Shadow Theater Templates of Figurines from Tales. Homemade Magic: Shadow Theater do it yourself

Shadow Theater Templates of Figurines from Tales. Homemade Magic: Shadow Theater do it yourself
Shadow Theater Templates of Figurines from Tales. Homemade Magic: Shadow Theater do it yourself

The theater of shadows is an ancient, very spectacular and amazing (especially for children) art. How to make a screen and "actors" for the shadow theater; How to come up and provide the most spectacular and surprise moments of the performance; How to attract children to rehearsals and setting the performance of the theater of Shadows - the answers to all these issues are easy to find in publications of this thematic section. There is a living experience of teachers in this type of theatrical art, which flows great opportunities for the comprehensive development of children.

Shadow play. Mysterious shadows on the magic canvas.

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Library of images "Maam-Pictures"

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The Theater of Shadows is still attracting attention. And this is the century of television and computers! And all the fact that this theater has no dignity: the shadow performance is created in front of the public, and therefore with its participation.

The technique of the theater of shadows is simple.

Figures characters, silhouettes of decorations are cut from fine cardboard.

To get a shadow on the screen, a light source is needed. To project silhouettes to a small screen (25x40 cm in size), enough lamps are sufficient. Cardboard scenery and figures in this case are attached to the screen itself, and their shadows will be the same value as the figures themselves. This is the simplest view of the shadow theater.

The same theater of shadows are shown on the big screen. This requires another source of light. Well suited, for example, a 100-watt lamp used in projection lamps. The screen is best made from thin white matter. Its dimensions can be large enough. We recommend to arrange a screen with a size of 160x210 cm, and it is necessary to attach it at a height of at least 80 cm from the floor and the bottom close the dark curtain.

The screen is set to the working frame with the grooves, the size of 25x40 cm. Frame This makes from plywood or thick cardboard. On it, fasten the silhouettes of the scenery, within which move the figures. Get to the Silhouettes enlarged on the screen are clear and bright.

Artists are usually located on the chairs along the edges of the frame. Behind the frame is a darkened box with a lamp. The box provides a window of about 5x8 cm. Remember, one hundred distance from the light source to the frame should be 30-40 cm, and from the frame to the screen - 120-130 cm.

To reproduce decorations in the Shadow Theater, slides often use.

For color lighting, the screen must have a set of filters or colored glasses. Retractable frames are installed on the box with a light source in which filters are inserted. For many light effects, it is good to have another light source. Place it on the side of the workframe, but so that the light does not illuminate the screen. A tree made of cardboard gives a black color on the screen. But lighten the screen from illumination with green light, and the tree will immediately become green. Thanks to the white light of the main light source, the rest on the screen will remain the same color.

The Theater of Shadows is widely practiced in the system of pedagogical education. At the same time, this type of art, as a rule, does not require complex equipment and serious acting skills, which gives additional opportunities to use it both in educational institutions and at home.

History of origin

According to individual historical sources, the theater of shadows as art originated in ancient China, in the era of the Han dynasty. According to another version, the Shadow Theater was borrowed from the culture of ancient Egypt. The most common plot for performances in China was a historic epic. In the other countries that took this type of art, the plot also had its own specifics. For example, in India, the shadows were more often focused on religious themes, and in Turkey - on comedy.

In our country, the shadow theater appears at the turn of the 17-18 centuries, during the reign of Anna Ioannovna. For example, its elements were used as part of school theaters in the spiritual seminaries and academies.

The role of the shadow theater in the development of children

Children's shadow theater is not just a kind of game for a child - this is an additional way to develop it. Games with shadow stimulate the fantasy of the baby, develop his imagination. Obtaining certain characters here is possible, for example, by folding the fingers in a certain way. Accordingly, it gives additional opportunities for the development of the child's hand agility, consistency of his movements.

At the same time, if we are talking about early age, then the play can arrange the parents of the baby. Children of older age are already able to take part in the performance themselves. For group classes it is also possible to use the shadow theater. In kindergarten, entertainment data is often used as exercises for the development of motility and child speech. And text support, in turn, stimulates the speech culture of the baby.

Finger-shadow theater.

This species is the most common in working with kids. It allows you to create a shadow theater with your own hands. It requires a smooth and lamp to create it. The lamp should be against the center of the screen, at a distance of several meters from the wall so that the light falls straight to it. It is better if the following proportion is observed: the screen width is equal to the distance from the lamp to the screen.

Material for the screen can serve as any translucent fabric either tracing tensioned on the plywood frame.

Also suitable sheet, fixed in the doorway. Or you can install a simple screen, which will be placed the light source. At the same time, it is necessary to choose the right to choose an aid so that the shadow of the leading does not overlap the shade of the hands. In addition, to enhance the effect in the room should be as dark. By folding your fingers into a specific combination, you get an image of a character. Further all depends on your imagination. To make your performance more fascinating, you can organize reading on the roles, include the appropriate musical background and so on.

Used images

Silhouettes for the shadow theater can choose the most diverse, depending on the plot of your performance. It is better to start with simpler images, gradually complicating combinations. The most common are animal silhouettes; Also with the help of hands it is possible to portray human figures, plants and various items. At the same time, you can give the child the opportunity to call the characters or items that he sees. It is also advisable to depict the interaction between the characters: how they react to each other, talk, move in space, etc. In addition, each created image can be accompanied by a small poem, for example: "Butterfly lives one day. Left Butterfly Wing - Morning Dawn. Right - Evening "(S. Kozlov). Your performance will be more exciting if with the help of characters tell a fairy tale or fable (in which there is a small number of heroes). For example, Basni I. A. Krylova is well suitable.

Use of additional funds

If the performance is focused on the children of the older kindergarten group, it is possible that the finger the shadow theater is incurred less. Still, this lesson is more suitable for kids. How to make a shadow theater brighter and memorable? In this case, additional funds can be used. So, for example, if we are talking about a performance in an educational institution, and not about a homely family evening, it is better to use a real, professional screen.

The characters for performances can become both ordinary dolls and specially made from various materials silhouettes. In this case, the material for cutting characters is better to choose black. It is better to attach to the sticks. You can complicate the action using more movable forms. So, for example, it can be moving with special ropes.

Doll Manufacturing Instructions

A sketch is made on thin cardboard, which carries out the head of the future character. With the help of the glue or stationery clips (you can also use a needle with a thread) a paper tube for an index finger is attached to the head - together they form a doll torso. In turn, the middle and dice becomes the legs of the character. At the same time, the figures are better to make it so that their heads and limbs are moving - this will make the shadow theater for children more dynamic and emotional.

Then in the details it is necessary to make punctures and stretch the wire segments swirling on both sides of the spiral. In order to make eye doll, first the punctures are also made, the holes of which are subsequently expanded by some pointed object (shill, knife, etc.). A circle carved with a color transparent film is pasted on the hole. Then the doll parts are covered with black paint.

Character manufacturing example: Elephant

To give mobility figures, you can also use buttons. Here is an example of making elephant figurines for a performance:

Legs and torso from cardboard on the template are cut;

On the place of fixing the first and second pair of feet are made by small holes;

The fastening of feet pair is carried out due to rubber bands and buttons (the gum is in the holes of the buttons, and its ends are passed through the legs and the torso of the elephant);

From the reverse side, the design is also fixed using buttons or with a piece of matches.

Thus, the elephant acquires a moving connection, which allows you to portray the movement of his legs during the performance.

Scene and scenery

If you use in the performance of dolls, you should define the scene on which the presentation will take place. For example, it can be made of a large rectangular box: there is a large hole in it, which is then riveted with a white sheet of paper.

Also, the shadow theater looks more spectacular if you use the scenery. They can be cut out of paper and are attached along the contour of the screen.

At the same time, it is important that, on the one hand, the scenery was clearly visible, and on the other hand, it was enough space for the characters of the play in the center of the screen.

Thus, the shadow theater in kindergarten is not only an element but also an element of their own creativity, as well as a component of the system of education and child development. In addition, classes of this kind stimulate the emotional sphere of children - emotions are accompanied by both the process of preparing the representation, manufacture of characters and scenery, and directly the plot itself of the performance. The additional effect of the spectrum, of course, adds the curtain.

This amazing book game turns into a real desktop theater, where stories are playing unusual actors - shadows.
In it you will find:
Folding scene of the theater of shadows;
The set for cutting the silhouette images of characters and scenery for two theatrical productions, created by the work of the wonderful artist Elizabeth, Beth;
Two famous fairy tales presented in the form of plays;
New interesting ideas!

Come up with your own production! Choose a fairy tale that I would like to see on stage or come up with your own story. Divide it into several parts (scenes), consider the characters' dialogs. Use the scenery and silhouettes from this set or create your own. Create new characters is completely easy. If you do not have black cardboard, draw on white, and then just fidgeting the silhouette of black paint. Try using various materials for decorating your scenery or characters: feathers, lace, cloth, colored cigarette paper.

Creativity in children needs constant feeding. And the standard toys at home is sometimes not happy at all very much. They want more - their own performances, invented stories that can be demonstrated to parents in an unusual form. The game of shadows in this case becomes an excellent solution. Consider how to make the theater of shadows with your own hands at home and what is needed for this.

What can be the theater of shadows

Of course, the main characters in any plot of the theater of the Shadows will be the shadows themselves. However, options in which way and on what can be obtained can be somewhat.

Hand movies The theater can be made with your own hands in the literal sense of these words. Probably, many with a convenient annex and the case create from the hands on the wall all sorts of bird figures, fish, animals. But you can turn improvisation into real art if you learn how to correctly group your hands under one or another character.
Theater of shadows on the wall If you have a large searchlight or lamp at home, as well as a lot of free space, you can at the angle to direct the light on the wall that does not have unnecessary items. Children become under these rays and begin to play scenes, I am interested in posture. On the wall can be recorded and figures cut from the stencil. You can cover the spotlight itself and the "scenarios" of the screen made with your own hands from the chairs and covered.
View on stage Spectators are sitting in the dark, and in front of them "Screen". Manipulations with cardboard figures, wood or ordinary paper takes place between the front wall of the scene and the lamp.

How to make the theater of shadows do it yourself at home

If everything is quite simple with the first two options, then you need to try with the third. You can go in a simple way and take a simple cardboard box as the base for the scene. For example, from household appliances. White sheets or thin white paper stretches on the box. Special paper for the patterns is suitable - it has an optimal density and does not shine.

Figures can be made with their own hands from different materials, but the cardboard is best for this role, because it will be the opportunity to cut thin parts (handles, legs, tails, smooth bends). You can come up with the heroes yourself or take advantage of the stencils.

  1. Initially, cut from the cardboard two of the same parts and when they are bonding, a part of the cane is paved in the bottom.
  2. Printed a cane on the back of the figure of Scotch tape. You can take the tube, cutting her tip on the stripes, place them on the sides and glue for these stripes to the hero from behind.
  3. Glue glue.

The cane itself can be a wooden spanch, toothpick, plastic tube. The scenery is made similarly to the characters and are attached to the foam or any other material suitable for this.

If you want to make shadow theater for children with their own hands even more interesting, you can make individual parts of the characters movable. They are cut and attached to the main part with wire or threads. For this, openings are made on both sides. The rolling part should also be attached to the skewer, and even better - put on a string for which the child at the right moment will be able to pull up - a magical way will rise with a hand or foot with a character, a bird will fly away.

The source of light in this case can be a conventional lamp, which will shine at right angles on the back of the scene, highlighting the figure of the heroes of the shadows. But the lantern will still use safer.

Interesting exciting games, can be used with the huge delight of children and in kindergarten, and in the child's birthday. You can start with the settings of the simplest ordinary fairy tales, where only 3-4 characters are used (for example, "Ryabn chicken"), and then make the author's performances along with children for grandparents in a few hands.