Overall on the topic: The role of lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin. Lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin

Overall on the topic: The role of lyrical deviations in the novel
Overall on the topic: The role of lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin. Lyrical deviations in the novel "Eugene Onegin

Lyrical retreats in Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

Evgeny Onegin is the first realistic novel in Russian literature in which

"There was a reflected eyelid and modern man depicts pretty true." A.S. Pushkin worked on the novel from 1823 to 1831.

In this work, the author freely transfers from the plot narrative to lyrical retreats, which interrupt the move " free novel" In lyrical retreats, the author tells us his opinion on certain events, gives the characteristics to its heroes, talks about themselves. So, we will learn about the friends of the author, about literary life, about the plans for the future, get acquainted with his reflections on the meaning of life, about friends, about love and many other things, which gives us the opportunity to make a presentation not only about the heroes of the novel, about the life of Russian society of that time, but also about the person of the poet itself.

With the first lyrical devices we meet already in the first chapter of Roman A.S. Pushkin. The author describes Evgeny Onegin and shows its attitude to a dumb

"The conditions of light overthrow the burden,

Like he, rescued from the fuss,

I made friends with him at that time.

I liked his features. "

Pushkin and himself gives themselves to the generation of Evgeny Onegin. At the beginning of Roman Onegin is drawn still without an evil irony, the disappointment in the light brings him closer with the author: "I was angry, he would hub," and forces readers to test sympathy for him: "I liked his features." Pushkin sweeps those traits that relate to him with the hero: Attention to appearance: "You can be a suitable person and think about the Gras of nails," and the ladies on the balas, but at the same time he always "glad to notice the difference" between them and asks the reader not identify them. But in relation to nature, Pushkin and Onegin are not like each other. Pushkin sees in nature the source of inspiration and positive emotions:

"I was born to life peaceful,

For rustic silence »

And immediately Pushkin notes:

"Flowers, love, village, idleness,

Fields! I am devoted to you soul

Always i'm glad to notice the difference

Between Onegin and me. "

All True Russian, Pushkin believes, is inextricably linked with the natural beginning, is in full of harmony with him.

We see an equally reverent attitude towards the beauty of nature and have a spiritually close poet of the heroine of Tatyana Larina. It is in nature that she finds peaceful calmness. So, leaving to Petersburg,

"She, as with long-standing friends,

With their groves, meadows

Still talk in a hurry. "

And hitting the "shimmer of brilliant fuss", most promotes about the "life of field". So, the author paints his heroin "Russian soul", despite the fact that she is "expressed with difficulty in his own native language." Tatiana "believed antiquities of antiquity, and dreams, and card Gadanam, and the predictions of the moon. "

Lyrical retreats are usually associated with the plot of the novel, but there are those in which Pushkin reflects in his fate:

"Spring of my daily days

(What jokingly told the accommodation)?

And she has no age of age?

I will soon be thirty years old? ", - about the image of the poet's life:

"I knew you

All that is jealous for the poet:

Oblivion of life in the stormy of light

Conversation Sweet Friends »

Pushkin tells in lyrical retreats about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel:

Dried a lot, many days

Since the young Tatyana since

And with her Onegin in a vague dream

First first

And distance free novel

I am a magic crystal

I have not yet clearly different. "

In lyric retreats A.S. Pushkin We will learn a lot about the poet itself, its attitude to the heroes of the novel, to the life of the time. These retreats allow us to brighter, it is clear to present the image of the poet.

Municipal General Education

Aleksandrovskaya Secondary School

The role of lyrical deviations

in Roman A.S. Pushkin

"Eugene Onegin"

Patchushkin Svetlana

Manager: Teacher of Russian Language and Literature

Patchushkin Elena Alekseevna

n. Aleksandrovskoe


Purpose of work:

Reveal the importance of lyrical deviations in the poem A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin"

and epoch.


- explore the literature on this topic;

- collect the material revealing the views of the author in lyrical retreats on the described era, culture, language, relationship with other heroes of the work.

Work idea:

Appeal to the topic "The role of lyrical digresses in the novel" Eugene Onegin "is due to the fact that A.S. Pushkin is always modern. His works are relevant and in our time, they give answers to many questions.

A.S. Pushkin - that's national treasure. Do not know Pushkin - not know your language, your culture, my homeland.

Work plan

1. Creative story novel. The image of the author in the work of A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin". Features of the genre.

2. Lyrical retreats in the novel. A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" -

one of the most important movements of the text in the disclosure of the design and heroes of the work;

Russian Nature in the work:

Smile clear nature

Through the dream meets the morning of the year ...

Temporary narration:

Cobed night, all the sky is clear ...

Excursion to Russian history, image of Moscow:

Moscow ... How much in this sound

Lyrical deviations dedicated to friendship and love:

There are no other things, and those are not ...

Education young generation 19th century:

We all studied little by little

Something and somehow.

4.Roman A.S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" - "Encyclopedia of Russian Life."


A.S. Pushkin is a Russian poet, the investigator of Russian literature, the creator of the modern literary language. Pushkin was able to raise domestic literature on the global level.

The novel in the verses "Eugene Onegin" recreates the lifestyle and spiritual composition of the typical, construction of the metropolitan and provincial nobility.

The problems of the purpose and meaning of life are key, central in the novel, because in turnstanding moments Stories, which became for Russia the Epoch of the December Uprising of 1825, in the consciousness of people there is a revaluation of values. And at such a time the highest moral duty of the poet - to specify the society on eternal values, give solid moral landmarks.

Roman in verses absorbed the rich poetic experience of Pushkin, his poetic finds and achievements - and naturally, he became one of the most advanced works in art not only A.S. Pushkin, but also of all Russian literature.

Each of us has its own Pushkin. For someone, Pushkin is a storyteller, for someone a lig, and for me he is a creator immortal work "Eugene Onegin".

- 4 –

Creative story of the novel in verse

"Evgeny Onegin" - the most significant creation of Pushkina, who swallowed half of his life "- so responded to Herzen's novel. And he is definitely right.

The beginning of writing a novel falls on the southern link in Chisinau and dates back to May 9, 1823, but in reality the work on the novel covers more early deadlines. Novel in verse calculated on long years Scriptures, free and not afraid contradictions story not only about modern heroes, but also the spiritual and intellectual evolution of the author. In 1820, the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" was written, which was the first extensive experience of Pushkin in writing epic works. Here Pushkin reached almost all vertices and the possibilities of a free poetic form. The end of work on the "Ruslana and Lyudmila" coincided with the sharp discontent of the emperor by the behavior and outrageous verses of Pushkin: we were talking about Siberia or repentance in Solovetsky monasteryBut at the request of friends and patrons, Pushkin was sent to the southern link.

Having met in Ekaterinoslavl with the new boss and having committed a trip to the Caucasus and Crimea with his permission, Pushkin arrives in Chisinau (September 1820). To lead about European revolutions and a Greek uprising, contacts with members of secret societies, contributed to the growth of political discontent (statements recorded by contemporaries; before the expulsion of Pushkin promised Karamzin not to write "against the government" two years and the word kept).

5 –

Having taught the vacancy of the "first romantic poet", Pushkin in the Chisinau-Odessa period (from July 1823 serves in the Novorossiysk Governor General Graph M. S. Vorontsov). It works in different genre-stylistic traditions. The difficulty of personal plan, conflicts with Vorontsov, the gloom of the European political prospects (the defeat of revolutions) and the reaction in Russia, led Pushkin to the crisis 1823-24. At the end of July, 1824 discontent Vorontsov and governments led to its exception from the service and a link to the parental estate of Mikhailovskoye.

On autumn 1824, there is a severe quarrel with the Father, who was instructed by the supervision of the poet. The spiritual support of Pushkin receives from the owner of the neighboring estate Trigorsky P.A. Osipova, her family and their nanny Arina Rodionovna Yakovleva. In Mikhailovsky Pushkin, it works intensively: a farewell with romanticism occurs in the poems "to the sea" and "Customer conversation with a poet", the poem "Roma"; Completed the 3rd, composed 4th and started the 5th chapter "Eugene Onegin".

In 1830 Pushkin, who has long dreamed of marriage and "about his house," seeks the hands of N. N. Goncharova, the Young Moscow Beauty-Nespennica. After going to join the possession of the estate donated by the Father to the wedding, he was because of the cholera quarantines for three months concluded in the village of Boldino (Nizhny Novgorod province). Three months were given to summing up the outcome of youth (Pushkin believed her thirtieth anniversary) and the search for new paths. Evgeny Onegin was completed here.

Genre "Eugene Onegin" - a lyrol-epic novel in verses. Consequently, it is built on the inseparable interaction of two

scenes: Epic (the main characters of Onegin and Tatiana) and lyrical (where the main character is a narrator). Onegin is a typical figure for noble youth of the 20s of the 19th century. Also in " Caucasian prisoner"A.S. Pushkin put his task to show in the hero" the premature old age of the soul ", which became the main feature of the younger generation.

Roman "Evgeny Onegin" - the first realistic Russian novel. In 1833, the novel was fully published. The author of the work invented a special system of writing, which was called - "Oneginskaya Stravor"

For seven years, during which he was created, much changed in Russia, and in Pushkin itself, and all these changes were reflected in the novel. The novel was created in the course of life and became the chronicle of Russian life and his peculiar poetic history.

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The role of lyrical deviations.

The lyric retreat is the author's speech in an epic or limier product expressing the author's direct attitude to the picked story.

So in the novel "Yevgeny Onegin", the composition of the "free work" makes it possible to include diverse author's retreats in it: lyrical memories are held through the whole novel, associated with the events in the life of the poet, appeal to friends, to the reader; There are thoughts about the value of the human person.

Evgeny Onegin is the first realistic novel in Russian literature, which reflected the age and modern man is shown, right. In this work, the author freely proceeds from the plot narrative to lyrical deviations, which interrupt the course of "free novel".

In lyrical retreats, the author tells us his opinion on certain events, gives the characteristics to Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina, Olga and Lensky, talks about himself. So we will learn about the friends of the author, about literary life, about plans for the future, get acquainted with his reflections on the meaning of life, love and friendship; What gives us the opportunity to make an idea not only about the heroes of the novel, about the life of the Russian society of the time, but also the personality of the poet itself.

8 –

Lyrical deviations about the native nature.

When F.M.Dostoevsky said: "Beauty will save the world." Our modern reality needs salvation, only nature can help a person. She gives spiritual strength. One of the most important topics of authoring deviations in the novel is an image of nature. It is this topic that helps to understand the heroes, reveal their spiritual world. Tatiana is close to the poet that it subtly perceives the beauty of fields, forests, she "child of nature":

Village where Eugene missed

There was an adorable corner ...

Tatiana lived among the beauties of Russian nature, "where the herds wandered around the meadows." It would seem that Lensky internally comes out of Tatiana, he could understand her: he fell in love thick,

Privacy, silence,

And night, and stars, and the moon.

But Lensky loved the charming and cute externally Olga. And Tatyana Chutka, she dreamed that Negin was following Lensky. The dream turned out to be a prophetic, it was the sacrificance from nature could help the heroine look into the future.

There are all seasons here: And winter, "when boys joyful people cut ice creates." The author suggests that in the village in

the winter season is monotonous and boring "the village that sometimes involuntarily documeks a look", but still finds the charm of this time of year:

9 -

Winter! Peasant, triumph,

On the woods updates the path;

His horse, snowing sneaking,

Walks trot somewhere.

And now the frost is already cracking

And silver the midst of fields ...

Smile clear nature

Through sleep meets the morning of the year

Bee for tribute field

Flies from the beam wax

And nightingale

I sang in silence at night

Caricature of southern winter,


Melknet and no: it is known,

Although we do not want to confess

Sky in the autumn breath

Sometimes the sun shone

In short, it became a day

Forests mysterious Sen.

With sad noise naked ...

For the first time in Russian literature, we appear to the village landscape of the Central Russian strip. All truly Russian, Pushkin believes, is inextricably linked with nature and is in harmony with him. Nature helps the disclosure of the character of heroes, sometimes the landscape is described through their perception:

In the window I saw Tatiana

The next morning the front courtyard.

Landscape exists in the novel along with the characters, which allows the author to characterize them inner world. The author emphasizes the spiritual

near Tatiana with nature.

Tatiana (Russian soul, not knowing why)

With her cold kras

He loved the Russian winter.

In the sun of frost, frosty day,

And Sani, and the zareu late

The glow of pink snows,

And MGLU of the baptized evenings.

Many A.S. Pushkin refers to the description of the time of day, the most beautiful of which is the night.

Cobed night, all the sky is clear;

At night many stars are adorable.

Thus, in lyrical retreats, the author was able to show his attitude towards the nature of the Central Russian strip, through the relationship of heroes to nature to reveal their essence and understanding of life. The reader was able to see the spiritual world of heroes.


Excursion to Russian history

Moscow is the shrine of Russia, her heart, not in vain the enemies of all times and peoples, be something Tatar, French or German, tried to seize the city to stop the life of Russia, sought to stop the heart. For A.S. Pushkin Moscow - the main and important in life of Meeksto:

Moscow ... How much in this sound

For the heart of Russian merged!

How many people responded in it.

In Moscow, there were two fateful moments in the poet's life: the order of the king on the end of the reference during the coronation of the king Nicholas 1, where the poet was urgently delivered in 1826 and - marriage A.S. Pushkin, the beginning of a new life.

Plying the heroes of his novel on the background of St. Petersburg and the Russian village, created as if the encyclopedia of Russian reality. The author could not but show the heroine in Moscow. Moscow description falls on the 7th head of the novel. A.S. Pushkin leads to this chapter 3 epigraph:

Moscow, Russia Daughter Love

Gone to Moscow! What does it mean to see the light?

How not to love your native Moscow? (by Baratinsky).

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A.S. Pushkin himself is recognized in love for Moscow sincerely:

Ah, brothers! How I was pleased

When churches and bells

Gardens, chickens

Opened before I suddenly!

How often in the sorting separation,

In my wandering fate

Moscow, I thought about you!

Moscow, how much in this sound

For the heart of Russian merged!

How many in it responded!

When Tatiana Larina's arrival in Moscow is described in Roman, the author lists the sights of the city, including Petrovsky Castle. Numerous church chapters rushed into the eyes, there were about 270 churches in Moscow, 20 monasteries.

But now close. In front of them

Already blonde Moscow,

Like heat, golden crosses

Throw old chapters.

14 –

Flushing past the booths, women, boys, shops, lanterns ... Larina stopped in the arrival of the Church of St. Harritonia. This place was familiar to A.S. Pushkin in childhood memories where he lived for a while. The tour of the Larina in Moscow is devoted to 5 stanz. Tatiana is brought to the "Bride Fair", the fate of the heroine will arrange in Moscow, as well as the author.

The framework of Moscow of the Patriotic War is expanding 1812:

Napoleon waited in vain,

The last happiness is joined

Moscow crankshake

With the keys of the old Kremlin ...

A.S. Pushkin with patriotism writes about the city:

No, I did not go Moscow

To him with a guy.

Not a holiday, not a reception gift,

She prepared a fire.

Reading these lines, every person beats the heart for the strength and greatness of the city.

For me, these words are associated with patriotism, pride for our homeland.

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In the 7th chapter of Roman A.S. Pushkin erected the poetic monument to the city, and Moscow put her poet, thereby expressing appreciation to the great poet.

Lyrical retreats about theater, ballet, culture.

What brilliant lines are devoted to the theater. Living in the city, Evgeny Onegin visits balls, theaters, banquets. But gradually he was bored with such life:

In the big scattering looked -

Opened and yawned.

From these lines, we learn how secular youth was brought up. But, the life of a young secular man did not kill feelings in Onegin, as it seems at first glance, but "just cooled ...". Now Onegin is not interested in the theater, ballet, which cannot be said about the author. For Pushkin, the Petersburg Theater is the "magic edge", which he mentions, being in the link:

I hear again I have your choirs?

Little Russian Terraticory

Flying filled with soul?

Theater is full; lodges shine;

Parter and armchairs - all boils ...

16 –

There are no other things, and those are not ...

Expresses admiration for the incomparable art of famous Istomine: "One leg, touching the floor, flies like a light fluff ..."

Brilliant, half-up,

Bow Magic obedient

The crowd of the nymph is surrounded,

Standing idiot ...

The meaning of life the author acquires in his destination. The whole romance is saturated with deep reflections on art. The life of Pushkin is unthinkable without spiritual work. That is exactly the opposite of Onegin. He has no need for work. He tried to immerse himself in reading, but ... "The work stubborn him was tsen."

They stored in life peaceful

Habits of cute antiques.

Becoming a brilliant secular lady, the main character did not lose touch with the national culture.

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It was reunited by a national tradition with a high culture of the enlightened nobility.

The same thing happens with the author who hesitated and noble, and folk culture, turning them into a single national one. main character It goes from the National Tradition to the nobleman, the author, on the contrary, from the nobility to the folk.

I believe that a single culture has become the ideal of the poet, combining the high achievements of noble education and humane folk morality.

18 -

Lyrical deviations about friendship and love.

Friendship, nobility, dedication, love - quality, always highly appreciated by A.S. Pushkin. However, life came to the poet not only with best manifestations These moral values:

Who love?

Who can you believe?

Who will not change us alone?

Some lyric retreats in the novel are autobiographical. This gives the right to say that the novel is the history of the person of the poet itself. A. S. Pushkin - another hero of the work.

Creativity, like love in the life of the poet, play a big role. He himself admits that all the poets of "love of dreamy friends". Poetry and life of the author are closely intertwined:

Love insane alarm

I experienced without test.

Blessed who combined with her

Hot rhymes; he doubled

Poets Sacred Brad ...

Roman "Evgeny Onegin" - a diary, where the poet lay out the most intimate. Love for the author and Tatiana is a huge, tense spiritual work. For Lensky - the necessary romantic attribute. For Onegin, love is not a passion, but entertainment, sometimes for the author. True feeling He knows only only by the end of the novel: when the experience of suffering comes. Onegin, in contrast to romantic heroes, is directly related to modernity, with real circumstances and people of 1820s. The author refers to his hero with a small irony, which you will not say about Lensky. Pushkin does not try to uncover the image of Lensky. The author is trying to exclude any finality of the novel.

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Familiar readers with the image of Tatiana, the author notes that her name is closely connected with the world of provincial life, but at the same time the heroine is read.

She is raised in French novels. In them, she found the image of Onegin, his romantic mysterious features.

So Tatyana loved literary hero, It was him that he wrote a letter. After leaving the village of Heroine hits the office of Onegin. Those books that Evgeny Onegin tried to read Tatiana, tried to understand his world through books, through the marks in the fields.

And begins little by little

My Tatiana to understand ...

Is he parody?

And here the position of the author completely coincides with the position of the heroine: he is not the "creator of hell or heaven." Tatyana begins to understand the world of Onegin. Throughout the novel, Tatyana is changing: she learned how to restrain his feelings, from the provincial girl turned into a county lady. In the novel another hero, which changes in the eyes of the reader is the author. It brings the author with his heroine:

Tatiana, cute Tatyana!

With you now I am tears Lew;

You're in the hands of fashionable tyrant

I gave your fate.

Thus, Roman A.S. Pushkin is a product of a possible, but missed happiness. The tragedy of the novel is that the best Russian people do not find happiness in reality. The author himself appreciates such qualities as friendship and love and values \u200b\u200bthem.

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Lyrical deviations about education and training.

A.S. Pushkin on the example of the main character shows the lifestyle of the "Golden Noble Youth". Onegin, tired by the noise of the ball, returns late and wakes up only "for noon". The life of Eugene "Single and Pestra": balls, restaurants, theaters, balls again. Of course, such a life could not satisfy a smart, thoughtful person. We understand why Onegin was disappointed in the surrounding society. After all this elite Make up selfish, indifferent, deprived of high thoughts. Pushkin describes this society in more detail in the eighth chapter:

Here was, however, the color of the capital,

And know and fashion samples,

Everywhere found persons

Necessary fools ...

A.S. Pushkin studied in a lyceum, in the novel he mentions years of study, his friends:

And I see, I wonder before you,

That is my poor syllable.

Falusing much more could

Alien words.

Something and somehow ...

The main character Compared with outstanding personalities of that time. The reader understands that they possessed the knowledge with which they (Chaaadayev, Cavery) are not available to Onegin. The hero is below their level, but above the average level

man of his circle. Therefore, Onegin is boring, and he runs to the village:

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Two days he seemed new

Secluded fields

Cool of a gloomy dubrava

Murmur of a quiet stream;

On the third grove, hill and field

He did not occupy more ...

But in the village, the hero does not find a matter of soul. The only thing that has enough Onegin is:

Jar he is an old bar

The lifestyle replaced the loss ...

I was born to life peaceful

For rustic silence ...


With the help of lyrical retreats, A.S. Pushkin introduces an era in the novel with its life, with real people. The author invested his mind into Roman, his observation, life and literary experience, Knowledge of Russia.

In the novel, "Eugene Onegin" has about 80 lyrical retreats. They matter because the inner world of the author is revealed in them. Lyrical retreats are a lively communication of the author with heroes. The peculiarity of the work is that the novel in verses involves the author's freedom. The freedom of A.S. Pushkin speaks in the 8th chapter of the novel. Freedom of the Pushkin Work is, first of all, a casual conversation of the author with readers. Such freedom allowed the author to recreate the historical picture modern societyBy saying the words V.G. Belinsky write an "Encyclopedia of Russian Life."

Roman "Evgeny Onegin" - a special novel. There are two spaces in it. One of them is real. It lives the author who is connected with the person of man and poet. A.S. Pushkin acts as a prototype of the author, who tells about himself, about his muse, about his own creative fate. This is a real novel, he is lyric, because in it the main face - the poet. Inside this novel is placed "conditional" novel with an epic plot. The author is constantly with readers and with heroes, freely reflects on the problems of society. This is a work about Russian thoughst man Passrovsky time.

23 -


1. Pushkin A.S. Eugene Onegin. Moscow. Fiction 1980.

2. Mratzman V.G. Roman A.S. Pushkin in school study. Moscow. Education 1983.

3. Arkhangelsky A.N. Russian writers of the 19th century. Big learning handbook

Moscow. Drop 2000 year.

4. KERN (Markov- Vinogradova) A.P. Memories of Pushkin. Moscow. Owls. Russia 1989.

5. Belinsky V.G. Selected articles. Leningrad. Lenzdat 1979.

6. Korovina V. Ya. Textbook - Reads in literature. Grade 9. Moscow. Enlightenment 2009.

7. Internet resources.


V. G. Belinsky highly and appreciated ingenious creation Our national poet. Great critic wrote: "Let there is time and leads with them new needs, let it grow russian Society And overtakes "Onegin": no matter how far it is left, it will always be it to love this poem, will always stop the love and gratitude to it ... ".

Lyrical retreats are customary to call extrapty inserts in the literary work, the moments when the author departs from the main story, allowing himself to reflect, remember any events that are not related to the narrative. However, lyric retreats are separate compositional elements as landscapes, characteristics, dialogues.

Roman in verses "Eugene Onegin is replete with lyrical deviations. It is difficult to find another literary creation in which they would be so significant. The main task of these inserts is time. Pushkin goes into lyrical deviations when it was necessary to emphasize the gaps of the time during the narration. But at the same time, they are harmoniously woven into the story story. Thus, the poet expresses its copyright look at those, or other events, attitudes towards their heroes. Pushkin is invisibly present in the common canvas of the narrative.

After some reasoning about the nravas and characters of people, the poet finally "leads Muse" to the secular reception where the meeting of Onegin and Tatiana Larina took place.

But those in a friendly meeting
I read the first read ...
There are no other things, but those distant,
As the garden once said.
Without them, Onegin is given.
And the one formed
Tatiana cute ideal ...
About a lot, a lot of rock deposited!

Answer Plan

1. Features of the genre of Roman A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".

2. The role of lyrical retreats in the novel.

3. Topics of lyrical retreats in the novel: Poet views on culture Literature, language; Recreation of the poet's biography; Memories of the poet about youth, friends; appeal to the Museum and to the reader; landscape sketches; Education and pastime of youth; life, fashion; Russian history.

4. Roman "Eugene Onegin" - the lyrical diary of the author.

1. Roman A. S. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin" - the greatest workWith no analogies in the genre in Russian literature. This is not just a novel, but a novel in verses, as Pushkin wrote, "the devilish difference." The novel "Eugene Onegin" is a realistic, historical, social and domestic novel, where Pushkin depicted Russian life with unprecedented wide, truly historical scope. Two starts merged in his novel - lyrical and epic. Epic is the plot of the work, but lyric - copyright To the plot, characters, reader, which is expressed in numerous lyrical retreats.

The heroes of the novel as if the "good friends" of his creator: "I love Tatyana so much", "I made friends with him at that time ...", "My poor Lensky ..." Lyrical retreats expand the temporary framework of a plot action in the novel, Connecting to it passed.

3. The author's voice sounds in numerous lyrical devices in which he, distracted by action, tells about himself, shares his views on culture, literature, language. Lyrical retreats represent the author as a hero of his own novel and recreate his biography. In the poetic lines, the memories of the poet of the days are revived, when in the gardens of the lyceum "he serenely flourished" and it became "Musa" to him, about the forced expulsion - "Will the hour of my freedom come?"

With the author as a character of Romana, the mention of his friends and acquaintances is related: Cavery, Delivia, Chaadaeva, Derzhavina, sad and bright words about the lived days and gone friends: "There are no other things, and those distant ..." in reflections about life, its frequency The poet's time is visited by the philosophical thoughts, with whom he shares with his readers on the pages of the novel:

I'll eat thirty years soon ...


But sad think that in vain

There was a youth of youth.


Perhaps in the summer will not pick up

Stanza, terms of me;

Perhaps (flattering hope!)

Points future ignorant

On my glorious portrait

And palloon: that was the poet!

The poet is concerned about the fate of his creation, and he, constantly referring to the reader and presenting it to him "Collection of Pestry Heads," says from the pages of his novel, how he works above him:

I finished the first chapter;

Revised all this strictly:

There are a lot of contradictions,

But I do not want to fix them.


It's time for me to be clever

In affairs and in the syllable

And this fifth notebook

From retreats to clean.

The subject of lyrical deviations in Evgenia Onegin is very diverse. We will learn how to raised and spent the time of secular youth, the opinion of the author about the balls, fashion, food, the life of the Golden Youth. This is the topic of love: "Than less woman We love, the easier we like her, "and the theme of the theater where Ballets Didlo and danced Istomy, and a description of life local nobilityascending to oral folk creativity- Sleep Tatiana, resembling a Russian fairy tale, fortune telling.

Staying on the description of the life of the local nobility, in particular the Larina family living in the village, the author says:

They stored in life peaceful

Habits of cute antiques.


She drove on the work,

Solila on winter Mushrooms,

Led expenses, Brill Libi ...

Numerous landscape sketches are important for the development of action. The reader passes all seasons: Summer with sad noise, with its meadows and funds golden, autumn, when the forests were held, winter, when "frost crack", Spring:

Smile clear nature

Through the dream meets the morning of the year;

And nightingale

I sang in silence nights.

For the first time in Russian literature, we appear to the village landscape of the Central Russian strip. Nature helps the disclosure of the character of heroes, sometimes the landscape is described through their perception:

In the window I saw Tatiana

In the morning the Whitard Dvor.

Another topic of lyric deviations has important The novel is a tour of Russian history. Expand the historical framework of the novel string about Moscow and the Patriotic War of 1812:

Moscow ... How much in this sound

For the heart of Russian merged!

How many in it responded!


Napoleon waited in vain,

The last happiness is ecced,

Moscow crankshake

With the keys of the old Kremlin;

No, I did not go Moscow

To him with a guy.

4. Roman "Evgeny Onegin" - deep lyrical work. This is a novel diary, from which we learn about Pushkin are no less than about his heroes, and the author's voice does not interfere, but contributes to the disclosure of images with realistic breadth and truth. Recreecting the whole historical era And attaching the epic and lyrical into a single whole, the novel was (as the author conceived) "the fruit of the mind of the cold observations and the heart of gravity notice."

Laurence Stern said: "Retreat, undoubtedly like sunlight; They make life and soul of reading. Reach them, for example, from this book, it will lose all kinds of price: cold, hopeless winter will reacted on each page.

Gustave Flaubert said: "The artist must be present in his work as God in the Universe: to be omnipresent and invisible."

The word is provided to a group under the leadership of Kulmuman Anna. Subject: "Lyrical retreats and role of the author's image in the novel" Eugene Onegin ".

Deviations are undoubtedly similar to sunlight; They make life and soul of reading. Reach them, for example, from this book, it will lose all kinds of price: cold, hopeless winter will reacted on each page.

(L. Stern)

What is a "lyrical retreat"?

Lyrical deviations - This is an outstretched element that allows the author to refer to readers from pages of their work directly, and not on behalf of any of the acting characters.

Specialists are in the novel by Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" twenty-seven lyrical deviations and fifty-dimensional lyrical inserts. Some of them take just one line. Others are very extensive, and if you connect them, they form two independent chapters by volume.

Lyrical retreats are inextricably linked with scene base Roman and serve:

Spreading the spatial and temporal boundaries of the narration;

Creation of cultural - historical image of the era.

Classification of lyric deviations

Lyrical deviations can be divided into several groups:

- auto retreats. (Memories of the youthful love in the first chapter, adjacent to the joking-ironic argument about the "legs". Memories of the Moscow "Beauty" in 7 chapter ( collective image). Signing to the biography at the beginning and end of 8 chapters. Retreat of reassessment of romantic values \u200b\u200bin "Excerpts from the Travel Onegin").

-Critico-journalistic deviations (conversation with the reader about literary examples, styles, genres). The poet comments on his novel in the course of his writing and however, it is divided with the reader's considerations, how best to write it. The general sense dominant of these deviations is the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding a new style, new manner Letters offering greater objectivity and image concreteness (later it became known as realism).

-Remoty to everyday themes ("Roman requires chat"). We are talking About love, family, marriage, contemporary tastes and mods, friendship, education, etc. Here the poet can act in a variety of prerequisites (literary masks): we see that I am convinced of the epicurea (mocking over the boredom of life), bayronic heroDisappointed in life, then the Fakenistian lifeman, then a peaceful landowner who is accustomed to live in the village. The image of lyrics (as always in Pushkin), on the one hand, kaleidoscopic and having changed, on the other, it remains holistic and harmoniously complete.

Landscape retreats Also included in the number of lyrical. Normal is usually depicted through the prism of the lyrical perception of the poet, its inner world, mood. At the same time, some landscapes are shown through the eyes of heroes ("Tatiana saw the window ...").

-Tellies on civilian - About heroic Moscow 1812. Some deviations are "mixed" type (include autobiographical, and critical-journalistic, and life-aphoric elements.

The role of lyrical retreats in the novel

Specialists are in the novel by Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" twenty-seven lyrical deviations and fifty-dimensional lyrical inserts. Some of them occupy just one line. His enemies, his friends (it may be the same thing). It was cleaned and soy. Others are very extensive, and if they are connected, they form two independent chapters in their volume. Freedom of the Pushkin Work is primarily a relaxed conversation with readers, the expression of the author's "I". Such a free form of narration allowed Pushkin to recreate the historical picture of the modern society, speaking by the words V.G. Belinsky, write an "Encyclopedia of Russian Life." The voice of the author sounds in numerous lyrical devices that define the movement of the narrative in different areas. One of the most important topics of authoring deviations in Evgenia Onegin is an image of nature. Throughout the novel in front of the reader, winter with fun games of the children and skiing on the "tidy fashionable parquet" of ice, and Spring is "the time of love". Pushkin draws a quiet "Northern" summer, "caricature of southern winters," and undoubtedly, he does not disregard his beloved autumn. The landscape exists in the novel along with the characters, which allows the author to characterize their inner world through relations to nature. Stressing the spiritual proximity of Tatiana with nature, the author highly appreciates the moral qualities of the heroine. Sometimes the landscape appears to the reader as he sees Tatyana: "... she loved to warn the saunas on the balcony," "... I saw Tatiana in the back of the White Yard. In Evgenia Onegin, there are another number of author's digresses - the excursion to Russian history. Famous rows about Moscow and patriotic War 1812, the imprint of which lay down on pushkin Epoch, expand the historical framework of the novel. It is impossible not to note the author's descriptions of life and morals of the Company of that time. The reader learns how the secular youth was brought up and spent the time, and the albums of the county ladies even open. The author's opinion on Bals, fashion, attracts the attention of acute observation. What brilliant lines are devoted to the theater. The playwrights, actors ... We ourselves get into this "magic edge," where Fonvizin shone, friend of freedom, and changeable princess, "we see flying like fluff from the mouth of Eol", Istomine. Some lyrical retreats in the novel are directly autobiographical. This gives us the right to say that the novel is the history of the person of the poet itself, the personality of creative, thinking, extraordinary. Pushkin - and the creator of the novel, and his hero. Evgeny Onegin was written by Alexander Sergeevich for seven years in different times, under different circumstances. In poetic lines, describe the memories of the poet of the days, "when in the lyceum gardens" to him began to "be a muse", about forced expulsion ("Will the hour of my freedom come?"). Ends the poet his creation with sad and bright words about the lived days and gone friends: "There are no other things, and those distant ..." Alexander Sergeevich has invested his mind, his observation, life and literary experience, his knowledge of people and Russia. He invested his soul into him. And in the novel, maybe more than in his other works, the growth of his soul is visible. As A. Block said, the creation of a writer - "External results of the soul underground growth." To Pushkin, to his novel in verses "Eugene Onegin" it was applied to the fullest.

Characteristic of the novel.

Famous critic V.G. Belinsky called the novel "Encyclopedia of Russian Life." And indeed it is. In Pushkin, the novel says so much, so comprehensively about the life of Russia in the early 19th century, that if we did not even know anything about the era of the time, reading the novel "Eugene Onegin", we still learned much. But why exactly the encyclopedia? The fact is that the encyclopedia - the referred to the system, as a rule, from "A" to "I". Such is the novel. If you carefully view all the lyrical retreats of the author, we will see that they are "deployed" from "A" to "I".

The author himself also characterizes his novel. He calls him "free." This freedom is primarily a casual conversation with readers with a variety of lyrical deviations, the expression of the thoughts of the author's "I".

And now all the minds in the fog,

Morals on us suggests

Vice courtesy - and in the novel,

And there he tries ...

Such a form of narratives - with lyrical deviations - helped the author to recreate the picture of the society in which he lives: readers learn about the upbringing of young people, how she spends his own free time, literally, reading 20 stanz. After reading the 1st chapter, we saw the image of Onegin.

As Herzen wrote: "... The image of Onegin is so national, which is found in all novels who receive any recognition in Russia, and not because they wanted to copy it, but because they constantly observed near themselves or in themselves."

Roman "Evgeny Onegin", as already mentioned, became a novel diary. Here's what I wrote about the Roman N.I. Nadezhdin: "With each new row, it became more clear that the work of this was nothing but a free fruit of the leisure of fantasy, a poetic album of lively impressions of the talent playing with its wealth. ... the phenomenon itself, with undefined periodic outputs, with contradictable passes and jumps. shows that the poet did not have a goal nor a plan, but acted on a free suggestion of playing fantasy. "


Lyrical retreat - the author's speech in an epic or lyrol-epic product, in the immediate form of an expressing attitude of the author to the depicted. The lyric retreat introduces, thus, the image of the author-narrator as a carrier of the highest, an ideal point of view A.S. Pushkin emphasizes the compound of epic and lyrical genres. His novel in verses is not only a narrative of the life of heroes, but also a lyrical work filled with author's individuality. Lyrical deviations are expanding artistic space, creating the integrity of the image: from household details of generalization, to large-scale, filled image philosophically.

"Onegin" - there is the most sincere

work of Pushkin.,

The most favorite child of his fantasy.

Here is all life, the whole soul,

all love him;

here is his feelings, concepts,

ideals. "

(V.G. Belinsky)

The artistic uniqueness of the novel is largely determined by the special position that the author occupies in it. The author in the novel "Eugene Onegin" is a person without a face, without appearance, without a name. The author is the narrator and at the same time the "hero" of the novel. The author reflected the personality of the creator of Evgenia Onegin himself. Pushkin gave him a lot from what he experienced, he smelled and changed his mind himself. However, identify the author with Pushkin - a rough mistake. It must be remembered that the author is an artistic image. The ratio between the author in Evgenia Onegin and Pushkin, the creator of the novel, exactly the same as between any person in the literary work and its prototype in real life. The image of the author is an autobiographical, this image of a person whose "biography" partially coincides with the real biography of Pushkin, and the spiritual world and views on literature are reflection of Pushkin. He persistently reminds the readers about the "literature" of the novel, that the text created by him is a new, life-like reality that "positively" should be perceived by trusting his story. The heroes of the novel - fictional, all that is said about them is not related to real people. The world in which heroes live is, too, the fruit of the author's creative fantasy. Real life - only material for the novel, the original and organized by him, the Creator roman Mira. The author leads a permanent dialogue with the reader - shares the "technical" secrets, writes the author's "criticism" to his novel and refutes the possible opinions of journal critics, attracts attention to the turns of the plot action, to ruptures in time, introduces plans and drafts in words, not It makes you forget that the novel has not yet been completed, not presented to the reader, as a book, "ready-to-use", which you just need to read. The novel is created right in front of the reader, with his participation, with a loaf of his opinion. The author sees the co-author in it, turning to the long-range reader: "Friend", "Nefruhau", "Friend". The author is the creator of the romance world, the Creator of the story story, but he is his "destructive". The contradiction between the author - the Creator and the author - the "destroyer" of the narration arises when he, interrupting the story, is among the next "frame" of the novel - on a short time (by replica, comment) or fills it with a whole (copyright monologue). However, the author, breaking away from the plot, does not separate himself from his novel, becomes his "hero." We emphasize that the "hero" is a metaphor, a conditionally denoting author, because he is not ordinary hero, Member of the plot. It is unlikely that you can make an independent "plot of the author" in the text of the novel. The plot of the novel is one, the author is outside the story action. The author has a special place in the novel defined by his two roles. The first is the role of a narrator, a storyteller commenting on everything that happens with heroes. The second is the role of "representative" of life, which is also part of the novel, but does not fit into the framework literary plot. The author is not only outside the plot, but also above the plot. His life is part of the total flow of life. He is the hero of the "Roman of Life", which is stated in the last verses "Eugene Onegin": Blessed, who left the holiday of life early, without finishing the floor of the glass of full wines, who did not dape her novel and suddenly knew how to part with him, like me with Onegin My. Separate intersections of the author and heroes (Meetings of Onegin and the author in St. Petersburg, which is stated in the first chapter, the letter of Tatyana ("I am holy by the shore"), which fell to him), emphasize that the heroes of "my novel" - only part of that The author representing in the novel by the author. The image of the author is created by other means than the images of Onegin, Tatiana, Lensky. The author is clearly separated from them, but at the same time, conformities arise between him and the main characters, semantic parallels. Not being acting personThe author appears in the novel as a subject of expressions - replicas and monologues (they are called by the author's retreats). Speaking about life, about literature, about the novel, which creates, the author is approaching heroes, it is distinguished from them. His judgments may coincide with their opinions or, on the contrary, to resist them. Each appearance to the authors of the text of the novel is a statement, corrective or evaluating actions and views of the heroes. Sometimes the author directly indicates similarity or differences between each other and the heroes: "The passions of the game we knew both; / Tomila life of both of us; / In both hearts, the heat is UGAS "; "Always I am glad to notice the difference / between Onegin and me"; "I thought exactly for my Eugene"; "Tatiana, cute Tatiana! / With you now I am a tear Lew ". Most often between the author's statements and the life of heroes, composite and semantic parallels arise. The appearance of copyright monologues and replicas, externally not motivated, is associated with plot episodes of deep semantic ties. General principle It can be determined as follows: the marks or characteristic of the hero give rise to a response from the author, forcing him to talk about or another subject. Each statement of the author adds new strokes to his portrait, becomes the term of his image. Main role In creating the image of the author, his monologues play - author's retreats. This is quite complete fragments of text fragments that have a slim composition and a unique style. For convenience, they can be divided into several groups. Most of Deputies - lyrical and lyrical philosophical. In them, saturated with a variety of life impressions, observations, joyful and sorrowful "heart notes", philosophical reflectionsThe reader opens the spiritual world of the author: this is the voice of the wise poet, a lot of people who who had ever experienced in life. He missed everything, of which there is a life of a person: strong, elevated feelings and coldness of doubt and disappointment, sweet flour of love and creativity and a diverse longing of everyday bustle. He is young, mischievous and passionate, then mocking and iris. The author attracts women and wine, friendly communication, theater, balls, poems and novels, but he also notices: "I was born to life peaceful, / for rustic silence: / In the wilderness, the voice is lying, / more creative dreams". The author acutely feels the change of human ages: the end-to-end topic of his reflection is youth and maturity, "the age of late and rigorous, / on the turn of our years." The author is a philosopher who learned a lot of sad truth about people, but without ceasing to love them. Some deviations are imbued with the spirit of literary controversy. In an extensive retreat in the third chapter (Strafs of the XI-XIV), the irony "historical and literary" certificate is first given, and then the author introduces the reader with the plan of his "novel to the old way." In other deviations, the author is included in the controversy of Russian literary language, emphasizing the faithfulness of the "Karamzinist" ideals of youth (chapter third, Strafs of XXVII-XXIX), hesitated with "criticism of strict" (V.K.Kühehelbecker) (chapter fourth, stanza xxii-xxxii). Critically evaluating the literary opinions of opponents, the author determines his literary position. In a number of deviations, the author finishes over his alien imaging about life, and sometimes frankly ridicule them. The objects of the author's irony in retreats of the fourth chapter (Strafs of VII-VIII - "The smaller the woman we love ..."; the stanza of the XVIII-XXII - "enemies has anything in the world ..."; buildings XXVIII-XXX - "Of course, You have never seen / county one album ... "), the eighth chapter (Stragas X-XI -" Blessed, who was young as a smallest ... ") - vulgarity and hypocrisy, envy and ill-witness, spiritual laziness and digestion, Disguised by secular wellness. Such deviations can be called ironic. The author, in contrast to the "Honorable readers" from the secular crowd, does not doubt in genuine life values and spiritual qualities of people. He is faithful to freedom, friendship, love, honor, looking for peace sincerity and simplicity in people. In many departures, the author appears as the Petersburg poet, the modernist of the heroes of the novel. About his fate, the reader learns a bit, these are only biochemical "dots" (lyceum - Petersburg - South - Village - Moscow - Petersburg), molts, hints, "dreams", of which there is an external background of author's monologues. A autobiographical character has all the retreats in the first chapter, a part of the retreats in the eighth chapter (Strafs I-VII; XLIX-LI stanza), in the third chapter (Strafs of the XXII-XXIII), in the fourth chapter (Stroof XXXV), the famous retreat in the finals of the sixth chapter where the authors says goodbye to youth (XLIII-XLVI), a retreat of Moscow in the seventh chapter (stanza xxxvi-xxxvii). Biographical details "encrypted" and in literary and polemical retreats. The author considers the reader with a modern literary life. The completeness of the spiritual life, the ability to the integral perception of the world in the unity of the bright and dark sides - the main features of the author's personality, distinguishing him from the heroes of the novel. It was in the author Pushkin embodied his ideal of man and a poet. Roman "Eugene Onegin" is the most difficult work of Pushkin, despite the visible lightness and simplicity. V.G. Belinsky called the "Eugene Onegin" "Encyclopedia of Russian Life," emphasizing the scale of Pushkin's "Labor Labor". This is not a critical praise to the novel, but its capacious metaphor. For the "Multi-Strong" chapter and stanza, the change of tetreats of narration hides a slim intentionally in principle innovative literary work - "Roman of Life", which has absorbed a huge socio-historical, household, literary material.

The image of the narrator by many of their own devices is close to Onegin. It detects the same culture of intelligence, critical attitude to reality; But in it there is something wrong with Onegin is a huge vitality:

I love my mad infancy
And brushing, and shine, and joy ...

According to upbringing, views, beliefs, tastes, habits of life, life, the traditions of the same noble culture as Onegin and Tatiana. However, the image of the author-narrator opposes them to everyone: its character is the most fullentic and rich character. He is above them all, because he knows not only what is in the life of Onegin, Tatiana, Lensky, the essence of their views and behavior as certain social types, but aware of their social significance, aware not only "imperfection of the world" (which is peculiar and on Well], but also the inferiority of the Onegin themselves.
Together with an analytical mind, a brilliant wit, a thin iris is characterized by passion, power, energy and optimism.
The environment is also related, like Onegin, negative:
Who lived and thought, he can't
In the soul, do not despise people ...

In the image of the author, a character that carries out its social role in poetic labor in artistic works is visible. "Mound", the inspiration of Pushkin takes a lot of space in their work in general, and in particular, in the "Eugene Onegin", connecting its importance to the future, seeing the improvement start in the inspiration.

Perhaps in the summer will not pick up
Stanza, the complicated me ...
Bless my long work
Oh you epic Muse!

But this is the exercise of its social significance By no means removes the main insoluble contradiction of the author's image. It lies in the fact that with all the sharpness of the criticism of modern noble society, awareness negative Parties Social reality and inferiority of characters created in them, the author at the same time does not have a certain positive program, which he could nominate. Nevertheless, it is in the nature of the author is approved by Pushkin the possibility of development, movement forward, the search for some new ways.

So we came to the conclusionIn the "Eugene Onegin" Pushkin leads his romance not as an impassive observer, fixing the events, but as an active close member of the events described in the novel. The image of the author, his "I" passes through the entire novel, carries a certain semantic function; The author's assessment accompanies all the development of action and characters.

Oscar Waald said: "The main purpose of nature, apparently, is to illustrate the rows of poets."

Gennady Pospelov wrote: "In the literature XVIII- XXcenturies landscapes have gained psychological significance. They became a means of artistic development of the internal life of a person. "

We provide the word group under the leadership of Rudenko Victoria. Subject: " the role of the landscape in the compositional unity of the novel. "

Scenery - artistic description unlocked space (nature, city, etc.), part item world literary work; helps to understand the actions of the characters, transmits them independent state, creates an emotional atmosphere of the work (or episode) or is given in order to contrast opposition to people's activities.

The problem of our research is:

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