Musical instrument VOKS. Lion Terman and Termenvelox: The most fantastic musical instrument

Musical instrument VOKS. Lion Terman and Termenvelox: The most fantastic musical instrument
Musical instrument VOKS. Lion Terman and Termenvelox: The most fantastic musical instrument

Electrical tool (AM), progenitor of modern synthesizers. Invente in Russia in 1919, the name received by the name of his talented creator - the Physics-acoustics of Leo Sergeevich Termen (Termenvox - "Voice of Termen"), first demonstrated in 1920. Termenvox - a single-haired instrument - not similar to any other musical instrument, the uniqueness of it is that there is no touch for the game. The sound reproduced by the tool depends on the position of the hand of the artist in the electromagnetic field near the metal antenna. The height adjustment is carried out by changing the distance between the right hand of the artist and one of the antennas, the volume is set by the position of the left hand relative to another antenna. There are several varieties of termenvox differing in design.

The tool is intended for the execution of any (classic, pop, jazz) musical works in professional and amateur musical practice, as well as to create various sound effects (birds singing, whistling, etc.), which can be used when moving movies, in theatrical productions, circus programs, etc. Any amateur can collect termevox, but a real musical instrument is obtained in units.

The same situation with the performers - only units become virtuosos of the game on termenvox. The technique of the game is very difficult, from the artist requires a filigree movement and impeccable hearing. The technique of the game on the termenvox virtuoso owned the first artist, Konstantin Kovali (1890-1976). The best student of Termen - American Clara Rockmore (Clara Rockmore) was the only one who could fulfill any melody on the Termenvelox, and played the classics on the Termenvelok no worse than on the violin. The grandchildren of the Lion's Lion's Lydia Lydia Kavina was well able to disclose the Termenvelox in different genres - in the classics and in rock, in jazz, cinema and pop music. According to Lydia Kavina, "perhaps only the voice can compete in flexibility with termenvox. Termenvox in his work was used by LED Zeppelin, Marillion, Pink Floyd, Garbage, Mummy Troll and many other groups and performers.

Jean-Michel Zharr used the Termenvelox in the record of his album Oxygene 7-13 (1997), and the unusual atmosphere of the Oxygene 10 composition is fully built on the sound of the Termenvelox. After the release of this album, Zharmar constantly uses the Termenvelox in concerts and demonstration performances (for example, at the PRINTEMPS DE BOURGES festival). Termenvelox sounds in the electronic compositions of the French musician Jean-Michel Zhrah, including on his first album "Oxygene", which brought a world famous fame.

And a little history:

Lion Sergeevich Termen (in foreign sources it is more often called Leon Theremin) was born 15 (27) August 1896 in St. Petersburg in a secured noble family. Versatile abilities showed already in childhood. With the same hobby, he mastered the game on the cello and was engaged in experiences in physics. At the end of the gymnasium, he was adopted in the St. Petersburg Conservatory in the Cello class. However, this was not enough to the term, a year later, he also enters the Faculties of Physics and Astronomy of the St. Petersburg University.

Get the second higher education prevented the world war. He is called in the army. The cellist physicist is trained in a military electrical school. After the October Revolution, the Termen is recruited: as a military radio specialist, he had to replenish the ranks of the Red Army. The service was held at a children's radio station under Petrograd and in a military radiologist in Moscow.

In early 1920, the civil war came to an end, the Termen got the opportunity to change military clothes to Civile and return to Petrograd. In the same year, Lev Thermman went to promote his invention in the United States, where he was subsequently termenvox and acquired the greatest popularity.

In 1922, the term after the speech on the 7th All-Russian electrical congress met Lenin, who was struck by Termenvelox and understood the importance of his inventions and gave him a "ticket to life" - an annual travel ticket for the railway so that the Terman could popularize his tool. Thanks to this, the Terman has traveled with concert lectures 150 cities and villages.

And soon he shook Europe and America. Newspapers in vains told about the Russian miracle. In Paris, the concerts came with chairs and clamshells: lacked places. Almost 10 years old - from 1928 to 1937 - he lived in New York (where he had intelligence activities with scientific and technical activities in parallel with scientific and technical activities), he taught the game, played with concerts. I invented new tools - electronic cello, rhythmicon, Terratyton (tool that translated the movement of the dancer into music). In the 37th Terema called Moscow. Waving Waving William, a black dancer, said that he would return in 2-3 weeks. But he was not destined to return. The inventor accused as an accomplice of the attempted Kirov.

In the camp, the Termen creates a symphony orchestra, comes up with special rails for cars - and his brigade begins to work twice. Rumor about a miracle concluded comes to Beria. Thermame is transferred to the famous "Sharacter", where A. Tupolev and S. Korolev worked. There, the Lion Thermman on the special request is inventing the Burand non-contact listening device (which uses radiol, reflected from window glass). In 1947, he will receive a Stalin Prize for this ... Soon the power "thank" his ban on the electronic music created by him as an ideologically harmful ...

Lion Termen for working in the states in the States, an enthusiastic article was published on termenvox and its creator - and Lev Davidovich was immediately dismissed from everywhere. Friends with difficulty were able to find him a place to work. Thermman became an employee of the Department of Acoustics of Moscow State University (at the same time, it was listed only by "installer of radio-electronic equipment"!).

In Soviet times, Termen has almost no opportunity to popularize their tools and electronic music. And only during the restructuring Association of electronic music was formed, the Termen Center opened at the Moscow Conservatory. And in 1989, thermman participated in the electronic music festival in the French city of Bourges (then he was already 93 years old).

The set of its inventions was classified and sent to the archives of relevant organizations. Also, Termen was engaged in developments in the field of television, security alarm. Thermman is also considered one of the pioneers of light music design - he invented the prototype of a modern strobe.

Termenvox is often called the "fantastic musical instrument." The game on it looks like a real magic: the conductor is suitable for a small tailor, makes a couple of mysterious passages with hands - and suddenly the air itself responds to long alien sounds. However, much more fiction - in stories that tell about this tool and its creator.

Lion Thermame is ranked to the Soviet avant-garders and pioneers of electronics, they say that he did not work as a spy, not that he died in emigration, and his tool is called so strange invention that he could not even play the thermothy himself. These are just rumors - but reality is no less interesting. The Creator of Termenvelox turned out to witness all the epochs of the 20th century, was familiar with celebrities from a variety of countries, and at the same time lived as if he did not notice the political storms of his century.

Russian Paropank

Lev Sergeevich Termen - a nobleman, the descendant of the russian french and German aristocrats - was born in St. Petersburg on August 28, 1896. He received a gymnasium education and graduated from the Cello Class Conservatory, after which he entered the university to the Physics and Mathematics Faculty. During World War I, the Termen worked in the royal village with a military radio engineer - in those years, radio communications was advanced development. After the war, Lev Sergeevich got into the Abraha Ioffe laboratory, where he began to study the electrical properties of gases. It was there, in 1919, he created the first prototype of a new musical instrument, which journalists later dubbed Termenvelox (from Latin Vox - voice).

The laboratory in which the thermovelox appeared. Now this is a lecturer of the Polytechnic Institute

It must be said that it was still not the first electric tool in history, but previous experiments were not widely recognized - mainly due to bulkness. However, the method of extracting sound itself turned out to be completely new: TermenVox could not be counted to the shock, nor to the string, nor to the wind instruments. Its principle of operation is based on the fact that the sound is the same air fluctuations, which sometimes it creates an electromagnetic field (so the wires and transformer booths are buzzing). There are two oscillation generators within the Termenvelox, the frequency difference between which becomes the sound frequency. When a person brings his hand to the antenna of the Termenvelox, it changes the capacity of its field surrounding - and the note becomes higher. Exactly on the same principle operates alarm with motion sensors, which was invented ... It was the Lion Termen, in the same years.

From the inside, the termenvox looks like - as a mysterious device of the beginning of the XX century

Classic Termenvelox (1938). Left antenna is responsible for the volume, right - for the height of the tone

The main feature of the new tool was the lack of bounds between notes. In the electric field it was possible to play a melody with the thinnest nuances - even though a delivered trill, at least an Indian gamut, in which twenty-two notes instead of the usual twelve. And all because the term was not only an engineer, but also a cellist and physics was most interested in acoustics. Of course, he learned to play on their own instrument almost immediately - and in the invention there was not so much the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress, how many dreams to eliminate all the obstacles between the musician and the melody. "The performer ... must manage the sounds, but not to get them," the terman said. That is why the inventor soon got rid of the button and the pedals, which in the first prototype turned on and turned off the sound. Thermman decided that he needed more flexible control over the tissue of the melody, and installed the second antenna to control the volume. It is in such a form of termenvox and reached our days.

Soviet poster 1922

The tool caused live interest in the circles of physicists, and in 1922 the term managed to meet with Lenin. Politician accounts that Termenvelox is an excellent way to promote electrification, so Lev Sergeevich received a mandate for travel through the railways of the whole country and went to the Grand Tour of the USSR. For a couple of years, the inventor visited several hundred cities with concert lectures, and in 1927 he received an invitation to the exhibition in Germany. Among the overseas audience, a novelty produced such a furor that the terman became in need to invite to speak across Europe. Thille thinking, the inventor went to a protracted foreign tour.

Two common features are visible in the reviews of those years. First, the listeners - in the best traditions of the Silver Century - came to mystical delight and admired the unprecedented dear of the freedom of the artist. Roerich called the new invention "the music of the heavenly spheres", and Mandelstam said that the sound of the Termenvelox is as natural as the growing flower. Secondly, the brainchild of the Termen was perceived as a tool for classical music: Shostakovich and Rachmaninov, and one of the concerts of Lion Sergeyevich took place in the hall of the Paris Opera. About aliens in those years and speeches did not go.

American Dieselpunk.

Probably, the perception of the instrument began to change in the 1930s - after the Termenvelox appeared in the United States. Having received a diploma for the prototype of television between the case, the Terman got treeding towards New York, where she was assured for the next ten years. In the country of capitalists, the inventor woke up entrepreneurial veil: he founded the TeleTouch company and quite quickly made a state on the system of signaling systems and news of radio engineering. Thermman began to enter the New York Supreme Light, removed the six-storey house under the laboratory (Albert Einstein was vacated - being a physicist and violinist, he was also interested in the Termenvelox) and married a charming black woman. What is not the story of Tesla or Howard Hughes?

However, the role of an eccentric millionaire interested in Termen much less than work on new inventions. Pretty soon the public was presented by the Termenviolonchel - an electric tool with a vulture and lever, as well as the Rhythmicone machine - in fact, the prototype of the drum machine. Soon there was an even more bold experiment - "Terratiton". According to the principle of operation, this music area was similar to the Termenvelox, only the performer moved by the whole body, creating sound with dance.

On the basis of the Termenvelox was created by the Cello

Other engineers were also inspired by the invention of Termen and began to develop similar tools. In 1928, the French cellist Maurice Marteno created the device called the "Waves of Marten", to play on which it was necessary to drive a rings on a stretched string. In addition, a piano keyboard and buttons are attached to the tool - a sort of hybrid of thermalox and synthesizer. The sound turned out to be so similar that many still confused - for example, the Termenvelox in the song The Beach Boys "Good Vibrations", where Marten waves were actually used.

However, the success of the first tool was not able to repeat either followers nor the very thermal. It seems that the key to the popularity of the Termenvox turned out to be precisely the conciseness of its design; More exotic inventions remained only with curious pages in the history of music.

But Termenvox only started his procession: in 1929, RCA bought a patent for a serial issue in the inventor. If only single models have existed, now the newspapers are sent to advertising by advertising: "Anyone may immediately learn how to play on the Termenvox!". By the way, the name of the instrument in America was simplified: they took the name "Termen", which was taken abroad to write on the original French way (theremin), and "Vox" was discarded. The main "apostle" of an electrical instrument in the United States was the former violinist of Clara Rockmore, which not only learned from the inventor the technique of the game, but also adopted his reverent attitude towards termenox. Until the end of his days, Clara played mostly classical music, and exclusively on concert tools of the work of Lev Sergeyevich himself - the sound of serial models seemed to her too clumsy. Many termenooxists still consider Klara Rockmore to be the only virtuoso in the history of the instrument.

Lucy Rosen - another classic performer of the 30s, who studied at Termen

The concerts of the Termen himself became more larger: he collected a whole ensemble of termenoxicists out of ten of his students and performed on the Karnegie-Hall-Hall scene, fulfilling the works of Bach, Grieg and Wagner. Each performance was accompanied by innovations: the engineer represented his new inventions and experimented with the colorwoman.

Oddly enough, the Terman was not going to stay in the United States at all. In 1938, after observing the disturbing pre-war spirits, the inventor loaded the whole ship by equipment and behaves his inventions to their homeland. For Americans, his departure became such a surprise that a millionaire declared missing - and soon and the dead.

Perhaps the most famous entry of the Termenvelox: "Swan" Saint-Sansa performed by Clara Rockmore

In fact, Lev Sergeevich was alive and well - that's just a different country was waiting for him on his return. Nobody needs the necessary boxes at the customs warehouse, and at the request to allocate the NKVD laboratory answered arrest. Chekists, not thinking, made their contribution to the genre of fiction and stated that the terman's beam was trying to kill Kirov because of the ocean. Lion Sergeyevich was sentenced to eight years of camps, but an erectious inventor even went to the rationalization in the Kolyma, so soon Termen was crushed into the "Sharacke" in Omsk - to work with Tupolev and Korolev over secret developments.

Cosmos and horrors

It is not surprising that the paths of the thermenad and the tool created for a long time dispersed. Back in the 1920s, after the inventor leaving, the banner of Termenvelox in the USSR grabbed His student Konstantin Kovalsky, also former cellist. To play it was more convenient, the musician even developed its own tool model. The improvement was that Kovalsky came up with ... pedal and button, from which the Terman refused at the first opportunity. In his instrument with one antenna, Kovalsky gave several thousand concerts throughout the country, and since the 1950s began to play with the "ensemble of electrical instruments" Vyacheslav Meshcherina. Perhaps, it is thanks to Kovalsky and Meshcherina, Termenvox began to be perceived in our country as an attribute of Soviet avant-garde pop music.

Meshcherina ensemble largely determined the sound of Soviet pop

The Termenvox of the Kovalsky system has become a frequent guest in the Soviet cinema. Dmitry Shostakovich became the first to write for him: Dmitry Shostakovich was likely: the Music to the film "One" (1931) became the debut. The compositions for the Termenvelox can be heard in the "Girlfriends" patterns (1935), "On seven winds" (1962) and "Big Space Journey" (1975) And in the comedy "Ivan Vasilyevich changes profession" (1973) The sound of this tool was used as a sound effect, accompanied the operation of the time machine.

"Dr. Hoffman", as he called him in the media (left) - precisely thanks to him, the sound of the Termenvelox is associated with flying plates

I must say, Hollywood is also interested in technical innovation. Here is the Termenvelox and turned into an externally, alien voice. The fact is that the first of the American directors to the instrument drew attention to Alfred Hichkok, who used the termenvox in the thriller "Welcome" (1945) . The composer Miklos Lubzhe received for this film "Oscar", and the tool firmly settled in horror and science fiction genre. Camel Hoffman became the main Hollywood Termenoxism (former ... you guess, again violinist). Its execution is easy to distinguish by intentionally trembling, nervous sound. The theme of flying plates from the movie "The day when the land stopped" (1951) - Perhaps the most characteristic example of the Hoffman manner of the game. Termenvox has become so an integral part of that film carrier that it is completely applied to the stylization for old horrors: it is enough to remember the music from the Burton films "ED Wood" (1994) and "Mars Atakut" (1996).

The film "Day, when the Earth stopped" glorified the sound of the termenvox among fiction lovers

In the meantime, the years of the Cold War came - and the Lion Termen once again kept behind the epoch. In Sharashka, the engineer created the first passive listening device: a tiny wire with a membrane, which was turned into a microphone under electromagnetic irradiation. Such a wire inserted into the carved bas-relief, which Soviet pioneers "in friendship" presented the American Consul, after which the intelligence officers happily sat with notes directly opposite the embassy.

Such H-shaped tools Lion Sergeevich designed from the 50s

When eight years have expired, for some time, Lev Sergeevich continued to work on the "defense" already as a free man, and the reason for his care became ... Again, fiction. Thermman was vividly interested in space and from childhood was fond of astronomy, but the literary genre "about aliens" was quite indifferent. When the services decided to translate him to the department, which was engaged in UFO, Lev Sergeevich found it with mockery and retired.

Thermman returned to music - this time he settled in the Moscow Conservatory. There were just the studies of acoustics and overtones: the professors tried to find out what the saturated timbre is made up, which distinguishes, for example, violins of stradivari from factory models. Lev Sergeevich began to explore what character gives music different performers: he recorded the movements of pedals under the legs of outstanding pianists. The inventor was still aimed at the virtuoso of classical music, so the sound of the Termenvelox, consulting with Rachmaninov, Tuscanini and stocks. Alas, the mentality of the Cold War is penetrated into a conservatory: when the inventor imprudently gave an interview to the American journalist (sensation: Thermman is alive!), He was not only kicked out, but also broke off the accumulated terratiton terratiton.

Lev Terman himself still played instead of modern music Romances

Era Robotov

The form of antennas is primarily dictated by convenience, so home-made termenvoxes had the most fancy appearance

In the second half of the 20th century, the Termenvelox continued farther from the classics to the stage. From the release of his own model of this instrument in 1953, he began his career engineer Robert Mug, the pioneer of electronic music. Mug became famous for turned synthesizers from expensive and exotic devices to each tools available to each tool - thanks to it, the "keys" became the mandatory attribute of any musical group of the 1970s. Similarly, it also happened with Termenvelox: Mug sold transistor sets of "DIY", which have become much cheaper and massive than lamp instruments from RCA. I must say, the story was repeated and on the other side of the ocean: back in 1928, in the magazine "Radio to everyone" published a scheme of termenvox, and from the same time countless Soviet radio amateurs carried their own models.

But although it became easier to get the Termenvox, the art of the game on it began to gradually forget. The creators of mass models perfectly disassembled in electronics, but did not always pay attention to acoustics - few of them understood how the timbre wants to achieve from Termenvelox. Perhaps it was affected here and the fact that in the 1960s, thanks to the innovation of Pink Floyd noise and extraneous sounds gradually won their place in music on a par with a melody. Be that as it may, in the 1970s, Termenvox began to be used primarily for special effects: Ryuva chainsaws can be achieved from the tool with such flexibility of sound, and the seagull was fighting. For this, for example, Termenvox was needed Jimmy Page : The musician swung before the antenna with both hands, catching the alarming atmosphere characteristic of the LED Zeppelin. Lothar and The Hand People also argued that the Termenvelox named Lothar is their frontman, but the solo was still played on the electric guitar, and in most compositions Lothar, Lothar was dismissed, only occasionally publishing a mysterious howl.

In the music of the 1980s, the synthesizers of all kinds of models and forms came out to the fore. Against the background of the tools from which one could remove the voice of any existing and non-existent tool, the Termenvelox took the honorable museum place. Such cornea of \u200b\u200belectronic music, as Jean-Michel Zharmar, belonged to the progenitor with respect, but used it usually only in cases where it was necessary to achieve an uneven and "blah" sound. After all, a pre-thought-out melody from the synthesizer is simply achieved - but how to translate into notes a random spread of the hand?

The daughter of Termen Natalia Lvovna was working to create a concert termanwok, which would work on transistors, and not lamps. At the same time, even in the era of new technologies, the engineer did not at all believed that invented the electronic tool. When the founder of the "Embirant" genre, Brian's keyboard star, IOO visited Moscow and proudly demonstrated to the term new synthesizer, old-fashioned Lion Sergeevich only smiled and nodded politely: "Very good."

Paradoxically, but with all the honors, which provided the "father of electronic music", for several decades the musicians have already managed to forget how the termenvox sounded to the fiction era. When in 1989, the unsaluable inventor was finally able to resume overseas travel, in Western electronic music festivals, a window was opened in the past. Perhaps it was the speeches of Termen with her daughter convinced to western public that the story of "Ether Music" was not yet added.

What in America that in Russia the Terman dreamed only about one thing: so that he did not interfere

In the meantime, the epoch once again replaced and began to decisively get rid of the remnants of the past. The new Russia managed to destroy the fact that the Soviet Union was not broke: in early 1990, unknown persons broke into the room of Lion Termen and defeated his last workshop. The modern termenoxox concert level remained a prototype, and the former models due to the lack of funds for repair were gradually failed. In 1993, the inventor died in Moscow aged 97 years.

Session of simultaneous game

Japanese Masamy Takeuchi gracefully decided the eternal problem of playing on several termenvoxes at the same time. Usually, the tools on the stage begin to catch the fields of each other and upset, and Takeuchi deftly blended the antenna into a compact Matrius and called his brainchild "Matrymin". True, the antenna volume had to donate, so Matrein issues the sound continuously. Now Takeuchi leads a huge ensemble of 120 matryminists, and in total in Japan, about 6,000 performers - however, they usually learn to "matryoshki", and then go to the classical termenoxium.

XXI Century: Heritage

Model Moog Etherwave. Most of the performers are played on such disadvantaged termenvoxes

The fancy method of the game and the complex story of the Termenvelox led to the fact that in recent years this tool has become perceived as an attribute of GIC-culture. Probably, the finally such an image was entrenched after it after in the "Theory of the Big Explosion" with cosmic sounds began to entertain Sheldon Cooper. The tool is deceptively easy in mastering, but hundreds of novice artists on YouTube leave not the best impression. It's almost impossible to find a teacher in terms of termanvox, and the game is far from developing our own technique. Most enthusiasts still have enough joy from the fact that air is able to make sounds.

The legendary creators of synthesizers - Robert Mug, Dave Smith, Thomas Oberhaim and others - in the company Lion Termen (Stanford, 1991)

Fortunately, in the era of the Internet, fragmented experiments of termenvoxists from different countries will gradually develop into a new splash of interest in the instrument. Last year, even Google celebrated, celebrating Clara Rockmore's birthday, - on March 9, "Swan" Saint-Sansa sounded on all planet monitors. Gradually, a new generation of protruding performers appear, who are trying to use the Termenvelox as a melodic tool. At the same time, the Hoffmann epoch is often inspired in America, and in Europe, some are inclined to "classical school": so, the Dutch is thinking about the inclusion of the Termenvelox to the conservative program, and in Russia the inventor business continues his great "Termenology". Most musicians converge on the fact that from American, German and Japanese termenvoxes, a very decent sound can be achieved, although the 1920s concert models still have to reach.

Torvald Jorgensen is one of the modern termenvoxists who prefer a classic repertoire

* * *

Of course, technology is now allowing "playing in air" dozens of different ways. The laser harp is quite popular - the tool, when playing on which the musician overlaps the rays of the light. There are whole costumes with sensors, like terratiton, responding to any movement. However, all similar tools cause the same question: when the attraction is coming, what will remain from music? It seems that the simple design of the century ago turned out to be the perfect combination of classics and modernity. It remains only to re-master the art of the game, which almost lost for some hundred years.

Termenvox returns in the XXI century (playing Peter, the greatness of the Lion Termen)

In the preparation of the article, materials were used from the lecture of Peter Termen "from Lenin to Led Zeppelin".

Recently, it is impossible to present music without electronic tools. Amy got the character of mass. But little knows that the first electronic musical instrument is the Termenvelox, which wears the name of its creator, invented our Russian scientist Lion Termen. In 1919.

The game on the Termenvox is to change the distance by a musician from his hands to the tool antennas, due to which the capacity of the oscillatory circuit changes and, as a result, the sound frequency. The vertical direct antenna is responsible for the sound tone, horizontal horseshoe-shaped - for its volume. For the game on the Termenvelox it is necessary to have an ideal hearing, as the musician does not touch the instrument on time and therefore can fix the position of the hands relative to it, relying only on your ear.

The tool is intended for the execution of any (classic, pop, jazz) musical works in professional and amateur musical practice, as well as to create various sound effects (birds singing, whistle, etc.), which can be used when visiting movies, in theatrical productions, Circus programs.

The Lev Terman himself believed that the most successful work for demonstrating the capabilities of Termenvelox - "Vocaliz" S. Rakhmaninova.

There are several varieties of termenvox differing in design.

Currently, there are both serial and master termenvoxes, as well as there are school games on it.

Further development The idea of \u200b\u200bTermenvelox received in a tool called Terratyton, where the frequency and amplitude of sound are determined by changing the position of the entire body of the performer.

Classic Termenvelox.

In the first, classic models created by the Lvom Termen himself, sound control occurs as a result of the free movement of the hand of the artist in the electromagnetic field near two metal antennas. The artist plays standing. Changing the height of the sound is achieved by approaching the hand to the right antenna, while the sound volume is controlled due to the approximation of another hand to the left antenna.

It is this model of the Termenvelox that received the widespread distribution in the world. There are a number of firms producing tools of this type.

The technique of the game on this type of termenvox virtuoso owned one of the first students of Lion Termen - American Clara Rockmore and the daughter of Leo Termen Natalia Termen.

Termenvox Etherwave.

Termenvelox Etherwave, developed by Robert Mug, is the most popular termented constructor in the world. You can easily build your own Etherwave from a special set of details. It does not require any special knowledge from the field of electronics. In addition, Moog Music supplies the collected tools of the Etherwave series of various modifications.

The main board is collected and configured in the factory. Nickel-plated antennas, wooden housing and external power supply are also included.

Termenvox Classic

Termenvelox Classic, developed by Andrei Smirnov, was built according to the classic scheme of the Termenvelox. Through the use of the modern element base, the tool is characterized by a low weight, high stability and linearity of the working range, reliability and endurance. The use of original circuitry allowed, remaining within the framework of classic design, solve the problem of staccate and fast dynamics. Effective working tool range - 6 octave. Smooth tone adjustment.

Termenvox "T-VOX TOUR"

Termenvox "T-VOX TOUR" designed by the husband of the Russian performer on the Termenvox, Lydia Kavin, George Pavlov, was released by limited edition. The tool features the original timbre, the range of 8 octave.

Barbara Barbara Barbara, Lydia Kavina, Olesya Rostovskaya played on T-VOX

In 2006, the Russian executor Lydia Kavin and Berlin Artist Barbara Buchcholz jointly created an international project Touch! DONL TOUCH!, In which four Russian and five German composers composed modern music for the Termenvelox.

Termenvox virtual.

There are also virtual analogs of termenvox, in the form of applications that are found mainly on smartphones and PDAs equipped with sensory displays. The program of the Russian programmer Alexander Goldov Sunvox has this feature as an additional "for dambling." Use this tool in the composition itself created in Sunvox, unfortunately, it is impossible. Virtual Termenvelox is a similarity of the coordinate schedule by moving the stylus or a finger along which the sounds can be removed. Similarly to the use of this thermal service, moving horizontally screen changes the height of the sound, and the vertical movement changes its volume.

However, using this mode on the PDA with a sufficiently high screen resolution (640x480), it is possible, in case of splitting the screen to 1 or 2 octaves, play and not only for fun. Practice shows that you can play vocal parties. Used amplitude and frequency vibrato. Which, by the way, gives the expressiveness of the sound of real termenvox. Two types of vibrato are conveniently inserted, making continuous movements in the circumference or ellip.

Such a SunVox contributes to the presence of format filters.

Termenvox of the Kovalsky system.

In the termenvox of the Kovalsky Kovalsky system (first performer and assistant lion of the thermamen), the height of the sound is still regulated by the right hand, while the left hand controls the common sound characteristics using a push-button manipulator, the sound volume is regulated by the pedal. The artist plays sitting.

Konstantin Kovalsky himself (1890-1976) virtuosofully owned the technique of playing this type of termanvox.

This model did not receive such widespread as classic termanvox, however, tradition continues through students and colleagues K. Kovalsky - L. Korolev and Z. V. Ranevskaya, who created his school in Moscow.

Designer Lion Korolev for many years develops and improves the termenoxoxes of this system. It was also created tool-type of termenvox - "Tershumbra", the sound of which was a narrowband noise, with pronounced sound. L. Korolev created an optical indicator of the current notch of the Termenvelox - a visualizer.

Termenvox do it yourself.

Product details:

Resistors MLT-0.125 and SPO-0.15 (R1);
- CT condensers, CLA (C6, C7) and K50-6 (C8, C9), PDA (C5);
- Coils of heteroodine DV from the portable transistor receiver.
- homemade detail - coil 13, containing 70 turns of the wire PEV-1 0.31 on a rod from ferrite 600nn of any cross section of length of about 60 mm.
- Power supply - Croon Battery.

The device is placed in a flat metal or plastic case, beamed from the inside of the foil. Metallization serves as the screen and connects with the shared circuit wire. On the upper wall of the case by means of a plastic insulator, an antenna is attached - an aluminum pin with a diameter of up to 4 mm and about 100 mm long - it must be clarified when adjusting. The other edge on the bracket holds the L3 coil, close to which the magnetic receiver antenna should be located. An axis with a slot is displayed on the side wall under the screwdriver R1 resistor.

Termenvox (Lat. Theremin or ThereminVox) - an electrical instrument created in 1918 by the Russian inventor Lvir Sergeevich Termen. After the October Revolution, a young technical specialist Lion Thermman went to work in one of the Moscow radioabilities. There he was engaged in the development of industrial electronics. One of the inventions of the Termen is non-contact alarm. It turned out that if a little improve this device, it turns into an unusually sound musical instrument.

Both engineering developments received Lenin personally. Inspired by the musical instrument and throwing the famous phrase: "It's good that we even have electrified music," Lenin demanded to organize the All-Russian educational tour. A couple of years, engineer traveled around the country with lectures and concerts. In parallel, developing several adjacent technologies, such as automatic doors and the current concept of the television system.

The game on the Termenvelox is to change the musician distances from their hands to the tool antennas, due to which the capacity of the oscillating circuit changes and, as a result, the sound frequency. The vertical direct antenna is responsible for the sound tone, horizontal horseshoe-shaped - for its volume. To play on the termena, you need to have a well-developed musical hearing: during the game the musician does not touch the tool and therefore it can fix the position of the hands relative to it, just relying on your ear. The tool is designed to perform any musical works, as well as to create various sound effects (bird singing, whistle, etc.), which can be used when moving movies, in theatrical productions, concert programs. The Lev Terman himself believed that the most successful work for demonstrating the capabilities of Termenvelox - "Vocaliz" S. Rakhmaninova.

The Soviet government sent the Lion Termen to a long-term business trip to America. Electronics Manufacturer, RCA Concern, bought a Patent for Termenvox from an engineer. For the reversed money, the terman founded his musical studio. Formally remaining a citizen of the USSR, the Termen became an American millionaire. Charlie Chaplin and Albert Einstein were friendly with him. He dined with John Rockefeller and Dwight Eisenhower - the future president of the United States. In the wave of popularity, the Termen divorced the Russian wife and married the famous ballerina Avania Williams.

In 1938, the engineer was summoned to Moscow. A year later I planted. Rehabilitated terman after World War II. Almost before the death itself, he worked in research laboratories in modest positions and died in 1993, a little without having survived to his 100-year-old anniversary.

Well, before the Termenvelox, then this tool is now, after almost an eyelid, it looks revolutionary. Box with electronics and pair of antennas. The sound is essentially born in an electromagnetic field that forms the device. Playing on the termanwok is difficult. There are only a few dozen acting musicians who know how to manage with the instrument.

There are several varieties of termenvox differing in design. Currently, there are both serial and master termenvoxes, as well as there are school games on it. Further development The idea of \u200b\u200bTermenvelox received in a tool called Terratyton, where the frequency and amplitude of sound are determined by changing the position of the entire body of the performer.

In the first, classic models created by the Lvom Termen himself, sound control occurs as a result of the free movement of the hand of the artist in the electromagnetic field near two metal antennas. The artist plays standing. Changing the height of the sound is achieved by approaching the hand to the right antenna, while the sound volume is controlled due to the approximation of another hand to the left antenna. It is this model of the Termenvelox that received the widespread distribution in the world. There are a number of firms producing tools of this type. The technique of the game on this type of termenvox virtuoso owned one of the first students of Lion Termen - American Clara Rockmore and the daughter of Leo Termen Natalia Termen.

Termenvelox Etherwave, developed by Robert Mug, is the most popular termented constructor in the world. You can easily build your own Etherwave from a special set of details. It does not require any special knowledge from the field of electronics. In addition, Moog Music supplies the collected tools of the Etherwave series of various modifications. The main board is collected and configured in the factory. Nickel-plated antennas, wooden housing and external power supply are also included.

Termenvelox Classic, developed by Andrei Smirnov, was built according to the classic scheme of the Termenvelox. Through the use of the modern element base, the tool is characterized by a low weight, high stability and linearity of the working range, reliability and endurance. The use of original circuitry allowed, remaining within the framework of classic design, solve the problem of staccate and fast dynamics. Effective working tool range - 6 octave. Smooth tone adjustment.

Termenvox "T-VOX TOUR" was developed by George Pavlov, was released limited edition. The tool features the original timbre, the range of 8 octave.

In the termenvox of the Kovalsky Kovalsky system (first performer and assistant lion of the thermamen), the height of the sound is still regulated by the right hand, while the left hand controls the common sound characteristics using a push-button manipulator, the sound volume is regulated by the pedal. The artist plays sitting. Konstantin Kovalsky himself (1890-1976) virtuosofully owned the technique of playing this type of termanvox. This model did not receive such widespread as classic termanvox, however, tradition continues through students and colleagues K. Kovalsky - L. Korolev and Z. V. Ranevskaya, who created his school in Moscow. Designer Leo Korolev (1930-2012) for many years developed and improved the termenvoxes of this system. It was also created tool-type of termenvox - "Tershumbra", the sound of which was a narrowband noise, with pronounced sound. L. Korolev created an optical indicator of the current notch of the Termenvelox - a visualizer.

There are also virtual analogs of termenvox, in the form of applications that are found mainly on smartphones and PDAs equipped with sensory displays. The program of the Russian programmer Alexander Golden SunVox has this function as an additional for a quick check (convenient to set several, for example, five to eight, octave on the screen) of filters and other frequency-dependent elements of the tools created. Use this tool in the composition itself created in Sunvox, unfortunately, it is impossible. Virtual Termenvelox is a similarity of the coordinate schedule by moving the style or finger along which can be removed. Similarly to the use of this thermal service, moving horizontally screen changes the height of the sound, and the vertical movement changes its volume. However, using this mode on the PDA with a sufficiently high screen resolution (640x480), it is possible, in case of splitting the screen to 1 or 2 octaves, play and not only for fun. Practice shows that you can play vocal parties. Used amplitude and frequency vibrato. Which, by the way, gives the expressiveness of the sound of real termenvox. Two types of vibrato are conveniently inserted, making continuous movements in the circumference or ellip.

The price for 2 tools that were in the parcel. The service has reached very quickly in 2 weeks. Cardboard box with 2 shoe contained 2 gift sets in the form of colorful booklets

Among the hieroglyphs, the Russian language, which emphasizes the Russian origin of the instrument.

The booklet is aligned with the box in it and a plastic tray was placed with the details covered with transparent film.

To assemble the subject, the soldering iron is not required - everything is already soldered. Although in booklets and hieroglyphs, but the assembly process is very clearly described in the drawings.

In the process of assembly there is no difficulty. And as a result, this device is obtained.

Well, now we will deal with what.


Termenvox (Lat. Theremin or ThereminVox) - an electrical instrument created in 1918 by the Russian inventor Lvir Sergeevich Termen. The game on the Termenvelox is to change the musician distances from their hands to the tool antennas, due to which the capacity of the oscillating circuit changes and, as a result, the sound frequency. The vertical direct antenna is responsible for the sound tone, horizontal horseshoe-shaped - for its volume. For the game on the termenvox you need to have a well-developed musical hearing: during the game the musician does not concern the tool and therefore cannot fix the position of the hands relative to it and should rely only on your hearing.
The tool is intended for the execution of any (classic, pop, jazz) musical works in professional and amateur musical practice, as well as to create various sound effects (birds singing, whistle, etc.), which can be used when visiting movies, in theatrical productions, Circus programs.
There are several varieties of termenvox differing in design.
Currently, there are both serial and master termenvoxes, as well as various schools of the game on it

The operation requires 4 AA batteries, no external nutrition is provided.
The lever on the right is the switch, it limits the volume half. Smooth volume adjustment is not. There is no exit to an external amplifier, although in the pictures it can be seen that in some cases the minijack is connected. Although it is not difficult to finalize connecting the slot of 3.5 mm parallel to the dynamics.

A screwdriver is attached to the bottom to adjust the sound stability, it must be done with each inclusion

Strip resistors must be about this position, the lobes of a millimeter affect the sound.
Range where then 2 octaves. To master the lightweight play on the intrusive, you need to spend a lot of time on the exercise. Alien video from YouTube. By the way, noticed that all videos on the subject of many years ago.

Beautiful toy - but priceaaa. But for exotic you have to pay. We have no such. Yes, and for the sea, the telephone is a half, yes ruble transport. Looks like the Japanese right to this tool
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