An unusual hobby of ordinary people. Amazing - profitable! Unusual hobby

An unusual hobby of ordinary people. Amazing - profitable! Unusual hobby
An unusual hobby of ordinary people. Amazing - profitable! Unusual hobby

The concept of "unusual passion" each invests its own meaning. For some of this - collecting vintage brands or expensive wine, for others - climbing. And some are at all understanding the observation of UFOs or hunting for tornadoes and tornadoes.
Over the past few years, the list of the usual hobby has been replenished with a dozen amazing and slightly frightening hobbies, to contact which not everyone will decide. I prepared for you a selection of unusual hobbies, which you probably did not hear.
TebobookAbout this nontrivial way to fervent free time, the world found out thanks to the resident of London the field in the field. A man for five years has been entertaining himself "hunting" on telecomers. Speaking more precisely - Paul looks tracks in the city of film crews and during the direct inclusion or write "Standap" (when the journalist speaks to the camera) gets up like an idol in the background. In fact, the joker brought to a new level the art of "Photobombing" in the Internet - the invasion of other people's photos.

During the years of hunting, the Briton lit up in hundreds of plots. Thanks to its unusual hobby, Paul became a London celebrity. The man himself calls himself "the fat man from the back plan." The field plans are to get into the popular Celebrity Big Brother's Realistic Celebrity Big Brother.
Game in dead man
IT engineer from Ohio (USA) Chuck Lamb became interested in an unusual hobby in 2005 after watching together with his wife's tone of the detective series. A man unexpectedly decided for himself that he wanted like actors tape, "pretend to the dead." No sooner said than done. Together with his wife, Chuck thought out several images and spent a trial photo session. The best snapshots on which he appeared to those killed in different ways, the couple published on the site specially created under this case.

Further more. The game in the dead man tightened the chuck so much that he began to devote a new passion almost all his free time. The days have not passed the days - soon the lover was pretending to be killed. The number of views of the site has increased to 50 million. Success pushed a couple to develop new plots for photo shoots and new pictures.

After some time, the original passion for men was rated by local television companies, and Chuck was invited to participate in the shooting of criminal serials. Of course, as an actor, which will play killed people. So the hobby of the Americans turned into an interesting and, most importantly, profitable part-time job. The shooting day of Chuck Lamb costs 1,500 dollars.
Hunting Tornado.
Chuck Lamba, although it is necessary to lie in the puddles of blood (Butaforskaya, of course), nevertheless, he does not risk life. The man's hobby is quite harmless. What you can not say about the professional photographer from the US T-shirt Hollingshead. In his spare time, he hunts the tornado. True, unlike the most famous catcher, the researcher, Tim Samars, who died during the chase for the next windmill monster in 2013, Mike does not seek to look inside the tornado. His goal is spectacular pictures.

Mike Mike has been engaged independently. Chasing them all over the country on his car, often writing video.
For the years of such a hunt, Mike collected an impressive collection of stunning pictures. And, most importantly, managed to turn his dangerous hobby into the main source of income. To date, the photographer cooperates with leading publications about travel and wildlife, in particular, with the authoritative magazine National Geographic.
Coloring animals
The hobby, which will be discussed below, appeared in early 2010 in China. Local dog breeders and groomers became the creators of a new type of pastime. Lovers of dogs began to paint their pets with colored colors and cut them in such a way that as a result they became similar to exotic animals.
For the sake of fairness it is worth noting that the idea of \u200b\u200bcolor dogs borrowed from the Americans. However, the hobby of dog breeders from the United States has a slightly different bias -, unlike their colleagues from the Middle Kingdom, simply paint the fur coats in bright colors, without turning them in the wild animals, for example, in tigers and pandas.
Before becoming a tiger, this charming dog was known in the district as a golden retriever.

And these plush cubs before the transformation were the most ordinary Chow-Chow.

The unusual passion of dog breeders has become so popular that in some provinces they began to organize thematic festivals and exhibitions of purebred pieces with "make-up" under wild animals.

Conducting insect fights
If the pets are apart in China for fun, then in Thailand - blend. In the literal sense of the word. True, there are not dogs, but large beetles. Approximately such.

It is about holding public battles insects. Unusual hobby exists in Thailand for a long time. The bugs for the fight are carefully selected (as a rule, they are caught in the surrounding forests) and, interestingly, pass preliminary training - train. Most of all are valued by large individuals. The platform for the battle is a wide log, which the audience stresses on both sides.

So that the beetles do not relax and are not distracted by the battle, coaches (that is, the owners) are coaching them with wooden chopsticks.

Every year, those who were enthusiastic Hobbies of Thais participating in the local festival, where the strongest beetles - wrestlers are determined during non-lighted fights, and their owners are divided by money at the expense of the public bets.
Sailing in giant pumpkins
But farmers, and just fans of gardening themes in the USA and Germany practicing a hobby associated with swimming chairs in real pumpkins. An unusual way to spend your free time has appeared thanks to the autumn harvest festival, passing here in September-October. To participate in the race you need to provide your vehicle, namely - pumpkin, weighing at least 90 kilograms. Approximately such.

After the expert commission is posing and measure the pumpkin, the flesh is withdrawn from it. As a result, "Puzzled" turns into a single boat. The race participants have the right to decorate the fruit at their discretion.

After the pumpkins are prepared and registered, the swim begins. Distance, to the word, small - from 800 to 1000 meters. But it only seems to overcome such a way - to spit once. Balancing in a gigantic pumpkin, then the business torments turn over, not so simple.
Perhaps the biggest drawback of the pumpkin hobby is the inability to do it all the time. The unusual regatta is held once a year, but in order to take part in it you need to work for several months - grow a potential boat without having guarantees that it will reach the desired size. However, the reverse side of the medal of fans of pumpkin racing does not scare.
An unusual hobby is definitely a pleasant way to fervent free time. However, such entertainment is not suitable for everyone - they are too extraordinary. Obviously, that is why most prefer more relaxed and simple entertainment. For example - fishing. In Russia, by the way, this method of pastime, according to a recent survey of the WTCIOM, is the most popular.
Well, the most rare and at the same time expensive hobby around the world from year to year there remains buying and collecting rare art objects. The fact that the money is descended by rich money from different countries, looked down on this hobby, we told in our past review - "Would you bought it? The most expensive art facilities that have gone from the hammer. "

Julia Friday

The most unusual hobbies. Choose a new hobby

Unfortunately, not every person can call his work beloved. In this case, the hobby comes to the rescue - the occupation, during which you can take the soul and relax after a hard day.

Most people prefer standard hobbies like reading books, knitting or cycling. What do you know about unusual hobbies?


The need for new occupations appeared when people began to understand that they could not choose a passion for those who already know. Some active unusual hobbies appeared due to the mixing of different classes, some of the pure curiosity.

It is clear one thing - Duylfer is enjoyed by the conquest of high-rise buildings with their hands and legs without any insurance. The hobby can also come to taste to parkura lovers - extreme overcoming urban obstacles (fences, high steps and fences, distances between buildings, sheer walls).


If you are in terms of the number of surf or windsurfing fans, be sure to try a new type of water sports - kaiting. This passion to the right fit into unusual hobby as a mixed style of occupation.

Kaiting is the ability to control a light board on the water with a huge air snake. The complexity is to raise the snake into the air and resist the legs under the gusts of the strong wind, while simultaneously balancing on the waves. Learn Kaitigu hard. But those who are mastering it, forget about other unusual hobbies forever.

Types of creativity

Unusual hobbies include calm hobbies - such as creating sculptures and paintings. But what materials are used!


Microminiature is a type of volumetric art, which is based on creating sculptures and compositions of tiny sizes. The direction was formed at the end of the twentieth century, as denoting miniature work in any branches of art. The process uses magnifying glasses, microscopes and magnifiers.

For example, the masters cut out unusual paintings on rice and poppies, prepare horseshoes for fleas and dressed flies.

Despite the difficulty of execution, everyone can learn how to make small figures. Start with larger billets - for example, try creating clothes and household items for dried grasshoppers and May beetles. Be patient - work will be long and painstaking, but the result is worth it.

An interesting type of miniature work is a thread on a pencil rod. The wizards cut out intertwing patterns and unusual chains in a mini format from the body and a pencil rod, striking with its accuracy and accuracy.

Alternatively, miniature figures are cut on the top of the pencil.

To learn this skill, start with a simple thread on the body of the pencil, gradually deepening and moving towards the rod.

Pictures from nails

It is clear from the name that nails are the main material for work in this hobby. As the basis, boards of different sizes and shapes, walls of furniture and even apartments can be played.

Just draw a stacking pencil sketch and start scoring nails around the perimeter. Where the thickness of the lines is wider, drive several nails nearby, creating black and white effects.

One of the varieties of such a hobby is to tick the nails with threads.

Just take them around the perimeter of the image at a short distance from each other, thus preparing the basis. Now cover their legs with threads, moving from one nail to another or in chaotic order, depending on your creative idea.

Paper creativity

A simple way to take yourself in your free time. First on a sheet of paper creates a sketch of work. With the help of scissors, cutters, needles, knives and tweezers, parts of a complex image are cut and attached to each other on a hanging sheet-based, creating a bulk figure.

The riding art is considered unusual figures that were cut and constructed, but not separated from the base sheet.

The three-dimensional picture acquires a unique charm if you put the lighting under the right angle next to it. Try to create sculptures from paper only white - they will seem light and air.

Pictures from Scotcha

An unusual hobby complements such a kind of art as creating paintings from Scotch. This passion is very economical - you can have a white translucent glass of rectangular shape and color adhesive tape.

Work on the drawing passes through the following algorithm:

  • measure the adhesive tape of the required length;
  • stick it on the picture below the desired angle and in the right place;
  • cut extra pieces of tape or tear them off.

In this technique, it is easier to create pictures on which the items are depicted by a close-up or portraits of people. Despite the fact that many works are made by a scotch of the same color, each time it turns out the original, unique mood of the characters.

Sculptures made of tires

This passion can be entitled to an unusual hobby. Using tires as working material, experienced masters create realistic figures of animals, plants and fabulous characters.

Very succeeded in this art Korean sculptor Jong Ho Ji. It prepares the wire frame of the future figure, after which it takes it with one-piece or cut-off tires. The complexity of his work is that the master should create the most realistic sculpture: lay out the features of the face, designate the hairs of wool, bends of the paw.

This occupation is a bit similar to work in the carving technique: the tire can be cut in such a way as to get a flower, star, snowflake from it. And you can cut several lanes, triangles or squares from it, then connect them in the desired order.

Initially, try creating simple figures from old tires. They can be decorated with flowerbed in the yard or the country area. Gradually, you will suck the skill to such an extent that you can form complicated realistic sculptures.


The most interesting art, which appeared relatively recently - with the introduction of professional cameras. Literal translation of the word - drawing with light.

Take a camera with an exposure function and a light marker - it can be any glowing item. Check the camera to tripod and adjust it to shoot in the dark for a while. Be a short distance in front of the lens and start drawing a marker in the air. The camera captures it in the form of a finished bright pattern on a dark, slightly blurred background.

This type of creativity is very useful - preparation for the workflow helps a person learn to photograph, because to shoot in the dark you need to choose the right mode.

The list of unusual hobbies will help you decide on your favorite activity. It is possible that in the future such a passion can grow into your main generation.

Take yourself, tell me friends!

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Work Painting Lampas

If you think the calligraphy is just hieroglyphs, then mistaken. Building alphabetic signs in the rank of art is Cyrillic, and Arabic, and Hebrew. And it is always more than drawing. Calligraphy is pure creation and zen.

Pump the calligraphy:

  1. Ultramarin is an online magazine about graffiti, Street art, design, art and street culture in Russia and abroad. A separate section is devoted to calligraphy.
  2. - the site of one of the most popular calligraphers and street artists Niels Mölman, known as Shu (Shoe). It is considered the inventor of the style of Calligraffiti.

2. Dudling and Zentngle - Irrational painting

This lesson will suit those who begin to remove the doodle, as soon as she takes a writing agent. From English and translated - "doodle" (doodle). This is an irrational drawing style, developing memory and creativity, as well as an independent form of contemporary art.

Pilot in Dudling and Zentngest:

  • is a well-known site with a huge number of patterns for creating a zentngle tiles.
  • Zendoodle - A large community for lovers in Dudling and Zentahl.

3. Marbaling - Drawing on water

Have you ever seen fancy figures from the clouds in the sky? Then it is a hobby for you: insoluble paints are created pattern on water stroke, and then transferred to paper, cloth or some surface. It turns out very unusual and beautiful, and the process truly fascinates.

There are two main marble techniques: Persian Ebru and Japanese suming. In the first prevail abstract patterns, and in the second - circular divorces.

Pilot in marble art:

  • is the international community of marbaling fans with a library, gallery and forum.
  • is the site dedicated to sumagashi and other types of marbeling.

4. Frislayt - frozen light

You may have already met strange young people who circle lanterns in front of the cameras. These are freezlights. From English Freeze - "Close" and Light - "Light". The light truly frozen in frosty air when it is removed on long exposure. With this receipt, both beautiful abstractions and solid-shaped compositions are created. The main thing is no computer processing.

Pump in freist:

  • LPWA.PRO - World Alliance Drawing Light.
  • is an author's Russian-speaking art project dedicated to drawing by light. On the site you will find video tutorials and gallery with steep work.

5. Mehendi - Henna Painted by Body

Ancient Eastern tradition, which in the XXI century again on the wave of popularity. More and more artists developing in Mehendi appear, and if you are also looking for new forms, then I will definitely try to draw a henna by body. Another form of hobbies Mehendi is photographing in the images created on the basis of it, including in nude-stylistics.

Swim in Mehendi:

  • Mehendischool.Ru is online-learning henna.
  • Nidhi's Mehndiart. - Author Youtube-Channel with Mehendi video tutorials for beginners.

6. Kanzashi - decorations from ribbons


Kandzasi is a traditional Japanese hair decoration that women are worn with kimono. We have acquired this term new sound - Kanzashi - and a new meaning. Kanzashi is a needlework technique, with which beautiful hairpins, brooches and other decorations are created. To try yourself in this direction, you will need a few satin ribbons, a candle or lighter and a needle with a thread.

Pilot in Kanzashi:

  • Kanzashi.Club - the site where master classes and literature on Kanzashi are collected.
  • "Masters Fair" - in the section dedicated to Kanzashi, there are many photos and video tutorials.

7. Felting - Wool Fold

Felting (Fillerization) is a needlework technique when bulk drawings, toys, panels and other decorative elements are created from wool. Several directions are distinguished: dry, wet fooling, nunoving. For work it is necessary for sheep wool, a special needle or soap solution. The hobby is ideal for women and children.

Pilot in Felting:

  • - site about felting for beginners with video and master classes.
  • - section of the forum on felting on the most popular site about needlework.

8. Isographic - Embroidery in the cardboard

We also have this occupation or simply call or simply to ween, and in English-speaking countries - Embroidery on paper ("paper embroidery"). All you need to create in this direction is dense paper and threads. Great for joint creativity with children.

Pilot in the isograh:

  • "Country of Masters" - a lot of workshops and examples of finished works are collected on this site, including the filament graphics technique.
  • « Favorite lesson "- a series of master classes by izoniti.

9. Patchwork - Patchwork Sewing

Type of applied creativity with centuries-old traditions, when the scattered flaps of fabric turn into a solid mosaic cloth. In the technique of Patchwork (Quilt, Quilting), you can sew not only a blanket, but a bag or, for example, a toy.

Patch in Patchwork:

  • - Jacqueline Blog Steve, who simply adores the quilt.
  • - Patchwork workshop with materials from the eponymous paper magazine.

Hobbies for those who like to cook and draw. This can be done at the same time, if you are engaged in painting Gingerbread Iceing (special sugar icing). If you really get carried away and fill your hand, you can even earn it.

Swim in Gingerbread Mural:

  • "Masters Fair" - the most famous marketplace in Runet with handmade goods, where, among other things, master classes are collected on baking and decorating gingerbread.
  • Julia Mylle. - Author Youtube Channel for Gingerbread Mural.

11. Brewing - Preparation of a foam drink at home

This is a whole science. And many people are successfully mastering it right in their kitchens. First, it is freeing the result: you don't get delicious beer with fire. But then the process itself delays.

Pilot in brewing:

  • "Hooking guide homemade beer" - a detailed guide for newbies.
  • "Russian Wikipedia" on domestic brewing "is all about how to cook a drink from malt and hop.

Recycle translated from English means "reuse of things." This is the name of the environmental direction, implying the separation of garbage, responsible consumption and energy saving, as well as the direction of applied creativity. Why throw away the old grandmother's chest of drawers, plastic bottles or if they can give a second life? Just show fantasy.

Pump in Recycle:

  • - Internet publication about the eco-friendly lifestyle. The site contains news, articles and advice on how to take care of the planet and live in accordance with the philosophy of minimalism.
  • - In the most creative of all social networks, you will find many master classes on the alteration and decoration of old things. Request - DIY RECYCLE.

13. Castomasing - from jeans to bikes

Castomasing is remaking clothing. Castomizers in skirts, shirts - in dresses, and ordinary t-shirts turn into designer. Hobbies for those who want to always be on the style, but not ready to spend a lot of money on clothes.

In men, Castomasing is often expressed in the transformation of motorcycles and cars. Castom-Baika is the real works of art, and their creators usually literally get their passion.


  • "The Second Street" is the site and the same name, where thousands of craftsmen lay out their work on the alteration of things and are inspired by each other's ideas.
  • - a site where everything is about creating exclusive motorcycles.

14. Modding - Transfiguration of equipment Outside and inside

The term "modding", that is, a modification, change, is traditionally applied to the alteration of computers. Fashion peak on this hobby came to the middle of zero. Now the smartphones and tablets are saved, so they are modified, as well as other gadgets. Not only appearance, but also the performance of devices is important for modern modders.

Pilot in modding:

  • - a large portal about modding with a forum.
  • is one of the oldest Russian-speaking sites about this hobby.

Beautiful and unusual hobbies for biologists and romantics. In addition to special knowledge, you will need an insectarian, an air humidifier, a thermometer and other devices so that the peeling beauties feel good. But if everything works out, the breeding of tropical butterflies can be a profitable part-time job.

Pilot in the cultivation of butterflies:

  • is a detailed tutorial for creating beauty from a cocoon.
  • is an English-speaking blog of a person who grows butterflies for more than 30 years.

16. Contemporary - self-expression through dance

This is a dance direction, combining the classics, jazz modern and the eastern art of movement (qigong, yoga and tijitzian). There are no clear borders in it, the main thing is self-expression. Contemporary teaches to understand their body, possess them and movements to express their inner world.

Fur in the contempe:

  • "" - site about the history, theory and practice of Conmp. Many useful information about movements, methods and techniques.
  • CONTEMPORARY-DANCE.ORG - a major English-speaking site about contemporary.


This is a musical and dance style that has grown out of reggae. Special popularity is now the dance danceholl. His dynamics and liberty bribe from the first seconds. If you are tired of the routine, you need a splash of energy and you want to compete in dance battles, it is a passion for you.

Pilot in Danscoll:

  • is an Australian site dedicated to Jamaican culture. There are a lot of music, video and news from the world Reggae and Danscholla.
  • Dancedb.Ru is a website where video tutorials and information on various dance styles are collected, including Danscholl.

18. Zumba - Dance Fitness


At the junction of hip-hop, salsa, samba, meringue, Mambo, Flamenco and belly dance was born. This direction came up with Colombian Alberto Perez in the late 1990s. The maximum number of muscles is involved in Zumba - this is not only a great pastime, but also an effective way of weight loss.

Pump in the zombie:

  • - the official website of the Zumba Fitness brand.
  • - Internet-billboard Zumba-Events. Here you will find like-minded people, information about parties and master classes.

19. Buckmarking - books

Bakcarving is the creation of volumetric compositions from multi-page paper manuscripts. Carving translated from English means "thread", book - "Book". Book threads are popular all over the world, but requires patience, hard work and accuracy. This is a hobby for aggravated people with artistic thinking. Brian Detters, Nicholas Galanin, Guy Laram, Kylie Stillman and Robert Those reached the greatest heights in this art.

Pump in buckcarving:

  • is the official website of Brian detemer with photos of the work of a magnificent master and video of his performances.
  • - a selection of articles about book carwing in this creative almanac.

20. Buklosing - Baby exchange


Bukloxing can be called one of the ways beautiful. The essence is as follows: the person who has read the book leaves it in some public place (library, cafe, bookstore, metro, and so on). Random passerby picks it up, takes it to read, and in return "loses" somewhere else a book. You can track the movement of books on the project website. His mission is the popularization of reading and careful attitude towards nature.

Pulcinate in buccroxing:

  • - International Buklossing Website.
  • Ballycumber.Ru is a Russian-speaking site in support of the international leading movement.

21. Postcrossing - postcard from a stranger


Postcrossing is a global project, the essence of which in the exchange of paper postcards. The system gives you a random address, you send a postcard to you, and you yourself receive from someone else (one of the schemes). As of 2017, over 676 thousand people from all over the world were registered on the official postcrossing website. People exchanged more than 40 million postcards. Postcrossing is very popular in Russia and Belarus, because it is romantic and helps to find new friends.

Pump in postcrossing:

  • - the official website of the project.
  • - Russian-speaking portal of postcrossing lovers.

22. Geokshing - Search Treasures

This is an international tourist game, the essence of which is in the search for "Vlady". Some players make caches, while others are looking for them with GPS. For almost twenty-year-old history, the game has millions of fans. Plus, this hobby can not do alone, but the whole family or friends.

Zlikovec / MassonForStock /

Want to feel like a brave Roman legionnaire or fighting for the prince of Russian vigor? Immerse yourself in the amazing world of historical reconstruction. This is simultaneously science and artistic creativity. Some restore the ancient technique and restore the armor, others are satisfied with the views. To recreate everything reliably, deep knowledge and patience are needed. The historical reconstruction has many fans, clubs are created, various festivals are held.

Pilot in historical reconstructions:

  • is the official website of the Russian historical society, a portal for professionals and lovers of history.
  • - Catalog of historical reconstruction clubs, as well as events related to them.

25. Volunteer - gratuitous help

Volunteer activity multifaceted. This is not only work in national parks and in sports and cultural events, but also, for example, assistance to orphans or homeless animals. You can choose the sphere of volunteer in the soul and every day through good deeds to receive a portion of new knowledge, experience and love.

Swim in the volunteer:

  • "European Volunteer Service" is an international voluntary program.
  • "Dobrovoltsyria.rf" - the main volunteer resource of Russia.

And what are you fond of? Tell about your unusual hobbies in the comments.

The hobby must be. Just because it is much better than to hang aimlessly in the network or the television screen.

Some love reading the books, others embroider with a cross, and my neighbor changes his hairstyles with almost every month. This is also a kind of addiction. And there are people such people that Diva will give. Well, here are their worldview.

The most unusual hobbies in the world

If you still do not have a favorite hobby, I advise you to take care of the closest to the following, and suddenly something will interest. And soon you will become a famous master.

Strange haircuts in cats and dogs

It turns out that this is the most amazing hobby in the world or almost the same.

There are even such contests. Interestingly, how do the animals themselves belong to all?

If you decide to cut a cat for the summer, maybe you should think about it, and he needs it?

Amazing masterpieces and sculptural compositions from pencils

This first came up with Dalton Ghetty. And at present, the famous sculptor for pencil figures is Jennifer Mest. A peculiar vision of marine stars and heroes became its inspiration.

There are eccentrics that love to draw on the sand of abstraction and just beautiful paintings.

It is clear about the sandy locks, but how not to say goodbye to those beautiful pictures shown on the yarn.

The term of their existence to the tide. Beauty is so short-lived. I propose to experiment in the next vacation.


Try to make unusual, even futuristic figures, from twisted paper strips.

Even the queen Elizabeth is fond of leisure. Part of her works can be seen in the London Museum "Victoria and Alberta".

An interesting feature of such a hobby is that the masterpieces created by such a technique can be used in everyday life, like all sorts of stands and decor elements. The service life is very long. Forms and colors remain colorful and durable for a long time.

Embroider beaded-many love, and we will weave whole houses with furniture and accessories or vases with flowers from colorful colored beads - it is already for the fans of this hobby.

Sculptor Lisa Lowe makes masterpiece installations from beads. This is the most famous "kitchen", all objects themselves are unique. She spent almost 5 years and beads 30,000,000 pcs.

Cutting out soap figures

Some love to do soap, and others cut amazing figures from it.

Very nice and most importantly, it is good that everyone can choose such a favorite occupation. Even if you do not work beautifully the first time, all waste will go into business. It is interesting to try.

Chose yourself something like?

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Each person has a hobby: someone loves to embroider, someone is engaged in football, someone bakes delicious pies. But there are people, the favorite hobby of which causes only one question: "What? Do you really do this? " Today we want to tell you about the strangest hobby (Weird Hobbies), which are engaged in the border. At the same time, you enrich your vocabulary with a useful vocabulary, and the horizontal is exciting information.

Giving Away Ten Dollars to Strangers - Distribution 10 dollars Strangers

Reed Sandridge - unemployed (unemployed), which distributes money to passersby. Every day he gives 10 dollars to someone who, in his opinion, is experiencing difficult times (GO Through Tough Times). Reed leads a notebook, where he writes when and to whom he gave money, as well as how a person intends to spend them. The benefactor understands that $ 10 is extremely small (Precious Little) even for begging (down-and-out). However, the purpose of his promotion is not to enrich anyone, but rather to extend the idea (Spread An IDEA) that it is necessary to help the one who needs it. You can read the reed blog and learn more about this movement.

Egg Shell Carving - Egg Silver Thread

Remember the saying you can't make an Omelette without breaking Eggs (you can not make an omelet, without breaking the eggs), the analog of our "Forest of the cut - sinters fly"? Times are changing, and now this saying has lost its meaning: the omelet can be made and not breaking the eggs, but turning them into artwork. While we are making scrambled eggs (Scrambled Eggs) and Poached Eggs (Poached Eggs), foreigners cut out amazing patterns on the shell. This is a truly filigree work (Intricate Work). Such a hobby requires high concentration (Deep Concentration) and attention to details (Attention to Detail), you will have to tinker with shells (Bother with Egg Shells). But this occupation helps to distract (take your mind off) from the routine and create a real masterpiece with their own hands.

Geocahing - Geokshing

If in childhood you read the adventure books and always dreamed of finding the treasure, do this hobby. About 3 million people are addicted abroad with geocaching, who love to spend hours in the fresh air (outdoorsman). So, people take the sensitive thing (Thing of Little Value), put it in a waterproof container (Waterproof Box) and hide in some historic or just an interesting place, although sometimes "caches" can hide and in the wilderness (OFF THE BEATEN TRACK) . At the same time, they record the coordinates of the location of the thing and register them on the site. Another "cachecher" takes coordinates and is looking for a thing, after finding a cache, he hides his "treasure" elsewhere, then the story is repeated. Such a hobby will pull you on fresh air (Get You Out Into The Fresh Air) and will introduce interesting places (Introduce You to Interesting Locations).

Ghost Hunting - Hunt for Crossing

You always envied the guys from the Ghostbusters movie and wanted to hunt guests from the other world (afterworld)? Then join lovers of this hobby, track down ghosts and explore paranormal phenomena (Explore Paranormal Phenomena). Hunters for campaigns go to the places inhabited by Ghosts (Haunted Places), and are trying to collect evidence (Collect Evidence) of the existence of ghosts. It must be said that this is an expensive hobby, so for people with ordinary prosperity it can only be an occupation in the free time (Avocation).

Bug Fighting - Fighting Zhukov

This is a hobby especially popular in eastern countries. People catch a mantis (Praying Mantis), Spider (SPIDER), Zhuka-Rogach (Stag Beetle), Grasshopper (Grasshopper) or another similar insect. After that, they are placed in a cell of two insects (Put Two Insects in the Cage) and slightly pushed (SLIGHTLY PUSH) them with a wand to pour. Thousands of insects begin the battle, which goes until one of the insects stop moving (stop moving) or try to escape (Try to Run). At first it may seem that this is the cheapest and simple hobby, but in the eastern countries the best insects (insects of the first water) can cost more than 100 dollars!

Extreme Dog Grooming - Extreme Dog Haircut

If you have a charming fluffy dog \u200b\u200band a little fantasy, then extreme grooming will give you a lot of pleasant moments with a pet. To create a masterpiece, you will need non-toxic dyes (Non-Toxic Dyes), good scissors (Pair of Good Scissors) for a haircut and a calm fluffy dog \u200b\u200b(the last element is most difficult to find). Come up with a funny drawing and perform it directly on your pet wool, allow your fantasy to roast (Go Wild). Your painstaking work (Painstaking Work) can highly appreciate in the Special Intergroom Competition. On the other hand, the advocates of animals consider such a hobby by mockery of dogs.

Appearing in the background on TV - appear in the background TV

This hobby is quite rare, and his most famous adherent - the floor is a crown, which has already managed to "light up" more than in the hundreds of scenes. As soon as the floor sees that in a public place (Public Venue), the camera is installed, he immediately starts to worse (Hang Around) in the background. Perhaps the floor wants to become a member of the film crew (Cast Member) and become famous (Come Into Prominence). Or maybe he is just a very sociable person and wants to finally take an interview.

Extreme Ironing - Extreme Ironing Linen

Extreme ironing is one of the most dangerous sports. His fans take ironing boards (Ironing Board) in a remote place (Remote Place) and ... smooth your clothes. Some do it on mountain slopes (Mountainside), during a parachute jump (Whilst Parachuting), scuba diving (scuba diving), etc. If you are interested in this original sport, join you