Analysis of the play Edward Alby "What happened in the zoo?". Stylistic analysis of monologic speech in the play of Edward Alby "What happened in the zoo" Edward Albi: "Unusual

Analysis of the play Edward Alby "What happened in the zoo?". Stylistic analysis of monologic speech in the play of Edward Alby "What happened in the zoo" Edward Albi: "Unusual

Central Park in New York, Summer Sunday Day. Two garden benches, standing opposite each other, behind them bushes, trees. Peter sits on the right bench, he reads a book. Peter years of forty with a little, it is completely common, wears a tweed suit and glasses in a horn frame, smokes the tube; And although it is already part of the middle age, the style of his clothes and the manner hold on almost youthful.

Jerry enters. He is also under forty, and he dressed not so much poorly, how much is slightly; Its once the tightened figure begins to turn fat. Jerry can not be called beautiful, but the traces of the former attractiveness are still quite clear. His heavy gait, the letters of movements are explained not to promiscuity, but immense fatigue.

Jerry sees Peter and starts a slight conversation with him. Peter first does not pay any attention to Jerry, then still answers, but the answers of his brief, differ and almost mechanized - he does not wait to return to the interrupted reading. Jerry sees that Peter is in a hurry to get rid of him, but continues to ask Peter about some trifles. Peter reacts poorly to the replicas of Jerry, and then Jerry shook himself and stopped at Peter, while he, confused, does not raise her eyes. Jerry offers to talk, and Peter agrees.

Jerry notes what a nice day, then declares that he was in the zoo, and that tomorrow everyone reads everything in the newspapers and see on TV. After all, Peter has a TV? Oh yes, Peter has even two televisions, a wife and two daughters. Jerry Poison notices that, obviously, Peter would like to have a son, but it didn't work out, and now the wife does not want to have children anymore ... In response to this remark, Peter boils, but quickly calms down. It is curious what happened in the zoo, as they write about the newspapers and show on television. Jerry promises to tell about this case, but at first he really wants to "truly" talk to a man, because he rarely have to talk to people: "Unless you say: give a mug of beer, or: where is the restroom, or: don't let the waist here , buddy, - Well, so on. " And on this day, Jerry wants to talk to a decent married man, to learn everything about him. For example, does he have ... uh ... dog? No, Peter Cats (Peter would prefer the dog, but the wife and daughters insisted on cats) and the parrots (each daughter in the one). And to feed the "this ohma" Peter serves in one small publishing house, which produces textbooks. He earns Peter one and a half thousand a month, but never carries with them more than forty dollars ("So ... if you ... a gangster ... ha ha ha! .."). Jerry begins to find out where Peter lives. Peter is first awkwardly twisted, but then it nervously admits that he lives at seventy fourth street, and notes Jerry that he talks so much as it passes. Jerry does not pay special attention to this remark, he dispersed with himself. And here Peter again reminds him of the zoo ...

Jerry absently answers what was there today, "and then went here," and asks Peter, "What is the difference between the average class and the lower-middle class"? Peter does not understand, and here it is. Then Jerry asking about Peter's favorite writers ("Bajler and Markend?"), Then suddenly declare: "You know what I did before going to the zoo? I went on foot the whole of the fifth Avenue - all the way on foot. " Peter decides that Jerry lives in Glinic-Williage, and this consideration, apparently, helps him understand something. But Jerry does not live at all in Glinic-Williage, he simply drove to him on the subway to walk to the zoo ("Sometimes a person should make a big hook to the side, so that the right and the shortest way to go back"). In fact, Jerry lives in an old four-story income house. He lives on the top floor, and his window goes to the courtyard. His room is a ridiculous close Camcor, where instead of one wall - a boarding partition, separating it from another ridiculous close camork, in which Black Pedic lives, he always, when pulls out his eyebrows, holds the door manifest: "He pulls out his eyebrows, wears kimono and goes to closet, that's all. " There are two more rooms on the floor: in one noisy family of Puerto Nationalans with a bunch of children, to another - someone who Jerry has never seen. This house is an affordable place, and Jerry does not know why he lives there. Perhaps because he has no wife, two daughters, cats and parrots. He has a razor and soap, some clothes, electric splash, dishes, two empty photo frames, several books, pornographic cards, an ancient typewriter and a small box-safe without a castle, in which sea goals that Jerry are collected more baby. And under the stones of the letter: "please" letters ("Please do not do that and then" or "please do something and then") and later "ever" letters ("When you write?" , "when will you come?").

Mother Jerry escaped from the daddy when Jerry was ten and a half years old. She went into the annual adulted tour of the southern states. And among other very many attachments of mommies, the most important and unchanged was pure whiskey. A year later, dear mommy gave God to God on some landfill in Alabama. Jerry and daddy learned about it before the new year. When the daddy returned from the south, he celebrated the New Year for two weeks in a row, and then Spyan got along the bus ...

But Jerry did not stay alone - there was Mamochka sister. He remembers little about her, unless the fact that she all did sternly - and slept, and ate, and worked, and prayed. And on that day, when Jerry graduated from school, she "suddenly rolled out right on the stairs at his apartment" ...

Suddenly, Jerry is unwinding that forgot to ask the name of his interlocutor. Peter appears. Jerry continues his story, he explains why within the framework there is not a single photo: "I have never met any lady more than once, and it did not occur to me to give me photos." Jerry admits that he could not make love with a woman more than once. But when he was fifteen years old, he had all a week and a half of the week with Buckle, the son of the park Storam. Perhaps Jerry was in love with him, and maybe just sex. But now Jerry really like pretty ladies. But for an hour. Not more...

In response to this recognition, Peter makes some kind of little distant remark on which Jerry responds unexpectedly aggressively. Peter also boils off, but then they ask each other for forgiveness and calm down. Then Jerry notices that Peter would be more interested in pornographic maps more than photo frames. After all, Peter has already seen such cards, or he had his own deck, which he threw it in front of marriage: "The boy has these cards serve as a replacement of practical experience, and adult practical experience replaces fantasy. But you seem to be more interested in what happened in the zoo. " At the mention of the Zoo, Peter is enlivened, and Jerry tells ...

Jerry talks about the house in which he lives. In this house, with each floor, the rooms are getting better. And the third floor lives a woman who all the time chokingly crying. But the story, in fact, about the dog and the hostess at home. The hostess of the house is fatty, stupid, dirty, evil, eternally drunk pile of meat ("You must have noticed: I avoid strong words, so I can not describe it as it should"). And this woman with his dog will fit Jerry. She always sticks out at the bottom of the stairs and watches Jerry to do no one in the house, and evenings, after another Pintta Gina, she stops Jerry and strives to squeeze into the corner. Somewhere on the edge of her bird brain, a vile parody of passion will move. And here Jerry is the subject of her lust. To dare aunt, Jerry says: "Is it not enough for yesterday's day before yesterday?" She sucks, trying to remember ... And then her face breaks up in a blissful smile - she remembers what it was not. Then she calls the dog and goes to her. And Jerry saved until the next meeting ...

So about the dog ... Jerry tells and accompanies his long monologue with almost continuous movement, hypnotically acting on Peter:

- (as if reading a huge poster) The story of Jerry and the dog! (Normal tone) This dog is a black monster: a huge muzzle, tiny ears, red eyes, and all the ribs discover outwards. He buried on me as soon as he saw, and from the first minute from this dog, I did not have peace. I am not Holy Francis: Animals are indifferent to me ... like people. But this dog was not indifferent ... Not that he rushed to me, no - he walked and persistently walked after, although I always managed to flush. So it continued for a whole week, and, oddly enough, only when I entered, - when I went out, he did not pay any attention to me ... Once I was thinking. And decided. First I will try to kill Psa kindness, and if it does not come out ... just kill. (Peter throws.)

On the other day I bought a whole kulk kitlet. (Next, Jerry's story depicts in the faces). I opened the door - he is already waiting for me. Tracked. I carefully entered and put the cutlets steps to ten from the dog. He stopped growling, sniffed and moved to them. Reached, stopped, looked at me. I smiled enjoying him. He sniffed and suddenly - gam! - attacked the cutlets. As if in life did not eat anything other than rotten cleanings. He burned everything, then sat down and smiled. I give a word! And suddenly - once! - How to throw me. But here he caught me. I ran to myself and began to think again. To tell the truth, I was very offensive, and I was angry. Six great boilers! .. I was just offended. But I decided to try again. You see, the dog clearly fell to me with antipathy. And I wanted to know if I could overcome her or not. Five days in a row I wore me the cutlets, and always repeated the same thing: he grieves, sniffing the air, it will fit, devoured, smile, grinds and - once - at me! I was just offended. And I decided to kill him. (Peter takes a pitiful protest attempt.)

Yes, do not be afraid you. I could not ... that day I bought only one cutlet and, as I thought, a deadly dose of rat poison. On the way home, I sashed the cutlet in my hands and mixed with the rat poison. I was both sad and disgusting. I open the door, I see it - sitting ... he, poor fellow, did not realize that while he smiles, I would always have time to flush. I put a poisoned cutlet, the poor dog swallowed her, smiled and once! - to me. But I, as always, rushed upstairs, and he, as always, did not catch up with me.

And then the dog is very sick!

I guessed because he did not lose me anymore, and the hostess suddenly rubbed. In the same evening, she stopped me, she even forgot about his vigilant lust and for the first time she opened his eyes wide. They turned out to be quite like a dog. She whipped and begged me to pray for a poor dog. I wanted to say: Madame, if you pray, so for all people in such houses, like this ... But I, Madame, I do not know how to pray. But ... I said that I will perplex. She threw her eyes on me. And suddenly she said that I was lying everything and, probably, I want a dog challenge. And I replied that I didn't want it at all, and it was true. I wanted the dog survived, not because I poisoned him. Frankly, I wanted to see how he would treat me. (Peter makes an indigrant gesture and shifts signs of increasing dislike.)

It is very important! We need to know the results of our actions ... Well, in general, the dogs breakdown, and the hostess again pulled on Jean - everything became like before.

After the PSU has become better, I went home from the cinema in the evening. I walked and hoped that the dog is waiting for me ... I was ... obsessed? .. Warring? .. I am not waiting for my heart pain again. (Peter looks at Jerry with a mockery.) Yes, Peter, with her friend.

So, I looked at each other. And since then it went. Each time, meeting, we froze with him, looked at each other, and then depicted indifference. We have already understood each other. The dog returned to a pile of rotten garbage, and I quickly went to myself. I realized that the kindness and cruelty only in combination learn to feel. But what of this sense? The pove and I came to a compromise: we do not love each other, but also do not offend, because we are not trying to understand. And here, tell me what I fed a dog, can be considered a manifestation of love? Or maybe the staned PSA bite me was also a manifestation of love? But if we are not given to understand each other, so why did we generally invented the word "love"? (Silence comes. Jerry comes up to the Peter bench and sits down near.) This is the end of the story about Jerry and the dog.

Peter is silent. Jerry suddenly changes the tone sharply: "Well, Peter? What do you think, can I type in the magazine and get a couple of hundreds? BUT?" Jerry cheerful and lively, Peter, on the contrary, alarmed. He is confused, he declares almost with tears in his voice: "Why do you tell me all this? I DID NOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING! I don't want to listen more! " And Jerry greedily peering in Peter, his fun arousal is replaced by sluggish apathy: "I don't know what I thought it ... Of course, you do not understand. I live not in your quarter. I am not married to two parrots. I am an eternal temporary tenant, and my house is a frozen room in the West Side, in New York, the greatest city of the world. Amen". Peter retreats, trying to joke, in response to his ridiculous jokes Jerry is forcibly laughing. Peter looks at the clock and going to leave. Jerry does not want Peter leaving. He first persuade him to stay, then begins to tickle. Peter is scary afraid of tickle, he resists, giggles and shouts with falsetto almost losing weight ... And then Jerry stops tickling. However, almost hysteria from testeing and inner tension with Peter - it laughs and can not stop. Jerry looks at him with a fixed mocking smile, and then utters a mysterious voice: "Peter, Want to know what happened in the zoo?" Peter stops laughing, and Jerry continues: "But first I will say why I got there. I went to look at how people behave with animals and how animals behave with each other and with people. Of course, this is quite approximately, since everyone is fenced off with lattices. But what do you want, this is the zoo "- with these words, Jerry pushes Peter in the shoulder:" Move! " "And continues, pushing Peter is stronger and stronger:" There were beasts and people, today, Sunday, there and children were fully [the stack in the side]. Today it is hot, and stench and cry there were decent, crowds of the people, the sellers of ice cream ... [again a post] "Peter begins to be angry, but obediently moves - and so he sits on the very edge of the bench. Jerry Pierce Tinlet by his hand, staring him from the bench: "Just fed the lions, and the watchman [Plipok] entered the cage to one lion. Want to know what happened next? [Plipok] "Peter is stunned and outraged, he calls Jerry to stop disgrace. In response, Jerry gently demands that Peter gone away from the bench and moved to another, and then Jerry, so be, will tell what happened next ... Peter is complaints about, Jerry, laughing, insults Peter ("Idiot! Upper! You Plant! Go Lie to Earth! "). Peter will boil in response, it seats more tightly on the bench, demonstrating that he will not leave anywhere: "There is no, to hell! Stop! Bench I will not give! And get away from here Won! I warn you, I will call Polisman! POLICE!" Jerry laughs and does not move from the bench. Peter exclaims with helpless indignation: "God's right, I came here to read quietly, and you suddenly take a bench. You are crazy". Then he is poured again with rage: "Well, away from my bench! I want to sit alone! " Jerry Jerry is podding over Peter, having broken it more and more: "You have everything you need - both the house, and a family, and even your own small zoo. You have everything in the world, and now you needed even this bench. Do people fight for it? You yourself do not know what you are saying. Stupid you man! You and the slightest idea have no other things about what others need. I need this bench! " Peter trembles from indignation: "I come here for many years. I am a solid man, I'm not a boy! This is my bench, and you do not have any right to select it with me! " Jerry causes Peter on a fight, encircling: "Then touch it. Protect yourself and your bench. "Jerry takes out and open the knife with a click. Peter is frightened, but before Peter time to figure out what to do, Jerry throws the knife to his feet. Peter is horrified chain, and Jerry rushes to Peter and grabs him for the collar. Their faces are almost close to each other. Jerry convicts Peter to fight, giving a clutch with every word "touch!", And Peter shouts, trying to escape from Jerry's hands, but he holds hard. Finally, Jerry exclaims "You never managed to make my son's wife!" And spits a peiter in the face. Peter in rage, he will finally break down, rushes to the knife, grabs him and, breathing heavily, retreats backwards. He squeezes the knife, stretching his hand in front of him to attack, but to protect. Jerry, sighing heavily, ("Well, let it be so ...") With a scatter it bumps into a knife in the hand of Peter. Second full silence. Then Peter screams, separates his hand, leaving the knife in the chest Jerry. Jerry emits a cry - a cry of an angry and deadly wounded beast. Stumbling, he goes to the bench, falls on it. The expression of his face has now changed, it became softer, calmer. He says, and his voice sometimes breaks down, but he, as it may dorubs death. Jerry smiles: "Thank you, Peter. Seriously tell you thank you. Peter stands motionless. He is numb. Jerry continues: "Oh, Peter, I was so afraid that I was a back. .. You do not know how I was afraid that you would leave and I again stay alone. And now I will tell you what happened in the zoo. When I was in the zoo, I decided that I would go to the north ... until I encounter you ... or someone else ... And I decided that I would talk to you ... I'll make everyone ... such What you do not ... And that's what happened. But ... I do not know ... did I conceived? No, hardly ... although ... probably it is that. Well, now you know what happened in the zoo, right? And now you know what to read in the newspaper and see on TV ... Peter! .. Thank you. I met you ... and you helped me. Nice Peter. " Peter is almost fainting, he does not touch from the place and starts crying. Jerry continues to be a weakening voice (death is about to come): "You're better go. Someone can come, you don't want to find you here? And no longer come here, this is no longer your place. You lost the benches, but defended my honor. And that's what I tell you, Peter, you are not a plant, you are an animal. You are also an animal. Now run, Peter. (Jerry gets a handkerchief and erases the fingerprint knives with an effort from the knob.) But just take ... Early ... "Peter is hesitantly coming to the bench, grabs a book, retreats back. He fluctuates some time, then runs away. Jerry closes his eyes, Bifurba: "Run, Parrots welded lunch ... Cats ... Candle on the table ..." From afar, a plaintive cry of Peter: "Oh my God!" Jerry with closed eyes shakes his head, contemptuously messengers Peter, and at the same time in his voice Moluba: "Oh ... God ... mine." Dies.

Performance on the play Edward Olbi "What happened in the zoo?" On a specially created scene "Black Square". The scene is located in the big foyer, directly opposite the entrance to the main hall, it looks a little gloomy, but intriguing: I want to see what's inside. Since the fractions of decency do not allow to pass there without permission, only one thing remains - go to the performance, which is played here 3-4 times a month.

Finally, came this day. I managed to know what is inside a mysterious black square! If he justifies his depressive name outside, then inside there is surprisingly cozy. Soft light illuminates the park in which the bizarre white trees are growing up. On the sides, two benches, and in the center - a grid, descending from the ceiling. There are 2 empty photographic frames on her threads, a bottle of vodka, a deck of cards, a knife. Obviously, they will also play their role. I wonder what ...

You go and feel that you have to meet with something unusual. It will not be a standard performance. This is an experiment, laboratory. Even before starting the action, I notice that the attitude towards the spectral is special. It was not limited to one scenery: behind the audience ranks - a high framework, to which the searchlights are attached. From the speakers, a pleasant tweet of birds will be distributed. All this revives the space, adjusts the creative perception of the future action.

It all started ... Throughout the performance, I did not leave me feeling that I was not in the theater, but in the movies. Some psychedelic trash with secret meanings. City history of loneliness in a multimillion city. Around you - the crowd, but you are completely alone, you do not need anyone. Whose choice is: Your own or for you, unhappy parents, who, in turn, did not led to the truth, no one told them about the meaning of life, and who eventually threw you alone, in this a huge indifferent city, leaving The inheritance is a small room, more similar to a cage in the zoo.

The suffering of a lonely man who once said that God turned back to our world for a long time. Or maybe we turned back to God, and not only to him, but also to themselves, to their loved ones? We are not looking for mutual understanding. It is easier to establish contact with a neighbor's dog than people. Yes, this is not life, but some kind of zoo!

Everyone came down from his own way, we perverted the original plan for which our distant ancestors lived. Instead of a paradise life, we began to live in the zoo, we became more like wordless animals than people created in the image and likeness of God. A man created for communication is often unable to talk to, he begins to suffer from loneliness, he is looking for all sorts of entertainment, only they are so nasty that the term for them is a maximum of one day, no more, because the remnants of conscience do not allow them to return to them. Ladies at one time, the deck of pornographic cards, memories of a perverted love relationship, communication with the dog - that's all that there is in the life of a lonely, mischieving on the whole world of man.

What is happiness? Who has any answer? He is unknown. He was not taught, he was not told, he was deceived. In the environment, when you do not have any family, no friends, when you are completely alone, a person risks to get confused and plunge into full darkness. What happened to the main character of this sad story, which the actors told Dmitry Marfin. and Mikhail Suslov (He is also a performance director).

If you are interested in this text, I advise you to read the play Edward Albi "What happened in the zoo? "So that the meaning is more understandable for you. Personally, I have a lot of questions after watching, because the ending, honestly, was completely unexpected. Reading the play put everything in our place, and it became clear that I wanted to say. Edward Olbi.. But what did the director say, for me it remains a mystery to me ... Maybe he simply wanted to make me read the play so that in everything? If so, then the idea was successful :-)

Elena Kabilova

They met somehow a bulldozer and driver of the electric locomotive ... It looks like a joke of a joke. They met somewhere at the 500th kilometer in a snow-covered deafomani under howl and wolves ... Two loneliness met, both "shaped": one in the form of the railwayman, the other is in the prison vapor and with a shaved head. It is nothing but the beginning of a "unforgettable acquaintance" - premieres of the Moscow Theater of Satira. Actually, in "Satire" realized on three, i.e. They realized to divide the two named plays of Nina Sadur and Edward Olbi on three artists: Fyodor Dobronravov, Andrei Barilo and Nina Kornienko. All in the play pair or doubled, and only invited from Voronezh, director Sergey Nadachiev, managed to turn divide into a single, solid performance. An unnamed wastewhere, which even trains seek, herself without stopping, suddenly turned out to be twinned by the Central Park of New York, and the domestic unwanted former Schu was found a common topic for silence with an American loser. The apparent abyss between the circumstances of the Pieces "Ehey" and "What happened in the zoo" was only an intermission.

"EHAY!", - The second name of the play, shouts the man, located on the rails, the driver. Around the man's attempt to end a railway and is built by a play. The man he is a man, on it the whole country holds, and he is no longer. "You're a hero! You sat in prison .... ", - Throws a young driver (A. Barilo) who lived and decided not to live a peasant (F. Dobronravov). "You are a traitor, man! You betrayed us! You betrayed all generations! ", - Throws youthfulness of experience and instead of stretching the hand of help hits a fist in the jaw. But the force of the conflict generations in the play is not allowed. Years and rails share characters, and unites the starry sky, and the storbly paper, transmitted from hand to hand. Stars on the back scene shine, fall and business. "Star!", "Explain the characters, nothing to go. Do not come true lives, not that desire.

The play of Nina Sadur, written in 1984, did not lose relevance, but "has rise in price." It's not about the scenery, it is minimal and for such an acting performance is sufficient and convenient (scenography - Akinf Belov). It has risen in the sense of the rise in price of life, although life is still a penny, but for the top five, on the play, the red wine can not be bought. In the play, the red price is red-made hundred rubles, and indecently expensive candies mentioned in the play of 85 rubles per kilogram, go to 850. Focusing at prices, reproving the text, the director, however, retained the reference to the execution as a criminal punishment (this trouble is alone Another), that in our life of a legitimate moratorium on the death penalty and illegal executions here, then there looks like some omission.

So it continued on the frost to stand for the work of the driver, and for death lie on the peasants on the rails, if it did not appear on the paths (rail and life) "grandmother in boots." "There was a gray goat's grandmother," but escaped. I was looking for a grandmother goat, and found a person. "I'm a honey," the man crushed and under the light of full stars the abyss suddenly turned out to be someone necessary.

All three are not loners, but lonely people. The loneliness of their simple, truthful, they are neither nothing, but not to talk to. They do not have an abstract "stress", but quite specifically something "staring". But the author, in contrast to life, good to his heroes. A conscientious driver who does not want to "turn" in life, turns on the frost, but the wise word of hope will receive "for Sugen". The peasant sick will get sick with the grandmother, and the grandmother now will certainly please a runaway goat. On separating the heroes of the rails, the mint storublevka will remain - the truth, the one that opened each other, not knowing, the characters do not buy. The rails will not disappear, but the paths of the road with which they are laid out will be covered and passive (projection on the scene) as the life of the characters in this winter night. Snow will fall on the scene, but the frost will not stand for anyone, only the "bolted world" will slightly drop a temperature. Even to him the author will not refuse a chance for recovery.

Through the intermission night will be changed in the afternoon, the silver winter is crushed in autumn, snow rain, and the railway is a neat path of the park. Here, a quiet family American, Piter (A. Barilo), a very medium middle class representative, will have an unforgettable acquaintance. This phrase for the title of the play is taken just from the play E.olbi. But under the allying, something pleasant to the title will be discovered by a history of blood.

Peter is just a pair (for a "double" performance and it seems not accidental): two daughters, two cats, two parrots, two TVs. Jerry "Eternal Temporary Housing" has everything in a single copy, with the exception of two photo frames, empty. Peter, looking for peace from the family in the shade of the trees, would dream of "wake up one in his cozy bachelor Flat", and Jerry dreams never wake up. Characters are already separated by no rails, but classes, environment, lifestyle. Affective Peter with a tube and a magazine "Time" is not understood by a sloppy, nervous jerry in pants with a patch. Jerry Yapkin and unauthorized, and Peter is a man of general rules, standards and schemes, he does not understand and makes exceptions. He is E.OLBI, a few years after the premiere of the play, he dedicated her continuation: the background of the meeting of Peter and Jerry. The play was called "at home in the zoo" and told about another childhood, loneliness among relatives and loved ones, loneliness and at the same time the inability to be alone.

Peter in the play symbolizes the generally accepted, Jerry is not accepted by anyone, will be spewed in life and reject it. He is desperate man, because desperate. Full from others, an outstanding Jerry is stumbled on albeit polite, but indifference. People have a lot of things and no one do anyone. People are filled with contacts, a lot of "FRANDS", but losing friends; Supporting links and acquaintances, they will not support a stranger in trouble, or just on the escalator. "A person must somehow communicate at least with someone ...", - shouts Jerry to the hall, who is easier to sit in "VKontakte" than to come to contact. Jerry shouts into a faceless mass, reminding that it consists of people. "Cool and so, and Syak," the speakers scream in English, as if answering a driver from the first novel, who did not want to "turn". We grow up, we immediately take an example from the planet. Each around its axis.

Peter and after him, the audience will derive from the so-called "Comfort Zone", from the predictable course of events. Mikhail Zhvanetsky once remarked that "I will not forget you" - it sounds nice, as a confession, and "I remember you" - as a threat. Meeting on the bench Peter will remember forever, and the public does not forget "what happened in the zoo." The domestic spectator knows that from Pushkin to the Bulgakov meeting on the benches do not know anything good - in this American play on the Happy end, it is not worth counting on.

Both plays arise "in the same place" and move the verbal burden. The loneliness and the desire of the heroes to leave, who did not demand their lives, combined these stories. In an attempt of suicide, the characters turn to people: living his life, they decide at least death to meet not alone. The characters have no one to talk to, they themselves spent themselves, they sentenced themselves. With a snatched, caught interlocutor barely underwent a dialogue, it certainly goes into exchange monologues: how to dispense an avalanche unspoken? The scene does not take a pause, suicide characters as if driven between the silence of the silence of the lived and the pause of death, which nothing will interrupt. Only in this narrow, drawn as a new stripes, the strips of the bench, the bench and you can speak. But the performance, leaving the words, still penetrates the audience. Justice for the sake of, in this case it is not the effect of the theater, but theatricality of what is happening. So, according to the remark to the central monologue of Olbi's play, the author expects a hypnotic effect that could file a listener character, and with him the whole hall. The text is really piercing to the tremors. In the performance, the monologue, clipped for the convenience of the actor and the public, reaches a certain effect, not due to the acting declaration, but with the music of Alfred Schnitka. Fedor Dobronravov, and the whole performance is confirmed, quite bye to capture and keep the public, but at the key points of the actor as if something cares, hurry, and only well-selected music allows you to decompose text on the tact, heal in it halftone, feel culmination, Flip from the sudden finals.

However, the degree of tragedy here significantly lowered. On the joy of viewers. Helped the installation of text and selection of music. The play of the absurdity, voiced by the hit Mario Lance, finally gave way to music and watered after her under the laws of melodrama. Here and the divertisms of Fyodor Dobronravov found a place: whether it is a chastushka about aunt Manya (from the first action), or "be with me" from the repertoire of M. Altsa in Russian translation. The director squeezed into the play and the third character, the author not provided, - beware of the American old woman in huge headphones, fully immersed in the music of Chabby Checker. This pretty old woman does not show interest in others, simply lives in his pleasure. Only in the final of the performance, she will show courtesy and will reveal a black umbrella over the wet under the rain Jerry. It will no longer need it.

"Not so different among themselves" turned out to be both parts of the performance. It is not necessary to complain about the lack of stage time or material. It's just enough here. After all, it turned out to be stranged at first glance at the poster of the "Two Novels for the three artists on the plays". Two novels on the plays, this is essentially two recovery of plays, two simple, sincere, sincere stories in faces. Any retelling in comparison with the original source loses a lot. The play "Satira" balances on the verge of melodrama and tragicomedy, the actors with all their might seem to do not want to spoil the public mood. This, apparently, have the walls of the theater, accustomed to laughter. Laugh in order for anything. "Unforgettable dating" is an attempt to transform the role not only for Fedor Dobronravov, for which this performance can be considered a beneficial, but also for theater that allowed himself to deviate from the usual genre. A little bit. But the direction is true.

The format of the premiere of the "Satire" theater is quite explained - life, in general, also a single acting play. The finale is predictable, but the plot manages to loop the most bizarre. It seems that the performance is doomed to failure: the director does not explain the idea, all the actors claim to the main roles, and the grimer from year to year is increasingly "challenged" and wrapping ... no samples, rehearsals, runs ... All in public. Every day - the premiere - for the first time and for the last time.

Photos from the official site of the theater

Edward Olbi.

What happened in the zoo

Piece in one action



years of forty with a little, not fat and not thin, not handsome and not a freak. On it a suit from tweed and glasses in horny frames. Smokes the tube. And although he, so to speak, is already in the middle age, the style of his clothes and the manner of herself to keep almost youthful.


years under forty, dressed not so much poorly as rushing. Once tightened, a muscular figure begins to turn fat. Now it can not be called beautiful, but the traces of the former attractiveness are still quite clear. Severe gate, letters of movements are not explained by non-promiscuity; If you look more attentive, it can be seen that this person is immensely tired.

Sentral Park in New York; Summer Sunday day. Two gardened benches on both sides of the scene, behind them - bushes, trees, sky. Peter sits on the right bench. He is reading a book. Puts the book on his knees, rubs the glasses and go deepened in reading. Jerry enters.

Jerry. I was now in the zoo.

Peter does not pay attention to him.

I say, I just had in the zoo. Mr. I was in the zoo!

Peter. Or? .. What? .. Sorry, are you me? ..

Jerry. I was in the zoo, then walking on foot, while I didn't find himself here. Tell me, I walked north?

Peter (puzzled). North? .. Yes ... Probably. Let's figure out.

Jerry (pushing his finger in the hall). Is this the fifth Avenue?

Peter. It? Yes, yes, of course.

Jerry. And what is it for the street, what crosses it? Won, right?

Peter. Won? Oh, it is seventy-fourth.

Jerry. And the zoo near the sixty-fifth, it means that I went to the north.

Peter (He does not wait to return to reading). Yes, apparently, so.

Jerry. Good old north.

Peter (Almost mechanically). Haha.

Jerry (after pause). But not right to the north.

Peter. I ... Well, yes, not right to the north. So to speak, in the northern direction.

Jerry (looks like Peter, trying to get rid of it, stuffing the phone). What do you want to give yourself lung cancer?

Peter (Without irritation, he throws the Gl-Aza on him, but then smiles). No, sir. From this you will not be supplemented.

Jerry. That's right, sir. Or rather, you will get cancer in your mouth and you will have to insert such a thing that Freud was at the time he was deleted. What are they called, these pieces?

Peter (reluctant). Prosthesis?

Jerry. Exactly! Prosthesis. You have a person educated, isn't it? Do you happen to do not doctor?

Peter. No, I just read about it somewhere. It seems in the magazine "Time". (Taken for the book.)

Jerry. In my opinion, the magazine "Time" is not for the boobs.

Peter. In my opinion, too.

Jerry (after pause). It is very good that there is the fifth Avenue.

Peter (absently). Yes.

Jerry. I can't stand the western part of the park.

Peter. Yes? (Carefully, but with a glimpse of interest.) Why?

Jerry (Careless). I do not know myself.

Peter. BUT! (Again burst into the book.)

Jerry (Silently looks at Peter, while he, embarrassed, does not raise his eyes on him). Maybe we should talk? Or don't you want?

Peter (with obvious reluctance). No ... why.

Jerry. I see you do not want.

Peter (puts the book, takes out the handset from the mouth. Smiling). No, right, I am pleased.

Jerry. Do not, since you do not want.

Peter (Finally decisively). Not at all, I am very happy.

Jerry. This is how it ... Today is a nice day.

Peter (Without any need to appeal to the sky). Yes. Very nice. Wonderful.

Jerry. And I was in the zoo.

Peter. Yes, it seems you have already spoken ... isn't it?

Jerry. Tomorrow you will read about this in the newspapers, if in the evening you will not see on TV. You probably have a TV?

Edward Olbi.

"What happened in the zoo"

Central Park in New York, Summer Sunday Day. Two garden benches, standing opposite each other, behind them bushes, trees. Peter sits on the right bench, he reads a book. Peter years of forty with a little, it is completely common, wears a tweed suit and glasses in a horn frame, smokes the tube; And although it is already part of the middle age, the style of his clothes and the manner hold on almost youthful.

Jerry enters. He is also under forty, and he dressed not so much poorly, how much is slightly; Its once the tightened figure begins to turn fat. Jerry can not be called beautiful, but the traces of the former attractiveness are still quite clear. His heavy gait, the letters of movements are explained not to promiscuity, but immense fatigue.

Jerry sees Peter and starts a slight conversation with him. Peter first does not pay any attention to Jerry, then still answers, but the answers of his brief, differ and almost mechanized - he does not wait to return to the interrupted reading. Jerry sees that Peter is in a hurry to get rid of him, but continues to ask Peter about some trifles. Peter reacts poorly to the replicas of Jerry, and then Jerry shook himself and stopped at Peter, while he, confused, does not raise her eyes. Jerry offers to talk, and Peter agrees.

Jerry notes what a nice day, then declares that he was in the zoo, and that tomorrow everyone reads everything in the newspapers and see on TV. After all, Peter has a TV? Oh yes, Peter has even two televisions, a wife and two daughters. Jerry Poison notices that, obviously, Peter would like to have a son, but it didn't work out, and now the wife does not want to have children anymore ... In response to this remark, Peter boils, but quickly calms down. It is curious what happened in the zoo, as they write about the newspapers and show on television. Jerry promises to tell about this case, but at first he really wants to "truly" talk to a man, because he rarely have to talk to people: "Unless you say: give a mug of beer, or: where is the restroom, or: don't let the waist here , buddy, - Well, so on. " And on this day, Jerry wants to talk to a decent married man, to learn everything about him. For example, does he have ... uh ... dog? No, Peter Cats (Peter would prefer the dog, but the wife and daughters insisted on cats) and the parrots (each daughter in the one). And to feed the "this ohma" Peter serves in one small publishing house, which produces textbooks. He earns Peter one and a half thousand a month, but never carries with them more than forty dollars ("So ... if you ... a gangster ... ha ha ha! .."). Jerry begins to find out where Peter lives. Peter is first awkwardly twisted, but then it nervously admits that he lives at seventy fourth street, and notes Jerry that he talks so much as it passes. Jerry does not pay special attention to this remark, he dispersed with himself. And here Peter again reminds him of the zoo ...

Jerry absently answers what was there today, "and then went here," and asks Peter, "What is the difference between the average class and the lower-middle class"? Peter does not understand, and here it is. Then Jerry asking about Peter's favorite writers ("Bajler and Markend?"), Then suddenly declare: "You know what I did before going to the zoo? I went on foot the whole of the fifth Avenue - all the way on foot. " Peter decides that Jerry lives in Glinic-Williage, and this consideration, apparently, helps him understand something. But Jerry does not live at all in Glinic-Williage, he simply drove to him on the subway to walk to the zoo ("Sometimes a person should make a big hook to the side, so that the right and the shortest way to go back"). In fact, Jerry lives in an old four-story income house. He lives on the top floor, and his window goes to the courtyard. His room is a ridiculous close Camcor, where instead of one wall - a boarding partition, separating it from another ridiculous close camork, in which Black Pedic lives, he always, when pulls out his eyebrows, holds the door manifest: "He pulls out his eyebrows, wears kimono and goes to closet, that's all. " On the floor there are two more rooms: in one there is a noisy family of Puertorikans with a bunch of children, to another - someone who Jerry has never seen. This house is an affordable place, and Jerry does not know why he lives there. Perhaps because he has no wife, two daughters, cats and parrots. He has a razor and soap, some clothes, electric splash, dishes, two empty photo frames, several books, pornographic cards, an ancient typewriter and a small box-safe without a castle, in which sea goals that Jerry are collected more baby. And under the stones of the letter: "please" letters ("Please do not do that and then" or "please do something and then") and later "ever" letters ("When you write?" , "when will you come?").

Mother Jerry escaped from the daddy when Jerry was ten and a half years old. She went into the annual adulted tour of the southern states. And among other very many attachments of mommies, the most important and unchanged was pure whiskey. A year later, dear mommy gave God to God on some landfill in Alabama. Jerry and daddy learned about it before the new year. When the daddy returned from the south, he celebrated the New Year for two weeks in a row, and then Spyan got along the bus ...

But Jerry did not stay alone - there was Mamochka sister. He remembers little about her, unless the fact that she all did sternly - and slept, and ate, and worked, and prayed. And on that day, when Jerry graduated from school, she "suddenly rolled out right on the stairs at his apartment" ...

Suddenly, Jerry is unwinding that forgot to ask the name of his interlocutor. Peter appears. Jerry continues his story, he explains why within the framework there is not a single photo: "I have never met any lady more than once, and it did not occur to me to give me photos." Jerry admits that he could not make love with a woman more than once. But when he was fifteen years old, he had all a week and a half of the week with Buckle, the son of the park Storam. Perhaps Jerry was in love with him, and maybe just sex. But now Jerry really like pretty ladies. But for an hour. Not more…

In response to this recognition, Peter makes some kind of little distant remark on which Jerry responds unexpectedly aggressively. Peter also boils off, but then they ask each other for forgiveness and calm down. Then Jerry notices that Peter would be more interested in pornographic maps more than photo frames. After all, Peter has already seen such cards, or he had his own deck, which he threw it in front of marriage: "The boy has these cards serve as a replacement of practical experience, and adult practical experience replaces fantasy. But you seem to be more interested in what happened in the zoo. " At the mention of the Zoo, Peter is enlivened, and Jerry tells ...

Jerry talks about the house in which he lives. In this house, with each floor, the rooms are getting better. And the third floor lives a woman who all the time chokingly crying. But the story, in fact, about the dog and the hostess at home. The hostess of the house is fatty, stupid, dirty, evil, eternally drunk pile of meat ("You must have noticed: I avoid strong words, so I can not describe it as it should"). And this woman with his dog will fit Jerry. She always sticks out at the bottom of the stairs and watches Jerry to do no one in the house, and evenings, after another Pintta Gina, she stops Jerry and strives to squeeze into the corner. Somewhere on the edge of her bird brain, a vile parody of passion will move. And here Jerry is the subject of her lust. To dare aunt, Jerry says: "Is it not enough for yesterday's day before yesterday?" She sucks, trying to remember ... And then her face breaks up in a blissful smile - she remembers what it was not. Then she calls the dog and goes to her. And Jerry saved until the next meeting ...

So about the dog ... Jerry tells and accompanies his long monologue with almost continuous movement, hypnotically acting on Peter:

- (as if reading a huge poster) The story of Jerry and the dog! (Normal tone) This dog is a black monster: a huge muzzle, tiny ears, red eyes, and all the ribs discover outwards. He buried on me as soon as he saw, and from the first minute from this dog, I did not have peace. I am not Holy Francis: Animals are indifferent to me ... like people. But this dog was not indifferent ... Not that he rushed to me, no - he walked and persistently walked after, although I always managed to flush. So it continued for a whole week, and, oddly enough, only when I entered, - when I went out, he did not pay any attention to me ... Once I was thinking. And decided. First I will try to kill Psa kindness, and if it does not come out ... just kill. (Peter throws.)

On the other day I bought a whole kulk kitlet. (Next, Jerry's story depicts in the faces). I opened the door - he is already waiting for me. Tracked. I carefully entered and put the cutlets steps to ten from the dog. He stopped growling, sniffed and moved to them. Reached, stopped, looked at me. I smiled enjoying him. He sniffed and suddenly - gam! - attacked the cutlets. As if in life did not eat anything other than rotten cleanings. He burned everything, then sat down and smiled. I give a word! And suddenly - once! - How to throw me. But here he caught me. I ran to myself and began to think again. To tell the truth, I was very offensive, and I was angry. Six great boilers! .. I was just offended. But I decided to try again. You see, the dog clearly fell to me with antipathy. And I wanted to know if I could overcome her or not. Five days in a row I wore me the cutlets, and always repeated the same thing: he grieves, sniffing the air, it will fit, devoured, smile, grinds and - once - at me! I was just offended. And I decided to kill him. (Peter takes a pitiful protest attempt.)

Yes, do not be afraid you. I could not ... that day I bought only one cutlet and, as I thought, a deadly dose of rat poison. On the way home, I sashed the cutlet in my hands and mixed with the rat poison. I was both sad and disgusting. I open the door, I see it - sitting ... he, poor fellow, did not realize that while he smiles, I would always have time to flush. I put a poisoned cutlet, the poor dog swallowed her, smiled and once! - to me. But I, as always, rushed upstairs, and he, as always, did not catch up with me.

And then the dog is very sick!

I guessed because he did not lose me anymore, and the hostess suddenly rubbed. In the same evening, she stopped me, she even forgot about his vigilant lust and for the first time she opened his eyes wide. They turned out to be quite like a dog. She whipped and begged me to pray for a poor dog. I wanted to say: Madame, if you pray, so for all people in such houses, like this ... But I, Madame, I do not know how to pray. But ... I said that I will perplex. She threw her eyes on me. And suddenly she said that I was lying everything and, probably, I want a dog challenge. And I replied that I didn't want it at all, and it was true. I wanted the dog survived, not because I poisoned him. Frankly, I wanted to see how he would treat me. (Peter makes an indigrant gesture and shifts signs of increasing dislike.)

It is very important! We need to know the results of our actions ... Well, in general, the dogs breakdown, and the hostess again pulled on Jean - everything became like before.

After the PSU has become better, I went home from the cinema in the evening. I walked and hoped that the dog is waiting for me ... I was ... obsessed? .. Warring? .. I am not waiting for my heart pain again. (Peter looks at Jerry with a mockery.) Yes, Peter, with her friend.

So, I looked at each other. And since then it went. Each time, meeting, we froze with him, looked at each other, and then depicted indifference. We have already understood each other. The dog returned to a pile of rotten garbage, and I quickly went to myself. I realized that the kindness and cruelty only in combination learn to feel. But what of this sense? The pove and I came to a compromise: we do not love each other, but also do not offend, because we are not trying to understand. And here, tell me what I fed a dog, can be considered a manifestation of love? Or maybe the staned PSA bite me was also a manifestation of love? But if we are not given to understand each other, so why did we generally invented the word "love"? (Silence comes. Jerry comes up to the Peter bench and sits down near.) This is the end of the story about Jerry and the dog.

Peter is silent. Jerry suddenly changes the tone sharply: "Well, Peter? What do you think, can I type in the magazine and get a couple of hundreds? BUT?" Jerry cheerful and lively, Peter, on the contrary, alarmed. He is confused, he declares almost with tears in his voice: "Why do you tell me all this? I DID NOT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING! I don't want to listen more! " And Jerry greedily peering in Peter, his fun arousal is replaced by sluggish apathy: "I don't know what I thought it ... Of course, you do not understand. I live not in your quarter. I am not married to two parrots. I am an eternal temporary tenant, and my house is a frozen room in the West Side, in New York, the greatest city of the world. Amen". Peter retreats, trying to joke, in response to his ridiculous jokes Jerry is forcibly laughing. Peter looks at the clock and going to leave. Jerry does not want Peter leaving. He first persuade him to stay, then begins to tickle. Peter is scary afraid of tickle, he resists, giggles and shouts with falsetto almost losing weight ... And then Jerry stops tickling. However, almost hysteria from testeing and inner tension with Peter - it laughs and can not stop. Jerry looks at him with a fixed mocking smile, and then utters a mysterious voice: "Peter, Want to know what happened in the zoo?" Peter stops laughing, and Jerry continues: "But first I will say why I got there. I went to look at how people behave with animals and how animals behave with each other and with people. Of course, this is quite approximately, since everyone is fenced off with lattices. But what do you want, this is the zoo "- with these words, Jerry pushes Peter in the shoulder:" Move! " "And continues, pushing Peter is stronger and stronger:" There were beasts and people, today, Sunday, there and children were fully [the stack in the side]. Today it was hot, and stench and cry there were decent, crowds of the people, the sellers of ice cream ... [again the pitch] "Peter begins to be angry, but obediently moves - and now he sits on the very edge of the bench. Jerry Piter Pluglet for his hand, pouring it away from the bench: "Just fed Lviv, and the watchman [Plipok] entered the cage to one lion. Want to know what happened next? [Plipok]" Peter is stunned and outraged, he calls Jerry to stop disgrace. In response, Jerry gently demands that Peter gone away from the bench and moved to another, and then Jerry, so be, will tell what happened next ... Peter is complaints about, Jerry, laughing, insults Peter ("Idiot! Upper! You are a plant! Go Lie to Earth! "). Peter will boil in response, it seats more tightly on the bench, demonstrating that he will not leave anywhere: "There is no, to hell! Stop! Bench I will not give! And get away from here Won! I warn you, I will call Polisman! POLICE!" Jerry laughs and does not move from the bench. Peter exclaims with helpless indignation: "God's right, I came here to read quietly, and you suddenly take a bench. You are crazy". Then he is poured again with rage: "Well, away from my bench! I want to sit alone! " Jerry Jerry is podding over Peter, having broken it more and more: "You have everything you need - both the house, and a family, and even your own small zoo. You have everything in the world, and now you needed even this bench. Do people fight for it? You yourself do not know what you are saying. Stupid you man! You and the slightest idea have no other things about what others need. I need this bench! " Peter trembles from indignation: "I come here for many years. I am a solid man, I'm not a boy! This is my bench, and you do not have any right to select it with me! " Jerry causes Peter on a fight, encircling: "Then touch it. Protect yourself and your bench. "Jerry takes out and open the knife with a click. Peter is frightened, but before Peter time to figure out what to do, Jerry throws the knife to his feet. Peter is horrified chain, and Jerry rushes to Peter and grabs him for the collar. Their faces are almost close to each other. Jerry convicts Peter to fight, giving a clutch with every word "touch!", And Peter shouts, trying to escape from Jerry's hands, but he holds hard. Finally, Jerry exclaims "You never managed to make my son's wife!" And spits a peiter in the face. Peter in rage, he will finally break down, rushes to the knife, grabs him and, breathing heavily, retreats backwards. He squeezes the knife, stretching his hand in front of him to attack, but to protect. Jerry, sighing heavily, ("Well, let it be so ...") With a scatter it bumps into a knife in the hand of Peter. Second full silence. Then Peter screams, separates his hand, leaving the knife in the chest Jerry. Jerry emits a cry - a cry of an angry and deadly wounded beast. Stumbling, he goes to the bench, falls on it. The expression of his face has now changed, it became softer, calmer. He says, and his voice sometimes breaks down, but he, as it may dorubs death. Jerry smiles: "Thank you, Peter. Seriously tell you thank you. Peter stands motionless. He is numb. Jerry continues: "Oh, Peter, I was so afraid that I'm a begging you ... You don't know how I was afraid that you would leave and I again stay alone. And now I will tell you what happened in the zoo. When I was in the zoo, I decided that I would go to the north ... until I encounter you ... or someone else ... And I decided that I would talk to you ... I'll make anything ... such that you were not ... And that's what happened. But ... I do not know ... did I conceived? No, hardly ... although ... probably it is that. Well, now you know what happened in the zoo, right? And now you know what to read in the newspaper and see on TV ... Peter! .. Thank you. I met you ... and you helped me. Nice Peter. " Peter is almost fainting, he does not touch from the place and starts crying. Jerry continues to be a weakening voice (death is about to come): "You're better go. Someone can come, you don't want to find you here? And no longer come here, this is no longer your place. You lost the benches, but defended my honor. And that's what I tell you, Peter, you are not a plant, you are an animal. You are also an animal. Now run, Peter. (Jerry gets a handkerchief and erases the fingerprint knives with an effort from the knob.) But just take ... Early ... "Peter is hesitantly coming to the bench, grabs a book, retreats back. He fluctuates some time, then runs away. Jerry closes his eyes, Bifurba: "Run, Parrots welded lunch ... Cats ... Candle on the table ..." From afar, a plaintive cry of Peter: "Oh my God!" Jerry with closed eyes shakes his head, contemptuously messengers Peter, and at the same time in his voice Moluba: "Oh ... God ... mine." Dies. Repeated Natalia Bubnova

Peter, forty years old, reads a book in the park. Jerry is suitable, the same age, but a tired view and begins at first unobtrusive conversation, turning to Peter. Seeing that Peter does not want to talk to Jerry, he still pulls into a conversation. So it becomes known about the family of Peter, even, about the presence of parrots in the house.

Jerry tells Peter that he was in the zoo and saw something interesting. Peter was alerted. But jerryboy the conversation, far from the zoo. Says about himself, about his life on the outskirts of New York, mimolet asking questions questions about his life. Talks about neighbors: Black Pedics and a noisy family of Puertoricans, and he himself alone. He reminds Piter about the zoo so that he does not lose interest in conversation. It comes to the story about his parents. Mother ran away when Jerry was ten years old. She died of drunken. Father, too, drunk landed under the bus. Jerry brought the aunt, who also died when Jerry graduated from school.

Jerry continued the story, that women did not meet more than once. And when he was only fifteen years old, he met with one buckwheat two weeks! Now he likes pretty girls, but only for an hour!

During their conversation, the dispute breaks up, which quickly passes, as soon as Jerry recalls what happened in the zoo. Peter is again intrigued, but Jerry continues the story about the mistress of the house, which is dirty, oily, forever drunk, an evil woman with a dog. She with a dog always meets him, trying to squeeze him into the corner. But he dadded her: "Do you have little yesterday?". And she lags behind him satisfied, trying to remember what was not.

Next, the story about the dog, similar to the monster: black, high face, red eyes, small ears and sticking ribs. The dog attacked Jerry and he decided to tame it, feeding the cutlets. But she, eating everything, rushed to him. I came to kill her. Peter was kept, and Jerry continued the story about how he gave poison in the cake. But she survived.

Jerry became wondering how the dog would treat him after that. Jerry got used to the dog. And they looked into each other's eyes and diverged.

Peter gathered to leave, but Jerry prevented. Between them again a quarrel. Then Jerry recalls the incident in the zoo? Peter is waiting.

Jerry went there to see how people treat animals. I asked Peter to transfer to another bench, and a quarrel broke out again. Jerry threw a knife to the legs of Peter, continuing to tease him, tasty patients for him. Peter grabbed the knife and put it forward. And Jerry rushed with breasts on him. Then it sits on a bench with a knife in the chest, and Peter drives out so that the police did not take it. And myself wipes the knife with a knife with a scribe and thanks Peter for the fact that he became a listener. Jerry closes his eyes. Peter ran away. Jerry dies.