What applies to spectacular art types. Spatial arts

What applies to spectacular art types. Spatial arts
What applies to spectacular art types. Spatial arts

The primary form of art was special syncretical (abused) complex of creative activity. Everything was merged together in a single ritual act. Later, individual types of art began to stand out from this syncretic act.

Kinds of art - It is the historically established forms of the artistic reflection of the world who use special tools to build an image - sound, color, television, word, etc. In each of the art types there are their special types - childbirth and genres, which together provide a variety of artistic attitude to reality. Briefly consider the main types of art and some of their varieties.

Literature Uses verbal and writing tools for building images. There are three main sorts of literature - drama, epos and lyrics and numerous genres - tragedy, comedy, novel, story, poem, elegy, story, essay, fellow, etc.

Music Uses sound tools. Music is divided into vocal (intended for singing) and instrumental. Music genres - Opera, Symphony, Overture, Suite, Romance, Sonata, etc.

Dance Uses plastic movements to build images. Allocate ritual, folk, ballrooms,

modern dances, ballet. Dance directions and styles - Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Samba, Polonaise, etc.

Painting Displays reality on plane with color tools. Painting genres - portrait, still life, landscape, and household, animalistic (image of animals), historic genres.

Architecture Forms a spatial environment in the form of structures and buildings for a person's life. It is divided into residential, public, garden and parking, industrial, etc. Also the architectural styles - Gothic, Barochko, Rococo, Modern, Classicism, etc.

Sculpture Creates artworks having a volume and three-dimensional form. Sculpture is round (bust, statue) and embossed (convex image). The size is divided into machine, decorative and monumental.

Decorative and applied art associated with applied needs. This includes art items that can be used in everyday life - dishes, fabrics, tools, furniture, furniture, decorations, etc.

Theatre Organizes a special stage action by playing actors. The theater can be dramatic, opera, doll, etc.

The circus Represents spectacular and entertainment with unusual, risky and funny numbers on a special arena. These are acrobatics, equilibristics, gymnastics, djigitovka, juggling, focuses, pantomime, clownade, animal training, and so on.

Movie It is the development of theatrical act on the basis of modern technical audiovisual funds. Types of cinema include playing, documentary cinema, animation. According to genres, they allocate filmcomy, drama, melodramas, adventure films, detectives, thrillers, etc.

The photo Fixes documentary visual images with technical means - optical and chemical or digital. Genres of photography correspond to the genres of painting.

Stage Includes small shapes of scenic art - diamature, music, choreography, illusions, circus numbers, original performances, etc.

Design- This is designer activities aimed at improving the vital activity of each person by creating a constructive ergonomic image of a holistic, aesthetic environment and items that make up part of this environment. Design is the design of objects in which the form corresponds to their intended purpose.

You can add graphics, radio complishes to the listed art types, etc.

Each type, genus or genre displays a special side or a face of human life, but collected together, these components of art give a comprehensive artistic picture of the world.

The need for artistic creativity or enjoyment of artwork increases with the growth of human cultural level. Art becomes the more more necessary, the further the person comes from an animal state.

Sculpture and symphony, painting and tale, movie and palace, performance and dance - all this works of various types of art.

Art is classified by different criteria. Fine Arts Show in artistic images by external reality, the income arts express the inner world. Intentent art: Music, dance and literature, as well as architecture. There are I. mixed (synthetic) Arts: Cinema, Theater, Ballet, Circus, etc.
Inside each type of art there are divisions called genresin accordance with themes and objects of the image. Here we will talk about this with you today.

Kinds of art

Fine arts


Perhaps this is one of the most common types of art. The very first works of painting relate to deep antiquity, they found on the walls of the caves of ancient people.
The monumental painting, which developed in shape is very ancient. mosaic and frescoes (painting on raw plaster).

St Nicholas. Fresco Dionysius. Ferapontov Monastery
Stank painting - These are paintings of different genres written on the canvas (cardboard, paper) most often with oil paints.

Genres of painting

In modern painting, there are the following genres: portrait, historical, mythological, battle, household, landscape, still life, animal genre.
Portrait genre Reflects the external and inner appearance of a person or group of people. This genre is distributed not only in painting, but also in sculpture, graphics, etc. The main task of the portrait genre is the transfer of external similarity and the disclosure of the inner world, the nature of the character of a person.

I. Kramskaya "Portrait of Sophia Ivanovna Kramskaya"
Historical genre (Image of historical events and characters). Of course, genres in painting are very often intertwined, because As an image, for example, some historical event, the artist has to contact a portrait genre, etc.
Mythological genre - Illustration of myths and legends of different nations.

S. Botticelli "Birth of Venus"
Battle genre - Image of battles, military exploits, fighting, chasing battles, victory celebration. The battle genre may also include elements of other genres - domestic, portrait, landscape, animal, still life.

V. Vasnetsov "After traveling Igor Svyatoslavich with Polovtsy"
Household genre - image of scenes of the daily, personal life of a person.

A. Venetsianov "On Pashne"
Scenery - image of nature, environment, countryside, cities, historical monuments, etc.

And Savrasov "Graci flew"
Marina - seascape.
Still life (Translated from Fr. - "Dead Nature") - image of items, labor, creativity, flowers, fruits, broken game, caught fish placed in a real household medium.
Animal genre - An image of animals.


The name of this type of visual art comes from the Greek word Grapho - I write, draw.
The graph is primarily attributed to the drawing and engraving, on which the picture is created mainly using a line on a sheet of paper or a cutter on a solid material, from which the image is scattered onto a paper sheet.

Types of graphics

Engraving - A drawing is applied to the flat surface of the material, which is then covered with paint and grips on paper. The number of impulsions varies depending on the equipment of the engraving and material. Main materials Engravings - Metal (copper, zinc, steel), wood (samshet, palm, pear, cherry, etc.), linoleum, cardboard, plastic, plexiglass. The processing of the engraving board is made by mechanical means, steel tools or etching acid.
Estamp - Printing with engraving board (engraving, lithography, silk-screen printing, monotype), which is a machine artwork. The Estamp is printed from the board, which the artist himself engraved, often he also makes it out. Such works are usually subscribed, copyrighted specimens are considered originals. The mist is black and white and color.
Book graphics - Design of book, her decorative design, illustration.
Industrial graphics - the creation of commodity labels, corporate signs, publishing stamps, packaging, advertising publications, blanks and envelopes. It comes into contact with advertising, turns on to the design system.
Exlimbars - Sign pointing to the owner of the book. Exlibris is attached to the inner side of the book binding or cover. Bookmarks are engraved on wood, copper, linoleum, zincographic or lithographs.

Exlimbries Greet Garboy

Poster - An image designed for general attention created in campaigning or academic purposes.
Linocut - engraving on linoleum.
Lithography - View of engravings: drawing a pattern on stone and writing from it.
Cylography - Engraving on a tree.

Katsusik Hokusai "Big Wave in Canhanwa", Woodcut
Etching - View of engravings on metal, method of engraving and writing, obtained by this method.
Computer graphics - Images are prepared on the computer, are shown in the dynamics or in statics. When creating this type of graphics, it is possible to see how the image is formed at all stages, and cannot be adjusted to unlimited.


This type of art also arose in ancient times. A lot of clay or cut pictures of animals are found, quite precisely transmitting their appearance. Many female figurines are preserved, which embody a mighty feminine. Perhaps these are primitive images of the goddesses. The ancient windows exaggerated their fertile forces, depicting with powerful hips, and archaeologists call them "Venus."

Venus Villendorf, about 23 thousand years before. e., Central Europe
The sculpture is divided into round, freely placed in space, and relief in which the volume images are located on the plane.
As in painting, in sculpture there are machine and monumental forms. Monumental sculpture Designed for streets and squares, such a monument is created for a long time, so it is usually made of bronze, marble, granite. Stankovaya sculpture - These are portraits or small genre groups made of wood, gypsum and other materials.

Monument to the postman. Nizhny Novgorod

Decorative and applied art

The creators of the works of decorative and applied art put two goals in front of them: create a thing that is necessary for everyday life, but this thing should at the same time have defined artistic qualities. Objects of everyday life should not only serve a person practically, but also to decorate life, please the eye by the perfection of forms and paints.
Of course, now many works of decorative and applied arts have mainly aesthetic importance, but it was not always.

Main types of decorative and applied arts

Batik - hand painted on fabric

Work in the technique of hot batik (using wax)

Quilling - the art of the manufacture of flat or volumetric compositions from twisted in the spirals of long and narrow paper strips.

Technique Quilling
Jewelry Art
Lacquer miniature

Palekh's lacquer miniature
Art painting on wood
Metal painting

Zhostovsky tray
Article carving
Artistic skin treatment

Art painting on ceramics

Metal artwork
Pyrography(burning on wood, skin, fabric, etc.)
Work with glass

Upper half of the window of the Canterbury Cathedral, United Kingdom

Photo art

Art of art photography. Genres are mostly the same as in painting.


Images on walls or other surfaces. Graffiti include any kind of street coloring of the walls, where you can find everything: from simple written words to exquisite drawings.



Drawn stories, stories in pictures. Comic combines the features of such types of art as literature and visual art.

Artist Winzor McKay "Little Sammy sneezes"

Intentent art


Architecture - Art design and construction of buildings. Architectural facilities may exist as separate buildings or in the form of ensembles. But sometimes ensembles fold as historically: from buildings built at different times, a single whole is formed. An example is the Red Square of Moscow.
Architecture allows you to judge technical achievements and artistic styles of various eras. Up to our time, Egyptian pyramids were preserved, built about 5 thousand years ago, the temples of ancient Greece and Rome. Any city in any country is famous for its architectural facilities.

Palace Square in St. Petersburg


In the broad sense of the word: a set of any written texts.
Types of literature: artistic, documentary prose, memoir, scientific and popular, reference, educational, technical.

Genres of literature

The literary work can be attributed to a particular genre on various criteria: in shape (Novella, Oda, Opus, Essay, Tale, Piece, Story, Roman, Skatch, Epopea, Epos, Essay), Content (Comedy, Farc, Waterville , intermedia, sketch, parody, comedy provisions, comedy character, tragedy, drama), according to childbirth.
Epic Rod: Bass, epics, ballad, myth, novel, story, story, novel, Roman-epic, fairy tale, epic.
Lyric Rod: Oda, message, stories, elegy, epigram.
Laro-epic: Ballad, poem.
Dramatic Rod: Drama, comedy, tragedy.


Music - This is an art, a means of incarnation of artistic images for which sound and silence are in a special way organized in time. But actually give one exhaustively accurate definition of the concept of "music" is impossible. This is a special kind of creative activity, including the craft, profession.
Veliko species and stylistic variety of music.
Classical (or serious) - professional musical compositions born in the culture of Europe mainly from the new time (the frontier of the XVI-XVII centuries) and in the Middle Ages;
Popular - mainly song-dance musical genres.
Over European (non-European) - Music of those peoples (East), whose culture differs from the culture of Western European civilization.
Ethnic (folk) - Folk musical works of different peoples, emphasizing the originality of the ethnos, nation, tribe.
Pop (light) - Entertainment music designed to relax.
Jazz - rethinkable by Europeans the performing traditions of American blacks based on the synthesis of African and European musical elements.
Rock - Music of small vocal-instrumental groups of young people, characterized by the mandatory presence of shock and electrical displacement tools, primarily guitars.
Avant-garde (experimental) - Direction in professional composer work in the XX century.
Alternative - New musical compositions or execution (sound ideas, "Performances"), fundamentally unlike all the types of music today.
Types of music can be determined by both the function that it performs: military, church, religious, theater, dance, kinometer, etc.
Or by the character of execution: vocal, instrumental, chamber, vocal-instrumental, choral, solo, electronic, piano, etc.

Each type of music has its own genres. Consider for example genres of instrumental music.
Instrumental music - This is the music performed on the tools, without the participation of the human voice. Instrumental music is symphonic and chamber.
Chamber music - Works intended for execution in small rooms for home, "room" muscy. Chamber music has great opportunities for transferring lyrical emotions and subtle mental states. To the genres of chamber music include: Sonatas, quartets, plays, quintes, etc.
Sonata - One of their main genres of instrumental chamber music. It usually consists of 3 (4) parts.
Etude - Musical play, intended to improve the technical skills of the game tool.
Nocturne (Fr. "Night") - a genre of a small one-room inlet lyrical play for piano.
Prelude (Lat. "Introduction") - a small tool play. Improvisational entry into the main play. But maybe independent work.

Quartet - Musical work for 4 performers.
Inside each of the types of music, their own styles and directions that are distinguished by stable and characteristic structural and aesthetic signs can occur and develop: classicism, romanticism, impressionism, expressionism, neoclassicism, seriality, avant-garde, etc.


Choreography - the art of dance.

Entertainment (mixed, or synthetic) art


A spectacular type of art, which is a synthesis of various arts: literature, music, choreography, vocals, visual arts and others.

Puppet show
Types of theaters: Dramatic, Opera, Ballet, Puppet, Pantomime Theater, etc. The art of the theater has long been known: The theater was born from the most ancient ritual festivals, in the allegorical form reproducing the phenomena of nature or labor processes.


The type of art in which they are merged into a single poetry and dramatic art, vocal and instrumental music, facial expressions, dancing, painting, scenery and costumes.

La Scala Theater (Milan)


The type of art of small forms is predominantly popular and entertainment. Estrada includes directions: singing, dance, circus on stage, illusionism, spoken genre, clownade.

The circus

The type of spectacular art, according to the laws of which the entertainment presentation is built. The content of the presentation performances of the modern circus is to demonstrate focus, pantomime, clowns, reprise, demonstration of exceptional abilities, often associated with the risk (physical force, acrobatics, equilibristics,), trained animals.


The type of spectacular art, which is also a synthesis of arts: literature, theater, dance, visual art (scenery), etc.


Type of scenic art; The performance, the content of which is embodied in musical and choreographic images. At the heart of the classic ballet performance lies a specific plot, dramaturgical intent. In the XX century There was an immutable ballet, whose dramaturgy is based on the development of the laid in the music.

Nowadays, in order to see inspirational works artnot necessarily go to the museum. The Internet gave people the opportunity to evaluate and enjoy the art by providing an endless stream of masterpieces. However, finding the fact that it admires you - it is already quite another matter. Need to revise different types of art, such as artwork, sculptures, photos and installations. And this is not at all easy and takes a bunch of time. Therefore, today we will present to your attention some of the most popular trends in art in recent years. From sculptures from books to exciting installations - it is the trends that people do not cease to admire.

1. Sculptures and installations from books

From Brian Dettmer's incredible book sculptures and Guy Laramee to the sculpture of the sculpture wall from Anuk Kruitof (Anouk Kruthof) and an intricate needle from Miller Lagos (Miler Lagos). Never have books have never been so popular in artistic art. Based on the fact that more and more people go to e-books, these works of art are twice. They are a pleasant reminder that, despite the fact that we live in the age of the Internet, the books will always be given a special place.

2. Beautiful installations from umbrellas

Often, umbrellas are lying in the closet until it rains, but recently they are increasingly appearing in various installations around the world. Portuguese umbrellas of all colors of the rainbow, pink installation in Bulgaria is not so that people do not wet, but to show, as from ordinary items you can create a whole art.

3. Interactive street art

Street art is created not only for social or political goals, but also just please passersby. Ernest Zacharevic (Ernest Zacharevic) - These installations are created for interactivity. Especially or even not even suspect, passersby become part of the art, bringing a new dimension in the already interesting job.

4. Creativity created from thousands of things

Creativity created from thousands of things is always interesting. The current river from Luzinterrupus books (LuzInterruptus), a bright red bird, created from buttons and pins Ran Hwang (Ran Hwang) - these installations show us how thousands of things may look in the hands of patient creators. Who knew that the pixelized portrait could be made with the help of pencils in the style of PoanTillism, if not Christian Faur (Christian Faur)? This is a good example of ingenuity in art.

5. Epic sculptures from Lego

Although the classic product of Lego is plastic cubes for children, some designers use them to create epic sculptures. These amazing sculptures were built very carefully, bricks behind the brick - the Victorian terrible house, the underground cave of Batman, the Roman Colosseum, a house from Star Wars - all of them are affixed.

6. Creativity of all colors of the rainbow

One- or two-color creations are boring - whether the case of creations in which all the colors of the rainbow are combined! The creators of these installations are able to make smile. Passage with rainbow windows Christopher Janni (Christopher Janney) or multicolored smoke checkers Olaf Breuning (Olaf Breuning) - they are not just very pleasant to look at them, they need to be penetrated. Even origami and toy cars look more enforced when they are located in the sequence of rainbow colors.

7. Sets from small people

These photos show us how little men live. Scenes with Christopher Boffoli's food or mini-kits on the streets from designer Slinkachu (Slinkachu) - these cute creations tell the funny stories of Liliputs that conventional people will understand. This is a real art that makes us feel what we never felt.

8. Thousands LED bulbs

These installations and sculptures are best observed at night or in the dark room. With the help of smoke and laser Lee Hugh (Li Hu) created a terrible bed that causes mixed feelings. Makoto Todzhiki (Makoto Tojiki) hangs light bulbs on the rods, creating magnificent light sculptures of people, horses and birds. Panasonic lowered LED light on the river 100,000 to recreate the glow of fireflies.

9. Installation from threads

Not only grandmothers enjoy threads. Recently, they are increasingly used on top of vintage photos or sculptures. Perspicere designer pulled the thread so that they mimic paint splashes in the form of a Batman signal. Gabriel Dov (Gabriel Dawe) created a stunning installation of all the colors of the rainbow, attaching a huge amount of serpets of threads to the ceiling. Apparently, the threads in design are now relevant.

10. Exciting Interactive Installations

Although street installations can be very good when the designer works in four walls - it allows him to turn wider. The French designer Serge Sala (Serge Salat) offers visitors to stroll through many layers "Beyond" - multimedia experience combining Eastern art with Western Renaissance. Yayoi Kusama shows that it happens if children provide an unlimited number of multi-colored stickers. In Barbakan, London recently created a rainy room, where visitors will not wet. Who would not like to visit one of these installations?

Among all types of art, it is customary to put fiction on the first place, although the only one, perhaps, the basis for this is its much greater audience than the works of other types of art.

Fiction - Art type of art in which the material image carrier is the usual, or everyday, language. Like other arts, literature reproduces, or depicts, objects and situations. But since it enjoys a language for this, then in contrast to fine arts in his own sense of the word (painting, sculptures, etc.) and from synthetic arts (Theater, cinema, television, etc.) use the images "lovely" (lescing), devoid of direct visual visibility and reliability: the word NA has the features of visual similarity with what it means. The inventureness of the images is due to some limited literature, but at the same time the words used by the writer make it possible to comprehend the reality compact and promptly in all the multiplicity of its manifestations, not only with feeling, but also by intelligence. The writer is able to submit a person as a thinking and speaking creature, bring together artistic text with journalistic or philosophical.

Music - A kind of art in which artistic images are formed using sounds. For music, it is characterized by a particularly active and direct impact of PA inner world of man. Sounds as the basis of musical imagery and expressiveness are deprived of the semantic specificity of words, the NS reproduces visible paintings of the world, as the picturesque image makes it. But the sounds have an intonational nature, which expresses the centuries-old speech experience, the experience of rhythmic movements embodied, in particular, in the theater, dance, etc. Such components of the music composition, such as melody, harmony, rhythm, composition, polyphony, texture, etc. The existence of a musical work is attached to the music, and other. Music can be executed using funds: there is vocal, instrumental, vocal instrumental music. Music exists in different types and genres. There is a symphonic, opera and chamber music; But there are music songs, dance, symphonies, sonata, suite, heroic or comic opera, etc. Artistic images of music are distinguished by a large generalization. But at the same time, they are distinguished by a huge emotional force capable of expressing human being. Music is able to express the finest shades of human feelings and to influence the depth psychology of a person.

Painting - type of visual art, whose originality is to create artistic images with the help of paints deposited on any solid surface (basis). Painting clearly reproduces the colorful wealth of reality, its spatiality and objectivity, embodies a wide range of ideas about people's life, society and nature. Depending on the materials used by the artist to create a picturesque work (oil, glue, wax, etc.), there are such varieties of painting, like oil painting, tempera, painting on plaster (fresco), Enkauska (wax painting on a blackboard), etc. There are different genres of painting: landscape, portrait, still life, historical painting, household genre, etc. Also different types of painting are different: Stank painting, or picture, icon painting, panorama and diarama, monumental and decorative painting, scenery, etc. Distributed painting , prospects and black and white modeling. However, if progress was observed in painting, he was not the growing skill's ability to copy what "there is actually", and in the ability to create the impression that we see the item depicted. Even the most believable images cannot be called simply copies. Two drawings of Picasso can serve as a characteristic example: "Cubs with chickens" (1941) and "Rooster" (1938). On the first one of them is very realistic depicted chicken, bending over their chickens; On the second, the warrior rooster is represented. If in the first case, Picasso clearly sought to convey the anxiety of chicken and her concern about his tiny chickens, in the second case, in the second case, his least took place the external similarity of the depicted rooster with his prototype (if such at all existed); The artist sought to convey primarily aggressiveness, arrogance and stubbornness of the rooster.

Cinemaless - The type of artistic creativity, which entered the system of synthetic arts in the XX century.

In the 20s The last century ended the period of silent cinema, and various possibilities of expressing art thoughts on the screen were opened and implemented and implemented, the entire genre system of cinema was updated. Its synthetic is found in the fact that it gives the synthesis of different arts: literature, painting, music, theater.

Architecture - The type of art whose task is to create structures that meet the utilitarian and spiritual needs of people, including naturally their aesthetic needs. As the area of \u200b\u200bart, the architecture appears in the cultures of Mesopotamia and Egypt. As the author's art, it adds to V c. BC. In antique Greece. Up to the middle of the XIX century. In the synthesis with painting, sculpture, decorative art architecture determined by style. Romanika, Gothic, Revival, Classicism is primarily the characteristics of the architecture of certain periods of past eras. From the end of the XIX century. Architecture is inferior to leadership in the formation of a dominant artistic style of painting and sculpture. Modernism, constructivism, postmodernism is primarily a certain painting and sculpture, and only then - architecture.

Sculpture - view of the visual art, the specificity of which is in the volumetric printing of the artistic form in space. Sculpture is predominantly forms of people, less often animals and even less often - landscape or still life. Two main varieties of sculpture differ: round sculpture (statue, group, torso, bust) is designed to inspect it from many angles of view; relief sculpture It is an image on a plane perceived as a background.

There are also other arts: choreography, theater, photo art, circus, pop art, decorative and applied art, etc.

By defining art as a single phenomenon, it should be borne in mind what "art in general" is abstraction, abstract. In practice, there are various types of art, each of which has its own specifics, sets themselves special tasks and has its own funds to solve them. The distribution of arts for these common features is called the classification of the arts. The classification allows you to deeper to understand the nature of the individual product relating to this or that view.

First of all, art is traditionally divided by the method of their "existence" and perceptions on temporary and spatial . Temporary arts are distinguished by the fact that the works unfold and perceived in time. The work of art in this case often turns out to be inseparable from a person: the author or artist. The temporary art includes the art of words or poetry, dance, music, movies. To spatial - painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture, applied art, design. The theater occupies an intermediate place - the presentation is located in a certain space, but the action unfolds in time. Most often, the theater is called synthetic art, as it (as well as the movie) unites, synthesizes the achievements of various arts - poetry, music, painting.

It should be noted that by virtue of the diversity and complexity of the art of art, the rigid distinction of them according to certain features is practically impossible, we can only talk about the predominance of certain means of expression, forms, methods. So, in the spatial-temporary classification, the dance, pantomime, theater, cinema fit into the end. The element of the convention is also inherent in another principle of the separation of arts based on the predominance of images or expressiveness in the arsenal of artistic agents.

Fine arts unconditionally include painting, graphics, sculpture. One of the key principles for creating images is the principle of imitation - mimesis. Images are built as similarities of real objects or phenomena, they recognizable and designed for visual perception. Created by the artist, however refer to the viewer to its source - property or prototype . At the same time, the mental correlation of the image and the speculation, art and reality often affects the aesthetic assessment of the works of fine art - looking at the picture, we involuntarily "compare" it with our own ideas about depicted phenomena. This moment of recognition, combining our experience with an artistic way makes it possible to contact between the artist and the viewer. At the same time, the habit of seeing in art only a familiar and recognizable sometimes creates a barrier between the viewer and the product relating to the past era or the culture belonging to the most different from our system of values. For modern visual art (since the end of the nineteenth century), a bias is characterized in the direction of expressiveness. The extreme manifestation of this trend is freeless artwhose flourishing is at the twenties of the last century. The works of avant-gardeists of this era in the way of creating and the applied technique were treated to the visual arts, and in the nature of the images and expressive means - to expressive. It can be said that expressiveness and always attended painting, sculpture, graphics, but in the twentieth century it was "bred to the surface."

Music, dance, architecture are considered expressive arts. The images created by these arts do not have direct express among the surrounding items or phenomena, they can cause only some associations. Works of music, architecture are created not based on the observation of specific phenomena, but on the basis of the "total" impressions from reality that the artist draws from his inner world. It can be said that these arts also create images, but abstract. Works expressing, first of all, the internal state of the author with all their "ambiguity" sometimes have a deep psychological impact. First of all, this refers to music - no other art is capable of acting on the mood of man, on his feelings. It is not by chance in many cultures, musical classes were considered as a way of dispensing, harmonizing the soul. The dance is also able to capture the audience, infect a certain mood, although the range of exposure here is somewhat already. Therefore, he tends to need musical accompaniment. Other impact has architecture. Architectural images are static and they mostly need long review, enforcement. However, the impression of the architecture is sometimes deeper - the long-term residence of a person in a certain architectural environment is able to influence its inner state, creating a psychological attitude.

Poetry, theater, cinema occupy an intermediate position - expressiveness and pictusivity inherent in them equally. This compound contributes to the connection on the scene or on the screen of achievements of other arts. However, the syntheticity of the theater and the cinema is not only in this. A specific effect of exposure here is the game of the actor, which also connects the pictusivity (the actor portrays, "shows" the character) and expressiveness (facial, voice, movements are expressed by various feelings). The acting game is a "necessary minimum" of theatrical action, without which it cannot take place.

It is somewhat more complicated with poetry or verbal art. The main feature of poetry is enclosed in its special material - the Word. The word has a multiplicity of impact: the ideological content is in itself - the thought, creates visible pictures - images, has an expressive "physicality" - the foundation. Ideally, every word of poetic text (and poetry is, as it were, the "ideal model" of literature) harmoniously combines the meaning, the image, melody.

A brief consideration of the art of art makes it possible to estimate the diversity of the spheres of artistic creativity - music and dance, the theater and architecture reveal the inner world of man in their own way, characterize the time of their creation, a culture of one or another era. However, with a historical approach to the study of artistic culture, priority is usually given to the visual, applied arts, architecture. The reason for this preference is primarily in the fact that spatial works are able to survive the time of its occurrence for a long time. Theatrical representations of antiquity, the music of the ancient China is known only by descriptions. About how the dancing of the Paleolithic era people looked like, we can guess based on these ethnography, and the monuments of the visual arts that keep the heat of our distant ancestors directly appear before our eyes. Thanks to the preserved works of architecture, painting, sculptures, we can see the remnants of the oldest cities, the faces of the great people of the past, we can imagine what the representatives of the departed crops were prepicted.

It is also significant that the perception of spatial arts does not require considerable time of time, familiarity with the monuments of visual art allows you to quickly make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe cultural appearance of the era. Modern printing technology and digital visual information processing allows you to see the famous masterpieces of painting with minimal color distortions. Somewhat more complicated by the situation with three-dimensional spatial arts - sculpture and architecture. Their full-fledged perception requires a change of point of view. However, here the use of several photos allows you to make an idea of \u200b\u200bthe intention of the artist and its embodiment in the material.

The complexity of the perception of works of fine art and architecture, compared with poetry, is that they use their own conditional language - the language of the line, colors, volume, the understanding of which requires some preparation. However, this "lack of" visual arts has its own positive way - works of architecture, monuments of applied arts, painting, in contrast to works of literature, do not need to be translated, their conditional language internationalen, it, to a certain extent, walks over barriers, briefing the epoch , countries and civilizations. Prehistoric era or ancient culture, whose writing is not able to read, are known to us thanks to the preserved artifacts, of which the most informative for the culturologist are the monuments of visual art.

When studying world art, we will mostly rely on the monuments of architecture, sculptures, painting, if possible, and in the measure of the need complementing their consideration by examples from the history of music, theater, literature.

However, before turning to the historical consideration of artistic culture, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the specific language of the visual art, as well as with the division and genres adopted in it. In the compressed form, this information is set out in the table below below.

Table 1

Species and genres of fine art.