Approximate schemes for the analysis of literary works.

Approximate schemes for the analysis of literary works.
Approximate schemes for the analysis of literary works.

The analysis of any work begins with perception - the reader, listener, viewer. If considered literary composition, then it is opposed, rather, to other ideologies than to other arts. The word as such is a means not only of literature, but of human language in general. Thus, the main analytical load falls on the designation of criteria for artistry. Analysis of a work is, first of all, drawing the boundaries between artistic creation and the product of human activity in general, be it literature or any other art.


Analysis of a work of art requires a distinction between its form and ideological content. Ideological content is, first of all, topics and problems. Then - pathos, that is, the emotional attitude of the artist to the depicted: tragedy, heroism, drama, humor and satire, sentimentality or romance.

Artistry consists in the details of subject depiction, in the sequence and interaction of the internal and external activities of the depicted in time and space. And also the analysis of a work of art requires precision in the coverage of compositional development. This is the observation of development in the order, methods, motivations of the narrative or description of the depicted, in stylistic details.

Analysis circuits

First of all, the history of the creation of this work is considered, its topics and problems, ideological direction and emotional pathos are indicated. Then the genre is explored in its tradition and originality, as well as these artistic images in all their internal connections. Analysis of the work displays on foreground discussion and characterizes all central characters while clarifying storylines in the peculiarities of building conflicts.

Further, landscapes and portraits, monologues and dialogues, interior and setting of action are characterized. In this case, it is imperative to pay attention to the verbal structure: the analysis of a literary work requires consideration of the author's descriptions, narratives, digressions, and reasoning. That is, speech becomes the subject of study.


The analysis necessarily recognizes both the composition of the work and the characteristics of individual images, as well as the general architectonics. Finally, the place is indicated of this essay in the work of the artist and its significance in the national and world treasury of arts. This is especially important if the analysis of the works of Lermontov, Pushkin and other classics is carried out.

It is necessary to convey information about the main problems of the era and clarify the attitude of the creator to them. Point by point, identify traditional and innovative elements in the author's work: what are the ideas, topics and problems, what are creative method, style, genre. It is very useful to study the attitude of leading critics towards this creation. So, Belinsky got an almost exhaustive analysis of Pushkin's works.

Character stats plan

In the introduction, it is necessary to determine the place of the character in the general system of images of this work. main part includes, first of all, its characteristics and indication of the social type, material and social status... Considered in detail appearance and no less thoroughly - his worldview, worldview, range of interests, habits, inclinations.

The obligatory study of the nature of the activity and the main aspirations of the character greatly contributes to the full disclosure of the image. Its impact on the world- all types of impact.

The next stage is the analysis of the hero of the work in the field of feelings. That is, how he relates to others, his inner experiences. The author's attitude to this character... How the personality is revealed in the work. Is the characterization given by the author himself directly, or did he do it with the help of a portrait, background, through other characters, through the actions of the investigated person or his speech characteristic, using the environment or neighbors. The analysis of the work ends with the designation of the problem in society that led the artist to create just such an image. Acquaintance with the character will turn out to be quite close and informative if it is interesting to travel through the text.

Analysis of a lyric work

Start with the date of writing, then give a biographical commentary. Identify the genre and mark its originality. Further, it is advisable to consider in as much detail as possible ideological content: to identify the leading theme and convey the main idea of ​​the work.

Feelings and their emotional coloring, expressed in a poem, dynamics dominate in it or statics - all this constitutes the most important part that the analysis of a literary work should contain.

It is important to pay attention to the impression of the poem and analyze the internal reaction. Note the predominance of public or personal intonations in the work.

Professional details

Further analysis lyric work enters the sphere of professional details: the structure of verbal images, their comparison, and then development are specifically considered. What path did the author choose for comparison and development - by contrast or by similarity, by association, by contiguity or by inference.

The visual means are considered in detail: metonymy, metaphor, allegory, comparison, hyperbole, symbol, sarcasm, paraphrase and so on. It is especially necessary to identify the presence of intonational-syntactic figures, such as anaphores, antitheses, epithets, inversions, rhetorical questions, addresses and exclamations.

An analysis of the works of Lermontov, Pushkin, and indeed any other poet, is impossible without characterizing the main features of rhythm. First of all, it is necessary to indicate what exactly the author used: tonic, syllabic, syllabo-tonic, dolnik or free verse. Then determine the size: iambic, trochee, peon, dactyl, anapest, amphibrachium, pyrrhic or spondaeus. The method of rhyming and stanza is considered.

Painting analysis scheme

First, the author and name of the painting, the place and time of its creation, the history and embodiment of the idea are indicated. The reasons for choosing a model are considered. The style and direction of this work are indicated. The type of painting is determined: easel or monumental, fresco, tempera or mosaic.

The choice of material is explained: oil, watercolor, ink, gouache, pastel - and whether it is typical for the artist. The analysis of a work of art also presupposes the definition of the genre: portrait, landscape, history painting, still life, panorama or diorama, marina, icon painting, everyday genre or mythological. It should also be noted that it is characteristic of the artist. To convey a picturesque plot or symbolic content, if any.

Analysis Scheme: Sculpture

As well as the analysis of a work of painting provides, for a sculpture, first the author and name, time of creation, place, history of the idea and its implementation are indicated. Style and direction are indicated.

Now you need to determine the type of sculpture: round, monumental or small plastic, relief or its varieties (bas-relief or high relief), herm or sculptural portrait, and so on.

The choice of a model is described - it is a person, an animal or his allegorical image existing in reality. Or maybe the work is completely a sculptor's fantasy.

For a complete analysis, you need to determine whether the sculpture is an element of architecture, or is it free-standing. Then consider the author's choice of material and what caused it. Marble is granite, bronze, wood or clay. To reveal national characteristics work and, finally, convey personal attitude and perception. The analysis of the sculptor's work is over. Architectural objects are considered in a similar way.

Analysis of a piece of music

Musical art has specific means for revealing the phenomena of life. Here the links between figurative meaning music and its structure, as well as the means used by the composer. These special features of expressiveness and is intended to indicate the analysis piece of music... Moreover, he himself must become a means for the development of aesthetic and ethical qualities of the individual.

First you need to find out musical content, idea and concept of the piece. As well as its role in the education of sensory cognition complete picture the world. Then you need to determine which expressive means musical language formed the semantic content of the work, what intonational findings the composer used.

How to do a qualitative analysis

Here is a partial list of questions to be answered. qualitative analysis piece of music:

  • What is this music about?
  • What name can you give it? (If the essay is not programmatic.)
  • Are there heroes in the work? What are they?
  • Is there action in this music? Where do conflicts occur?
  • How do climaxes appear? Do they grow from top to top?
  • How did the composer explain all this to us? (Timbres, tempos, dynamics, etc. - that is, the nature of the piece and the means of creating this character.)
  • What impression does this music make, what mood does it convey?
  • How does the listener feel?

For literary analysis one should read the literary work very carefully to understand how the author conveys his key ideas. Begin by taking notes on the text and reading it with maximum concentration, then formulate your reasoning and make an outline. Write your analysis as planned and revise your work to pass the draft text.


Take notes and articulate reasons

    Jot down ideas as you read the text. When you first read the text, make notes about the aspects that attract attention - the main conflict, the motives of the characters, the tone of the story, and the setting.

    • Highlight passages of text that you find interesting or noteworthy. Is the author making an important statement in one of the paragraphs? Is the text suddenly philosophical? Highlight or mark such passages.
    • For example, one of the main quotes from the novel by George Orwell 1984 , which is often repeated: “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is power. " Since this is the slogan of the Party (one and the only political party in the state), it becomes clear to us that this text will be important for the plot. You can use a colored highlighter to highlight the passage of text each time it is mentioned. This will make it easier for you to find a statement so that you can analyze when, where, and why Orwell is repeating these lines.
  1. Notice literary devices. The author uses literary techniques to prove his point or tell a story. Alliteration, artistic images, metaphors, allusions, allegories, repetitions, retrospectives, various omens and other techniques are used in literary works.

    • For example, artistic images are the living language of the author, which helps to form a mental representation. They can set the tone for the entire text. Consider an example from the novel 1984 George Orwell, which occurs in the fourth paragraph:
      • “The world outside, behind closed windows, breathed cold. The wind spiraled dust and scraps of paper; and although the sun was shining and the sky was starkly blue, everything in the city looked colorless - except for the posters pasted all over the place. "
    • This short excerpt allows us to imagine a harsh world, very cold and devoid of color.
  2. Focus on key topics. Topics are those basic ideas that the author repeats throughout the text. The topic can be religion, government, the struggle between good and evil, power, social order, growing up, war, education, human rights and much more. Define topics as early as possible so that it is easier for you to write out examples of such topics as you read the text.

    • Among the main themes of the novel 1984 can be called war, power and social order.
  3. Pay attention to the shape of the piece. Form is a feature of the structure of the text. So, in a volumetric work, the form includes the features of the division of the text, as well as the narration from the first or third person. In the poem, pay attention to line breaks, verse order, appearance and even the negative space involved. Why did the author choose this form, and how does it help to better present key ideas?

    • Analyze how form and content relate. Do they conflict?
    • For example, a poem often contains less information than in a novel, whereby the author may use form to draw attention to hidden or unanswered questions.
  4. Consider historical context. Works are not created in a vacuum, so the time and place in which the author worked always affects the work. Find out where the author lived, when he wrote the novel, what was happening in the world at that time.

  5. Determine the purpose of the author. When creating a work, the author can set himself several goals. Your task is to identify at least one of them in order to write an analysis. If you are able to support your ideas with evidence from the text, then you can choose any goal you like.

    • To determine the author's purpose, analyze the historical context of the book, and important topics the author. You can also read other analyzes and reviews, including interviews with the author.
    • For example, one of Orwell's main goals when working on a novel 1984 was to show what awaits citizens, if you do not control the work of their own government - a totalitarian regime that monitors every step and thought of the people.
    • Thus, the slogan “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is Power ”becomes an introduction to the author's goal. It allows the reader to imagine what will happen next: members of such a society are forced to silently swallow contradictory statements from the government. In the novel, this concept is called doublethink.
  6. Focus on the topic to determine your case. Focus on one plot element that represents your choice main goal works. How exactly did this particular topic touch you? Why does it seem important?

    • For example, you want to focus on how artistic imagery sets the tone for a novel. 1984 ... Why is it important? Without such images, the novel would be perceived differently, and Orwell would find it difficult to show the reader a convincing world.
  7. Analyze how your evidence supports your main idea. At this stage, you need to answer why your statement is really important. Demonstrate to readers that your evidence is related to the statement.

    • For example, end a paragraph with a quote like this:
      • This world is cruel to its inhabitants, it breathes with "cold" and a presentiment of trouble, and everyday life does not alternate with joyful days. Even a bright sunny day does not help to forget about gloom and gloom. Through such descriptions, Orwell demonstrates that the world of the novel can turn out to be our future, a harsh reality without the possibility of finding consolation in fantasy or fun.

Analysis of a work of art

A rough outline of the comparative characteristics of the heroes:

  • the first appearance of the hero
  • portrait
  • living environment
  • relationship with people close to him, with society
  • behavior in similar situations
  • author's attitude to the hero

Algorithm benchmarking poetic text

1. Find similarities between two texts at the level:

2. Find differences at the same levels.

3. Explain the differences identified:

a) in the works of the same author;

  • the difference in the time of writing, which determined the change in views;
  • difference artistic tasks;
  • contradictions of worldview and attitude;
  • other reasons.
  • the difference in artistic worlds;
  • the difference in historical conditions and characteristics literary development;
  • the difference not only of individual, but also of national artistic worlds.

4. To clarify the interpretation of each of the analyzed texts in accordance with the conducted comparative analysis.

Poem Analysis Plan

1. The title of the poem and its author.

2. Leading theme (what is the poem about?).

3. What picture does the poet paint in his poem? Describe. (Pay attention to the details of the picture, their colors.)

4. Mood, feelings conveyed by the author. How do feelings change from the beginning to the end of a poem?

5. The main images of the poem.

6. Lexical means of expressiveness of speech: comparisons, epithets, metaphors, personifications, sound writing.

7. Syntactic means of expressiveness of speech: antithesis, appeal, introductory words and sentences, exclamation, homogeneous members of a sentence, repetitions, parallelism. For what purpose is the author using them?

8. The main idea ( what did the poet want to say in the poem?).

9. Own attitude to what you read. What feelings does the poem evoke?

Dictionary of Sentiments

Positive (good) mood: solemn, enthusiastic, the poet describes with delight ..., the poet is delighted ..., enthusiastic, joyful, the poet is enchanted ..., the poet admires ..., joyful, cheerful, light, light, gentle, the poet writes with tenderness about ..., playful, peaceful, warm, calm, upbeat.

Negative (bad) mood: sadness, the poet speaks with sadness about ..., the poet yearns for ..., sadness, the poet regrets about ..., regret about ..., sorry about the poet ..., the poet worries about ..., the poet is indignant ..., the poet is upset ... heart the poet writes about ..., the poet speaks with excitement about ..., the poet feels a sense of bitterness ...

Detailed outline of the analysis of the poem

2. The genre of the poem. What place does this genre occupy in the poet's work, is it typical for him, what literary direction it belongs to.

3. Analysis of the themes (love, hate, nature, freedom, etc.) and the problems of the poem. Does it meet the demands of the time? Is it relevant on the present stage and why.

4. Analysis of the plot and composition.

5. Lyric "I", lyrical subject, the image of the author. Does the image match lyric hero and the lyrical subject, how the author's image is realized, whether he is present at all.

6. Formal signs of the poem. Determine the size, meter of the poem, rhyme system, stanza.

7. Stylistics. TO stylistic means traditionally include: paths, figures, sound writing. Give the words to one thematic group who play big role in a poem. Find outdated vocabulary and neologisms, explain why the author uses them.

8. Your personal attitude to what you read

Epic Episode Analysis Plan

1. The place and role of the episode in the composition of the work. The episode is included in any element of the plot: exposure, setting, development of the action, culmination, denouement, epilogue

2. Type of episode (narration, description, reasoning)

3. Events described in the episode

4. Feature actors episode: appearance, clothing, mannerisms, speech, interaction of characters

5. Artistic means of expression

6. Features of using extra-plot elements in the episode: description, landscape, portrait, interior

7. The role of this episode in the work. Characterological... The episode reveals the character of the hero, his worldview. Psychological... The episode reveals state of mind character. Swivel... Episode shows new turn in the relationship of heroes. Evaluation... The author gives a description of a character or event.

1. The time of the creation of the tale.

2. The main theme of the tale. Problem. Main idea (idea).

3. Features of the plot. How is the main idea of ​​the tale revealed in the system of characters?

4. Similarity to folk tales (with examples).

5. Artistic identity fairy tales (with examples).

6. Features of the language (with examples).

7. The meaning of the tale.

Plan for analyzing the role of the episode in the text


1. What is an episode? Give a definition.

2. Assumption of the role of this episode in the work (thesis of the composition).

The main part (arguments and examples).

1. Concise retelling of this fragment.

2. The place of the episode in the composition of the text (Why is this episode located here? What are the episodes before and after? What is the connection with other fragments?)

3. The place of the episode in the plot of the work (setting, exposure, development of the action, culmination, denouement, epilogue).

4. What themes, ideas, problems (questions) of the text were reflected in this episode?

5. Arrangement of characters in this fragment. New in the characters of the heroes.

6. What is objective world works (Landscape, interior, portrait)? Why exactly is this in this episode?

7. Motives of the episode (meeting, dispute, road, dream, and the like). Associations (biblical, folklore, antique).

8. In whose name is the storytelling: author, narrator, hero (from 1 or 3 persons)? Why?

9. Organization of speech (narration, description, monologue, dialogue). Why?

10. Language means (paths and figures).

Conclusion (conclusion)

1. The role of the episode in the work (roll call with the introduction).

2. What themes of the work are developed in this episode?

3. The meaning of the fragment for the disclosure of the idea of ​​the text.

A rough outline of the analysis of an episode of a dramatic work

1. The boundaries of the episode are already determined by the very structure of the drama (the phenomenon is separated from other components of the drama); give a title to the episode.

2. Describe the event underlying the episode: what place does it occupy in the course of the development of the action? (Is this an exposition, a setting, an episode in the development of the action of the entire work, a culmination, a denouement?)

3. Name the main (or only) participants in the episode and briefly explainWho are they,what is their place in the character system (major, title, minor, off-stage).

4. To reveal the peculiarities of the beginning and ending of the episode.

5. Formulate a question, a problem that is in the focus of the author's attention; characters.

6. Identify and characterize the theme and contradiction (in other words, mini-conflict) underlying the episode.

7. Describe the heroes - participants in the episode:their relationship to the event;to the question (problem);to each other;briefly analyze the speech of the participants in the dialogue;analyze the author's remarks (explanations for speech, gestures, facial expressions, poses of the characters);to identify the features of the behavior of characters, the motivation of actions (author's or reader's);determine the alignment of forces, grouping or regrouping of heroes, depending on the course of events in the episode.

8. Describe the dynamic composition of the episode (its exposure, setting, culmination, denouement; in other words, what is the pattern of emotional tension in the episode).

9. Describe the dialogical composition of the episode: on what principle of coverage of the topic is the dialogue built?

11. Formulate the main idea (author's idea) of the episode.

12. Analyze the plot, figurative and ideological connection of this episode with other episodes of the drama.

Song analysis


1. The meaning of the song title

2. Who could have performed it and when?

3. What is the feeling of the song?

4. What parts does it consist of?

5. What means artistic expression used in it?

Artistic features folk song

1. Permanent epithets: "Chubby druzhinushka", "red maiden", "blue sea", "silk stirrup", "straight road", "good horse", "black clouds", "clear field";

2. Short forms adjectives: a good fellow, (a glass) is green wine, for a good horse, a dear friend of the heart, for a crow of a horse, in a clean field;

3. Words with diminutive-affectionate suffixes: "tender branch", "wheat", "nose", "little friend", "sun", "darling";

4. Negative comparisons: “it was not the cuckoo in its groove that was bored”, “it didn’t write with a pen, not with ink, but wrote with burning tears”;

5. Psychological parallelism - assimilation of natural phenomena to the state of the hero;

6. Sound writing - a technique for creating musicality of a work. In the absence of folk songs rhyme with the help of repetition of individual vowels and consonants, a certain image is drawn brighter, the melodic lines of poetic lines are emphasized.


Analysis of a lyric work is one of the variants of the composition. As a rule, topics of this kind look something like this: “The poem of A.A. The "Stranger" block: perception, interpretation, evaluation ”. The wording itself contains what you need to do to reveal the ideological and thematic content and artistic features of a lyric work: 1) tell about your perception of the work; 2) interpret, that is, approach the author's intention, unravel the idea inherent in the work; 3) express your emotional attitude to the work, tell about what touched, surprised you, drew your attention. Here is a diagram of the analysis of a lyric work.

  • facts from the biography of the author related to the creation of a poetic work
  • to whom is the poem dedicated (prototypes and addressees of the work)?

2. The genre of the poem. Signs of the genre (s).

3. The title of the work (if any) and its meaning.

4. The image of the lyrical hero. Its closeness to the author.

5. Ideological and thematic content:

  • leading topic;
  • idea (main idea) of the work
  • development of the author's thought (lyric hero)
  • emotional coloring (focus) of the work and methods of its transmission

6. Artistic features:

  • artistic techniques and their meaning;
  • keywords and images associated with the idea of ​​the work;
  • sound writing techniques;
  • presence / absence of division into stanzas;
  • features of the rhythm of the poem: poetic meter, rhymes, rhymes and their connection with ideological concept the author.

7. Your reader's perception of the work.


1. The history of the creation of the work:

  • facts from the biography of the author related to the creation of this work.
  • connection of the work with the historical era of its creation;
  • the place of the work in the work of the author.

2. The genre of the work. Signs of the genre (s).

3. The title of the work and its meaning.

4. From whom is the story told? Why?

5. Theme and idea of ​​the work. Problems.

6. The plot (story lines) of the work. Conflict. Key episodes.

7. The system of images of the work:

  • characters of the work (main, minor; positive, negative;
  • features of the names and surnames of characters;
  • the actions of the characters and their motivation;
  • household items characterizing the character;
  • the character's connection with the public environment;
  • attitude to the hero of the work of other characters;
  • self-characterization of characters;
  • author's attitude to characters and ways of expressing it.

8. Composition of the piece:

  • division of the text of the work into parts, the meaning of such a division;
  • the presence of prologues, epilogues, initiations and their meaning;
  • the presence of inserted episodes and lyrical digressions and their meaning;
  • the presence of epigraphs and their meaning;
  • the presence of lyrical digressions and their meaning.

10. Artistic means, techniques that reveal the idea of ​​the work.

11. Features of the language of the work.

In middle grades comprehensive school it is still too early to teach the analysis of the work itself. Students must go through difficult path mastering basic literary concepts, to acquire knowledge for further analysis of texts in high school. Let's turn to the heading "Theory of Literature" for the 5th grade program:

  • The concept of oral folk art, its types, genres. Myth, folk tale, features of their construction and language.
  • The concept of a literary tale.
  • Concept of science fiction and adventure literature.

As you can see, the content of this heading provides only elements of the analysis of the work. The same is true in the programs for grades 6 and 7. The questions and tasks offered by textbooks for the middle classes are also aimed for the most part to clarify the content of the text. To prepare schoolchildren for the analysis of a work of fiction in high school, you need to take into account the program headings "Theory of Literature" on Ukrainian and foreign literature and plan this material in a logical sequence, taking into account the works that are being studied. Based on the calendar-thematic plan, the teacher will draw up an appropriate system of questions aimed at checking the students' understanding of both the content and the form of the work. Thus, during their studies in grades 5, 6 and 7, they will gradually master the elements of examining a work of art, and only then the teacher will be able to take up his school analysis, taking into account the following three aspects:

  • The specifics of the perception of the material by students (emotional aspect);
  • The measure of scientific character (cognitive aspect);
  • The educational value of literature (pedagogical aspect). Unlike academic, school analysis of a work of art also has educational and developmental value. He teaches to understand and feel the beauty, awakens the spirit of creativity, reveals the personality of the author. It is a fusion of science and art. This is why the teacher must unite deep knowledge literary studies with methodological training.

School analysis of a work of fiction is based on a literary concept, but does not copy it. Among the unsolved problems of the methodology, one of the main ones remains - the problem school analysis artwork. It has been studied for more than one century. Per last decade, with the introduction of a new school discipline " Foreign literature”, It sharpened and is still relevant today. Not only practical teachers, methodologists, but also literary critics are actively working on it. They created a solid theoretical basis for solving the methodological problem of the school analysis of a work of art. Cultural analysis. Culturological line State standard basic and complete secondary education has the following content: “Fiction in the context of national and world culture, its relationship with religion, philosophy, aesthetics, literary criticism, different types of arts. Displaying the character of the people in national literature and culture. Tradition and innovation in literature and culture. Dialogue of cultures, its influence on literary process... Connection literary directions and trends with an aesthetic search for artists of other arts. " Based on the requirements of the State Standard, we point out that cultural analysis provides for the study of fiction in the context of national and world cultures. Linguistic analysis. Linguistics (from Latin - language) - philological science, which explores language, its functions, structure and historical development. Based on this definition, M. Shansky formulated the goal and revealed the meaning linguistic analysis... The purpose of linguistic analysis is to identify and explain the linguistic facts used in a literary text in their meaning and use, and only to the extent that they are related to understanding the literary work as such. Thus, the subject of linguistic analysis is the linguistic material of the text. Stylistic analysis. The literary dictionary-reference book defines the style (Latin - slate for writing) as a set of features that characterize the works of a certain time, direction and individual manner of the writer. Based on this statement, we conclude that stylistic analysis- this is the identification of techniques for the individual author's use of linguistic means, the study of the peculiarities of the writer's work, by which his works differ from the works of other artists. Philological analysis. Explanatory dictionaries the term "philology" (from - love of the word) is interpreted in several versions. Relying on scientific explanations, we define that philological analysis provides for the interpretation of the text of a work of art using the techniques of studying the language, handwriting, manner of the writer. Contextual analysis.

The contextual analysis of a work of art provides (according to O. Chirkov) the presence of a certain context in which the work is studied and analyzed. The following contexts are distinguished: 1) a certain historical and literary era (with the definition of the place of the work in it); 2) the creativity of an individual writer (with the definition of the place of the work in it); 3) certain historical eras(the completeness of the display of the era in a literary work is investigated). Contextual analysis always provides for the most intent, most attention to the text as a form of expression of the author's subjective interpretation of the objective world. Intertextual analysis. Inter, or intertextuality is interpreted (as defined by O.

Chirkov) as a property of one work of art to be associated with another work or several works. At the intersection of such associations, judgments arise about the artistic originality of the work, which is analyzed, about the stylistic manner of the author, his philosophical vision, which is embodied in a literary work. O. Chirkov summarizes and explains three (according to T. Korableva) main types of intertextual relations, namely: quotations - direct, frank, textual connections with famous works, reminiscences are mediated connections that are perceived through the context, and allusions are hints of associations and parallels with another artistic text... Revealing such quotes, reminiscences and allusions in a canonical text that is being analyzed is the task of intertextual analysis of a work of art.

In other words, intertextual analysis provides for a comparison of the original source and the fictional work that is analyzed to identify the originality artistic world a writer in a certain work, in comparison with those samples that previously existed in literature and are somewhat close, are similar to him. Comparative (comparative) analysis... The phenomena of the art of words are investigated by comparing them with other such phenomena, mainly in different national writings. Psychological analysis . Theoretical basis of this analysis are the teachings of V.

Wundt (1832 - 1920) on the creative process in which the main role allotted mental state artist; Z. Freud (1856 - 1939) about the unconscious, which he was the first to try to investigate and explain; O. Potebni (1835-1891), who believed that artistic creation is a reflection of the inner world of the writer.

He introduced into literary criticism the concept of "inner form" of a word and an image, approved the idea of ​​the unity of form and image and its meaning, put forward a theory of sequential development: word - myth - image (poetic), gave his understanding of their differences, etc. . Moklice) is the result of some process in the inner world artist, it is a mechanism that is invisibly present in the identification of a part.

The work that we are studying is the visible part of the iceberg, and its bulk remains in the depths of the author's psyche. A thorough reading of the work leads to the need to show the springs creative process, to understand the intention of the author, the serious personal basis of his work. Mythological analysis. Almost all literary critics turn to mythology in one way or another, since fiction it is densely saturated with myths, mythical plots, mythologemes (the presence in a literary work of a well-known mythological plot or motive that structure it) and mytho-worlds.

As for folklore, it is based on a mythological basis, since it has a mythological constant in it. So the main task mythological analysis - to investigate the direct interaction of literature and myths. Structuralist Analysis(Latin - building a whole from parts).

The structural and semantic unity of the artistic whole and the conceptual system that reflects the complex internal organization of a literary work and its contextual connections are investigated. Hermeneutic analysis(from the Greek. "interpreter") - the theory of interpretation of the text, the doctrine of understanding the meaning.

The method of hermeneutic analysis (according to M. Nefedov) covers the restoration and preparation of the text, the solution of the problem of its truth, the time of writing, authorship, the participation of other authors, revisions, as well as the compilation of comments (linguistic, literary, historical). Detailed notes can inform about the sources of the plot, images, characters, literary borrowings. Interpretation (Latin interpretation) is the interpretation of a literary work, a kind of understanding and disclosure of its content and form.

Interpretation is redesign artistic content works through its presentation in the language of other types of art or the language of science. In this way, fictional literary work can be interpreted artistic languages painting, graphics, theater, cinema, music, etc., as well as the conceptual and logical language of science - in literary criticism and literary studies. Interpretation is a form of assimilation, rethinking and enrichment of the tradition of the artistic experience of human civilization, it is a manifestation of deep and inexhaustible content classical pieces, their eternal being. All the proposed types of analysis and many others that exist in literary criticism, the teacher studies to perfection in order to be able to highlight favorable elements in them and use them effectively during the application of the school analysis of a work of art or its components. For example, during the analysis artistic images as a component of the work, you can draw such elements from different types literary analyzes.

This is also presented schematically (see the diagram on p. 204). This scheme does not exhaust the possibilities of attracting elements literary analyzes, it only serves as an example to clarify the methodology of their application. Specific traits and the purpose of researching the work in school.

Teach students to analyze piece of art- means to highlight its components, investigate them, build reasoned conclusions; synthesize separate parts in order to see the work as a whole: to feel it aesthetic value, to understand the content, to give an independent, critical, substantiated assessment.