What is the success of Caveryin two captain. On the birthday of Veniamine Cavery

What is the success of Caveryin two captain. On the birthday of Veniamine Cavery
What is the success of Caveryin two captain. On the birthday of Veniamine Cavery

Once in the city of Ensk, on the banks of the river, a dead postman was found and a bag with letters. Aunt Dasha read every day with her neighbors aloud in one letter. Especially remembered by Sana Grigoriev Strings about distant polar expeditions ...

Sanya lives in an ensk with parents and sister Sasha. According to the ridiculous chance of Sanina Father, accused of murder and arrest. Only Little Sanya knows about the real killer, but because of the challenges, from which only later will relieve his wonderful doctor Ivan Ivanovich, he can't do anything. Father dies in prison, after some time the mother gets married. Stepfather is a cruel and forgive man who torments both children and his wife.

After the death of Mother, aunt Dasha and the neighbor of the Schovennikov decide to send Sanya with her sister to shelter. Then Sanya and his friend Petya Frying Skin Road flew to Moscow, and from there to Turkestan. "Fight and search, find and not surrender" - this oath supports them on the way. Boys traveled to Moscow on foot, but Petkin Uncle, whom they expected, went to the front. After three months of almost free work in speculators, they have to hide from checking. Petke succeeds to escape, and Sanya gets first in the distributor for benchesters, from there to school-commune.

San like in school: he reads and sculpts from clay, he appears new friends - Valka Zhukov and Chamomile. Once Sanya helps to convey the bag of an unfamiliar old woman who lives in the apartment of the head of the Nikolai Antonovich Tatarinov school. Here Sanya meets Katya, pretty, but somewhat inclined to "ask" a girl with pigtails and dark lively eyes. After some time, Sanya turns out again in the familiar House of Tatarinov: it sends it there for a lactometer, an instrument for checking the composition of milk, Nikolai Antonovich. But the lactometer explodes. Katya is going to take the blame for himself, but proud Sanya does not allow her to do it.

The apartment of Tatarinov becomes for Sani "Something like the cave Ali-Baba with her treasures, riddles and dangers." Nina Kapitonovna, whom Sanya helps in the farm and who feeds him dinners, "Treasure"; Marya Vasilyevna, "Neither a widow, nor a man's wife, who always walks in a black dress and often plunges in longing, -" Riddle "; And "Danger" - Nikolai Antonovich, as it turned out, cousin Uncle Kati. The favorite theme of Nikolai Antonovich's stories is a cousin, that is, Marya Vasilyevna's husband, about whom he was cared for all his life "and which" turned out to be ungrateful. " Nikolai Antonovich has long been in love with Marwe Vasilyevna, but so far she is "ruthless" to him, rather her sympathy is sometimes coming to the guest teacher of the ship's geography. Although when the ship makes Marya Vasilyevna offer, he receives a refusal. On the same day, Nikolai Antonovich collects the school council at home, where the ship is sharply condemned. It was decided to limit the activities of the teacher of geography - then he will be offended and leaving, Sanya informs the ship of everything heard, but as a result, Nikolai Antonovich drives out his sone from home. Offended Sanya, suspecting the ship in betrayal, leaves the commune. He drowned in Moscow for a whole day, he completely disrupted and enters the hospital, where Dr. Ivan Ivanovich rescues him again.

Four years have passed - San Seventeen years. At school, there is a presentation of the staged "Court of Evgeny Onegin", it was here that Sanya meets Katya again and reveals her secret: he has long been preparing to become a pilot. Sanya will finally recognize from Katy's history of Captain Tatarinov. In June of the twelfth year, he, having stopped with the family to ENSK, came out on the schooner "St. Maria "from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. The expedition has not returned. Maria Vasilyevna would unsuccessfully sent a petition for helping the king: it was believed that if Tatarinov died, then according to their own fault: he "casually appealed with official property." The captain family moved to Nikolay Antonovich. Sanya is often found with Katya: they go to the rink together, in the zoo, where Sanya suddenly faces his stepfather. On the school ball Sanya and Katya remain alone, but the chamomile prevents their conversation, which then reports to Nikolai Antonovich. Sanya is no longer taken from the Tatarinov, and Katya is sent to the aunt in Enk. Sanya beats the chamomile, it turns out, and in history with the ship, it was he who played a fateful role. Nevertheless, Sanya repents in his act - he leaving him in an ensk.

In the hometown of Sanya, Sanya also finds aunt Dasha, and the old man Skovorodnikova, and Sasha's sister, he learns that Petka also lives in Moscow and is going to become an artist. Once again Sanya reread old letters - and suddenly understands that they really belong to the expedition of Captain Tatarinov! Sanya's excitement learns that no one else like Ivan Lvovich Tatarinov, opened the northern land and called it in honor of his wife Marya Vasilyevna, that it was precisely the fault of Nikolai Antonovich, this "terrible man", most of the equipment turned out to be unsuitable. Rows in which the name of Nicholas is directly named, blurred with water and are preserved only in the memory of Sani, but Katya believes him.

Sanya firmly and strongly refuses Nikolai Antonovich before Maria Vasilyevna and even demands that she "presented the accusation." Only then Sanya realizes that this conversation finally struck Marwe Vasilyevna, convinced her in solving to commit suicide, because Nikolai Antonovich had already been her husband for that time ... Doctors do not manage to save Mary Vasilyevna: she dies. At the funeral Sanya approaches Kate, but she turns away from him. Nikolay Antonovich managed to convince everyone that the speech in the letter was not at all about him, but about some kind of "vomirmymy" and that Sanya is guilty of Mary Vasilyevna's death. San remains only hard to prepare for admission to a flying school, to ever find the expedition of Captain Tatarinov and prove its right. Last time to see from Katya, he leaves learning to Leningrad. He is engaged in a flying school and at the same time works at the factory in Leningrad; At the Academy of Arts, the Sasha's sister and her husband Peter Skovornets are studying. Finally, Sanya seeks destination to the north. In the city of Zapolyar, he meets with Dr. Ivan Ivanovich, he shows the diaries of the navigator "St. Mary "Ivan Klimova, who died in 1914 in Arkhangelsk. Patiently deciphering records, Sanya learns that the captain of the Tatarinov, sending people to search for land, himself remained on the ship. The navigator describes the hike, with admiration and respect responds about his captain. Sanya understands that the traces of the expedition should be found on the land of Mary.

From Vali Zhukov Sanya lets about some Moscow news: the chamomile became the "closest man" in the house of Tatarinov and, it seems, "going to marry the Kate". Sanya constantly thinks about Kate - he decides to go to Moscow. In the meantime, they get the task to fly into the deaf becoming a womban, but fall into a blizzard. Thanks to the forced landing, Sanya finds the Baggun from Schunov "St. Maria". Gradually, a slim picture is drawn up from the "fragments" of the Captain history.

In Moscow, Sanya plans to make a report on the expedition. But first, it turns out that Nikolai Antonovich has already partly ahead of him, printed an article about the opening of Captain Tatarinov, and then the same Nikolai Antonovich with his assistant chamomile publish in the "Pravda" slander to Sanya and thereby deal with the abolition of the report. Ivan Pavlovich ship largely helps San and Kate. With his assistance in relations between young people disappears distrust: Sanya understands that Kate is trying to impose a marriage with chamomile. Katya leaves the house of Tatarinov. Now she is a geologist, Head of the Expedition.

Non-thorough, but now a few "coated" chamomile leads a double game: he offers San proof of Nikolai Antonovich's guilt, if he refuses Kati. Sanya puts about this in the fame of Nikolai Antonovich, but he is no longer able to resist the destruct "Assistant." With the help of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the pilot Ch. Sanya still receives permission to the expedition, in the "Pravda" print his article with excerpts from the navigator diary. In the meantime, he returns to the north.

The expedition is trying to cancel again, but Katya shows a decisiveness - and here in the spring they must meet in Leningrad to prepare for the search. Lovely lovers - white nights they walk around the city, all the time they are preparing for the expedition. Sasha, Sanina Sister, gave birth to a son, but suddenly her condition deteriorates sharply - and she dies. The expedition for an incomprehensible reason is canceled - the san is given a completely different purpose.

It takes five years. Sanya and Katya, now Tatarinov-Grigoriev, live in the Far East, then in the Crimea, then in Moscow. In the end, they settle in Leningrad together with Pete, his son and Katina Grandma. Sanya is involved in the war in Spain, and then departs to the front. One day, Katya meets the chamomile again, and he tells her about how he, saving the wounded Sanya, tried to get out of the environment of the Germans and as Sanya disappeared. Katya does not want to believe the chamomile, at that difficult time it does not lose hope. And really a chamomile is lying: In fact, he did not save, but he threw a serious san, who hesitated his weapons and documents. Sana'a manage to get out: it is treated in the hospital, and from there go to Leningrad in search of Kati.

In Leningrad, Kati is not, but the Sanya is invited to fly to the north, where the battles are also going. Sanya, and not finding Katya in anyone in Moscow, where he just missed her, nor in Yaroslavl, thinks that she is in Novosibirsk. During the successful implementation of one of the combat missions, the crew of Grigoriev makes a forced landing near the place where, according to Sani, you need to search for traces of the Expedition of Captain Tatarinov. Sanya finds the body of the captain, as well as its farewell letters and reports. And returning to the polar, Dr. Pavlova Sanya finds both Katya.

In the summer of 1944, Sanya and Katya spend a vacation in Moscow, where they see with all friends. Sane needs two cases: it gives testimony in the case of a convicted Romashov, and his report on the expedition is held with great success, about the discoveries of Captain Tatarinov, about whom this expedition died. Nikolai Antonovich with a shame is expelled from the hall. In Enk, the family is going at the table again. The old man in his speech unites Tatarinov and Sanya: "Such captains move forward mankind and science."

The article is devoted to the analysis of the journal reception of two volumes of Roman V. Kaverin "Two Captains". The reaction of criticism on the novel was ambiguous. The author explores the controversy, which turned on the pages of the Council periodic after the appearance of the novel.

Keywords: V. A. Kaverin, "Two Captains", magazine controversy, Stalinist premium.

In the history of Soviet literature Roman V. Kaverin

"Two Captain" occupies a special place. His success in the reader's environment was undoubted. At the same time, the novel seemingly corresponded to all Soviet ideological installations. The main character - Alexander Grigoriev - Sirota, miraculously survived in the years of civil war. He is literally adopted and brought up by Soviet Vlas. It was the Soviet government that he gave him everything, allowed to realize a children's dream. The former sleepwear, orphanage, became a pilot. He dreams of finding traces of the victim at the beginning of the First World War of Arctic Expedition, which was headed by Captain Ivan Tatarins. To find, not only to give tribute to the memory of the scientist, but also to solve the problem, almost resolved by Tatarin. The task of finding new sea routes. Help Grigoriev's brother of the deceased - a former entrepreneur Nikolai Tatarinov. He destroyed Ka - Pattern of Tatarinov for the sake of profitable supplies and love for its own - not. Then I fully adapted to Soviet power, I hid the past, even made a teacher's career. And it helps the former pre-tracker a funeral Mikhail Romashov, the peers of Grigoriev, in love with the daughter of the deceased Captain - Catherine. It married, she will be released for Grigoriev, who does not change any friendship, nor the principles.

The work of the Russian Sailor, who served the Fatherland, and not the "royal regime," will continue the Soviet pilot. And the victory will achieve, not - looking at the intrigues of enemies.

Everything seemed to be impeccable. But the novel criticism not only praised. There were crushing reviews. In this article, the reasons for the controversy of the novel are followed.

1939-1941 Tom First

Initially, the genre of the new book of Cavery was defined as the news. Since August 1938, it was printed by the Leningrad Children's Journal

"Bonfire". Publication in March 1940 was completed. From January 1939, the Leningrad journal of the "literary contemporary" began the publication of the Cavelian story. It also ended in Mar - those 1940 g.2

The first critical reviews appeared before the story was printed completely. On the ninth, 1939, Leningrad - Skye Pravda published a semi-annual review of Materials "Lite-Foreign Contemporary". The review by the review very highly appreciated Kaverin 3.

The opinion it was challenged in the article "Closer to your readers", published on December 11, 1939, Komsomol Rights. The author of the article, the teacher, was unhappy with the work of children's magazines "Bonfire" and "Pioneer". Well, in the Cavelian story, the "ugly, perverted, incorrect image of a school medium, students and teachers" 4.

Such an accusation - on the outcome of 1939 - was very serious. Political. And he was guilty, according to the author of the article, not only to Kaverin. The editors too: "The educational significance of this cancellation - but the long story is very doubtful" 5.

Cavelian contemporaries easily guessed possible by the investigation. It was guessing that the article containing a political revision would have to become the first stage of the "Exchange" campaign. So usually started. Here is the "letter of the reader", and here is the opinion of authoritative criticism, etc. However, nothing like it happened.

December twenty-sixth of December, the "literary newspaper" published Article K. Simonov "On the literature and rules of the new order". The author was already at that time quite influential, it was implied, which he expresses the opinion of the leadership of the Writers' Union. SI - Monov quite sharply spoke on the article published by Komso - Molka Pravda:

N. Likhacheva's review about the story of Caverin is not only a misconcourse, but also a good one in essence. The point, of course, is not a negative assessment of the story, the fact is that N. Lihachev in several lines tried to cross the big and hard work6.

The reviewer in the Komsomolskaya Pravda, as Simonov claimed, did not understand the specifics of fiction. I do not understand - what "writers write books, and not the rules of the internal breakage. The literature, of course, should help the upbringing of de-Tay, it should awaken in them high thoughts, thirst for the die, thirst for knowledge, is a rather great task in order not to fall on the shoulders of writers, what is included in the entity Pedagogues "7.

The following reviews appeared in the press after the magazine version of the "two captains" was completely published - Wan and prepared for printing a separate publication.

In June 1940, the magazine "Literary Contemporary" published the editorial article - "The Fate of Captain Grigoriev". Re - Dakci recognized that the story "not only is, in our opinion, the best of what Caveryn has written so far, but also represents a very peculiar and interesting phenomenon of our litera - tours of recent years ..." 8.

The newspaper controversy was not forgotten. The editors with gratefully noted the "faithful and witty article K. Simonov" 9. The editorial office in this case is understandable: Simonov defended not only Cavery, but also the magazine staff. Simonov's vli is traced later. Thus, on July 27, the article by A. Roskina "Two Captain", which is not mentioned, although they are not mentioned, although simonovsky, are not mentioned, but it is almost quoted. SI - Monov, for example, wrote that now children rarely appeal to the finals of the book, without reading it, and Caverin may have made his readers to skip several pages in the desire to learn about the fate of the heroes. Accordingly, Roskin noted: "Ve-ally, many readers led through the pages of Caverin-sky books not because of the annoying desire to finish reading, and because of the sincere desire to seek the future of the Gearials.

However, Roskin emphasized that not only a fascinating plot should be attributed to the writer's achievements. Correspondingly achievement is the main character. Caveryin, according to Criticism, created a hero, which will imitate Soviet readers11.

The only serious lack of a book, Roskin believed, -

this is a plotlessly reasonable final: Caveryin "Turning

at the end of the novel in the fuss of the unleashing of all sorts of large and small phaance knots "12.

This assessment joined other critics. It was about the fact that the chapters dedicated to the childhood Grigoryeva were able to write - Liu better than others13. The most clearly formulated the reproaches of P. Gromov. He pointed out that the action of the book was considered in two plans. On the one hand, investigating the causes of the death of Ka - Pouring Tatarinov. And on the other hand, the reader monitors the Pethods of the fate of Grigoriev. However, the history of the Tatarin Exppection is paid too much attention, because Sanya Grigor - EB is not completed as an artistic image, it breaks as an individual "14.

Such were the main reproaches. Not too important - given the fact that the accusation of a political nature of Simonov was removed. In general, the reviews printed after the completion of the journal publication were positive. Critics noted that "two captains" are a serious achievement of a writer who managed to negose the long-standing "formalistic" errors. In general, the polo has changed radically.

However, it is because there are particularly interesting reasons for which a review has appeared, who almost forbidden the publication of the Cavelian story.

It is noteworthy that Caveryin, not always believed seriously to the estimates of his books, remembered the article in Komsomolskaya Pravda. Almost forty years later, he noted in the autobiographical book "Epilogh", that "even the" two captains "were met once - a bulging article - a kind of teacher with indignation of constitutional - shaft that my hero Sanya Grigoriev calls Komsomol du - Roy" 15.

Inspections, of course, not only did it. Cavery only emphasized their justice. But in this case the turn "even" two captains "is interesting." The author seemed to be sure that there would not be exactly the complaints. It seems to be okay. And - I was wrong. I remembered my mistake all my life. About the reasons for reasoning - not to give.

Causes are detected when analyzing a political context.

In 1939, preparation began to award Writers of the Horde - us. The lists were then compiled and the leadership of the Union of Writers, and the functions of the agitation department and the propaganda of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). SP and Agitprop traditionally competed. Agitprop sought to subjugate the guide of the joint venture, but never managed. The SP leadership had the opportunity to directly contact I. Stalin. He did not always support Agitprop. The question of awarding the

denami was very important. The increase in fees and benefits were awarded from his decision, and the benefits. It was decided who this should be distributed - Agitprope or the JV leadership. It was here that it was detected, who is more influential. The leadership of the joint venture had their own creatures, Agitprop, of course, their own. So the lists did not coincide.

Caveryin could well count on the Order. And calculated. Opened. The case was not only in vanity, although the Order is a sign of official recognition. At that time, the "ordinarians" was not much. A hundred-of-Tus "Writer-Oddenon-Russian", respectively, was high. And most importantly, the Order of at least relative security provided. "Pisa - Liu-Orelonosztsu" arrest without guilt and the reason threatened to a lesser extent than other colleagues writers.

The guide of the joint venture always favored Cavery. In the reader's environment he was popular. And his professionalism was marked by M. Gorky in the early 20s. With all that, Kaverein never claimed any positions, did not achieve benefits, did not participate in the writing intrigues. His candidacy should not be any objection among the Agitpropov functionaries.

A preventive strike, applied by the Komsomolskaya Pravda, determined the exclusion of Cavery from premium lists. We can - but assume that the teacher who sent an article in the Komsomol - Whether truth was operated on his own initiative. However, the publication of the article was not an accident. Agitprop again showed that the issue of awarding is solved not only by the guidance of the joint venture.

The political accusation should be answered. Only after that it would be possible to consider the issue of award. Replied Si Monov. The management of the joint venture showed that the opinion of the Komsomolskaya Pravda does not accept, ready to continue the controversy. Critics under - held the control of the joint venture. Agitprop to the continuation was not yet. But Won Agitprop. Won, because on the refutation of the article in the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" time was required. In the meantime, there was time, premium lists were compiled and agreed. The Order then caveryin did not receive. Awarded others. Most of them are not so famous who have published much less.

1945-1948 Tom two

Cavery continued to work. Prepared for the publication the second volume

"Two captains." The publication of the second volume in January 1944 began the Moscow magazine "October". She ended in Dec - Bree16.

In the preface to the magazine publication it was reported that the OD - on the main topics of the novel is the continational relationship of the Russian and counseling history. It was constantly emphasized: "In the desire of sa - either resurrect and highly raise the semi-forgotten personality of Captain Tatarinov, the continuity of the great traditions of Russian culture" 17.

In parallel, the editorial training of the novel in the publisher "Children's literature" was followed. The book was signed for printing 14 AP - Rel 1945. The situation seemed to be quite beneficial. In the New Tome of Grigoriev, who fought in the Far North, finally solved the task set by the captain of Tatarino, and the intrigues were finally defeated and disappeared. But the changes began before signing a book for printing.

The first Tom of the novel, according to Criticism, was the Cavelian Uda whose. The main character was especially successful - the pilot of Grigoriev. But the WTO did not meet the reading expectations. The author did not cope with the task. Even neglected by the method of socialist realism. If you believe Gromov, fascinated by the caveryin an adventurous plot, according to the historically accurate hero acts in the invented, historic random circumstances19.

Gromov observed some caution in estimates. It was the first blow. He followed the second, much more severe. In the August issue of the Moscow magazine "Banner", the article by V. Smirnova "Two captains change the course", where the assessment of the second volume was already unambiguous - negative 20.

Smirnova was then known not only as criticism. First of all - as a children's writer. It is characteristic that in mar - those 1941, the readers of the journal "Pioneer" she also recommended that the Verinian Book. This, according to her, was the "modern Soviet novel adventure" 21.

Four years later, the estimate has changed. Kaverinsky Roman Smirnova opposed the novels of L. Tolstoy, who, according to her, you can re-read again and again, whereas on the caveryin book should have put the inscription "Fear are re-pubed!" 22.

Of course, it followed at least somehow explaining why the book was positively evaluated for five years. Former estimates of Ka - the Verinskaya book Smirnova explained the hopes of critics to the growth of the author's skill and the deficit of children's literature23.

Hope critics, according to Smirnova, turned out to be in vain. It grew not the skill, but the ambition of Cavery. If you believe Smirnova, he decided to make the flyer of Grigoriev in the way Ge - Roy, "in which in the mirror the reader has long wanted to see himself", thus type, "the creation of which is the newest and most important task of Soviet literature and the most expensive dream of each - the Soviet writer "24.

This, I insisted Smirnov, failed to Cavery. Do not compare him with Tolstoy. And even the main cavery hero is not OP - rated hope. His boyish pride, according to Smirnova, "did not grow into a sense of self-esteem, in the national pride, mandatory for Captain Grigoriev, if he claims to be a representative of Soviet youth" 25.

Everything else, Smirnova emphasized that Grigoriev, in essence, is deprived of the features of the Russian national nature. But he has

"A lot of gloating not inherent in the Russian man" 26.

It was already a very serious accusation. In the context of the "patriotic" campaigns of the military era - almost political. Well, the conclusion was formulated by Smirnova without any Ekivovok: "The reluctance and desires of Cavery did not come true. "Two captains" did not become EPO - Pey Soviet Life "27.

The review of Smirnova was perhaps the most sharp. Other revisions, noting that the caveryan novel is not deprived of the shortcomings, the OCE - the generally highly high. Smirnov also refused to novel in ka - would be the merits and advanced against the author of the accusation, in fact excluding positive assessments. And it was especially strange, because the novel was back in March put forward by the joint venture on the Stalin Prize29.

Do not know about the novel of the novel to the Stalinist Prize, the Smir - Nova could not. They knew this almost all who were in the joint venture. But it seems that it was the nomination that caused the result of a crushing article.

It was not only about the Stalin Prize. It was discussed by the problem of creating the true Soviet epic, comparable to the fat Epopea "War and Peace". This problem is known to be discussed in the 20s. The fact of creating a truly Soviet epic was to confirm that the Soviet state does not impede, but contributes to the emergence of literature, not inferior to Russian classics. A duty joke of those years - the search for "Red Lion Tol - Sto." By the 30s, the problem has lost its former relevance, but with the end of the war, the situation has changed again. The solution to this problem controlled personally Stalin. In this regard, again, the abitroprop rival of the Agitprop and the SP30 leadership began.

The chronological framework of the Cavelian novel - from the beginning of the First World War and almost until the end of the Great Patriotic War. And the volume is quite solid - for 1945, of course, Kaverin did not claim the status of the "red lion of Tolstoy", but ru - the joint venture could well report: work on the creation of truths - but the Soviet epic is conducted, there are advances. And the Stalinist pre-Miya author of the most popular book was actually provided.

It is unlikely that the management of the JCP in any way planned to approve Caveryin in the status of the "Red Leo Tolstoy". But Agitprop inflicted a warning strike. At the same time, and showed again that the issue of awarding is decided not to the guidance of the joint venture. Feedback Smirnova, one might say, disavowed the decision, adopted by the guide of the joint venture. There were too serious accusations. And the novel is bad in itself, and the problem of creating the epic of the Soviet era with this novel cannot be correlated, and also at the main ge - the nature of the non-Russian.

Unanswered such accusations could not be left. They concerned not only Cavery. All publishing organizations published and have collected publish the Kavelinsky Roman, too, Casis. And the guide of the joint venture, of course. The answer was published in the November-December issue of the magazine "October" Article E. Procesich "Sanya Grigoriev before the pedagogical court" 31.

Hope, the Bolshevik since 1915, was considered quite a very author - a little critic. And the technique of backstage games was not worse than Smirnova owned. The affected article was addressed not only to the "mass reader." She implicitly appealed to Simonov, recently in the Red - Banner College of "Banner" included. The title of the article was not able to recall the article by Simonov defending in 1939 to Kave - Rin from the attacks of the "class lady".

Simonov, of course, did not have a relation to the Smirnovskaya article. Ra - Bota magazine, in fact ignoring the editor-in-chief V. Vishe - Nevsky, then he was led by D. Polycarpov, frankly lobbying Agitpropov. Anti-Semitic judgments Polykar - V. were known to Moscow journalists. It seems that the statements of Smirnova on the absence of the traits of the Russian national character in the Cavelin Hero were inspired if not in Licarps personally, then from his knowledge and approval. The Littelm Council - Mennikov Hint was understood. The author of the novel "Two Captain" is a Jew, because the character of the main character could not be Russian. However, according to Licarpov, not only expressed her opinion. The policy of state anti-Semitism has become increasingly frank32.

About Simonov, of course, she did not mention. But with a little - howl, half atemized in the Simonian manner. Emphasized that

costume of Smirnova is composed of "from individual apartments. Some of them are not justified at all, and together taken, they do not have anything in common with each other, except for a common goal - to defame RO-Mans "Two Captain" "33.

Hopely disproved one after another, all the inventives Smirnova. True, the question of whether the Roman can be considered a Soviet epic, carefully bypassed. There was no need to argue. Marks HIV and the fact that there are flaws in the novel. But emphasized that SKA - a sign of the shortcomings "could serve the subject of discussion and dispute, to which there are no relation to the rough Branch and the vigorous hints against the excellent book by V. Smirnova" 34.

Article Proceed, as at one time, Simonov's article, demonstrated the readiness of the management of the joint venture to continue. This time, Agitprop gave way - partly. Stalinskaya Prize Cavelin Semi-Chil. Second degree, but received. And the novel was already officially recognized by the Soviet classic35.

The material is taken from: Scientific magazine Series "Journalism. Literary criticism "№ 6 (68) / 11

Famous roman Veniamine Cavery deservedly love not one generation of readers. In addition to almost a decade (from the mid-1930s to 1944), painstaking work and writing talent in this novel was invested by a special spirit - the spirit of the era of the turbulent and often tragic research of the Far North.

The author never hidden that many of his characters have quite real prototypes, and in their words sometimes embedded genuine words of certain researchers in the Arctic. Cavery himself repeatedly confirmed that, for example, the image of Captain Tatarinov was inspired by reading books on the expeditions of Georgy Brusylov, Vladimir Rusanova, George Sedov and Robert Scott.

Indeed, it is quite a little more closely to look in the land of Roman, as for the literary character Ivan Lvovich Tatarinov arises the figure of the Polar Researcher of Lieutenant George Lvovoch Brousilova whose expedition on schoon "Holy Anna" (In the novel, "Holy Maria") set off in 1912 from St. Petersburg by the Northern Seasoy in Vladivostok.

Lieutenant G. L. Brusilov (1884 - 1914?)

It was not destined to arrive at the destination Shhun - the vessel flushed into ice was taken away to the north.

Schunun "Holy Anna" on the Neva before the start of the expedition
lieutenant Brusylova (1912)

On the nailuses of this tragic swimming, about the failures pursuing the expedition, about the strains and conflicts between its participants, you can learn from the navigator diary Valerian Ivanovich Albanova In April 1914, along with ten members of the crew with the permission of the captain, he left the "Holy Anna" in the hope of falling the land of Franz Joseph.

Polar Sturman V. I. Albanov (1882 - 1919)

In this campaign on the ice survived only Albanov himself and one of the sailors.

The Diary of the Navigator Albanov, who was the prototype of the character of the novel of Kaverina Navigorman Klimov, was published as a book in Petrograd in 1917 under the headline "south to Franz Joseph!"

Map of the expedition district of Lieutenant Brusylov
from the book of the navigator Albanova

Confirm or refute the version of the history of this expedition outlined by the navigator, no one - "Holy Anna" disappeared without a trace.
Some clarity could make letters of participants in the expedition, trusted Albanov, but they were missing.

In the novel of Veniamine Caveryin "Polar" mail with "St. Mary", who played the decisive role of fate not only Sanya Grigoriev, but also other heroes of the book, was in the bag of drowned writing and helped on a lot of shed light. In real life, the letter was failed to find, and in the history of swimming "St. Anne" there were many unsolvable issues.

By the way, it is interesting that the motto of the novel - "Fight and look for, find and not surrender" - This was not at all invented by V. Kaverin, a boyish oath, and the final line from the KhrestStaya poem of the beloved poet of the British Queen Victoria Lord Alfred Tennison "Ulysses" (in the original: "To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield" ).

This line is also engraved on the cross in memory of the deceased expedition of Robert Scott to the South Pole, on observatory hill In Antarctica.

It is possible that english Polar Researcher Robert Scott He also served as one of the prototypes of Captain Tatarinov. So, for example, a farewell letter to the wife of this character Roman Kaverin begins in the same way as similar letter Scott: "My widow ...".

Robert Scott (1868 - 1912)

But appearance, character, some episodes of biography and the views of Captain Ivan Tatarinov are borrowed by Veniamin Cavery of the fate of the Russian polar explorer George Yakovlevich Sedova whose expedition on schoon "Saint Fock" The North Pole, which began in the same way in 1912, ended with a complete failure primarily due to the fact that it was completely ugly prepared.

Senior Lieutenant G. Ya. Sedov (1877 - 1914)

So, the vessel itself - the old Norwegian bark "Geyser" of 1870 built - it was clearly not adapted to long-term swimming in high polar latitudes, so most of the most necessary members of Sedov crew (captain, assistant captain, navigator, mechanic and his assistant, boatswain) , fired on the eve of the expedition - more precisely, three days before it began (on August 27, 1912 to n. Art.).

Schunun Expedition G. Ya. Sedova "Saint Fock"
on wintering in the new land (1913?)

The head of the expedition was hardly able to recruit a new team, and I could not find a radio player. It is especially worth remembering the story with the ride dogs, who were caught for Sedov right on the streets of Arkhangelsk and sold at an inflated price (ordinary mongrels, of course), with a poorly qualified provision, set on "St. Foku" in a hurry, which local merchants did not come to use.

Is it not true, all this has straight parallels with the plot of Roman Kaverin, in which one of the main reasons for the failure of the Expedition "Holy Mary" in the pits of Captain Tatarinov called a catastrophe with a supply (as far as I remember, about the dogs there was also a speech there)?

Sedov expedition scheme in 1912 - 1914.

And finally, another possible prototype of Captain Tatarinova - Russian Arctic researcher Vladimir Alexandrovich Rusanov.

V. A. Rusanov (1875 - 1913?)

The fate of the expedition V. A. Rusanova, which began in the same way in 1912 on a sail-motor bot "Hercules" still remains completely unexplained. And the leader himself and all of its participants were missing in 1913 in the Kara Sea.

Bot "Hercules" of the expedition V. A. Rusanova.

The search for the Rusanov expedition, undertaken in 1914 - 1915. The Maritime Ministry of the Russian Empire, did not bring any result. Where exactly and under what circumstances died "Gecroules" and his team to find out then never succeeded. Well, and then in connection with the world and civil wars, the subsequent rules for them, it became simply not up to that.

Only in 1934 on the nameless island (now he is called Hercules) at the western coast of Taimyr, a pillar was found, poured into the ground with the inscription "Hercules. 1913"), and on a different island nearby - the remains of the clothes, the cartridges, compass, the camera, Hunting knife and some other things seem to belong to the participants of the Rusanov expedition.

It was at that time that Veniamin Cavery began working on his novel "two captains". Most likely, the discovery of 1934 served as a real basis for him for the final chapters of the book, in which Sanya Grigoriev, who became a polar pilot, accidentally (although, of course, not at all by chance) found the remains of the expedition of Captain Tatarinov.

It is possible that Vladimir Rusanov became one of the prototypes of Tatarinov also because the real polar researcher had a long-standing (since 1894) a revolutionary past, and he connected himself with some esters, but being a convinced Marxist, with Social Democrats. Still, you need to take into account the time in which I was written by his novel (1938 - 1944).

At the same time, supporters to blame Soviet writers in constant chanting of Stalin, promoting the formation of the "cult of personality", notice that in the entire rather volumetric novel of Cavery, the name of the Secretary General mentioned only one thing that did not prevent the writer in 1946, in 1946, the Stalin Prize for "Two Captain, "Being a Jew on origin, in the midst of the fight against" cosmopolitans ".

Veniamin Caveryin (Veniamin Abelievich Zilber)
(1902 - 1989)

By the way, if I carefully read the science fiction novel V. A. Obrucheva "Land Sannikova", written by him in 1924, then it can be found prototypes of the book by V. Caverin (only not real, and literary). It is worth recalling that Caveryin began his literary activities in the 1920s as the author of fantastic stories, and it was unlikely that he did not experience a certain attitude of Obruchev.

So, despite the name of the novel of the Veniamin Cavery, it is not two captains in it, and at least six: Ivan Tatarinov and Sanya Grigoriev (like fictional literary characters), as well as prototypes of Captain Tatarinov - Polar researchers - Lieutenant Brusilov, Senior Lieutenant Sedov , English officer Scott and Enthusiast Rusanov. And this is if not considered the navigator Klimov, whose prototype became the navigator of Albanov.
However, Sani Grigoriev also had a prototype. But it is better to tell about it separately.

The collective image of Captain Tatarinov in the novel of Caverin "Two Captain" in my opinion is a wonderful literary monument to everyone who at the beginning of the twentieth century, believing in the bright future of mankind, sought to bring it into the brief, going to the often hopeless expeditions on the duck ship to explore the extreme north ( or extreme south, in the case of Robert Scott).

The main thing is that we all do not forget these albeit in something naive, but completely sincere heroes.

Perhaps the conclusion of my post will seem unnecessarily pathetic.
As you please. You can read me even "Sovkom"!
But I actually think so, because in my soul, fortunately, a romantic gust has not yet died. And the novel of Veniamine Caveryin "Two Captain" is still one of my favorite books from among those that were read in childhood.

Thank you for attention.
Sergey Vorobyov.

For the first time the first book of the novel of Veniamin Cavery "Two Captain" was published in the journal "Kostyon", Nos. 8-12, 1938; №№ 1, 2, 4-6, 9-12, 1939; №№ 2-4, 1940. Roman printed in the "fire" over the course of almost two years in 16 rooms (No. 11-12 in 1939 was dual).
It should be noted that excerpts from the first book were printed in many publications ("light", 1938, No. 11 (called "Father"); "Cutter", 1938, No. 7 (called "Mystery"); "Ogonek", 1938 , No. 35-36 (called "Boys"); "Leningradskaya Pravda", 1939, January 6 (called "Native House"); "Change", 1939, No. 1 (called "First Love. From the novel" be ""); "Cutter", 1939, No. 1 (called "Crocodile Tears"); "30 days", 1939, No. 2 (called "Katya"); "Redflower", 1939, No. 5 (called "Old letters"); "Change", 1940, No. 4, "Literary Contemporary", 1939, Nos. 2, 5-6; 1940, Nos. 2, 3).
The first book edition saw the light in 1940, the first edition of the fully finished novel containing two volumes has been published in 1945.
It seems interesting to compare two variants of the novel - a pre-war and full option (in two books), completed by the writer in 1944.
Separately, it should be noted that the novel, published in the "fire", is a completely complete work. Coinciding in almost all the storylines with the first book of a novel familiar to us, this option also contains a description of the events that we know from the second book. In the place where the first book of editions of the 1945th and subsequent years ends, in the "fire" there is a continuation: the heads "Last Camp" (about searching for the expedition I. L. Tatarinova), "Farewell letters" (last captain letters), " Report "(Report Sanya Grigoriev in a geographical society in 1937)," Again in Enk "(Sanya and Kati's trip to Enks in 1939 - actually unites two trips 1939 and 1944, described in the second book) and epilogue.
Thus, already in 1940, readers knew what the story would end up. The expedition of Captain Tatarinov will be found back in 1936 (and not in 1942), because no one prevented Sana to organize searches. The report in the geographical society will be read in 1937 (and not in 1944). We say goodbye to our heroes in Eng in 1939 (the date can be determined on the mention of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition). It turns out that reading the magazine of the novel now, we fall into a new one, an alternative world, in which Sanya Grigoriev was ahead of his "twin" from our version of the novel for 6 years, where there is no war where everyone is alive. This is a very optimistic option.
It should be noted that at the end of the publication of the first version of the Roman V. Kaverin intended to immediately begin writing the second book, where the main attention would be paid to the Arctic adventure, but the war began to prevent the war in the implementation of these plans.
This is what V. Kaverin wrote: "I wrote a novel about five years. When the first volume was completed, the war began, and only at the beginning of the fourth fourth year I managed to return to my work. In the summer of 1941, I worked hard on the second volume in which I wanted to widely use the history of the famous Lesman Lewanel. The plan was already finally thought, the materials were studied, the first chapters were written. A well-known journalist visa approved the content of future "Arctic" chapters and told me a lot of interesting things about the work of search parties. But the war began, and I had to leave the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe end of the novel for a long time. I wrote front-line correspondence, military essays, stories. However, there must be hope for a return to the "two captains" did not quite leave me, otherwise I would not add to the editor of the Izvestia with a request to send me to the Northern Fleet. It is there, among the pilots and submariners of the Northern Fleet, I understood, in which direction you need to work on the second volume of the novel. I realized that the appearance of the heroes of my book will be vague, it is unclear if I don't tell you how they have suffered heavy tests of war with all the Soviet people and won ".

Let us dwell on the differences in the novel variants.

1. Features of the magazine
Even a quick acquaintance with the "Campfire" option allows you to make sure that the novel was printed simultaneously with his writing. From here and inaccuracies and inconsistencies in chapters as it is published, as well as changing the options for writing names and names.
In particular, this happened with a broken line of novel in parts. At the beginning of publication in No. 8 in 1938 there is no indication of the part, there are only chapter numbers. So goes on to the 32nd chapter. After that, from the chapter "Four years", the second part begins and entitled "Part Two". There is no name in it in the magazine. It is easy to make sure that in the modern version of the novel, this chapter begins the third part of the "old letters". Thus, in fact, the first and second part of the novel is integrated into the first part of the first part of the magazine publication. Even more interesting with the next part, which becomes not the third, as it should be expected to readers of the "fire", but the fourth. She has a name already appears. The same as in the modern version is "North". Similarly, the fifth part is "two hearts".
It turns out that during the publication it was decided to smash the first part into two and renumbers the rest of the parts.
However, it seems that with the publication of the fourth and fifth parts, not everything was so simple. In the sixth room in 1939, upon completion of the publication of the second part, the editorial office published such an announcement: "Guys! In this issue we finished printing the third part of the Roman V. Kaverin "Two Captains". The last one remained, which you read the following rooms. But now, after reading most of the novel, you can judge whether he is interested. The characters of the characters and their relationship are already clear to each other, now you can already guess their further fate. Write to us your opinion about read chapters ".
Very interesting! After all, the fourth part (№№ 9-12, 1939) did not become the latter, the final fifth was published in 1940 (Nos. 2-4).
Another interesting fact. Despite the fact that the magazine states that the abbreviated version is printed, the comparison of the options shows that there is practically no reduction. The text of both options over the largest text coincides literally, with the exception of pre-war spelling features. Moreover, in the journal version there are episodes that have not fallen into the final version of the novel. The exception is the last four chapters. However, this is quite explained - they were rewritten again.
This is how these chapters have changed. Chapter 13 of the fifth of the magazine "Last Camp" became the chapter 1 of part 10 of the second book "Rage". The head of the 14 fifth of the magazine "Farewell letters" became the head of 4 part 10. Chapter 15 of the fifth of the magazine "Report" - chapter 8 of part 10. And finally, the events of chapter 16 "Again in Enk" the fifth of the magazine publication were partially described in part Chapter 1 of Part 7 "Five Years" and Chapter 10 of Part 10 "Last".
The features of the magazine publication can be explained and have an error in the numbering chapters. So we have two twelfth chapters in the second part (on one twelfth chapter in the spirit of different rooms), as well as the absence of chapter under No. 13 in the fourth part.
Another omission - in the chapter "Farewell letters", numbered the first letter, publishers left without numbers the other letters.
In the case of the magazine, we can observe the change in the name of the city (first n-sk, and then ensh), the names of heroes (first Kenene, and then Kiren) and individual words (for example, first "PopyDicular" and then "Popandicular").

2. About the knife
Unlike the name of the novel, in the "borer", the main character loses the guard at the corpse is not a montersky, but a penny knife ( "Secondly, the pericoor knife disappeared" - Chapter 2). However, in the next chapter, this knife becomes intern ( "Not he, and I lost this knife - an old montersky knife with a wooden handle").
But in chapter "First date. First insomnia "The knife again turns out to be perico: "So it was when I lost the eight-year-old boy, I lost a penny knife near the murdered guard on the pontoon bridge".

3. On the time of writing memories
Initially in chapter 3 was "Now, remembering this in 25 years, I begin to think that my story would still not believe officials who were sitting in the N-Skom presence for high barriers in the steadmates", became "Now, remembering this, I begin to think that my story would still have no one would believe officials who were sitting in the Ensky presence for high barriers in the steadmates".
Of course, 25 years are not an accurate period, in 1938 - during the publication of this chapter 25 years from the described events has not yet passed.

4. On travels Sanya Grigoriev
In the 5th chapter in the journal version, the hero remembers: "I was in Aldan, flew over the Bering Sea. From Ferbenks, I returned to Moscow through Hawaii and Japan. I studied the coast between Lena and Yeniseem, crossed on the deer of the Taimyr Peninsula ". In the new version of the novel at the hero other routes: "I flew over Bering, over the Barents seas. I was in Spain. I studied the coast between Lena and Yeniseem ".

5. Skin service
But this is one of the most interesting differences in publications.
In the 10th chapter of the magazine edition, Aunt Dasha reads a letter of Captain Tatarinov: "That's how it costs this kindative service expensive.". ATTENTION: "Relative"! Of course, in the new version of the novel, the words "related" is not. This word immediately kills all intrigue and makes an impossible option with Vommyir's background. It is probably subsequently, when it was necessary to complicate the plot and put into action the vomirmymy, Caveryin realized that the word "related" in the letter is clearly superfluous. As a result, when the same letter is cited in the "fire" in the chapters "old letters" and "slander" the word "related" of their text disappears.

6. What is the name of Timoshkin
Interesting metamorphoses occurred Timoshkin (he is Gaer Kulia). Initially, in the journal version, his name was Ivan Petrovich. Subsequently, in the new version of the novel, he becomes Peter Ivanch. Why - not clear.
Another detail associated with Gaerom Kuliy - His flight described in 13 chapter: "Bag on the shoulder - and for ten years this person disappeared from my life". In the new version it became "Bag on the shoulder - and for many years this person disappeared from my life".

7. "Fight and ITTI"
Legendary lines of Alfred Tennison: "To Strive, to Seek, to Find and Not Yield" in the log of two options for translation.
In the 14th chapter heroes give an oath with classic . However, the name of the next chapter arises an alternative: "Fight and ITI, find and not surrender". It is these words that speak in despair Petka Sanka, throwing a hat on the snow. For sure these words in the oath recalls Sanka in the chapter "Silver Filling". But then twice in the text - after meeting Sanki and Petki in Moscow and in the epilogue again: "Fight and search, find and not surrender".

8. About the Distribution Distribution
This description of the distributor from the journal version in subsequent editions is not. "Did you ever see the" Robber Camp "in the Hermitage" Rose Salvator? Transfer the beggars and robbers from this picture into the former painting workshop and sculptures in the Nikitsky gate, and the daily distributor, as a living, will appear in front of you. ".

9. Lyadov and Alyabyev
In the magazine in the chapter "Nikolai Antonch" protest "Against the real school of Alyabyev". In the new version - School of Lyadov.

10. Making and quotes
In the magazine variant, the quotes are called a muff.

11. Katka and Katya
Interesting detail. Almost everywhere in the first parts of the novel in the "fire" Sanya calls Katya Katka. Katya - very rarely. In the new version of the novel, somewhere "Katka" remained, but in most places it is mentioned as "Katya".

12. Where did Marya Vasilyevna studied
In the 25th chapter of the magazine "Tatarinov" about Marya Vasilyevna: "She studied at the Medical Institute". Subsequently, it was a little changed: "She studied at the medical faculty".

13. On diseases
As is known from the novel, immediately after Spanish Sanya fell ill with meningitis. In the journal, the case was much dramatic; Yes, and the chapter itself was called "Three Diseases": "You think, maybe, once waking up, I began to recover? There was no one. I barely recover from Spanish, I got sick pleurite - and not somehow, and purulent and bilateral. And again, Ivan Ivanovich did not agree with the fact that my Bit card. At a temperature of forty-one, with a pulse that falls every minute, I was planted in a hot bath, and, to the surprise of all patients, did not die. Fogly and cut, I woke up in a month and a half, just at that moment, when I was fed by the dairy porridge, Ivan Ivanovich again recognized, smiled at him and in the evening I again lost consciousness.
What I snapped this time, this seems to be determined by Ivan Ivanov himself. I only know that he was sitting for hours at my bed, studying the strange movements that I made my eyes and hands. It was, it seems that some rare form of meningitis - a terrible disease, from which very rarely corrected. As you can see, I did not die. On the contrary, in the end, I again came to my senses and, although I was still lying with our eyes sunk to the sky, but was already out of danger. "

14. New meeting with the doctor
Details and dates that were in the journal version are cleaned in the book. It was: "It's amazing how little he changered for these four years."It became: "Surprisingly, how little he changed over the years.". It was: "In 1914, as a member of the Bolsheviks party, he was exiled to the catguard, and then to the eternal settlement"It became: "As a member of the Bolsheviks party, he was exiled to the cautious, and then to the eternal settlement".

15. Estimates
"Space" - "mediocre" magazine becomes "failures" in the book.

16. Where Dr. is leaving
In the log of: "On the far north, on the Kola Peninsula". In the book: "To the extreme north, for the polar circle".
Everywhere, where the far north is mentioned in the journalial version, in the book edition - the Last North.

17. How old was Kate in 1912?
Head "Katkin Father" (coffee version): "She was four years old, but she clearly remembers this day when his father was leaving". Head "Katin Father" (book option): "She was three years old, but she clearly remembers the day when his father was leaving".

18. After how many years, Sanka met with Gaer's kuli?
Chapter "Notes on the fields. Rodent Valkins. Old familiar "(coffee option): "From a minute I doubted - because I have not seen him for more than ten years". Ten years - this period completely coincides with what was indicated earlier in the 13th chapter.
And now the book option: "From a minute I doubted - after all, I have not seen him for more than eight years.".
How much years have passed - 10 or 8? Events in the variants of the novel begin to disperse in time.

19. How old is San Grigorieva
Again about the divergence of time.
Chapter "Ball" (coffee version):
"- How old is she?
- Fifteen"
Book option:
"- How old is she?
- Sixteen"

20. How much cost a ticket to Enk?
In a magazine (head "I'm going to Enk"): "I had only seventeen rubles, and the ticket cost exactly three times". Book option: "I had only seventeen rubles, and the ticket cost exactly twice.".

21. Where is Sanya?
Did Sanya Grigoriev in school studied when her brother came to Enk? Riddle. In the magazine we have: "Sanya has long been at school". In the book: "Sanya has long been in his artist's lesson". And then, in the "fire": "She will come to the third hour. She has six lessons today ". In the book just: "She will come to the third hour".

22. Professor Zoologist
In the magazine in the chapter "Valka": "It was a famous professor-zoologist M." (It is also mentioned in the chapter "Three Years"). In the book version: "It was a famous Professor R.".

23. Apartment or Cabinet?
What was still located on the first floor of the school? Coffee option (head "old friend"): "At the ground floor site, the apartments of the ship, a woman was in black fur coat, with a squirrel collar". Book option: "At the ground floor site, the geographical office, there was a woman in a fur coat with a squirrel collar".

24. How many aunts?
The chapter "Everything could be different" (coffee option): "She somehow told that she lives two aunts there, who do not believe in God and are very proud of it, and that one of them graduated from the Philosophy of the Faculty in Heidelberg". In the book version: "Three aunts".

25. Who does Gogol have a career?
Coffee option (Chapter "Mary Vasilyevna"): "I replied that Gogol had all the heroes - non-skills, except for the type of artist from the story" Portrait ", which still did something according to his ideas". Book option: "I replied that Gogol had all the heroes - neckens, except for Taras Bulba, who still did something according to his ideas".

26. Summer 1928 or summer 1929?
In what year Sanya entered flight school? When he turned 19 years old: in 1928 (as in the book) or in 1929 (as in "Kostora")? Coffee option (Flight School Chapter): "Summer 1929". Book option: "Summer 1928".
When theoretical classes ended, you can not doubt - in both options: "So this year passed - difficult, but a beautiful year in Leningrad", "A month passed, another, third. We ended theoretical classes and finally moved to the corpus airfield. It was a "big day" at the airfield - September 25, 1930..

27. Was Sanka professors?
In the journal, describing the wedding of the sister, Sanya argues that "In truth, I saw a real professor for the first time in my life.". Of course, this is not. He saw in the zoo "The famous professor-zoologist M.". Sankina forgetfulness corrected in the book version: "Once I have already seen a real professor in the zoo".

28. Who translates to the north?
In August 1933 Sanya rides Moscow. In the log of: "First, I had to call in Osoaviahim and talk about my translation to the north, secondly, I wanted to see the curls Zhukov and the ship". Book option: "First, I had to go to the headmoremmort and talk about my translation to the north; Secondly, I wanted to see the Kur Zhukov and the ship ".
OSOAVIEVA or SERVICEVORMPUT? In "Kostina": "I was very politely accepted in Osoaviahim, then in the management of civilian air fleet". In subsequent editions: "I was very politely accepted in the headmork, then in the management of civil air fleet".

30. How many years Sanya did not communicate with Katya?
Journal: "Of course, I was absolutely not going to call Kate, especially since for these two years I only received hello from her - through Sanya, - and everything was over and forgotten.". Book option: "Of course, I was absolutely not going to call Kate, especially since during these years I only received hello from her - through Sanya - and everything was already over and forgotten.".

31. Salne steppes or extreme north?
Where was Valya Zhukov in August 1933? Journal: "I was politely reported - from the Laboratory of Professor M. that the assistant Zhukov is located in the Salsk steppes and hardly return to Moscow earlier than six months". Book option: "I politely reported that the assistant Zhukov is in the extreme north and hardly return to Moscow earlier than six months.". It is possible that the meeting in the north of Grigorieva and Zhukov initially the author was not planned.

32. Where is this house?
The coffee option (the head of the doctor in the Polar region): "" 77 "... It was not difficult to find this house, because the whole street consisted only from one house, and everyone else existed only in the imagination of the builders of the Mozharia". In the book version 77 is absent. Where did this house number come from? Doctor gave the address "Polar, Kirov Street, 24". Nowhere larger 77th house number in the text of the novel is not mentioned.

33. Albanov's diaries
Unlike book publications, in the magazine publication of the chapter "I read diaries" contains a note indicating the original source: "In this chapter, V. I. Albanova, published in 1914, were used, participant in the expedition of Lieutenant Brusylov on Schun" St. Anna ", published from St. Petersburg in the summer of 1912 in order to pass to Vladivostok and missing in the Bolshoi Polar Pool".

34. Who is Ivan Ilyich?
In a magazine in the diaries of Klimov / Alban, an unknown character appears: "I don't get out of my head Ivan Ilyich - at that moment, when, accomplishing us, he spoke to a farewell speech and suddenly silent, squeezing his teeth and examined with some helpless smile", "I watched Ivan Ilich, who was sick of Ivan Ilich, who sick it almost six months and only inhuman effort will cause himself to recover, then-there simply did not allow himself to die", "I thought about Ivan Ilich".
Of course, Tatarinova called Ivan Lvovich. In the book publishing, this is the name and patronymic. Where did Ivan Ilyich come from "Kostora"? Inattention author? Error when publishing? Or some other, unknown reason? Unclear…

35. Differences in dates and coordinates in diary records
Journal: "It seems to me that lately he was a little persecuted on this earth. We have seen it in August 1913 ".
Book option: "It seems to me that lately he was a little persecuted on this earth. We saw her in April 1913 ".
Journal: "On the ESO of the sea to the horizon itself free from ice", book option: "On the OSO of the sea to the horizon itself free from ice".
Journal: "Ahead, on ENE, it seems, it seems very close to the solid ice rocky island.", Book option: "Ahead, on ONO, it seems, very close, visible for solid ice rocky island.".

36. When was Klimov's diary been decrypted?
The log in the case contains an obvious error: "Late night in March 1933, I rewrote the last page of this diary, the last thing I managed to disassemble". In March 1933, Grigoriev was still in Balashov school. Without a doubt, the correct option in the book publishing: "In March 1935".
For the same reason, do not convincing journal: "Soon twenty years, as" Children's "," reckless "thought to leave the ship and ITTi to Earth" Sv. Mary "". The book option corresponds to 1935: "Caught twenty years, as" children's "," reckless "thought to leave the ship and go to the land of Mary".

37. Pavel Ivanovich or Pavel Petrovich
In the journal version, the kitchen in the chapter "We seem to meet ..." shows Paul Ivanovich, in the book version - Pavel Petrovich.

38. About Luri.
In the book version, describing the events associated with the Vocanoan, Sanya first constantly calls his bornemaker by name - Sasha, and then, only by last name. It seems that the author came to the conclusion that two Sasha immediately - it is too much, and with the further publication of chapters, as well as in the book version, all the same events are described with the mention of only the surname of the Bort Mechanics - Luri.

39. Six-year-old Nenets
In the 15th chapter of the "Old Brass Bagg" magazine publication is an obvious typo. The sixty-year-old Nenets in the "fire" became six-year.

40. About Melancholic Mood
In the first chapter of the fifth part there is one funny moment. In a classic book version: "In the hotels, I always become a melancholic mood". The journal was much more interesting: "In the hotel I always pulls me to drink, and the melancholic mood becomes". Alas, the option with drinking in hotels has not been checking the time.

41. TsO "True"
Almost everywhere (with rare exceptions), the author calls the central authority with the full name with the Abbreviation of the TRADE "TRADE" - as it was taken at the time. In the book publishing there was just "truth".

42. 1913?
In the journal version of the chapter "I read the article" On One Forgotten Expedition "» Explicit error: "He came out in the fall of 1913 on the schoon" St. Maria ", in order to pass the Northern Sea, that is, thus, the mainseevmorputy, in the management of which we are". What is this: typo, the consequences of editing or the author's error - it is not clear. Of course, we can talk only about the autumn of 1912, as indicated in the book publishing.

43. Meeting with C.
Details of the Sanya meeting in Moscow with the legendary pilot C. In the journal and book options differ. On the "fire" "He will come from the airfield at eight", in the book: "at ten". From "Truth" to the apartment C. "At least four kilometers" (in the "fire") and "At least six kilometers" in the book.

44. "FROM"?
In the 14 farewell framework of the magazine version of the magazine, an obvious typo: "In parallel, the movement of the Nansen" from "". In the book publishing the correct option "Fram".

45. What was in the report
There are significant differences in the Captain Tatarinov report in the journal and book versions. In "Kostina": "In the latitude of 80 °, a wide strait or bay is detected, which comes from the point under the letter" C "in the nordic direction. Starting from the point under the letter "F", the coast turns cool turns into the West-Süd-West direction ". In the book: "In the latitude of 80 °, a wide strait or bay is detected, which comes from the item under the leafer with in the OSO direction. Starting from the item under the letter F Cocho turns cool turns into the Zyud-Southwest direction ".

46. \u200b\u200bThe polar life has ended
Curious item from an alternative magazine ending of the novel. Sanya Grigoriev says goodbye to the north: "In 1937, I entered the Academy of Military Air Fleet and since then the north and everything that has been connected with him from orphanage, moved away and became a memory. My polar life ended, and, contrary to the statement of Piri, that, once looking into the Arctic, you will strive to the coffin, north, I hardly come back. Other cases, other thoughts, other life ".

47. Date of death I. L Tatarinova
In the epilogue in the "fire" inscription on the monument: "The body of Captain Tatarinov, who committed one of the most courageous travels and who deceased on the way back to the North Earth in May 1915 was resting here.. Why May? In the chapter "Farewell letters" the last report of Captain Tatarinov was written on June 18, 1915. Therefore, the only correct date is the date in the book version: "June 1915".

About illustration
The first illustrator of the "two captains" was Ivan Harkevich. It was with his drawings that the novel was printed in the "fire" for two years. The exception is the number 9 and 10 in 1939. In these two rooms, Joseph ECA drawings. And then, from № 11-12, publishing was continued with the drawings I. Harkevich. What was caused by this temporary replacement of the artist - it is not clear. It should be noted that Joseph of the EC illustrated other works of Cavelin, but its drawings to the first chapters of the fourth part do not at all correspond to the stylistics of Harkevich drawings. Sanya, Petka and Ivan Ivanovich readers used to see others.
Total in the magazine 89: 82 - I. Kharkevich and 7 - I. Ets.
Of particular interest is the title illustration published in each room. Carefully having studied this drawing, it is easy to make sure that there is no episode in the novel. A plane flying over the lined ice vehicle. What is it? Fantasy artist, or "those. The task "of the author - after all, the novel in 1938 was not yet completed? You can only guess. It is even possible that the author later planned to tell readers about how Schuna "Holy Maria" was found. Why not?

Figures Ivan Kharkevich (№№ 8-12, 1938; №№ 1, 2, 4-6, 1939)

I went down to the flat bank and swelled a fire.

The watchman deeply sighed, as if with relief, and everything became quiet ...

"Your wellness, how so," said Father. - For what to take me?

We walked into the "presence" and carried a petition.

"Woolgaris's ear," he declared with pleasure, "Ordinary ear.

The old man boiled glue.

We sat in the Cathedral Garden.

But now look, Aksinya Fedorovna, what your son does ...

Aunt Dasha read, glancing at me ...

- Not for sale! - shouted Aunt Dasha. - Leave!

In the evening, he invited guests and spoke.

- Who are you buried, boy? - quietly asked me an elderly person.

Three gymnasters put on himself.

He removed the hat and threw it on the snow.

A man in the leather coat tightly kept my hand.

- Look, Ivan Andreevich, what sculpture!

Some girl opened the door from the kitchen and appeared on the threshold.

I hit the steppa.

"Ivan Pavlovich, you are my friend and our friend," Nina Kapitonovna said.

- Ivan Pavlych, open it me!

Nikolai Antonych opened the door and threw me on the stairs.

Wherever I went with my own product, I stumbled upon this man everywhere.

Ivan Ivanovich sat at my bed.

I was surprised that in the room such a mess.

Tatiana and Olga did not reduce her eyes.

We went to the other side of the rink.

- This is my business, with whom I am friends!

It was Gaer Kulia.

Valka did not reduce his eyes from his feet.

I expected Katka on a rifle.

Chamomile rummed in my chest.

"Well, the prodigal son," he said and hugged me.

We stopped before the warrior time of Stephen Batory.

When we came to Perron, Katka had already stood on the venue area.

- You will be excluded from school ...

- I think Romashova is a scoundrel and can prove it ...

I saw on the threshold of a long red guy.

- Valya! Are you?

In the distance were visible nonsense plague.

The ship greeted the vomiremy background.

The daughter of Vyshirmy told about Romashov.

She began to straighten the knack.

The ship worked when I came.

Katya left for the house forever.

Nikolai Antonch stopped at the threshold.

Under the tent, we found someone looking for ...

I read the farewell letter of the captain.

He put the suitcase and began to explain ...

We met aunt Dasha in the bazaar.

Until late at night we sat at the table.

I have already happened to answer your letters about my novel "Two Captains", but it must have been, many of you have not heard of my answer (I spoke on the radio), because letters continue to come. Leave letters without an answer is impolite and I use the case to apologize to all my correspondents - small and adults.
Questions that my correspondents ask are primarily two of the main characters of my novel - Sanya Grigoriev and Captain Tatarinov. Many guys ask: did I tell you in the "two captains" my own life? Others are interested in: did the history of Captain Tatarinov invented? Third wanted this surname in geographic books, in encyclopedic dictionaries - and wondering, making sure that the activities of Captain Tatarinov did not leave noticeable traces in the history of the conquest of the Arctic. Fourth want to know where Sanya and Katya Tatarinov live at this time and what Military title was awarded San after the war. The fifths share with me impressions from the novel, adding that they closed the book with a sense of vigor, energy, thinking about the benefits and happiness of fray. These are the most expensive letters that I could not read without joyful excitement. Finally, the sixth advised with the author, to which business devote their lives.
The mother of the most naughty in the city of the boy, whose jokes sometimes bordered with hooliganism, wrote to me that after reading my novel, her son completely changed. The director of the Belarusian Theater writes to me that the youthful oath of my heroes helped his troupe with their own hands to restore the theater destroyed by the Germans. Youth Indonesian, who went home to protect her from the attack of the Dutch imperialists, wrote me that "two captains" invested acute weapons in his hands and this weapon is called "fighting and searching, finding and not surrender."
I wrote a novel about five years. When the first volume was completed, the war began, and only at the beginning of the fourth fourth year I managed to return to my work. The first idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel originated in 1937, when I met with a person who under the name Sanya Grigorieva was led in the "two captains". This man told me his life, full labor, inspiration and love for his homeland and his work.
From the first pages I took the rule not to invent anything or almost nothing. And indeed, even so extraordinary details, as the little of small sleigh, are not invented by me. His mother and father, sister and comrades were written exactly as they first appeared in front of me in the story of my random acquaintance, subsequently became my friend. On some of the heroes of the future book, I learned very little from him; For example, the ship was drawn in this story only two-three features: a sharp, attentive look, invariably forced schoolchildren to tell the truth, mustache, cane and the ability to stay over the book to a deep night. The rest shoulded to draw the imagination of the author, who was silent to write the figure of the Soviet teacher.
In essence, the story I heard was very simple. It was the story of a boy who had a difficult childhood and whom the Soviet Society was brought up - people who have become relatives and supported the dream, from the early years, burning in his fervent and fair heart.
Almost all the circumstances of the life of this boy, then the young men and an adult are preserved in the "two captains". But his childhood was held on the medium Volga, school years - in Tashkent - the places that I know relatively badly. Therefore, I suffered a place of action in my own town, calling him Ensky. No wonder my countrymen easily solve the true name of the city, in which Sanya Grigoriev grew up and grew up! My school years (recent classes) flowed in Moscow, and draw in our book to the Moscow school of the beginning of the twenties, I could with greater loyalty than Tashkent, which was not able to write from nature.
Here, by the way, it will be appropriate to remember about one question that my correspondents ask me: to what extent is the autobiographical Roman "Two Captain"? To a large extent, everything that I saw from the first to the last page of Sanya Grigoriev, the author saw his own eyes, whose life was parallel to the Hero's life. But when the profession of Sanya Grigorieva entered the story of the book, I had to leave "personal" materials and began to study the life of the pilot, which I first knew very little. That is why, dear guys, you can easily understand my pride when, from the board of the aircraft, who sent in 1940 under the command of the Cherevichnyy to study the high latitudes, I received a radio program in which the assaults of the neat on behalf of the team welcomed my novel.
I must notice that a huge, invaluable assistance in studying a flying case, I had a senior lieutenant Samuel Yakovlevich Klebanov, who deceased with the death of the hero in 1943. It was a talented pilot, a selfless officer and a wonderful, pure man. I was proud of his friendship.
It is difficult or even impossible with an exhaustive fullness to answer the question of how one or another figure of the hero of the literary work is created, especially if the story is leading from the first person. In addition to those observations, memories, the impressions of which I wrote, thousands of others entered into my book, which did not directly relate to the history told me and served as the basis for the "two captains". You, of course, know what a huge role in the writer is playing imagination. It is about him that it is necessary to say first of all, moving to the history of my second main character - Captain Tatarinov.
Do not look for this name, dear guys, in encyclopedic dictionaries! Do not try to prove how one boy did in the geography lesson, that the Northern Earth opened Tatarinov, not Wilkitsky. For my "older captain" I took advantage of the history of two brave conquerors of the Far North. One I took a courageous and clear character, the purity of thought, the clarity of the goal - everything that distinguishes a man of a big soul. It was Sedov. The other is the actual history of his journey. It was Brusilov. My drift "St. Mary "quite accurately repeats the drift of Brusilovskaya" St. Anna ". The diary of the Klimova's navigator, listed in my novel, is completely based on the navigant diary "St. Anna, "Albanova - one of the two remaining in the living participants of this tragic expedition. However, only historical materials seemed insufficient. I knew that the artist and writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Pinegin, a friend Sedov, one of those who, after his death, brought Schuna after his death, lives in Leningrad. Fock "on big land. We met - and Pinggin not only told me a lot of new things about Sedov, not only with extraordinary reaches, he painted his appearance, but explained the tragedy of his life - the life of the great researcher and traveler, who was not recognized and slandered by the reactionary layers of the Society of Tsarist Russia.
In the summer of 1941, I worked hard on the second volume in which I wanted to widely use the history of the famous Lesman Lewanel. The plan was already finally thought, the materials were studied, the first chapters were written. A well-known journalist visa approved the content of future "Arctic" chapters and told me a lot of interesting things about the work of search parties. But the war began, and I had to leave the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe end of the novel for a long time. I wrote front-line correspondence, military essays, stories. However, there must be hope for a return to the "two captains" did not quite leave me, otherwise I would not add to the editor of the Izvestia with a request to send me to the Northern Fleet. It is there, among the pilots and submariners of the Northern Fleet, I understood, in which direction you need to work on the second volume of the novel. I realized that the appearance of the heroes of my book will be vague, it is unclear if I do not tell about how they, together with the entire Soviet people, suffered heavy tests of the war and won.
According to books, in the stories, I knew on personal impressions, which was in peacetime the lives of those who, without regretting the strength, selflessly worked on the transformation of the Far North in a fun, hospitable region: opened his innumerable riches for the polar circle, built the city, Pier, mines, plants. Now, during the war, I saw all this mighty energy was thrown on the defense of native places, as the peaceful conquerors of the North became non-corrosive defenders of their conquests. I may argue that in every corner of our country the same thing happened. Of course, yes, but the harsh atmosphere of the Far North gave this twist a special, deeply expressive character.
Unforgettable impressions of those years only to a small extent entered into my novel, and when I turn my old notebooks, I want to take a long-time book dedicated to the history of the Soviet Sailor.
I reread my letter and made sure that I could not answer a huge, overwhelming majority of your questions: who served as the prototype of Nikolai Antonovich? Where did I take Nina Kapitonna? What extent truthfully told the story of Love Sani and Kati?
To answer these questions, I should have to approximately weigh the extent to which the creation of this or another figure participated real life. But in relation to Nikolay Antonovich, for example, weighing nothing: only some features of his appearance are changed in my portrait depicting exactly exactly the director of the Moscow School, which I graduated in 1919. This also applies to Nina Kapitonovna, which else could be recently met on the Syvetsev enemy, in the same green sleeveless and with the same cat in his hand. As for Love Sani and Kati, I was told only the youthful period of this story. Taking advantage of the right of a novelist, I made my conclusions from this story - natural, as it seemed to me, for the heroes of my book.
Here is a case that, although indirectly, but still answers the question whether the story of Love Sani and Kati is true.
Once I received a letter from Ordzhonikidze. "Referring to your novel," some Irina N. wrote me, "I made sure that you were the person I've been looking for eighteen years old. This is convinced not only by the details of my life mentioned in the novel, which could only be known to you, but the places and even the dates of our meetings - on the Triumphal Square, the Big Theater ... "I replied that I never met my correspondent In the Triumphal Square, neither the Bolshoi Theater and that I can only bring references from that polar pilot, who served as a prototype for my hero. War began, and this strange correspondence was cut off.
Another case I remembered in connection with the letter of Irina N., who involuntarily put the full sign of equality between literature and life. During the Leningrad blockade, in the harsh, forever, the memorable days of the late autumn of 1941, the Leningrad Radiocomat appealed to me with a request to speak on behalf of Sani Grigoriev with the appeal to the Baltic Komsomol. I objected that although a certain person was led in the face of Sanya Grigoriev, a pilot-bomber who acted at that time on the central front, nevertheless, it was still a literary hero.
- We know that - there was an answer. - But this does not interfere with anything. Speak as if the surname of your literary hero can be found in the telephone book.
I agreed. On behalf of Sani Grigoriev, I wrote an appeal to the Komsomolets of Leningrad and Baltic - and in response to the name of the "literary hero" letters fell out, containing a promise to fight to the last drop of blood and breathing confidence in victory.
I want to finish my letter with words that, at the request of Moscow schoolchildren, I tried to determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bmy novel: "Where did my captains go? Press the traces of their sleigh on the dazzling and white snow! This is a rail path of science that looks forward. Remember that there is nothing more beautiful than this heavy path. Remember that the most powerful forces of the soul are patience, courage and love for their own country, to their work. "