Russian prose of the 19th century. Development of artistic prose in recent decades of the XIX century

Russian prose of the 19th century. Development of artistic prose in recent decades of the XIX century

The "Modern Erotic Prose" collection includes erotic works of writers of St. Petersburg and Moscow, as well as Russian-speaking foreign prose - works of traditional and innovative, lyrical and tough, aesthetically beautiful and shocking, funny and tragic. But all of them unites psychological accuracy, the mastery of authors, the absence of any morality and high degree Erotic tension. This book includes a story "Humanitarian aid" and the stories of Lev Kuklin. The collection confirms once again that ...

Dream in jade pavilion without author

"Sleep in the jade pavilion" - one of the largest works old Korean prose early XVII A century (the name of the author remained unknown), refers to the genre of Romanov-dreams popular in the Far East, close to the plot of ancient mythological legends and adventurous Late Middle Ages. Published in Russian for the first time.

Notes on Aviation Tameplates Pascal Kinyar

Pascal Kinyar is one of the most significant writers of modern France. Critics recognize that the work of this prose, by the right of the Honorovskaya Prize, who was crowned in 2002, is hardly the usual classification. For its images, tested in the magic triangle between philosophical esse, Roman I. high poetry, there are no finished expressions, words the usual dictionary. At the end of the IV century, our era, a fifty-year-old Patrician, living in Rome, begins to keep a diary, more precisely, something like a diary. On the waxes, it writes ...

Three Monks Undefined undefined

The readers offered to the readers the story "three monks" belongs to the number of the most interesting and original creatures The Japanese narrative prose of the XV-XVI centuries, known as the "Outogy" - "Entertaining Books". The prose of the bewogsosi is marked with genre and style manifold. A significant place in it belongs to the genre of the story-confession, designed not only to entertain the reader, but also to raise him by signing on the road true faith. In the story "Three Monks" are clearly expressed by the ideas of Zen-Buddhism, under the sign of which many developed ...

Cute friend Gi Maupassan

Gi de Maupassant is often called a master of erotic prose. But the novel "Cute Friend" (1885) is beyond the scope of this genre. The history of the career of the ordinary seducer and the lifespan of the life of George Duroua, developing in the spirit of an adventurous novel, becomes a symbolic reflection spiritual impoverish Hero and society.

Bianca Igor Kubersky

Twenty years later, Igor Kubersky

The art of the author in presentation of the love topics encourages us to consider his work with a certain standard of erotic prose in modern domestic literature. And just like temperature ambient It is customary to measure in degrees Celsius, the degree of eroticism could be measured in the cubeers.

Portrait of Igor Kube

Awakening snail Igor Kubersky

Works of famous St. Petersburg prose, poet and translator Igor Koubersky, written by him in last yearsdevoted to the topic of love and erotica. Test of the spirit and flesh, the fatal duel, from which it is not always alive - this appears love in exciting texts of this heir literary traditions Ivan Bunina, Vladimir Nabokova, Yuri Kazakov. The art's artism in presenting a love topics encourages us to consider his work with a certain standard of erotic prose in modern domestic literature. And just like ...

Dangerous adventures of Miguel Littin in Chile Gabriel Marquez

In Europe and the United States, this book made the effect of a broken bomb - and in Chile, its first circulation was destroyed on the personal order of Augusto Pinochet. ... In 1985, the director Miguel Littin alone from Chile was illegally returned to make a film about which he turned the country for twelve years of military dictatorship. Despite fatal danger using hidden cameraHe created a unique film "Universal Declaration Chile, awarded the Prize at the Venetian Film Festival. Documentary Roman Marquez - not just an exciting story of adventure littin ...

Medea and her children Lyudmila Ulitskaya

The works of Lyudmila Ulitska can be called "prose of nuances" - and the thinnest manifestations of human nature, and the details of life are discharged from her with special care. Its stories and stories are imbued with a completely special attitude, which, nevertheless, turns out to be close to many. The story "Medea and her children" has already won the recognition of readers in our country and abroad. The history of the Crimean Greek of Medele is a story of love and separation, short female happiness and for long years Solitude, the joy of unity and bitterness treason. Desire ...

Sleep in Jade Pavilion Undefined undefined

"Sleep in the jade pavilion" is one of the largest works of the old Korean prose of the early XVII century (the name of the author remained unknown), refers to the genre of Romanov-dreams popular in the Far East, close to the plot of ancient mythological legends and adventurous leaders of the late Middle Ages. Published in Russian for the first time.

Scary love stories Milorad Pavice

Literary critics Highly appreciated the simplicity and paradoxical multidimensionality of the pavic texts, the virtuoso eccentricity of the form. They consider Pavich as a sign figure modern prosewriter XXI century. "Scary love stories"- a collection of new stories M. Pavich, where every thing makes us accomplices of some kind of magic game, the writer. Favorite the topics of Pavich - love, death, mysterious dreams, the past - again sound in his prose.

Russian fantastic prose XIX - early XX ... Alexander Kuprin

This collection includes fantastic works Classic Writers: Osipa Senkovsky, Nikolai Polevoy, Konstantin Aksakova, Vladimir Odoyevsky, Alexander Kompani, Mikhail Mikhailova, and others. Their fantastic stories showed a whole gallery of the topics, scenes, where one way or another is investigated by the relationship of two worlds - the other (irrational, spontaneous - adequate, metaphysical) and material material, real. The reader is forced to constantly choose between rational and supernatural, but it is interesting that conflict ...

Volume 1. Prose Ivan Wings

This publication of a complete collection of the works of the great Russian writer-basinistian Ivan Andreevich Krylova is carried out according to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of July 15, 1944. During the life of I. A. Krylov, its writings were not published. Many prose art, plays and poems remained lost in periodicals end of XVIII century. Only collections of his Basen were repeatedly printed. Several attempts were made to publish Full collection Works, however, to achieve this completeness did not manage to die ...

My age, my youth, my friends and girlfriends Anatoly Mariengoof

Anatoly Borisovich Mariengoof (1897 - 1962), Poet, Prose, playwright, Memoist, was a bright figure literary life Russia is the first half of our century. One of the founders of the poetic group of IMAZHINISTS, which had a certain impact on the development of Russian poetry of the 10-20s. He was connected with close personal and creative friendship with Sergey Yesenin. The author of more than a dozen plays, in the leading theaters of the country, numerous poetic collections, two novels - "Cynic" and "Catherine" - and autobiographical trilogy. His memoir prose for many years ...

End of the nylon century Joseph Shkvetsky

Joseph Shkvetsky (r. 1924) - Classic of modern Czech literature, Prosisais, playwright and musical criticliving in Canada. The collection "The end of the nylon century" is composed of the most famous and ambiguous works of the writer, created in a strange and terrible time between the Hitler's occupation of the Czech Republic and the Soviet invasion. Short Roman Shkvoretsky "Bass Saxophone" was recognized as the best literary work All times and peoples about Jazz. Music prose Josef Shkvetsky - for the first time in Russian.

The period of the late nineteenth - the beginning of the twentieth century can be safely called a "turning point". Avreated social shocks, changed public consciousness, reassessment of values. Changed literature. A lot of new directions appeared, the area of \u200b\u200bliterary consideration included new topics and problems.

Russian prose of this era is very diverse. Then he wrote a lot of talented authors, and everyone brought something new to the literature. First of all, it should be said about changing the genres. If in the sixties of the nineteenth century in the literature dominated the form big Romanathen now his place occupied short story (Although the novels were also written). Small form It assumes a much greater concentration of information than the biggest, hence such attention of the authors to the artistic part. Lithuania with such details that create a comic effect - the basis of creativity of Lukin and Early Chekhov - Antoshi Chekhonte. The item carries a huge information burden in all the works of Chekhov, so "weak hands" I wish in the "house with mezzanine" tell us about her spiritual weakness, and the smell of fried onions in the "Ionch" emphasizes the vulgarity of the existence of the Turkish family.

At Bunin artistic detail It has primarily aesthetic value. His prose - the prose of the poet, you can not forget about it. It lists the details that may not bear specific information, but are absolutely necessary to create a mood, to transfer the author's intonation.

In the novels of Merezhkovsky, the item always has symbolic meaning. He is the theoretical symbolism and almost the head of the school - nothing writes in vain, and every item is a symbol. When Peter in Petra and Aleksa accidentally comes foot on the icon and splits it in half, then this in the context of the novel acquires philosophical significance. In general, the symbolist prose is very meaningful. It is characterized by interest in philosophical issues, problems of Christianity. From here, this is their interest in antiquity ("Julian complication" of Merezhkovsky, "Altar of Victory" Brysov), to the Middle Ages ("Fire Angel" of Brysov), to mysticism and in all the mysterious.

Stories L.andreev can not be attributed to a certain direction. He himself called herself a "neoralist", and sought to show "surreal in real". Hence the very symbolistic theme of his stories, in the form of purely realistic. His favorite topic is the relationship of man and fate, and the entire pathos of his creativity is pessimistic. Along with "neoralism" was also "neoromantism". Early stories M. Gorky, such as "Chelkash", "Old Man Izergil" are impregnated with romantic maidos.

We see that the Russian prose of the late nineteenth - the beginning of the twentieth century developed in several directions, crushed different paths, in a word, lived with a full-blooded and creative life.

XIX century Fairly called the "golden age" of Russian literature. Already in the first half of the century, literature made a gigantic step forward. IN early XIX. in. Romanticism came to replace the classicism and sentimentalism. In the literature, this was most brightly reflected in the work of the poet V. A. Zhukovsky (1783-1852), as well as in the early poems A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837). Romance in their works appealed to historical events, legends, oral folk poetry.

At the turn of the 20-30s. Begins to develop a new direction - realism. One of the first realistic works There was a comedy A. S. Griboyedov (1795-1829) "Mount from the mind." But A. S. Pushkin should be considered a genuine founder of realism in domestic literature, and he was also the Russian literary language. Author of lyric poems and ulcer epigram, novel in verses "Eugene Onegin", poems " Bronze Horseman", "Boris Godunov", " Captain's daughter"And others, A. S. Pushkin not only showed himself as great poetBut also managed to comprehend the essence of the most important phenomena of Russian history and reality shown by him in all variety, complexity and contradictions. Realism is largely inherent in Roman M. Yu. Lermontov (1814-1841) "Hero of our time". N. V. Gogol (1809-1852) developed critical realismwhose goal was to find vulgarity of life as well social criticism ("Auditor", " Dead Souls"). Gogol deepened the topic " little man"(" Shinel "), introduced in Russian literature A. S. Pushkin (" Stationander ").

In the 40s Forms a school of realist writers (" natural School") Comforted around V. G. Belinsky (1811-1848). Realists sought truthfully to depict daily life. They described the details of the life, the peculiarities of speech, mental experiences of the peasants, burghers, minor officials. Map of Moscow and surroundings in those days have already had thousands of objects used by writers as a place of action in their works. TO best works Of that time include "poor people" F. M. Dostoevsky (1821-1881), "Hunter's Notes" I. S. Turgeneva (1818-1883), "Soroka-thief" A. I. Herzen (1812-1870), " Ordinary History"I. A. Goncharov (1812-1891).

In the 1850-1870s. Aphorisms, parodies and poems signed by Kozma Pondov began to appear. Kozma rods - the generalized image of the bureaucrat of the Nikolaev era, who considers himself a sample of wisdom. Aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov - Acute Satira on bureaucracy, stupidity, kindness, vulgarity and careerism.

The ideological and political and literary struggle broke out around the peasant reform of 1861. The most radically tuned from " folk intercessors"- Revolutionaries-Democrats, whose leader was N. G. Chernyshevsky (1828-1889), and the main ruger is the magazine" Contemporary ", even called" Russia to the Topor ". In this atmosphere of intense struggle, such masterpieces of Russian literature are being created as "who in Russia live well" N. A. Nekrasova (1821-1877), "Purled and Duma" A. I. Herzen, "Crime and Punishment" F. M. Dostoevsky, "Fathers and Children" I. S. Turgenev, "Thunderstorm" A. N. Ostrovsky (1823-1886), "What to do?" N. G. Chernyshevsky, "Oblomov" I. A. Goncharov, "War and Peace" L. N. Tolstoy (1828-1910), "Lord Golovy" M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin (1826-1889). In these, in the full sense of the word, classic worksAnd this series can be even continued, high citizenship, the depth of the life inherent in Russian literature, was most clearly expressed. Dominant literary genre There was a novel.

In recent decades of the XIX century. Talents A. P. Chekhov (1860-1904), V. G. Korolenko (1853-1921), V. M. Garshina (1855-1888). In his works, they managed to show that dissatisfaction with autocracy reality becomes nationwide, which protest even in the souls of the most clogged and humiliated "small" people. The world sense acquired the longing of Chekhov heroes, characteristic of them the feeling of oddity and unreasonable life. V. M. Garshin is already planned to overcome naturalistic trends and an attempt to unite in lyric prose of romantic and realistic principles.

In the 1890s. "Old" literature, according to the expression of the poets Z. N. Hippius, "was at the tip", on her shift was literature " silver century"(Epoch mode of modern).

The nineteenth century in Russian literature is the most meaningful for Russia. In this century, began to show their creativity A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, A.N. Ostrovsky. All their works are not similar and carry great meaning in itself. Even to this day, their works pass in schools.

All works are customary to divide for two periods: on the first half of the nineteenth century and the second. This is noticeable on the problems of the work and used visual funds.

What are the features of Russian literature in the nineteenth century?

The first thing is that A.N Ostrovsky is considered to be a reformer who brought a lot of innovations in dramatic works. He first affected the most exciting topics of that time. Not afraid to write about the problems of the lowest class. Also A.N. Ostrovsky was the first to show the moral state of the soul of heroes.

Second, and I.S. Turgenev is known for his novel "fathers and children." He touched eternal themes Love, compassion, friendship and topic relationship between the old generation and new.

And, of course, this is F.M. Dostoevsky. His themes in the works are extensive. Belief in God, the problem of small people in the world, humanity of people - all this he touches in his works.

Thanks to the Writers of the nineteenth century, the current youth can learn from the kindness and most sincere feelings through the works of great people. The world was lucky that in the nineteenth century they were born and lived these talented peopleThey gave all humanity new food for the mind, opened new problem topics, taught sympathy towards neighbor and pointed to people's mistakes: their worn, falsehood, envy, renunciation from God, humiliation of another person and their mercenary motivations.

Several interesting writings