Design of stand` Folk unity` Festive interior design DOU: Musical Hall

Design of stand` Folk unity` Festive interior design DOU: Musical Hall
Design of stand` Folk unity` Festive interior design DOU: Musical Hall
Nishcheva N.V.
Festive design of interiors Dow: Music Hall. Day of Russia, the Day of the Constitution, the Day of People's Unity. Visual material

Publisher: Childhood-Press
Genre: visual benefits

Good quality
Pages: 32.
Format: PDF, FB2, Epub

The project of the Publishing House "Childhood-Press" is called "Festive design of interiors DOU. Musical Hall "and includes elements of the design of the musical hall for festive matinees and selections of poems to each holiday. This is the roll call, and poems for scenes, scenarios, individual speeches of children. The design elements are made by the best artists and designers of the Childhood-Press publishing house, and the poets are written on request by professional poets. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe project is to create a kit necessary for preparation for festive matrian materials by specialists - artists, designers, poets, since only a professional approach can provide a high aesthetic level of these materials. Each set of elements for the decoration of the musical hall contains planar images for designing a backbone, including letters for writing a holiday title; Plane images for simpleness between windows. All images are made in a single style and are constructed in a specific color scheme. The next kit contains a selection of materials at once to three festive dates: Day of Russia, the Day of Constitution, the Day of National Unity.

Elena Southrina

On November 4, the Day of People's Unity will come, the day of the unity of all who loves their country, their homeland. A brief report on the preparation for the holiday I propose today to your court.

At first, children were told the history of the occurrence of this holiday, read and passages from the book of Vladimir Solovyov "Minin and Pozharsky".

Children with interest view book illustrations, discuss.

With friends conducted games "Let's live together" and "Say a compliment to a friend".

We learned the poem with children:

"We are a family, and we are friends.

We are the people, and we are one.

Together we are invincible. "

Introduced the proverbs and sayings:

People have one house - Motherland.

Who is the Motherland Mountain, that true hero.

Children with sisters and brothers prepared small crafts.

Together completed the collective work "Our Homeland - Russia".

Shirma was presented for parents on the topic of the holiday.

"On the day of unity, we will be near, we will be together forever!"

Happy holiday you, cute colleagues!

Peace, unity, consent to all families and our big beautiful

Motherland named Russia!

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the holiday "Day of People's Unity" The Day of National Unity Hall is festively decorated. Song "About Russia" sounds, children go to the hall and seard to seats. Leading: kind.

Scenario of the event "Day of People's Unity" Holiday "People's Unity Day". With a story, they do not argue, with the story they live, it unites on the feat and the state is one of the state when.

Entertainment "Day of People's Unity" (senior preschool age) Entertainment for older "Day of People's Unity" of the goals and objectives of the holiday: - to instill with students interest in the history of the holiday day.

Entertainment "Day of People's Unity" in the senior group Objective: to familiarize children with the peoples of Russia, to tell about their culture and customs. Tasks: 1) Educational - to cultivate respect for their culture.

The decoration of the hall: on the advancement on the right - the flag of the Russian Federation of the standard size, next to the side kulis - the emblem of the Russian Federation. On the left side of the stage of the scene - the screen for the demonstration of computer slides.

Before the start of the concert in the lobby and in the hall he sounds music to the operations of Glinka "Life for the king" and the Mussorgsky "Boris Godunov"; Pictures of Russian landscapes change on the screen.

Equipment: Computer, Slides, Music Phonograms, State Symbols of the Russian Federation, Icon of Kazan Our Lady.

The concert begins with the sound of the Anthem of the Russian Federation in the record of the choir. On the screen - the map of the Russian Federation.

All viewers get up, sing along with the choir.

Russia is the sacred Power,
Russia is our beloved country.
Mighty will, Great Glory -
Your property at all times!


Nice, fatherish ours is free
Fraternal peoples union century
Ancestors This wisdom is folk!
Nice, country! We are proud of you!

Interest two leading

I Host: In the life of most peoples there are such moments when it comes to their very existence. On the existence, not even as a state, but as an independent nation.

In the Russian people, such a turning point was the beginning of the XVII century, which entered our story called the troubled time.

Those who express some doubts about the relevance of a new holiday are not enough to aware of the meaning of what happened then in Russia.

The fact is that the troubled time is not at all coming down to the Polish-Swedish intervention. It was a time when the foundations of state and national life were dealt.

On the screen - Piselik's picture "Troubles"

II Presenter: Circuit Circuit, Cruel Drought, Monstrous Hunger, Epidemic Plague - coincided with a complete disposal of management. When Rus came to a state of not only extreme poverty and fragmentation, but also complete criminalization - countless robbing gangs practically captured the whole territory. Of course, all this happened not in itself, one problem attracted another. So, because of the rapid hunger, the landowners drove the hills throughout the hunger, so that they would not feed them, and they were knocked out in the gangs and began to extrude food. Natural cataclysm wrapped themselves with economic, they walked social, political, who aggravated each other. As they speak in the people, the trouble does not come alone.

I Host: If you remember those events, it becomes obvious: the main misfortune of that time was the loss of moral and religious obstacles. The beginning of the University can be defined in one word - betrayal. For the sake of their skin interests, then the Boyar groupings existing (today they can be called elite) were ready for any betrayal, to recognize any lies. After all, remember what happened when Faldmitry was already approaching Moscow.

II Host: Army, whole boyars godeged on his side, recognized him by a legal heir. Then there was a strange mixing in the minds, when at the same time accused Godunov in the murder of Dmitry and recognized Dmitry Samozvance. And maybe the Episode was the most terrible when the impostor entered Moscow, and all the boyars, the devil, including Dyak Schelchelov, who conducted an investigation into the murder, recognized him by Tsarevich Dmitry Ivanovich. Even the mother of the deadline, and she recognized him with her son. And at that moment, only the Patriarch Job, usually depicted by a man weak, only he was beaten in the Assumption Cathedral, sleeved, expelled, only he was not tired of repeating: not Tsarevich Dmitry is, and the thief and the bandwidth of Grishka Refreys. He did not listen. But it is very important that at this moment, as throughout the Troubles, the Russian Church tirelessly testified about the truth. And neither the patriarch of Job, the person is soft, nor solid, like flint, Patriarch Hermogen were not broken.

I Host: And this terrible period lasted for years. A real national catastrophe has grown. And, probably, many contemporaries then there was no longer any hope for rebirth. Destructive processes seemed irreversible. It was hard to even imagine that such a decomposed society would be able to give a rebuff of intervention, but just to preserve, stand up on his feet, if there were no external threat.

II Host: And nevertheless there were healthy forces - both in the simple people, and among the ruling elite. We remember their leaders Kuzma Minina and Prince Dimitry Pozharsky, they united, saved, retained the country, made its future revival. After all, by the middle of the XVII century, Russia was again a strong power, and not only in a military, political, economic relations. National self-consciousness returned. The spiritual, patriotic principles have strengthened.

On the screen Photo by Alexey II.

I Presenter: "That is why we celebrate this date as the day of preservation and salvation not only of the Russian state, but also the Russian people - it would simply not be if the troubled time failed to overcome." This is a quotation of the current patriarch of All Russia Alexy II.

II Host: This is, in fact, Holiday of saving our country! And not from the Polish intervention, but from the internal decomposition.

The following three participants come out, sing under the musical phonogram

1 verse song from k / f "Officers".

On the screen - portraits of minina, Pozharsky, Patriarch of Hermogene, Susanina

From the heroes of the old days
There is no names left.
Those who took the death fight
Steel just earth and grass
Only loud valor of them
Settled in the hearts of living
This eternal flame
We are visiting from them,
We are in the chest stored.

The phonogram turns on: D. VERDI - a fragment of an overture to opera "Power of Fate", M.Morusorgian Symphony Fantasy "Night on Bald Mount".

Under the sound of anxious melody, participants read the poem of T. Pavlychenko "Russian University"

I participant:

Again above the birthday fires smoke
Again War, Destroy, Hunger
And the entridence of the ruination shrines ...
... It seemed: the Russian Spirit split.

II Member:

The people are split. There is no strong power.
Rod, Rurik Cold, went to the fly.
King Godun wanted to save the troubles
Country, traitors to call for the answer.
But ... died unexpectedly

III Member:

Falemmitry - former Russian ink,
That faith is the Orthodox betrayed,
Probably, he was still abandoned by God,
Since the soul of the church of the Catholic gave.

I participant:

Liazar - in Moscow, in Moscow - Poles,
Who came to the Hands all
On the churches, Russians starting attacks:
Holy icons - in dirt, to their feet.

II Member:

In the year, terrible again there is no one
Among the boyars, the medium of eminent Cossacks.
When is the people end with patience?
When will he be ready to battle with the Battle?

III Member:

Lhadmitry is killed. But the same confusion.
Boyarin Shuisky quickly took the throne.
He calls for the help of the Swedes he. As long as
Second Falseedtry near Moscow. Who is he?

I participant:

He is a new contender for the kingdom.
Any way came to occupy the throne.
But in Tushina, as in Moscow, there is no fraternity.
The troops of Falsmitria - on the thief

II Member:

Forcibly accepted the Shuisky Holder:
From the throne - won, away - to the monastery.
Again the question of power is sharp:
Country - keeping to be ??? Or ... a wasteland?!

III Member:

Moscow Boyar Uphushka
Again let Polish detachments
Russian throne for them - toy:
"King - Vladislava we need."

I participant:

Boyars were a contract drawn up,
That the church is Catholic not to be
Vladislav - not be autocratic,
In Moscow, Vladislav - to live in Russian.

II Member:

But Sigismund - Monarch Covarian -
Vladislav's father - Pole -
For power, he joined the wrongness to battle,
Kohl Son agrees to rule so.

III Member:

The church remained only one,
Praying for Russia night and day.
"Cover, Russians, together" -
Called from the sharpening Hermogen.

I participant:

The appeal came Nizhny Novgorod,
Where anger coped many years:
Farming of Boyar copied discontent
The fact that Russia has no freedoms.

II Member:

That there is no end damn trouble
Rus - not to be on the world map
Preparing fucked Russians
Already ready to trust for a pyr.

III Member:

Volga Tatars brought
The icon of the Virgin Kazan.
The face of the intercession of the Earth
Claught to the people: "Rus save!"

It is possible to introduce the icons of the Virgin Kazan.

On the screen - the picture of the Makovsky "Elevation of Minin to Nizhny Novgorod"

I participant:

The people gathered minin merchant,
The soul of which has long been burning
Honor, pain for Russia:
"The victory of the Motherland is a holy case."

II Member:

Pozharsky Dmitry - Voevoda, Prince,
Already known to battles with enemies,
The people are elected, the people worship:
"Poles not trample into Moscow with legs."

III Member:

Here are Russian, Mordva, Tatars
Entered the militia voluntarily,
Preparing the Word Cursed Cara
For their homeland, for his people, for the will.

The sound of the phonogram bell ringing ends

On the leading stage

I Host: The militia consisted of 10 thousand people: nobles, archers, peasants, artisans, merchants. The spiritual incentive of liberation was the icon of Kazan Our Lady. In the autumn of 1612, the militias with the hardest battles after a long siege, during which not only the Poles, but also Muscovites ate all the suppresses, many died of hunger: entered the Kremlin. Moscow was released in January 1613. The Zemsky Cathedral elected the king of the 16-year-old Mikhail Romanov - Son of Patriarch Filaret. The election of the king meant the revival of the country, the fence of its sovereignty and identity.

The screen illuminates the illustration to the book of Ryleev "Ivan Susanin" "" love to my homeland breathing "

II Host: At this time, Sigismund sent the Polish detachment to the Kostroma forest, where a young Russian king was forced to hide, for his capture. Near the shelters of the enemies captured Ivan Susanin, the resident of the village of Domnin and demanded that he secretly spent them to the refuge of Mikhail. As the faithful son of the Fatherland, Susanin decided to die better than the betrayal of the life. He took the Poles to the other side, in a deaf forest.

Drawing the poem K. Ryleyev "Ivan Susanin" against the background of a musical phonogram (a fragment of the opera M.Glinka "Life for the king"). On the screen, an illustration of the book K. Ryleyev "I breathe love to my homeland."


  1. Reader.
  2. I.Susanin.
  3. Poles (3-4 people).

Pole: Where are you leading us? .. Not visible ZGI -

Reader: Susanin with a heart cried enemies.

We viscous and thin in snow surgies;
We know, do not get to you until overnight
You got lost, brother, right on purpose of the way,
But those Mikhail do not save you.

Pole: Where did you start us? "

Reader: Lyakh old cried

Susanan. "Where necessary

Reader: Susanin said

Kill, tear, - my grave here.
But know and go away: I saved Michael.
Traitor, imagine, in me you found
They are not and will not be in the Russian land!

Poles: "3LD!"

Reader:they shouted enemies, Zakipev.

Poles: "die under the swords."

"Your anger is not afraid
Who is Russian in the heart, that cheerful, and boldly.
And joyfully dies for the right thing.
Neither execution, no death and I am not afraid:
Do not flourish, die for the king and for Russia. "

Poles: "Umci!"

Poles the hero cried up
And saber over the old man, whistling, spurla.

Pole: "Pervasy, traitor! Your end has come! "

And the solid susanin fell all in the wounds.
Snow pure pure blood ripped:
She saved Mikhail for Russia.

On the screen - miniature "Election of Mikhail Romanova to the kingdom"

I Host: After the liberation of Russia from the Polish and Swedish Interventors in many cities, then there, the kings were announced there - impostors. Civil war lasted until 1618. Smoot left hard consequences. Many cities, settlements lay in ruins. Russia lost many of their sons and daughters. Agriculture, crafts were ruined, fade trading life |

II Presenter: Russian people returned to the ashes, started as Icestarius was born, to the Holy Cause - revival. Troubled time severely weakened Russia, her people. But also showed her strength. The beginning of the seventeenth year announced the ERU of National Liberation.

On the Slide screen - Monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square in Moscow and the monument to Susanin in Kostroma

Participants perform a song:

(Music and words M. Sokhkin) under the musical phonogram

On the screen during the execution of the song The map of the Russian Federation on the screen is replaced by the pictures of Russian landscapes

  1. Map of the Russian Federation.
  2. State symbolism of the Russian Federation.
  3. Photo of the Patriarch of All Russia, Alexy from the newspaper "Labor". 11.2005
  4. Boris Godunov Fragment of the Mural of the Moscow Kremlin.
  5. L. Kilian. Lhadmitry 1.
  6. K. Venig. The last minutes of the impostor.
  7. P. Chastykov. Time of Troubles.
  8. K. Makovsky. The appeal of K. Minin to Nizhny Novgorod.
  9. Ivan Susanin - an illustration for the book K. Yuryleva "I breathe love to my homeland."
  10. N. Lavinsky. Monument to I.Susanin in Kostroma.
  11. Miniature from the book "Election of Mikhail Romanov to the kingdom."
  12. Illustration for the book "The Kingdom of People".
  13. Boyar. The textbook of the vorochina "stories in native history".


1. K. Ryleev "Love to Motherland I breathe."

2. Patriarch of All Russia Alexy II. Article "Holiday Rescue Country", "Labor" newspaper, November 2005.

Day of folk unity

Hall registration:
Maps of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Mordovia.

State symbols (flags and emblems) of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Mordovia.

Poster "We are proud by our fatherland."

Exposition "10 years of creation".

Exhibition of student drawings.

Colorfully decorated symbolic magazine "In the unity of our power".

Title list - coat of arms of Russia.

1 page "Here minin with fire is still alive."

2 page "The protection of the Motherland is the defense of his fatherland."

3 Page "Morder and Russian roots are sent".

4 Page "Large Create We are the power of debris."

5 Page "We are united, because invincible."

Globe, player, record staples.

Painting V.M.vasnetsova "After traveling Igor Svyatoslavovich with Polovtsy"

Picture "Standing in Ugra"

Picture "Ice Bare"

Picture "The appeal of minina to Nizhny Novgorod" Hood. A.Kivhenko

Picture "Defense of Trinity Sergius Lavra from Polish Intervents"

Portraits of Minin and Pozhal

Illustration "Monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow".

Photobobius of Minin in Nizhny Novgorod.

Picture of the sprinkle "In 1812".

Picture "Salute Victory".

Photo of the monument "forever with Russia" in Saransk.

Poster "What nations live in Russia."
Opening conversation

Guys, what holidays celebrated by all the people, do you know? (answer)

Another holiday appeared in our calendar - the day of nationwide unity, which will be celebrated on November 4th. What significance for our country had unity? Why did the State Duma adopt such a decision? And why exactly on November 4? Here we will talk about this at today's event.

(Opens the curtain)

1 Vedas "Homeland is a huge, native, breathing creature, like a person," Alexander Blok wrote. These words are accurate, and at the same time meaningful.

Greatness is both geographical expanses, and irrelevant wealth, and the pristine beauty and the hugeness of the people who are experienced by the people, its warring works and feats.

It has been long for our compatriots the subject of pride were the greatness and beauty of the Motherland. N.V.Gogol was affected by her immensity: "... the thought is before your space." And I.S.Nikitin, was written by her beauty:

Widely you, Rus,

In the face of the land

In Krasia royal


But they love their homeland and they are proud of it not only for being everywhere, always and in all means great, high and beautiful.

A hundred times are more proud of the hugeness of the passage of the fatherland and the people.

Look at the map of our homeland. Many centuries needed to settle, master, protect it from external enemies. We know that many of the enemies did not give restlessly Dali, many tried to desecrate the regulatory beauty, to master outless wealth, and kill the soul.

And how much weathering your breasts were painted.

Without once pouring into your house, it is revealed,

The enemies shouted: "Cerenately with Russia!"

And you learned yours, Russia, anger.

1 page

Here, minin with fire is still alive.

2 Vedas At first, Stepnyaki constantly violated the boundaries of our homeland. Specific princes, one, tried to defeat them. In 1185, Prince Igor Novgorod-Seversky made a campaign on Polovtsy, the Russian squad fought brave:

... there is a bloody wine lacking,

here the Day finished the brave Rusichi:

shatov drank, and they themselves

for Earth Russian.

"Doesn't your brave squad of a roar publishes, as if the tours were wounded by sabers kalenne in the field unreasonable? Join the princes, in gold strive for the insult of our time, for the Russian land for the wounds of Igor, Brave Svyatoslavovich. "

Igor's defeat is not a defeat of Russia, but only the beginning of a big battle with the enemy - victory will be For Russians, but subject to the association. In just a few years, the united Russian squads defeated Polovtsy. (Showing the picture V.M.vasnetsova)

3 Vedas Do not forget the descendants of the invasion of the Swedes and German knights - Crusaders. The Nevskaya battle with the Swedes has shown in 1240: Rus alive in April 1242, the Battle of the Lake was again broke up - Ice Battle. The Germans "Gorda Being" boiled not only to defeat the Raint of Prince Alexander Nevsky, but also to take it with his hands. And instead, they found their death at the bottom of the Church of the Lake. "Who will come to us with a sword, that from the sword will die." (Showing the painting "Ice Battery")
4 Vedas More than two and a half centuries trampled, like a locust, devastated our lands of Tatar-Mongola. In the 1370s, Prince Dmitry, all the forces devoted to the association of Russian lands to combat the Golden Horde.

"And he sent the Grand Duke" throughout the Russian land of dispute messengers with their grades. And the princes of Belozersky, Prince Kargopolsky and Andne Princes came to him. Yaroslavl princes came with their own and princes of Ustyugovsky and other princes of governors with many forces "and gathered the army, ready to die for Russia, on September 7, 1380, the combined Russian regiments, headed by Prince Dmitry, proved the" Summer Okayanny ", which is inevitably their Arcana hanging Over Russian heads, that never be the owners of Russian lands.

5 Vedas Ivan ιιι became worthy of his progenitor. He swore "firmly under the pious" Orthodox faith and Boroniti his fatherland ". He kept his oath. It was he who completed the gathering of Russian land. And in 1480, after the "standing" of Ivan's troops ιιι and Khan Akhmat on the banks of the river Ugra, the whole people "rejoice". Rus has become free. (Showing the painting "Standing troops of Ivan ιιι and Khan Akhmat on the river UGR)
6 Vedas In Russia, we met its barrier "Polyakov, we will tell about this time more about this time, as it is directly related to the holiday of the Day of National Unity.

The beginning of the 17th century is characterized as a troubled time. Ivan ιV Grozny Vasilyevich. Grozny left after his board the decline of the economy, the launch of many lands, the escape of the peasants.

After the death of Ivan the Terrible king, Fedor Ivanovich became king, and the fullness of the authorities belonged to Boris Godunov's brother's wife. Fedor was childless. And the heir to the throne Tsarevich Dmitry for unclear circumstances died. By the king was Boris Godunov. The first years of his reign was marked by a terrible hunger that destroyed a third of the population. In fraternal graves in Moscow alone, 127 thousand people buried. At this time, from the miracle of the monastery through Lithuania in question, compolite, i.e. The Polish is running around Grishka Refreps and gives himself for the saved Tsarevich Dmitry. Known as Lhadmitry ι. Boris Godunov dies, his son and wife kill Falsmitria people ι. In May 1605, he solemnly enters Moscow. Muscovites were unhappy with his board and marriage to Marina Mnishek. Moscow rebelled, a few days after the lush wedding (May 17, 1606), Lhadmitry tried to escape, jumped from a 20-meter height, broke his leg, and was killed. He was buried under the Serpukhovsky gate, then he dug his corpse, burned, the ashes were prevented with gunpowder and shot from the king gun. By the king was Vasily Shuisky. At this time, Lhadmitryy ιι (Tushinsky Thief) appeared in Tushino, who also ran away in the cart with manure. He was caught and killed in Kaluga in 1610.

After him, in the Iwanorod, another Lhadmitriy ιι appeared, the real name is or sidork, or Matyushka, Moscow Dyack. In 1611 he captured Pskov, recessioned reckless self-government, debauchery, violence. In May, 1612 fled, was caught, delivered to Moscow and executed.

And in Moscow at this time hosted Poles. For the liberation of Moscow and exile from the Russian limits of the invaders across the country began to form Zemsky militia. At the head of the second militia, Kuzma minin and Dmitry Pozharsk got up. Minin turned to the people with the words: "I am buying for one! ... (together for one") give all your stomits ... "I myself gave my savings, a third of the state, the wife - jewelry. From this united good deal, Russia's liberation from Swedes and Poles began. There was no such nationwide gust before. Karelia, Mordva, Tatars, Chuvashi and other nations and nations rose to protect their homeland. Remember the feat of Ivan Susanin.
Reader "Where did you start us?" - Lyah old cried.

"There, where you need!" - Susanin said.

Kill, tear! - My grave here!

But know and go away: I saved Michael!

Traitor, imagine, in me you found:

They are not and will not be in the Russian land!

In it, every depreciation loves with infancy

And I will not destroy my soul. "

"The villain! - shouted enemies, Zakipev, -

Drill under the swords! " - "Your anger is unstable!

Who is Russian in the heart, that cheerful and boldly

And joyfully dies for the right thing!

Neither execution, no death and I am not afraid:

Do not flourish, die for the king and for Russia! "

On October 26, 1612, the Polish garrison surrendered, and the 27th Russian rhe solemnly entered the ruined capital.

In 1613, King Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov was elected and a 300-year-old board of the Romanov dynasty began, until 1917. And Trouble continued. And only 1618 the exhausted country received a breather.

Vedas Kuzma Minich Minin (year of birth is unknown) Nizhny Novgorod Posad man, Zemstvo Older, traded meat. In the years of Troubles, he initiated the second militia. He took into account the experience of the first militia and began from collecting money, sacrificing the third of his own state for the benefit of fraud. I achieved the consent that had not yet recovered from serious injury to the Pozhesshet to head the militia, and he himself took up organizational issues. Fucked by Moscow. Later he entered the composition of the Zemsky government. The new king granted his noble title. Died in 1616.
Vedas Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky - Prince, Representative of Nizhny Novgorod Nobor. Born in 1578. For the first time, the commander talent was manifested in the battle at a village high in 1608, as a result of which the Poles could not capture Moscow. In 1610, he led the defense of Zaraysk from Polyakov. When the militia began to form in Nizhny Novgorod, he headed his trip to Moscow in 1612. In fact, at that time he was the head of the state. From 1615 to 1618, he repeatedly fought, and then referred to the "Honorary Link of Voevoda to Mozhaisk". Died in 1642.

It was after the liberation of Moscow that the revival of society began in the fall of 1612, the establishment of order. There was no repression, revenge, account information, lagar, bloodshed.

Grateful descendants set a monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square in 1818. It was the first sculptural monument. (Showing portraits, paintings and images of the monument)
Vedas Another heroic page of our history is the Patriotic War of 1812. The French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte managed to get to the heart of our Motherland, to Moscow. But ...
Reader. Moscow ... How much in this sound

For the heart of Russian merged!

How many in it responded!
Here, surrounded by his oak,

Petrovsky castle. Gloomy ON.

Recently proud of glory.

Napoleon waited in vain,

The last happiness is ecced,

Moscow crankshake

With the keys of the old Kremlin:

No, I did not go Moscow

To him with a guy.

Not a holiday, not a reception gift,

She prepared fire

An impatient hero.

Dipped, dumped in the Duma

She looked at the Terrible Flame he. A.S. Pushkin.

On the fight against the French, all the people rose: old men, women, children. The war exacerbated in the Russian people a sense of national pride and love for his homeland. "The peasants joined the rings of the militia, nobles were taken for weapons, the merchants sacrificed the tenth of their income," wrote A.I.Grenz. "Each village turned at our approach or to the fire, or to the fortress," recalled the participant of the Napoleonic campaign.

Napoleon who experienced only the "pricness of happiness" had to be aftered from Moscow and later to find their inglorious end on the island of Saint Helena. (Showing the painting of the spicyness "In 1812")

The song "Borodino" Words M.Lermontova, music folk.

2 Page

The protection of the Motherland has protection and its dignity.
Vedas The summer of 1941 should have brought a rich harvest, and brought blood, ash, destruction:

In forty-first memorable year

From the nest of the fascist Berlin

All people on trouble

Iron avalanche rushed.

"Drang, Nah Osten" - forward to the east ... But I did not have to invaders from the Volga, as they say, to drink water. "The protection of the Motherland has protection and its dignity," said Nikolai Roerich. Humanity remembers not so many examples, when all the people from Mala up to great stood with a weapon in their hands on the defense of his fatherland. He fought at the front and behind the front line, clinging to each tubercle, for each native land whirlpool, richly watered her with his and enemy blood.

Reader. But then on the greedy enemy

Ribs and meadows

Even horizon risen,

Tree and then shot after

At night, partisani bushes

And took off like chips, bridges,

Walked with grazers grandfathers and fathers,

The bullets were served dead

And, cosmatic, like clouds,

In hand-to-handed century.

Hardened the heart in the earth,

And the soldiers went, and walked, and went,

Urals was a dark ore,

Walked, rod, iron herds.

Walulenchina a dense boron

It was a thin, served ax,

They walked empty, dull fields,

Large Russian land went.

Ilya Ehrenburg.
Reader. "Not! - We said to the fascists -

Our people will not tolerate

So that Russian bread is fragrant

Called the word "brother"

And from the sea and to the sea

Russian shelves stood.

Got up with Russian one

Belarusians, Latvians.

People of free Ukraine

And Armenians and Georgians,

Moldovans, Chuvashi,

All Soviet peoples

Against the general enemy

All who mila freedom

And Russia road!


Reader. House! We all understand this word

On any of our languages.

We from different gathered divisions,

Here Latvian - he defended Moscow

Sveruple native Kutaisi,

Russian that Machoree treated

Belarusian and Ukrainian nearby

Siberian, that she walked from Stalingrad,

And Estonian ... We came for

To happiness smiled to everyone.

Reader. In the morning it does not shut down cannonade.

So day after day, so much, many days,

Enemies want on the site of Leningrad

Leave piles and stones ...
But we are silent from the ground to the sky,

All rose and defended light.

And Ladoga and Far Onega

Heard the cost: "no."

No, we do not pass the city of Russian glory

And from the ground to the sky will be fencing,

Of his gardens and parks of the magnifies

His shrines will not give enemies! ...

Do not give the fields of endless, blue,

Where we won and win

Do not give excellent Russia,

Do not give!


Reader. From endless plains


To the Polessian forests and swamps

The people of Bogatyrsky rose,

Our great, mighty people.

He went out, free and right,

Answering war to war,

Stand up for a native power

For the mighty of our country.

Crushing iron and stone

He's an enemy mercilessly spawned,

Over Berlin, a victorious banner -

The banner of the truth is hoisted.

Reader. Returned home old men

And very young fathers -

Muscovites, Leningraders, Donctions ...

Siberians returned -

And hunters and fishermen

And drivers of complex machines,

And the rulers of peaceful valleys -


He walked forward

She walked forward

Winner people!

A. Martynov

Reader. Our people are immortal.

There is no large in the world of similar Russia,

Colors of our brighter and stronger rocks,

Our Russian, our eternal, our proud people!

He made an invasion of Haling Batya,

Broke the infrared links of the skills,

He created Russia, he raised Russia

To the stars to high, on the ridges of the centuries.

And only the fascist obya - wolf.

This is planted, so laugh ...

Do not tell fairy tales and songs do not sing!

In it years of celebrations and century effort,

And only the bloody enemies do not understand

That Russia is eternal, Russia is immortal,

It is impossible to take it away from the world.

So many graves them everywhere in the detriment,

No you lie, you will not kill us - we will kill yourself,

Immortal people are our, great and free,

Russia is immortal, she is fame.

The performance of the song "I love you, Russia" Music D Tukhmanova, the words M. Sokhkin.
I love you, Russia, dear our Russia,

Unprofitable force, unsolved sadness.

You are immense immense

there is no end to you

You are incomprehensible for centuries

wise men.

How many times have you been tortured:

be of Russia il not to be

How many times have you tried to kill the soul of Russian?

But you can not, I know, neither break nor intimidate.

You are my motherland, dear our mother.

3 Page
Morder and Russian roots are sent

Vedas Friendship and mutual understanding are a great benefit in relations between people and nations. Born in the eyelids, the desire of the Mordovian people live in peace and harmony with other peoples, as the outer "Rusych" was already reflected in the "dedication of antiquity of the deep" - the heroic legends about the bogatyr Siyazhar, defended Russia and native land from common enemies.

We will always go side by side with you,

Through rivers - we are with you,

Through the fire raging - we are with you,

Like one, shoulder shoulder, we are with you.

More than 500 years ago expressed a desire to voluntarily enter the Russian state, to combine his fate with the fate of the Russian people. Each of them has their own language, their traditions, his own writing, their poetic paints, but they are united by one general feeling, the feeling of the "family family".

So that one expensive people went,

Saved the world of native land,

To ring the songs of the word -

They threatened with Russian Mordva.
Reader. At the face and Russian

roots are sent -

Deep their memory,

friendship is large:

Hordes Nogaytsev

we are together bits,

Together the oppression of tsarism pressed us.

We went with the Russian Giant

Under the star happy -

Red star.

We stood to death

In Grozny Godina - fought, beat

with black chumay.

Mother Russia

caiden with Mordvoyu

True protected

we were always

And today together

quality one

Land in passing, sow,

we build cities

Flesh of all and blood

We are in you, Russia,

Therefore, happiness

in life gained.

Will be richer

will be beautiful

Sunny tomorrow

native land.

Vitaly Yushkin.

Reader. Psychiat of Syuordak Braton Sking

Pasiba to tee, native master,


Loman Lomanna and Verigiz -

Sleep Paro Yalga, Ruz, Kyrgyz,

Chuvash, Erzya or Kazakh -

Martosta is such an extract Ozak.

Wasting pokatyat Teste: "Sumbet".

Sonst Yutkso Follow, Brother Code,

YalgakSchinty Kiss Maxk Omes

Male and Savi Junksem to thes.

Psistem Syuordak Braton Kedar -

Dy Take Sedseysthe Sedsey Sir.

Pavel Lubaev.

Reader. Brotherhood (translation)

Thank you, the land is native

What am I now owner your

That man man is

Not a wolf, but the best friend forever.

What are the times now.

Peoples merged, tribes

In one Union of people of labor,

They shine a bright star,

Now you,

russian il mordvin -

Let's sit down at one table

I have all nations today,

And I say to everyone: -

Our path is one.

Our motto is simple:

Heart to Heart -

light bridge.

All souls ringing

my edge

For the friendship of eternal give.

Pavel Lubaev.

Reader. Roda land, you are so rich

Siagan Dawn and Berez's Slans!

Here on the meadows and laughter, and talk,

And dances are motley girls

And Russian talk, and Mordovsky speak

One melody sounds.

I am happiness, a Russian brother, I shall with you,

And they are not familiar to us thanks and sadness.

After all, by centuries, living one judge,

With a face and mud and miracle rushed.

Roda land, you are so rich

Siagan Dawn and Berez's Slans!

Here, I call Russian,

After all, with him I was born and grew.

Maxim Beban.
Staged poem "Two Ivana"

Through the rains and through the bursts

In the middle of a big war

Went to the west, two Ivana -

Mother of one son.
Both racks, both in force,

On the cheeks - Rumyanta Mac.

They divided away

Bread, and water, and tobacco.

The path was difficult

The path was long, endless hurricane.

There was one Ivan Martvin,

Russian was another Ivan.

Half a fire

Whistles bullets.

On the edge of the dashing trouble.

From the Dnieper they bumbled

Black ice water.
Evenings on Privala

Under double row harmonic

Two Ivana fought

About the christmas and fire.

And then in the attack again,

Death - wherever you look.

Defenseless and harsh

The heart melted in the chest.

In hatred and sadness

Two Ivana - Salt Earth -

So drove each other

What did not bother yourself.

Somehow the battle lasted

Day in smoky bitter darkness.

But the next morning it was established

Our banner on the hill.

The world hardly hardly woke up

Enchanted silence,

How Ivan - Mordvin swung,

Bullet wounded crazy.

And fell.

To him


Russian "Vanya, what's wrong with you?!"

And Ivan - Mordvin whites Bela:

Mordvin "in your last fight

I fought the way ...

In vain you carry me in Sanbat. "

Russian "Death in front of friendship unarmed -

So people speak. "

Replies Russian Vanya

And carries it to Sanbat.

Russian "Soon again stand up."

Mordvin "No, in vain that, brother"

Russian "No, buddy, not in vain -

You just will go

Long - long,

Red - red

Behind the fighters lasted a trail.

He stretched straight to the sun

A Murava is young

To the Medicalbat end

Where they sing live water

Where any wound is treated

Where medicines are not bitten,

Where the immortality of Ivan

Upon arrival, will be awarded.

Russian Vanya,

Knowing it

Friend carried there soon ...

Suddenly slapped the planet,

Time moved faster.

And two obelisk rose

In full growth -

Nor give either

Somewhere near,

Somewhere near

It is a pity that it is not always seen.

Pavel Lubaev.

In the late 80s, in the early 1990s, our republic also survived troubled time.

In 1995, a new constitution was adopted. For ten years, the Republic of Mordovia is walking along the path of reconciliation, consent and creation.
Reader. In the edge of Mordovsky, where bread is noisy,

Where they rusty birch earrings,

My Russian brother tells me "Sumbet",

What does Hello Mordovsky mean.

And, smiling, calling the visit again,

Oh let them always shine the happiness of the face!

And there will be a peaceful blue sky.

We finish this page with N.I. Merkushkin

We are together, together we go dear creation!

We believe in your future, our Mordovia!

For we believe in the future of our Great Russia!

4 Page

We are working hard. We are the power of fragile.
Veda yes, the path of our homeland is great, and wear is not easy. When Arkan Tatar-Mongol whistled above his head, the noise of Peters rolled around the uluses, when the blood was cheaper than wine, when there was a hundred times in the old life, it was burned, Razdla Daened, the other country would have come and went, did not exceed the other country Herbs, and she served, grew above, did he want to her feet again. In unity, our power. Why? Who knows?

Pupils: We know the answer.

1 reader. Labor is the basis, the factor of life,

Learning any record we beat.

Labor We are the power of debris

And we take all records.

G.G. Chavanidze.

2 readers. While space

Spin planet

On her, the masters of the sun,

there will never be a day

so that there was no dawn,

will not happen to not work!

1 reader. So it was in our life fleeting

in winning roof

copper pipes

instead of war -

Great and domestic -


and domestic
2 readers. Own country,

his destiny of doctor

did not make the strength about the reserve

And did not save us

no miracle.

And what was saved?

Yes, only he saved -

Great and domestic.


Multiplied by thousands


Let slowly

Let it be impossible for a long time

but our holiday

raised from the ruins!

1 reader. At construction sites,

on the fields,

and on the roads,

in the metropolitan gule,

in the villages of deaf

on the most unwittered


Do not

indulgent grimaces


"Not the magnitude"

After all, there is not only

Bama and Kamz

there is no inescable

common work


2 readers. Great

from great effort

ascended over the country

wing your own!


For in Nem.

and nations


R. christmas.

Song of friendship. A.Eshpai.

5 Page

We are united, so invincible.

The people have created many proverbs in which the war is condemned and the world, friendship, fraternity, unity is glorified. We managed to collect more than 70 proverbs. Here is some of them.

Colors need the sun, and people peace.

The world of Zintet is a stone crane.

The world gives bread, and war is grief.

The world is happiness for the people.

Where there is consent, there is power.

If the friendship is great, the homeland will be rude.

After trying together, it will not be cargo.

There is safety in numbers.

One hand and knot are not covered.

One bee is a little honey.

Where unity, there and consent.
Reader. We are Tatars,


Ossetians and tuvintsy,

kabardians and Mariers,

Kalmyki, Bashkira, Komi -

With whom we are so nice, we are familiar

And see each other is happy!

We are Karelia and Buryats,

And Yakuts, and Udmurts ...

We are Chechens, Dagestanis,

Russian Federation envies.

Readers. What are we

  1. What is "we"

  2. We are from the forests of vast,

  3. We are from blockade darkness.

  4. We - from the verses of burnt,

  5. From low lies

  6. From the song Allbiz

  7. We are from immortyant,

  8. From your flesh,

  1. We are from lead rods
Fallen in the snow with a runway,

  1. But - rose to growth,
Write, like victory!

  1. We, continuation of the day,
They walked hard and powerfully ...

1,3,5,7. You can kill me

Everything. It is impossible to kill us!

R. christmas.

The song "If guys of the whole land." In Solovyov-gray.

Reader. I am sad and alien

Swamp, quagm and soft brodes,

Shines rainbow friendship

I am unity of peoples.

It gets up the vertex!

It breathes so breathing!

Hit the thunder in the core -

And Thunder is another in the mountains you will hear.
That is not the language, not just sounds,

No words wandering floes

Labor in them, and sweat, and flour -

Living union family uniform.

Pavlo Phachina.

Reader. One who seeks to friendship

Our friendship will find

The one who is truth seeks

Our truth will find

He who seeks to a song

Our song will find.

But who the wind sees,

Over the world

And during the day and in the night,

Defeating barriers

Victitantly sounds!

Will not detain you

On the boundaries of the post

Through spines and pivops

You break through!

Maxim Tank.
Song "Anthem of Democratic Youth" A.G. Novikov, L. Oshanin.
Reader with a globe.

This ball flies past

Stars, comet and space trails

No reason is referred to as the world,

Remove the world with us.

The world is a high title of the planet,

In infinity direction

Pencils of a merciless rocket

Do not dare to cross it.

The entire planet and the Motherland cute

The highest loyalty will be true

If, as they say, the whole world

We will protect the land from the war.

E. Dolmatovsky.

Reader. Flies, larks, fly -

From the edge to the edge hurry in the morning,

Fly, Right - Allulable All

east of Hope, Peace, Goodness:

Sun and Brotherhood! Sun and Happiness! -

Our call sounds above the earth all -

Create happiness for all people!

There is any people the depreciation -

How many peoples, so much depicting.

But our total depreciation is planet,

And our common wealth is life,

Hurts like a heart, our planet,

But believe: it should be healed -

Will be the planet of happiness and light

For all times, at all times

Phase Aliyev.

Song how to fight this land

Above high zorms

With the wind of the South Siren,

With Sky South Lazorov.

So that in the heart is impregnated,

And forever do not part

Over gray chiculia

A day begins.

Lights to you and joy,

Peace and prosperity

Loyal friends good

Sunny days in fate.

I wish you, my earth,

I wish you, my earth,

High sky is clear

And I wish you happiness.

Congratulations on the holiday.
Russian anthem.

The song "My Motherland" sounds (Sl. R. Ogabrensky, music. D. Tukhmanova)

I you he she

Together - a whole country

Together - a friendly family.

In the word "we" one hundred thousand "I"

Bulk, mischievous,

Black, red, and linen,

Friendly and fun

In cities and villages.

Participants and viewers get up and go under the melody of this song.

Even those who have never been in Moscow, can easily recognize the bronze sculpture on the granite pedestal, standing in front of the Cathedral of Vasily blissful on Red Square. itmonument to Minin and Pozharsky . He is dedicated to Nizhny Novgorod Kuzma Mini Nizhno Minin and Dmitry Mikhailovichi Pozharskiy and the People's Militia, who won the Polish Interventory in 1612, during the time of troubled time in Russia.

Monument to Minin and Pozharsky - the very first in Moscow! However, it was originally planned to be installed in Nizhny Novgorod - in the city where the militia was collected, "at the very place where Minin presented all the property to the people and inflamed the competition of his fellow citizens," and the installation to coincide with the 200th anniversary of memorable events. The fundraiser began in 1803, and the work was commissioned Ivan Martos, who in 1808 won the competition the best project of the monument. More than 1804 to 1815, the sculptor worked on the creation of a monument (the beginning of the Patriotic War of 1812 influenced many areas of life and significantly slowed down the work). Interest in the creation of the monument was and so great, but after the Patriotic War, on the wave of lifting patriotism, he rose even more! So, in 1815, Martos completed a big model and set up a job for public ferris. The sculptor depicted a moment when Kuzma Minin, pointing his hand to Moscow, presents the prince of the Pozhalnaya Vintage Sword and calls him to get up at the head of the Russian troops. Based on the shield, the wounded of the governor raises from his bed, which symbolizes the awakening of the people's identity into a difficult hour for the Fatherland. Install the monument decided in Moscow, on Red Square.

The monument was cast in St. Petersburg. He went to Moscow with water, and was specifically brought to Nizhny Novgorod as a sign of respect and gratitude to Nizhny Novgorod for the heroism in troubled times and for participating in the creation of a monument.

And in 1818, the solemn opening of the monument established in the middle of the Red Square was held, opposite the entrance to the upper trading rows. The celebration was accompanied by a parade. At the pedestal of the monument is an inscription:"Prince Pozharsky and a citizen of his grateful Russia. 1818" . In 1930, it was decided to move the sculpture so that it would not interfere with the parade. From this time, this day, the monument to Minin and Pozharsky is located at the Cathedral of Basil Blessed.

November 4, 2005 In Nizhny Novgorod, a monument to Minin and the Pozharskaya work of Zurab Tsereteli is open - a somewhat reduced copy of the Moscow monument. It is installed under the walls of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, near the church of the Christmas of John the Forerunner. According to historians and experts, in 1611 Kuzma Minin, it was from the porch of this church, called Nizhny Novgorod to collect and equip the people's militia to protect Moscow from Polyakov. The same place is shown both in the picture of K. Makovsky "Appeal of Minin".

Kazan Cathedral He was consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, was built in the 20s of the XVII century to the means of Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky in gratitude for the help and intercession in the fight against Polish-Lithuanian invaders. The wooden temple was consecrated by the Patriarch in the presence of the king and the prince of Pozharsha, who brought the icon of the Kazan Mother of God from the introduction of the Church, where she was kept before the construction of the Kazan Cathedral.

The Chtime Icon was acquired on July 21 (in a new style) of 1579 in Kazan. The legend is preserved that the nine-year-old girl Matrona saw the Most Holy Virgin, who pointed her place under the ruins of the house where her miraculous image was located. The girl told about this vision to the local priest Yermola, and the icon was indeed found in the specified place. Several tens of years passed, and the Kazan priest Yermolai was the most famous Patriarch Hermogen. It was he who refused the Poles in the signing of the diplomas about the dissolution of the militia. "Yes, there will be a mercy of God and our blessing! - answered Hermogen Poles. - The traitors will be cursed in this century, and in the future!". Using to the mercy of God, the Patriarch commanded to help defenders of Russia, to deliver the icon of the Mother of God from Kazan. In Yaroslavl, she was met by the second Russian militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Prince Pozharsky and went to the liberation campaign to Moscow. The militia was deposited for a long time, but could not take the China-city captured by Poles. After making a decision to take it with storm before the Kazan icon, a prayer service was served. The legend says that at the same night, the Greek Archbishop of the Arseny, concluded in the Kremlin, appeared in a dream of the Rev. Sergius Radonezhsky and said that "the victim of the Mother of God, the court of God about the fatherland is pretty merciful, and Russia will be saved." November 4 (October 22, on the old style), 1612, the militia entered into China-city, and after five days the Poles sitting in the Kremlin surrendered.

In memory of those events annually on July 21 (July 8, on the old style) and on November 4 (October 22, on the old style), a solemn procession with the participation of the king was arranged for the Kazan Cathedral from the Kremlin. The Kazan Cathedral in the present form (the wooden church was seriously injured during a fire) was built by architects Glebov and Petrov in 1635-1637 on the command of the king Mikhail Fedorovich. It is located on the Krasnaya Square of Nikolskaya Street, close to the Resurrection Gate. Amazing beauty Temple decorates a large mosaic icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

According to her type, it refers to the icons of Odigitria - a guide, and indeed, by many of our compatriots she has repeatedly pointed the right path. Before the Poltava battle, Peter the Great with his army prayed to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. In 1812, the Kazan image of the Mother of God authenticated Russian soldiers who reflected the French invasion, in the Terrible Days of the autumn of 1812 to the Kazan Icon served prayers about the salvation of the Fatherland, which was attended by M. I. Kutuzov. On the feast of the Kazan Icon on October 22, 1812, Russian detachments under the leadership of Miloradovich and Platov broke the Arijorg Davu. It was the first major defeat of the French after leaving Moscow.

History presents us a lot of lessons. After the revolution, the cathedral, like many other temples, was destroyed. At first, the Kazan Cathedral was closed and turned into a dining room and a warehouse, and in the summer of 1936 broke, so noting his three hundred dollar. Fortunately, the architect P. Baranovsky, speaking in 1920 restoration, managed to make drawings and measurements.

Times changed. By decision of the Moscow government, the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square was restored according to Project O. Zhurin, P. Baranovsky's student. On November 4, 1990, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II laid a stone into the foundation of the cathedral, and after three years he was consecrated a newly erected temple. Even in the photo, the temple is beautiful. But still, it should be seen with your own eyes, to appreciate its beauty and the robotable work of architect, builders and restorers, perfect in such a short time.

Beginning of troublesome time

After the death of Tsar Ivan the Terrible Moscow throne was stunned. Three sons of the king was. The eldest died, medium, sly and weak, for a short time. What happened to the younger, Dmitry, is unknown. Whether due to illness died, whether due to an accident. And in the people of the hearing went: Of course, the royal child was killed! And the killer one who became the king instead of Dmitry: Godunov Boris Fodorovich!

Boris Godunov a lot of good for the country did, even more conceived. But the people did not forgave him the death of Tsarevich Dmitry. And here is still crouching, hunger. Who is guilty? Of course, the king killer: this God punishes him!

And it began in the Russian state a terrible time, which was called Smutow.

Tsari - Safety

Suddenly in Lithuania appeared a runa monk Grigory Fravev and called himself Tsarevich Dmitry, wonderfully salted! The Polish king recognized him and gave the army - to win the "father's" throne. Boris Godunov did not have time to restore order in the country: died. Heart led. Or a conscience suffered? .. Without waiting for the approach of Polish troops, they dealt with the boyars with the children of Boris Godunov: the son of Fyodor was killed, and the daughter of Ksenia was sharpened in the monastery. An impostant reigned in Moscow.

This impostor - he remained in the history of Lhadmitria I - the sovereign turned out to be not bad. Poles and Boyars interfered between Rus. Therefore, they killed him, replacing it to another - insignificant, who also called himself Tsarevich Dmitry. And then it was decided to put on the Moscow throne of the Polish Kingdom of Vladislav. We sent ambassadors to the Polish king Sigismund. And he stated: "Syad himself in Moscow in Moscow. It will be Russia part of the Polish kingdom!" Then came the end of the patience of the people.

National unity

Ryazan Prokoki Lyapunov gathered a militia and moved to Moscow. Poles and boyars were frightened, made up a diploma with order to dissolve the militia. And they went to the Patriarch of Hermogene: "You are the most important in the Russian church. People listen to you. Sign certificate!" Refused the Patriarch and called on the Russian people opposing the invaders. Lyapunov's militia was small and could not take Moscow. But the appeal of the Patriarch was flew away by all Russian cities. Heard him and in Nizhny Novgorod. The local merchant goat Minin's first gave all his wealth to the militia.

Collected residents of the lower large army. He headed his prince Dmitry Pozharsky. The militia moved to Moscow and the road grew not by day, but by the hour. People flocked from everywhere. And in Moscow, the Poles again demanded from the Patriarch: "Orders to the militia, let him break!" - "May God's mercy and our blessing will be over them! - Hermogen replied. - The traitors will be cursed in this century, and in the future."

So it happened!

All Russian land rose against the invaders and traitors. Began battles for Moscow. Prince Pozharsky turned out to be a talented commander. And the goat minin, without regretting the life, fought under the walls of the capital, as a simple warrior. And now it has come for a nice day: the enemy army surrendered to the mercy of the winners!

When peace times came, the new king generously awarded Minin and Pozharsky. But the best reward became the memory of the people. No wonder the monument is on Red Square - on the very heart of Russia. And such a monument is installed in Nizhny Novgorod.

Day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

On November 4, since 2005, there is a "day of national unity". This is not a new holiday at all, but the return to the old tradition.

The celebration of the Most Holy Theotokos, in honor of her icons, called Kazanskaya, was established on this day in gratitude to the deliverance of Moscow and all Russia from the invasion of Poles in 1612. In the militia, which was headed by Prince Pozharsky, was sent from Kazan the miraculous image of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Knowing that disaster is passionate for sins, all the people and militia imposed a three-day post and with prayer turned to the Lord and his Mother Mother for Heavenly. And the prayer was heard.

The celebration in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary was established in 1649. And to this day, this icon is especially revered by the Russian Orthodox people. Later, due to the revolution of 1917 and the next events behind it, the tradition to celebrate the liberation of Moscow from the Polish-Lithuanian interventionists was interrupted, and today it is restored again!