The life path of Grigoria Melekhova is a complex plan. Stages of the life of Gregory

The life path of Grigoria Melekhova is a complex plan. Stages of the life of Gregory

At the beginning of the story, young Grigory is a real Cossack, a brilliant rider, a hunter, a fisherman and a diligent rural worker - quite happy and disappointed. The traditional Cossack commitment to military glory helps him in the first tests in the bloody battlefields in 1914. Featuring exceptional courage, Grigory quickly gets used to bloody battles. However, he is distinguished from the brothers in arms, sensuality to any manifestation of cruelty. To any violence over weak and defenseless, and as events develop - also protest against the horrors and absurdities of war. In fact, he spends his whole life in someone else's hatred and fear for him, fiercely and disgusting, as all his talent, all his creature goes into dangerous skills of the creation of death. He has no time to be at home, in the family, among those who love him.

All this cruelty, dirt, violence forced Gregory in a new way to look at life: in the hospital, where he was after injured, doubts about the devotion of the king, the Fatherland and military duty appear under the influence of revolutionary propaganda.

In the seventeenth year, we see Gregory in a disorderly and painful attempts at least somehow decide on this "troubled time." He is looking for the political truth in the world of rapidly changing values, guided more often by external signs of events than their essence.

At first he fights for the red, but the murder of them unarmed prisoners repels him, and when the Bolsheviks come to his favorite Don, creating robbees and violence, he struggles with them with cold rage. And again the search for Gregory Truths do not find a response. They turn into the greatest drama of a person who is completely lost in the cycle of events.

Gregory's deep soul strength pushes him from red and white. "All of them are the same!? He says that he is leaning towards the Bolsheviks to the friends of childhood.? All of them are in the neck of the Cossacks! ". And when he finds out about the Cossacks Bunte in the upper reaches of Don against the Red Army, he protrudes on the side of the Buntovshchikov. Now he can fight for being expensive for him, for loved and cherished all his life: "As if there was no time behind the days of searching for truth, quest, transitions and severe inner struggle. What was thinking about? Why soul rushing? In search of exit, in resolving contradictions? Life seemed mocking, wise-simple. Now he has already thought that I had not happened in her truth, under the wing of which everyone could be warmed up, and he thought to the edge, he thought: everyone has his own truth, his groove. For a piece of bread, for the defense of the Earth, for the right to life - people always fought and will fight, while the sun shines, while the warm blood is soooed. It is necessary to fight with those who want to take away life, right for her; Need to fight tight, not swinging ,? as in the wall ,? And the heat of hatred, the hardness will give the struggle! "

As a refund to the domination of officers in the event of the victory of white and the power of red on the Don for Grigory is unacceptable. In the last volume of the novel degradation as a result of non-obstinate to the White Guard officer, the death of his wife and the final defeat of the White Army brought to the last degree of despair. In the end, he enters the Connection of the Budyanny and heroically fights with the Poles, wanting to be cleaned by this from his guilt in front of the Bolsheviks. But for Grigory there is no salvation in Soviet reality, where even neutrality is considered a crime. With bitter mockery, he says former wisp, that he envies the Koshevoy and White Guard Littsvitsky: "They were clear from the very beginning, and it was all unclear. They, both have their own, straight roads, their ends, and from the seventeenth year I go to the villy, how drunk I swing ... "

The tragedy Grigory Melekhova is the tragedy of the Russian Cossacks in general. Cossacks have never broken his caps in front of anyone, they lived apart, isolated from the rest of the world, I feel some kind of exclusivity, a feature and striving to save it. And white, and red for most ordinary Cossacks - "nonresident", brought to the Don land, disorder and war. Whose side of the Cossacks did not fight, they want one thing: to return to the native farm, to his wife and children, steal the earth, to lead their farm.

Once at night, under the threat of arrest, and therefore the unreleased shooting Gregory runs from his native farm. After long wardings, longing for children and axier, he secretly returns. Axigna hugs him, pressed his face to his wet Schinely riders: "Better kill, but do not throw!". Similarizing the sister to take children, he and Aksigni running at night hoping to get to Kuban and start a new life. Enthusiastic joy fills the soul of this woman with the thought that she again next to Gregory. But her happiness is not long: an equestrian outpost is caught on their way, and they rush in the night, pursuing them with the bullets flying by them. When they find a shelter in Yar, Gregory bury her Aksinhu: "He diligently fell diligently in the graves of a wet, yellow clay and long standing on his knees near the grave, bowing his head, swaying quietly. Now there was no need to hurry to hurry. Everything was over ... "

Hiding for weeks in the forest more often, Grigory is experiencing an increasingly strong desire to "like ... in native places, painting for kids, then you could remove ..." He returns to his native farm.

When touching the meeting of Gregory with his son, Sholokhov finishes his novel with the words: "Well, that's a little, I dreamed of Grigory about sleepless nights. He stood at the gate of his native house, kept his son on his hands. It was all that he had left in his life that he had yet been reigning him with the Earth and with all this huge shining under the cold sun. "

Gregory was not long to enjoy this joy. Obviously, he returned to die. Perhaps from the communist need to face Mikhail Koshevoy. In the novel, full cruelty, executions and murders, Sholokhov wisely lowers the curtain over this last episode. Meanwhile, before us flashed, sparing out and slowly fading, a whole human life. The lives of Gregory at Sholokhov is quite voluminous. Gregory lived, in the full sense of the word, when his life idyll was not disturbed.

He loved and was loved, he lived an extraordinary worldly life on his native farm and was pleased. He always tried to flow correctly, and if not, well, each person has the right to make a mistake. Many moments of the life of Gregory in the novel are peculiar "leaving" from events that are unbearable to his mind. The passion of the quest Gregory is most often replaced by a return to himself, to his natural life, to his home hearth. But at the same time, it is impossible to say that Gregory's life quest came into a dead end, no. He had real love, and fate did not adopt his ability to be a happy father. But Gregory was forced to constantly look for a way out of the difficult provisions. Speaking about the moral selection of Gregory in life, it is impossible to definitely say whether his choice was always truly the only true and correct. But he was almost always guided by his own principles and beliefs, trying to find a better share in life, and this desire was not a simple desire to "live better than all." It was sincere and affected the interests of not only his very, but many people close to him, in particular the beloved woman. Despite the fruitless aspirations in life, Grigory was happy, although very long. But these short minutes of so necessary happiness were enough. They did not dare in vain, as not in vain lived her life Grigory Melekhov. There is no special guilt of Gregory in how his fate was formed: he did not choose the burden in which to live. But one can say one thing: demolished Melekhov, but not broken, crumpled, but not a worried war, like Mitka Korshunov or Fomin. He did not criminate the soul, and if he went against conscience, he paid to the end with himself for it. And Mishata, sitting on his father's hands, the best reward to him for everything from Nareskaya Sudiba. M.Sholokhov, like a thick, emphasizes the defining role of the people in history.

Describing his idea of \u200b\u200bthe image of the chief hero of the "quiet Don", M.Sholokhov wrote: "I wanted to talk about the charm of a person in Grigory Melekhov, but I could not fully succeed." It was not possible how it seems to us, not because of the lack of skitting (the writer perfectly understood the scale of the figure he created), and because of the fact that in him the human spirit rose to the vertices of perfection and lowered to the depths of despair. Grigoria Melekhov's path to the ideal of true life is the tragic path of gaining, mistakes and losses, which was passed by all Russian people in the 20th century.

"Quiet Don" is a work that shows the life of the Don Cossacks into one of the most difficult historical periods of Russia. The realities of the first third of the twentieth century, overwhelming the entire usual way of life, as if caterpants drove on the fate of the simple people. Through the life path of Grigoria Melekhov in the novel, "Quiet Don" Sholokhov reveals the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, which is in the image of the collision of the personality and the historical events independent of him, its wounded fate.

Struggle between debt and feelings

At the beginning of the work, the main character is shown by a hardworking guy, characterized by a hot temper, which he inherited from his ancestors. It flowed in it and Cossacks, and even Turkish blood. Eastern roots gave a bright appearance with a bright appearance, able to turn her head not one-Don beauty, but Cossack persistence, places bordering stubbornness, provided persistence and unshakable character.

On the one hand, he manifests respect and love for parents, on the other, not listening to their opinion. The first conflict between Gregory and his parents happens because of his love relationship with a married neighbor Axigny. To stop the sinful bond between Axigny and Gregory, his parents decide to marry him. But their choice in the role of cute and meek Natalia Korshunova did not solve the problem, but only aggravated her. Despite the official marriage, the love of his wife did not appear, but to Axier, who, tormenting from jealousy, was increasingly looking for a meeting with him, only flared up.

Blackmailing father house and property forced hot and impulsive Gregory in the hearts to leave the farm, his wife, relatives and leave Absigni. Because of his act, the proud and adamant Cossack, the birth of which proof of the centuries handled his own land and grown his bread, had to go to mercenaries, which was ashamed and Merzko was Gregory. But he had to answer now and for Axinhu, who threw her husband because of him, and for the child she wore.

War and betrayal Aksigni

The new trouble did not make himself wait: the war began, and Grigory, who swelled in loyalty to the sovereign, was forced to leave both old and a new family and recover at the front. In his absence, Axigna remained in the Lordsk House. The death of her daughter and news from the front of the death of Gregory was handed over the forces of the woman, and she was forced to succumb to the launch of the La Sotnik.

Come from the front and learning about the betrayal of Axigni, Grigory again returns to the family. Some time, the wife, relatives and soon appeared twins please it. But the troubled time on the Don associated with the revolution did not allow family happiness to enjoy.

Ideal and personal doubts

In the novel "Quiet Don" the path of Grigoria Melekhova is full of quest, doubts and contradictions both politically and in love. He constantly rushed, not knowing where the truth: "Everyone has his own truth, his groove. For a piece of bread, for the defense of the Earth, people always fought for the right to life. We must fight those who want to take away life, right to her ... ". He decided to lead the Cossack Division and repair the opposing red supports. However, the further civil war continued, the more Gregory doubted in the correctness of his choice, I clearly understood that the Cossacks lead the war with windmills. The interests of the Cossacks and his native land did not interest anyone.

The same model of behavior is also characteristic of the personal life of the main hero of the work. Over time, he forgives Axinhus, realizing that he could not live without her love and takes with him to the front. After he sends her home, where she forced once again to return to her husband. Having arrived at the first time, he looks at Natalia with other eyes, appreciating her devotion and loyalty. He pulled him to his wife, and this intimacy was crowned with the conception of the third child.

But again the passion for Axier took over the top. His last betrayal led to the death of his wife. Harms of conscience and the impossibility of opposition to the feelings of Grigory Topit in the war, becoming cruel and merciless: "I was so strangering blood that I was already not left for anyone. Deet - and this almost does not regret, but about myself and there are no dummets. The war did everything from me. I myself became terrible. In the soul to me looked, and there is black, as in an empty well ... ".

Alien among their

Loss of loved ones and retreat sled Gregory, he understands: you need to be able to save what he left. Axinhu he picks up with him to retreat, but because of the Tifa, he is forced to leave it.

He again begins to look for the truth and turns out to be in the Red Army, accepting the command of the horse squadron. However, even participation in hostilities on the side of the Soviets will not see the past Grigory, stained with white motion. He faces execution, what he warned his sister Dunya. Taking Ashinhu, he makes an attempt to escape, during which a favorite woman kill. He who fought for his land and on the side of the Cossacks, and the Reds he remained someone else's among his.

The way of quest Grigory Melekhov in the novel is the fate of a simple man who loved her land, but who had lost everything that had and appreciated, defending it to the next generation, which in the final personifies his son Mishata in the final.

Test on the work

An essay on the topic "The image of Grigoria Melekhova" briefly: characteristics, life history and description of the hero in search of truth

In the Roman-Epopea Sholokhov "Quiet Don" Grigory Melekhov occupies a central place. He is the most complex Sholokhov hero. This is a crawler truth. His stake had such brutal tests, which man seemingly not able to take out. The life path of Grigoria Melekhov was difficult and tortured: first there was the First World War, then civil, and finally an attempt to destroy the Cossacks, the uprising and his suppression.

The tragedy of Grigoria Melekhov is a tragedy of a man who came down from the people who became a renewed. The decanion of it becomes tragic, since it is a confusing person. He went against himself, against millions of the same workers, as he himself.

From his grandfather Prophia Grigory he inherited a quick-tempered and independent character, as well as the ability to delicate love. Blood Baby "Turkhany" manifested itself in his appearance, in love, in the fields of battles and in the ranks. And from the Father, he inherited a steep temper, and precisely because of this, the principle and rebellion of Gregory was not allowed from youth. He loved the married woman Aksinhu (this is a turning point in his life) and soon it is decided to leave her, despite all the prohibitions of his father and condemnation of society. The origins of the tragedy Melekhov are laid in his rebellion. This is the predetermination of tragic fate.

Gregory is a kind, bold and courageous hero, who always tries to fight for the truth and justice. But the war comes, and she ruins all his ideas about the truth and justice of life. The war is represented by a writer and his heroes a series of losses and terrible deaths: cripples of people from the inside and destroys the most native and expensive. She forces all the heroes in a new way to look at the problems of debt and justice, seek the truth and not find it in any of their warring camps. Once in red, Gregory sees all the same as white, cruelty and thirst for blood. He can't understand why all this? After all, the war destroys the established life of families, peaceful work, she takes the latter and kills love. Grigory and Peter Melekhov, Stepan Astakhov, Koshevoy and other Heroes Sholokhov is not able to urgenly, why does this fratricidal slaughter happen? For whom and what people should die when they still have a long life?

The fate of Grigory Melekhova is a life covered by war. Personal relations of heroes unfold against the background of the tragic history of the country. Gregory will never be able to forget how he killed the first enemy, Austrian soldier. He shouted his saber, for him it is terrible. MiG murder unrecognizable changed him. The hero lost the point of support, his kind and fair soul protests, cannot survive such violence over common sense. But the war goes, Melekhov understands that he needs to continue to kill. Soon his decision is changing: he realizes that the war kills the best people of his time that among thousands of deaths should not be truth, Grigory throws a weapon and returns to his native farm to work on native land and raise children. In his near 30 years, the hero is almost an old man. The location of Melekhov turned out to be impassable. Sholokhov in their work puts the question of the responsibility of history in front of the person. The author sympathizes Hero Gregory Melekhov, whose life is already breaking into such young years.

As a result of his searches, Melekhov remains one: Aksinhu kills his recklessness, he is hopelessly distant from children, if only because it will disagree on them with his proximity. Trying to preserve loyalty to yourself, he changes everything: and warring parties, women, and ideas. So he was originally looking for there. Thinking only about himself, about his "truth," he was not liplied and dilapidated. At an hour, when it took a good male word from him, Grigory could only provide doubts and self-digging. But the war was not needed by philosophers, and women are love for wisdom. Thus, Melekhov is the result of transformation of the type of "excess person" in the conditions of the most severe historical conflict.

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Throughout the novel, "Quiet Don" Grigory Melekhov, like Shakespeare Hamlet, is in search of truth. He is unlike his surroundings, it is not ready to be a soulless car for murder, to kill his companions for whose interests. Gregory is looking for meaning and justice in the Civil War in which he had to take part, and, unfortunately, does not find.

The fate of Gregory Melekhov was largely predetermined by revolutionary and military events of his time. I could not look at death with a shudder of the White Army with a shudder - even the death of his hand duckling was depressed - but during hostilities he has to kill him. I remember the scene with the killed Austrian. He devoured a man's life, but for what? It could not receive a response to this question. Girigoriy finds simple and obvious answers to those who posted his questions from the Bolsheviks.

"Here it is, our power-love! All smooth! ". He, like many other compatriots, is seduced by a simple and understandable ideology of" red ". Grigorius goes to the side of the antimonarchists, he is ready to fight for the general equality and happiness, but here he meets with the disgusting cruelty, and ladder. The detachment of unarmed prisoners is shot by "red" despite the attempts of Gregory to stop this action. When the Bolsheviks begin to create violence on his native land, he becomes their violence enemy. But after his transition to the side of the officers, it is impossible to assume that Grigory gives himself to monarchists, he Can not choose on whose party in this war, can not choose from two angry, he dares. He speaks about white cat and letsotitsky: "They have been clear from the very beginning, and I have to do everything unclear. They have their own, straight roads, their ends, and from 1917 I go on vilulges how drunk I swing ... ". So the neutral position of Grigory does not suit the military bipolar world. Malekhov seems dangerous for the Bolsheviks, and for" white " It is trying to flee to Kuban, but on the way killed his beloved Axinhu. "And Grigory, the Dead from Horror, realized that everything was over, that the worst thing that could happen in his life, - already happened.". Went away from Gregory The most expensive - "red" kill his brother Petro, his beloved Axinho, his mother and father, the daughter of the pitch, the legitimate wife Natalia.All, that he stays his son and sister Dunyash. Girigoriy lost a lot in a meaningless meat grinder of revolution and Civil War. For a man like him, a man, faithful to his heart, the seeker of truth is worthy of happiness. But is there a place in the new world for such a person?

Thus, the Don Hamlet is left by the author of the battered and aged, experienced and suffered suffering. On the example of Melekhov Sholokhov shows us the cruelty and senselessness of the civil war, the war brother against the brother. It is simply a single one to split the world on white and red, enemies and allies, the author claims That life is multifaceted and difficult and that such a separation is simply unacceptable.

At the very beginning of the novel, it becomes clear that Grigory loves Assiny Astakhov - the married neighbor of Melekhov. The hero of the rebellion against his family, condemning him, a married man, for contact with Axigny. He does not obey the will of his father and leaves his native farm along with Axigni, not wanting to live a double life with an unlucky his wife Natalia, who after that he wants to suicide - cuts her sideways. Grigory and Aksigna become hired employees at the Lomotsky landlord.

In 1914, the first fight Grigory and the first killed man. Gregory is hardly experiencing. In war, he receives not only the St. George Cross, but also experience. The events of this period make him think about the life of the world.

It would seem that revolutions are committed for such as Grigory Melekhov. He joined the Red Army, but he didn't have more disappointment in his life than the reality of the Red Camp, where violence, cruelty and disinfect reign.

Gregory leaves the Red Army and becomes a member of the Cossack insurgent as a Cossack officer. But here - cruelty and injustice.

He again turns out to be red - in the Connection of the Budyanny - and again he is disappointed. In his fleets from one political camp to another Grigory seeks to find the truth that is closer to his soul and his people.

Ironically, he turns out to be in a gang of Fomin. Gregory thinks that the bandits are free people. But here he feels a stranger. Melekhov leaves a gang to pick up Axinho and flee from her to Kuban. But the death of Axigni from a random bullet in the steppe deprives Gregory of the last hope for a peaceful life. It is at this moment that he sees the Black Sky and the "Dazzling Shining Black Disk of the Sun." The writer depicts the sun - a symbol of life - black, emphasizing the unfavorable world. Having used to deserters, Melekhov lived with them for almost a year, but Tosca again drove him to his hometown.

In the final of the novel, Natalia, Parents die, Aksinya dies. Only the son was left and the younger sister, married red. Grigory stands at the gate of the native home and holds the son in his arms. The final was left open: Will his simple dream of living ever be able to live, how did his ancestors lived: "Plow the Earth, care for her"?

Female images in the novel.

Women, in the life of which the war rushes, takes away husbands, sons, destroys the house and hope for personal happiness, take on their shoulders the unbearable cargo of work in the field and at home, but do not bend, but courageously carry this cargo. In the novel, two main types of Russian women are given: the mother, the custodian of the hearth (Ilinichna and Natalia) and a beautiful sinner, frantically seeking their happiness (Axigna and Daria). Two women - Axignha and Natalia - accompany the main hero, they selflessly love him, but in all opposite.

Love is the necessary need to exist Axigny. Axigny's freny in love is emphasized by the description of its "shameless greedy, chubby lips" and "vicious eyes". The prehistory of the heroine is terrible: at the age of 16 she was raped by a drunk father and married Stepan Astakhov, a neighbor of Melekhov. Aksinha demolished the humiliation and beatings of her husband. She had neither children or relatives. It is understood by her desire "For a whole life, bitter to deny", so she fiercely protects her love for the Grishka, which has become the meaning of its existence. For her Aksinya is ready for any tests. Gradually, almost maternal tenderness appears in her love: with the birth of her daughter, her image becomes cleaner. In separation with Gregory, she is tied to his son, and after the death of Ilinichna cares about all the children of Gregory, as his own. Her life broke away from a random steppe bullet when she was happy. She died in the hands of Grigory.

Natalia - the embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200ba homely hearth, family, the natural morality of the Russian woman. She is a dedicated and affectionate mother, clean, faithful and devoted woman. It takes a lot of suffering from her love for her husband. She does not want to put up with a betrayal of her husband, does not want to be unloved - it makes it impose on his hands. It will be more difficult to survive the fact that she "forgive him everything before death" that she "loved him and recalled him until the last minute." Having learned about the death of Natalia, Grigory first felt a stuck pain in the heart and the ringing in the ears. He is tormented by repentance.

M.A. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita".

Roman M.Bulgakova is multidimensional. This multidimensionality affects:

1. In the composition - weave various storylocks of narration: the fate of the master and the history of his novel, the plot of love Masters and Margarita, the fate of Ivan the homeless, the actions of Voland and his team in Moscow, the biblical plot, the satirical sketches of Moscow 20s 20 - 30 years;

2. In the multi-day - interweaving the creators and power, love and loyalty, powerlessness of the cruelty and forces of forgiveness, conscience and debt, light and peace, struggle and humility, true and fake, crime and punishment, good and evil, etc.;

Heroes M. Bulgakov Paradoxical: They are rebeling, seeking to find peace. Yeshua obsessed the idea of \u200b\u200bmoral salvation, truth and goodness, happiness of people and rebellious against non-free, brute power; Woland, obliged as Satan to finish evil, consistently creates justice, mixing the concepts of good and evil, light and darkness, which emphasizes the viciousness of society and earthly life of people; Margarita Rebutuets against everyday reality, its loyalty and love destroying and overcoming shame, conventions, prejudices, fear, distances and times.

It seems that the farther of all from the rebellion of the master, because he is humble and does not fight for a novel, nor for margarita. But it is because he does not fight that he is a master; Its business is to create, and he created his honest novel, outside of selfish, career benefits and common sense. His novel is his riot against "common" ideas about the Creator. The master is creating for centuries, eternity, "Praise and slander is indifferent", exactly by A.S. Pushkin; He is important for the fact of creativity, and not someone's reaction to the novel. And yet the master deserved peace, but not light. Why? Probably not for refused to fight for the novel. Perhaps for refused to fight for love (?). Parallel Hero of the Yerschalaim Heads of Yeshua fought for the love of people to the end, to death. Master is not God, but only a person, and as any person - in something weak, sinters ... Only God is worthy of light. Or maybe rest - exactly what is most needed to the Creator? ..

More Roman M. Bulgakov - about escape from the ordinary reality or to overcome it. Miden reality is a cruel in its unrighteousness of the Caesar regime, which breaks the conscience of Pilate, reproducing the reproducors and executioners; This is the fake world of Berliosles and the accuracy circles in Moscow of the 1930s; This is the vulgar world of Moscow inhabitants living benefits, careful and sensations.

The escape of Yeshua is an appeal to the souls of people. The master is looking for answers to everyday questions in the distant past, closely related, as it turned out, with the present. Margarita rises above the life and convention with the help of love and wonders of Voland. Weld is seized with reality with the help of its devilish power. And Natasha does not want to return to reality from the other world.

This novel is about freedom. It is not by chance that heroes freed from all conventions and dependencies receive peace, and the Pilate's non-free in their actions suffers to constant torture concern and insomnia.

At the heart of the novel - the thought of M. Bulgakov that the world in all its versatility is one, is intend and eternal, and the private fate of any person of any time is neutral in it from the fate of eternity and humanity. This explains the multidimensionality of the roman's artistic fabric, which united all the layers of the narrative of one idea into a monolithic whole work.

In the finals of the novel, all heroes and topics converge on the lunar road leading to the eternal light, and the dispute about life, continuing, turns into infinity.

An analysis of the episode of the interrogation of Yeshua in Pontius by the Pilate in the novel "Master and Margarita" (2 chapter).

In the first chapter of the novel, there is practically no exposition nor the foreword. From the very beginning, the argument of Voland with Berlioz and Ivan the homeless about the existence of Jesus is unfolding. In the proof of the right of Voland, 2 chapter "Pontius Pilate" immediately places, telling about the interrogation of Yeshua by the procurator of the Jews. As the reader will understand later, this is one of the fragments of the master of the master, which molds mass, but well knows the wave, who retold this episode. Berlioz will later say that this story "does not coincide with the evangelical stories," and will be right. In the Gospels there is only a light hint of the torment and fluctuations in Pilate when approving the death sentence, Jesus, and in the master of the master interrogation Yeshua represents a complex psychological match of not only moral good and power, but also two people, two individualities.

The disclosure of the meaning of the fight is helped by several leitmotifs, skillfully used by the author in the episode. At the very beginning, Pilate has a premonition of a bad day due to the smell of rose oil, which he hated. From here - the reaching of the procurator headache, because of which he does not move his head and looks stone. Then - the news that the death sentence should approve it precisely. This is another flour for Pilate.

And yet at the beginning of the episode, Pilate is calm, confident, says quietly, although the author calls his voice "dim, sick".

The next leitmotif is a secretary that fixes interrogation. Pilate the words of Yeshua's words that the writing of the words distorts their meaning. Later, when Yeshua removes Pilate a headache and he will feel the location to the deliverer from pain besides his will, the procurator will talk to a language unknown secretary, then the secretary will generally fade away and the convoy to stay with Yeshua one on one, without witnesses.

Another image-symbol is a sun that flashed with its coarse and gloomy figure. The sun is an irritating symbol of heat and light, and from these heat and light all the time trying to hide a tormenting pilate.

Pilate's eyes first muddy, and after the revelations of Yeshua, more and more glisten the former sparks. At some point, it begins to seem that, on the contrary, Yeshua judges Pilate. He eliminates the procurator from headaches, advises him to be distracted from affairs and take a walk (like a doctor), herso for the loss of faith in the people and the scarcity of his life, then claims that only God gives and selects life, and not the rulers, convinces Pilate that " There are no evil people in the world. "

Interesting the role of fluttering on the colonnade and carved out of her swallows. Swallow - a symbol of life, not dependent on the power of Caesar, not asking from the prosecutor, where she is to have, and where does not forget the nest. Swallow, like the sun, is an ally of Yeshua. It softens acts on Pilate. From this point on, Yeshua is calm and confident, and Pilate is disturbing, irritated from painful split. He is all the time looking for a reason to keep in a lively sympathetic Yeshua: it thinks to conclude it to the fortress, then put it in a crazy house, although he himself says that he is not crazy, then looks, gestures, hints, not responding, telling the arrestant to the word rescue; "For some reason I looked at the secretary and the convoy." Finally, after an attack of rage, when the Pilate realized that Yeshua was absolutely uncompromising, he asked the arrestant in the impotence: "No wife?" As if hoping that she could help make the brains of this naive and clean man.