Why most of the poem is a confession of MTSI. Is the story of MTSYRI confession? (on poem m

Why most of the poem is a confession of MTSI. Is the story of MTSYRI confession? (on poem m

Said Magomedov


The intonation of the story of the history of the hero is calm, measured. With the beginning of the monologue of the MTSERI INTONATION of the poem change dramatically. In the speech of MTSI, there are many questions, including rhetorical ("... And you can tell the soul?"), Rhythm becomes gradually more and more uneven (sentences start from the middle of the line: "I am young, young ... Did you know / Rampant youthfulness? "), Appears a large number of Exclamation proposals and suggestions ending with dots. All this transmits the emotion, dreams and suffering of the hero.
Confession - 1. Repentance in sins before the priest. 2. Frank recognition in something, the message of their thoughts, views.
Mczyry - novice in the monastery. In the monastery, the word "confession" is familiar in the first sense, but the story of the MTSYR is not called such confession. He does not ride in sins, does not regret what happened, but is happy that these days lived on freedom. He defends his right to complete impressions, to choose his destiny himself, without obeying by someone orders. He declares that it is possible to refuse anything, only calling him, so the monks knew that they were lost and what they had acquired when they were removed from the world. The young man feels deprived and protests against it.

Said Magomedov


The events that are told in the poem occur during the Caucasian War. Mcyri was born in Mountain Aul; Being a very small child, he was captured to the Russian General. Probably, the general hoped to arrange the life of a boy, knowing the natural courage of the Highlanders. But the child fell ill, refused food, not wanting to take her from enemies, and was given to General to one of Georgia's mountainous monasteries. The monks cured the baby, and he remained to live among them, with time turning into a thoughtful silent young man. On the eve of the adoption of the monastic adhere to a strong thunderstorm, he fled from the monastery, with a special sharpness feeling the abnormality of his recovery position. A strong shock from such a decisive step and new, uncharted impressions partially awakened his children's memory. He wanted to get to the native places that were far in the mountains. He had a good people and did not expect anything good from them, and Georgian, for which he secretly watched, he admired himself, without understanding that he was worried and could not correlate her with the rest of the people. Opring it wildlife revealed to him with all his colosts, the feelings rented by the nervous approach admired her, he himself felt like a wild beast, dissolved in nature ("But fear did not squeeze my soul: / I myself, like a beast, was alien to people / and plenty and hiding like a snake "). Coming by people, he got lost, in the depths of the forest on the animal trail faced with a leopard and joined him in a duel. He was not frightened and did not try to escape, he was so great inspiration. In the desperate struggle with the predator, McIry came out by the winner, in this struggle he himself was a predator, thirsting for testing his strength. He was wounded and was horrified when she realized that his wandering had imperceptibly led him back to the monastery. He realized that his attempt to get to the house was doomed to failure ("Yes, I deserved my lot!"), But I didn't regret it at all, because I experienced much more than in the whole preceding life ("Alas!" For a few minutes / between the steep and dark cliffs, / where I played in the guys, I b para and eternity traded ... ").
McSyri showed passionate determination. Monastery construction did not bring humble in him. He thought huge forces And did not believe in help people, because people took him from his native aul, and others were brought up by their measure, limiting the manifestation of his mighty spirit. He had not seen good from foreign people, therefore he did not want to "help people", hoping only for his strength.
Comparison "In prison brought up a flower" means the perception of his youth last Life In the monastery. Of course, he was not in prison in the literal sense of the word, and the monastery was most likely not distinguished by special severity, but there were decisions for him, there was no place to show themselves with a strong energetic spirit. The monastery, thus, was indeed a prison for his young strength and thirst for life.
Mcyri pegs that hever to die from far away from native landand hopes only that, dying, he will get the opportunity to look once again on the snow peaks of the Caucasus. He asks to bury him in this place, then his soul calms down and leaves for heaven, no one sick.
Comparing life in the monastery and in the wild, McSi wants to explain the huge difference between the full life with its dangers and the transformations, and in advance as specified, closed from external influences in the monastery. He calls the monastery of a prison, because it is possible to remove from the world only when it has exhausted him for himself, - for the MTSERI, the world of the unknown and seems limitless.

Said Magomedov


Pictures of Caucasian nature play a huge role in the poem. They seem to reflect the contrast and the power of the feelings that they burst into the McSri, illustrate its unbridled energy, experiences and one-piece purity of his soul.
Show the paintings of the Caucasian nature to the author helped the following literary techniques: epithets, comparisons, metaphors, personification, inversion, alliteration.
Examples of epithets: "Magnificent fields", "fresh crowd", "soys of dark cliffs", "arms of them stone", "secret one's stay", "gray, unshakable Caucasus", "secret voice".
Examples of comparisons:
... hills covered with crown
Circular trees,
Noisy than a freshet crowd,
Like brothers in dance circular.
I saw the ridges,
Bizarre, as cops,
When in an hour of morning dawn
Smoked like Altari,
Their dash in the sky blue ...
... in the snow, burning like a diamond ...
An example of a metaphor combined with an impersonation:
Shoes in the air long ago
The arms of the stone
And every moment is eager for meetings ...
I saw through the fog,
In snow, burning like diamond,
Sedoy, unshakable Caucasus ...
I spoke a secret voice
That once and I lived there
And became in my memory
Past is clear, clear ... (almost complete absence [Р].)
Compare the picture of Nature, drawn by McSi, with a picture of the monastery, drawn in the first chapter by an epic teller. We highlight the opposition: "gravestone plates", "old man gray, / ruins of the guardianship" - and a lively, animated nature, whose Duma is guessing Mc.
Epitts ("Rainbow Outfit", "Transparent Greens", "Brozda are complete", "magic, strange votes"), metaphors and comparisons ("Traces of Heavenly Tears" - Drops of Rain, "Curry of Grapest Loz", "Seryog of the Survey Dear") Create a feeling of fullness and wealth of life.
4. Literary crowns believe that the poet proclaims in the Potsry Poem and poets confidence in life and internal forces Personality. How do you understand this statement, do you agree with him? Can I show it on examples from the text?
Running from the monastery, Mcyri was completely given to the power of nature, he instinctively chose the road and counted only for his strength. We can say that M.Yu. Lermontov poets confidence in life and the inner forces of the person. Such and many lines of the poems:
...I ran.
Oh i like brother
Hang with a storm would be happy!
I watched clouds
Hand Lightning Catching ...
... although without words
I was wondered by that conversation,
Unfortunate Ropot, eternal dispute ...
But at the same time, the MTSERS, hoping only on the blind forces of nature and his soul, fails. Nature deceived a fugitive, bringing it back to the monastery with winding paths, and his own power is aimlessly rapned in a useless fight with leopard.
And it was terribly me to understand
I could not long that again
I returned to my prison ...
... the world of God slept
In a stupor deaf
Desperate heavy sleep.
But I argued in vain with fate:
She laughed at me!

At first, the poem was another epigraph: "Everyone has one fatherland," then Lermontov replaced him with the one that you see in all publications: "Nakolovy, taste a little honey, and CE AZ dying." This is a quote from the Bible (the first book of kingdoms). How can you explain the meaning of each of these epigraphs?

The initial epigraph was replaced, apparently because ideological meaning The poems turned out to be wider: not only the love of his homeland says in the work. The poet replaces the first saying to another, taken from the Bible: "I got a little honey, and so I have to die ..." Poem Lermontov puts the question of the fate and rights of the individual, about the meaning of life, what should be human life, and answered them with the words of MTSI, calling for freedom, to the "liberty of the Holy", glorifying the joy of struggle and merging with the world.

Determine the place of McSi's confession.

The confession of the MTSERS occupies a central place in the poem - stanza from 3 to 26. Actually confession - from 3 to 8 stanza. Stanfishes from 9 to 26 - inspirational story of MTSYRI about "three blissful days", conducted on the will. Confession is frank, honest recognition in their actions, a message of their thoughts, views, aspirations; Confected - it means to repent in their sins, do not hide anything. However, the confession of MTSYS is not repentance, but the approval of his right to freedom, will. "And I don't pray for forgiveness," he says the old monk that came to him "with exhutays and plea."

Re-read the first two and two last stuffs. What role does the framing in this work play?

The two of the first stanters of the poems are an introduction preceding a monologue-confession of a MTSERI and containing a number of facts - about the place where the monastery was located and a plated boy was given on the road, he said about the behavior of a six-year-old child, in which the "mighty spirit of the fathers" made him " Quiet, proudly, dying and reject the proposed food. Then tells about his further fate, about shooting from the monastery and that after three days it was found without feelings in the steppe "and again brought to the abode." "Having gathered the balance of forces," Mtsyri tells the monk about the reasons for his escape from the monastery, which he constantly calls the prison, and about three days of staying in the wild.

The last stanzas are a farewell to Mcsury with life, farewell to their dream to see the homeland. These lines are full of deep bitterness. He is ready to be paradise, and eternity to exchange in a few minutes spent in places where his childhood passed. Singing an ambulance death, Mtsyri asks for a monk to fulfill his only request: to bury in the place where the Caucasus is visible, in the hope that he will send him a farewell greetings from his homeland. None of the words about forgiveness heard the old man's monk from the proud young man. The latest thoughts of MTSYR about their homeland, freedom, life.

The monologue of the MTSERS consists of two parts: in chapters (stanza) 3-8 before us confession, and in chapters 9-26 - a story about the days spent on the will. What distinguishes these parts from each other?

In the actual confession, MTSERS reveals his soul to the old monk, saving him once from death, and explains what his escape was caused, so unexpected for everyone. He runs away at the time when, it seemed that the monastic vow was ready. No one knew that an externally porrheless, "Dity's soul, the fate of the monk," Mcyri dreamed of freedom and knew "the duma of power, one, but flame passion"- by all means to get to their homeland. Mcsery contrasts the lives of the monks' "Memory of Swimmers and Prayers" - life, complete alarms and battles. He reveals the goals of his escape:

Learn whether the land is beautiful

To find out, for the will, Ile prison for this light we are born.

Mcyri comprehends seen for three "blissful" (extremely happy) day in the wild.

He learned these days, as the world was beautiful, felt merging with nature, despite all the dangers and suffering, tested by him along the path to their homeland. "Do you want to know what I did in the will?" - drawn Mcsury to the monk, and himself answers: "lived". What is the meaning of the hero in this word? What does it mean to live for him? In this word and the denial of the previous life in a prison monastery, and the feeling of freedom, and the consciousness that only in the wild can feel happy, feel the completeness of life.

Stanza from 9 to 26 This is a story of MTSYRO about each of the three days spent on the wild: about the beauty of the surrounding world, a meeting with Georgian, about fearlessness in battle with a mighty leopard and his victory, about despair when he heard bell ringing. Mcyri tells the monk that he survived, I saw, I learned, I understood for these three "blissful" day. Events are set out in consistently, in parallel, it transmits its independent state, Thoughts caused by each of the described moments. So, the fight with the leopard makes it possible to say that he "could be in the edge of fathers not from the last Udaltsov", the sound of the bell makes it impossible to recognize that he "to the home of the trace does not pave ever."

"You listen to my confession
Here came, thank you.
All better in front of someone
Words to facilitate my chest;
But I did not make evil,
And because my business
A little good to know
And you can tell the soul?
I lived little, and lived in captivity.
Such two lives for one
But only complete alarms,
I would trade if I could.
I knew only the Duma power,
One - but a fiery passion:
She, like a worm, lived in me,
I greeted the soul and burned.
She dreams of my ranks
From puff and prayer keys
In that wonderful world, anxiety and battles,
Where the cliffs hide in clouds
Where are the people are free as eagles.
I am this passion in the darkness of the night
Sounded tears and longing;
Her before heaven and earth
I am now loud recognized
And I don't pray for forgiveness.
Old man! I heard many times
That you saved me from death -
What for?. . Sullen and lonely
Thunderstorms torn leaf
I grew up in gloomy walls
Dity's soul, fate monk.
I could not say anyone
The sacred words "Father" and "Mother".
Of course, you wanted an old man,
So I'm in the abode of the scan
From these sweet names, -
In vain: the sound of them was born
With me. And saw others
Depiction, house, friends, relatives,
And he did not find
Not only cute shower - graves!
Then, not spending tears empty,
In the soul, I said an oath:
Although for a moment someday
My burning breasts
Press with longing to breast another
Although unfamiliar, but native.
Alas! Now dreamed of those
Died in full beauty,
And I lived, in the ground someone else's
Ummer slave and orphan.
I'm not afraid of the grave:
There, they say, suffering sleeps
In cold eternal silence;
But with life it is a pity to part to me.
I am young, young ... Did you know
Walking youthful youth?
Or did not know or forgot
How he hated and loved;
Like the heart of a biode
At the sight of the sun and fields
With high corner tower
Where the air is fresh and where sometimes
In the deep well of the wall,
Child of an unknown country
Putting a young pigeon
Sits, frightened thunderstorms?
Let now beautiful light
I have picked up; You are weak, you are sad
And from the desires you are a loy.
What is the need? You lived, old man!
You have in the world what to forget
You lived, - I could also live!

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Reflecting on the poem and on the task on the topic "Confession of MTSI", we will try to answer the question of what exactly hero defends in their confession and whether his monologue is confession.

Monologue - confession MTSI

- the young man who broke off from native region And left in the monastery to raise monks. This lonely boy could not accept his fate, could not be more in the shrines, so he. Only in three days it was still a pale and thin, hungry and wounded. I did not want to answer the question of the monks, and only before His death, the young man revealed.

Was his story confession? On the one hand, yes. The young man reveals his heart and shows his soul to the monk, conducting the causes of escape. But on the other hand, it does not roll, but simply transfers his thoughts. His monologue, as a dispute with a monk, where he tells about the wonderful world, which he managed to see where people like eagles free and loose. But in the walls of the monastery there is no right to choose. He says that he lived here as in captivity, so I dreamed of breaking out of the gloomy monastery.

Three days changed the life of MTSI. Only three days, but what they were a variety of, they are like a breath of air for a boy's soul chrybank. The real features of the Highlander, which we learn from His confession appeared on freedom. It is power, dexterity, acne, courage, manifestation of love and desire for their goal.

Yes, Mcyri did not return to his homeland, he got lost, being again at the walls of the monastery. But he was not broken and his hot confession becomes the only discovery in this situation. But he says not about his sins, his monologue about liberation. In his confession, MTSERS does not ask for forgiveness, he just says goodbye. And dies free and uncomfortable.

The confession of the McSiri begins with 3 chapters. Prior to this, the narrative is calm, smooth, measured. This is a story about how the boy got into the monastery.

The speech of Mcsi is completely different. He tells the monk about how he lived those three days when it was struck outside the monastery in search of the road home. The hero is exhausted, he dies, his speech is chopping, very emotional. She is replete with questionnaire and exclamation proposals. Many sentences end with ellipsis. The hero is admired by what he managed to survive, he suffers because he was again in the monastery.

The word "confession" is multi-valued. Direct meaning - repentance in sins in front of the priest, portable - frank confession In anything, the message of their thoughts.

The fact that Mcyri himself tells about his journey, confession in the literal sense of the word cannot be considered. The hero is not dirty in sins, does not regret what happened, he is happy that these three days were in his life, he survived the top ups of his soul, the world admired him. What was before, Mcyri considers and calls the captivity.

In his monologue, MTSERS defends the right of a person to freedom of choice in his life - then the sacred right, which is given to man by God.


- Confession of MTSI Essay

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