Draw the princess to the fairy tale on the buyer. Picky Pie Tale

Draw the princess to the fairy tale on the buyer. Picky Pie Tale

Russian folktale

three brothers lived with one small village: Semen, Vasily and Third - Emelya-Fool. The older brothers were married and engaged in trade, and Emelya-Fool lay on the furnace, overcated soot and slept for a few days a total sleep. And once the brothers decided to go to the capital city to buy goods. Emel was awakened, stepped out of the furnace and tell him: "We, Emely, are leaving in the capital city for different goods, and you live with the daughters well, listen to them if they ask you to help them. If you listen to them, We will bring you from the city of Red Caftan for this, a red hat and a red subdoscope. And besides, there are still many hotels. " And Emela just liked red clothes in the forest; He was delighted with such outfits and shook his hands away from joy: "Everything, brothers, will be done for your wives, if only buy such outfits!" He himself climbed onto the oven again and immediately fell asleep with an incomplete sleep. And the brothers said goodbye to their wives and went to the capital city. Here Emely sleeps day, sleeps others, and on the third day the daughter-in-law will be: "Get up, Emelya, from the oven, I probably slept, because you sleep for three days. Go to the water on the river!" And he answers them: "Do not take me to me, I really want to sleep. And they themselves do not baryni, go through the water!" "You've gave the floor to the brothers that you will obey us! And he himself refuse. In this case, we will write to the brothers, so that they do not buy you neither red caftana, nor a red cap, nor red podoids, no hotels."

Then Emelya quickly scores from the oven, puts on bellows and thin caftan, the whole stalled soot (and he never wore cap), took the buckets and went to the river.

And so, when he scored water in the hole and wanted to go, I saw a pike suddenly from the corrup. He thought: "A good cake will be baked to me daughter-in-law!" Put buckets and grabbed the pike; But Pike suddenly spoke to a human voice. Emelya was even a fool, but he knew that the fish did not tell the human voice, and was very frightened. And the pike told him: "You let me go to the water to freedom! I will come in without time for you, I will fulfill all your orders. You just say:" By whining velinist, and in my last "- and everything will be for you."

And Emel let her go. Let go and thinks: "Or maybe she deceived me?" He walked over to the buckets and shouted the buckets: "By whining vein, and in my first, buckets, go to the mountain yourself, do not break any water drops!" And he did not have time to finish his last word, as buckets went.

The people saw and surprised by such a miracle: "How much we lived in the world, not only to see, I didn't even have to hear, so that the buckets went, and this fool had themselves, and he goes from behind and laughs!"

When the buckets came to the house, then the daughter-in-law was surprised by such a miracle, and he quickly climbed onto the oven and fell asleep with a henichrsky sleep.

A quite a lot of time passed, they ended the margin of cheat firewood, and the daughter-in-laws have conceived pancakes. Will Emel: "Emelya, and Emel!" And he replies: "Do not pray for me ... I want to sleep!" - "Go to the shaking of firewood and bring to the hut. We want pancakes oven and you feed the most oil." - "And do not Baryni yourself - go, throw and bring!" - "And if we only put the firewood, we do not apply, then you will not give a single pancake!"

about Emel loved pancakes very much. He took the ax and went to the courtyard. Colop, colole, and thought: "What am I killed, fool, let the pike tickle." And he said to himself with a quiet voice: "By whining velinist, and in my first, the ax, if the firewood, and the firewood, fly in the hut." And here is an ax at one moment all the stock of firewood smoked; Suddenly the door opened and a huge bunch of firewood flew into the huge. The daughter-in-law be ashamed: "What did this happen to us with the Emes, he directly creates some wonders!" And he entered the hut and climbed onto the oven. The daughter-in-law melt oven, jumped pancakes, sat down at the table, eat. And it was awake, walked, never woke up.

After some time, they have ended all the stock of firewood, you need to go to the forest. They began to wake him again: "Emel, stand up, wake up, - I probably got enough sleep! At least you wash our terrible face - you look at what I smeared!" - "Wash yourself, if you need! And so well ..." - "Go to the forest for firewood, we have no firewood!" - "Learn and yourself - do not baryni. The firewood brought you, and the pancakes did not feed me!" - "We walked you, walked, and you don't even serve voices! Not we are to blame, and you yourself are guilty. Why not got it?" "" I'm warm on the stove ... And you would take and put me a blink at least three. I would have awakened, I would have ate them. " - "You all reperimate us, do not listen to us! We must write to the brothers so that they do not buy you for any red outfits and hotels!"

Then Emelya was frightened, puts his thin caftan, takes the ax, goes to the courtyard, wraps the sleigh and takes a bang in his hands. And the daughter-in-law came out to watch: "Why don't you choose a horse? How can you go without a horse?" - "Why a poor horse torture! I'll go without a horse." - "You, at least a hat on the head, put on or taught something! And then the frost, frost the ears." - "If my ears are choking, then I am a ships shoe!" And he himself told a quiet voice: "By whining vein, and in my first, go, go, Sani, in the forest and fly faster than birds." And he did not have time to finish the latter words, as the gate swung open and the sleigh faster than birds flew towards the forest. And Emelya sits, lifting the club up, and that neither there is voices, sings stupid songs. And his hair stands end.

The forest was outside the city. And so he has to pass through the city. And the urban audience does not have time to run away from the road: I wondered - there is some kind of well done without a horse, in some sleigh! Who was enough for his sleigh, he beat a club - what will fall. Here he is the city of slipped and many people remembered many of their bangin. I arrived in the forest and shouted with a loud voice:

"At my time, the ax, an ax, Ruby firewood itself, and firewood, fly in Sani themselves!"

A little only he managed to finish his speech, as he had a full fire around him, and fastened hard. Then he sat down on WHO and drove again through this city. And the streets were so bonded by the people. And everyone argue about the young man, which drove into some sleigh without a horse. On the way back, when Emelya passed with the firewood, then even more suppressed people and even more twisted a club than for the first time. I came home, climbed onto the furnace, and the daughter-in-law also got it: "What did this happen to us with the Emes, it is directly about some miracles: he and buckets go, and the firewood will fly to the horses, and Sani without a horse go! We are unlought with him. Probably, he remembered many people in the city, and we will put us in the dungeon with him! "

And they decided to send it anywhere else. And Emelya sleeps calmly on the furnace, when will awaken, it overloaded in the pipe South and falls asleep again.

He came about Emele a rumor before the king that there is such a person who has Sani themselves and that there are a lot of people in the city he suppressed. Calls upon the king of the faithful servant and orders him: "Go and you search for me to me well and bring me personally!"

The royal servant goes to the wanted in various cities, and the villages, and the villages and everywhere and everywhere receives the same answer: "To keep heard about such a young man, but where he lives, do not know." Now, finally, he falls into the city where Emel pressed a lot of people. And this city from the village of the village is in the seven versts, and just one person came from the village of Emelina and told him that such a well done lives in his village, is an Emelya-fool. Then the royal servant comes to the village of Emelin, it comes to the rural elder and tells him: "We go we take this well done, who supposed so many people."

When the royal servant and the elder came to the house of Emelie, the daughter-in-law were very frightened: "We disappeared! This fool is not only ruined, but also us." And the royal servant asks the daughter-in-law: "Where is Emelya?" - "Won on the furnace sleeps." Then the royal servant shouted with a loud voice on Emel: "Emelya, get out of the furnace!" - "What is it for? I'm warm on the stove. Do not pray for me, I want to sleep!"

And again walked strong sleep. But the royal servant, together with the old-fashioned, wanted it to pull him with a stove by force. When Emel felt that he was raised from the furnace, he shouted in his entire bad throat with a loud voice: "By whining the vein, and in Yemelin, I'm sick, a double, and the coarse of the royal servant and our old-fashioned!"

And suddenly the club appeared - as he began to beat the merciless and older, and the royal servant! They barely got out of this hut. He sees the royal servant that there is no possibility to take any possibility, went to the king and told him everything in detail: "You look, your royal majesty, like all my body is beaten." And raised his shirt, and his body was like a cast iron, black, all in abrasions. Then the king calls on the other servant and says: "One spotted, and you go and bring. And if you don't bring it, I'll take my head with you, but you will be generously rewarding!"

ruge the royal servant asked the first where Emel lives. He told him everything. He hired the top three and drove to Emele. When I arrived in Emelin, the village turned to the old: "We show me where Emel lives, and help me take it." The headman is afraid to nape and the royal servant - can not, punish, and Emelini beatings are still afraid. He all told him in detail and said that it was impossible to take extraneel. Then the royal servant and says: "So how do we take it?" Starost says: "He loves the hotels: candy and gingerbread."

She gained the royal servant of the hotels, comes to the house for Emele and began to wake him up: "Emelya, get off the oven, you have sent many hotels a king." When Emelya heard this, was delighted and said: "Come on, I and on the stove of their female - why should I lie? And then and rest." And the royal servant and tells him: "You eat the living rooms, will you go to the king to visit? He ordered you to come to visit." - "Why not to go? I love to ride." And the daughter-in-law said the royal servant: "It is better to give him to the oven that they intend to give. And if he promised to come to the king, he would not deceive, he will come."

And here they filed hotels, he ate them. The royal servant says: "Well, there were hotels, now we will go to the king." Emelya to him in response: "You're going, the royal servant ... I'll catch you up: I will not be deceiving, I will come," I went to the whole hut, I choke.

And the royal servant once again asked the daughter-in-law, right if he promises, then after doing? Those, of course, confirmed that he really never deceives. The royal servant went away, and Emelya sleeps self-oven. And wake up - seeds loved, then falls asleep again.

And now there was quite a lot of time, and Emelya does not think to the king to go. Then the daughter-in-law began to wake and scold: "You, Emel, get up, get enough sleep!" He answers them: "Do not bane me, I want to sleep very much!" - "But you promised to go to the king! The hotels ate, and you yourself sleep and do not go." "Well, okay, now I will go ... Serve me, my caftan, and then, perhaps, we are cold." "And you will take, because you will go to the furnace! Peel from the oven yes take." - "No, on Sanya, Oget, I will arrange on the stove, and on top of a caftan!"

But the daughter-in-law says to him: "What are you, fool, do you think and do? Where is the breath that people go to the furnace!" - "That people, and then I! I'll go."

And he jumped off the oven, from under the shop pulled his caftanishko, climbed again to the oven, she took himself and loud voice said: "According to a whining velinist, and in my first, the oven, go straight to the king to the palace!"

And the stove glanced and suddenly flew to the will. And faster than birds rushed to the king. And he in all his throat sits the songs and lie down. Then he fell asleep.

And only drove the royal servant into the yard of the king, how the Emelya-Fool flies on her furnace. The servant saw that he came, and ran to report to the king. It was interested in such an arrival not only the king, but also his whole retinue and all his family. Everyone came out to look at Emel, and he sits on the oven and snatched her mouth. And the royal daughter came out. When Emel saw such a beauty, he liked her very much, and he said to himself with a quiet voice: "By whining the classroom, in my opinion, in love, beautiful, in me." And the king orders him to pursue from the furnace; Emelya replies: "It's why? I'm warm on the oven, I see you and see you ... What you need, say!" The king then he said to a strict voice: "Why did you confuse a lot of people when I drove into the sleigh?" - "And what do they not roll? And you would stand in the mouth, and you would ask!"

The king was very angry with these words and ordered Emel to pull from the oven. And Emelya, as he saw the royal custody, said a loud voice: "By whining the vein, in my place, the oven, fly to my place back!" And he did not have time to graduate from the last words, as the oven with the speed of lightning flew out of the royal palace. And the gate opened themselves ...

He arrived home, the daughter-in-law ask him: "Well, was the king?" - "Of course, I was. I didn't go to the forest!" - "You, Emelya, do we have any miracles! Why do you all move: and Sani drive yourself, and the furnace itself flies? And why don't people do this?" - "No and will not. And everything is listening to me!"

And fell asleep strong sleep. Meanwhile, Tsarevna began to wander in Emele so that she had already become without him and God's light. And he began to ask her father with her mother so that he would call this young man and marry her. The king was surprised by such a strange request of his daughter and heavily angry with her. But she says: "I can't live anymore on white light, some strong melancholy attacked me - let me marry him!"

arj sees that the daughter is not amenable to persuasion, does not listen to her father and mother, decided to call this fool by Emel. And sends the third servant: "Go and bring it to me, but not on the furnace!" And now the royal servant comes to the village of Emelia. Since they told him that Emel loves the hotel, he scored a lot of various hotels. At the coming woke Emel and says: "Peeze, Emelya, from the furnace and eat the living room." And he says to him: "Come on, I'm on the furnaces of rent!" - "You really have breakdown on the sides - you all lie on the furnace! I want you to sit near me, and I will treat you like a barina."

Then Emelya peels down from the furnace and puts on its caftan. He was very afraid of colds. And Kaftan - just that was the name "Kaftan" - hung a patch on the patch, all was torn. And now the royal servant begins to treat it. And Emelya soon ate hotels and fell asleep at the table on the bench. Then the royal servant ordered Ememel to put his own and so, sleepy, brought to the palace. When the king learned that Emelya arrived, ordered to roll out the forty-evader barrel and put in this barrel of Tsarevna and Emeyel-fool. When planted, the barrel was scrambled and lowered into the sea. And Emelya and in the barrel sleeps in an incomplete sleep. On the third day it began to wake his beautiful princess: "Emelya, and Emelya! Stand up, wake up!" - "Don't stick to me. I want to sleep!"

She bitterly cried because he did not pay any attention to her. When he saw her bitter tears, he was squeezed over her and asks: "What are you crying about?" - "How don't I cry? We are thrown into the sea and sit in the barrel." Then Emelya said: "By whining veliny, and in my first, barrel, to fly ashore and scatter into small parts!"

And their instantly wave of maritime rose ashore, and the barrel crumbled; And this island was so good that the wonderful princess went on him and could not fall his beauty until the very late night.

When it came to the place where he left Emel, he sees: he, covered with Kaftan, sleeps in a non-bother. She began to wake him up: "Emel, and Emelya! Stand up, wake up!" - "Don't stick to me! I want to sleep." "And I want to sleep." Yes, under the open sky, we get on the night ... "-" I caressed with a cafetan. " - "And what?" - "What is the case?"

Then the princess was very bitterly asked because he didn't pay any attention to her, and she loves him from his whole soul. When he saw that Tsarevna cries, he asked her: "What do you need?" - "Yes, at least we will make a shala, and then I will rain with the rain." Then he shouted with a loud voice: "By whining the velinist, and in my last, there are such a palace, which is still not on the whole world!"

And only a little time to finish the last words, as a marble and very beautiful palace appeared on this beautiful island, which there is no and there was not in any metropolitan city! Tsarevna takes the hands of Emel and comes up to this palace. And their courtesome meet, and their widespread doors and the doors will answer them, and give the earthly bow to the raw land ...

when they entered this palace, then Emelya, the first bed rushed to sleep, without removing even his torn cafetan. And the princess, meanwhile, went to inspect this magnificent palace and admire his luxury. When I came to the place where Emey left, he saw suddenly that he cries bitterly. Asks him: "What are you talking about, cute emel, so bitterly crying?" - "How can I not roar and not cry? Furnaces, I don't find, I don't have something!" - "Does you feel bad on the fluff perin or on a precious sofa?" - "I am best for me on the furnace! And besides, I have nothing to smoke: soot I do not see anywhere ..."

She calmed him down, he fell asleep again, and she left him again. And when came across the palace, comes to Emele and wonders: Emel stands in front of the mirror and swears: "I am very ugly and bad! What is my terrible face!" And the princess is responsible for him: "Although you are not good and naked, and my heart is very nice, and I love you!" Then he said: "By whining the courage, and in my last, I have to become the most beautiful youth!"

And so suddenly, before the eyes of the prini, Emelya changed in such a handsome hero turned into such a hero, which is not to say in a fairy tale, to describe it! And with a smart reason ... Only then he loved the princess and began to contact her as his wife.

After a long time, they suddenly hear the cannon shots on the sea. Then the Emely and the beautiful princess leave their palace, and Tsarevna recognizes the ship of his father. She says Emele: "Go come to the guests, and I will not go!"

When Emelya approached the pier, the king with his retinue was already ashore. And the king is divided into this newly built palace with magnificent green gardens and asks Emel: "What kind of kingdom belongs to this precious palace?" Emelya said: "This is yours." And asks him to a visit to try holly bread.

The king entered the palace, sat down at the table, he asks Emel: "Where is your spouse? Or are you idle?" "No, I'm married, now I will give you my wife."

Emelya went behind his wife, they are suitable for the king, and the king was very surprised and straightened, he does not know what to do! Asks: "Surely it's you, my dear daughter?" "Yes, I, the Daepent Parent!" You and my spouse threw me in the pumped barrel in the sea, and we were floating on this island, and my Emelyan Ivanovich himself made it that you see my eyes. " - "How so? After all, he was a fool and even was not like a person, but rather for some kind of monster!" "He is the most, just now reborn and changed." Then the king asks for for forgiveness - both in the daughter and the beloved son-in-law Emelyan Ivanovich; They forgive him for him.

Picks from their son-in-law with her daughter, the king invites them to visit themselves, to heal them and invite everyone relatives and familiar to the wedding, to which Emel gave his consent.

if the king began to send the messengers, so that all for this great feast came, then Emelya also says his beautiful princess: "And I have relatives, allow me to go to them personally. And you stay while staying in the palace." The king and the beautiful young princess, though with reluctance, but nevertheless let go, gave him the top three horses harvested in a ripped carriage, and with a kucher, and he rushed into his village. When he began to approach native places, driving a dark forest, suddenly hears the Aucanne. Orders he to stop the cumper and tells him: "These are some people got lost in this dark forest!"

And begins to answer their voice himself. And she sees, they are suitable for him two of his brother. Emelya asks them: "What do you go, good people, here and so loudly shout? I guess you got lost?" - "No, we are looking for your native brother. He disappeared with us!" - "How did he miss you?" - "And he was taken to the king. And we think that he ran away from him and, probably, got lost in this dark forest, because he was a fool" - "So why do you wanted a fool?" - "How do we not be looking for him? After all, he is a native brother, and we regret it in the forest than yourself, because he is poor, stupid man!"

And the brothers fed to the eyes of tears. Then Emelya says: "This is the most - your brother Emelya!" They do not agree with him: "You, please do not laugh and do not deceive us! We are so sick."

He began to assure them, told how everything happened to him, and remembered everything that he knew about his village. And besides, he took off his clothes and said: "You know that I have a big mole on my right side, and now I have on my side."

Then the brothers believed; He planted them in a sideline carriage, and they went further. Having traveled to the forest, reached the village. Emelya hires another three horses and sends brothers to the king on it: "And I will go to the daughters, your wives."

When Emelya arrived in his village and entered the native home, then the daughters were very frightened. And he says to them: "Going to the king!" Those barely stood on their feet and bitterly: "Probably, our fool of Emel was driving something, and we probably puts the king to the dungeon ..." And he orders: "As soon as possible, it's not necessary to take anything with yourself! " And they sat them about themselves in a split carriage.

Here they come to the Tsarist Palace, where the king, and the beautiful princess, and the royal retinue, and their husbands go towards them. Husbands say: "What are you very grieved? After all, this is with you our brother Emelyan Ivanovich!" They say and have fun smiling by wives. Only then they calmed down, they rushed to the legs of Emelyan Ivanovich and began to ask for forgiveness for his badly with him before the appeal. Emelya forgave them all and everyone - both brothers and daughter-in-law - dressed in precious clothes. And the king feast prepared and gave the parent blessing of his daughter and Ever to go under the crown. When they were married, Emely did not do in the royal palace, and invited everyone to his palace on the island. And all the tsarist retinue with guests with great pleasure went to see this wonderful island and a precious beautiful palace. And on arrival there was asked for the whole world.

And I was there, wine, drinking drinks, flowed across the mustache, and did not get into my mouth!

About Emel and Pike.

    He lived was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third is a fool of Emelya.

    Those brothers work, and Emel lies all day on the stove, does not want to know anything.

    Once the brothers left for the bazaar, and women, daughter-in-law, let's send it:

    Go, Emelya, water.

    And he from the stoves:


    Go, Emelya, and then the brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you.


    Tears of Emelya from the stove, shoved, got dressed, took the buckets and the ax and went to the river.

    I burned the ice, buried the veser and put them, and he himself looks into the hole. And he saw Emelya in the corruption pike. I was illuminated and grabbed the pike in my hand:

    Here the ear will be sweet!

    Emelya, let me go to the water, I come to you.

    And Emel laughs:

    What do you come in handy me? .. No, I will carry you home, you can cook my daughter-in-mind. There will be a sweet ear.

    Pike prayed again:

    Emelya, Emelya, let me go to the water, I will do you all that you wish.

    Okay, only show first that you do not cheat me, then I will let go.

    Pike asks him:

    Emelya, Emely, tell me - what do you want now?

    I want the buckets to go home and water would not have splash ...

    Pike him says:

    Remember my words: When you want - tell me only:

    "By whiteway
    In my opinion. "

    Emelya and says:

    By whining cuisine,
    In my opinion -

    Coming, buckets, home ...

    Just said - Vyra himself and went uphill. Emelya put a pike into the hole, and he himself went for the vendors.

    We go to the village in the village, the people are divided, and Emel goes at the back, laughs ... I went to the exterior to the hut and became a shop, and Emelya got to the oven.

    Was a lot of whether the time - the daughter-in-law tell him:

    Emelya, what are you lying? Would go to the firewood.


    Do not disturb firewood, brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you.

    Ever reluctance to sink from the furnace. He remembered about Pike and Slowly says:

    By whining cuisine,
    In my opinion -

    I look, the ax, the shaking of firewood, and the firewood - go to the hut and put in the oven ...

    The ax jumped out from under the shop - and on the courtyard, and let's do the firewood, and the firewood themselves go to the hut and climb the oven.

    Many, if there was no time - daughter-in-law say again:

    Emely, we no longer have firewood. Congress in the forest, violaby.

    And he from the stoves:

    Yes, what?

    How are we on what? .. Is our business in the forest for firewood ride?

    I'm reluctant ...

    Well, there will be no gifts.

    Nothing to do. Tears of Emel from the furnace, shoved, dressed. He took the rope and the ax, went out into the yard and sat in Sani:

    Baba, revole the gate!

    The daughter-in-law says:

    What are you, foolish, sat down in Sani, and the horse is not ground?

    I do not need a horse.

    The daughters took the gate, and Emel speaks slowly:

    By whining cuisine,
    In my opinion -

    Go, Sani, in the forest ...

    Sani themselves and went to the gate, yes so quickly - do not catch up with the horse.

    And in the forest it was necessary to go through the city, and then he remembered a lot of people, suppressed. The people scream: "Keep it! Catch it!" And he, know, Sanya chases. Arrived in the forest:

    By whining cuisine,
    In my opinion -

    The ax, the violas of firewood, and you, the firewood, ride yourself in Sani, fade apart ...

    The ax began to chop, prick dry firewood, and the firewoods themselves are lying in the sleigh and rope. Then Emelya ordered the topor to cut off his battlefield - such a raise to raise. Feed on WHO:

    By whining cuisine,
    In my opinion -

    Go, Sani, home ...

    Sanya rushed home. Again, he drives Emelya for the city, where the divecha remembered, suppressed a lot of people, and there they are waiting for him. Calculated Emel and drags with WHO, scold and beat.

    He sees that a bad thing, and slowly:

    By whining cuisine,
    In my opinion -

    Well, a double, broke the sides ...

    Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother. The people rushed away, and Emel came home and climbed into the oven.

    How long, briefly - he heard the king about the emetini trips and sends an officer behind him - to find him and bring him to the palace.

    The officer arrives in that village, he enters that hut, where the Emel lives, and asks:

    Are you a fool of Emel?

    And he from the stove:

    What are you talking about?

    Dress Rather, I'll take you to the king.

    And I reluctance ...

    An officer became angry and hit him on his cheek. And Emelya speaks slowly:

    By whining cuisine,
    In my opinion -

    Dubinka, Broke the Boc ...

    Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother the officer, he feet abandoned.

    The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with the Emers, and sends his most random items:

    Bring to me to the Palace of Fool Emel, and then I will take my head off my shoulders.

    Bucked up the wideline Izyumu, prune, gingerbread, came to that village, entered the hut and began to ask the daughter of the daughter, which loves Emel.

    Our Emelya loves when he is affectionately asked yes red caftan ascend, "then he will do everything that will not ask.

    Missed Welheck gave Emeyle Iisma, prune, gingerbread and says:

    Emelya, Emelya, what are you lying on the furnace? Let's go to the king.

    I am warm here ...

    Emelya, Emelya, the king will be good to feed - go, please go.

    And I reluctance ...

    Emelya, Emelya, the king you red caftan will give, a hat and boots.

    Emelya thought-thought:

    Well, okay, you go ahead, and I will be behind you.

    I left the venel, and Emel was still saying:

    By whining cuisine,
    In my opinion -

    Well, the oven, go to the king ...

    Here in the hives, the corners were glanced, the roof was stupid, the wall flew out, and the oven itself went down the street, on the road, straight to the king.

    The king looks out the window, is divided:

    What is this miracle?

    Differ Welcome to him:

    And this is the Emel on the furnace goes to you.

    The king came out on the porch:

    Something, Emel, for you a lot of complaints! You suppressed a lot of people.

    Why did they climb under Sani?

    At this time, the royal daughter was glared on him the window - Marya-Tsarevna. Emelya saw her in the window and speaks slowly:

    In my opinion -

    Let the royal daughter love me ...

    And said again:

    Stay, oven, home ...

    The oven turned and went home, went to the hut and became for the previous place. Emelya again lying-lie down.

    And the king in the palace cry and tears. Marya-Tsarevna is bored by Ever, can't live without him, asks her father, so that he gave her for the Emel to marry. Then the king worn, shouting and says again as many nobles:

    Stay, bring me a living or dead Emel or the dead, and then he will take off his shoulders.

    Bucked scalid wedlan's wines of sweet and different snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to sweat emeel.

    Emelya got drunk, ate, Zahmel, and went to bed. And the nobleman put it in the wagon and brought to the king.

    The king immediately ordered to order a big barrel with iron hoops. It was planted by Emel and Mariu-Tsarevna, scratched and the barrel was thrown into the sea.

    How long, briefly - Yemel woke up, sees - dark, closely:

    Where is me?

    And he is answered:

    Bored and nausea, Ememyushka! We were scrambled in a barrel, threw in the blue sea.

    And who are you?

    I am Marya-Tsarevna.

    Emel says:

    By whining cuisine,
    In my opinion -

    Wasy winds, roll off the barrel on the dry coast, on the yellow sand ...

    Warm winds poured. The sea was excited, barrel thrown into a dry shore, on yellow sand. Emelya and Marya-Tsarevna came out of it.

    Emeyelushka, where will we live? Build some kind of hut.

    - And I'm reluctant ...

    Here she began to ask him to ask him, he says:

    By whining cuisine,
    In my opinion -

    Running, Stone Palace with a Golden Roof ...

    Only he said - a stone palace appeared with a golden roof. Circle - Green Garden: Flowers flower and birds sing. Marya-Tsarevna from Emers entered the palace, got from the window.

    Emeyelyushka, and you can not become a handsome to you?

    Here Emel thought for a short time:

    By whining cuisine,
    In my opinion -

    Become a good one to me, writing a handsome ...

    And Emely became such that in a fairy tale, nor the pen describe.

    And at that time the king went to hunt and sees - it is worth the palace, where there was nothing before.

    Is it for the unfortunate without my permission on my land put the palace?

    And I sent to ask: "Who are these?" The ambassadors ran, steel under the window, asked.

    Emelya answers them:

    Ask the king to visit me, I'll tell him himself.

    The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads to the palace, puts on the table. Start they to appear. The king eats, drinks and not put pressure:

    - Who are you, kind well done?

    And remember the fool by Emel - how came to you on the stove, and you told him with her daughter in a barrel to scramble, throw in the sea? I am the same Emel. I want - all your kingdom of fire and ruin.

    The king was very frightened, it became forgivers to ask:

    Marry my daughter, Emeyelushka, take my kingdom, just do not goubi me!

    There was a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Marya-Tsarevne and began to rule the kingdom.

    Here and the fairy tale is the end, and who listened - well done.

Russian folktale By whining veliny

He lived was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third is a fool of Emelya.

Those brothers work, and Emel lies all day on the stove, does not want to know anything.

Once the brothers left for the bazaar, and women, daughter-in-law, let's send it:

Go, Emelya, water.

And he from the stoves:


Go, Emelya, and then the brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you.


Tears of Emel from the stove, shoved, dressed, took the buckets and the ax and went to the river.

I burned the ice, burned the buckets and put them, and he himself looks into the hole. And he saw Emelya in the corruption pike. I was illuminated and grabbed the pike in my hand:

Here the ear will be sweet!

Emelya, let me go to the water, I come to you.

And Emelya laughs:

What do you come in handy me? .. No, I will carry you home, you can cook my daughter-in-mind. There will be a sweet ear.

Pike prayed again:

Emelya, Emelya, let me go to the water, I will do you all that you wish.

Okay, only show first that you do not cheat me, then I will let go.

Pike asks him:

Emelya, Emely, tell me - what do you want now?

I want the buckets to go home and water would not have splash ...

Pike him says:

Remember my words: When you want - tell me only:

"By whining the courage, in my opinion."

Emelya and says:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - go, go, buckets, home ...

Just said - the buckets themselves and went uphill. Emelya put the pike into the hole, and he went beams himself.

Give buckets in the village, the people are divided, and Emelya goes from behind, laughs ... Bucked buckets in the hut and became a shop themselves, and Emelya got to the oven.

Passed, a lot of whether it was not time - the daughter-in-law tell him:

Emelya, what are you lying? Would go to the firewood.


Do not disturb firewood, brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you.

Ever reluctance to sink from the furnace. He remembered about Pike and Slowly says:

By whining the velenia, in my opinion - like, the ax, the shaking of firewood, and the firewood - go to the hut and put in the oven ...

The ax jumped out from under the shop - and on the courtyard, and let's do the firewood, and the firewood themselves go to the hut and climb the oven.

Many, if there was no time - daughter-in-law say again:

Emely, we no longer have firewood. Congress in the forest, violaby.

And he from the stoves:

Yes, what?

How are we on what? .. Is our business in the forest for firewood ride?

I'm reluctant ...

Well, there will be no gifts.

Nothing to do. Tears of Emel from the furnace, shoved, dressed. He took the rope and ax, went out into the yard and sat in Sani:

Baba, revole the gate!

The daughter-in-law says:

What are you, foolish, sat down in Sani, and the horse is not ground?

I do not need a horse.

The daughters took the gate, and Emel speaks slowly:

By whining the velenia, in my opinion - go, Sani, in the forest ...

Sani themselves and went to the gate, yes so quickly - do not catch up with the horse.

And in the forest it was necessary to go through the city, and then he remembered a lot of people, suppressed. The people scream: "Keep it! Catch it!" And he, know, Sanya chases. Arrived in the forest:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - the ax, the ones, and you, the firewood, are rolled in the sleigh, fade away ...

The ax began to chop, prick dry firewood, and the firewoods themselves are lying in the sleigh and rope. Then Emelya ordered the topor to cut off his battlefield - such a raise to raise. Feed on WHO:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - go, Sani, home ...

Sanya rushed home. Again, he drives Emelya for the city, where the divecha remembered, suppressed a lot of people, and there they are waiting for him. Calculated Emel and drags with WHO, scold and beat.

He sees that a bad thing, and slowly:

By whining vein, in my opinion - well, a baton, broke the sides ...

Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother. The people rushed away, and Emel came home and climbed into the oven.

How long, briefly - he heard the king about the emetini trips and sends an officer behind him - to find him and bring him to the palace.

The officer arrives in that village, he enters that hut, where the Emel lives, and asks:

Are you a fool of Emel?

And he from the stove:

What are you talking about?

Dress Rather, I'll take you to the king.

And I reluctance ...

An officer became angry and hit him on his cheek. And Emelya speaks slowly:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - a baton, breaking my sides ...

Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother the officer, he feet abandoned.

The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with the Emers, and sends his most random items:

Bring to me to the Palace of Fool Emel, and then I will take my head off my shoulders.

Bucked up the wideline Izyumu, prune, gingerbread, came to that village, entered the hut and began to ask the daughter of the daughter, which loves Emel.

Our Emelya loves when he is affectionately asked yes red caftan ascend, "then he will do everything that will not ask.

Missed Welheck gave Emeyle Iisma, prune, gingerbread and says:

Emelya, Emelya, what are you lying on the furnace? Let's go to the king.

I am warm here ...

Emelya, Emelya, the king will be good to feed - go, please go.

And I reluctance ...

Emelya, Emelya, the king you red caftan will give, a hat and boots.

Emelya thought-thought:

Well, okay, you go ahead, and I will be behind you.

I left the venel, and Emel was still saying:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - well, the oven, go to the king ...

Here in the hives, the corners were glanced, the roof was stupid, the wall flew out, and the oven itself went down the street, on the road, straight to the king.

The king looks out the window, is divided:

What is this miracle?

Differ Welcome to him:

And this is the Emel on the furnace goes to you.

The king came out on the porch:

Something, Emel, for you a lot of complaints! You suppressed a lot of people.

Why did they climb under Sani?

At this time, the royal daughter was glared on him the window - Marya-Tsarevna. Emelya saw her in the window and speaks slowly:

By whining velin. In my opinion - let the royal daughter love me ...

And said again:

Stay, oven, home ...

The oven turned and went home, went to the hut and became for the previous place. Emelya again lying-lie down.

And the king in the palace cry and tears. Marya-Tsarevna is bored by Ever, can't live without him, asks her father, so that he gave her for the Emel to marry. Then the king worn, shouting and says again as many nobles:

Stay, bring me a living or dead Emel or the dead, and then he will take off his shoulders.

Bucked scalid wedlan's wines of sweet and different snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to sweat emeel.

Emelya got drunk, ate, Zahmel, and went to bed. And the nobleman put it in the wagon and brought to the king.

The king immediately ordered to order a big barrel with iron hoops. Emel was planted in it and Marwe - Tsarevna, scrambled and barrels in the sea threw.

How long, briefly - Yemel woke up, sees - dark, closely:

Where is me?

And he is answered:

Bored and nausea, Ememyushka! We were scrambled in a barrel, threw in the blue sea.

And who are you?

I am Marya-Tsarevna.

Emel says:

By whining the veliny, in my opinion - the winds are rains, roll off the barrel on the dry coast, on the yellow sand ...

Warm winds poured. The sea was excited, barrel thrown into a dry shore, on yellow sand. Emelya and Marya-Tsarevna came out of it.

Emeyelushka, where will we live? Build some kind of hut.

And I reluctance ...

Here she began to ask him to ask him, he says:

By whining vein, in my opinion, the stamped, the stone palace with the Golden Roof ...

Only he said - a stone palace appeared with a golden roof. Circle - Green Garden: Flowers flower and birds sing. Marya-Tsarevna from Emers entered the palace, got from the window.

Emeyelyushka, and you can not become a handsome to you?

Here Emel thought for a short time:

By whining velin, in my opinion - to become a good one to me, writing a handsome ...

And Emely became such that in a fairy tale, nor the pen describe.

And at that time the king went to hunt and sees - it is worth the palace, where there was nothing before.

Is it for the unfortunate without my permission on my land put the palace?

And sent to learn-ask: "Who are these?" The ambassadors ran, steel under the window, asked.

Emelya answers them:

Ask the king to visit me, I'll tell him himself.

The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads to the palace, planting at the table. Start they to appear. The king eats, drinks and not put pressure:

Who are you, kind well done?

And remember the fool by Emel - how came to you on the stove, and you told him with her daughter in a barrel to scramble, throw in the sea? I am the same Emel. I want - all your kingdom of fire and ruin.

The king was very frightened, it became forgivers to ask:

Marry my daughter, Emeyelushka, take my kingdom, just do not goubi me!

There was a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Marya-Tsarevne and began to rule the kingdom.

Here and the fairy tale is the end, and who listened - well done.

He lived was an old man. He had three sons: two smart, the third is a fool of Emelya.

Those brothers work, and Emel lies all day on the stove, does not want to know anything.

Once the brothers left for the bazaar, and women, daughter-in-law, let's send it:

Go, Emelya, water.

And he from the stoves:


Go, Emelya, and then the brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you.


Tears of Emel from the stove, shoved, dressed, took the buckets and the ax and went to the river.

I burned the ice, burned the buckets and put them, and he himself looks into the hole. And he saw Emelya in the corruption pike. I was illuminated and grabbed the pike in my hand:

Here the ear will be sweet!

Emelya, let me go to the water, I come to you.

And Emelya laughs:

What do you come in handy me? .. No, I will carry you home, you can cook my daughter-in-mind. There will be a sweet ear.

Pike prayed again:

Emelya, Emelya, let me go to the water, I will do you all that you wish.

Okay, only show first that you do not cheat me, then I will let go.

Pike asks him:

Emelya, Emely, tell me - what do you want now?

I want the buckets to go home and water would not have splash ...

Pike him says:

Remember my words: When you want - tell me only:

"By whining the courage, in my opinion."

Emelya and says:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - go, go, buckets, home ...

Just said - the buckets themselves and went uphill. Emelya put the pike into the hole, and he went beams himself.

Give buckets in the village, the people are divided, and Emelya goes from behind, laughs ... Bucked buckets in the hut and became a shop themselves, and Emelya got to the oven.

Was a lot of whether the time - the daughter-in-law tell him:

Emelya, what are you lying? Would go to the firewood.


Do not disturb firewood, brothers from the bazaar arrive, the hotels will not be brought to you.

Ever reluctance to sink from the furnace. He remembered about Pike and Slowly says:

By whining the velenia, in my opinion - like, the ax, the shaking of firewood, and the firewood - go to the hut and put in the oven ...

The ax jumped out from under the shop - and on the courtyard, and let's do the firewood, and the firewood themselves go to the hut and climb the oven.

Many, if there was no time - daughter-in-law say again:

Emely, we no longer have firewood. Congress in the forest, violaby.

And he from the stoves:

Yes, what?

How are we on what? .. Is our business in the forest for firewood ride?

I'm reluctant ...

Well, there will be no gifts.

Nothing to do. Tears of Emel from the furnace, shoved, dressed. He took the rope and ax, went out into the yard and sat in Sani:

Baba, revole the gate!

The daughter-in-law says:

What are you, foolish, sat down in Sani, and the horse is not ground?

I do not need a horse.

The daughters took the gate, and Emel speaks slowly:

By whining the velenia, in my opinion - go, Sani, in the forest ...

Sani themselves and went to the gate, yes so quickly - do not catch up with the horse.

And in the forest it was necessary to go through the city, and then he remembered a lot of people, suppressed. The people scream: "Keep it! Catch it!" And he, know, Sanya chases. Arrived in the forest:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - the ax, the ones, and you, the firewood, are rolled in the sleigh, fade away ...

The ax began to chop, prick dry firewood, and the firewoods themselves are lying in the sleigh and rope. Then Emelya ordered the topor to cut off his battlefield - such a raise to raise. Feed on WHO:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - go, Sani, home ...

Sanya rushed home. Again, he drives Emelya for the city, where the divecha remembered, suppressed a lot of people, and there they are waiting for him. Calculated Emel and drags with WHO, scold and beat.

He sees that a bad thing, and slowly:

By whining vein, in my opinion - well, a baton, broke the sides ...

Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother. The people rushed away, and Emel came home and climbed into the oven.

How long, briefly - he heard the king about the emetini trips and sends an officer behind him - to find him and bring him to the palace.

The officer arrives in that village, he enters that hut, where the Emel lives, and asks:

Are you a fool of Emel?

And he from the stove:

What are you talking about?

Dress Rather, I'll take you to the king.

And I reluctance ...

An officer became angry and hit him on his cheek. And Emelya speaks slowly:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - a baton, breaking my sides ...

Dubinka jumped up - and let's bother the officer, he feet abandoned.

The king was surprised that his officer could not cope with the Emers, and sends his most random items:

Bring to me to the Palace of Fool Emel, and then I will take my head off my shoulders.

Bucked up the wideline Izyumu, prune, gingerbread, came to that village, entered the hut and began to ask the daughter of the daughter, which loves Emel.

Our Emelya loves when he is affectionately asked yes red caftan ascend, "then he will do everything that will not ask.

Missed Welheck gave Emeyle Iisma, prune, gingerbread and says:

Emelya, Emelya, what are you lying on the furnace? Let's go to the king.

I am warm here ...

Emelya, Emelya, the king will be good to feed - go, please go.

And I reluctance ...

Emelya, Emelya, the king you red caftan will give, a hat and boots.

Emelya thought-thought:

Well, okay, you go ahead, and I will be behind you.

I left the venel, and Emel was still saying:

By whining the vein, in my opinion - well, the oven, go to the king ...

Here in the hives, the corners were glanced, the roof was stupid, the wall flew out, and the oven itself went down the street, on the road, straight to the king.

The king looks out the window, is divided:

What is this miracle?

Differ Welcome to him:

And this is the Emel on the furnace goes to you.

The king came out on the porch:

Something, Emel, for you a lot of complaints! You suppressed a lot of people.

Why did they climb under Sani?

At this time, the royal daughter was glared on him the window - Marya-Tsarevna. Emelya saw her in the window and speaks slowly:

By whining velin. In my opinion - let the royal daughter love me ...

And said again:

Stay, oven, home ...

The oven turned and went home, went to the hut and became for the previous place. Emelya again lying-lie down.

And the king in the palace cry and tears. Marya-Tsarevna is bored by Ever, can't live without him, asks her father, so that he gave her for the Emel to marry. Then the king worn, shouting and says again as many nobles:

Stay, bring me a living or dead Emel or the dead, and then he will take off his shoulders.

Bucked scalid wedlan's wines of sweet and different snacks, went to that village, entered that hut and began to sweat emeel.

Emelya got drunk, ate, Zahmel, and went to bed. And the nobleman put it in the wagon and brought to the king.

The king immediately ordered to order a big barrel with iron hoops. Emel and Maruriasharevna were planted in it, scrambled and barrel in the sea threw.

How long, briefly - Yemel woke up, sees - dark, closely:

Where is me?

And he is answered:

Bored and nausea, Ememyushka! We were scrambled in a barrel, threw in the blue sea.

And who are you?

I am Marya-Tsarevna.

Emel says:

By whining the veliny, in my opinion - the winds are rains, roll off the barrel on the dry coast, on the yellow sand ...

Warm winds poured. The sea was excited, barrel thrown into a dry shore, on yellow sand. Emelya and Marya-Tsarevna came out of it.

Emeyelushka, where will we live? Build some kind of hut.

And I reluctance ...

Here she began to ask him to ask him, he says:

By whining vein, in my opinion, the stamped, the stone palace with the Golden Roof ...

Only he said - a stone palace appeared with a golden roof. Circle - Green Garden: Flowers flower and birds sing. Marya-Tsarevna from Emers entered the palace, got from the window.

Emeyelyushka, and you can not become a handsome to you?

Here Emel thought for a short time:

By whining velin, in my opinion - to become a good one to me, writing a handsome ...

And Emely became such that in a fairy tale, nor the pen describe.

And at that time the king went to hunt and sees - it is worth the palace, where there was nothing before.

Is it for the unfortunate without my permission on my land put the palace?

And sent to learn-ask: "Who are these?" The ambassadors ran, steel under the window, asked.

Emelya answers them:

Ask the king to visit me, I'll tell him himself.

The king came to visit him. Emelya meets him, leads to the palace, planting at the table. Start they to appear. The king eats, drinks and not put pressure:

Who are you, kind well done?

And remember the fool by Emel - how came to you on the stove, and you told him with her daughter in a barrel to scramble, throw in the sea? I am the same Emel. I want - all your kingdom of fire and ruin.

The king was very frightened, it became forgivers to ask:

Marry my daughter, Emeyelushka, take my kingdom, just do not goubi me!

There was a feast for the whole world. Emelya married Marya-Tsarevne and began to rule the kingdom.

Here and the fairy tale is the end, and who listened - well done.

Lived - there were brothers. The first clever, the second was intelligent, and the third is completely a fool. The eldest and medium worked without tired, and the younger on the oven lay myself, did not want to do anything.

Once the senior brothers at the bazaar went, and the youngest Emel at home was left.

They tell him wives of the senior brothers:

- Emelya, bring water from the hole.

He in response:

- No, I do not want me.

- Go, native, and then the brothers of the hotel you will not bring you from the bazaar.

- Well, so be.

Emelya with a heated oven, took two buckets with him, got dressed, shoved, captured the ax and followed water.

He came to the river, did a hole, he threw the water and put full vendors nearby. Watching, and in the hole pike! Together, pulled it out and says:

- Good ear will come out of you!

"Let me go, Emelya, I'm still getting good for you."

He knows Laugh:

- Yes, how can I use me? No, I will take you home, feed the brothers with a delicious ear.

Pike pushed:

"Let me go to the river, I will fulfive everything you ask."

"Whether you think, just first prove that you will not deceive me."

- Tell me, what would you like now?

- Let the shoulder themselves come home and no water drops!

- Remember magic words. As soon as you want something, saying: "By whining omen, in my opinion ..."

Repeated Emelya:

- By whining class, in my opinion! Well, the ka, shoulder, go home.

As soon as he pronounced magic words, the veser went home.

They go to the village through the village, and the Emelya is tired of them, laughs. The people look, in no way puts. They reached the house, the shoulder jumped into the shop, and Emelya was reached on the furnace.

Again the daughter-in-law of Emele:

What are you lying on the furnace? Go Fires to Schita!

Yah! Reluctant to me ...

- Do not throw firewood, the brothers will leave you without the hotel.

Anyway, I don't want to mess around with firewood. He remembered Schukins words and whispered:

- By whining class, in my opinion ... Ax, Kolya Firewood! And you, firewood, jumped in the oven!

Divo wonder! On the courtyard, the ax himself of the firewood rods, and they jump into the oven! Only when the firewood ended, the ax returned to his place under the bench.

Walls do not lose:

- Emely, ran out of firewood! Go to the forest da porn.

He in response:

- And what?

- Does this are our concern for firewood?

- reluctant to me!

- So stay without hotels.

I had to be keen from the furnace again. He takes the ax and the rope, sits in Sani and shouts:

- Open, Baba, Gate!

They are in response:

- What are you, fool, sat down? Sani, you have no horse!

- I do not need a horse.

Opened the gate women, and Emely whispers:

- By whining class, in my opinion ... Roll, Sani, in the woods themselves!

Here Sanya rolled out, moreover, so soon, that and not to overtake on the horse.

The road lay through the city. He surprised the bunch of people there, but those who came down - suppressed.

He is screaming after: "Stop! Keep it! Catch it! ", And he rides himself, does not pay attention to anyone. I got to the forest.

- By whining class, in my opinion! Ruby, ax, firewood dry. And you, firewood, in Sanki lie down, fill yourself.

Toporic as jumpers and let's cut dry bruises. And those themselves in the sleigh fit and the rope is linked. Then he ordered an Emel ax to find a heavy tapin, so that with difficulty it was possible to raise it. And himself sits in Sani and says:

- By whining class, in my opinion! Roll, Sani, home yourself!

Emelya rides again through the city in which he surprised a bunch of people, suppressed, and there he was already waiting for him. I grabbed Emel and become stupid from the war, they beat, scold, call. He quarked that he had a tight and whispers:

By whining class, in my opinion! Dubinka, Men's Boca!

The baton jumped out and drank the sides. Round all the swarming. Emel jumped into Sani and drove home. I arrived and straight to the furnace I climbed.

Recognized the king about Emela's tramp and call him to himself. He sent serve to bring Emel to the palace.

He arrived in the village, went to the hut and asks:

- Are you a fool?

Emel in response:

- And why do you?

- Colive, the king to the palace call you!

- reluctant to me.

The servant was angry and shouted by Emele with the fear. Emely whispers:

By whining class, in my opinion! Dubinka, Men's Boca!

A club was swayed and began to bother servantly. That bare feet of the feet.

The king was surprised that he did not cope and returned without Emeli. She sends him noble and threatens to remove the head from the shoulders if he does not fulfill its forg.

I bought the venels of delicious, gingerbread, raisin, prunes, came to the village and went to the daughters. Asks them:

- What does your Emel love?

- Loves caress and gifts. So ask - everything will do it.

Venelica came to Ever, gives him the delicacies of different, raisins yes gingerbread and says:

- Get up, Emel with a furnace. The king is waiting for you in the palace.

- I'm fine here.

- There you will be fed, go. Please go, please!

- reluctance something.

- There you prepared the king gifts! Boots, caftan Yes Happing!

Emely thought and answers:

- Good, go ahead. I'll catch you up.

Emely flew a little more and whispering:

- By whining class, in my opinion! Go, oven, to the king to the palace.

The hut creaked, shook the bricna, the oven rolled out to the street and went to the king.

Watching the king in the window and the eyes can not believe it! Sees - Emel on the furnace to visit him rides.

The king descended on the porch and palloon:

- Hey, Emelya! The people complain about you. Many people gave the people!

- So they themselves climbed under Sani.

At that moment, the Jeria-Tsarevna window looked out. I noticed her Emelya and whispered:

- By whining class, in my opinion! Let me love me the royal daughter! And you, the oven, go home!

They arrived home, the oven stood on the old place. And Emelya as lying, and lies.

Meanwhile, in the palace of tears and snot. Marya-Tsarevna damages-misses, can not live without Emery. She asks her father to give her married Emel.

The king sovereign hurt, thought. Again, calling noble and punishes:

- Bring me to me. And then I will leave without your head!

Welject knows his business. He bought wine but snacks, came to Emela and drifts him.

He got drunk wines, but the snacks, Zahmel, fell asleep. He took his noble and drove to the king.

As soon as he had granted the noble to the palace, ordered the king to climb Emel and Marju-Tsarevna in a barrel, to glow her and put it in the sea.

Emely woke up, and around closely and dark. Asks:

- Where am I?

Hears in response:

- Emeyelushka! Our barrel was lit, scrambled and put into the sea!

- And who are you?

- Marya-Tsarevna.

- By whining class, in my opinion! Winds, send a barrel to the shore, roll off on the sand.

The winds flew, poured, sent a barrel to the shore and rolled it into the sand. Emelya and Marya-Tsarevna came out of her.

- Where to live us now? Build, Ememyushka hut!

- reluctant to me.

- Emel, Build Hois, please ...

- By whining class, in my opinion! Appear in front of me Golden Palace!

As soon as I pulled, the Golden Palace, Garden, was embodied before him. Flowers in it bloom, birds sing.

- Emeyelyushka, and you can become a handsome to you?

- By whining class, in my opinion! Become a handsome writing to me, kind well done!

Emel turned into a handsome man in such that in a fairy tale, not to describe in a fairy tale.

There, just the king for hunting drove. Sees a palace in front of him who was not before.

- Who dreamed this without my knowledge on the royal land the palace to build?

I sent to find out yes to find out. Emelya answered ambassadors:

- Let the king himself comes to the guests. I'll tell you everything.

King comes guests. He meets his Emel, the palace escorts, he puts the table, treats treats. The king is divided, eats, drinks.

- Who are you, kind well done?

- came to you once to the Palace of Fool on the furnace. You ordered it to climb him in a barrel with my daughter, scramble and put into the sea. So this is me! Emelya! Now I want the kingdom of your ruin.

The king was frightened and decided to ask for forgiveness.

- Take my daughter in wives, Emeyelushka, and my kingdom, just not ruffe me!

Agreed by Emel. They arranged a feast to the whole world. He married Emel on Marya-Tsarevne and became a state-owner ruler.

That's the fairy tale on a whining kettling end, and who listened - well done!

Watch the cartoon "By whining kettle"