Leskov is not meant of naked to read a summary. Unziest Gold Story - Artistic Analysis

Leskov is not meant of naked to read a summary. Unziest Gold Story - Artistic Analysis

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Nikolay Leskov

Non-dimensional head

(From three righteous stories)

Perfect love is expelled fear.

Chapter first

He himself is almost a myth, but his story is a legend. To tell about it - it is necessary to be a Frenchman, because in one people this nation can be explained to others what they themselves do not understand. I say all this with a goal to come to come forward to my reader to connect to the comprehensive imperfection of my story about the face, the reproduction of which would cost the works much better wizard than me. But it might be all right forgotten, and it would be a loss. Although it is not worth attention, and although I know him not so much so that I could draw a full image of his image, however, I will pick up and present some features of this not high grade of a mortal person who managed to "Not Meet".

The nickname of the "non-mercy", given the hell, did not express ridicule and was not empty, meaningless sound - he was called unmearing due to a strong conviction that he was nice - a special person; A person who is not afraid of death. How could such an opinion among people going under God and always remember their mortality? Was it a sufficient reason that developed in a consistent convention, or a simplicity given such a nickname, which is akin to nonsense?

It seemed to me that the latter was most likely, but as they judged about the other - this I do not know, because in my childhood I didn't think about it, and when I grew up and could understand things - the "unmearantive" was not already in the world. He died, and moreover, not the most neat manner: he died during the so-called "Big Fire" Orel, drowned in a boiling yamine, where he fell, saving someone's life or someone's good. However, "part of his big, from Tlen who killed, continued to live in grateful memory," and I want to try to put on the paper what I knew about him and heard, so that it was still launched in the light of his worthy of attention. Memory.

Chapter Second

Understanding was a simple man. His face, with extremely large features, crashed in my memory from early days and left in her forever. I met him at that age when, they say, as if children cannot yet receive strong impressions and squeeze the memories of all their lives, but, however, with me happened otherwise. This case is marked by my grandmother as follows:

"Yesterday (May 26, 1835) came from Gorokhov to Masha (my mother), Dmitrich's Seeds (My Father) did not find at home, on a business trip to her ears as a consequence of terrible murder. In the whole house we were alone, women and maiden servants. Kucher went with him (my father), only the janitor Kondrat remained, and at night the watchman came to the front spending the night (the provincial board, where his father was an adviser). Today's number of Masha in the twelfth hour went to the garden to watch flowers and kanuofers to pour and took the Nichuccushka (me) with him on the hands of Anna (this is still a living old woman). And when they went back to breakfast, it was hardly Anna began to spitting a gate, as the chain-tank was broken, right with the chain, and straight rushed to the breasts Anna, but at that very moment, like a ripple, leaning his paws, rushed to the chest Anna, He grabbed him for a column, squeezed and threw it in the cellar. There he was shot from the gun, and the child was saved. "

Child it was me, and no matter how accurate was the evidence that the semi-coat child could not remember what happened to him, I, however, remember this incident.

I, of course, do not remember where the ripped ripbank came from and where her deeds were talked, after she stuck, climbing his paws and walked around with all the body in his highly raised iron arm; But I remember the moment ... only moment. It was like a brilliance of Molon among dark NightWhen for some reason you suddenly see the extremely many subjects of the subject: the curtain of the bed, the screen, the window, flinching the canary and a glass with a silver spoon, on the knob of which spots of Magnezia. This is probably the property of fear having large eyes. In one such moment, I see a huge one now dog face In small pendins - dry wool, completely red eyes and a rained mouth, full of muddy foam in a bluish, precisely chanted Zea ... Oscal, who wanted to snap it up, but suddenly the upper lip over him turned around, the incision stretched to the ears, and the inclusion rushed like Naked human elbow, which swept the neck. It is necessary for all this a huge human figure with a huge head, and she took and suffered fucking PSA. At all this time a person's face smiled.

The described figure was talked. I am afraid that I will not at all ask him to draw his portrait precisely because I see him very well and clearly.

It was like in Peter Great, fifteen tops; The addition was wide, dry and muscular; He was swagge, a church, with blue eyes, a very large nose and thick lips. The hair on the head and a trimmed beard was hung very thick, salt colors with pepper. The head was always briefly shining, a beard and mustache are also stised. A calm and happy smile did not leave the face night for a minute: she glowed in every feature, but preferably played on the mouths and in the eyes, smart and good, but as if a little mocking. There was no other expression that it was not, at least I never remember. To the addition of this inexperienced portrait, it is not necessary to mention one oddity or features that concluded in his gait. He walked very soon, always as if she had slept somewhere, but not exactly, but with a sweat. He did not chrome, but, on the local expression, "Shkandybal", that is, for one, on right leg He fell a trick, and he jumped with left. It seemed that this leg was not beaten, and he spring somewhere in a muscle or in the joint. So walk people on an artificial leg, but she was not artificially, she was not artificial; Although, however, this feature also did not depend on nature, and he arranged he himself, and this was the mystery that could not be explained immediately.

He dressed naked with a man - always, in summer and winter, in the baked heat and in forty-faded frosts, he wore a long, naked sheepskin Tulup, the whole washed and blackened. I never saw him in other clothes, and my father, I remember, often joked over this Tulup, calling him "New".

In Tulup, it was talked by a "responsible" strap with a white dialing kit, which in many places yellowed, and in others - it was completely crushed and left the dust of the dune. But Tulup was kept in tidy from all small tenants - I knew better than others, because I often sat down at the sinus, listening to his speech, and always felt very late here.

The wide goal of Tuluup never fastened, but, on the contrary, it was widely opened to the belt itself. It was "subsoil" here, which represented a very spacious premises for bottles with cream, which was headed to the kitchen of the Orlovsky Noble Assembly. It was his fishery since he "came out to the will" and received a "Ermolovskaya cow" on the oscillating.

The mighty chest of "non-mercy" bedspreads one canvas shirt of the Malorosiysky cut, that is, with a direct gate, always clean as a boiler and certainly with a long coloring brace. This tie was sometimes a tape, sometimes just a piece of woolen matter or even Citz, but she reported to the outfit, the fresh and gentlemen walked, which he was very much, because he really was a gentleman.


We were with a headed neighbors. Our house in Orel was on the third noble street and stood the third on the account of the coastal cliff over the Eagle River. The place here is quite beautiful. Then, before the fires, it was the edge of the present city. The small hibars of Slobods were going to the right for the orlik, which adjoined the indigenous part, the church of Vasily the Great. The side was very cool and uncomfortable descent on the cliff, and behind, behind the gardens, - a deep ravine and behind him steppe pasture, on which some store stuck. Here in the morning there was a soldier moisture and a sticky battle - the most early paintingsI saw observed most often. On the same pasture, or, it is better to say, on a narrow strip, separating our gardens from ravines from ravines, she grazed six or seven cows were headed and he belonged to the red bull of the "Ermolovskaya" breed. The bull was headed for his little, but beautiful herd, and also bred him about "on the Used" at home, where they had in that economic need. It brought income to him.

The means are headed for life consisted in his double cows and their healthy spouse. He was naked, as I said above, supplied to the nobility club of cream and milk, which were famous for their high advantages, depended, of course, from the good breed of his livestock and from good care for him. The oil supplied by the head was fresh, yellow, like a yolk, and fragrant, and cream "did not flow", that is, if you wrapped the bottle down the neck, then the cream did not flow from it, and fell like a thick, heavy mass. There were no lower advantage products, and therefore he had no rivals, and the nobles then not only knew how to eat well, but also had than pay. In addition, Hoangov also supplied to the club canceled large eggs from especially large Dutch chickens, which drove in a set, and finally "prepared calves," sneaking their masterfully and always by time, for example, to the greatest Congress of nobles or other special cases in Noble Circle.

In these types of funds are headed for life, he was very convenient to hold the noble streets, where he food was interested in interesting persons whom the Orlovtsy had once been recognized in the paws in Lavretsk and in other heroes and heroines of the "noble nest".

He lived, however, not in the street itself, but "on the delet." The construction, which was called the "Golovan House", was not in order of houses, but on the small terrace of the cliff under the left near the streets. The area of \u200b\u200bthis terrace was six in length and the same in the width. It was a boulder of the Earth, which once went down, but she stopped on the road, strengthened and, not imagining anyone a solid support, was hardly accounted for someone property. Then it was still possible.

Golovanov's building in his own sense could not be called a yard nor home. It was a big, low barn, which occupied the entire space of the fallen block. Maybe the shapeless building it was here built much earlier than the lump was descended to descend, and then it was part of the nearest courtyard, whose owner did not hit him and gave him to her head for such a cheap price, which warrior could offer him. I remember even as if it was said that this shed was donated to Golovanu for some kind of service, which he was a big hunter and master.

The barn was redone: one half, an incelaved clay and elevated, with three windows on the Orlik, was a residential premises were headed and had five women with it, and in another there were stalls for cows and bulls. Dutch chickens and black "Scrapish" rooster lived on a low attic, who lived for a very long time and was considered a "witchcraft bird." A loucking stone was raised in it, which is suitable for many cases: to bring happiness to bring, taken away the state from enemy hands to return the old people on young people. This stone matures seven years and matures only when the rooster will stop singing.

The barn was so large that both branches - residential and Skotsk - were very spacious, but, despite all about them care, poorly kept warm. However, it was necessary for the heat only for women, and he himself was insensitive to atmospheric change and summer and winter slept on an Ivnyaya braid in a stall, near his pet - the Red Tyrolean bull "Vaska". The cold did not take him, and this was one of the peculiarities of this mythical person through which he received his fabulous reputation.

Of the five women who lived with the head, three were his sisters, one mother, and the fifth called Paul, or, sometimes, Pavlagyushka. But more often it was called "Golovans Sin". So I used to hear from childhood, when I didn't even understand the meanings of this hint. For me, this Paul was just a very gentle woman, and I remember her now high growth, a pale face with brightly alami spots on cheeks and amazing black and correct eyebrows.

Such black eyebrows with correct semi-windows can only be seen in the paintings depicting a Persian who rest on the knees of the elderly Turk. Our girls, however, knew and very early for me the secret of these eyebrows: it was the fact that a cue was talked and, Loving Paul, so that no one would know her, he, sleepy, acknowledged her eyebrows with a bearish bastard. After that, in the eyebrows, Paul, of course, there was nothing surprising, and she was not at the wrong force.

Our girls knew all this.

Paul's herself was an extremely meek woman and "all silent." She was so silent that I never heard more than one, and then the most necessary word: "Hello", "sit", "goodbye". But in every short word, the abyss of the lead, goodwill and affectionate was heard. The same expressed sound of her quiet voice, look gray eye And every movement. I remember too that she had amazing beautiful handsIt is a big rarity in the working class, and she was such a worker, which was different, even in a hardworking family is headed.

They all had a lot of things: the "unmeasured" himself was boiling in the morning until late at night. It was a shepherd, and supplier, and cheese. With a zareu, he kicked his herd for our fences in the dew and everything translated his state cows from a fragment on a piece, choosing for them, where more trample. At the time when we got up in our house, he was naked with empty bottles, which took the club instead of new, which demolished there today; The jugs of a new fishing were handed over to the ice of our glacier and spoke of something with my father, and when I, wandering the diploma, went to walk to the garden, he was again sitting under our fence and led his cows. Here was a little wicket in the fence, through which I could go to the head and talk to him. He so well knew how to tell a hundred four sacred stories that I knew them from him, never learning them according to the book. This was also coming to him, there were some ordinary people - always for advice. Other, it happened, as it comes, it starts:

- I was looking for you, Golovanch, advise with me.

- What?

"But that's something: in the farm, something upset or family nonlands.

More often came with questions of this second category. Golovanych listens, and the Jesnica himself flies or smiles on the cows and smiles, as if without attention, and then it will boast with his blue eyes on the interlocutor and answer:

- I, brother, bad advisor! God for the Council of Appears.

- And how do you call him?

- Oh, brother, very simple: Pray yes, do it, as if you need to remember now. Tell me: how would you do in that time?

He will think and answer.

Naked or agree, or say:

- And I would, brother, dying, that's how it did better.

And tells it all fun, with an everhable smile.

It must be, his tips were very good, because they always listened to them and thanked him for them.

Could such a person have a "sin" in the face of the crottle Pavlagyushi, which at the time, I think, was with a small thirty years, beyond which she did not go beyond? I did not understand this "sin" and remained purely, to insult her and is hung with quite general suspicions. And the reason for suspicions was, and the reason is very strong, even if you judge apparently, irrefutable. Who was she headed? - Alien. This is not enough: he once knew her, he was alone with her Lord, he wanted to marry her, but it did not take place: Alexei Petrovich Yermolova was governed by the Hero of the Caucasus, and at that time Paul was married to Ferrapont Rider, Local Spray "Snapon". He was naked and the right and useful servant, because he knew everything - he was not only a good cook and confectioner, but also a racifiable and bright campaign servant. Alexey Petrovich paid for Golovan, that he followed his landowner, and, in addition, they say, as if he gave the wrong loan to the redemption. I do not know whether it is true, but it really is right in returning from Yermolov soon and always called Alexei Petrovich with his "benefactor". Alexey, Petrovich at the exit, headed by the will presented him with a good cow with a calf, from which the Yermolovsky Plant went.

Chapter Fourth

When it was Holyov who settled in the barn on the collapse, - I don't know this at all, but it coincided with the first days of his "free mankind," when he was to have a big concern for their relatives remaining in slavery. Aliavolova was naked, and the mother, three of his sisters and aunt, who was subsequently mine, remained "in the fortress." In the same position was also gently beloved by Paul, or Pavlagyushka. He put the first concern for all of them to buy them, and for this we needed money. According to his skill, he could go to the cook or in confectioners, but he preferred another, it was a dairy farm, which began with the help of the "Ermolovsk cow". It was the opinion that he chose it because he himself was molokan. Maybe it mant of just that he all hung up with milk, but it may be that the name is methyl right on his faith, in which he seemed strange as in many other actions. It is very possible that he is in the Caucasus and knew Molokanov and borrowed something from them. But this refers to its oddities to which it comes below.

The dairy economy went fine: three years later, there were already two cows and bulls, then three, four, and he had gone so much money that he bought her mother, then every year she redeemed on her sister, and he took them away and reduced them to her spacious, but Cool shack. So years at six to seven he released the whole family, but his beauty flew from him. By the time he could and buy it away, she was already far away. Her husband, the rider of Slapon, was a bad man - he did not please something Barina and, as an example, the example was given to recruits without credit.

In the Harehouse service, I got into the "jumps", that is, the ridicule fire team to Moscow, and I rebound there; But soon and there I did something bad and ran, and the wife abandoned to them, having a quiet and timid, wounded by the captivity of the metropolitan life and returned to the eagle. Here she, too, did not find any support in the old place and, chasing her need, came to head. He, of course, immediately accepted and placed himself in the same spacious doors, where his sisters and mother lived. As the mother and sisters were headed on the waters of Paul, "I don't know for sure, but her waters in their house did not sow no distinction. All women lived between themselves very together and even loved poor Pavlagyushi very much, and all of them had an equal care, but only a mother, who was already so old that he took her hands in his hands and sled to the sun, as a sick child . I remember how she "went by" a terrible cough and all prayed "on the register".

All sisters were headed by older girls and everyone helped their brother in the farm: they were removed and drilled cows, walked behind the chickens and hurt an extraordinary yarn, from which then the fabrics are unusual and never after that not selected fabrics. This yarn was called a very ugly word "stretching". The material for her brought from somewhere in the ulovy, and I saw and remember this material: it consisted of small drowned scraps of multi-colored paper threads. Each fragment was long from the top to Quarter Arsshin, and on each such snube, it was certainly more or less thick nodules or a bitch. Where did you get talked from these scraps - I do not know, but it is obvious that it was a factory garbage. So I told his sisters.

- It, they said, - nice, where the paper is hung and tkut, so - as it will reach such a nodule, they will argue on the floor and split"Because he doesn't go to the Berdy, and the brother collects them, and we are of them a warm blanket."

I saw how they were patiently disassembled all these pieces of threads, tied them with a piece with a piece, the milk thread appeared in this way, a multicolored thread on long spools; Then they were tracked, they were even thicker, stretched on the spikes along the wall, sorted something single-color for Kam and, finally, the fabrics from these "flew" through a special bero "blowdow blankets". The blankets of these seems to be similar to the current bike: Each of them had two bits, but the beauty itself was always marbled. The nodules in them were somehow smoothed from lesching and although they were, of course, very noticeable, but did not interfere with these blankets to be light, warm and even sometimes quite beautiful. Moreover, they were sold very cheaply - less ruble per piece.

This handicraft industry in the family was headed without stopping, and he probably found selling blowsplow blankets without difficulty.

Pavlaghayushka also knitted and dried up the floping and closer fabrics, but, in addition, she, by diligently, to her family sheltered, carried all the worst work in the house: she went for a wagon on the Orlik for the water, wore fuel, and so on, and so on.

The firewood was already in Orel were very expensive, and the poor people were heated by the buckwheat luzgoy, then manure, and the latter demanded a big billet.

All this did Paul with their subtle hands, in eternal silence, looking at the light of God from under his Persian eyebrows. Whether she knew that her name was "sin", - I do not know, but it was her name in the people who firmly standing for their nicknames. And how else: where a woman loving, lives in a man's house, who loved her looking for her to marry her, - there, of course, sin. And indeed, at the time when I saw Paul's child, she unanimously reveranted a "Golovan Sin", but he himself did not lick through it the slightest share of common respect and kept the nickname of "non-meaningful".

The main hero of the story of N. Leskova "Non-Metering Goulder" is a common personBut with an unusual nickname.

The origin of this nickname is quite simple. During the Mora of Siberian ulcers, which covered the Oryol province, only headlessly visited the wrongness of the contaminated, gave to get drunk and her presence asked them last Minutes. On the houses of the dead he died white crosses.

People have imbued with deep respect for Golovan and called "non-mercy." But it was not possible to avoid infection to be headed, an ulcer arose on his left leg. Then he undertook radical actions: asked the young kosar to the braid and the compartment from the leg of the amazed plot.

Such power of the Spirit was inherent in the ex-serf, who managed to get out of the capture and make his economy. He was nasalized by a powerful physique, a two-meter growth, a huge head, his face was always illuminated by a smile.

At Golovan, there was a uniform, which he wore in the crackling frosts, and under the scorching rays of the sun: a long Tulup from sheepskin, which all looked and painted from permanent socks. At the same time, a canvas shirt under it was always clean, like a boiler.

He was fantastically hardworking: starting from one cow with a calf, he brought his magnificent herd to 8 heads, including the Red Tyrolean Bull of Vaska.

Products that he traded was very high Quality: thick cream, freshest and fragrant oil, especially large eggs from Dutch chickens. Help in the farm had three sisters and mother were headed, whom he alternately bought out of the fortress slavery and settled in his house.

In one half of the housing, women lived, to whom the young girl Paul later joined, and in the other there was cattle. There was also a sleeping place and hung himself.

Paul was gallowing former love, but Barin issued her marriage for the rider Ferapont, who made a number of offenses and went to run. Abandoned Paul found a shelter from Golovan, but relations between them were Platonic, since these highly moral people could not cross through the married position of Paul. People believed that she was a cohabitant and called her "Golovans sin."

Soon one Orlovsky merchant took his family to the app to the holy relics to another city. But there turned out to be such a cluster of the people, which makes themselves to the relics in the forefront, as they wanted, did not seem to be possible. Allegedly passed into the temple only patients on stretchers. In a huge human crowd, many thieves and various kinds of fraudsters were played. One of these earliest people and offered a merchant a win-win version of penetration into the temple.

From some kind of worm was removed by a lying silent man perfectly yellow color By the name of Fir, and six people, including a merchant, on the stretchers suffered him to the temple.

There, the patient unexpectedly healed and left the temple already on his legs. True, at the same time, one of the golden cords disappeared from the velvet coat.

This false fotion is so sweat and left behind the gullible merchant to the eagle himself. In addition, he was a ragless husband Paul. Naked and Paul learned him, but did not give out. He, the whole dirty and in rags, all the time demanded that the money was glowing, and instead of gratitude, they spoiled, fought and moved to everyone that came under his arm.

Neighbors lost in guesses, why such bullying from some passing is tall.

Paul did not live for a long time, died from Chathek. Hungal died during a terrible fire that swept the city of Eagle. Helping people during a terrible disaster, he did not notice the burning pit under the layer of the ashes and fell into it.

People still kept the memory of this generous and righteous man, caught up to bring as much benefit as much as possible with their neighbors. The priest Peter said that his conscience was whiter than snow.

Perfect love is expelled fear.


He himself is almost a myth, but his story is a legend. To tell about him - it is necessary to be a Frenchman, because in one people this nation can be explained to others what they themselves do not understand. I say all this with a goal to come to come forward to my reader to connect to the comprehensive imperfection of my story about the face, the reproduction of which would cost the works much better wizard than me. But it might be all right forgotten, and it would be a loss. Although it is not worth attention, and although I know him not so much so that I could draw a full image of his image, however, I will pick up and present some features of this not high grade of a mortal person who managed to "Not me".
The nickname of the "non-mercy", given the hell, did not express ridicule and was not empty, meaningless sound - he was called unmearing due to a strong conviction that he was nice - a special person; A person who is not afraid of death. How could such an opinion among people going under God and always remember their mortality? Was it a sufficient reason that developed in a consistent convention, or a simplicity given such a nickname, which is akin to nonsense?
It seemed to me that the latter was most likely, but as they judged about the other - this I do not know, because in my childhood I didn't think about it, and when I grew up and could understand things - the "unmearantive" was not already in the world. He died, and moreover, not the most neat manner: he died during the so-called "big fire", drowned in a boiling yamine, where he fell, saving someone's life or whose good. However, "part of his big, from Tlen who killed, continued to live in grateful memory," and I want to try to put on the paper what I knew about him and heard, so that it was still launched in the light of his worthy of attention. Memory.


Understanding was a simple man. His face, with extremely large features, crashed in my memory from early days and left in her forever. I met him at that age when, they say, as if children cannot yet receive strong impressions and squeeze the memories of all their lives, but, however, with me happened otherwise. This case is marked by my grandmother as follows:
"Yesterday (May 26, 1835) came from Gorokhov to Masha (my mother), Dmitrich's Seeds (My Father) did not find at home, on a business trip to her ears as a consequence of terrible murder. In the whole house we were alone, women and maiden servants. Kucher went with him (my father), only the janitor Kondrat remained, and at night the watchman came to the front spending the night (the provincial board, where his father was an adviser). Today's number of Masha in the twelfth hour went to the garden to see the flowers and kanouofer to pour, and took with him Nichushka (me) in the hands of Anna (this is still a living old woman). And when they went back to breakfast, it was hardly Anna began to spitting a gate, as the chain-tank was broken, right with the chain, and straight rushed to the breasts Anna, but at that very moment, like a ripple, leaning his paws, rushed to the chest Anna, He grabbed him for a column, squeezed and threw it in the cellar. There he was shot from the gun, and the child was saved. "
Child it was me, and no matter how accurate was the evidence that the semi-coat child could not remember what happened to him, I, however, remember this incident.
I, of course, do not remember where the ripped ripbank came from and where her deeds were talked, after she stuck, climbing his paws and walked around with all the body in his highly raised iron arm; But I remember the moment ... only moment. It was like the brilliance of Molon among the dark night, when for some reason you suddenly see the extraordinary set of items: the curtain of the bed, the screen, the window, flinching the canary and a glass with a silver spoon, on the handle whose sticks of the membranes of Magnesia. This is probably the property of fear having large eyes. In one such moment, I see how now I see a huge dog's face in small pendins - dry wool, completely red eyes and a wounded mouth, full of muddy foam in a bluish, exactly chanted Zea ... Oscal, who wanted to snap up, but suddenly the upper lip over him It turned out, the incision stretched to the ears, and the bottom was joined from the bottom, like a naked human elbow, which protruded the neck. It is necessary for all this a huge human figure with a huge head, and she took and suffered mad dog. At all this time a person's face smiled.
The described figure was talked. I am afraid that I will not at all ask him to draw his portrait precisely because I see him very well and clearly.
It was like in Peter Great, fifteen tops; The addition was wide, dry and muscular; He was swagge, a church, with blue eyes, a very large nose and thick lips. The hair on the head and a trimmed beard was hung very thick, salt colors with pepper. The head was always briefly shining, a beard and mustache are also stised. A calm and happy smile did not leave the face night for a minute: she glowed in every feature, but preferably played on the mouths and in the eyes, smart and good, but as if a little mocking. There was no other expression for another expression, at least I didn't remember anyone. To the addition of this inexperienced portrait, it is not necessary to mention one oddity, go features that went to his gait. He walked very soon, always as if she had slept somewhere, but not exactly, but with a sweat. He did not chrome, but, on the local expression, "Shkandybal", that is, on one, on the right, the leg was attacked by a firm service, and he jumped with left. It seemed that this leg was not beaten, and he spring somewhere in a muscle or in the joint. So walk people on an artificial leg, but she was not artificially, she was not artificial; Although, however, this feature also did not depend on nature, and he arranged he himself, and this was the mystery that could not be explained immediately.
He dressed naked with a man - always, in summer and winter, in the baked heat and in forty-faded frosts, he wore a long, naked sheepskin Tulup, the whole washed and blackened. I never saw him in other clothes, and my father, I remember, often joked over this Tulup, calling him "New".
In Tulup, it was talked by a "responsible" strap with a white dialing kit, which in many places yellowed, and in others - it was completely crushed and left the dust of the dune. But Tulup was kept in tidy from all small tenants - I knew better than others, because I often sat down at the sinus, listening to his speech, and always felt very late here.
The wide goal of Tuluup never fastened, but, on the contrary, it was widely opened to the belt itself. It was "subsoil" here, which represented a very spacious premises for bottles with cream, which was headed to the kitchen of the Orlovsky Noble Assembly. It was his fishery since he "came out to the will" and received a "Ermolovskaya cow" on the oscillating.
The mighty chest of "non-mercy" bedspreads one canvas shirt of the Malorosiysky cut, that is, with a direct gate, always clean as a boiler and certainly with a long coloring brace. This tie was sometimes a tape, sometimes just a piece of woolen matter or even Citz, but she reported to the outfit, the fresh and gentlemen walked, which he was very much, because he really was a gentleman.


We were with a headed neighbors. Our house in Orel was on the third noble street and stood the third on the account of the coastal cliff over the Eagle River. The place here is quite beautiful. Then, before the fires, it was the edge of the present city. The small hibars of Slobods were going to the right for the orlik, which adjoined the indigenous part, the church of Vasily the Great. The side was very cool and uncomfortable descent on the cliff, and behind, behind the gardens, - a deep ravine and behind him steppe pasture, on which some store stuck. Here in the morning there was a soldier moisture and a sticky battle - the earliest paintings that I saw and observed most often. On the same pasture, or, it is better to say, on a narrow strip, separating our gardens from ravines from ravines, she grazed six or seven cows were headed and he belonged to the red bull of the "Ermolovskaya" breed. The bull was headed for his little, but beautiful herd, and also bred him about "on the Used" at home, where they had in that economic need. It brought income to him.
The means are headed for life consisted in his double cows and their healthy spouse. He was naked, as I said above, supplied to the nobility club of cream and milk, which were famous for their high advantages, depended, of course, from the good breed of his livestock and from good care for him. The oil supplied by the head was fresh, yellow, like a yolk, and fragrant, and cream "did not flow", that is, if you wrapped the bottle down the neck, then the cream did not flow from it, and fell like a thick, heavy mass. There were no lower advantage products, and therefore he had no rivals, and the nobles then not only knew how to eat well, but also had than pay. In addition, Hoangov also supplied to the club canceled large eggs from especially large Dutch chickens, which drove in a set, and finally "prepared calves," sneaking their masterfully and always by time, for example, to the greatest Congress of nobles or other special cases in Noble Circle.
In these types of funds are headed for life, he was very convenient to hold the noble streets, where he food was interested in interesting persons whom the Orlovtsy had once been recognized in the paws in Lavretsk and in other heroes and heroines of the "noble nest".
He lived, however, not in the street itself, but "on the delet." The construction, which was called the "Golovan House", was not in order of houses, but on the small terrace of the cliff under the left near the streets. The area of \u200b\u200bthis terrace was six in length and the same in the width. It was a boulder of the Earth, which once went down, but she stopped on the road, strengthened and, not imagining anyone a solid support, was hardly accounted for someone property. Then it was still possible.
Golovanov's building in his own sense could not be called a yard nor home. It was a big, low barn, which occupied the entire space of the fallen block. Maybe the shapeless building it was here built much earlier than the lump was descended to descend, and then it was part of the nearest courtyard, whose owner did not hit him and gave him to her head for such a cheap price, which warrior could offer him. I remember even as if it was said that this shed was donated to Golovanu for some kind of service, which he was a big hunter and master.
The barn was redone: one half, an incelaved clay and elevated, with three windows on the Orlik, was a residential premises were headed and had five women with it, and in another there were stalls for cows and bulls. Dutch chickens and black "Scrapish" rooster lived on a low attic, who lived for a very long time and was considered a "witchcraft bird." A loucking stone was raised in it, which is suitable for many cases: to bring happiness to bring, taken away the state from enemy hands to return the old people on young people. This stone matures seven years and matures only when the rooster will stop singing.
The barn was so large that both branches - residential and Skotsk - were very spacious, but, despite all about them care, poorly kept warm. However, it was necessary for the heat only for women, and he himself was insensitive to atmospheric change and summer and winter slept on an Ivnyaya braid in a stall, near his pet - the Red Tyrolean bull "Vaska". The cold did not take him, and this was one of the peculiarities of this mythical person through which he received his fabulous reputation.
Of the five women who lived with the head, three were his sisters, one mother, and the fifth called Paul, or, sometimes, Pavlagyushka. But more often it was called "Golovans Sin". So I used to hear from childhood, when I didn't even understand the meanings of this hint. For me, this Paul was just a very gentle female, and I, as I remember her high height, a pale face with brightly aluminum spots on cheeks and amazing black and correct eyebrows.
Such black eyebrows with correct semi-windows can only be seen in the paintings depicting a Persian who rest on the knees of the elderly Turk. Our girls, however, knew and very early for me the secret of these eyebrows: it was the fact that a cue was talked and, Loving Paul, so that no one would know her, he, sleepy, acknowledged her eyebrows with a bearish bastard. After that, in the eyebrows, Paul, of course, there was nothing surprising, and she was not at the wrong force.
Our girls knew all this.
Paul's herself was an extremely meek woman and "all silent." She was so silent that I never heard more than one, and then the most necessary word: "Hello", "sit", "goodbye". But in every short word, the abyss of the lead, goodwill and affectionate was heard. The same expressed sound of her quiet voice, view of gray eyes and every movement. I also remember that she had surprisingly beautiful hands, which is a big rarity in the working class, and she was such a worker who was different even in a hardworking family headed.
They all had a lot of things: the "unmeasured" himself was boiling in the morning until late at night. It was a shepherd, and supplier, and cheese. With a zareu, he kicked his herd for our fences in the dew and everything translated his state cows from a fragment on a piece, choosing for them, where more trample. At the time when we got up in the house. Goulded was already with empty bottles, which took the club instead of new, which demolished there today; The jugs of a new fishing were handed over to the ice of our glacier and spoke of something with my father, and when I, wandering the diploma, went to walk to the garden, he was again sitting under our fence and led his cows. Here was a little wicket in the fence, through which I could go to the head and talk to him. He so well knew how to tell a hundred four sacred stories that I knew them from him, never learning them according to the book. This was also coming to him, there were some ordinary people - always for advice. Other, it happened, as it comes, it starts:
- I was looking for you, Golovanch, advise with me.
- What?
- But that's the fact that In the farm, something was upset or family nonlands.
More often came with questions of this second category. Golovanych listens, and the Jesnica himself flies or smiles on the cows and smiles, as if without attention, and then it will boast with his blue eyes on the interlocutor and answer:
- I, brother, bad advisor! God for the Council of Appears.
- And how do you call him?
- Oh, brother, very simple: Pray yes, do it, as if you need to remember now. Tell me: how would you do in that time?
He will think and answer.
Naked or agree, or say:
- And I would, brother, dying, that's how it did better.
And tells, as usual, everything is fun, with a always smile.
It must be, his tips were very good, because they always listened to them and thanked him for them.
Whether such a person could have "sin" in the face of the crottle pavlagyushki, which at the time, I think, was with a small thirty years old, beyond which she did not go beyond? I did not understand this "sin" and remained clean from insulting it and is hung with quite general suspicions. And the reason for suspicion was, and the reason is very strong, even if you judge apparently, irrefutable. Who was she headed? Alien. This is not enough: he once knew her, he was alone with her Lord, he wanted to marry her, but it did not take place: Alexei Petrovich Yermolova was governed by the Hero of the Caucasus, and at that time Paul was married to Ferrapont Rider, Local reply "Stored". He was naked and the right and useful servant, because he knew everything - he was not only a good cook and confectioner, but also a racifiable and bright campaign servant. Alexey Petrovich paid for Golovan, that he followed his landowner, and, in addition, they say, as if he gave the wrong loan to the redemption. I do not know whether it is true, but it really is right in returning from Yermolov soon and always called Alexei Petrovich with his "benefactor". Alexey, Petrovich at the exit, headed by the will presented him with a good cow with a calf, from which the Yermolovsky Plant went.


When it was Holyov who settled in the barn on the collapse, - I don't know this at all, but it coincided with the first days of his "free mankind," when he was to have a big concern for their relatives remaining in slavery. Aliavolova was naked, and the mother, three of his sisters and aunt, who was subsequently mine, remained "in the fortress." In the same position was also gently beloved by Paul, or Pavlagyushka. He put the first concern for all of them to buy them, and for this we needed money. According to his skill, he could go to the cook or in confectioners, but he preferred another, it was a dairy farm, which began with the help of the "Ermolovsk cow". It was the opinion that he chose it because he himself was molokan . Maybe it mant of just that he all hung up with milk, but it may be that the name is methyl right on his faith, in which he seemed strange as in many other actions. It is very possible that he is in the Caucasus and knew Molokanov and borrowed something from them. But this refers to its oddities to which it comes below.
The dairy economy went fine: three years later, there were already two cows and bulls, then three, four, and he had gone so much money that he bought her mother, then every year she redeemed on her sister, and he took them away and reduced them to her spacious, but Cool shack. So years at six to seven he released the whole family, but his beauty flew from him. By the time he could and buy it away, she was already far away. Her husband, the rider of Slapon, was a bad man - he did not please something Barina and, as an example, the example was given to recruits without credit.
In the Harehouse service, I got into the "jumps", that is, the ridicule fire team to Moscow, and I rebound there; But soon and there I did something bad and ran, and the wife abandoned to them, having a quiet and timid, wounded by the captivity of the metropolitan life and returned to the eagle. Here she, too, did not find any support in the old place and, chasing her need, came to head. He, of course, immediately accepted and placed himself in the same spacious doors, where his sisters and mother lived. As the mother and sisters were headed on the waters of Paul, "I don't know for sure, but her waters in their house did not sow no distinction. All women lived between themselves very together and even loved poor Pavlagyushi very much, and all of them had an equal care, but only a mother, who was already so old that he took her hands in his hands and sled to the sun, as a sick child . I remember how she "went by" a terrible cough and all prayed "on the register".
All sisters were headed by older girls and everyone helped their brother in the farm: they were removed and drilled cows, walked behind the chickens and hurt an extraordinary yarn, from which then the fabrics are unusual and never after that not selected fabrics. This yarn was called a very ugly word "flesh". The material for her brought from somewhere in the ulovy, and I saw and remember this material: it consisted of small drowned scraps of multi-colored paper threads. Each fragment was long from the top to Quarter Arsshin, and on each such snube, it was certainly more or less thick nodules or a bitch. Where did you get talked from these scraps - I do not know, but it is obvious that it was a factory garbage. So I told his sisters.
- It, they said, - nice, where the paper is hung and tkut, so - as it will reach such a nodule, they will argue on the floor and split"Because he doesn't go to the Berdy, and the brother collects them, and we are of them a warm blanket."
I saw how they were patiently disassembled all these pieces of threads, tied them with a piece with a piece, the milk thread appeared in this way, a multicolored thread on long spools; Then they were tracked, they were even thicker, stretched on the spikes along the wall, sorted something single-color for Kam and, finally, the fabrics from these "flew" through a special bero "blowdow blankets". The blankets of these seems to be similar to the current bike: Each of them had two bits, but the beauty itself was always marbled. The nodules in them were somehow smoothed from lesching and although they were, of course, very noticeable, but did not interfere with these blankets to be light, warm and even sometimes quite beautiful. Moreover, they were sold very cheaply - less ruble per piece.
This handicraft industry in the family was headed without stopping, and he probably found selling blowsplow blankets without difficulty.
Pavlaghayushka also knitted and dried away the flew and the blanket fabrics, but, in addition, she, by diligently at her family shelter, was still all the worst work in the house: she walked under the eagle for the water, wore fuel, and so on, and so on.
The firewood was already in Orel were very expensive, and the poor people were heated by the buckwheat luzgoy, then manure, and the latter demanded a big billet.
All this did Paul with their subtle hands, in eternal silence, looking at the light of God from under his Persian eyebrows. Whether she knew that her name was "sin", - I do not know, but it was her name in the people who firmly standing for their nicknames. And how else: where is a woman who loving, lives in a man's house, who loved her and searched to marry her, - there, of course, sin. And indeed, at the time when I saw Paul's child, she unanimously reveranted a "Golovan Sin", but he himself did not lick through it the slightest share of common respect and kept the nickname of "non-meaningful".


"Not Mean" began to call headed in the first year, when he settled alone over the Eagle with his "Yermolovsky Cow" and her calf. The reason for that was the following quite a reliable circumstance, which no one remembered during the recent "Prokofiev" plague. It was in Orel. Normal Lipheletta, and in February for the day of St. Agafia Korovnitsa around the villages, as needed, ran "Cow's death." It went, it is also a custom that is also written in the universal book, it is also too harden Cool Vertograd : "How summer is scanned, and autumn is approaching, then soon marine tetrene begins. And at that time, the need for any man on the Almighty God to hope to confirm and on his preching mother and power honest cross Fight and heart to abstain from Cherry, and from the horrible, and from a heavy Duma, because through this heart, the human heart is diminished and the ports and the ulcer flies - the brain and the heart will capture, causing a person and Borzo will die. " It was all the same in the usual paintings of our nature, "when the fogs of thick and dark and the wind from the midday country and the posture of the rain are in autumn, and the clutter of the earth, and then we don't go to the wind, but Sideti in the hollow in heated and windows is not Reliantly, and it would be good, so that in that territory either zhi and from the habit of leaving the place clean. " When, that is, in what year the year Mor, who glorified the wrong "non-meaning,", - I do not know. Such trifles were not engaged in so much and noise was not raised because of them, as it came out because of Naum Prokofiev. Local Mountain in his place and ended, grated with one hope for God and his preching mother, and unless in the case of a strong prevalence in some terrain of the "intellectual" awarded, uncomfortable health measures were taken: "A clear, oak tree crushed into the courtyard in order to Smoke diverged, and in the outstands they smoked peelly and juniper firewood and lithuania. " But all this could only do an intellectual, and moreover, with a good worshi, and the death of Borzo took not an intellectual, but someone who did not sit in the hollow in the hollow, and the disclosed yard is not able to sit down. Death went on hand with hunger and supported each other. The starving the hungry, the patients were dying "Borzo", that is, he soon, that the peasant and more profitable. There were no long volumes, it was not audible and recovering. Who got sick, that "Borzo" and died, except one. What a disease was, it was not scientifically defined, but it was people's named "sinus", or "dresses", or "cake poultry", or even simply "pups". It started with chopore counties, where, for the absence of bread, he had a hemp cake. In Karachevsky and Bryansk counties, where the peasants prevented a handful of unexpected flour with a crushed bog, there was a different disease, too, deadly, but not "pupyr." "Pupiruh" seemed first on Skot, and then passed to people. "A man's sickness in the sinuses or neck sits on the neck, and in the body, Kolotier is honored, and inside the negascinable hotness or a certain student and grave rehabilitation and cannot be reed - the spirit is drawn in itself and puffs; sleep will find that he can not stop sleeping; There will be bitterness, acid and gelling; In the face of a person will change, it will become a clamping and Borzo in the face. " Maybe it was a Siberian ulcer, maybe some other ulcer, but only she was destructive and merciless, and I repeat the most common name, I repeat, was "pupyr." Jumps on the body of pimples, or in common "pupids", belated headed, around the zardets, and the meat begins to otmon, and then Borzo and death. The ambulance seemed to be, however, "in good species." Cum has come quiet, not painful, the most peasant, only everyone who came to the last minute I wanted to drink. In this, there was all the short and tireless care, which they demanded, or, it is better to say, they poured themselves patients. However, care for them, even in this form was not only dangerous, but almost impossible, "the man who today filed a sick with his parenting," tomorrow he himself sick with "pupyrum", and two and three dead in the house often flew around. The rest in orphaned families died without help - without the only help that our peasant cares, "so that there is someone to get drunk." Initially, such an orphan will put himself from the head of a bucket with water and draws a bucket, while the hand rises, and then it hurts the nipple from the sleeve or from the hem of the shirt, moisten it in his mouth, and so he cares.
Large personal disaster is a bad teacher of mercy. At least, it is not good effect on people of ordinary, ordinary morality, not towering behind a simple compassion. It dults the sensitivity of the heart, which heavily suffers and fully the sensation of its own torment. But in the sort of sad moments of the common disaster, the People's Wednesday nominates generosity heroes, fearless and selfless people. In ordinary time, they are not visible and often do not stand out of the masses: but will fall into the people of "puzzles", and the people allocate orders from themselves, and it creates wonders who make it face mythical, fabulous, "Not me".It was naked from those and the first world surpassed and eclipsed in the folk view of another local wonderful man, merchant Ivan Ivanovich Androsov. Androsov was an honest old old man, who was respected and loved for kindness and justice, for he was "close-placed" to all folk disasters. He helped in the "Mora," because he had written off "healing" and "I rewrote and multiplied". He was taken to write off and read this and read in different places, but they could not understand and "did not know". " It was written: "Through the sore will appear on top of chapter or other place above the belt - let's blow a lot of blood from the median; It will appear on the brow, then the blood comes from under the language soon; In addition to the ears and under the beard, let us fall from Sefaliyev's cores, it will appear under sneakers, then the heart hurts, and then in the other side of the median. " For any place, "where you hear painfully", it was painted, which core to turn out: "Safenov", or "against a large finger, or a residential sphere, coupling, or a living basic" with a plan to "blow the blood of leaks, dondege green will be Changes. " And to heal another "Levkarem and the Antelian, grinding earth and earth army; Malmly melted, yes vodka by Buglosu, Virian Vinitsiysky, Mithridate and Sugar Monus-Christie ", and a porch in the sick" keep in the mouth of Dyagilev, and in his hands - Pelyn, and nostrils with svorrinovy \u200b\u200bvinegar anointed and lip in vinegar to cake. " No one could understand anything in this, exactly in a state decree, in which it was written and rewritten, then there, then here and "in two bitters". Neither such people did not find nor Malmose's wine, nor the land of Armenian, nor vodka of the Buglos, and they read the People of write-offs of the Good Annient Androsov more just for "my sorrow". It could be applied to the same final words: "And where it happens, and in those places it is not necessary to walk, but to move away." It was observed in a set, and Ivan Ivanovich himself kept us a rule and sat in the hollow and distributed medical write-offs in the probent, holding down the spirit and holding a Dyagil-root in his mouth. To the patient it was possible to safely enter only those who have deer tears or rayar-a rock; But neither tears of Olenih, nor the stone of hoarfish from Ivan Ivanovich was not, and in pharmacies in Bolkhovskaya Street, although, maybe, it was, but the pharmacist was one of the Poles, and the other German, who did not have a proper pity for Russian people -Mine for myself. It was quite reliably because one of the two Oll pharmacians looked like his insane, so now on the road he had ears yellowed, an eye one against another was out of the other, and he began to tremble and Hosh wanted to stand and for himself behaved at home to At the soles of Kaneny Brick, however, did not sweat, but in a dry shub. Many people were looking for a lost Neboar pharmacist, and someone found him, just not Ivan Ivanovich, because he also died.
And now in this terrible time, when the intellectuals were torn by vinegar and did not empty the spirit, the "poultry" went on the poor Slobodsky hibarks; People began to die "Sneil and without any help," and suddenly there, on the field of death, appeared with amazing fearlessness. He probably knew or thought that he knew some kind of medicine, because she put on the tumors of patients with his preparation "Caucasian plaster"; But this Caucasian, or Yermolovsky, the plaster helped badly. "Pupwirukhov" did not cure, just like Androsov, but it was great to be a great service for sick and healthy in the fact that he had a daily worn in his hopped shacks and was infected with not only fresh water, but also with a shot of milk, which he had remained from under club cream. In the morning, soon before the dawn, he was transported on the shed rarers removed from the hinges through the Orlik (the boats was not here) and with bottles behind the immense submarine sneezing out of a barley in a lachtie, to rush out of the flask dried mouth die or put a chalk cross on the door, if the drama of life is here Already over and the curtain of death closed over the last of the actors.
From these, the leisurely of a little-known headman was widely learned in all the approximations, and a large popular population began to him. His name, before the familiar servant of noble houses, began to pronounce with respect in the people; Began to see in it, who not only can "care for the deceased Ivan Ivanovich Androsov, but even more to mean God and in humans." And the fearlessness himself was not talked to find a supernatural explanation: naked, obviously, I knew something, and by virtue of such experts he was "non-mercy" ...
Later it turned out that this was the way it was: it helped everyone clarify the shepherd Panka, who saw the incredible thing behind the head, was confirmed by other circumstances.
The ulcer was not tuned. At all time, while she raged into the submissions, he himself, nor his "Yermolovskaya" cow with a bullish did not get sick; But this is not enough: the most important thing was that he deceived and failed, or holding a local dialect, "extended" the ulcer itself, and did something that he did not prag a warm blood for Norofusko.
The lost pharmacist without a shed stone was ugly. How he got him - it was unknown. It was believed that the cream was talked to the cream of a pharmacy for "ordinary ointment" and saw this stone and hung it. Honestly, it is or not honestly to make such a roller, there was no strict criticism, and there should be no. If you do not take a sin and pull out the one-person, because the Eat God is given to everyone, then it is not possible to take the healing agent to take the healing agent if it is given to the overall salvation. So we are judged - so I say. He was talked by pulling the pharmacy stone, he did generously with him, putting him on the overall benefit of the whole of Christian.
All this, as I have already said above, I discovered Panka, and the general mind was found to find out.


Pantka, a disagreeable man with faded hair, was a subpasom of the shepherd, and, except for the common shepherd position, he still chased in the morning in Rosrefractant cows. In one of these early classes, he spied the whole thing, which was hung on the top of the greatness of the folk.
It was in the spring, it should be shortly after the emerald young sophisticated emerald, the hands of his hands in red gold, kneel the leg in pure silver, in the forehead the sun, in the rear, at the ends of the star, and God's people honest-righteous kicked out meetings to him small and largely cattle. The grass was still so small that sheep and goat she had barely eaten, and the cobbing cow could not capture a little. But under the shoulders in the shadows and in the grooves, wormwives and nettle, which with dew for need fired.
Early panyka rebuilding cows early, still darkened, and straight bezhkom near the Eagle, he drove for the Slobodka to the clean, just opposite the end of the third noble street, where on the one hand, the old garden, the so-called "Gorodetsky" garden, and on the left of his scribe Golovnovo nest.
It was still cold, especially before the dawn, in the morning, and whom I want to sleep, it seems even colder. Wear clothes on Panka was, of course, bad, orphan, some ride with a hole on a hole. The guy is spinning one way, turns to another, prays, so that the Holy Fedul is warm to him with warmth, and everything is cold. Only headquarters, and the breeze will burn, lit in the rush and wake up again. However, the young strength took His: pulled the Panka the scroll on himself completely over the head, Shalashik, and tried. Which hour did not hear, because the Green Empty Bell Tower is far away. And around anyone, anywhere in a single soul of human, only thick merchant cows puffed yes no, no in the eagle, the frisky perch will spill off. She dresses the shepherd and in a holey scroll. But suddenly, as if something was pushing him under the side, probably, marshmallows somewhere else found a new hole. Pantka threw up, led the eyes of her eyes, wanted to shout: "Where, comolet", "and stopped. It seemed to him that someone on the side descends with the circle. Maybe the thief wants to bury something stolen in clay. Pantka is interested; Maybe he will raise the thief and will cover it either shout to him "Chur together", and even better, it will try to see the funeral to see the funeral.
Panka looked around and everything looks at the eagle. And in the yard there is still a little grayly.
Here someone descends with the circle, it came down, began to water and goes. Yes, so simply goes on the water, as if the halter, and it does not splash, but only the crutch is supported. Panka swell. Then in Orel from male monastery The wonderworker was waiting, and the voices were already heard from the subliments. It started immediately after the "nicodemic funeral". Bishops Nicodemia was evil person, having distinguished themselves by the end of his earthly career in that, wanting to have another cavalry, he dreamed of a lot of spiritual in the soldiers, between which there were only sons of fathers and even family deaf and Pnomari themselves. They came out of the city of a whole party, pouring into tears. The victims also sobbed them, and the most people, with all their dislike for the multiple Popovsky bug, cried and filed alms to them. The most partion officer was so sorry that he, wanting to put the end of tears, told the new recruits to sing a song, and when they were slightly slightly and loudly dragged them with a folded song:

Our archipes are Nicodem
Archive crocodile

That as if the officer himself was crying. All this was drowning in the sea tears and sensitive souls seemed evil shining on the sky. And indeed, how reached their criticism to the sky, so "glaces" went to Orel. At first, the "glands" were vague and unknown from whom they walked, but when Nicodemus soon he died and was buried under the Church, then there was a clear speech from before His buried Bishop (seem to Apollos). Formerly, the earned bishop was dissatisfied with the new neighborhood and, it's not embarrassed, rightly said: "Take it out of here, it's Padlo, it is stuffy to me with him." And even threatened that if "Padlo" will not be removed, he himself will go and in another city will appear. " This many people heard. As it happened, they will go to the monastery to the midst of and, defending the service, go back, they are heard: a moaning of an old bishop: "Take Padlo." Everyone was very descended that the statement of the good deadman was fulfilled, but not always attentive to the needs of the people, the authorities did not throw away Nicodemus, and the explicitly opened pointer could "go from the courtyard."
That is nothing but this is the most, now it happened: the ward goes, and he sees him only one poor shepherd, who he was confused from this that not only did not delay him, but he didn't even notice how his holy was already from his eyes disappeared. The yard is just a little onset of light. Curiousness comes with light to a person, curiousness is enhanced with courage. Panka wanted to come up to the water itself, through which the mysterious creature has just proceed; But barely approached, as he sees, there are wet grims to barychka polenit. It turned out: it means that this did not finish, but simply sailed unmeasured tall: right, he went any farewell kids from the subsoil with milk to bring. Panka was moved: when this naked and sleeps! .. Yes, and how he, a sort of man, swims on a sort of appearance - on half the gate? True, that the Orlik river is not a great and water, captured by lowerproof, quiet, like in a pool, but still what is it on the gate to swim?
Pantka wanted to try it myself. He became at the knot, took the sixth yes, Shalya, and moved to the other side, and there he came to the shore of the head of the house to see, because it was already good for a minute, and meanwhile he was headed at that moment and shouts from that side: "Hey! Who hurt my gate! Back Come on! "
Panka was small no big courage and was not accustomed to count on someone's generosity, and therefore was frightened and made stupidity. Instead of sending it back his raft, Panka took and hit one of the clay yams, which there were many. There was a fence in the yamming and how much he was talked from that side, it is not shown. Then he was talked, seeing that he did not get his ship, dropped Tulup, divided Donaga, tied his wardrobe with his wardrobe, put on his head and swam across Orlik. And the water was still very cold.
Panka about one cared, so that he did not see him, and did not beat him, but soon his attention was attracted to another. Hungal overwhelmed the river and began to dress, but suddenly sat down, looked at his left knee and stopped.
It was so close to Yaminka, in which Pan was hiding that everything was visible to him because of the gloach, which he could close. And at that time it was already quite light, the dawn was already brutalized, and although most citizens were still sleeping, but under the Gorodetsky garden there was a young guy with a mow, which began to weaken and fold the nettle in the nettle.
Gulvanie noted Kosar and, put on his feet, in one shirt, shouted loudly to him:
- Malts, give soon braid!
Malts brought Kosh, and he says heavily:
"Look to me a big buck of Sorvi," and as a guy turned away from him, he removed the braid from Spicy, sat down again on his squat, pulled one hand to the caviar at his feet, and in one May all her sliced \u200b\u200baway. The sliced \u200b\u200bshmat of meat magnitude in the rustic cake threw into Orlik, and he himself squeezed the wound with both hands and fell.
Seeing this, Panka about everything forgot, jumped out and began to call the kosary.
The guys took talked and dragged to him in the hut, and he came to himself, ordered two towels from the box and twist him cut as hard as possible. They pulled him out of all the power, so that blood stopped.
Then he was talked to put a bucket with water and a bucket near him, and to go to their affairs themselves, and no one about what was, not to tell. They went and, shaking from horror, told everyone. I immediately guessed that he didn't care about it, and that he thus sinking for people, threw the shmat of his body to that end, so that he was a sacrifice for all Russian rivers from a small orlya in Oka, from Oci to the Volga , throughout Russia, Great to a wide Caspiana, and those headed for everyone, and he himself will not die from it, because he has a live stone pharmacist and he is "non-meaningful".
This tale came to everyone according to thought, and the prediction was justified. He did not die from his terrible wound. Lyhaya Hvoroba after this victim really stopped, and the days of calm: the fields and meadows were laughed in a thick greasy, and it was rapidly driving around with the young Hirch of Svetochrabrom, to elbow her hands in red gold, kneeling legs in pure silver, in the forehead rear month, and at the ends of the star disturbing. The canvas were whisked with fresh Yuryyevaya dewen, he left Jeremiah Prophet with a heavy yoke, dragging the soy of the harrow, saw the nightingale in Boris, comforting the martyr, the efforts of the Holy Maurus died a strong seedling, Zosima was holy with a long crutch, in the nabbernik, carried; The day of Ivan theological, Nikolina Batyushki, and Nicolas himself was celebrated, and became in the court of Simon Zvytot, when the Earth is a birthday room. On the land of the nameman, it was talked to Zavalinka and since then, little, he began to walk and began to go and began again for his work. Its health, apparently, did not suffer nimalo, but only he began to "Shdantbat" - jumped on the left leg.
About the tickness and courage of his bloody over his own act people probably had high opinion, but judged him as I said: I did not have any natural reasons, but, enveloping all my fantasy, composed from natural event The fabulous legend, and from the simple, generous head was made a mythical face, something like Mobility, Cudesman, who possessed a turbulent talisman and could not die for everything and would not die anywhere.
He knew or did not know that he was assigned such things to human Molva, "I am unknown. However, I think he knew because it was very often treated with such requests and questions with which you can only contact a good wizard. And he gave "sound tips" to many such questions, and in general for any demand was not angry. He visited the Slobodam and for a cow's doctor, and for human hedgehog, and for the engineer, and for the ruler, and for the pharmacist. He knew how to reduce the shelter and the corrger again, somehow "Ermolovsky ointment", which cost one copper penny on three people; taken out salted cucumber heat from the head; He knew that herbs should be collected from Ivan to Semi-Peter, and excellent "Water showed", that is, where you can dig a well. But it could, however, not at all time, but only from the beginning of June to St. Fedor the Welder, while "water in the ground heard as it comes on the joints." He could have been talked to do and so much that only a person needed, but he had the rest to the rest, he was given a jam in the way that the poultry stopped. Then he confirmed his blood and kept firmly firmly. But he loved him and was loved, and the people delicate in his feelings never asked for a bad thing about what was not needed. For folk etiquette, it is accepted.
He is headed, however, it was so not painful from a mystical cloud, which his folk Fama was overwhelmed, that he did not use, it seems, there is no effort to destroy everything that happened about him. He knew that it was in vain.
When I godly running the sheets of Roman Victor Hugo "Workers of the Sea" and met the housing there, with his brilliantly outlined rigor to himself and indulgenting to others who had reached the height of perfect selflessness, I was amazed not by one greatness of this appearance and the strength of his image, but also And the identity of the Guernsey Hero with a living person, whom I knew under the name is Golen. In them, there was one spirit and fought by the dedicated battle of similar hearts. They did not differ much in their fate: in all her life, some kind of mystery around them, precisely because they were too clean and clear, and both alone and the other did not fall into a single drop of personal happiness.


He is talked, as housing, seemed to be "complicated in faith."
They thought that he was some kind of splitter, but it still does not matter, because in Orel at that time there was a lot of all the difference: there were (yes, right, and now there is) and ordinary old workers, and the old workers are not simple - and Fedoseevtsy, "Pilipons", and the reproachs, there were even whiskers and "people of God", which were far expensive by the Court of Human. But all these people tightly kept their herds and firmly cried out all sorts of other faith, they made themselves from each other in prayer and poisoning, and some of themselves intelligently on the "ways of right." He led himself, as if he didn't even know anything real on the best way, and broke the bread from his own edge without disaster to everyone who asked, and he himself sat down at whose asked the table where he was invited. Even Jushka from the garrison, he gave for children of milk. But the non-Christian side of this last act on the love of the people to Golovanu found himself some apology: people penetrated that he was headed, the taskful Yushku, wanted to get a carefully saved by the Judines of the Lips, which can be crowned before the court, or "hairy vegetable" which fascinating crammed with thirst, so they can not drink wine. But what was completely incomprehensible in Golovna, this is what he was turned with Mednel Anton, who enjoyed in the reasoning of all real qualities by himself a bad reputation. This man did not agree with anyone in the most sacred issues, and led some mysterious zodes and even composed something. Anton lived in Sloboda, in an empty journal in the attic, paying half a month, but kept such terrible things there that no one came to him except headed. It was known that Anton had a plan here, the rivers "zodia", and the glass, which "Fire from the Sun I got out"; And besides, he had a LAZ on the roof, where he got out of the night, he sat down, as a cat, at the pipe, "put a plesyr tube" and looked at the very sleepy time. Anton's commitment to this tool did not know the limits, especially in star NightsWhen he was visible to all the zodes. As soon as comes running from the owner, where he worked copper work , "I'll slip through my journal and climbs out of the auditory window to the roof, and if there is a star in the sky, he sits whole nights and watches everything. He could forgive him if he had a scientist or at least German, but as he was a simple Russian man - he looked off for a long time, more than once they got sixtes and threw a manure and dead cat, but he did not listen and not even I noticed how to twitch it. Everything, laughing, called him "astronomer", and in fact he was an astronomer I and my comrade for the gymnasium, now the famous Russian mathematician K.D. Krayevich, knew this antique at the end of the forties, when we were in the third class Oryol gymnasium and lived together in the house of losev; "Anton-astronomer" (then the older) really had some concepts about the heavenly luminaires and the laws of rotation, but the main thing that it was interesting: he himself prepared for his glass pipes, polishing them with sand and stone, from the bottoms of thick crystal glasses And through them he looked around the whole sky ... he lived in a poor, but did not feel his poverty, because he was in a constant delight of "Zodia" (approx. avt.)]. Man he was quiet and very honest, but free-dimens; I assured that the Earth is spinning and what we are on her down our heads. For this last obvious inconsection of Anton was a bit and recognized as a fool, and then, as a fool, began to enjoy the freedom of thinking, which constitutes the privilege of this favorable title, and went to the incredible. He did not recognize the seventh of Daniel to be tendered to the Russian kingdom [i.e. did not distribute the biblical prophecy of Daniel to Russia about the coming of the Messiah in 70x7 years ("Seventhms").], said that the "Beast ten" lies in one allegory, and the Beast of the Messenger is an astronomical figure that is in his plans. Also, he immediately unparably intended about the "Eagle wing", about Phials and about the press of Antichrist. But he, as a weak, all this was forgiven. He was not married, because he had no time to marry and there would be nothing to feed his wife, - and what a fool would have decided to go beyond the astronomer? He was in a complete mind, but not only was woven with an astronomer, but did not joke over him; They even seen at night together on an astronomer roof, like them, then one, then the other, changing, looked into the pluster pipe on the zoda. It is clear that the thoughts could inspire these two standing on the pipes of the figure, around which a dreamy superstition worked, medical poetry, religious nonsense and bewilderment ... and, finally, the circumstances themselves were talked in a somewhat strange position: it was not known what he arrived ... Cold Hibara was braced on this fly away that no spiritual strategists could submit her to their knowledge, and he didn't care about it himself, and if he had already been asking for a very binding about the parish, answered:
- I am from the arrival of the Creator-Almighty - and there was no such temple in the whole eagle.
Housing, in response to the question offered to him, where his arrival, only raised his finger and pointing to the sky, said:
- Won there, but the essence of both of these answers is the same.
He loved to listen about any faith, but he didn't have his opinions on this bill, and in case of a relentless question: "What kind of faith?" - was reading:
"I believe in a single god father, the Creator Almighty, visible to everyone and invisible."
This is, of course, evad.
However, anyone would be in vain, she was naked in a sectarian or fled church. No, he even went to the father of Peter in the Borisoglebsky Cathedral "Conscience to turn". Will come and say:
- Watch me, the father, I don't like me very much.
I remember this father of Peter, who is guarded to us, and once, when my father told him to some word, that he was headed, it seems, the person is excellent conscience, then Peter's father answered:
- Do not doubt; His conscience of snow white.
Horn loved sublime thoughts and knew Popp but not like the writer people usually know readhis work. Not; Hungov, approved "Experience about a man", presented to him by the same Alexey Petrovich Yermolov, knew the whole poem by heart. And I remember how he happened, he listens, standing at the sickness, the story of some new sad incident and, suddenly, reeers, answers:

Kind of bolinbroks, pride in us alone
All delusions of these fierce wines.

The reader would in vain would be surprised that such a person, as he was talked, reckoned with verses Popp. Then there was a brutal time, but the poetry was in fashion, and her great word was expensive even to her husbands. From the Lord it lied to the plebs. But now I am going to the biggest casus in the story of Golovan - such a casus, who has already threw the ambiguous light on him, even in the eyes of people, not inclined to believe every peep. He was not pure in some distant past. It turned out to be suddenly, but in the sharpest species. It appeared on the eagle the Eagle, which did not mean anyone in whose eyes, but the powerful ineques stated on Golovan and managed with him with incredible height.
This personality and history of its appearance is a pretty characteristic episode from the history of the then morals and not devoid of the colors of the household picture. And therefore, I ask a minute of attention to the side, - a little distance from the eagle, in the edge is even warmer, to the Tikhoradrunny River in the carpet shores, on the People's "Far Faith", where there is no place of business, everyday life; where all determined everything, passes through peculiar religiosity, which gives everything its special relief and liveliness. We must visit the opening of the relics of the new ward, which was for the most diverse representatives of the then Society of Event the greatest meanings. For the simple people, it was an epic, or, as one then told the Vities, "the sacred feast of faith said."


Such a movement, which began by the time of the opening of the celebration, can not transfer any of the testes printed at that time. Live, in the low-lying case, the side from them left. It was no current quiet journey in postal crews or by railways With stops in comfortable hotels, where there is everything you need, and for a similar price. Then the journey was a feat, and in this case the pious feat, which, however, was worth the expected solemn event in the church. It also had a lot of poetry, and again, a special - motley and dirty and diverse transfusions of church life, limited folk naivety and endless aspirations of the living spirit.
From the eagle, many people went to this celebration. Most of all, of course, the merchants learned, but did not lag behind middle Hand The landowners, especially shaped a simple people. These walked. Only those who are lucky "for CDM" of the weak, stretched on some klyachonka. Sometimes, however, and the weak lucky on myselfand even not so much, because with the weaknesses on the borough courtyards they were cheaper, and sometimes even completely allowed without fees. There were a lot of those who were noticeable for themselves "Diseases told: under the forehead, the eyes were poured, and two thirds, in releasing, were carried on the wheels to be imaginary income sacrificial on wax, and on the oil, and on other rites."
So I read in the tale, not printed, but the correct, written off the template, but from the "live vision", and a person who preferred to the truth of the tendentious falsehood of that time.
The movement was such a crowded that in the cities of Livnakh and in Yelets, through which the path lay, there were no places in the innovations, nor in hotels. It happened that important and famous people spent the night in their carriages. Oats, hay, cereals - all the path rose in price, so, according to the remark of my grandmother, with the memories of which I use, from now on our side to feed the person with the student, schym, lamb and porridge, began to take on the courtyards fifty Two kopecks (i.e. five), and before you took twenty-five (or 7 1/2 kopecks). At this time, of course, the five-thousandth - the price is absolutely incredible, but it was so it was, and the opening of the relics of a new ward in the rise of values \u200b\u200bfor life supplies had the same meaning for surrounding places as the fire of the Musty Bridge had recently had for St. Petersburg. "Price jumped outand that remained. "
From the eagle, among other pilgrims, went to the discovery of the family of merchants of Skh, people at one time very well-known, "Luckoshikov", that is, it's easier to say, large fists who are referred to bread from the age of men and then sell their "Refsion" wholesale merchants in Moscow and Riga. This is a profitable case, which, after the liberation of the peasants, was not imagined and nobles; But they loved to sleep for a long time and soon there was a bitter experience that even a stupid foolish case they are unable. The merchant S. was considered, according to their meaning, the first messengers, and the importance of them extended to the fact that the house of them instead of the surname was given an elevator nickname. The house was, of course, strictly pious, where in the morning they prayed, the whole day was tested and supracted people, and then prayed again in the evening. And at night, the dogs are dropped with ropes, and in all windows - "Lampad and shine", a loud snoring and someone's burning tears.
Rules home, they would have said, "Founder of the Company", - and then they just said "Himself."It was a meak old man, however, however, everything was afraid of fire. They talked about him that he knew how to gently prefeed, yes it was hard to sleep: I went around the word "Matinka", and descended to the hell in my teeth. The type of famous and familiar, type of shopping patriarch.
This is the Patriarch and drove to the opening "in big composition"- I myself, yes my wife, and daughter, who suffered a" melancholy disease "and was healing. Tested were all over her famous funds Popular poetry and creativity: she was joying the invigorant nineylip, they sprinkled Pioneee, who gave rise to the wip, gave smear Maran, that in the head brain corrects, but nothing helped, and now she was taken to the descent, hacked at the first time when the very first power goes . Vera advantage firstthe forces are very large, and it has its reason to legend about the Siloamovskaya font, where they also heal firstwho managed to enter the outrage of water.
Eating Oryol merchants through the pliers and through Elets, undergoing big difficulties, and completely outdated, while they reached the desirable. But it was impossible to utter the "first case" of the waters. The people gathered such an area that there was nothing to think to pour into the temple, to the all-in-room near the "open day", when, in fact, there is a "first case," - that is, when the greatest strength is coming from the new relics.
The merchant and his wife were desperate, - everyone was indifferent to everyone who did not know what she was deprived. Hope was no help to help, - so much was known, with such last names, and they were simple merchants, who, although in their place, mean something, but here, in such a cluster of Christian greatness, they were completely lost. And once, sitting in the mountain under the cybicket for the tea at the end of the courtyard, complains of the Patriarch wife, that no hope does not believe any of the hopes in the first, neither second, but will bring somehow in the most recent, together With breastplaces and fishing, that is, in general with a simple people. And then what a joy is already: and the police will seek, and the clergy will climb - it will not help to pray, but it will become. And in general, then everything is not when so many thousands of mouth of any people are already attached. In this kinds it was possible and after arriving, and they were not those who were lying: they were driving, languid, at home, the case on the custodian hands threw and expensive for all the soddoroga paid, and here you suddenly have any consolation.
I tried a merchant once and two to reach Deacons - I was ready to give gratitude, but there was nothing to think, - on the one hand, one constraint, in the form of gendarme with a white municipality or the Cossack with a lamb (they also came to the discovery of the relics set), and on the other - It is even more dangerous that the Orthodox Naffushko itself will ask, who worried about the ocean. Already there were "times", and even in many, and yesterday, and today. Somewhere good Christians from the crash of Cossack Nagiyki whole shatter five, at six hundred people, and how they braid, they will be punished by a wall friendly, so from the middle only a moan yes groin will go, and then, on liberation, a lot of female earrings in Rvanis earrings And the fingers from under the rings are done, and two or three souls and all God were affixed.
A merchant all these difficulties and expresses his wife and daughter for tea, for whom it was especially necessary to imagine the first forces, and some "empty man", unknown, urban or rural title, all between different kibits go under the shed yes as if he inspires on Oryol merchants with intent.
"Empty people" then also gathered a lot here. They were not only their place on this feather faith, but they even found good classes here; And therefore, they posed here in abundance from different places, and especially from the cities glorified by their thieves, that is, from the eagle, chrome, Yelets and from Liven, where big masters miracles were famous. All the empty people who came here were looking for their craftsmen. The tavering of them acted in a building, camping in a crowd, where it was convenient with the assistance of the Cossack to produce onslaught and confusion and during the turmoil to search for other people's pockets, disrupt clocks, waist buckles and upgrade earrings from the ears; And people more powerful walked alone in the yards, complained about the moon, "the dreams and miracles affected," offered love spells, challenges and "old people who are secret verses from a whale seed, a crow, elephant sperm" and other drugs, from koi "Strength permanent drives. " The drugs did not lose their price and here, because, to the honor of humanity, the conscience is not for all healings allowed to contact the desirable. No less eagerly empty people were simply theft, and at convenient cases, the evenings were often robbed by the guests, which for the absence of premises lived in their carts and under the challenges. There was little place everywhere, and not all the carts found themselves under the sheds of the innovations; Others also stood by the city outside the city on open beasts. There was even more diverse and interesting and more complete shades of sacred and medical poetry and entertaining plows. The dark industrialists of Snyryryaryi everywhere, but they had this suburban "poor tour" with him with the surrounding ravines and lackers, where there was a fierce drumper with vodka and in two or three wagons there were ruddy soldiers who came here to the folder. Immediately installed chips from the coffin, "Print Earth", pieces of exulting riz and even "particles". Sometimes there were very witty and wonderful things between the industrial artworks of the artists and threw out things and courage. That was the one who noticed the pious Oryol family. Passtered overheard their networked about the impossibility of embarking on the designer, before the first jets of healing grace will expire, and rightly approached and started pursuing:
- Sorrowful, I heard and I can help, but you have nothing to avoid me ... Without us, you are now the desired pleasure here, with such a big and famous congress, do not get, and we have been in any times we also know the means. You like to be at the very first forces of the room - do not regret your welfare hundred rubles, and I will put you.
The merchant looked at the subject and answered:
- Fully lie.
But that one continued:
"You," says, "probably think so, judging by my insignificance; But the insignificant in the eyes of human can be completely in a different way of god, and I will take it for something, I can firmly fulfill. You are embarrassed about the earthly greatness that it has hit him a lot, and I have all the dust, and be there at least it is invisible to some princes and kings, they cannot interfere with us, and even all our opposite. And therefore, if you wish through everything to go clean and smoothly, and the very first persons to see, and to a friend of God to give the most first mobias, then do not spare what is said. And if one hundred rubles is a pity and do not bother the company, then I will be able to pick up two more people, I have for a challenge, and then it will become cheaper.
What remained to make pious fans? Of course, it was risky to believe the hollow person, but I didn't want to miss the case, and the money was needed small, especially if in the company ... Patriarch decided to take a chance and said:
- Fruit company.
The wip-out man took the deposit and ran, punishing the family to dine early and in an hour before hitting the first bell to the evening, take each of the new hand towel and go for the city, to the specified place "in poor traffic", and expect there his. From there, a campaign was immediately beginning to begin, which, according to entrepreneur, could not stop any princes or kings.
Such "poor widespread" in large or smaller sizes became a wide mill with all such assessments, and I myself saw them and remember them in a native under Kursk, and about whom the story comes, heard stories from eyewitnesses and witnesses what will happen now Described.


The place employed by the poor becoming, was beyond the city, on an extensive and attributive pasture between the river and the pillars expensive, and in the end, it was adjacent to a large winding ravine, according to which the streams fled and rose a thick shrub; Behind the mighty began pine forestwhere the eagles are playing.
There are many poor wagon and Kolymag on the pasture, however, in all their poverty a rather variety of national genius and ingenuity. There were ordinary rage booths, linen tents in the entire cart, "gazebo" with fluffy carcass grass and completely ugly faded fades. A whole big lobe with a century-old linden bent and pinned to the trotic beds, and under him Lyzka: there are legs to the legs in the latter of the crew, and heads to the free air, on both sides ahead and back. Above the rest passes the breeze and ventilate so that they could not suffocate in their own spirit. Immediately, the pihters stood with Saint and Horse, they stood horses, the greater part of the skinny, all in the clamps and other, in the crumbs, under the corporal "covers". With some wagons there were dogs, who, although it should not be taken into pilgrimage, but these were "diligent" dogs who caught up with their owners on the second, the third fourth, and at what a boiler did not want to take away from them. They did not have a place here, at the present position of pilgrimage, but they were tolerant and, feeling their smuggling position, held themselves very comfortable; They fought somewhere in the TV wheel under Degtyaro and kept serious silence. One modesty saved them from Ostrakism and from a dangerous baptized Gypsy, who in one minute "filmed fur coats from them." Here, in the poor weapon, there was fun and good in the open sky, as at the fair. There were more than any diversity here than in hotel rooms that went out only by special chosenses, or under the sheds of the boring courtyards, where in the eternal twilight they were brought in the carts people. True, there were no obese Inqua and IPodiakones into poor traffic, not even a real, experienced wanderers were, but here were their masters for all hands and there was an extensive handicraft production of various "holiness". When I had the opportunity to read the famous in Kiev chronicles about the fake of the relics from the bone of bones, I was surprised by the infancy of the reception of these manufacturers in comparison with the courage of the masters, which heard earlier. Here it was some frank negligee with courage. Even the most path to the pasture in Slobodskaya Street has already been distinguished by nothing with the freedom of the widest enterprise. People knew that sort of cases did not often fall out, and did not lose time: many gates stood the tables on which icons, cross and paper convolutions were lying with rotten dust, as if from the old coffin, and immediately lay chips from the new. All this material was, on the assurance of sellers, a much higher grade than in the present places, because it brought here by the joiners, kops and carpenters who made the most important work. At the entrance to the camp, "wearing and sitting" with the samples of the new wretched, but a white paper with a cross. These samples were sold at the cheapest price, and it was possible to buy them by this minute, but it was impossible to open until the first prayer service was allowed. Many unworthy, who bought such samples and opened them before, they turned out to be pure smells. In the ravine, behind the storm, under the sleigh, tilted up the ridges, lived at the Gypsy stream with Gypsy and Gypsies. Gypsy and Gypsy had a great medical practice here. In one Poloz, they were tied with a large gevious "cock", from which the stones "moving strength", and Gypsy had a cat in the grass, which was very much needed to "sores by Afhedron." This Gypsy was a kind of celebrity. Glory about him was such that he, when in the wrong land, seven sleeping devies opened, and there he was not superfluous: he was alone in young people on young people, the brutal sections of the Lord's people treated and the Military Cavallers broken battle from Nutra across the watercourse. Gypsy, it seems, knew even larger secrets of nature: she gave two waters to the husbands: one to the crusions of wives, koi sinless; of that water if they give the wives, she will not hold back in them, and through pass through; And the other water is magnetic: From this water, the wife is not happy in a dream passionately husband will take me, and if it will intensify another love - it will fall from bed.
In a word, it was boiling here, and the diverse needs of humanity found useful accomplices here.
The vast man as mercy in the merchants, did not talk to them, but began to manham them, so that they went into the arms, and he himself jurknuly.
Again, it seemed terrible: it was possible to fear the ambush, in which the dashing people could have been hidden, capable of the mantis devils, but the fear overlooked, and the merchant after a small meditation, pouring to God and remembering the wretched, decided to cross the step three down.
He went carefully, holding his bushes, and his wife and daughters ordered in case of something to scream from all the urine.
Ambush here and in fact was, but not dangerous: the merchant found two of the same as he, pious people In a merchant robe, with whom it was necessary to "Sleepy". All of them had to pay here to pay a wet-free fee for their wires to the designer, and then he will open their plan and now they will behave. There was nothing to think for a long time, and persistence did not learn anything: the merchants folded the amount and Dali, and the void opened their plan, simple, but, according to his simplicity, purely genius: he was that there is a famous A poor man is a relaxed person who only needs to raise and carry to the descendants, and no one will stop them and the paths do not make it difficult to them. It is necessary only to buy for a weak disease, and Pokrovka and, lifting it, carry it all six, toned under the ORD towels.
This thought seemed to be excellent in the first part, - with relaxed carriers, of course, miss, but what could be the consequences? Would not be further confusion? However, it was all calmed on that, the conductor said only that it was not worth attention.
- We are some times, "says," you have already seen: you, in your pleasure, will make it all see and make it possible to make it possible during the all-night singing, and in the reasoning of the sick, be the will of the wretched, "he wants to heal it - and heales, and not Wishes - again his will. Now just disconnect more on Odret and to the Pokrovka, and I have all this in a close home, just you need to give money. Little for me here, and go to the way.
I took it, hung up, still on the tackle two rubles from the face and ran, and ten minutes ago I returned and says:
- We go, brethren, just do not boyko speak, and write the smallness of the eyes of depriverance.
The merchants launched the eyes and went with the reverence and in the same "poor weapon" came to one wagon, which stood at the hell a completely dead klyononka, and a little gold boy was sitting on the front and having rushed himself with his hands on his hand. On this wagon under Lipov Lubki, there was a middle-aged man, with the face of the pupavok of Yellow, and the hands are also yellow, all elongated and how soft shoulders are lying around.
Women, envying such a terrible impact, began to be baptized, and the conductor turned to the patient and says:
- Here, uncle Foty, good people came to help me carry you to heal. The will of God is approaching you.
Yellow man began to turn to unfamiliar people and looks more thanks on them, and she shows his finger to his tongue.
They guessed that he was dumb. "Nothing," say nothing, the slave of God, do not thank us, and thanks to God, "and they began to pull it out of the wagon - men under the shoulders and under the feet, and women only his weak pens supported and even more scared the terrible state of the patient because his hands in his shoulder joints completely "turned" and only the hair ropes were banging.
Odric stood right there. It was a small old crib, tightly covered in the corners of the bug eggs; On the crib lay sheaf straw and a slice of rare mitkalya with roughly removed cross, shnop and cane. The conductor to the fishing hand flushed straw so that on all sides from the edges he swallowed, put yellow relaxed on her, covered with a mitkalem and suffered.
The conductor walked ahead with a clay roar and crucifably smoked.
They also did not come out of the garbage, as they had already begun to be baptized, and when they went through the streets, attention to them was getting more serious and more serious: everything, seeing them, understood that this was carrying the wonderworker, and joined. The merchants were hurried, because he heard the Blagovest to all-in-minded, and they came with their own I wear just in time when I got: "Praise the name of the Lord, the slaves of the Lord."
The temple, of course, did not fit the hundredth of the college of the people; Apparently, invisible people standing around the church with a continuous mass, but they saw ADR and wearing a little, everyone looked around: "We are relaxed, a miracle will be", - and the whole crowd spread.
The street has become a living street, and then everything was done, as the conductor promised. Even the firm hope of his faith is not left in the placement: Relaxed heal. He got up, he himself came out on his legs "Slavs and thanks to". Someone all this recorded on the note in which, from the words of the conductor, healed relaxed was called the "relative" of the Orlovsky merchant, through which he envied him, and he who healed in late time did not go to her poor traffic, and spent the night under the shed at His new relatives.
All this was nice. Healed was an interesting person on which many came to look and threw him "stumps".
But he spoke little and implicitly - very shakel with unaccustomed and most of all on the merchants healed Hero showed: "They are delated, they are relatives, they everyone knows." And then those worn said that he was their relative; But suddenly, the unexpected trouble suddenly under all this: in the night, stuck after healing yellow relaxed, it was noticed that the velvet was obsessed over the clerket, one gold cord was missing with a gold brush.
The act of it was asked about it and asked the Oryol merchant, did he notice, closely approach, and what kind of people helped him carry a patient relative? He said according to the conscience that people were unfamiliar, from poor worm, they carried the diligence. They drove it there to recognize the place, people, Klyachu and a cart with a golden boy, playing pupavitsa, but here only one place was in its place, and neither people nor the wagon, nor the boy with pupavki and the trail was not.
The inquiry threw, "Yes, not the riza will be in people." The brush hung a new one, and the merchants after such a trouble rather gathered home. But only here he made a healed relative with a new joy: he obliges them to take it with him and otherwise threatened the complaint and reminded about the brush.
And because when an hour came to the departure of the merchants of the ravis, the Feri found himself on the front next to Kucher, and it was impossible to throw him up to the village of steep ones lying on their path. Here was at that time a very dangerous descent from one mountain and a heavy rise to another, and therefore different incidents happened to the travelers: the horse fell, they turned the crews and so on in this way. The village of Cool certainly had to proceed to learn, otherwise it was necessary to swell, and no one risked at twilight.
Our merchants were also carried out here and in the morning when climbing the mountain "confused", that is, lost their healed Fox relative. They said that in the evening they were "good it was treated from the flasks," and did not wake up and moved in the morning, but there were other good people who have corrected this confusion and, taking Fotay with him, brought him to the eagle.
Here he found his ungrateful relatives who left him in steep, but did not meet their relatives. He began to be a disheve in the city and tell that the merchant went to the descendants not for her daughter, but prayed that her bread went up. It was not known to anyone more precisely.


Not in long days after the appearance in the Orel of the famous and abandoned Fotay in the arrival of Mikhail Archangel at the merchant Akulov were "poor tables". On the yard, on the boards, large lime bowls were smoked with noodles and cast irons with porridge, and from the master's porch, they handed over the hands of a cheesecake with onions and pies. The guests got a lot, each with her spoon in the boot or the sinus. Pies dressed naked. He was often called to such a "tables" by archrit and bolodar, because he was fair, nothing will hide himself and thoroughly knew who the cake is worth it - with peas, with carrots or with a liver.
So now he stood and every suitable "dressed" a big cake, and who knew in the house of the weak - that two and more "on a sloping portion." And here in the number of different suitable approached the head and fotion, the person is new, but as if surprisingly hung. Having seen the photo, it was naked as if something remembered and asked:
- Whose and where do you live?
Footy wrinkled and said:
"I'm anything, and God, she cares for a robust skin, but I live under a chore."
And others say Golovanu: "His merchants brought from the plenty ... it is a fotion healed."
But he smiled heavily and spoke:
- What is the way you are a photo! "But in this very moment the fotion snatched his cake, and another hand made him a deafening slap and shouted:
- Not unnecessary bare! "And with this I sat down at the tables, and I didn't say naked and not said. Everyone understood that, right, it was so challenged, obviously healed joozheus, and he knows that it should be demolished. But only "what evaluation was hawted in such an appeal?" It was a riddle that lasted for many years and established such an opinion that something very bad was hidden in Golovna, because he was afraid of photography.
And indeed there was something mysterious. Footei, soon fallen in universally, before he shouted after him: "Saint Brush stole and dug in the Kabachea," it was hung extremely boldly.
Meeting is headed by no matter where it was, Foty fell into him the road and shouted: "Summary." And he was naked, he was not objected to him, climbing the sinus and took the copper hryvnia from there. If he did not happen to hryvnia, and it was less, then the fotion, who, for the motley, His Lochmotyev nicknamed, was hungry, the insufficient dacha said, said him and even beat him, shit stones, dirt or snow.
I myself remember how one day at twilight, when my father was sitting with the priest Peter at the window in the office, and he stood naked under the window and all three of them led their conversation, in the gate open at the occasion, and with a cry: "Forgot scoundrel!" - At all, he hit him headed in the face, and he, quietly removing him, gave him from the sinus of copper money and led him for the gate.
Such actions were not an uncommon to anyone, and the explanation that the ermine knew something behind the head was, it was, of course, very natural. It is clear that it was excited by many and curiosity, which, as we would soon see, had a faithful foundation.



Two words about grandmother: she took place from the Moscow merchant clan and was taken in marriage to the nobled race "not for wealth, but for beauty." But its best property was - soul beauty And the bright mind in which the prisoner has always remained. Entering the noble circle, she gave way to many of his requirements and even allowed himself to call himself Alexander Vasilyevna, while her real name was Akilin, but he always thought easily and even without intention, of course, had some simpleness in speech. She spoke "Extt" instead of "this one," considered the word "Moral" offensive and could not speak "Accountant". But she did not allow any fashionable pressures to shake the faith in national meaning And herself did not part with this meaning. Was good woman and the real Russian lady; The house was perfect and knew how to take everyone, starting with Emperor Alexander I and Ivan Ivanovich Androsov. I did not read anything, except for children's letters, but loved the update of the mind in conversations, and in order to "demanded people to conversation." In this kind, her interlocutor was Burmruc Mikhail Lebedev, Buffetter Vasily, Senior Cook Klim or the Keyman Malania. The conversations were always not empty, but to the point and to the benefits, it was understood, why the fecuska of Morals flew to the girl or why the boy Grishka was displeased with a mushy. Following this conversation, they had their own measures, how to help the fecushea cover the braid and what to do so that the boy Grishka was not a stepmother is dissatisfied.
For her, all this was full of living interest, can be completely incomprehensible to her granddaughters.
In Orel, when the grandmother came to us, her friendship was used by the Cathedral Father Peter, the merchant Androsov and naked, who for her and "called for a conversation."
Talking, it is necessary to assume, and here were not empty, not for one time travelers, but probably about some grandfather, it seems to have fallen on someone's morals or disqualities of a boy with a stepmother.
She so therefore could have the keys to many chairs, for us, perhaps, small, but for their medium very significant.
Now, in this last my date with my grandmother, she was very old, but kept in perfect freshness my mind, memory and eyes. She was still sewn.
And this time I found it at the same desktop with the upper parquet pack, depicting the harp supported by two amours.
Grandmother asked me: Did I call the fathers of the grave who saw from relatives in Orel and what does uncle lies there? I answered all her questions and spread about uncle, told how he was dealing with the old "Lygendes".
Grandma stopped and raised his glasses on his forehead. She really liked the word "Lygenda": she heard in it naive alteration in the folk spirit and laughed.
"This is," says, the old man said wonderfully about Lygenda.
And I say:
- And I, my grandmother, I would like to know how it really happened, not by the ligid.
- What exactly do you want to know?
- Yes, here about all this: what was this naked? I remember him a little bit, and that's all with somehow, as an old man says, Lyhyda, and, of course, it was just ...
- Well, of course, simply, but why it surprises you that our people were avoided then, but simply sales in the notebooks wrote? This also will open a lot. They were afraid of ordinary, and they believed their people, and that's it.
"But what," I say, "could he deserve such confidence? He, he, truth, sometimes it seems like a little ... Charlatan.
- Why is it?
- And what is, for example, I remember, they said as if he had some kind of magical stone and his blood or body, which threw the river, stopped the plague? What is his "non-meaning" called?
- About the magic stone - nonsense. These people were so nimble, and it was not to blame for this, and he was called "non-mercy" because in a sort of horror, when the mortal filimism was standing on the ground and all the orphans were, he was one fearless, and his death did not take.
"Why," I say, "he cut himself my leg?
- Icru him sliced.
- For what?
"And for the fact that he also has a pimple of a plaque village, he knew that there was no salvation from this, he took a spit, and he cut off the whole caviar.
- Can, - I say, - it's to be!
- Of course it was so.
- And what, - I say, - should I think about the woman Paul?
Grandmother looked at me and answers:
- What is? Woman Paul was a Fraposhkin wife; She was very sorting, and she was naked.
- And her, however, was called "Golovan Sin."
- everyone judges and calls himself; There was no such sin.
- But, grandma, do you, honey, do you believe it?
- not only believe, but I am i know.
- but how can it know?
- Very simple.
The grandmother turned to the girl who worked with her and sent her to the garden to gain raspberries, and when she came out, she looked at my eyes much and said:
- Govan was virgin!
- Who do you know that?
- From Father Peter.
And my grandmother told me how Petr's father shortly before his ending spoke to her, what people in Russia are incredible and that the deceased is a virgin.
Touching on this story, the grandmother entered small details and recalled his conversation with the father of Peter.
"Father Peter," says, "first and his wondered himself and became his job more than asking and even hinted on Paul. "It's not good, says it: you do not eat, but you are seducing. Not worthy of you to keep this Pavlu. Let her go with God. " And he answered Hoangov: "In vain it's you, the father, say: let her better live with God, it is impossible for me to let go of it." - "And why?" - "And because she has nowhere to abandon her head ..." - "Well, says, marry her!" - "And this is responsible, it is impossible," and why it is impossible, he did not say, and Peter's father doubted it for a long time; But Paul was consumed and for a short time, and before his death, when Father Peter came to her, she opened it the cause.
- What, grandmother, was this reason?
- They lived on love perfect.
- So how is it?
- Angelic.
- But, let me, why is it? After all, Paul's husband disappeared, and there is a law that after five years you can get married. Surely they did not know that?
- No, I think, knew, but they still knew something else.
- Like what?
"For example, the fact that the husband of Paul survived them and never disappeared.
- Where was he?
- In Orel!
- Cute, you joke?
- Neither a tiny.
- And who was known?
"We are Troim: Golovanu, Pavel, yes, this is the good. Can you remember Fotay?
- Healed?
"Yes, as you want to call him, just now, when they all moved, I can say that he was completely not a fotion, but a runa soldier frapp.
- How! Was it a pavule husband?
- Exactly.
- Why? .. - I started, but I was ashamed of my thought and silent, but my grandmother understood me and agreed:
"True, you want to ask: why didn't anyone know him, and Paul with his head did not give him?" It's very simple: Others did not recognize him because he was not urban, yes, he hung up his hair, and Paul did not give him pity, and her Lyubovachi is naked.
"But after all, legally, according to the law, Fraposhka did not exist, and they could do it.
- Could - according to the legal law they could, but according to the law they could not.
- For what the frapps are GOLOVAN pursued?
- The rascal was the dead man, - intelligently about them as others.
- And after all, because of him, all happiness have taken away!
- But what happiness to believe: there is a righteous happiness, there is a sinful happiness. The righteous will not cross anyone, and the sinner will overstep. They are the first to love the last one ...
- Grandma, - I exclaimed, because these are amazing people!
"Righteous, my friend," said the old woman.
But I still want to add - and amazing and even incredible. They are incredible until they are surrounded by the legendary fiction, and are becoming even more incredible when it is possible to remove this flare from them and see them in all of their holy simplicity. One mesmering perfectlove supplied them above all fears and even subjugated to them in nature, without encouraging them to dig into the ground, nor fight visions tormented by St. Intonia.

June 12, 2015.

About artists, writers, scientists, when they want to show their convergence from ordinary citizens, they say: "They are terribly far from the people." This phrase is completely not suitable for the characteristics of Creativity N. S. Leskova. The Russian classic, on the contrary, is extremely close to ordinary citizens of his time - peasants (ordinary men and women).

He very accurately and reproduces the inner world of his heroes, which says not only about the outstanding talent of the writer, but also about the fantastic psychological flair and intellectual intuition. What can be seen, even after reading this or that product only a summary. "Not meal is naked" - brilliantly written story.

Appearance of the main hero

The time of action described in the story is the middle of the 19th century, the place of action - the city of Eagle.

The warehouse was headed by the Bogatyr: he was height in it for 2 meters. Big hands big head (Hence probably nickname). It was not a drop of fat, he was a muscular and at the same time. Blue eyes allocated in his face, they framed their large features and a big nose. Goulded was a brunette. His beard and hair on the head were always neatly trimmed.

Profession and environment is headed

He had one bull and several cows. He lived in that she sold milk, cheese and cream to the gentlemen. He himself was a peasant, but not serf, and free.

His affairs were so good that after he became free, he freed his sisters from the Yarma from the Yarma, and he also settled Pavlu - a girl who did not occur to him, nevertheless, she lived with the smallests for Hero women under one roof. Evil languages \u200b\u200bsaid that Paul is "sin is hung."

Video on the topic

How did the "non-meaning" became nice?

The epidemic was taught in Orel, it was scary: the cattle died, then, by infected from the cattle, people died. And it was impossible to do anything, only one courtyard and some animals a terrible birth did not touch: the courtyard is headed and his bull and cows. In addition, the main hero of said deserved respect for local residents in that she went home to the houses and squeezed them with milk. Milk did not help from illness, but people at least did not die alone, all abandoned. And the brand itself did not get sick. So the feats of the hero look briefly, if the reader is only interested in their summary. "Non-Metering Hungal" is a story about an extraordinary person.

At the creation of the myth about the "non-vetary" hungry influenced and what I saw the student of the shepherd Pantka in the morning. He kicked out cattle fasting closer to the Orlik River, and the time was early, Panka fell asleep. Then suddenly woke up and saw that the person from the opposite shore goes along the water, like on the ground. Moved a shepherd, and man was talked by this. But it turned out that he was not foot on the water, but drove at the knot, leaning on a long pole.

When he was headed to the other coast, Panka wanted to ride on the knot to the shore and look at the famous house local resident. The shepherd just got to the desired point, how Hoangov shouted to make the one who led his knot, they returned them. Pantka was cowardly and with fear found her shelter and harmed there.

He thought he thought, there was nothing to do, undressed, knit all his clothes to the knot, placed on his head and swam to the house. The river was not very deep, but the water in it was not heated yet. When the shore came across, he was already wanted to start dressing, as he suddenly noticed something under his knee on Ires. Meanwhile, a young kosar came to the shore of the river. He shouted herself, asked him to give him a spit, and he sent himself to pour himself to him. When the kosar ripped the burdocks, he tagged with one fell swoop to his caviar on his leg and threw a piece of his body into the river. Want to believe, but you want no, but after that the epidemic has stopped. And naturally, he had a rumor that he was not just crushed so much, but with a high goal: brought a child to the sacrifice.

Of course, with great brilliance, I wrote my story N. S. Leskov. "Non-memorable island", however, a work that is better to read in the original source, and not in a brief statement.

Naked - agnostic

After that, he became a sign and a sage. It was advised to be consumed if there were any difficulties in the farm or in family matters. He did not give up nickname and gave all the soothing answers to everyone. It is not known whether they helped or not, but people left him with the hope of quickly resolve their problems. At the same time, no one could say for sure, whether he believed in the Christian God, whether he wanted canon.

When he was asked to which church he belongs to, he answered himself: "I am from the arrival of the Creator-Almightyer." Of course, there was no such church in the city. But at the same time, the hero of the said he behaved in the same way as a true Christian: he did not refuse to help anyone and even drove friendship with a fan of stars, which in the city everyone considered a fool. Such virtues are headed, their summary. "Non-memorable nice" is a story about the brightest ideal of the righteous, not burdened by any particular affiliation for religious denominations.

The mystery of the mystery is Golovan

Narrative author (N. S. Leskov) after the render folk legendsIn order not to torment the reader and find out the truth independently, refers to the truthful information to the person who personally knew the unmeltering is headed - to his grandmother. And she responds to him all the questions he outlined in the work of "non-meaningful head." The story ends with a conversation between her grandmother and grandson.

  1. Paul was not a mistress headed, they lived with him in the spiritual, "Angelic" marriage.
  2. And he pulled himself my leg, because I noticed the first signs of the disease on Ires and, knowing that there was no salvation from her, I solved the problem radically.

Of course, if you read such a brilliant story, like "non-mercy," a summary, then a lot of things can be missed, for example, the details of the story or the magic and the charm of the unique Leskov language. Therefore, all readers of this article need to become familiar with the work in full to feel the rhythm, "taste" and "color" of Leskov's prose. This happened a summary. "Non-memorable novice" - the story of N. S. Leskova, who excites interest in other works of the author.

Famous teller la view Domina Platonovna "has a familiarity of the most immentive and solubular" and I am sure that it is obliged to be one simplicity and "swill". People, according to the houses of Platonovna, gravily and generally "bastard," and can not believe anyone, which is confirmed by frequent cases, when the Domna Platonovna is deceived. The lace "Wait is more wider" and constantly complains of health and mighty dream, from which he suffers a lot of grief and misfortune. The temper of the house of Platonovna is unmatched, it is indifferent to the earnings and, trapped, like the "artist", with his works, has many private cases, for whom lace play only the role of "bandwidth": woven, I look for money for mortgage and hide. At the same time, it retains a subtle appeal and a pregnant woman says: "She is in his Majaja interest."

Having become acquainted with the storytellor, living on the apartment from the Polish Colonel, which Domna Platonovna finds himself a groom, she notes that a Russian woman in love is stupid and pitiful. And tells the history of the Colonel Domutkovskaya, or Leonid. Leonidid "pushed" with her husband, and she has a tenant, "friendly" who does not pay for the apartment. Domna Platonovna promises to find Leonida such that "and love will be, and help", but Leonides refuses. The apartment Leonidka is quit, and after a while there is such a "cannon" that "Barbarian" disappears at all. Leonidice remains without furniture, moving to live to the "first fraud" Dislenste and, despite the Tips for the House of Platonovna, is going to obey before her husband. Without receiving an answer to the repentant letter, she decides to go to her husband and asks the Domna Platonovna money on the road. The launch of money does not give, confident that a woman cannot be worn out of trouble otherwise, as due to his own fall.

At this time, one familiar colonel asks Domna Platonovna to acquaint him with some "educated" young lady and transfers money for her. "Bulk" Colonel begins to cry, does not take money and runs away. Two days later returns and offers its sewing services. Domna Platonovna encourages it not to "join", but Leonida does not want to go to her husband to "Caught money" and goes to rich people to ask for help, but ultimately "decides" and promises "not to capricious". Domna Platonovna takes her a Camork in his apartment, buys clothes and matched with a familiar general. But when he comes, the colonel does not unlock the doors. Domna Platonovna calls her "fucking" and "Gallete noble" and so beats that it is a pity that it becomes sorry. Leonidiscus looks crazy, crying, calling God and Mama. Domna Platonovna sees in a dream Leonid Petrovna with a little dog and wants to raise a stick from the ground to drive a dog, but the dead rue appears from under the ground and there is enough lace. The next day, Leonidica carries out a date with the general, after which it will be completely changed: refuses to talk to the House Platonic, returns her money for an apartment, categorically refusing to pay "for troubles". The colonel is no longer going to go to her husband, because "such flaws" do not return to husbands. She hires an apartment and, leaving the lace, adds that he is not angry with the Domna Platonovna, because she is "very stupid." After a year, Doma Platonovna learns that Leonidudes "Romances conducts" not only with the general, but also with his son, and decides to resume acquaintance. She comes to the Colonel, when the general daughter-in-law sits, Leonidid offers her "Cofius" and sends it to the kitchen, thanks to the fact that the lace made her "rubbish". Domna Platonovna is offended, sculpts and tells about the "Pur Miur of Love" by the genus of General. The scandal flares up, after which the general throws the Colonel, and she begins to live in such a way that "now one prince, and tomorrow another graph."

Domna Platonovna informs the narrator that in his youth she was a simple woman, but it was so "walked" that now can not believe anyone. Returning home from a friend of the parchikha, who treats her with liquor, Domna Platonovna regrets money for the cabin, goes on foot, and some sir pulls away from her sacred hands. The narrator suggests that it would be better if she did not bother and paid money to the cabovka, but the lace was sure that they had a "one strike one", and tells how one day it was taken from a little money. " Once on Earth, she meets the officer who scolds the cabin and protects the lace. But returned home, the House of Platonovna discovers that in the knot instead of a lace, some "harshocks are thrown": as they explain in the police, the officer was walking out of the bath and simply wounded the lace. On another time, the House of Platonovna buys on the street a shirt that wrapped the house with an old washboard. And when the Domna Platonovna decides to match the land, his buddy tells that he is already married. The lace woven the buddy, but Amermer, a man who "all the state will confuse and exhibits," stipulates the bridegroom "Pupkom" and upsets the wedding. One day, the Doma Platonovna is even given to the rule of demons: returning from the fair, it turns out to be at night in the field, the "dark" faces and a small little man growing with a rooster offer her to create love, dancers waltz on the stomach of the lace, and disappears in the morning. With the demon of Domna Platonovna cooped, and with a person failed: she buys furniture for one checkpoint, sits on top of her on WHO, but fails and "shines with nagging" throughout the city until the city does not stop the cart. Domna Platonovna can not understand whether sin lies on it for changing her husbands with Kuma in a dream. After that, after the story with the prisoner Turk, the Domna of Platonovna "is detected" at night.

After a few years, the narrator takes the Typhoundic hospital of one poor man and in the "senior" learns the strongly changed Domna Platonovna. After some time, the storyteller is called to the house of Platonovna, and she asks him to climb about the student of the pianoanist Valerchka, who robbed his master. Save the thief does not succeed, the house of Platonovna fades and prays, and the story admits that he loves Valerchka and asks pity, then everyone laughs over her. A month later, the Doma Platonovna dies from the rapid exhaustion of the forces, and the chest and his "simple belongings" reports a storyteller so that he gave all Valley.