Jerome Bosch the most famous paintings. Jerome Bosch

Jerome Bosch the most famous paintings. Jerome Bosch
Jerome Bosch the most famous paintings. Jerome Bosch

Jerome Bosch - one of the most mysterious artistswhich is known to be extremely small, but the work of which continues to disturb the imagination.

Biography Jerome Bosch

About the life of the artist Jerome Bosch, oddly enough, very little is known. It comes from the family of hereditary painters Wang Aken. The future maestro of painting was born in the small Dutch town of Hertogenbosa. Exact date Birth of unknown (by assumptions - about 1450). His life Path did not differ in any special zigzag, the turns of fate. Bosch got married, entered the leadership of the Brotherhood of Our Lady, had recognition and many orders. Therefore, one of the cornerstone remains the question of where so much drama in painting Jerome Bosch? No before him, no one after him truthfully exposed the world human deformities and passions. Bosch turned art in the modern world mirror.

The creative path of the artist began with the painting of altars, temple elements. In character, he was a cheerful, sociable and positive person. When and at what point in his head began to occur strange images, which later found the display in the pictures? In which hidden corners of consciousness began to be born a demonic world filled with strange creatures? This question, probably, no one can answer. Because of his visions, colleagues called the artist "Honorary Professor of Nightmares." He really portrayed the other world, his work is overflowing with symbolism. At first glance it seems that the paintings are created by a religious person to intimid sinners. But the researchers came to the conclusion that in the canvases that the author, by the way, never signed for some reason, hidden much more deep meaning. He turned the ordinary world upside down and turned him inside out. And that the most paradoxically, the paintings of Bosch are still relevant, modern and timely, although more than five centuries have passed since the death of their creator.

Works of Jerome Bosch

Most of the works created by this Great Netherlands Master, unfortunately, is lost. We reached us only some pictures of Jerome Bosch with names, who speak for themselves. Consider the best famous canvaswhich enclosed the quintessence of the artist's globility.

Jerome Bosch "Garden earthly pleasures»

This unique triptych is created, presumably between 1500 and 1515 years. The author showed the life of mankind who had a choice in favor of sin. Left part Triptych - Paradise Paradise, right shows hell. The central part is devoted to earthly life in which a person loses paradise. There are assumptions that the artist depicted himself in part of hell.

Jerome Bosch " Scary court»

Another triptych, the largest painter from the surviving works. In the left side - the image of paradise, in the center - a picture of a terrible court, and on the right sash - the terrible fate of sinners in hell. This work is considered one of the most frightening paintings of hellish torments. Contemporaries Bosch were convinced that the author saw the monsters of underworld.

Jerome Bosch "Ship Fools"

The fabric "ship of fools" is considered to be the top of one of the tripty sash, which did not survive. FROM low part Identify the picture of the "Allegory of Czechodia and Sweistance". In this work, as in many others, the author is exposed and ridiculed human vices. Among the passengers of the ship - representatives of various social layers, symbolizing vanity, drunkenness, debauchery, etc.

Jerome Bosch "Removing Stone Stone"

This is enough strange picture, to decipher the value of which is trying so far. A surgical operation is depicted on the canvas that for some reason is carried out under open sky. On the head of the doctor - an inverted funnel, and on the head of the nun - a book. According to one of the versions, these items symbolize the uselessness of knowledge in the face of nonsense, on the other - quarrel.

Jerome Bosch "WHO SENA"

In the triptyph "WHO SENA" again repeats the favorite topic of Bosch - the theme of sin and human defects. Seven monsters, symbolizing various defects - cruelty, greed, pride, etc., are enchanting a huge wagon with the Saint. And there is a lot of people who are trying to grasp hay for themselves. From above all this on the gold cloud is observed by the Almighty.

Jerome Bosch "The Temptation of St. Anthony"

This is one of the most famous work Bosch. Triptych is made on wooden boards, where it is fine famous story about the temptation of St. Anthony during his stay in the desert. Images of paintings are strange and unusual, and main idea - in the eternal struggle of good and evil when the demons try to knock down a person and true Path.

Despite the name, to the biblical parable about prodigal Son. This work has only mediated attitude, so more often use the name "Traveler" or "Pilgrim". At the base of the plot - one of the favorite topics of Bosch is the topic of temptations in the life path.

"Vesnyae Cross »

Jerome Bosch "Missing Cross"

This work is one of the most recognizable, peculiar " business card"The artist in which he managed to show the true essence of human nature, what people are actually. However, there are disputes about this painting, as a number of researchers believe that Bosch is not the author of this canvase.

Jerome Bosch "Focuscript"

This work early period Creativity Jeronim Bosch. Like the rest of the work of a great workman, this picture is full of symbolism and mysteries, and a very deep meaning takes a very deep meaning for an uncomplicated plot of the charlatan-"charter".

Jerome Bosch "Seven Mortal Sins"

Another picture of Bosch, the authorship of which is questioned, due to the imperfection of implementation. Of the 11 fragments (image 7 of sins and 4 of the last things), according to researchers, only two are performed by the artist personally. But the fact that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture belongs to Bosch, doubt does not cause.

Jerome Bosch "Worship of Magi"

One of the few bright works of Bosch, which, besides, is perfectly preserved. Triptych "worship of the Volkhvov" was made to order Burger from Hertogenbosapo about his wedding. And the customer himself, and his bride, as well as their holy patrons - St. Peter and the Holy Agnes - depicted on external flaps.

Jerome Bosch "Blessed and Cursed"

"Blessed and damned" - polyptyh, consisting of four paintings: "Earth Paradise" and "Climbing in empires" on the left side and "hell" on the right side. It is assumed that the central part of the work could be lost. The most famous is the second fragment on which the angels bring the souls of the righteous through the conical tunnel to eternal bliss.

Jerome Bosch "Self-portrait"

Self portrait Bosch, written by a pencil on a sagne, has a small size - only 40 by 28 cm. Stored drawing in municipal Library In Arras in France.

Copies of all the preserved works of the Great Painter can be seen in his hometown, where the museum is founded. In 2016, there was an exhibition here, dedicated to creativity The famous countryman. The history of this exhibition is as incredible as the life of the artist. It was she who formed the basis of the film "Jerome Bosch: Inspired by the Devil."

His work continues to explore, but it seems to me that the riddles of Jerome Bosch are unlikely to be solved, at least in the near future.


Yerun Antonisson van Aken, better known as Jerome Bosch, - dutch artist The Renaissance, which connected fantastic, folklore, philosophical and satirical motifs in his paintings.

Childhood and youth

Jerome Bosch was born around 1453 in Hertohenbosa (Brabant Province). His family, originating from the German city of Aachen (from where he received the last name), has long been associated with creative fishery. Grandfather Jeronima, Jan Van Aken, as well as four of his five sons, including the father of the future artist Anthony, were painters.

The family workshop Van Akenov performed orders for the paintings of the walls, the gilding of the wooden sculptures and the manufacture of church utensils. Probably, in this blacksmith painting Jerome Bosch and got the first creative lessons. In 1478, when his father dies, Bosch becomes the owner of the art workshop.

The first mention of Ieronim dated 1480 year. Then he, wanting to start his own business and alienate from the surname Aken, took the alias of the Hieeronimus painter on the name Bosch, which comes from the name of His name native city.

Engraving Jerome Bosch

In 1486, in the biography of Jerome Boscha comes crucial moment: He enters the brotherhood of the Mother of God - a religious society dedicated to the cult. It performs creative work - Decalas festive processions and rites, paints the altar for the brotherhood chapel in the Cathedral of St. John. From this point on, religious motives are held in red thread on the work of Jerome.


First famous paintings Bosch, which are bright satirical character, are allegedly belonging to the mid-1470s. So, for example, in the period 1475-1480, the works "Seven mortal sins and four last things", "Marriage in Cana", "Focuscript" and "Deleting Stuffing Stones" ("Operation of Stupidity").

These works hypnotize contemporaries. For example, the King of Spain Philip II even hangs the picture "Seven mortal sins ..." in his bedroom, so that reflections on the sinfulness of human nature felt more acute.

In the first paintings, Ieronim makes fun of human naivety, their vulnerability before charlatans, including in the monastic robe. In 1490-1500, Bosch creates an even more cruel picture of the "ship of fools", which shows the monks. They sow songs surrounded by commoners, and the ship rules the jester.

There is a place in the work of Bosch and Landscape. For example, in Triptikha "Garden of Earth Delights", Ieronim depicts the world on the third day of the creation of God. In the center of the picture - naked people who are measured in a blissful half, and around them - animals and birds affecting their sizes.

The largest of the surviving works of Bosch is the Triptych "Scary Court". In the central part, a terrible court is depicted directly, where the righteouss on the pigeon sky are opposed to the sinners pierced by arrows and spears. On the left sash - paradise in dynamics. On the foreground Evva's creation is shown, on average, the scene of the temptation and the apple of discord, and in the back - Cherub, who is expelled from Eden. On the right sash tryptic depicted hell.

Bosch for the filing of creativity through triptych. For example, the picture "WHO SENA" also consists of three parts. In the central part, a distraught crowd is depicted, which takes over on beams of a large hay. Thus, the artist refuses greed.

In addition, on the canvas, you can find pride in the image of secular and spiritual lords, ugrable in lovers in love with pairs and currency - in a suspension monk. The left and right flaps are decorated with already familiar motives - hell and the fall of Adam and Eve.

According to the pictures of Bosch, it is impossible to say that he has been to a certain genre of painting. Portraits, landscapes, architectural paintings, animalism and decor were reflected in his canvases. Nevertheless, Jerome is considered one of the progenitors of landscape and genre paintings in Europe.

A distinctive feature of the creativity of Jerome Bosch is that he became the first of compatriots who created Etudes and sketches before moving to full-fledged creation. Some sketches have seen the light in the form of paintings and triptychs. Often sketches were the fruit of the imagination of the painter inspired by the images of the gothic monsters, which he saw on engravings or church frescoes.

It is also characteristic that Ieronim Bosch did not sign and did not dating his works. According to art historians, only seven paintings were signed by the hand of the Master. Those names that canvases have today may have been invented not at all by the author himself, but preserved on museum catalogs.

Ieronim Bosch worked in technique a la prima (from IT. And La Prima - "in one sitting"), which is that the oil layer finish applying to its complete drying. In the traditional method of drawing, the artist is waiting for the paint layer before putting the next one.

Personal life

With all the madness artistic designs Jerome Bosch was not alone. In 1981, he married Aleit Goyartats Van der Meerven, with which, on assumptions, was familiar from childhood. She was out of a rich and noble family and brought a spouse to a solid state.

Marriage did not leave descendants, but provided Jerome monetary well-being. From the moment of his marriage to Aleit, he was taken for those orders who brought him moral, and not material pleasure.


The painter died on August 9, 1516. The funeral took place in the very chapel of the Cathedral of St. John, which Bosch painted, being a commitment to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Brotherhood of Our Lady. The cause of death, in contrast to the creativity of Jerome, is impossible to name - at that time the artist was 67 years old. However, centuries after the burial historians indicate amazing events.

In 1977, the grave was opened, but there were no remains there. Historian Hans Galfe, who led the excavations, told that a fragment of stone was found in the grave. When he was laid under a microscope, he began to heat up and glow. Because of this interesting fact Excavations were decided to stop.


Bosch's work is stored in galleries and museums around the world - in the Netherlands, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Austria, etc.

  • 1475-1480 - "Seven mortal sins and four last things"
  • 1480-1485 - "Crucifixion with Donator"
  • 1490-1500 - "Allegory of Czechodia and Literality"
  • 1490-1500 - "Crumpled Crown"
  • 1490-1500 - "Garden of earthly pleasures"
  • 1495-1505 - "Scary Court"
  • 1500 - "Death of Puppet"
  • 1500-1502 - "WHO SENA"
  • 1500-1510 - "The Temptation of St. Anthony"
  • 1505-1515 - "Blessed and Cursed"

The painting "Ascension of the Righteous" ("Climbing in empires") of the Netherlands painter Jerome Bosch was written by oil on the board, probably in 1500-1504. Genre - religious painting. Probably, the "ascension of the righteous" was part of the polyptic "Blessed and damned". [...]

This picture was created by the artist from the Netherlands. It has a fairly rectilinear name "Death of Puppet". The main feature of the image is the style of placement of the pattern in space. The picture is very stretched vertically, which creates an impression of an altar drawing. [...]

Jerome Bosch, the son of hereditary artists, immigrants from Germany. Bosch is a pseudonym that was formed from the name of the city of Hertogenbos (translated as the Ducal Forest). The workshop of his parents was engaged in wall paintings, gilding sculptures, a variety of [...]

Picture "Focuscript" flemish artist Jerome Bosch, unfortunately, not survived. Today you can admire only copies of this work. The most accurate of them is recognized by the work that is located in the Museum of the city of Saint-Germain-An-Le. Writing date [...]

At the time of the time of the Renaissance and the heyday of the Inquisition, the Company was filled with alarming prejudice and superstitions. Artists who were working in these rebel times, as they could, tried to clarify the world. Jerome Bosch writes from 1500 [...]

I. Bosh created several triptychs on biblical themesOne of the latter is the "worship of the Magi". The main part of the work shows the main story. Our Lady is located in front of the house and shows the baby. Magnies lay the gifts to the feet of a woman. [...]

Bosch, Bos (Bosch) Eachonimus [Actually, Geeronimus Van Aken, Hieronymus Van Aeken], Great Netherlands Painter. He worked mainly in Hertogenbosa in Northern Flanders. One of the most brightest wizards Northern Renaissance, Jerome Bosch in their multifigure compositions, paintings on themes folk sayings, proverbs and parable ("Temptation of St. Anthony", National Museum antique art, Lisbon; Triptychs "Garden of pleasure", "Wauche worship" - all in the Prado Museum; The "ship of fools", the Louvre Museum) combined the sophisticated medieval fiction, generated by the boundless imagination of grotesque demonic images with folk-satirical and moral trends, with unusual for art of his era of realistic innovations. Poetic landscape backgrounds, bold life observations, a membered by the artist Jerome Bosch folk types and household scenes prepared the ground for the formation of the Netherlands household genre and landscape; Tract for irony and allegory, to the embodiment in grotesque-satirical form of a wide picture people's Life contributed to the formation creative manner Peter Bruegel of the senior and other artists.

Bosha style is unique and has no analogies in the Netherlands picturesque tradition. Painting Jerome Bosch is not at all similar to the work of other artists of the time, such as Yang Van Eyk or Rogir Van der Wayden. Creativity Jerome Bosch at the same time - innovative and traditional, naive and sophisticated; It fascinates people with a feeling of some kind of mystery, a famous one artist. "Eminent Master" - so called Bosch in Hertogenbosa, to which the artist remained faithfully until the end of his days, although the lifetime glory spread far beyond the limits of his hometown. And after death, it increased immeasurably and not declined for quite a long time; Painting Masters found a zealous fan in the face of Philip II, King of Spain. Most of the plots of Bosch's paintings are associated with episodes from the life of Christ or Saints, opposing the vocabulary, or drawn in allegories and proverbs about human greed and nonsense.

Bright reliability of the works of Bosch, the ability to portray the movements of the human soul, the amazing ability to draw Tolstosume and Beggaching, merchant and cripples - all this takes him the most important place in development genre painting. IN further world Fancy Bosch images were fed fantastically romantic search for many artists of the XIX-XX centuries. Creativity Bosch seems strangely modern: four centuries his influence suddenly manifested itself in the movement of expressionists and later in surrealism. Many artists of these directions in painting created the canvas on the plot of the paintings of the "Temptation of St. Anthony".

(Hieronimus Antonison Van Aken)
Part 1

Jerome Bosch is an outstanding Netherlands painter, bizarkened in his paintings the features of medieval fiction, folklore, philosophical parachi and satire. One of the founders of landscape and genre painting in Europe.

The work of this outstanding Netherlands painter remains exciting, mysterious and surprisingly modern. Four century after his death, the surrealists were adjusted by Bosch "Honorary Professor of Nightmares", believing that he "presented a picture of all the fears of his time ... embodied the delusional worldview of the end of the Middle Ages, fulfilled magic and damns."

None of the reached works by Bosch is not dating themselves. Therefore, presumably, the first known pictures that were satirical in nature belong to the middle of the 1470s. Created in 1475-1480. Pictures "Seven death sins", "Marriage in Cana", "Focuscript" and "Deleting Stuffing Stones" ("Operation of Stupidity") are a pronounced moral nature with elements of irony and satire.

It is not by chance that the Spanish King of Philip II ordered to hang "seven mortal sins" in the bedroom of his residence-monastery in Escoriale, so that at the expense of reflections to the sinfulness of human nature. There is still a stroke uncertainty young artistIt uses only individual elements of the symbolic language, which will later fill all his works.
They are few and in the paintings "Operation of nonsense" and "Focuscript", ridiculeting the human naivety, which is enjoyed by charlatans, including in the monastic robe.

More acute Bosch. Melted the clergy in the picture "Ship of Fools" (1490-1500), where the jetty monastery and the monk are gorgeon in the company of commoners on the uta ship, managed by a jerk.
Abruptly condemned the depravity of the clergy, Bosch was still unlikely to be a heretic, according to modern German art critic V. Frenchler. Although he was looking for his way to comprehend God outside the official church.

The section is made based on:

"100 famous artists 14-18VV. ", (Kharkov, Publishing House" Folio ", 2001)
Louvre- "Olma-Press", Moscow-2003
Prado- "Olma-Press", Moscow-2003
Bosch: Between Heaven and Hell (Basic Series: Art) by Walter Bosing. Taschen America, 2000.
The Secret Heresy of Hieronymus Bosch by Lynda Harris. Floris Books, 2002.
Hieronymus Bosch: The Complete Paintings and Drawings by Jos Koldeweij, Paul Vandenbroeck. Harry N. Abrams, 2001.
Sites museums where pictures are