Veterinarian. Pros and cons of being a veterinarian

Veterinarian.  Pros and cons of being a veterinarian
Veterinarian. Pros and cons of being a veterinarian


Since ancient times, man began to domesticate wild animals. It was not an easy job requiring constant care and attention. People who knew how to recognize and treat diseases in pets were valued and respected. Currently, there is a special science - veterinary medicine, which deals with animal diseases. And the specialists working in this area, respectively, are called veterinarians.

The demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Veterinarian are in high demand on the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Veterinarians.

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Description of activities

The activities of a veterinarian include both treatment and prevention of animal diseases, medical and cosmetic procedures, as well as veterinary and sanitary control. The work of a veterinarian can take place in the provision of consultations in clinics or laboratories, and outside the premises when going to the farm, to the farm. In the process of work, the specialist uses medical instruments, medicines and chemical reagents.


average for Russia:average in Moscow:average in St. Petersburg:

The uniqueness of the profession

Rare profession

Representatives of the profession Veterinarian really rare these days. Not everyone dares to become Veterinarian... There is a high demand for specialists in this field among employers, therefore the profession Veterinarian has the right to be called a rare profession.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

The survey data show that for work by profession Veterinarian it is imperative to have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in such a specialty that allows you to work Veterinarian(related or similar specialty). Secondary vocational education is not enough to become Veterinarian.

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Labor responsibilities

The main responsibility of the veterinarian is to treat the animals. However, the day-to-day responsibilities may differ depending on where they work. For example, a specialist working in a veterinary clinic receives clients, advises them, examines the animals, performs the required medical procedures, prescribes treatment and looks after the animals in the clinic's inpatient facility.
Veterinarians working on farms, livestock and poultry factories carry out routine examinations, preventive measures to prevent diseases and death of animals (birds). If a veterinarian diagnoses a disease or injury in an animal, he investigates the cause and develops treatments. The duties of this specialist also include the conduct of veterinary and sanitary measures, that is, compliance with the rules of keeping, feeding and caring for animals and birds, as well as control over the conduct of disinfection.

Labor type

Predominantly mental work

Profession Veterinarian- This is a profession of predominantly mental work, which is more connected with the reception and processing of information. In work Veterinarian the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

Now many are going to study to be a veterinarian, as the profession is in great demand. An aspiring veterinarian can start a career as a veterinarian administrator or veterinary consultant. Career growth is manifested in this specialist in expanding the range of responsibilities and in raising wages. If a specialist in this field of activity has a commercial streak, then he can open his own business within the framework of his competence. This could be a veterinary clinic, a veterinary supply store, a private zoo, or a pet store.

Career opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

Based on the results of the survey, Veterinarians have minimal career opportunities. It does not depend at all on the person himself, just a profession Veterinarian does not have a career path.

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At first glance, the answer to the question "what does a veterinarian do?" obvious: he heals animals. However, the areas of activity of such specialists are quite different. It is one thing: working in a specialized clinic or pharmacy, another is the fight against diseases that are common to both animals and humans.

This is a whole veterinary service that conducts sanitary control not only of livestock products, but also of the state of various mechanisms and units used to "service" the animals themselves, as well as equipment used in various retail outlets.

So the veterinarian's profession is not limited to treating our smaller brothers - such workers are also involved in preventing the onset and spread of diseases in humans.

Places of work

The position of a veterinarian is provided for in many organizations related to working with animals and animal products:

  • veterinary clinics and pharmacies;
  • farms and state farms;
  • circuses and zoos;
  • shops, markets and other institutions.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the service in state supervisory bodies (sanitary and epidemiological stations, etc.).

History of the profession

Determining when exactly a person began to treat animals is quite difficult - perhaps almost immediately, when he began to domesticate and benefit from them. The first written evidence of such an occupation has been preserved from Ancient Egypt - they are more than 3000 years old.

In Ancient Russia, there were also special healers for horses, which is mentioned in birch bark letters. The first veterinarians with higher education began to be trained in Russia in 1808, when a special veterinary department was opened at the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy.

Obligations of the veterinarian

Here's what the basic responsibilities of a veterinarian might look like:

  • treatment of animals in the clinic or at home;
  • collection and transportation of materials for analyzes;
  • preventive measures (vaccination, sterilization, castration, haircut, teeth cleaning, chipping, etc.);
  • reception, demonstration and assistance in choosing a product;
  • filling out the documentation.

Veterinarian requirements

The standard requirements for a veterinarian are as follows:

  • higher specialized education;
  • work experience in the specialty;
  • knowledge of veterinary drugs and vaccines, as well as therapeutic diets of manufacturers of specialized feed;
  • computer skills.

Veterinarian Resume Sample

How to become a veterinarian

You can become a veterinarian by graduating from a specialized educational institution. In this case, it is worth paying attention to two points.

First, as a rule, veterinarians are trained to work with agricultural, "useful" animals. But in order to deal with the treatment of domestic animals, it is often necessary to complete any additional courses.

Secondly, in recent years there has been an active diversification of specializations: among veterinarians there are not only “generalists” specialists, but also surgeons, traumatologists, ophthalmologists, etc. And it is advisable to choose here or another specialty of a veterinarian at the very beginning of training.

And, of course, in addition to love for animals, one must also have a certain inclination towards biology, chemistry and related disciplines.

Veterinarian salary

How much a veterinarian receives depends significantly on the region, on the profile of the institution and on whether it is public or private. In the capital, of course, the incomes of specialists are higher. The salary of a veterinarian ranges from 25,000 to 150,000 rubles per month.

The average salary of a veterinarian is approximately 33,000 rubles per month.


Being a veterinarian is a decision made by loving animals. There are certainly pros and cons to the veterinarian profession. What are the downsides of being a veterinarian on the surface? What are the obvious benefits of being a veterinarian? Let's find out.

Many people want to help animals from childhood, to heal and save them. And they carry this desire until the end of school, when a choice of professional activity is made. But before making the final choice and submitting documents to a veterinary university, you need to clearly understand both the advantages of the profession of a veterinarian and its disadvantages, so as not to experience disappointment when the time for education has already been spent and it will be more difficult to change the choice of profession. Of course, like any other, the profession of a veterinarian has pros and cons.

Cons of the veterinarian profession

Let's start with the cons. The main disadvantage of the veterinarian profession, which is recognized by most veterinarians and simply sympathetic animal lovers, is the fact that not all animals can be helped, some cannot be saved. And sometimes it is even necessary to give a hopelessly sick animal an "injection", which facilitates its care. It's always hard for a real caring person. And this is a huge minus of the veterinarian profession. But the future specialist needs to be internally ready for such an outcome and act rationally.

An animal cannot explain in words that it hurts and therefore a big minus of the veterinarian profession is the need to predict the animal's condition based on secondary signs. Owners, on the other hand, often do not help, but on the contrary, complicate the work of a specialist, come in a state of nervous excitement and often cannot really answer the questions necessary to clarify the implicit diagnosis, such as “How many times has the dog drank water in the last 24 hours?”, “What kind of stool does it have? ? " etc. Not everyone is willing to pay big money for expensive tests, and not all owners are ready to provide their pet with the necessary care. Often care is taken incorrectly, the condition of the animal worsens because of this. All this complicates the work of the veterinarian, leading to increased stress levels for him.

A relative disadvantage of the veterinary profession is that there are not so many vacancies for specialists as, for example, for managers, and there are very few universities that train them in this specialty. In Moscow, there are three main universities providing fundamental veterinary education. So the profession is one-of-a-kind, quite rare.

On the other hand, a qualified specialist will never remain unclaimed, since there are plenty of veterinary clinics, agricultural enterprises and various institutions where the help of a veterinarian is needed (for example, circuses, stables, a zoo, etc.) in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Some plus of the profession of a veterinarian for the residents of the capital is that recently the level of care from the owners has been increasing, even network polyclinics for animals are opening. And there is an opportunity to work independently. In this case, information about a good specialist will be transmitted in the most effective way - from one owner to another, and if the veterinarian is a classy professional, he will not have an end to patients. But, nevertheless, at the beginning of a career, one should not expect super profits, a novice specialist will have a modest income. However, this is the case in all areas of activity, and veterinary medicine is no exception.

The disadvantages of the profession of a veterinarian can still be attributed to some trauma hazard, because the animal does not understand that it will be treated, but is afraid, for example, of an injection. And not all animals are as harmless as a kitty or a hamster. Veterinarians treat all animals, including cows, horses, elephants, snakes, etc. This will require remarkable composure for anyone, and the veterinarian must still clearly perform the necessary actions with the animal.

Another unobvious disadvantage of the veterinarian profession is the changing legislation. Often, legislation for certain drugs changes and their use becomes illegal. And there have been cases when veterinarians were forced to choose whether to inject the animal with an "illegal" pain reliever or refuse.

Pros of the profession of a veterinarian

But, at the same time, the profession of a veterinarian is not without its advantages. This profession is a vocation and according to the results of many social polls it is recognized as one of the most noble, along with the profession of a doctor. The main plus of the veterinarian profession is the available opportunity to help animals and people, their owners, because a healthy pet is a joy for the owner. And this is the main plus of the profession of a veterinarian, who, in the opinion of established veterinarians, outweighs all the above disadvantages.

Anyone can love animals when they are not a problem, but when they need help is a completely different matter. Plus the profession of a veterinarian is the ability to combine romanticism, nobility and a large supply of love. It will require not only academic knowledge, but also the ability to quickly respond and make decisions. Requires courage from a veterinarian and often physical endurance. Observation, the ability to listen and show sympathy, to win over - these qualities are necessary for a veterinarian. A good doctor will very quickly figure out what is hurting the animal, choose the necessary treatment, and calm the anxious owner.

A big plus of the veterinary profession is also that helping our smaller brothers has a positive effect on the moral side of the issue of the life of a person carrying this profession. After all, helping people is one thing, but helping those who, it would seem, always need help is another.

What is more important of the listed pros and cons of a veterinarian, what will prevail at the moment of choosing a profession - the ability to save the lives of animals or the fear of negative sides - is up to you.

Veterinary Worker's Day is the Russian national professional holiday of veterinary workers, which is celebrated in Russia every year on August 31

Contained in sections:

  • Professions. Acquaintance with the professions and work of adults. Career guidance for preschoolers

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All sections | Veterinarian. Getting to know the profession

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The veterinary profession has always been held in high esteem. A person who heals animals, birds, reptiles, etc. is worthy of respect. The work of a veterinarian is also in the prevention of various diseases, in performing castration, sterilization and vaccination operations. The duties of this doctor include helping animals during childbirth and euthanasia of hopeless pets.

The demand for the profession of a veterinarian is average. Modern "aibolit" treats a wide variety of animals. An experienced doctor will help cure not only a kitty, dog or hamster, but also exotic animals and even predators.

The services of veterinarians are not only used by pet owners. The functions of these doctors also include quality control of animal products that enter our store shelves and markets. In case of non-compliance of products with sanitary standards, veterinarians are obliged to impose a locked for sale or confiscate the goods. Experts working in laboratories carry out research in the field of various diseases, detect pathogens and are looking for remedies for diseases afflicting animals.

To get the profession of a veterinarian, you need to study at the institute for 5 years. After that, the graduate becomes a general practitioner and can start his career as an assistant to a more experienced and qualified doctor. Until recently, people of this specialty were employed mainly in agriculture and on farms. But today in universities there is both a department of pets and exotic ones.

In veterinary clinics nowadays more and more often you can find specialists of a narrower focus. Students are encouraged to choose a direction at the very beginning of their studies. Depending on interests and desires, the future veterinarian can specialize in traumatology, surgery, ophthalmology, orthopedics, etc.

Doctors can work not only in equipped rooms and outdoors. Every pet owner also knows very well that a specialist in animal diseases can come to his house on call, if necessary. Your veterinarian will diagnose and treat your pet.

A feature of the veterinary profession is that his work is associated with constant travel and business trips. Therefore, this type of activity should be chosen by those people who will not be oppressed by frequent travel.

There are pros and cons to being a veterinarian. Only a person who truly loves animals and birds will get pleasure from this work. Constant communication with different people and animals can also be attributed to the positive aspects of the profession. But quite dangerous in this specialty is the risk of being bitten, for example. At the same time, the likelihood of serious diseases that can be transmitted to the veterinarian from a sick animal is not excluded.

Personal qualities

A prerequisite for mastering the profession of a veterinarian is an unlimited love for animals. Important qualities for these doctors are courage, quick reaction, physical endurance. Since this work is quite specific, and sometimes unpredictable, it requires mental and emotional balance from the doctor. Veterinarians, in addition to their direct professional responsibilities, often have to be able to listen to and sympathize with animal owners.

Operating doctors need to have developed hand motor skills. Achieving success in this profession will also require a good memory, high intelligence, logical thinking, observation and attentiveness.

Education (What you need to know?)

Most universities train universal veterinarians primarily for working with farm animals (cows, pigs, chickens). A more narrow specialization can be obtained on a paid basis in various educational institutions. Those wishing to treat animals and birds enter veterinary academies and agricultural institutes.

To succeed in the veterinary profession, you should pay attention to such disciplines as biology, animal physiology, chemistry, pharmaceuticals. It is also necessary to know the specifics of keeping a wide variety of species of birds and animals.

Place of work and career

Veterinarians work in animal clinics, on farms, in laboratories at institutes and universities, at meat-packing plants and poultry farms, in nurseries, in a circus, at a sanitary and epidemiological station.

With a strong desire and commitment, a veterinarian can make a career and become the head physician of the clinic. Some experienced and qualified doctors with extensive work experience prefer to open their own veterinary clinics, inviting their colleagues to cooperate.