Hear an artistic work. Holistic Text Analysis on Literature

Hear an artistic work. Holistic Text Analysis on Literature
Hear an artistic work. Holistic Text Analysis on Literature


Read well with the work that you intend to analyze, because this depends on the correctness and clarity of the result. Most likely it will be a classic describing the abundance of social and moral problems, multifaceted and ambiguous work of the writer. Perhaps something modern, relevant and dynamic. Choice work It remains for you.

Start the analysis of the book with the formulation general theme workDescribe the author's affected by the author, expand the main ideas. At the same time, try not to disturb the logic of your reasoning, express my thoughts consistently, without jumping from one thought to another.

Pay attention to the originality of the genre. For example, Gogol his "dead souls" Nareka Poem, despite all the rules, and Evgeny Onegin was characterized by Pushkin as a novel. In such cases, weight. Among other things, language features narration inherent in this particular author and funds artistic expressivenessused by him will not be completely superfluous.

Further make a description of the artistic images presented in the work - another part of the analysis requiring weighty reasoning. The literature is filled with ordinary and generally accepted types of people, the habits and the habits of which also have today, and sometimes non-standard and amazing. Therefore, try to describe in detail and give your assessment of characters of heroes.

After smoothly go to the plot work, touch up his conflict, set out the conclusions taken either by the author himself, or the character, from whose face the problematic issues are raised. The advantage will be the presentation of his opinion on this.

At the end of your analysis, write about the importance and significance work In the work of the author, about the contribution brought to Russian and literature. Depending on the required amount of analysis, this part can be inserted some details from the visitor's biography, its features.

Check out the text for grammatical and spelling errors. Edit all moments. Correctly enter the changes if necessary. Try to achieve homogeneity and integrity of general narration.


  • Content and composite elements of the analysis of the literary

Conduct analysis lyrical work Not very simple, because a lot depends on the personal subjective perception of poetry. Nevertheless, there are certain analysis schemes that help more clearly strudule the analysis. There is no single scheme or a plan analysis of poetic text, but in any case, it should show how well the reader understood the poem.

You will need

  • Pooh text, paper sheet, pen


Specify the topic of poem. Ask yourself: "What does the poet tell about this?". The poetic works can be, patriotism, politics. Some describe landscapes and beauty of nature, others are reflections on philosophical topics.

Besides the theme, sometimes it is also required to determine the idea or main thought Works. Think what I wanted to convey the poet to the reader, which "message" lies in his words. The main idea reflects the attitude of the poet to written, it is a key factor for true understanding literary work. If the author of the work touched on several problems at once, list them and highlight one as main problem.

Write to what fine articles and stylistic techniques The author resorted in this work. Give concrete from the poem. Specify, for what purpose the author used one or another reception ( stylistic figures, etc.), i.e. What effect was achieved. For example, rhetorical questions and appeals increase the reader's attention, and the use of irony indicates the author's mocking and the like.

Perform the characteristics of the composition of the poem. It consists of three parts. This is a size, and rhythm. The size can be specified schematically to be seen, on what syllable the emphasis falls. For example, in a four-stranded jamb, the emphasis falls on each second syllable. Read one line from the poem loud. So it will be easier for you to understand how the stress falls. The method of rhymes is usually indicated using the designations "A" and "B", where "A" is one type of end of the string of the poem, and "B" is the second type.

Specify the features of the image of a lyrical hero. It is advisable not to miss this item in the analysis of the poem. Remember that in any product there is a copyright "I".


  • Plan analysis poem

Any lyrical work reflects the poet's globility, so that analyze Pooh, you need to know about the features creative method, in which it was written. In addition, it is important to carefully read the poem, since its analysis should be carried out in all language levels: from phonetic to syntax. To structure a written analysis verseUse the instruction.


Start an analysis of the lyrical product from determining the date of writing and. Collect material by creative history poem, because The actual side is very important for understanding his topic. Specify who is dedicated to if he has a destination.

Determine the topic of the work, i.e. What he writes: about nature, love, relationships of the lyrical character and society, about philosophical categories, etc. Answer the question of how the topic of the poem is associated with its name.

Track the movement of the lyrical plot: how the mood of the lyrical hero changes throughout the poem, his attitude to what the author tells about. In this you will be helped by words expressing feelings: sadness, admiration, passion, bitterness, despondency, etc.

Determine the features of the composition of the work, i.e. Its construction. Find the main one composite receptionUsed by the author: Repeat, contrast, comparison on the association, etc.

Tell us about lyrical, which is revealed through a specific independent state, experience a certain life situation in this moment. Answer the question of which position is the author in relation to his lyrical hero. Note that it should not always identify his hero.

Consider fine remedies Works in different language levels: sounding (phonetic means of expressiveness), vocabulary (stylistically painted, presence of synonyms, antonyms, paronims), poetic syntax.

Determine the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work identified as a result of analysis. Answer the question, with what message is the author to the reader.

Consider the rhythmic organization of the poem, determine its size and types of rhymes.

Finishing a written, define the features of the poetics of the creative method, within which the work was created, reflected in it. To do this, using literary dictionary, meet S. different areas In the history of literature (romanticism, realism, symbolism, acmeism, futurism).


  • how to write not change

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, perhaps, will forever retain a reputation for the greatest poet In the history of Russian literature. I contributed to this, of course, the special talent of the writer who lived from 1799 to 1837 and, unfortunately, early deceased on the tragic duel. So what works are included in literary heritage Pushkin?

1. Determine the topic and idea / main thought / this work; problems affected in it; Paphos, with which the work is written;

2. Show the relationship of the plot and composition;

3. To consider the subject organization of the work / artistic image of a person, the techniques for creating a character, the types of characters, the character-character system /;

5. Determine the features of functioning in this product of the literature of the illustrative means of the language;

6. Determine the features of the genre of the work and style of the writer.

Note: According to this scheme, it is possible to write an elastic review about the book read, and in this work also present:

1. Emotional and appraisal attitude to the read.

2. The detailed substantiation of an independent assessment of the characters of the heroes of the work, their actions and experiences.

3. Deployed rationale for conclusions.

2. Analysis of prosaic literary work

Starting to the analysis of the artistic work, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the specific historical context of the work during the creation period of this artistic work. It is necessary to develop the concepts of the historical and historical and literary situation in last case It is understood

Literary directions of the era;

The place of this work among the works of other authors written during this period;

Creative history of the work;

Evaluation of the work in criticism;

The originality of the perception of this product with contemporaries of the writer;

Evaluation of the work in the context of modern reading;

Then to refer to the question of the ideological and artistic unity of the work, its content and forms (at the same time, the content plan is considered - what the author wanted to say and the expression plan - how he managed to do).

Conceptual level of artwork

(Topics, Problems, Conflict and Paphos)

The topic is what we are talking about in the work, the main problem, supplied and considered by the author in the work, which unites the content into a single integer; These are typical phenomena and events. real lifewhich are reflected in the work. Is the topic of their time consonant with the topic? Is the name associated with the topic? Each phenomenon of life is a separate topic; A combination of topics - the subject of the work.

The problem is that side of life, which is particularly interested in the writer. The same problem can serve as the basis for the formulation of different problems (the topic of serfdom is the problem of the internal non-versatility of the serf, the problem of mutual corruption, ugliness and serfs, and destroyers, the problem of social injustice ...). Problems - a list of problems affected by the work. (They can wear an additional character and obey the main problem.)

Pafos is an emotional-assessment of a writer to a told, distinguished by a great power of feelings (M.B. Approving, denying, justifying, elevating ...).

The level of organization of the work as an artistic whole

Composition - Building a literary work; Combines parts of the work in one.

Fixed assets of the composition:

The plot is what is happening in the work; System of basic events and conflicts.

The conflict is a clash of characters and circumstances, views and principles of life, based on action. The conflict can occur between a person and society between the characters. In the consciousness of the hero can be clear and hidden. The plot elements reflect the level of development of the conflict;

Prologue - a peculiar entry into the work that is narrating on the events of the past, it emotionally sets the reader to perception (rarely found);

Exposure - enhancing, image of conditions and circumstances preceding the immediate start of actions (can be deployed and no, solid and "broken"; can be located not only at the beginning, but also in the middle, end of the work); introduces the characters of the work, the situation, the time and circumstances of the action;

Zaguka - the beginning of the plot movement; The event from which the conflict begins, subsequent events are developing.

Development of action - the system of events that leak out of the risk; In the course of the development of action, as a rule, the conflict is exacerbated, and the contradictions are developing clearer and sharper;

Culmination - the moment of the highest voltage, the peak of the conflict, the culmination represents the main problem of the work and the characters of the characters extremely clearly, after it the action weakens.

An isolation is the solution of the conflict depicted or an indication of the possible ways to solve it. The final moment in the development of an artistic work. As a rule, it is also resolved conflict or its principled insoluability is demonstrated.

Epilogue - the final part of the work, in which the direction of the further development of events and the fate of heroes is denoted (sometimes the assessment is given to the shown); this is short story About what happened with the acting persons of the work after the end of the main scene action.

The plot can be made:

In a direct chronological sequence of events;

With retreats in the past - retrospectives - and "excursions" in

In a deliberately modified sequence (see Artistic Time in the Work).

Non-sales elements are considered:

Plug-in episodes;

Their main function is to expand the frames of the depicted, to enable the author to express their thoughts and feelings about the various phenomena of life that are not directly related to the plot.

In the work there may be no individual elements of the plot; It is sometimes difficult to divide these elements; Sometimes there are several plots in one work - otherwise scene lines. There are various interpretations of the concepts of "plot" and "Fabul":

1) the plot - chief conflict works; Fabul - a number of events in which it is expressed;

2) the plot is the artistic order of events; Fabul - Natural Events

Composite principles and elements:

The presenter compositional principle (composition multifaceted, linear, ring, "thread with beads"; in the chronology of events or not ...).

Additional means of composition:

Lyrical retreats - forms of disclosure and transfer of the senses and thoughts of the writer about the depicted (express the author's attitude to the characters, to the image of life, may be reflections on any occasion or explanation of their goal, position);

Introductory (inserted) episodes (not related directly to the plot of the work);

Artistic premium - image of scenes, which predict, predict further development events;

Art framing - scenes that begin and finish an event or work, complementing it, giving additional meaning;

Composite techniques - internal monologues, diary, etc.

The level of the inner form of the work

Subjectual organization of the narration (its consideration includes the following): the narrative may be personal: on behalf of the lyrical character (confession), on behalf of the character of the narrator, and impersonal (on behalf of the narrator).

1) artistic image of a person - the typical phenomena of life, which was reflected in this image; Individual features inherent in the character; The originality of the created image of a person is revealed:

External features - face, figure, suit;

Character character - it is revealed in actions, in relation to other people, manifests itself in the portrait, in the descriptions of the senses of the hero, in his speech. An image of the conditions in which the character lives and operates;

An image of nature that helps better understand the thoughts and sense of character;

An image of a social environment, society in which the character lives and operates;

The presence or absence of a prototype.

2) 0Clous character image creation techniques:

Characteristic of the hero through its actions and actions (in the plot system);

Portrait, portrait characteristic of the hero (often expresses copyright to the character);

Psychological analysis - detailed, recreation of feelings, thoughts, motivations - Innource Mira character; here special meaning It has an image "Dialectics of the Soul", i.e. movements of the inner life of the hero;

Characteristic of the hero by other actors;

Art Detail - a description of the objects and phenomena of the surrounding character of reality (parts that reflect a wide generalization can act as details symbols);

3) types of characters:

lyrical - if the writer shows only the feelings and thoughts of the hero, not mentioning the events of his life, the actions of the hero (found primarily in poetry);

dramatic - in the event that the impression arises that the heroes are "ourselves", "without the help of the author", i.e. The author uses the characteristic of the characteristics of the reception of self-examination, self-characteristic (found, mainly in dramatic works);

epic - the author-narrator or storyteller consistently describes the heroes, their actions, characters, appearance, the situation in which they live, relationships with others (are found in epic novels, the ones, stories, novels, essays).

4) system of character imagers;

Separate images can be combined into groups (grouping images) - their interaction helps to fully present and disclose each acting person, and through them the theme and ideological meaning of the work.

All these groups are combined into the society depicted in the work (multifaceted or unintellular with social, ethnic, etc. view).

Artistic space and artistic time (chronotope): space and time shown by the author.

The artistic space can be conditional and concrete; compressed and volume;

Artistic time can be correlated with historical or not, intermittent and continuous, in the chronology of events (epic time) or the chronology of internal mental processes of characters (lyric time), long or instantaneous, final or infinite, closed (i.e., only within the plot , outside of historical time) and open (against the background of a certain historical era).

Method for creating artistic images: narration (image of occurring in the work of events), description (consistent enumeration of individual features, features, properties and phenomena), forms oral speech (dialogue, monologue).

Place and value artistic details (Artistic detail, reinforcing an idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole).

Level of external form. Speech and rhythm modeling organization of artistic text

Speech of characters - expressive or not, acting as a means of typing; Individual peculiarities of speech; Discloses character and helps to understand the attitude of the author.

Speech of the narrator - evaluation of events and their participants

The peculiarity of the wording of the nationwide language (the activity of the inclusion of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, archaisms, neologisms, dialectisms, varvarisms, professionalism).

Patterns (trails - use words in portable meaning) - simplest (epithet and comparison) and complex (metaphor, personification, allegory, litt, periprase).

Plan analysis poem

1. Comment elements to poem:

Time (place) of writing, creating history;

Genre peculiarity;

The place of this poem in the work of the poet or in a number of poems on a similar topic (with a similar motive, plot, structure, etc.);

Explanation of unclear places, complex metaphors and other decoding.

2. Feelings expressed by the lyrical hero of the poem; Feelings that believes a poem from the reader.

4. Interconnection of the content of the poem and its artistic form:

Composite solutions;

Features of the self-expression of the lyrical hero and the nature of the narration;

Sound series of poems, the use of sound recording, association, allyteration;

Rhythm, storm, graphics, their meaning role;

Motivation and accuracy of expressive use.

4. Associations caused by this poem (literary, vital, musical, picturesque - any).

5. Typic and originality of this poem in the work of the poet, the deep moral or philosophical meaning of the work that opened as a result of the analysis; The degree of "eternity" of raised problems or their interpretations. Riddles and secrets poem.

6. Additional (free) reflections.

Analysis of the poetic work

Starting to analyze the poetic work, it is necessary to determine the immediate content of the lyrical work - experience, feeling;

Determine the "belonging" of feelings and thoughts expressed in the lyrical work: lyrical hero (The image in which these feelings are expressed);

Determine the subject of the description and its connection with the poetic idea (direct - indirect);

Determine the organization (composition) of the lyrical work;

Determine the originality of the use of fine funds by the author (active - stingy); Determine the lexical pattern (the illustrian-literary vocabulary ...);

Determine the rhythm (homogeneous - heterogeneous; rhythmic movement);

Determine the sound pattern;

Determine intonation (the ratio of speech-speaking and the interlocutor.

Poetic vocabulary

It is necessary to figure out the activity of use. separate groups Words of common vocabulary - synonyms, antonyms, archaisis, neologisms;

Find out the measure of the proximity of the poetic language with conversational;

Determine the originality and activity of the use of trails

Epithet - artistic definition;

Comparison - a comparison of two items or phenomena to clarify one of them with the help of another;

Allegory (allegory) - an image of an abstract concept or phenomenon through specific subjects and images;

Irony - hidden mockery;

Hyperbole - an artistic exaggeration used to strengthen the impression;

Lithota - artistic understatement;

Elimination - an image of inanimate objects in which they are endowed with the properties of living beings - a gift of speech, the ability to think and feel;

The metaphor is a hidden comparison, built on the similarity or contrast of phenomena, in which the word "as", "as if", "as if" is missing, but are meant.

Poetic syntax

(syntactic techniques or figures of poetic speech)

Rhetorical questions, appeals, exclamations - they strengthen the reader's attention, without requiring an answer from him;

Reversals - a repeated repetition of the same words or expressions;

Antithesis - opposition;

Poetic phonetics

Using sound resistant, sound recording - sound repetitionscreating a kind of sound "drawing" speech.)

Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds;

Assonance - repetition of vowels;

AnaFora - Uniagnosed;

Composition of lyrical work


Determine the leading experience, feeling, mood, reflected in the poetic product;

Find out the harness of the composite construction, its subordination to the expression of a certain thought;

Determine the lyrical situation represented in the poem (the conflict of the hero with it; internal sign of the hero, etc.)

Determine life situationwhich, presumably, could cause this experience;

Select the main parts of the poetic work: show their connection (define an emotional "drawing").

Analysis of the dramatic work

Dramatic Work Analysis Scheme

1. general characteristics: The history of creation, life foundation, design, literary criticism.

2. Plot, composition:

The main conflict, the stages of its development;

Disception character / comic, tragic, dramatic /

3. Analysis of individual actions, scenes, phenomena.

4. Collecting material about characters:

Hero appearance


Speech characteristic

Manner / How? /

Style, Dictionary

Self-character, mutual characteristics of heroes, author's remarks;

The role of scenery, interior in the development of the image.

5. Conclusions: topic, idea, sense title, image system. The genre of the work, artistic originality.

Dramatic work

Generic specificity, "border" position of the drama (between literature and the theater) obliges its analysis in the development of dramatic action (in this fundamental difference Analysis of the dramatic work from epic or lyrical). Therefore, the proposed scheme is conditional in nature, it only takes into account the conglomerate of the main generic categories of the drama, the peculiarity of which can manifest itself in different ways in each individual case in the development of action (according to the principle of the springs of the spring).

1. General characteristics of dramatic action (character, plan and vector motion, pace, rhythm, etc.). "Through" action and "underwater" flows.

2. Conflict type. The essence of the drama and the content of the conflict, the nature of the contradictions (biscuits, the external conflict, internal conflict, their interaction), "vertical" and "horizontal" plan of the drama.

3. System acting personsTheir place and role in the development of dramatic deiction and resolution of the conflict. The main and secondary heroes. Extrapty and insignificant characters.

4. The system of motifs and the motive development of the plot and the microsules of the drama. Text and subtext.

5. Composition-structural level. The main stages in the development of dramatic action (exposition, tie, development, culmination, junction). Principle of installation.

6. Features of poetics (semantic key title, the role of theatrical poster, stage chronotype, symbolism, scenic psychologism, final problem). Signs of theatricality: costume, mask, game and post-saturative analysis, role situations, etc.

7. genre peculiarity (drama, tragedy or comedy?). The origins of the genre, its reminiscence and innovative solutions by the author.

9. Drama contexts (historical and cultural, creative, self-dramatic).

10. The problem of interpretations and stage history.

Full analysis plan

1. The history of creation (writing time; as a writer worked on the work).

2. Direction, genus and genre.

3. Themes and issues (main topics and problems).

4. Idea and Paphos (ideological and emotional assessment).

5. The main characters (their place in the figurative system). In a lyrical poem: an image of a lyrical hero.

6. The plot and composition.

7. Artistic originality:


- scenery;

- art details;

- means of poetic expressiveness (trails);

- Features of the language of the work;

- Features of poetic syntax;

- Features of the phonetic organization (sounding).

8. For lyric poems:

- poetic size;

- Features of rhymes;

- stroke.

9. The value of the work:

- Place of work inthe work of the writer;

- Value B. literary life era;

- value for subsequent era;

- Relationships with the works of the same author and other writers.

Working on the works on this plan, pay special attention to the questions that are important not only for the preparation of the material for the composition (Q5 task), but also for answers to the tasks of parts B and C1-C4. From this point of view, it is important not only to note the direction, within the framework of which this or that work was created, its genre, allocate composition features and key points scene development, give a brief description of the main characters, ideological and thematic content and consider the author's assessment of the depicted, but also to give examples of interconnection on different aspects with the works of other writers. After all, in the task C2 and C4, the question of the literary context is included as a mandatory. Not always, in the conditions of work on the exam, it is possible to quickly find an answer to this kind of questions - it is better to prepare for them in advance. In our plan, this can be done in paragraph 9, where the value of the work is considered. For example, speaking of the Roman Lermontov "Hero of Our Time", it should be noted that it not only continues to be launched by Pushkin in the novel "Yevgeny Onegin" the topic "Hero of time", but also opens the way to develop this topic for writers of the second halves XIX. century. At the same time it is necessary to emphasize that the relationship is gradually changing type of personalitywhich appeared in the novels of the first half of the XIX century and then got the name "extra person." Writers of the second half of the XIX century see it rather than weakness and disadvantages than dignity. These are the heroes of this socio-psychological type in the works of Turgenev "Diary of an extra person", "Rudin", " Noble Nest"," Fathers and Children ", in the poem Nekrasov" Sasha ", in the novel of Goncharov" Oblomov ", in the story of Chekhov" Duel ". And although the type " excess person"Belongs the literature of the XIX century, the problem of searching for the" time hero "remains relevant and in the literature of the XX century, for example, in the novel by Pasternak" Dr. Zhivago ". In addition, it is important to note those artistic achievements of Lermontov, who found a continuation in Russian literature. First of all, it should be said about the formation genre form Russian realistic social and psychological novel of the second half of the XIX century. The discoveries of Lermontov were especially important for the formation of Tolstovsky psychological method "Dialectics of the Soul."

Another example is from lyrics: speaking about the poem of Pushkin "Prophet", you can select a certain tradition that comes from the spiritual OD M.V. Lomonosov and G.R. Daughter. But at the same time, it should be emphasized that here Pushkin, for the first time in Russian literature, elevated a poet to the level of the prophet, thereby determining one of the most important features Russian literature in general. It was after Pushkin that an idea of \u200b\u200bthe special role in the society of poets was established, designed to serve such a prophetic. Following the Pushkin, Lermontov continued this topic in his "Prophet", written shortly to death in 1841. She was then picked up by writers of the second half of the XIX century - Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and many others who became the personification of the special mission of the writer for the whole world, which the Russian poet of the 20th century E. Evtushenko determined the words: "The poet in Russia is more than the poet."

Finally, we turn another very important issue regarding the preparation of text material for the exam. Speech will go O. lyricswhich is presented in the codifier to a very surround list of works different poets XIX and XX centuries. As a rule, in the essay themes of the 3rd part, it is supposed to consider not some one specific poem of a particular author (this is contained in the second part of the work), and the whole ideological-thematic layer. For example, in the demonstration embodiment, the third topic (C5.3) sounds like this: "What gives tragedy theme of the Motherland in Lyrique S.A. Yesenin? ". The same feature of the questions of this part was also characteristic of Kimov EGE on the literature of past years, for example in 2008: "On what features of poetry A.A. Feta pointed L.N. Tolstoy, noting the "lyrical audacity" of the poet? ". Obviously, this specificity will remain in Kima Eger In literature for which you have to pass the exam. This necessitates in advance to consider lists of poems on the work of each of the poets presented in the codifier andto a certain way to grouped Their works.

For example, refer to the section on the work of Pushkin: in the codifier, a list of 25 poems is given. How best to arrange them when preparing for the exam? Of course, you can choose the traditional path - chronological. He is fully justified when studying the works of the poet at school on a historical and chronological basis, since it allows you to trace creative way Writer, his evolution. But for the purpose of preparing for an essay by lyrics, it is better to turn to another principle - Thematic.Thus, you will be able to determine the circle of those poems to which you to orient when writing an essay. Of course, this circle can be expanded due to works that are not included in the codifier, but those that correspond to writing themeOf course, should be considered.

Based on the list of poems on the work of Pushkin, the following thematic groups can be distinguished: freestyle, civilian-patriotic, philosophical, landscape lyrics, theme of the poet and poetry, Lyrics of love and friendship. In accordance with these topics, we define the groups of poems (within such groups it is possible to use the chronological principle):

1. Winnocheing Lyrics: "To Chaadaev", "Village", "the daytime shine ...", "prisoner", "Freedom deserted sower ...", "To the sea", "October 19" ("Rhines the forest crimson his own ... ")," In the depths of Siberian ores ... "," Anchar "," I have an unpretentious monument to myself ... ".

2. Civilian-patriotic lyrics: "To Chaadaev". "Village", "In the depths of Siberian ores ...", "I am an unpretentious monument to myself ...".

3. Philosophical Lyrics: "Freedom deserted sower ...", "Anchar", "Imitation of the Quran" (IX. "And the traveler is tired on God Ropal ..."), "demons", "Elegy" ("Mad Years Falling Fun. .. ")," Cloud "," I visited again ... ".

4. Landscape lyrics: "The daytime shine went out ...", "To the sea", "Winter Road", "Anchar", " Winter morning"," Demons "," cloud "," I visited again ... ".

5. The theme of the poet and poetry: "The conversation of the bookcard with the poet", "Prophet", "Poet", "I am a monument to myself erectually ...".

6. The theme of love and friendship: "To Chaaadaev", "the daytime luminaries went out ...", "October 19" ("Rhines the forest crimson his own ..."), "K ***" ("I remember a wonderful moment .. . ")," Nyan "," In the depths of Siberian ores ... "," on the hills of Georgia there is a night blast ... "," I loved you ... ".

It should be borne in mind that the poems of different thematic groups may be repeated, since Pushkin often in one poem can be distinguished several topics. So, for example, the poem "October 19" ("Rhines the Forest of the Criminal Review ...") can be attributed to the lyrics of friendship, because in it we are talking about the Lyceum friends of the poet and it is devoted to the date of the foundation of the Tsarskoye Lyceum; It can be considered in connection with the evolution of the topic of freedom in the work of Pushkin; This poem expressed philosophical reflections of the poet about the inexorability of the course of time, about the connection of the moment and eternity, memory and oblivion, about the role of fate.

So, we have completed the consideration of a very important aspect of preparation for the exam in literature relating to its meaningful part. In fact, if you are well oriented in the ideological and artistic content of works, you know and know how to use theoretical and literary concepts in their analysis, you understand historical and literary relationships, then most Preparations for the exam in literature can already be considered performed. But there is one more the most important aspect This work: You need to learn from all these knowledge to build writing detailed answers to questions, write an essay. This will be devoted to the next head of the benefit. But before proceeding to it, check your knowledge.

Methodists allocate 4 types of analysis of the literary work:

1VID: Analysis of the development of action - it is based on work on the plot and its elements, i.e. parts and chapters. It imposes work on the plot of the literary work and its elements (episode, chapter) In this case, the task of the teacher is to find together with children the traits of integrity in each part of the work and the organic connection of the part with the whole.

2 View: problem analysis- The chalk of analysis raised a problem question during the search for a response to it may arise different points vision, which is confirmed by reading into the text. To turn the problematic question in problem situation, it is necessary to exacerbate contradictions, compare different variants Replies. The formulation of a problematic nature is advisable when reading those works where there are situations involving various understanding of the heroes, their actions, actions, ethical problems affected by the writer.

Damn problem issues:

1) the presence of contradictions and capabilities of different answers;

2) the interest of children to the topic posed;

3) the ability to compare different answers to the question.

3 Type: Analysis of artistic images - in the center of analysis of the images of heroes or landscape Analysis of artistic images.

Basic principles.

1. When analyzing, bring to children that the acting person is a representative of a certain public group of people, the epoch, and at the same time it is a living concrete person.

2. In the character of the hero, we determine the leading features.

4. Operate the empathy of children, their personal attitude towards the hero.

Sequence of work:

1. The modest perception of heroes:

After the initial reading, what can you say about the hero? Did you like or not? Than?

2. Analysis images goes During re-reading:

1) reading an episode or words speaking something about the hero - conversation: how it characterizes this hero, his words, actions. The selection of words referring the character of the hero is a conclusion of a generalization, that is, the story of the hero.

2) Teacher or students call the quality of the hero - confirmation of text and conclusion - drawing up a story about the hero.

Hero story plan.

1. Who is he? (When, where he lived, lives, his age, floor)

2. The appearance of the hero.

3. What actions he makes and how it characterizes it

6. My relationship.

Takes work on the characteristic of the hero:

1. The teacher calls the quality of the hero, the children confirm the text.

2. Children independently call the character nature and confirm the text.

3. The heroes of one work or close on topics are compared.

6. Linguistic experiment: Exception from the text of the words comprising the author's assessment.

7. Conclusion ( main idea - the meaning of the work)

in the process of parsing, students must understand the image characteristic (hero, landscape), and the meaning of this image, that is, the load that he carries in common Structure Works.

4 View: Stylistic (Language) Analysis is the analysis of the images of the language used by the author in this work.

The purpose of the analysis: to help children understand the thoughts and senses of the author, expressed primarily in the sample words, the development of imagination, expressive reading.

Work technique:

1. Allocation of the word or figurative expression.

2. The definition of the thought and feelings concluded in them (why the poet calls this way ...., what picture do you imagine? What sense is the author? What does the author compare? Why?)

3. Receptions stylistic analysis:

1. Comparison of poetry and prose dedicated to one topic

2. Comparison different works one author. Purpose: Allocation of characteristic features of creativity.

So, work on the word should be aimed at helping the children to understand fashionable meaning Works, thoughts and feelings of a writer who are embodied in the selection of vocabulary, in the rhythm of the phrase, in every artistic part. Therefore, for language analysis, words and expressions are chosen that help better understand the figurative sense of the work (draw pictures of nature, the copyright feelings reveal) and at the same time the most expressive and accurate. After the selection of the word or expression, their role is recognized in the text, they are determined which feelings (thoughts) are concluded in them.

Main reception All kinds of analysis is a conversation above the text.

What to choose the analysis depends on the nature (genre) of the work, from the capabilities of students, but still the analysis of artistic images can be considered more common and appropriate.

Analysis of images of heroes

In the initial literary education When analyzing the artwork junior schoolchildren focused on analyzing the character's image. The term "image" in primary school It is not used, it is replaced by the words "Hero of Work", "Active Person", "Character".

There is no detailed definition of the term "character" in literature.

The character is not the amount of the details, of which the image of a person is composed, but a holistic person, embodying specific traits Life and causing a certain attitude of the reader. This ratio is "asked" the creative will of the author. "The characters of the artwork are not just the twins of living people, - noted B.Brcht, and the images defined in accordance with ideological design author.

« Literary Character - As noted by L. Ginzburg, this is, in essence, a series of successive manifestations of one person within this text. For one text ... he can be detected in the most different forms: Mention of other acting persons, narration of the author or narrator about the character-related events, analysis of its character, image of his experiences, thoughts, speeches, outforthiness, scenes in which he takes part in words, gestures, actions. " E.V. Khalizhev believes that the term "hero" emphasizes a positive role, brightness, unusualness, the exclusiveness of the person depicted.

"Active person, character, - according to L.I. Timofeyev, - the concepts, with which we indicate the person depicted in the work of a person ... "

In the book "Introduction to literary criticism" ed. G.N.Pozosreova says: "Characters, in their aggregate component of the system, is, as seen, the side of the literary and artistic work, the most close Uzami associated with the content. And when clarifying the idea of \u200b\u200ban epic or dramatic work, it is important to understand, first of all, the function of the character system is its meaning and meaning. It is from this that it is natural to begin consideration of the novel or novel, comedy or tragedy.

Some aspects of the character system stops A.G. Zeitlin in the book "Writer's Labor". First, the characters of the artwork are in some way, that is, they make actions, and therefore are in certain relationships. Further: "The writer seeks ... to ensure that the mental state of the heroes becomes clear from his actions." The character system "is continuously changing", while complying with a certain "hierarchy of existing persons". In addition, a grouping occurs, which "within the system of characters every time corresponds to the ratio of certain public forces"; So the principle of "representativeness" of the characters is carried out.!

The concept of the character system is used by many researchers and without a special definition, although it should be noted that it is mainly about the system of images, so in A.G. Zeitlin, where the image of a person in an artistic work is implied.

Without using the term "system of characters", Yu.V. Mann writes about various types of characters. Paying attention to the importance of "Motive of Leaving, Care". In his work, it is important to note, firstly, the allocation of various ties between characters, secondly, the establishment of a connection between the "ideological confrontation" and a wide range of relationships that make up the events and psychological basis of the character system.

When analyzing epic and dramatic works Much attention has to be paid to the composition of the character system, that is, the works of the work. For the convenience of approaching this analysis, it is customary to distinguish characters of the main (which in the center of the plot, they have independent characters and directly related to all levels of the content of the work), minor (also quite actively participating in the plot that have their own character, but are given less copyright; in In some cases, their function is to help the disclosure of the images of the main characters) and episodic (appearing in one-two episodes of the plot, often with no one's own character and standing on copyright fee; their main function is to give the right moment push the plot action or shade certain features of the characters of the main and secondary).

When analyzing the artwork should be distinguished ideological content and artistic form.

BUT. Ideological content Includes:

1) topic Works - chosen by the writer socio-historical characters in their interaction;

2) problems - The most essential properties for the author and the parties already reflected characters, dedicated and enhanced by it in the artistic image;

3) pathos Works - ideological-emotional attitude of the writer to the shried social character (heroic, tragedy, drama, satire, humor, romance and sentimentality).

Pathos - The highest form of ideological and emotional assessment of the life of a writer, disclosed in his work. The approval of the magnitudes of the detachment of a separate hero or a whole team is an expression heroic Paphos, and the actions of the hero or team differ in a free initiative and are directed to the implementation of high humanistic principles. Prerequisite for heroic B. artistic literature There is a heroic of reality, the struggle with the elements of nature, for national freedom and independence, for the free work of people, the struggle for peace.

When the author claims the affairs and experiences of people who are inherent in a deep and unreasonable contradiction between the desire for the sublime ideal and the principled impossibility of his achievement, before us tragic pathos. Forms of tragic are very diverse and historically changeable. Dramatic Paphos is distinguished by the lack of a fundamental nature of human confrontation with extractive hostile circumstances. Tragic Always marked exceptional moral height and significance. The differences in the characters of Katerina in the "thunderstorm" and Larisa in the "Nurendannian" of Ostrovsky clearly demonstrate the difference in the specified types of Paphos.

Great value B. art XIX-XX centuries acquired romantic Pafos, with the help of which the significance of the personality's desire to an emotionally anticipated universal ideal is approved. To romantic close sentimental Pafos, although its range is limited to the family-household sphere of manifestation of the heroes and writer. All these types of pathos carry approving start and implement elevated as the main and most common aesthetic category.

General aesthetic category negative negative trends is comic category. Comic - This is a form of life applying to considerable, but historically granted its positive content and therefore causes. Comic contradictions as an objective source of laughter can be conscious satirically or humorian. An angry denial of socially hazardous comic phenomena defines the civilian nature of Paphos satire. The mockery over comic contradictions in the moral and household sphere of human relations causes a humorous attitude to the depicted. The mockery can be both denying and the claiming contradiction. Laughter in the literature, as in life, is extremely diverse in its manifestations: smile, ridicule, sarcasm, irony, sardonic smile, gomeric laughter.

B. Artistic form Includes:

1) Details of subject image: Portrait, actions of characters, their experiences and speech (monologues and dialogues), appliances, landscape, plot (sequence and interaction of external and internal actions of characters in time and space);

2) Composite details: order, method and motivation, narration and descriptions of the image of life, author's arguments, retreats, plug-in episodes, framing ( arrangement of the image - the ratio and location of subject items within a separate image);

3) Stylistic details: Fine-expressive details of the author's speech, intonational-syntactic and rhythmic-stubbic features of poetic speech as a whole.

The scheme for analyzing a literary and artistic work.

1. The history of creation.

2. Themes.

3. Problems.

4. The ideological direction of the work and its emotional pathos.

5. genre peculiarity.

6. Main artistic images in their system and internal connections.

7. Central characters.

8. The plot and features of the structure of the conflict.

9. Landscape, portrait, dialogues and monologues of characters, interior, action atmosphere.

11. Composition of the plot and individual images, as well as the overall architectonics of the work.

12. Place of work in the work of the writer.

13. Place of work in the history of Russian and world literature.

The overall response plan to the question of the value of the writer's creativity.

A. Place of Writer in the development of Russian literature.

B. Place a writer in the development of European (world) literature.

1. The main problems of the era and the attitude towards them writer.

2. Traditions and innovation of a writer in the region:

b) themes, problematics;

c) creative method and style;

e) speech style.

B. Estimation of the writer's creativity by classics of literature, critics.

Exemplary characteristics of the artistic image character.

Introduction. Character place in the image of the work pattern.

Main part. Characteristic characteristic as a specific social type.

1. Social and financial situation.

2. Exterior appearance.

3. The originality of worldview and worldview, a circle of mental interests, inclinations and habits:

a) the nature of the activities and major life aspirations;

b) influence on the surrounding (main sphere, types and types of exposure).

4. Area of \u200b\u200bfeelings:

a) the type of attitude towards others;

b) Features of internal experiences.

6. What features of the identity of the hero are detected in the work:

c) through the characteristics of other actors;

d) with the help of prehistory or biography;

e) through a chain of actions;

e) in a speech characteristic;

g) through the "Neighborhood" with other characters;

h) through the surrounding environment.

Conclusion. What public problem led the author to create this image.

The analysis plan of the lyrical poem.

I. Writing date.

II. Requirely biographical and actual comment.

III. Genre peculiarity.

IV. Ideological content:

1. Leading theme.

2. The basic idea.

3. Emotional painting of feelings expressed in poem in their dynamics or statics.

4. External impression and internal reaction to it.

5. The predominance of public or personal intonation.

V. Structure of the poem:

1. Comparison and development of basic verbal images:

a) in similarity;

b) in contrast;

c) on adjacency;

d) on the association;

e) on conclusion.

2. The main visual means of allegory used by the author: metaphor, metonymy, comparison, allegory, symbol, hyperbole, limit, irony (as a trail), sarcasm, periphrasis.

3. Speech features in terms of intonation-syntactic figures: epithet, repetition, antithesis, inversion, ellipse, parallelism, rhetorical question, appeal and exclamation.

4. The main features of rhythmics:

a) Tonic, Sillaby, Sillaboy Tonic, Dolnik, free verse;

b) Jamb, Jarea, Pyrrheia, Spontia, Dactyl, Amphibrachia, Anadist.

5. Rhyme (men's, female, dactyl, accurate, inaccurate, rich; simple, composite) and rhyme methods (steam room, cross, ring), game rhymes.

6. Stroika (two-hundredth, trust, five-hundred, katro, sextine, septim, octave, sonnet, Oneginskaya stanza).

7. Eufony (fraudulent) and sound recording (alliteration, association), other types of sound tools.

How to lead a brief record of read books.

2. Accurate title of work. Dates of creating and appearing in print.

3. The time shown in the work, and the place of the ongoing major events. Public environment, whose representatives are withdrawn by the author in the work (nobles, peasants, urban bourgeoisie, magnificent, the differences, intelligentsia, workers).

4. Epoch. The characteristic of the time in which the work is written (from the side of the economic and socio-political interests and the aspirations of contemporaries).

5. Brief content plan.