Bazarov in Russian literature. Bazarov's attitude to love and romance

Bazarov in Russian literature.  Bazarov's attitude to love and romance
Bazarov in Russian literature. Bazarov's attitude to love and romance

Bazarov Personality Traits.
Roman I.S. Turgenev reflected the struggle of two socio-political
camps that developed in Russia by the 60s of the XIX century. I.S.Turgenev
reflected in the novel a typical conflict of the era and put a number of topical
problems, in particular, the question of the nature and role of the "new man",
leader during the revolutionary situation in Europe in the 60s.
Evgeny Bazarov became the spokesman for the ideas of revolutionary democracy,
a hero who is opposed in the novel to the liberal nobility.
The image of Bazarov is central to the composition of the novel. From
28 chapters only in two Bazarov does not appear, in the rest - he is the main thing
actor. All the main faces of the novel are grouped around
him, are revealed in a relationship with him, sharper and brighter shade
certain features of his personality, emphasize his superiority, mind,
mental strength, testify to his loneliness among the county
aristocrats. Recall that the hero of the era of the 60s was a commoner
democrat, staunch opponent of the noble-serf system,
a materialist in outlook who has gone through the school of labor and hardship,
self-minded and independent. This is exactly what Bazarov is in
image of the author.
The plot of the novel is based on Bazarov's collision with the world
aristocrats. Turgenev immediately shows that Bazarov is a democrat,
commoner, a man of labor - alien to aristocratic etiquette and
conventions. In a collision with the "damned barchuk" his appearance
fully disclosed. The novel widely uses the technique
contrast: Bazarov is opposed to Pavel Petrovich, aristocracy
one - to the democracy of the other. Consistency, conviction,
the will and determination of Bazarov contrast with the duality
Arcadia, with his casual convictions, softness and lack of
conscious purpose.
It was in a collision with various characters,
opposed to it, remarkable features are revealed
Bazarova: in disputes with Pavel Petrovich - maturity of mind, depth
judgments and irreconcilable hatred of lordship and slavery; in
relationship with Arkady - the ability to attract
side of youth, be a teacher, educator, honesty and
irreconcilability in friendship; in relation to Madame Odintsova - skill deeply
and truly love, integrity of nature, willpower and feeling
self-esteem. The main place in the composition of the novel
occupy the scenes of controversy. Turgenev's heroes reveal their
worldview in direct statements, in collisions with their
ideological opponents. Bazarov is an independent person, not
bowing to no authority, but subjecting everything to judgment
thoughts. Typical of the sixties and Bazarov's interest in
natural sciences, although neither a career as a scientist nor a career as a doctor
would become his lot.
Turgenev takes his hero through a series of tests (and this is generally
typical of Turgenev's novels). He tests Bazarov first
love, then death. Turgenev, as it were from the sidelines, is watching
how his character behaves in these situations. And if love for
Odintsova, a smart, proud, strong woman, to match herself
Bazarov, defeats the principles of nihilism (after all, Bazarov called
love "rubbish", contemptuous of the ideal,
romantic feelings, recognized love only physiological:
"You like a woman, so take her!" Himself, having fallen in love, suddenly
felt the romance in himself), then in the death scene
Bazarov is faithful to his ideals to the end, he is not broken, he looks proudly
death in the eye. Many critics consider this scene to be the strongest
lively and touching. Because this is where it reveals itself
"sinful, rebellious heart" to the end.
The death of Bazarov is justified in its own way. As in love it was impossible
bring Bazarov to the "silence of bliss", and in his supposed
in fact, he had to remain at the level of not yet implemented,
nurtured and therefore boundless aspirations. Bazarov should
was to die to remain Bazarov.
No matter how many critical articles about the hero of "Fathers and
children ", and no matter how the image of Bazarov is interpreted, he best said about
his "favorite brainchild" the author himself: "I wanted to make of him
a tragic face ... I dreamed of a gloomy, wild, large figure,
half-grown from the soil, strong, vicious, honest - and yet
doomed to perish, because she still stands still in
the threshold of the future ".

The greatest creation of the master of psychology I.S. Turgenev. He created his novel at a turning point, when the progressive people of society were interested in the future of Russia, and the writers were interested in the search for a hero of the time. Bazarov (the characterization of this character clearly demonstrates what the most developed youth of that time was) is the central character of the novel, all the threads of the narrative are reduced to him. It is he who bright representative new generation. Who is he?

General characteristics (appearance, occupation)

As a writer-psychologist, Turgenev thought through everything to the smallest detail. One of the ways to characterize the character is the appearance of the hero. At Bazarov's high forehead, which is a sign of intelligence, narrow lips, speaking of arrogance and arrogance. However, the hero's clothes play a big role. First, it shows that Bazarov is a representative of common democrats (the younger generation, opposed to the older generation of the 40s liberal aristocrats). He is wearing a long black hoodie with tassels. He is wearing loose trousers of coarse fabric and a simple shirt - this is how Bazarov is dressed. The image turned out to be more than speaking. He does not pursue fashion trends, moreover, he despises the elegance of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose appearance is completely opposite. Simplicity in dress is one of the principles of nihilists, whose position the hero took, so he feels closer to common people... As the novel shows, the hero really manages to get close to ordinary Russian people. Bazarov is loved by the peasants; the yard children follow on his heels. By occupation, Bazarov (characterization of the hero in terms of profession) is a doctor. And who else could he be? After all, all his judgments are based on German materialism, where man is viewed only as a system in which his physical and physiological laws operate.

Bazarov's nihilism

Bazarov, whose character is undoubtedly one of the brightest in the literature of the 19th century, adhered to one of the most popular teachings of that time - nihilism, which means "nothing" in Latin. The hero does not recognize any authorities, does not bow to any life principles... The main thing for him is science and knowledge of the world by experience.

External conflict in the novel

As noted above, Turgenev's novel is multifaceted; two levels of conflict can be distinguished in it: external and internal. At the external level, the conflict is represented by the disputes between Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Yevgeny Bazarov.

Disputes with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov concern different sides human life... The most irreconcilable Bazarov is in relation to art, especially poetry. He sees in her only an empty and unnecessary romanticism. The second thing the heroes are talking about is nature. For people like Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich, nature is temple of god, in which a person is resting, they admire her beauty. Bazarov (the character's quotes confirm this) is categorically against such chanting, he believes that nature is "a workshop, and a person is a worker in it." In a conflict with Pavel Petrovich, the hero often shows himself rather rudely. He speaks inappropriately about him in the presence of his nephew, Arkady Kirsanov. All this shows Bazarov not from the very better side... It is for such an image of the hero that Turgenev will subsequently suffer. Bazarov, whose characteristic in many critical articles affects not in favor of Turgenev, turned out to be undeservedly reviled by the author, some even believe that Turgenev slanders the entire young generation, undeservedly accusing him of all sins. However, do not forget that older generation is also not at all praised in the text.

Relationship with parents

Bazarov's nihilism manifests itself vividly at all moments of his life. Parents who have not seen their son for a long time are eagerly awaiting him. But they are a little shy about their serious and educated child. The mother pours out her feelings, and the father embarrassedly apologizes for such intemperance. Bazarov himself seeks to leave as soon as possible parental home, apparently, because he is afraid to suddenly show warm feelings. According to German materialism, a person cannot have any emotional attachments. On his second visit, Evgeny also asks his parents not to interfere with him, not to bother him with their care.

Internal conflict

The internal conflict in the novel is obvious. It lies in the fact that the hero begins to doubt his theory, he is dissuaded from it, but cannot accept it. The first doubts about nihilism arise in Bazarov when he meets Sitnikov and Kukshina. These people call themselves nihilists, but they are too small and insignificant.

Love line in a novel

The hero's test of love is a classic for the genre of the novel, and the novel "Fathers and Sons" was no exception. Bazarov, an inveterate nihilist who denies any romantic feelings, falls in love with the young widow Odintsov. She conquers him at first sight when he sees her at the ball. She differs from other women in beauty, majesty, her gait is graceful, every movement is royally graceful. But its most important feature is intelligence and prudence. Prudence will prevent her from staying with Bazarov. At first, their relationship seems friendly, but the reader immediately realizes that a spark of love flashed between them. However, none of them is able to overstep their principles. Evgeny Bazarov's confession looks ridiculous, because at the moment of revelation his eyes are more full of anger than love. Bazarov is a complex and contradictory image. What makes him angry? Of course, the fact that his theory collapsed. Man is and has always been a being with a living heart, in which the strongest feelings glimmer. He, who denies love and romance, obeys a woman. Bazarov's ideas collapsed, they are refuted by life itself.


Arkady Kirsanov is one of Bazarov's most loyal supporters. However, it is immediately noticeable how different they are. In Arcadia, as in his family, there is too much romanticism. He wants to enjoy nature, he wants to start a family. Surprisingly, Bazarov, whose quotes about Pavel Petrovich are harsh and unfriendly, does not despise him for this. He guides him on his path, realizing at the same time that Arkady will never be a true nihilist. At the moment of a quarrel, he insults Kirsanov, but his words are rather rash than angry. A remarkable mind, strength of character, will, calmness and self-control - these are the qualities that Bazarov possesses. The characteristic of Arkady looks weaker against his background, because he is not like that outstanding personality... But Arkady in the finale of the novel remains a happy family man, and Eugene dies. Why is that?

The meaning of the ending of the novel

Many critics reproached Turgenev for "killing" his hero. The ending of the novel is very symbolic. For such heroes as Bazarov, the time has not come, and the author believes that it will never come at all. After all, humanity holds on only because it contains love, kindness, respect for the traditions of ancestors, culture. Bazarov is too categorical in his assessments, he does not take half measures, and his sayings sound blasphemous. He encroaches on the most valuable things - nature, faith and feelings. As a result, his theory crashes on the rocks of the natural order of life. He falls in love, cannot be happy only because of his convictions, and in the end he dies altogether.

The epilogue of the novel emphasizes that Bazarov's ideas were unnatural. Parents visit their son's grave. He found peace in the midst of a beautiful and eternal nature... In an emphatically romantic vein, Turgenev portrays a cemetery landscape, once again carrying out the idea that Bazarov was wrong. "Workshop" (as Bazarov called it) continues to bloom, live and delight everyone with its beauty, but the hero is gone.

The events that are described in the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" on the eve of the peasant reform. The progressive public was divided into liberals and revolutionary democrats. Some welcomed the reform, while others were against such a reform.

Evgeny Bazarov appears in the center of the novel. And Turgenev's novel begins with Bazarov's arrival at the Kirsanovs' estate. Bazarov was the son of a doctor, he also went through a harsh school, then studied at the university for pennies, was fond of different sciences, knew botany, agricultural technology, geology well, never refuses medical care people, in general, he is proud of himself. But he aroused rejection and interest in people with his appearance: high growth, old cloak, long hair... The author also emphasized his intelligence, pointing to the skull and face, expressing self-confidence. But the Kirsanovs were the best of the nobles. Bazarov's views evoke different feelings in them.

The characterization of Bazarov in the novel "Fathers and Sons" sounds in one word: he is a nihilist, he vividly defends his position of denying everything. He speaks badly about art. Nature is not an object of admiration for the hero, she is not a temple for him, but a workshop, and a person is a worker in it. And Bazarov calls love an unnecessary feeling. Bazarov's views are not typical of representatives of the radical nobility.

The author leads his hero through many trials, as well as through trials of love. When he had a meeting with Madame Odintsova, Bazarov was sure that there was no love, and would not be at all. He looks at women indifferently. Anna Sergeevna for him is only a representative of one of the categories of mammals. He said that her rich body was worthy of the theater, but he did not think about her as a person. Then, unexpectedly for him, a feeling flares up, which brings him into a state of absent-mindedness. The longer he was visiting Madame Odintsova, the closer he gets to her, the more he becomes attached to her.

A person who strongly believed in his theory of nihilism, accepting it 100%, breaks down at the first real life situation. True love overtakes the hero of the novel Bazarov and he does not know what to do and how to do it right. He does not lose pride because of an unrequited feeling, he just steps aside.
Bazarov's attitude to others is different. He tries to captivate Arcadia with his theory. He hates Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, and considers Nikolai Petrovich a kind, but already obsolete man. Inside him, a feeling of internal confrontation with himself grows. Trying to build his life on the basis of nihilism, he cannot subordinate it to all these dry canons.

Denying the existence of honor, he, at the same time, accepts the challenge to a duel, as he considers it right. Despising the principle of nobility, he behaves in a noble manner, which Pavel Kirsanov himself admits. Actions requiring a certain analysis of Bazarov are frightening and he does not always understand how to act.
As Bazarov does not try, he fails to hide his tender feelings for his parents. This is especially evident when Bazarov's death is approaching. Saying goodbye to Madame Odintsova, he asks not to forget the old people. The realization that the bazaars are a nihilist, but he believes in the existence of love, is painful and painful for him.

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    Evgeny Bazarov ... Wikipedia

    Character of the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". He is an adherent of the course of nihilism, that is, he denies practically all values ​​accepted in society. Contents 1 Life history 2 Period in the history of Russia 3 See also ... Wikipedia

    The hero of the novel "Fathers and Sons" by IS Turgenev (1862). Evgeny Bazarov in many ways software image Turgenev. This is a representative of a new, differently democratic intelligentsia. B. calls himself a nihilist: he denies the foundations of his contemporary ... ... Literary heroes

    Evgeniy man's name... Carriers known by the name of Pope Eugene I Pope in 654 657. Eugene II Pope in 824 827. Eugene III Pope in 1145 1153. Eugene IV Pope in 1431 1447 ... Wikipedia

    Russian (from the word "bazaar") and Buryat (from the Buryat bazaar vajra) surname. Notable carriers Men Bazarov, Alexander Ivanovich (1845 1907) Russian chemist. Bazarov, Boris Vandanovich Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Bazarov, Boris Yakovlevich (1893 1939) ... ... Wikipedia

    1782 - June 27, 1858 Portrait of E.A. Golovin in the workshop of George Doe. Military Gallery of the Winter Palace, State Hermitage (Saint Petersburg) Affiliation ... Wikipedia

    See also Son of a Retired Physician's Staff, Medical Student Preparing for the Doctor's Exam. B. was tall, with a courageous voice, with a firm and impetuous gait. His long and thin face, with a wide forehead, flat upwards, downwards ... ... Dictionary literary types

    Bazarov, Evgeny Vasilievich ("Fathers and Sons")- See also, Evgeny Vasilievich (Dictionary of literary types). T. himself, in a letter to Sluchevsky, believed that B. all the same suppresses all the other faces of the novel (Katkov found that I presented the apotheosis of the Contemporary in it). The qualities given to him are not ... ... Dictionary of literary types

    Bazarov, Vasily Ivanovich "Fathers and Sons")- See also Retired headquarters doctor, 62 years old. A tall, thin man with tousled hair and a thin aquiline nose. He looked very much like his son, only his forehead was lower and narrower and his mouth a little wider, and he was constantly moving ... Dictionary of literary types

    - ... Wikipedia


  • About t tsy and de t and, Andreeva N. .. Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov graduated from the medical institute. There are bright prospects, hopes, plans ahead. And it should be noted that significant event loud party in a nightclub! ...
  • About t tsy and de t and, Natalya Andreeva. Evgeny Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov graduated from the Medical Institute. There are bright prospects, hopes, plans ahead. And this significant event should be celebrated with a loud revelry in a nightclub! ...

The events that are described in the novel by I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons" on the eve of the peasant reform. The progressive public was divided into liberals and revolutionary democrats. Some welcomed the reform, while others were against such a reform.

Evgeny Bazarov appears in the center of the novel. And Turgenev's novel begins with Bazarov's arrival at the Kirsanovs' estate. Bazarov was the son of a doctor, he also went through a harsh school, then studied at the university for a pittance, was fond of various sciences, knew botany, agricultural technology, geology well, never refused medical assistance to people, in general, he was proud of himself. But he caused rejection and interest in people with his appearance: tall, old cloak, long hair. The author also emphasized his intelligence, pointing to the skull and face, expressing self-confidence. But the Kirsanovs were the best of the nobles. Bazarov's views evoke different feelings in them.

The characterization of Bazarov in the novel "Fathers and Sons" sounds in one word: he is a nihilist, he vividly defends his position of denying everything. He speaks badly about art. Nature is not an object of admiration for the hero, she is not a temple for him, but a workshop, and a person is a worker in it. And Bazarov calls love an unnecessary feeling. Bazarov's views are not typical of representatives of the radical nobility.

The author leads his hero through many trials, as well as through trials of love. When he had a meeting with Madame Odintsova, Bazarov was sure that there was no love, and would not be at all. He looks at women indifferently. Anna Sergeevna for him is only a representative of one of the categories of mammals. He said that her rich body was worthy of the theater, but he did not think about her as a person. Then, unexpectedly for him, a feeling flares up, which brings him into a state of absent-mindedness. The longer he was visiting Madame Odintsova, the closer he gets to her, the more he becomes attached to her.

A person who strongly believed in his theory of nihilism, accepting it 100%, breaks down at the very first real life situation. Genuine love overtakes the hero of Bazarov's novel and he does not know what to do and how to do the right thing. He does not lose pride because of an unrequited feeling, he just steps aside.
Bazarov's attitude to others is different. He tries to captivate Arcadia with his theory. He hates Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, and considers Nikolai Petrovich a kind, but already obsolete man. Inside him, a feeling of internal confrontation with himself grows. Trying to build his life on the basis of nihilism, he cannot subordinate it to all these dry canons.

Denying the existence of honor, he, at the same time, accepts the challenge to a duel, as he considers it right. Despising the principle of nobility, he behaves in a noble manner, which Pavel Kirsanov himself admits. Actions requiring a certain analysis of Bazarov are frightening and he does not always understand how to act.
As Bazarov does not try, he fails to hide his tender feelings for his parents. This is especially evident when Bazarov's death is approaching. Saying goodbye to Madame Odintsova, he asks not to forget the old people. The realization that the bazaars are a nihilist, but he believes in the existence of love, is painful and painful for him.

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