Description of the foreground in the summer of plastov. Writing on the topic: "Picture a

Description of the foreground in the summer of plastov. Writing on the topic: "Picture a

Rustic Summer on the Arkady Blossom of Alexandrovich Plastov

Description of the material:This essay is written for children of younger school age. Therefore, it will be interesting to teachers of primary classes, parents, students.
Purpose:The formation of ideas about the village leta through reading the composition in the picture A. A. Plastov "Summer".
- tell children about rustic summer;
- develop memory, imagination, curiosity, attention, cognitive interest in the world around;
- to educate the desire to love and protect the nature, to be kind and responsive.
A little about the author of the painting.

A.A. Plastov was born in 1893 in the village of Sith symbirsk county (now the Ulyanovsk region) in the family of icon painters. Following the family tradition, he studied at the Simbirsk Spiritual School, then in the Great Academy. In 1914 he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture on the Sculpture Faculty of S.M. Wolnukhin. Attended painting classes in A.E. Archipova, A.M.vasnetsova. A.M.Kurina. L.O. Pasternak, comprehending the best traditions of the National Art School. Returning to his native village, the reservoirs work a lot, creates a huge number of sketches and etudes. Until the end of the days, Arkady Plastov continued to live and work among his countrymen, never separating himself from the surrounding world, so convincingly and passionately, with such an emotional force recreated them in the canvases. The full of a flutter feeling of his work as if they grew out of life, revealing us the highest, intimate meaning.
In Ulyanovsk in honor of A.A. Plastov, the street was named, a monument to the artist, on the street. Goncharova is opened by the Arkady Museum Alexandrovich Plastov.
The artist's homeland in the village of Verbetonikh in 1988 opened the Museum "People's Artist A. A. Plastov", dedicated to the life and creativity of the master.
In 2011, a monument to A.A. Plastow was opened in the village of Lessonikha Karsunsky district.
Work A.A. Plastov entered the meeting of the Institute of Russian Realistic Art (IRRI).
Rustic Summer on the Arkady Blossom of Alexandrovich Plastov

Before me - a picture of the wonderful Russian artist Arkady Alexandrovich Plastov "Summer". Summer is a wonderful time that gives us not only good sunny weather, and the whole baskets of berries, fruits and mushrooms! The artist just portrayed two collectors of forest gifts on his web. Both travelers are very tired of walking and hot sun. I see them in moments of rest.
In the foreground, the painting artist depicted a girl in a white dress; Red scarf and berries beads. The legs of the girl are not shod. Apparently, she got used to run on everywhere barefoot and not to be afraid of the bruises and prickly cones. Next to her is a dog. The girl separates the berries from the twigs and leaves and folds them into the circle.
And in the background, I see a vaccine grandmother in a blue dress and a scarf. It is probably tired of collecting berries and mushrooms, so he lay down in the shade. Behind people illuminated by the bright sun grass and flowers, slim birrors and old stump. Behind this solar clearing is a dense dark forest. The grass is light-salad in the sun, and colorful flowers: yellow, pink and purple.
After I looked at the picture for a long time, I seemed to have reached the summer heat, pleasant smell of herbs and sweet strawberries.
I liked the picture of Plastov, because the artist portrayed the beauty of our Earth. Sometimes we do not notice what beauty surrounds us, paintings by artists help to see her. This is a rest of peace and joy, the beauty and generosity of the summer nature is well transmitted in it.

The brushes of the famous Soviet painter A. Plastov belongs to such a significant picture of the Russian artistic art paintings, like "bathing horses", "collective farm flock", "harvest" and "dinner of tractor drivers". A characteristic feature of a plugging work of Plastov from the works of his contemporaries was his tendency to transfer his paintings in a very lively, motley manner. The artist never bent the use of the entire spectrum of the tones of each of the colors, for which his paintings later and were recognized as one of the most picturesque and bright in the domestic storehouse of artistic art.

One of the entertaining paintings of Plastov, requiring a special consideration, is the work of "summer". As with most of all his work, this picture reflects the harmonious coexistence of a person and the surrounding nature.

The picture shows two people: the first girl rushes in the eyes of about 13. On her knees you can watch a mug into which she collects berries, in her hands with a brush with berry fruits. The appearance of the girl says that it most likely lives in a village, located near the edge, on which the picture takes place. A girl is dressed in a light summer sundress and a bright red golk, which is so obviously striking the viewer. Against the background of common green tones, in which the entourage painting is set aside, the kink is beneficial and attracts the author's attention. This bright detail makes it left unnoticed for the first 30 seconds of another person present in the picture. Apparently - this is a woman, maybe mother, sister or girlfriend girls. It is definitely difficult to determine, since her face involuntarily hides his hand, protecting her midday rest from the sun.

Both people are located on the forest edge, in the shadow birch. Among other things, the viewer's attention is caught and brown clay, characteristic of rural life and two large baskets, both filled with mushrooms. It can be assumed that the characters depicted in the picture wandered through the forest, collecting mushrooms and berries, but they were tired of dinner and decided to relax under the thick birch branches. Also, there is a dog in the picture, peacefully sleeping near the girl.

The total atmosphere is quite calm and pacifying. The picture, despite the presence of various colors on it, does not tires the eye and does not force in attempts to see the smallest details. The combination of flowers is chosen ideally and the viewer literally relaxes for watching the creation of plastov.

Picture description 2.

The beautiful picture, which was called "in the summer" and was written by a wonderful Russian artist A.A. Plastov. Most of the time from their life, the author lived in the village, which prompted him to write this picture. That is why the creativity of the poet was mainly a peasant theme and life in the village. He with love and wonderfully portrayed people who lived on this earth, which were in the inseparable perception and unity with nature. The artist discovered and depicted a cured world, the work, the generosity of the Earth, who was expressed in the coordinated collective work and brought the joy of mentally good and strong rustic Russian people.

The artist in his work shows a difficult peasant life, unexpected life in the context of the Russian village, in which the vigor manifested itself, their energetic affairs from what they received spiritual and enormous joy from this grateful hard work.

What exactly is drawn in this picture? The artist depicted a summer course of the year. It was a favorite time A.A. Plastova. Apparently, the mother and her daughter went for mushrooms and their baskets were filled to top. They are depicted by the artist in the foreground, together with the girl. She sits in the shade under the birches and moves berries, and on her knees there is a mug into which ripe berries are putting. She is dressed in a white dress and a red handkerchief on the head that protects it from the scorch rays of the sun. The legs of the girl barefoot, they gently touch the grass grass.

Near the girl resting dogs. He lies with younger, putting my head on the paw. The owners are also gaining strength. The day was very hot. Behind the woman, the artist portrayed a sleeping woman. She covered her face with her hand and enjoys cool birches.

Forest glada is drawn behind. She is flooded with sunbeams. Wildflowers and silky grass, which sparkles the emerald color, complements the picture of this beautiful day. Filled baskets with mushrooms, berries and water jug, tells us about wealth and generosity of nature, this summer day.

When I admire this picture, I have a desire to appear, it will enjoy under these birches and enjoy the silk grass on this glade. Artist A.A. Plastova perfectly managed to transfer the atmosphere and the warmth of rustic life.

Writing-Description of Plastov in the summer

Arkady Alexandrovich Floor, the famous Russian artist of the 20th century. Born in a beautiful family. His parents were offacarious icon painters. Here comes from Arkady Alexandrovich talent to art. Another young man has drawn to knowledge. He wanted more and more to learn to artist. Extinguished in Moscow, in four different educational institutions, the layers decide to return to their homeland in their favorite village. The author loved to portray nature and local ordinary people. His works are very much like people, they want to look at them without breaking. There are such pictures from the author, you want to think about or climb. There are those that are filled with bright colors and warmth.

One of these paintings by Arkady Alexandrovich, this is "in the summer". The author wrote it in 1952.

The picture itself is executed in a wide range of colors. There are many colors and shades here, from which heat and cozy. Mentally transfer to that hot summer day.

The centered characters of the "summer" painting, are mom and daughter and dog. On this hot summer day they went for mushrooms. Most likely, they went even early in the morning, and now lunch, the sun is high in the sky and on the street is very hot.

The heroines have made two large baskets, filled with mushrooms. They are very tired and sat down at a high fluffy birch to relax in the shade. Mom is lying on the grass, covering his face. She is sleeping. It is dressed beautiful dark blue dress and handkerchiefs. She lies in thick and high grass. The girl sits next to mom. She is dressed in a snow-white Russian dress, and a bright red handkerchie tied on her head. She bare. On the legs there is a blue metal mug. The girl quenches thirst with water in such a hot day. In the hands of her berries. Her legs have a dreaming dog. They took him with them.

There are two large baskets with white and orange mushrooms near them. You also see a large jug with water.

Mom and daughter rest in the shade under the birch. They give a shadow, their thick, green foliage. No wonder the artist chose these trees exactly, since the symbol of Russia is that birch.

Slightly above, we see high grass and a thick dark green forest. In the grass there are a lot of different colors that serve as a decoration for this picture.

Arkady Alexandrovich very much loved the nature of his native land. It can be seen with what love is drawn every detail of the painting. Bright colors betray a picture of a special mood. Looking at her, I want to be in the forest, on that hot summer day.

Summer picture mood description

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We very rarely see the beauty of the surrounding world, not paying attention to the surrounding species we are familiar, but, thanks to talented artists, such as layers and the picture of Plastov in the summer, with which they get acquainted in the 5th grade, you understand, beauty everywhere. It can be seen even in moments of hard work.

Essay in the picture of the plastic in the summer

Today we were asked to write in the picture of Plastov in the summer, where the artist portrayed not only the magnificence of nature, but also the lives of people who are busy business. The description of the painting of the Plastov in the summer is not difficult, especially since the reproduction of this painting is in front of me.

Description of the painting of Plastov

Writing in the picture of the plastic in the summer will begin with the description of the main characters of the paintings and this is a girl with a mother, and perhaps with a grandmother. They sat down on the edge of the forest under two birch. Most likely, under the birch, they hid from the scorching summer sun. Girl dressed in a dress, and on the head red handkerchief. Woman dressed in a blue dress. She lay down on the grass to relax a little, and maybe nice. After all, as in no way, she was bothering with a girl to fame and that confirmation is a large basket and a bucket filled with mushrooms. Here is a white mushroom, and other varieties of mushrooms. That will be, what to spit for the winter and what to put in, and after, prepare mushroom soups. Have you ever tried dried mushroom soup? This fragrance will never forget, and the taste is generally difficult to describe.

Further, in the description of the painting of Plastov in the summer I will describe a dog, who, together with the girl and a woman, also ran into the forest and accompanied them. She served as a guard, because still, in the forest may also wait for danger. However, everything went around, and the dog itself, apparently, was fought and also wants to relax, clogging at the feet of the girl. By the way, our mushrooms were collected not only mushrooms, they were collected and berries. And now in our essay in the picture of Plastov in the summer for grade 5, the girl just breaks the berries, folding them into a mug.

If you look at the background, then everywhere greens, soft grass, which is diluted with wildflowers, bringing a dyed drop in the greenery. And then the thick forest, just there and the mushrooms collected our heroines paintings. They will come home soon soon, and one more work will be waiting for the homes: a mustol of mushrooms, but this work will be assessed in winter when the family will gather at the table and will try delicious crispy mushrooms.

Goal :

  1. To give a concept about the composition of the painting as one of the means of expressing the artist's plan
  2. Training the rules for collecting and systematizing the material in the picture, paying attention to the expressiveness of selected words, for compliance with what is depicted.
  3. To be able to talk according to the plan and on individual items, determining the borders of the statement.

Equipment lesson: Multimedia presentation to the lesson (application), reference abstract.

During the classes

1. Message by teacher information about the artist.

(Slide 1). Arkady Alexandrovich Bedevy - Russian artist 20th century. He spent most of his life in the village of the element of the Ulyanovsk region.

(Slide 2). The work of Plastov is devoted mainly to the peasant theme, as the artist knew the rustic life well and with great love portrayed the nature and people of his native land. The pictured people are perceived in an inseparable unity with nature.

(Slide 3). We are opening up as it were from the special world of cuddled, generous land, work, who is in the joy of peaceful strong people.

(Slide 4, 5). The works of Plastov are devoted to the most different parties to the life of the Russian village. The artist claims the poetry of collective labor. His palette becomes even brighter.

(Slide 6.7). The favorite heroes of Arcadia Alexandrovich - village children - are present in almost every canvas.

(Slide 8). "I love our life. ... even the ordinary everyday affairs of our people ride attention, shock the soul. It is necessary to be able to see, notice, "said A.A. Layers.

(Slide 9). And the artist in his works shows a difficult life, the modest life of Russian peasants who showed vigor and energy in cases who received mental joy from noble labor.

(Slide 10). "The village entered my life, as something endlessly native, organic, one-piece ... And when I say that I managed the picture, this I am obliged to largely - never write what you don't love, you don't know," wrote a .BUT. Layers.

(Slide 11) The artist created many paintings performed by a joyful attitude towards the world around him. Such paintings include, for example, "in summer" (1945). The author showed the wealth and generosity of his native land, simple workers, resting on the forest glade after collecting mushrooms and berries.

2. Conversation in the picture "Summer".

  1. What is your first impression from the picture?
  2. When is the action shown in the picture?
  3. What primarily attracts attention?
  4. What colors, warm or cold, are found in the painting of Plastov?
  5. How does the artist manage to pass his mood to a person considering the picture?
  6. What can be said about the artist?

3. The concept of the color scheme of the picture.

Picture mood The artist transmits with the help of paints. Red, orange, yellow called in painting with warm colors. They help the artist to pass a joyful mood. Green, blue, purple, gray is cold colors. They cause feeling sadness, anxiety, sadness.

4. The concept of the front and background pattern.

What is depicted in the picture closer to the viewer, right in front of us - the foreground of the picture. What is in the distance from the picture considering is the background.

5. Collection and systematization of material in the picture.

(Generous gifts of nature.
Foreground on the left.)

Jug - Clay, red-brown, with drink.

Basket - Wicker, top filled with yellowish and reddish mushrooms.

Bucket - Black, drowning in forestry, filled with reddish mushrooms.

Grass - Bright green, bloomed with yellow flowers, purple bells.

Heroes of the canvas. Front plan on the right.

Girl - tanned, on the cheeks of the blush; in a bright red scarf and a light dress; breaks up ripe berries and folds them into a blue circle; Face ruddy.

Female - tired; in a blue dress and blue scarf; Tanned hand of workers.

Dog - Light redhead, faithful, put her head on the paws, resting and guarding.


Polyana - Light, spacious, sunproof, emerald grass, meek wildflowers.

Beres - grayish color with dark stains, like sides, dismissed braids, stand aside; Golden leaves lit by the sun.

Forest - Dark green, gets up the wall.

Stump - light brown.

6. Drawing up a picture description plan.

I. Introduction.

1. The word about the artist A. A. Plastic.

2. The first impression of the work.

II. Main part.

Description of the painting "Summer".

(Front, rear plans. Right, left flank painting.)

1. Appearance, expression of individuals, poses of heroes.

2. Landscape.

3. Mood created by the picture, the ratio of the author to its work.

III. Conclusion.

The mood that creates a picture (feedback on the work of critics, wishes, conclusions).

7. Writing a rough essay version.

8. Homework.

Write an essay-description in the picture A.A. Plastova "Summer".


  1. Vladimirskaya G. N. Russian lessons in grade 5: a book for a teacher. - M.: TC Sphere, 2003.
  2. Kapinos V.I., Sergeeva N.N., Solovychik M.S. Speech development: theory and practice of learning. 5-7 classes. M., Enlightenment, 1991.
  3. Kotova O.F. Express yourself in the word. Kolomna, 1993.

Description of the Picture of Plastov "Summer"

Summer is a favorite season for many of us.
This is the time of rest, new impressions, new discoveries.
In the painting "Summer", the artist showed a hot summer day.
Two people rest under the birches.
Apparently, this is a mother with a daughter.
They scored full baskets of mushrooms and sat down to relax.
On the girl depicted a white dress and a red brazer.
Girl sits on the grass, next to a basket.
She is very tired of long walking.
But even during the rest, it does not lose time with the gift, but takes off the sprigs with berries and throws them into a circle that stands on his knees.

Near the girl is a dog.
The day was hot, and the dog was also tired, lowered his head to the paws.
On the other hand, her mother sleeps from the girl.
On it is a blue dress and a handkerchief, she is hiding them from insects.
The woman's hand is raised upstairs and we see that she is tanned, strong.
Woman's hand, which works very much, works or in the field, or in the garden.

From behind tired travelers - Polyanka.
She is all lit by the bright sun.
The artist applied the brightest, rich colors to show the audience the beauty of Russian nature, a magnificent forest.
Birch leaflets, near which mom sit with her daughter we will rustle in the wind, they become more painful from the sun.
The grass seems literally silky.

The artist painted yellow and cornflower flowers, which perfectly complement the landscape.
Summer nature generous on gifts.
It is only possible to bow to her and you can dial a lot of mushrooms, berries.
Next to the heroes of the painting is a jug with water or milk, which drink mom and daughter, when it becomes completely hot.
When I look at this picture, I unwittingly remember hot summer days, vacation in the village of grandmother, feeling the smell of grass, heated by sunlight, smell of fresh berries and affectionate wind bog.
I really want to be on the same moment to be on such a picturesque glade, enjoy all the delights of the sultry summer. It is not enough for him when you return to the city after the holidays.