Nani Breggvadze Biography Personal. Nani Breggvadze - biography, information, personal life

Nani Breggvadze Biography Personal. Nani Breggvadze - biography, information, personal life
Nani Breggvadze Biography Personal. Nani Breggvadze - biography, information, personal life

Residents of the Proud Caucasus do not pose their lives without beautiful melodic songs. Songs can always sing everywhere. The Caucasus Mountains store the secrets of many-voiced singing. And the most gifted inhabitants get the birthday of the gift to sing imaginable songs for the listeners of all ages.

Nani Breggvadze nice girl was born in 1938 in the ancient city of Tbilisi in a family, which, like most Georgian families, was very musical. Her great-grandmother and one of the aunts perfectly sang in the choir, and Nani, constantly hearing at home a variety of songs, learned to sing from relatives. Six-year-old baby gladly sowed songs about caravan, about a cute doveman and about the gate. According to the stories of relatives, the girl sang inspired, yes so that goosebumps on the skin fled.

Father George Efremovich, by the profession of the actor, received a daughter of the Lyricclass lessons, Mom Olga Aleksandrovna, whose family, by the way, of the old princely kind, took over the ability to be proud of her family, to be demanding and immensely love and respect the hardworking people of Georgia. The name for the daughter came up with dad. It reminds Nina's name.

Adults pretty early it became clear that Nani would become a singer. She justified the hopes of relatives. Study in a music school, then in a music technical school, was easy. Participation in the World Festival of Youth In 1957, he was remembered by a beginner singer for life, because for the first time she learned the joy of victory for the performance of the song "I put out the candle" (composer G. Baenneli, poems I.Grishashvili).

Nani not only took part in numerous concerts, she successfully studied. Lessons Professor Gayane Machutadze, received in the Tbilisi Conservatory, helped know the secrets of the professional game on the piano. And she seriously dreamed of becoming a pianist, but he did not act in graduate school, went to the stage. At first, the young singer became a member of the Tbilisi State Orchestra "Rero". A few years later, he knitted his career with the "Orera" vocal instrumental ensemble in Georgia, working in which he devoted 15 years.

Singing entered her life forever. Gifted, talented singer tour not only in his homeland, but also in many countries of the world. Listeners of France, Switzerland, Belgium, Canada were kindly gifted to a gifted singer with a unique voice. The repertoire of the soloist is replenished annually with new songs and old romances. Such lyrical songs like "Ah, this red rowan" with. Zaslavsky, "Sing, my guitar" V. Kruchinin causes delight among lovers of lyric jerseys. Touching and inspired by the song of Nani Bregvadze Tbilisi, Hevsur ballad.

There are things in our lives that can not be corrected, it considers Nanya

Personal life of the famous Georgian singer Nani Breggvadze is full of events of fun and sad. About this she frankly tells her fans. Marebe Mamalaby's husband was difficult to endure frequent gastrol wives with the "Orera" ensemble. There were pleasants envied the Meraba, so "tried" toggle the fire of jealousy, writing noby. Nani was true to her husband, the musicians of the ensemble respected her feelings. Joking, they called the singer with the male name Shaliko. The triges of her husband at the tour was pleased with the woman, she was not good, that the main reason for frequent dates was the infinite jealousy of the spouse.

A lot of tests fell out of a surprisingly modest, decent, sensitive nani. To facilitate the fate of the husband, who fell into a "terrible story, the artist was not afraid to even turn to Shevardnadze with a request to transfer it from a colony in Estonia to his homeland, in Georgia.

"Hot" Georgian man could not preserve loyalty and went to another woman, despite the fact that his wife cared for him and they grew to Eka's daughter. Husband did not give consent for a long time, motivating it with his love for her daughter. Bregvadze insisted on the official design of a divorce, and since then about his personal life tries not to speak.

But the singer is proud of its grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Her daughter is popular, is a famous Georgian singer. The admirers of the talented Georgian performers of Nani Breggvadze and more than once they attributed to them a novel and even considered her husband and his wife. In the comedy "Love with an emphasis," this "dream" came true for the joy of viewers. What a singer talked with humor.

Eka's daughter tries in his work not to be a copy of his famous mother. Mine popularity makes her look for their path on stage. Creative disputes in their family there is no end. They are self-sufficient and not looking for light paths. Life on the scene is developing in special laws. Moms come and leave for tour, and children are waiting for them and watch concerts with the participation of famous mothers. In the family, Breggvadze know the price of success and glory.

Each break between Nani's tour dedicates to their relatives. They will be careful, and consider their "locomotive", which is very useful to obey. Thanks to family traditions, it is possible to create an atmosphere of harmony under charming Georgian songs. Nani is proud of its greenhouse and dreams of a large garden, where you can spend classes with beginner performers.

Solo Career: Nani Breggvadze Queen of Romance

Solo Career of People's Artist of the USSR (1983) brings joy to lovers of romances, lyrical songs. Many years accompanied by her beautiful Honglyashvili Medean. Each time, all the works sound in a new fresh and uniquely beautiful. Listeners at concerts are immersed in the world of music, Aura delight envelops them and makes thinking only about good in life. How many songs in the repertoire of the Great Singer are hard to count, because composers will gladly give the talented singer their works.

Nana Breggvadze does not sing songs meaningless and vulgar. She does not participate in the "concert-suolars of national teams," does not chase for a cheap rating. She firmly stands on the pop Olympus among outstanding performers. Nanya is always in finding new works. In respect of respect in 2000, in Georgia, a memorable star of Great Breggvadze was opened. For many years, Nani Breggvadze worked at Moscow University of Culture and Art. Her students are proud to be received by the professor the ability to appreciate the beauty of the People's Melodies of Russia and Georgia.

Friends are called the Breggvadze of the Queen of Romance. Miraculously called her Charles Aznavour. Millions of people know her charming unique voice. Not a drop of sassay, no gram of self-addiction in a talented performer. It is always self-critical and demanding. Irma Sakhadze, the singer and composer of Georgia, calls Nani Breggvadze to the classic of pop art, fashion legislature and a bold experimenter.

Bregvadze Nany Georgievna (R. 1936) is the Georgian and Soviet singer, the performer of Russian and Gypsy romances, a musical teacher, a pianist. It has a magnificent manner of execution and voice with elements of Elegy. The People's Artist of the Georgian SSR also has the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union. He is an honorary citizen of Tbilisi.

Childhood and youth

Nani was born in 1936 on July 21 in the capital of Georgia Tbilisi. His short, but such a melodic name girl received not by chance. Pope of the future singer, Georgy Efimovich, by the nature of the activity was a professional actor. Before the birth of her daughter, he starred in the film "Golden Valley" with his wife Olga Alexandrovna. It was a very touching story of the love of young people George and Nani.

Several young couples were formed at the filming of the picture in a film group, which were recently married and were just going to replenish their families with heirs. Women entered into a contract that the first born girl would call Nani, and the first boy will give the name George. Mom Nani Breggvadze was ahead of girlfriends, fulfilling the terms of the contract, and so the girl received his name at birth. After her, the boy was born - Georgy Shengheli. The third woman could already call his born child as she wants herself, she had a girl who was given the name - Sophico Chiahoolel.

Mama Nani - Micheladze Olga Alexandrovna - Rod from noble princes, who lived in the tiny West German region of Racha, grape plantations grew there, giving the world famous wine Hwwankar. Olga played wonderfully on the piano and sang. Despite the fact that was a talented pianist, to learn, she went to the University of Geological Faculty. But finished three courses, married and left learning for the sake of family.

Pope Nani - Breggvadze Georgy Efimovich - studied in the theater studio, and after her ended starring. But then the fate was so much that he had to change his activity, he worked for a long time in Iran in the sales office.

Grandmother and grandfather in the mother's line are the rich nobles of Lordkipanidze and Mikelaj, who received brilliant education and having a salon where the most worthy people were going. Grandpa studied at the St. Petersburg University at the Law Faculty. Prabaato Nani professionally sang, and aunt, sister Mom, solired in the Georgian folk chore.

A girl literally surrounded by the girl surrounded by an intelligent, creative, musical atmosphere. When Nanya was only 6 years old, and she just learned to speak Russian, immediately manifested the love of Russian ancient romance. Little girl performed "Do not leave you, my dove", "Kalitka", "Caravan" and many other songs. As relatives say, the girl is not just sang, but with a huge inspiration, from her songs goosebumps running around.

Such an early girl's love for singing and music was the reason why Nanyi was given to a music school on a piano class. In the family, everyone wanted to be a pianist in the future. Therefore, after seven years of study at the music school, studied in a music technical school for 4 years, and then a conservatory.

As the singer says, how much does it remember, so much she sang. Although no time in children's and youthful years did not have the desire to do this by their vital profession.

The first listeners of Nani were her school girlfriends, which during a change she entertained with her singing.

When a girl wanted to try himself on stage, all relatives were first against her life path associated with pop. But the strong and powerful mother carried their verdict, to which no one contradicted. She said: "Let a little bet".

So in 1956, Nanya fell into the amateur pop orchestra, which was formed at the Georgian Polytechnic Institute.

Creative path to tops

Although in Georgia, good singing will not surprise anyone, the congenital talent of Nani was difficult not to notice. And in 1957, Bregvadze went to the capital to participate in the Moscow International Youth Festival, where I "I put out the candle" I became a laureate. At the festival in the jury there was Leonid Utoes, he said about Nani Bregvadze such words:

"If this girl connects his life with singing, a brilliant singer will get out of her."

Having arrived home, the girl continued his studies in the Tbilisi State Conservatory, her teacher was Professor Gayane Machutadze. In 1963, she graduated from the classroom of the piano. During the student, Bregvadze began to work in the Tbilisi Philharmonic, it was the soloist of the State Orchestra "Rero", which was ruled by Konstantin Pevzer.

After graduating from a conservatory, Nani's pianist never became, she decided to tie his life path with pop. In 1964, Bregvadze invited Moscow Music Hall to joint tour to Paris, it was her first performance in the famous Concert Hall "Olympia".

After that, she was offered to solo in the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Orera", with which the singer worked for many 15 years and traveled about 80 countries with tours. In 1966, Vakhtang Kikabidze came to the team as a vocalist and drummer, with Nani they became very close friends. In 1970, Kikabidze and Breggvadze starred in the Music Kinolent "Orera, full of forward!", Where he was talking about the journey and tour of the ensemble in Australia.

In 1980, the first solo concert of Nani Breggvadze was successfully held at the Moskovskaya Theater The Estrada. He marked the beginning of a long creative cooperation between the singer with the pianist Medea Gongliashvili. This wonderful duet is incredibly loved by the audience, lovers of romances. Medea accompanies, and Nani sings, and it does it every time in the first one, all her works are always sounded in a new way and make listeners believe in good, kind, bright.

The best romances and songs performed by artist are recorded on its minions and gramplasties:

  • 1971 - "Sings Nani Bregvadze";
  • 1973 - "Orera ensemble";
  • 1995 - "Romance, Romance";
  • 1997 - "Concert in New York".

The singer's visiting card was the song "Snowfall". What is interesting, at first she refused this composition, said to the author that he did not know how to sing it right. To which composer Alexey Ekkyyan replied: "Sleep just how you can, in Bregvadzevski".

Nani Breggvadze out of romances

In addition to singing, Nani participated in the sounding of movies, her voice is told by the heroine in the ribbons:

  • "Texel";
  • "Melodies of the Veriy Quarter";
  • "The warmth of your hands";
  • "Meeting in the mountains";
  • "Berega";
  • "Light in the window";
  • "Flood".

Nani Breggvadze showed himself and as a good cinema actress, she starred in several films:

  • "Blue cities";
  • "Bull";
  • "Necklace for my beloved";
  • "Streets of broken lamps";
  • "Love with accent".

In the late 90s, Bregvadze was part of the jury at the Moscow International Competition "Roman's", where young performers sang romances.

In 1995, the title of honorary citizen of the city of Tbilisi received the title of honorary citizen of the city of Tbilisi in front of Nani Breggvadze, and in 1996 she was awarded the title of honorary citizen of the Spanish city of Banalmaden.

For his creative work, the singer deservedly received a lot of awards and titles:

Awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Georgian SSR.

Awarded the title of People's Artist of the Georgian SSR.

Awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR.

Awarded by the Georgian Order of Honor.

Became the owner of the Georgian State Prize. Shota Rustaveli.

He was awarded the gold medal "for the patronage".

Awarded by the Russian Order of Friendship.

He received the Order of the President of Georgia "Lights".

In 1997, the singer became the founder and head of the Nani company, which is supported by the support and development of young talented Georgian singers, and also organizes the performance of foreign pop performers in Georgia.

Throughout almost all its creative activities, Nani Breggvadze paid a lot of time and public life. She was a member of such well-known organizations:

  • association "Women for Peace";
  • society "Soviet woman";
  • women's club "Metekhi".

Her image on the scene with full right is considered the most noble and elegant on the stage.

The singer was married, her spouse Merab Mamaladze struggled with frequent concerts and gastroes of his wife. The result of his jealousy was all the same divorce.

The daughter of Eka (Catherine) was born in marriage. The girl early got married - at the age of 17. She has three children - Levan, George and Natalia, and Nani Breggvadze loves his grandchildren insanely and proud of them. Talented Eka Mamaladze, Nani's daughter, went in the footsteps of the mother and became a famous pop performer. After the divorce with his spouse, Nani Breggvadze does not allow anyone to his personal life and keeps her in the strictest secretion. She recently became a great-grandmother, she was born the great-grandfather Dmitry.

Cosmetic company "Christian Dior" entrusted Nanyi Breggvadze to become the face of their company, very often the singer receives gift sets of cosmetics from the company before the holidays, although it does not hide what uses skin care and other firms.

A few years ago, one very good familiar Nani engaged in breeding vineyards and wine production, for the name of the brand, he asked permission to use the name of the singer. She gave her consent, did not receive money for it, but as a gift a vineyard was presented as a gift. And now, when the singer is going to many relatives or friends, it has the opportunity to order free wines on this company.

Together with his family, Nani Breggvadze advertises the goods of the pharmaceutical firm. Before choosing a person advertising their goods, the company conducted a survey among the population of Georgia with a question: to whom from celebrities they trust the most? Nani scored the greatest number of votes.

In 2000, a memorable star of the singer Nani Bregvadze was laid in Georgia. For many years, Nani lives for two countries - she has a house and in Moscow, and in Tbilisi.
Since 2002, for several years, she has been engaged in teaching activities at Moscow University of Culture and Art. Professor Nani Bregvadze was the head of the Estate-Jazz Singing Institute of Music.

When Nani is issued free time, she just loves to communicate with friends, walk to visit, and even more - to take at home expensive and people close to her. She often gather creative people - poets with musicians, writers with artists.
Singer is resting with listening to classical music, viewing old American films, reading books. Now her desk book is the Bible.

Born on July 21, 1938 in Tbilisi (Georgia). Father - Breggvadze Georgy Efremovich (1909 born.), Actor. Mother - Micheladze Olga Alexandrovna (1913 born), originated from a noble prince. Spouse - Mamaladze Merab Grigorievich (1937 born). Daughter - Mamaladze Eka (Catherine) Merabovna (1960 born.), Popular and beloved in Georgia singer. Grandchildren: Levan, George, Natalia. Grand Dmitry.

Nani Breggvadze grew up in a musical family. A professional singer was her great-grandmother, granny grandparents and all seven of their children, including mom. Olga Alexandrovna played on the piano and sang, father, a talented actor, also sang, aunt Cato Mikeladze was a soloist of Georgian folk choir. When the nani appeared on the light - it turned out beautiful home quartet. Another little girl, at the age of 6, Nani has already performed under the guitar "Kalinka", "Caravan", other vintage Russian songs and romances.

After the end of the music school, Nani entered the music technician. In 1957, she became the winner of the 6th World Festival of Youth and Students in Moscow, fulfilling the song of Bzwannels to poems I. Grisheshvili "I put out the candle" accompanied by the amateur pop orchestra of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute. Hearing her at this festival, Leonid Rockov said: "From this girl, if she is singing, it turned out a good singer." Already then fascinatingly sounded her low, expressive voice, obviously was thin musicality.

In 1963, Nani Bregvadze graduated from the Tbilisi State Conservatory named after V. Saradzhishvili in the class of Piano of Professor Gayane Machutadze. She was preparing for a career of a professional pianist, but shortly before admission to graduate school went to the stage. Being still a student, Nani Bregvadze began to sing in the Tbilisi State Orchestra "Rero" under the control of K. Pevzner of the Georgian state philharmonic.

One of the most powerful impressions of that time - tour with the Moscow Music Hall in Paris in 1964. Then Nanya first performed in the world famous Hall of Olympia. "Its bright talent, a beautiful voice, emotionality, the stage chain and artistry conquered Paris," the French press wrote about the singer. Charles Aznavour called the singing of Nani Breggvadze miracle. After these triumpual tour, she was invited to the vocal-instrumental ensemble "Orera", in which she worked for a soloist for 15 years, throwing over 80 countries.

In 1980, in Moscow, a solo concert was given a solo concert for the first time in the stage of Nanya Breggvadze, who placed the duet of singer and pianists, the People's Artists of the Georgian SSR Medea Gongliashvili (still in student times they met in prefabricated concerts). Since then, it acts on the stage only in this duet, which musical critics are called the "Theater of Bregvadze - Gongliashvili." Elegance, big artistic taste, sensitivity and fineness of execution, the duity of words and music is distinguished by all the performances of this duet. Over 40 years of Nanyi Georgievna tours in many countries of the world.

Two musical cultures were reunited in the work of Nani Breggvadze - Georgian and Russian. A special place in it occupies a romance. The singer absorbed him from childhood. "In romance, such as it would seem simple musical work, the inner springs are laid, which raise a person over dry reality ...", "she believes. No wonder T. Tsereteli, the classical performer of Romances, having heard at the concert in 1963, Nani Breggvadze, immediately guessed the successor in it and handed over to her with a relay, giving notes of Romance "Return" with the inscription "Nani Bregvadze - Tsaritsa Estrada."

Pupil on a seriously attitude to music, Nani Bregvadze penetrates the very depths of the emotional building of the work, carefully trusted the Word and, only feeling, feeling, having missed the romance, the song, makes them to the court of the viewer. She created her creativity, love, love, tenderness and femininity. In her repertoire, hundreds of well-known and loved public songs and romances: "Waiting" (the words M. Pochishvili, Music N. Watsadze), "Lost Love" (words M. Potchishvili, Music V. Azarashvili), "Where were you My favorite "(the words I. Chavchavadze, the music of Chubinishvili)," I met with you "(the words of V. Dunin, Music Ponomarenko)," Ah, this red rowan "(words A. Sofronova, Music S. Zaslavsky ), "Two Rings" (words A. Bektabekova, Music B. Prozorovsky), "I remember the Waltz sound" (Music N. Sheetova), "Meeting only happens in life" (words P. Herman, Music B. Fomina) , "Gas Kozink" (words M. Kozyreva, Music B. Prozorovsky), "Delighted the garden" (ancient romance), "Capricious, stubborn" (ancient romance), "Give me a nice friend, for happiness to me" (words and Music K. Luchich), "Don't leave, you are my darling" (ancient romance), "Sing, my guitar" (words A. Bashkina, Music A. Kruchinin), "Mustor Kalina" (words N. Kondakova, Music in . Zubkov), "Return" (words V. Lensky, Music B. Prozorovskiy), "Snowfall" (words A. Rustaykis, Music A. Ekiyan), "Watch" (words A. Budishcheva, Music A. Obukhov), "Get away, completely left" (words V. Vereshchagin, Music f . Drizzo), "But I still love you" (ancient romance), "Dry Verba" (words of Levin, Music of Sorohan), "Charming eyes" (ancient romance), "ringing guitar" (words and Music N. Pearly), "Song about Tbilisi" (words of P. Georgian, music R. Lagidze), "Star of happiness" (words D. Gwishiani, Music N. Gabunia), "You, Favorite" (words V. Pshavel, Music of Chubanishvili), "Apple Tree" (words N. Besedin, Music V. Orlovetsky), "I loved you" (words A. Pushkin, Music B. Sheremetyeva), "Ivushka" (words V. Alferova, music Ponomarenko), "I loved you so much" (Music B. Prozorovsky), "Waltz for you" (Words B. Dubrovina, M. M. Kompaniya), "Romance About Romance" (Words B. Ahmadulina, Music A. Petrov), "And finally, I will say" (the words B. Ahmadulina, Music A. Petrov) and many, many others.

Most of the songs, romances entered recorded records and minions recorded by the singer: "Sings Nani Bregvadze" (1971), "Orera ensemble" (1973), "Romance, Romance" (CD, 1995), "Concert in New York" ( 1997) and others. She voiced a number of musical and artistic films: "Melodies of the Veriy Quarter" (director G. Shenghela, composer G. Tsabadze, verses M. Potchishvili), "Meeting in the mountains" (director N. Sanishvili, composer R. Lagidze, P. P. Georgian), "Bereg" (director of Lordkpanidze, composer B. Kversadze), "Flood" (director G. Molelaudze, composer A. Kerselidze), "Light in the window" (director Gelladze, composer J. Kakhidze), "The warmth of your hands" (director Sh. Managadze, composer R. Lagidze), "Texel" (director Sh. Managadze, composer R. Lagidze), and also starred and performed songs in the paintings: "Orera, full forward!" (Director Z. Kakabadze), "Bull" (director Z. Kakabadze), "Necklace for my beloved" (director T. Abladay).

In 2005-2006, Nany Georgievna recorded a disk with compositions that did not previously performed. These are mainly the works of Soviet authors, including the poems of Marina Tsvetaeva and Bella Ahmadulina. She also prepared a cycle of songs on V. Maja verses.
Nanyi Georgievna is engaged in pedagogical activities: since 2002 he has been heading a pop-jazz department in Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. She was awarded the title of professor.

Nani Bregvadze - People's Artist of the USSR (1983), People's Artist of Georgia (1974), Winner of the State Prize of Georgia named after Shota Rustaveli (1998), awarded the title of "Singer of Georgia of Georgia". He was awarded the Order of the Honor of Georgia (1997), the gold medal for the patronage (2003). Honorary Citizen of Tbilisi cities (1995), Benalmaden (Spain, 1996) and a number of others. Nani Breggvadze - a member of the Women's Association, the Women's Club "Metechi", was a member of the Society Society.

In his free time, Nany Georgievna loves to communicate with friends, receive guests. Her house often resembles a salon where very interesting people are going - poets, writers, musicians and artists.
During the rest, reads (her desk book - the Bible), reread the works of favorite poets - M. Lermontov, F. Tyutchev, M. Tsvetaeva, A. Akhmatova, listens to classical music, watching musical films of the 1940s.

This singer admired Leonid Utoes, he first predicted a big future to a young girl. Breggvadze is the legend of the Soviet and Georgian pop, and just a beautiful woman. In the biography and personal life of Nani Bregvadze, not all smoothly. Photo of her family and with concerts can be seen in this article.


Nani Breggvadze was born in 1936 in the city of Tbilisi. Her father Georgy Efremovich Professional actor, and Mom Olga Alexandrovna belonged to the princely family. Nani Georgievna inherited her talent from her grandmother on a mother's line, which was a famous singer in Georgia. The parents of Nani Breggvadze had a tradition to receive guests, and during the feasts to sing songs.

At the age of six, the girl was able to mentally perform Russian romances and Georgian folk songs, going through several chords on the guitar. At seven years, Nani Breggvadze entered the secondary school and successfully passed the interview in the first class of the music studio. Nani often performed at school concerts, and not only schoolchildren, but also the teachers heard in its performance. Many of them have already predicted a little career on the stage at the scene's little Nani Breggvadze.

Nani Bregvadze in childhood with his parents

But the girl itself has not yet considered the profession of the singer seriously, although he loved to sing. A few years later, Nani Breggvadze received a diploma on the end of the musical studio in the class of piano. Native nanyow wanted to see her with a pianist, and after graduating from a secondary school, Nani entered the music technician. In 1956, the girl was offered to speak as part of the amateur orchestra of the Georgian Polytechnic Institute.

Popular singer in youth

Nani could not independently make such a decision. And in order to discuss this, almost all relatives were collected, they argued for a long time, but then Olga Alexandrovna said: "Let sings." This decision was a turning point in the biography and personal life of Nani Breggvadze.

Nani Breggvadze Queen of the Gypsy Romance

Being a student of the Tbilisi State Conservatory of Nani Bregvadz began to sing in the Orero city pop-up orchestra. After graduating from the university, the girl was invited to work Moscow Music Hall. For two months, the team toured abroad, which for those years was a big rarity. Soon the young singer Nani Breggvadze was waiting for changes in biography and personal life.

Personal life

At 21, Nani Breggvadz married Merab Mamalabya \u200b\u200bMerabi. The young man was decent, beautiful formed. The girl experienced a big sympathy for a young man, but there was no strong love for him. When the Meraba made an offer, Mom insisted that the daughter agreed to marry. And for the groom Olga Alexandrovna put forward one condition: "Nani must sing."

Some time after the wedding, Nani continued to sing in the Arara ensemble. At that time, young lived with his parents, and Nani had to get to the house on the dark. When the mother of the girl learned about this, she was very upset.

With husband Mebez

Nani found a way out, and they and Merab moved to her parents' house. The apartment was very small 14 meters and the loggia, which was used as a second room. Oddly enough, but even on such a small apartment, a large family lived without conflict. And Olga Alexandrovna continued to indulge Nani.

In the team "Orera" there were ten beautiful young guys. They all knew that Nanyi was married and were familiar with Merab. They treated the girl more as a brother and among themselves called her male Georgian name Shaliko. During performances, when it was necessary to quickly change the costumes, they changed out in the same room without embarrassment.

Via "Orera", in which Nanya performed

The meabe did not show externally, but heavily jealously the spouse. He did not like the lifestyle of Nani.

When they remained alone, he showed the most kind of feelings and love for his wife. But as soon as they have passed the threshold of the house, and Nani switched attention to home, started looking for a reason for quarrels.

In one of the arrivals home, Nani was waiting for a serious conversation in which Merab put forward the conditions: a scene or family. Bregvadze chose a family. Almost a year, a woman spent at home by housekeeping. But one day the guys from the team of Orera came to visit. They asked Merab Grigorievich only about one concert, in which Nanyu should speak. A man agreed, and after the event told the spouse that her place on stage.

In 1960, the daughter of Catherine was born. Nani Georgievna affectionately calls Eka's daughter. In one of the critical moments, the merabic and nanyow parted. After some time, Nani Georgeevna learned that her former spouse was planted for fraud. The man was awarded 8 years of imprisonment in Estonia.

In this story, a man accidentally fell, he just wanted to make money and put his signature and surname in documents that did not understand.

Nanyi Georgievna, who never asked anything, urgently went to the reception to Shevardnadze and told two hours about the spouse only good. On the same day, the Meraba was transported to Georgia.

Nani Breggvadze on stage

In total, a man held four years in conclusion. When he went out of prison, immediately went to Nani. Merab Grigorievich believed that he was not indifferent to his former spouse. Before the singer, a mature, confident man, she did not even recognize him, were so clear changes for the better. As it turned out in prison, the meabe was carried away by yoga, read books on philosophy and rethought his life. Nanyi Georgievna fell in love with her ex-husband. They got married again, which was an extremely glad of Ek's daughter, who needed father.

Idyll lasted for a long time, the lack of work caused irritation in a man, and the success of his wife only aggravated the situation. Gradually, Merab Grigorievich began to abuse alcohol. One day, arriving with the tour, Nani Grigorievna learned that her husband went to another woman. At first she was worried, but then I realized that it would be better for both of them.

Daughter EKA

Eka Mamaladze is one of the popular and favorite singers in Georgia. She, like Mom, performs Russian, Gypsy romances and folk Georgian songs. At 16, Eca fell in love with a traumatologist's doctor, who also experienced feelings for a young girl.

A wedding took place, after a while the son was born, and a year later. Seven years of happy marriage daughter ended tragic.

Nani with daughter ecoo and granddaughter Natalia

Suddenly her spouse George died. Eca stayed with two young children, which was brought up alone. After a while she met a new beloved and married him.

The daughter of Natasha was born in marriage. But the married relationship was given a crack and the couple broke up. Today, EKA gives many solo concerts in which the old Georgian romances performs, and sometimes they act together with the mother of Nanyi Georgievna Breggvadze.

Grandchildren and great-grandchildren

The eldest grandson of Nani Breggvadze Levan successfully worked as a dentist. But soon he was tired of this profession, and he implemented himself in a television company, in working on projects. He is married and raises two sons of Alexander and Dmitry.

Wife George educated girl from the intelligent family of doctors. The granddaughter of Natalia has a beautiful and rare voice of mezzo-soprano. The girl graduated from a conservatory and studying in graduate school.

The grandchildren of Nani Breggvadze

During the rehearsals of the daughter and granddaughters, Nani Georgievna want to give advice, correct, make their changes. But girls are always against it. They say that they are so hard, as the audience always compare their Nani Breggvadze. The singer believes that they are right and everyone should have their own creative way.

Nanyu with daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter

Vakhtang Konstantinovich Kikabidze

In Soviet times, the audience sincerely believed that Vakhtang Kikabidze and Nany Breggvadze bind romantic relations. Fans claimed that of them would get a beautiful couple. And once when Nanya left the concert hall, a woman approached her and asked "You're a wife Kikabidze directly?". The singer said "No", and herself began to worry very much, because these rumors could reach her husband.

In fact, they with Vakhtang Konstantinovich were good friends from childhood. They were born in Tbilisi, together performed as part of the famous team "Orero".

Nani Bregvadze and Vakhtang Kikabidze

Nani Breggvadze argues that in her personal life and biography of Kikabidze always occupied a good friend's place, but no more. A talented singer has long been married to the former ballerina.

But still in 2012, Kikabidze and Nani Breggvadze became her husband and wife, in the painting of Gigineisvili. A young man filmed a comedy film and offered Nanyi Georgievna an episodic role. When the singer learned, with whom she would play the role of a married couple, celebrating the golden wedding she laughed and said "Finally, I will marry the boob!".

Nani Breggvadze - Honored People's Artist of the USSR, Singer, Pianist and a very good woman. Most of the whole woman is known to everyone thanks to the wonderful song "Snowfall", which still sounds on all screens and radio, which is a decade. Although it is worth noting that in its repertoire there is still a considerable arsenal of other, no less wonderful musical performances. A woman in Tbilisi is born in 1936 on July 21. Full years 81.

Childhood of a little nani

All the girls' family were creative personalities, everyone was very loved to sing, and was also fond of the diversity of the world of art. Aunt with a grandmother Nani was the best soloists one popular choir. Her father was a good actor, it was from him a girl and learned to professional artistism. From Mom, the girl inherited a sense of self-esteem and aristocracy, since her mother belonged to one of the most vintage princely gods.

As soon as the little girl learned to speak, the parents immediately began to teach her singing songs, and for six years she performed a huge number of songs under the guitar. The melody from her mouth sounded so penetrating that all adults always running around the skin of goosebumps. Already at that time, the whole family guess that in the future the girl would become a popular singer.

That is why Nanyi decided to send to study at the music school, which she, like the music technique graduated with honors. In 1957 there was a World Festival of Youth, in which Bregvadze made a romance and received a deserved head prize. It is this event that has become a starting point for a girl in her career.

Creative life Nani

In 1956, the girl fell into the pop orchestra of the Georgian Polytechnic University, it was from here that she began creative biography.
After the end of the technical school, Nani decided not to dwell on education and already in 1963 she successfully graduated from a conservatory in his homeland. Surprisingly everyone, it is not a vocal education in Bregvadze, she studied in the piano class.

In 64, the girl had a serious breakthrough in his career, since then the girl was invited to a tour to Paris along with Moscow Music Hall. Her first and most memorable performance was held in the Olympia hall. Immediately after him, the young singer was accepted in Via "Orera," where she worked as a soloist for fifteen years. It was with them Nanya visited more than eighty countries around the world.

Solo to engage in the vocalist became already in the 80 years, when it gained quite high popularity. And ten years later, the girl began to very often invite to act on various contests and festivals, and in addition to the speech, she was very often in judging. And even now a woman actively takes part in a variety of television programs.

Personal life

As accepted in many Georgian families, her husband's husband choose their parents independently, also happened in the family of Bregvadze. The girl walked out the choice of his parents, although in fact she had never experienced love feelings to her husband. Regarding the personal life of the Nani, it can be said that she had nothing to do with so much as a career. Her husband was a household and was always against the creative development of the girl.

The girl was always true to her husband, but he was a fairly jealous man, besides his friends always talked about the fact that his wife got too beautiful, so she would definitely not be true to him. Merabo, so called Nani's husband, very often loved to come to cities where the singer was unexpected for her to test his spouse.

After some time, her husband falls into a criminal history, after which he was sentenced to imprisonment, the girl, using his authority and popularity, managed to ensure that the man was released from custody ahead of time. But the man did not appreciate her work and changed Nane, and after and threw her at all, leaving another woman. Couple has a common daughter EKE.