How to choose cross-country skis, we make the right choice of all types of cross-country skis. How to choose skis by height and weight: ideal equipment for winter walks

How to choose cross-country skis, we make the right choice of all types of cross-country skis.  How to choose skis by height and weight: ideal equipment for winter walks
How to choose cross-country skis, we make the right choice of all types of cross-country skis. How to choose skis by height and weight: ideal equipment for winter walks

In the winter season, skiing is a favorite sport of many. In addition to the fact that skiing is associated with a long stay in the fresh air, they also provide physical activity, strengthen muscles and develop endurance. Yes, it's just fun and great - to go to the winter forest with the whole family for an unforgettable experience. For a child to fall in love with such trips, you need to choose the right ski kit for him.

At what age should you buy skis

The age at which a child can be put on skis, of course, is not strictly defined. It depends on the desire of the child himself and the patience and perseverance of the parents. A kid who has barely learned to keep balance on his feet is unlikely to enjoy riding.

Kit for the little skier

Some parents teach their children to active sports as early as 2 years and 5 months. At this age, you can already take your baby out on the first skiing trips, but be prepared that you will often have to take off his skis, ride him, entertain him with games, etc.

A 3-year-old child has much more developed concentration, perseverance and focus on results. Children of 4–5 years old easily spend about half an hour on the track, they enjoy skiing down small slides.

Mountain or cross country

It is recommended to start skiing with cross-country skis. It is easier and safer to learn to keep balance and master sliding skills in them. However, parents who actively ski down the mountains often put their children on alpine skis. On the ski slopes today, you can often see nimble skiers, quickly sliding along the slope, while their height is barely knee-deep for an adult. Constantly striving for learning and mastering a new space, the child often shows perseverance, enviable for an adult. Therefore, when choosing the type of ski, you need to be guided not only by your own preferences, safety issues, but also by the child's inclinations.

If the terrain allows you to choose between two types of skiing, it may be worth the first time not to rush to purchase skis, but to invite the child to try both types of loads by renting equipment.

Choosing skis for children of different ages

Up to three years

At this age, skis are chosen short and wide. For now, the child does not need to develop speed, hone technique or fit into turns. He must learn to keep balance and master sliding. Long skis will only make pushing and cornering more difficult.

As the first, short (40 cm) wide (8 cm) plastic skis with rounded ends are suitable. When you gain confidence, you can switch to wooden or plastic skis equal in length to the child's height. Plastic is a more versatile material, as it is equally suitable for wet and dry snow.

Skis for the little ones

At an early age, the purchase of special boots is hardly advisable. The size of a child's foot changes rapidly. In addition, from the first skis, he will have time to grow in one or two seasons. Therefore, metal mounts with rubber straps are considered the best option. This design can be easily attached to the child's comfortable, familiar winter shoes.

Keep in mind that you do not need to acquire poles at this age, since the main goal at this age is to find balance when skiing and master the principles of sliding.

4 to 10 years old

If you buy skis for a child who by this age has already learned to ride the simplest model, it makes sense to purchase a more sporty version. Narrower (5 cm wide) and long skis are chosen. The length of the skis is calculated using the formula: height + 15 cm.

Kids skis with semi-rigid bindings

Age 11-15

For adolescent children, skis are chosen not only based on weight and height, but also depending on the preferred style.

There are three types of cross-country skiing:

High-quality skis do not differ from each other in weight, length and width. Make sure there is a smooth groove on the sliding side, no scratches or cracks.

Important! Children's skis must be soft. Stiff skis will not allow you to push comfortably and can make being on the track torture.

A typical mistake is buying skis "for growth". Keep in mind that longer skis have more stiffness. This means they will be difficult to manage for a small child.

When choosing materials, plastic is preferable. Firstly, it is more durable, stronger and more resistant to changes in weather conditions than wood. Secondly, wooden skis are gradually leaving the market, and soon it will not be possible to find them at all.

Table of the correct ski length depending on the height and weight of the child

Child's height, cm Child's weight, cm Ski length, cm
100–110 20–25 105–115
110–125 25–30 115–135
125–140 30–35 135–165
140–150 35–45 165–180
150–160 45–55 180–195
160–170 55–65 195–200


Types of bindings for children's skis:

Old-style boots and bindings are much cheaper than modern ones, but they are only suitable for the classic move.

What to buy shoes

If the child is not more than 6 years old and he does not show an insistent desire to turn cross-country skiing into a favorite pastime, the question of purchasing boots need not be raised. Sliding semi-rigid bindings will allow you to use skis for several seasons, even taking into account the constant growth of the legs and changes in shoe size. If in ski lessons the child shows enviable constancy and perseverance, then you can buy special shoes.

Boots designed for old-style bindings have a range of sizes 28. Differing in a relatively low cost, they cannot boast of versatility: such shoes are not suitable for skating.

Modern shoes equipped with SNS and NNN bindings are significantly more expensive. Keep in mind that your child will have enough shoes and bindings for one or two seasons.

How to choose ski poles

We have already decided that the smallest children taking their first steps on the track do not need sticks. When the child learns the principle of sliding, pushing off and alternating steps, then we can talk about sticks, which will give additional speed and confidence on the track.

For children 3–7 years old, sticks are chosen that reach the armpits. The model should be equipped with rubberized handles and straps so that the poles do not drop or get lost when walking. The tip of the stick should not be sharp. The tip of the handpiece is in the form of a ring or an asterisk.

For older children, sticks are chosen taking into account the riding style. For skating and classic styles, sticks are used of fundamentally different lengths. If for the classics you need to choose sticks no higher than the armpits, then for the skate they should reach shoulder height.

Stick length calculation table

Video: how to choose skis for a child

Choosing skis for a child is a simple and enjoyable business. The variety of the modern market will allow you to choose what is not only suitable in height and size, but also to your liking. Before you go shopping for your child's skis, assess how often they intend to use them. If winter walks take place in your family from time to time, it may be more expedient to abandon the purchase altogether, using the rental services.

(XC ski, Nordic ski) - designed to move on relatively flat terrain using the energy of the skier.

Cross-country skiing by skiing style are divided into several categories:
Classic skis, skating skis, Combi skis, backcountry hiking skis.

Cross-country skiing by fitness level skier can be divided into:
Beginner skis, intermediate skis, expert skis, athlete skis

1.1. Cross-country skiing classification by skiing style

1.1.1. Cross-country skis for skating

In the skating style of skiing, the skier with his movements resembles a skater: he pushes off the snow with the inside of the ski, transferring his body weight to the sliding ski. Then the movement is repeated on the other leg. The skating style is ideal for well-groomed wide trails and involves active work of the arms and body. The push-off with sticks occurs in accordance with the rhythm of the footwork.

Skating skis, in contrast to skis for classic skiing, are shorter - maximum length 190-192 cm, and are rigid for twisting and in the longitudinal direction. Unlike a classic ski, a skate ski should not completely touch the snow with the middle part during the push with the foot (the required gap is 2-3 mm), since otherwise the push efficiency is reduced. Skating skis can be distinguished by their blunt toe.

1.1.2. Cross-country skis for the classic ride

In the classic style, the skis are positioned strictly parallel to each other on a specially built track.

Classic skis, compared to skating skis, are longer (maximum length 205-207 cm) and softer, and have a longer pointed tip. Less in comparison with the ridge stiffness is needed so that when pushing, the ski touches the snow with the middle part (block) and the holding ointment or notches "work", then the ski will not slip back during the push. At the same time, skis for classic skiing should not be too soft, otherwise, during sliding, a block with a holding ointment or notches will prevent the skier from sliding and slow down the skier.

1.1.3. Combi skis

Combined skis - skis designed for skating and classic skiing. Usually, combined skis have a maximum length of no more than 200 cm. It is not advisable to produce combined skis with a length of more than 200 cm, in view of the fact that when skating, the heels of the skis will cling to each other. By their design, combined skis are closer to classic skis due to the fact that on classic skis it is still possible to skate, but on pure skis with classic skis it is not, because due to the high rigidity of the pads (part of the ski under the boot) the skier there will be no push-off phase.

1.1.4. Backcountry Touring Cross Country Skiing

Skis for extreme tourism (BACKCOUNTRY) are intended for ski lovers in conditions where there are no ski slopes or walking trails for sports, tourist trips of various levels. They are distinguished by increased rigidity (they use the technology of a wooden typesetting wedge, a sandwich, etc.), a wide, more than 59 mm, sliding surface - for movement on off-road (virgin lands), in some models the ski is reinforced with a metal edging. These are relatively expensive skis that have passed a number of special tests for reliability, since the success of a hike or expedition, and sometimes the life of a person who challenged the wild nature, depends on their quality.

1.2. Classification of skis according to the level of training

1.2.1. Cross-country skiing for beginners

Skis for beginners - with minimal or no skiing experience. As a rule, such skis are purchased for skiing, small weekend hiking trips, physical education on a prepared track or on a walking track, and even on virgin snow. This is the most widespread category of cross-country skiing, so such skis are relatively inexpensive and quite versatile. Walking skis are usually designed for classic skiing, but some models of walking skis can be used for both skating and classic skiing. Such models are also called Combi. Distinctive features of skis for beginners are an increased waist width from 47 to 59 mm, a relatively large weight from 1.4 to 1.7 kg, the use of less expensive plastics to reduce cost, since high speeds are not required. Often, entry-level cross-country skis use a "no wax" notched (or also called "scales") block, which does not require the use of a holding ointment when moving with a classic move. Cross-country skis for beginners are less rigid than skis for more advanced skiers. This is done so that a beginner skier can apply less effort when skiing. Famous manufacturers such as Atomic, Fischer, Salomon, unlike other manufacturers, even in the production of entry-level skis, use air channel technology, various foam fillers to reduce the weight of the skis, as well as high-quality plastics for better glide. A beginner skier on such skis feels more confident on them, and skiing turns into a real pleasure.

1.2.2. Intermediate skis

- Intermediate skis - cross-country skiing for skiers who have actively skated 1-2 seasons, who have worked out basic skiing skills. Such skis are purchased for the purpose of sports and fitness. A distinctive feature of middle (sports and fitness) skis is a more sporty geometry, with a waist width of 44-48 mm, a weight of 1.3-1.4 kg and increased rigidity compared to entry-level skis. Sports and fitness skis use improved plastics and cores to provide the skier with more dynamic performance and longer glide in the push phase. Less commonly, the "no wax" technology is used. Intermediate cross-country skis are available in models for all skiing styles: skate, classic and combined.

1.2.3. Expert skis

- Skis for experts - cross-country skis of skiers who are actively skiing for several seasons, as a rule, who have changed several pairs of skis and have a well-established and proven skiing technique in various conditions. As a rule, such skis are bought by advanced amateurs, as well as athletes as training skis. Expert-level skis have a low weight of 1.1-1.3 kg, high rigidity. Expert skis are made from high quality materials. It is worth noting that among expert skis you will not find combination skis, because combination skis are a compromise that does not allow you to move quickly, neither in skating, nor in a classic move, and even more so you will not find the use of "no wax" oil-free holding technology. The top models of expert skis are available in two stiffness options. This is done so that the skier can choose a ratio that is more suitable for him (ski length / stiffness), corresponding to his level of training.

1.2.4. Skis for athletes

- Skis for athletes - only the hardest and fastest skis satisfy the level of skiing. Cross-country skis of this level are aimed at athletes and ambitious amateurs and are designed to compete. Racing skis weigh between 0.95 and 1.1 kg. In addition to the fact that skis for athletes are made in several versions of rigidity, they are performed in two or three versions of the distribution of the skier's weight along the length of the ski and in two versions of the sliding surface (for warm and cold weather). Many manufacturers also offer athletes a variety of sliding surface structures to improve rolling performance in different temperature conditions and different types of snow.

2. Characteristics of cross-country skiing

In this section, we will focus on the characteristics of cross-country skiing. Finding the optimal cross-country ski performance means ensuring excellent glide under specific conditions. It is generally accepted that 60% of the sliding properties of skis are determined by the distribution of the load along the length of the ski (diagram), the deflection and stiffness of the ski, another 20% - by the material, condition and structure of the sliding surface of the skis, and only the remaining 20% ​​- by the lubrication of the skis. In order to thoroughly understand what the ski glide depends on, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the Theoretical Foundations of Ski Sliding on Snow.

2.1. Load distribution along the length of the ski

The distribution of the load along the length of the ski (diagram) is the distribution of the skier's weight on the snow through the ski. The diagram is the most visual characteristic of the ski, which determines the glide in different conditions. Plots are distinguished depending on the type of running (skating, classic, walking) and temperature conditions (cold, warm, combined).

2.1.1. Plots depending on the type of traverse Plot of skis for a classic course

The upper part of the figure shows the pressure distribution when sliding on two skis, there is no pressure under the block. The lower part shows the pressure distribution during the push, during which the maximum pressure on the snow is created in the area of ​​the ski block. Skating ski diagram

As you can see, with skating skis, the load is distributed over the surface in a completely different way. During the point (lower part of the figure), it falls on two powerful "bumps", while the middle part of the ski is almost unloaded when pushing, while rolling (upper part of the figure) there is no pressure in the central part of the ski. Cross-country skiing diagram
Since walking skis are not divided into classic and walking skis and are considered universal, the diagram of walking skis has a shape closer to classic skis. This is done so that on recreational skis it is possible to go in a classic way, otherwise if the ski under the block does not exert significant pressure on the snow, then it will slip when pushing.

2.1.2. Plots versus temperature conditions

Let's consider two main types of plots: COLD plot, suitable for cross-country skiing in frosty weather and soft skiing, and WARM plot, suitable for warm weather and hard skiing. The difference between COLD and WARM plots is in the severity of pressure peaks and in the length of the part of the ski that participates in sliding. COLD plot

The cold diagram has increased in length, reduced in value pressure peaks under the front and back of the ski, which evenly distributes the weight of the skier. A more even distribution of pressure in cold weather reduces the effect of the dry friction force, which prevails in frost, by increasing the area of ​​water friction, the resistance of which is much less than dry friction. On soft COLD tracks, the plot is preferable due to the reduction in the plowing friction force. WARM plot

The WARM plot has pressure peaks that are reduced in length and increased in value. This load distribution reduces the frictional force of capillary attraction, which creates the main resistance on a warm track, by reducing the contact area and reducing the "suction" effect. On a hard track, the WARM plot is preferable, since the ski control is increased by cutting the edge of the ski into the snow. Combined plots
Combined skiing is also common. The anterior pressure hump is a sharp WARM, and the posterior one is a smooth COLD, as well as plots with intermediate characteristics.

2.2. Cross-country ski stiffness

Modern cross-country skis have a sag in the middle of their design. If you place the ski on a flat surface, you will notice that the middle part of the ski "hangs" at a distance of 1-2 cm from the surface. With the application of a load from above, the ski will be pressed, and the stiffness of this "spring" is the stiffness of the ski.
The initial and middle segment of cross-country skis is made in the same universal stiffness and varies depending on their length. The longer the skis, the stiffer they are and the better they are for tall or heavy skiers.
In the upper segment of racing skis, manufacturers divide each size into different stiffnesses, conventionally designating them Soft, Medium, Hard, Extra Hard. Such a division is necessary for experienced performing skiers, as it helps to accurately select a pair according to the anthropometric characteristics of the athlete, his weight, the peculiarities of his technique and physical data.
For different skiing techniques, skis with different stiffness in the area of ​​the shoe are selected.
When choosing classic skis, you can use the following test:
- skis are placed on a flat surface and stand on them in such a way that the toes of the shoes are on the line of the center of gravity
- it is necessary to distribute the body weight evenly and ask the assistant to hold a thin sheet or a 0.2 mm thick probe under the ski
If the skis are chosen correctly in terms of rigidity, then the sheet should move freely under the skis by 25-40 cm towards the toe, and in the opposite direction - to the end of the boot. If the probe moves forward a shorter distance, then a stiffer ski should be selected. If the probe moves back 3-5 cm beyond the end of the boot, then you should choose softer skis.
If you transfer your body weight to one of the skis, then the probe or sheet of paper should move freely 10-15 cm forward from the center of gravity and half the length of the foot back. After transferring body weight to the toe, the probe or paper should be firmly clamped between the floor and the ski. If the skis meet the above requirements, then they are suitable for you in terms of stiffness.
When selecting skating skis and distributing the skier's weight to both legs, the probe should move 40 cm forward from the center of gravity and 5-10 cm back from the heel of the boot. After transferring body weight to one of the skis, the gap should decrease by no more than 10 cm towards the toe of the ski. The gap should not end under the heel of the boot. When pushing off, there should be a gap of 30-40 cm.

2.3. Cross-country ski sliding surface material

In the production of modern skis, a plastic sliding surface is used. In the first plastic skis, an easily washable and poorly grease-holding ABS plastic was used, which is almost completely replaced from the ski manufacturing market by UHMW-PE, with the exception of the cheapest models from some manufacturers. Large modern manufacturers manufacture the sliding surface from synthesized high-performance polyethylene (HPPE). This thermoplastic material is used in industrial applications where low friction and high abrasion resistance are required. The common name for the material is P-Tex. It is made by pressing crushed polyethylene particles under high pressure to form a crystal lattice with amorphous zones filled with lower density polymers or special fillers. In the material intended for ordinary mass skis and for frost, 5-15% of filler is added - carbon particles with a size of 20 microns to remove electrostatics, as well as graphite and fluorocarbon compounds to improve gliding. Carbon black makes the base of the ski black, but also slightly reduces its wear resistance. Gallium compounds add thermal conductivity to plastic, the same property of boron nitride, but this additive further reduces the ability to absorb moisture. Ultramarine pigment is used in skis without carbon black to create a pattern on the base and improve glide.
Ointments can be applied to the base of any ski - for gliding and holding. HPPE itself does not have a porous structure and does not absorb ski grease, however, under the influence of high temperature, the ointment penetrates into the amorphous zones and is held there. From a chemical point of view, ski grease changes the water-repellent properties of the sliding surface by changing the surface tension forces, and also provides lubrication, thereby reducing the frictional force. Ski wax additives such as fluorides, graphite and molybdenum provide additional benefits for high glide performance.
Also, a rubber strip can be recessed at the base of the ski in the area of ​​the last. Usually in the designation there is "zero", such skis are designed for positive wet trails and have a rather narrow weather range of use. The modern oil-free repulsion option is to attach an imitation skin under the last, which is referred to as "skin" in the name of the skis. Also, to hold the ski under the block, a special adhesive tape can be glued or various mechanical forms of hooks are used in the design that do not prevent sliding, but work when repulsed.

2.4. Cross-country ski sliding surface structure

The factory application of the structure to the sliding surface adapts the skis to strictly defined conditions of use: air temperature, humidity, snow condition, skiing style. It also improves glide by reducing the contact area with the snow and reducing the suction effect due to the breakage of the water film formed during sliding. The factory pre-applied structure allows you to select the racing pair that best suits the weather conditions and the characteristics of the track on the day of the start.

The following are the types of Atomic and Salomon cross-country ski structures:
- АС 3 - universal cold -8-17 C, cut into classics and skates, works especially well in Scandinavia;
- АС 4 cold -8-15 C, universal structure, cut into a ridge, especially good at high humidity;
- АС 5 is very cold -8-20 C, wide range, cut into a ridge, but sometimes into a classic, works especially well in Central Europe
- AM 1 medium -3-10 C, universal, cut into both skate and classic, especially good for a mixture of new and artificial snow
- AM 2 medium -1-5 C, cut into NO WAX skis and skate, sometimes into classics, under fresh falling snow and gloss, wet snow
- AM 6 medium -1-8 С, universal structure, cut into a ridge, but sometimes also into NO WAX and classic, into coarse-grained snow
- AM 7 medium -4-10 C, cut into classics and skates, universal structure for dry snow, works well on classics and in colder temperatures
- AW 1 warm -4-0 С, cut into classic and NO WAX, universal for wet snow and wet snow
- AW 7 warm -2-0 C, cut into a ridge and classic, for coarse-grained (spring) snow, you can additionally apply manual knurling / cutting on top
For skis produced without a special order, the structure is cut into the structure of the World Cup Cold (WCC) or World Cup Warm (WCW) - universal structures for cold or heat, respectively. The task of these structures is to prepare the skis for the universal snow conditions of the track.

In winter, there are great opportunities for outdoor activities and sports. One of the most popular entertainments at this time is considered to be skiing on snowy slopes and slopes. But before going out on the track, you need to acquire a comfortable and functional inventory, as well as equipment - a warm jacket, thermal underwear, boots.

For professional athletes, this is very easy to do, as they know all their parameters and the equipment they need. Newbies usually get lost in the store and do not know by what criteria to determine the purchase. In this article, we will tell you how to choose the right size for cross-country skis for height and other important features - model, riding style, stiffness, etc.

Pros and cons of renting

In order to make a purchase for yourself or your children, you first need to decide on the question "how often are you going to ride?" If you are going to do this only a couple of times during the winter, then it is more rational to rent equipment. But at the same time, it is important to remember what are the disadvantages of this option:
  • Depending on the place of rest, the pick-up point has a different quantity and quality of equipment. It is especially difficult to get a suitable size on weekends and holidays. If your plans include warm-ups in a park near your home or other specialized places, then you will not be able to carry your skis outside the fenced area.
  • Each time, you will have to re-adapt to the features of the model - its rigidity, bending, length, material, fastening.
  • Minor breakdowns that are not considered in the rental can spoil the enjoyment of winter sports. Inaccurate care, poor chafing, loose foot retainer, small chips - these shortcomings can greatly affect the style and speed of riding.
On the other hand, you can consider rental offices in cases where you plan to go out on the track infrequently. Since it is much cheaper.

If “renting” is not your option, then you should pay attention to the following parameters:
  • The relief of the area on which you are going to ride. For very hilly terrain, we recommend that you opt for sports or mountain models. And if the plot is flat enough, then buy classic or shortened ones, they do not have strong plasticity, but they are very strong and it is difficult to damage them somehow.
  • First of all, rely on your weight and height, physical fitness, since the width and length of the product will depend on this. If the purchase is intended for your child, then make sure that he can easily lift them and rearrange his leg, standing on the surface.
  • Do you have riding skills? Much depends on this. Beginners will also need to purchase other items of equipment - special sticks, protection for knees, elbows.
  • Pay attention to the stiffness of your skis, because the softer they are, the easier it is to use them. But on them you will not be able to develop very high speed, as they will bend during the push. When choosing a density, be guided by your weight. If you are a man of solid build, then you need a massive inventory.
Tip: to check this indicator, place the sliding sides of the product against each other. At the point where the bend passes, squeeze them with one hand. If you manage to do it with average effort, this is your option.
  • If the models are made of wood, then you should know: in the spring season or at positive temperatures, they practically cannot slip, but stick to the surface. And plastic ones go well in any weather, since many products are equipped with notches.
If you are purchasing elementary grades for a child, then it is better not to buy sticks at all, since the beginner's task is to learn to stand without support. And if for high school, then it is necessary to select support for growth from armpits to shoulder level. For an adult, the rule is that the longer the support, the stronger the push, and hence the speed.

  • There must be straps on the handle for fixing in the wrists. This is due to the riding technique - the brush should relax when giving off. If there is no strap, then there is a high risk of element loss or improper riding.
  • There is a tip at the end. It is sharp, as its purpose is to enter the thickness of the snow, even with little effort. But if your purchase is for a small child, then you can find a model without such a needle so that he does not accidentally get hurt.

How to choose the right cross-country skis for height and weight - nuances

  • The type of model depends only on your preferences. If you want to walk very calmly and enjoy the beauty of nature, then you should buy the classic ones. And if you want to very quickly overcome the track with sharp turns, then be sure to take the variant of the sports type.
  • The length must be chosen according to your height. The most common way is to add 15-20 cm to your own centimeters. But remember, this is not optimal for everyone. For example, women's, men's and children's models will be different, even if their owners are of the same height. For fragile girls, there are special lightened and shortened offers.
  • It is much easier with sticks - they can be purchased provided that they are 20-25 cm higher than your shoulders.

Table: how to choose cross-country skis by weight and height

There are averaged values. They are developed by professionals based on empirical data. You can rely on them, but remember that there are always personal preferences and feelings. There are great athletes who are out of this box, but this does not affect their skill and speed.

But beginners can safely start trying on in accordance with the recommendations:

For the weaker sex, there is a small correction of 5 cm:

It is made because the legs of women are slightly shorter than those of men. These are the natural proportions of the human body. Accordingly, the girls' step is smaller.

You can also choose your entire inventory, I use only growth and nothing else. How to choose skis by height table:

Or use the following rule according to the type of inventory:

Features of the classic move

This is how our grandmothers and grandfathers rode, but until now this method has not lost its relevance. With this method, sliding occurs along two tracks, which must be parallel to each other. Riding like this can work out stability, which is great for beginners.

Correct stiffness

The product has a bend in the middle. If you put it on a flat surface, then the part will not touch the floor. The harder it is to press the wood to the surface, the harder the material.

Algorithm for determining the optimal value:

  • Stand with your feet on all the equipment, place a strip of paper under it. It should move freely there and not get stuck.
  • Now transfer all the weight to one part - the sheet should be firmly pressed, you cannot pull it out without damaging it.
Manufacturers often indicate for which weight a particular model is intended.


On skis, on the sliding side, special notches may be present.

Their use is intended for beginners as they will not roll back. For those who are just getting started in this business, this feature will be a wonderful plus. The only downside is that they will stick to wet snow.

Selection of skis for skating

This method has this name because athletes use the technique of speed skating when riding. To do this, they are repelled by the active leg and transfer their weight to the other, periodically changing them. In this manner, it is better to use classic inventory, as it is more rigid. And for simple walks - choose soft and elastic models. It is easier to keep your balance on them.

Outfit from the Stayer brand

The online store "Styer" offers a wide range of jackets and overalls made of modern synthetic materials. Their pluses:
  • Resistance to frost, temperature extremes.
  • Moisture repellent function.
  • The filler does not roll off during washing.
  • Durability - the fabric does not tear from light mechanical stress.
Stayer products are very warm, so you can play your favorite sport even in extreme cold.

The company offers products with striking, memorable, but timeless designs. It is suitable both for outdoor activities and for walks in the city in winter.


We looked at many options for the skis and poles to use, which are necessary for people of different levels and experiences. We presented tables for you by which you can independently determine which model you need to buy.

If you are coming to a sports store for the first time, then heed the advice of a consultant. With it, you can pick up and try on exactly the inventory that you need. You also need to pay attention to the manufacturer - the cheap ones will most likely slide badly in the snow, so you should not save on such a purchase, then it will remain intact for the next generation. It is better to give preference to those manufacturers who have proven themselves well. And then you will be provided with excellent and exciting skiing, you will definitely remember it for a long time. We wish you a great winter holiday, good rest and skiing!

Skiing is one of the most widespread and prestigious sports and leisure activities. But riding will be fun if people know how to choose the right skis for height and weight. In addition, they are mountain, racing, walking, differ in shape and size.

Types of winter alpine skiing

The selection of alpine skis is not an easy task. First you need to decide what kind of skiing they are needed for. Models are universal, track, freesky. Accordingly, the shape is also different.

On a note: the first pair of skis was made back then, when people wore skins. Rock carvings depicting skiers date back to the Stone Age. However, the Scandinavians are considered the founders of skiing. In their mythology, there are even special deities, patrons of skis - Ull and Skadi.


These skis are purchased more often than others. Their second name is All-mountain, and they are used even off the piste, for snow blows. They have small longitudinal and torsional rigidity. The waist is 73-105 mm, the rocker reaches 10-20% of the total length.

Before choosing alpine skis, you need to know the characteristics of the terrain. For broken slopes, they should have a waist of 85-105 cm, a front rocker from 15%, preferably a rear one (5-10%). Modern models on the toe and heel have a honeycomb structure, reinforced with carbon and titanol.

Track (Racing)

This type of alpine skiing is also called carving. They are built for downhill skiing on prepared slopes where their full potential is unleashed. They differ from previous models by their large indicators of longitudinal and torsional rigidity. This is necessary to compensate for centrifugal forces at significant speeds and to "cut" into snow or ice when edging.

Modern technique involves skating not in a straight line, but along an arcuate trajectory. And the larger the radius of the arc, the higher the speed. Therefore, when selecting cross-country skis, take into account that they are:

  • short-radius (9-12 m);
  • medium-radius (12-17 m);
  • long-radius (17-25 m).

On the latter, it is possible to accelerate to 80 km / h and more.


These models are chosen for free style, performing jumps and tricks. Friskay is divided into the following categories:

  • Freeride (Freeride) - for skiing off prepared tracks. They have a waist - from 98 mm, rockers: front - 25-30%, back - 10-15%, side cut radius - 17-30 cm.
  • Powder (Powder) - have a waist of 120-130 mm, are more often used in deep snow.
  • Frystal (Park & ​​pipe) - designed for jumps and tricks. They have a typical twin-type, that is, the same folds in the front and back (rocker 10-20%).
  • Ski tour (Ski tour) - these are fairly light models for climbing mountain peaks.

Types of racing or cross-country skiing

Racing products also have their own gradation, which must be taken into account when deciding which ski is better.

For the classic move

These are rather long skis - up to 207 cm. They are soft and with a sharp toe.

The athlete deciding which skis is best must take into account the significant pushing force of the foot and give preference to the stiffer ski. Beginners and hobbyists alike want softer models that are easier to balance.

If skating is to be done at very low temperatures, the belt should be more elastic and softer. Such skis do not need to be lubricated with a large layer of ointment. For above-zero temperatures and frost slightly below zero, the lubricant is applied in a rather thick layer. Therefore, skis are chosen harder. The rule applies to all types of sports equipment.

For skating

Skating skis differ from classic skis in a shorter length - a maximum of 192 cm. They are stiffer and therefore require certain skills. Their toe is blunt.

Speaking about how to choose the right skis, experts recommend paying attention to the forefoot. For cold and dry weather, they prefer a pair in which the socks touch when squeezed. For walking on wet snow, choose those that diverge slightly in the forefoot.


These models are suitable for both "classic" and skating. Their maximum length does not exceed 200 cm in order to prevent mutual advancing of the skis when skating. By design, they are closer to the classic ones.

Fact: in modern models of skis of the same length. This was not always the case: in the Middle Ages, one was shorter and was used to push. The one that was used for riding was sheathed with skins.

Which skis are better: selection criteria

Asking the question of how to choose skis, other characteristics must also be taken into account. For example, the longer the length, the higher the stability and stability. The longest ones are used on high mountains, long, wide tracks.

Medium skis are distinguished by their nimbleness, maneuverability, they are easier to go on icy, uneven surfaces. The smallest are good on short, prepared slopes.

As an example, several models of skis of different types with indicative price tags:

The handling depends on the weight. The heavier the model, the harder it is to handle. This reduces vibration resistance (the ability to absorb vibrations). Manufacturers reduce weight by using the honeycomb structure of the forefoot and heel, preferring light woods.

The selection of skis for walking is carried out according to the same principle as for the classic skiing. People with a lot of weight prefer products with the highest rigidity. When skiing, it is necessary that at least a small distance to the floor surface remains under its block. With excessive softness, the models take a longer pair.

The length and type of ski depends on the physical parameters of the athlete.

Expand the ski table by height (adjust by weight and other parameters)

Children under 6 years old choose models that are slightly taller than 6 years old - 15-20 cm more. For any selection of skis, the "rule of 30 cm" applies. This means that the length of the pair should be 15 cm lower or higher than the person.

It is not necessary to use height and weight tables to purchase suitable skis. A couple is chosen like this:

  1. The flex tester determines and marks the balance line with a marker.
  2. Place the skis on a flat surface and stand on them, placing the toes of the shoe against the marked mark.
  3. Distribute body weight across two legs.
  4. Ask the assistant to hold a sheet of office paper under the ski.
  5. A pair is suitable if the sheet moves freely from the balance line towards the toe at a distance of 25 cm (depending on the length of the equipment), as well as to the end of the foot.
  6. If this distance is less, a more rigid model is taken, and vice versa.

This method is used for products used in the classic skating technique. Almost the same test is performed with a pair for skating. Take a very thin sheet of paper, which is pushed forward at a distance of at least 40 cm, behind the foot - 10 cm from the heel. Next, repulsion is imitated - then the total length of the gap should be 30-40 cm, the area under the foot is not clamped.

Alpine skiing length depends on the level of training of their owner and the type of ride:

  • for beginners, with short-radius carving - 0-15 cm lower than the height;
  • universal (track, freeride), for medium radius carving - 15 cm higher or 15 cm lower than height;
  • for freeride and high-speed skiing - 5-20 cm higher than height.

This is the basic criterion. Other factors are taken into account during the purchase phase.

Expand the table for the selection of the length of alpine skis by weight

When calculating, you must take into account level of training:

  1. beginner - -20 cm;
  2. medium - -5 cm;
  3. advanced - the same;
  4. expert - +5 cm;
  5. prorides - + 10 cm.

When choosing skis by height, weight, degree of preparation for skiing off-piste, another 5 cm is added to the resulting length.

According to the 30 cm rule, if a person is 173 cm tall, then no weight correction is carried out, since the ideal initial ski length is indicated. Further, adjustments are made depending on the level of skiing skill, location and skiing technique.

The correct purchase of sticks is also important: they are 15-20 cm smaller in height.

Ski storage and preparation rules

Here, not only beginners make mistakes, but also experienced athletes. However, organizing ski storage is not difficult. To do this, you must observe the following requirements:

  • After returning from a walk, wipe the wood and fasteners with a dry cloth and dry, do not tie. Do not hang sticks by rings or lanyards.
  • Transport and carry skis sliding inward in a cover, tying the heel and toe parts.
  • Do not use an open trunk for transportation. Reagents and dirt dull edges, destroy protective coatings, and spoil wood.
  • Check fasteners for rust after drying.
  • Do not leave to dry near a battery or other heating devices.
  • Treat the surface with paraffin before storing the skis. A whitish coating on the slide along the edges is a sign that the wax layer has worn off and needs to be restored.
  • Before preservation, apply aerosol ointment to the fasteners - this will protect the metal from oxidation.

Skiing is a popular winter pastime. Who doesn't love a measured skiing trip through a snowy winter forest? But for skiing to be enjoyable, you need to choose them wisely. How to choose the right cross country ski?

Before choosing skis, you need to decide what you need them for. Because skis are very different - for tourists, athletes, for amateur athletes, for hunters or for extreme lovers. All skis are divided into cross-country and mountain skis. In this article, we will show you how to choose cross-country skiing.

How to choose the right skis

Cross-country skiing is skiing in two ways (styles). The first one is classic. Any person who has ever gotten up on skis knows about it - with this kind of skiing, the skis move parallel to each other. For classic skiing, softer skis are required, with a long and sharp toe.
The second way of skating is skating, or free style. In this case, the skier moves on skis, like on skates, pushing off the snow with the inside of the ski. In this case, the skis must be hard.
There are also those who like to ski in both classical and skating style - especially for them there are universal skis that are suitable for skiing in any way.

Which skis to choose: plastic or wooden
First, let's choose the material from which the skis are made. They can be made of plastic or wood. Wooden ones are much cheaper, but they are very outdated and are rarely found in stores. Such skis need to be tarred before skiing so that the tree does not absorb moisture. Plastic skis have replaced wooden skis - they glide better, they do not need to be lubricated. In addition, they are much lighter than wood, stronger and more durable.
Therefore, to the question - which skis are better, the answer will be unambiguous: plastic.

How to choose the size of skis by height

For a comfortable ride, it is very important that the skis are of the correct size. It is very easy to choose skis by height - there are two main ways:
The 1st way to choose skis is to measure your height with your arm outstretched. And subtract 10 centimeters from this number.
The second way to choose skis by height is easier - just add 10-15 cm to your height.To be more precise, here is a table by which you can determine the length of skis and poles depending on your height:

Height, cm

Ski length, cm

Stick length, cm

Always choose skis based on your height. This is especially important for children. It happens that parents buy them "for growth" skis of a larger size, which is why the child is very uncomfortable to ride them.

How to choose the stiffness of skis
The optimal ski stiffness is directly related to the weight of the person. Therefore, when buying skis, you should carefully consider the issue of their rigidity. It is very easy to check your skis for the required stiffness right before buying. To do this, stand on the skis of your choice on the store floor. There should be a place right under the boot, between the skis and the floor, so that a sheet of paper can go through. If the sheet does not fit, then the skis will be soft for you. Then stand on one ski with both feet - in this case, there should be no space between the ski and the floor. Otherwise, the skis are too stiff for their owner. It's so easy to choose the required ski stiffness.

How to choose ski boots
Ski boots are selected according to the skiing style. For example, for skiing in the classic way, ski boots should be low and with soft soles. And for skating, the boots are taller and harder. For lovers of a universal method of skiing, the so-called combi boots have been created; these are boots of medium hardness that are suitable for skiing in any style.

We hope our tips will help you choose the right skis, and skiing on them will be a real pleasure!