Literary dictionary of terms. Brief dictionary of basic literary concepts and terms

Literary dictionary of terms. Brief dictionary of basic literary concepts and terms
Literary dictionary of terms. Brief dictionary of basic literary concepts and terms
Theory of literature. Reading as creativity [Tutorial] Krementsov Leonid Pavlovich

5. Common Literary Concepts and Terms

Adequate - equal, identical.

Allusion - the use of the words (combinations, phrases, quotes, etc.) as a hint that activates the reader's attention and allows you to see the connection of the depicted with which, or a known fact of literary, household or social and political life.

Almanac - non-periodic collection of works selected on thematic, genre, territorial, etc. Signs: "Northern Flowers", "Physiology of St. Petersburg", "Day of Poetry", "Tarusk Pages", "Prometheus", "Metropol", etc.

"ALTER EGO" - the second "I"; Reflection in the literary hero of the part of the author's consciousness.

Anacreontic poetry - poems, chanting the joy of life. Anacreonte is an ancient Greek lyrics, writing verses of love, packaging songs, etc. Translations to Russian, K. Delvina, K. Batyushkova, A. Deligova, A. Pushkin, and others.

Annotation (lat. "Annotatio" - Note) - a brief, explaining book title note. Annotation is given, as a rule, on the turnover of the title page of the book, after the bibliographic description of the work.

Anonymous (Greek. Anonymos - Unnamed) - author of published literary workwho did not call his own behalf and did not use the pseudonym. The first edition of "Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow" in 1790 gave an indication of the author's surname on the title page of the book.

Anthutopia is a genre of an epic work, most often a novel that creates a picture of the life of society, deceived by utopian illusions. - J. Orwell "1984", Evg. Zamyatin "We", O. Huxley "On the wonderful, new world", V. Winovich "Moscow 2042" and others.

Anthology - 1. Collection of selected works of one author or group of poets of a certain direction and content. - Petersburg in Russian poetry (XVIII - early XX century): Poetic anthology. - L., 1988; Rainbow: Children's Anthology / Sost. Sasha black. - Berlin, 1922, etc.; 2. In the XIX century. The anthemicals were called poems written in the spirit of ancient lyrical poetry: A. Pushkin "Tsarskoselskaya Statue", A. Fet "Diana" and others.

Apocrif (Greek. "Anokryhos" is secret) - 1. The work with the biblical plot, the content of which does not fully coincide with the text of the Holy Books. For example, "Limonar, siren spiritual meadow" A. Remizov et al. 2. An essay, with a low degree of reliability ascribed to any author. In the ancient Russian literature, for example, "Talking about Tsar Konstantine", "legends on books" and some others, as expected, was written by Ivan Perestekov.

Association (literary) is a psychological phenomenon when, when reading a literary work, one representation (image) in the similarity or opposite causes other things in the imagination.

Attribution (lat. "Attributio" - attribution) - Textheological problem: the establishment of the author of the work as a whole or its parts.

Aphorism is a laconic speech expressing the capacious generalized thought: "It would be glad to serve, sichenly serve" (A. S. Griboedov).

Ballad is a lyrol-epic poem with a historical or heroic plot, with the obligatory presence of a fantastic (or mystical) element. In the XIX century The ballad was developed in the work of V. Zhukovsky (Svetlana), A. Pushkin ("Song about Oleg"), A. Tolstoy ("Vasily Shibanov"). In the XX century The ballad was revived in the work of N. Tikhonov, A. Tvardovsky, E. Evtushenko, etc.

Bass is an epic product of an allegorical and moral character. The narrative in the bass is painted irony and in the conclusion contains the so-called morality - the tearing output. The Baszni leadership leads from the legendary ancient Greek poet Ezopa (VI-V centuries to n. E.). The largest masters of Basni were French Lafonten (XVII century), German Lessing (XVIII century) and our I. Krylov (XVIII-XIX centuries). In the XX century The bass was represented in the work of D. Poor, S. Mikhalkov, F. Krivina, etc.

Bibliography - a section of literary studies, giving a targeted systematic description of books and articles on various rubrics. Reference bibliographic manuals on fiction, prepared by N. Rubakin, I. Vladislavlev, K. Muratova, N. Matsuev, etc. Multi-volume bibliographic reference book in two series: "Russian Soviet Prosers" and "Russian Soviet poets" report details as On the publications of artistic texts and the scientific and critical literature on each of the authors who have entered this allowance. There are also other types of bibliographic publications. Such, for example, the five-volume bibliographic dictionary "Russian writers 1800-1917", "Lexicon of Russian literature XX century", compiled by V. Cossack, or "Russian writers of 20 century." and etc.

Operational information about updates is provided by the Special Monthly Bulletin "Literary Worker", published by the Institute of Scientific Information Paradise. The newspaper "Book Review", magazines "Literature", Russian Literature, Literary Review, "New Literary Review", and others are also systematically reported on the innovations of artistic scientific and critical literature.

Buff (ITal. "Buffo" - Schutovskaya) - comic, mainly circus genre.

Sleep wreath is a poem of 15 sonnets forming a peculiar chain: each of the 14 sonnets begins the last line of the previous one. The fifteenth sonnet consists of these fourteen duplicate lines and is called "key", or a "highway". Wreath of sonnets is presented in the work of V. Brysov ("Sveta Thoughts"), M. Voloshin ("Sogop Astralis"), Vyach. Ivanova ("Sleeping Wreath"). He meets in modern poetry.

Waterville - type of comedy position. Easy entertainment play of domestic content, built on entertaining, most often, love intrigue with music, songs, dancing. Waterville is presented in the work of D. Lensky, N. Nekrasova, V. Sologuba, A. Chekhov, V. Kataeva, etc.

Volyupuk (Vapauk) - 1. Artificial language, which tried to use as an international; 2. Tarabrushnia, meaningless set of words, Abrakadabra.

Demiurg - Creator, Colder.

Determinism is a materialistic philosophical concept about objective patterns and causal relations of all phenomena of nature and society.

Drama - 1. The genus of art having a synthetic character (combination of lyrical and epic began) and belonging to the literature and theater (cinema, television, circus, etc.); 2. Actually drama is the type of literary work, depicting human and society's acute conflict relations. - A. Chekhov "Three sisters", "Uncle Vanya", M. Gorky "At the bottom", "Children of the Sun" and others.

Duma - 1. Ukrainian folk song or poem on the historical topic; 2. Genre lyrics; Persisions of meditative nature dedicated to philosophical and social problems. - See "Duma" K. Ryleyev, A. Koltsova, M. Lermontov.

Spiritual poetry - poetic works of different species and genres, containing religious motives: Y. Kublanovsky, S. Averintsev, 3. Mirkin and others.

The genre is the type of literary work, whose features, although there are historically, are in the process of constant changes. The concept of the genre is used at three levels: generic - genre of epic, lyrics or drama; species - genre of Roman, Elegy, comedy; actually genre - historical novel, Philosophical Elegy, comedy of morals, etc.

Idyllo is the type of lyrical or limier poetry. In idylls, as a rule, a peaceful serene life of people on the Louis of beautiful nature is depicted. - Antique idyllies, as well as Russian Idylli XVIII - early XIX century. A. Sumarokova, V. Zhukovsky, N. Galotich, etc.

Hierarchy is the location of the elements or parts of the whole on the basis of the highest to the lower and vice versa.

Increusion - angry impairment.

Ipostasya (Greek "HipoStasis" - face, essence) - 1. The name of each person of the Holy Trinity: One God speaks in three horses - the god father, the God-Son, the God-Spirit of Holy; 2. Two or more sides of one phenomenon or subject.

Historiography - a section of literary studies studying the history of its development.

The history of literature is a section of literary studies studying the features of development literary process and determining place literary direction, writer, literary work in this process.

Carticle - copy, accurate translation from one language to another.

Canonical text (correlated from Greek. "Kapop" is a rule) - installed in the process of texture reconciliation of publishing and handwritten versions of the work and meets the last "author's will".

Kantsona - type of lyrics, mainly love. The heyday Chancests - Middle Ages (Creativity of Trubadurov). In Russian poetry there is rarely (V. Bryusov "to the lady").

Catharsis - cleansing of the soul of the viewer or reader, tested by him in the process of empathy literary characters. According to Aristotle, Qatarsis is the goal of the tragedy, a refining viewer and reader.

Comedy is one of the types of literary creativity belonging to the dramatic genus. The action and characters in the comedy put the goal of ridicuing ugly in life. The comedy arose in the ancient literature and is actively developing up to our time. The comedies of the provisions and comedies of characters differ. Hence the genre variety of comedy: social, psychological, household, satirical.

Comments - notes, interpretation; Explanatory notes to the text of the artistic work. Comments may have biographical, historical-literary, textual, etc..

Contaminatio (lat. "Contaminatio" - mixing) - 1. Education of the word or expression by connecting parts of words or expressions related to interconnected associative; 2. Connecting texts of different editions of one work.

Context (Lat. "Contextus" - communication, compound) - 1. Complete in the semantic relationship of the text excerpt in which the word acquires the necessary author meaning. Taken out of context it can have a different value; 2. The amount of information necessary to understand the meaning of the work in the historical and aesthetic circumstances of its appearance and functioning.

Conjuncture (lat. "Conjungere" - to bind, connect) - the set of conditions affecting the development of the situation and the relationships considered in their relationship.

Criticism literary is the type of fiction, the art of analysis of both individual works and the entire creativity of the writer in order to interpret and evaluate them in connection with the modern problems of life and literature. Carried out in the process of creating.

Lyrics - a birth of literature, recreationing subjective experiences of the author and character, their relationship to the depicted. The speech form of lyrics is usually an internal monologue, mainly in verses. The lyrics are Sonnet, Oda, Elegy, Song, Epigram, etc., Genres - Civil, Love, Landscape, Philosophical, etc.

Laro-epic species - ballad, poem, novel in verses combine the features of the image of the reality inherent in the epic and lyrics, and are their organic, qualitatively new unity:

Literary criticism - a cycle of scientific disciplines that study the essence, specificity, functions of fiction, features of literary works; The patterns of the literary process, etc.

Madrigal - type of lyrics; A small poem of complimentary content, usually facing a woman. Being a kind of salon, album poetry, Madrigal recently is not widespread.

Meditative lyrics - a genre containing philosophical meditation on the main problems of being:

We are not given to predict

How our word will respond,

And the sympathy is given to us,

As we are given grace.

F. Tyutchev

Melodrama is a drama genre dedicated to predominantly love topics and characterized by intense intrigue, sentimentality, instructive intonation.

Memoirs (memories) - autobiographical works about persons and events, participant or witnessed by the author. - "The Life of the Avvakum Protopopa, written by him", "People, years, life" I. Ehrenburg, "Epilogue" V. Kaverin, etc.

Method (Greek. "Meta" - through; "HODOS" - the path; literally "way through the material") - 1. A way of knowledge, research, lifestyle; 2. Reception, principle.

The method of literature - studies the set of methods and techniques of the most appropriate teaching of literature in school, gymnasium, lyceum, university, etc.

Methodology - a set of methods and techniques of research.

Myth (Greek. "Mithos" - the word, tale) - legends about the device of the world, the phenomena of nature, about the gods and heroes. Such, for example, myths of ancient Greece. Myths can be peculiar to rethink in literary creativity, at different stages of the literary process performing various functions.

Novella (ITAL. "Novella" - news) - Proseical (less poems) Genre of Epos with a sharp plot, concise narrative and an unexpected ending. - Memella Maupassant, O. Henry, A. Chekhov, L. Andreeva, I. Bunin, V. Shukshin, Yu. Kazakova, etc.

Oda - type of lyrics; The product of a solemn pathetical character containing praise to a person or event. The object of the image of ODD - sublime in the life of a person. In Russian literature, ODA appeared in XVIIIin. (Q: Trediakovsky, M. Lomonosov, V. Mikov, Derzhavin, etc.), in the XIX century. Oda acquires a civilian character (A. Pushkin "Volost").

Essay - the form of an epic work, belonging to the mainly journalism. Essay is distinguished by the accuracy of the image of real life facts and affects predominantly topical social problems. - Essays G.Uspensky, V. Ovechkin, Yu. Chernichenko et al.

Pamphlet is a genre of journalism, an accusatory pharmaceutical work of socio-political content: M. Gorky "City of Yellow Devil", "Beautiful France", etc.

Parody - comic reproduction of the features of the content and form of the work or creativity of the artist as a whole. A parody can be an independent product or part in a major essay - "Gargantua and Pantagruel" F. Rabl, "The Story of one city" M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, "New Moscow Philosophy" V. Piezuha, etc. The goals of the parody are different. It can act as a form of criticism, setting some stylistic or thematic addictions of the author, the inconsistencies of the content and forms - Burlesque, Travel, - use the comic effect that arises from the movement of the hero of a well-known literary work into other space-time coordinates. Such is the parody of E. Khazin:

Our Eugene sits down in the tram.

Oh, poor, dear man!

Did not know such movements

His unenmended eyelid.

The fate of Eugene kept,

He only gave him his leg

And only once, pushing in the stomach,

He was told: "Idiot!"

He, remembering the ancient orders,

Decided a duel to finish the dispute,

I got into my pocket ... but someone sole

His gloves have long been.

For incurable such

Digured Onegin and Prii.

High samples of various parodies can be found in the book "Parnas Ofs" (M., 1990).

Paphos (Greek. "Pathos" is a feeling, passion) - an emotional painting of the literary work, his spiritual filling, purposefulness. Types of pathos: heroic, tragic, romantic, etc.

Character (Lat. Persona - Personality) - Acting face in a works of art.

Personification - attribution of thoughts, senses of character or author to another person.

Song - 1. Type of lyrical kind; A small poem, as a rule, with a quarters of stanza and refrain; 2. A special type of creativity created by the efforts of the poet, composer, singer. Song type - author's song: V. Vysotsky, A. Galich, Y. Visbor, etc.

Plagiat - literary steam.

The tale is the form of an epic work, in which the narrative principle prevails. The story reveals the life of the main character within the few episodes. The author of the story values \u200b\u200bthe accuracy of the described and inspires the reader about his reality. (A. Pushkin "Tale of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin", I. Turgenev "Wounds", A. Chekhov "Steppe" and others).

The subtext is internal, verbally not expressed meaning of the text. The subtext is hidden and can be restored by the reader, taking into account the specific historical situation. Bow is all present in psychological genres.

Message - type of lyrics; Poem in the form of a letter or appeal to some person or group of persons: A. Pushkin "In the depths of Siberian ores", F. Tyutchev "K.B. ("I met you ...") ", S. Yesenin" Letter of Mother "and others.

Poetry -1. The art of the word; 2. Artistic literature in poetic form.

The poem is the type of lyri-epic work, "grabbing life at the highest points" (V. G. Belinsky) with a concise story. The genres of the poem are heroic and satirical, romantic and realistic, etc. in the XX century. In Russian literature, the poems of unusual, unconventional form - A. Akhmatova "Poem without a hero" appear.

Poetics - 1. The general name of aesthetic treatises devoted to the study of the specifics of literary creativity ("poetics" of Aristotle, "Poetic Art" Baual, etc.) and employees by the instruction for beginners; 2. System artistic means or techniques (art method, genres, plot, composition, verse, tongue, etc.), used by the writer to create an artistic world in a separate work or work in general.

Claims - manners, deliberation; The desire to impress.

Parable (one of the values) is a genre of a story containing a teaching in an allegorical, allegory form. Proverbs are possible in verses (Proverbs A. Sumarov, etc.).

Alias \u200b\u200b- a fictional signature hiding the name of the writer: Sasha Black - A. M. Glikberg; Maxim Gorky - A. M. Peshkov, etc.; Or group of writers, such as a collective pseudonym of the goat of rods, under which A. K. Tolstoy and the pearl brothers were hidden - Alexey, Vladimir and Alexander Mikhailovichi.

Publicistics (Lat. Publicus - public) - type of literature; The journalistic work is created at the junction of fiction and journalism and considers the actual problems of society - political, economic, etc. In the journalistic work, the artistic image performs auxiliary illustrative function and serves to clarify the reader of the author's main thought: L. N. Tolstoy "I can not be silent ", M. Gorky" Undime thoughts" and etc.

The play is the general name of dramaturgical works.

Story - View of the epic; The work is small in volume, containing a description of a brief episode from the personal life of the hero (or narrator), which is usually universal importance. The story is characterized by the presence of one storyline and a small amount acting persons. A variety is a mood story that transmits a certain mental state (at the same time events do not play a significant role).

Reminiscence is a special type of association, which arises from the personal sensations of the reader, forcing it to recall a similar image or picture.

Recipient (lat. "Recipientis" - receiving) - a person perceiving art.

Right literary - type of literary works. At the heart of the division of works by childbirth, the purpose and method of their creation are: an objective story about events (see EPOS);subjective story O. inner world personality (see Lyrics);a method that combines an objective and subjective point of reality, a dialogical image of events (see Drama).

Roman is the appearance of the epic; The work, which is based on a comprehensive analysis of a person's privacy throughout its length and in numerous connections with the surrounding reality. Mandatory signs of the novel are the presence of several parallel scene lines and polyphony.The genres of the novel are - social, philosophical, psychological, fantastic, detective, etc.

Roman in verses is a lyrol-epic type of literary creativity; The form that combines the epic scope of the image of reality with the lyrical self-expression of the author. - A. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin", B. Pasternak "SPECTOR".

Romance is a small lyrical poem, or overlayed to music, or designed for such an arrangement. Romance has a long time. His story is rooted in later Middle Ages and revival. Time of the greatest popularity: the end of XVIII is the beginning of the XIX century. Among the Masters of Romance - V. Zhukovsky, A. Pushkin, Evg. Baratsky et al:

Do not say: love will pass,

About to forget your friend wants;

In her, he relieves eternity,

I sacrificed happiness gives.

Why blow my soul

Barely gloring the desire?

Even mig let me without Raptany

Getting out your tenderness.

What to suffer? What do I love

Got from heaven cruel

Without bitter tears, without wounds deep,

Without tedious longing?

Love days briefly given,

But I do not hear her cooled;

I will die with her like a dull sound

Suddenly torn string.

A. Delvig

Saga - 1. Type of the ancient Qurlyland and the Kannadavanian epic; 2. Nattery-epic - "Saga about Forsyites" D. Golsuorussi.

Satira - 1. A peculiar way of image reality, aims to detect, punishment and ridiculous defects, flaws, flaws of society and personality. This goal is achieved, as a rule, by exaggeration, grotesque, caricatures, absurdity. Satira genres - Bass, comedy, satirical novel, epigram, pamphlet, etc.; 2. Genre lyrics; The product containing the boring of some person or vice. - K. Ryleev "To the Time".

Serviced - slavery, pleased.

The tale is a way of narrative focused on a monologue character-narrator. Most often from the first person. The work can be either entirely built on the competition ("Evening on the farm near Dikanka" N. Gogol, some stories N. Leskov, M. Zoshchenko), or include him as a separate part.

Stans - in Russian poetry of the XVIII-XIX centuries. Small meditative poem. Stanfa - Usually quadruples, size - most often a four-stranded yamb (A. Pushkin. Stans ("in the hope of glory and good ..."); M. Lermontov. Stans ("instantly running by the mind ..."), etc.).

Tavatogram is a poem in which all the words begin with the same sound. The tautogram is sometimes called verses "with an allyteration with the extremes" (N. Schulgovsky):

Lazy years easily caress

Luba Lilash love

I love Levkoev flaying

Legends brittle fishing.

Rady flax lovingly sculpts

Azure caressing forests.

I love crap lily pushet,

Flying incense of petals.

V. Smrensky

Tank - genre of Japanese poetry; Five-statted meditative structure using white verse:

Oh, do not forget

Like in my garden

You broke the azalea white branch ...

Slightly shine

Slim sickle moon.

Textology - section of literary studies; Scientific discipline, which is engaged in the study of the art text by comparing various work options.

The theory of literature is a section of literary studies, studying species, forms and laws of artistic creativity, its social functions. The theory of literature has three main objects of study: the nature of fiction, literary work and literary process. The theory of literature determines the methodology and methodology for analyzing literary works.

The type of literary is an artistic embodiment of the characteristic sustainable features of the person at a particular historical stage of the development of society. The literary type is psychologically motivated and due to the social and historical situation. V. Belinsky called the literary type "familiar stranger", referring to the embodiment of the general one.

Tragedy - type of drama. The tragedy is based on an unresolved conflict, ending the death of the hero. The main goal of the tragedy is, according to Aristotle, in Qatarsis, in cleansing the soul of the viewer-reader by compassionate the hero, which is a toy in the hands of rock. - Antique tragedy of Eschil, Sofokla, Eurypid; Tragedies V. Shakespeare, P. Cornel, J. - B. Rasina, F. Schiller, and others. In Russian literature, the tragedy is a rare genre that existed mainly in the XVIII century. In the work of M. Heraskov, A. Sumarov, etc.

Unique - unique, one of a kind, exceptional.

Utopia - fiction genre, containing a description of the ideal public device: "Sun city" T. Campanella, "Red Star" A. Bogdanova, etc.

Farc is a light comedy, hydroville rude content.

Faken - journalistic genre; A small work on a relevant topic is usually satirical, published usually in newspapers and magazines.

Philology (Greek. "Phileo" - love; "Logos" - the word) - a set of humanitarian sciences studying written texts and based on their analysis of the history and essence of the spiritual culture of society. As part of philology - literary criticism and linguistics in their modern and historical aspects.

Fantasy - genre of unscientific fiction leading his pedigree from different species myth-making, legends, fairy tales, utopia. Fantasy, as a rule, is built on antithesis: good and evil, order and chaos, harmony and dissonance; The hero is started on the journey, fighting for truth and justice. The book of J. R. R. Tolkien "Lord of the Rings" (1954) is recognized as a classic work in the fantasy genre. Such a fantasy masters are widely known as Ursula K. Le Guin, M. Murkok, R. Zzizlava. In Russian literature, the genre is presented in the work of M. Semenova, N. Perumov.

Hokka - genre of Japanese poetry; Lyrical poem from one triple (17 syllables) without rhyme.

From the branch of the branch

Quietly run drops ...

Rain Spring.

On a bare branch

Raven sits lonely.

Autumn evening.

Artistic method - 1. General principles of work on the text, relying on which the writer organizes its creative process. Composite elements of the art method are: writing worldview; depicted reality; talent writer; 2. The principle of an artistic image of reality in art. At a particular historical stage, the artistic method acts as a literary direction and can represent the features of three different options: realistic, romantic and modernist.

Ezopov language is a way of expressing thoughts by allegory, hints, shortcoming. The traditions of the Ezopov language were laid in the creativity of the ancient Greek basinist of Ezopa. In the literature, most often used in the years of censored persecution.

Elegy - a small poem painted by sad reflections, longing, sorrow:

Still silent the thunderstorm of the people

Still a Russian mind.

And oppressed freedom

Tit the gusts of the bold doom.

Oh long chain centuries

With the Ramen, depiction will not be saved,

Countertop proceeding, -

And Russia will not awaken!

N. Languages

Puffs - scandalous output, call to generally accepted standards.

Epigor - a follower of any direction, devoid of identity, the ability to think and write independently, original; The imitator, constituting the motifs of the master.

Epigram (literally with Greek. "Inscription") - a small poem of ironic content. E. Baratsky wrote:

Finished flying

Epigram - hooching,

Epigram of themez

Rubs, goes the medium of the people,

And envy only uroda,

When he clings to the eye.

The characteristic feature of the epigram should be brevity, accuracy, wit:

Victor Shklovsky about the fat

I composed a solid volume.

It's good that this volume

The light did not come out with a thick.

A. Ivanov

Epistolar form of literature (Greek "Epistola" - a letter, message) - used both in documentary and journalistic and in artistic genres (A. Pushkin "Roman in letters"; N. Gogol "Selected places from correspondence with friends"; F. Dostoevsky "Poor people"; I. Bunin "Unknown friend"; V. Kaverin "in front of the mirror", etc. ).

Eppatima - antique lyric genre; Wedding song with wishes newlyweds. In the poetry of the new time it is rare - V. Tredyakovsky, I. Northerner.

Epitaph - gravestone, sometimes in verses:

The epic is the appearance of the epic; Large work, reflecting the central problems of the life of the people, depicting the main layers of society in detail, up to the details of life. The epopea describes the turning points of the life of the nation, and the little things of the daily existence of characters. - O. Balzac "Human Comedy", L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace", etc.

Epos - 1. The genus of art; The image method of reality is an objective show by the artist of the surrounding world and people in it. EPOS assumes the presence of a narrative principle; 2. Type of folk art; A large amount of product containing myths, legends, legends: the ancient-Indian Epos "Ramayana", Finnish "Kalevala", Indian "Song of Guyavate", etc.

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Brief Dictionary of Literary Terms

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"A brief dictionary of literary terms / manual for secondary school students": "Uchochegiz"; Moscow; 1963.


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Brief Dictionary of Literary Terms

High School Pupils

From authors

"Without the theory of the subject there is no its history." These words N. G. Chernyshevsky are directly related to science on literature. All wealth is informative and educational, which contains in itself the artistic literature studied at school, can be fully learned only when the student has a certain level of culture of the perception of the artistic and literary work: an understanding of what is artistic and literary creativity; What are his main features, his public significance; How the literary work is built and how it must be disassembled; How the literary process develops.

Only under such conditions the artistic and literary work will be sufficiently fully perceived by students.

Obviously the significance of such the theoretical basis of the perception of fiction for school, which not only reports students with a certain minimum of historical and literary knowledge, but also, perhaps, this is the main thing - it prepares them for independent perception of literature behind the walls of the school. It will be fruitful when the school will release a student with a developed artistic taste and knowledge, allowing to deeply understand the fiction.

Meanwhile, at present, our school has no course of the theory of literature, no needed textbook. The minimum of literary and theoretical knowledge with whom the student leaves school must be resolutely elevated.

The task of the reader of the reader's "brief dictionary of literary terms" and is to resolve this gap to a certain extent. It is clear that the "Dictionary" does not replace Course theory of literature, as it can not give systems Concepts, their relationships, their methodical reflection.

It should only expand the circle of theoretical concepts of students, help them understand with the help of a teacher in terms with which they are found in critical articles and literary work, to initiate their interest in issues of the theory of literature.

The "Dictionary" includes about 500 terms covering mainly the minimum circle of theoretical concepts with which students of high schools can meet and which constitute the well-known cycle of knowledge on the theory of literature in their totality.

The authors of the "Dictionary" were sought to compress and, if possible, accessible to students to present theoretical concepts, to provide them with examples, to give them a certain assessment, to associate with questions arising from the study of modern Soviet literature. Using with the help of a teacher "Word", students can expand the circle of their theoretical knowledge.

Given the saturation of work on the theory of literature of foreign terminology, the authors sought or explain the term, its meaning and origin, or find unambiguous Russian terms; Foreign terms (with reference to the Russian designation) are left to ensure that the reader, facing them in the literature, could find them in the "Dictionary."

When processing and supplementing the "dictionary", critical comments and wishes expressed in reviews about him are taken into account. Supplements belong P. F. Roshchina.


Abbreviation (from Lat. Brevis - short) - Abbreviated words in a letter, colloquial speech, artwork.

For example, at V. Mayakovsky:


in Tse Ka ka

bright years

above Bang


ribsch and survived

i will sum up

like Bolshevik partboard

all hundred Tomov

party books.

("In a loud voice".)

TSA KA (CCC) - instead Central Control Commission; PartBile - instead party ticket.
Paragraph (from him. ABSATZ) - part of the text from one retirement, red row, until next. For example, two paragraph In the story of L. N. Tolstoy "Bone":
Vanya turned pale and said:

"No, I threw the bone for the window."

And everyone laughed, and Vanya was crying.
Autobiography (from gr. 1 AUTOS - Himself, BIOS - Life, Graphō - I write) - a description of your life by any person. In artistic literature autobiography Call a work in which the writer describes his life.

Such autobiography is, for example, the work of V. V. Mayakovsky "I myself".

Autobiographical Call artworks in which the author used as a material of the event from his personal life (for example, autobiographical Tale A. M. Gorky "Childhood", "In People", "My Universities").
Autograph (from gr. AUTOS - Himself, Graphō - I write) - Manuscript written by the author, letter, lettering on the book, etc. Autograph Also called the author's own signature.

Autographs great people ( public figures, scientists, writers) are carefully collected, studied and stored in scientific institutes, museums, state archival storage facilities.

So, at the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, the CPSU Central Committee is collected, study and stored autographs Marx, Engels, Lenin and publish the works of the classics of Marxism, drilled with autographers.

Autographs A. S. Pushkin are collected, studied and stored at the Institute of Russian Literature of the USSR Academy of Sciences; autographs A. M. Gorky - in the archive of A. M. Gorky at the Institute of World Literature named after A. M. Gorky Academy of Sciences of the USSR.
Copyright (from Lat. AU (C) Tor - Creator) - Words that the author directly, from Himself, characterizes his heroes, evaluates their actions, describes events, decor, landscape.

Sometimes copyright The work does not assocbiate with the active persons and events of the narration. Such copyright or, otherwise, lyrical, retreats The author expresses his thoughts, reports his feelings, explaining and complementing his narrative.

Author's speech In the form of such lyrical, complete deep feelings and thoughts of deviations, we meet N. V. Gogol, for example, in his work "Dead Souls": Reflections on the appointment and fate of the writer ("Happy Writer ..."), about the fate of Russia ("not so Li and you, Rus ... "), etc. are known lyrical deviations In Roman A. A. Fadeeva "Young Guard" with the reflections of the author about the childhood "Boy with Orlini Heart", about friendship, about maternal hands, etc.

Thanks author's speech The reader, along with the actors of the work, imagines and the image of the author, the narrator (see), which is sometimes, such as in the "dead souls", complements other images of the work, helps to understand its content deeper.

Adapted edition (from Lat. Adapto - adapt) - abbreviated publication of any artistic and literary work. Adapting The literary text requires deep penetration into its meaning and features of artistic skills (see) author, otherwise it can lead to undesirable distortion of the content of the work and the weakening of its aesthetic impact on the reader. Most often adapted Literature for children, mainly foreign authors. Such, for example, adapted edition For children book english writer Daniel Defo "Robinson Crusoe",
Aytyis - Akyne's song contest (see) in the oral Kazakh folk poetry, poetic tournament.
Axism (from gr. Akmē - Top) - the current in Russian poetry, which emerged in Russia shortly before the Great October Socialist Revolution.

Axism Like symbolism (see), was the phenomenon of noble-bourgeois culture in the era of its decomposition and decline, but unlike symbolism refused mysticism and sought a concrete image of the real and natural world, ordinary human feelings, etc. However, extreme individualism Akmeism led to the fact that the poetic world of his representatives was very poor and limited, far from real life.

Speaking in their literary manifestes against symbolism (see), the aqmeists were, as well as symbolists, adherents of the theory of "art for art" (see). Their individualistic creativity was also far from public life, alien and hostile people.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution acmeysts broke up.
Acrostic (from gr. Akrostichon is an extreme line) - a poem in which initial letters Rows form a name or surname of any person, word or a whole phrase. For example:
L. Azure day


N. full shadow

BUT X! hid us.
From the first letters of the poetic lines fold the word moon. Sometimes the poetic riddles are written - the unagnation in the first letters of poems. Acrostic Sometimes it is a dedication to the work of a person.
Act (from Lat. Actus - act, action) - In dramaturgical works and performances, the completed part of the work, a separate action of drama or comedy.

They say: "Quad-hot play", "Trekhakta drama", etc.

Accent verse (from lat. accentus - stress) or Tonic poems (from gr. Tonos - Emphasis) - a system of renovation based on a more or less identical number of rhythmic strokes in poetic lines, regardless of the number of syllables in the string and the number of unstressed syllables between strokes. That accent session It differs from other stying systems, based either at the same number of syllables in verse (Sillabic session, see), or at the same arrangement and number of shock and unstressed syllables in the footsteps forming verse (Syllabo-tonic sequence, see).
Army̆ ПРОЛӗЛӗТӗВ, 2

stand, stroke!

Dual healthy

radŏset̆̆ th soon!

It's ӗ Didnotĕ

vӗ silica

yz everyone

kӑki knew ystoriă.

(V. V. Mayakovsky, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin)

Rhythm verse, its dimension is determined here only stress; Between strokes, how to easily calculate, then one, then two, then four unstressed syllables, but in each line - four stresses.

If there are equal numbers in most rows accent (or tonic) verse Permits in separate lines less or more of their number, and sometimes sustained alternation of rows with a different amount of accents, for example, in the poem of V. V. Mayakovsky "Marxism - weapons, a firearm" (4-3-4-3).
Akyn - People's poet singer at the Kazakh people. His poems akyna They read the charts under the sounds of the string tool - Dombra.

Outstanding akyn. Was Jambul Jabaev (1846-1945).

Alexandrian Verse - in Russian poetry, the twin-dealer six-power Yamba (see) with cesury (see) after the third foot. Poems are connected by the adjacent rhyme.

Such two-bending times was written in the XII century. French poem about Alexander Macedonian. Hence the name - alexandrian verse.

Russian poets, including A. S. Pushkin, more than once appealed to alexandrian verse:
Sullen watchman MUZ, || Potter longtime mine, 3

Today reason || I thought with you.

Do not be afraid: I do not want, || challenged false

Censorship to disappear || Mulen careless ...

(A. S. Pushkin, Message censor.)

Alcaic - cm. Antique storm.
Allegory (from gr. Allegoria - allegory) is one of the types of trails (see) - an allegorizing image of an abstract concept or a phenomenon of reality with a specific life image. The features and signs of this image, corresponding to the main features of an allegorically depicted concept or phenomenon, cause an idea of \u200b\u200bit that Writer wants to create.

So, justice Allegorically depicted in the image of a woman blindfolded and scales in the hands; allegory of Hope - anchor; allegory of freedom - broken chains, etc. On the icons and the appeals of hundreds of millions of workers fighting for the world, depicted white dove - allegory of the world around the world.

Allegory It is often used in fables and fairy tales, where the trick is allegorically depicted in the form of fox, greed - in the evilness of the wolf, cunning - in the form of a snake, etc.
Alliteration (from lat. AD - K, with Lit (T) ERA - letter) - repetition in verses or - less often - in prose of the same, consonant consonant sounds to enhance the expressiveness of artistic speech. Alliteration He emphasizes the sound of individual words, highlighting them and giving them a particularly expressive value.
Not in but in ZDU in Ahlo and Re. in ate

TO from l. Oh. cL about to Focal I. cL Ubuing ...
(A. S. Pushkin, Bronze Horseman.)

Alliteration, When it does not serve as a certain expressive goal, leads to an empty, meaningless game sounds, for example, the poet symbolist:
C. High c. Aram. c. Yury c. Yulan ...
Almanac (from Arab. Al MANA - time, measure) - so in the XIV-XV centuries. The collections of calendar tables with astronomical calculations were called; Later, from the XVI century, they were published annually, complementing various reference information, small stories, verses, jokes, etc.

Subsequently almanac They began to call a collection of literary and artistic works of various content.

From Russian old almanachov Known literary and artistic compilation "Polar Star", published in 1823-1825. writers-Decembristians A. A. Bestuzhev and K. F. Ryleev; in that almanah A. S. Pushkin, A. S. Griboedov, V. A. Zhukovsky, I. A. Krylov and other outstanding writers of that time.

At the initiative of A. M. Gorky when Soviet power Steel publish almanac, which was called for the current year the Great October Socialist Revolution: "Year of XXXI", "Year XXXIV". Later, this almanac began to wear the name "literary contemporary".

Amphibehi (from the gr. Amphibrchys - on both sides is a brief) - a three-storey stop in Russian silhlor-tonic verses (see), in which the emphasis falls on the second syllable - the shock between two unstressed (ᴗᴗ).

amphibehi - Stop in which a long syllable is concluded between two briefs (ᴗ-ᴗ).

Example amphibehia In Russian verse:
Allest̆ | Jas cloud | RӑSSEĔN | Nŏy Bourge!

Own you ̆ | Нӗ прись просп | Clear | LӑZURY.

(A. S. Pushkin, Cloud)

Scheme amphibery:

Amphimakre - See an ancient poem.
Allyusia (from Lat. Allusio - a hint) - a stylistic figure (see), which consists in using the running winged expression As a hint, the essence of a particular fact. For example, the victory taken by the price of large victims is usually referred to as the "Pyrrhiest Victory" ("Another such victory, and I will stay without troops" - so I estimated one of my victories over the Romans in 279. BC. E. Epirian commander Pyrr) .

Such is the stylistic role in speech and in the literary work of such suspended well-known expressions, as "came, saw, won," "What will say the princess of Marya Alekshna!" etc.

Amphibolia (from gr. Amphibolia - double-rate) is a deliberate or involuntarily admitted ambiguity, ambiguity of expression.

For example: " Mother (not father) loves daughter "and" Mother loves daughter (not a son). "

Anacreontic poetry - Type of antique lyrical poetry: Song poems, in which cheerful, carefree life, porcushi, wine, love. This type of lyrical poetry received its name on behalf of the ancient Greek poet Anacreon (or Anacreonta), the author of the petition songs who lived in the VI century. BC e. It was reached by passages of his poems and a collection of poems of the time written in the spirit of Anacreon. In the second half of the XVIII and early XIX century. anacreontic poems often met in Western, and in Russian poetry; They were written by M. V. Lomonosov, G. R. Dervin, K. N. Batyushkov and other poets.

IN youth years A. S. Pushkin wrote and translated several anacreontic poems - "Phial Anacona", "Coffin of Anacona" and others.

Anapaest (from gr. anapaistos; ana - back and paio - beat, chop, shot down back) - three-way stop in Russian silhlor-tonic storage (see), in which the emphasis falls on the third, the last syllable (ᴗᴗ ').

In antique storage (see) anapaest - Stop in which the first two syllables are brief, the last - long (ᴗᴗ-).

Examples anapest In Russian verse:
Clause Pӑra | Dnights. | Tucking | one days,

ŎДӗРжиЙ | We HOOHO | PSKM NӗDU | go ...

(N. A. Nekrasov, Reflections in the front entrance)

Scheme anapest:

Anaphora (from gr. Anaphora - pulling up) - see Unity.
Anachronism (from gr. Ana - back and Chronos - time) - retreat from historical accuracy in the image of any era, which is that historical persons who lived in another time have been derived as acting persons of one epoch in the work; Heroes of the work use words or use concepts unknown to the depicted era; There is a description of life and the situation characteristic of another historical period, etc. For example, in some episons, the heroes go to drink wine "in the king of the Kabak" - in those days there were no kings.

Anachronism Also called the extension of the old days, an obsolete look, who said custom.
Joke (from gr. Anekdotos is unnecessary) - a brief story about a funny case, a funny incident.

Jokes First called " Secret story"Byzantine historian Prokopiy (VI century n. Er), which described cases from the personal life of Emperor Justinian and its courtiers. Anecdot or anecdotal story Call a story or episode in the work, built on funny chance. Such, for example, one of the early stories by A. P. Chekhov "Horsep Surname".
Annals (from Lat. Annus - year, Annalis - annual) - recording by the years of historical events in the ancient Romans. In ancient Russia, such a weather record was called chronicle (cm.).
Annotation (from Lat. Annotacio - a note) - a brief note explaining the content of the book. Such annotations Sometimes with a critical assessment of the work, printed in reference books of literature, book directories, etc.
Anonymous (from gr. Annonymos - not having a name) - an unfulfilled work, without the designation name of the author. Anonymous Also called the author of the writings, hiding their name.

Anonymous are, for example, works of folk creativity - epics, songs, fairy tales (see), "Word about the regiment of Igor", etc.
Antibaches - cm. Antique storm.
Antithesis (from gr. Antithesis - opposite) - one of the stylistic figures (see): the turnover of poetic speech, in which the opposite concepts, thoughts, traits of the character of acting persons are sharply opposed to enhance expressiveness.
They agreed. Wave and stone,

Poems and Prose, Loda and Flame

Not so different between themselves ...
(A. S. Pushkin, Eugene Onegin.)

Antique sequence - the system of renovation in ancient Greecewhere she arose in the VIII century. BC e., and in ancient Rome, where in the III century. BC e. She moved from Greece.

In the ancient world, poets did not read their poems, and sang; The poet was both a singer, and depicted it with musical instrument - Lear (hence the name lyrics, cm.).

We can only approximately imagine the sound of ancient poems: their sound record has not reached us. But the preserved poetic works of poets of the ancient world, the compositions of the ancients about poetry, messages of historians and writers of that time give us the opportunity more or less definitely imagine the system antique storage.

Antique sequence Call as well metric (from Lat. Metron - Measure).

Based on poetic size ancient steaming Laugh brief and long syllables. The time required to pronounce a short syllable called mora; Pronouncement of a long syllable occupied two marines. Long and short syllables were combined in the foot. The repetition of such stops formed a verse - a poetic string. IN antique storage No rhyme.

Noting the conditional icon of the long syllable and the icon ̆ brief syllable, we give the main feet in antique storage:
Jamb: ᴗ-

chorea or Throhai: -ᴗ

sponda: -
dactyl: -ᴗᴗ.

amphibery: ᴗ-ᴗ

anapest: ᴗᴗ-

bakchiy: --ᴗ.

anti-Bacchius: ᴗ--

amphimakr: -ᴗ-

peon first: -ᴗᴗᴗ

peon Second: ᴗ-ᴗᴗ

peon Three: ᴗᴗ-ᴗ

peon fourth: ᴗᴗᴗ-

In addition to poems of one size built on the repetition of a certain foot, in antique storage There were mixed dimensions made up from different feet.

Such, for example, poems in the alkeaua stubborn, named so named the ancient Greek Lyrics of alkey, and the sappical verse, who wrote an ancient Greek poetess Safo (or Sappo).

Alkeeva stanza includes four verses, of which the first two verses in stubborn consist of eleven long and short syllables of the following alternation:
third - from nine syllables:
fourth - out of ten syllables:
-ᴗᴗ-ᴗ ǀǀ ᴗ-ᴗ-ᴗ
In Russian, Alkeyev Strochet sounds approximately as follows:
Almost opposed || on lap evil waves,

Already overwhelmed || deck is completely water;

Already shifting the sail,

The whole is defied. || Loose fasteners,

(Alkey, Storm.)

We present an example of sappistic stains from the poem "Swimmer" K. Pavlova:

Sweets || ocean rainy

Fresh celestial kroot || Dusk gray.

Removal Swimmer keeps || Dangerous path

With firm faith.

In Russian and Western European stations, the names of the Stop of Ancient Steaming - Yamb, Jarea, Dactyl, Amphibrachius, Anapest, Peon are preserved. Poems are not singing now, but they say and read; The basis of modern Russian verses is not long and short syllables, but shock and unstressed symbol.
Anthology (from gr. Anthos - flower and legō - collect) - so called in ancient times collections of selected works of antique poetry. And now anthology Call collections of selected works of individual poets or selected works of poetry of some people.

For example: "Anthology of Georgian poetry", "Anthology of Belarusian poetry".

Antonyms (from gr. Anti - against and Onoma - Name) - Words opposed to value.

Using antonym Helps a writer with greater expressiveness to reveal the internal contradictions in the phenomenon, in character, etc., who want to emphasize the writer, for example:

I tend to teach the body

Mind thunder command

I am the king, I am a slave, I am a worm, I am God!
(G. R. Derzhavin, God.)

Intermission (from FR. Entre - between and ACE - action) - a break between individual acts or actions of a dramatic product.

In old times intermission Also called small scenes - intermediates (see), which were performed during the break between the actions of the play.

Apogee (from c. APOGEION - far from the Earth) - the highest degree of development of something, the vertex.

You can say: in the novel "Young Guard" the development of the heroic character of Oleg reaches apogiya In the scene of his interrogation with fascists.

Apocrypha (from the gr. Apokryphos is a secret, fertile) - ancient religious legends, legends, which were issued for the "sacred" writing on a par with the Bible and the Gospels, who are honored by the clergy and believers.

Apocrypha They call the work in general, falsely attributed to any author.
Apostrophe (from g. Apostrophē - deviation) - one of the stylistic figures (see): the turnover of the poetic speech, consisting of an inanimate phenomenon, as an amphorated, or to a missing person, as to those present.
Goodbye free element! ..
(A. S. Pushkin, To the sea.)
Alexander Sergeevich!

Let me introduce -


Give your hand!

(V. V. Mayakovsky, Jubilee.)

Apotheosis (from c. apotheōsis - deification) - so called the celebration in honor of the victory, glorifying the solemn end of the event, praising his heroes.

In a dramatic product or performance apotheosis - Final solemn picture.

So called, for example, the final picture of the opera M. Glinka "Ivan Susanin", depicting the celebration of the Russian people over the invaders ingenians.
Argotisms - cm. Jargon.
Arsis - In the ancient poems (see) part of the foot (see), on which there is no rhythmic stress, in contrast to the thesis (see) - the strong part of the foot on which the rhythmic stress falls. The word "Arsis" translated from Greek means "lifting". Initially, it indicated his leg raising in the dance. Over time, when the verse and music separated from the dance, the word "Arsis" was gained in the metric poems in the meaning of the opposite initial (recession, "lowering" rhythm).
ARU. (Arab, pronunciation arud.) - Arabic-Persian metric system of renovation. It is based on alternating long and short syllables (the presence of long and short vowel sounds is a phonetic feature of Arabic languages).

Dimensions aruza Up until the 20th century, the poetry of Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan was also used.

Archaism (from gr. Archaios - ancient) - an old word or turnover of speech, which came out of use in the modern nationwide language, as well as remnants of the old days in everyday life, in life. In artwork archaisms apply in speech of acting persons, in the description of events, etc. For a particular artistic purpose, for example, for greater expressiveness as depicted in the past historical era.

So, in the play "Eagle and Orlitsa" A. N. Tolstoy uses archaisms In the speech of Ivan the Terrible and other actors:

- Do you remember golden words wick Ivashka Perestec:

"My Velomby is leaving for service colorful, and equestrian, and crowded, and for the fatherland, they do not want to play tightly and leather against the enemies. The poor thing is happy, and rich about the womb. " Here is true.

Using archaisov In a poetic speech, she sometimes gives a solemn, raised tone:
Rise, prophet, and have and end

Executive by the will of my

And coming around the sea and land

Glagol Loggie hearts of people.
(A. S. Pushkin, Prophet.)

Sometimes, on the contrary, archaisms used with ironic goal and inserted into ordinary speech, I give her mocking character, as it is often found in the anti-religious verses of D. Poor, Satira V. V. Mayakovsky.

Architectonics (from gr. Architektonikē - construction art) - construction of a artwork, proportion to its parts, chapters, episodes, etc. See also Composition.
Asyndeton (from gr. Asyndeton - unrelated) - see Asyndeton.
Assonance (from Lat. Assonare - conspite) - repetition in line, phrase, stanza of homogeneous vowel sounds (for example: " It's time! It's time! Rog tube "), as well as inaccurate rhyme, in which only some are consonant, mainly vowels, sounds. In Russian poetry assonance It is built on the coincidence in the rhyme words only the syllables on which the emphasis falls, or even only vowels in these syllables: s. Waaya - Neeva s. May, de Burdes - ve Rbughs in Ron - in Ying, Moscow le. Linen - Ma. not vra, etc.

Shinted P. ola me

Above the rack of the airfield

And pigeons, as if goats. e,

Rushed on the SIZOM background of thunder.
(L. Martynov, Pigeons.)

In modern Soviet poetry assonance Received very widespread.

Aphorism (from gr. Aphorismos is a brief speech) - complete thought, expressed in a compressed, accurate form. These are the Russians folk proverbs. In Russian artistic literature, often found aphorisms, expressing a deep thought in a brief committed poetic form:
A person - it sounds proud!
(M. Gorky, At the bottom.)
We say Lenin,

mean -

we say - party,

mean -

(V. V. Mayakovsky, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.)

Ashug. (from the Turk. Aşik - Love) - People's Singer poet among the peoples of the Caucasus. Factory of her poems ashug. Reads them for the sounds of the folk string tool.

Songs and poems of famous Dagestan ashuga Suleiman Stalsky is widely known in the Soviet Union.

Dictionary of literaryand linguistic terms

Allegory. The trail consisting in an allegorical image of an abstract concept with a specific, life image. For example, in bass and fairy tales, the trick is shown in the form of fox, greed - in the evilness of the wolf, cunning - in the form of a snake, etc.

Alliteration. Repetition of the same consonant sounds or sounding as a stylistic reception. Sh andpen oEpen extra glasses I.punch butp lameny blue(Pushkin).

Anaphora. FROM tilistic figure, consisting in the repetition of the same elements at the beginning of each parallel row (verse, stanza, prosaic passage).

Anaphor sound. Repetition of the same combinations of sounds.

G. rades demolished bridges,

G. both of a blurred cemetery. (Pushkin)

Anaphor Morphemnaya. Repetition of the same morpheme or parts of complex words.

... black eye girl

Black harry horse! (Lermontov)

Anafora lexical. Repetition of the same words.

Not intentionally Duli winds

Not intentionally There was a thunderstorm. (Yesenin)

Anafora syntaxic. Repetition of the same syntax designs.

Broj Lee. I am along the streets of noisy,

I'm entering in a crowded temple

I sit in between young people insane

I indulge my dreams. (A.S. Pushkin)

Antithesis. Stylistic figure, serving to enhance the expressiveness of speech by sharp opposition concept, thoughts, images. Where the table was the yoke, there is a coffin worth it (Derzhavin). Antiteza is often built on antonyms. Rich and on weekdays singing, and poor and holiday flashes (proverb).

Archaisms. Outdated for a particular era, which came out of the use of language elements (words, expressions), replaced by others, for example: look (in vain, in vain), vyal(neck), hello (Icextari), actor(actor), this (this), siren(i.e); stomach(in the meaning "life"), a shame (in the meaning "spectacle"), sunny (in the value "existing"). In terms of stylistic archaisms are used:

a) to recreate the historical color of the era (usually in historical novels, titles);

b) to give speech with a shade of solemnity, pathetic emotion (in verses, in a speech speech, in journalistic speech);

c) to create a comic effect, irony, satire, parodies (usually in fekelons, pamphletes);

d) for the speech characteristic of the character (for example, the linden of the spiritual title).

Hyperbola. A figurative expression containing an exorbitant exaggeration of size, strength, values, etc. Any object, phenomena. Means of hyperboles The author enhances the desired impression or emphasizes that he glorifies, and what rises. In the artistic speech, the hyperbole is often intertwined with other means - metaphors, personification, comparisons, etc. In one hundred forty suns sunset gruel (Mayakovsky).

Gradation . The stylistic figure, consisting in this location of the parts of the statement (words, sections of the proposal), in which each subsequent encompassment enhancing (less often decreasing) semantic go emotionally expressive importance, which creates increasing (less often weakening) impressions.

Graduation ascending. The location of words is in the order of amplifying value. Came, saw, won (Julius Caesar). In the fall, the woven steppes completely change and get their own special, distinctive, nothing to do with nothing (Aksakov).

Gradation descending. The position of words is in order of decreasing value.

Speaking by Leningrad wounds, first ruined foci:

I will not break, do not get drogging, not fired, neither the grains will not forgive enemies.(O. Bergolts)

Inversion. The location of the members of the proposal in a special order, which violates the usual (direct) procedure in order to increase the expressiveness of speech. Inversion refers to the number of stylistic figures. The hunt for a bear is dangerous, the wounded beast is terrible, and the soul of the hunter who is familiar with the dangers since childhood (Koptyaeva) (Inversion of the main members of the sentence). A month was released at night dark, lonely looks from a black cloud on the fields of deserted, on the villages of the distant, on the village of Middle (Neurors) (inversion of agreed definitions). First was very distressed (Pushkin) (Inversion of the circumstances of measures and degree).

Irony. The trail consisting of a word or an expression containing
assessing what is ridiculed; One of the forms of denial. A distinctive sign of irony is a double meaning, where the true will not be directly expressed, but the opposite, implied; The more contradiction between them, the stronger the irony. In art, this is manifested in a satirical and humorous image. Roll off, smart, you wobble head? (Wings) (in circulation to the donkey).

Historisms Outdated words that came out of use due to the disappearance of those realities they denoted. Boyar, Dyack, Okrichnik, District, Crossbow. Historisms are used as a nominative to the scientific and historical literature, where they are | Serve the names of the realities of past epochs, and as a visual agent in the works of fiction, where they contribute to the reconstruction of a historical era.

Litotes. The trail opposite is hyperbole. The litt is a figurative expression, the turnover, which contains an artistic dimension of the magnitude, strength, the values \u200b\u200bof the displayed object or phenomenon. The litt is in folk fairy tales: tom Thumb, a peasant with marigolds. Below thin holes should be clone (Nekrasov).

Metaphor. The use of words in a figurative value based on similarity in any respect to two items or phenomena. "Noble Nest" (the direct meaning of the word nest - "bird house", portable - "Human community"), airplane wing (wed: Bird Wing), golden autumn (Wed: Golden Chain). Unlike twisted comparison, which is also provided with something that is compared, and what is compared with, the metaphor contains only the second, which creates the compactness and image formation of words. The metaphor is one of the most common paths, since the similarity between objects or phenomena can be based on a variety of features ..

Metaphor is simple. The metaphor built on the convergence of items or phenomena one by one common feature. The nose of the ship, the leg of the table, the dawn of life, talking waves, hail bullets, sunset flames, pierce.

Metaphor unfolded. Metaphor built on various similarity associations. Here covers the wind of flocks waves around the strong and throws them from a scope in the wild evil on cliffs, breaking into dust and splashes emerald bulb (Bitter).

Metaphor lexical (Dead, petrified, estimated). A word in which the initial metaphorical transfer is no longer perceived. Steel feather, clock arrow, door handle, sheet of paper.

Metonymy.Use of the name of one subject instead of the name of another subject on the basis of an external or internal connection between them; Variety of a trail. Communication can be:

a) between the subject and material from which the subject is made. Not on silver - I used to fish (Griboedov);

b) between the contents and containing. Well, we are still a plate,
my dear!

c) between the action and the instrument of this action. Feather his presence breathes (A.K. Tolstoy);

e) between the place and people at this place. But the quiet was our Bivak Open(Lermontov).

Neologism. Speech turnover, created to designate a new subject of expression of a new concept. Astronaut, cosmodrome, Loven. After the word is in widespread use, it ceases to neologism ( walking excavator, programmed learning). And some neologisms soviet era switched to the discharge of outdated words (Oddnad, Sponge, People's Commissariat, Naffman, Komsomolets, Working, etc.).

Stylistic neologism.(individually stylistic). Neologism created by the author of this literary work with a certain stylistic goal and usually not receiving widespread dissemination, not included in the dictionary storage. Green-skinned(Gogol), moskvodues(Belinsky), saddle(Block), multidobuda, mandolini, moxy (Mayakovsky).

Oxymoron. The stylistic figure consisting in the conjunction of two concepts contrary to each other, logically excluding one thing, as a result of which a new semantic quality arises. The oxymoron always contains an element of surprise. Bitter joy, ringing silence, eloquent silence, sweet sorrow, sad joy. The title of the work is often built on the oxymorrel: L. Tolstoy "Live Corpse", Y. Bondarev "Hot Snow".

Elimination . The trail consisting in the fact that an inanimate subject, an abstract concept, a living being, not endowed with consciousness, is attributed to the qualities or actions inherent in man - the gift of speech, the ability to think and feel. Elimination is one of the oldest paths, its emergence obliged Ani Malistical worldview and all sorts of religious beliefs; It takes a large place in mythology, in folklore: the phenomena of nature, life personifies; Fantastic and zoological characters of epic, fairy tales, legends. In the modern period, it is most often found in the language of fiction: more - in poetry, to a lesser extent - in prose. What are you walking, wind night, what are you doing so insane? (Tyutchev). She faced her nurse in the crowd - silence (Block). When, raging in a stormy millet, played the sea with the shores ... (Pushkin).

Synecdoche. One of the paths, view metonimia consisting in the transfer of the value from one subject to another on the basis of the quantitative relationship between them. Synekdoha - expressive Typification. The following types of synefoi are most common:

a) part of the phenomenon is called a whole meaning:

And in the door - bushlates, sinels, Toulups. ... (Mayakovsky);

b) integer in the value of part:

- Oh, you won like! Fight Well, not a meanpeople ! (Tvardovsky);

c) the only number in the meaning of general and even universal:

There moanshuman From slavery and chains ... (Lermontov);

d) replacing the number of numbers:

Milongs us. Us - darkness, and darkness, and darkness. (Block);

e) replacement of the species concept of generic:


Go light! " (Mayakovsky)

Tavtology 1. The identity, the repetition of what has been said in other words, who does not make anything new. Copyright, these are the words of the author.
2. Repetition in the proposal of single-damned words. In the struggle for failures, the workers were united together. It should be noted the following features Works. The disadvantages of benefits include an insufficient amount of illustrative material.
3. Unnecessary expression redundancy. A better position (in the form the best is already concluded the value of comparative degree. The highest peaks (in the form of the highest already concluded the value excellent degree).

Ellipsis (Ellipse - fallout, omit). Skipping a statement element, easily restored in this context or situation. In all windows - curious, on the roofs - boys(A.N. Tolstoy). Champagne.(Chekhov). Ellipsis is used as a stylistic figure for impressing dynamism, intonation of live speech, artistic expressiveness. We sat down - in ashes, hails - in dust, swords - sickles and plows (Zhukovsky). Instead of bread - stone, instead of teaching - beater (Saltykov-Shchedrin ). Officer - from a pistol. Turkin - in a soft bayonet (Tvardovsky).

Epithet. Artistic, figurative definition, view of the trail . Cheerful wind, dead silence, gray old man, black longing. With an expansion interpretation, the epithet is called not only the adjective, which determines the noun, but also a noun application, as well as the adverb, metaphorically determining verb. Frost-voivode, strollery wind, old man ocean; Buressnik proudly reheats (Bitter ); Petrograd lived in these January nights tensely, excitedly, viciously, mad (A.N. Tolstoy).

Permanent epithet. Epithet poetic creativityComing from one work to another. Sea bluefield purethe sun red Tuchi black, kind well done; zelengrass, krasnaya Maiden.

Epiphora. The stylistic figure opposite anaphore Contributing to the repetition of the same elements at the end of each parallel row (verse, stanza, suggestions, etc.). I would like to know why I am a titular adviser? Why is the titled adviser?(Gogol).

Dear friend, and in this quiet house fever hits me. Do not find me places in a quiet house near a peaceful fire! (Block)

Autobiography (gr. AUTOS - Himself, BIOS - Life, Grapho - I write) - Literary and prosaic genre, description by the author of his own life. Literary autobiography - an attempt to return to his own childhood, youth, resurrect and comprehend the most significant segments of life and life as a whole.

Allegory (gr. Allegoria - allegory) - an allegorical image of the subject, phenomena in order to most clearly show its essential features.

Amphibehi (GR. Amphi - Circle, Brachys - Short) - three-sided verse size with an emphasis on the second syllable (- / -).

Analysis of the work in literary (gr. Analysis - decomposition, dismemberment) - Research reading artistic text.

Anapaest (gr. Anapaistos - Reflected back, reversible datail) - three-sided verse size with an emphasis on the third syllable (- - /).

annotation - a summary of the book, manuscript, articles.

Antithesis (gr. Antithesis - opposite) - opposition of images, paintings, words, concepts.

Archaism (gr. Archaios is an ancient) - outdated word or phrase, grammatical or syntax form.

Aphorism (gr. Aphorismos - saying) - generalized deep thought, expressed in a concise, short, artisticly pointed form. Aphorism is akin to proverb, but in contrast to it belongs to a certain person (writer, scientist, etc.).

Ballad (Provence. Ballar - dance) - a poem, which is based on the historical event, the historical event, legend with a sharp, tense plot.

Fable - A brief moral poems or prosaic story, in which there is an allegory, allegory. The actors in the bass most often are animals, plants, things that manifest themselves, human qualities and relationships are guessed. (Basni Ezopa, London-on, A. Sumarokova, I. Dmitriev, I. Krylova, parody Basni Kozma Prutkova, S. Mikhalkov, etc.)

Best-seller (Best - Best - Best and Sale - Sale) - a book that has a special commercial success using reader demand.

"Poet Library" - a series of books dedicated to the work of the largest poets, a separate poetic genre ("Russian Ballad", "Russian epics" and others). Founded by M. Gorky in 1931.

Bible (gr. Biblia - letters: "Books") - a collection of ancient texts of religious content.

Epics - Genre of Russian folklore, heroic-patriotic song about heroes and historical events.

Crossovers (Poskalkers) - Executives (I. Fedosova, M. Kryukov, etc.).

Hero of the literary work, literary hero - Acting person, character of a literary work.

Hyperbola (gr. HUPERBOLE - Exaggeration) - excessive exaggeration of the properties of the displayed item. It is introduced into the tissue of the work for greater expressiveness, characteristic of the folklore and the genre of satire (N. Gogol, M. Saltykov-Shchedrin, V. Mayakovsky).

Grotesque (Fr. Grotesque, urn. Grottesco - Fancy, from Grotta - Grotto) - Limit exaggeration based on fiction, on the bizarre combination of fantastic and real.

Dactyl (gr. Dactylos - finger) - three-sided verse size with an emphasis on the first syllable (/ - -).

Double sizes - Yamb (/ -), Korera (- /).

Detail (FR. Detail - detail) - Expressive details in the work. The item helps the reader, the viewer sharper and deeper to present time, place of action, the appearance of the character, the character of his thoughts, feel and understand copyright To the depicted.

Dialogue (gr. Dialogos - conversation, conversation) - a conversation of two or more faces. Dialogue - the main form of disclosure human characters In dramaturgical works (plays, filmceneurs).

Genre (Fr. Genre - genus, view) is a kind of artwork, such as bass, lyrical poem, tale.

Vazka - Event, marking the beginning of the development of action in epic and dramatic works.

Idea (c. Idea - the idea) is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe artistic work.

Inversion (Lat. Inversio - permutation) - an unusual order of words. Inversion gives a phrase a special expressiveness.

Interpretation (Lat. Interpretatio - an explanation) - interpretation of a literary work, comprehending its meaning, ideas.

Intonation (Lat. INTONARE - Loudly pronounce) - Expressive means of sounding speech. The intonation makes it possible to transfer the attitude of the speaker to what he says.

Irony (Gr. Eironeia - pretense, mockery) - expression of ridicule.

Composition (Lat. Compositio - compilation, compilation) - location of parts, i.e. construction of the work.

Winged words - Wide-consuming words, figurative expressions, well-known sayings of historical persons.

Culmination (Lat. Culmen (Culminis) - Top) - the moment of the highest voltage in the artistic work.

A culture of speech - Level of speech development, degree of ownership of language standards.

Legend (Lat. Legenda - letters: "What should be read") is a work created by a folk fantasy where the real and fantastic are combined.

Chronicle - Monuments of historical prose of ancient Russia, one of the main genres of the Old Russian literature.

Literary critic - A specialist who studies the patterns of the historical and literary process, analyzing the work of one or more writers.

Literary criticism - Science of the essence and specifics of fiction, about the patterns of the literary process.

Metaphor (gr. Metaphora - Transfer) - the portable meaning of a word based on the similarity or opposition of one subject or phenomenon to another.

Monologue (Gr. Monos - One and Logos - Speech, Word) - Speech of one person in a works of art.

Neologisms (NEOS - New and Logos - Word) - Words or phrases created to designate a new subject or phenomenon, or individual tumors of words.

Oh yeah (gr. Ode - Song) - a solemn poem dedicated to some historical event or hero.

Elimination - Transferring human traits to inanimate objects and phenomena.

Description - The type of narration, in which the picture is depicted (portrait of the hero, landscape, view of the room - interior, etc.).

Scenery (Fr. Paysage, from Pays - terrain) - Picture of nature in a works of art.

Tale - One of the types of epic work. The story is more in volume and on the coverage of life phenomena than the story, and less than the novel.

Subtext - a drastic, implicit meaning that does not match the direct meaning of the text.

Portrait (Fr. portrait - image) - image of the appearance of the hero in the work.

Proverb - Short, winged, figurative folk spare, having an instructive meaning.

Poem (gr. Poiema - Creation) - one of the types of lyri-epic works for which the story, events and expression by the author or lyrical hero of their feelings are characteristic.

Tradition - Genre of Folklore, oral story, which contains information transmitted from generation to generation, about historical faces, events of past years.

Parable - A small story, an allegory in which religious or moral teaching is concluded.

Prose (Lat. Proza) - Literary Nestchuvetric Work.

Pseudonym (gr. Pseudos - fiction, lie and onyma - a name) - a signature that the author replaces his real name. Some pseudonyms disappeared quickly (V. Alov - N. V. Gogol), others ousted the real name (Maxim Gorky instead of A. M. Peshkov), were even transferred to the heirs (T. Gaidar - Son A. P. Gaidar); Sometimes the pseudonym joins the real name (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin).

Junction - One of the elements of the plot, the final moment in the development of action in the artistic work.

Story - A small epic work that tells about one or more events in a person's life.

Review - One of the genres of criticism, feedback on the artwork for the purpose of its assessment and parsing. The review contains some information about the author of the work, the formulation of the theme and the main thought of the book, the story of her heroes with reasoning about their actions, characters, relationships with other persons. The most interesting book pages are noted in the recall. It is important to reveal and the position of the author of the book, its attitude towards heroes, their actions.

Rhythm (gr. Rhythmos - tact, proportionality) - Repetition of any unambiguous phenomena at equal intervals (for example, the alternation of shock and unstressed syllables in verse).

Rhetoric (gr. Rhitorike) - Science of oratorical art.

Rhyme (gr. Rhythmos - proportionality) - the consonance of the endings of poetic lines.

Satire (Lat. Satira - letters: "The mixture, all sorts of little") - a merciless, destroying ridiculous, criticism of reality, man, phenomena.

Story - One of the genres of oral folk creativity, an entertaining story about extraordinary, often fantastic events and adventures. Fairy tales are three species. These are magical, domestic and fairy tales of animals. The most ancients are fairy tales of animals and magical. Much later appeared household fairy talesIn which human defects were often raised and the advanced, sometimes incredible life situations were described.

Comparison - An image of one phenomenon by mapping it with another.

Tools of artistic expressiveness - Artistic means (for example, allegory, metaphor, hyperbole, grotesque, comparison, epithet, etc.), helping to draw a person, an event or item is bright, specifically, vividly.

Poem - Written by verses, predominantly small volume, often lyric, expressing mental experiences.

Stanza (Gr. Strophe - Rotate) - a group of poems (lines) constituting unity. Poems in stubborn are associated with a certain arrangement of rhymes.

Plot (FR. SUJET is an item, content, event) - a number of events described in the artistic work laid in its foundation.

Subject (gr. Thema is what is laid [base]) - the range of life phenomena depicted in the work; The circle of events forming the life base of the work.

Tragedy (Gr. TRAGODIA - letters, "goat song") - the view of the drama, the opposite comedy, the work depicting the struggle, personal or public catastrophe, usually ending the death of the hero.

Treated poetic sizes - Dactyl (/ - -), amphibehius (- / -), Anapest (- - /).

Oral folk creativity, or folklore- The art of the oral word created by the people and extensive in wide masses. The most common types of folklore - proverb, saying, fairy tale, song, mystery, epics.

Fiction (gr. Phantastike - the ability to imagine) - a kind of fiction, in which the author's fiction stretches until the creation of a fictional, unreal, "wonderful" world.

Korera (gr. Choreios from Choros - Choir) - double-size verse with an emphasis on the first syllable (/ -). The artwork is a work of art, depicts events and phenomena, people, their feelings in a bright shape.

Quote - Literal exposure from any text or literally given someone's words.

Epigraph (gr. EpigraPhe - inscription) - short textThe author placed in front of the text of the writing and expressing the topic, the idea, the mood of the work.

Epithet (Gr. Epitheton - letters, "applied") - a figurative definition of the subject expressed mainly adjective.

Humor (English Humour - temper, mood) - image of heroes in a funny form. Humor - laughter cheerful and friendly.

Jamb (gr. Iambos) - double-sized size with an emphasis on the second syllable (- /).

Antiteza - opposition of characters, events, actions, words. It can be used at the level of parts, private ("Black Evening, White Snow" - A. Block), and can serve as a technique for creating the entire work as a whole. Such is the opposition of two parts of the poem A. Pushkin "Village" (1819), where the paintings of beautiful nature, peaceful and happy paintings are drawn in the first, and in the second - in contrast - episodes from the life of a powerful and cruelly oppressed Russian peasant.

Architectonics - the relationship and proportionality of the main parts and elements constituting a literary product.

Dialogue - conversation, conversation, dispute of two or more characters of the work.

The tie is the plot element, meaning the moment of the occurrence of the conflict, the beginning of the events depicted in the work.

The interior is a composite agent, recreation of an environment where an action occurs.

Intrigue - the movement of the soul and actions of the character, which aims to search for the meaning of life, truth, etc., is a kind of "spring", driving action in a dramatic or epic work and informing it.

The collision is a collision of opposing views, aspirations, interests of artwork characters.

Composition - construction of a artistic work, a certain system in the location of its parts. Differ compositions(portraits of actors, interior, landscape, dialogue, monologue, including internal) and composite receivers (installation, symbol, stream of consciousness, character self-discharge, interconnection, image of the character of the hero in the dynamics or in statics). The composition is determined by the peculiarities of the writer's talent, genre, content and purpose of the work.

Component - component Works: When analyzing it, for example, it can be about the components of the content and components of the form, sometimes interpenetrating.

The conflict is a clash of opinions, positions, characters in the work, driving, like intrigue and collision, its action.

Culmination is the element of the plot: the moment of the highest voltage in the development of the work.

Leitmotive is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, repeatedly repeated and underlined.

The monologue is a lengthy speech of the acting person in the literary work facing unlike the monologue of the internal to others. An example of an internal monologue can serve as the first stanza of Roman A. Pushkin "Evgeny Onegin": "My uncle of the most honest rules ...", etc.

Installation - Composite reception: Drawing up a product or its partition into one of the individual parts, excerpts, quotes. An example is the Book of Evg. Popova "The Good Life".

The motive is one of the components of the artistic text, part of the topic of the work, more often than others acquire symbolic meaning. The motive of the road, the motif of the house, etc.

Opposition is an antithesis version: opposition, opposition of views, behavior of characters at the level of characters (Onegin - Lensky, Oblomov - Stolz) and at the level of concepts ("Wreath - Crown" in the poem M. Lermontov "The death of the poet"; "It seemed to be" The story of A. Chekhov "Lady with a dog").

Landscape - Composite: Image in the product of nature paintings.

Portrait - 1. Composite: Image of character appearance - face, clothing, figure, behavior manner, etc.; 2. Literary portrait is one of the prosaic genres.

The flow of consciousness is a composite reception used mainly in the literature of modernist directions. The area of \u200b\u200bits use is the analysis of the complex crisis states of the human spirit. F. Kafka, J. Joyce, M. Proust, and others are recognized as masters of "Consciousness" by F. Kafka, and others. In some episodes, this technique can be used in realistic works - Artem Merry, V. Aksenov, etc.

Prologue is an extrapty element describing events or participating persons before starting an action in the work ("Snow Maiden" A. N. Ostrovsky, "Faust" I. V. Guete, etc.).

An omission is the plot element, which fixes the moment of resolution of the conflict in the work, the result of the development of events in it.

Refrontation is a composite receipt, which is delaying, stopping or reversing the development of action in the work. It is carried out by inclusion in the text of various deviations of a lyrical and journalistic nature ("Tale of Captain Copekin" in the "Dead Souls" N. Gogol, autobiographical deviations in the Roman A. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", etc.).

The plot is the system, the order of development of events in the work. Its main elements: prologue, exposition, tie, development, culmination, junction; In some cases, an epilogue is possible. The plot reveals in the work of causal relationships in relations between characters, facts and events. To evaluate various kinds of plots, such concepts such as the intensity of the plot, "stray" plots can be used.

The topic is the subject of the image in the work, its material indicating the place and time of action. The main theme is usually specified by theme, i.e., a set of private, individual topics.

Fabul is a sequence of deployment of work events in time and in space.

The form is a certain system of artistic means, revealing the content of the literary work. Form categories - plot, composition, language, genre, etc. The form as a way of the existence of the content of the literary work.

Chronotope is a spatial-temporal organization of the material in the artistic work.

Bald with white beard - I. Nikitin

Old Russian Giant - M. Lermontov

With Dogaressa Young - A. Pushkin

Falls on the sofa - N. Nekrasov

Used most often in the works of postmodernist:

Under it jet,
But not lazuri
Over him amber -
Well, no strength.
He, all giving literature,
Completely fruits bite her.
Goni, man, five thousandth,
And do not eat without need.
Freedom deserted sower
Selects a scant harvest.
(I. Irtenyev)

Exposition - the plot element: the situation, circumstances, the provisions of the acting persons in which they are before the start of action in the work.

The epigraph is a proverb, a quote, whose saying, placed by the author before the work or part of it, parts designed to indicate its plan: "... So who are you finally? I am part of the strength that he always wants evil and always makes benefit. " Goethe. "Faust" - epigraph to the novel M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita".

Epilogue - the plot element describing the events that occurred after the end of the action in the work (sometimes in many years - I. Turgenev. "Fathers and children").


Allegory - allegory, a kind of metaphor. Allegory fixes the conditional image: in the fasteners of Fox - a cunning, donkey - nonsense, etc. Allegory is also used in fairy tales, parables, satire.

Alliteration is an expressive language: repetition of the same or homogeneous consonant sounds in order to create a sound image:

And it is empty
Runs and hears about
As if thunder rumble -
By shocked bridge ...
(A. Pushkin)

AnaFora is an expressive means of language: repetition at the beginning of poetic lines, stanza, paragraphs of the same words, sounds, syntactic structures.

With all insomnia, I love you,
Without insomnia, I will do you -
About the time as around the Kremlin
Wake up ringing ...
But my riveryes, with your river,
But my hand- yes with your hand
Notcome together. My joy, Doc
Notcatch upload dawn.
(M. Tsveyev)

Antiteza - an expressive language of the language: opposition of sharply contrasting concepts and images: you and the wretched, // you and abundant, // you and the mighty, // you are powerless, // Mother Rus! (I. Nekrasov).

Antonyms - words with opposite values; Serve to create bright contrast images:

Loved rich - poor
I loved the scientist - stupid,
Loved the ruddy - pale,
Loved good - harmful,
Golden - copper half.
(M. Tsveyev)

Archaisms are outdated words, speech turns, grammatical forms. They serve in the work to recreate the colors of the left era, characterize the character in a certain way. We may give the language solemnity: "Write, hail of Petrov, and stand, non-gas, as Russia," and in other cases - an ironic shade: "This matches in Magnitogorsk gnawing granite science in college and with God's help finished it successfully."

Nezuzuzie - an expressive language of the language, accelerating the tempo of speech in the work: "Rasschi clouds are clouded; // Invisible moon // illuminates the snow of volatile; // Mute Sky, Mutna Night " (A. Pushkin).

Varvarisms are words from someone else's language. With their help, there may be recreated coloring of a particular era ("Peter the first" A. N. Tolstoy), characterized by a literary character ("War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy). In some cases, varvarisms may be an object of controversy, irony (V. Mayakovsky."On the" fiasks "," apogets "and other unknown things").

The question is a rhetorical - expressive language: approval in the form of a question that is not involved:

What does it hurt me and so hard?
Waiting for what? I regret what?
(M. Lermontov)

Exclamation rhetorical - expressive means of the language; The appeal, which serves emotionality enhancement purposes, usually creates a solemn mood, raised:

Oh, Volga! My cradle!
Did anyone love you like me?
(N. Nekrasov)

Vulgarism is a vulgar, rude word or expression.

The hyperbole is an excessive exaggeration of the properties of the object, phenomena, quality in order to strengthen the impression.

From any? Vi you don't heal at all,
forty thousand other loving loving.
Ah, Arbat is mine, Arbat,
you are my fatherland,
never take you to the end.
(B. Okudzhava)

Graduation is an expressive language of the language by which depicted feelings and thoughts are gradually enhanced or weakened. For example, in the poem "Poltava" A. Pushkin characterizes Mazepa: "That he does not know the shrines; // that he does not remember a blessing; // that he does not like anything; // that blood is ready to pour like water; // what he despises freedom; // What are not fraud for him. " The basis of gradation can serve as anaphor.

Grotesque is the artistic method of a hyperbulous violation of the proportions of the depicted, bizarre compound of fantastic and real, tragic and comic, beautiful and ugly, etc. Grotesque can be used at the level of style, genre and image: "And I see: // people sit down half. // Oh, Devil! // Where is half another? " (V. Mayakovsky).

Dialectisms - words from the general national language used mainly in a certain area and used in literary works to create a local flavor or speech characteristic of the characters: "Nagulnov started his small speakersand stopped it falling Kurgan "(M. Sholokhov).

Jargon - the conventional language of a small social group, differing from the nationwide language mainly by vocabulary: "The language of the letter was exquisied, but at the same time competed by a good dose of sea jargon ... what the sailors and tramps are exploring (K. POUST).

Zable language - the result of the experiment, which are mainly fond of futurists. His goal is to find the correspondence between the sounding of the word and the meaning and release the word from its usual meaning: "Bobeobi sang lips. // Waeomi sang eyes ... " (V. Khlebnikov).

Inversion - a change in the order of words in the proposal to highlight the value of any word or to give an unusual sound of the phrase as a whole: "From the Bolshak, they switched to the segment of the canvas // Burlakov of these repincial legs" (DM Cedrine).

Irony - thin hidden ridicule: "He sang a fading life color // without small in the amp (A. Pushkin).

Kalambourg - a witty joke based on homonyms or the use of different values \u200b\u200bof one word:

Reef region - my element
And I easily write poems I.
Without meditation without delay
I run to the string from the line.
Even to the Finnish rocks brown
I appeal to Kalasburn.
(D. Minaev)

Litates - a finest language built on the fantastic understatement of the subject or its properties: "Your spitz, adorable spitz, // no more thimble" (A. Griboedov).

Metaphor - word or expression used in portable meaning. Fine language based on implicit comparison. The main types of metaphors - allegory, symbol, personification: "Hamlet, thinking by the buggy steps ..." (O. Mandelshtam).

Metonimia - a decide of the language: replacement of the name of the name of the part of the part (or vice versa) on the basis of their similarity, proximity, adjacency, etc.: "What is with you, blue sweater, // In the eyes of an alarming breeze?" (A. Voznesensky).

Neologism - 1. Word or expression created by the author of a literary work: A. Block - Snaging, etc.; V. Mayakovsky - Gulp, Milkatoy, etc.; I. Northerner - sparkling, etc.; 2. Words that have acquired new additional importance over time - satellite, cart, etc.

Handling rhetorical - oratorical reception, expressive language; Word or group of words, calling for whom we are talking about, and containing a call, requirement, request: "Listen, comrades are descendants, // Agitator, Gorlana, Raster" (V. Mayakovsky).

The oxymoron is an epithet used in the value opposite to those defined words: "Surround knight", "live corpse", "blinding darkness", "sad joy" and so on.

Elimination - Reception of the metaphorical transfer of the damns of living on non-living: "The river plays", "the rain is coming", "the poplar is soluble", etc. The multivalued character of the personification is revealed in the system of other artistic instruments of the language.

Omonimi - words sounding equally but having different values: Spit, oven, marriage, once and others. "And did not care. About that, // What a mileth of the secret volume // Dreamed until the morning under the pillow " (A. Pushkin).

Onomatopea - sound resistance, imitation of natural and domestic sounds:

Kulesh in Clochtal boiler.
Under the wind ladder
Wings red fire.
(E. Evtushenko)
Midnight sometimes in swamp wilderness
A little hear, silently rustle the reeds.
(K. Balmont)

Parallelism - a visual language of the language; A similar symmetric arrangement of speech elements, in the ratio creating a harmonious artistic image. Parallelism is often found in oral folk creativity and in the Bible. In the artistic literature, parallelism can be used at the level of verbal sound, rhythmic, composite: "Black raven in dusk tender, // Black velvet on dark shoulders" (A. Block).

Periprase - a visual means of the language; Replacing the concept of descriptive turnover: "Sad time! Ocho charming! " - fall; "Tuman Albion" - England; "Singer Gyara and Zhura" - Byron, etc.

Pleonism (Greek. "Pleonasmos" is an excessiveness) - an expressive language of the language; Repetitions of loved ones in the sense of words and revolutions: sadness-longing, lived - there were crying - tears is poured, etc.

Repetitions are stylistic figures, syntactic structures based on the repeat of words carrying a special semantic load. Types of repetitions - Anaphor, epiphara, refrain, pleonism, tautologyand etc.

Refrain - expressive language of the language; The periodic repetition of the separation of the thought ended in the sense relation, which summarizes the thought, expressed in it:

Mountain King on distant ways
- Bored in someone else's side. -
Beautiful girl wants to find.
- You will not come back to me. -
Sees a manor on a mossy grief.
- Bored in someone else's side. -
Kirshen-Baby is standing in the yard.
- You will not come back to me. -<…>
(K. Balmont )

The symbol (one of the values) is a kind of metaphor, comparison of a generalizing nature: M. Lermontov "Sail" - a symbol of loneliness; A. Pushkin "Star of captivating happiness" is a symbol of freedom, etc.

Synekdoka - a fine language of the language; view Metonimiabased on replacing the name of the name of its part. Sometimes the sync is called "quantitative" metonimia. "The bride today went unfertured" (A. Chekhov).

Comparison is a visual language of the language; Creating an image by mapping already known with unknown (old with new). The comparison is created with the help of special words ("how", "as if", "exactly", "like"), forms of the valve case or comparative forms of adjectives:

And herself is Majik,
Floats as if Pava;
And as it says it,
Like a river leaving.
(A. Pushkin )

Tavtology - expressive language of the language; Repetition of single-colored words.

Where is this house with a broken post
Room with a motley carpet on the wall?
Cute-cute, long-standing
My childhood I remember me.
(D. Kedrin )

Trails - words used in a figurative value. Views of the trails are Metaphor, metonimia, epithetand etc.

The default is an expressive language. The speech of the hero is interrupted to activate the reader's imagination, designed to fill the missed. It is usually ellipped:

What about me?
Father ... Mazepa ... execution - with Moloto
Here, in this castle my mother -
(A. Pushkin )

Eufemism is an expressive language of the language; Descriptive circulation, changing the estimate of the subject or phenomenon.

"Alone I would call him a liar. In a newspaper note, the expression would use a frivolous attitude towards the truth. In parliament, would regret that the gentleman is badly informed. It would be possible to add that for such information, people get in physiognomy " (D. Golzourssi"The Forsyte Saga").

Epitheet - Fine language; The colorful definition of the subject that allows it to be isolated from a number of similar and detect the author's assessment described. Types of epithet - permanent, oxymoron, etc.: "White sail is lonely ...".

Epiphara - expressive means of the language; Repetition of words or phrases at the end of poetic lines. Epiphara - a rare form in Russian poetry:

Note - I love you!
Out - I love you!
Zveva - I love you!
Slug - I love you!
(V. Voznesensky )

3. Basics of styching

Acrosthich is a poem that the initial letters of each vertical vertical letter form a word or phrase:

Angel left the edge of the skyscland,
Going, surprised by the abrasions.
The new world was dark and sad.
Hell was silent. It did not hear a moan.
Scarlet blood timid beat
Fragile hands fright and sodroogan
The world of dreams got into possession
Angel Holy Reflection.
Curly in the world! Let him live, dreaming
About love, about sadness and about the shadow,
In the dusk eating opening
Alphabet of their own revelations.
(N. Gumilev)

Alexandrian verse - system of the two-way; Sixtust Jamb with a number of paired poems on the principle of alternation of male and female couples: aABBBVG ...

There were two astronomers in the feast together
And argued quite among themselves in the heat:
One told: Earth, rubbing, the circle of the sun walks,
Another that the sun is all with you planet leads:
One Copernicus was, the other heard Ptoleum,
Here the cook argument decided to the smile of his.
The owner asked: "Do you know the stars flow?
Tell me how are you talking about a doubt? "
He gave this answer: "In the fact that Copernicus is right,
I will prove the truth, I will not be in the sun.
Who saw a simple chefs,
Which would be a spit in the hearth around Zharkov? "
(M. Lomonosov)

Alexandrian verse was used mainly in high classic genres - tragedies, oodas, etc.

Amphibehius (Greek. "Amphi" - Circle; "Lggasp" - a short; Literal translation: "From two sides, a short") is a three-sided size with an emphasis on the 2nd, 5th, 8-m, 11th, and t. d. Slavs.

Lived little / cue boy
Was grown / he with his finger.
The face was / handsome -
As sparks / eye
Like Pooh in / Loenki ...
(V. A. Zhukovsky(double amphibrachius))

Anapestos (Greek. "Anapaistos" - reflected back) - three-sided size with an emphasis on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, etc. Sluts.

Neither country / nor piggy /
I do not want / choose.
On Vasil / Evsky OS / TRV
I will come / die.
(I. Brodsky(bustland anapest))

Assonance is an inaccurate rhyme based on the consonance of the roots of words, and not the ending:

Student wants to listen to Scriabin,
And now he lives the half enemy.
(E. Evtushenko)

Astrophic text - the text of the poetic work, not broken into the stanza (N. A. Nekrasov"Reflections in the front entrance", etc.).

Banal rhyme - commonly found, the rhyme rhyme; Sound and semantic stencil. "... rhymes in Russian too little. One causes another. "Flame" inevitably drags behind the "stone". Because of the "feeling", it is certainly "art". Who is not bored with "love" and "blood", "difficult" and "wonderful", "faithful" and "hypocritical" and so on. " (A. Pushkin."Travel from Moscow to Petersburg").

Poor rhyme - only drums are consonant in it: "Near" - "land", "she" - "soul", etc. Sometimes poor rhyme is called "sufficient" rhyme.

White verse - verse without rhyme:

Of Life pleasure
One love music is inferior;
But love melody ...
(A. Pushkin)

In Russian poetry, the white verse appeared in the XVIII century. (V. Tredyakovsky), in the XIX century. Used A. Pushkin ("I visited again ..."),

M. Lermontov ("Song about King Ivan Vasilyevich ..."), N. Nekrasov ("Who lives well in Russia"), etc. In the XX century. The white verse is presented in the work of I. Bunin, Sasha Black, O. Mandelstam, A. Tarkovsky, D. Samoilova, etc.

Brachikolon is a single verse used to transmit energetic rhythm or as a comic form.

Forehead -
A piece of chalk.
Arrows -
Shadow -
In hell!
(V. Khodasevich."The funeral")

Burim - 1. Poems to given rhymes; 2. The game consisting in compiling such poems. During the game, the following conditions are performed: rhymes must be unexpected and differ in diversity; They should not be changed, nor rearrange.

Verlibr - free verse. It may not have a meter, rhyme. Verlibr - verse, in which the unit of a rhythmic organization (string, Rhyme, stanza)intonation (entangled in oral execution):

I lay on the top of the mountain
I was surrounded by land.
Enchanted edge below
All colors lost, except for two:
Light blue,
Light brown where in blue stone
wrote feather azraul,
I was lying in Dagestan.
(A. Tarkovsky)

Inner rhyme - consonance, of which one (or both) are inside the verse. The internal rhyme is permanent (appears in the cesure and determines the boundary between the semi-edits) and irregular (breaks the verse on separate rhythmic unequal and non-permanent groups):

If you have, disappearing,
Chapens and blonde
Walk snow flakes. -
If sleepy, remotely
Then with reproach, then in love,
Sounds cry delicate.
(K. Balmont)

Free verse - multiple verse. The prevailing size of free verse is a jamb with a length of verse from one to six feet. This form is convenient for the transfer of live speech and therefore used mainly in the fables, poetic comedians and dramas ("grief from the mind" A. S. Griboyedov, etc.).

Peasants / No, you / shed out of / patient / I have a 4-stop.
From Ra / Zoron / I, 2-Stop.
That the speech / ki them / and ru / Cake 4-stop.
When / extra / Lee with / Read / Lee, 4-Stop.
Send / ask / ourselves / supple / you y / river, 6-stop.
In Ko / Tora / Yu streaming / and speech / ki Tue / Wpad / Lee 6-Stop.
(I. Krylov)

The eight-end is a stanza of eight poems with a certain way of rhyming. Read more Octave. Triolet.

Hexameter - Sixtop dactyl,the favorite size of an ancient Greek poetry:

The son of the thumbs and leaf - FEB, the king of the root
An ulcer on the military crawled: Peoples died.
(Homer.Oriad; per. N. Galdich)
Urn with water dropping, about the rock of her Virgo broke.
Virgo is sad sitting, idle holding a shard.
Miracle! Do not sharpen water, pouring out of the urn broken,
Virgo, above the eternal jet, forever sad sits.
(A. Pushkin)

Hyperdactic rhyme - consonance, in which the emphasis falls on the fourth and further syllable from the end of the verse:

Goes, baby, poking,
A pop, envying the ballet, jumps ...
(A. Pushkin)

Dactylic rhyme - consonance, in which the emphasis falls on the third syllable from the end of the verse:

I, Mother of God, now with a prayer
In priority, bright shine,
Not about salvation, not before the battle
Not with gratitude to Ile repentance,
Not for your praying soul deserted
For the soul of the wanderer in the light of faded ...
(M. Yu. Lermontov)

Dactyl - three-sided size with an emphasis on the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, etc. Sluts:

Air was / neleval and / Hamlen
And OTE / marked / garden
Somehow about / applied / green.
(I. Annensky(3-stop dactyl))

Two-beeds - 1. Stanza of two poems with steam rhyme:

Pale blue mysterious face
On the wiping roses of Droke.
And lamps coffin gold
And transparently to their chad ...
(I. Bunin)

2. Type of lyrics; The completed poem of two poems:

From others I praise - that ash,
From you and hula - praise.
(A. Akhmatova)

Dolnik (Pauznik) - poetic size on the verge sillabo-tonicand tonicsteam. Based on rhythmic repetition of strong (see ICT)and weak points, as well as variable pauses between shock syllables. The range of transiktovy intervals ranges from 0 to 4 unstressed. Verse length is determined by the number of drums in the string. In widespread, the dolnik is in early XX W.:

Autumn late. Sky open
And forests are silent.
Smashed blurred
The head of mermaid sick.
(A. Blok.(triple dolnik))

Women's rhyme - consonance, in which the emphasis falls on the second syllable from the end of the verse:

These scanty seams,
This scarce nature
Land of native long-suffering
The edge of the Russian people!
(F. I. Tyutchev)

ZEVGMA (with ancient Greek. Literally "Bunch", "Bridge") - an indication of the community of various poetic forms, literary directions, art types (see: BiryukovZEVGMA: Russian poetry from mannerism to postmodernism. - M., 1994).

ICT - a strong rhythm-forming syllable in verse.

Katrer - 1. The most common in the Russian poetry stanza, consisting of four verses: "In the depths of the Siberian ores" A. Pushkin, "Sail" M. Lermontov, "that you greedily look at the road" N. Nekrasova, "Portrait" N. Zabolotsky, "Snow goes" B. Pasternak and others. The method of rhymes can be pair (AABB),ring (Abba),cross (ababa);2. Type of lyrics; The poem of four rows is predominantly philosophical content expressing the completed thought:

Before convincing
Surrence - just:
Two birds wilt me \u200b\u200ba nest:
Truth - and orphanhood.
(M. Tsveyev)

Clause - a group of final syllables in a poetic line.

Limerick - 1. solid form of stanza; Five-flyers with a double consonance on the principle of rhyming aabba.In Limerick's literature as a kind of comic poem, telling about an unusual incident, introduced the English poet Edward Lear:

One old man from Morocco lived
I saw it amazingly bad.
- Is this your foot?
- I doubt slightly, -
He answered an old man from Morocco.

2. The literary game consisting in the preparation of similar comic poems; In this case, the Limerick should be started with the words: "lived-was ...", "one old man lived ..." and so on.

Lipogram is a poem in which some particular sound is not used. So, in the poem of G. R. Derzhavin "Nightingale in a dream" there is no sound "P":

I slept high on the hill
I heard the voice of your, nightingale;
Even in the very dream
It was imperative my soul:
Then sounded, it was given
Then heal, then grinned
In a hearing, offered, -
And in the arms of Calliste
Songs, sighs, clicks, whispers
Sweet Sweet Sleep.<…>

Makaronic poetry - satyric or parody; The comic effect is achieved in it mixing words from different languages \u200b\u200band styles:

I went to the road:
In the city of Peter dotted
And fishing ticket
For myself, E Pur Ante,
And Pur Hariton Le Medic
Sur Le Piroskaf "Heir",
Immersed the crew,
Prepared in voyage<…>
(I. Matlev("Sensation and comments of Ms. Kurdyukovka for the border of Dan L" ETERZH "))

Messages - a poem, in which letters in the middle of the line vertically form any word.

The meter is a certain rhythmic orderliness of repeats inside the poetic lines. Meeting in Sillaboy Tonic Station are two-sided (see Jarea, Yamb),three-sided (see Dactyl, Amphibery, Anadist)and other poetic sizes.

Metric - section of the election studies studying the rhythmic organization of verse.

MONORIM - poem using one rhyme:

When you, children, students,
Do not break your heads over the moments
Over gamlet, lies, kent,
Above the kings and the presidents
Above the seas and above the continents
Do not joke there with opponents,
Enter a slyly with competitors,
And how to end the course by Eminenth
And go to the service with patents -
Do not look in the service of associate professors
And do not be broad, children, presents!<…>
(A. Apukhtin)

Monidity - a poem consisting of one verse.

Obsperification is the key of worlds and secrets.
Love Fire, and Blood Fire, and Life Fire, We are fiery.
(K. Balmont)

Mora - in the ancient poems a unit of time to pronounce a brief syllable.

Men's rhyme is consonant, in which the emphasis falls on the last syllable of the verse:

We are free birds; It's time, brother, it's time!
There, where the cloudy Mountain
There, where the sea edges light
There, where we walk only the wind ... Yes!
(A. Pushkin)

Odic stanza - stanza of ten poems with a rhyme method Abababvgydg:

Oh you who expect
Fatherland from the depths of his
And see those wishes
What calls from the countries of others.
Oh, your days are blessed!
Dare now imprisoned
Laundry your show
What can own platonists
And rapid mind of nonsense
Russian land give birth.
(M. V. Lomonosov("Ode on the Day of Edema for the All-Russian throne of the Majesty of the Empress Empress Eyeglasaveta Petrovna. 1747 g"))

Oktawa - stanza of eight verses with triple consonance due to rhymes abababavv:

Harmony verse divine secrets
Do not think to solve the wise men's books:
At the barg of carotid waters, one wandering, by chance,
Listen to soul to the whisper of reeds,
Dubrava Govor: their sound is extraordinary
Fullect and understand ... in the consonance of poems
Involuntarily with the mouth of your dimensional octaves
Pleeve, sonorous, like music of the oak.
(A. Mikikov)

Octave is found at Bairon, A. Pushkin, A. K. Tolstoy and other poets.

Onegin Stanza is a stanza, consisting of 14 poems (Abababvg-locked);created by A. Pushkin (Roman "Evgeny Onegin"). The characteristic admission of Onegin Strafs is mandatory use Four-stranded yamba.

Let I hear I Strover,
I don't care - I'm even glad:
I write Onegin size:
I sing friends, on old way.
Please listen to this fairy tale!
Her unexpected junction
Approve, perhaps you
Concluding light heads.
Custom ancient watching
We are beneficial wine
Poems non-smooth stuff,
And they run, chrome,
For peaceful family
To the river of the slaughter on peace.<…>
(M. Lermontov(Tambov Treasury))

PALINDROM (Greek. "Palindromos" - running back), or a flipper - the word, phrase, verse, equally readable both from left to right and right to left. At the Palindrome, a whole poem (V. Khlebnikov "Undrong Razin", V. Gershuni "Tat", etc.) can be built.

Hilee Spirit - Lych Lych,
heather (especially quarrels).
Those - in Svara Vius. Faith in light.
(V. Finger)

Pentameter - five-lane dactyl.Used in combination with Elegic distich:

I hear the sound of the Divine Ellinsky speech.
The elder of the great shadow of something embarrassed soul.
(A. Pushkin)

Penton is a five-seat stop, consisting of one shock and four unstressed syllables. In Russian poetry, it is used "mainly penton the third, carrying emphasis on the third syllable:

Red Hollow
Zarya flashed;
In the face of the land
Fog steam ...
(A. Koltsov)

Peon is a four-sided foot consisting of one shock and three unstressed syllables. Peons differ at the place of accent - from the first to the fourth:

Sleep, Semi / Dead U / Trying Ceal / You,
And not ultrasound / sorts of Ras / Colors of Kraso / You,
Near the ways for / dripped / by the Creator,
Crumpled not / Smeshevya / Zhelya Kol / Som ...
(K. Balmont(fiverupt peon first))
Lanterns - / Sudarists,
Tell me / you me
What you saw, / what heard
In the night you te / tire? ...
(I. Matlev(double-level peon second))
Employe the wind, the poplar is broken, / from the sky rain O / Senya is poured,
It is necessary for me / sneaks / dimensional knock of cha / owed walls;
Nobody / smile to me, / and anxious / heart beats
And from the mouth is not / free / monotonous / sad verse;
And as a quiet / far pin, / outside the window I / hear Ropot,
Incomprehensible / strange whisper / - whisper of droplets / rain.
(K. Balmont(four-stranded PEON third))

More used in Russian poetry the third peon; Peon fourth view as an independent meter is not found.

Transfer - Rhythmic Missing; The end of the offer does not coincide with the end of the verse; serves as a means of creating spoken intonation:

Winter. What to do to us in the village? I meet
Servant carrying me a cup of tea in the morning
Questions: heat? Was the blizzard? ..
(A. Pushkin)

Pyrrhetic - Stop with missed stress:

Storm / Male / Sky / Croot,
Vortices / Snezhny / E Crubber /
(A. Pushkin(the third stop of the second verse - pyrical))

Five-line - Stroof-Quarters with Double Consonance:

How smoky pillar brightens in the embroidery! -
As the shadow below slides being elusive! ..
"Here is our life," you said you, -
Not light smoke shiny at the moon,
And this shadow running from smoke ... "
(F. Tyutchev)

The view of the five-hundredth is Limerick.

Rhythm is a repeatability proportion to the same phenomena at equal intervals of time and space. In the artistic work, the rhythm is implemented at different levels: the plot, composition, language, verse.

Rhyme (Kraisguism) - equally sound clauses. Rhymes are characterized by location (pair, cross, ring), by stroking (male, female, dactyl, hyperdactyl), in composition (simple, composite), on sound (accurate, root or assembly), monorim, etc.

Sextine - stanza from six poems (Ababab).In Russian poetry, it is rare:

Tsar-fire with water-queen. -
World beauty.
Serves the day of them benolitic
At night, it is not darkness,
Hemmed with a moon-girl.
The foothold - three whales.<…>
(K. Balmont)

Syllabic poems - a system of renovation based on an equal number of syllables in alternating verses. With a large number of symbols, the cesura is introduced, which divides the line into two parts. Syllabic poems are used mainly in languages \u200b\u200bthat have permanent emphasis. In Russian poetry used in the XVII-XVIII centuries. S. Polotsk, A. Kantemir, etc.

Syllabo-tonic session - a system of renovation based on an ordered arrangement of shock and unstressed syllables in verse. Basic meters (sizes) - double (Yamb, Korea)and three-sided (Dactyl, Amphibery, Anadist).

Sonnet - 1. Stanfish, consisting of 14 verses with a variety of rhyme methods. Types of Sonet: Italian (Rhymma Method: abab // Abab // VGV // GVG) \\french (rhyme method: abba / Abba // VG // DDG) \\english (rhyme method: abab // VGVG // Seda // LJ).In Russian literature, the development and "wrong" forms of sonnet with non-fixed methods of rhymes are obtained.

2. Type of lyrics; A poem consisting of 14 poems, mainly philosophical, love, elegic content - Sonnet V. Shakespeare, A. Pushkin, Vyach. Ivanova, etc.

Spontagas - Stop with extra (superframe) stress:

Swede, Rus / Ski / Year, Ru / Bit, Re / Veh.
(A. Pushkin)

(Four-stranded yamb - the first foot of the spondy)

Verse - 1. Linein poem; 2. The set of features of the poet of any poet: the verse of Marina Tsvetaeva, A. Tvardovsky and others.

Stop - a repeated combination of shock and unstressed vowels. The foot serves as a verse in a silhlor-tonic system of storm: three-stranded jamb, four-stranded anapest, etc.

Stanza is a group of verses combined by a repeated size, method of rhyms, intonation, etc.

Storefrili - section of the resentment, which studies the compositions of the structure of the verse.

Tactic - a poetic size on the verge of silhlob-tonic and tonic verses. Based on rhythmic repetition of strong (see ICT)and weak points, as well as variable pauses between shock syllables. The range of international recalculated intervals ranges from 2 to 3 unstressed. Verse length is determined by the number of drums in the string. In wide use, the clock is included at the beginning of XX W.:

Black man ran around the city.
It quilted lanterns, smoking on the stairs.
Slow, white approached dawn,
Together with a man climbed the stairs.
(A. Blok.(four clock))

TERTSET - stanza of three poems (AAA, BBB, Heretc.). TERTSET in Russian poetry is rarely used:

She like mermaid, air and strangely pale
In the eyes of her, escape, plays a wave,
In green eyes, her depth is cold.
Come, - and she will take me, heads you,
Self without spare, torment, perhaps, grip,
But still she kisses you not love.
And there will turn the ung, and will be the soul away,
And will be silent under the moon in golden dust
Looking indifferent, like a drone away - ships.
(K. Balmont)

Tercin - stanza of three poems (Aba, BVB, HBVetc.):

And Dalle we went - and fear hugged me.
Babe Meal, underwent his hoof
Twisted the Roshchik at the hellish fire.
Hot drip fat in smoked trough,
And burdal on fire baked dedicator
And I: "Tell me: in this execution that hidden?
(A. Pushkin.)

Tercines written "Divine Comedy" Dante.

The tonic session is a system of renovation based on an orderly arrangement of shock syllables in verse, and the number of unstressed syllables is not accepted into the calculation.

Accurate rhyme - rhyme at which sounds clausematch up:

In the evening blue, in the evening lunar
I was sometime beautiful and young.
Uncontrollable, uniquely
Everything flew ... distance ... past ...
The heart cooled, and the eyes fused ...
Blue happiness! Moon nights!
(FROM. Yesenin)

Triolet - stanza of eight poems (Abbaabab)with the repetition of the same rows:

Lying in the grass on the shore
Night river I hear the splashes.
Passing the fields and armor,
Led in the grass on the shore.
On an derived meadow
Green shine shine,
Lying in the grass on the shore
Night river and hear bursts.
(V. Bryusov)

Figure poems - poems whose lines form an outlines of a subject or geometric shape:

Like with things
In the darkness brilliantly,
I am delighted with the whole soul leading.
But what? - From the sun in it only cute shining?
Not! - Pyramid - cases of good memories.
(G. Dervin)

Fonika is a section of the resentment that studies the sound organization of the verse.

Jaorey (Trohai) - double-sized size with an emphasis on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, etc. Sluts:

Niva / Compressed, / Groves / Goals,
From the car and / dampness.
Cole / Som for / Blue / Mountains
Sun / Quiet / E_All /
(FROM. Yesenin(four-star kernels))

Cesura - Pause in the middle of the poetic line. Usually the cesura appears in six-storey and more verses:

Science is rimmed, // in the flap sheath,
From all almost houses // with a shot down;
I do not want to know with her, // running his friendship,
As suffering from the sea, // ship service.
(A. Kantemir(Satira 1. On High Tending: To History))

Sixties - a six-storey stanza with a triple consonance; The method of rhymes may be different:

This morning, this joy, BUT
This power and day, and light, BUT
This blue arch b.
This cry and vintage IN
These flocks, these birds, IN
This voice is ... b.
(A. Fet.)

The type of sixsti is Sextin.

Jamb - the most common in Russian poetry of a double-dimensional size with an emphasis on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, etc. Sluts:

Ink / Niya / My!
My age / ime / image /
You / Ukra / forces I.
(A. Pushkin(three-stranded yum))

4. Literary process

Avant-garde is a common name of a number of currents in the art of the XX century, which unites the refusal of the traditions of predecessors, primarily realists. Principles of avant-garde as a literary and artistic direction in different ways were realized in futurism, cubism, Dadaism, surrealism, expressionism, etc.

Axism is the current in Russian poetry of 1910-1920. Representatives: N. Gumilev, S. Gorodetsky, A. Akhmatova, O. Mandelshtam, M. Kuzmin et al. In contrast to the symbolism, acmeism proclaimed a return to the material world, the subject, accurate value of the word. va. Ambamests compiled a literary group "The shop of poets", produced the Almanac and Journal of Hyperbori (1912-1913).

Ander Ground (English "Undergraund" - underground) - the general name of the works of Russian unofficial art of the 70-80s. XX century

Baroque (ITAL. "BAGOSSO" is prefabricated) - style in the art of the XVI-XVIII centuries, which is characterized by exaggeration, lifesty of forms, patestics, desire for opposition and contrasts.

Eternal images - images, the artistic importance of which came out beyond the specific literary work and the historical era threatened. Hamlet (V. Shakespeare), Don Quixote (M. Servantes), etc.

Dadaism (Franz. "Dada" - a wooden horse, toy; in figurative sense - "Children's Badge") is one of the directions of the literary avant-garde, which established in Europe (1916-1922). Dadaism preceded surrealismand expressionism.

Decadentia (Lat. Decadentia - decline) - the general name of crisis phenomena in the culture of the end of the XIX - early XX century, noted by moods of hopelessness, the rejection of life. For decadence, the refusal of citizenship in art is characterized, the proclamation of the cult of beauty as a higher goal. Many Decadent motives have become the property of artistic flows. modernism.

IMAZHINISTS (Franz. "Image" - image) - Literary grouping 1919-1927, in which S. Yesenin, A. Mariengoof, R. Ivnev, V. Shershevich, and others. Imazhinists cultivated image: "We who pass the image Who cleans the shape of the dust content is better than the street clever boot, argue that the only law of art, the only and incomparable method is to identify life through the image and rhythm of the images ... "In the literary work, the IMAZHINISTS relied on a complicated metaphor, the game of rhythms, etc. .

Impressionism - direction in the art of the late XIX - early XX century. In the literature, impressionism sought to transfer fragmentary lyrical impressions, designed for the assgative thinking of the reader, able to finally recreate a holistic picture. A. Chekhov, I. Bunin, A. Fet, K. Balmont and MN, were resorted to an impressionistic manner. Dr.

Classicism - the literary direction of the XVII-XVIII centuries, arose in France and proclaimed the return to antique art As a pattern for imitation. The rationalistic poetics of classicism is set forth in the composition of N. Balo "Poetic Art". Characteristic features of classicism are the predominance of reason over the feelings; An object of the image is sublime in a person's life. Nominated by this direction Requirements: Strict style; image of the hero in the fateful moments of life; The unity of time, actions and places - brighter they manifested themselves in dramaturgy. In Russia, classicism occurs in the 30-50s. XVIII century In the work of A. Kantemir, V. Tredyakovsky, M. Lomonosova, D. Fonvizin.

Conceptualists - a literary association that arose at the end of the XX century, denies the need to create artistic images: an art idea exists outside of the material (at the level of application, project or comment). Conceptualists are D. A. Prichi, L. Rubinstein, N. Iskrenko, etc.

The literary direction is characterized by the generality of literary phenomena for a certain time. The literary direction implies the unity of the worldship, aesthetic looks of writers, ways to image life in a certain historic period. The literary direction is also characterized by the generality of the art method. The literary directions include classicism, sentimentalism, romanticism, etc.

The literary process (the evolution of literature) - reveals itself in the change of literary areas, in updating the content and form of works, in establishing new links with other art types, with philosophy, with science, etc. The literary process proceeds in its laws and is not directly related With the development of society.

Modernism (Franz. "Modern" - modern) - the general definition of a number of areas in the art of the XX century., Characterized by a break with the traditions of realism. The term "modernism" is used to designate a wide variety of unrealistic flows in the art and literature of the XX century. - from symbolism at its beginning to postmodernism at the end.

OBERIU (Association of Real Art) is a group of writers and artists: D. Kharms, A. Vvedensky, N. Zabolotsky, O. Malevich, K. Vaginov, N. Oleinikov, and others - worked in Leningrad in 1926-1931. Obaniuta was inherited by futurists, confessing the art of the absurd, the refusal of logic, from the usual study, etc. Especially active OBEERUTIs were in the field of theatrical. Art and poetry.

Postmodernism is a type of aesthetic consciousness in the art of the end of the XX century. In the artistic world of the Writer-Postmodernist, as a rule, no causes and consequences, or they easily change places. Here are blurred ideas about time and space, the authors of the author and the hero are unusual. Significant style elements are irony and parody. Works of postmodernism are designed for the associative nature of perception, on the active creation of the reader. Many of them contain a detailed critical self-esteem, i.e., literature and literary criticism is combined. For postmodern creations, specific imagery is characterized, so-called simulators, i.e. images and images without a new original content that use already known, simulating reality and paroding it. Postmodernism destroys all sorts of hierarchies and opposition, replacing them with alluzia, reminiscence, quotes. Unlike avant-garde, he does not deny the precursors, but all traditions in art are equivalent to him.

Representatives of postmodernism in Russian literature are Sasha Sokolov ("School for Fools"), A. Bitov (Pushkin House), veins. Erofeev ("Moscow - Petushki") and others.

Realism is an artistic method based on an objective image of reality reproduced and typed in accordance with the copyright ideals. Realism depicts a character in its interactions ("clips") with the surrounding world and people. An important feature of realism is the desire to truth, to reliability. In the process of historical development, realism acquired specific forms of literary areas: ancient realism, realism of the Renaissance, classicism, sentimentalism, etc.

In the XIX and XX centuries. Realism has successfully assimilated separate artistic techniques of romantic and modernist trends.

Romanticism - 1. The artistic method based on the author's subjective representations, is mainly based on its imagination, intuition, fantasies, dreams. Like realism, romanticism acts only in the form of a specific literary direction in several varieties: civil, psychological, philosophical, etc. Hero of the romantic work is an exceptional personality, outstanding, outlined with great expression. Romance writer style - emotional, saturated with visual and expressive means.

2. The literary direction arising at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries, when the freedom of society and freedom of humans proclaimed the ideal. For romanticism, interest in the past, the development of folklore; His favorite genres is an elegy, ballad, poem, etc. ("Svetlana" V. Zhukovsky, "MTSI", "demon" M. Lermontov, etc.).

Sentimentalism (Franz. "Sentimental" - sensitive) - the literary direction of the second half of the XVIII - early XIX century. The manifesto of Western European sentimentalism was the book L. Stern "Sentimental Journey" (1768). Sentimentalism proclaimed in counterweight rationalism of enlighteners natural feelings In the daily life of a person. In Russian literature, sentimentalism originated at the end of the XVIII century. and is associated with the names of N. Karamzin (" Poor Lisa"), V. Zhukovsky, Radishchevtsev and others. The genres of this literary direction are epistolary, family-household romance; Confessional story, elegy, travel notes, etc.

Symbolism - the literary direction of the late XIX - early XX century: D. Merezhkovsky, K. Balmont, V. Bryusov, A. Block, I. Annensky, A. White, F. Sologub, etc. based on associative thinking, on subjective reproduction reality. The system of paintings (images) offered in the work is created by means of copyright characters and is built on the personal perception and emotional sensations of the artist. An important role in the creation and perception of works of symbolism belongs to intuition.

Soc-Art is one of the characteristic phenomena of Soviet unofficial art of the 70-80s. It originated as a reaction to the all-permissing ideology of Soviet society and all types of art, choosing the way of ironic confrontation. Paroding also European and American pop art, used in the literature Trees of grotesque, satirical pulp, caricatures. Social success of social art has achieved in painting.

Socialist Realism - Direction in Art soviet period. As in the classicism system, the artist must strictly adhere to a specific array of rules governing the results of the creative process. The main ideological postulates in the field of literature were formulated at the first congress of Soviet writers in 1934: "Socialist realism, being the main method of Soviet fiction and literary critics, requires the artist of the truthful, historically specific image of reality in its revolutionary development. At the same time, the truthfulness and historical specificity of the artistic image should be combined with the task of ideological alterations and the upbringing of workers of people in the spirit of socialism. " In fact, socialist realism took away the freedom of choice from the writer, lending the art of research functions, leaving him only the right to illustrate ideological installations, serving the means of party agitation and propaganda.

Style - Sustainable features of the use of poetic techniques and means that serve as an expression of originality, the uniqueness of the phenomenon of art. It is studied at the level of artistic work (Evgenia Onegin style), at the level of the individual manner of the writer (style N. Gogol), at the level of the literary direction (classic style), at the level of the era (Baroque style).

Surrealism is an avant-garde direction in the art of the 20s. XX century, proclaiming the source of inspiration, the subconscious of a person (his instincts, dreams, hallucinations). Surrealism breaks logical connections, replaces them with subjective associations, creates fantastic combinations of real and unreal items and phenomena. Brighter, surrealism manifested itself in painting - Salvador Dali, Juan Miro, etc.

Futurism - the avant-garde direction in art 10-20s. XX century Based on the denial of the established traditions, the destruction of traditional genre and language forms, on the intuitive perception of the rapid flow of time, the combination of documentary material and fiction. Futurism is characterized by self-sufficient molding, creating a dusty language. Futurism received the greatest development in Italy and in Russia. His bright representatives in Russian poetry were V. Mayakovsky, V. Khlebnikov, A. Klychey, etc.

Existentialism (lat. Existentia - existence) - direction in the art of the middle of the XX century, consonant with the teachings of philosophers S. Kierkegor and M. Heidegger, partly N. Berdyaev. The person is depicted in a closed space, where anxiety reigns, fear, loneliness. The character comprehends its existence in the border situations of the struggle, catastrophe, death. Nice, a man knows himself, becomes free. Existentialism denies determinism, approves intuition as the main one, if not the only way to know the work of art. Representatives: J. - P. Sartre, A. Kama, W. Golding and others.

Expressionism (lat. "Expressio" - an expression) - the avant-garde direction in the art of the first quarter of the XX century, who proclaimed the unique reality of the spiritual world of the person. The basic principle of the image of human consciousness (the main object) is the boundless emotional tension, which is achieved by a violation of real proportions, up to the impression of the glotescan rundot, reaching the world, reaching abstraction. Representatives: L. Andreev, I. Becher, F. Durrenmat.

5. Common Literary Concepts and Terms

Adequate - equal, identical.

Allusion - the use of the words (combinations, phrases, quotes, etc.) as a hint that activates the reader's attention and allows you to see the connection of the depicted with which, or a known fact of literary, household or social and political life.

Almanac - non-periodic collection of works selected on thematic, genre, territorial, etc. Signs: "Northern Flowers", "Physiology of St. Petersburg", "Day of Poetry", "Tarusk Pages", "Prometheus", "Metropol", etc.

"ALTER EGO" - the second "I"; Reflection in the literary hero of the part of the author's consciousness.

Anacreontic poetry - poems, chanting the joy of life. Anacreonte is an ancient Greek lyrics, writing verses of love, packaging songs, etc. Translations to Russian, K. Delvina, K. Batyushkova, A. Deligova, A. Pushkin, and others.

Annotation (lat. "Annotatio" - Note) - a brief, explaining book title note. Annotation is given, as a rule, on the turnover of the title page of the book, after the bibliographic description of the work.

Anonymous (Greek. "Anonymos" - Unnamed) - the author of the published literary work, who did not call his own behalf and who did not use the pseudonym. The first edition of "Traveling from St. Petersburg to Moscow" in 1790 gave an indication of the author's surname on the title page of the book.

Anthutopia is a genre of an epic work, most often a novel that creates a picture of the life of society, deceived by utopian illusions. - J. Orwell "1984", Evg. Zamyatin "We", O. Huxley "On the wonderful, new world", V. Winovich "Moscow 2042" and others.

Anthology - 1. Collection of selected works of one author or group of poets of a certain direction and content. - Petersburg in Russian poetry (XVIII - early XX century): Poetic anthology. - L., 1988; Rainbow: Children's Anthology / Sost. Sasha black. - Berlin, 1922, etc.; 2. In the XIX century. The anthemicals were called poems written in the spirit of ancient lyrical poetry: A. Pushkin "Tsarskoselskaya Statue", A. Fet "Diana" and others.

Apocrif (Greek. "Anokryhos" is secret) - 1. The work with the biblical plot, the content of which does not fully coincide with the text of the Holy Books. For example, "Limonar, siren spiritual meadow" A. Remizov et al. 2. An essay, with a low degree of reliability ascribed to any author. In the ancient Russian literature, for example, "Talking about Tsar Konstantine", "legends on books" and some others, as expected, was written by Ivan Perestekov.

Association (literary) is a psychological phenomenon when, when reading a literary work, one representation (image) in the similarity or opposite causes other things in the imagination.

Attribution (lat. "Attributio" - attribution) - Textheological problem: the establishment of the author of the work as a whole or its parts.

Aphorism is a laconic speech expressing the capacious generalized thought: "It would be glad to serve, sichenly serve" (A. S. Griboedov).

Ballad is a lyrol-epic poem with a historical or heroic plot, with the obligatory presence of a fantastic (or mystical) element. In the XIX century The ballad was developed in the work of V. Zhukovsky (Svetlana), A. Pushkin ("Song about Oleg"), A. Tolstoy ("Vasily Shibanov"). In the XX century The ballad was revived in the work of N. Tikhonov, A. Tvardovsky, E. Evtushenko, etc.

Bass is an epic product of an allegorical and moral character. The narrative in the bass is painted irony and in the conclusion contains the so-called morality - the tearing output. The Baszni leadership leads from the legendary ancient Greek poet Ezopa (VI-V centuries to n. E.). The largest masters of Basni were French Lafonten (XVII century), German Lessing (XVIII century) and our I. Krylov (XVIII-XIX centuries). In the XX century The bass was represented in the work of D. Poor, S. Mikhalkov, F. Krivina, etc.

Bibliography - a section of literary studies, giving a targeted systematic description of books and articles on various rubrics. Reference bibliographic manuals on fiction, prepared by N. Rubakin, I. Vladislavlev, K. Muratova, N. Matsuev, etc. Multi-volume bibliographic reference book in two series: "Russian Soviet Prosers" and "Russian Soviet poets" report details as On the publications of artistic texts and the scientific and critical literature on each of the authors who have entered this allowance. There are also other types of bibliographic publications. Such, for example, the five-volume bibliographic dictionary "Russian writers 1800-1917", "Lexicon of Russian literature XX century", compiled by V. Cossack, or "Russian writers of 20 century." and etc.

Operational information about updates is provided by the Special Monthly Bulletin "Literary Worker", published by the Institute of Scientific Information Paradise. The newspaper "Book Review", magazines "Literature", Russian Literature, Literary Review, "New Literary Review", and others are also systematically reported on the innovations of artistic scientific and critical literature.

Buff (ITal. "Buffo" - Schutovskaya) - comic, mainly circus genre.

Sleep wreath is a poem of 15 sonnets forming a peculiar chain: each of the 14 sonnets begins the last line of the previous one. The fifteenth sonnet consists of these fourteen duplicate lines and is called "key", or a "highway". Wreath of sonnets is presented in the work of V. Brysov ("Sveta Thoughts"), M. Voloshin ("Sogop Astralis"), Vyach. Ivanova ("Sleeping Wreath"). He meets in modern poetry.

Waterville - type of comedy position. Easy entertainment play of domestic content, built on entertaining, most often, love intrigue with music, songs, dancing. Waterville is presented in the work of D. Lensky, N. Nekrasova, V. Sologuba, A. Chekhov, V. Kataeva, etc.

Volyupuk (Vapauk) - 1. Artificial language, which tried to use as an international; 2. Tarabrushnia, meaningless set of words, Abrakadabra.

Demiurg - Creator, Colder.

Determinism is a materialistic philosophical concept about objective patterns and causal relations of all phenomena of nature and society.

Drama - 1. The genus of art having a synthetic character (combination of lyrical and epic began) and belonging to the literature and theater (cinema, television, circus, etc.); 2. Actually drama is the type of literary work, depicting human and society's acute conflict relations. - A. Chekhov "Three sisters", "Uncle Vanya", M. Gorky "At the bottom", "Children of the Sun" and others.

Duma - 1. Ukrainian folk song or poem on the historical topic; 2. Genre lyrics; Persisions of meditative nature dedicated to philosophical and social problems. - See "Duma" K. Ryleyev, A. Koltsova, M. Lermontov.

Spiritual poetry - poetic works of different species and genres, containing religious motives: Y. Kublanovsky, S. Averintsev, 3. Mirkin and others.

The genre is the type of literary work, whose features, although there are historically, are in the process of constant changes. The concept of the genre is used at three levels: generic - genre of epic, lyrics or drama; species - genre of Roman, Elegy, comedy; Actually genre - historical novel, philosophical elegy, comedy of morals, etc.

Idyllo is the type of lyrical or limier poetry. In idylls, as a rule, a peaceful serene life of people on the Louis of beautiful nature is depicted. - Antique idyllies, as well as Russian Idylli XVIII - early XIX century. A. Sumarokova, V. Zhukovsky, N. Galotich, etc.

Hierarchy is the location of the elements or parts of the whole on the basis of the highest to the lower and vice versa.

Increusion - angry impairment.

Ipostasya (Greek "HipoStasis" - face, essence) - 1. The name of each person of the Holy Trinity: One God speaks in three horses - the god father, the God-Son, the God-Spirit of Holy; 2. Two or more sides of one phenomenon or subject.

Historiography - a section of literary studies studying the history of its development.

The history of literature is a section of literary criticism, which studies the peculiarities of the development of the literary process and the decisive place of the literary direction, the writer, the literary work in this process.

Carticle - copy, accurate translation from one language to another.

Canonical text (correlated from Greek. "Kapop" is a rule) - installed in the process of texture reconciliation of publishing and handwritten versions of the work and meets the last "author's will".

Kantsona - type of lyrics, mainly love. The heyday Chancests - Middle Ages (Creativity of Trubadurov). In Russian poetry there is rarely (V. Bryusov "to the lady").

Catharsis - cleansing the soul of the viewer or reader, tested by him in the process of empathizing literary characters. According to Aristotle, Qatarsis is the goal of the tragedy, a refining viewer and reader.

Comedy is one of the types of literary creativity belonging to the dramatic genus. The action and characters in the comedy put the goal of ridicuing ugly in life. The comedy arose in the ancient literature and is actively developing up to our time. The comedies of the provisions and comedies of characters differ. Hence the genre variety of comedy: social, psychological, household, satirical.