Literature presentation "A situational task at the lesson of studying the novel by A. Pushkin" Dubrovsky "

Literature presentation
Literature presentation "A situational task at the lesson of studying the novel by A. Pushkin" Dubrovsky "

"Great reforms" of Alexander II - important step on the way to the liberal nature of the development of Russia, its progress and prosperity. In 1864, the government of the emperor carried out judicial reform, which was supposed to make the court of Russia open, transparent, adversarial. A jury trial was introduced, and the presumption of innocence was affirmed. Citizenship and democracy became the goal of government policy. These changes were included as the advanced features of the new judicial system in Russia. half of the XIX v. However, F. M. Dostoevsky and L. N. Tolstoy, the great Russian writers and philosophers, had a different view of liberal reforms and gave their assessment of the socio-political consequences of the judicial reform.

The novel "Resurrection" by L. N. Tolstoy and journalistic essays by F. M. Dostoevsky contain plots extraordinary stories life ordinary people who became the main participants in the lawsuits. Comparative analysis works gives a clear idea of ​​the essence of the events taking place during the period of social and political innovations. The class character of the new court, its injustice for poor people, was described in detail by L. N. Tolstoy in his novel Resurrection. This is his last and most ambiguous work, which reflects the conflicts of faith, creativity and politics. In the center of the plot of the novel is the story of an ordinary woman, Ekaterina Maslova, accused of theft and murder, which she did not commit. L.N. Tolstoy gives detailed description the situation in the new court, where the fate of the heroine is decided. Before the reader is a portrait of the chairman, the lawyer, the prosecutor, the jury - the key participants in the trial: “There were ten different kinds of people in the small jury room” 1, - the author emphasizes the all-class system. “I was at all, - no

in spite of the fact that many were torn away from their work and that they said that they were burdened by this, everyone bore the imprint of a certain pleasure in the consciousness of accomplishing a socially important deed ”2. As if everyone came to court to calm their conscience and support social status, not to genuinely help. Thus, Tolstoy points out the hypocrisy and indifference of the jury to the fate of the accused and the victims: “As soon as the jury was seated, the chairman spoke to them about their rights, duties and responsibilities ... Everyone listened with respectful attention. The merchant, spreading the smell of wine around him and keeping the noisy belching, nodded his head approvingly at each phrase ”3. LN Tolstoy notes that in the new court the verdicts did not become fairer, but the speeches of the speakers were filled with notes of pathos and lengthened. “Why read this?

They only tighten. These new brooms are not cleaner and take longer to sweep, ”says one member of the meeting. “Entering the deliberation room, the jury, as before, first took out cigarettes and began to smoke,” - sitting in the hall, as the author emphasizes, the jury experienced the “unnaturalness and falsity” of their position. When the jury began to discuss the case of Yekaterina Maslova, all the lack of professionalism of the participants and their disregard for responsibility came to light. The author repeatedly emphasizes that when deciding on the defendant's case, the jury did not bother looking for fair facts in defense of the defendant. The point is that it was easier to agree to the prosecutor's charge than to go against him. And all the jury strove to complete the process and release from this charitable activities... Intuitively, they understood that Maslova was not guilty. In drawing up its decision, the jury overlooked a detail that had great importance when sentencing. The judges dropped the charge of theft from the defendant, implying thereby also innocence of murder, for them this connection was obvious, but not for the chairman of the court. Thus, the innocent person was punished. To file a petition, you need to have money and connections.

Maslova, a woman of common origin, could not afford such protection. However, noble in her thoughts, the heroine of Tolstoy could not even allow Nekhlyudov, a man of high society, who was in love with her, to correct this judicial error. The analysis of the novel "Resurrection" shows how the new reforms affected the lives of ordinary people. On the pages of Dostoevsky's Diary of a Writer, the consequences of the reform of the judicial system appear as one of the important social and political topics. The author made an attempt to describe the new judicial reality through the eyes of not a professional lawyer, not a politician, but a simple observer.

The article "Wednesday" provides an example of how the jury, on the contrary, acquits the culprit. Despite the fact that the judicial reform was supposed to lead to the growth of citizenship, Dostoevsky writes, it becomes a source of manifestation of an old popular, purely Russian trait - "pity." The point of jurors is that they should express the opinion of the majority, that is, in fact, “exalt themselves to the whole opinion of the country” 6. And the Russian jury compassionately justifies the real criminals, as if this is their own affair, referring to the state of the public "environment": "There is only a vile structure of the environment, and there are no crimes at all." By portraying real criminals as unhappy, the jury makes peaceful citizens unhappy, Dostoevsky said.

It's all to blame for the myth of the so-called "unbearable conditions" that force the weak-minded people to commit crimes. The writer is convinced that impunity leads to a decline in morality in society. The guilty person must go through the path of purification, his example must become indicative for others, otherwise “where do we get the citizens from?” 8 - asks the author. Dostoevsky continues to consider the problem of legal proceedings in later articles of the "Diary of a Writer" for 1876-1877, describing the trials of private individuals. This is the case of Kroneberg, and the trial of Mrs. Kairova, and the release of the defendant Kornilova, as well as the case of the Dzhunkovsky family, the process that provided material for the novel The Brothers Karamazov. Here, the absurdity, the insolvency of the judicial system of Russia come to foreground... The author again turns to the topic of "sticky environment", which justifies immoral behavior. Parents, wives, husbands, children become criminals due to various kinds of unfavorable conditions: lack of money, attention, recognition, love. The main actors lawyers become at the trial. Dostoevsky sees the problem in the fact that lawyers are talented in convincing the public and judges of the innocence of their clients, calling people to pity. A lawyer is just a set of rhetorical skills; the lawyer does not care whether his client is guilty or not. The main thing is to "knock out a tear."

Dostoevsky is repeatedly disappointed by the insincerity of judicial orators who defend only private interests and do nothing to "make the world as a whole a better place." New court- just a scene to demonstrate the talent of "resourcefulness", sums up the author. The culmination of all Dostoevsky's reasoning on the judicial question is a series of articles about the Dzhunkovsky family, in particular, "The Fantastic Speech of the President of the Court." The author begins with the fact that the family is the support of the state, the appearance of the country depends on it. Dostoevsky characterizes modernity by an abundance of "random families" in which the connection with "paternal traditions" is broken, such a family does not give the new generation "good and holy principles." It is in such a "random family" that social diseases and crimes are born. In Fantastic Speech, the writer says that criminals who have escaped physical punishment are not yet free from torments of conscience.

And the method of treating social ulcers is by no means an adversarial court, but sincere feelings: “Look for love and accumulate love in your hearts. Love is so omnipotent that it regenerates ourselves as well. With love we will only buy the hearts of our children, and not only with a natural right over them ”. Only a moral judgment can become the conscience and punishment of criminals, these weak people, irritated by the environment of egoists, “who allowed themselves to take their failure too close to heart” 10. Describing the life of ordinary people, their problems and experiences, the author shows the consequences of judicial reform, hinting that liberal reforms do not contribute to the improvement of society.

Thus, both the novel "Resurrection" by L. N. Tolstoy and "Diary of a Writer" by F. M. Dostoevsky broaden the understanding of the judicial question in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. Various texts two authors show that any of the participants in the process can be the culprit. Whether it's a common man or a member noble family Once in the dock, he will receive a sentence that will be convenient to draw up and hear for people who are in a hurry to go home, do not take into account the facts, or simply feel pity. Based on this, it can be argued that both Tolstoy and Dostoevsky see a just and functional judicial system in Russia in completely different ideals, far from Western ones. Is this a rejection of the formal court in favor of the moral?

Petrakova Anna Vladimirovna (Lomonosov Moscow State University)

“The theme of the court in the novel by A.S. Pushkin“ Dubrovsky ”.
Lesson objectives:

- improve the ability to work with text artwork, analyze an episode of the novel;
- to follow the behavior of the heroes during the trial;
- to reveal the originality of the theme of the court presented in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"
- develop the ability to work with dictionaries of various types.
Lesson type: reasoning lesson.
During the classes:

.Organizing time (announcement of the topic, setting the goals of the lesson).
2. Conversation on issues:
- what kinds of literature do you know?
- what genres of literature can be attributed to the epic? (in case of difficulty, you can refer to the table on page 48 of the textbook).
- what distinctive features have works of an epic kind?
- what is a novel?
3. Checking homework :
a) options for the title of Chapter II (students answer): "Judgment", "Unfair judgment", "Madness of Dubrovsky", "Unjust judgment" (one of the options is written in a notebook; as a result, gradually all chapters should be titled).
b) working with text (chapter II)
- What episode in Chapter II is the central one in your opinion? (court scene)
c) Vocabulary work (individual homework):
Court - 1). State body considering civil, criminal and other cases on the basis of current legislation;
2). The body for the fight against crime.
Appeal - appeal against the court verdict.
Zemsky judge - an elected judge who was in charge of the court affairs of the nobles in check.
Assessor - court clerk, assistant judge.
Plaintiff - a person applying to the court for the protection of his violated or contested right.
The defendant - a participant in the trial, involved as an alleged violator of the plaintiff's rights.
(a note is made in a notebook).
4. Expressive reading court scenes. 5. Group work ... Assignment: - Analyze the behavior of the participants in the process
- 1st group - Dubrovsky (
in this scene, an indifferent attitude towards A.G. Dubrovsky is emphasized. Lieutenant Dubrovsky “standing, leaned against the wall. "Dubrovsky became motionless, bowing his head")
- 2nd group - Troekurov (
Troekurov behaves arrogantly and self-confident. He was greeted "with expressions of deep servility." “The clerks stood up and laid their feathers behind his ear… they pushed his chairs out of respect for his rank…”, “Triumphant Troekurov… signed his perfect pleasure under the court decision”).
- 3rd group - representatives of the authorities (judges): ("
The judge got up and with a low bow turned to Troekurov "," Troekurov went out ... accompanied by the whole court. " The judges counted on Troekurov's gratitude.) 6. Student responses. 7. Conversation by text :
- For what purpose does Troekurov take away the estate from Dubrovsky? (
The rich Troekurov did not need to increase his holdings. He wanted to create such conditions for his friend that he would be completely dependent on him, so that Dubrovsky would ask for leniency, humiliate himself before him. The rich "friend" wanted to bring Dubrovsky to complete poverty, break his pride, trample on human dignity.)
- What feelings does Troekurov experience after winning the trial? (
Troekurov should have only rejoiced at his success in trial but Dubrovsky's sudden insanity "strongly influenced his imagination and poisoned his triumph." Troekurov realized that he had gone too far.)
- How has old Dubrovsky changed since the trial? ("
Health was bad "," strength weakened "," was not able to think about his affairs, economic orders ") 8. Conclusion:
- What role does the court scene play in the composition of Alexander Pushkin's novel "Dubrovsky"? (
The court scene is the culmination in the story of Troekurov's quarrel with Dubrovsky, which explains a lot in their characters and moral principles).
Creative work.
Students write a mini-essay "How did the scene in the county court make you feel?"
- read 3-7 chapters, title them;
Assignment - question:

- How did the court decision affect further destiny Dubrovsky.
(Lesson number 3. The image of Vladimir Dubrovsky)

In this article, we will describe key episodes"Dubrovsky" - a work created by Pushkin. Let's start by introducing the main characters.

Troekurov and Dubrovsky

Kirila Petrovich Troekurov lives in the Pokrovskoye estate. This is a noble and wealthy master. All the neighbors are afraid of him, knowing the tough disposition of this man, only Dubrovsky Andrei Gavrilovich, a poor landowner, a retired lieutenant of the Guard and a former colleague of Kiril Petrovich, is not afraid of him. Both are widowers. Dubrovsky has a son, Vladimir, who serves in St. Petersburg, and Troekurov has a daughter, Masha, who lives with her father. Often Troekurov says that he would like to marry children.

Quarrel of friends

Key episodes of "Dubrovsky" open with discord among friends. They are quarreled by an unexpected disagreement, and the independent and proud behavior of the protagonist makes them even more distant from each other. The all-powerful and autocratic Troekurov decides to vent his irritation by plotting to take away the estate from Dubrovsky. He orders Shabashkin, the assessor, to find a "legal" way for this. He fulfills the wish, and now Dubrovsky is finally summoned to solve this case. These events are described in the work "Dubrovsky" episode in court.

In the presence of the parties at the hearing, the decision is read, which is executed by many legal incidents. According to him, the estate of Kistenevka, which belongs to Dubrovsky, passes into the possession of Troekurov. The former owner has a fit of insanity.

Dubrovsky dies

The health of the elder Dubrovsky is deteriorating, and the old woman Yegorovna, who followed him, writes a letter to the son of the landowner in Petersburg, notifying him of the incident. Vladimir is going home, having received a vacation. The dear coachman tells young man about the circumstances of this case. At home, he finds a decrepit sick father.

Key episodes of "Dubrovsky" are ahead. And the story continues with the fact that Andrei Gavrilovich is slowly dying. Troyekurov, tormented by his conscience, goes to make up. At the sight of a guest, a sick landowner breaks down paralysis. The sick man's son tells him to tell his neighbor to get out of their house, and then Dubrovsky Sr. dies.

After his funeral, the police chief and judicial officials come to Kistenevka to bring Troyekurov into ownership. The peasants refuse to obey him, they want to get rid of the officials. They are stopped by Vladimir Dubrovsky.

Dubrovsky sets fire to the house

In his house, at night, he finds Arkhip, a blacksmith, who decided to kill the clerks, and Dubrovsky manages to dissuade him from this case. Vladimir decides to leave his estate and orders also to bring people out to burn down the house. He sends Arkhip to unlock the doors so that officials can leave the house, but he violates the order and locks them. Dubrovsky sets fire to the house and goes away from the yard, and the clerks die in the resulting fire.

The news of the robbers

Suspicion of the murder of officials and the arson of the house falls on the protagonist. Troekurov starts a new business, sending a report to the governor. But here another event distracts everyone's attention from Dubrovsky: robbers appeared in the province. They rob all landowners, and only do not touch Troyekurov's property. Everyone believes that Dubrovsky is the leader.


For Sasha, his illegitimate son Troyekurov from Moscow subscribes Monsieur Desforges, a French teacher who is greatly impressed by the beauty of Marya Kirilovna, his seventeen-year-old daughter. But the girl is not a hired teacher. They put Deforge to the test, pushing him into the room with a hungry bear (this is a common joke when dealing with guests in the Troekurov family). The teacher kills the beast. Masha is strongly impressed by his courage and determination. She becomes closer to the teacher, and this closeness develops into love.

Party at Troekurov's house

Key episodes of "Dubrovsky" continues the holiday in the house of Troyekurov. Guests come here. At lunch we are talking about Dubrovsky. Spitsyn Anton Pafnutich, a landowner, one of the guests, admits that he gave false testimony in court at one time in favor of Kirill Petrovich against Dubrovsky. One lady informs that the main character dined with her a week ago, and says that the clerk sent with money and a letter for his son returned and said that Dubrovsky had robbed him. However, he was caught in a lie by a former colleague of his late husband who came to visit. The bailiff says that, indeed, Dubrovsky on the way to post office stopped him, but did not rob him, having read the letter from his mother. The clerk found money in the chest. The lady believes that the man who passed himself off as a friend of her husband was Dubrovsky himself. However, according to her descriptions, she had a man of about 35 years old, and Troekurov, meanwhile, knows for sure that the main character was 23 years old. This fact the new police chief, who has dinner with him, also confirms.

This holiday ends with a ball. Anton Pafnutich decides to spend the night with Desforge in the same room, as he knows about his courage and hopes that he will protect him in the event of an attack by robbers. However, at night he robbed him and said that he was Dubrovsky. He met a Frenchman traveling to Troekurov, gave him money, in return for receiving the teacher's papers. So Dubrovsky settled in Troekurov's house.

Dubrovsky's date with Masha

Key episodes in the novel "Dubrovsky" continue with the meeting of the protagonist with Masha. Spitsyn leaves the house in the morning without mentioning the incident. Marya Kirilovna falls in love with Deforge. One day he asks for a date. Masha appears at the appointed time, and he announces his imminent departure, revealing who he is. Dubrovsky says that he forgave the girl's father.

Masha, returning to the house, finds anxiety here, and Troekurov tells her that Deforzh is Dubrovsky.

Ring episode

The next summer, Prince Vereisky returns to his estate. He amazes Masha with his beauty, but the girl does not want to marry him, thinking about the main character. We continue to describe the key episodes in the novel "Dubrovsky". The lovers meet at night, agree that Masha will not marry Vereisky. Dubrovsky gives her a ring at parting, says that in case of trouble it will be necessary to lower it into the hollow of a tree, and the girl will know what to do.

Masha, on the eve of the wedding, writes a letter to Vereisky, begging him to abandon her. But Kirilla Petrovich, having learned about the letter, appoints a wedding for another, and orders the girl to be locked up. Sasha comes to her aid, carries the ring into the hollow. But the ragged boy, at the sight of him, tries to take possession of the jewelry. The gardener helps out. On the way back, Troyekurov meets, who, under threats, forces Sasha to tell about the assignment. He locks the boy, but soon he manages to get into Kistenevka.

Masha's wedding

We also note one more important episode from "Dubrovsky" - a wedding. The young people go to Arbatovo, but suddenly the carriage is surrounded on the road, and a man in a half-mask opens the doors. The prince wounds him. They grab him and want to kill him, but Dubrovsky tells him not to touch him. The young man loses consciousness.

Dubrovsky is hiding in the forest with a band of robbers. One day the soldiers come, but the robbers defeat them. After that, Dubrovsky talks about his decision to leave the gang. He disappears. Rumored to be somewhere abroad.