The script of the reporting concert of the house of culture tours. The script of the reporting concert of the creative teams of the Center for Continuing Education for Children

The script of the reporting concert of the house of culture tours. The script of the reporting concert of the creative teams of the Center for Continuing Education for Children

Date of the event 09.10.12.

Venue: B. Hall

Time: 18-00

On the stage of the Energetik Palace of Culture, the ArtStar anniversary award ceremony.

Today, awards in various nominations will be presented to the best creative teams and people who for many years have been delighting us with their talent and colossal dedication to their work.

Today you will take part in the main event of this year, on the largest stage in the city of Nazarovo.

Today, and only for you, those will perform for whom life without a stage is inconceivable. Welcome to the anniversary concert of the Energetik Palace of Culture. We are 45 years old!

(The curtain opens, the "Adamant" pop group is on the stage)

(Duel screensaver)

1.NUMBER: "Adamant" - leading out

(music on the way out of the presenters)

(Screensaver 45 years old DC)

1Wed: Good evening, dear friends!

2Bed: Hello dear guests!

1Hed: How wonderful it is when the holiday begins exactly like this: with music and applause ...

2Bed: And also with the kind smiles of the guests who came to congratulate the veterans, workers and members of the creative teams of the Energetik Palace of Culture!

1Hed: They say that every person has their own finest hour. The very moment in life when fate says: “I give you a chance! Show what you are capable of! "

2Bed: I think that our anniversary evening will be such a finest hour for those who step on this stage today!

1Hed: The life of people is so similar to the life of the stars. Some flicker dimly. Others burn steadily. Still others shine! And this brilliance of the star corresponds to the brightness of the personality.

2Wed: So let the stars of the Palace of Culture "Energetik", who have found their vocation in art, shine brightly on this stage today!

(music on the way out of the presenters)

1Hed: In November 1967, the Energetik Palace of Culture opened its doors and became the center of culture for the inhabitants of the Bor settlement, the Stroiteley settlement and the workers of the Nazarovskaya GRES!

2Bed: The team was headed by Alexander Alexandrovich Mukhin. A man who not only laid the foundations of the palace, but also the foundations of the creative activity of collectives.

1Wed: Unfortunately, Alexander Alexandrovich has not been with us for several years. But historical footage has survived, where he talks about how the work of our palace began.

(video with A.A. Mukhin)

2Wed: In subsequent years, the palace was led by:

Petr Mikhailovich Vorontsov, Galina Nikolaevna Shkuratova.

1Hed: Nikolai Nikolaevich Gurulev, Irina Anatolyevna Gololobova.

2Bed: These are people who have made a huge contribution to the development and improvement of the material and technical base of the palace.

1Wed: Since 2004, the work of the Palace of Culture "Energetik" has been directed by Valentin Viktorovich Romanov - a restless, energetic person puts his soul into his work and continues the work of his predecessors with dignity.

2Bed: Dear leaders, please accept our congratulations and this musical gift.

1Hed: Kirill Gurulev sings for you!

NUMBER 2: - Kirill Gurulev

(presenters' exit music)

There is a video sequence of photos of veterans on the screen))

2Bed: On this anniversary evening, with words of great gratitude, we turn to our dear veterans. Thanks to you, our palace has always been one of the best cultural institutions not only in the city, but also in the region.

1Hed: Dear veterans, those who are present in this hall today, please rise from your seats and let this applause sound in your honor!

(Girls bring flowers to veterans)

2Wed: Look at them, sparks of enthusiasm and vigor burn in their eyes.

1Hed: Their hearts are full of optimism.

2Bed: From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for many years of fruitful work.

1Hed: Dear veterans, the youngest members of the Adamant pop group are performing for you!

3 NUMBER: - "Adamant" "One palm, two palms!"

(presenters' exit music)

2Bed: Veterans of culture! You are special people

From a special alloy, from a special ore!

Do not bend your shoulders under the weight of everyday life

And close ranks of veterans!

1Hed: You gave a lot for the culture of your beloved,

Your memory keeps every day, every hour.

They say about others: "Life rushes by",

You are in the thick of things. And then and now!

2Bed: Georgy Tikhonov sings for you!

NUMBER 4: G. Tikhonov

(presenters' exit music)

1Hed: It is known that he who seeks always finds his own

In deeds, dreams and ideas.

And the holiday that takes place here today

Show us truly talented people!

2Bed: People to be honored with anniversary awards. And they will also become the undisputed winners of the ArtStar prize, established by us in honor of the 45th anniversary of the Energetik Palace of Culture!

1Hed: It is with great pleasure that we invite to this stage the head of the city of Nazarovo, the chairman of the city council of deputies of the city of Nazarovo, Sergei Alexandrovich Setov!

(congratulations from S.A. Setov)

2Bed: We are starting the solemn ceremony of awarding and presenting anniversary awards and the ArtStar Prize!


1 Vedas: To be awarded the honorary diploma of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the following are invited to the stage:

Valentin Viktorovich Romanov - director of the cultural and leisure association "Energetik"!


2Bed:- Tatyana Pavlovna Fillipova - head of the department for financial and economic activities.


1ved... - For awarding a certificate of honor of the head of the city of Nazarovo - the chairman of the city council of deputies of the city of Nazarovo and the presentation of the ArtStar prize, the following are invited to the stage:

2Bed: - Alexandra Vadimovna Redrova - director of the Buratino People's Theater!


1Bed: - Andrey Mikhailovich Sidilev is a driver!

2 Vedas: - Nina Viktorovna Dostovalova is the head of the production department!


2Bed:- We thank Sergei Alexandrovich for the kind words of congratulations. And the head of the administration of the city of Nazarovo, Evgeny Aleksandrovich Merezhnikov, is invited to the stage!)


(congratulations from Merezhnikov)

1Hed:- For the awarding of the certificate of honor of the head of the administration of the city of Nazarovo and the presentation of the ArtStar prize, we invite to the stage:

2Bed:- Zhanna Aleksandrovna Lebedeva - administrator and cashier.


1Hed:- Anatoly Nikolaevich Zhigarev - locksmith, plumber and carpenter.


2Bed:- Raisa Ivanovna Kuryatnikova - head of the economic department


1Hed:- Marina Anatolyevna Fadeeva - head of the theater studio "Zabiyaki"


2Bed:- Tatyana Alexandrovna Davydova - watchman - watchman of the club at the place of residence "Mir"


2Bed:- We thank Evgeny Aleksandrovich for his good wishes and continue our festive concert.

NUMBER 5: "Adamant" - "We are little children"

1Hed:- Ladies and Gentlemen! The moment of truth is coming!


2Bed:- We are starting the solemn ceremony of awarding the ArtStar - Stars in Art prize to the creative teams of the Energetik Palace of Culture!

1Wed: - For several years, the audience jury has tirelessly followed all our performances and achievements.

2Bed:- And today the best of the best will be determined, who will become the owners of the jubilee prize for their contribution to the development of culture and art "ArtStar"!

1Hed:- Each of the people represented in this or that nomination has been working for several years. And all of them, each in its own genre, are already stars! Let not be as bright and large as the Sun, but as significant and necessary as the Moon.

2Bed:- I completely agree with you. Each of the applicants for the award has already made a contribution to the cultural development of our city and will continue his work.

1Wed: - Dear guests!

2Bed:- Dear nominees!

1Hed:- The names of those who were awarded the main jubilee prize will be announced very soon!


2- To congratulate and announce the first hero of tonight in the "Forge of Talents" nomination, we invite Nikolai Nikolayevich Gurulev, head of culture and information policy of the city of Nazarovo, to the stage!

(Congratulations to Gurulev. Presentation of diplomas from the Ministry of Culture)

1Hed: The Honorary Diploma of the Ministry of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the ArtStar Prize are awarded to:

- Olga Yegorovna Fedichkina - Deputy Director for Core Activities.


2 Vedas- Olga Vasilievna Achkasova - head of the children's department


1 Vedas- Alena Valentinovna Romanova - head of the pop group "Adamant"


2Bed:- Valentina Kuzminichna Lvova - head of the separate structural subdivision of the Club at the place of residence "Mir".

1Hed:- Certificate of honor of the department of culture of the city of Nazarovo is awarded

2Wed: - Alexander Petrovich Medvedev - electrician of electrical networks.

1 lead We thank Nikolai Nikolaevich and with great pleasure we invite our colleagues at work, heads of cultural institutions of the city of Nazarovo, to the stage!

1ved. led. - Irina Anatolyevna Gololobova - director of the city Palace of Culture.

2Bed: Olga Viktorovna Tolstikhina - Acting Director of the Children's Art School.

1Hed: Tatyana Valentinovna Perepelko - Director of the Children's Art School.

2Bed: Lyudmila Mikhailovna Krylova, director of the Yubileiny cultural and leisure center.

1Wed: Marina Davydovna Herzog - director of the centralized library system.

2Bed: Tatiana Mikhailovna Melnikova - Director of the Museum and Exhibition Center.

(congratulations to the guests)


1 Vedas: We ask you to open the envelope and name the winner in the "Forge of Talents" nomination!


(The envelope is opened, the winner is named - the theater studio "Bully", on the screen is a video with the theater studio "Bully")

2 Vedas: We invite to the stage the head of the theater studio "Bully" who won in the nomination "Forge of Talents"

Marina Anatolyevna Fadeeva

(Award ceremony. Fanfare.)

1 Vedas: Congratulations from the folk collective, the creative studio "Soyuz"

NUMBER 6: Creative studio "Soyuz" Potpourri

(presenters' exit music)

1 Vedas: We will ask the next guests to announce the winners in the category "Favorite of the public!"

2 Vedas: To congratulate and present the ArtStar prize, we invite Vitaly Fedorovich Palkin, director of the NGRES branch of OAO Yenisei TGC (TGC-13), to the stage.

1 Vedas: Nikolay Anatolyevich Kuklin, Chairman of the NGRES Trade Union Committee

2 Vedas: Chairman of the Council of Veterans of NGRES Nadezhda Vasilievna Goloshchapova.

(congratulations to the guests)

2 Vedas: Please announce the winner in the "Public Favorite" nomination


(open the envelope, they call the NMVG "Energetik", on the screen a video with the NMVG "Energetik")

1 Vedas: We invite to the stage the head of the folk male vocal group "Energetik", Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation Nikolai Nikolaevich Gurulev.

(Award ceremony, fanfare)

7 NUMBER: NMVG "Energetik" Well

(Music on the way out of the presenters)

1 Vedas: We continue to present the ArtStar award.

I'd like to know who won in the nomination "Looking to the future"

2Bed: To congratulate and announce the winner in the nomination “Looking to the future, Nadezhda Dmitrievna Gavrilenko, head of the education department of Nazarovo, is invited to the stage

1Hed: Olga Ilyinichna Frizen - director of the power engineering technical school in Nazarovo

2Bed: Anatoly Semenovich Shcherbachev - director of school number 11

1Hed: Lyudmila Yurievna Shcherbacheva - director of school number 4

2Bed: Natalya Valerievna Kuklina - director of the eighth type of correctional school

(congratulations to the guests)

1Hed: Please open the envelope and name the winner in the nomination "Looking to the future"


(they open the envelope and call the pop group "Adamant". On the screen a video with the group "Adamant")

1Wed: I am very pleased to invite the head of the Adamant pop group and my charming presenter Alena Romanova for the award.

(Awarding of the prize. Fanfare).)

Today, before the start of the concert, I had a classic question “If the stars are lit, then someone needs it. This means that there is someone who cares, who needs new stars to light up on the cultural horizon! Alena Romanova is one of such people, and her stage is already full of shining stars - the pop group "Adamant"

NUMBER 8: Variety group "Adamant" Potpourri

(presenters' exit music)

1 Vedas: We are looking forward to the announcement of the next winner of the "ArtStar" award in the nomination "Golden Reserve of the House of Culture" Energetik "

2 Vedas: In order to find out, we invite Olga Viktorovna Simanova, the chief specialist of the general department of the social protection department of the administration of the city of Nazarovo, to the stage to congratulate and present the prize.

1 Vedas: Natalya Vladimirovna Danilchenko - Acting Director of the Center for Social Assistance to Families and Children.

(congratulations to the guests)

2 Vedas: Safronova Tamara Ivanovna Deputy Head of the Pension Fund Directorate in Nazarovo

(Congratulations to the guests)

2 Vedas: And so, in the nomination Gold Reserve, DC "Energetik" wins


(they open the envelope. They call it "Vocal group" Russian Song ", on the screen a video with the group" Russian Song ")

1 Ved. Georgy Mikhailovich Tikhonov, who for many years gave his whole soul to the team, today hands him over to the new leader, Vyacheslav Vasilievich Suchkov. We invite these two talented people to this stage.

(Award ceremony. Fanfare.)

NUMBER 9: Vocal group "Russian Song"

(presenters' exit music)

1 Vedas: The guests who will now take to this stage will not only congratulate us, but will also announce the winner in the nomination "From childhood"

2 Vedas: We invite

Elena Anatolyevna Ubiennykh - head of the kindergarten "Solnyshko"

1 Vedas: Natalya Petrovna Khrebtenko - Head of Doctor of Science "Topolek"

(congratulations to the guests)

2 Vedas: In the nomination "Originally from childhood" he won


(They open the envelope. They call the national puppet theater "Buratino", on the screen a video with the theater "Buratino")

2 Vedas: We invite Alexandra Vadimovna Redrova, head of the Buratino National Puppet Theater, to the stage.

(Award ceremony. Fanfare)

1 Vedas: Congratulations to the doctor with "Solnyshko" and the doctor. "Topolek"

10 NUMBER: D.S. "Sun", D.s. "Topolek"

1 Vedas: We continue to accept congratulations and the presentation of the "ArtStar." !

2 Vedas: The director of the Branch of the Nazarov Plant of Thermal Insulation Products and Structures Aul Alexander Viktorovich is invited to the stage

(congratulations to the guests)

1 Vedas: Attention! The winner in the nomination "Fidelity to the vocation" was


(they open the envelope, they call the dance group "Rhythms of Youth", on the screen a video with the group "Rhythms of Youth")

2 Vedas: We invite the permanent leader of the dance group "Rhythms of Youth" Valentina Kuzminichna Lvova

(Award ceremony. Fanfare)

11 ISSUE: "Rhythms of Youth" Quadrille

1 Vedas: We invite you to congratulate and announce the winner in the nomination "Keepers of Folk Traditions"

2 Vedas: Administrator of the cocktail bar "Robin Bobin", a former member of the amateur performances of the Palace of Culture "Energetik" Vladimir Viktorovich Grekov

(Congratulations to the guests)

1 Vedas: Please open the envelope and name the winner in the nomination "Keepers of Folk Traditions"


(open the envelope. They call the vocal group "Siberian gatherings")

1 Vedas: We invite to the stage the head of the vocal group "Siberian gatherings" Nikolai Nifontovich Ashikhin


2 ved... It is with great pleasure that we invite Tamara Aleksandrovna Cherednichenko to the stage, who for many years headed the Buratino National Puppet Theater, an honorary citizen of the city of Nazarovo, and a member of the Siberian gatherings vocal group. Tamara Alexandrovna devoted more than 30 years of her life to creative work in our palace. And today she continues to be an active participant in it.

(Congratulations to T.A. Cherednichenko)

(Award ceremony. FANFARA,)

NUMBER 12: "Siberian gatherings" We will sing +

(Music on the way out of the presenters)

1 Vedas: And one more nomination in which the team was awarded the ArtStar prize.

2 Vedas: Audience Award nomination. And in order to find out who received it, as well as to congratulate the collective of the Palace of Culture "Energetik", we invite our friends and sponsors to the stage. permanent partners - representatives of the group of companies "Piramida"

1Hed: Director of the Pyramida Media Holding Elena Tsarenko

(congratulations to the guests)

2Bed: In the category "People's Choice Award", the winner is


(open the envelope, call the vocal group "Comment", on the screen a video with the group "Comment")

1 Vedas: We welcome the head of the vocal group "Comment" Andrey Sidilev.

(award ceremony. FANFARA)

13 ROOM "Commentary" Ekaterina Akimova

(Music on the way out of the presenters)

2 Vedas: We have named all the winners in various categories.

1 Vedas: Your applause to people whose talent is beyond doubt.

2Bed: Friends! Get their autographs today!

1 Vedas: You may be late tomorrow!

2 Vedas: After all, the life of the stars is unpredictable!

1 Vedas: Who knows, maybe their names will go down in the history of world culture.

2 Vedas: I personally believe in it. They are not born stars, they become stars.


(Music on the way out of the presenters)

1 Vedas: The moment of truth has come!

2 Vedas: The main characters of the evening are on the stage!

1 Vedas: Applaud. Do not be shy!

2 Vedas: They will remember this moment for the rest of their lives!

1 Vedas: Thank you all for coming with us to celebrate this wonderful event!

2 ved We also thank all those who participated in the preparation and conduct of this concert, as well as those who, over the years, have helped us hold various events with dignity: These are:

Administration of Nazarovo

2ved. NGRES

1ved Creative studio "Scram"

2ved. Canteen # 1 In the person of Pavel Larionov

1ved. Information agency "West-24"

2 ved Siberian construction company

1 ved Shop "Ogni Chulym" represented by Alexey Perelomov

2 ved Media-holding "Pyramid"

1 lead Nazarovskaya GRES

2 ved Shop "Pchelka" represented by Milkina

1ved. LLC "Agatinskoe"

2 ved We say thank you very much and look forward to further cooperation.


1 Vedas: Happy anniversary to all those who work in this beautiful house

2 Vedas: The house where the holiday lives!

1 Vedas: We do not say goodbye to you. The doors of our Palace of Culture "Energetik" are always open for you!

2 Vedas: All the best!

(music sounds in the hall) (The curtain closes. The collectives are on the stage)

Concert program 09.11.12.

1. NUMBER: Adamant

2. NUMBER: Kirill Gurulev.

3. NUMBER: Adamant Babies

4. NUMBER: Georgy Tikhonov

5. NUMBER: group Adamant "We are little children"

6. ROOM: Creative Studio "Soyuz"

7. NUMBER: NMVG "Energetik"

8. NUMBER: gr. "Adamant" Poppuri

9. NUMBER: Russian Song vocal group

10. NUMBER: D. with "Sun"

NUMBER 11: Dance group "Rhythms of Youth"

ROOM: Vocal ensemble "Siberian gatherings"

13. NUMBER: gr. " A comment"

"Happy anniversary, kind people" Consolidated choir of the recreation center "Energetik"

Location: Green Grove

Time spending: 11.00h.

From 09.00h. In the morning, the broadcast of the holiday begins on sound-amplifying equipment and loudspeakers, where announcers invite everyone to relax in the bosom of nature, to have fun with live music.

From 10.00. the assembly of parking lots, courtyards and yurts of each village club and village House of Culture of the region begins.

From 11.00h. the official opening of the national holiday "With a song through life" begins. Speeches by officials.

At the end of the performance of the officials, the girls in national costumes present bread-salt-honey to the officials.

Welcome to the folk song festival!

We welcome everyone, we meet everyone.

According to Russian customs

I bow to you from the bottom of my heart.

With a kind word and with love,

And with bread and salt.

A Bashkir dance is performed by the choreographic ensemble "Mischievous Youth" (directed by R. Deinichenko)

Two presenters in Russian national costumes appear on the stage accompanied by a cheerful folk Russian song.

Lead 1:

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!

Lead 2:

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! We are glad to see us at our holiday! And we gathered here to listen to songs, sing, dance, and learn about the song!

Lead 1:

In the old days, they said: "Whoever lives with a song, that kruchina is numb."
"How one lives, so one sings"
"Where there are songs, there is youth"
"The song is the soul of the people."

Lead 2:

From time immemorial, the song has always been with a person in joy and sorrow. From
from birth to death.

A young girl comes out, wearing a wreath on her head and wearing a national costume.

Lead 2:

Where are you from Russian, music?
Either in an open field,
Either in the misty forest.
Whether in joy, in pain,
Or a bird's whistle?
Tell me where
Sadness in you and daring
How did you appear
From the very beginning,
In whose heart did you beat
Who did you sound in?

Girl / in Russian costume /:

Ducks flew by - dropped their pipes,
The geese flew by, or the harp,
Their spring spring

I found it, I was not surprised ...

Lead 1: Well, what about the song?

Young woman:She was born with a song in Russia .

A girl comes out with a doll in her arms. "Lullaby" sounds.

Lead 1:

The Russian song is open spaces,
On which we have to go all our life,
This is Father Don at Rostov's.
This is mother - the Volga is on the way.
The Russian song is a shepherd,
Dewy, joyful, early horn,
Just sit down for a minute, listen -
You will listen, buddy .

Lead 2:

Whatever a person does, he squeezes bread, mows hay, rafts wood, or pulls a barge with him - everywhere he is helped by the song. Our dear spectators and guests! On the stage of the festive program, the folk ensemble of Russian and Ukrainian songs "Kuderushki" with the folk song "Under a wide window".

Lead 1:

I am for a soulful song
Took the woods in a green whisper,
And near the Volga in the heat of half a day
Dark streams listened to the rumble.
Took from autumn - bad weather,

Spring has a fragrance
I took happiness from the people
And immeasurable suffering .

Lead 2:

They sang at handicrafts, sang about the hard part of women. The people felt sorry for the woman and in the songs they called her affectionately a swan, a duck, a pavushka, a mountain ash. We meet the folk ensemble of the Ukrainian song "Khutorok". (with needlework in hand)

Lead 1:

What kind of heart are you touching me?
A song of soulful old times?
Either a high soul lives in you,
Or a glimpse of unsteady silence?
Then you let the falcon over the cloud
Throwing up the bitter smoke
Then you go out as a widow, lonely,
Give flowers to the young.
All folk songs are about love. About love and native land, and therefore to the people who live on it, to relatives and dear ones. On the stage of the festive program, the Bashkir folk ensemble "Amanat".

Lead 2:

Then you take the round dances into the field,

Then you burn yourself in the dance!

You are forever in tune with the Russian share,

My spring song!

Remember: a coachman dies in the steppe, or a wounded soldier in an open field at the last minute - their thoughts are turned to their home, to father and mother. The Russian person sings about life, about his share in songs. Russian folk song "Oh on the viburnum hill". The folk ensemble "Kuderushki" is on the stage.

Lead 1:

The song appeared a long time ago. At that time, there was still no division proper, there was no story or song. Slowly, the singers solemnly told about the heroes and their exploits for the glory of the Russian land. And they called these songs-stories bylinas.

Lead 2:

And also buffoons wandered around the world - jacks of all trades: they both sing, and dance, and tell a fairy tale. People still remember their comic songs about how "a fly married a mosquito" and about how "a lady flea lived in a green forest." That is what those songs are called - moss.

Lead 1:

Well, in those rare days, funny dance songs sounded on holidays, but with an accordion, and with choruses! We meet the Tatar folk ensemble "Angeler".
(Dance, ditties.)

Lead 2:

How it tightens, how it floods
Our Orthodox people,
After all, where does that come from,
Straight to the heart and clings!
Will sing about the pace of the night
Or about white snow.
About a merchant's daughter,
About silk meadows.
Will sing about the blue sea
Or about mother river
About sorrow and grief, About heart melancholy.

Lead 1:

And now we will sing, but not about longing, but about something funny. Russian folk song "Kurochka". On the stage there is a festive program of the folk ensemble of the Russian song "Sudarushka".

Lead 2:

In Russia, they have always loved to sing in chorus, together. It turned out great in the round dances, which were led by girls and boys. Not a single holiday, not a single gathering was complete without round dances. We knew a lot of round dance songs and we will now hear one of them performed by the folk ensemble "Kuderushki". And we ask all guests and spectators to join our wonderful round dance !!!

(A round dance song sounds)

Lead 1:

In addition to round dance songs, there were also round dances, games, in which they sang and played.

(Round dance game.)

Lead 2:

One of the songs contains the words "What a song without an accordion." What else? What song is without ...?

/ accordions, balalaikas /.

Lead 1:

Something you haven't heard for a long time,
Three flooded strings.
They say out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity.
Well, maple, bring it on,
Wings to all ends
Balalaika, balalaika,
Golden bells.
You are not shy even now,
You are the only one for the whole country
You know how
Touch the Russian string.
With a daring folk heart
You became close forever
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!

Lead 2:

The Russian song is not naked,
Not a brawl, not a hysterical sadness.
This is a quiet resolution
Sit next to and look into the eyes.
She embraces everything with her heart,
She is both 20 and 1000 years old.
Russian song, Russian land
I love so much that there are no more words !

Lead 1:

The song was a part of a person's spiritual life, a support in his hard work and worries. The song still makes us rejoice and grieve, love and be disappointed, live and die. The song unites us, singing the song - blood relatives, close in soul. Only with the song do you understand that we are children of the same Motherland, that we have
one common house - Russia.

Lead 2:

Russia is powerful in song,
Wide and deep
And free and rattlesnake,
And free, and a call.
Ay yes songs, what songs
Our people are singing!
Gold, daring,
Russian songs, live -
Well done!
"Song of Russia" - performed by the folk ensemble "Kuderushki".

Lead 1::

And now the guests and your turn,
Who will sing ditties here?
(Competition "Chastushki Veselushki")

Lead 2:

We continue our merry holiday together.
Our competition "Are you weak?"
Together we announce!

Competition "Are you weak?" for men.
1 who will crack the board with his fist
2. Who will drink milk from a bottle, etc.
At the end, the men swear "It's easy after the holiday, we will only drink milk."

Lead 1:

Well done, our peasants, I did my best! And now we step on, we choose dancers!

Lead 2:

We invite all dancers!

Lead 1:

Hey accordions, play it

Lead 2:

Choose the best dancers of our holiday!

There is a competition of dancers to Tatar music.

Lead 1:

And now for everyone for you

There will be a Russian dance.

Who will dance more fun?

Come here soon.

The presenters read in turn:

The square dance is an old dance

Loved in Russia.

Through the centuries, centuries

We are dancing now.

Our grandfathers knew how

Rest your soul:

And work in the field

And it's fun to walk.

Play, merry accordion,

And sing balalaika

Take a walk, my dear,

I follow you.

"What a nice couple!" -

All the people are amazed.

"Here is a brave daring

Leads his beauty! "

With a smooth gait

Mannered and easy

The girl is dancing with the guy

Opponents in spite ...

Years and centuries have passed.

Not the same people

But he is the memory of the ancestors

Protects with love.

And here is the old dance

Known in Russia,

Through the centuries, centuries

Now we dance ...

Dance "Quadrille". Performed by the choreographic ensemble "Mischievous Youth". We invite everyone to dance in the meadow.

Lead 2:

For the people, the song is inseparable from life, as the soul is from the body.

Russian song in birches,

Russian song in bread -

In the mowing, in the frost,

Sleigh rides and meadows.

Rowan trees rustle in the wind.

Everyone is ready to listen to them!

How many songs does Russia have -

So many flowers in the field.

I don't know who folded it.

Only that song is good.

The song from childhood is dear to me

Both a friend and a sister!

And her words are simple

The soul is touched to tears.

How many songs does Russia have -

There are so many birches in the groves.

Russian songs are

What a desire to sing along

How many songs does Russia have -

Lead 1:

Low bow to you, good people!

Happiness, health and long years ...

Who will condemn us for the songs?

Since there are no songs, there is no life.

Over the head of the clear sky

We would like to wish you

Glory, feast, full bread,

Live with songs and not lose heart.

Lead 2:

A Russian proverb says: "Business is time, fun is an hour!"

Now the moment of farewell has come.

Our speech will be short,

We say to you: “Goodbye!

Until a happy new meeting! "

The main action on the stage is over. Next comes the concert program of solo vocalists. The jury evaluates parking lots, courtyards. The results are being summed up. End of the holiday.

Preparation plan for the national holiday

"With a song through life"


Job title



Installation of sound amplifying equipment


Safin I.M.

Preparing the script for the holiday


Ganiev N.R.

Khomyakova M.A.

Preparation of the script for theatrical performance


Arslanova A.T.

Rehearsal of the musical block and theatrical performance


Lomanets V.A.

Khomyakova M.A.

Ganiev N.R.

Lynnik I.P.

Arslanova A.T.

Deinichenko R.Kh.

Installation / dismantling of stage structures


Osmanov M.A.

Preparation, sewing and repair of suits


Karpova N.F.

Transportation of participants in amateur performances


Sharafutdinov R.Z.

Artistic director - S. Tupitso

Scenario of the reporting concert of children's creative groups "Folk traditions"

The date of the:
Time spending:

"April 27 at 17.00
Young artists of the folklore ensemble "Multicolor" and the theater of national dance invite everyone to an unusual concert-journey "Folk traditions"

In 20 min. national melodies sound in the hall
At the entrance to the hall, spectators receive a concert program
In 20 min. on the screen - 2 names of collectives-organizers of the concert
For 5 min background on disconnecting mobile phones and rules of conduct at a concert
- preservation of the national musical heritage
- Education of citizenship, love for the Motherland, reverence and respect for folk traditions and customs
- the formation of a culture of interpersonal and ethnic relations: tolerance to a different way of life and style of thinking.

At 17.00 the call signs of the concert - "Let there always be childhood"
A voice from behind the curtains: The further into the future we enter,
The more we value the past
And we find beauty in the old,
Though we belong to the new.

Holiday progress

Vedas: Good afternoon, dear viewers. We are glad to see you at the reporting of two wonderful creative teams of the Raduzhny Center. Today, pupils of the folklore ensemble "Raznotsvetie" and pupils of the theater of national dance will delight us with their successes and skills. So, a wonderful world of creativity, grace, skill and imagination, the world of graceful, light dance and a ringing, soulful folk song, opens its doors for us.
1. (Multicolor "Spring Calls")
Ved: Today we have a holiday, and not just a simple one, but a traditional one in a row, and we called this concert "Folk Traditions." We invite you not only to see, but also to hear about the traditions of different peoples living on the territory of Russia and abroad. The best way to learn something new is through travel. And where we go first, the globe will tell us, let's spin it up and it will take us ....
(the screen says: Republic of Armenia, state flag, capital - Yerevan and state borders)
Ved: The Republic of Armenia today is a small and very mountainous region, inhabited by only three million people. Previously, Armenia occupied a vast territory, including the mountains that today belong to Georgia and Azerbaijan, eastern Anatolia in Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria. This is a huge plateau - the place where Mount Ararat, the symbol of the Armenian nation, lies, the mountain is visible from the capital of Armenia, Yerevan, but is located on the territory of Turkey.
Based on artistic traditions, the dances of the Armenian people are a lesson for everyone who dances and learns from them.
2. ("Mountain Flowers" Armenian ts)
Ved: We are spinning the globe.
(Russian landscapes on the screen)
Ved: There is no homeland sweeter in the world, where the sky is more azure than others,
The sun is brighter, the stars are brighter than all, where groves and forests are gratifying.
The height is high, the depth of water is deep,
Wide expanse of Russian land,
Great is the heroic silushka, the maiden's eyes are black,
The old songs are sincere, the daring folk dances.
3. ("Multicolor")

Veda: Please tell me what you can travel on (the hall names). And I can imagine: blue sky, turquoise sea and on its surface a snow-white liner, we are all on it and our crew invites us to the company cabin, they have a tradition to give holidaymakers a good sea mood.
4. Premiere of the number "Yablochko" sailor dance
Ved: Folk traditions are the shrines of the nation, which you and I are obliged to protect. Russia has long become a national home for different peoples living in it. All of us gathered here are a part of this house. And the Russian house has always been famous for its hospitality, benevolence and cordiality.
Veda: Let us tell you briefly about the tradition of tea drinking in Russia. For a Russian person, a samovar is not just a device for heating water. Samovar is a symbol of family hearth, comfort, friendship. It was not for nothing that the people said - the stove is mother, the samovar is father.
Veda: Yes, Mother Russia is rich in its traditions. And Russia is also rich in its songs, dances, round dances and dances.
I love you, meek homeland!
And for what - I can not guess
Your joy is short
With a loud song in the spring in the meadow.
I love you, my Russia, for the clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the holy deeds, for the sonorous voice, like a stream ...
5. Folk lyric song
Ved: From our native side, we set off along with the folklore ensemble Raznotsvetye.
Veda: The concepts of "tradition" and "custom" were created by the creative genius of the people. Each nation has its own historically established traditions and customs. They are accustomed to, they are revered and preserved, passed down from generation to generation.
Ved: The Russian people have always been famous for their ability to have fun, lead round dances, and sing soulful songs. And let this tradition live for a long time in us - Russians.
This life is not enough to know Russia
The secret of our soul is the Russian share.
This is our monastery, this is the Russian mother
This is the Volga - a river, this is a Russian field.
Ved: As if a living rainbow in bright colors came to life,
The fiery, whirlwind dance of the Russian began.
6. "Russian perky"
Ved: The hospitality of Armenians is known all over the world. For any occasion of joy and happiness, it is customary to set the table. According to Armenians, the more often a person sets the table, the more he will return.
In the Armenian language there is a word "TASIB" (honor, generosity), it plays a big role in Armenian traditions. The more "tasiba" (stress on the last A) a person has, the larger his heart.
7. Armenian dance "Mountain flowers"
Veda: It has long been noticed that people who feel their national identity and cultural unity, with special reverence, build their lives in accordance with the customs of their ancestors. Armenia has managed to preserve the true spiritual wealth - religion, culture and national centuries-old traditions, which they strictly observe, both in joy and in sorrow. To this day, such traditions as the strength of marriage, reverence for elders, the strength and breadth of family ties, the custom of family and neighborly mutual assistance, hospitality are steadily preserved. Armenian music can never be confused with any other. She has a special melody and rich sound.
8. Armenian dance
Ved: In these songs, the enchanting ringing
And the motives of the past.
I've been in love with these songs since childhood
That is why they are dear and sweet.
Sing songs near and far
Collects the song of all the singers in Moscow.
The song invites you to a friendly round dance.
Whoever hears the song will sing with us.
They will sing and dance for us, they will show different songs
Subject, folk, play, round dance,
See, admire, clap louder try
9. Folklore ensemble
Veda: Turn around, accordion, wider,
Part way, round dance,
A full-fledged mistress -
The Russian song is coming.
In a wide expanse, under the clear sun-bell, red girls gather, good fellows, they are going to have fun and have fun.
Interestingly, people in the old days used to say, so much so that everyone remembers, jokes, jokes, sayings and proverbs. An old proverb is not said for nothing. And how many sayings! There is a saying for every Yegorka. Well, who among you proverbs and sayings is a master? ......... Yes, a proverb is a flower, a proverb is a berry.
Ved: And the globe started spinning again. We are greeted by a quiet and cozy Slovakia. The capital of the Slovak Republic is Bratislava. This is a very beautiful country with high mountains, rainbow waterfalls, clean air, healing springs and unique Slovak folklore. The people of Slovakia are distinguished by their cheerful disposition and good nature. Therefore, it is not surprising that all celebrations are traditionally accompanied by cheerful songs and national dances.
10. Slovak polka - performed by pupils of the senior group of the National Dance Theater
Vedas: The male and female dances of Armenia differ markedly from each other. Where a man is assertive, jumps and deftly builds a fortress, a woman creates with her hands, smoothly and gracefully drawing the lines of the dance. The image of a dancing Armenian woman delights with modesty, depth and sophistication.
11. - Armenian dance "Uzundara"
12. - Jewish dance - performed by the senior group of the national dance theater
Veda: The most traditional dance of Jewish cultural heritage is "Seven Forty". Almost everyone, young and old, knows this melody, and when it is heard, it is difficult to sit still - the legs themselves break into a dance, the arms fold at the elbows, the lips smile on their own.
The unusual beauty of Jewish dance is intertwined with centuries of tradition. In ancient times, Jewish dances were usually performed by women and combined with singing. Judging by the descriptions in the Bible, such a dance was started by the soloist, accompanying him with singing, then the song was picked up by a choir of women who simultaneously danced and accompanied themselves on musical instruments.
Veda: Thailand is a very popular holiday destination. It is always useful to know about the culture and traditions of the country you are going to visit. You often come across a Thai custom. This is WAY. You fold your palms together at chest level and bow your head. Wai is used as a sign of greeting and respect.
Thailand - its culture is a mixture of the cultures of China, Laos, Kombogia and Japan, so many different sources can be seen in the dance. From the sophisticated halls of the royal palace to the dusty village squares, the tradition of Thai dance has developed and gives pleasure.
13. - Thai dance with candles - premiere of the number.
Ved: Armenian dance is the character of the people, diverse, colorful, created under the sun of hospitable Armenia.
Armenian dance often accompanied everyday life: to this day, dances invented in the process of felting wool, pressing grapes, kneading dough are performed. Labor dances, shepherd dances, are distinguished by lightness, temperament and dignity.
14. Armenian dance "Shepherds"
Veda: Greek culture has more than one thousand years and is deservedly considered one of the most distinctive and ancient in the world. Greece is the country that gave the world the Olympic Games and philosophy, classical architecture.
There is hardly a person who has not seen how the "sirtaki" dance is performed in national Greek costumes. Hands should be placed on the shoulders of the neighbor to the right and left and to the beat of the melody sway to one side, to the other.
(background. "Sirtaki")
Veda: Greek national dance - conveys the whole depth of the folk soul. ... Behind his poetic picture you can see the whole of Greece, the beauty of its nature, the charm of countless islands, the light blue sky, the emerald sea - the Greeks share all this through dance! "
15. - Greek dance - performed by pupils of the senior group of the national dance theater
Vedas: It is very important to bring up a child in accordance with folk traditions, rituals and holidays in your own country and far from it. Our saved past is our future. Folk traditions are the sources of wisdom and morality, we will cherish them and let the whole world be for us one country that we love.
16. "My favorite toy, dance picture
Ved: Today you were told about folk traditions - pupils of the folklore ensemble "Raznotsvetie" and pupils of the theater of national dance, we invite them to the stage
(background. "It's fun to walk together")
Ved: Dear friends, where do you think a creative team starts? Right. From a creative, restless, talented leader and his assistants. To loud applause from the audience, the following are invited to the stage:
Vedas: Concertmasters:
Veda: Vocal teacher:
Veda: Artistic Director of the Folklore Ensemble "Raznotsvetie"
Veda: Artistic Director of the National Dance Theater
Veda: A word to teachers, rewarding children, flowers to teachers.
Ved: A representative of the administration of the Center for Youth Development and Youth "Raduzhny" is invited to the stage
Veda: To live beautifully is not an empty sound. Only someone who multiplied beauty in the world,
With diligence, work and kindness, truly, it is crowned with beauty.
Thank you all for your attention. Our concert is over. Until next time.

Oksana Soboleva
The script of the reporting concert of the creative associations of the House of Creativity "Rainbow of the Planet of Childhood"

« Childhood Planet Rainbow»

Event progress

Voice: Attention! Attention! On this wonderful stage a fun show begins for all children and not only! After all, we celebrate the Holiday Childhood... In today's concert only Children take part! Let's welcome them with thunderous applause!

(The song is playing "Holiday Childhood» )

(On the presenters come out on stage) .

Lead 1: Good afternoon, dear children and dear adults! Today on this stage you will see a variety of colors, genres, songs, music, poetry, beautiful costumes, in general - a real rainbow! And for this we don't even need rain!

Lead 2: Do you know, dear viewers, what colors make up rainbow? (Green, Orange, Blue) How many are there? Just three? No, seven! Meet these colors! (Music. On concert participants go out on the stage with balloons by color rainbows, the details of the clothes match the color of the ball they carry).

Lead 1: How to arrange the colors correctly rainbows?

Lead 2: There is one trick! By the first letters in phrase: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.".

Lead 1: So the first is red, then orange ...

(Aligns participants according to the colors of the spectrum).

Lead 2: There she is, Rainbow! Let's present it to the audience!

(Soundtrack sounds "The sound of the wind"... On the stage lights go out, screams and vanity. The light comes on and on stage only leading ones remain).

Lead 1:(Puzzled): Where are our artists, where is our Rainbow?

Lead 2: Here again, this cold winter wind, you still can't calm down. It's already May in the yard, but he - no, no, and it will come again. Here is our The rainbow scattered... So look and freeze here! (rubs his hands).

Lead 1: Yes ... Nothing, now we will fix everything! And the audience will help us in this with their warm smiles and warm applause. Truth? (addresses the audience)... Let's all smile at each other and loudly applaud the participants of today's concert... And on this the scene will reappear the rainbow of children's art.

Lead 1: Thank you dear friends! Today we take a trip all over rainbow... And during this journey, we will see and hear wonderful performers and wonderful dancers. First color rainbow - red.

Lead 2: Why do we love red? Word "Red" in ancient times meant "beautiful"... Aleksandra Konchenko performs a beautiful number for you. Song "Russia - you are my star".

Lead 1: Another beautiful number for you. On the stage of the fashion theater of the House of Children's Art- the winner of the X regional competition of fashion studios and theaters "Harmony" with collection "Pattern".

Lead 2: And now, if you really applaud, under the thunder of your applause, we will give the floor to congratulate the director Children's creativity houses

Lead 1: How do you like the red color of our rainbows? Fine. Let's go to the second color. Which?. Orange!

Lead 2: What orange do you like? (After answers)... The most orange is the orange! Get an orange who posted. And we are traveling on the orange path rainbows!

Lead 1: For you on stage Grishchenko Albina with an almost orange song "Tiger".

Lead 1: To loud applause, we invite you to this the scene Pogribatko Anastasia with a song "Mama".

Lead 2: On stage choreographic collective "Tender age" with dance "Ah, mommy".

Lead 1: To all the participants of the orange episode - many thanks, we give them all a vitamin.

Lead 1: For active participation, we give lemonade to everyone who remembered the yellow color!

Lead 2: For some reason, spring has a lot of yellowness.

Very yellow flowers bloom on a hummock.

The sun shines very brightly over me with yellowness.

At night, a very yellow moon is visible through the window.

Very yellow chickens, very yellow ducklings

Very yellow front garden.

Maybe this is a yellow holiday?

Lead 1: And now the real sun will shine on the stage, because the girls from the choreographic collective are performing "Tender age" with dance "Stompotukhi".

Lead 2: Let's welcome the next member of our concert Grishchenko Albina with a song "Our school".

Lead 1: So the solemn moment of our holiday has come - the awarding of the best circle members of the year. The word for the award is given to the director Children's creativity houses Valuisky district Leonova Marina Vadimovna.

(Rewarding in progress).

Lead 2: To find rainbow desires we have already gone through three colors rainbows... The next color is black! No? Ah, green! Indeed, green!

Lead 1: Friends, where did you see the green color? Oh, how much green! Probably a very important color. Bananas from the green taiga ... Bananas not from the taiga? What do bananas grow on? ... On the palm trees? On the red palms! Are the palms green too? Then it's okay. This green kingdom also has its own artists.

Lead 2: Green forest is noisy, worried,

Spring in a green dress.

Admires a snowdrop flower

A hundred-year-old, mossy pine.

Green, bright paint

Spicy May sparkles.

Our planet is affectionately

Warm the sun!

Lead 1: On stage ensemble"Sun" with a green song "Spring drops".

Lead 2: On stage choreographic collective "Tender age" with dance "Light brown braid".

Lead 1: What color rainbows are we going to travel now?

(On blue)... Where do you see blue? The best answer is blue sky!

Lead 2: In which of the many colors

Is the whole sky above you painted?

When there are no clouds on it,

The whole sky is blue-blue!

Lead 1: Now let's watch the water.

In your glass, the water is colorless

But in the river it will turn blue

After all, there is a myriad of it!

Lead 2: When you go for a walk in the forest in the summer,

Then hold your gaze for two minutes

Try to find a humble flower

That blue is called forget-me-not

This color calms us down.

Lead 1: There is also blue eye color.

Lead 2: On stage Chertkova Margarita with a song "Flap Your Wings Rus".

Lead 1: On stage choreographic collective "Tender age" with dance "Cats".

Lead 2: Friends, and we are traveling rainbow and go to the blue path.

Lead 1: What, is it in my hand? (Candies)... Do you like candy?

Lead 2: Of course, what child doesn't love them!

Lead 1: Do you like chocolate? What about blue chocolates? Yes, I'm talking about blue candy wrapped chocolates. Here they are!

Lead 2: Whoever remembers where the color blue is - gets a blue chocolate candy! Well done!

Lead 1: As if in a fairy tale, by the blue river

Blue eyes grow - cornflower flowers,

And the blue sea there the wind ripples,

And a blue whale fountains into the sea.

Lead 2: On stage Chertkova Margarita with a song "Anthem of Music"

Lead 1: And we invite you to the scene choreographic collective "Tender age" with dance "Freedom".

Lead 2: Great, we travel around rainbow! We've been to the river! They drove them to the sea! Where else? What color is left? Gray.? …Brown? No? Let's think about it. Every hunter wants to know where he sits ... This means blue.

Lead 1: But the blue was already there! Then purple remains! We are the presenters and you, dear viewers, will present this color for our Childhood Planet Rainbows.

Lead 2: And what is needed in order to appear Rainbow? To rain, of course.

Lead 1: But how can he go, we are under the roof?

Lead 2: It will rain of applause. Will you help us friends? (addresses the audience).

Lead 1: Then let's get started. I do, and you repeat! Our sky is clear and clear. Suddenly a cloud appeared from somewhere and the first drop of rain fell (1 clap, everyone repeats it after the presenter)... Then two drops fell (2 claps, everyone repeats them, then three drops fell (3 claps with a repeat, four drops fell (claps - repetitions)... And the downpour fell - strong, strong (everyone claps together)... And now the rain began to subside. Four drops fell, three drops, two drops. Do you hear the last drop fell? The rain is over! The sun came out and shone Rainbow!

(No announcement song « Rainbow desires» )

Lead 2: A bridge has grown over the river, over the city

It got up rainbow above the stars

Seven lanes glow in the mirror of the river

Let's run along rainbow race.

Lead 1: The sun will smile in a red mustache,

Each will get a drop of dew.

We are a horseshoe we will disperse the rainbow.

And in a pigtail braid the rainbow.

Lead 2: Will not melt rainbow for good.

We will share rainbow everyone, everyone, everyone.

Lead 1: Look how beautiful the rainbow of our creativity turned out - bright, amazing! Nature miracle!

Lead 2: I have a proposal, let's reward this miracle with thunderous applause! Do you agree?

Lead 1: This is our the concert ends... Our Rainbow sparkles with cheerful colors. We thank the viewers for their support, all those who prepared this holiday for their active participation!

Lead 2: We say goodbye to you! Goodbye! Until we meet again with everyone who loves a boring life!