The subject world in the context of the characteristics of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and children". Who and why refers to the camp of children in the novel "Fathers and Children"

The subject world in the context of the characteristics of the heroes of the novel "Fathers and children". Who and why refers to the camp of children in the novel "Fathers and Children"

Images of "fathers" in the Roman I. S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children"

In his novel, "Fathers and Children" I. S. Turgenev displaced social processes in Russia 59-60s XIX century. At this time, the main issue was the question of the future of Russia, how there should be transformations to improve the life of the people, because everyone came to understanding the need to change the existing and existing order. In relation to this issue, the Company was divided into two camps: revolutionaries-Democrats and Liberals in alliance with conservatives.

In Roman I. S. Turgenev presented these two camps as the world of "fathers" and "children." The only representative of the generation of "Children" is Evgeny Bazarov, a young man who ended the university that is fond of medicine and natural sciences. The opposite camp includes the brothers Kirsanov - Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov's parents, as well as Arkady Kirsanov, representative young generation nobility.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, a military resignation, the former secular lion, is an antagonist of Bazarov, his ideological opponent. If Eugene is a nihilist, that is, a person who does not believe in authorities and rejecting principles, then Pavel Petrovich, on the contrary, does not think of his life without princes and authorities. "We, the people of the old century, we believe that without prime-sips ... step to stand, you can not sleep," he says. Pavel Petrovich - a liberal movement, leaving for conservatism. Most of all he bowes before English aristocracy. For him, the ideal of the state is England. Pavel Petrovich considers himself useful person: He sometimes stands for the peasants before his brother, he lent money several times when the estate stood on the verge of ruin. But Bazarov reproaches him in the fact that, arguing about the people, Pavel Petrovich is not able to act, he "sits folded hands," and a failed person with a broken fate covers his inconsistency and inaction. However, Pavel Petrovich in his own way a decent person: he loves his brother and nephew, respectfully applies to Fengetics, noble in his actions, immaculately polite. Unfortunately, practicalism is not a distinctive quality of this nobleman: seeing that brother's innovations are just upset by the estate, he cannot do anything to fix things. Pavel Petrovich does not agree with the fact that "his Spet Song", he is convinced that "children" are not right and that his ideas are much more correct than them. Speech Pavel Petrovich is peculiar. It often uses foreign wordsThe Russians speak to the French manner, instead of the generally accepted "this" and "this" says "Epitim" and "Ephto." His speech is overwhelmed by the expressions of the type "I consider my duty," "Do not seduge if you ...", etc.

Brother Pavel Petrovich, Nikolai Petrovich, nobleman, father of the family and liberal, is also a representative of "fathers". He is liberal and proud of it. "It seems I do everything to keep up with the century: the peasants arranged, the farm began ...; I read, I study, try to get up modern demands... "But all his fashionable transformations only upset the estate. Turgenev shows the picture of poverty, the backwardness of the people: "Ponds with thin dams", the villages with "up to half the roofs laid", men, "wounded, on bad swirls" ... Having overheard the word Bazarov that "his song Spet", Nicholas Petrovich agrees with this, not protesting. He willingly believed that the ideas of young people are more modern and helpful. Nikolay Petrovich is beautiful, caring and loving father, attentive brother, sensitive and tactful person. The fact that in the fortieth age he plays a cello, reads Pushkin and admires nature, does not cause indignation and misunderstandings, like the Bazarov, but only a smile of death. Nikolai Petrovich - a man created for family happiness for quiet life In his estate.

His son Arkady, who has just finished the university, what is called the son of his father. Initially, he became interested in the ideas of Bazarov, but in the end, we see that he was only a temporary fellow traveler of a young nigilist and will in the future repeat the fate of his father.

So, on the example of the images of Kirsanov Turgenev, it shows the situation in which the nobility of the Poreform Russia was located, their inequality to adapt to new conditions, the infertility of their activities. Turgenev himself wrote that he showed "cream" noble society. If the best of the nobles can not survive in the new conditions, then what to say about everyone else ...

Homework to the lesson:

1). Analysis of episodes. Aspect - the lessons of fathers.

2). Prepare a set of questions specifically to each episode. Think over the path of comparison.

Table filled in the course of the lesson:

"As Tolstoy proves - writer his thought: no moral rod In parents - will not be him in children "?

Fathers and children ... the theme is eternal, covering our entire life: social, family, personal. In it - everything that happens to us. The relations of fathers and children are perhaps the most fully and comprehensively disclose the complex "world" of human ties.

In the novel "War and Peace" the theme of the family is of particular importance, but we are not interested in the family today as such, but lessons that parents teach their children and shoots that these lessons give.

The purpose of our lesson is to trace, as Tolstoy proves - his thought: there is no moral rod in parents - it will not be in children.

For analysis, certain episodes are elected in the homework.

In the course of working in the table will fit new definitions regarding the heroes in these episodes.

Episode No. 1- "Departure Andrei Bolkonsky on War"

What is the significance of this episode?

In that, it is most brightly showing relationships in the Bolkonsky family. Moral benchmarks and their origin, psychology and characters of heroes are becoming clear.

This episode raises such questions as:

  • the relationship of children (brother and sisters) among themselves.
  • relationships of children with father.
  • moral norms, internal content of heroes.

the main distinctive trait Bolkonoe?

"Proud conscience"

Let us dwell on the page where the Senior Bolkonsky says goodbye to his son.

What lessons teaches eldest Blocks to his children? Andrei?

What feeling father sends Andrei to war?

With joy! Joy for what?

For the fact that the Son performs duty. The service (in the high meaning of this word) the son continues for the Opt Father.

Son hurts.

How does the eldest Bolkonsky service understand? What does the concept of service reveal in the image of this hero?

Serve, not to serve. But to serve not as a hippolyte, to whom the father exhaust the post of ambassador in Vienna, and not an adjutant with some kind of, although an important, but insignificant person, like Berg, Boris Drubetskaya, but with the Kutuzov itself. Although, to be an adjutant for any, it is not in the traditions of Bolkonsky.

How to relate in the understanding of the older Bolkonsky word "adjutant" and "service"?

"Bad Position!" - does not hide his antipathy old prince. Adjutant according to his concepts, it is a lacquer who makes a career, and the service is risk, danger.

Requests in a letter to Kutuzov to use the Son in "Good Places".

What do these "mean" good places"For the old prince?

Not in adjutants, but, for example, on the battery Tushina.

How should the son be served according to the Father?

Not from grace! "If it is good." (Kutuzov).

"Nicholas Andreevich Bolkonsky Son will not serve from the grace."

After all, not Kutuzov in the end will serve the Son, but Russia!

Adjutant Russia!

What does it mean four times the word "thank you"?

Thank you to my son from the Father and the general that the social world preferred the war.

What struggle takes place in the soul of the old prince at the time of farewell? Details?

Festival of father and citizen with the victory of the latter.

Let it be better painful than ashamed.

"Pride of thought" prevents both of both the depth of experiences.

Father's loose leaving explains in his spiritual struggle? What?

  1. "Something" is tears;
  2. Favorite son.

Prove that Andrei Bolkonsky immensely respects his father and has a strong need to communicate with him?

  1. Admiration and understanding of the education of the Father in political affairs, self-education.
  2. Please take my son to yourself in case of his death.

He may not receive such a compliment in his entire life. This is not just a high assessment of the human qualities of the father, but also the sons of love for him, pronounced, like everything that Andrei does, male sternly and restrained.

What is characteristic of the communication of children of Blocks?

  1. Relationship.
  2. Samples donated by Marya.
  3. Talk about father and a complete understanding of his position.
  • The moral foundations of the Bolkonsky family, according to the author, is the main component.
  • None of the fathers in the novel says with their children smarter and concisely prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky.
  • Senior Bolkonsky raises his children.
  • Bolkonoe - family, where they bring up real men who know their price.
  • Prince Andrey would never be in the company Dologov and would not lose him in maps simpleProbably, I would not even take them in hand.

Analysis of episode No. 2 "Loss Nikolai Rostov".

If one father escorts his son almost to the right death and it is proud of it, then another father - Count Rostov - saves his son from the right death.

We finish this page.

  • How do both heroes of this scene behave?
  • What lesson did the graph of Rostov taught his son?
  • Details, words, gestures!

Father "In Tolstovsky" instantly guessed behind the patient bravada spiritual confusion of the Son. You need to know your Nikolek, in order to immediately understand what the "honest word" cost, which he gave the Father (not to ask for money) and did not restrain.

He is not money, but lost himself.

Who lost? Why does father leave his question unanswered?

He guessed, whose victim was his son. He was deceived, spent, "punished." Schuler was delighted over him, before that, by the way, it stopped to be in the house of growth.

What does this scene give in the understanding of the "Rostov breed"?

Without ukrorizna and reproach, the hand of the father's son is extended. He not only saves Nicholas from the shame and trouble, but his generosity, forgiveness and understanding reveals the authentic meaning and the value of the Father, which is capable of filled with spiritual. "Tomorrow" will become for Nicholas a special day, and maybe the whole epoch in his life. Now, whatever it does, his officer, the noble and sonysty "honest word" will not be only a word - it will be a conscious, responsible act.

Therefore, many have drawn to them, for the atmosphere of kindness and soulful reigned in their family!

Here it is - the main capital of growth.

Analysis of episode №3 "Watching Anatol"

While Father - Bolkonsky spent his son's war and was proud of this, another father - Prince Vasily Kuragin - sought to continue his son as far as possible from the war.

What thoughts will Anatol come to Bolkonsky?

  1. Marriage.
  2. Have fun, waiting for miracles from Prince Bolkonsky.

How did the prince of Vasily manifest like a father?

The same immoral, as always (the son is unknown where, if only somewhere in a warm place.)

What does a son teach? How to behave?

Be respectful. This depends on this.

Why is the senior Blocks demanding to his daughter before despotism?

The key to the solution in the words: "And so that you look like our stupid young ladies, I do not want."

The source of human defects is idleness and superstition. Need mind and activity. Therefore, teaches Marematics.

Ugly - it means it should be smart. "Who will take her love?".

What details confirm the mind and turning prince?

(Anatole and violence, views, gestures).

What is important to the prince in the groom for the daughter?

So that he was her worthy.

In which scenes with a special force will manifest a sense of paternity in the older Bolkonoe?

The impossibility of separating with his daughter pushes him into desperate actions, evil, bile, "... there is nothing to disappear - and so bad."

He is insulted "for his daughter," for his daughter, "because he loves her more herself.

What qualities does the Mary demonstrate?

  • Dreaming of love, nothing is even suspects.
  • She is not typical.
  • Does not see anything strange in the behavior of Anatol and Storm, thinks that this is from love for her.
  • I am ready to forgive the violence for the lowestness.
  • The main thing in Marya is "radiant eyes." Dignity is the main trait of its character.

Life goal?

"Vocation - to be happy happiness Love and self-sacrifice. Think of honor and dignity of the house of Bolkonsky.

The spiritual Mary could be born only in the family of Prince Bolkonsky.

Father understands how rich spiritual world His daughters, knows what beautiful she could be in the moments of spiritual excitement. Therefore, it is so painful for him by the arrival and matchmakers of the Kuragin, this "subtach, heartless breed."

How do Kuragins are experiencing a shame of walling?

Easy "with a fun smile Anatole bowed to the princess Marya, as if inviting her to laugh at this joke."

The awkward dugushka Marya surpassed the union and self-confident light lovelaus, gave him a good lesson. I chose to remain the daughter of Prince Bolkonsky, and not his wife Anatoly Kuragin.

Analysis of episode No. 4 "Name Day of Helen".

Continue the topic of concern about his children of Prince Vasily Episode, in which he "marries" his daughter on the tricky millions. This quiet "home" page of the novel plays an important role.

Why is the home world of Kuragin almost absent in the novel?

Due to their confouplessness. Takes, dinners, meetings Prince Vasily suits only for business considerations. From the benefit.

What impression is the inner decoration of the house of Kuragin?

Glitter, shine. All preferably. (Interior analysis)

What is so concerned by Prince Vasily? Details?

"Now everything will decide." Do not release Pierre from hand.

How does the behavior of Prince Vasily change depending on the circumstances?

Smiling, strictly questioning, gentlemen, decisive, unpleasant, Hmur.

What does Pierre feel?

  • Shame!
  • Prince Vasily is ready for all for money. Comment on his decisive step.
  • how good artist Able to play a role, to be partitioned. Having played the scene of the engagement, even messed up. Workshops played role.

What proves the kinship of the soul between the prince of Vasily and his daughter?

The same unnatural, lying.

Mother's role?

She was tormented by envy of happiness to her daughter.

They are alien to tolstovskaya ethics. Egoists, closed only on themselves. Empties. They will not be born from them, for in the family it is necessary to be able to give to others the warmth of the soul and care.

So, on the examples of the episodes selected for analysis, we were able to make sure that the author's thoughts are correct about the unconditional decisive role of "father's" education in the formation of "children".

The immortal novel of Tolstoy gives food for thinking to many generations.


one). Write an essay-thinking on the topic:

a) what I accept in the upbringing of the younger generation in the novel "War and Peace" and that rejecting;

b) What lessons to educate the younger generation I would like to embody in my family (current or future).

2). Prep to the dispute: "In which family I would like to be brought up."

In his novel, "Fathers and Children" I. S. Turgenev displaced social processes in Russia 59-60s of the XIX century. At this time, the main issue was the question of the future of Russia, how there should be transformations to improve the life of the people, because everyone came to understanding the need to change the existing and existing order. In relation to this issue, the Company was divided into two camps: revolutionaries-Democrats and Liberals in alliance with conservatives.
In Roman I. S. Turgenev presented these two camps as the world of "fathers" and "children." The only representative of the generation of "Children" is Evgeny Bazarov, a young man who ended the university that is fond of medicine and natural sciences. The opposite camp includes the brothers Kirsanov - Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov's parents, as well as Arkady Kirsanov, a representative of the young generation of the nobility.
Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, a military resignation, the former secular lion, is an antagonist of Bazarov, his ideological opponent. If Eugene is a nihilist, that is, a person who does not believe in authorities and rejecting principles, then Pavel Petrovich, on the contrary, does not think of his life without princes and authorities. "We, the people of the old century, we believe that without prinons ... step to stand, it is impossible to die," he says. Pavel Petrovich is a representative of a liberal movement, leaving for conservatism. Most of all he bowes before English aristocracy. For him, the ideal of the state is England. Pavel Petrovich considers himself a useful person: he sometimes stands for the peasants before his brother, he lent money several times when the estate stood on the verge of ruin. But Bazarov reproaches him in the fact that, arguing about the people, Pavel Petrovich is not able to act, he "sits folded hands," and a failed person with a broken fate covers his inconsistency and inaction. However, Pavel Petrovich in his own way a decent person: he loves his brother and nephew, respectfully applies to Fengetics, noble in his actions, immaculately polite. Unfortunately, practicalism is not a distinctive quality of this nobleman: seeing that brother's innovations are just upset by the estate, he cannot do anything to fix things. Pavel Petrovich does not agree with the fact that "his Spet Song", he is convinced that "children" are not right and that his ideas are much more correct than them. Speech Pavel Petrovich is peculiar. He often uses foreign words, the Russians speak the French manner, instead of the generally accepted "this" and "this" says "Ephitim" and "Ephto." His speech is overwhelmed by the expressions of the type "I consider my duty," "Do not seduge if you ...", etc.
Brother Pavel Petrovich, Nikolai Petrovich, nobleman, father of the family and liberal, is also a representative of "fathers". He is liberal and proud of it. "It seems I do everything to keep up with the century: the peasants arranged, the farm began ...; I read, I study, I try to stand in short with modern requirements ... "But all his fashionable transformations only upset the estate. Turgenev shows a picture of poverty, the backwardness of the people: "Ponds with thin dams", the villages with "up to half the roofs laid", men, "wounded, on bad swirls" ... Having overheard the words of Bazarov that "his song Spet", Nikolai Petrovich agrees With this, not protesting. He willingly believed that the ideas of young people are more modern and helpful. Nikolai Petrovich is a wonderful, caring and loving father, attentive brother, a sensitive and tactful person. The fact that in the fortieth age he plays a cello, reads Pushkin and admires nature, does not cause indignation and misunderstandings, like the Bazarov, but only a smile of death. Nikolai Petrovich is a man created for family happiness for a quiet life in his estate.
His son Arkady, who has just finished the university, what is called the son of his father. Initially, he became interested in the ideas of Bazarov, but in the end, we see that he was only a temporary fellow traveler of a young nigilist and will in the future repeat the fate of his father.
So, on the example of images of Kirsanov Turgenev shows the position in which the nobility was located poreframe RusTheir inability to adapt to new conditions, the infertility of their activities. Turgenev himself wrote that he showed the "cream" of the noble society. If the best of the nobles can not survive in the new conditions, then what to say about everyone else ...

At the end of the novel, the author reports that "Arkady became a Ryan owner and the" farm "brings quite significant income." And Nikolay Petrovich works with men, trying to "do" them to life according to the rules. However, all these attempts, about which the author himself tells uncertainly, it is unlikely to solve the urgent problems, especially since not all landowners agreed to change. Therefore, much more decisively, Turgenev denounces the falsity of ideas, the fake of patriotism in the image of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, who also lives in the world of "fathers", but his world is incomprehensible and alien to close people, brother and nephew. Pavel Petrovich lives "into English manner" not only abroad, but also in his native Russian estate. He reads not Russian, and foreign newspapers, dresses and keeps how the English aristocrat does not do anything at all, and when conversing with peasants, he needs an sliced \u200b\u200bhandkerchief to protect the exhaust smell from evil odors. But in disputes with Bazarov, he argues about the role of Russian liberalism, about the logic of history, about public good. This intelligent nobleman is depicted by the author sometimes in ridiculous or in comic situations. For example, his duel with a bazaarov, the knightly duel, was in defense of the peasant of Fennica, which was not the "lady of the heart" Pavel Petrovich. And, despite the highly pharmaceutical statements of this true aristocrat about "prisoners", about honor and dignity of the nobility, Turgenev methodically divorces his halo.

In the eleventh chapter of the novel, the author paints a sad picture: Nikolai Petrovich, admiring the evening landscape, remembers the past and understands suddenly that he dear, " magic world", Disappeared forever. "He has ... leaning", and when he tried to explain his brother's approaching independent state, he did not understand him. Pavel Petrovich "was not born by a romantic, and he did not know how to dream of his schists-dry and passionate, to the French Floor Misantropic Soul"; He did not experience any nostalgia on the disappearing charms of the "noble nest." At the end of the novel, the author reports that Pavel Petrovich again leaves his homeland, about whose fate with such a pathos argued with Bazarov; He forgets "all of the bustle," proving all the way his life, as the socio-political struggle does not need him, as far from his thoughts and affairs from reforms in Russia. He almost does not care (with the exception of the sadness that he hides) his own future, especially - the future of the country abandoned by them forever.

To the camp of the "fathers" should, apparently, to rank and the parents of Evgeny Bazarov, to which the Son refers without special respects and respect. It condescendingly (if not contemptuously) responds to the life and activities of his father, the retired headquarters who served himself from General Kirsanov, grandfather Arkady. Vasily Ivanovich trembled very faithfully, he continues to treat people after his resignation. And his son considers his father's classes meaningless and insignificant, equalizing him with those people who, according to Nigilista Bazarov, did not respect: "... my parents ... do not worry about their own insignificance ...". Just sharply bazaars judges and people who do not know. For example, he speaks about General Kirsanov like this: "... a broke was decent."

Sad to hear fathers from children with an unflattering assessment of their activities, the mistake of life and the usual, dear world. And the attitude of the author to the pictured events, to the heroes ambiguous: I.S.Turgenhev understands that the nobility is not able to play the role of an advanced class, but it sympathizes to the older generation, as representatives of the liberal-democratic parties, passing their position in the socio-political movement .

In his novel, "Fathers and Children" I. S. Turgenev displaced social processes in Russia 59-60s of the XIX century. At this time, the main issue was the question of the future of Russia, how there should be transformations to improve the life of the people, because everyone came to understanding the need to change the existing and existing order. In relation to this issue, the Company was divided into two camps: revolutionaries-Democrats and Liberals in alliance with conservatives.
In Roman I. S. Turgenev presented these two camps as the world of "fathers" and "children." The only representative of the generation of "Children" is Evgeny Bazarov, a young man who ended the university that is fond of medicine and natural sciences. The opposite camp includes the brothers Kirsanov - Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich, Bazarov's parents, as well as Arkady Kirsanov, a representative of the young generation of the nobility.
Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, a military resignation, the former secular lion, is an antagonist of Bazarov, his ideological opponent. If Eugene is a nihilist, that is, a person who does not believe in authorities and rejecting principles, then Pavel Petrovich, on the contrary, does not think of his life without a "prosis" and authorities. "We, the people of the old century, we believe that without prime-sips ... step to stand, you can not sleep," he says. Pavel Petrovich - a liberal movement, leaving for conservatism. Most of all he bowes before English aristocracy. For him, the ideal of the state is England. Pavel Petrovich considers himself a useful person: he sometimes stands for the peasants before his brother, he lent money several times when the estate stood on the verge of ruin. But Bazarov reproaches him in the fact that, arguing about the people, Pavel Petrovich is not able to act, he "sits folded hands," and a failed person with a broken fate covers his inconsistency and inaction. However, Pavel Petrovich in his own way a decent person: he loves his brother and nephew, respectfully applies to Fengetics, noble in his actions, immaculately polite. Unfortunately, practicalism is not a distinctive quality of this nobleman: seeing that brother's innovations are just upset by the estate, he cannot do anything to fix things. Pavel Petrovich does not agree with the fact that "his Spet Song", he is convinced that "children" are not right and that his ideas are much more correct than them. Speech Pavel Petrovich is peculiar. He often uses foreign words, the Russians speak the French manner, instead of the generally accepted "this" and "this" says "Ephitim" and "Ephto." His speech is overwhelmed by the expressions of the type "I consider my duty," "Do not seduge if you ...", etc.
Brother Pavel Petrovich, Nikolai Petrovich, nobleman, father of the family and liberal, is also a representative of "fathers". He is liberal and proud of it. "It seems I do everything to keep up with the century: the peasants arranged, the farm began ...; I read, I study, I try to stand in short with modern requirements ... "But all his fashionable transformations only upset the estate. Turgenev shows the picture of poverty, the backwardness of the people: "Ponds with thin dams", the villages with "up to half the roofs laid", men, "wounded, on bad swirls" ... Having overheard the word Bazarov that "his song Spet", Nicholas Petrovich agrees with this, not protesting. He willingly believed that the ideas of young people are more modern and helpful. Nikolai Petrovich is a wonderful, caring and loving father, attentive brother, a sensitive and tactful person. The fact that in the fortieth age he plays a cello, reads Pushkin and admires nature, does not cause indignation and misunderstandings, like the Bazarov, but only a smile of death. Nikolai Petrovich is a man created for family happiness for a quiet life in his estate.
His son Arkady, who has just finished the university, what is called the son of his father. Initially, he became interested in the ideas of Bazarov, but in the end, we see that he was only a temporary fellow traveler of a young nigilist and will in the future repeat the fate of his father.
So, on the example of the images of Kirsanov Turgenev, it shows the situation in which the nobility of the Poreform Russia was located, their inequality to adapt to new conditions, the infertility of their activities. Turgenev himself wrote that he showed the "cream" of the noble society. If the best of the nobles can not survive in the new conditions, then what to say about everyone else ...