School reading: "Overcoat". Analysis "Overcoat" Gogol Why you need to study Gogol's overcoat

School reading: "Overcoat". Analysis "Overcoat" Gogol Why you need to study Gogol's overcoat

The idea of ​​the story "The Overcoat" arose from N.V. Gogol under the influence of a real story told to him. One poor official had been saving up money for a very expensive gun for a long time. Having bought it and went hunting, the official did not notice how the priceless purchase slipped from the boat into the river. The shock of the loss was so strong that the unlucky hunter became seriously ill. The official's health began to improve only after his friends chipped in and bought him exactly the same gun.

Gogol took this amusing incident very seriously. He knew firsthand about the hard life of poor officials. In the first years of service in St. Petersburg, the writer himself "took off the whole winter in a summer overcoat."

Combining the main idea from the story of the official with his own memories, in 1839 Gogol began work on The Overcoat. The story was finished at the beginning of 1841 and first published a year later.

The meaning of the name

The overcoat in the story is not just a piece of clothing. She practically becomes one of the heroes of the work. Not only the happiness of poor Akaky Akakievich, but even his life, turn out to be dependent on an ordinary overcoat.

The main theme of the story is the plight of petty bureaucracy.

The protagonist Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin evokes unfeigned pity. The whole life path was destined for him from birth. At baptism, the child made such a face, "as if he had a presentiment that there would be a titular adviser."

Akaky Akakievich is just a cog in a huge bureaucratic machine. The work of an official consists in the primitive rewriting of documents. Akaky Akakievich is not capable of more.

The authorities treat Bashmachkin "coldly and despotically." In addition, he serves as a constant target for jokes from colleagues. Akaky Akakievich does not react in any way to ridicule. Only in extreme cases does he plaintively ask: “Leave me, why do you offend me?”.

In the eyes of those around him, Bashmachkin's life is boring and colorless. Although the official himself sees "a diverse and pleasant world" in his rewriting of papers. Akaki Akakievich does not even notice anything around, completely immersed in his monotonous work.

The “strong enemy” of all petty officials, the Russian frost, brings Bashmachkin out of his state of detachment. Akaki Akakievich understands with horror that buying a new overcoat is a severe necessity. The required sum could be accumulated only by the most severe economy and limitation of expenses. This led Bashmachkin to an even more disastrous financial situation, but, on the other hand, gave him his first real goal in life.

Dreaming of a new greatcoat, Akaki Akakievich seemed to be born again: "he became somehow more alive, even firmer in character." “Fire was sometimes shown in the eyes” of the obedient titular adviser.

The long-awaited realization of the dream became the most significant event in the life of Akaky Akakievich - "a great solemn holiday." Thanks to an ordinary overcoat, he felt like a different person and even agreed to go to a colleague's birthday, which he never did.

The bliss of Akaky Akakievich did not last long. Being attacked at night and having lost his dream, he fell into despair. The efforts to find the criminal did not help. The only means was the help of one "significant person". However, the sharp reception given to Bashmachkin by the general killed his last hope. "Proper scolding" led to a fever and an early death.

The figure of the titular adviser was so insignificant that in the service they learned about his funeral only on the fourth day. The replacement of the place by another official was completely painless for the work of the institution.


The main problem of the story lies in the fact that in the era of Gogol a huge number of people were the same Akaki Akakievich. Their lives passed without a trace and did not represent any value. For any higher official, Akaki Akakievich is not even a person, but a submissive and defenseless executor of orders.

The bureaucratic system breeds a soulless attitude towards people. A striking example is the “significant person”. This person "compassion was ... not alien", but the position he holds kills the best feelings in him. Upon learning of the death of the poor petitioner, the general feels remorse, but it quickly passes. The ending of the story with the appearance of the ghost of an official emphasizes that in real life the death of Akaky Akakievich would not have affected the established order in any way.


The story is a life story of the official Bashmachkin, the main event in which was the purchase of a new overcoat. The end of the work is the fantastic revenge of the deceased titular adviser.

What does the author teach

Gogol knew from his own experience what a negative impact on a person his cramped financial situation has. He calls to pay attention to the downtrodden and humiliated people, to pity them and try to help, because their lives may depend on it.

The story was written in 1841 and saw the light of day in 1843. It entered the "Petersburg Tales" (1830s - 40s) and gained great fame among enlightened readers. Petersburg stories are united by a common place of action - the city of St. Petersburg and a single problem of the "little man".

The work was included in the collection "Petersburg Tales" along with the works: "The Nose", "Nevsky Prospekt", "Portrait", "Arabesques". Gogol's work was most fully revealed in this famous cycle. You will learn the most important thing about him from the analysis from the Wise Litrekon.

According to the memoirs of P. V. Annenkov (Russian literary critic, literary historian and memoirist from a noble family), the story was born from an anecdote about a poor hunter who saved up for a gun for a long time. Hearing her, Gogol already then thought about creating a story about "an official stealing an overcoat." This estate was incredibly interesting for the author, because at an early stage he himself had to work in this environment in order to find means for living. All his observations are "written off" from real people and real circumstances. Work began in 1839 and he completed it in 1842.
The Russian State Library has an early version of the beginning of the story (an excerpt), which was dictated to Pogodin M.P. (historian, collector, journalist, fiction writer and publisher) in Marienbad.

Pogodin helped Gogol finish the story while the latter was in Rome and Vienna.
It is important to note that Belovaya Gogol's manuscript has not been preserved, so it is difficult for literary critics to determine whether it was censored. Contemporaries said that the story retained its main idea, but many interesting passages remained thrown out of it by vigilant thought guards from the censorship department.

Genre and direction

In the nineteenth century, a new literary trend, realism, is actively developing and supported by many writers. It is typical for him to touch upon acute social problems, for example, the relationship of different classes, poverty and wealth, morality and immorality in the context of the actions and relationships of the characters.

However, the works from "Petersburg Tales" are characterized by a more specific genre definition - fantastic realism. Within the framework of this direction, the author can more actively influence readers and use certain artistic means of expression (grotesque, hyperbole, author's fiction). Fiction in the story "The Overcoat" is an opportunity to show the hopelessness of the real world, where an ordinary person cannot find justice for lawlessness.

There are two worlds in this work - reality (the city of St. Petersburg, the department in which our hero works) and mystical (the ghost of Bashmachkin on the pavement). Thus, the fantastic and the real are intertwined and produce new bizarre forms of literature that give the reader a new meaning. In reality, we see only injustice and poverty, and only fiction allows people to get even with the "officials". Such is the role of fantasy in Gogol's story.

Along with the literary direction "realism", the image of the "little man" is also developing, which in a short time has become a favorite type for writers of the nineteenth century. A small person is a hero of a low social status, who does not have special abilities and is not distinguished by strength of character, but does no harm to anyone and is harmless. The first idea of ​​"little people" was embodied by A.S. Pushkin in his story "The Stationmaster" in the main character Samson Vyrin.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the direction and genre, Gogol was able to combine fantasy and reality in his story - to take as a basis the problems that were relevant for Russia at that time and, coupled with a supernatural plot, it is very beneficial to present to the astonished public.

We can safely say that Gogol is one of the brightest representatives of realism.

The meaning of the name

In the overcoat itself, as in a piece of clothing, there is no deep meaning for us, but for Bashmachkin it was a new meaning of life. He stubbornly saved up for her, limited himself in everything, talked about the overcoat with the tailor who sewed it, as about a friend of life. He was literally obsessed with the "eternal idea of ​​a future greatcoat." Her loss was the culmination of the work and the driving force of the plot. She also provided a logical transition from reality to supernatural forces.

In this simple title, Gogol was able to reflect the whole problem of his work and allowed readers to focus on such an unexpectedly valuable item as an overcoat.


In the story, you can track the linear composition - highlighting the introduction and epilogue.

  1. The work begins with a kind of introduction-exposition - the writer talks about the city, which unites all the "Petersburg stories".
    This part is replaced by the biography of the protagonist, which is typical for the followers of the "natural school" (realism). This allowed the author to reveal the motivation for his actions and explain the reasons for this behavior of Bashmachkin.
  2. Then the plot (according to the laws of the genre) - the hero lights up with the "idea of ​​a future overcoat."
  3. This idea brings the plot to the climax of the story - the acquisition of Akaky Akakievich turns out to be in the hands of the robbers.
  4. The denouement takes place on the street, where the ghost overtook the official and took away his outer clothing.

If we divide the work into two parts, then the first part is a description of Bashmachkin's life and happy expectations, and the second is devoted to the hero's misadventures, his attempts to return the overcoat, communication with a "significant person".

Main characters and their characteristics

The author's position of Gogol deserves special attention. He does not justify or elevate his hero, although he pities him with all his heart. At the beginning, he is clearly ironic about him, but then he sincerely empathizes with his loss, endowing the soul of the deceased with mystical power to implement justice.

  1. Akaky Akakievich Bashmachkin- the main character of the story "The Overcoat"; a poor titular adviser who earns 400 rubles a year by copying papers. He loves his job very much and finds it on purpose even when it is not needed. But they pay him negligible, so every serious purchase makes him starve. Colleagues from work in every possible way mock the hero and laugh at his ridiculous and submissive appearance, but he cannot stand up for himself. His fate was predetermined a very long time ago - even at his birth. The midwife spoke about this: when Akaki was born, he grimaced, which did not bode well for him in life, but we have before us a character developing spiritually. After all, when Bashmachkin puts on the cherished overcoat, he is transformed: he tries to approach the lady, he becomes bolder. This is the image of the "little man", which Gogol successfully revealed from all sides and angles.
  2. The image of the overcoat also found its place in the pages of the story. This is not a thing, but a symbol of change in the hero. It was she who gave him confidence in himself, becoming a universal calling card of an official, which inspires respect for the owner around him. She just can show the duality of Bashmachkin's character. After all, the hero, with the advent of a new overcoat, begins to see the world differently: brighter, more interesting and updated. The petty official becomes more active, persistent and enterprising. It is very significant that the attitude of society changed when the changes affected the appearance of an official. This once again proves that it is blind and does not distinguish the inner qualities of the personality. People not only meet, but also see off on clothes. The overcoat became a reflection of the insignificance of the bureaucratic environment, where everything is decided by the form, not the content.
  3. Petersburg image also did not go unnoticed. In each part of the work, he appears before the reader in a different light. Either he is hospitable and friendly, or he is terrible and mystical (remember that night when Bashmachkin became a victim of thieves), cruel and merciful. Here Petersburg is more hostile to man than kind. There is a harsh winter, a climate unsuitable for residents, a very cruel, dank dry wind that cuts to the bone. This is where poverty and wealth find their place. While the majority of people are starving in order to clothe themselves, the upper classes are boasting, humiliating the supplicants. Such is St. Petersburg - a cold and indifferent city of contrasts.
  4. Images of officials repulsive, because most of them are pathetic people clinging to imaginary power. Bashmachkin's colleagues are selfish and cruel cowards who are shy in front of their superiors, but humiliate their equals and inferiors. The official is not so clear. At first it expels the petitioner, but then regrets what happened. In this uniform, one can still see a person who is ashamed of what his bureaucratic essence allows himself.


The theme of the story is very multifaceted and affects many acute social and psychological aspects.

  • The main theme of the piece is little man's fate. The story is dedicated to the disclosure of his image. N.V. Gogol in The Overcoat expressed his attitude towards this type of people and added to their large gallery. In the book, he described the character, morals, aspirations and life of this character. If Pushkin's "Station Master" Samson was not fully disclosed, then Gogol's entire plot is dedicated to one Bashmachkin. The theme of the little man is the key to understanding the author's intention: the writer wanted to show the tragedy of the fate of a limited and weak member of society in order to awaken compassion for him in our hearts.
  • The theme of compassion and love for one's neighbor is also central to the text. Gogol was a believer and in every book he found a place for a moral lesson. It is the indifference and selfishness of people that contribute to misfortune and grief, and only mercy and kindness can oppose them. You need to regret and love not for merit or benefit, but just like that, without reasons and rewards. Only in this way can those social problems that are pressing on society to this day be overcome. In fact, the official did not need an overcoat, but the support of the environment that despised him.
  • Another important topic is immorality. It is the fact of immorality that can explain most of what happens in the story. For example, the fact that everyone is indifferent to Bashmachkin's grief, no one wants to help him. Or the fact that the main character was robbed, or that a person, in principle, is valued not for his skills, personal qualities and achievements, but for his rank and wealth. While Bashmachkin did not have an overcoat, they did not notice him at all, and when he disappeared, they stopped. Therefore, we can conclude that the theme of immorality follows all the plot twists.
  • Dream Theme in the work it is revealed in the image of an overcoat and its significance for the protagonist. Bashmachkin saved on everything, ate little, didn’t light candles, didn’t drink tea, and didn’t even give laundry to the laundry, but at home he went in a dressing gown so that his clothes would not wear out. He talked about the greatcoat with rapture, dreamed of her as a friend of life. Here, for the first time, we encounter the hero's perseverance, with his strong desire to try for something. Maybe if it were not an overcoat, but something more (spiritual), we would have seen a completely different Akaky Akakievich. However, he reduced all his usual expenses in order to wear this overcoat, did everything to make his dream come true. However, do not forget that before the appearance of the obsessive "idea of ​​a future overcoat", he had a different hobby. Every time he came home from work, he dreamed of doing it again. He copied papers sometimes even on purpose, because he really liked it. Every day he copied papers, and he liked it, for him it was a dream job.
  • Also, attention cannot be ignored theme of the humiliated and offended. This theme is directly related to the image of the main character. In the service they kick him, push him, but he forgives everything and will not say a word to anyone, unless he asks him to be more careful in a voice that breaks in pity. He does not complain, does not experience any deep emotions and strong feelings. The hero lives in a small, cold apartment, which is more like a room, does not take care of himself, partly because he does not need it, he is very quiet and unobtrusive. Maybe he was a ghost even during his lifetime?
  • Retribution Theme is clearly seen in the epilogue of the story, when many see the ghost of Bashmachkin on the pavement (in particular, the significant person to whom Bashmachkin turned for help). And this theme gives its continuation and is transformed into a didactic author's conclusion. When a significant person gets what he deserves from a ghost, he concludes that you can’t be very strict with your subordinates and spread rot on people just because they are not high-ranking.
  • Also interesting fate theme in the story. From childhood, it became clear that Akakiy would have the fate of a quiet, peaceful titular adviser who would not live very happily, but calmly and steadily.


The story has a very global theme. Within its framework, the author explains to readers the moral problems of humanism, poverty, social inequality, and indifference. The tragedy of the little man is the main one on their list. We concretize it in other, narrower areas:

  • The problem of humanism- the main one in the "Overcoat". Absolutely all the characters in the work are petty in nature and selfish. In pursuit of material security, they ignore morality and morality. They do not need them, as it is unnecessary trouble. Why help a petty titular adviser if his life did not work out normally anyway? Thieves on the pavement are also pure anti-humanism. Akaki himself, having become a ghost, also becomes a thief, he cannot rest until he quenches his desire for revenge.
  • The problem of indifference stems from the problem of lack of humanism. No one helps Bashmachkin, because no one cares. No one responds to his pleas for help. The official, who, according to his official duty, was supposed to help the petitioner, pushed him out the door to show his power to other people. If he had taken the proper measures, no one would have been hurt.
  • The problem of poverty like a ghost passes through the whole work. It is imperceptible, but at the same time it is very well felt at almost every stage. Bashmachkin is very poor. Earning 400 rubles a year, you won’t get around much. He lives in a small room with broken, creaking floorboards, it's damp and cold. To buy an overcoat, he refuses the elementary rules of hygiene and health familiar to every person: wash clothes in the laundry, wear clothes, eat healthy and satisfying food. He doesn't even light candles or drink tea. Poverty is not a vice, but in an overcoat it takes on a very ugly shape.
  • The problem of social inequality also appears throughout the story. A significant person ignores Bashmachkin and humiliates him for the fact that, in his opinion, he came in an inappropriate form. He tries to build the already poor Akaki, scolding him for his appearance. Although he himself has recently become this significant person. But despite this, he shows his superiority and a higher rank.

The book is directed against the selfishness and indifference of people, especially in the service, where they must perform not only moral, but also official duty.

The main idea and meaning of the final

  • The meaning of the finale and the meaning of the blizzard. Gogol wanted to show all the acute social problems that worried him. To show that lazy and unprincipled officials have no control. And if there is, then only superiors. Becoming a ghost at the end of the story, Bashmachkin just takes on the right shape and takes his revenge as punishment for the indifference of high-ranking officials. But this, as the writer emphasizes, is possible only in the realm of mysticism. Perhaps the lover of overcoats became an instrument of the highest and righteous judgment of God, in which Gogol believed. All this action, it is worth noting, is accompanied by such an artistic detail as the wind. The blizzard that penetrates Petersburgers to the bone, in my opinion, symbolizes animal fear, elemental fear, which makes even immoral officials tremble. This is part of justice from above, which will overtake everyone, regardless of rank. And although Gogol is against revenge, in this story he saw it as the only way to administer justice.
  • Main idea: The author demonstrates the need for high moral values ​​and beliefs for a person. Any of us ceases to be small when we acquire a higher purpose. Morality and humanism - this is what should unite and equalize all people, destroying class differences. The main character needed not an overcoat, but recognition in the team, respect and support. It's not his fault that he could get such an attitude only because of the acquisition of an overcoat. The environment is to blame for his obsession with outerwear, which is ready to accept only those who come "in the proper form." Thus, the meaning of the "Overcoat" is to show the true values ​​​​of human nature and separate them from false and harmful prejudices.

What does it teach?

Of course, the work teaches us to be responsive, kind, merciful. Seeing the whole horror of the situation from the outside, the reader is able to distinguish good from evil and realize that to show a desire to help or really help is a very valuable quality. It can prevent many troubles. This is the conclusion from the read text.

The author inclines us to the idea that for any evil the world answers with evil. One way or another, having done something bad, a person will receive it in double size. Therefore, you should be responsible for your words and deeds, and also be prepared for the fact that retribution will definitely come. And if no one is able to punish, then the supernatural forces are definitely able to pay tribute to superiors. Such is the moral in Gogol's story "The Overcoat".

What Gogol laughs at is unpleasant and funny to every sane person. The baseness and narrow-mindedness of a person, his slavish obedience to fate and his environment, his infantilism and unwillingness to develop - all this is in the image of a small person. The author does not idealize him, but ridicules him for his weakness and indulgence in social vices.


In the journal "Physiology of Petersburg" many writers spoke about the "Overcoat", which really made a revolution in the literary space of that time and opened a new direction of the "natural school".
V.G. Belinsky, for example, called the work "one of Gogol's deepest creations." And many critics have joined this opinion.

The famous phrase: "We all came out of Gogol's greatcoat", which by the way belongs not to Dostoevsky, but to the French resident of Vogüe, tells us not only that Gogol masterfully coped with his task and conveyed his idea to the reader as much as possible, but also that Gogol was known even abroad.

N. V. Gogol is considered the most mystical writer in Russian literature. His life and work is full of secrets and mysteries. Gogol's story "The Overcoat" is studied at literature lessons in grade 8. A full analysis of the work requires familiarity with the work and some biographical information of the author.

Brief analysis

Year of writing – 1841.

History of creation- The story was created on the basis of an anecdote with a similar plot.

Theme- the theme of the "little man", a protest against social orders that limit the individual.

Composition- the narrative is built on the principle of "being". The exposition is a brief history of Bashmachkin's life, the plot is the decision to change the overcoat, the climax is the theft of the overcoat and the clash with the indifference of the authorities, the denouement is the illness and death of the protagonist, the epilogue is the news of the ghost stealing the overcoat.

Genre- story. A little something in common with the genre of "lives" of the saints. Many researchers find similarities in the plot with the life of the Monk Akaki of Sinai. This is indicated by the numerous humiliations and wanderings of the hero, his patience and rejection of worldly joys, death.

Direction- critical realism.

History of creation

In The Overcoat, the analysis of a work is impossible without a background that prompted the author to create the work. Someone P. V. Annenkov in his memoirs notes a case when, in the presence of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, a “clerical anecdote” was told about a petty official who lost his gun, for the purchase of which he had been saving money for a long time. Everyone found the anecdote very funny, and the writer became gloomy and thought deeply, this was in 1834. Five years later, the plot will emerge in Gogol's "The Overcoat", artistically rethought and creatively reworked. This prehistory of creation seems very plausible.

It is important to note that writing the story was difficult for the writer, perhaps some emotional, personal experiences played a role: he was able to finish it only in 1841, thanks to the pressure of M. V. Pogodin, a well-known publisher, historian and scientist.

In 1843 the story was published. It belongs to the cycle of "Petersburg Tales", becomes the final and the most ideologically rich. The author changed the name of the protagonist during the work on the work Tishkevich - Bashmakevich - Bashmachkin).

The name of the story itself underwent several changes (“The Tale of the Official Stealing the Overcoat”) before the final and most accurate version, “The Overcoat”, reached us. Criticism accepted the work calmly; during the life of the author, it was not particularly noted. Only a century later it became clear that "The Overcoat" had a huge impact on Russian literature, on the historical understanding of the era and the formation of literary trends. Gogol's "little man" was reflected in the work of many writers and poets, created a whole wave of similar, no less brilliant, works.


The work is structured in such a way that we trace the entire life of the protagonist, starting from the moment of birth (where the story of why he was named Akakiy is mentioned) and to the most tragic point - the death of the titular adviser.

The plot is built on the disclosure of the image of Akaki Akakievich, his clash with public order, power and indifference of people. The problems of an insignificant creature do not bother the powerful of this world, no one notices his life, and even death. Only after death will justice prevail in the fantastic part of the story - about a night ghost taking overcoats from passers-by.

Issues“The Overcoat” covers all the sins of a well-fed, soulless world, makes the reader look around and notice those who are just as “small and defenseless” as the main character. Main thought stories - a protest against the lack of spirituality of society, against orders that humiliate a person morally, materially and physically. The meaning of Bashmachkin's phrase “Leave ..., why are you offending me?

” – contains both moral and spiritual and biblical context. What the work teaches us: how not to treat your neighbor. Idea Gogol is to show the impotence of a small person in the face of a vast world of people who are indifferent to other people's grief.


The composition is built on the principle of the life or "walking" of saints and martyrs. The whole life of the protagonist, from birth to death, is the same painful feat, a battle for the truth and a test of patience and self-sacrifice.

The whole life of the hero of "The Overcoat" is an empty existence, a conflict with public order - the only act that he tried to commit in his life. In the exposition of the story, we learn brief information about the birth of Akaki Bashmachkin, about why he was called that, about the work and inner world of the character. The essence of the plot is to show the need to acquire a new thing (if you look deeper - a new life, striking bold changes).

The climax is an attack on the protagonist and his clash with the indifference of the authorities. The denouement is the last meeting with the "significant person" and the death of the character. The epilogue is a fantastic (in Gogol's favorite style - satirical and terrifying) story about a ghost who takes overcoats from passers-by and eventually gets to his offender. The author emphasizes the impotence of a person to change the world and achieve justice. Only in the “other” reality the main character is strong, endowed with power, they are afraid of him, he boldly says in the eyes of the offender what he did not have time to say during his lifetime.

main characters


The story about the titular counselor is built on the principle of the lives of the saints. The genre is defined as a story, due to the scale of the content plan of the work. The story about a titular adviser who is in love with his profession has become a kind of parable, has acquired a philosophical connotation. The work can hardly be considered realistic, given the ending. She turns the work into a phantasmagoria, where bizarre unreal events, visions, strange images intersect.

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An open literature lesson on the topic: “There are people who have not been noticed by anyone in life ...” (Based on the story “The Overcoat” by N.V. Gogol).

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

To acquaint with the story of N.V. Gogol "The Overcoat";

To trace the disclosure of the theme of the "little man" in Russian literature;

Teach text analysis;

Education of love and respect for the individual person.


portrait of N.V. Gogol;

video fragments of the film "The Overcoat"; illustrations; presentation; dictionary by I. Ozhegov.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys! Glad to see you. Our guests came to visit us today. Let's welcome them. Sit down. Let's smile to each other before the start of the lesson, wish each other good luck!

2. We write down the number, the topic of the lesson.

"We all came out of Gogol's Overcoat."


During the classes:

I. Teacher's word:

In 1842, in the third volume of his works, Gogol collected a whole cycle of "Petersburg Tales", which includes "The Nose", "Portrait", as well as the story "The Overcoat". Pay attention to the epigraph to the lesson, which has become an aphorism. Who are we"? Are we readers or writers?


Dostoevsky spoke about writers - all Russian writers of the second half of the 19th century came from the Gogol natural school: they raised their voice in defense of the human person, respect for both the prosperous and the poor, the pious and the criminal. The writers adopted Gogol's artistic skill in describing space and man, artistic details and symbols, typical and individual - we see all this in Gogol's story "The Overcoat". The theme of our lesson is “There are people who have not been noticed by anyone in life ...” And today in the lesson we will all trace the tradition of depicting a “little” person in Russian literature, its development in Gogol’s story “The Overcoat”, we will get to know the main character of the story N.V. .Gogol's "The Overcoat", we will analyze, we will try to answer the questions:

Is the problem of a “little” person relevant today?

How should life be?

Poor man or poor official A. A. Bashmachkin?

Our hero Akaki Bashmachkin is a hero of a small rank, "short in stature, somewhat pockmarked, somewhat reddish, somewhat even blind-sighted, with a slight bald spot on his forehead."(Shows portraits of Bashmachkin on the board).It's outside. What's inside? I would like you to look at him with a “simple eye” - on the well-known advice of Chekhov to his brother, and see not only what is obvious. With Gogol, everything is much more complicated ...

II. Guessing a crossword puzzle.

  1. 1. This surrounds the whole life of Akaky Akakievich; (disaster)
  2. This insect is mentioned twice in the story. The protagonist is compared to him; (Fly)
  3. A strong enemy of everyone who receives 400 rubles a salary a year; (Freezing)
  4. The number of departments where Akaki Akakievich served? (One)
  5. The location of the story; (Petersburg)
  6. What fur was chosen for the overcoat collar? (Cat)
  7. What could help Bashmachkin get into the “state councilors”? (Awards)

- Explain why we got the word “humanism” vertically? Choose synonyms for this word. How does this concept relate to the theme of the work?

III. Working with the dictionary of Ozhegov S.I. (3 min)

(Humanism . Recognition of the value of a person as a person, his right to free development and manifestation of his abilities, affirmation of the good of a person as a criterion for assessing social relations)

There are few works of world classics that would attract as much attention of literary critics, researchers, artists, directors as Gogol's story "The Overcoat".

In 1959, a feature film based on Gogol's story "The Overcoat" was shot at the Lenfilm studio, where the main role is played by a wonderful actor and director Rolan Bykov. In the lesson, we will rely on fragments of this film, as well as on the text of the story.

One of the cross-cutting themes of the cycle is the theme of the "little man".

IV. Conversation (Repetition of the studied)

Remember, in the works of which authors met with the image of a "little man"?

(We already know the theme of the “little man” from the work of A.S. Pushkin “The Stationmaster”. The main character, Samson Vyrin, pay attention, is an official of the 14th grade; in N.V. Gogol’s story “The Overcoat” the official Akaki Akakievich 9 -go (titular adviser)

Officials in Russia were considered a "noble" estate, and a greatcoat, a uniform coat, was a sign of belonging to it.

The idea of ​​the story "The Overcoat" was not born immediately. Many facts and circumstances of writing "The Overcoat" are known to us, while others are forever hidden by time. P.V. Annenkov, a memoirist, recalls this as follows:

V. Message 1 student.

Once at N.V. Gogol was told a clerical anecdote (the word "anecdote" then meant a true, curious incident) about some poor official, a passionate bird hunter. With extraordinary savings and hard work during hours free from service, he saved up a considerable amount for those times - 200 rubles. That's how much it costtime Lepage gun (Lepage was a skilled gunsmith), the envy of every avid hunter. The long-awaited hour has come. The happy owner of a brand new gun sailed on a boat to the Gulf of Finland, anticipating rich booty. Imagine his astonishment when it turned out that the gun, carefully placed by him on the bow of the boat, had disappeared. Obviously, he was pulled into the water by thick reeds. How could he let his jewel out of sight even for a moment?! According to him, having finally reached the fulfillment of his most cherished desire, he "was in some kind of self-forgetfulness." Until late in the evening, he rummaged along the bottom in the reed beds. Completely exhausted, but all searches were in vain. The gun, from which he did not have time to fire a single shot, was forever buried at the bottom of the Gulf of Finland. The official returned home, went to bed and did not get up again: he was seized by a severe fever (a detail preserved in Gogol's story). Colleagues took pity on him and pooled together bought him a new gun. So "he was brought back to life, but he could never remember the terrible event without deathly pallor on his face." Listeners amusedhappening with an unfortunate hunter. Everyone laughed. Everyone except Gogol. He is alonelistened to the story "thoughtfully and lowered his head." "The anecdote was the first thought of his wonderful story, and it was planted in his soul that same evening." In the anecdote, Gogol heard something completely different from the others. carefreelisteners amused that the official got into a mess due to his own absent-mindedness. A happy end completely erased the misfortune that befell him. The story plunged Gogol into deep sadness. He was well acquainted with the meager existence of petty officials. In his youth, he himself pulled a clerical strap in the rank of collegiate registrar (the lowest in the bureaucratic table of ranks), in the position of a scribe. In the department, he received 30 rubles a month, a truly beggarly salary. Great was Gogol's experience of vivid impressions of the miserable corners where poor officials huddled.

So, we begin to analyze the story.

VI. Analysis of the story.

- Tell us about the main character. How was the name given? What lines speak of the predetermination of fate?

How does he feel about the service?

(selective reading: “he served with love”; “pleasure was expressed on his face ...”)

We will see episode from the movie "The Overcoat" and answer the question:

How do colleagues treat Akaky Akakievich?

(humiliate, make fun of him, sometimes they just don’t notice)

What feelings did this passage evoke in you? Doesn't anyone sympathize with him?

(for one young man, in “these penetrating words, other words rang: “I am your brother”; he “shuddered”, realizing how much “inhumanity is in a person”)

- What comparison does Gogol use to show the humiliation of this man's position? (Comparison with a fly)

How does Gogol show the impersonality of Akaky Akakievich? Emphasizes typicality?

(work on the portrait of the hero; selective reading of the text.)

Before us is an outwardly unremarkable person (“one cannot say that he is very wonderful”). In the dull appearance of the hero there is nothing memorable, special, striking. Hence, in the verbal portrait, there are repetitions of the indefinite "several", the diminutive suffix -enk-, which negates the large prefix non-)

What can we note about the features of Akaky Akakievich's speech?

(selective reading of the text: "explained mostly by prepositions, adverbs and, finally, by such particles that absolutely have no meaning")

Gogol does not hide the limitations, the scarcity of the interests of his hero, tongue-tied. But something else brings to the fore: his meekness, uncomplaining patience. Even the hero's name carries this meaning:

BOARD : AKAKIY - humble, gentle, not doing evil, innocent

Why do you think?

“This is how the peaceful life of a man who, with four hundred salaries, knew how to be satisfied with his lot, went on, and would have reached, perhaps, to a ripe old age, if there weren’t various disasters scattered on the road of life, not only titular, but even secret, real, courtiers and all sorts of advisers,” writes Gogol.

What event disrupted Bashmachkin's usual life?

(acquisition of a new overcoat)

Is the acquisition of a new overcoat a luxury or a vital necessity for the hero of the story?

(“There is a strong enemy in St. Petersburg of everyone who receives 400 rubles a year of salary or so. This enemy is none other than our northern frost”; “the cloth was so worn out that it was see through, and the lining spread out”; “the overcoat also served as an object ridicule to officials; even the noble name of the overcoat was taken away from it and called it a hood "The overcoat for Akaky Akakievich is not a luxury, but a hard-won necessity. Acquiring an overcoat colors his life with new colors. This, it would seem, humiliates him, but what he goes for of this, changes the entire usual “coordinate system" in our minds. From each "ruble spent, he put a penny aside in a small box", in addition to this savings, he stopped drinking tea and lighting candles in the evenings, and, walking along the pavement, stepped on his toes, "so as not to abrade the soles" ... When he came home, he immediately took off his underwear so that it would not wear out, and sat in a shabby dressing gown. One might say, he LIVED a dream of a new overcoat).

- “What else did Akaky Akakievich have to give up for the sake of buying a new overcoat?”

(stopped drinking tea; walking along the pavement, he stepped on his tiptoes, "so as not to abrade the soles"; when he came home, he immediately took off his underwear and sat in a shabby dressing gown)

How has the life of the hero changed, who wore “in his thoughts the eternal idea of ​​a future overcoat”?

(“From that time on, it was as if his very existence had become somehow fuller, as if he had married, as if some other person was present with him, as if he were not alone, but some pleasant friend of life agreed with him walk the road of life together, - and this girlfriend was no one else, like the same overcoat on thick cotton wool ... Doubt, indecision disappeared by itself from his face and actions - in a word, all hesitant and indefinite features. Fire sometimes showed in his eyes, even the most daring and courageous thoughts flashed through my head ... "" He somehow became more alive, even firmer in character, like a man who had already defined and set himself a goal")

The long-awaited day came in the life of Akaky Akakievich when Petrovich brought a new overcoat.

Think about what changes the appearance of the overcoat brings to the life of the hero?

(raises his status in the eyes of his colleagues, he himself becomes stronger in character, a happy smile appears on his face, it seems that he is quite comfortable in a new overcoat)

VII. Physical education minute.

What is a climax?

- Determine the climax of the story.

(theft of an overcoat)

What happens to Akaky Akakievich after the overcoat is stolen?

(a shock, a storm of emotions, for him it is grief; but even in critical moments of life, Gogol shows the hero as wordless)

What is he doing to get the overcoat back?

(went to a private person, then to a significant person)

Did a private bailiff help him? What was the next step in trying to be heard?

VII. Watching the episode "Bashmachkin at a Significant Person".

What is the special drama of this situation?

What kind

(no one helped; the people around him remained indifferent to his grief)

After such humiliation, Akaky Akakievich fell into a fever and "finally gave up his spirit." But the author does not complete the story on this, and the story unexpectedly takes on a fantastic ending.

How does the story end?

- Let's take a look at the end of the story.and think about why the author introduces elements of fantasy in the finale of the story?

(Bashmachkin acts as an avenger. The author seeks to evoke in the reader a feeling of protest against such living conditions and a feeling of pain for the humiliation of human dignity)

VIII. Lesson summary:

Let's return to the question posed at the beginning of the lesson: "Poor official or poor man?"

(“poor”: 1. “poor, low-income”;

2. "unfortunate, sympathetic, compassionate person")

(If you look at the first meaning, then Akaky Akakievich is a poor official who receives 400 rubles a year as a titular adviser, who is forced to live economically.

If you look at the second meaning, then Akaki Akakievich is a poor person. His real misfortune lies not only in the loss of his overcoat, not only in the bad attitude of those around him, but also in the late realization of his human dignity, without which the formation of a person is impossible, without which we see not people, but a faceless crowd. The problem of humanism, of course, is present, but it should be added that a humane, humane attitude towards others will appear only when you can discover in yourself person).

Is the problem of a “little” person relevant today?

The writer compassionately showed the injustice and arbitrariness of society in relation to the "little man" and for the first time called on this society to pay attention to inconspicuous, pitiful and ridiculous, as it seemed at first glance, people. It is not their fault that they are not very smart, and sometimes not smart at all, but they do no harm to anyone, and this is very important. They, like everyone else, have the right to a decent life, to the opportunity to feel like full-fledged people.

How should life be?

What does the story "The Overcoat" teach?

To take pity on the defenseless, humiliated, to stop an unfair word, to resist the rudeness and cruelty of the powerful of this world - this is the strength and wisdom of great Russian literature. This is what the story "The Overcoat" teaches us. This is what the words of the wonderful writer A.P. Chekhov are about: “... it is necessary that someone with a hammer should stand behind the door of every happy, happy person and constantly remind by knocking that there are unfortunate people”

IX. Reflection.

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D.Z. Answer in writing the question, “How does Petersburg appear in N.V. Gogol’s story“ The Overcoat ”?