Andre Morua works. Online reading book letters stranger Andre Morua

Andre Morua works. Online reading book letters stranger Andre Morua
Andre Morua works. Online reading book letters stranger Andre Morua



  • Morua A. Three dumas. - M.: Young Guard, 1962. - 544 p. 1965 ("ZhZL").
  • Morua A. Life Alexander Fleming. Per. With Fr. I. Ehrenburg, aftergot. I. Kassirsky m .: Young Guard, 1964. - 336 p. ("Zhzl").
  • Morua A. Prometheus, or the life of Balzak. - M.: Progress, 1967. - 640 p.
  • Morua A. Georges Sand. - M.: Young Guard, 1968. - 416 p. ("Zhzl").
  • Morua A. Paris. - m.: Art, 1970. - ("Cities and Museums of the World").
  • Morua A. The infancy of love. Three novels. Letters of a stranger. - MN. : Mastotskaya Literature, 1988. - 351 p.
  • Morua A. Bayron. - M.: Young Guard, 2000. - 422 p. - ISBN 5-235-02327-7 ("ZhZL").
  • Morua A. France. - St. Petersburg. : B. S. G.-Press, 2007. - 272 p. - ISBN 978-5-93381-246-3.
  • Morua A. Holland. - St. Petersburg. : B. S. G.-Press, 2007. - 224 p. - ISBN 5-93381-235-8, 978-5-93382-235-7.
  • Morua A. The history of France. - St. Petersburg. : Humanitarian Academy, 2008. - 352 p. - ISBN 978-5-93762-049-1.
  • Morua A. Three dumas. - m .: Ast, Ast Moscow, VKT, 2010. - 512 p. - ISBN 978-5-17-063026-4, 978-5-403-02976-6, 978-5-226-01969-2.
  • Morua A. Olympio, or the life of Viktor Hugo. - m .: Russia-Cyrillic, 1992. - 528 p. - ISBN 5-7176-0023-2.
  • Morua A. Prometheus, or the life of Balzak. - m .: Raduga, 1983. - 672 p.
  • Morua A. Open letter to young man about science live
  • Morua A. Dizraeli life
  • Morua A. September roses. - SPb.: ABC. 2015 - 220 s.


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  • In the library Maxim Moshkov

Excerpt characterizing Andre Morua

- Nastasya Ivanovna, what will be born from me? She asked the jester, who in her Kotzavka was going towards her.
"From you fleas, dragonflies, blacksmiths," answered the jester.
- My God, my God, all the same. Oh, where would I go? What would I do with me? "And she quickly standing in his legs, ran along the stairs to Fogel, who lived with his wife in the upper floor. Fogel was sitting two governess, there were plates on the table with raisins, walnuts and almond nuts. Governess spoke about where to live cheaper, in Moscow or in Odessa. Natasha sat, she listened to their conversation with a serious thoughtful face and got up. "Island Madagascar," she said. "Ma da Gas Car," she repeated clearly every syllable and not responding to questions M ME Schoss that she says, came out of the room. Petya, her brother, was too at the top: He and his uncle sat the fireworks, who intended to let go at night. - Peter! Petka! She screamed to him, - drove me down. C - Petya ran toward her and put back. She jumped on him, clasping his neck with his hands and he bounced off with her. "No need - Madagascar island," she said and jumping out of him, went down.
As if bypassing his kingdom, having experienced his power and making sure that everyone was submissive, but that all the same boring, Natasha went to the hall, took the guitar, sat down in a dark corner for the cabinar and began to go through the strings in the bass, heaving the phrase she remembered from One opera heard in St. Petersburg with Prince Andrey. For foreign listeners, she had something that had no sense on her guitar, but in her imagination because of these sounds a number of memories resurrected. She was sitting behind the cabin, fixing the eyes on the light of the light, which fell out of the bofeting door, listened to himself and recalled. She was in a state of memories.
Sonya went to the buffet with a glass through the hall. Natasha looked at her, on the gap in the bofeting door and it seemed to her that she recalls the fact that the light was falling out of the buckboard and that Sonya went with a glass. "Yes, and it was exactly the exact same," thought Natasha. - Sonya, what is it? - shouted Natasha, sorting through the fingers on the thick string.
- Oh, you're here! "Starting, Sonya said, came up and listened. - I do not know. Storm? - She said timidly, fearing to be mistaken.
"Well, in the same way, she shuddered, just liked it and timidly smiled when it was," thought Natasha, "and exactly the same ... I thought that she was lacking in it."
- No, this is a chorus from the waterproof, you hear! - And Natasha rested the motive of the choir to give him to understand Sona.
- Where did you go? - asked Natasha.
- Water in a glass change. I am now a Doris pattern.
"You are always busy, and I do not know how," Natasha said. - And where?
- Sleep, it seems.
"Sonya, you'll be woken by him," Natasha said. - Tell me that I am singing him. - She sat down, thought about what it means that all this was, and, without allowing this issue, and I don't regret it, again in the imagination I was transferred by the time she was with him together, and he loved with her eyes looked at her.
"Ah, as soon as he would come. I'm so afraid that this will not be! And most importantly: I'm glad, that's what! Will not be what is in me now. Or maybe he will arrive now, will come. Maybe came and sits there in the living room. Maybe he came yesterday and I forgot. " She got up, put the guitar and went to the living room. All homemade, teachers, governess and guests sat at the tea table. People stood around the table, and Prince Andrew was not, and there was all her old life.
"And, here she," said Ilya Andreich, seeing the width of Natasha. - Well, sit down to me. "But Natasha stopped near the mother, looking around around, as if she was looking for something."
- Mum! - she said. "Give me it, let mom, rather, rather," and again she hardly retained sobs.
She sat down to the table and listened to the conversations of the elders and Nikolai, who also came to the table. "My God, my God, the same faces, the same conversations, as dad holds a cup and blows the same way!" Thought Natasha, with horror feeling a disgust that risen in it against all the home for the fact that they were all the same.
After the tea, Nikolai, Sonya and Natasha went to the sofa, in their favorite angle, in which their most implanial conversations always began.

- It happens to you, "Natasha brother said, when they sat down in the sofa, - it happens to you what it seems to you that nothing will happen - nothing; What is all that good, was it? And not what is bored, and sad?
- And how! - he said. "I had that everything was fine, all the fun, and I would like to mind that all this was tired and that everyone would need to die." I didn't go to the regiment on the shelf, and there I played music ... And so I suddenly bored ...
- Oh, I know it. I know, I know, I picked up Natasha. - I was still small, so it happened to me. Remember, since I was punished for plums and you were all danced, and I sat in the classroom and sobbed, I will never forget: I was sad and sorry for everyone, and myself, and everyone sorry. And, most importantly, I was not guilty, "Natasha said," do you remember? "

Recognized unsurpassed by the author of biographies. But the literary activity of the French writer is very rich and versatile. Its Peru owns biographical novels and psychological stories, novels about love and travel essays, philosophical essays and fantastic stories. But what kind of genre neither belongs to his books, the harmony of the language of the writer Morua, the clarity of thought, the perfection of the style, the subtle irony and the fascinating story forever conquer readers.

Biography writer

Emil Erzog, famous for readers under the name Andre Morua, was born in the family of industrialists in Normandy, not far from Rouen, in 1885. Father was the owner of a textile factory, where he later worked as an administrator and Andre himself. The childhood of the writer was serene: wealthy parents, friendly family, respect and attention from adults. Later, the author wrote that this particularly formed in him tolerance to someone else's opinion, a sense of personal and civil debt.

Child read a lot. It is especially celebrated by his love for Russian writers who did not fade to the last days of life. For the first time began writing in Ruan Lyceum, where he studied since 1897. Among the teachers of the future writer, Morua had a philosopher Alain, who had a significant impact on the worldview of the young man. Having received a licention degree, Andre still preferred family business studies that was engaged in about ten years. After the death of Father, Morua refused to lead a family business and devoted himself entirely to a literary career.

Years of war

During the First World French writer, Morua served as an officer of communication, after he worked in the editorial office of Croa-de-Fye magazine. Morua participated in and at the beginning of the Second World War served in the French army. Thanks to the ties of the second wife, in particular, Marshal Perenu, in 1938, Morua was elected chairman of the prestigious French academy and held this chair for almost thirty years.

After the occupation of France by the Nazis, together with his family, moved to the United States, returning to his native country in 1946. In 1947, the writer legalized his pseudonym. He died in the suburb of Paris and was buried on the cemetery of Neu-sur-Sen.

Personal life

In 1909, in Geneva, the writer Andre Morua met the daughter of Polish Count Jeanne Shimkevich, who became his first wife and mother of his two sons and daughters Michelle. The daughter became a writer, her Peru belongs to the trilogy, which was based on many family letters. In 1918, Zhanin, the writer's spouse, survived the nervous breakdown, and in 1924 she died from Sepsis.

In the autumn of the same year, after the release of the book Dialogues Sur Le Commandment, he was invited to lunch Marshal Petten. Here the writer meets Simono de Kaylaveth, the daughter of the playwright of Haston Arman and his granddaughter Madame Arman, the hostess of the fashionistan literary salon and the Museum of the writer Anatoly France. Wedding Simonov and Andre took place in 1926.

Literary heritage

French writer Andre Morua left a rich literary heritage. Despite the fact that he began to write pretty early, he published his novels only in 1935. Morua gathered them in the book "First Stories." This also entered the "birth of celebrities", written by the writer in 1919. The difference between the semi-children's stories and this novelty is amazing.

His first book "Silence Colonel Brambla", which was based on his memories of World War I, he published in 1918. Morua was very demanding for himself, this partly explains the success that his first novel brought. It is difficult to name the genre to which the writer would remain indifferent. Among his heritage, historical studies, nomanized biographies, sociological essays, tale for children, psychological novels and literary essays.

Andre Morua books

Memories and experience gained in the First World War have formed two books of the writer Morua: "Silence of Colonel Brambla", published in 1918, and "Dr. O'Gredy" speeches, who saw the light in 1921. In the post-war years, the writer creates psychological novels:

  • in 1926, "Bernard Kene" comes out;
  • in 1928, published "Visibility of Love";
  • in 1932, the light saw the "Family Circle";
  • in 1934 - "Letters of the Stranger";
  • in 1946 - a collection of stories "Land Promised";
  • in 1956 - "September Roses".

Peru a writer belongs to the trilogy of the life of English romantics, published later under the general name "Romantic England". It included: published in 1923 the book "Ariel", in 1927 and 1930, respectively, the "life of Dizraeli" and "Byron" came out. Literary portraits of French writers made up four books:

  • 1964 - "From Labryuer to Proust";
  • 1963 - "From Prut to Cam";
  • 1965 - "From Zhid to Sartre";
  • 1967 - "From Aragon to Monterlan."

The master of the biographical genre, Morua is the author of books about great people, in which, on the basis of accurate biographical data, he paints their live images:

  • 1930 - Bayron;
  • 1931 - "Turgenev";
  • 1935 - "Voltaire";
  • 1937 - "Eduard VII";
  • 1938 - "Shutubin";
  • 1949 - "Marseil Prist";
  • 1952 - "Georges Sand";
  • 1955 - "Viktor Hugo";
  • 1957 - "Three Dumas";
  • 1959 - "Alexander Fleming";
  • 1961 - "Life of Mrs. de Lafayette";
  • 1965 - "Balzac".

The writer Morua is the author of scientific and journalistic books: this is the "History of England", published in 1937, in 1943 the "History of the United States" was published, in 1947 - "The History of France". The creative heritage of the writer is huge: it owns more than two hundred books and thousands of articles. The collected works of the writer came out in the early 50s in sixteen volumes.

The undisputed quality of Andre Morua as a writer is a sophisticated psychologism, which manifested himself brightly in his works. To finish the article I would like it with the words that sound like the covenant to contemporaries: "The artist is obliged to make an understandable real world. Readers are looking for high spiritual values \u200b\u200bin books and new forces. Our duty is to help the reader to see in every person of a person. "

Bernard Kenie, the hero of the novel of the same name, becoming the director of the textile factory, subordinates his life concerns about production. His bride, without preparing rivalry with the plant, breaks the engagement.

Andre Morua (1885-1967) is the classic of French literature of the 20th century, the author of many brilliant biographical works, novels and stories. He traveled a lot and gladly shared with readers with his travel impressions. The story of Holland is full of the most unexpected observations, curious excursions in the distant past, reflections on how the national character of the inhabitants of the Netherlands was formed.

Collection "For Piano Solo" (1960) - an invaluable collection of masterpieces of small prose of the great Andre Morua, united the novels created by the writer throughout his life. Laconically and Emko, with a truly Gallic humor - exquisite and evil - the author writes about human vices and weaknesses.
And at the same time, following the favorite principle of paradox, the writer finds a place in his soul for benevolence and sympathy for his heroes and heroines, thirsting to take the best places under the sun.

About A. Fleming, who discovered Penicillin, we can say without exaggeration: he won not only illness, he defeated death. Few doctors honored as great historical glory.

An exciting biographical novel Andre Morua is devoted to the life of the French writer Aurora Duduevan (1804-1876), whose works were printed under the pseudonym Georges Sand. Her creativity was widely known to the Russian reader in the year before last, the Belinsky and Chernyshevsky gave him a high appreciation.

Andre Morua, the classic of French literature of the 20th century, the author of the famous Romanized biographies in Dumas, Balzac, Viktor Hugo, and others, is considered a genuine master of psychological prose.
For the first time in Russian, his novel "The Land Promised".

Andre Morua, the classic of French literature of the 20th century, the author of the famous Romanized biographies in Dumas, Balzac, Viktor Hugo, Shelly and Bairon, is considered a genuine master of psychological prose. However, a significant part of the heritage of the writer constitutes historical writings.

Andre Morua, the classic of French literature of the 20th century, the author of the famous Romanized biographies in Dumas, Balzac, Viktor Hugo, and others, is considered a genuine master of psychological prose. However, a significant part of the heritage of the writer constitutes historical writings. He owns a whole series of books dedicated to the history of England, USA, Germany, Holland.

Andre Morua - Literary Portraits

To the reader
The reader, the right friend my friend, my brother, you will find several etudes about books that all my life gave me joy. I would like to hope that my choice coincides with yours. Not all the great works will be dealt here, but those that I chose, they seem great to me.

French writer, classic genre of the biographical novel Andre Morua; The real name - Emil Erzog (Emil Herzog) was born on July 26, 1885 in the town of Elbeff near Rouen.


During World War I, Andre Morua was a communications officer at the command of British forces in France and served as a military translator in the British Expeditionary Corps. Military impressions served as material for the first novels of Morua "Silent Colonel Bramblble", 1918 and "Talking Dr. O'Gredy". After the death of the Father in 1925, Morua sold the factory and devoted himself to literary creativity. In 1920-1930. Andre Morua created the trilogy of the life of English romantics: "Ariel, or Shelly's life", "Life of Dizraeli" and "Byron", which was later published under the general name "Romantic England", and released several novels: "Bernard Kene", "Transformation Love "," Family Circle ".

In 1938, Andre Morua was elected a member of the French Academy.

When the Second World War began, the writer was signed by a volunteer in the operating army, and after the occupation of France by German troops, emigrated to the United States. He taught at Kansat University. In 1943 he served as part of alliatic troops in North Africa. In 1946, Morua returned to France.

Close friendship bonds associated Morua with the pilot and writer Antoine Saint Exupery. In the autumn of 1939, both left the Ministry of Information to serve in the army. The fate brought them again to emigration in the United States, then in the liberated from the Germans Algeria.

After returning to Motherland, Morua published the novel collections, the book "In Search of Marseille Proust" (A La Rechelche De Marcel Proust, 1949).

The creative heritage of Morua is truly huge - 200 books, more than a thousand articles. Among his works are psychological novels and stories, fantastic novels and travel essays, the biographies of great people and literary portraits, historical works and philosophical essays - "Feelings and customs", "Paul Verlin. Kaliban, who was Ariel", popular science work - "History of England" and "History of France".

At the beginning of the 50s. Xx in. The publication of the essay of Andre Morua in 16 volumes was published.

French writers are dedicated to literary portraits, who made four books by Andre Morua: "From Labryuer to Proust" (1964), "From Prut to Cami" (1963), "from Zhid to Sartra" (1965), "from Aragon to Monterlan" (1967 ).

In 1956, "Letters of the Stranger" were published in Paris in Paris. In Russian, appeared in 1974 in abbreviated form in the journal "Foreign Literature".

But, first of all, Morua - the master of the biographical genre, where, on the basis of the exact documentation, he draws live images of great people. He won the worldwide fame (1930), "Turgenev" (1931), "Lelia, or the life of George Sand, 1952)," Olympio, or the life of Viktor Hugo "," Three duma, "" Life of Alexander Fleming "(1959).

In the year of the 80th anniversary of Morua wrote the last biographical work "Prometheus, or the Life of Balzak".

In 1970, the book Andre Morua "Memoirs" was published in France, in which the writer spoke about his life, about meetings with such great contemporaries as Roosevelt and Churchill, de Gaulle and Clemiso, Kipling and St. Exupery.

Many works of the writer are translated into Russian, among them "the infancy of love", "Family Circle", "Life of Alexander Fleming", "Career Diezer", "Bayron", "Olympio, or the life of Viktor Hugo", "Three Duma", "Prometheus, or Balzac's life", etc.

In the sixties, Morua willingly performed on the pages of Soviet press. They were established friendly relations with Soviet writers.

Morua was a member of a number of public organizations, collaborated in democratic publications. Signed the protests of cultural figures against the arrests of the Mexican artist David Sicairos, the Greek poet Jannis Ritzos.

Andre Morua was married twice. After the death of the first wife of Yanina de Szimkievik, he was combined with a marriage with Simona de Kaywe, the niece of Marseille Prutes.

Bernard Kenie, the hero of the novel of the same name, becoming the director of the textile factory, subordinates his life concerns about production. His bride, without preparing rivalry with the plant, breaks the engagement.

Andre Morua (1885-1967) is the classic of French literature of the 20th century, the author of many brilliant biographical works, novels and stories. He traveled a lot and gladly shared with readers with his travel impressions. The story of Holland is full of the most unexpected observations, curious excursions in the distant past, reflections on how the national character of the inhabitants of the Netherlands was formed.

Collection "For Piano Solo" (1960) - an invaluable collection of masterpieces of small prose of the great Andre Morua, united the novels created by the writer throughout his life. Laconically and Emko, with a truly Gallic humor - exquisite and evil - the author writes about human vices and weaknesses.
And at the same time, following the favorite principle of paradox, the writer finds a place in his soul for benevolence and sympathy for his heroes and heroines, thirsting to take the best places under the sun.

About A. Fleming, who discovered Penicillin, we can say without exaggeration: he won not only illness, he defeated death. Few doctors honored as great historical glory.

An exciting biographical novel Andre Morua is devoted to the life of the French writer Aurora Duduevan (1804-1876), whose works were printed under the pseudonym Georges Sand. Her creativity was widely known to the Russian reader in the year before last, the Belinsky and Chernyshevsky gave him a high appreciation.

Andre Morua, the classic of French literature of the 20th century, the author of the famous Romanized biographies in Dumas, Balzac, Viktor Hugo, and others, is considered a genuine master of psychological prose.
For the first time in Russian, his novel "The Land Promised".

Andre Morua, the classic of French literature of the 20th century, the author of the famous Romanized biographies in Dumas, Balzac, Viktor Hugo, Shelly and Bairon, is considered a genuine master of psychological prose. However, a significant part of the heritage of the writer constitutes historical writings.

Andre Morua, the classic of French literature of the 20th century, the author of the famous Romanized biographies in Dumas, Balzac, Viktor Hugo, and others, is considered a genuine master of psychological prose. However, a significant part of the heritage of the writer constitutes historical writings. He owns a whole series of books dedicated to the history of England, USA, Germany, Holland.

Andre Morua - Literary Portraits

To the reader
The reader, the right friend my friend, my brother, you will find several etudes about books that all my life gave me joy. I would like to hope that my choice coincides with yours. Not all the great works will be dealt here, but those that I chose, they seem great to me.