Ramzan Kadyrov calls to ban the screening of the film Matilda. Alexey Uchitel - about a new turn in the story with “Matilda. Why is it impossible to show Matilda in Chechnya

Ramzan Kadyrov calls to ban the screening of the film Matilda. Alexey Uchitel - about a new turn in the story with “Matilda. Why is it impossible to show Matilda in Chechnya

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, appealed to the Minister of Culture of Russia, Vladimir Medinsky, with a request to ban the screening of the film “Matilda” by director Alexei Uchitel in the republic, Izvestia reports.

"Tens of thousands of people of different confessions are asking not to allow the public distribution of the film in the Russian Federation due to the fact that they regard it as a deliberate mockery of the feelings of believers and humiliation of human dignity, as well as desecration of shrines and the centuries-old history of the peoples of Russia," the letter says. Kadyrov.

The head of Chechnya notes that it is necessary to educate the younger generation respecting history, and not distorting it.

“We must educate the younger generation in a spirit of respect for their history. I ask you to exclude the Chechen Republic from the distribution certificate for the screening of the film "Matilda", ”concluded Kadyrov.

As Ramzan Kadyrov explained, he got acquainted with the information provided by the deputy of the State Duma Natalya Poklonskaya, about the presence of thousands of statements by Orthodox and Muslims who claim that the plot of the film offends their religious feelings. The head of the Chechen Republic stressed that the inhabitants of the region honor the precepts of their ancestors and respect the centuries-old history of Russia.

The press service of the Ministry of Culture told RIA Novosti that they received the document and would take note of the request.

State Duma deputy Natalya Poklonskaya called the decision of the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov strong and courageous.

“To ban on the territory of the republic a blasphemous film that offends our history and faith is not a strong decision for everyone! To honor the precepts of the ancestors! This is not for the faint of heart. This requires being courageous and respectful of the feelings of others. The decision of Ramzan Akhmatovich is extremely courageous and worthy of our common history and the feats of our ancestors! " - wrote Poklonskaya on her Facebook page.

In turn, Vakhtang Kipshidze, deputy head of the Synodal Department for Church Relations with Society and the Media, believes that the appeal of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, with a request not to show the film Matilda in the republic is “an important signal of the need to build a deeper and more interested dialogue between the religious communities of Russia. and the creative community ”.

“We proceed from the undoubted value for society and the individual of both the freedom of creativity and the dignity of believers, which can be questioned by the indelicate treatment of the shrine in this or that work of art,” V. Kipshidze told the Interfax-Religion correspondent.

A representative of the Synodal Department noted that members of the Interreligious Council of Russia “have always demonstrated unity when Orthodox, Muslim or Jewish shrines became the object of unsuccessful creative experiments,” whether it be the exhibition “Caution: Religion!”, Cartoons of the founder of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, or the memory of the victims of the Holocaust.

“We call for the dialogue of religious communities with the creative community to be based on respect for the inviolability of the shrine, with which the majority of believers associate their human dignity. And if such a dialogue is sincere, it will mean that there is no need to act by the method of prohibitions, "V. Kipshidze concluded.

Chechen Minister for National Policy Dzhambulat Umarov called the indignation of the head of the republic Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechen people, Russian citizens, the Russian Orthodox Church and other organizations with the film Matilda by Alexei Uchitel "quite understandable". He told the Rain about this.

Answering the question of why it was decided in Chechnya to abandon the screening of Matilda, Umarov replied: “For the Chechen people, which is an integral part of the all-Russian people, such an attitude to historical events, to the historical process is also unacceptable, especially practically on the eve of that that we will celebrate the centenary of the October catastrophe, if you remember. And I think that this picture "Matilda" about a small windy romance between Tsarevich Nikolai Alekseevich Romanov and [Matilda] Kshesinskaya, it seems to me, will inflate it to the size of such an almost obscene love story that will outrage, so to speak, the minds of our citizens ... And times, you understand, they are already different, it seems to me that this is not the best technique even for such a famous artist as Aleksey Uchitel. "

In this regard, Umarov called "quite understandable, adequate" and in accordance with the law "the indignation of the head of the Chechen Republic, the Chechen people, Russian citizens, the Russian Orthodox Church and other organizations that are engaged in spiritual and moral education and spirituality in general." “There are no threats here, there are no, so to speak, hasty statements of some kind,” the Chechen minister stressed.

“There is simply a position here, and the law allows Ramzan Akhmatovich [Kadyrov. - Rain] to apply with a letter, including to the Minister of Culture with a request, by the way, which in this case is not original. In Russia, the overwhelming majority does not want to see such an infantile emperor played by a German actor, "Umarov noted.

According to the minister, "there are things, there are sacred boundaries of public consciousness, spiritual consciousness, which it would be undesirable to cross." “Are there really no other topics where you can use bed scenes, this must be done over the memory of Nikolai Alexandrovich [the Second. - Rain], you need to make fun of people? " - said Umarov, expressing the opinion that "after all, it was necessary to look for other topics, other solutions, and not what the respected enough director Aleksey Uchitel did."

When asked that no one had seen the film yet, but it had already caused a “HYIP”, Umarov said: “There is a lot of HYIP, I agree with you, there is a lot of HYIP, including even unjustified, here I agree with you, but after the trailer I, for example, do not even want to look at the picture. You will agree, I looked at the one who plays the emperor, because for such a role you cannot invite a person other than Russian, and for this role you need to invite people of genius, from the category of which consisted, for example, [Oleg] Yankovsky. "

“Today the Russian people are waking up, and it seems to me that this awakening should not be accompanied by any collisions, it should not be accompanied by historical lies, manipulation of facts for the sake of the artist's original view of the historical process, of certain things,” concluded Umarov.

On the eve of August 8, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" letter from Kadyrov to the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, dated June 16, 2017, in which the head of the republic asked to exclude Chechnya from the regions where "Matilda" will be shown. Ministry of Culture, commenting on the appeal that "the request will be taken into account." The teacher, in turn, to Kadyrov not "write letters" and not "take the word" of the opponents of the picture, but see it himself.

On Wednesday, August 9, in the press service of the Ministry of Culture, the First Deputy Prime Minister of Dagestan Anatoly Karibov asked the department to ban the showing of the film "Matilda" in the republic. “We will take note of the appeal,” the press service noted.

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, wrote a letter to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky, asking not to show the film "Matilda", which is due to be released soon, on the territory of Chechnya. The letter is dated June 16, it was published today, August 8, "Komsomolskaya Pravda".

Medinsky's reaction to this letter is still unknown. Earlier today, the minister said that the scandal around "Matilda" "has less to do with cinema and more and more to the circus."

August 8, 22:11 Poklonskaya said that Kadyrov was not the only head of the region who spoke out against Matilda. Who else at the governor's level came up with the same initiative, she did not specify.

“I knew about this [Kadyrov’s] letter for a long time. Moreover, not only Ramzan Akhmatovich sent such a letter to the Minister of Culture, but the heads of other regions prepared similar letters. knocking on all doors and knocking on all authorities. The people ask that no one infringes upon or offend the feelings of believers. The people ask that the film does not appear on the screens. After all, it insults Orthodox shrines and brings discord in society. And Ramzan Kadyrov, speaking in favor of the ban of the film, interceded for all the people who went to the prayer stand on August 1.

Natalia Poklonskaya, "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

It is not clear what exactly Poklonskaya meant when she spoke about the "prosecutors of the Crimea". Today, August 8, the Simferopol prosecutor's office warned local cinemas about the inadmissibility of showing the Matilda trailer, after which this advertisement was removed from the cinemas. But then the Crimean prosecutor's office said that the Simferopol prosecutor's office "grossly violated the procedure for considering appeals and making appropriate decisions." “Based on the results of the official check, the issue of the personal responsibility of the guilty workers who committed violations will be resolved,” the Crimean prosecutor’s office said, commenting on the actions of their colleagues from Simferopol.
"Yes, we received such a letter. But this is the right of the republic. If they are against the distribution of this film, naturally, their request will be taken into account."

Press Secretary of the Minister of Culture Irina Kaznacheeva, RBC

August 9, 14:09 Following Kadyrov, the authorities of Dagestan came out against "Matilda".
"We have received an appeal from the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Dagestan Anatoly Karibov with a request to prohibit the showing of the film by Alexei Uchitel" Matilda "in the republic. We will take note of the appeal."

Press service of the Ministry of Culture, RIA Novosti

August 10, 12:36 The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation issued a rental certificate to "Matilda".
"Today, the Ministry of Culture issued a distribution certificate for the film Matilda," Vyacheslav Telnov, director of the cinematography department, told reporters at a briefing on Thursday.

Telnov noted that the Constitution states that censorship is prohibited, the Ministry of Culture follows this. According to him, the department watched the film, made an opinion on its compliance with the law, "there is nothing prohibited in the film."

“We have issued a distribution license for the entire territory of Russia, there are film distribution companies operating in each territory, which show in the regions,” explained the director of the department and added that it is impossible to exclude some subjects from the distribution license.

"Nevertheless, the regional executive authorities, guided by the traditions and customs of the peoples living on their territory, can independently determine the appropriateness of showing a particular film," Telnov explained.

MOSCOW, August 10 - RIA Novosti. The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, is sure that the residents of the republic will not waste time watching Alexei Uchitel's film Matilda. He stated this on his Instagram page, commenting on messages that the picture received a rental certificate.

Earlier, Kadyrov asked the Ministry of Culture not to show "Matilda" in Chechnya. However, on Thursday it became known that the ministry issued a distribution certificate to the film, assigning it a 16+ category. At the same time, the Ministry of Culture explained that the regions can independently limit the rental of tape on their territory.

"There will be no ban! Do you know why? It is very simple! In Chechnya, they will not waste time watching a film that is immoral, spiritless and immoral in relation to their homeland. I am sure that the film will not find a viewer in other regions," he wrote Kadyrov.

According to the head of Chechnya, "there are topics that are in the interests of society, for the sake of higher interests, not to be touched, and even more so to throw mud at them." At the same time, he reproached the Ministry of Culture for funding films with age restrictions for viewing.

"Imagine what spiritual, moral, ethical, patriotic values ​​the picture is filled with if people under 16 are not allowed into the hall," Kadyrov asked.

"This is how the young generation is raised, for which patriotism, Motherland, duty, love for the Fatherland do not exist. It is not surprising if the Ministry of Culture supports lack of culture in" creativity. "But not everything depends on this ministry and on its rental certificate," he concluded he.

First Deputy Minister of Culture Vladimir Aristarkhov, in turn, called "Matilda" a good and strong film about the dignity of women and the responsibility of men. He noted that the plot of the picture has nothing to do with the execution of the royal family in 1918, which is why Nicholas II was recognized as a martyr. According to Aristarkhov, the demands to refuse to comprehend the events associated with the life of the last Russian emperor are absolutely absurd.

At the same time, the deputy minister is sure that many of those who are now criticizing "Matilda" will change their minds after seeing the picture.

The film by Alexei Uchitel is dedicated to the fate of the ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya, with whom the future Emperor Nicholas II was in love. The premiere is scheduled for October 6 at the St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater, and the film is to be released on October 25.

Representatives of the Tsar's Cross public movement called Matilda an "anti-Russian and anti-religious provocation," and Natalya Poklonskaya asked the Prosecutor General's Office to check the picture. According to her, the examination of the materials of the film showed that the image of Nicholas II created in it does not correspond to the image of the emperor canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church.