Thought folk thought family. Family thought - Popular thought

Thought folk thought family. Family thought - Popular thought

With his giant volume of "war and peace", it may impress chaoticness, scattering and incompleteness of many characters, plot lines, all diverse content. But the brightness of a thick-artist in that manifested that all this huge content is imbued with a uniform thought, the concept of the life of the human community, which is easy to coal with thoughtful, attentive reading. The genre of "war and the world" is defined as a novel-epic. What is the meaning of this definition? Through the infinite set of fate of the many people taken in various circumstances of life: in military and peacetime, in youth and in old age, in contentment and in sorrow, in private and common, woven life - and woven into a single artistic integer, the main artistically mastered Book antithesis: Natural, simple and conditional, artificial in the life of people; Simple and eternal moments of human being: birth, love, death - and the meanness of the world, the length of society, property differences. The author of the "War and Peace" was reproached in a fatalistic understanding of history and life in general, but in his book characteristic of the ancient, classical epic, the concept of fate, rock is replaced by the concept of life in its natural flow and spilling, in the eternal update. No wonder in the novel so much metaphor associated with the ever-changing water elements. There are "War and the World" and the main, key verbal-artistic "image". Under the impression of communicating with Plato Karataev, the incarnation of all eternal and round, Pierre sees a dream. "And suddenly, Piener presented himself as a lively, long-forgotten meek old man Teacher, who in Switzerland taught Pierre Geography." Wait, "said the old man. And he showed Pierre Globus. This globe was a lively, a heating ball without sizes. Surface The ball consisted of droplets, tightly compressed among themselves. And these drops all moved, moved, and they merged out of several one, then from one was divided into many. Each drop sought to break up, capture the greatest space, but others, striving, besides They squeezed her, sometimes destroyed, sometimes merged with her. - Here is life, "said the old man." How it's simple and clear, "Pierre thought. - Kakya could not know this before ... So he, karataev, turned out and disappeared. "Such an understanding of life is optimistic pantheism, a philosophy that identifies God with nature. The author of the" war and the world "is all life, all being. Such philosophy determines the moral estimates of the heroes: the goal and happiness of a person - to achieve a roundness of a drop and spill, merge with everyone, to join everything and everyone. The closest to this ideal is Plato Karataev, no wonder he is given the name of the great ancient Greek sage, standing at the origins of the world philosophical thought. Many representatives of the nobility-aristocratic light, especially the court circle depicted in the novel, are not capable of it. The main heroes "of war and the world come precisely to this, they overcome the Napoleonic egoism in the time described in the romance with the banner of the era and finally become a novel during the Scripture. By the way, then wrote" Crime and Punishment "and Dostoevsky. The main characters overcome Consistency closedness and proud unit. And in the center of the Roman Tolstoy, such characters put such characters, the movement of which on this path proceeds especially dramatically and straightening. This is Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre and Natasha. For them, this drawing path is the road - the road acquisitions, enriching their personality, deep spiritual discoveries and insights. A little further from the center of the novel, there are characters of the second plan, which they lose more on this path. This is Nicholas Rostov, Princess Marya, Petya. The periphery of the "war and the world" fill numerous figures, for one reason or another are not able to get up on This path. By the same principle, numerous women's characters "War and Peace" are depicted. The answer to this question will be but Sing concrete character, i.e. It is necessary to just know and retell the text, the content of the novel, to look for some special ideological concept here. Tolstoy created images of Natasha and Sony, the princes of Mary and the "Brying", the beauties of Helen and the old Anna Pavlovna in the era of the 60s, at the same time with the Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?", In which the ideas of female freedom and equality are most fully and consistently expressed. Men. All this is Tolstoy, naturally, rejected, looked at the woman in the patriarchal spirit. He embodied his ideals of women's love, family, parental happiness not only in the nature and fate of Natasha, the most bright of all characters (including the male) expressing his idea of \u200b\u200bthe "real life", but also reality, marrying in 1862 on young Sophie Andreevna Bers. And it is necessary to admit with regret that the "us elevation" of the image of Natasha turned out to be much more nice and the looks of the "theme of the low truth" of the family drama Tolstoy. In spite of the fact that Tolstoy felt focused on the young wife in the spirit of his ideals, the most that you convince us when reading the "war and the world", the wife of the great writer, and then the grown numerous children made the last thirty years of life in thick unbearable. And how many times he decided to get away from them! .. It can be said that "the real life" with her "fancy, surprises, sudden whims and whims - what makes any female nature, - turned out to be even more" real ", What prevented Tolstoy. And it does not matter, about whom - about the bad - meek princess Marya or the bold-demanding, winningly confident in his strength of Helen. Very soon after writing the "war and the world", life has shown her author that the extremes of female characters, So confidently divorced by him on the scale of moral estimates (Natasha- "excellent," the princess Marya - "mediocre", Helen - "Nepud") in reality they can fall into the person of one, closest, most beloved person - wife, mother of three children. So The way, with all its depth and inclusion, the vital philosophy of the author "War and Peace" is sufficiently schematically, "Living Life", "the real life" is more difficult, richer, with her not to make a stroke of the pen at its discretion, at the request of the artistic one According to Tolstoy, a rapid "killing" who has become unnecessary for his ideological and moral building, such an attractive and invincible in his immorality of Helen. The idea of \u200b\u200b"real life" permeates and image of historical characters. The spirit of troops, which feels Kutuzov and who dictates strategic decisions to him, in fact, there is also a form of admission, mergers from the ever-flowing life. His antagonists - Napoleon, Alexander, scientists German generals are unable to do this. Simple, ordinary heroes of war - Tushin, Timokhin, Tikhon Shcherbaty, Vaska Denisov - do not seek to instill all humanity, because they are deprived of feelings of the individual who are already merged with this world. The idea-an antithesis opened above, permeating the entire huge novel, is already expressed in his name, very capacious and multivalued. The second word of the name of the novel refers to the community of people, the whole people, the life of the whole world, in the world, with people as opposed to monastic solitude. Therefore, it is incorrect to think that the name of the novel indicates the alternation of military and peaceful, non-e-episodes. The above sense of the word world changes, expands the value and the first capital word: war - not only as a manifestation of malicity, but also in general the struggle of people, the life battle of detached, divided into atomic droplets of mankind. In 1805, the Tolstovskaya epic opens, the human community dwells disunity, crushed to class, the noble light is alienated from the national whole. The culmination of this state is the Tilzite world, the continuing, fraught with a new war. The antithesis of this state is 1812, when "all the people wish they want" on the Borodino field. And further from 3 to 4 of the heroes of the novel turn out to be on the verge of war and the world, the point and the point of the transitions back and forth. They face a real, full life, with war and peace. Kutuzov says: "Yes, a lot reproached me ... and for war and for the world ... And everything came on time," and these concepts are associated with his lifestyles in a single capital lifestyle. In the epilogue, the initial state returns, again disunity in the highest estate and the highest class with a simple people. Pierre perturbs "Pigacity, settlements - the people are tormented, enlightening," he wants "independence and activities." Nikolay Rostov will soon "chop and chieve everything from the shoulder." As a result, "everything is too stretched and will certainly burst." By the way, Plato Karataev would not approve the sentiment of the two heroes remaining in living heroes, and Andrei Volkonsky would approve. And here is his son Nicholya, born in 1807, reads highly appreciated by the Decembrist Plutarch. His further fate is understandable. The epilogue of the novel is full of different opinions. Unity, admission remains the desired ideal, but the epilogue of Tolstoy shows how difficult path to it is difficult. According to Sophia Andreevna, Tolstoy said that he loves in the "war and the world" "the thought of people", and in the "Anna Karenina" - "Family thought". It is impossible to understand the essence of both fat formulas without comparing these novels. Like Gogol, Goncharov, Dostoevsky, Leskov Tolstoy considered his age time, when in the world of people, among people there is a triumph, the disintegration of the common whole. And his two "thoughts", and two novels, how to return the lost integrity. In the first novel, as neither paradoxically sounds, the world connects the war, a single patriotic impulse against the general enemy, precisely against him individuals are connected to the whole people. In Anne Karenina, the separation of the cell of society is opposed to the family, the primary form of human association and admission. But the novel shows that in the era, when "everything was mixed", "everything was overgrown," the family was short-term, a fragile merger only strengthens the complexity towards the desired ideal of human unity. Thus, the disclosure of the "thought of people" in the "war and the world" is closely connected and largely determined by the Tolstsky response to the main question - "What is real life?" As for the role of the people and personality in history, the solution of this issue is particularly badly clogged by Marxist-Leninist literary criticism. Tolstoy, as already mentioned, was often accused of historical fatalism (a look, according to which the outcome of historical events is pre-predetermined). But this unfairly Tolstoy insisted only that the laws of history are hidden from the individual human mind. His look at this problem very accurately expresses the famous Quartewood Tyutchev (1866 - again the time of work on the "war and peace"): "I do not understand Russia with the mind, do not measure the arches: it can only be to believe in Russia." For Marxism, not the crucial importance of popular masses as the engine of history and the inability of the personality to influence the story otherwise, except for attached to the tail of these masses, was an immutable law. However, to illustrate this "law" of the military episodes of the "War and the World" of the Military Episode. In his epopea, Tolstoy picks up the relay of the historical views of Karamzin and Pushkin. Both of them were extremely convincingly shown in their works (Karamzin in the "Russian State History"), which, expressing the words of Pushkin, the case is a powerful tool of providence, t, e. fate. It is through random that the natural and necessary, and they are also recognized only by the rear date, after their action. And the personality carrier turns out to be a personality: Napoleon, who turned the fate of the whole of Europe, Tushin, who turned Shengraben's battle. That is, paraphrasing the famous saying, it can be said that if Napoleon was not, it would be worth in to invent, about the same way as "invented" his Tushina Tolstoy.

With his giant volume of "war and the world" can produce

the impression of chaoticness, scattering and incommary of the set

characters, plot lines, all diverse content. But

the genius of a fat-artist in that manifested that all this

human community, which is easy to coal with thoughtful,

attentive reading.

The genre of "war and the world" is defined as a novel-epic. What's the point

of this definition? Through the infinite many destinies

people taken in various circumstances of life: in military and peaceful

time, in youth and in old age, in contentment and in sorrow, in private and

common, swarm - and woven into a single artistic integer,

main artistically mastered book antithesis:

natural, simple and conditional, artificial in the life of people;

simple and eternal moments of human being: Birth, love,

death - and the meanness of the world, the length of society, property

understanding history and life in general, but in his book characteristic for

ancient, classic epic concept of fate, rock replaced

the concept of life in its spontaneous course and spilling, in the eternal

update. No wonder in the novel so much metaphors associated with forever

changing water elements.

There are "War and the World" and the main, key verbal-artistic

"form". Under the impression of communicating with Plato Karataev,

the embodiment of just eternal and round, Pierre sees a dream. "And suddenly

Pierre introduced himself as a living, long-forgotten meek old man

a teacher who taught Pierre Geography in Switzerland.

"Wait," said the old man. And he showed Pierre Globe. This globe was

live, hesitating ball without sizes. Whole surface

the bowl consisted of droplets, tightly compressed. And drops these all

moved, moved, and then merged out of several in one, then from

one was divided into many. Each drop sought to break up

capture the greatest space, but others trying to

they squeezed it, sometimes destroyed, sometimes merged with her.

Here is life, "said the old man. "How simple and clear, -

thought Pierre. - Kakya could not know this before ... So he, karatayev,

here it turned out and disappeared. "Such an understanding of life is optimistic

pantheism, philosophy, identifying God with nature. God of the author

"Wars and the World" is all life, all being. Such a philosophy

determines the moral estimates of the heroes: the goal and happiness of man -

reach a roundness of a drop and break, merge with everyone,

to join everything and everything. The closest to this ideal is located

Plato Karataev, no wonder he is given the name of the great ancient Greek

the sages standing at the origins of the world philosophical thought.

Many representatives of the noble-aristocratic light, especially

the court circle shown in the novel is not capable of it.

The main heroes "wars and peace come precisely to this, they

overcoming Napoleonic egoism becomes described in

romane Time is a banner of the era and finally become it during

scriptures of the novel. By the way, then wrote "Crime and Punishment" and

Dostoevsky. The main characters overcome the class closure and

gradual unit. And in the center of the novel Tolstoy puts such

characters, whose movement on this path proceeds especially

dramatic and straightening. This is Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre and Natasha.

For them, this filled drama path is the road acquisitions,

enrichment of their personality, deep spiritual discoveries and insights.

on this path they lose more. This is Nicholas Rostov, Princess Marya,

Peter. The periphery of the "war and the world" fill numerous

figures, for one reason or another, are not able to stand on this path.

By the same principle, numerous women are depicted

characters "War and Peace". The answer to this question will be worn

specific character, i.e. We just need to know and retell the text,

the concept does not have. Tolstoy created images of Natasha and Sony,

princesses Mary and "Brying", Beauty Helen and Old Anna

Pavlovna in the era of the 60s, at the same time with the novel of Chernyshevsky

"What to do?", In which the most fully and consistently expressed

ideas of women's freedom and equality with men. All this is Tolstoy,

naturally, rejected, watched a woman in the patriarchal spirit.

Your ideals of female love, family, parental happiness he

embodied not only in the nature and fate of Natasha, the most bright of all

characters (including male) expressing his idea of

"real life", but also reality, married in 1862 on

young Sophie Andreevna Bers. And it is regretful to admit

that the "us elevator deception" the image of Natasha turned out to be much

lovely and clue "Themes of Low Truths" Family Drama

Tolstoy. No matter what Tolstoy felt

a young wife in the spirit of his ideals, those that are so convincing us

when reading "war and the world", the wife of a great writer and then

grown numerous children made the last thirty years

life is thick unbearable. And how many times he made a decision

get away from them! .. We can say that "real life" with her

"Freakiness, surprises, sudden whims and

whims - what makes any female nature, - turned out to be

even more "real" than supposed Tolstoy. And no matter what

there is a question - about the frosting and meek princess Marya or about the bold

demanding, winningly confident in his strength of Helen. Highly

soon after writing the "war and the world", life showed her to the author that

the extremes of female characters so confidently divorced them on the scale

moral estimates (Natasha- "excellent", Princess Marya -

"mediocre", helen - "not") in reality may come together in the face

one, closest, most beloved person - wife, mother

three children. Thus, with all its depth and inclusion

"Living life", "real life" is more difficult, richer, with her not

place a stroke of the pen at its discretion, on demand

artistic unity, as Tolstoy arrived, quickly

"Mailing" has become unnecessary for his ideological and moral building

such an attractive and invincible in his immorality of Helen.

The idea of \u200b\u200b"real life" permeates and image of historical

characters. Spirit of troops that feels Kutuzov and who dictates

he has strategic decisions, in fact, there is also a form of admission,

mergers from forever bottling life. His antagonists - Napoleon,

Alexander, scientists German generals - to this are unable. Simple

private Heroes of War - Tushin, Timokhin, Tikhon Shcherbaty, Vaska

Denisov - do not seek to make it possible to make all humanity, because

it is deprived of feelings of the individual why they are already merged with this world.

Opened an antithesis idea, permeating the whole huge novel,

it is already expressed in his name, very capacious and multivalued. Second

the word name of the novel refers to the community of people, all the people,

life to the whole world, in the world, with people as opposed to

monastic solitude. Therefore, it is incorrect to think that the name

the novel indicates the alternation of military and peaceful, ne-war

episodes. The above sense of the word world changes, expands

the value and first of the title word: war - not only as a manifestation

militarities, but in general the struggle of people, life battle

disconnected, divorced on atomic droplets of mankind.

In 1805, to which the Tolstovsky epic opens, Human

the community dwells divided, fragmented for class,

the noble light is alienated from the folk whole. Culmination of this

conditions - the Tilzite world, the continuing, fraught with a new war.

Antithesis of this state is 1812, when "all the people

want to feel "on the Borodino field. And then from 3 to 4 of that heroes

novels are on the verge of war and the world, then

transitions there and back. They face a real full

life, with war and world. Kutuzov says: "Yes, a lot reproached

me ... and for war and for the world ... And everything came on time, "and these concepts

they are associated with its lifestyles in a single capital lifestyle. In Epilogy

initial state returns, again disunity in

high estate and higher class with simple people. Pierre

perturbs "Pigacity, settlements - People are tormented, enlightenment soul",

he wants "independence and activities." Nikolay Rostov will soon be

"Chick and choke everything from the shoulder." As a result, "everything is too stretched and

will certainly burst ". By the way, Plato Karataev would not approve

sentiment of the two heroes survivors, and Andrei Volkonsky

approved. And here is his son Nikolenka, born in 1807, reads

highly appreciated by Decembrist Plutarch. His further fate

Unity, admission remains desirable ideal, but epilogue

Tolstoy shows how difficult path to it is.

According to Sophia Andreevna, Tolstoy said that he loves

"War and the World" "Thought People's Thought", and in "Anna Karenina" - "Thought

family. "It is impossible to understand the essence of both Tolstovsky formulas without

comparison of these novels. Like Gogol, Goncharov,

Dostoevsky, Leskov Tolstoy considered his age time when in the world

people among people triumph disassemble, the disintegration of the common whole. AND

his two "thoughts", and two novels - how to return the lost

integrity. In the first novel, as neither paradoxically sounds, the world

connects war, a single patriotic impulse against the general enemy,

it is against him that individual individuals are connected to the whole people.

In Anna Karenina, an expulsion is opposed to a society cell -

family, primary shape of human association and admission. But

roman shows that in the era, when "everything was mixed", "all

moved ", family with its short-term, fragile merger

only strengthens complexity on the way to the desired ideal of human

union. Thus, the disclosure of the "thought of folk" in "War and

the world is closely related and largely determined by the Tolstsky response to

the main question is "What is real life?"

As for the role of the people and personality in history, then the solution of this

the question is especially clogged by Marxistco-Leninsky

literary work. Tolstoy, as already mentioned, often accused of

historical fatalism (a look according to which the outcome

historical events are pre-preceded). But it is unfair

Tolstoy insisted only on the fact that the laws of history are hidden from

individual human mind. His look at this problem

very accurately expresses the famous quadruses Tyutchev (1866 - again

work time on "War and Mir"):

"My mind is not understood

Arshin must not measure:

It has a special one -

You can only believe in Russia. "

For Marxism, not crucial importance of popular masses as an engine

stories and the inability of the person to influence the story otherwise, except

as attached to the tail of these masses, was an immutable law.

However, illustrate this "law" by the material of military episodes

"Wars and the world" is difficult. In his epic, thick picks up

relay of historical views of Karamzin and Pushkin.

Both of them

extremely convincingly shown in their works (Karamzin in

"Story of the Russian state"), which, expressing the words of Pushkin,

the case is a powerful tool providence, t, e. fate. It is through

random act natural and necessary, and they are

they are recognized only by rearly, after their action. And carrier

accident is a person: Napoleon, who overgrown fate

all of Europe, Tushin, who turned the course of the Shenagraben battle. That

there is, paraphrasing the famous saying, we can say that if

Napoleon was not, it would be worth it to invent, as well as as

"invented" his Tushina Tolstoy.

171. Critical image of a secular society on the novel "War and Peace"

Rich and diverse a gallery of noble types in the novel "War and

the world. "" Light "and society are depicted by thick generous paints.

The highest light performs in the novel as a force ruling country. If a

the people live in suffering, the top of society, despite the losses,

cropped by war, still succeed.

The center around which they are grouped, the royal courtyard is depicted,

and above all, the emperor Alexander. Alexander, according to Tolstoy,

just a puppet. The fate of Russia solve numerous advisers,

favorites, temporary, ministers, courtiers. Ordarity

the emperor lies in the fact that he has no opinion, under

the influence of certain individuals takes various decisions. Alexander A.

personality is not only weak, he is hypocritical and fake, likes to take

poses. Tolstoy believes that luxury does not contribute to the development of the mind, but

the habit of living at idle devastates personality. Around Alexander

the struggle of "parties" for influence does not stop, continuously

intrigue. Courtyard, headquarters, ministries filled with a crowd of mediocre

alley, taking into power of people. Government and general studies

losing one war after another. Army, oblantable

interns, starving, dies from epidemics and in meaningless

battles. In the war of 1812, Russia enters unprepared. On the

during the whole war, Alexander did not commit any reasonable

act, limited to stupid orders and spectacular

Tolstoy takes on the scene of the court, ministers, diplomats,

generals, staff officers, foreign people who launch at the courtyard in

as an approximate king. So exhaustively characterizes

Tolstoy illusory power of the rulers of the country, whose notch

twelve year revealed with all exposing mercilessness.

The writer denounces the court and higher circles with their government

enthusiasm. This part of the highest society is infinitely far from the struggle.

people. Despite the seizure of Moscow, life in St. Petersburg goes

old. All the same in the salons is going to know the highest, everything is the same

balls are given. Empress, Cesarevich, Rumyantsev, all courtiers

drums on all the frets with the patriotism of the people, but they themselves lead


One of the representatives of the highest light was Prince Vasily Kuragin,

minister. His desire for enrichment does not know borders. Sighing, O.

shatter says: "My children are the burden of my existence." His son

Hippolyties ranks diplomat, but he speaks Russian with

labor, he is not able to tie three words, his jokes are always stupid and

meaningless. Prince Vasily catches a rich bridegroom for his daughter

Helen Kuragina. In his network in naught and natural kindness

pierre falls. Later he will say Helen: "Where you are debauchery and evil."

Anatole Kuragin, another son of Prince Vasily, lives idle life.

Anatol - Guards officer who does not know which shelf he

numen, the main sense of his life he made "going to

pleasures. "His actions lead animals instincts.

The satisfaction of these instincts is the main engine of his life. Wine

and women, carefit and indifference to everything except their

desires become the basis of its existence. Pierre Duzhov says

about him: "Here is a true sage. Always pleased, cheerful." Sophisticated B.

alene Kuragin's love intrigues helps his brother to hide him

internal emptiness and worthlessness. Heranes Elene Depraved, stupid and

livy. But despite this, she enjoys a huge success in the world,

her emperor notes, in the house of the Countess constantly spin

fans: the best aristocrats of Russia, poets dedicate to her poems,

diplomats are sophisticated in wit, visible state

the figures are dedicated to treatises. Brilliant position stupid and

depraved Helen is a deadly exposure of noble morals.

Special attention deserves created by the thick image of Prince Boris

Drubetsky. This walking to the glory and honors. Young man

"Designed" to change the older generation of Russia. Already on his first

steps can be understood that Boris "will go far." He trivides him possesses

cold mind, free from conscience, externally very attractive.

Make the first steps towards a brilliant career helps him mother,

hange and hypocrite. Drubetsky many are obliged to the family of growth, but

very quickly forget about it, because Rostov is broken, not so

influential, and indeed, - people of another circle. Boris - Career. His

the moral code is not very complicated: the goal justifies the funds.

Favorable marriage, useful links opens the doors to him in the most

mighty society. The final of his life is clear: Boris will reach

high posts and will be the "decent" senior change,

rulers of Russia. It will be the faithful support of the autocratic power.

Brightly drawn a fat image of an adventurist, nobleman Dolokhov.

Duels, boosters, "pranks" in the company "Golden Youth", the game of its

and other people's lives become an end to him. His courage is ne.

has nothing to do with the heroism of people like Denisov, Rostov,

Timokhin, Bolkonsky. The image of Dolokhova is an example of noble

adventuristic militancy.

It is very noteworthy and the image of the Moscow Governor of Pour. It

reveals with all the brightness in the scenes preceding the entry

french to Moscow. "Mensor," Tolstoy writes, "did not have

the slightest concept about the people to whom he had to manage ".

Followed by the leaflets distributed by him, its orders are harmful to

organization of People's Protection of Moscow. Mensor cruel, proud.

One part of the pen refers to innocent people suspected of

treason, execute in any unique young man Vereshchagin, issuing him

distract the people's anger from true disaster perpetrators in the country.

The artistic expression of the look of Tolstoy on the people as on the Creator

stories, faith in the fact that the people of the inexhaustible source of forces

and talents, recognition of legitimate all forms of struggle to which

resorts to people to protect the Fatherland, - All this puts the Great

tolstoy's epic in the category of the best works of world literature. IN

this is the incredit value of the Great Epopie.

172. Images of Russian women in the novel "War and Peace"

The huge popularity of the talent of the Lion Tolstoy has long stepped over the boundaries

our country. He knows the whole world. No wonder Gorky wrote: "Not knowing

to the novel? What makes people in different nations go to him

distant from his heroes and time, and social medium, and others

problems. We do not get tired of repeating, which is equal in the literature Tolstoy

not. Why? A huge gift and artistic uniqueness allowed

Tolstoy show the life of the whole people, the whole nation, the whole country, the name

which is Russia. The pages of the novel comes to life, people stand in

flesh and blood, with their thoughts, joys and sorrows, quests and

misconceptions, love and hatred, with victories and defeats,

creative distortion of Tolstoy has always been associated with life. Heroes "War and

of the world ", both positive and negative, apply primarily to

the medium of the highest, ruling nobility. Tolstoy painted a wide picture

the life of a noble society, depicted him with all the inherent

alienation from the people. The merit of the writer is that he, mercilessly drawing

the noble society, showed the few families of the best nobles, in

including the enlightened part of them (Volkon and Bezukhov).

All advanced in the nobility was an exceptional phenomenon. how

the rule, in thick images positive possess exactly features

exclusivity, and their fate in the novel develop in a collision with

The "big world", which thick draws negatively.

Anna Pavlovna Sherler, Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya, Julie Karagin, Helen

Bezuhova carry in itself primarily the features of his class. Tough

emphasizes that every hero is a generation of the environment, the flesh from the flesh,

and each feels in this environment as a fish in the water. According to Tolstoy,

Natasha is the ideal of a woman.

It is a rich, generous gifted nature. From

this sensitive, touching, wonderful girl took? Family growth, like

volkonsky family, and among them Maria Bolkonskaya, dramatically stand out among

ordinary noble families. Family of growth is similar to those families from which

the feminians of the Decembrists and many other advanced people of the XIX century were published.

Lifestyle growth, customs, sympathy and antipathy - all this is Russian,

national. They absorbed the spirit of the people with his cheerfulness,

the ability to persist suffer, it is easy to go for victims not at the same time, but from all over

spiritual latter. The brightest feature in Natasha is poetic

africa, spiritual kindness, openness for everyone who is surrounded.

Appearing for the first time on the ball, Natasha is so little similar to the secular ladies,

so distinct the contrast between it and the "light". Barely stepped over the family threshold,

Natasha is deceived. To Rostov, and above all to the general

favorite Natasha, stretch the best people - Andrei Volkonsky, Pierre

Duzukhov, Vasily Denisov. Passion for Natasha Anatoly Kuragin, this

an empty secular person speaks of her inexperience. Natasha - Nature

generously gifted, the actions of it are original, no one is not

prejudice, manages her heart. Natasha is a captivating image

russian woman, lonely, alien feels Natasha among

metropolitan aristocrats. Landing, gullibility and inexperience

Kuragin carries her, and his depraved sister Helen helps him

Kuragin. After severe illness, the resulting mental

shocks, Natasha returned to life updated. The trouble did not break her

the light did not won over her victory. Natasha takes an active part in

events of 1812. Latitude, independence, courage, passionate attitude

all phenomena of life are such a feature that fill this image. It

filute contemporaries and captivates us. A mansion is in the family of growth

Vera is the older sister of Natasha. Cold, unrefell, alien in the circle of brothers and

sisters, she is in the house of growth - the body of foreign ones. Pupil Sonya Full

selfless and grateful love to the whole family completes the gallery

family growth. Just like Natasha Rostov, Princess Marya -

pleiada representative of the best women of the Nobility of Russia began the beginning of the XIX

century. This image is unusually complicated. On artistic brightness he

it takes one of the first places among the heroes of Tolstoy. Moral height,

power of character, femininity allocate Princess Marry among many

female characters of world literature.

Tolstoy makes this image, despite the complexity and inconsistency,

unusually poetic, solid, finished, charming. Princess

Marya is an artistic embodiment of the Tolstsky ideal of femininity.

The best representatives of the nobility, and among them Natasha and Princess Marya,

as a rule, generously gifted nature. They stand out from their environment

class primarily by humanity, genuine patriotism, high

moral. They are brightly manifested by the features of Russian. And in this

big merit thick.

173. Philosophical problems in the novel of the Tolstoy "War and Peace"

"War and Peace" was written in the 60s of the last century. Government

Alexandra has canceled the serfdom, but did not give the farmers of the earth,

they are rebel. Russia and the West, the historical destinies of Russia and her

the people were the most topical issues of time. They are

constantly worried about fat. Tolstoy was always against the revolution,

but hoped by enlightenment, reforms, constitutions, that is

untopic by erecting the perfect social system. "War I.

the world "is one of the most wonderful works of literature. Years

work on the novel is the time of the most tensional labor writer.

Creative distortion of Tolstoy has always been associated with life. Novel

conceived as a grandiose study of half-century history

Russia in its acute clashes and comparisons with Europe, as

comprehending the national nature of the Russian people and all

life. In the novel set psychological, social,

historical, moral problems saying about true and

false patriotism, about the role of personality in history, about national

the dignity of the Russian people, about the nobility, in the novel act over

two hundred historical faces. Representing events with human

moral side, the writer often penetrated into their genuine

historical essence.

Napoleon claimed a great role in history, expecting to create

history, subordinating her own will. Tolstoy says he

despot not only on the situation but also by conviction. He is annoying

his greatness. "There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth," -

wrote Tolstoy.

In the "war and the world", this romance study, a huge role

the picture of characters and morals was assigned. He recreates mental

the experiences of different people of this time, their spiritual aspirations.

The best representatives of the nobility are Pierre Duhov and Andrei

Volkonian. They both seek a reasonable device of society, both

tirelessly tend to reach the truth. Ultimately they reach

before turning to the people, to consciousness to serve him,

merge with him, deny all the forms of liberalism. Characteristic that

in general, the noble culture of that time is presented in the novel

mainly by these mental and moral quest

"Educated minority". Internal world of man, research

souls are one of the philosophical problems that are concerned to Tolstoy. W.

Tolstoy his own look at the story. Philosophical

reasoning in his novel is his thoughts, his Duma, His

the worldview, his concept of life.

One of the important problems "War and Peace" is the ratio of personality

and society, supervisor and masses, life of private and life

historical. Tolstoy denied the role of personality in history. It

refused to recognize by force leading historical development

humanity, whatever "idea", as well as desire or power

individual, even if the "great" historical figures. He said,

that everything solves the "spirit of troops", argued that there are laws,

managing events. These laws are unknown to people. One of

the philosophical problems of the novel is a question about freedom and necessity.

In its own way and the thick of this question is original. He says that

freedom of man, historical figure - apparent, man

is free only not to go in advance events, not

impose their will, and simply match the story, change,

grow and in this way to influence its move. Deep thought though

what a man is less free than closer it is set to power. IN

her Philosophical Historical Points of Tolstoy was close to Herzen.

Roman is called "War and Peace". The meaning of the name: the world denies the war.

The world is work and happiness, the war is the disagreement of people, destruction,

death and grief.

The essay theme is very difficult, rather she is suitable for graduates

institute of Philological Faculty or graduate students who

engaged in studies in the work of Tolstoy.

I didn't fully fully reflected in my essay all the philosophical

problems of the 4th Tomny Roman "War and Peace", and this is understandable: it is impossible

on two sheets to fit all the thoughts of Tolstoy, he is a genius, but the main me

still reflected.

It would be possible to add how to solve the thick question about the role

women in society. He negatively belonged to Emancipation

women, if Turgenev, Chernyshevsky woman considered in

another aspect, then Tolstoy believes that for a woman there is a place -

home. Therefore, Natasha Rostov is just a mother and wife at the end

novel. It's a pity! She. Was not just a girl, but gifted

man emitting warmth and light sang. In this position I am with

Tolstoy I can not agree, because a smart woman is little

just home "goose", she still wants more. And if u.

Natasha was a rich spiritual world, then where did he go, went to

homemade life? This is a thick conservative. He wrote little about

the difficult position of serf peasantry, just a few

pages for the whole huge epic. Scene Bogucharovsky Bunt -

the only bright episode of this plan. I think it would affect

his other novel "Decembrists".

174. People and Personality in the novel of the Tolstoy "War and Peace"

No greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth. Tough

Great writer and philosopher Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy dismisses his

theory about the role of personality in history.

Fairly Polemizing S.

bourgeois scientists who created the cult of the Great Personality

historical hero, by the will of which, allegedly, are committed by world

events. Tolstoy argues that the course of world events is predetermined

over, and the influence of the personality on the course of these events is only external,

fictitious. Everything is committed not by the will of people, but by the will of providence.

This means that Tolstoy is trying to oboentize natural laws

life. He argues that everyone solve feelings, not the mind that is

rock, fate. Theory of predestination, fatalism, inevitability

historical events also affected the interpretation of Kutuzov images

and Napoleon. The role of the personality in the history of Tolstoy is distinguished by negligible

a small role, equating her to the appointment of the "label", that is, give

name events, facts and phenomena.

Napoleon at life receives the title of invincible and ingenious

commander. Tolstoy spreads Napoleon in a moral plan,

accusing him in the absence of humanism towards ordinary soldiers

and the people. Napoleon - the invader, the enslave of the peoples of Europe and

Russia. Like a commander ,.on is an indirect killer of many

thousand people. This gave him the right to greatness and glory.

Napoleon's state activities in this light

the question was simply immoral. Europe could not anyone

oppose Napoleon, "no reasonable ideal", and only

russian people buried his crazy plans for the capture of world

states. Tolstoy writes: "Instead of genius, they are nonsense and

meanness, not having an example. "All the appearance of Napoleon is unnecessary and

false. He could not respond to high moral requirements, so in

it is not and genuine grandeur. The embodiment of all this is

Kutuzov. Tolstoy notes in it not only "wise observer

events ", but also the talent of a commander who govering the most important thing -

by the moral spirit of troops. Tolstoy writes: "Long-term military

he knew his experience that it was impossible to manage hundreds of thousands of people.

man that solves the fate of the battle is not disposal

commander-in-chief, not a place where troops are not the number of guns

and the dead people, and the elusive force called the spirit of the troops. "

Contradictions in the views of Tolstoy on the image of the Kutuzov

manifest in that, on the one hand, Kutuzov - Wise,

passive Observer of the Military Events, Head of Spirit

troops, and on the other hand, is a commander, actively

interfering in the course of military events. Kutuzov proposed

Napoleon general battle and numerical superiority

Napoleon won the military and moral victory of Kutuzov on

the next day gives an order about the counteroffensive to raise the spirit

forces, but then cancels the order in order to preserve the army and strength. AND

there are many such examples. After the expulsion of Napoleon from Russia Kutuzov

submits to resign, considering its mission performed. So realism

Tolstoy took the top over the ways of his fatalistic philosophy and

artistically presented the true face of the great commander, his

booster energy, active participation during military events. War

acquired a nationwide, national character, so in the post

the commander-in-chief should have been not a foreigner (Barclay), but

russian commander - Kutuzov. With the arrival of him for this post Russian

pied with the Spirit. They even wrote the proverb: "Kutuzov came

beat the French. "The superiority of the Russian military army and

the colonical genius of Kutuzov was shown in 1812 that Russian

people invincible. In the bright Pushkin assessment of the identity of the Great

the commander contained grain design of the image of Kutuzov in the novel

Tolstoy. In the Russian army there lived an indomitable spirit of Suvorov "Science

win, "National School National Traditions were alive

Suvorov. The soldiers remember him and during the battle, and by the fire.

Both to the assessment of the actions of individuals and to the assessment of historical

events, Tolstoy Suitable with the criteria of good and evil. Unit

he considers the greatest manifestation of evil. "Thought folk"

putting and philosophical conclusions of Tolstoy and image

specific historical events, historical figures, and

oblasting ordinary people, assess their moral appearance.

The most important conclusion that follows from artistic paintings and

theoretical Assignments of the Writer, - the conclusion about the decisive role

folk masses in history. Depicting the war 1805-1807, Tolstoy

explains the reason for the defeat of the Russians precisely the fact that the soldier

the mass was unclear was the meaning of this war, alien to her goal. Almost in different

the army mood is depicted in the war of 1812. This war was walled

people's character because the Russian people defended their home and

his land. Genuine heroism, imperceptible and natural, like

life itself is the quality manifests itself in battles, and in the soldiers' weekdays,

and in relations between Russian warriors to each other and to the enemy. People appear

before us as a carrier of higher moral values. Common goals

and the common trouble is rapty people, no matter what

the class circle they belong, so the best national

the features of the Russian person are detected during a nationwide disaster.

In "War and the World", genuine nationality is embodied - the greatest

conquest Russian classical literature. About people, about life, about

historical events writer judges from the point of view of the interests of everything

the people who are essentially the main hero of his

works. In an effort to comprehend the patterns of human

life, historical process, writer not only draws live

paintings, images and fate of people, but also argues as a philosopher,

historian scientist talking in science language. Favorite thought writer

lives in each image in each scene, in every detail created by him

great epic.

175. Critical image of a military-bureaucratic environment in the novel "War and Peace"

L.N. Tolstoy created a lot of works, but especially great value

his Roman-epic "War and Peace". This novel tells how about

mental searches for the most advanced part of the nobility and about

"Societies". Portraying these "stupid unnecessaries" and exposing

study essence in the novel "War and Peace", L.N. Tolstoy reaches

what he did not reach completely in Anna Karenina and "Resurrection",

The most integral image of the "vulgarity of a vulgar person".

The first thing is primarily striking when you read the novel - it is

full destruction by a writer of any kind of secular authority

societies. Before us, the Family of Prince Vasily Kuragin with his sons:

Ippolite, Anatola and Elene's daughter.

Prince Vasily Kuragin - a representative of the ruling top. the main

the goal of the action of the prince is a personal benefit. He spoke to himself: "Here is Pierre

rich, I have to lure him marry my daughter ... "if a person could

be a useful prince, he climbed up with him, told him courtesy,

stolen. According to L.N. Tolstoy, Prince Vasily constantly attracted to

people are stronger and richer. So, the goal of his stay at the evening

Anna Pavlovna Sherler; there was an intention to arrange a son of hippolit

first secretary in Vienna. When it failed to kidnap the will

Bezuhova, Chisage Vasily, using the impracticality of Pierre and His

inexperienced, he marries him on his daughter. Prince Vasily enjoys

respect of society, which completely characterizes it. Hippolyte, senior

the son of Prince, - a fool. But it does not prevent him from "make diplomatic

career. "After all, he is rich and noticed! The younger son of Prince Vasily,

Anatol, - Limited, Depracted "Well done", whose egoism

it is manifested in an attempt to kidnap Natasha Rostov.

Worthy of his father and the daughter of Prince - Helen, stupid, tricky and

depraved woman. "Where are you, there are debauchery, evil," says Pierre.

We see how merciless beaches L.N. Tolstoy lifestyle

great Ladies engaged exclusively to the toilets,

men, each of which consists of "necessary, fools",

which, overlooking the indispensable envoys with extremely smart

the view is listening to political speeches, of course, incomprehensible to them. "

Salon Anna Pavlovna Sherler L.N. Tolstoy compares with spinning

workshop in which "spindle from different sides is evenly and, not

shuttle, noisy. "From the first picture of the evening intake it felt that

the life of the salon regulars is filled with only an external gloss, all

live goes out in this soulless atmosphere. Anna Pavlovna with fear

watching Pierre: Not too loudly he says, laughs. AND

when Pierre manages to tie a conversation with Abbat, Anna Pavlovna

it is terribly worried.

Under the outer glitter of the highest light is hidden or empty

phrase, or a tested interest, or intrigue, calculations,

false and hypocrisy always reign in Shero's salon. Small intrigues

who are an integral part of the life of a secular society, only

complement the whole gallery of its flaws and indicate

unprecedented low moral level of these people. And me

even love for homeland is characteristic. On their part, we observe only

pseudopatriotmatism pseudopatriotism. We see these people in

such a difficult time as a period of war with Napoleon. And these people with

stunning hypocrisy were engaged in the fact that "piled a korpoly for

the benefits of the fatherland. "That's all their" love "to the Fatherland. Hydrochemical

poses calling for "stand up for the defense of the fatherland", again

prove how contemptuously belong to their people, to

its heroic homeland existing, but not living secular

But these are people who are not involved in war. However, N.

a less disgusting painting is people

belonging to the highest light and using war. How tool

nagis! Recall Berg, who, not noticing the horrors of war, is looking for

"Chiffonier of mahogany". Berg is not excited tragedy

battles near Austerlitz - he learned to benefit: got

award. He managed to "distinguish" and in the Finnish war, lifting

shard pomegranates who were killed by the adjutant. But it is from the living rooms

light came to the operating army "Golden Youth." For the ranks

and orders, the rows of "drone". They are not alone. Such

"Bergs" and "Herrow" was a lot among staff officers, they

introduced the army and weakened it. But is the better of their representatives

military nobility who chose a military field for the satisfaction of their

careroom desires? They go to war like "catching happiness and

ranks. "They are not interested in the fate of the birthplace and the outcome of the war. Such as

Drubetskaya, Zhirkov, Berg, Nesvitsky and many other "heroes", deaf to

call of Russia. They are not characteristic even short-term spiritual

gust. How the unclean their conscience in front of the homeland!

Their life on the front is deprived of a worthlessness of secular life, they are not

are the heroes of secular intrigues, they do not cause anyone to duel and

no one kill anyone, but their animal existence, formal

presence on the battlefield, their monstrous despotism we regard

as an incomparably more serious crime.

But back to the brilliant Petersburg. It is certainly not compared with

Borodin: whirlwinds of secular gossip and intrigue in full swing, but

no one recalls those who go to death for the sake of conservation

nice to life of the world, for the sake of conservation of the court tinsel.

Some "advanced" members of a secular society trying

diversify the life of the court nobility, impose no one you need

innovations: "Secret Masonic Organizations" appear.

Realism L.N. Tolstoy satirically ridicules "important religious

masons ", stigma shame such a pastime. What you can

to say about organizations, if the head of the Mason's logs was

tsar Alexander II?

Pierre Lesukov, who, at first, carried away by the ideas of Masons,

but then realizing their inconsistency leaves the organization, L.N.

Tolstoy calls people to keep another lifestyle, to

the desire to be useful society, and not leave real life

the problem of the modern society to him.

L.N. Tolstoy, as a realist writer, tearing off "All and all sorts of masks" with

"existers", calls on advanced people to break with courtiers

research, keep up with the century, have a clear goal in front of you.

So Pierre Duhov, whose mental searches have undergone large and

difficult changes becomes a fighter for the best life. In the end

novel he is already as we assume a member of one of

secret societies. He firmly sure that the advanced people of his time

must be with them. And indeed it is. By content

novel - it felt that if the prince Andrei Volkonsky would be alive,

then his place, the place of the real fighter-Patriot, who gave his

a great life for the liberation of the native land would be on

Senate Square, together with the Decembrists.

The effect of the novel, the search for the meaning of life by the best representatives

the nobility reveal the new topic in the work of L .. Tolstoy - theme

decembrism, the topic set by real life.

Huge merit L.N. Tolstoy lies in the fact that he is like no one

another, managed to show the growth of an advanced man of his era, his

thoughts, feelings, experiences. L.N. Tolstoy and his brilliant

works will always live in the hearts of people.

176. "Natasha Rostov and Marya Bolkonskaya"

Quadomatinist Lion Tolstoy "War and Peace" - Grand Overground

more than five hundred: from Napoleon, Alexander 1, Kutuzov to ordinary

russian men, burghers, merchants. Each acting face in the novel,

even even a secondary, interestingly,

unique fate who received special importance in the world

renal events.

And Emperor Alexander, and claimed world domination

Napoleon, and illiterate fortress man Plato Karataev

unusual worldview.

Speaking of "War and the World", it is impossible, of course, not to say about the main characters

romana: Andrei Volkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Princess Mary, family

Growth. Their inner world, constant work on oneself,

relationships with other active persons of the novel make

think about many things.

About female images in nineteenth century novels

talking "captivating". It seems to me that Natasha Rostova and Princess

Marya is suitable exactly this definition, despite his whole


As not like seem to be thin, mobile,

graceful Natask and clumsy, ugly, uninteresting Marya

Bologna! Natasha Rostov - the personification of love, life, happiness,

youth and female charms. Princess Bolkonskaya - Sad,

unattractive, scattered girl who and marriage

it can only count only thanks to its wealth.

Yes, and the characters of both tolstsky heroines are not at all similar.

Princess Mary, brought up by the example of its. Gore

an arrogant and incredulous father, and herself soon becomes such.

Its secrecy, restraint in the expression of own feelings and

congenital nobility is inherited and daughter. Natasha Same

trucking, immediacy, emotionality.

Old Count Ilya Andreich good-natured, rustling, loves to laugh

from the soul, in the house of growth is always noisy and fun, many guests,

which sincerely love this chickens. In the family of growth

children do not just love natural parental love, but also

pleight, do not restrain their independence and freedom.

Mutual understanding in this family amazing, members understand each

Friend with a half-clow, not insulting even little pet and Natasha

suspicion or disrespect, which you can't tell about the prince

Volkonsky in relation to the frivolous Mary. Princess is afraid of his father,

does not dare to make a step without his knowledge, do not obey him, even when

that is wrong. Marya, a hot loving his father, can not, fear

call an explosion of father's wrath, even to climb or kiss it.

Her life, still young and non-gentle girl, very hard.

Natashino existence is only occasionally overshadowed by funny

music offense. Natasha's mother is her best friend. Daughter tells

she is about all his joys, sadness, doubts and disappointments. In them

sincere evening conversations have something touching. Close

Natasha and with brother Nikolai, and with his cousina Sonya. And Prinja

Maryia All consolation is the letters of Julie Karagina, which Marya and

knows more by letters. In its solitude, the princess comes closer

with his companion Mr. Bourienne. Forced pickup

the hard character of the father and the dreamy nature of Marya itself make her

deep. God for the Princess Volkonskaya becomes everyone in life: her

assistant, mentors, strict judge. At times it becomes

embarrassing your own earthly actions and thoughts, and she dreams

devote yourself to god, go somewhere far away

free from all sinful and alien.

Natasha such thoughts do not come to mind. She cheerful, cheerful

and full of energy. Her youth, beauty, unwitting coquetry and

it is impossible not to admire. Her freshness, grace, poetic appearance,

simplicity and direct communication contrasts with

a porch and unnaturality of the manner of secular ladies and a young lady.

On the first ball, Natasha is noticed. Andrei Bolkonski suddenly

understands that this young girl, almost a girl turned over his whole

life, filled it with a new meaning that everything he had previously believed

important and necessary, does not have any meaning for him.

Natasha's love makes it still charming, charming and

unique. Happiness about which she dreamed so much, overwhelms her

Princess Marya does not have a similar all-consuming feeling of love for

one person, so she tries to love everyone, still

it spends a lot of time in prayers and everyday worries. Soul her like

and Natashina, waiting for love and ordinary female happiness, but

princess is not recognized even to himself. Its restraint I.

patientity helps her in all life difficulties.

It seems to me that, despite the external nobility, dissolute

characters, data not only by nature, but also formed under

the influence of the conditions in which Natasha Rostov and Princess lived

Marya, these two women have a lot in common.

the world, the inner beauty that Pierre loved in Natasha

Andrei Bolkonsky and whom Nikolai Rostov admires

in his wife.

Natasha and Marya are completely given to each of his feeling, whether

joy or sadness. Their spiritual impulses are often selfless and

noble. They both think about others close and loved ones

people than about themselves.

For the Princess Marya God all his life remained the ideal to which

her soul sought. But Natasha, especially in difficult periods of their

life (for example, after history with Anatoly Kuragin), was given

the feeling of worship before the Most High and Almighty. They are obheim

i wanted moral purity, spiritual life where there would be no place

insults, malice, envy, injustice, where everything would be elevated

and fine.

In my opinion, the word "femininity" is largely determined by human

the essence of the Heroine Tolstoy. It is Natasino charm, tenderness,

passion, and beautiful, filled with some inner light,

radish eyes Marya Bolkonskoe.

Lion Tolstoy speaks about the eyes of his favorite heroines especially. Princess

Maria they are "big, deep", "always sad", "more attractive

beauty. "Natasha's eyes" lively "," beautiful "," laugh ",

"Attentive", "good." It is said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul,

Natasha and Maryi they are in fact reflection of them

inner world.

Family Life Maryia and Natasha is the perfect marriage,

strong family relationship. Both tolstoy heroines devote themselves

husbands and children, giving all their spiritual and physical powers

raising children and creating a home coat. I think Natasha

(now NUHOVOV), and Marya (Rostov) are happy in family life,

happy happiness of your children and beloved husbands.

Tolstoy emphasizes the beauty of their heroin in the new quality for them

Loving wife and tender mother. Of course, you can not accept

"Grounding", "Oblost" poetic and adorable Natasha. But she

considers himself happy, dissolved in children and husband, and therefore

"Questionnament" at all and not care for Natasha, but just a new

the period of her life. After all, today it is still arguing about the appointment of a woman, about

her roles in society. And the Tolstsky solution to this problem, I think -

one of the options.

Striking the influence of both women on their husbands, their

understanding, mutual respect and love.

I believe that the princess of Marya and Natasha have reached not only

blood, but in spirit. Fate accidentally reduced them together, but both of them

they realized that each other was close, and therefore became real friends.

Even more than just friends, Natasha and Princess Marya,

to mine, became spiritual allies with their impassive

the desire to do good and carry the light, beauty and love to people.

Everyone who sincerely wanted truth, he is already terribly strong ...


Great works of art - and the novel "Teen" is definitely one of the tops of domestic and world literature - they have an indisputable property that they claimed the author of the Teenager, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, - always modern and pressing.True, in conditions of ordinary everyday life, we sometimes do not even notice the constant powerful impact of literature and art on our minds and hearts. But in those or more times, this truth suddenly becomes apparent to us, which does not require any evidence. Recall at least, for example, about the truly nationwide, state and even in the full sense of the word - the world-historical sound, which found during the Great Pivot Pushkina, Lermontov, Tyutchev, Bloka ... Lermontov "Borodino" with his immortal-patriotic: " Guys! NOT Moscow, for us?! .. "Or Gogol" Taras Bulba "with his future as a word-prophecy on the immortality of the Russian spirit, about the strength of the Russian partnership, which will not overcome any enemy strength, - really found the power and significance of spiritual and moral Weapons of our people. Many works of Russian classical literature and abroad were completely renovated in that epoch. For example, in the countries of the Anti-Hitler coalition during the war, the edition of the Epopea of \u200b\u200bLion Tolstoy "War and Peace" went out with the cards of Napoleonic and Hitler's invasions, which "suggested an analogy between the failure of the Napoleonic campaign to Moscow and the upcoming defeat of the German fascist army ... the main thing is that in the novel Tolstoy ... There was a key to understanding the spiritual qualities of Soviet people who defend their homeland. "

Of course, all these examples of plenty, civil, patriotic sound of the classics in the conditions of extreme. But - after all, it is still facts.Real historicalfacts.

And, however, "teenager", which will be discussed, according to his public civil charge - is obvious - not "Borodino", not "Taras Bulba" and not "War and Peace" or "What to do?" Chernyshevsky or, say, "Quiet Don" Sholokhov. Is not it?

We have been ordinary before, I almost said - family, although it is rather a must-minded, with elements of a detective, but still a fairly ordinary story, and it seems no more.

In fact, twenty years ago, the twenty-five-year-old Andrei Petrovich Versilov, a person educated, proud, full of great ideas and hopes, was suddenly a suddenly eighteen-year-old Sofia Andreevna, his yard, fifty-year-old Makara Ivanovich Dolgoruky. Children of Versilov and Sophia Andreevna, Arkady and Lisa, recognized the Dolgoruky with his name, gave them their surname, and himself, with Suma and the Staff, went to a party according to Russia in search of the truth and meaning of life. With this, essentially, the goal is sent to wander around Europe versilov. Having survived a lot of political and love passions and hobbies for twenty years, and at the same time, and trambled three inheritance, Versilov returns to Petersburg hardly with no poor, but with the species to find the fourth, winning the process of princes Sokolsky.

It comes from Moscow to St. Petersburg and the young nineteen-year-old Arkady Makarovich, who, for the unfortunate his life, has already accumulated a lot of offend, painful questions, hopes. Comes - openfather: After all, he, in essence, for the first time will meet with Andrei Petrovich Versilov. But not only the hope of finding finally the family, the father entails him to St. Petersburg. In the lining of the Sutuka, the teenager is stitched and something material is a kind of document, or rather, a letter to him with an unknown young widow, the generals of Ahmakova, the daughter of the old prince Sokolsky. A teenager knows for sure - both Versilov, and Ahmakova, and maybe someone would have given a lot in order to get this letter. So Arkady, going to finally rush in the real, as it seems to him, life, in the life of the Petersburg metropolitan society, has species to penetrate him not by a barrel, past the gazeznaya doorman, but straightly, the Lord of other people who are in his hands, or rather, So far, behind the lining of the surpetuka.

And so, almost throughout the novel, we intrigues the question: what is there still in this letter? But this (not the only one in the "teenager") intrigue - rather a more detective property, rather than moral, ideological. And this, you see, not at all that interest that pursues us, let's say, in the same "Tarasa Bulbe": will thereto endure inhuman torture? Will the old Taras leave from the shooting enemy? Or in the "quiet don" - to whom will the Grigory Melekhov, in the end, will be coming, on which shore will find the truth? Yes, and in the very novel, "Teenager" will end up in the end that nothing special, perhaps in the letter and will not be discovered. And we feel that the main interest is not at all in the content of the letter, but completely in the other: will the teenage of his conscience make it a letter for his own self-affirmation? Will he allow himself to become at least for the time of the Lord of the fate of the few people? And he has already become infected with the idea of \u200b\u200bhis own exclusivity, in it already managed to awaken the pride, the desire to try to taste himself, to the touch, all the benefits and temptations of this world. True - he is also a pure heart, even naive and direct. He did not accomplish anything else that His conscience would have died. He also has teenager shower:she is still open and good. But - find such an authority, happen only, the amazing soul impression - and it is equal and moreover by conscience- I will be ready to go to one or another dear life. Or - worse - learns to reconcile good and evil, truth and lies, beauty and disgrace, feat and betrayal, and even justify ourselves on conscience: not me-de alone, everyone is the same, and they live, but others and so flourish.

Impressions, temptations, surprises are new, adult , St. Petersburg life is literally overwhelming young Arkady Makarovich, so he is unlikely to be ready to completely perceive her lessons, to capture the facts of the facts who fell upon him, each of which is hardly an opening for him - their internal ties. The world, it begins to comply in the minds and feelings of a teenager pleasant and so many promising forms, then suddenly, as if collapsed by the time, reproaches Arkady Makarovich in Chaos, in thought of thoughts, perceptions, ratings.

What is this world in the novel of Dostoevsky?

Socially historical diagnosis, which put the Dostoevsky modern bourgeois-feudal society, and moreover, as always, - put in proportion to the futuretrying, and in many ways and sowing to solve the future results of its current state, this diagnosis was unlucky and even cruel, but also historically fair. "I am lulling not a master", - answered Dostoevsky to accusations that he was too thickened paint. What are the Dostoevsky, the main symptoms of the Society of Society? "In all the idea of \u200b\u200bdecomposition,for all apart ... even kids apart ... Society is chemically decomposed ", - He writes into the notebook of thought to the novel "Teenager". Growing murders and suicides. Family breakdown. Dominate random Family. Not families, but some marriage cohabitation. "Fathers drink, mother drink ... What generation can be born from drunks?"

Yes, the social diagnosis of society in the "Teenager" novel is predominantly given through the definition of the state of the Russian family, and this condition, for Dostoevsky, Takovo: "... Never a Russian family has not been more loosened, laid out ... as now. Where you will now find such "childhood and adolescence" that could be recreated in such a slight and distinct presentation, in which introduced, for example, to us hisepoch and his family Count Lion Tolstoy, or as in the "war and the world" him? Now this is not ... A modern Russian family is becoming more and more randomfamily.

A random family is a product and an indicator of the internal decomposition of society itself. And moreover, an indicator, indicative not only about the present, but also to an even greater measure drawing this state again - in proportion to the future: after all, "the main pedagogy, - rightly considered Dostoevsky, is the parent home," where the child receives the first impressions and lessons that form the child Its moral foundations, spiritual crepes, often for the whole of life.

What kind of "durability and maturity of beliefs" can be demanded of adolescents, "Asks Dostoevsky," when they are brought up in families, where "prevail ... impatience, rudeness, ignorance (despite their intelligence) and where almost everywhere, the present education is replaced only by inches denial from someone else's voice; Where material motives are dominant over all the highest idea; Where children are raised without soil, beyond the natural truth, in disrespect or indifference to the Fatherland and in the laugant contempt for the people ... - Are there any of this, from this, our young people will draw the truth and error of the direction of their first steps in life? .. "

Reflecting on the role of fathers in the education of the younger generation, Dostoevsky noticed that the majority of fathers try to fulfill their duties "as follows", that is, we are dressed, feed, give children to school, children finally come to the university, but with all that "Father here still" was not there, the family was not, the young man enters into his life as a finger, he did not live in his heart, his heart was not connected with his past, with a family, with childhood. " And this is even at best. As a rule, the memories of adolescents were poisoned: they "remember to deep old age the farewell fathers, disputes, accusations, bitter apartments and even curses on them ... and, worse, sometimes remember fatness of fathers, low actions due to the achievement of places, money, Naval intrigues and vile robality. " The majority "takes themselves not one dirt with themselves memoriesand the most dirt ... "And, most importantly," there is nothing in common, "there is nothing" binding themselves. " There is no great thought ... There is no great faith in their hearts in such a thought. " "There is no great idea in society," and therefore "no citizens". "There is no life in which most people would participate," and therefore there is no common cause. Everyone crashed on a handful, and everyone is busy with their own business. There is no way in society manualconnecting ideas. But just almost everyone has its own idea. Even by Arkady Makarovich. Seductive, not a petty one: the idea to become Rothschild. No, not just rich or even very rich, but it was Rothschild - this is an unfair prince of this world. True, for a start at Arkady, only there is that a planned letter, but by playing them, if anything can already be achieved. And Rothschild is not immediately Rothschild became. So it is important to decide on the first step, and there it will go.

"No higher idea can exist neither a man nor a nation", -approves Dostoevsky in the "Diary of the Writer" for 1876, as if attending and continuing the problems of the "Teenager". In society, incapable to develop such an idea, and dozens and hundreds of ideas for themselves are born, the ideas of personal self-affirmation. Rothschild (bourgeois in essence) The idea of \u200b\u200bthe power of money and attractive for the unnecessary essential moral foundations of the consciousness of the teenager, that it does not require a genius for his achievement. It requires, for a start, only one - the refusal of clearly distinguishing the face of good and evil.

In the world of destroyed and destroyable values, relative ideas, skepticism, and tents in the main convictions - the heroes of Dostoevsky still seek, suffering and mistaken. "The main idea," writes Dostoevsky back in the preparatory notebooks to the novel. - Teen though comes with a finished idea, but the whole idea of \u200b\u200bthe novel is that he is looking for a leadership of behavior, good and evil, which is not in our society ... "

Without the highest idea, it is impossible to live, and the society has no higher ideas. As one of the heroes of the "Teenager", Kraft, "Moral Ideas now is not at all; Suddenly, no one turned out, and, most importantly, with this appearance, as if they were never ... this time ... This is the time of the golden middleness and insension ... the inability to the case and the needs of the whole ready. No one is thinking; Rarely, who would have survived the idea ... now we embrace Russia, the soil is depleted. There is a man with hope and put a tree - everyone laughs: "Do you live to him?" On the other hand, the wispness of good is involved in what will happen in a thousand years. The fastening idea is completely disappeared. Everything is accurate at the boring courtyard and tomorrow is going out from Russia; Everyone lives, if only it got ... "

This is the spiritual (more precisely, there is a bad courtyard) the state of the "inn" and impose a young, looking for solid foundations of life, teenage, ready ideas, like his "Rothschild" ideas, and more - like their own, born as if his own life experience .

In fact, the real reality of this world of moral relativism, the relativity of all values \u200b\u200bgives rise to a teenage skepticism. "Why, why do I certainly have to love my neighbor, - not so much as she claims how much young Arkady Dolgoruky has been provoked to refute his statements, - to love my neighbor or your mankind there, which will not know about me and which in turn still flashes without a trace and memories? .. "Angular question, known since biblical times:" There is no memory of the former; And about what will be, there will be no memory for those who will be after ... for who will lead it to look at what will happen after him? "

And if so, then the question of the young challenge of Arcadia Dolgoruky is true: "Tell me why I must certainly be noble, especially since everything lasts one minute? No, s, if so, then I will live in the most trample way for myself, and even if everything failed! " But a person, if he is a man, and not "insertion," - repeat once again the writer's cherished idea, - can not exist without a leading idea, without solid life. Losing faith in one, he still tries to find new and, without finding them, stops on the very first, striking his consciousness by the idea, if only she had imagined him really reliable. In the world of destroyed spiritual values, the consciousness of a teenager and finds out for themselves the most reliable, as it seems to him, the basis, the instrument of self-affirmation - money, for "this is the only way that also leads to even nothingness ... I, - a teenager philosophically, - maybe not Note, but I, for example, know, in the mirror that my appearance harms me, because my face is ordinary. But be rich as Rothschild, who will cope with my face, and not thousands of women, only horstov, will fall on me with your beauties? .. I maybe myself. But if I, I am a seven span in the forehead, will certainly be there a man in society in eight spans in the forehead - and I died. Meanwhile, be Rothschild, - Is it a clever thing in eight spans something beside me meaning? .. I may be a wit; But beside me Talleyran, Piron - I am darkened, and I'm a little Rothschild - where is Piron, maybe, where and where and Talleyuran? Money, of course, is a despotic power ... "

The author "Teenager" had an idea of \u200b\u200bthe true power of the power of the bourgeois idol, the Golden Taurus, a real, a living representative of which, a kind of "prophet and the governor" on earth, and was for Dostoevsky Rothschild. Not for one Dostoevsky, of course. The name of the Rothschild became a symbol of the spirit and meaning of the "world of this", that is, the world of bourgeois long to Dostoevsky. Rothschilds were betrayed on the blood of the peoples of those lands, where they came to master them the power of money. In the era of Dostoevsky, James Rothschild (1792 - 1862) was used by the greatest fame (1792 - 1862), so much stuck in cash speculation and state-owned degree, that the name of the Rothschilds and became nominative.

The power of the true "king" of the bourgeois world was written by Heinrich Heine in the book "To the history of religion and philosophy in Germany", first published in Russian in the journal Dostoevsky "Epoch". "If you, the dear reader," wrote Heine, "... Lafite will go to the street, in the house 15, you will see how a thick man comes out of a heavyweight carriage. It rises the stairs upstairs into a small room, where young blondes sits, in the Barkaya, the aristocratic disregard of which is something so sustainable, so positive, so absolute as if all the money of this world is in his pocket. And in fact, all the money of this world lie in his pocket. The name of his Monsieu James de Rothschild, and a fat man is Monsignor G. Gramaldi, his messenger of His Holiness Pope, on behalf of whom he brought interest on Roman loan, Dan Rome.

No less impressive history found out Dostoevsky and from the book of Herzen "Pedoy and Duma". Forced to leave Russia Herzen the Tsarist Government refused to issue money under his Kostroma estate. Herzen advised to seek advice to Rothschild. And the omnipotent banker did not fail to demonstrate his power, to show what is called, who is called the true "Prince of this world." The emperor was forced to give up this power.

"Tsar Judaisky," Herzen writes, "sat calmly at his table, watched the paper, wrote something on them, right all millions ...

Well, what, - he said, turning to me, are satisfied? ..

In a month or a half tight on the payment of the St. Petersburg merchant of the 1st Guild Nikolai Romanov, frightened ... paid, by the greatest command of the Rothschild, illegally detained money with interest and interest percentage, justifying the ignition of laws ... "

How not to become Rothschild is an ideal, idol for a young consciousness that has no higher idea, in the world of universal precincts of beliefs, the relativity of spiritual values? Here, at least, it is really "something sustainable, so positive, so absolute", which, continuing the idea of \u200b\u200bArkady Dolgoruky about the insignificance of the great world of this, all these pirons and Talleyranov in front of Rothschild, can be said and more than one thing: A little Rothschild And where is the Pope and even where is the Russian autocratic? ..

"Rothschild idea" teenager, the idea of \u200b\u200bpower of money - really higherand really guidelineidea bourgeois consciousnessmastering young Arkady Lorvayevik was, by convincing Dostoevsky, one of the most seductive and all-time ideas of the century.

Dostoevsky reveals in the novel not so much social, economic and the likeness of this idea how many moral and aesthetic nature. Ultimately, it is nothing but the idea of \u200b\u200bthe power of nullity over the world, and above all - over the world of true spiritual values. True, Dostoevsky quite aware that it was in this nature of ideas and lies largely by the power of her seductivity. So, the young hero of the novel admits: "I liked a terrible to imagine a creature, it is inflated and the middle, standing in front of the world and saying to him with a smile: you are Galilee and Copernicus, Charles Great and Napoleon, you are Pushkin and Shakespeare ... And here I am notching and illegality, and yet above you, because you ourselves obeyed it. "

Dostoevsky reveals in the novel and direct connections of the Roshtilla's idea of \u200b\u200ba teenager with the psychology of social, moral damage, the inferiority of Arkady Makarovich as one of the consequences of the "random family", spiritual non-trap.

Will the strength of the teenager to rise over mediocrity, overcome the harmfulness of consciousness, to defeat the temptation of the ideal of the Golden Taurus? He still doubts; Clean soul still question, still recovers the truth. Maybe even because he strives to St. Petersburg, to the version, which hopes to find in it father.Not legal, but first of all - spiritual. He needs a moral authority that would answer him at his doubt.

What will offer him versilov? - The man is the clearer, educated, man ideas;a person in the mind and experience, as was found by Dostoevsky, is not lower than Chaadaev or Herzen. And the teenager is also coming and other, no less serious meetings with people ideas. Roman Dostoevsky and there is, in a sense, - peculiar walkingteenager in ideological and moral flour in search of truth, in search of a great leadership idea.

As you can see, even seemingly a full-detective story with a letter to turn suddenly the most important public, civil problem: the problem of the first moral act, determining the Spirit and the meaning of the only subsequent life path of the young man, the problem of conscience, good and evil. Problem - how to live, what to do in the name of what? Ultimately, the problem of future fate of the country, "For teenagers are constructed generations", "The novel" Teenager "is completed with this thought-warning.

Family thought will result in the thought of folk, world-historical significance; Thought about the paths of formation of the spiritual and moral foundations of Russia of the future.

Yes, we repeat again, the socio-practical idea did not become dominious for Arkady, but at the same time it was she who was shaken in the mind of his faith of his faith in the "Rothschild idea" as in the only real and the most famous.

Especially amazing the teenager's idea of \u200b\u200bcraft, after all, after all, a completely young thinker who mathematicallybrought out the Russian people there are a secondary people and that he was not given in the future no independent role in the fate of mankind, but it is intended only to serve material for the activities of another, "more noble" tribe. Therefore, - solves Kraft, - and there is no point in living as Russian. Teenager's idea crafting is striking that he suddenly convinces in truth: a smart, deep, sincere person can suddenly belong to the absolute and destructive idea, as in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Great. In the mind, he should, naturally, compare it with his own idea; He can't not wonder: but not the same thing happened and with him himself? The idea that a personal life idea is only then can be truly great when it is at the same time and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe total concerning the fate of the people, all of Russia, is this thought is perceived by a teenager as a revelation.

Neither the smart kraft, nor naive arkadium can understand what we endure from Kraft experience, the readers of the novel: "Mathematical beliefs", under which Dostoevsky himself understood the beliefs of positivistic, built on the logic of the facts grated, without penetration in their idea, not Craised with the logic of moral beliefs - "mathematical beliefs are nothing," the author of the "Teenager" says. The positivistic, immoral convictions can lead to the monstrious perversions of thought and feelings, and the fate of Kraft is applied. What makes a teenager from his experience? He is not an immoral man. If all the case was only in this. Kraft itself is also a deeply honest and moral person, sincerely loving Russia, whoarlying her pains and troubles more than their personal.

The origins of such different apparent, but also so related in essence of their leadership ideas of Kraft and the most adolescent - in the descendant state of public life, which Kraft himself, remind, determines in the novel like this: "... Everyone lives, just happened to ... »To live the idea of \u200b\u200bthe" inn "craft is not capable of living. Another idea he does not find in real life. Can I live "just with him got" Arkady? His soul is confused, it requires if not ready, final response, then at least a guide board, moral support in the face of a living concrete person. His spirituallyneed a father. And Versilov seems to be even laughing at him, he does not take it seriously, in any case, is not in a hurry to help him answer the damned questions: how to live? What to do? In the name of what? Yes, and whether he has some higher goals, at least some kind of idea guiding them, at least, in any kind of moral beliefs for which a teenager says, "Each honest father should send the Son of His Son at least to death, like the ancient Horace Sons of his for the idea of \u200b\u200bRome."Living under the laws of the environment that increasingly delays him, Arkady still hopes for a different life in the name of the idea, on life-feat.It is still alive by the need of the feat and ideal. True, Versilov finally sets out their cherished idea, a kind of aristocratic democracy, whether the democratic aristocracy, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe need for consciousness or developing in Russia of some higher class, to which they would have to belong to both the most prominent representatives of the ancient genera and all other classes committed The feat of honor, science, valor, art, that is, according to his understanding, - all the best people in Russia should unite in unity, which will be the keeper of honor, science and the highest idea. But what is the idea that all these best people will have to keep, the estorist of the genus, thoughts and spirit? Versilov does not answer this question. Does not want or knows the answer?

But maybe a teenager would rather be drowned, more dream than the idea of \u200b\u200bVersilov? Perhaps she would get involved him - after all, this is something much higher than "would have happened to you", "live in our belly", "after us at least a flood", "Odnova we live" and the way that mature practical ideas of society in which Arkady lives. Maybe. But for this, he would need to believe first in Versilov himself, as in his father, as indeed in a person, honor, the feat, "Fanatics of the Higher, although hidden by imumption, ideas."

And finally, Versilov really reveals before his son, a teenager, as the "carrier of the Higher Russian Cultural Thought," according to his own definition. As Versilov himself knows - he doesn't just confess the idea, no - he already has an idea in itself. He, as a person, is a type of man who has historically created in Russia and unprecedented as the whole world - the type of global pain for all, for the fate of the whole world: "This is the type of Russian," he explains the son - ... I have the honor to belong to him. He keeps the future of Russia. We may be just a thousand ... But all Russia lived only for the time to produce this thousand. "

The utopia of the Russian Europeans Versilova may and should, according to his conviction, save the world from universal decomposition by moral thought about the possibility of living not for himself, but for all - about the "golden age" of the future. But the Versilovskaya idea of \u200b\u200bworld reconciliation, world harmony is deeply pessimistic and tragic, because, as the versilov himself confers, no one, besides him, in the whole world does not understand this idea: "I woken alone. I personally speak personally - I'm talking about Russian idea. " Versilov himself clearly recognizes the impiency and, therefore, the impracticality of his own idea, in any case, in the present, for both in Europe, and in Russia now - everyone in itself. And then Versilov puts forward a practical, although at the same time and no less utopian task as the first step towards the implementation of the dream of the "golden age", the task that has long worried about the consciousness and most Dostoevsky himself: "The best people must unite."

This thought is fascinating and young Arcadia. However, and is disturbed by him: "And the people? .. What is the appointment? - He asks his father. - You are only a thousand, and you say - humanity ... "And this question is Arkady - an obvious testimony of serious inner mature and his thoughts, and his own as a person: because it is - on the conviction of Dostoevsky - the main question for the younger generation, From the response to which in many respects will depend on the future development of Russia: whom to consider "the best people" - the nobility, the financial and rothschild oligarchy or the people? Versilov clarifies: "If I am proud that I am a nobleman, then it is like a pioneer of the great thought", and not as a representative of a certain social advantage of society. "I believe," he continues, responding to the question of Arkady about the people, - which is not far from the time when the same nobleman, as I, and the consciousness of my highest idea, will be the whole people Russian. "

And the question of Arkady, and the answer of Versilov in the novel of Dostoevsky - it does not happen by chance and have for both not a purely theoretical meaning. The problem of the people arises in the novel in the conversation of Versilov with her son in direct connection with a particular person - the peasant Makar Dolgorukh. Dostoevsky did not put the task of opening a new hero in Russian literature. He perfectly gave himself aware that his Makar would make not so much the impression of surprises, how much is the recognition, typological relatives with Nekrasovsky Vlas, to some extent with the Tolstsky Plato Karataev, but above all - with his own "Male Mare". The artistic and ideological discovery of Dostoevsky was in other: a man, a former serf version, in the novel of Dostoevsky, was raised with the highest cultural type. And moreover, not just with a general humanistic point of view - as a person, but as a person of ideas, as a personality type.

Versilov is the European Skitalets with the Russian soul, ideologous homeless and in Europe, and in Russia. Makar is a Russian wanderer who went to walk in Russia to know the whole world; He is all Russia and even the whole Universe is a house. Versilov is the highest cultural type of Russian man. Makar is the highest moral type of Russian man from the people, a kind of "People's Holy". Versilov - Russian extension of global "disgrace", decomposition, chaos; The idea of \u200b\u200bVersilov and opposes this disgrace. Makar is a living embodiment of just a positiveness, he, in the idea of \u200b\u200bDostoevsky, as if wearing in himself now, in the present, the "golden age", about which Versilov dreams as a distant goal of humanity.

The main direction of the central heads of the novel and is created by a dialogue between Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky and Andrei Petrovich Versilov. This dialogue is not direct, it is mediated by Arkady, it is conducted through it. But it is even not only a dialogue, but the real battle of two fathers - the reception and actual - for the soul, for the consciousness of the teenager, the battle for the future generation, and therefore for the future of Russia.

Household, purely family situation in the novel has a different, broader socio-historical content. Versilov is an ideologist, a carrier of the Higher Russian Cultural Thought, the Western Direction - did not manage to understand Russia in Russia, tried to understand her through Europe, as it happened, according to Dostoevsky's ideas, with Herzen or morally - with Chaadaev. No, he was not going to reproduce the actual features of the fate and the personality of Herzen or Chaadayev, but their spiritual quest was reflected in the novel in the very idea of \u200b\u200bVersilov. In the appearance or in the type of Makara Ivanovich, Delukov should have been, according to the thought of Dostoevsky, to embody the old idea of \u200b\u200bthe Russian folk elder. He is the type, the image of the faithful to the people. Unlike Versilov, Makar Ivanovich is looking for the truth not in Europe, but in Russia itself. Versilov and Makar Ivanovich is a peculiar division of one Russian idea to answer the question of the future fate of Russia: it's not by chance in the novel from both one wife, their mother as if a single child is a future generation. To only present this kind of symbolic, or rather, the socio-historical meaning of this "family" situation, recall one extremely indicative thought of Herzen, which did not pass by the attention of Dostoevsky and artistically reflected in the "Teen" novel:

"They and we have, that is, Slavophiles and Westerners," Herzen wrote in the "bell", "sank from an early age one strong ... a passionate feeling ... a sense of limitless, covering all existence, love to the Russian people, Russian life, to a warehouse Madness ... They were all love, all tenderness moved to the oppressed mother ... We were on the hands of the French governess, it's too late that our mother was not she, and the drunk peasant ... We knew that her happiness was ahead that under her heart ... - Our little brother ... "

Versilov - Environmental with a Russian soul - and is now tried to spiritually, morally find this peasant and the child she wore under her heart.

And, apparently, neither the idea of \u200b\u200bVersilov, the Russian Europeans who does not separate the Russian fate from the fate of Europe, hoping to reconcile, to unite the love of Russia in his idea with love for Europe, nor the idea of \u200b\u200bMakar Ivanovich, in itself, will not give a response to a teenager on His question of life: What to do him, personally him? It is unlikely that he will go, like Versilov, find the truth to Europe, as he will not go, obviously, a weird in Russia after Makar Ivanovich. But, of course, the lessons of spiritual, ideological quest for the other will not be able to not postpone the imprint on his young soul, on his only still forming consciousness. We can not, of course, to imagine the influence of even impressive moral lessons as something straight and momentary. This is the movement of the inner, sometimes fraught with disrupts, and new doubts, and drops, but still inevitable. And the teenager will still have the temptation to Lambert, decide on the monstrous moral experiment, - but when he saw his result, a soul, conscience, the consciousness of Arkady Makarovich still shudder, they will be ashamed, they will be offended for a teenager, they will hide him to a moral decision, to the act on conscience.

"The Thought of People's" and "Family Thought" in the novel L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The problem of the role of the people and personality in history.

With his giant volume of "war and peace", it may impress chaoticness, scattering and incompleteness of many characters, plot lines, all diverse content. But the brightness of a thick-artist in that manifested that all this huge content is imbued with a uniform thought, the concept of the life of the human community, which is easy to coal with thoughtful, attentive reading.

The genre of "war and the world" is defined as a novel-epic. What is the meaning of this definition? Through the infinite set of fate of the many people taken in various circumstances of life: in military and peacetime, in youth and in old age, in contentment and in sorrow, in private and common, woven life - and woven into a single artistic integer, the main artistically mastered Book antithesis: Natural, simple and conditional, artificial in the life of people; Simple and eternal moments of human being: birth, love, death - and the meanness of the world, the length of society, property differences. The author of the "War and Peace" was reproached in a fatalistic understanding of history and life in general, but in his book characteristic of the ancient, classical epic, the concept of fate, rock is replaced by the concept of life in its natural flow and spilling, in the eternal update. No wonder in the novel so much metaphor associated with the ever-changing water elements.

There are "War and the World" and the main, key verbal-artistic "image". Under the impression of communicating with Plato Karataev, the incarnation of all eternal and round, Pierre sees a dream. "And suddenly, Piener introduced himself as a living, long-forgotten meek old man, who taught Pierre Geography in Switzerland.

"Wait," said the old man. And he showed Pierre Globe. This globe was a lively, the hesitating ball without sizes. The whole surface of the ball consisted of droplets, tightly compressed. And these drops all moved, moved, and they merged out of several into one, then from one were divided into many. Each drop sought to spill, capture the greatest space, but others, striving, besides, squeezed it, sometimes they destroyed, sometimes merged with her.

Here is life, "said the old man. "As it is simply clear," Pierre thought. "Said I could not know this before ... So he, karataev, and frightened and disappeared." Such an understanding of life is optimistic pantheism, philosophy, identifying God with nature. The god of the author of "War and Peace" is all life, all being. Such philosophy determines the moral estimates of the heroes: the goal and happiness of a person - to achieve a roundness of a drop and spill, merge with everyone, to join everything and everyone. The closest to this ideal is Plato Karataev, no wonder he is given the name of the great ancient Greek sage, standing at the origins of the world philosophical thought. Many representatives of the nobility-aristocratic light, especially the court circle depicted in the novel, are not capable of it.

The main heroes "of war and the world come precisely to this, they overcome the Napoleonic egoism in the time described in the romance with the banner of the era and finally become a novel during the Scripture. By the way, then wrote" Crime and Punishment "and Dostoevsky. The main characters overcome Castly closedness and proud unit. And in the center of Roman Tolstoy puts such characters, the movement of which on this path flows particularly dramatically and straightenfully. This is Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre and Natasha.

For them, this drawn drama path is the road of acquisitions, enrichment of their personality, deep spiritual discoveries and insights. A little on from the center of the novel, there are characters of the second plan, which they lose more on this path. This is Nicholas Rostov, Princess Marya, Petya. The periphery of the "war and the world" fill numerous figures, for one reason or another are not able to get up on this path.

By the same principle, numerous women's characters "War and Peace" are depicted. The answer to this question will be concrete, i.e. It is necessary to just know and retell the text, the content of the novel, to look for some special ideological concept here. Tolstoy created images of Natasha and Sony, the princes of Mary and the "Brying", the beauties of Helen and the old Anna Pavlovna in the era of the 60s, at the same time with the Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?", In which the ideas of female freedom and equality are most fully and consistently expressed. Men. All this is Tolstoy, naturally, rejected, looked at the woman in the patriarchal spirit.

The problem of the role of the people and personality in history.

With his giant volume of "war and peace", it may impress chaoticness, scattering and incompleteness of many characters, plot lines, all diverse content. But the brightness of a thick-artist in that manifested that all this huge content is imbued with a uniform thought, the concept of the life of the human community, which is easy to coal with thoughtful, attentive reading.

The genre of "war and the world" is defined as a novel-epic. What is the meaning of this definition? Through the infinite set of fate of the many people taken in various circumstances of life: in military and peacetime, in youth and in old age, in contentment and in sorrow, in private and common, woven life - and woven into a single artistic integer, the main artistically mastered Book antithesis: Natural, simple and conditional, artificial in the life of people; Simple and eternal moments of human being: birth, love, death - and the meanness of the world, the length of society, property differences. The author of the "War and Peace" was reproached in a fatalistic understanding of history and life in general, but in his book characteristic of the ancient, classical epic, the concept of fate, rock is replaced by the concept of life in its natural flow and spilling, in the eternal update. No wonder in the novel so much metaphor associated with the ever-changing water elements.

There are "War and the World" and the main, key verbal-artistic "image". Under the impression of communicating with Plato Karataev, the incarnation of all eternal and round, Pierre sees a dream. "And suddenly, Piener introduced himself as a living, long-forgotten meek old man, who taught Pierre Geography in Switzerland.

"Wait," said the old man. And he showed Pierre Globe. This globe was a lively, the hesitating ball without sizes. The whole surface of the ball consisted of droplets, tightly compressed. And these drops all moved, moved, and they merged out of several into one, then from one were divided into many. Each drop sought to spill, capture the greatest space, but others, striving, besides, squeezed it, sometimes they destroyed, sometimes merged with her.

Here is life, "said the old man. "As it is simply clear," Pierre thought. "Said I could not know this before ... So he, karataev, and frightened and disappeared." Such an understanding of life is optimistic pantheism, philosophy, identifying God with nature. The god of the author of "War and Peace" is all life, all being. Such philosophy determines the moral estimates of the heroes: the goal and happiness of a person - to achieve a roundness of a drop and spill, merge with everyone, to join everything and everyone. The closest to this ideal is Plato Karataev, no wonder he is given the name of the great ancient Greek sage, standing at the origins of the world philosophical thought. Many representatives of the nobility-aristocratic light, especially the court circle depicted in the novel, are not capable of it.

The main heroes "of war and the world come precisely to this, they overcome the Napoleonic egoism in the time described in the romance with the banner of the era and finally become a novel during the Scripture. By the way, then wrote" Crime and Punishment "and Dostoevsky. The main characters overcome Castly closedness and proud unit. And in the center of Roman Tolstoy puts such characters, the movement of which on this path flows particularly dramatically and straightenfully. This is Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre and Natasha.

For them, this drawn drama path is the road of acquisitions, enrichment of their personality, deep spiritual discoveries and insights. A little on from the center of the novel, there are characters of the second plan, which they lose more on this path. This is Nicholas Rostov, Princess Marya, Petya. The periphery of the "war and the world" fill numerous figures, for one reason or another are not able to get up on this path.

By the same principle, numerous women's characters "War and Peace" are depicted. The answer to this question will be concrete, i.e. It is necessary to just know and retell the text, the content of the novel, to look for some special ideological concept here. Tolstoy created images of Natasha and Sony, the princes of Mary and the "Brying", the beauties of Helen and the old Anna Pavlovna in the era of the 60s, at the same time with the Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?", In which the ideas of female freedom and equality are most fully and consistently expressed. Men. All this is Tolstoy, naturally, rejected, looked at the woman in the patriarchal spirit.

He embodied his ideals of women's love, family, parental happiness not only in the nature and fate of Natasha, the most bright of all characters (including the male) expressing his idea of \u200b\u200bthe "real life", but also reality, marrying in 1862 on young Sophie Andreevna Bers. And it is necessary to admit with regret that the "us elevation" of the image of Natasha turned out to be much more nice and the looks of the "theme of the low truth" of the family drama Tolstoy. In spite of the fact that Tolstoy felt focused on the young wife in the spirit of his ideals, the most that you convince us when reading the "war and the world", the wife of the great writer, and then the grown numerous children made the last thirty years of life in thick unbearable. And how many times he made the decision to get away from them!

It can be said that "the real life" with her "fancy, surprises, sudden whims and whims - what makes any female nature, it turned out to be even more" real "than the thicker assumed. And no matter what comes About the frost and meek princess Marya or doried, winningly confident in his power of Helen. Very soon after writing "War and the World", life has shown its author that the extremes of female characters, so confidently divorced them on the scale of moral estimates (Natasha- "excellent" , Princess Marya - "mediocre", Helen - "Nepud") in reality can come together in the person of one, the closest, most beloved person - wife, the mother of three children. Thus, with all its depths and allows, the author's vital philosophy "War and The world "is quite schematic," Living Life "," the real life "is more difficult, richer, with her not to make a stroke of the pen at its discretion, at the request of artistic unity, as Tolstoy did, quickly" killing " It became unnecessary for his ideologous-moral construction such an attractive and invincible in his immorality of Helen. The idea of \u200b\u200b"real life" permeates and image of historical characters. The spirit of troops, which feels Kutuzov and who dictates strategic decisions to him, in fact, there is also a form of admission, mergers from the ever-flowing life. His antagonists - Napoleon, Alexander, scientists German generals are unable to do this. Simple, ordinary heroes of war - Tushin, Timokhin, Tikhon Shcherbaty, Vaska Denisov - do not seek to instill all humanity, because they are deprived of feelings of the individual who are already merged with this world.

The idea-an antithesis opened above, permeating the entire huge novel, is already expressed in his name, very capacious and multivalued. The second word of the name of the novel refers to the community of people, the whole people, the life of the whole world, in the world, with people as opposed to monastic solitude. Therefore, it is incorrect to think that the name of the novel indicates the alternation of military and peaceful, non-e-episodes. The above sense of the word world changes, expands the value and the first capital word: war - not only as a manifestation of malicity, but also in general the struggle of people, the life battle of detached, divided into atomic droplets of mankind.

In 1805, the Tolstovskaya epic opens, the human community dwells disunity, crushed to class, the noble light is alienated from the national whole. The culmination of this state is the Tilzite world, the continuing, fraught with a new war. The antithesis of this state is 1812, when "all the people wish they want" on the Borodino field. And further from 3 to 4 of the heroes of the novel turn out to be on the verge of war and the world, the point and the point of the transitions back and forth. They face a real, full life, with war and peace. Kutuzov says: "Yes, a lot reproached me ... and for war and for the world ... And everything came on time," and these concepts are associated with his lifestyles in a single capital lifestyle. In the epilogue, the initial state returns, again disunity in the highest estate and the highest class with a simple people. Pierre perturbs "Pigacity, settlements - the people are tormented, enlightening," he wants "independence and activities." Nikolay Rostov will soon "chop and chieve everything from the shoulder." As a result, "everything is too stretched and will certainly burst." By the way, Plato Karataev would not approve the sentiment of the two heroes remaining in living heroes, and Andrei Volkonsky would approve. And here is his son Nicholya, born in 1807, reads highly appreciated by the Decembrist Plutarch. His further fate is understandable. The epilogue of the novel is full of different opinions. Unity, admission remains the desired ideal, but the epilogue of Tolstoy shows how difficult path to it is difficult.

According to Sophia Andreevna, Tolstoy said that he loves in the "war and the world" "the thought of people", and in the "Anna Karenina" - "Family thought". It is impossible to understand the essence of both fat formulas without comparing these novels. Like Gogol, Goncharov, Dostoevsky, Leskov Tolstoy considered his age time, when in the world of people, among people there is a triumph, the disintegration of the common whole. And his two "thoughts", and two novels, how to return the lost integrity. In the first novel, as neither paradoxically sounds, the world connects the war, a single patriotic impulse against the general enemy, precisely against him individuals are connected to the whole people. In Anne Karenina, the separation of the cell of society is opposed to the family, the primary form of human association and admission. But the novel shows that in the era, when "everything was mixed", "everything was overgrown," the family was short-term, a fragile merger only strengthens the complexity towards the desired ideal of human unity. Thus, the disclosure of the "thought of people" in the "war and the world" is closely connected and largely determined by the Tolstsky response to the main question - "What is real life?"

As for the role of the people and personality in history, the solution of this issue is particularly badly clogged by Marxist-Leninist literary criticism. Tolstoy, as already mentioned, was often accused of historical fatalism (a look, according to which the outcome of historical events is pre-predetermined). But this unfairly Tolstoy insisted only that the laws of history are hidden from the individual human mind. His view of this problem very accurately expresses the famous quatrain Tyutchev (1866 - again the time of work on the "war and peace"):

"My mind is not understood

Arshin must not measure:

It has a special one -

You can only believe in Russia. "

For Marxism, not the crucial importance of popular masses as the engine of history and the inability of the personality to influence the story otherwise, except for attached to the tail of these masses, was an immutable law. However, to illustrate this "law" of the military episodes of the "War and the World" of the Military Episode. In his epopea, Tolstoy picks up the relay of the historical views of Karamzin and Pushkin. Both of them were extremely convincingly shown in their works (Karamzin in the "Story of the Russian State"), which, expressing the words of Pushkin, the case is a powerful tool of providence, i.e. fate. It is through random that the natural and necessary, and they are also recognized only by the rear date, after their action. And the personality carrier turns out to be a personality: Napoleon, who turned the fate of the whole of Europe, Tushin, who turned Shengraben's battle. That is, paraphrasing the famous saying, it can be said that if Napoleon was not, it would be worth in to invent, about the same way as "invented" his Tushina Tolstoy.