Description Chichikov with quotes. The image of Chichikova in the poem "Dead Souls": a description of appearance and character in quotes

Description Chichikov with quotes. The image of Chichikov in the poem
Description Chichikov with quotes. The image of Chichikova in the poem "Dead Souls": a description of appearance and character in quotes

Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls"


1. Character features.

2. Acquirement and enterprise.

3. Adaptability to life.

4. Dirlness and scam.

5. Caution and calcability.

6. Ability to handle and communicate with people.

7. perseverance in achieving the goal. The skill of Gogol in the image of Chichikov.

1. Chichikov in the poem - like a living person (his portrait and manners).

2. Contrast - the main method of image.

8. The reasons that caused Chichikov's character.

1. Conditions for the formation and growth of capitalist relations.

2. Education and education under these conditions.

3. Chichikov - Type of Deltz-acquirer.

The main topic of the "dead souls" of Gogol is the topic of the paths of the historical development of Russia. Gogol in the artist's angry look that in the Russian society in the middle of the XIX century, the money starts to play a decisive role: the delints try to establish themselves in society, become independent, relying on capital, and on the verge of two epochs - capitalism and feudalism - such Deltsi were a widespread.

Chichikov - the central hero of the poem "Dead Souls", all the action of the poem occurs around it, all its acting persons are connected with it. Hogol himself wrote: "For they say, do not come to the head of Chichiku, this thought (about buying dead souls), would not appear to the light of the poem *.

Unlike the images of landowners and officials, Chichikov's image is in development: we know about the origin and upbringing of the hero, the beginning of its activities and on the subsequent events of his life. Chichikov is a person who differs from the local nobility with many of their own features. By origin, he is nobles, but the manor is not a source of its existence. "It's dark and modestly the origin of our hero," says Gogol and gives a picture of his childhood and teaching. For life, he remembered chikchikov tips of his father. Most to protect and save a penny. "Everybody will do and everyone will knock on the light of a penny," the father said him. The purpose of his reading his life was acquired. Already at school, he showed emergency revolutions in terms of acquiring a penny: traded gingerbread and buns, the mouse has extended and sold it profitable. And soon he sews into a bag of 5 rubles and begins to save the other. So began his entrepreneurial life.

Chichikov found considerable abilities and in terms of handling the bosses. In the school tried to be a model of obedience and politeness, deftly knew how to enjoy confidence and caused commendable reviews and humble behavior.

After graduating to learn, he enters the executed chamber, where he all pleases the boss and even cares for his daughter. And soon he receives the position of the boost and begins to take bribes.

The exciting effect on Chichikov has pictures of the wealthy life, with whom he has to face. It is covered by the desire to become the owner of capital, which will bring with them "Life in all contents". Chichiki patiently and persistently overcomes service barriers. "Everything turned out to be in it that it is necessary for this world: and pleasantness in turnover and actions, and a bulliness in business affairs. With such funds, he mined in a short time what is called a cereal place, and used them in a great way. " Dirlness and scam becomes characteristic features. Having become a member of the Commission for building some kind of state, but very capital building, "he will acquire a good cook and a great pair of horses, wears thin, Dutch shirt linen, is released from under healthy abstinence laws: the unexpected exposure of the scam with the construction of a treated building dispelled blissful The state of Chichikova, everything turned out to be irrevocably lost, it was upset, but did not shake Chichikov. He decided to start his career Syznov and finds an even more profitable service at customs. It is accepted for very favorable operations: with the herd of Spanish rams he conducts an operation with Bartantic lace and in a short time, it is accompanied by a whole condition. Money floats to him in hand. "God knows, to no matter how huge figures did not grow gracious amounts, if some difficult beast did not run across everything." Revealing and expelled chischikov becomes an attorney, and here it comes to him about the search for dead souls. And the main thing is good, he says, - that "the subject will seem all incredible, no one will believe."

The writer reveals the image of Chichikov gradually, as they say about his adventures. In each chapter, we learn about it new. He comes to the provincial city to exploration and ensure the success of a conceived enterprise. In the city N, it is extremely careful and strictly calculated. He asked the innovative servant about urban officials, the landowners closest to the city, about the condition of the edge, about the cooking diseases. No day disappears from the active Paul Ivanovich for nothing. He establishes friendly relations with the dignitaries of the city, makes acquaintance with the landowners and thanks to the exceptional courtesy of a flattering opinion about himself. Even Grubian Sobesevich said: "Pre-pleasant man."

The ability to handle people and skillful conversation is the tested tool Chichikov in all sulfical operations. He knows with whom how to talk. With Manilov, he is talking to a cute-polite tone, says that "a pleasant conversation is better than a great dish." It is easily achieved by his dead shower for free, and even leaves for the owner the costs of registration of the bundice. It will not be at all ceremony in a conversation with a distincto-column box, intimidating the swirls and for all the dead gives only 15 rubles, Litgave, which will come for flour, a cereal and other alone.

A relaxed union conversation leads with a broken small nostril and cleverly released from all exchange proposals. Carefully talks to Chicchikov with a landlord-fist of dogs, calls the dead peasants with non-existent and forces the Sobelaevich very much to reduce the price requested them.

Feel respectfully polite chiches with a plush, he says that he decided to help him and give his personal reverence. Dexually attacked by a man compassionate and received 78 shower from him only 32 kopecks for each.

Meetings with the landowners show the exceptional perseverance of Chichikov in achieving the goal, ease of reincarnation, not ordinary feedness and energy, behind the external softness and grace hiding the calcability of the predatory nature.

And now the chicters again among the officials of the city. He enchants all the "pleasant of the secular appeal", "some compliment, very decent, governor." All the ladies of the city are crazy about him. However, Nozdrev destroys all his plans. "Well, I went to mind," he himself thought about himself, "there is nothing more to break, you need to remove quickly from here."

So "here is our hero. What it is! " - Encloses Gogol. Chichikov appears alive in front of readers. We see and appearance, and the inner world of Chichikov. At first glance, there is something uncertain, this is "Mr. not a handsome man, but not bad outside, not too fat, not too thin; It is impossible to say old, however, and not so that too young. " We see a person of a powerful, consistent, well-dressed, always neat and clean, shaved and united, but in what blatant contradiction is an appearance with his inner world! Gogol masterfully, one phrase gives him a complete characteristic: "It's a fair to name his host-acquirer," and then the author speaks simply and sharply: "scoundrel".

Such a character, like Chichikov, could occur only in the face of the formation of capitalist relations, when entrepreneurs for the sake of profit and enrichment put everything on a map. Chichikov is the type of bourgeois delta-acquirer, not by any means for its enrichment.

More Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky celebrated the wide typicity of Chichikov. "The same chikchikyi," he wrote, "only in another dress: in France and in England, they do not bother not dead souls, but bribe the living souls on the free parliamentary elections!"

Terrible, disgusting this knight "money bag", building its well-being on misfortunes of a large number of people: mass epidemics, natural disasters, wars - everything that sows death and death, all this is chikchiku.

Characteristic Chichikova is the topic of this article. What can be said about this hero from the work of "Dead Souls"? Belinsky, a famous Russian critic, in 1846 noticed that as the acquirer of chikchiki is not less, and perhaps more than Pechorin, is the hero of our time. He can buy "dead souls", collect donations for various charitable institutions, acquire railway stocks. No matter what kind of activity do similar to him. Their essence remains unchanged.

Author's characteristic Chichikova at the beginning of the work

Corresponding is that chikchiki is an immortal type. You can meet with such as he, everywhere. This hero belongs to all times and all countries, only takes various forms, depending on time and place. In the poem "Dead Souls" the action begins with the fact that the reader meets the main character. What is the characteristic Chichikov? This is the "Golden Middle", nor something, nor The author, describing it, notes that this is not a handsome, however, no "bad outside" man, not very thin, but not too fat, not old, but also not young. Chichiki Pavel Ivanovich is a respectable college adviser. Such is the characteristic of Chichikov at the beginning of the work.

Visits made by Chichikov in the city

What does he start his stay in the city? From numerous visits: to the prosecutor, the vice-governor, governor, the otkupeker, the police officer, the boss over the local officials, etc. Chichikov, who behaves like a well-intended person, was able to very skillfully flatte everyone in conversations with these lords. So, for example, he praised the governor for the "velvet roads" in the province ledently, and the cleansman of Chichikov said something flattering about the city buddies. Chairman of the Chamber and the Vice-Governor mistakenly called twice "Your Excellency". Chichikov made a compliment to the governor, a decent person for average years, which is not too small, but not too big rank. The quotation characteristic of Chichikova will complement the image created by the author. Pavel Ivanovich himself called himself anything else as a "insignificant worm", complaining that he had to experience a lot in his century, a lot of enemies in service, which even atheated his life for the truth.

The ability to support the conversation

Characteristic Chichikova ("Dead Souls") can be supplemented with his workshop skill to support the conversation. Nikolay Vasilyevich Gogol writes that if it was about a horse plant, he spoke about him, but also a good dog comments about good dogs. Moreover, Chichikov did it with "somehow degree," said neither quiet, neither loud, namely, as he should, knew how to keep himself well. Mask with imaginary decency and vulgarity, as you can see, he learned to wear masterfully. Under this larger, the true characteristic of Chichikova ("Dead Souls") was hidden, the content of his actions and thoughts was hidden.

Copyright to Chichikov in the first chapter

The author in the first chapter only allegorically, indirectly expresses his attitude to Chichiku and his actions. And this hero himself, arguing about the world of thick and thin, hints at its true vision of the surrounding world. He says that fat is better leaving their affairs than "thin", which mainly serve on special instructions and "wake there and here." The quotation characteristic of Chichikov helps it is better to understand this image. The main character is given to Gogol to the world of thick, tight and reliably sitting in their places. Confirming the appearance of the one who seems to see him, so the author prepares his exposition, the disclosure of the truth about him.

The first successful transactions

Transaction with Manilov - the first success. She strengthens the confidence of Pavel Ivanovich in the safety and ease of their planted scam. The hero was painted first success in a hurry to make new transactions. Chichikov occurs on the way to the companion with a box that showed him that the enterprise, conceived by him, requires caution and subtleties, and not only persistence. This lesson, nevertheless, did not go Trick Chichiku. He is in a hurry to the dog, but suddenly meets Nozdrev and decides to go to him.

Chichikov Nozdrev

Among the main properties of Nozdrev, almost the main thing was the passion "ignite to your neighbor", sometimes without any reason. And Paul Ivanovich comes across unwittingly on this fishing rod. Nozdrev reveals in the end the true purpose of the acquisition of chikchikov "dead souls". In this episode, the levity and weakness of the hero is found. Subsequently, of course, Chichots scolded themselves for what did carelessly arrived, spoke on such a delicate case with the nostril. As we see, purposefulness and perseverance in cases where they come too far, turning around the disadvantage.

Purchase "Dead Souls" from Sobesevich

Chichiki finally arrives at the Sobevich. An interesting feature of Chichikova with other characters. All of them have different characters, and everyone is in their own way to the main hero. Sobesevich is a persistent and dodgy man when it comes to his benefits. He guesses, most likely, for which the "dead souls" is needed. Sobesevich is godlessly traded, besides, he also praises his dead peasants. He says that Eremee Sorokoplechin, who traded in Moscow, brought 500 rubles of one lifting. This is not the fact that the peasants of some plush.

Comparative characteristic Chichikova and Plushin

Compare two of these characters. The comparative characteristic of Chichikov and Plushkin is very curious. After all, Pavel Ivanovich was a serum nobleman, and Plushkin - landlord. These are the two classes on which the Tsarist Russia of the time held. Meanwhile, the lack of understanding of the need for daily labor, the inability to engage in any kind of useful affairs of these heroes, leads them to a deplorable result. The characteristic of Chichikova and Plushin is very unsightbed. And this is the support of the state, the "tables of society"! Curious connections helps to detect the comparative characteristic of Chichikov ...

Transaction with plush

The enterprise conceived by chikchikov ends with a plush deal. This landowner from the live turnover is even the money. He laid them into one of the boxes, where they probably destroyed them before his death. Chichiki is now at the height. All papers are signed, and it turns into the eyes of the townships in the "Millioner". This is a magical word that opens all the roads and affects both the scoundrels and good people.

Real Biography Chichikova

Soon, however, Triumph Chichikova is completed by the exposure of the Nozder, who told the authorities that he trades dead souls. Boyatitsa and stir begin in the city, as in the consciousness of the reader. The author ran the genuine biography of his hero for the final of the work, which finally gives the full and true characteristic of Chichikov in the poem "Dead Souls". At all of its length, Pavel Ivanovich seemed virtuous and decent, but under this larch hid, as it turned out, completely different essence. Chichikov's characteristic in the poem "Dead Souls", given by the author in the final, as follows.

It turned out that this is the son of one midnight nobleman, who didn't even resemble her mother or her father. As a child, he had no friends nor comrades. And here the father decided to give the child to the urban school. During parting with him, there was no tears, but one smart and important instruction was given to Chichchiku: to learn, do not fool, do not hang, please bonds and teachers, take care of a penny most, since this thing is the most reliable in the world.

With all his heart, he accepted an unhone and lonely Pavlusha is instructed and guided by him all his life. He quickly comprehended in the grades of the school of the authorities and understood how "the right" behavior should be. Chichotes in the lessons sat quietly and as a result, without possessing special talents and abilities, received a certificate when issuing a certificate, as well as a special book for volatory behavior and approximate adjacent. Pavlusha dipped at the end of the school in reality: his father died, he died in the inheritance to him only 4 players, irrevocably imparted, 2 old Sultuka and a small amount of money.

At the same time, which is noteworthy, another event is happening, which reveals the true qualities of Chichikov, the future of Scherist. So loved by a humble student, the teacher was dismissed from the School. He disappeared in a forgotten cone without a piece of bread. Former arrogant and recurrent disciples gathered money for him, and only Paul Ivanovich limited himself to Pyatak, while referring to his extreme need.

Funds with the help of which chicters promoted by service

Chichiki, it should be noted, there was no stingy. However, his future life with prosperity and in all contentment: a well-established house, crews, delicious lunches and expensive entertainment. Pavel Ivanovich for the sake of this agreed to starve and selflessly do the service. He understood soon that the desired he did not bring honest labor. And the chisters begins, looking for new opportunities to improve their position, care for the daughter of his boss. When he gets, finally, enhanced by service, he completely forgets about this family. Scams, bribes - here is the path for which Pavlusha went. He seeks gradually some visible well-being. But the military, strict person, to whom he could not undergo in the trust of chikchiki, are prescribed. And he is forced to look for other ways to arrange their well-being.

How Pavel Ivanovich "suffered in the service"

The main hero of the poem goes to another city. Here he becomes a happy chance by a customs official and begins to lead the "commercial" relationship with smugglers. This criminal conspiracy was disclosed after a while, and all those responsible for him, including Chichikov, were given to the trial. This is how in reality Paul Ivanovich "suffered in service." Chichikov, taking care of her offspring, decides to make another scaffold, which he describes in detail Gogol in the "Dead Souls" poem.

Chichikov - the hero of our time

So, Chichikov, who was delivered to face to face with the familiar, traditional order of things, contributes to its actions to destroy the existing order. He lays the foundation of a new one. Therefore, it can be said in this sense that in full right is the hero of our chicter time.

The characteristic of the hero of the work of the "Dead Souls" (Chichikov) was presented in this article. Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol wrote the poem that interests us in 1842. In it, he managed to be talented and eloquently depict the fear of the fortress building that existed at the time, terrifying his consequences for all Russian society. Not just individual people degenerate - the people and the whole state are destroyed with it. It can be said with confidence that the anti-refresh works of Nikolai Vasilyevich played a certain role in the abolition of cancellation in our country

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We often say that not in money happiness, but at the same time we always note that a person with money is in a more profitable position, can afford more poor man. Many artworks on the topic of weddings with an unloved, but rich or arising inequity associated with bribers bring to another famous phrase: the money rule the world. Probably, that is why, a person with a small capital often seeks to improve his financial situation at any cost. Not always these methods and ways are legitimate, they often contradict the principles of morality. About one of these actions tells N.Gogol in the poem "Dead Souls".

Who is chicchik and why he comes to the city n

The protagonist of the narration retired official Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. He is "not a handsome man, but not bad outside, nor too thick, nor too thin; It is impossible to say old, however, and not so that too young. " He considers himself a man of pleasant outdoor, he especially liked his face "who loved sincer and in which, as it seems, I found the attractive chin, for it was very often praised by someone from the buddies."

This person travels in the villages of Russia, but his goal is by no means so noble, as at first glance it thinks. Pavel Ivanovich buys "dead souls" that is, documents for the right to own people who died, but have not yet been listed in the lists of the dead. The peasant census was held every few years, so these the most "dead souls" hung and documented alive. They represented a lot of trouble and waste, as they needed to make payments until the next census (revisor fairy tales).

The proposal of Chichikov about selling these people for landlords is more than tempting. Many find the subject of purchase very strange, it sounds suspiciously, but the desire to get rid of the "dead souls" takes its own - one at one landowner agreed on sale (the exception was only nozzles). But why do you need chikchiku "Dead Souls"? He himself speaks about it like this: "Yes, I bring all these, who have died out, have not yet served new audit fairy tales, acquire them, put them, thousands, yes, put it, the guardian council will give two hundred rubles to the soul: these are two hundred thousand capital " In other words, Pavel Ivanovich plans to resell his "dead souls" by issuing them for living people. Of course, it is impossible to sell fortress without land, but he finds a way out here - buying land in a remote place, "for a penny". Naturally, such a plan is dictated by not good living conditions and financial position, but, no matter how cool, it is a dishonest act.

The meaning of the name

On etymology of the name Paul Ivanovich, it is difficult to judge unequivocally. It is not as prosaic as the names of other poem characters, but the very fact that the names of other characters are their characteristic (pay attention to moral or physical flaws) pushes to the idea that Chikchikov should have a similar situation.

And so, it is likely that this surname happened from the word "Chichik". In the Western Ukrainian dialects so called a singer bird of small sizes. N. Gogol was associated with Ukraine, so it can be assumed that he had in mind that this value of the word - chikchiki, like a bird, sings all beautiful songs. There are no other dictionaries recorded values. The author himself does not explain by anywhere why the choice fell on this word and what he wanted to say, awarding Paul Ivanovich that surname. Therefore, this information should be taken at the level of the hypothesis, argue that this is an absolutely correct explanation is impossible in view of a small amount of information on this matter.

Personality and nature

Arriving to the city N, Pavel Ivanovich meets local landowners, governor. He makes a good impression on them. Such a principle of trusting relationships contributed to the further purchase of Chichikov - they talked about him as a person of high morals and excellent education - such a person cannot be a sinister and a deceiver. But, as it turned out, it was just a tactical move, allowing de little to deceive landowners.

The first thing surprises in chikchikov is his attitude to hygiene. For many of his new acquaintances, it became a sign of a person from the highest society. Pavel Ivanovich "Waking up in the morning very early, washing out, wasting up the wet wet with a sponge, which was done only on Sundays." He "Extremely Long Ter Soap Both Cheeks", when washed, "twisted two hairs out of the nose." As a result, others decided that "there was such attentiveness to the toilet, which is not even everywhere."

Chichikov - Supply. "In conversations with the Siemers, he was very skillfully able to flatter everyone." At the same time, he tried nothing concrete about himself, to do with common phrases, those present thinking that he was doing because of modesty.

In addition, the phrases "He is not a meaningful worm of this world and is not worthy that a lot of things care about it, which experienced a lot on the ages, has undergone in the service for the truth, had many enemies who even took himself to life, and that now, wishing Calm down, looking for a choice finally for a residence "caused a certain feeling of pity for chikchiku.

Soon, all new acquaintances began to surrender about it, they tried to please "such a pleasant, educated guest."

Manilov, characterizing, Chichikova argued that "he is ready to vouch, as for himself, that he would donate to all his estate, to have a hundredth share of the qualities of Pavel Ivanovich."

"The governor has explained himself that he is a well-intended person; The prosecutor is that he is a good person; The gendarme colonel said he is a scientist man; Chairman of the Chamber - that he is also a venerable person; Polumaster - that he is a venerable and kind person; The police officer's wife is that he is a kind and craped person. "

As you can see, to enter the trust of the landowners and the governor Paul Ivanovich managed well.

He managed to observe a thin line and not to overtake the stick with the flattery and praise towards the landowners - his lies and the fohymism were sweet, but not so much so that the lie rushed into the eyes. Pavel Ivanovich knows how to not only sue himself in society, but also has the talent to convince people. Not all landowners without question have agreed to say goodbye to their "dead souls." Many, such as a box, very doubted the legality of such a sale. Pavlu Ivanovich managed to achieve his own and convince that there is nothing unusual for such sale.

It should be noted that chikhiki has developed intellectual abilities. This manifests itself not only when a plan for enriching the "dead souls", but also in the manner of conducting conversation - he knows how to support the conversation at the proper level, without having a sufficient margin in one way to look smart in the eyes of others is unreal and no flattery and sophistication It is not able to save the situation.

In addition, it is very friendly with arithmetic and knows how to quickly hold mathematical actions in the mind: "Seventy-eight, seventy-eight, on thirty kopecks for the soul, it will be ... - Here, our hero is our one second, no more, thought and said suddenly: - It will be twenty-four rubles ninety-six kopecks. "

Pavel Ivanovich knows how to adapt to new conditions: "He felt that the word" virtue "and the" rare properties of the soul "can be successfully replaced by the words" savings "and" order ", although it does not always quickly understand what to say:" A few minutes stood Plushkin, not to say a word, and Chichiki still could not start talking, entertained as a kind of master himself, and all of what was in his room. "

To acquire serfs, Pavel Ivanovich feels awkwardness and anxiety, but this is not the flour of conscience - he wants to quickly end the case and is afraid that something can go wrong "after all the thought came: that the souls are not quite real and that in such cases Such burden always need to quickly with the shoulders. "

However, his deception was revealed - chischiki turns into an instant from the subject of worship and the desired guest in the subject of ridicule and rumors, he is not allowed to the house of the governor. "Yes, you are alone alone, and it is not ordinous to let, others can be" - he says to the Swiss.

The rest also do not be happy to see him - they rejoicing something wrongful. This leads Chichikov to confusion - he cannot understand what happened. Rumors about his aphera reach Chichikov himself. As a result, he leaving the ravoisi. In the last chapter, we learn that Paul Ivanovich of more unfinished origin, his parents tried to provide him with a better life, so, by sending him to an independent life, they gave him such advice who would have thought of parents would allow to take a good place in life: " Pavlusha, learn ... Most of all please teachers and bosses. With comrades, they are not good, they will not teach you good; And if it went to that, so dwelling with those who are treated so that with the case they could be useful to you. Do not treat anyone and do not sweep anyone, but behave better so that you treat you, and most of all take care and copy a penny ... You will do everything and everyone will knock on the light of a penny. "

Thus, Pavel Ivanovich, guided by the Council of his parents, lived so that nowhere to spend money and save money, but, to earn an honest way, a significant capital turned out to be unreal, even with strict savings and acquaintance with the rich. The plan for the purchase of "dead souls" was supposed to provide Chichikov as a state and money, but in practice everything turned out not so. The stamp of a furist and dishonest person firmly stuck to it. Hero himself was removed by the hero of the lesson of their established situation - the question is rhetorical, it is likely that the second volume would have to open the secret, but, unfortunately, Nikolai Vasilyevich destroyed him, so the reader can only guess what happened next and whether to blame Chichikov for Such an act or need to mitigate his guilt, referring to the principles that society subordinate to.

The image of Chichikova Pavel Ivanovich is, perhaps, the most successful of Gogol cartoons. The history of the life of only this character who plays a major role in the "Dead Souls" poem, disclosed by the author in very detailed. To make such a artistic and comprehensive studies of the writer forced the novelty of the character for which he took.

Many features of the landowners of this afraid combines Pavel Ivanovich Hero would not be complete without a description in the eleventh chapter of the conditions in which his formation took place.

Inheritance from the impoverish nobleman, Pavel Ivanovich got a little copper and the instruction is well learned and all causing everyone, and money to protect and save. The absence in the will of high words about the debt, he perceived literally. Yes, and life itself soon confirmed that these concepts did not lead to anything (in his understanding). In the School of Knowledge, the behavior, respect of Pavlushi, caused only approval and praise from teachers who put a boy in an example of other students. By enrolling after studying the state chamber, he continues to please his boss, to have the sign of his daughter's attention. The same behavior is characteristic of it in any atmosphere. Chichiki quickly comprehended: To enjoy a person, you need to talk with him about his interests, about topics close to him. Such behavior helps him in any society to remain their own man. Gradually, Pavel Ivanovich dries still a living soul, tries not to hear a quiet voice of conscience, it is building his happiness on someone else's misfortune. And all this for their own benefit. The guns that skillfully and actively allow chikchiki is framing and deception, theft of treasury, insult, bribery. Permanent accumulation, the acquisition becomes the meaning of life for the main character. And at the same time, money for Chichikov is not needed for themselves. They serve as a means of achieving good, prosperous life for his family. The image of Chichikova is sharply different from other characters by the purposefulness and power of character. He is achieved by any ways, showing an extraordinary pricing, resourcefulness, perseverance.

Chichots in the "Dead Soul" poem are not similar to all and their activity, activities, enterprise. He is not peculiar to the vitation in the clouds of Manilov and naivety boxes. It can not be compared with the coupling plush, but also the careless wasting of the nostril is also not for him. The enterprise of this hero is far from the business attitude of the Sobevich. All these qualities indicate the obvious superiority of Pavel Ivanovich over other poems characters.

The image of Chichikova is incredibly multifaceted. People like him are very difficult to immediately unravel, understand that they really represent themselves. Chichiki managed to like most residents of the city as soon as it appeared. He managed to present himself as a man of secular, developed and decent. During the conversation, he finds an individual key to everyone, in whom interested. Its showing good friendlyness is only a tool to use the high location of the necessary people. Nothing is worth it for Chichikov to reincarnate, change the manner of behavior and at the same time not to forget about your own purposes. Its ability to adapt to each is simply amazing. When Pavel Ivanovich trades with Manilov, it shows delicacy, sensitivity and warning. But with a box, on the contrary, behaves assertively, roughly, impatiently. He understands that Plushkin is very easy to persuade, with the Sobehevich, it is necessary to talk to Dobulito. The energy of the main hero of tirelessness, but it is directed to low actions.

The image of Chichikova is an example of a trigger and an entrepreneur, a new type of man, whom Gogol determined with a pioneer, nasty, "dead soul".

The creation of the poem "Dead Souls" accounted for the period when the change of traditional, obsolete owners of society took place in Russia, the reforms were brewing, change in people's thinking. Already then it was clear that the nobility with his old traditions and gazes on life would slowly die out, he should have replaced a new type of man. Gogol's goal - to describe the hero of his time, declare him in full voice, describe it positive and explain what his activities will lead to, and as it will affect the fate of other people.

Central Character Poem

Nikolai Vasilyevich Chichikova in the poem made a central character, it cannot be called the main character, but it is on it that the plot of the poems is held. Travel Pavel Ivanovich is a frame for all the work. No wonder the author placed the biography of the hero at the very end, the reader is not interested in chikchik himself, he is curious his actions, why he collects these dead souls and what it will lead to the end. Gogol is not even trying to uncover the character of the character, but he introduces the peculiarities of his thinking, thus giving a hint where to look for the essence of this act Chichikov. Childhood - that's where the roots go, even at a gentle age, the hero has formed its own worldview, the vision of the situation and search for ways to solve problems.

Description Chichikova

Childhood and young years of Pavel Ivanovich are unknown to the reader at the beginning of the poem. Gogol portrayed his character faceless and greasy: against the background of bright, colorful images of landowners with their quietly, Chichikov's figure is lost, becomes small and insignificant. He has neither his face nor the right to vote, the hero resembles chameleon, skillfully adjusting to his interlocutor. This is an excellent actor and psychologist, he knows how to behave in a particular situation, instantly determines the character of a person and does everything to arrange him to himself, he only says what they want to hear from him. Chichikov skillfully plays a role, pretending to hide the true feelings, trying to be their among strangers, but all this he does for the achievement of the main goal - his own well-being.

Childhood of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikova

The worldview of a person is formed still at a young age, so many of his actions in adulthood can be explained by having studied by biography. What was guided, why gathered dead souls, which I wanted to achieve it - all these questions are responsible for the childhood of the hero can not be called happy, he was constantly pursuing boredom and loneliness. Neither friends nor entertainment knew Pavlusha in the young years, he made a monotonous, tedious and completely uninteresting work, heard the reproaches of the sick father. The author did not even hinted about maternal affairs. From this you can make one conclusion - Pavel Ivanovich wanted to catch the missed, to get all those benefits that were unavailable in childhood.

But do not think that Chichots are a soulless tear thinking only about his enrichment. He was a good, active and sensitive child, who deliberately perceiving the world around. The fact that he often ran away from the nanny in order to investigate the places unprecedented earlier, indicates the curiousness of Chichikov. Childhood has formed his character, taught to seek everything on its own. Father taught Pavel Ivanovich to save money and please head chiefs and rich people, and he embodied these instructions.

Chichikov's childhood and study were gray and uninteresting, he tried in every way to get out of people. At first he pleased the teacher to become a favorite student, then promised to marry his daughter to get an increase, working at customs, convinces everyone in his honesty and unnecessary, and he himself puts a huge state in smuggling himself. But all this Pavel Ivanovich does not with evil intent, but with the sole purpose - to realize the children's dream of a large and bright house, a caring and loving wife, a bunch of merry children.

Communication Chichikova with landowners

Pavel Ivanovich to everyone could find an approach, from the first minutes of communication to understand what a person represents. For example, he didn't have a ceremony with a box, he was talking to a patriarchal-pious and even slightly patronized tone. With the landlord of Chichikov felt relaxed, used the spurant, coarse expressions, fully adjusted to the woman. With Manilov Pavel Ivanovich is highly pollen and kind to township. He flashes the landowner, in speech, flowery phrases use. Rebuilding the proposed treats, even Pushkina pleased the chichiki. "Dead Souls" very well demonstrate a changeable nature of man, because Pavel Ivanovich adapted to the bushes of almost all landowners.

What does chisters look in the eyes of other people?

The activities of Pavel Ivanovich very much frightened urban officials and landowners. At first they compared him with a romantic robber Rinald Rinaldin, then began to look for a similarity with Napoleon, thinking that he had escaped from the island of Elena. In the end, in Chichikov, a real antichrist was recognized. Of course, such comparisons are absurd and even somewhat comical, Gogol with irony describes the fright of the non-evil subsidizers, their speculation about what is actually collecting the dead souls. The characteristic of the character hints that the characters are no longer the ones before. The people could be proud of, take an example from the great commander and defenders, and now there are no such people, mercenary chikchiki came to replace them.

Present "I" character

It would be possible to think that Pavel Ivanovich is a wonderful psychologist and actor, since he easily adjusts to the people you need, instantly guess their character, but is it really? The hero was never able to adapt to Nozdreva, because the uncerence, arrogance, the familiarity of him alien. But here he is trying to adapt, because the landowner is incredibly rich, hence the appeal to "you", the Khamsky tone of Chikchikova. Childhood taught Pavlusha to please the necessary people, so he is ready to cross over himself, forget about his principles.

At the same time, Pavel Ivanovich is practically prevented with Sobel, because they are united by the service "Kopeyk". And with Plushin, has some similarity of chikchik. The character ripped off the poster post, after reading her at home, folded neatly and put in a lark, in which all sorts of unnecessary things were stored. Such behavior is very much reminiscent of Plushin, inclined to the accumulation of different trash. That is, Pavel Ivanovich himself was not so far away from the same landowners.

The main goal in the life of the hero

And once again the money - it was for this that he collected the dead souls. The characteristic of the character indicates that it invents various frauds is not just for the sake of profit, there are no stubborn and disturbance. Pavel Ivanovich dreams that the time will come when he can finally take advantage of its savings, heal a calm, secured life without thinking about tomorrow.

Author's ratio to hero

There is an assumption that in the following volumes Gogol planned to re-educate Chichikov, make him reassure in his actions. Pavel Ivanovich in the poem is not opposed to landowners or officials, he is a hero of the capitalist formation, the "initial", which came to change the nobility. Chichiki is a skillful dealer, an entrepreneur who will not stop in order to achieve his goals. A scam with dead souls failed, but because the punishment did not carry Pavel Ivanovich. The author hints that there is a huge number of such chikchiki in the country, and no one wants to stop them.