Mountain Landscape". Musa Magomedov. "Alibeg" (3 hours) General characteristics of creativity M. Magomedova. The theme of the life feathips in the story. Image of alibega. The spiritual beauty of the main character. The cause of the conflict of Alibega and Saibulla. Moral criteria in the work. Relationships of children and adults. Master's description of the life of mountain kids in the story. Adam Adam. "Thick, turbulent flows" (1Ch) brief information about the life and work of A. Aadamova. The love of the poet to the native nature and admiration for her by force in the poem "thick, stormy streams". Landscape as a means of creating a mood. Fine-expressive means in the poem. Intergovernmental ties. Art. N.Damadanov "Mountain River", Z. Sezers "Mountain River". Shah-Emir Muradov. Spring (1CH) Biography Sh.-E. Muradova. The poetic image of nature in the poem "Spring". Eternal update of nature and man, visible beauty and sound of the world in the poem. Artistic features of poem, language and style. Interpremant connection. Art. Z. Springs "Spring in the Mountains". H. Alisheva "Spring has come." Ramazan Kaniev. "Two incidents" (2h). Life and creativity R. Kaniyev. Moral problems of the story "Two incidents" fearlessness, courage, resourcefulness, cruelty for animals. The main features of the characters of the characters of the story. Analysis will be made - 22.

Explanatory note of the 5th grade, the basis of classes in the 5th grade is the literary reading and study of individual artworks: five-graders get acquainted with the works of oral creativity of peoples

Explanatory note 1 The basis of classes in grade 5 is the literary reading and study of individual artworks: five-graders get acquainted with the works of the oral creativity of the peoples of Dagestan,

Grade 5 Literature 70 hours P / n Theme of the lesson Number of hours Date Notes 1. Introduction. Literature as the art of the word. Art embodiment in the literature of moral values \u200b\u200band ideas about the world,

Explanatory note Grade 8 Working program for Dagestan literature for grade 8 to the textbook Akhmedova S. Kh., Haybullaeva Kh. M. Compiled on the basis of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Dagestan. Program

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Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan Dagestani Research Institute of Pedagogy. A.A. Tahoe-GoGos exemplary educational program on the literature of the peoples of Dagestan

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Dagestan languages \u200b\u200bare one of the largest language families, featuring the extraordinary variance of dialects. The carriers are about 7 million. And in this regard, the Caucasus - the Country of Mountains - becomes a peculiar "mountain of languages." What is the range of this linguistic group and what is Russian-Dagestan language?


Dagestan languages \u200b\u200bare included in the West Eastern Group of Caucasian languages \u200b\u200bamong the Language families of the Eurasian continent and are divided into 5-6 branches. The eastern part of this group, or Chechen-Dagestan, is related to West, or Abkhazo-Adygei. In all languages \u200b\u200bof this group, you can trace the presence of a general phonetic system.

Sometimes this Caucasian isogloss is called nuclear-dagestan languages, since all the eastern languages \u200b\u200brisen into a separate nuclear cluster already in the III century BC. e. The nuclear branch has the largest number of carriers - more than 2,500,000 people.

History of origin

Initially, there was a common Eastern Caucasian type, that is, using in word formation mainly the method of adding different endings. After III century BC. e. You can already observe the disintegration of the general Prakaucasian language into groups, including the Dagestan, which began to enter into many adventures, and then individual languages \u200b\u200bthat have only some similarities on the phonetic, grammatical and syntactic system.

The final discrepancy can be given to the early bronze age.


Dagestan languages \u200b\u200bare distributed throughout the Caucasus, in particular in Dagestan, Chechnya and Ingushetia. Part of the carriers lives in Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Jordan and other countries belonging to the Middle East.

Composition of the language family

The family of Dagestan languages \u200b\u200bis quite extensive. However, even the half of all languages \u200b\u200bbelonging to this Dagestan isogloss not studied Linguists-Orientalists. It is well developed by scientists only Chechen, Avarian, Darginsky, Laki and Lezgin, the rest are either little studied, or not affected at all.

The language scheme of Dagestan languages \u200b\u200bhas the following form:

  1. Nahska is the first branch. It includes Chechen, Ingush and Batzbian languages. This branch has the greatest number of carriers, because only Chechens are about two million.
  2. Avaro-Ando-Cesse languages \u200b\u200b- the second branch of the Language family of Dagestan. It includes several subgroups: Avaro-Andyian, Andyaya, as well as Cesse, or Didoyskaya. These letters make up the lion's share of all other carriers of this language group.
  3. Lakskie is the third branch of the Language family of Dagestan, which includes only Laki language with the number of carriers of about 140,000 people.
  4. Darginsky is the fourth branch, which includes several subgroups: North Dargin, Megebskaya, South-West Dargin, Chiragskaya, Kaitagskaya and Kubachi-Ahshtinskaya. All these letters are dialects with the number of media not exceeding 2000 people per linguistic subgroup.
  5. Lezghinsky languages \u200b\u200bare the fifth branch of the Language Family of Dagestan. Includes several subgroups: East-Lezgin, West Lezghinskaya, Yuzhno-Lezgin, Archown and Udean. Number of media: from 1000 to half a million people, depending on the language subgroup.
  6. Hinalugian is the sixth branch, which includes a single chinaulugian language, which is poorly studied.

Language branches

Each branch is divided into many dialects and the shorters presented in the whole manifold.

The nuclear branch includes:

  1. Chechen - about 2,000,000 people.
  2. Ingush - 455,868 people.
  3. Bazbi - 3000 media.

The Avaro-Ando-Cesco branch includes:

  1. Avar - about 1,000,000 people.
  2. Andean is about 6,000 carriers.
  3. ABEAKSKY - about 200 people.
  4. Karatinsky - more than 250 carriers.
  5. Botlikh - more than 200 people.
  6. Godobersky - 128 carriers.
  7. Bagvalinsky - almost 1,500 people.
  8. Tindinsky - more than 6,500 carriers.
  9. CHAMALIN - about 500 people.
  10. Cesky - about 12,500 carriers.
  11. Hwarsky is a little learned, the number of carriers is unknown.
  12. Ingokvarinsky - unallowed, the number of carriers is unknown.
  13. Ginukhsky - about 500 people.
  14. Bejtinsky - almost 7000 carriers.
  15. Gunzibsky - more than 1000 people.

The Lakskaya branch includes only Laki language with the number of carriers a little more than 100,000 people.

The Darginian branch includes:

  1. Akushinsky is a little learned, the number of carriers is unknown.
  2. Dargian literary is a little learned, the number of carriers is unknown.
  3. Muginsky - about 3,000 people.
  4. Tsudarasky is a little learned, the number of carriers is unknown.
  5. Gapshimine-Butrinsky is a little learned, the number of carriers is unknown.
  6. Urahinsky, which includes Cabin and Hurkilinsky adverbs with the number of media up to 70,000 people.
  7. Muriere-Gubensky is a little learned, the number of carriers is unknown.
  8. Kadar - a little learned, the number of carriers is unknown.
  9. Muinsky - about 18,000 people.
  10. Megebsky is a little learned, the number of carriers is unknown.
  11. Sirchinsky is a little learned, the number of carriers is unknown.
  12. Amuchsko-Hudutsky is about 1,600 people.
  13. Kunksky is a little learned, the number of carriers is unknown.
  14. Santa Izarinsky is a little learned, the number of carriers is unknown.
  15. Kaitagsky - about 21,000 people.
  16. Kubachinsky is a little learned, the number of carriers is unknown.
  17. Ashta is about 2,000 people.

The Lezghian branch includes:

  1. Lezginsky - more than 650,000 people.
  2. Tabasaran - more than 126,000 carriers.
  3. Agulsky - about 30,000 people.
  4. Rutulsky - more than 30,000 carriers.
  5. Tsakhursky - about 10,000 people.
  6. Butukh - about 5000 carriers.
  7. Kryzovsky - about 9,000 people.
  8. Archinsky is almost 1000 carriers.
  9. Urika - about 8,000 people.

The Lezghin branch also included two more: Albanian and Agvan, who are now considered dead languages.

Only Hinalugian branch is included in the last branch.

According to UNESCO, in total in the Republic of Dagestan, there are 25 languages, which threatens disappearance. In some languages, only a few thousand or even a few hundred people speak. This time for Dagestan and his languages \u200b\u200bis the hardest. The younger generation more often uses his national speech in everyday speech.


If you take a dictionary of the Dagestan language, such as Chechen-Russian, and refer to the article by Professor A. K. Glaire called "to Praorya of North Caucasian languages", published in 1907, then you can see the similarity of Chechen with the Mitrican language mentioned in the article. It was the adolescent of ancient messenger, where the Abkhaz-Circassian tribes were once in the neighborhood. This language was middle link between Abkhaz and Nakh-Dagestan languages.

Other scientists, olderine and deacons, believe that the languages \u200b\u200bof this republic are similar For Hurritsky, the arral of which was in the south of Armenian Highlands.

Phonetic features

For words in Dagestan language, moderate vocalism is characterized, that is, the presence of vowels within 10, and very complex consonanthism. In some adversions, this number of consonant sounds can reach 45.

Dagestan languages \u200b\u200bare used not only by ringing and deaf, but also spirits are a combination of these sounds, as well as self-complaints, which is an important distinctive feature of all eastern languages. The vowels most often do not differ in longitude, but are divided into nasal and thorny sounds with the addition of consonants. The stroke system is movable. It is subordinate to phrase membership and intonation.

Morphological features

In the dictionary of the Dagestan language, it is possible to see that words are mainly formed by affixing the basics and adding various flexions. Prefixes or consoles in languages \u200b\u200band adverbs of Dagestan are much less than suffixes.

The nouns have the category of case, the numbers, and the verbs have a category of class, aspect, time and inclination. In some languages, for example, in Batzbi, Lakski and Darginsky there is a personal touch, and the rest dominates the subject and objects. Adjectives, in contrast to the Russian language, are immutable part of speech. And the numeral can be seen both in a month, as well as in the twenty system.

Syntactic features

The syntax of Dagestan languages, Avar, for example, often admits an inverse system, and the order of words in the sentence is almost always neutral. The oriental scientists are inclined to the fact that in languages \u200b\u200bare mainly there are ergative designs, in which only the action prevails than the nominative, where the main member of the sentence becomes exceptionally noun.

Not all linguists also share the idea that Dagestan languages \u200b\u200bhave a complex proposal, although simple, complex allied and non-union developed well enough.

The center of the sentence, of course, is a leakable, expressed by the verb.


With regard to vocabulary, it can be said that the basis of all Dagestan languages \u200b\u200bis a large reservoir of the original wordforms and derivatives from them.

A distinctive feature in the lexical plan can be called the presence of special name classes 5 or 6 species, for example, classes of men, women, things in different numbers.

A lot today in languages, especially in Chechen and Ingush, rusisms. To say that the Russian-Dagestan language exists does not mean joking.


In its mass, Dagestani languages \u200b\u200band dialects are safe or possess an undeveloped writing system. However, since the carriers of this language group mainly profess Islam, and together with this religion in the languages \u200b\u200bpenetrates the Arabic graphics.

Already in the XVII century, Avarians begin to adjust the Arabic alphabet to the phonetic rank. During this period, Ajamsk writing is created, which adapts to making it so that all the sounds of the Dagestan language can be reflected in the letter. This is as follows - one letter of the Arab alphabet transmits several sounds on the letter.

Since the 30s of the XX century, this Ajamsky alphabet begins to deform and evolve. The alphabet itself is called the name "New Ajama", a font is cast, and the first printed experiments on religious topics are already arising. Later, textbooks and popular science literature will be put in print. In the 40s, the "New Ajam" is replaced with a Latin alphabet, which is based on Turkic.

In addition, some languages \u200b\u200bare buded from the general graphic rule and use writing on the basis of Cyrillic, that is, Russian graphics.

These are languages \u200b\u200blike:

  1. Chechen.
  2. Ingush.
  3. Avar.
  4. Laksky.
  5. Dargian.
  6. Lezginsky.
  7. Tabasaran.

It is interesting! One of the Dagestan languages \u200b\u200btranslated into Russian called Udinsky, had his own writing.

Thus, Dagestan languages \u200b\u200bare one of the most extensive and diverse language families. Mainly those who speak Dagestan adverbs live in the Caucasus, but carriers can also be found in the territory of the Middle East. Languages \u200b\u200bare not only rich in their phonetic building, but also make up the living culture of mountain peoples.

How many songs are written in Dagestan language and how many samples of high poetry! In addition, many people come to the whole world from Dagestan, such as the poet and an athlete Elena Isinbayev. The music of the Dagestan language is represented in Russian stage with stars such as Jasmine and Elbrus Dzhanmirzoev, who very often sing national songs, not forgetting their native adverb.

The editorial office of Pavilion magazine amounted to a list of 10 works of Dagestan literature, mandatory for reading - from the depths of centuries to the present day.

Dagestan literature is experiencing not better times. There are a number of problems that are most acutely facing the authors - the lack of good translators, suitable publishers and the inability to realize their books, but the most important decline of interest on the part of readers. Most young people have all the knowledge of Dagestan literature are limited to two names - Rasul Gamzatov and the phase of Aliyev. Of course, these are the most significant names in our culture, but nevertheless there are many other authors and works worthy of attention. We tried to draw up a list of 10 works of Dagestan literature, mandatory for reading, from the depths of the centuries to the present day.

1. "Clairwinking fool" Magomed-Rasul Rasulov

Magomed-Rasul Rasulov is a candidate of science and head of his own publishing house, a controversial and ambiguous author. His works meet all the requirements of today. One of the main differences of the author is that in Dagestan literature he is trying to accommodate the entire intellectual luggage of mankind. Here and references to many cult works, and various references towards the lion of Tolstoy, Osho, Nietzsche and many others. His "clairvoyant fool" is just one of these works. The novel is not perfect, and the author himself positions the book as the anti-theest that is not far from the truth, since the work is very difficult to fit into the framework of any particular genre. I especially want to highlight the chapters of the "Mosque" and "Black Tears".

2. "Derbent-Nona" Avabi Muhammad Aktashi Al-Endavi

The book is unique and perhaps the only one of its kind. Prose is a rather rare phenomenon for Dagestan literature, and this is an explanation. Throughout history, Dagestan was constantly experiencing various public and political shocks - the change of rulers, beliefs, various military companies, and the prose requires a certain calm in society. In periods of stagnation, even many poets switched to this genre.

The work is dated to the 16th century and describes the times when Arabic-speaking culture has already managed to stand out, and its representatives were a kind of cultural and intellectual elite of society. The task of the author was to write in artistic form the history of the city of Derbent, who would be interesting to everyone and everyone. Taking the basis of historical facts, the author contributes several legends into the story, one of which is the foundation of the city by Alexander Macedonian.

The book is translated into many languages, including French, German and Latin. In 1722, Imam-Kuli, Naib Derbent, presented the book to Peter the first together with silver keys from the city. The book, worthy of the emperor, is obligatory to read.

3. "Higher Measure" Magomed Atabaev

Disputes about the revolutionary period do not subside to this day, and in society there is a certain request for historical literature, the book of Magomed Atabaeva is taken to answer these requirements of modernity. "Higher Measure" tells about one of the most difficult periods of Russian history, about the people who stood at the head of the Company at the beginning of the last century, their destinies and injustice that reigned at that time. The author is Kumyk, but the work is interested in what describes the fate of all nationalities, and in this regard, it is quite cosmopolitically.

4. Maryam Mahmoud

Mahmoud is a mansion from all the Dagestan literature. This is the author who has become a classic of everything with one work. Mahmoud was a simple son of the coil who fell in love with the daughter of the senior of Aul, for which he was sent to the Russian-Prussian war, while even without knowing the Russian language. During hostilities, visiting local homes and churches, he also came across the way the Virgin Mary, with whom he compared his beloved, the love of which retained his life.

5. "Between Heaven and Earth" Badrutdin Magomedov

In the book, today's reality is filed as a contradiction between Caine and Avele, and the Earth itself is represented as an estimating hero. The use of biblical characters in the work at one time gave rise to a conflict between the author and the spiritual administration of the republic. Rasul Gamzatov himself called Magomedov his successor.

6. "Spring, who came from the north" Yusup Hergeev

Yusup Hergeev - Son of the Latvian soldier, adopted by Kumyk family. One of the first authors in Dagestan literature, writing stories. "Spring, who came from the north" describes the events that took place in Dagestan at the beginning of the 20th century, the eyes of ordinary people. Makhach Dahadaev, Ullubij Buynaksky and many other famous personalities flashes on the pages of the book. If you are interested in history, then this book will definitely have to do you like.

7. "Front entries" Efendi Kapiev

Efendi Kapiev is a unique author, on the basis of his works, a lot of feature films has been shot. "Front entries", an honest book about war, where in small front-line notes passed all the horror that reigned around. Before reading, it is recommended to watch the film "Ivanovo Childhood", the plot of which is in many ways echoes with this work.

8. "Chegery" Akhmedhan Abu-Bakar

One of these books is "Chegery", telling about the young Agronom, who arrived in his native village in search of a unique variety of corn. As a result of these searches, the main character finds senior comrades and their love.

9. "Salaam you, Dalgat!" Alisa Ganiev

The book that caused a lot of contradictions, many Dagestanis taken in the bayonets. The story talks about the life of the new Dagestan, about how the age-old traditions are intertwined with modern realities. Russian speech here intersects with a typical slang and expressions for our region, thereby making the book of the book alive and modern. A certain part of the public was dissatisfied with the fact that in the work of Dagestan only with a negative side, but the truth is that Dagestan is shown here as it is today.

10. "Revenge" Musa Magomedov

Book with speaking name. The story of such a bloody, but an integral for Dagestan, a revenge. In fact, this is the only work that artistically transferred the peculiarities of our region, the more interesting. The work of "revenge" is part of the trilogy, which the author of Musa Magomedov devoted to the life of Dagestan between the October Revolution and the end of the Great Patriotic War.

No similar news.

Unified multilingual LIT-RA nations of Dag. ASSR. Developed on Avar, Darginsky, Kumyk, Lakski, Lezghinsky, Tabasaran and Tatt. Each of these lit-ps was peculiar - depending on the socio-economic. and the cultural development of this or that nation, but they all have common features that have arisen in the centuries-old process of consolidation of the peoples of Dagestan.

Rich oral nar. Creativity of Dagestanis - Epic. and lyric. Songs, fairy tales, legends and legends, proverbs and sayings, imbued with democratic. and humanist. Aspirations, - reflects the history of the peoples of Dagestan, their hard life, the fight against oppressors. Luck Song "Patima Party", telling about the fight against Tatar-Mong. Invaders in 13-14 centuries, the Avar song "On the defeat of Nadirshach", the cohesion of the potsents in the fight against Iran is shown in Ki-Roy. Conquerors who have penetrated into the depths of the country in Ser. 18 V .. indicate a high patriotism of Dagestanis. The Avar "Song of Khanbar", Kumyki "Song about Aygazi", "Kartgochak" truthfully depict the fight against the feud. Move. In the cycle of heroic. Song reflected

the long period of the Caucasian Wars is up to the middle of the 19th century.

In the fairy tales of the peoples of Dagestan, heroic. Epos, in Histor. Songs There are motives of songs and fairy tales of nations. Caucasus, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Central Asia, as well as the Middle East.

Along with oral nar. Creativity in Dagestan 17-18 centuries. Lit developed. Tradition to Arab. and local languages. Already at 15 V. An attempt was made to convey the Arab Arab Arab. graphics. Lithra feud. The epoch includes lit. Monuments, historic. Chronicles, treatises for natural science and philology. Themes possessing famous lit. advantages. The development of secular professional lit-rods contributed to the Schaaban School from the rim (mind 1638), Musa from Kuchuchlya (17th century), etc., in which, along with theology, the right, philosophy, Arab were studied. Language, dictionaries were created, the first samples of writing appeared. An important cultural and historical. The source that makes it possible to understand the path of development of lit-deep peoples of Dagestan, are historical. Chronicles of Haji Ali, Magomed Tahira Al-Karahi, Hasan Alkadari et al., as well as monuments of business writing and translation of lithra.

The most ancient lists of the religion. - Philosophical, moral and ethic., Scientific and art. . Arab. And partly Iran. Authors completed Dag. corresponders, testify to early penetration into Dagestan culture of the Middle East (9-10 centuries). Lists of books in mathematics, astrology, astronomy, medicine have been preserved. Written monuments for Doug. Languages \u200b\u200b(based on Arab. Graphs) are known about 15 V. In 18 V. Many religs were common. poems and others. Op. Dag. Languages \u200b\u200b- Darginz Damadan from the Mugubs, Avutsev Abubekira from Aimaki, Hasan from Kudali, Mohammed from Kuchuchlya (mind 1708) and others. The author of the numerous. philology. and others. Labor - Diber-Cadi Hongzakh (1742-1817) successfully adapted for Avar. Yaz. Arab. Writing and translated with Arab. on Avar. Yaz. Sat "Kalila and Dimna". . Firdoi, Nizami and others. The poets were widely known in Dagestan first in the lists, then in the books.

Penetration into Dagestan monuments Arab. and PERS. Lithing and languages \u200b\u200bhad important historical and cultural consequences. But even more important was the spread of Rus. Language, as well as increasing importance of lithing on a dialectic basis. languages. In the 2nd floor. 19th century After joining Dagestan, Bourges originated to Russia. Socio-economy. relations. Distribution of ideas Rus. revolution. Democrats 19 V. He contributed to the emergence and development of a new course in lit-re and folklore directed against the colonial oppression of tsarism. A. S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, A. A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, V. G. Belinsky, A. A. Fet, L. N. Tolstoy, and others. Rus. Writers highly appreciated oral poetic. The creativity of the peoples of Dagestan and opened the world of some of his excellent samples.

At 19 in. Rus. Scientists have shown great interest in the culture of the peoples of Dagestan. It was publ. Many books on his history and ethnography. It is known to publish a KN. "Derbent-Science" (Petersburg, 1851); Her translation to the English. Yaz. And comments are made by prof. Kazzembom, a native of Derbent. The same book was published in Tiflis in 1898 translated into Russian. Yaz. M. Alikhanova-Avar district. The translation of the "Derbent-Science" to Laki Yaz is known.

The first publications of folklore and lit.-art. . to rus. and Doug. Languages \u200b\u200bbelong to the 19th century. "Memomy of Mutalima" Laktsa Abdullah Omarova to Rus. Yaz. (publ. In the "Collection of information about the Caucasian Highlanders", century. 1-2, 1868-69) tell about the brutalists of the Hanov and Becks, about the fanaticism of the clergy. Known "Collection of Nogai and Kumyk folk songs", Sost. Magomed-Efendi Osmanov, ed. In St. Petersburg in 1883.

In the 1st volume of the "History of World Literature in common essays ..." Vl. R. Zotov (Petersburg, 1877) Translated to Rus. Yaz. Two Kumyk entered., Two Lezghin. And one lacquer song. Famous rus. Researchers Kavk. Yaz. A. A. Sifner and P. K. Uslar in the 2nd floor. 19th century Along with the descriptions of languages, it was published in Tiflis on a new alphabet of MN, developed by P. K.. Avar., Lezgin, Dargin. and Laksk folklore made. on nat. Yaz. and to rus. Yaz. Then there were publ. Folklore Mag., Collected Doug. Culture figures: Avarman Aytendulla Chirkeevsky, Lacc M. Abdullah Omarov, Dargintans M. Amirov, Bashir Dalgatom, Lezgina Kazanfar, Kumykov Shahaliyev, Sultan Adil Heriem, etc.

The period of the 70-90s. You can be considered the time of the formation of DAG. nat. lit-ry. Flowering love lyrics, the appearance of a socio-philosopher. Motifs in Eldarilava poetry from Russian (1857-82), Irchi-Cossack (1830-80), ETEM-Emin (1837-89), Batyraja (1831-1910) and later in Pozhutina Chanki (mind 1909), Makhmuda from Kohab-Roso (1873-1919), Sukur-Kurban (1842-1922) and others led to a gradual allocation of work. Individuality in Nar. poetry. At the same time, there is an increase in the elements of realism in the lyrics. The sublime romance feeling coming from the town of poetry and East poetic. traditions are combined with real details reflecting the personal fate of the poet; in poetic. The image penetrate the objects of Nats. Life, the traditions are intensively destroyed. poetic. Style and genre canons.

D. L. It is finally approved as young Lit-RA, in which the oral forms of existence prevail. Traditions of written nat. Lit-ry continues to develop Yusup from Murbeli and especially Tsadas, the poetry of Kyous continues critic. The focus of Ichchi Cossack, Batirai, Etim-Emin and others, makes a turn to social topics, to subjects and characters of everyday life. The formation of the class self-consciousness of the "pests", yesterday's mountaineant-peasants, leaving for earnings, expressed in the work of the poets of workers Magomed from Tloch, A. Iminagaeva, Haji Akhtynsky, Mahmoud from Kurkley.

In the foremost Years of D. L. Reflected social changes that occurred in the life of the Highlanders, exacerbation of class contradictions. Social motifs during this period are most clearly expressed in Satirich. . Lezgin Suleiman Stalsky (1869-1937) ("judges", "Mullam", "Samovar", "merchants-officials"), Avarza Gamzat Tsadasa (1877-1951) ("Presentation on the alarm", "Diber and Hamster", " Harchevnya "," Isina dog "). Doug arises. Enlighten. journalism. Said Gabiyev (1882-1963) published in 1912-13 in St. Petersburg in Lakski Yaz. gas. "Hahabarh", "Muslim newspaper", newspaper to rus. Yaz. - "Dawn Dagestan." They were printed a revolution. Publicistics and art. Lit-ra. In 1919, the First Piece of Ludilovskiki Luggnets Garuna Saidova (1891-1919) appeared on the theater (1891-1919). Creativity Said Gabiyev and Garuna Saidov, who received Rus. Education, the imprint of the ideas Rus. Release. Movement. In Kumyk. Lit-Ra in these years revolution. Ideas are expressed in the work of Nuhaya Batyrmurzayev (1869-1919) and Zeynalabide Batyrmurzayev (1897-1919).

The October Revolution has created all the conditions for the rapid development of D. L. In the years of chase Wars were born a fighting partis. Songs, revolution. Songs that challenged communist. Party, rising people, freedom. Owls. The authorities rallied the nationality of Dagestan, created writing (1928) to Latin. basis for wide nar. masses. Multilingual owls. D. L. Grew in the fight against Bourges. nationalism, pantyurkism, with the imitation of the Culture of the Cub. feudal patriarch. East. The first steps in its development were made by Writers from Z. Batyrmurzayev and Garun Saidov. Together with the heroes of the chase. Wars - W.

Buynaksky, Kazi-Magomed Agasiev, M. Dahadaev - they died in the struggle for owls. power. In the context of peaceful construction, class struggle took a fierce character. Before D. L. There was a challenge to help strengthen owls. Power on the ground, expose hostile plans of fouls, calling workers to enlighten.

In the 20s The poems of Lezgin became known. Poet Suleiman Stalsky ("Our Power", "Worker", "In Makhachkala", "Bridge", "On the death of Lenin"); Avar. Poets - Gamzat Tsadasa ("Who to choose in advice", "to the village poor"), Magomed Mirza Shamsudina ("On freedom, about the party, about the Red Army"), Umar Arasev ("about Lenin"), Zagid Hajiyev (p. 1898) ("Gergebil HPP"); Dargin. Poets - Parya Urahinsky ("BEFORE AND NOW"), Rabadan Nurov (1890-1938) ("Songs about the Civil War", "A letter of an emigrant"), Aziza Iminagayeva (1885-1944) ("October", "Learn, Comrade "); Kumyk. Poets - Kasyu-Ali (r. 1879) ("White Light and Red Light"), Abdullah Magomedova (1869-1937) ("To the Bakery", "Who does not work, he doesn't eat", "Women, Fields") , Bagau Astemirova ("On the days, when hiding", "Red Partizan", "Shah's complaint"); Lakis writers - Ibrahim-Khalil, Kurban Aliyev ("Fight", passage from a story about the chase. War).

Decision of the Central Committee of the CCP (b) "On Party Policy in the Fiction" (1925), party events implementing this ruling influenced the further development of D. L. In 1928, the LIT-Roy leadership created the Doug Orgburo. Associations of proletarian writers who conducted a great organizational work. Doug. Poets beat Relig. Prejudice, harmful remnants in the consciousness of the Highlanders, customs prevented by the development of culture, Kulacko-Program. ideology, etc. Satirich stand out. Poems Lezgin. Poets: Suleiman Stalsky - "There is no drug from nonsense" (1925), "Do not believe the graceful persuasion" (1927), "stands in place every verse" (1927), "against post" (1929); Alibeck Fataova (1910-35) - "We and them" (1929); Avar. The poet of Gamzata Tsadasa is "instruction" (1926), "Spring plowing" (1927), "Song of the Hazie Ali" (1927), "Starhi's song about March 8", "Crysto" (1928). Avar will appear. Writer Razhab Dingomaeva (1905-44) - "Blood for Blood" (1929), "God in the sky, on Earth" (1927), Piez Lakis writer M. Charinova (1893-1937) "Habibat and Gajic" (1919) and etc.

Acute antirelig. The direction characterizes satiric. . Dargin. Poets - A. Iminagaeva ("Mullah", "What Mullah did with Musoy," Mullah and Girl, 1929) and Sagid Abdullayev (1903-52) ("Mulla's Lullaby Song", 1926; "Amanta", 1930) ; SB-CIR. Kumyk. Writers Nabi Hanmurzayev (1893-1950) ("Laugh through tears", 1929), stories of Yusup Gheeva (1903-41) ("Satellite Malls Nasreddin", 1927). Satire 20s. With her real heroes, the old world, who was pronounced, contributed to the formation of realism in D. L. To start. 30s. from poetry with established traditional forms of D. L. Moved to new forms of art. Images.

After the post. CCP Central Committee (b) "On the restructuring of literary and art organizations" (1932) Depth. Lit. The groups of the republic were united into a single union of owls. writers. The first All-Union Congress of Writers (1934), the first congress of writers of Dagestan; Fighting party with vulgar sociological., Naturalist. and formalistic. The currents in lit-re and criticism, Dag helped in the theory of claim. Writers deeper to understand the essence of socialist. realism, tasks of owls. lit-ry.

Of great importance during these years there was a strengthening of Russian-Dag. Lit. connections. Brigade Rus arrived in Dagestan. Writers to assist local authors;

translations from Nats were carried out. languages \u200b\u200bto rus. Yaz. and back; Systematic has been established. edition Doug. writers. For the first time in 1934 off. publications went out in the native languages \u200b\u200bof the KN. S. Stalsky - "Selected Works", Tsadasa - "Blond Adatov", Kasia Ali - "Kasya Ali sings" and others. Yaz. Published "Anthology of Dagestan literature" (1934), as well as Anthology Avar., Kumyk., Dargin., Lakskaya and Lezgin. Lithing in native languages \u200b\u200b(1932-34). In these years, D. L. It turns out on the All-Union Arena.

In the 30s. The first arrangement appeared. On Tabasaran and Tattic languages. The process of creature has grown. The mutual enrichment of the lit-p of the nations of Dagestan, there were close ties with others. Brotherly Lit-Rami of the Peoples of the USSR. The title of the People's Poet of Dagestan received: Lezgin S. Stalsky (1934), Avatary of Tsadas (1934), Kumyk A. Magomedov (1934), Lakes A. Gafurov (1939). Then Kumyk was made. Poets atkai Ajamatov (R. 1911), Camille Sultanov (R. 1911), Anvar Alegiev (r. 1914), Lakski poet Yusup Khappalaev (r. 1916), Tatsky poet Manuwach Dadashev (1912-43) and others from the first experiments Images of the new life poets are transferred to a broader and diverse reflection of modernity, the emerging characters of owls. People, fighters for a new life. If in the 20s. owls. The reality was reflected in ch. arr. In the genres of lyrics, then in Nach. 30s. Pooms appeared, among which the poem Lezgin A. Fatahova "Drummer Hasan" (1931) is distinguished, indicating the development of the method of socialist. Realism in Doug. poetry. In it, as in the other of the contract. ("Drummer of Roads", "Mountain Scouts", "Em-Te-ES", 1933), A. Fatakhov showed the work of owls. People as the first human need, like joy and happiness. Fataov's creativity enriched Doug. poetry new genres and forms of verse. Dagestan's poets depicted collectivization processes accompanied by an acute class struggle, enthusiasm of the people, the growth of the chase. Consciousness (poem A. Ajamatova "Fire by private property", 1934, poems and songs of S. Stalsky, Tsadasa, A. Oarshava, N. Khanmurzayeva, A. V. Suleimanova, Z. Gadzhieva, A. Magomedova, and others. ). Further development received satire. The impact of fists and pests, bribers, violators of labor discipline, people clinging for old adats, are characteristic of C. Stalsky's creativity and Tsadasa. Sat "Adats Broom" (1934) Tsadasas influenced the development of satire in D. L. Satirich. The focus is strong in the work of Dargin. Poet A. Iminagaeva, Avarsky - Z. Gadzhieva, Kumyksky - N. Khanmurzayev (1893-1950). Labor weekdays Doug. Kolkhozniki are dedicated to the poems of S. Stalsky "Kolkhoznitsa Indezhikhan" (1935), Tsadasa McCoyel Magoma at the Congress "(1934), Kasia Ali" Song about the ordinary collective farmers Gafur "(1934), A. V. Suleimanova" Chaban Abdullah "( 1934) and others with a special force sounds during this period in D. L. Theme owls. Motherland, Communist. Party and the people, the topic of friendship of the peoples of the USSR.

Success socialist. Construction, the rise of the culture of Doug. Peoples served as an inexhaustible source of new topics. The poems of S. Stalsky - "Dagestan" and "Duma about the Motherland" (1937) appeared; Tsadasa - "My Life" (1939); A. Oarshava - "15 years of my life" (1935); Kasyu Ali - "My Song" (1934); T. Khuryugsky - "Sellium Hugwez" (1940); Alimpashi Salavatova - "Red Partisans" (1933); A. V. Suleimanova - "Waves of Revolution" (1930); "Chelyuskintsy" (1935); Bagau Astemirova - "Fighting" (1930); has become a popular verse. Kumyk. Poets Echu Gadzhiyeva - "Former Mistress" (1934). The topic of a liberated woman, Girls Girls received an embodiment in verse. Z. Gadzhiev "Pilot" (1936), "New People and Hot Love" (1940), Tsadasi "The song of girls arriving at pedagogical

courses "(1935), A. Omarchev" Sakinat in the Council "(1933)," Student "(1933). They are expressed in the feelings of women-Gorianka, the globility of a free, equal citizen. Doug. Poetry responded to international. events. Poets created a contract. About the fight isp. People, opposed imperialist. Ancestors of the New World War (Poem A. Fataov "War" and others). By the end of the 30s. The creativity of the Lakis writer Efendi Kapiev (1909-1944); His translation to Rus has become fame. Yaz. . Doug. Folklore, Doug. poets, especially S. Stalsky. Tranquate and skill Kapiev revealed in his books "Stone carving" (1940), "Poet" (BN. 1-2, ed. 1944), which included in the treasury of owls. lit-ry. In the 30s. Associated Tat poets Manuwah Dadashev and Misha Bakhshiyeva (r. 1910), Piez M. Bakhshiyeva "Shah Abbas and Ambal" (1940), Sat. Tabasaran poets M. Shamhalov (r. 1916) and B. Mitarov.

The art began to develop. prose. Along with antirelig. Satirich. Stories Kumyk. Writer Yusup Gheeva (1903-41) came out. Essays A. Ajamatova "Attack by ignorance" (1933), the story "Tupau" (1935), the story A. V. Suleimanova "Hero of Victory" (1931). Sat Stories published Kumyk V. Mukyov. In 1933, the first in D. L. Roman "Heroes in Shubakh" Avar. Writer R. Dingomaeva (1905-44). For the first time in Dargin. Yaz. He began to write stories and essays S. Abdullayev, at the Tatska Yaz. - M. Bakhshiyev and H. Avshalumov. Writers portrayed a class struggle, exacerbated during the collectivization period, created images of new people, called to master knowledge, to culture.

Doug. Dramaturgium during the years of the pre-war five years also actively fought with the remnants of the past, with a relig. Duranta, with the custom of blood revenge, feudal-patriarch. attitude towards a woman. Big societies. The value had plays: "Haskil and Shamil" (1932) Z. Gadzhiev; "Exposed Sheikh" (1933) R. Nurova; "Chest of Disaster" Tsadasa (1937). Some plays were created according to folklore motives: "Aygazi" (post. 1940) and "Karachach" (1940) A. Salavatova (1901-42), "Sapozhnik" Tsadasa and others. Theme of the chase. The war was based on the pies of Lakskiy playwrights M. Aliyev (R. 1907) ("Partizan Magomed", 1935), S. Abdullayeva ("Tulpar", 1937), Tata M. Bakhshiyeva ("Victory of Heroes", 1936). Plays were created, reflecting owls. Reality, growth of new owl people. Dagestan: "In life" (1932) G. Rustamova, "Who" Hergeeva, "Sheban Arslan" A. Kurbanova (r. 1909), "Brother and sister" (1934) M. Aliyev, "Children Chirac" (1935) Tsadasa, "Shorei" (1937) M. Bakhshiyeva and others. The cult of the personality I. V. Stalin, attributing to him all victories of owls. The people led to the spread of rhetoric in lyrics and in epich. poetry the second floor. The 30s and 40s., Carried away from realism towards declarativeness and schematics. Images of life.

Basics of lit. Critics in D. L. laid articles EF. Kapiev, A. Nazarevich, K. Sultanova et al. With criticism. Articles and studies were Rus. Writers and scientists (N. S. Tikhonov, V. A. Lugovskaya, P. A. Pavlenko, Yu. M. Sokolov, etc.). In 1938 writing Doug. The people were translated from Latin. Alphabet to rus. graphics. Increased thrust for the study of Rus. Yaz.

In the 30s, D. L. It consists of a single multilingual LIT-RA based on a single work. Method - Socialist. realism. The leading position in it continues to occupy poetry, where along with the traditions. Great forms appear genres: poem, ballad. Based on nar. The origins of the real-domestic fairy tale, Novella, Nar. Joke, Chronicles, Basni and Nar. Theater, prose and dramaturgy develop, creatively using the traditions of Rus. realism. In D. L. There were first novels, stories, stories, novels, essays, as well as nar. Drama (comedy, heroic. drama, etc.). Writers studied

picture new, complex sides of reality, raised new life layers, created the image of a modern hero.

During the Great Patriotic War Doug. Writers and poets truthfully painted the combat and labor feats of the heroes of the front and the rear. Poets appealed to depicting. Means of oral nar. creativity. It was created a lot of things. Production: "Song of the Bride", "Letter from the front of your beloved", "Wife of Frontovik" Tsadasa; "At the Caucasus gate" (1942), "Mother's voice" Z. Gadzhieva; "Father's Okaz", "Mother's Mother" Lezgin. nar. Poet T. Khuryugsky (1893-1958); "Sat Mountains, Ground Horses" (1943), "Slug of cannons" (1943) Avar. Poet Rasul Gamzatova (r. 1923); "Highlanders" Gadzhi Zalova; "Kabardian woman", "Colonel Plan" Abutaleb Gafurova (r. 1882); "Nights", "On the Road", "Dnipro" A. V. Suleymanova; "The Word of Mother" (1943), "What did Don" Anvara Adzhiyeva told (r. 1914) and others. A wide fame received Satirich. The verses of Tsadasa - "Spring Tales of Hitler", "Summer Tales of Hitler", "On how Hitler chased in two hares"; T. Huriug - "Thoughts of the enemy", "Here he is Hitler." Love Lyrics received great development. In prose, "Front essays" (1944) E. Kapiev, telling about the heroic. Social exp. of people. Him. Fascists Oblitsa S. Abdullayev in essays "one-eyed", "Fritz and Berta", "from the Vistula to Oder." The first days of war are devoted to the stories R. Dingomaeva "Oath" and "Brown Snake" (1942). New plays of Tsadasa - "Basalya", "Meeting in battle" (1944), "Aydemer and Umaganat"; A. Ajamatova - "Steel Drone"; M. Khurschilova (1905-58) - "Andalyaltsy" and others. Put on scenes of owls. Theaters. Art. and journalism. . Rus. writers (A. T. Tvardovsky, A. N. Tolstoy, M. A. Sholokhov, I. G. Ehrenburg, A. A. Fadeeva, K. M. Simonova, etc.), livelihood with the center. Lit. Organizations have provided a large influence on the development of D. L. The desire to comprehend the character of the contemporary, to portray its high moral qualities - owls. Patriotism, courage, resistance, heroism - as typical features of owls. A person - in poetry, prose and drama led to the deepening of psychologist in D. L., prepared her new successes.

At the fronts of the Great Fatherland. War D. L. Lost Writers R. Dingomaeva, M. Abakarova, M. Dadasheva, A. Salavatova, Lezgh. Poet M. Stalsky, Tabasaran. Poet B. Mitarov, etc.

After the war leading in D. L. The topics of the struggle for peace, for the new successes of the communist construction and education of a person. Decisions of the Central Committee of WCP (b) on literature and art issues 1946-1948, the Second Congress of Writers in 1954 and the third congress in 1959 had a great influence on D. L. The most important milestones on the development paths of D. L. The XX and XXII CPSS Congresses appeared. Solutions party. Congresses on literature and art issues, the provisions of the CPSU program were the basis for further enhancement of communist. Idea D. L., its combat direction. Partner. Documents call on writers to closely with the life of the people, to the truthful coverage of the topic of our time, the creation of books, the necessary people. Along with the high-generation poets, known far beyond Dagestan (Tsadas, A. Gafurov, Kasia Ali, T. Huriugsky), and middle-generation poets, which were firmly included in Lit-Ru, nominated young people; Dargintsy Rashid Rashidov (r. 1928), Z. Zulfukarov (r. 1927) and A. Abakarov (r. 1931), Laksi Mirza Magomedov (R. 1921), Abachara Huseynayev (R. 1921) and Badavi Ramadanov (r. 1927 ), Kumyk Sherip Alberiev (r. 1926), Avarka Machiridat Gairbekova (r. 1927) and phase Aliyev, Avarz Musa Magomedov (r. 1926), O. Shakhtamanov (R. 1931). In D. L. Reprints again turned on

the cult of the personality of Stalin B. Astemirov, A. Jafarov, I. H. Kurbanaliyev.

After the war, the poem of Tsadasi "Tale of Chaban" (1949-50) used special fame. Sat His poems "Favorites" marked state. The USSR Prize in 1951. In Postwall. years of work. The heyday reached Avar. Poet Rasul Gamzatov. His poems "Year of My Birth" (1950), "Motherland of the Highlander" (1950), "Conversation with Father" (1952), "My Heart in the Mountains" (1958), "Frame" (1958), Sat. poems "Year of My Birth" (1951, state of the USSR Prize in 1952), including MN. Outstanding ("Highlanders from Lenin", "in the country", "Summer in the mountains", "Mountain road", "Vera Vasilyevna", etc.), Sat. "High stars" (1962, Lenin Prize in 1963) brought all-union recognition to the poet. The poems and poems R. Ghamzatov are transferred to Rus. Yaz. and others. Languages. In 1959, he was awarded the title of the People's Poet of Dagestan.

Associated poems Kumyk. Poets A. Agiyev ("Happy Mountains", 1948, "Songs of Happiness", 1950, "SPEEM I WARNED", 1957); A. Akhimatova (Rabiat's poems, 1957, "Oleni Rog", 1958); A. V. Suleimanova ("Poems and Poems", 1948, "My Duma", 1955); Dargin. Poet Rashid Rashidova (Poem "Aya-Kaka", 1948, "In Aula Pir Mountain", 1958); Lakski poet Y. Khappalaeva ("Stars of Happiness", 1950); Lezgin T. Khuryugsky (Sat. Pychs "My Exhibition", "When Spring is coming", 1954); D. Atnilova ("Waves of Hearts", 1948, "Favorites", 1954); Musa Magomedova ("Mountain Source", 1959).

Before the war in Dagestan, only deployed were known. . For children, Nar. poets. In post-war. The period has grown children. Lit-ra. Poems and poems received the greatest fame: R. Rashidova - "Children" I like this very "(1954)," I came to us in Aul Moroz "(1960); R. Gamzatova - "My Grandfather" (1957); Z. Gadzhieva - "Bird of Valley" (1948), "Santa Claus in the mountains" (1951), "Golden Bone" (1954); Sat stories A. Magomaeva "Chaladar" (1955), his own story "Grandfather and grandson" (1959); Sat Kumyk's stories. Writer M. S. Yakhyaev "I and Ahmed" (1958); Tale Avar. Writer M. Sulimanova "Black Cave" (1958); D. Athnilova "First Lesson" (1953); Sat Poems N. Yusupova "Pigeon and Wheat Grain" (1959). Successfully develops art. prose. Sat Kumyk's stories. Writer IBR. Kerimov "Big Ural" (1953) draws pictures of the life of the Ural workers; Sat is popular with popularity. Stories M. Yakhyaev - "Marriage Malat" (1955); M. Bakhshiyeva - "Stories about my countrymen" (1956), "Simple people" (1958); M. Gadzhieva - "Young Life" (1955) and others. The enemy genre starts to develop. There are large modes. narrate. Lithing - Tale, novels. Tale is dedicated to ch. arr. CZK Life, advanced workers with. xy. Writers still seek the life of workers prom. enterprises, mountains. intelligentsia. The highest fame is the story of Avar. Writers - A. Magomaeva "Frame" (1951), M. Sulimanova "Deceived trust" (1954), Musa Magomedov "Hot hearts" (1954); Kumyksky - A. Ajamatova "Hero Family" (1956), "In the Kumyk steppe" (1953) and "Orlinic nest" (1954), IBR. Kerimov "Glitter of Water" (1950), M. S. Yakhyaeva "Gyulaibat" (1953) and others; Lakski - A. M. Mudunova "Under the Sun of Love" (1950), Mirza Magomedov "crowned happiness" (1953); Lezgin. writer A. Agaeva - "Umud" (1953); Dargintsev Zulfucarova - "Dawn in the mountains" (1954); A. Abu-bakara - Dargin Girls (1963), "Chegery" (1963) and others. Makhach novels (1959) Kumyk. Writer IBR. Kerimov and "Revenge" (1959) Avar. The writer Musa Magomedov depicts the October Revolution and Right. War. Roman to Sovr. The topic released the young Laki writer Ilyas Kerimov ("Gap", 1958).

Post-war Doug. Dramaturgia is represented by the Pieces of M. Khurshilov ("Surov Days", 1949), Sh. Abdullayev

("Revenge", 1947), M. Aliyev ("Family Ramazanov", 1948) and other peaceful construction in Dag. collective farms, historic. And the household topics are dedicated to the play Machiridat Gairbekova - "Meeting" (1950), A. Ajamatova - "Brides" (1953), A. Kurbanova - "Love Assay" (1946), "Neighbors" (1948), "Mountains on fire" ; Z. Efendieva - "Way of Zeynab" (1950), Sh. Abdullayeva - "Wide Wide" (1950), R. Gamzatova - "Frame" (1960), A. Kurbanova and M. Yakhyaev - "Life Roads" (1960) , T. Khuryugsky - Ashug Said (1961), etc.

Alm is published in Makhachkala. "Friendship" for Doug. and rus. Languages \u200b\u200bcoming four times a year. See also Articles: Avar Literatureid \u003d links\u003e Dargin literatureid \u003d links\u003e Kumyk literatureid \u003d links\u003e Lucky literatureid \u003d links\u003e Lezghin literatureid \u003d links\u003e Tabasaranta literatureid \u003d links\u003e Tatian literatureid \u003d links\u003e.

LIT: Usrer P. K., On the distribution of literacy between the mountaineers, Sat. Information about Kavk. Highlanders, c. 3, Tiflis, 1870; Zhirkov L. I., Old and New Avar Song, Makhachkala, 1927; Poets of Dagestan, M., 1944; Column A., Efendi Kapiev, Stavropol, 1946; Sultanov K. D., Suleiman Stalsky, Makhachkala, 1949; its same, Poets of Dagestan. Critical biographical. Essays, Makhachkala, 1959; Tsadasa G., Makhmud from Kakhab-Roso, Makhachkala, 1950; Nazarevich A. F., Abutaleb Gafurov, Makhachkala, 1953; Kapiev N., Creative. the path of Tsadasa, Makhachkala, 1953; Agiataev A., Stola Suleiman, Makhachkala, 1955; its same, Alibeg Fataovanov Yaratmitunar, Makhachkala, 1956; Govorov S. D., Laki Theater, Makhachkala, 1957; Govorov S. D. I. Abdullayev , Lezgin Theater, Makhachkala, 1960; Govorov S. D., Kumyk Theater, Makhachkala, 1955; its same, Avar Theater, Makhachkala, 1959; Dag essays. owls. lit-ry, [under total. ed. S. M. Breitburg], Makhachkala, 1957; Magomedov B., essays of the Avarian Dorvoltsu. Lit-Ry, Makhachkala, 1961; Musakhanova G. B., Essays Kumyk Porevervitz. Lithing, Makhachkala, 1959; Kassiev E. Yu., Essays of the Lakskaya Dorevolyts. Lithing, Makhachkala, 1959; Khalilov Hm. M., Laki Song Folklore, Makhachkala, 1959; Poetry of the peoples of Dagestan. Anthology, vol. 1-2, M., 1960; Dagestan Tale and Stories, M., 1960; Amaev M., Writers owls. Dagestan, Makhachkala, 1960; Ognev VF, Journey to poetry (about the work of R. Gamzatov), \u200b\u200bMakhachkala, 1961; Dagestan lyrics. Preport. and total. ed. N. Tikhonova, M., 1961; Abakarova F. O., Essays of Darginsky Dorvoyolts. Lit-Ry, Makhachkala, 1963; Agayev A., Suleiman Stalsky. Life and creativity, Makhachkala, 1963.