The Ukrainian singer explained the dance without panties in front of the children. Five scandalous outlets of Fadeev's artists: glitch'oza on a children's matinee without linen and candid outfits of soloist "silver our stars without panties at a children's holiday

The Ukrainian singer explained the dance without panties in front of the children. Five scandalous outlets of Fadeev's artists: glitch'oza on a children's matinee without linen and candid outfits of soloist "silver our stars without panties at a children's holiday

Ukrainian singer Laura Superfin, whose pictures in a frank outfit without underwear with a speech before children called a real scandal on the net, said that the photographs were installed. According to her, in reality, the outfit was not so transparent.

The scandal, which caused dubious photos, does not subscribe for several days. In the fact that the artists sometimes choose for their speeches, the frank outfits are not surprising. However, many indignant that in this form of the singer Laura Superfin came out before children's competitions.


On frames that appeared on the network, it is clearly seen that the "Mrs. World-2016" there is no underwear. This fact does not deny the singer, but insists that in reality, everything looked much more decent than it is presented in the pictures. "My jumpsuit is not so transparent as in the photo! He sews from a special fabric for dance and sports outfits," the site "Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine" Laura Superfin quotes.

"We did a photo session for posters, and all the pictures look quite decently. And at the competition someone chose an unsuccessful picture, I treated with photoshop and posted on the network ... And this wave of negative!", She explained. "The children have not noticed anything like that. They didn't like everything. And when we left, it was not far from us a flock of girls. They sent me an air kisses. I answered them the same," the singer added.

According to her own admission, she was very worried about the raised scandal, cried and sawing sedative. However, later I could come up with how to wrap the resulting resonance for the benefit of a good cause. "The jumpsuit, who received such fame in the network, I decided to use the auction and reversed to use for charity," the Superfin said.

It seems that the world froze in 1993. Impossible repertoire, cheerful picture, creepy jokes. And all together it is just immersion in hell?! I sincerely afraid to switch to the first or second channels so as not to get into the "past", on the rural matinee on request from the 80s! How can I bring television to such disgrace and such a misery?

I wonder how much it exists in this form "entertainment" television? Are they not seeing that it's just a shame! Study scenarios and their incarnation - the top of vulgarity!

Well, and then bloggers found out that the wards Maxim Fadeev did not participate in the New Year's show. We do not know, perhaps the musicians themselves refused to merry the people on the festive night.

Causes can be different. In any case, many agreed with Maxim Fadeev. Like, you need to change something. But some readers of "KP" indignant, they say, and the judges who? Say, and the respected producer himself sometimes gives us the brewing borsch from semi-nailed beauties in provocative images from television screens. In the desire to show the female beauty there is nothing reprehensible. Another thing is how appropriate.

The readers of the "KP" remembered the 5 most scandalous images of the artists of Maxim Fadeev.

1. Group "Silver", 2013, Jurmala, Competition "New Wave".

"To swim ready"

Summer, sun, Jurmala. Girls came to a concert in swimsuits. In the same form, the singers went on stage, as if reminding: "A three minute walk from the hall" Dzintari "the Baltic Sea was splashing! Extra, we will remove the leggings and dive! "

2. Group "Silver", 2015, Jurmala, New Wave Competition.

"Hi," Tatu "

As they say, all new is well forgotten old. The "tattooes" matured, narrowed children and went into solo swimming. Apparently, the beauties from "Silver" are ready to take the relay.

3. Group "Silver", 2016, Jurmala, Lime Vaikule Festival.

These days in Jurmala reigned sunny weather. Looking for girls from the group "Silver", the question arises: why this young sex is such a number of grima in the heat?

Yes, and the leader of the Oli Salyabkina group and without the "Push-APOV" (such an impression that the actress put on two bras at once) spectacular forms.

4. Gluk'oza, 2016, a concert for metropolitan graduates.

"Striptease for graduates"

This summer, Natalia Ionova appeared in the outfit, which caused another resonance in social networks. On Natalia was a beautiful jacket with a very deep neckline. The outfit stressed the long legs of the singer, but created the impression that Natasha was in a hurry to the concert that I forgot to wear a skirt. Plus, the singer was screamed during the dance.

This summer, Natalia Ionova appeared in the outfit, which caused another resonance in social networks. Photo: Press service "Channel One. Worldwide Network"

Graduate parents sent photos from the speech of the star to the "KP" from the speech of the star, where it can be seen that the singer at the time of his exit accidentally exposed the bust before the young spectators.

Of course, Natalia is a very beautiful girl. But still - for the performance before schoolchildren it would be possible to choose the dress more modest! - Mom is convinced of one of the teenagers who watched the show.

5. Glucoza, 2016, Children's Music Award Kinder Awards 2016.

And again, the mother of two children surprised with a frank dress, appearing on the Children's Maturenik in Sarafan, who did not hide her beautiful forms and the fact that the actress was published without lingerie. It is clear, with such a luxurious glitch figure "Oza even in a dusty bag will look attractive. But, as they say, everything has its place and time.

By the way

Gluck'Oza embarrassed fans with a transparent swimsuit

Winter vacation Gluck'Os continues: along with her daughters and his wife Alexander, the singer sunbathing on Vietnam beaches. Star family chose to relax popular among Russian tourists Resort Fukuok

And no matter how you try our stars to threaten the masks of perhydrol ptuh-nice in the shorts of three-day freshness, it does not come out.

Sati Casanova came at the presentation of a children's musical premium without panties.

And not only without panties, but also without a bra.

There is a disgusting breasts from Casanova, there is a fat belly, and for some reason no underwear. Even at the children's holiday.


With protruding nipples, the singer of glucose came to the children, which is always on guard: what if some girl will send a photo of pussies again? We do not need this! I will be sexy! Even in a children's holiday!


And not only breasts to children will show, but the legs!


However, glucose pokes in children's faces Silicon is not the first year already.

Photo: Social School

It's time for her, probably, to do something with his complexes.

Photo: Social School

Spoke of children and the group "Vintage". For some reason in costumes along the route of prostitutes.


I look at all this and think: "Okay, girls! FIG with you! I understand: you have a mentality. Stormy youth is not tortured. But, damn, for a children's holiday, it was possible to dress with some kind of cinderers, red caps, snow maiden, finally! "

Although, perhaps, leave my advice with myself. And then, after all, it is really thrown over the costumes of red hats and snow maiders. In sex shop, of course. Other in their heads and will not come.