Writing Analysis of ODD Derzhadina Felitsa. Literary analysis of ODD "Felitsa"

Writing Analysis of ODD Derzhadina Felitsa. ODD literary analysis
Writing Analysis of ODD Derzhadina Felitsa. Literary analysis of ODD "Felitsa"

derzhavin Felitsa Short content !! very necessary!! Help !!

  1. Felitsa enclose the discharge of the solemn praises of the queen for the high virtues of her rule. Of the 26 ten-day Felitsa (lyrical meditation in 260 poems) 19 express such stretched and largely monotonous praises.

    In Felice after 4, the storage of the joining and the first praises of the strict life of the queen, in contrast, follow 7 stanza, containing a slightly mocking image of the free and carefree life of the most lyrical subject, one of the approximate queens, and in hints and her nobles. In these stanches, subject imagery occurs when reproducing certain moments of attributive life, it clearly prevails over meditativeness. But it is still subordinated to the overall ironic intonation of the description. And even the syntactically five stanza of such a description are related to the anaphoric repetitions of the Union or (or in the feast I am expensive, // where the holiday is given to me, // where the table is shred to Srebra and Grett, // where thousands of different dishes, or the medium groves beautiful , // in the gazebo, where the fountain is noisy, etc.). And then, developing the same contrast, the poet again appeals to the long, fastening and solemn gloss of the queen and leads them in an abstraction-meditative plan.

"Felitsa" Gabriel Derzhavin

God-like Tsarevna
Kyrgyz-Kaisatskia Horde!
Which wisdom is incompane
Opened faithful traces
Tsarevich young chlorine
Close on that high mountain
Where rose without spikes is growing,
Where virtue dwells, -
She is my spirit and mind captivates,
Feed to find her advice.

Feed, Felitsa! Mention:
How magnificent and truthfully live,
How to Take Passion Wase
And happy to be happy in the world?
My voice excites me,
I give me your son;
But they followed by me.
Mint on everyday vanity,
Today I miss it,
And tomorrow I want the slave.

Murzham yours is not imitating,
You walk the hour on foot,
And food is the simplest
Happens for your table;
Not worthwhile
You read, write before Nalo
And all of your pen
Bliss of mortal shed;
Like the cards do not play
Like me, from morning to morning.

Don't love masquerarad too
And in a knclick you do not step and the foot;
Keeping customs, rituals,
Do not commence yourself;
Konya Parnasska is not sad
To the spirits in the collected you are not entering
Do not go from the throne to the east;
But the meekness moves a path,
Charitable soul
Useful days spend current.

And I spent up to noon
I smoke tobacco and coffee drink;
Transforming on the holiday of weekdays,
Moom in chimers thought my:
I kidnapi from Persians
Then I draw arrows to the Turks;
Then compensating that I am Sultan,
Universe frightening;
Then suddenly, close to the outfit,
Jump to the tail in the caftan.

Or in the feast I am expensive
Where the holiday is given to me,
Where the table is shining with Srebra and Gratte,
Where are thousands of different dishes:
There is a glorious hammery of Westphalian,
There is the links of the Astrakhan fish,
There pilaf and pies are standing
Champagne waffle drinking;
And I forget everything in the world
Wear wines, sickness and fragrance.

Or the medium groves beautiful
In a gazebo where the fountain is noisy,
When the harp of the harp is sweet,
Where the breeze barely breathes
Where all me is luxury
Thoughtful thoughts are fortunate
Tomit and revitalizes blood;
On a velvet sofa lying
Just girl feeling no out
I pour love to her heart.

Or magnificent zugom
In kareny anglin, kilt,
With dog, jerk or friend
Or with a beautiful woman
I walk under the swings;
In the bus to drink honey I come;
Or, how it will bother me
According to my tendency to Prime,
Having a cap cap,
I am flying on the runner.

Or music and singers,
Organ and hack suddenly
Or fist fighters
And dancing having my spirit;
Or, about all matters
Leaving, I go hunting
And amusing the lament of pieces;
Or over Nevsk Brechants
I am swept at night by horns
And rowing rowes.

Ile, sitting at home, I have a row,
Playing fools with his wife;
Then with her on dull bandaga,
Then in the zhmurki we sometimes sometimes;
Then in the pike with her we say,
I will seek her in my head;
Then in books rummage I love,
My mind and heart enlighten
Polkan and Beau I read;
Bible, yawning, sleep.

That is Felitsa, I will debauchered!
But on me all the light is similar.
Who is how much wisdom nor
But every person has a lie.
Do not go light, we are ways,
Bad depravity for dreams.
Between lazy and griege,
Between vanity and vice
Found anyone unnarocked
The path of virtues are straight.

Found, - but also not mistaken
We, weak mortal, in the seas
Where he himself stumble
And must follow passions;
Where are the scientists of ignorant,
How does the Mattunov's Magnikov, TMYT Lubeshd?
Everywhere temptation and flattery lives,
Pasha all luxury inhibits.
Where is a virtue inhabit?
Where rose without spikes is growing?

You only decently
Tsarevna! Light from darkness to create;
Making chaos on the spheres is slightly
The alliance the intend to secure them;
From disagreement concerns
And from the passions of ferocious happiness
You can only create.
So the driver, through PonT floating,
Catching under the sail wind roaring,
Able to manage to manage.

One you just do not offend
Do not insult anyone,
Fools through your fingers you see
Only evil do not tolerate one;
Misconduct luxury rules
Like a wolf sheep, people do not give,
You know the price of their price.
The kings they are subject to the will, -
But God is right-good
Living in their laws.

You think you think about merit,
You pay honor, you honor
The prophet you do not nume
Who only rhymes can take
And what is the mind of fun
Califs of good honor and glory.
Consider you on lirous way:
Poetry is kind,
Pleasant, sweet, useful,
Like in summer a delicious lemonade.

Rumor goes about your actions,
That you are not a proud nimalo;
Courtesy and in business and jokes,
Pleasant in friendship and firm;
That you are indifferent in assault
And in glory so generous,
That renounced and wise to hear.
Also say it is not difficult
As if demanded permanent
You and the truth to speak.

Unheard of also the case
Worthy of you alone
That you are bolden by the people
About everything and attaching both at hand
And know and think you allow
And do not forbid about yourself
And the right and not talking;
As if the most crocodiles
Your all the vastity of Zoilam,
Always inclined to forgive.

Tears of pleasant rivers
From my soul depth.
ABOUT! Kohl happy people
There must be your destiny
Where the angel is meek, the angel peaceful,
Hidden in lightness porphyry,
From Heaven Nisposlan Skipte to wear!
There you can spite in conversations
And, execution is not afraid in dinners
For the health of the kings not to drink.

There for the name Felitsa can
In the line, write down,
Or portrait careless
Her to earth to drop.

In the ice baths, they are not fried,
Do not click on the mustache wine;
Princes are not Clocht
Favorites attack them do not laugh
And the soot do not make merage.

You know, Felitsa! Right
And people and kings;
When you enlighten the morals,
You will not fool in so people;
In your deeds rest
You write in tales of teaching
And chlorine in the alphabet say:
"Do not do anything thin,
And the satire of evil
The liar is contemptuous will create. "

You shame you to hear the great
So that the terrible, unloved to be;
Bear decently wild
Animals tear and blood pour them.
Without an extreme in fever
Tom Lancets are needed
Without them who could do?
And nice to be thiran,
Great in atrocity Tamerlane,
Who is great goodness, how is God?

Felitsa Glory, glory of God,
Who brings dumbered;
Which is cira and wretched
Covered, dressed and fed;
Which is opexyar
Shifts, shorts, ungrateful
And righteous its light gives;
Equally all the mortals enlightens,
Patients will be healing,
Good only for good creation.

Who gave freedom
In other people's areas jumping
Allowed his people
Srebra and gold to look;
Which allows water
And the forest cut does not prohibit;
Reliever and weave, and sprinkle, and sew;
Unleashing mind and hands,
Meld love trading, science
And happiness to find at home;

Which law, hand
Give mercy and court.
Broadcast, Wheave Felitsa!
Where is different from honest plut?
Where old age does not wander around the world?
Merit of bread finds it?
Where is the revenge not driven anyone?
Where is the conscience with the truth inhabit?
Where virtues shine? -
The throne is yours!

But where is your throne shining in the world?
Where, the branch of heaven, color?
In Baghdad? Smyrna? Cashmere? -
Listen, where you live, -
Praise mine to you
Not mne, so that Ile Beshmy's caps
For them I wanted from you.
Feel good prison
There is a soul wealth,
What crepe did not collect.

I ask the great prophet,
Yes, the duct of your feet cacling,
Yes words of your sweet current
And the sights will enjoy!
Heavenly I ask for strength
Yes, they are simple wings safire,
Invisibly store you
From all diseases, evils and boredom;
Yes you are in the offspring of sounds,
As in the sky the star, they will be treated.

Analysis of the poem of Derzhavin Felitsa

In 1781, a "Tale of Tsarevich Chlorine" appeared in the press, which Empress Catherine II composed for a grandson, the future of Emperor Alexander I. This instructive work influenced not only at Little Alexander Pavlovich, but also on Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin (1743-1816). It inspired the poet for the creation of ODD of the Soviet Soviet, which he called "Oda to the Kirgizakaisatskaya Prince Felitsa, written by Tatar Murz, has long been settled in Moscow, and his living in St. Petersburg. Translated from Arabic 1782. "

The poem was first published in 1783 in the journal "Interlocutor". The poet did not leave signatures under the work, but as well as the entire text of the OD, the name is full of hint. For example, under Kyrgyz-Kaisatskaya Tsarevna, he implies Catherine II, which was the master of Kyrgyz land. And under Murz - the poet himself, who considered himself the descendant of the Tatar Prince Bagrim.

The ODE contains many alluses on various events, people and statements related to the reign of Catherine II. To take at least the name to which its author is awarded. Felitsa is the heroine of "Tales of Tsarevich Chlorine". Like the Empress, she has a husband who prevents her to exercise good intentions. In addition, Felitsa, according to Derzhavin, is the ancient Roman goddess of bliss, namely, this word, many contemporaries characterized the Board of Catherine II, which in favor of sciences, arts and adhered to quite free views on the social structure.

These and other numerous virtues of the sovereign and praises Gabriel Romanovich. In the first stanzas, the poet is held by the surroundings of the empress. The author allegorically describes the unworthy behavior of the courtiers, saying that herself itself:
Having a cap cap,
I am flying on the runner.

In this passage, there is a speech about the column Alexei Orlov, fucking to quick races.

In another fragment, it is referred to in the clouds, idle Prince Potemkin:
And I spent up to noon
I smoke tobacco and coffee drink;
Transforming on the holiday of weekdays,
There is a thoughts of my thoughts in chimers.

Against the background of these hipsters of life, the figure wise, active and fair empress acquires halo of virtue. The author awards its "generous" epithets, "kinds in affairs and jokes", "pleasant in friendship", "leaning", the metaphors "The Branch of the Heavenly", "The Angel of Meek" and others.

The poet mentions the political successes of Catherine II. Using the metaphor "Dela chaos on the spheres", it indicates the establishment of province in 1775 and the accession of new territories to the Russian Empire. The author compares the Board of the State Dummy with the reign of predecessors:
There weddings are not sooty
In the ice baths, they are not fried,
Do not click on the mustache ...

Here the poet hints at the reign of Anna John and Peter I.

Admires Gabriel Romanovich and the modesty of the queen. In lines:
You shame you to hear the great
So that the terrible, unloved to be ...

it is indicated for the renunciation of Catherine II from the titles of "Great" and "Previnda", which she was offered by the Senate Wiels in 1767.

As an artist of the poet, the attitude of the empress to the freedom of self-expression is particularly captivated. The author is fascinated by the love of Queen to the lyrics ("Poetry is kind to you, pleasant, sweet, useful ..."), approved by it the opportunity to think and speak out, how to travel, to organize enterprises, etc.

Ekaterina II herself highly appreciated the skill of the poet. Oda "Felitsa" so loved to her that the Empress gave him a richly decorated with a tobacco, herself sent her with her approximated. Contemporaries also reacted very favorably to the poem. In many reviews, not only the truthfulness and lack of bowed in the lines of AD, but also its elegant composition and poetic syllable. As the Russian philologist Ya. K. Grota wrote in his comments, this ODA gave rise to a new style. "Felitsa" is devoid of highly pharmaceutical expressions, does not contain the transfer of the gods, as was previously taken.

Indeed, the Language of ODA is simple, but exquisite. The author applies epithets, metaphors, scenic comparisons ("as in the sky stars"). String composition, but harmonious. Each storage consists of ten lines. First, the Quarters with a cross-rhyme type of ABAB, then the two-per-arm CC, after which the quatrains with the annular rhypha species deed are followed. Size is a four-stranded yamb.

Although there are quite obsolete expressions in the poem, and many hints can be incomprehensible, it is easy to read now.

One of the main poems of G. R. Derzhavin is his ode "Felitsa". It is written in the form of "some Murza" to Kyrgyz-Kaisatskaya Tsarevna Felice. Oda for the first time forced contemporaries to talk about Derzhadina as a significant poet. For the first time, the work saw the light in 1789. In this poem, the reader has the ability to observe and praise, and the censure at the same time.

main character

In the analysis of OD Felitsa, it is certainly necessary to indicate that it was devoted to Empress Catherine II. The work is written by a four-stranded yamb. The image of the government in the work is sufficiently conditional and traditional, in his spirit resembles a portrait in the style of classicism. But noticeable is that Derzhanin wants to see in Empress not just a government, but also a living person:

"... and food is the simplest

It happens behind your table ... ".

Novelty works

In his work, Derzhavin depicts a virtuous Felitsa in opposition to the lazy and rampable nobles. Also in the analysis of OD Felitsa, it is worth noting that the poem itself is impregnated with novelty. After all, the image of the main acting person is somewhat different compared, for example, with the works of Lomonosov. Mikhail Vasilyevich The image of Elizabeth is somewhat generalized. Derzhavin also points out to the government's specific affairs. He also speaks of its patronage of trade, industry: "Melting to love trading, sciences."

Before the sideline is written, the image of the empress was built in poetry in its strict laws. For example, Lomonosov portrayed the government as a terrestrial deity, which stepped from the distant heavens to the ground, the storehouse of endless wisdom and limitless grace. But Derzhavin dares to move away from this tradition. It shows the multifaceted and full image of the government - a statesman and an outstanding personality.

Entertainment Rooms, Binded Dervic

Conding an analysis of ODD "Felitsa" it is worth noting that Derzhavin condemns the taciousness and other defects of court wine in a satirical style. He speaks about the hunt, and about the cargo game, and about the trips for new-fashioned clothes to the tailor. Gavril Romanovich allows himself in his work to break the purity of the genre. After all, the Empress is not only praised in Odea, but also blame the vices of her careless subordinates.

Personal beginning in Ode

As well as in the analysis of OD "Felitsa", the student can also note the fact that Derzhavin contributed to the work and personal beginning. After all, the image of Murza is present in Ode, which is frank, then Lukav. In the form of nobles, contemporaries could easily find those close Catherine, which was discussed. Also, Derzhavin emphasizes meaningfully: "That is, Felitsa, depraved! But all the light is like me. " Automicine is rare enough in the sides. And the description of the art "I" of Derzhavin is very significant.

Who is opposed to Felitsa?

A lot of new facts of the student can discover in the process of analyzing OD Felitsa. The poem was in many ways ahead of its time. Also, the description of Lazy Velmazby anticipated and the image of one of the main characters in the work of Pushkin - Eugene Onegin. For example, the reader can see that after the late awakening, the court lazily places smoking the tube and dreams of glory. Its day consists only of peers and love merits, hunting and racing. Welject will spend the evening, walking on the boats on the Neva, and in the warm house it is, as always, family joy and peace reading await.

In addition to Lazy Murza, Catherine is also opposed to its late spouse - Peter III, which can also be indicated in the analysis of OD Felitsa. Briefly, this moment can be lit like this: unlike her husband, she first thought about the welfare of the country. Despite the fact that the Empress was a German, she writes all its decrees and works in Russian. Catherine also showedly walked in Russian Saranfan. With his attitude, she was very different from the spouse, who experienced only contempt for the whole domestic.

Character of Empress

In its work, Derzhavin does not give portrait descriptions of the empress. However, this drawback is compensated by the impression that the government produces to its surroundings. The poet seeks to emphasize its most important qualities. If you need to make an analysis of ODD "Felitsa" briefly, you can describe these features like this: it is unpretentious, simple, democratic, as well as friend.

Images in Ode

It should be noted that the image of Tsarevich chlorine also passes through all the poem. This character is taken from the "Tale of Tsarevich Chlorine", which was written by the Empress itself. Oda begins with the recovery of this fairy tale, there are such images as Felica, Lazy, Murza, Chlorine, Rose without spikes. And the work is completed, as expected, praise noble and gracious government. Just as it happens in the mythical works, images in ODe are conditional, allegorical. But Gavrille Romanovich is given in a completely new manner. The poet draws an empress not just a goddess, but also the one who is not alien to human lives.

Analysis of OTD "Felitsa" according to plan

The student's plan can use approximately such:

  • The author and name of OD.
  • The history of the creation, who is devoted to the work.
  • Composition of OD.
  • Vocabulary.
  • Features of the main character.
  • My attitude to ODE.

Who ridiculed by the author of ODA?

Those who need to make a detailed analysis of OTD "Felitsa" can describe those venels whom the Derzhavin ridiculous in its work. For example, this is Grigory Potemkin, which despite his generosity was characteristic of capriciousness, whimsality. Also, the favorites of the government of Alexey and Grigory Orlov, the walks and lovers of horse racing are ridiculed.

The Count Orlov was the winner of the fist fighting, the ladies, a gambling hunter, as well as the killer of Peter III and his wife's favorite. So he remained in the memory of contemporaries, and was described in the work of Derzhavin:

"... or, about all things care

Leaving, I go hunting

And I am amusing the lament of pieces ... "

It is possible to mention about the seeds of Naryshkin, who was an Blacksman at the courtyard of Catherine and was distinguished by his exorbitant love for music. And also Gabril Romanovich puts in this row and himself. He did not deny his involvement in this circle, on the contrary, emphasized that he also belongs to the circle of favorites.

Image of nature

Also, Derzhavin chances and beautiful natural landscapes, with whom the image of the enlightened monarchy is harmonized. The landscapes described by them are largely similar to the scene with tapestries, adorning the living rooms of the St. Petersburg nobility. Derzhavin, who was also fond of drawing, no accident called the poetry of the "talking painting." In his own, Derzhavin speaks of a "high mountain" and about Rose without Shipov. These images help to make the Felitsa image even more majestic.

In the desire to please the Empress took her own work as the basis of his work, shortly before the published little circulation. Naturally, a brightly talented poem, this story played with more juicy paints, in addition, making a new style in the history of the Russian renovation and made a celebrity poet.

Analysis of ODD

Felitsa is equipped with a subtitle, which clarifies the purpose of writing this work. It is referred to about contacting the priest Tatar Murza, who settled in Moscow, but is on business in St. Petersburg. Also, the reader is mystifies the fact that the ODA, allegedly, was translated from Arabic. Analysis of ODD "Felitsa" must be started with a name that does not sound native or Russian nor Arabs.

The fact is that this is how Yekaterina II called his heroine in his fairy tale about Tsarevich Chlorine. Serving soil Italian language (here you can remember someone like Kutuno with the "Feliciti") Latin translates the word "Felitsa" (Felitsa - Felicitas) as happiness. Thus, Derzhavin from the first line began to extols the empress, then without holding away from satire in the descriptions of its surroundings.

Artistic synthesis

Analysis of OD "Felitsa" shows the installation on an ordinary, adopted in those days a solemn laudatory ODU to the date. Written by the traditional stroke of ODD - with decimals, and, as it should be, but nobody dreamed to drain the two opposite to the target orientation of the genre - the majestic laudatory ODU and caustic

The first was the ode "Felitsa". Derzhavin, as it were, "stepped back" in its innovation, judging by the precisely fulfilled the conditions of the genre, at least in comparison with the "birth verses", which are not even separated. However, this impression disappears as soon as the reader overcomes the first few stanz. Still, even the composition of ODD "Felitsa" is a much greater order of artistic synthesis.

Fale "Felitsa"

It is interesting to consider that for the motifs fought Derzhavin on the writing of this "fanfi", which served as the primary and deserved if this topic was worthy. Apparently, worthy, and very. Catherine II wrote his fairy tale for a grandson, so far Malek, but in the future of the great Alexander I. In the fairy tale, the Empress is talking about Kiev Tsarevich Chlorine, who was visited by Kyrgyz Khan to check whether Tsarevich really was so clever and deft, as they say about him.

The boy agreed to undergo a test and find the rarest flower - a rose without barns - and went on the road. On the road, answering the invitation of Murza Lentaging (speaking name), Tsarevich is trying to withstand the temptations of that luxury and idleness, which he seduces the lator. Fortunately, this Kyrgyz Khan had a very good daughter, who was called Felice, and even more good grandson, whose name was the reason. Felitsa sent her son with Tsarevich, who came out with the help of a reason for the purpose of his way.

Bridge between a fairy tale and one

Before them was a cool mountain, without a trail and stairs. Apparently, Tsarevich himself was quite stubborn, because, despite his tremendous work and trials, he still climbed to the top, where he decorated his life with a rose without spikes, that is, virtue. Analysis of ODD "Felitsa" shows that, as in any fairy tale, the images here are allegorical, but the Derzhaftina at the beginning of the ODD, they get up very tight, and all the uniform classes of classical samples, where the climbing of Parnass and Communication with Muses, fade near C, it would seem simple images of a children's fairy tale.

Even the portrait of Catherine (Felitsa) is given absolutely in a new manner, which is absolutely not similar to the traditional laudatory fashion. Usually in the gifts, the characteristic character appears in a small expressive image of a goddess marking the solemn-powder rhythm verses with a heavy rhythmic breath. Here the poet is inspired, and - most importantly - equipped with poetic skill. Poems do not chromate and do not inflate excessive pathos. The plan of OD "Felitsa" is such that Catherine appears in front of the reader as a smart, but simple and active Kyrgyz Caisat Tsarevna. It plays well for the slightness of building this image and the contrast - the image of Murza, vicious and lazy, than the delay enjoys all over the course of ODD. Hence the unprecedented genre diversity, which is distinguished by the Ode Felitsa.

Derzhavin and Empress

The pose of the singer also changes in relation to the subject of chanting, if we consider not only the entire previous Russian literature, but even the poems of Derzhavin himself. Sometimes there is still a certain god of the queen in Ode, but with all this and with a general respectfulness, which demonstrates the "Felitsa", the content shows the definite shortness of the relationship, not familiarity, but the warmth of almost relative proximity.

But in satirical lines of Derzhanin can sometimes be understood as durable. The collective features of the image of Murza are ridicuing everyone in turns of the nobles of Catherine, and it is here that the poet does not forget himself. An autolo - the more rare fact in the poetry of those years. The author's "I" is not deprived of lyrics, but it is clear to understand that "such a Felitsa, I will debauchered!", "Today I miss it, and tomorrow I want a slave." The appearance of such copyright "I" is a fact of a huge artistic meaning. Lomonosov also started ODD with the "I", but as a loyal slave, and the author of the author is concrete and alive.

Narration from the author

Naturally, the composition of ODD "Felitsa" would endure the full-fledged authority. Derzhavin most often submits under the author's "I" conditional image of a singer, which is usually always present in the sides just like in satire. But there is a difference: only the sacred delight plays the poet, and only indignation in satire. The "one-in-law" genres of Derzhavin united the creation of a living man-poet, with an absolutely concrete life, with a variety of feelings and experiences, with "multi-brought" verse music.

Analysis of ODD "Felitsa" certainly notes not only delight, but also anger, hulya and praise in one bottle. In the course he has time to smear, ironize. That is, it behaves throughout the work as a completely normal and living person. And it should be noted that this individual person has certain features of the nation. In Ode! And now such a case would be unprecedented if someone would have written one verses in our time.

About genres

Ode "Felitsa", the content of which is so rich in contradictions, as if warm sunshine beaches, a lot of conversational speech from the reality of life, easy, simple, sometimes joking, which directly contradicts the laws of this genre. Moreover, a genre coup happened here, almost a revolution.

It is necessary to explain that the Russian classicism did not know the poems as "just poems." All the poetry was strictly divided into genres and species, sharply delimited, and these boundaries stood unshakable. Oda, Satira, Elegy and other species of poetic creativity could not be mixed with each other.

Here, the traditional categories of classicism are broken completely after the organic merger of OD and Satira. This concerns not only Felitsa, Derzhavin did it before, and later. For example, the ODA "to death - half an elegy. Genres become polyphonic with a lung hand of Derzhavin.


A colossal success got this Ode immediately after the publication: "Everyone who can read in Russian has found himself in his hands" - according to the contemporary. At first, the Derzhanin was worse to publish ODU, tried to hide the authorship (probably portrayed and very recognizable Venelsmen were venel), but the princess Dashkova appeared and printed "Felitsa" in the journal "Interlocutor", where Ekaterina II herself did not happen to cooperate.

Empertrice I liked it very much, she even cried from delight, ordered immediately to expose the authorship and, when it happened, he sent a golden tobacco tank with a donating inscription and five hundred Chervonians in her. It was after that a real glory came to the poet.

History of creation. Oda Felitsa (1782), the first poem, who made the name of Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin famous. It has become a bright sample of a new style in Russian poetry. The subtitle of the poem is specified: "Oda to the wisdom of Kyrgyz-Kaisatskaya Tsarevna Felice, written by Tatar Murzo, has long been settled in Moscow, and his living in St. Petersburg. Translated from Arabic. " This work received its unusual name on behalf of the heroine "Tales about Tsarevich Chlorine", which was the author of which Catherine II was. This name, which, translated from Latin, means happiness, it is also named and in the Derzhavin, glorifying the empress and satirically ha-perishable surroundings.

It is known that at first Derzhavin did not want to print this poem and even hid the authorship, fearing the revenge of influential moisture, satirically depicted in it. But in 1783, it was widespread and with the assistance of Dashkina, an approximate empress, was printed in the journal "Interlocutor of Russian Word Fans", in which Ekaterina II collaborated. Subsequently, Derzhavin recalled that this poem was so touched by the Empress that Dashkov found her in tears. Catherine II wished to find out who wrote a poem in which she portrayed it. In grateful to the author, she sent him a gold tobacco with fiftest chervonians and an expressive inscription on the package: "From Orenburg from the Kyrgyz Tsarevna Murze Derzhavin." From that day, the literary glory came to Derzhavin, who did not know a single Russian poet before.

Basic topics and ideas. The poem "Felitsa", written as joking sketching from the life of the Empress and her surroundings, at the same time raises very important problems. On the one hand, in Oda Felitsa, the traditional image of the "god-like princess" is created, in which the presentation of the poet about the ideal of the enlightened monarch is embodied. Obviously idealizing Real Catherine II, Derzhavin at the same time believes in the image drawn:

Feed, Felitsa, mentor:
How magnificent and truthfully live,
How to Take Passion Wase
And happy to be happy in the world?

On the other hand, in verses of the poet, a thought sounds not only about the wisdom of power, but also about the negligence of performers who are concerned about their advantage:

Everywhere temptation and flattery lives,
Pasha all the luxury inhibits.
Where is a virtue inhabit?
Where rose without spikes is growing?

By itself, this thought was not new, but behind the images of the nobles drawn in Ode, the features of real people were clearly talked:

Moom in chimers thought my:
I kidnapi from Persians
Then I draw arrows to the Turks;
Then compensating that I am Sultan,
Universe frightening;
That suddenly, caught the outfit.
Jump to the tail in the caftan.

In these images, contemporaries of the poet were easily recognized by the favorite of the Empress Potemkin, her approximate Alexey Orlov, Panina, Naryshkin. Drawing them brightly satirical portraits, Derzhavin showed great courage - after all, any of the ideas of them could be divided into it with the author. Only the favorable attitude of Catherine saved Derzhavin.

But even the Empress he dared to give advice: follow the law to which the kings and their subjects are subject to:

You only decently
Tsarevna, light from darkness to create;
Making chaos on the spheres is slightly
The alliance the intend to secure them;
From disagreement - concentrate
And from the passions of ferocious happiness
You can only create.

This favorite thought of Derzhavin sounded boldly, and it was expressed by a simple and understandable language.

The poem is ends with the traditional praise by Empress and the wish of all the best:

Heavenly I ask for strength
Yes, they are simple wings sapphires,
Invisibly store you
From all diseases, evils and boredom;
Yes you are in the offspring of sounds,
As in the sky the star, they will be treated.

Artistic peculiarity.
Classicism has forbidden to connect in one product high ODU and satire relating to low genres, but the Derzhavin does not even simply combine them in the characteristics of different persons derived in Ode, he makes something completely unprecedented for that time. Violating the traditions of the genre of Praudnaya OD, Derzhavin widely introduces conversational vocabulary into it and even the surprise, but most importantly - does not paint the parade portrait of the empress, but portrays her human appearance. That is why there are household scenes, still life;

Murzham yours is not imitating,
You walk the hour on foot,
And food is the simplest
It happens for your table.

The "god-like" Felitsa, like other characters in his Ode, also shown by Costlovenio ("Do not harden its peace, / read, write under the wrong way ..."). At the same time, such details do not reduce its image, but make more real, humane, as if exactly written off from nature. Reading the poem "Felitsa", you are convinced that Derzhavin really managed to contribute to the poetry of boldly taken from life or created by the imagination individual characters of real people shown on the background of a color-shown household setting. This makes his poems with bright, memorable and understandable.

Thus, in Felice, Derzhavin performed as a brave innovative, combining the style of the laudatory ODA with the individualization of the characters and satire, introducing low-styled elements into a high genre. Subsequently, the poet himself identified the genre of Felitsa as a mixed ODU. Derzhavin argued that, unlike the traditional classicism of the OD, where public persons were praised, military leaders, solemn graspeat, in the "mixed Ode" "a poem can talk about everything." Destroying genre canons of classicism, he opens the path for the new poetry - "Poetry Actual ™", which received brilliant development in the work of Pushkin.

The value of the work. Derzhavin himself later noted that one of his main merits is that he "daring in a funny Russian syllable about the virtues of Felitsa to heal." As the researcher of the creativity of the poet V.F. Khodasevich, Derzhavin proud "not the fact that he opened the virtues of Catherine, and the fact that the first spoke" funny Russian syllable. " He understood that his ODA was the first artistic incarnation of Russian life, that she was the germ of our novel. And, perhaps, - develops his thought, Khodasevich, - Live "Old Manzhavin" at least before the first chapter of Onegin, "he would have taken away his ODD echoes."