The relevance of the topic draft editing of the music magazine. Coursework peculiar development of the music magazine

The relevance of the topic draft editing of the music magazine. Coursework peculiar development of the music magazine
The relevance of the topic draft editing of the music magazine. Coursework peculiar development of the music magazine

This project is devoted to the creation of a children's journal. The project involves the organization of publishing in class. Represented project work plan and the final result of the work of children - presentation Children's magazine. During the implementation of the project task, students acquire the skills of project, organizational activities. The presentation contains creative works of the guys of grade 2.

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"Training project Creating a children's journal"

MBOU Ozernoyskaya School №1

Training project

Creating a children's journal

(from experience)

Prepared primary school teacher

Vlasenkova Tatyana Mikhailovna

p. Lyzaria

Creating a children's journal

  1. Project topic:

Creating a children's magazine "Experts of Literature"

  1. Subject, class:

Literary reading 2 class

  1. Brief abstract project:

This project is devoted to the creation of a children's journal. The project involves the organization of publishing in class. During the implementation of the project task, students acquire the skills of project, organizational activities. Develop the skills of self-search for the required material using information technology. Develop communicative, analytical abilities. Not only acquainted with the main material of educational topics, but also receive additional knowledge of literary reading, computer science. Learn to find and use in practice interdisciplinary ties. The project is personal-oriented, since it involves the possibility of participating in it of a different contingent of students with various interests and abilities.

The relevance of the Project Problem: the culture of reading periodic publications in families is lost. Younger student is interested in everything that happens around. Children's magazines help develop and teach the child at ease and entertaining, in a game form. The project will allow children closer to get acquainted with various children's magazines. And the diverse theme will allow everyone to choose reading interest.
Problem Situation: Insufficient Knowledge of Children on Children's Periodicals.

In the process of implementing the project, participants will solve the problem: how to create their own not only colorful, but also an interesting children's magazine.

  1. Planned learning outcomes:
    1. personal:

    awareness of the significance of reading for its further development and successful learning;

    the formation of the need for systematic reading as a means of knowing the world and himself;

    perception of a literary work as a special type of art;

    emotional responsiveness for read.

    1. metaPered:

    mastering the selection of the necessary information;

    development of rules and ways to interact with the outside world;

    formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules and norms of the behavior adopted in society;

    in practical level, the awareness of the importance of working in the group and the development of the rules of group work.

    1. subject:

    the formation of the required level of reader competence;

    the ability to independently choose the literature;

    1. specific expected result:

    students will be able to navigate in a variety of children's periodicals;

    will get acquainted with the professions participating in the creation of the magazine;

    will be able to navigate in the headings of children's magazines;

    will receive an idea of \u200b\u200bthe value of children's periodicals for the development of the horizons, logic, mind and creative abilities;

    will be able to show their creative abilities and cognitive interests in the process of creating a project of their own magazine.

  1. Questions that guide the project:
    1. Fundamental question:

How creativity affects the development of the personality

    1. problem issues:

    what are the verses, genres;

    what methods can be developed creative abilities;

    what new technologies can be used to form creative activities of students;

    how to create a magazine;

    how to attract students to the creation of the magazine;

    what role the cover and illustrations play in the creation of the magazine;

    do you feel any specific result of the project for yourself? What did the project give you?

    1. educational questions:

    What professions are people working on the creation of children's magazines?

    What is the work of the editor, artist and author of the journal?

    How do magazine employees work with readers?

    What is an illustration?

    What information should contain a children's magazine

    What types of logs are

    History of children's magazines

  1. Technical equipment:

    A computer;

  • Internet access;

    Digital camera.

  1. Project Plan:
    1. preparatory stage:

Lesson number 1. Literary reading on the topic "Children's magazines. Who creates magazines?"

Work on the project began with the fact that I warned the children that next week we would pass the lesson of extracurricular reading, which they must bring their favorite children's magazines. A survey was conducted, which showed that the guys know very little about periodic printing. Most children prefer publications in which comics, puzzles, coloring ...

The lesson began with a visit to the school library, where it was organized
exhibition of magazines.

Read the name of the books at the exhibition.

- "Murzilka", "Young Naturalist", "Prostokvashino", etc.

Why are the names of books repeat?

This is the name of the magazine, not the story or fairy tales.

What is the magazine?

A book that comes out periodically.

What are printed in such books?

They print stories, fairy tales, games, contests, various tasks, information about animals, plants, etc.

Let's read in the S.I. Yogegov dictionary, what is the magazine.

"The magazine is a periodic publication in the form of a book containing articles and artworks of different authors."

- What will we consider and read today at the lesson?

Children view magazines.

Reference material for teacher.
The first magazine came out in France 340 years ago. He contained a review of books on literature, natural sciences, art. In Russia, magazines appeared for 100 years later. And the first children's magazine came out in the 18th century. He was called "Children's reading for the heart and mind." His publisher was Nikolai Nikolayevich Novikov, Writer, Scientist and Public Worker.

    1. search plot

Lesson number 2. Work in groups.

Choose a magazine whose themes you are interested.

The class is divided into groups of interests:

    Nature lovers ("Toshka", "Cat and Dog", "Young Naturalist")

    Travel lovers ("Sinbad", "Geouls")

    Amateurs entertainment magazines: ("Star Wars: Clone Wars", "Tom and Jerry")

    Lovers of cognitive magazines ("Snagger", "Sign", "Why and why").

    Lovers of magazines, in which, in addition to cognitive articles, you can find literary pages ("Murzilka", "Kolobok", "Prostokvashino").

Each group is preparing a story about magazines according to plan:

    Journal name.

    Who created a magazine?

    What article, story or note especially liked?

Children talk about magazines.

As a result of a collective discussion, the discovery concludes that they more wanted to read magazines, in which, in addition to cognitive material, you can read literary pages.

There was a desire to create your own magazine. There were problematic questions:

    Can we create a magazine yourself?

    What do we need to know to be able to create a magazine?

    What information will we fill our magazine?

    How do we call your magazine?

    Cover sketch

As a result of the discussion, decided to call

the magazine "Experts of Literature".

It will consist of the following columns:

    poetic page;

    literary page;

    laughter's page;

    in the world of riddles;

    initial page.

Homework: compose stories, poems, riddles, make rebuses, crosswords, pick up the cover sketches.

In the classroom 5 folders were created, which for the week students folded the material on their heading.

    1. practical stage:

Lesson number 3. Practical stage of work The project began with a solution to the problem:

    What professions work, creating children's magazines?

    What is the work of the editor, artist and author of the journal? (Application)

The practical work on the magazine layout began. An individual sketch of the cover was created; The location and content of the columns using the collected collectively material are stipulated.

The material was transferred to the editor, the corrector and artists - designers who worked on the creation of the magazine in electronic form. After it was decided to refer to parents to help publish a magazine.

    1. presentation Stage:

    Presentation of the magazine during the literary week. Self-esteem, mutualization.

    Conference for parents


    Beloborodov N.V. Social creative projects in school. M.: Arcta, 2006.

    Zemlyanskaya E.N. Training projects of younger schoolchildren. // Primary School. - 2005. - №9.

    Ivanova N.V. Features and specificity of the application of the project method in elementary school. // Primary School. - 2004. - №2.

    Yandex, catalog of children's magazines.

    Yatsenko I.F. Universal Purchase Developments for Extracurricular Reading: Grade 2.- M.: Vako, 2011. (01.12 13g.)

2 Project Topic: 2

3 subject class: 2

4 Brief Abstract Project: 2

5 Planned learning outcomes: 3

5.1 Personal: 3

5.3 Subsection: 4

5.4 Specific expected result: 4

6 Questions Guiding Project: 4

6.1 Fundamental Question: 4

6.2 Problem issues: 4

6.3 Curriculums: 5

7 Technical Equipment: 5

8 Project Plan: 5

8.1 Preparatory Stage: 5

8.2 Search step 7

8.3 Practical Stage: 9

8.4 Presentation Stage: 10

References: 10

Vlasenkova T.M.

"Personal action plan"

Personal action plan for the preparation and implementation of the project

Primary school teachers MBOU Ozornenskaya

School No. 1 of the Okrug District of Vlasenkova Tatiana Mikhailovna

Lozhny 2014

  • Using the approaches of the XX I century, improve the methods and techniques of work of their professional activities
  • Create conditions for awareness of the significance of reading for further development and successful learning
  • Promote the development of creative skills and cognitive interests, project and organizational skills

  • formation of the required level of reader competence
  • ability to independently choose the literature
  • aware of yourself as a competent reader capable of creative activity

  • analytical
  • conversation
  • story
  • independent work
  • individual and group work
  • reading literature on this topic



  • Weak technical equipment
  • Different level of student development
  • Increased infancy of students
  • School administrative assistance
  • Help parents
  • Accounting for individual features

  • computer technology
  • experience colleagues
  • literary sources
  • internet resources


Dates of carrying

1. Work with sources

2. Preparation of the abstract lessons

3. Creating multimedia accompaniment

4. Project work

02.12. - 13.12. 2013

5. Presentation of the project, self-analysis

View the contents of the presentation
"Journal of literature experts Presentation"

Training project Creating a children's journal

Performed teacher of primary classes Vlasenkova TM, 2 "A" class

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Connoisseurs of literature

Creativity of children. Literary week. 2nd class

Publisher Lyzharny "Literature" 2013

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

  • Zarel, flew away ... Vitkovsky Matvey
  • First snow . 2-a.
  • White blizzards ...
  • Winter has come. Antipkin Dasha
  • First snow. Vitkovsky Matvey.
  • Bicycle . Semchenkova Alina
  • Antique lamp. Khodyuk Maxim
  • My sister has. Vlasova Diana
  • Winter sleep. Ksenia Silava, Faith
  • In the world of mysteries . Korneenkov Vlad, Antipkin Dasha
  • In the world of mysteries . Korneenkov Vlad, Antipkin Dasha, Baranova Lena
  • Count. Drozdova Nastya, Kuzmenkova Lisa
  • Rebuses. Baranova Lena.
  • Rebuses.
  • Rebuses
  • Crosswords. Sorrow Vera
  • Crosswords. Varofod Alena

Poetic page

Zarel, flew a white blizzard,

She got a shawl of a warm spruce.

Vitkovsky Matvey.

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Poetic page

The first snow lies on the field,

On the porch and on the fence ...

Miracle fairy tale - Look !!!

Do not say anything!

2nd class

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Poetic page

White blizzards

Under my window

Songs Posil

Winter evening.

Nastya D., Lisa K.

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Literary page

Winter has come

Finally, we all waited for white fluffy snow. How cool walk at this time in our wonderful yard!

Our mammies tied warm mittens. And sledges with skis for a long time at the ready. I want to ride a huge slide faster in the same courtyard.

You are charm, winter! I love you.

Antipkin Dasha

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Literary page

First snow

Here is the first snow in the year!

White blizzard poured huge drifts. Children play in snowballs, sowing a snowman, build a snow fortress.

The guys are fun skating, skiing, from a slide on sledding.

Winter is a wonderful time of the year.!

Vitkovsky Matvey.

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Literary page


I have many different toys, but most of all I love my bike.

My black bike. He has big wheels and a strong frame on her bike with dad I drive to the forest, fishing.

I really like to ride it in the yard of our house.

Semchenkova Alina

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Page laughter

Vintage lamp

Found once a stalk antique lamp. She turned out to be magical, since only the boy opened it, as Jeans came out from there. Ginn promised to fulfill three desires. At the joy, Kolya asked the pipe (phone), a wheelbarrow (car) and many grandmothers (money). Jeans did he live in a lamp for a long time and did not understand the boy. He gave him a musical tube, a country wheelbarrow, and instead of money - a lot of grandmothers. Kohl, seeing such gifts, confused. And Jeann slyly smiled, looking at the boy.

Khodyuk Maxim

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Page laughter

My sister has

Long pigtails.

Teases her faith:

Scary Meghera!

Vlasova Diana

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Page laughter

Winter sleep

It was winter. I was with a sister on a frozen river to school. The ice was fat, clean and very slippery. Suddenly, we have worked on it from all over the scope - and froze from surprise .... Under us there was a real fabulous ice palace. Rules in it is a goldfish, but served her .... Old woman from Pushkin's fairy tale. It seemed that the dream would never end! Little if there was a lot of time, suddenly hearing: "What are you falling asleep? Well, march to school! "

Open your eyes and we and

really sleep serene sleep

in a soft snowdrift.

That's what miracles are!

Ksenia, Vera

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

In the world of mysteries

Without hands, without legs, and runs.

Korneenkov Vlad.

Natural wealth, source of life.

Antipkin Dasha

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

In the world of mysteries

What is not visible on the street, and it is impossible to live without it.

Korneenkov Vlad.

We do not see, we do not hear, waving your hand - you feel.

Dasha Antipkin

All my life we \u200b\u200blive with him,

and never seen.

Lena Baranova

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013


One, two, three, four, five

A bunny walked

There are others came

Bunny steel tease:

Anyway to drive!

Nastya and Liza

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Initial page

Baranova Lena

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Initial page

Alexich Igor

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Initial page

Kurkin Maxim

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Initial page

Sorrow Vera

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Initial page

Various Alena

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Creative groups:

Author's group: Alexich Igor, Vlasova Diana, Drozdova Nastya, Kuzmenkova Lisa, Vitovsky Matvey, Antipkin Dasha, Sorvalova Vera, Silayova Ksenia, Solovyov Artyom, Ryayin Sasha, Semchenkova Alina, Khoduk Maxim, Baranova Lena, Varivoda Alyona, Korneenkov Vlad

Group of artists: Sorvalova Vera, Alexich Igor, Varivoda Alyona, Baranova Lena, Vlasova Diana, Kurkin Maxim, Shiryaev Roma

Editors: Naikov Artem, Egorova Nastya, Ershov Vanya, Siev's trapes

Corrector and chief editor: Vlasenkova Tatyana Mikhailovna

Chief Publisher: Yershova Olga Vladimirovna

Year of publication 2013

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

View the contents of the presentation
"Presentation who works on the creation of the magazine"

ATTACHMENT to lesson number 3.

Prepared teacher of primary classes MBOU Ozornenskaya SOSH №1

Vlasenkova T.M.

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

Who makes the magazine?

Vlasenkova T.M. 2013

  • Poet, writer
  • Artist
  • Corrector
  • Editor
  • typography

We want everyone to know How we make a magazine. There are no empty pages in it, Composed poems poet . BUT writers for us They write a fairy tale and story.

But alone stories are few No pictures there is no magazine! Ants and elephants Winter forest and summer rain, Draws us artist .

AND corrector the case is busy The commas it is separated And the errors fix everything.

To collect material And come up with the whole magazine, All planning, take into account Even the smallest factor There is a special person Called editor.

All is ready. Our magazine IN typography hit.

"People's Music of Ancient Russia" - Music of Ancient Rus. Boyan. Swirl. Singing. Change dishes. Wedding. Night on Ivan Kupala. Scoop. Gusli. Horn.

The "mighty handhole of composers" - Miliya Alekseevich Balakirev, the basis of musical works of composers a mug became a folk music. Nikolai Andreevich Roman Korsakov. The subject of the lesson: the role of the Commonwealth "Mighty Hand" in Russian Culture. where they performed with their works. Alexander Porfiryevich Boorodin. Russian arts abroad were promoted, the Russian Music Society was created - the aid of modern philharmonic.

"Music of the Silver Century" - K. D. Balmont. I. V. Northgen. A. Block. A. A. Akhmatova. I do not regret, do not call, do not cry. Left march. V. Ya. Bryusov. Silver Age. Silver century poetry in modern music. The lyrics of the Silver Century is diverse and very musical. I like that you are not sick with me. Winter night. N. S. Gumilev.

"Renaissance" - Renaissance music. A musical form based on alternating the constant theme is refreven and various episodes. Origin is associated with folk song and dance music. (AbacadaiaWaearataja ... ..- Formula. It was originated in Italy. Cycles of preludes and fugues are created, as well as some preludes. Gabriel, J. Define music (revival or not.

"Romanticism in music" - Robert Schuman. The development of song genres, including ballads, is obtained. Mendelssohn. Franz Schubert. Western European music of romanticism. The most vivid representatives of the romantic school of composers were .... Richard Wagner. Ferrenz leaf. Weber background. Nikolo Paganini. And all the same, the new style has its own features.

"Classicism in music" is a new stage in the development of public consciousness. The new century put forward a new ideal. Mozart, as you know, was a welcome. Mozart style was formed on Salzburg soil. Josef Haydn (1732-1809). Creativity Gaidna. Beethoven continued the overall line of development of genres. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Music of the era of classicism.

Total in the subject of 24 presentations

1.1Specification of the music magazine
1.2 History of the music magazine
2. Newspaper "Musical Meridian" as a type of publication
2.1 Genre originality in the newspaper "Music Meridian"
2.2 Features of the functioning of the genres system in the newspaper "Music Meridian"
List of used literature


The concept of "musical journalism" "reflects the form of implementing special musical and literary activities belonging to the system of applied music science." That is, the main object is the musical process. Both the review and the report will illuminate a certain event, that is, some kind of musical process. What is the difference between the review and the report? Why do you need to share these two definitions? According to L. Shibayeva, "the report is directly related to the course of the event, and the review does not care about the reality itself, but with its reflection in the work." And in the review, and in the report, as in the genres of musical journalism, the main thing is an assessment, verbal interpretation of the work. According to Kurysheva, "being in its original impulse secondary, caused by any other phenomenon in the field of musical art, the work of a music journalist - criticism, publicist - performs a public aesthetic-social order." It is important to understand, "what to write about," as "," why "and" for whom. " These issues reflect the specificity of the reflection of a musical event in editions of various focus.
Music journalism - Professional appraisal activities aimed at musical creativity, which is implemented in special narrow-aligned texts (written or oral), as well as all the works created in this genre. This is, first of all, analyst and criticism, the so-called conductor into the world of art, and not the secular chronicle and reviews of new products.
Music journalism - conductor into the world of spiritual beauty. And few people can competently work in this area. How the genre is the direction of journalism gradually degrades. And the potential reader is very difficult to make a choice from the extremely small number of musical publications, which are represented now on the Russian market. In rare magazines, you can read high-quality and worthy materials about music. Basically, such publications are emphasized on personal life, rumors and private stories from the life of musicians, which itself is a sad confirmation of the fact of the mass "yellowing" of journalism at present.
Therefore, it is very interesting to understand what role musical journalism is playing in society and why so few editions specialize in this area. In the first part of this work, we will briefly consider the story and the current state of musical journalism in Russia. In the second chapter, we will analyze the Ryazan newspaper "Pro Rock" as the only musical publication acting at the level of our region.
The relevance of this work is due to the lack of a holistic study of the musical direction in journalism and the decrease in the quality of materials in this area. The number of music media actually is very small, and at the regional level, this niche is practically not busy at all. This determines the relevance and novelty of this work.
The purpose of the study is a brief consideration of the history of musical publications in Russia as a whole, as well as the analysis of musical publications at the regional level, on the example of the newspaper "Pro Rock".
The object of research is the history and the current state of musical journalism in Russia.
The subject of work is the newspaper "Pro Rock" as the only musical print edition at the level of our region.
To achieve the goal of the following tasks:
trace the development of the musical press in Russia;
reveal and analyze the current state of musical journalism
To analyze the newspaper "Pro Rock" as the only specialized music printing in Ryazan
This paper uses such methods as descriptive and analytical.
The structure of this work: consists of administration, two chapters (theoretical and practical), conclusion, a list of used literature and applications.
Studies of genres in the field of newspaper periodicals prepared the theoretical base for further study. Works were considered: A.A. Territical "Periodic Print Genres"; L.E. Craist "System of journalistic genres"; L.V. Shibayeva "Genres in the theory and practice of journalism"; M.N. Kim "Genres of modern journalism"; Gorokhova V.M. "Fundamentals of journalistic skill."
In its study, we will rely on the three basic methods of displaying in the media space, which were reasonable in the book A.A. Term and used when analyzing online publications L.V. Kohanova. It is they who form certain levels of penetration of a learning subject to the object: from the initial sensual contemplation for abstraction, theoretical development of it and further to the creation of an enriched, more complete specific image of the subject (including its artistic image).

1. Eventive development of the music magazine

      Specificity of the music magazine
Music journalism appeared on the basis of periodic printing, that is, an existing platform massively oriented printed word. Before the occurrence of periodic print, the musical and critical thought was presented in philosophical treatises and aesthetic statements. And only in the XVIII century, the musical criticism turned into a separate independent scope of activity, when a new channel of the release of musical critical thought was arising - journalism.
Journalism is one of the forms of exit both musical criticism and musical enlightenment, popularization, propaganda - different types of familiarization of the Company with music. That is, musical journalism in its activities is addressed to all - to musicians and not musicians. Its main functions are to inform and evaluate, and through them to enlighten.
The main postulate of journalism is the focus on "today", at the "less moment."
Her attention is drawn to the cultural situation of today. The subject of lighting, analysis, evaluation may be only the processes of cultural life, relevant for this time. Journalism is operational in its activities. It does not imply an indefinite time, its impact briefly. The faster the reaction of journalism on what is happening, the more value is for society. But having carried out its own direct function, journalism over time is reborn into another phenomenon of culture - a document of views of its time. And it is in such a meaning that it is able to enter the history of culture.
Written journalism began to "rule the minds" long before the appearance of oral (television-radio journalistic). And today, critical activities are carried out, first of all, precisely through periodic press (television and radio are primarily aimed at informing, and not for analysis and criticism).
In different periods of the history of musical journalism as an independent field of activity, the function of musical criticism was carried out by professionals in music and enlightened amateurs. The word about music in which the public consciousness has increasingly needed, he could pronounce the one who knew how to make professionally. The history of Russian musical criticism is rich in such names as A.Serov, C.Kui, B. Asafiev, V.Kratygin, etc.
The first Russian music magazine was a musical entertainment magazine, published in Moscow in 1774. In the late XVIII - early XIX century, numerous musical journals designed for various public circles were published in St. Petersburg and Moscow. They published piano, vocal, guitar plates, excerpts from popular operas. The first musical magazine, which was published in the province, was the "Asian Music Journal".
In 1842 in St. Petersburg, a novel magazine "Nuevelist" began to be published, which was published since 1844 with a literary addition, which can be viewed as the first Russian actually music magazine.
In the 50s, the magazines of mixed type were allocated in the level of published musical materials - "Musical and Theater Bulletin", later - "Music and theater".
In the 60s of the 1960s of the XIX century, music magazines were published in St. Petersburg: "Music Season", "Music List", "Russian Music Bulletin".
Different in their direction, they published serious articles and were special organs of Russian musical periodic press.
Music periodicals of pre-revolutionary Russia began the beginning of the century numerous and diverse. In the cities of Russia (and in the provinces), publications were published with music applications for different tools, for voice accompanied by: "Accord. Vestnik guitar and other folk musical instruments "(Tyumen)," Bayan "- a monthly publicly available musical and literary magazine (Tambov); "Tula Harmonist" - a monthly illustrated music magazine (Tula); In Moscow and St. Petersburg - "Music, weekly edition" (M. Prix - 1915 Bellyaev V. "A summary of the exercise on the counterpoint and teachings about musical form"), "Russian music newspaper" - weekly edition, during the summer Seasons - twice a month, "Izvestia St. Petersburg Society of Music Assembly" (from 1909 - Serial Edition "On Music and Musicians"); Music and theatrical: "Modern theater and music", "scene and music"; Pedagogical: "Russian musical gram" and others.
After the revolution, a mass of proletarian publications appears: "Music and Life", "Music and October", "Music and Revolution". But the total number of musical editions is noticeably declining, and the main over time becomes: "Soviet music", "Musical Life", "Soviet stage and Circus". Musical performances also illuminate: "Theater", "Theater Life", "Ballet".
An academic music publication, which began to go out in Russia in the 30s of the 20th century, can also be distinguished. Academic publications have never been intended for a wide range of readers, most of the articles in them are scientific, and not purely journalist. Their problematics, style, lexical standards correspond to the scientific requirements rather than the requirements of journalism, which is based on topicality, the intelligence involving not to condescend to the reader, but to communicate with it in its language, the individuality of the approach is a subjective look at the problem, an element of creativity. Scientific "We" if
Do not even write, it is meant. And this is not compatible with the creative "I", an indispensable condition for journalism. Academic publications are of great interest to specialists and are very important for students of special educational institutions, but quite far from the non-professional reader. And therefore do not have genuine social resonance.
A vivid example of this type of publication is the magazine "Soviet music", which has been published since 1933 (since 1992, entitled "Music Academy"). The publication was monthly with a music application (since 1949), to date (according to its own definition of publication) is a quarterly theoretical and critical-journalistic magazine. This is a special edition oriented exclusively on the reader-musician.
Another academic publication is the magazine "Musical Life", which is published since 1957. This publication is intended as a more democratic with great, compared with the "Soviet music", circulation. The names of the sections are contests, in the country theaters, interviews, the problems of musical education - appeal to a broader reader audience. Interview with filmcommosposes, television figures, an overview of rock music on the pages of the journal coexist with traditional academic topics - conversations about music, opera theaters of the world. The magazine takes a lot in order to expand its reader audience. In particular, which is very important, much attention is paid to the lighting of the musical process.
The only musical edition of that time designed for the general public was the magazine "Appendix", which was published since July 1962. It was the first music magazine magazine for young people. And only in the 90s, when the turbulent development of musical periodicals began, competitors began to appear. ("Cool", "Neon", "Hammer" and others).
The "peer" existed under the auspices of the Central Committee of the SBCMM and the CMO of the USSR and wrote on the themes of rock music unique at that time, as well as the life and culture of Western youth. Editions reached millions of copies. The "peer" is known in that in the 1980s and 1990s, the "rock encyclopedia of the peer" (RER) was published - almost the first experience of the rock encyclopedia in Russian.
In the 90s, the new historical conditions of the Russian Federation became an important factor in the formation of a new type of mass journalism. It was necessary to determine the place that was to take the press in the affirmed democratic society. The process initiated in the early 1990s led to some shifts in the social structure of printing, television, broadcasting, a more meaningful understanding of the requests of the audience, contributed to the introduction of new forms and methods of media activities. The information process in the country in the new conditions was differentiated, reorganized. Social, and spiritual, and professional landmarks of journalism changed.
The construction of the media system, which has developed in the early 90s, has experienced a lot of difficulties. At the beginning of November 1991, 1269 newspapers, magazines, news agencies were registered by the Ministry of Printing and Mass Information of the Russian Federation. More than 2,200 media received certificates for the right to activities in the former Union Office. In general, it was established that in 1991, 4863 newspapers were published in the Russian Federation.
Reading interests, demographic, social factors contributed to the formation of a new print structure. It includes periodicals, intended for a wide range of readers and differing in topics and targeted: social and political publications, publications of universal content, youth publications and publications for children, women's publications, music publications, advertising and informational.
It was during this period in Russia and the intensive development of the musical press began. Numerous musical journals and newspapers, designed for different age-related audience and various musical tastes of consumers began to open. The profession of musical criticism was widespread and in demand. But the quality of their reviews and articles depended on how they worked in. Music editions of the nineties can be divided into such groups:
- Molded: "Hammer", "Bravo", "Cool", "Neon" and others;
- Publications: "FUZZ", "Rockcor", "Classic Rock", "In Rock" and others;
-Ups for musicians: "Moscow Musician", "Guitar Magazine" and others;
- Livest gloss: "Hello", "OK", "Star Hit" and others;
Telewives (light not gloss): "7 days", "Antenna", "TV7", "Telendel" and others;
- Anonasic publications: "Poster", "Time Out", "Your Leisure", "Kommersant-Weekend" and others.
Also, speaking about the history of Russian musical journalism, it is impossible to bypass the party and such an interesting phenomenon as samizdat. In the 80s of the 20th century, in the conditions of a rigid party-state monopoly on culture, as well as on the publishing case and the issue of the media, the publication of prohibited, ideologically alien works could only be carried out illegally and amateur. The activities of underground publishers and journalists qualified by the Soviet law as a criminal offense.
The starting "restructuring" stimulated the creation and development of hundreds of amateur periodicals, including Rock samizdatov (at the same time, the first musical samizdates appeared in the USSR back in 1967). Logs as Roxy, Rio, Urlight, Culture, DVR are known to music lovers of the whole country. Many famous musicians, writers, producers, public figures tied their name with this phenomenon: Boris Grebenshchikov, Anatoly Gunitsky, Artemy Troitsky, Alexander Kushnir and many others.
With the adoption in 1991, the Russian law "On the media", citizens received the right to establish and publish their own media issues. Article 12 of the same Law stipulates the possibility of release of amateur periodicals without state registration, provided that their circulation will be less than 1000 copies.
In Russia, he was legalized samizdat, but the former need for it as in the method of publication almost completely disappeared. Nevertheless, in the 90s, amateur musical publications still existed ("noisy mouse", "fragments", "our drive", "completely", "Chernozem", "Wounded Wound", etc.). They also exist in our days, in the 21st century.
Significantly losing the official media in the efficiency and quality of the information component, modern Russian rock samidates focus mainly on the originality of the design and conceptual integrity of publications. The content of Samizdatov's releases consists in the overwhelming majority of interviews, reviews, journalistic articles, public disputes with colleagues in the shop and other materials minimally attached to a specific time and concrete events.

1.2 History of the music magazine

The information and journalistic newspaper "Music Meridian" is a kind of chronicle of all significant events of the Kurgan Regional Music College. D. D. Shostakovich and at the same time their understanding. College believes that to have their newspaper - it means to have their philosophy. Conversely: to have your philosophy - it means to have your newspaper.
Experience and mature teaching skill in combination with the sharpness and dynamics of students' thinking is the key to the success of a common cause, the name of which is "Music Meridian." Attitude towards the newspaper in the editorial board and in the circle of correspondents is the most serious and responsible. That is why the older and younger generation of Meridianovsev are spent so much time together, they delve into all the creative beginnings of the college and are constantly being improved. The proof of this is the place in the interregional competition of methodological and creative works conducted by the Astrakhan State Conservatory in 2003, the diploma of the II degree of the III of the Open Competition "Proximal 2007" and the victory in the Nomination "Cultural View" VII of the Open Competition of Youth Editions "Proximation 2011 ", As well as regular participation in the popular youth school of journalism" Mia-School ".
Two dozen rooms of the publication are demonstrated, on the one hand, the adherence to the traditions that pretended for the nine years of the existence of the newspaper (relevance of information, a sense of measure in everything - in the selection of material, in its submission and design), on the other - the desire to be updated, to be always interesting and non-pie (Inviting new authors, attracting to a conversation as much as possible interested parties, inclusion of additional headings, extensive illustrations, constant search in the design area, etc.).
The newspaper "Music Meridian" is designed for those who love music. Therefore, our dream is to become a publication that is valued and read not only by professional musicians of Moscow, Astrakhan, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, but also all our countrymen-soldiers.
On the Music Meridian newspaper page you will find the PDF version of the latest newspaper issues. To view them, Acrobat Reader is required version 5.0 and higher or Ghostscript version 8.0 and higher.
The problem of the topics of the modern youth press of Russia remains relevant, there are more and more works on this topic, there are controversial points. This means that the research conducted in this work and their results can be a starting point for a deeper study of the subject of the youth press of Russia.
Printed publications for adolescents and young people existed in the USSR: "Rowers", "Change", "Interlocutor", "Student Meridian", "Pioneer", "Youth Technique", "Youth", "Young Naturalist" and others. But when foreign publishers appeared on the Russian market, Soviet magazines, by definition of Sergey Vereikin, the editor-in-chief of Cool, "blown out" due to the fact that they have ceased to be exclusive sources of information and could not entrenched in the new market conditions. Only the "peer" and the "interlocutor" survived, but they, as experts say, "too older" in order to be considered a youth press. Without supporting competition, the magazines that began to be published already in Russia are leaving the market (for example, "cool") from the market.
At the same time, new editions continue to enter the market today. In 2003, the magazine "Yes! Stars factory" appeared (now it is called "Yes! Stars"), in 2004 - Teens, Factory, Bravo.Posters. In May 2005, the Publishing House "SPN-Media" together with TNT TV channel began to publish the magazine "Realistic Show House 2". The 100,000th circulation of the first issue, according to Dmitry Far, Deputy Chief Editor "Realistic Show House 2", was sold on the first day. Now the magazine circulation is already 600 thousand copies.
Fogging into a segment of the teenage and youth press is provided primarily by their audience: the age of readers is 12-24 years old, the kernel is 14-17 years old. The leaders in the youth press market today are the publications that appeared in the post-Soviet time, in the 90s and in the early 2000s - this is "Yes! Stars", yes!, "Hammer", "hooligan", oops!, Cool, Cool Girl, Elle Girl. The segment of youth and causing magazines partly includes musical (Bravo.Posters, Rolling Stone) and computer publications ("RS Games", "Game", etc.).
Publishers noted that the youth press market is now in the active phase of development. In their opinion, the peak of the popularity of this segment is still ahead, because the massive consumption culture is still formed. At the same time, according to the State Statistics Committee, the number of born in the country falls (in 1990 about 2 million people were born, and in 2003 - less than 1.5 million) - respectively, the number of potential readers of adolescents and young people is reduced. Margarita Lucia, head of the project NRS, TNS Gallup Media: "It is hardly possible to expect a strong increase in the audience of youth magazines - the number of this group is declining from year to year. The reason is the demographic crisis in Russia."
The popularity of youth publications can also affect the rapid development of the Internet. Alexander Efremov, head of the study group of the press audience of the analytical center "Video International": "Electronic and New Media in 3-4 years old can" grab "a significant piece of the audience of the youth press. Why? Young people are most actively mastering the Internet, and the tendency to reduce interest in print media Under the influence of the Internet is more noticeable among young people. Therefore, youth editions lose the audience by a faster pace than other newspapers and magazines. "
According to TNS Gallup ADFACT, in the top 100 publications in the volume of advertising space in journals for the period January - April 2005 (Moscow) included three youth magazines - "Hammer" (56th place), Cool (69th place), and Elle Girl (88th place).

1.3 The state of modern musical journalism in Russia

It can be said that now musical journalism in Russia is in crisis. Approaching the kiosk with newspapers, it is very difficult to make a choice. With a fairly large selection of the press, it is problematic to choose a publication where you can find interesting and high-quality information about music. There are practically no music magazines (that is, "real" printing analysts, reflecting on the history of music, outlining trends that open new non-profit names). The musical press is now presented mainly by some entertainment youth publications.
The crisis of musical journalism happened not suddenly and not only with us. There are several objective reasons. The character of music has changed. In the 60s of the last century, music and youth movement went side by side, they did not need journalism. Parents and children first began to listen to various music and, in general, the strongest won the strongest. That is, who preferred Elvis Presley, did not listen to Claudia Shulzhenko. In the 70s, the musical life declined, and then the need for analysis and comments arose. Intellectuals came to musical journalism, many of whom became famous writers and cultural scientists. The next twenty years is the story of sliding in the abyss. The music became more technological and diverse, but the energy potential melted - and at some point to change the concept of "messenger" (the message hidden in the song) came the concept of "sound" (the sound atmosphere, which should be placed, and nothing more).
About what we have now, says a musical critic, writer Andrei Gorokhov: "The journalists of the new wave seems to be quite sincerely believe that their business is to advertise the sound, which is clearly visible, journalists are thinking in the categories of marketing officers . The aclas of the industry wholesale buy journal areas, promoting potential stars with multi-million advertising budgets. Music journalists to order write "good" reviews, a critical (independent) opinion is absent. "
Anatoly Gunitsky, journalist, playwright, poet and writer, is also dissatisfied with the current state of affairs: "Recently, I have not read interesting materials written by young journalists. Perhaps I am subjective, but everything has my own time ... Of course, there are many young guys who want to write about music, but they are more difficult to us. They are no longer the first. Musicians of the current generation is also difficult, because the feeling that everything has already been played, everything is already said. To tell your word to become serious artists in journalism, it takes some time, considerable efforts. True, I'm not read everything. There were many sites where there can be no gifted people. I really want to hope that the musical journalism did not end on the representatives of my generation ... ".
Indeed, good reports from concerts, for which you can understand that it was for the concert, they appear extremely rarely. And, no matter how surprisingly, in business newspapers. Now the most convenient place of distribution of musical journalism has become the Internet. It is here that decent materials appear on individual sites or on the sites of the same business newspapers.
If you analyze questions, what journalists ask musicians, it will be clear that first of all is mainly interested in the edition of the publications: where they rest, as they support the figure, with whom they communicate and how they spend their free time. Questions about creativity is either not specified at all, or as definstar. Although, it can be said that the magazines publish exactly what is interesting to the audience itself, focus on its requests. Someone can blame the readers in the fact that musical journalism is now low and practically does not develop.
And that real musical journalism is simply not in demand and not interesting to anyone. On the other hand, the publications themselves, publishing such materials, bring up such a taste from the audience. As the musical taste of the listeners develop good music, and the taste of the press readers can also be developed by good materials. Many of the editions probably believe that only entertainment is needed to the public. And nothing causes such a burning interest, like rumors, gossip, scandals, intimate details from the life of musicians. And most importantly - more pressure, rudeness and scandal. Music journalism Now, mainly performs an entertaining function.
Also, not with the best party describes modern musical journalism and Artemy Troitsky, rock journalist, musical critic: "The degree of non-professionality in combination with self-confidence from our music journalists is particularly noticeable. It came to the point that at some point I even had to call himself a music journalist, because now 90% of Moscow music journalists are just professional halars. This is such a crowd that goes to all sorts of presentations, a press conference, there for free to eat and gets drunk. Then they unsubscribe some invented memories ... The truth is that the musical journalism in the mass of his own was a shameful field. And I am very insulting for it. "
To date, high-quality music journalism practically does not exist. There are separate authors whose materials deserve attention, but such units.
In Russia, none of the structures that act in the show - business is not interested in investing money in advertising in musical publications. Now all recording companies went to television and radio, which bring income longer than the Internet and the paper press together.
Speaking about the state of the modern musical press, it is worth saying about how now it is customary to classify musical publications. One of the types of classification is built on which groups you can share the audience of these publications:
- People whose scope of interest includes the most diverse music (music lovers with a wide range of interests);
- People whose sphere of interest includes a certain musical style or direction (rock-music lovers, lovers of electronic music, etc.);
- Professional musicians, as well as representatives of music show business (producers, arrangers, directors of video clips, publishers, staff of radio stations, critics, etc.).
Thus, several types of publications are detected, calculated on the relevant audit groups:
- universal publications;
- style editions;
- information and commercial music editions.
- Universal publications are distinguished by a large variety of journalistic genres.
They talk about music and performers of completely different directions. Here you can read articles about the most different musical directions: about electronic music, jazz, latino, classical music, rock, ethnic music, pop music. Releases of new plates of all styles reviewers

Project on the topic

"Creating a children's music magazine."

Project passport

Subject: Creating a magazine: "Children's Music Magazine"

Academic subject: music

Participants : Students 4 "B" class 2014 - 2015 academic year

Head : Rogacheva V.V.

Project type : Practical-oriented, short-term



Project on the topic

"Creating a children's music magazine."

Project passport

Subject: Creating a magazine: "Children's Music Magazine"

Tutorial: Music

Participants : Students 4 "B" class 2014 - 2015 academic year

Leader: Rogacheva V.V.

Project type : Practical-oriented, short-term

Estimated Project Product: The project is intended for individual creation of students in the process of research, creative activity of their page for the journal "Children's Music Journal", the product is predetermined in advance and can be used in class and school life.

Brief abstract project

Children are invited to participate in the creation of a children's creative magazine. By creating your page, the children pick up mysteries on music, musical instruments, create crosswords, rebuses, find interesting facts about music. Children should not only explore the literature, but also write and create work creatively.

Each project participant creates its own "product", and everyone has different. This approach makes it possible to show creative imagination, an individual style, makes the presentation stage more interesting for students, and the assessment is not formal.

The result that children should receive: « Children's Music Magazine »where it will be possible to break the head over interesting tasks invented by classmates.

Project tasks:

Expected results

After the project is completed, students will acquire the following skills:


Formation of the personal meaning of the teaching and active training position;

Development of independence and personal responsibility for the completed creative product;


Find the required information;

Choose the selected material;

Think over the logic of the presentation of the selected material;

Plan to statenly monitor and evaluate their activities;

Be able to seek help, listen and hear the interlocutor, to keep a dialogue, express your point of view and argue it;


Be able to

Questions guiding project

Fundamental question:

Can we become publishers of a cognitive, entertaining and creative magazine?

Problem issues:

How to create a magazine?

Can we create a magazine yourself?

What do we need to know to be able to create a magazine

What do you like when you read magazines?

What will be our magazine from ordinary magazines for children?

How do we call your magazine?

For whom will we publish a magazine?


The ability to pick up and create musical riddles.

Rules and aesthetics design of magazine pages.

Ability to select information and illustrations.

The ability to present your magazine page.

Stages of work on the project:

1 Stage: Preparatory

Purpose: inclusion of students in activities, motivation to participate in the project.

Final product: familiarity of students with the necessary literature.

Stage 2: Collection and systematization of information

Purpose: Formation of interest in research activities, familiarity with different ways to collect and systematize information.

Final product: material selected by students

Reflection: What did you manage to find? What else to do? What does it turn out well?

3 Stage: Project activities

Objective: to enable students themselves to issue a project by applying the selected material.

Final product: page log.

Reflection: What had to think about doing work? What did you like most?

What did the difficulties arise? Did you often appeal for help? What part of the work was able to do myself? What would I like to fix? What are you proud of?

4 Stage: Presentation of Projects

Objective: to give the opportunity to present your page, show what happened, Interested in classmates to the tasks of your page, get support and praise.

Reflection: What did you like to classmates? What helped act? What prevented representing the project? Would you like to participate in the creation of pages of other thematic magazines?

Final product: Magazine "Children's Music Magazine".

Project Matrix

Stages, their deadlines

Final product

Actions at school

Actions outside of school

Necessary materials

Information sources


Who can help?

Preparatory (1 day)

Acquaintance with the necessary literature

Conversation with teacher

Selection of material on the Internet, home library


Books, Parents, Internet




Collection and systematization of information (2,3,4 days)

Student material

Hike to the school library

Hike to the city library


Books, magazines


Librarians, parents

Project activities (5, 6th days)

Page magazine

Discussion with teacher andodnoklassniki

Creative page design

Album, Pencils, Paints, Computer

Conversations with parents

the Internet


Parents / Teacher-Tutor

Presentation of the project (7th day)


Speech in front of parents and students

Preparation for the presentation of your project

School board, magnets, pointer

Conversation with parents




Russian University of Friendship Peoples

Faculty Faculty

Department of Mass Communications


Music journalism on the example of the Rolling Stone magazine

Performed: Dauurova S.O.

2nd year student FZB - 27

Scientific adviser:

Pisareva Marina Nikolaevna

Moscow - 2014.


.Development of musical genre in journalism


1.2History of development of musical publications

1.3Music journalism in Russia

Magazine "The Rolling Stones" as a type of publication

1 Role of Rolling Stone magazine in social reality

2 International editions of Rolling Stone. Russian counterparts and influence on modern culture


List of used literature


We used to assume that the main task of journalism is to meet the needs of society in information. However, musical journalism does not put this goal for itself in the first place. Music journalism - appraisal activities that are aimed at creativity implemented by special narrow-controlled texts. This is primarily analytics and criticism, which serves as a conductor into the world of music and art. To date, few people work in this area competently, that is, as a genre, this direction, unfortunately, is gradually degrading. That is why high-quality musical publications are not so much in the Russian market. That is why, as a journalist, it is very important and it is interesting to understand what role musical journalism is playing in society and why such a small number of publications specializes in this area.

In the first part, we will consider the history of the emergence and path of development of musical journalism in Russia, and in the second I will consider the magazine "The Rolling Stones".

The relevance of this topic is due to a decrease in the quality of materials in this area. The number of musical media is small, and the regional level is practically not taken for it. Therefore, I believe that the topic of my course work is relevant and takes place.

1. Development of a musical genre

Music journalism - reflects the implementation of special musical activities, can also serve as a way to find both musical criticism and enlightening, PR, propaganda.

Prior to the formation of periodic printing, the musical and critical thought was shown in philosophical treatises in the 18th century, and formed as a separate positioned area of \u200b\u200bactivity. At the sources of domestic musical journalism stood masters of their business, enlightened people and professionals in music, such as Alexander, Serov, Boris Asafiev, Vyacheslav Karatygin, Caesar Kyui, Yuri Arnold.

The musical journalism of Russia in the early 20th century was abundant and diverse:

."Chord. Bulletin Guitar and other folk instruments »Tyumen

2."Russian Music Gazeta" St. Petersburg

."Music, weekly edition" Moscow

."Music Scene" Moscow

."Bayan" Music-literary magazine. Tambov

Music editions of Soviet Russia were no less popular:


2."Music and life"

."Music and October"

."Music and Revolution"

.Soviet music

In modern Russia, this topic is not particularly popular and carefully, not studied. This leads to the fact that society is deprived of the opportunity to adequately judge the situation due to the incompetence of journalists. Cognition in this area should be accurate, there must be enthusiasm. The activities of the music journalist can be represented as an exchange of socially significant reports with the audience and society as a whole. I would like to note that musical journalism performs several other tasks than musical criticism, thereby pushing it from the media.

Closed magazines

The most popular music magazines could not withstand competition with licensed products, such as Rolling Stone and have sunk in the fly.

"Muzoboz" was aimed at adolescents;

Bulletin for fans of Rave culture "Ptüch";

The best, according to experts, was "OM", in which self-confident ignorance was argued into extravagant originality.

"Stas" did not regributely informed so much as summarized.

Musical applications

"Joker" - "newspaper for those who watch the movies and listening to music"; A separate application to the "Evening Club". A rather distinctive and colorful sample that is t. Yellow presses.

"Music True" is a separate application to Moscow Pravda. Declaration: "Good newspaper for loving scandals, music, video, theater and any cinema." Became the laureate of the first "silver calosh". Critics as such was not there.

Although film critics and literary reviews, justice, it is worth noting, in this publication are presented at the highest professional level.

1.1 Features of the music edition

Music journalism originated, as is known on the basis of periodic printing, that is, already existing printed platform. And, as I have already written, only in the XVIII century, the musical criticism turned into a separate independent activity when there was a new channel for the release of musical and critical thought.

Journalism is one of the forms of exit both musical criticism and musical enlightenment, popularization, propaganda - different types of familiarization of the Company with music. That is, musical journalism in its activities is addressed to all - to musicians and not musicians. Its main functions are to inform and evaluate, enlighten. The main rule of journalism is the focus on "today", at the "current moment." Her attention is drawn to the cultural situation of this day. The subject of lighting, analysis, estimates may be only the processes of cultural life, relevant to our time. Journalism is extremely fast in its activities. She does not imply indefinitely. The faster the reaction of journalism on what is happening, the more value is for society and publishers. But by having carried out its own direct function, journalism over time is reborn into another phenomenon of culture - a document of time views. And it is in such a meaning that it is able to enter the history of culture.

Written journalism took over, long before the oral appearance. Today, critical activities are carried out primarily by periodic press.

In different periods of development of musical journalism as an independent field of activity, the function of musical criticism was carried out by professionals in music and enlightened professionals. The word about music in which the public consciousness has increasingly needed, he could pronounce the one who knew how to make professionally. The first Russian music magazine was the magazine "Musical Fistess", published in Moscow in 1774. In the late XVIII - early XIX century, numerous musical journals designed for various public circles were published in St. Petersburg and Moscow. They published piano, vocal, guitar plates, excerpts from popular operas. The first musical magazine, which was not in the capital, was the "Asian Music Journal".

In 1842 in St. Petersburg, a novel magazine "Nuevelist" began to be published, which was published since 1844 with a literary addition, which can be viewed as the first Russian actually music magazine.

In the 50s, the magazines of mixed type were allocated in the level of published musical materials - "Musical and Theater Bulletin", later - "Music and theater".

In the 60s of the 1960s of the XIX century, music magazines were published in St. Petersburg: "Music Season", "Music List", "Russian Music Bulletin".

Different in their direction, they published serious articles and were special bodies of Russian musical periodic press. Musical periodical periodicals of the pre-revolutionary Russia of the beginning of the century are numerous and diverse. In the cities of Russia (and in the provinces), publications were published with music applications for different tools, for voice accompanied:

"Chord. Bulletin guitar and other folk musical instruments "(Tyumen),

"Bayan" - a monthly publicly available musical and literary magazine (Tambov);

"Tula Harmonist" - a monthly illustrated music magazine (Tula);

in Moscow and St. Petersburg - "Music, Weekly Edition" (M. Appendix - 1915 Bellyaev V. "A summary of the teachings on the counterpoint and teaching about musical form"),

"Russian Music Gazeta" - a weekly edition, during the summer season - twice a month,

"News of the St. Petersburg Society of Music Assembly" (from 1909 - Serial Edition "On Music and Musicians");

music and theatrical: "Modern theater and music",

"Scene and music";

pedagogical: "Russian musical gram" and others.

An academic music publication, which began to go out in Russia in the 30s of the 20th century, can also be distinguished. Academic publications have never been intended for a wide range of readers, most of the articles in them are scientific, and not purely journalist. Their problematics, style, lexical standards correspond to the scientific requirements rather than the requirements of journalism, which is based on topicality, the intelligence involving not to condescend to the reader, but to communicate with it in its language, the individuality of the approach is a subjective look at the problem, an element of creativity.

Scientific "We", if not even written, is meant. And this is not compatible with the creative "I", an indispensable condition for journalism. Academic publications are of great interest to specialists and are very important for students of special educational institutions, but quite far from the non-professional reader. And therefore do not have genuine social resonance.

A vivid example of this type of publication is the magazine "Soviet music", which has been published since 1933 (since 1992, entitled "Music Academy"). The publication was monthly with a music application (since 1949), to date (according to its own definition of publication) is a quarterly theoretical and critical-journalistic magazine. This is a special edition oriented exclusively on the reader-musician. Another academic publication is the magazine "Musical Life", which is published since 1957. This publication is intended as a more democratic with great, compared with the "Soviet music", circulation. The names of the sections are contests, in the country theaters, interviews, the problems of musical education - appeal to a broader reader audience. Interview with filmcommosposes, television figures, an overview of rock music on the pages of the journal coexist with traditional academic topics - conversations about music, opera theaters of the world. The magazine takes a lot in order to expand its reader audience. Much attention is presented to lighting the musical process.

The only musical edition of the then time calculated for the masses was the magazine "Appendix", which was published since 1962. It was the first music magazine magazine for young people. And only in the 90s, when the turbulent development of musical periodicals began, competitors began to appear. ("Cool", "Hammer").

The "peer" existed under the auspices of the Central Committee of the W CLSM and the USSR CMO and wrote on the most interesting topics about rock music, as well as about the life and culture of Western youth. The editions of the publication reached millions. The "peer" is known in that in the 1980s and 1990s, the "rock encyclopedia of the peer" was published - the first experience of the rock encyclopedia in Russian.

In the 90s, the new historical conditions of Russia's livelihood became an important factor in the formation of new type journalism. It was necessary to determine the place that was to take the press in the affirmed democratic system. The information process in the country in the new conditions was differentiated. Social, and spiritual, and professional landmarks of journalism changed.

The generation of the media, which unfolded in the early 1990s, felt a lot of difficulties. At the beginning of November 1991, 1269 newspapers, magazines, news agencies were registered by the Ministry of Printing and Mass Information of the Russian Federation. More than 2,200 media received certificates for the right to activities in the former Union Office. In general, it was established that in 1991, 4863 newspapers were published in the Russian Federation.

During this period, the country began intensive development of the musical press. Numerous musical journals and newspapers, designed for different age categories, various musical tastes of readers began to open. The profession of musical criticism was very in demand. But the quality of their reviews and articles depended on how they worked in. Music editions of the nineties can be divided into such groups:

youth: "Hammer", "Bravo", "Cool", "Neon" and others;

rock editions: "FUZZ", "Rockcor", "Classic Rock", "In Rock" and others;

publications for musicians: "Moscow Musician", "Guitar Magazine" and others;

soviet gloss: "Hello", "OK", "Star Hit" and others;

telewives (light not gloss): "7 days", "Antenna", "TV7", "Telendel" and others;

announcements: "Poster", "Time Out", "Your Leisure", Kommersant-Weekend and others.

If you write about the history of musical journalism, it is impossible not to take into account such an interesting event as samizdat. In the 80s of the 20th century, in the conditions of a rigid party-state monopoly on culture, also on the publishing case and the issuance of the media, the publication of prohibited, ideologically alien materials could only be carried out illegally. The work of underground publishers and journalists qualified by the Soviet law as a criminal offense.

The starting "restructuring" stimulated the creation and development of hundreds of amateur periodicals, including Rock samizdatov (at the same time, the first musical samizdates appeared in the USSR back in 1967). Logs as Roxy, Rio, Urlight, Culture, DVR are known to music lovers of the whole country. Many famous musicians, writers, producers, public figures tied their name with this phenomenon: Boris Grebenshchikov, Anatoly Gunitsky, Artemy Troitsky, Alexander Kushnir and many others. With the adoption in 1991, the Russian law "On the media", citizens received the right to establish and publish their own media issues. Article 12 of the same Law stipulates the possibility of release of amateur periodicals without state registration, provided that their circulation will be less than 1000 copies. In Russia, he was legalized samizdat, but the former need for it as in the method of publication almost completely disappeared. Nevertheless, in the 90s, amateur musical publications still existed ("noisy mouse", "fragments", "our drive", "completely", "Chernozem", "Wounds of the wounded", etc.)

Significantly losing the official media in the efficiency and quality of the information component, the current Russian rock samizdates focus mainly on the originality of the design and conceptual integrity of publications. The content of Samizdatov's releases consists in the overwhelming majority of interviews, reviews, journalistic articles, public disputes with colleagues in the shop and other materials minimally attached to a specific time and concrete events.

1.2 Music Edition History

Initially, the first Russian music publishing was the magazine "Musical entertainment", which was published in the capital in 1774. Then in the 18-19 century in St. Petersburg and Moscow, various musical journals were published, which were calculated on various public layers. They were printed both piano and vocal, guitar plays, all sorts of passages from the popular opera, at that time. The first musical magazine that went out in the province was the "Asian Music Journal".

I would like to note that until the 40s of the 19th century, there were only music magazines in the Russian music period. Thus, the problems of musical art were filled with almanacies and various encyclopedias.

One of the best pre-revolutionary musical publications was the "Russian Music Gazette" which was printed in St. Petersburg from 1894-1918. After the time, at the beginning of the 20th century, the music magazines began to be published in a larger volume, such as "musical worker", "Orchestra" - which was engaged in issues of life of orchestral musicians, "music" - was devoted to the achievements and innovations of European musical art.

In modern Russia, foreign publishers appeared on the market, thereby crowding out Soviet magazines, as they ceased to be exclusive sources of information. Only such publications were survived as the "peer" and "interlocutor", but they are designed for older people, as they are too many, in order to be considered a youth press.

Today, new magazines of a given subject continue to be published on the Russian market. So in 2003 a magazine "Yes! Star factory" appeared, and in 2004 - "Teens". In 2005, TNT television channels together with the "SPN-Media" released the magazine "Dom-2", the 100,000th edition of which was sold on the first day. To date, the magazine circulation is 600 thousand copies. The entry of the publication in the relevance of the youth is the key to success. Publishers are confident that the youth press market is in the active development phase. The peak of the popularity of this sphere is still ahead, because culture consumption is still only at the beginning of the path, at the formation stage. At the same time, according to the State Statistics Committee, the number of born in the country falls, which indicates that the number of potential readers of adolescents and young people is reduced. Today, young people are actively mastering the Internet, so the weakening of interest in the print media weakens sharply, and it is very noticeable.

According to TNS Gallup ADFACT, in the top 100 publications in the volume of advertising space in journals for the period January - April 2005 (Moscow) included three youth magazines - "Hammer" (56th place), Cool (69th place), and Elle Girl (88th place).

1.3 Music journalism in Russia

Today, we can safely say that musical journalism in Russia is experiencing a crisis. Approaching the newspaper kiosk, it is difficult to make a decision and make a choice. With a large selection of the press, it is quite difficult, choose a publication, with high-quality and interesting information about music. The crisis of musical journalism is income not only Russia. In the 60s of the 20th century, music and youth movements walked side by side. Parents and children began to listen to different music. That is, who loved John Lennon did not listen to Joseph Kobzon. In the 70s, the musical life declined, then musical intellectuals came, later, which became famous cultural scientists. Music journalists write to order good reviews, on this or that album, there is no independent opinion. Thus, the musical journalism goes into an additional and very important focus, facilitating the process of finding music.

In Russia, most musical blogs are conducted by professional journalists, however, both amateur journalism are successfully made to our country, that is, a person writes what is interesting for him and often develops into serious media projects. Every day the Internet comes many thousands of songs, clips and albums. Most of them can be downloaded legally, and the rest can be downloaded from pirate sites. Music has become for the most part - free, which has a serious impact on musical journalism. Already, any Internet user can configure the Internet streams that will be comfortable to him. Thus, the filtering of information flows can be carried out in a variety of ways. The democracy of the Internet environment leads to the fact that journalists must offer information selected by them, and not try to impose it. It is easiest possible to do this with tags or tags. The paradigm has a path of information from the newsmaker to the final consumer. There is a single information stream from which journalists are extinguished more interesting information for their audience. The consumer, after familiarization with the principles of such work, will choose for himself what is more interested in him. It turns out that a person receives only that information that is interesting to him. Comments and analytics of the journalist in this case go to the background.

music journalism ROLLING STONE

2. The Rolling Stones as a type of publication

ing Stone is an American magazine that affects the themes of music and pop culture. Founded in San Francisco, back in 1967. It comes out - twice a month, a circulation of about a million copies, and since 2004 the magazine began to be published in Russian. To date, the Rolling Stone magazine is one of the most authoritative and all respected magazines about music and culture around the world. In December, lists of the best albums and movies of the outgoing year are published in the journal.

Initially, the magazine was designed for a generation of hippies, but the edition quickly rummaged, and won the reputation of the most expected and respectable magazine about music. At the end of each release there was an invitation for readers about the invitation to send their articles to the editor of the magazine, after which the career of many, to date, famous musical critics began. The 1970s - the peak of popularity for the magazine, then, many musicians were frantically wanted to get to the cover of the magazine, thereby arranging competitions. During these years, the magazine largely determined the musical tastes of American spectators. Most published materials received a nationwide resonance. In 1977, the editors of the journal moved to New York, which to this day is considered the center of fashion trends in music, despite this, many noticed that the magazine does not have time for the rapid development of trends. The magazine touched on punk rock and punk culture, but hip-hop and grunge all the same, for a long time were unnoticed.

I would like to note that Kurt Cobain decided to take pictures on the cover of the magazine in a T-shirt with the inscription "Corporate magazines - all the same sucks." Further, in 2000, in order to earn the attention of the teenage audience, the magazine began to write a lot about the young stars of Hollywood cinema. Such an attempt to modernize the magazine, caused discontent with the loyal readers of the magazine, many accused the publication that he rolled up to a simple tabloid. However, Rolling Stones today publishes interviews with the most status musicians, such as Bob Dylan. In 2002, during a large-scale survey, the magazine created a list of 500 best performers of all times, and in 2004 - a list of 500 best songs of all time


To date, modern civilization can be called information, which is why the mass media system is the most influential tool for creating social reality.

From the point of view of apologists of the phenomenological sociology, the knowledge of T. Lukman and P. Berger of social reality, as some of these, does not exist, this category is constructed sequentially. From the point of view of T. Lukman and P. Berger: "For our purposes, it is enough to determine the" reality "as the quality inherent in phenomena, have being, independent of our will and desire (we cannot" get rid of them "), and" Knowledge " It is possible to determine as confidence that the phenomena is real and have specific characteristics "

It is through the media, including through the Rolling Stone magazine, each member of society can get so much information as he is required.

It is through the media that, including through the Rolling Stone magazine, each member of society can get the necessary amount of information, due to which its ideas about the world and personal knowledge will be formed. And accordingly, the overall picture of the world, which representatives of the society take as a reality depends on this.

The Rolling Stone edition does not simply transmit the facts to their readers. This magazine also makes certain conclusions ... This approach fully reflects the theory of social constructing reality. Particular attention here must be paid to the fact that ordinary journalists are the main authors of the design, and not representatives of the intelligent elite, which are capable of evaluating complex political and socio-economic phenomena.

The Rolling Stone edition itself does not have the initial information that is needed to create a social reality. In accordance with this, the magazine should act as a transmitter of information by broadcasting it from some members of society to others. But in the process of transmission, the information is often transformed - the magazine, exposing data to different impacts, produce some accents that after being translated.

The media, including Rolling Stone, influencing the creation of the social reality of members of a certain social group, (or society), are not protected from the influence of the outside and are subordinated to the state and society.

At the same time, each member of the Company lives in its world, its social reality, which is created by a few. Any knowledge is distributed in society, it can also be said about "everyday knowledge."

Creating a social reality in Rolling Stone is also produced in the process of understanding the occurring social, cultural, as well as other events. In this case, even the characteristics of the language can have a significant impact on the understanding of reality. The selection of specific words to describe socio-cultural phenomena provides the ability to form submissions and evaluation in relation to these facts, contribute to the emergence of reactions that justify those or other actions. Also, it is impossible not to note the significance of the magazine in the implementation of information collection, commenting on this information and its visual accompaniment, due to which it turns out to be a direct impact on the state of the audience's emotions, and the necessary point of view is ensured on the problem under study, as well as the attitude towards it. The data obtaining is inclined to establish accents on the negative moments of the surrounding reality. It should be noted the role of Internet communication, which is presented in the Internet magazine, as user comments.

A feature of Internet communication is that it is completely free from censorship and built on the statements of independent points of view of Internet users. The Internet is a separate source of information that provides a versatile, multidimensional vision of the situation and makes it possible to form your own opinion on the events. The worldwide network is to date the inseparable part of social reality, which has the most direct impact on it. Thanks to communication in the virtual space - in the thematic blogs, on social networks, forums that are devoted to the discussion of any problems raised in the Rolling Stone publication - the magazine is able to constitute public opinion and social moods.

In addition, it should be noted that not always the love of society to specific personalities occurs as a result of objective reasons. A real arsenal of special methods of impact on the target audience and specially developed funds is added to the creation of the image.

Thus, the Rolling Stone magazine plays an important role in the design of social reality, forming tastes, views and opinions of readers.

Summing up the conclusions on the chapter, it should be noted that the sociocultural phenomenon of the Rolling Stone magazine consists of the originality and uniqueness.

.2 International editions of Rolling Stone. Russian counterparts and influence on modern culture

The magazine "Rolling Stone" has international publications:

Argentina - from April 1998 publishing house "Publirevistas S.A.";

Australia - published as a supplement to the magazine "GO-SET" since 1969. In the form of a full-fledged independent publication produced since 1972. Until 2008, "Next Media Pty Ltd" was published in Sydney, and at the moment is produced by the publishing house "ACP Magazines";

Brazil - the publication of the company "Spring Comunicações ", out of October 2006;

Germany - produced by the publishing house "AXEL SPRINGER AG" in Germany since 1994;

India - International publication launched by the magazine "MAN s WORLD "in March 2008;

Indonesia - produced by the publishing house "JHP Media" since June 2005;

Spain - published "Progresa" since 1999 in Madrid;

Italy - is originally produced by the publishing house "Ixo Publishing", and then "Editrice Quadratum" from November 2003 in Italy;

China is a licensed One Media Group in Hong Kong and the Published with the assistance of China Record Corporation;

Colombia - produced in Bogota, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Panama;

Mexico - International publication of PRISA INTERNACIONAL, existing since 2002;

Russia - the publishing house "SPN-Media" from 2004. Internet version of the publication:;

Turkey is an international publication produced by the publishing house "GD Gazete Dergi" since June 2006;

France - released into circulation in 2002 and re-released in May 2008 by the publishing group "1633SA";

Chile is the international edition of Edu Comunicaciones until May 2003. Since January 2006, EL Mercurio is published;

Japan - published since March 2007 Internet edition:

The International Monthly Edition of the Russian version of Rolling Stone Russia was founded in 2004 and positions itself as a male magazine about modern culture. Its circulation is about 110 thousand copies. The publication is implemented in the retail network and on a subscription over 300 cities and villages of Russia and the CIS, including in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Rolling Stone is the Russian version of the famous American edition, which was founded by Jan Vinner in 1967. The magazine has proven itself as an authoritative international edition of modern culture and public life in all manifestations: in music, cinema, theater, literature, including even avant-garde and underground directions of culture. Also in "Rolling Stone", political and socially significant publications are often occurring. The magazine was popularly popular than 16 million people living in North and South America, Asia, Australia, Europe. In Russian, the first issue of the publication came out in 2004. It is produced by the Publishing House "SPN-Media" and licensed by the American Publishing Corporation "Wenner Media LLC".

The journal presents the following headings:

"Rock & Roll", which publishes materials about the most relevant and significant people and phenomena from the world of cinema, painting, theater, literature, politicians;

"Stephen Webster" - interviews and memories of the outstanding English jeweler and Columnist "RS" Stephen Webster on past times;

"To be or not to drink with Mikhail Efremov", on the pages of which the conversations of the Columnist "Rolling Stone" about geopolitics, alcohol in Moscow bars and the upbringing of children;

"TOP-5", which includes in one block outstanding musical, cultural and sports information over the past month;

"Sport" - publications about famous athletes and simply relevant information from the world of sports;

"Middle Light", which issues informative materials from the sphere of the secular chronicle, currently relevant to today;

"Interview RS" - a rubric, on the pages of which the interview with outstanding actors, athletes, musicians in connection with the current news of culture (sports record, release of a new album or film premiere);

"Big Materials", where translation interviews with stars from the world of culture and sports from the American magazine "ROLLING STONE" are published or Russian exit reports are published;

"Ordinary Tourism" - a rubric on non-standard and extreme routes on various types of transport issued by the correspondents "ROLLING STONE";

"Lifestyle" - a large heading about scientists, philosophers, adventurers with a strange or unusual history of life;

"Consumption Society", where materials are published on the bottle of strong alcoholic beverages with outstanding personalities, almost the most scandalous heading of the Rolling Stone edition;

"Fashion" - unlike the "Fashion Story" of other glossy publications, in Rolling Stone, the heading is based on the basis of model shows, but on the basis of the style and fashion trends of the stars of culture and sports;

"9 MKAD circles", where interviews taken by correspondents of publication from celebrities during extreme trips by city streets with professional race cars;

"Hardware", on the pages of which materials are published dedicated to the most relevant innovations of technology. The heading is represented by the chief editor of the "Digital Magazine" edition by Mikhail Genin.

The main advantages of the Russian edition "Rolling Stone", according to publishers, are:

Features of preparation of material.

The main nuances of the preparation of the material in Rolling Stone are the branded reports of the "dive method", when the publication correspondents spend as much time as possible with future heroes of their publications: from several days to several weeks.

The authors on the pages of the publication along with professional journalists and masters of their case are: Hunter Thompson, Zemfira, Britney Spears, Madonna, Eduard Limonov, Lenny Kravitz, Bono, Alexander Prokhanov, Johnny Depp, Ilya Lagutenko, Kurt Vonnegut, Sergey Shnurov, Elton John, Marilyn Manson and others.

Visual component

Of great importance in the "Rolling Stone" always had a graphic design and photography. Dating writers with outstanding personalities and figures of our time occurs with the help of new and bright images.

Influence and citation level

This publication is considered to be right one of the most influential and popular in the field of world culture and show business.

Wide audience

The main part of the reader's audience, according to Gallup Media for the previous year, is the male part of the floor aged from 20 to 33 years with income level above average. In the main mass of these, these are socially active people with a solid life position that are interested in the most significant events from the sphere of world culture, fashion and prefer to spend their free time in clubs, concert halls, cinemas.

Each Rolling Stone number is read by more than 401 thousand Russians, including 210.5 thousand people of the reader's audience only in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The official representations of this international publication are in many major cities of Russia: Volgograd, Perm, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Ufa, Rostov-on-Don, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnoyarsk, as well as in Belarus.


In this course work, I reviewed the history of the emergence, disadvantages and advantages of musical journalism on the example of the Rolling Stone magazine.

Considering the history of the creation of the magazine, it was established that the "Rolling Stone" - an American magazine dedicated to music and pop culture was founded in San Francisco in 1967 by Yanner Wenner (which still remains the editor and publisher) and the musical criticism of Ralph Glison . Since 2004, the magazine is published in Russian.

The role of Rolling Stone magazine in the design of social reality, which consists in the formation of tastes, views and opinions of readers. It was noted that the sociocultural phenomenon of the Rolling Stone magazine consists of the originality and uniqueness.

In the course of the study, international editions of RS were identified, the characteristics of the Russian version of the publication and its influence on modern culture were considered. So, Rolling Stone is the Russian version of the famous American publication, which was founded by Jan Vinner in 1967. In Russian, the first issue of the publication came out in 2004. It is produced by the Publishing House "SPN-Media" and licensed by the American Publishing Corporation "Wenner Media LLC". The magazine has proven itself as an authoritative publication of modern culture and public life in all manifestations: in music, cinema, theater, literature, including even avant-garde and underground directions of culture. The influence of this publication on world culture is indisputable great and significantly.