What literary predecessors does the woland have? Essay on the theme "The Master and Margarita" Bulgakov - The Devil and his literary predecessors

What literary predecessors does the woland have? Essay on the theme "The Master and Margarita" Bulgakov - The Devil and his literary predecessors

So who are you, finally? I am part of the power that always wants evil and always does good. Goethe. Faust M. A. Bulgakov is an outstanding writer of Russian and world literature. His largest work is the novel The Master and Margarita. This is a special work in which the writer managed to fuse together myth and reality, satirical description of everyday life and a romantic plot, a true image and irony, sarcasm. The writer worked on his novel for about 12 years, from 1928 to 1940. In the process of work, the idea of ​​the novel, its plot, composition, system of images, and title changed. All this testifies to the tremendous work done by the writer. Bulgakov showed in his work four different worlds: earth, darkness, light and peace. Yershalaim of the twenties of the 1st century and Moscow of the twenties of the 20th century - this is the earthly world. The heroes and times described in them seem to be different, but the essence is the same. Enmity, mistrust of dissenting people, envy reign in ancient times, and in present-day Bulgakov's Moscow. The vices of society are exposed by Woland, in which the author artistically rethought the image of Satan. Woland occupies a significant place in Bulgakov's novel, but no one, except for the Master and Margarita, recognizes Satan in him. Why? The fact is that ordinary people do not allow the existence of something inexplicable in the world. In the image of Bulgakov, Woland absorbed many features of various evil spirits: Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer and others. But most of all Woland is associated with Goethe's Mephistopheles. Both of them are "part of the power that always wants evil and always does good." But if Mephistopheles is a cheerful and malevolent tempter, then Bulgakov's Woland is much more majestic. Sarcasm, not irony, is its main feature. Unlike Mephistopheles, Woland gives the sophisticated the opportunity to choose between good and evil, gives a chance to use their good will. He sees everything, the world is open to him without blush and makeup. He ridicules, destroys with the help of his retinue everything that has departed from good, has become deceived, corrupted, morally impoverished, and has lost a high ideal. Woland looks with contemptuous irony at the representatives of the Moscow philistinism, at all these businessmen, envious people, thieves and bribe-takers, at this petty crooks and gray philistines, who are tenacious at any time. Reading the novel, I drew attention to the scene in the variety show hall, where the role of Woland is perfectly revealed. Bulgakov's Woland turned this hall into a laboratory for the study of human weaknesses. Here the greed of the public and its philistine vulgarity are exposed, which are especially manifested at the moment when "money rain" fell on the amazed spectators. This is what the scene looks like: “Some were already crawling in the aisle, rummaging under the chairs. Because of the money, people were already ready to pounce on each other. And then, involuntarily, each of us recalls the words of the famous aria of Mephistopheles: "People die for metal. Satan rules the ball there." Thus, we can once again draw a parallel between Mephistopheles and Woland. The culminating episodes in Bulgakov's novel, of course, are those episodes where Satan's ball is described, to which poisoners, informers, traitors, madmen, libertines of all stripes appeared. These dark forces, if given free rein, will destroy the world. For only three days Woland appears in Moscow with his retinue, but the routine of life disappears, the cover of the gray everyday life falls off. The world appears before us in its nakedness. Playing the role of the god of revenge on earth, Woland punishes real evil and occasionally grants freedom to those who have suffered enough. The novel "The Master and Margarita" is a unique masterpiece of Russian and world literature. Rereading this work, each of us will be able to understand it deeper and rethink a lot. You can treat the novel in different ways, but one thing is indisputable: it will not leave the reader indifferent.

... So who are you, finally? -
I am part of the power that always wants evil and always does good.

Goethe. Faust

M.A. Bulgakov is an outstanding writer of Russian and world literature. His largest work is the novel The Master and Margarita. This is a special work in which the writer managed to fuse together myth and reality, satirical description of everyday life and a romantic plot, a true image and irony, sarcasm.
The writer worked on his novel for about 12 years, from 1928 to 1940. In the process of work, the idea of ​​the novel, its plot, composition, system of images, and title changed. All this testifies to the tremendous work done by the writer.
Bulgakov showed in his work four different worlds: earth, darkness, light and peace. Yershalaim of the twenties of the 1st century and Moscow of the twenties of the 20th century - this is the earthly world. The heroes and times described in them seem to be different, but the essence is the same. Enmity, mistrust of dissenting people, envy reign in ancient times, and in present-day Bulgakov's Moscow. The vices of society are exposed by Woland, in which the author artistically rethought the image of Satan.
Woland occupies a significant place in Bulgakov's novel, but no one, except for the Master and Margarita, recognizes Satan in him. Why? The fact is that ordinary people do not allow the existence of something inexplicable in the world. In the image of Bulgakov, Woland absorbed many features of various evil spirits: Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer and others. But most of all Woland is associated with Goethe's Mephistopheles. Both of them are "a part of the power that always wants evil and always does good." But if Mephistopheles is a cheerful and malevolent tempter, then Bulgakov's Woland is much more majestic. Sarcasm, not irony, is its main feature. Unlike Mephistopheles, Woland gives the sophisticated the opportunity to choose between good and evil, gives a chance to use their good will. He sees everything, the world is open to him without blush and makeup. He ridicules, destroys with the help of his retinue everything that has departed from good, has become deceived, corrupted, morally impoverished, and has lost a high ideal. Woland looks with contemptuous irony at the representatives of the Moscow philistinism, at all these businessmen, envious people, thieves and bribe-takers, at this petty crooks and gray philistines, who are tenacious at any time.
Reading the novel, I drew attention to the scene in the variety show hall, where the role of Woland is perfectly revealed. Bulgakov's Woland turned this hall into a laboratory for the study of human weaknesses. Here the greed of the public and its philistine vulgarity are exposed, which are especially manifested at the moment when “money rain” fell on the amazed spectators. This is what the scene looks like: “Someone was already crawling in the aisle, rummaging under the chairs. Many stood on the seats, catching fidgety, capricious pieces of paper ”. Because of the money, people were already ready to pounce on each other. And then, involuntarily, each of us recalls the words of the famous aria of Mephistopheles: “People die for metal. Satan rules the ball there. " Thus, we can once again draw a parallel between Mephistopheles and Woland.
The culminating episodes in Bulgakov's novel, of course, are those episodes where Satan's ball is described, to which poisoners, informers, traitors, madmen, libertines of all stripes appeared. These dark forces, if given free rein, will destroy the world.
For only three days Woland appears in Moscow with his retinue, but the routine of life disappears, the cover of the gray everyday life falls off. The world appears before us in its nakedness. Playing the role of the god of revenge on earth, Woland punishes real evil and occasionally grants freedom to those who have suffered enough.
The novel The Master and Margarita is a unique masterpiece of Russian and world literature. Rereading this work, each of us will be able to understand it deeper and rethink a lot. You can treat the novel in different ways, but one thing is indisputable: it will not leave the reader indifferent.

MA Bulgakov is an outstanding writer of Russian and world literature. His largest work is the novel The Master and Margarita. This is a special work in which the writer managed to fuse together myth and reality, satirical description of everyday life and a romantic plot, a true image and irony, sarcasm.
The writer worked on his novel for about 12 years, from 1928 to 1940. In the process of work, the idea of ​​the novel, its plot, composition, system of images, and title changed. All this testifies to the tremendous work done by the writer.

Bulgakov showed in his work four different worlds: earth, darkness, light and peace. Yershalaim of the twenties of the 1st century and Moscow of the twenties of the 20th century - this is the earthly world. The heroes and times described in them seem to be different, but the essence is the same. Enmity, mistrust of dissenting people, envy reign in ancient times, and in present-day Bulgakov's Moscow. The vices of society are exposed by Woland, in which the author artistically rethought the image of Satan.

Woland occupies a significant place in Bulgakov's novel, but no one, except for the Master and Margarita, recognizes Satan in him. Why? The fact is that ordinary people do not allow the existence of something inexplicable in the world. In the image of Bulgakov, Woland absorbed many features of various evil spirits: Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer and others. But most of all Woland is associated with Goethe's Mephistopheles. Both of them are "part of the power that always wants evil and always does good." But if Mephistopheles is a cheerful and malevolent tempter, then Bulgakov's Woland is much more majestic. Sarcasm, not irony, is its main feature. Unlike Mephistopheles, Woland gives the sophisticated the opportunity to choose between good and evil, gives a chance to use their good will. He sees everything, the world is open to him without blush and makeup. He ridicules, destroys with the help of his retinue everything that has departed from good, has become deceived, corrupted, morally impoverished, and has lost a high ideal. Woland looks with contemptuous irony at the representatives of the Moscow philistinism, at all these businessmen, envious people, thieves and bribe-takers, at this petty crooks and gray philistines, who are tenacious at any time.
Reading the novel, I drew attention to the scene in the variety show hall, where the role of Woland is perfectly revealed. Bulgakov's Woland turned this hall into a laboratory for the study of human weaknesses. Here the greed of the public and its philistine vulgarity are exposed, which are especially manifested at the moment when "money rain" fell on the amazed spectators. This is what the scene looks like: “Some were already crawling in the aisle, rummaging under the chairs. Because of the money, people were already ready to pounce on each other. And then, involuntarily, each of us recalls the words of the famous aria of Mephistopheles: "People die for metal. Satan rules the ball there." Thus, we can once again draw a parallel between Mephistopheles and Woland.

The culminating episodes in Bulgakov's novel, of course, are those episodes where Satan's ball is described, to which poisoners, informers, traitors, madmen, libertines of all stripes appeared. These dark forces, if given free rein, will destroy the world.
For only three days Woland appears in Moscow with his retinue, but the routine of life disappears, the cover of the gray everyday life falls off. The world appears before us in its nakedness. Playing the role of the god of revenge on earth, Woland punishes real evil and occasionally grants freedom to those who have suffered enough.
The novel "The Master and Margarita" is a unique masterpiece of Russian and world literature. Rereading this work, each of us will be able to understand it deeper and rethink a lot. You can treat the novel in different ways, but one thing is indisputable: it will not leave the reader indifferent.

Mikhail Bulgakov is a writer with an unusual destiny: the bulk of his works became known to the world only a quarter of a century after the artist's death. And the main work of his whole life - the novel "The Master and Margarita" - brought the writer worldwide fame.
In the novel "The Master and Margarita" Bulgakov touches upon many problems of everyday life and being, reminds people of them. The so-called "Jerusalem" chapters occupy an important place in the novel. This is a free interpretation of the Gospel of Matthew. These chapters cover many religious and moral issues. Bulgakov paints the image of Yeshua - a righteous man who believes that "all people are good", that in every person there is a spark of God, a striving for light and truth. But at the same time, he does not forget about human vices: cowardice, pride, indifference.

In other words, Bulgakov shows the eternal struggle between good and evil, purity and vice. The significance of this novel in the novel is that the writer expands the time frame of the action and thereby once again shows that this struggle is eternal, time does not have the power over it, and this problem is always relevant. Bulgakov also says that the forces of good and evil are inextricably linked, none of them can exist without the other. Therefore, an unusual mystical hero is introduced into the novel - Professor Woland - simply put, Satan. Through his actions and the actions of his retinue, which puts people in unusual, non-standard situations, Bulgakov makes fun of human vices, and in some places the Soviet system. It was precisely because of the accusatory caustic satire that the novel The Master and Margarita was inaccessible to the reader for many years.

The novel also reflects the theme of love, and Bulgakov writes about "real", "true, eternal love." "Follow me, my reader, and only me, and I will show you such love!" - the author tells us. In the face of Margarita, he shows that no, even the most powerful forces can resist real love. Margarita's love paves the way for happiness and eternal peace with her beloved.

The fate of the master is in many ways similar to the fate of M. Bulgakov himself. The Master appears before us as a powerless, broken person, unable to fight against the surrounding reality. The novel shows the real tragedy of a man who put all his strength into his work, but this creation was not accepted and, moreover, was also ridiculed. And the Master broke down, he fell ill with a mental illness, and only eternal peace, bestowed on him and his beloved from above, could save him.

This story of the new Faust and Margaret reminded me of the eternal values ​​that exist in the world, convinced me that I should not forget about them and be guided by them in my life. And if everyone does this, it is possible that society will change at least a little for the better.

Essay text:

... So who are you, finally? I am part of the power that always wants evil and always does good. Goethe. Faust M. A. Bulgakov is an outstanding writer of Russian and world literature. His largest work is the novel "The Master and Margarita". This is a special work in which the writer managed to fuse together myth and reality, satirical description of everyday life and a romantic plot, a true image and irony, sarcasm. The writer worked on his novel for about 12 years, from 1928 to 1940. In the process of work, the idea of ​​the novel, its plot, composition, system of images, and title changed. All this testifies to the tremendous work done by the writer. Bulgakov showed in his work four different worlds: earth, darkness, light and peace. Yershalaim of the twenties of the 1st century and Moscow of the twenties of the 20th century is the earthly world. The heroes and times described in them seem to be different, but the essence is the same. Enmity, distrust of dissenting people, envy reigns both in ancient times and in modern Bulgakov's Moscow. The vices of society are exposed by Woland, in which the author artistically rethought the image of Satan. Woland occupies a significant place in Bulgakov's novel, but no one, except for the Master and Margarita, recognizes Satan in him. Why? The fact is that ordinary people do not admit the existence of something inexplicable in the world. In the image of Bulgakov, Woland absorbed many features of various evil spirits: Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer and others. But most of all Woland is associated with Goethe's Mephistopheles. Both of them are "part of the power that always wants evil and always does good." But if Mephistopheles is a cheerful and malevolent tempter, then Bulgakov's Woland is much more majestic. Sarcasm, not irony, is its main feature. Unlike Mephistopheles, Woland gives the sophisticated the opportunity to choose between good and evil, gives a chance to use their good will. He sees everything, the world is open to him without blush and makeup. He ridicules, destroys with the help of his sugary all that has departed from good, deceived, corrupted, morally impoverished, and has lost a high ideal. Woland looks with contemptuous irony at the representatives of the Moscow philistinism, at all those businessmen, envious people, thieves and bribe-takers, at this petty crooks and gray philistines, which endure at any time. Reading the novel, I drew attention to the scene in the variety show hall, where the role of Woland is perfectly revealed. Bulgakov's Woland turned this hall into a laboratory for the study of human weaknesses. Here the greed of the public and its philistine vulgarity are exposed, which are especially manifested at the moment when "money rain" fell on the amazed spectators. This is what the scene looks like: “Someone was already crawling in the aisle, rummaging under the chairs. Many stood on the seats, catching frivolous, capricious pieces of paper. "Because of the money, people were already ready to pounce on each other. And oh, involuntarily each of us recalls the words of the famous aria of Mephistopheles:" People are dying for metal. Satan ruled there. "Thus, one can draw a parallel between Mephistopheles and Woland. The culminating episodes in Bulgakov's novel, of course, are those episodes where Satan's ball is described, which was attended by poisoners, informers, traitors, madmen, libertines of all stripes. These dark forces, if given free rein, will destroy the world. For only three days Woland appears in Moscow with his retinue, but the ruin of life disappears, the cover from the gray everyday life falls off. The world appears before us in its nakedness. Playing on earth the role of the god of revenge, Woland punishes real evil and occasionally gives freedom to those who have suffered enough. The novel "The Master and Margarita" is a unique masterpiece of Russian and world literature. Rereading this work, each of us will be able to understand it deeper and rethink a lot. but one thing is indisputable: he will not leave the reader indifferent.

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So who are you, finally?
I'm part of the power
what he always wants
evil and does good forever.
Goethe. Faust
MA Bulgakov is an outstanding writer of Russian and world literature. His largest work is the novel The Master and Margarita. This is a special work in which the writer managed to fuse together myth and reality, satirical description of everyday life and a romantic plot, a true image and irony, sarcasm.
The writer worked on his novel for about 12 years, from 1928 to 1940. In the process of work, the idea of ​​the novel, its plot, composition, system of images, and title changed. All this testifies to the tremendous work done by the writer.
Bulgakov showed in his work four different worlds: earth, darkness, light and peace. Yershalaim of the twenties of the 1st century and Moscow of the twenties of the 20th century - this is the earthly world. The heroes and times described in them seem to be different, but the essence is the same. Enmity, mistrust of dissenting people, envy reign in ancient times, and in present-day Bulgakov's Moscow. The vices of society are exposed by Woland, in which the author artistically rethought the image of Satan.
Woland occupies a significant place in Bulgakov's novel, but no one, except for the Master and Margarita, recognizes Satan in him. Why? The fact is that ordinary people do not allow the existence of something inexplicable in the world. In the image of Bulgakov, Woland absorbed many features of various evil spirits: Satan, Beelzebub, Lucifer and others. But most of all Woland is associated with Goethe's Mephistopheles. Both of them are "part of the power that always wants evil and always does good." But if Mephistopheles is a cheerful and malevolent tempter, then Bulgakov's Woland is much more majestic. Sarcasm, not irony, is its main feature. Unlike Mephistopheles, Woland gives the sophisticated the opportunity to choose between good and evil, gives a chance to use their good will. He sees everything, the world is open to him without blush and makeup. He ridicules, destroys with the help of his retinue everything that has departed from good, has become deceived, corrupted, morally impoverished, and has lost a high ideal. Woland looks with contemptuous irony at the representatives of the Moscow philistinism, at all these businessmen, envious people, thieves and bribe-takers, at this petty crooks and gray philistines, who are tenacious at any time.
Reading the novel, I drew attention to the scene in the variety show hall, where the role of Woland is perfectly revealed. Bulgakov's Woland turned this hall into a laboratory for the study of human weaknesses. Here the greed of the public and its philistine vulgarity are exposed, which are especially manifested at the moment when "money rain" fell on the amazed spectators. This is what the scene looks like: “Some were already crawling in the aisle, rummaging under the chairs. Because of the money, people were already ready to pounce on each other. And then, involuntarily, each of us recalls the words of the famous aria of Mephistopheles: "People die for metal. Satan rules the ball there." Thus, we can once again draw a parallel between Mephistopheles and Woland.
The culminating episodes in Bulgakov's novel, of course, are those episodes where Satan's ball is described, to which poisoners, informers, traitors, madmen, libertines of all stripes appeared. These dark forces, if given free rein, will destroy the world.
For only three days Woland appears in Moscow with his retinue, but the routine of life disappears, the cover of the gray everyday life falls off. The world appears before us in its nakedness. Playing the role of the god of revenge on earth, Woland punishes real evil and occasionally grants freedom to those who have suffered enough.
The novel "The Master and Margarita" is a unique masterpiece of Russian and world literature. Rereading this work, each of us will be able to understand it deeper and rethink a lot. You can treat the novel in different ways, but one thing is indisputable: it will not leave the reader indifferent.