Musical terms. Music text: language, sign, signal, symbol musical definitions dictionary

Musical terms. Music text: language, sign, signal, symbol musical definitions dictionary
Musical terms. Music text: language, sign, signal, symbol musical definitions dictionary
Elementary theory music

Accompaniment -Musical support of soloist (singer, instrumentalist, ensemble, dance, gymnastic exercises, etc.
Chord (consonance) - the simultaneous sound of three or more sounds, different in height, name.
Accent (Emphasis) - underscore any sound, chord. A. has various graphic notation:\u003e, V, ^, sf, etc. They are affixed in vocal (solo and choral) parties over the notopian (in the absence of text); In the instrumental works. A. Can be affixed between music strings or each separately depending on the performing expressiveness.
Alteration - Increased or lowering sound on halftone or tone using signs: # (dishes) increases on halftone; B (Bemole) lowers halftone; - (Bachar) cancels the diezer or a bembol, etc.
Ensemble(together). 1. Musical work for several performers: duet(two performers), trioor tercet(three), quartet(four), quintet(Five), etc. 2. Unified Art Collection. 3. Pedia, consistency of choral performance.
Fingering- Designation in notes of proper alternation of fingers for the convenience of playing musical instruments.
Arpeggio - Sequential execution in the chord of the sounds of one after another.
Volta- Graphic designation of the repetition of the previous musical passage, which is indicated as follows:

Gamma - Sound - the consistent sound of the Lada steps in the ascending and downward movement. The most common diathonic (out of 7 steps) and chromatic (out of 12 steps).
Harmonization - Instrumental support melody written in folk or other styles.
Harmony. 1. Sequential, natural combination of consonant in Lada and tonality conditions. 2. Training subject in music theory.
Range - Sound capabilities of the singing voice or any tool, the volume between the highest and low sounds of the voice (tool).
Dynamics(power) - use of strengthening or weakening sound as an expressive means of execution. Main graphic designations D.: F (Forte) - loudly, P (Piano) - quiet, MF (Metzo Forte) - moderately loudly, Mr (Mezzo Piano) - moderately quiet, Crescendo (Krefesedo) - Strengthening, Diminuendo (Diminuendo) - Relaxing and dr.
Duration- The properties of the sound that determines its length. The main designation of the duration is a whole note that is equal to two half notes, four fourth notes, eight eighth sweats, etc.

Share - Music Time Unit (Sound), divided into strong (shock), weak (unstressed).
Dissonance- Consonous, in which sounds are not combined, cause a feeling of consistency.
Genre - The concept of determining the content, character, orientation of the musical work, for example, the genre of opera, symphonic, vocal, chamber music. The genre is usually called music, closely related to life (march, dance, etc.).
Uactable- The beginning of the musical work with a weak share.

Musical sound - oscillation of the sounding body having basic properties: height, duration, timbre, dynamics (strength).
Scale - The sequence of the main steps of Lada: up, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si.
Improvisation -creative activity directly during execution, i.e. Fingering your options for songs, dancing, marching, etc.
Interval- the distance between two different in height of the sounds, of which the lower is called the base, the upper - vertex, for example prima (repetition of the same sound) second, Terration, Quart, Quint, Sex, Septima, Oktawa etc.
Intonation- Melodic turnover, the smallest musical construction, which has independent expressiveness.
Key -a sign that determines the height and the name of the sound and is affixed at the beginning of a new time. Most used:

violin bass

(salt - on the second line), (Fa - on the fourth line).

Consonance - Consonance, in which the sounds merge and, as it were, complement each other.
LAD - ratio, relationship of stable and unstable sounds.
Legato - The associated performance of several sounds.
League - Graphic image in the form of an arc (concave or curved), which denotes the associated performance of several sounds of different heights, an increase in the duration of one sound, combining sounds executed in a song on one syllable.

Melmisms -Food musical decorations of one sound:

Major - Wheel sound, transmitting the most commonly light, joyful mood of music.
Melody- one-haired sequence of sounds combined with semantic content.
Meter - consistent alternation of strong and weak stakes in the tact.
Minor - Wheel sound, transmitting most often thoughtful, sad mood of music.
Polyphony- a consonant combination of several independent melodic lines (votes).
Modulation- logical, intonational transition to another tonality.
Motive- The smallest musical construction, it usually contains one strong share.
Musical gram - Elementary knowledge in the field of music theory.
Note- Graphic image of sound.
Night Stan. (Notonic) - a graphic image of five horizontal parallel lines to record notes.
Nuance- Tint, emphasizing the nature of the sound of music.
Pause- A sign, interrupting the musical sound on a certain period of time and corresponding to the durations of notes.

Semitone- The smallest distance between two sounds, different in height.
The size - the amount of strong and weak fractions of a certain duration forming the tact; It is depicted in the form of a fraction, in the denominator which indicates the duration of one share, in the numerator - the number of such fractions. At the beginning of the work, on each notonic one separately, after the key characters, and the value is preserved until the end of the work or to the change of the old size of the clock and establishing a new one. For example: 2/4, ѕ, 6/8, etc.
Register - Determines the sound range of a musical instrument, a singing voice and differs on high, medium and low.
Rhythm - Sequential alternation of sounds (different heights and duration) having semantic and expressive importance.
Syncope - Displacement of sound stress with a strong share of the tact on weak.
Staccato - Performing reception characterized by a short, ripple sound.
Lada steps - Sounds having the following notation:

Tact - A small segment of a musical work, concluded between two strong shares (starts with a strong and ends before the strong) T. is divided on a tact bar (vertical line).
Pace - speed, alternation of metric units. The designations of T are affixed at the beginning of the work above the first note line in Russian and Italian, for example: moderately - Moderate (moderato), quickly - Allegro (Allegro), long - Adagio (Adagio).
Tone- The distance between two sounds, which includes two halftone.
The tonality is the specific height of the sounds of a certain Lada characteristic of a particular product. T. has its own key signs and is determined by the position of tonic on a particular stage of the outer.
Transposy (transposition) - execution of the work (songs, plays) in another tonality.
Triad - Accord, in which three sounds are located in terms (for example, du-Mi-salt).T. May be a major or minor and, thus, to determine the way.
Texture- Operation of various means of musical expressiveness: melody, accompaniment, individual voices, pegs, theme, etc.
Fermata - Graphic designation of additional extension, sound for the purposes of greater expressiveness.

Musical shape - In a broad sense combines expressive means: melody, rhythm, harmony, structure. In a narrow sense of F. - this is the structure of the work, for example, two-party and three-part.
Chromatism- halftone change in the height of sounds using the alteration signs.

Vocal-choir art

A cappella - Multi-voiced, mainly choral penis without instrumental support.
Vocalization- Singing, performing hooking on vowels.
Vocal music - Designed for singing. There are three main types of singing: solo (one performer), ensemble (duets, trio, etc.), choral (collective execution, one-haired or multi-voiced, accompaniment or a cappella).
Vocal art - Swelling skill.
Detonation - Incorrect, inaccurate sound.
Range- Sound of the singing vote.
Diction- Clear, intelligible, expressive pronunciation of words.
Singe - The beginning of the solo or choral song.
Cantilena- Opening, smooth, manner of execution.
Chorus- Part of the song (in a bus form), executed on the same text.


Bulba - Belarusian folk song-dance of a lively, funny character having a two-dollars size.
Waltz - Ballery dance of smooth, moderately fast character having a three-tested size.
Gallop - Ballroom dance, rapid pace; Size two quarters.
Hopak- Ukrainian folk dance, fast, rapid, based on large jumps; Size two quarters.
Krakowak - Polish folk dance, lively character; Size two quarters; Rhythm with characteristic syncopes.
LEVONICA - Belarusian folk song-dance of a living, funny character with emphasized tributaries at the end of each musical phrase; The pace is fast; Size two quarters.
Mazurka - Polish folk dance with a characteristic acute rhythm; Size threedole.
Minuet - Vintage French ball dance smooth, several flirty character; three quarters; The pace is accelerated.
Polka - Czech folk dance of a cheerful, light, mobile nature; two-dollar size; The pace is fast.
Horticulture - Mass game, with singing and movements in a circle.

Elements of dance movements

Beganets I. P:feet in the main rack (heels together, socks apart). Push off his left foot and make a small leap forward with the right foot ("Once" account), gently dropped to it; Then move forward on a light run: left foot (score "and"), right foot ("two" account). After that, start the same movements from the left leg (jump, the run, etc.).
Side gallop- The element of dance, hesitates to the account: "Once and, two and". I. P:main rack. Movement light, spring. On "Once" - a small step with a jog right foot to the side (from the leg sock, slightly bending the knees); on "and" - land on the left; On "Two and" - repeat movement.
Fractional step. I. P:foot in parallel, knees slightly bent. It is carried out rhythmically, in place, throughout the foot with rapidly alternating tributops: the right, left, right, etc.
Hop- Dance element. I. P:feet in the main rack. Performed on the account "times and, two and". On "Once and" - a small jump on the left leg, at the same time right away to the side, touching the floor toe, slightly bent knee turn inside; On "Two and" - to make a second tide on the left leg, right to put on the heel, the knee turn outward.
Pa-de Basque - Dance element. I. P:feet d base rack. Performed on account "and once, and two." On "and" - a small jump, the impetus to the left leg, right to bring forward and right (low above the floor); on "times" - land on the right leg, left to bend, knee outwards; on "and" - a step with his left foot, slightly bending the knee, right to raise; On the "two" - a step with right foot, slightly bending the knee, the left lift and bend slightly.
Russian variable step. I. P:main rack. Performed on the account "times and two and" on "times" - a step right foot forward from the sock; on "and" - a small step with his left foot on the sock (the heel is raised low); On "Two and" - a small step right foot forward from the sock. Then moves are performed from the left leg.
Russian hid step. I. P:feet in the third position (the heel of the right leg is attached to the middle of the left foot). Movements are a smooth alternate step with each foot from Kosk.
Step Waltza (gymnastic). I. P:rack on socks. Performed on the account, "two times three". On "Once" - a step with right foot forward from the sock on the entire foot, slightly bending the knee (gently spring); On "Two, Three" - two small steps forward left and then right foot on socks (legs straight).
Step Waltza(dance). I. P:rack on socks. Performed, like the previous step, but on run, rapidly.
Polka Pag. I. P:feet in the third position. It is performed on the account "and once, and two" on "and" - a small sliding stalk on his left leg forward, right slightly lift forward; on "times" - a step right forward on the sock; on "and" to put the left foot from behind to the right (third position); On the "two" - a step right foot forward.
Step with fallen. I. P:feet in the main rack. Performed on account "and once, and two." On "and" - right leg raise to the side, right; On "Once" - to make a small step from the sock on the entire foot, slightly bending the knee, at the same time the left, bent in the knee leg, lift; on "and" - straightening her legs, stand on-sock left legs (back right), right away to side; On "Two and" - repeat movement.
Step with a perspective. I. P:foot in parallel, knees slightly bent. Performed on the account "times, two". On "Once" - a small step with a blow to the right leg about the floor, on the "two" - the same step with the left foot.

sign; musical composition; music text; signal; symbol; language


Music studies often identify musical work and musical text that is wrongful. The article attempts to designate the borders of the meaning field of the concept of "musical text" through the language, sign and symbol. The ratio of musical and natural languages \u200b\u200bis considered. The problem of the lack of constant meaning in a music sign, which can be solved using the "signal" concept.

Article text:

Traditionally, the main object of research in domestic music is a musical work. The concept of "musical work" turns out to be central in most scientific works. In the framework of domestic music general studies, it does not always have clear semantic borders and often acts as synonymous with musical text, whereas, in my opinion, such a identification is unacceptable due to the fact that these concepts belong to different research strategies. Due to the fact that musicians and musicologists continue to use the phrase "musical text" without proper reflection, it is necessary to designate the basic boundaries of his understanding.

Due to the fact that the period of terminological reflection in two or three decades is insufficient to develop uniform views on the musical text, in specialized literature there is a certain variation of opinions on this concept.

Music text is a kind of artistic text that comes down to the text in a broad sense as anonymized signal transmitting information from one consciousness to another, and therefore not existing outside of the perceived consciousness. And since any text is "every connected sign complex", then the musical text is a specific sign structure, the purpose of which is the transfer of the artistic information of the audio-free property.

If the work specifically, materially and has the author, then the text is not the substantive characteristic of the object, but a certain angle of view on it - "field of methodological operations" . The text cannot have the author, since it exists only in discourse, it is felt only in the process of its production. The image of the author If it is present in the text, then the reader is constructed, a listener. The composer himself coincides with his creation only at the moment when it objectifiates creative intention. And the subsequent existence of the work includes the author to its being on a par with the performer or a listener as a guest, an interpreter. The "author" is a concept, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author, as a constructed interpreter (including the composer himself), as well as the idea of \u200b\u200bthe content of the musical work. And Bach every time at the time of the fulfillment of his work there is "My Bach", "Your Bach", "Bach" of each of the sitting in the concert hall and thinking about Baha.

The cultural context, which, in the case of a musical work, is a creature environment, with respect to text, a condition for perception - cultural, historical and social conditions in which the listener lives and thinks. Thus, the focus of the text is not the author, but the addressee.

The intermediary between the composer and the listener is primarily a good text (handwritten or printed). Usually, the musical text is considered as fixed, expressed in the form of a great sign side of the work. Some researchers tend to consider the artistic text with an objective material given, sensually perceived part of the work. From here - the widespread delusion of many musicians identifying the musical text with music text. In general, the framework of music studies takes place a double understanding of the musical text: the first - as "the system of tight fixation of the copyright - a good text", the second is a certain structured field of meaning, actualized in the act of sound. In fact, the music text is not part of the work, not a note record.

Musual text is a system of conventional signs visually expressing the structure, architectonics of the musical work. With music text, the music text is just beginning, it takes another procedure for distributing meaning in real sound and in the process of perceiving this text by a listener, and in a certain way the organized thinking of the interpreter about this musical work is necessary.

Music text, like a not one, has semiotic structures: language, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. However, the interaction of the recipient with these structures in both cases is different. Language of music text is a combination of graphic signs (notes, keys, signs of alliteration, volume indications, tempo, etc.) and the rules of their combination. Denotat of music signs is the sound, which occupies its specific place in the temperature system. With the language of musical text, the situation is much more complicated.

Relying on the textbook definition of the language ("Any ordered system that serves as a means of communication and signs"), musicologists lead a dispute about the presence or absence of signs of signs similar to the signs of a natural language. Representatives of traditional musical science following linguists include music to the secondary modeling system and identify musical tongue with a complex of means of musical expressiveness (rhythm, pace, intonation, harmony, timbre). Details about the ratio of means of musical expressiveness and signs writes M.Sh. Bonfeld.

M.Sh. Bonfeld is not inclined to reduce musical tongue to natural due to the lack of independent signs with a stable field of meaningful meaning: "... Music works do not distinguish such units, which are out of context, as the words of the natural language, retain the established unity of meaning-meaningable." Therefore, it is fundamentally impossible to make a kind of "intonational dictionary", a dictionary of musical "words" - signs, but the scientists-musicians continue to use this concept as a term, whereas this is just a successful metaphor: "The expression" intonation dictionary "existing in the musician literature indicates no more than a circle characteristic of the era, style, directions, creativity of a separate composer of intonation, but does not imply none inherent cataloging dictionaries of these intonations according to any generally accepted (formal) feature, neither more than them is some steady (limited values) interpretation.

Nevertheless, the musical text is not chaotic, it is structured and "members of the meeting" (term M.Sh. Bonfeld), but not discreteen. The structural units of the musical text are not the signs, but the subtacks (similar to the morphemes of the natural language): "... a musical work is a speech mediated by not the language (a semiotic system of words-signs), but the system of subnaenks, out of speech (i.e., out of work) Do not have a sustainable value and purchasing it only as a particle of a holistic sign. So remove the antinomy between the text (statement, discourse) and is familiar with music art. " Thus, the sounding musical text is not a sign system, but the text-mark correlating not with the tongue, but with a speech - a single, and therefore unique, the act of broadcasting meaning.

The opposite position occupies the city of Orlov. If M.Sh. Bonfeld, with reservations, but recognized the right of semiotics to interference with the music text, then the city of Orlov considers music as a fundamentally extractionalism sphere of human being. Despite the common sound roots, music and language exist and develop in parallel and are neither unavailable to each other: "... language suggests a preferential installation on analytical rationality, on the logic of static conceptual differences and timeless descriptions of phenomena into a certain margin of their existence. Music relies on syncretic comprehensive sensuality, concentrates perception on high-quality completeness of sound phenomenon in its diachronic, temporary deployment. "

Music in his concept does not have a sign nature, therefore, the structural and semiotic approach to it is not applicable. The concepts of "musical text" and "musical language" are useless. Instead of them, the city of Orlov proposes to use the concept of "symbol" in the meaning of a certain "portal" in the partition act (the term is understood in the context of the theory of L. Levi-Brunel), which opens access to hidden reality levels: "The sound of music is one of the purest characters: part And the Bulletin of that having no name of the reality, with which we come into contact through music and musical experience. "

The position of the city of Orlov is essentially ethnomy-general - the music correlates with the myth as a form of a mystical act of concerns to being: "Such contact with music occurs only when it becomes his reality when, leaving judgments, he loses his" I ", identifies it to her, It ceases to perceive it as something external, other than he himself, becomes part of the identical integer. " In the framework of the theory of Orlov, the music ceases to be both text and work, remaining only a symbol. The means of communication without language - this is exactly how the scientist is determined by the music - serves as a means of human self-sufficiency in the framework of collective cultural experience.

Orlov, criticizing the theory of information, writes: "For her, the sound is just a material carrier. The qualities and values \u200b\u200bthat sound has in the eyes of the listener are not its own properties, but are fixed behind it in a specific coding system, as is peculiar to any communication. " And further: "The message does not contain meaning: it's just signal sequence(italics mine - Sat),managing the choice of meanings from the reserve, which the recipient has. Refusing to music in the badge, the city of Orlov, however, affects a curious topic - music as a sequence of sound signals - but does not develop it.

In my opinion, the problem of lack of in the musical text of the steady meaningable, which musicuals speak in one voice, can be solved using the "signal" concept. It was in the end that the participants of the round table "Text of the text" S. Dolgopolski, S. Zimovets and V. Kruglikov came to him. Despite these etymology (from lat. Signum - sign) In the framework of the musical text, the signal can be accepted as a vector (in space and time) of an organized physical impulse, which is filled with the value only in a specific act of sound. According to the participants of the discussion, it is a sign as a signal can be the basis of the text structure without being meant. This concept is close to understanding the musical text M.Sh. Bonfeld as a system of sub names.

A similar position is occupied by A.M. Pyatigorsky. The text is considered not as a set of signals, but as one signal. The text as a signal has the properties of the integrity of the broadcast in time and space, clearness, focus, that is, implies the transmission channel from the author to the addressee. Signal according to A.M. Pyatigorsky, there is a physically more specific form of a sign that involves the absence of the need for decryption (which is characteristic of the perception of musical text), inevitable in the case of working with a sign.

B. Norman also breeds a signal and a sign. The discrimination procedure is based on the recognition of the biological nature of the first. The signal, in his opinion, belongs to the animal environment, a sign - the society of people. In his work "Language as a sign system" B. Norman offers criteria for determining the sign and signal. The sign implies the presence of four properties: premediation (the goal is to deliver information), bilateral (expression plan and content plan), conventional, conditioning (sign entered into the system). The musical sound has three of these properties, with the exception of bilateral (subject to the absence of intentional sound resistance). The expression plan and the content plan are so merged that it is not possible to carry out the border between them. This leads to unsighteous disputes on the presence / absence of a fixed meant in a musical sign.

B. Norman distinguishes the sign and signal for another sign - temporality. The sign is located in the trophic temporal system - past, present and future, and can be perceived with breaks over time, not losing the semantic nucleus. The signal is relevant here and now, neither for the past nor future communication in this case does not apply.

In a sense, the position of B. Norman is close to thinking of the city of Orlov about the off-linguistic and prelenginguistic nature of music. Solidarity of researchers also manifests itself in the absence of text in the signal / symbolic level.

In my opinion, the music text has the characteristics of both systems - sign and signaling: possessing the syntax, hierarchy of the elements, the focusing of communication, the music text at the same time there is a holistic signal, which is sounding and perceived only in the present, acting both at the consciousness level and on Body Level Recipient. The musical text, of course, has a language as an ordered system that serves as a means of communication. But this system is specific and only partly correlates with a natural, primary, sign system of human communication, because there is no signs similar to the words of a natural language that would be a music dictionary.

You can agree with the opinion of the city of Orlov about the militant nature of the musical practice of man. In this case, further surveys in this area should be conducted at the level of the signal of the signal as the simplest media of information or the "wonderful" of thoughts.


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Music lessons: music dictionary


A cappella - Performance of a music work without instrumental support.

Accord - simultaneous combination of several sounds.

Ensemble - A small group of musicians performing one work ( from 2 to 8 people: out of two - duet, out of three - trio,

four-Quartet, out of five - Quintet, out of six - Sextet, from seven - Septhet, from eight - octet)

Aria - solo room in the opera, a complete musical episode, where the hero expresses his thoughts and feelings, and also given

characteristics of the image of the hero.

Alto - Low Female and Children's Voice.


Ballet is a musical performance, where all the actors only dance.

Baritone - Middle-range male voice.

Barcarol - a song on the water.

Bass - Low-range male voice.

Bach I.S. (1685-1750) - the German Baroque era composer, is considered one of the greatest composers in the history of music, author of organic works, vocal music (Mass, Cantata, Oratoria, Passion - Matthew Passion), orchestral and chamber Music (Brandenburg Concerts, Italian Concert), Circuit Works (Well Templar Clear, Inventions, Suites, etc.)

Beethoven L.V. ( 1770-1827) - German composer, conductor and pianist, one of three "Viennese Classics", a key figure of Western classical music in the period between classicism and romanticism, one of the most respected and executable composers in the world. He wrote in all the genres that existed in his time, including opera, music for dramatic performances, choral essays. The most significant in his heritage is considered tool works: piano, violin and cellular sonatas, concerts for piano, for violin, quartets, overtures, symphonies. Creativity Beethoven had a significant impact on the symphony of the XIX and XX century.

Characteristic creativity - heroic, struggle, victory.

Belkanto (Ial.)- Beautiful, beautiful singing.

Blues (from the combination of two words: "Blue" - Blue, "Devl" - Melancholy, Handra) - Folk song of American blacks with a sad, sad shade. Blues sang usually accompanied by a banjo or guitar.


Variation form- Music form based on the repetition of the same topic with various changes.

Vocaliz- Genre of Vocal Music, Song, Performed by Voice without words (Song without words)

Vocal music- music executed by voice ( vocal music genres: Song, Romance, Aria, Vocaliz, Opera, Oratoria, Cantata, Mass, Requiem)

Vivaldi A. (1678-1741) - Venetian composer, violinist, teacher, conductor, Catholic priest, one of the largest representatives of the Italian violin art of the XVIII century, during his lifetime received wide recognition throughout Europe, the creator of the instrumental concert genre, author 40 operas, most The famous work is a series of 4 violin concerts "Seasons".


Harmony (consonance)- A means of musical expressiveness, an axor chain accompanied by a melody.

Gavrilin V.A. (1939-1999) - Soviet and Russian composer, author of symphony and choral works, songs, chamber music, music for movies.

Glinka M.I. (1804-1857)- Russian composer of the 19th century, the founder of Russian music, the creator of the first Russian opera ("Ivan Susanin") and the first symphonic work (Waltz fantasy).

Gomophony is a type of polyphony presentation, in which one voice is the main one, and the rest perform the role of accompaniment.


Duplex - a musical form consisting of music of two different characters (2 parts).

Debussy K. ( 1862-1918) - French composer, founder of impressionism in music, author of piano prelude, symphonic suite "Sea"

Jazz (Eng. Jazz) is a form of musical art that emerged at the end of the XIX - early XX century in the United States as a result of the synthesis of African and European cultures.

Dynamics - Musical expressiveness, the power of sound.

Conductor ( franz. Manage, manage) - Head of learning and execution of an ensembline (orchestral, choral, opera, etc.) of music to which the artistic interpretation of the work carried out under its control to the entire ensemble of the performers.

Dotkant - a high children's voice.

Duet- ensemble consisting of two performers.

Spiritual concert- this is a multi-vocal vocal polyphonic work for Soloists of Igor. In the genre of the spiritual concert, wrote D. Bortnian, M. Berezovsky


Announced bias- the main type of old Russian litrorship singing. The name comes from the word a banner (Dr.-Rus. "Banner", that is, a sign).

Hooks Marking were used to recover. Feature of his sound-massive sound a. capella.


Instrumental music- music performed on musical instruments ( genres of instrumental music- Sonata, symphony, concert, prelude, nocturne, suite, dance, march, etude IDR.).

Art is a creative reflection of reality in artistic artistic practices.

Impressionism ( franz. impression) - The direction in the art of the last third of the XIX - the beginning of the 20th centuries, originated in France and then spread throughout the world, whose representatives sought to most naturally capture the real world in its mobility and variability, transfer their mumbling impressions. Usually, under the term "impressionism" means a direction in painting, although his ideas also found their embodiment in literature and music.


Chamber music - music intended for performance in a small room with a small composition of musicians.

Canon - two-rode, in which one voice leads a melody, and the other catchings it.

Cantata is a large vocal-symphonic work of a solemn character with soloists, choir and symphony orchestra.

Capella -

  • in the Middle Ages called the choir who performed spiritual music,
  • large in the composition of the choral team.

Kebethet- Mass scene in ballet.

Quartet - ensemble consisting of four people.

Quintet is an ensemble consisting of five people.

Kikta V. G. (1941) - Composer, Professor of the Moscow Conservatory, the author of the concert symphony "Frescoes of Sofia Kiev"

Contralto - Low-range female voice.

Counterpoint is the type of polyphony, polyphony with the simultaneous sound of several melodic lines that do not violate the total fraud.

Concert(Competition) - a product for a soling tool with orchestra.

A bought form - a form of music based on the alternation of semes and the chorus, is used in the song genre


LAD - means of musical expressiveness the relationship of musical sounds, different in height (major dear-light sound, minor paw is darker)

Libretto (ITal. Book) - Literary basis of musical performances: short literary presentation plot ballet, Opera, Musicla,


Lyadov AK (1855-1914) - Russian composer, created several symphonic miniatures (small plays) on the plots of Russian folklore, fabulous fiction (picture to the Russian folk fairy tale "Baba Yaga", a fabulous picture "Magic lake", popular tale " Kikimor ")


Melody - a means of musical expressiveness, the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe musical work, expressed by sound.

Mezzo-soprano - middle-range female voice.

Mozart V.A.(1756-1799 ) - austrian composer, violinist-virtuoso, clause, organist. It belongs to the most significant representatives of the Vienna Classical School. Character features of his creativity: sunshine, cheerfulness, grace, ease. Works: 41Simphony, "Rondo in Turkish Style", Symphonic Suite "Little Night Serenade", Operas ("Wedding Figaro", "Don Juan", "Magic Flute"), Requiem

Musical form- Building a musical work based on the alternation of contrast and repeat (one-piece form, two -head shape, three-part form, shape of the native, variational form, a bought form)

Musical image- Creative reflection of reality in music. This is a lively generalized idea of \u200b\u200breality, expressed in sounds, musical intonation.

Mussorgsky M.P. (1839-1881) - Russian composer, entered the Commonwealth of Russian composers "Mighty hand", author Opero "Hovanshchina" and "Boris Godunov", piano suite "pictures from the exhibition", romances and songs

Musical ( english musical comedy) - Music and scenic work, in which dialogues, songs, music are intertwined, choreography plays an important role. This entertainment representation, which combines various art genres - pop and household music, choreography and modern dance, drama and visual art.

Miniature is a small play.


Nocturne- musical work, drawing night images.


One-piece form - A musical form consisting of music of one character (1 part)

Opera - (italian. Work, an essay) A musical performance in which all actors only sing.

The orchestra is a big team of instrumental musicians (Symphony Orchestra, Spirit Orchestra, Jazz Orchestra, Orchestra of Russian Folk Tools, Chamber Orchestra).


Paganini N. (1782-1840) - italian violinist and composer, author of Caprice №24.

PartE singing ( from the words partes. - Voices) - type of Russian multi-voice vocal music, which has spread in Orthodox worship in the 18th century and the first half of the XVIII century. Number of votes it can be from 3 to 12, and can reach 48. The most characteristic genre of music, in which the parties singing is reflected - a paired choral concert.

Song - Genre of vocal music.

Pergolezi D. (1710-1736) - Italian composer, violinist and organist, representative of the Neapolitan Opera School and one of the earliest and most important composers of the Buffa Opera (comic opera), the author of Cantata "Stabat Mater".

Polyphony - type of multi-voiced presentation, in which all voices are equivalent.

Soft music- Musical works in which ideas, images, plots are explained by the composer himself. The clarification of the author can be given in the text - the explanation attached to the work, or in its title.

Prokofiev S. (1891-1953) - One of the largest and most executable composers of the 20th century (Cantata "A.Vevsky", Ballets "Cinderella" and "Romeo and Juliet", Opera "War and Peace" and "Tale of the Real Man", Symphony Fairy Tale "Peter and Wolf" , 7 symphonies, piano miniatures "Peter's"

Prelude (entry) - a short musical product that does not have a strict form.


Rhapsody ( rhapsod) - a wandering musician who chants his homeland) is a genre of instrumental music, a musical work built in a free form based on folk melodies.

Rakhmaninov S.V. (1873 - 1943) - Russian composer, pianist virtuoso and conductor, author vocal music- romances, choral works, opera; piano music- Preludes, concerts, sonata, etc.; symphonic music.

Register - means of musical expressiveness, relative height of sounds, range.

Regtaym (ripped rhythm) - Dance music of a special warehouse is an attempt by Negro musicians to use cross-rhythms of African music in the performance of the regimen, cadry and other dances. This is a piano genre, the founder - Scott Joplin.

Rhythm - means of musical expressiveness, natural alternation of sounds of various durations .

Romance - Vocal music genre, musical work for voice with an accompanying tool, written on a small-chimney of lyrical content (song about love). The romance reveals the feelings of a person, his attitude to life and nature.

Rondo - a musical form based on alternating a constantly repeating fragment and a new episode (refrain and episode)

Requiem(lat. quiet)- music work mourning character for choir with orchestra.

Rimsky-Korsakov N.A. (1844-1908) - Russian composer, by profession, a marine officer, he entered the Commonwealth of Russian composers "Mighty hand",

Posted by 15 operas, most of them on a fabulous plot (Sadko, Snow Maiden, Golden Cockerel, etc.)


Sviridov G. (1915-1998) - outstanding Soviet and Russian composer, pianist, student Dmitry Shostakovich. Wrote vocal and instrumental music (music illustrations for the story of A.S. Pushkin "Misel", Cantata - "Poem of Memory S.Senin", "Snow goes")

Symphony (Consonance ) - Major instrumental avenue for a symphony reflection.

Sonata -chamber music genre for solo tool.

Composition of symphony orchestra:

  1. string Bow Tools- Violin, Alto, Cello, Double bass.
  2. spirit Group - Wooden brass instruments (flute, clarinet, oboe, baggage); Copper brass tools (pipe, trombone, horn, tube).
  3. impact group - Large and small drum, copper plates, triangle, bells, litales, chest.
  4. a special place is occupied by the harp.

The composition of the orchestra of Russian folk instruments:

  1. string pinch tools- Balalaika, Domra, Gusli, Bass Balalaika.
  2. wind instruments- Swirl, horn, pity, bearers, whistles.
  3. impact group - tambourine, wooden spoons, ratchet, box, xylophone, Rubel.
  4. the bayan occupies a special place.

Soprano - high female voice

Means of musical expressiveness(musical language works) - intonation, melody, rhythm, pace, dynamics, timbre, road, register, harmony, orchestration, character.

Symphoduzhaz (eng. Sympho-Jazz) - style combining jazz elements and light symphonic music.

Spiricuela - songs of North American blacks religious content, mosurns (Labor Songs).

Suite is a musical work consisting of several parts united by a common name.


The timbre is a means of musical expressiveness, sound coloring.

Temp - a means of musical expressiveness, sound speed.

Tenor is a high male voice.

Three-part form- a musical form consisting of music of three characters (uniquethirtish

form - ABC, repeated three-part form - Ava)


Overture -

  • orchestra play, joining the opera, the ballet, which prepares the listener, introduces the work into the atmosphere, in the circle of ideas and images
  • an independent product of a programming nature that carries the idea of \u200b\u200bthe name.


Fugue is the highest form of polyphony, a multi-voice polyphonic work, which is based on one or more musical topics in all voices.


Choir - large the team of musicians-singers. The choir in the opera is a mass scene in the opera.

Choral (choral chant) - Single-haired chant, which was part of western European church service.

Khabanner - People's Cuban dance, in its rhythm near Tango.


Tchaikovsky PI ( 1840-1893) - Russian composer, conductor, teacher, musical and public figure, music journalist. It is one of the greatest composers in the history of music. Author of more than 80 works, including ten operas and three ballets. His concerts and other works for piano, seven symphony, four suite, program symphonic music (Ntasia-Ntasia "Romeo and Juliet", Ballets "Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty", "Nutcracker" represent an extremely valuable contribution to the global musical culture.

Chesnokov P.G. (1877-1944) - russian composer, Choir conductor, author widely executed spiritual works.

Churleinis MK (1875-1911) - Lithuanian artist and composer; Investigator of professional Lithuanian music.


Chopin F. (1810-1849) - polish composer, an outstanding pianist, founder of Polish music, a hot patriot of his homeland, the music is permeated by the intonations of Polish folk music. Wrote music for piano: Mazurki, polonesa, waltzes, nocturns, foreplay, etudes, etc.

Schubert F. (1797- 1828) - German composer, ancestor of romanticism, created a new type of songs (small musical scenes with a certain story, in which the accompaniment of an active action participant) and a new vocal genre - ballad.

School music dictionary

The dictionaries are made to start many school subjects. Usually they are made simply - the usual notebook or the notebook is rated into two graphs - the first narrow word for writing the word, and the second sewn graph is to write the word value. So, for example, the teachers of the Russian language and literature propose to record in specially rated notebooks-dictionaries are complex on writing and pronunciation or simply incomprehensible new words. Teachers of chemistry and physics offer to start dictionaries to record complex terms and even formulas. Teachers of foreign languages \u200b\u200bconsider dictionary, compiled by the guys themselves, an indispensable attribute of their activities.

To start the dictionaries and in music classes is simply necessary. That is where many incomprehensible and complex, as well as foreign and innovative words! After all, most musical terms came to us from Italy and France.

The structure of the musical dictionary can be, for example, such:


Its value


Musical accompaniment.

Simultaneous combination of three or more sounds of different heights.


String tool included in the orchestra of Russian folk instruments.

Music teacher can successfully use the content of the suggested small musical dictionary on their lessons, for example, to disassemble at each class of 3-5 words and write down their explanations.

Accompanent - musical accompaniment. The word happened from the French " accompagner." - to accompany. Accompaniment can be different. Support of the soloist singer is entrusted or a single tool - piano, guitar, bayan, or orchestra.

Accord is a simultaneous combination of several (at least three) sounds of different heights.

Accordion - keychain instrument, variety of chromatic harmonics. Its case consists of two boxes, connecting fur and two keyboards - keypone for the left hand and a piano type keyboard for the right. Like accordion, the accordion has rich timbre and dynamic possibilities. The keypad has 6 (sometimes 7) rows: in the first and in the second there are separate bass sounds, in the others - "ready-made" chords (from here and the name of the instrument.)

The act is the complete part of the theatrical work (dramas, operas, ballet), separated from the previous and subsequent parts of the interruptions. The name comes from Latin " actus."- action.

Accent - allocation, especially loud underline individual sound or chord. In a note letter, accents are designated by various signs: V., sf. And others. These signs are affixed above or under that note or chord, which are related.

Alt - String Bow Tool of a violin family. In terms of its size, Alt is somewhat superior to the violin. Early samples of this tool belong to the XVI century. In search of the best design of Alta, the outstanding Italian master A. Stradivari played a major role. Four strings of the instrument are configured by the quints on the note below than the violin. Compared to Violin Alto - the tool is less mobile. The timbre of his deaf, dull, but soft, expressive. Alt for a long time, used in the stringed quartet and the symphony orchestra to fill the medium, melody "neutral" votes in the overall sound of harmony. Interest in the original expressive possibilities of Alta as a solo instrument emerged in the middle of the XIX century, during the heyday of romanticism.

Ensemble - this word has two interpretations. The ensemble is called a vocal or instrumental work, intended for a small composition of the performers - two, three, four, etc. To such works include duet, trio, quartet, quintet, etc. The ensemble is also called the team of musicians who acting this kind of music. The expression "good ensemble" indicates a high degree of coherence, consistency in the executive art. The word happened from the French " ansemble."- Together. In recent decades, the word "ensemble" is often used in relation to major performing teams, such as the Birch ensemble, etc.

Anxiss - a break between acts of theatrical presentation or concert branches. It happened from the fusion of the French words " entre."- between and" aCTE"- Act, action. The intermission is also called orchestral accession to one of the acts (except for the first) in any form of theatrical representation - opera, drama, ballet. (Orchestral accession to the 1st act wears different names - overture, prelude, introduction, introduction). The symphony intermission "Three Miracles" is used to be widely fame in Opere -Corsakov "Tale of Tsar Saltan".

Anshlag - Announcement that informs that all the tickets for this concert or the performance are sold completely. Often use the expression: "Today, the shaglands" (or "concert passed with the manschlage"), wanting to emphasize the great interest of the public to the concert, the spectral, lectures.

Aria is finished on the construction of an episode in Opera (Cantate, Oracrona.) Aria performs a singer accompanied by an orchestra. For Aria, as a rule, a wide disposal is characteristic. In Italian " aRIA"- not just a" song ", but also" air "," wind ". For completeness, the characteristic of the hero in the opera is usually introduced several Aries, various for figurative content. Differently the structure of the Aria. A 3-bed form is very often used, in which the third part is accurate repetition of the first. An example of this can serve, for example, Aria Susanin from the Opera "Ivan Susanin". Aria often precesses orchestral accession or recitative. The simplest definition of the opera aria is a big song of the main character. A small aria may be called an arytta or ariozo.

The artist is a performer musician (singer, conductor or instrumentalist), constantly performing on the opera scene or concert stage. In the broad sense, the words artists call all artists, including composers.

Harp - string tweezing tool of ancient origin. The simplest harps were known in Ancient Egypt for 3 millennia BC. e. In the Middle Ages, the harp was a favorite Trubadur tool and Minnesinger.

Balalaika - Russian folk pinch tool. It consists of a triangular housing and a grid, which is stretched by three strings. The sound on the balalaik is extracted by a number of techniques: "bumping" - a blow of the fingers with quick brushes of the hand, pinch. Balalaika originated from the tool called Domra, was distributed from the beginning of the XVIII century. The organizer of the first orchestra of Russian folk instruments was played a major role in its improvement and introduction to concerts.

Ballet is a musical and dance performance. The word comes from Italian " ballo.»- Dance, dance. At first, the ballet was an integral part of the courtiers. An independent genre of ballet becomes at the end of the XVIII century. Exceptionally high achievements in ballet music belong to the Russian composer, which created three ballet, which became classic: "Swan Lake", "Sleeping Beauty" and "Nutcracker". In the XX century The classics of ballet were the works of "Romeo and Juliet", "Cinderella" and "Stone Flower".

Barcarol - Song of the boatman. The name happened from the Italian word " b.butr.sA" - a boat. The plays with this name have a calm, singel character, the accompaniment often imitates a wave splash.

Bayan - keychain instrument, which received mass distribution in Russia from the end of the XIX century. Advanced variety of harmonics. The name of the instrument is given a somewhat changed name of the ancient Russian singer Boyana.

Bolero is a Spanish folk dance that was performed accompanied by a guitar or singing. Rhythmic figures are repeated in his music, which are retired by casstans or clicks of fingers. Bolero is often found in operations and ballets. The composer M. Ravel is widely known.

The Big Theater is the oldest Russian Theater, founded in Moscow in 1776 for the performances of musical performances - operas and ballets.

The tambourine is a shock musical instrument, it is a wooden hoop, covered with leather on which steel bells are attached. Play it with two techniques - blows and shaking. Widespread in Spain and Italy.

The epics - Russian folk song-tale, telling about the exploits of heroes, outstanding events of folk life.

French horn - a copper brass tool that occurred from an old hunting horn. German word " waldhorn."Means the forest horn. French horn is a long tube, rolled up a spiral. Her timbre is soft, singers. Three French hollows depict the appearance of hunters in the fairy tale "Peter and Wolf".

Waltz is one of the most popular ballroom dancing, during which dancing smoothly circles. Originated on the basis of folk dances of Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany. The largest composers created plays written in the form of Waltz:, I. Strauss ,.

Variation is a multiple repetition of the main melody with some changes.

Cello is a string puff tool, a larger violin and viola, but less than double bass. Her timbre is warm and expressive - often compared with a human voice, so many outstanding musical works are written for the cello.

Waterville - a cheerful theatrical play with several musical numbers.

Vocal music - music intended for singing.

Wunderkind - Translated from the German "Miracle Child". In the history of music, there are cases of exceptionally early manifestation of musical gifting: V.-A. Mozart, Brothers A. G. and ,.

Height is one of the properties of musical sound. Music creation is based on the possibility of human ear to catch the height. The height of the musical sound can be recorded with the help of notes.

Harmonica (accordion, harmonica) is a musical instrument equipped with furs and a keyboard keyboard. It was popular in many countries. Among the varieties - Tula, Saratov, Siberian, Cherepovets, etc.

Harmony is a means of musical expressiveness based on a combination of many votes.

Guitar - String Plug Tool, known in the Middle Ages. A flat wooden body resembling the eight is equipped with a vulture with 6-7 strings. Currently - one of the most popular musical instruments.

Oboe is a wooden brass tool, an indispensable participant of military and symphony orchestras. The main melody of "dance of small swans" is performed by two oboe. The obuchoe also performs the theme of ducks in the symphonic fairy tale "Peter and Wolf".

Volume - the power of the sound. Another name is the dynamics. Musical signs that are called "dynamic shades" are applied to designate the dynamics. Basic dynamic shades - forte (loud) and piano (quiet).

Wooden wind instruments - a group of tools of a symphony orchestra, which includes flute, oboe, clarinet and baggage, previously made of wood.

Jazz - the genus of music is more frequently entertaining, dance. The origins of Jazz are in the Negro folk music, which was borrowed by the US orchestras in the 20s. XX century The exemption from the Russian emigrants, the American composer D. Gershvin studied the Negro jerseys for a long time, on the basis of which he created a number of works that brought jazz features into classical music ("Rhapsody in the style of blues", the Opera "Porta and Bess").

Range - latitude, sound of musical instrument or voice. For example, the sound of the piano - eight octave, and a developed human voice - about three. Songs for execution of young children are usually written in the so-called "primary range", which includes only 4-6 nearby sounds.

Conductor - musician, head of choral or instrumental team. With the help of gestures, it indicates the entry and end of the sound, the pace and the power of the sound, the accession of soloists and individual groups. The conductor must have acute hearing, a high sense of rhythm, good musical memory, knowledge of the characteristics of each instrument of the orchestra.

Sound duration - longitude of sound. It is impossible to write a melody if all the sounds in it will be one duration - all long or all short. In each motive, some sounds are long, others are shorter that when writing them is indicated by special signs. When recording sounds notes, each of them has its duration - a whole, half, quarter, eighth, etc.

The drum fraction is to receive the game on the drum by two chopsticks with a quick and clear sequence of shock. Often the fraction applies when it is necessary to emphasize the special tragity of the moment or attract the attention of the listener to some episode.

Spiritual orchestra - orchestra consisting of two groups of tools - windows (mainly copper) and drums. The number of participants is from 12 to 100 people. Thanks to his ringing, a surfing sound, a brave orchestra is a regular participant in holidays and parades.

Duet - ensemble of two performers.

A pity is the Russian People's World Tool. Previously was made from the canthah. Porridge sound timbre - piercing, rescued.

Genre is a kind of musical works. Genres are divided into character, topics, means of expressiveness, performers. The main musical genres is a song, dance, march, based on the opera, ballet, symphony.

Sevets - the beginning of a choral song, which is performed by one or more singers. After Seveva, the song is picked up by all participants in the choir, the lead singer choir is usually called a severial.

Improvisation is an essay of music during its execution. In folk art, singers often adorn their execution improvisations. This technique also enjoy in jazz music.

Instrumentation - Arrangement of the musical composition for execution by his orchestra instruments. In the instrument, you can even guess who from composers belongs for the first time as he heard. For example, the orchestration or -Korsakov is brightly individual.

Chamber music is instrumental or vocal music intended for execution in a small room. Translated from Italian " camera."Means" room ". Chamber music includes duets, trios, quartets and other writings, designed for a small number of performers.

Tambleton - a tool in the form of a two-consuming plug, with which you configure musical instruments or give a tuning of the chor before it is a performance. The sample was accepted by Cameton, giving the "la" octave sound.

Kant is the appearance of an old 3-voice boss song distributed in Russia in the XVI-XVIII centuries. There were Cents of different genres - solemn, lyrical, comic. The style of Kant was used when creating his famous choir "Walk!" In the final of the Opera "Ivan Susanin".

Cantata is a vocal symphonic work in several parts. Usually performed by choir, soloists and orchestra.

Quartet - ensemble of four performers.

Quintet is an ensemble of five performers.

Cleigh - Arrangement of orchestral essay (score) for the execution of it on the piano. The keys enable musicians to get acquainted with many works - symphony, operations, ballet masses.

The key is a special lever used in musical instruments to extract sound. When you press the key, the hammer of the string (as in the piano) or on the metal plate (in the challenge, bells.) The word comes from Latin " clavis"- key. Here I understood the "key", which led to the opening of the organ pipe valve. The keys are made of wood, plastics, but sometimes they are metallic (for example, in bayan).

Keyboard tools - a group of musical instruments whose sound is removed using the keys. Keynot include some string (harpsichine, piano), part of the wind (organ, harmonic, bayan, accordion) and separate drums (chest, bells) tools.

The clarinet is a musical instrument from a group of wooden winds, like a goby, leading origin from the shepherds. Independent participant of the symphony orchestra. For Clarinet, wrote the theme of the cat in his symphonic fairy tale "Peter and Wolf".

Classic is a term applied in relation to exemplary, perfect works of art. Comes from the Latin word " classicum."- Exemplary. The field of musical classics includes not only the writings of great composers, but also the best samples of popular musical creativity. Classic works are distinguished by the wealth of the content and beauty and perfection of the form. We can always say about the classic works that they are modern, as they usually exist on Earth for several centuries and always deliver pleasure to their listeners. This is eternal music.

Classicism is an artistic course in the culture of European countries of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Representatives of classicism in painting, sculpture and architecture took the best works for sample, which were created in ancient Greece. Classic musicians sought to create clear and harmonious in shape, elevated and noble heroic works on the stories of antique art. In music, the so-called "Vienna classical period" received the greatest fame, during which composers Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven were created.

The key is a violin key, a bass key, a fidth key, a tenor key, etc. This is a conditional sign, displayed at the beginning of a new note and indicating the place of recording a certain sound. This most is given "key" to writing and reading the rest of the sounds on this note.

The ring is a small rod for tensioning and setting strings in musical instruments. When rotating the rod of the string either stretches the tight, either weakened, because of which the sound becomes higher or lower. Wooden rings are made for brook tools, in harp, piano, cymbals - metal rings.

Bells - a shock tool with a certain sound height, applied in the orchestra to imitate bell tongues. It is a set of metal tubes or plates freely suspended at the crossbar.

Bells - a shock tool with a certain height of the sound, which is a number of freely fixed metal plates. The sound is extracted either by the blow of sticks (simple bells), or using a keyboard, similar to miniature piano (keyboard bells). Tool timbre is clear, ringing, brilliant. Sometimes the bells are called metal fond.

Colutura - decorating virtuoso virtuoso, technically difficult passages. The word happened from Italian " coloratura."- Decoration. The coloratural manner of singing was widely distributed in the Italian opera of the XVIII-XIX centuries. The highest singing female voice is called coloratura soprano. Typically, a voice is written for this voice that require virtuosity performed, since it is plentifully decorated with difficult passages. For the coloratura soprano, the Snow Maiden Party in Opera -Korsakova "Snow Maiden".

Composer - author, creator of musical works. The word happened from Latin " compositor"- compiler, writing. Professional compositions of the composition require a musician, in addition to creative gifting, a large culture and versatile musical and theoretical knowledge.

Composition - writing music, type of artistic creativity. In addition to the general culture and rigging, composer activity requires knowledge of many special disciplines: theories of music, harmony, polyphony, analyzing musical works, orchestration. These disciplines are studied by future composers in conservatories and colleagues. Often under the composition mean the structure of the musical work, the ratio and location of its separate sections. Latin word " composition"Means not only the" written ", but also" compilation ". In this sense, studying a musical work, "Slender composition", "clear composition" or, on the contrary, "loose composition" say about it.

Conservatory - Higher Music Educational Institution. Italian word " concervatorio."Means" shelter ". The first conservatory appeared at the beginning of the XIX century. In major cities of Europe, and before that existed only in Paris. Conservatory are available in all musical centers in the world. The oldest Russian conservatory - St. Petersburg, founded in 1862, and Moscow, founded in 1866. Currently, the highest musical institutions are called not only conservatories, but also with musical academies, higher music schools, institutions, etc.

The double bass is the largest and the lowest sound tool from the broken bows family. Double bass ancestors are old bass viols, from which he borrowed many features of his design. According to the appearance, the double bass is similar to the cello, but significantly exceeds it in size. Double bass are widespread in pop ensembles and orchestras, where they are usually played with a pizzicato.

Contluto - the lowest sound of a singing female voice. Sometimes composers in the operations entrust the male roles in the operations - Vanya in Opere "Ivan Susanin", Lel in the Opera "Snow Maiden" -Korsakov.

Concert - public performance of musical works. By types of execution, concerts are symphonic, chamber, solo, pop, etc. The word happened from two sources: from Latin " cONCERTARE"- compete and from Italian" concerto."- Harmony, consent. The concert also refers to a virtuoso product for a soling tool, with the escoperation of the orchestra.

Concertremister is the first, "main", musician in any group of orchestra. For example, the concertmester of the first violins, the second violins, alt, cello, etc., leading to the participants of the group, the concertmester indicates the techniques of execution, and the responsible solo is usually charged. The accompanist is also called a pianist who helps performers (singers, instrumentalists) when learning the repertoire and speaks with them at concerts.

The concert hall is a special room intended for public concerts. The first concert halls appeared at the beginning of the XIX century. Previously, concerts were held in churches, theaters, salons, palaces and private houses.

Krakowak - Polish folk dance. Krakowyaki - the name of the residents of Krakow Voivodeship in Poland; Hence the name of the dance occurred. Krakowak originated from an old militant dance, so she kept temperament, pride, women are danced smoothly, gracefully, and men with sharp thoughts and shouts. In the XIX century Krakowak was distributed as a ballroom dance and often met in operations and ballets. Very popular is, for example, Krakowak, who sounds in the "Polish" action of his opera "Ivan Susanin".

Xilophone - a shock tool with a certain height of the sound. It is a set of wooden bars of various sizes. Greek word " xylon.»Means the tree, wood," phone"- sound. Brucks in the form of trapezium are located on the straw rollers or special litters with rubber gaskets. The sound is extracted using two wooden sticks. With a loud game, the sound turns out dry, clicking, with a quiet game - the sound is bubble, soft. In Europe, xylophone came from Asia to the Middle Ages. Xylophone is often used as a solo instrument (accompanied by piano); It is often part of the symphony orchestra or pop ensemble.

Culmination is an episode of a musical work, where the highest voltage is achieved, the greatest heat of emotions. From the Latin word " culmen."-" Top ". Usually composers try to emphasize the climax of the work with loud sound, special musical effects.

Coupling - section of the bureapent form. Typically, the melody of the population remains unchanged when it is repetition in other purchasing. However, the verbal text of each couple is different. The word happened from the French " couplet."- stanza. If there is a verse and chorus in the song, then the compound is called the part, the text of which changes when repetition.

A bought form is a common form of vocal works, in which the same melody is repeated unchanged or slightly varied, but with each repetition is executed with the new text. In a bus form, the melody should reflect the overall character of the song and approach the text of all versions. The most folk songs are bought - Russian, German, Italian IT. d.

LAD - the relationship of musical sounds, their coherence, consistency among themselves. Sounds, of which the melody is folded, composed on a bulk basis, have a different degree of sustainability in relation to each other, and the rumor responds to them in different ways.

Laureate - Honorary title, awarded to the musician for outstanding achievements in performing and creative activity. From a long time, the winners of contests and competitions are called winners. The word comes from Latin - " laureatus."- crowned with a laurel wreath. In modern musical competitions, the title of the laureate receive performers that took the 6-7 first places.

Lezginka - People's Dance Lezgin living in Dagestan. Performed in a fast pace, rapidly, requires a large dexterity and strength, rhythmic music, clear. Lezginka is found in author's music. For example, it sounds in the scene, which occurs in the castle of Chernomora in the opera Ruslan and Lyudmila.

Leitmotif is a musical topic or part of it, characterizing any image, idea, phenomenon. It is used in large musical forms - operations, ballets, symphony, repeating when this image appears. For example, the lattice of the Snow Maiden in Opera - Korsakov "Snow Maiden".

Libretto - literary text underlying a musical - stage work, mainly opera. Often the word "libretto" call the retelling of a brief content of the opera or ballet. From Italian " libretto."- Book.

Lira - ancient string plug tool.

Litavra - a group of shock tools with a certain sound height. Each licitution is a copper hemisphere, covered with skin. The sound is extracted with a blow of a small beater with a spherical felt tip.

Spoons - the Russian folk instrument, which is two wooden spoons. When withdrawing with spoons, a clear "dry" sound is obtained.

Major is one of two (along with Minor) the most common in the music of the lads. The most common opinion is the assignment of music written in Major Lada, the character of a decisive, solid, volitional. In Italian, the word "major" is denoted by the word " dur"What is tough.

Mazurka - Polish folk dance. The name comes from the word "Mazura" - so called the inhabitants of Mazovia. For the execution of dance, Mazurka is characterized by swelling, tapping with heels and spurs. When painting the Mazurka, composers use dotted rhythmic figures.

Small drum - a shock musical instrument with an indefinite sound height. Like a big drum, known from antiquity. The size of the drum is about 3 times smaller than large. This is a cylindrical frame, on both sides of which the skin is stretched. In a small drum over the skin, strings are stretched. It gives the sound rattling hue. Play on the drum with two thin sticks.

Marsh is a play in a clear rhythm for accompanying military campaigns, demonstrations and other processions. The word comes from the French " mARCHE"- Walking. Often, government hymns are written in the genre of the marches. In the genre of Marsha, many popular songs, such as the "song about the Motherland" of the composer, were written.

Meloman is a passionate music lover, singing. In the past, Melomanans called people, fervently addicted to music, but essentially not very deeply.

Menuet - Dance of French origin, popular in Europe in the XVII-XVIII centuries. Performed by small chains (the name comes from the French " menu."- small).

The meter is a continuous alternation of strong and weak fractions in the melody, so that the necessary music genre is being created - march, dance or song. The name of the term comes from the Greek word " metron."- Measure. The main cell of the meter is a segment of music, concluded between two strong shares, which is called a tact.

Mezzo-soprano - a female singing voice, the average between the contrast and soprano. By the nature of the sound and the temperature color, this voice is close to contrast. Many leading parties are written for mezzo-soprano, for example, Carmen in the Opera J. Bize.

Minor is one of two (along with Major) the most common in the music of the lads. The color of the Minor Lada is mild email. In Latin is denoted by the word " moll."That translated means" soft. " But a large number of music was written in Minor Lada, joyful, humorous.

The motive is the smallest element of the musical form, any smallest segment of a melody that has a clear, defined musical content. Sometimes on the motive we can remember the famous musical play or tell about her character.

Music grades - initial information on music theory, titles and rules for writing notes and other musical signs. From the basics of musical letters begins to study the elementary theory of music.

Music literature - educational discipline, which aims to introduce students with the work of the largest composers and give initial information on the history of musical culture of various countries and peoples.

Music amateur - systematic musical classes, widespread in our country among music lovers. For such classes there are houses of culture, clubs. Music forms of musical amateurness are very different - from small circles to large associations. Many famous singers, including soloists of the Bolshoi Theater, began their first steps in musical amateur time.

Music form - building a musical work, the ratio of its parts.

Music contests - competitions of musicians conducted according to a certain program declared. The best participants of the competition calls the jury.

The musical sound is a sound having (in contrast to noise) clear height, which can be determined with absolute accuracy and repeated on a musical instrument. The main material for creating music is musical sounds.

Musical rumor - the ability of a person to perceive music, memorizing and realizing it.

A musician is a person professionally dealing with any kind of musical activity: writing, conducting, execution.

The musicologist is a musician specializing in the field of music. The activities of the musicologist covers various spheres of musical and public life: scientific and theoretical studies, pedagogy, editorial work, etc.

Pumps - a small vocal melody. In everyday life is often replaced by the word "motive."

Folk musical instruments are musical instruments created by the people, firmly rooted in his musical house. Russian folk instruments include Domra, Gusli, Balalaika, Bayan; to Ukrainian - Bandura; To the Caucasian - Tar, Kyamacha et al. Just as among professional instruments, among folk existence, tweeted, string, wind and others.

Folk dances are dances created by the folk masses common in public life. For example: Trepak (Russian), Hopak (Ukrainian), Mazurka (Polish), Chardas (Hungarian).

Thread is a horizontal line that replaces the tight mill in the batches of many percussion instruments.

Nocturne - a dreamy, singing play, inspired by night images. Nocturne is written mainly for piano. Comes from French " nokturn."- Night.

The note is a conditional graphic sign located on a tight mill and indicating the height and relative duration of any sound. The note consists of a white or shaded head and a small stick - a tail, going up or down. The word comes from Latin " nOTA"- a written sign.

Notation - Method for recording music using special graphic signs. The word comes from Latin " notatio."- recording.

A single work is a work in which there is no division into independent parts.

Opera is the type of theatrical art in which the stage action is closely related to the music - vocal and orchestral. Translated from Italian " orer.but" - essay. The first operas were created in Italy at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries. In the XIX century One of the leading places in world art was taken by Russian music, in which the foundations of the national opera laid the composer. The traditions were brilliantly developed by its successors - composers, -sakov, as well as composers of the XX century - ,.

Operetta is a musical comedy. Music and scenic product of comedy content with vocal dance scenes accompanied by orchestra and spoken episodes.

Opus - term used for ordinal numbering of composer compositions. Happened from the Latin word " opus."- work, work. In Russian, often used in reducing: oR. or op. Sometimes the opus can make an alone, but several works. For example, a collection of 12 plates "Children's music" is published under one opus - oR. 65..

Oratorio is a vocal symphonic work of many parts. Oratoria usually consists of alternating choral episodes, symphonic fragments and vocal numbers - Aria, ensembles, recipients. It differs from Cantata with a large scale and development of the plot. Originated at the turn of the XVI-XVII centuries. The genre of the oratory is close to the work called "Requiem". Samples of the Russian oratorio arose at the beginning of the XIX century, this genre became quite popular in the XX century. They are treated (Oratoria "on guard of the world"), ("Song of the Forests"), ("Requiem").

The organ - keychain instrument, characterized by huge sizes, richness of timbre and dynamic shades. Its name happened from the Latin word " organum"- Tool. The largest musical instrument.

The orchestra is a numerous team of instrumental musicians, performing works specifically designed for this composition. Sometimes orchestras consist of homogeneous tools, but more often they are made up from different instrumental groups. Depending on the composition of the orchestra, there are various expressive, timbre and dynamic capabilities and are different names - brave, chamber, folk instruments, symphonic, pop.

Orchestration - Arrangement of any musical work for the orchestra.

Orchestra of Russian musical instruments - an orchestra, consisting mainly of Domr and Balalak, which includes pity, husli, horns and other tools of folk origin.

Score - note record of a multi-voiced product for choir, orchestra or chamber ensemble. In the scores, the parties of individual voices and tools are collected. The score is a thick bulk book in a hard binding, which in the performance of the musical product is put on the conductor console. Parts in the score are located one above the other, line. The word comes from Italian " partitura."- separation, distribution.

Party is an integral part of the musical work, assigned to a separate voice, tool, as well as a group of homogeneous voices or tools.

Pedal - a special lever in musical instruments, driven by feet. The word comes from Latin " pedalis"- foot. With the help of the pedal, change the tool (harp, licenant) setting, stop or extending the sound, reduce sound strength (piano).

Singing - performance of music with a singing voice. Singing differs from the colloquial speech with the accuracy of sound intonation and is one of the most expressive means of musical art. Singing is choir, solo, ensemble (duet, trio). Singing is the basis of the opera, romance, song genres.

The first violins are a group of violins in a symphonic or chamber orchestra, which is entrusted with a greater role: by the upper lead voice, they are the main carriers of the most expressive melody in the general orchestral sound. The number of first violins in the Big Orchestra reaches 20 pieces.

Arrangement, arrangement - processing of a musical work written for certain voices or tools in order to adapt it to execution by other means, for example, making symphony to perform on the piano, choir transformation of a single-haired song, etc. The word "arrangement" comes from the French " arranger."- process.

Songbook - a collection of popular songs containing the texts of these songs and a music record of the melody. Songniks also call the notebooks of singing lovers with entries of loved songs.

The song is one of the forms of vocal music, widespread in folk musical creativity, musical everyday, as well as in professional music. Nowadays, the song is a pop, choral, mass, folk and addressed to a wide range of music lovers.

Piano - a string-key musical instrument, a kind of piano. Piano invented at the end of the XVIII century. The characteristic feature of the piano is a vertically located frame with strings (in the piano strings are stretched in a horizontal position), which achieves more compact tool dimensions. Italian word " pianino."Means small" piano." In turn, Italian " piano."- Abbreviated designation of the word" piano ".

Polonaise - Dance of Polish origin. Polona is the character of a brilliant procession. Dancing moves smoothly, great, slightly squeezing on the 3rd quarter of each tact. The word comes from the French " pOLONAISE."- Polish dance.

Chorus is part of the bought form. Usually in the song Chorus should be seared. But when the chorus is repeated, his words and melody do not change.

Software Music - Instrumental Music, which is based on the program, i.e. any particular plot. The music program can be made in its title (for example, Suite "pictures from the exhibition", Romeo and Juliet overture), in the epighet (Seventh Symphony of Kovich: "My native city of Leningrad is dedicated to our coming victory over fascism") or in a special program , which tells in detail about the content of music ("Fantastic Symphony" of Berlioz).

The console is the stand for notes in the form of an inclined frame on a long leg, sometimes on two. To adjust the height, the remote control is equipped with a retractable stand.

Piece is a complete musical product of small size. This term is usually used in relation to instrumental music.

PUPITER - Stand for notes mounted in the piano, organ.

The repertoire is a selection of musical works performed in concerts or theater, as well as plays that make up the "creative baggage" of any soloist artist.

Rehearsal - Preparatory test execution of the music work. To achieve perfection, a whole range of rehearsals usually spend a speech. From Latin " repetito."- Repetition.

Refrain is the main section of the Rondo, which is repeated several times, alternating with other sections - episodes. In a bus form, refrain is the same as the chorus. Translated from the French word " refrain."So means - chorus.

Rhythm - alternation of various durations of sounds in music, short and long. One of the main elements of the expressive melody. The word comes from the Greek " rhythmos."- proportionality.

Romance - a work for voice with instrumental accompaniment. Romance genres are diverse - lyrics, satire, narration, etc. The romance has been greatly distributed in Russia in the XIX-XX centuries. Classic romance samples created composers, -sakov ,.

Romanticism is the artistic flow in culture at the turn of the XVIII - XIX centuries, which is peculiar to the fervor, elevated aspiration of ideas. Romanticism became the progenitor of new musical genres - ballad, fantasy, poem. The largest musicians-romance: F. Schuman, F. Chopin, F. Sheet.

Rondo is a musical form consisting of multiple construction of the main section - refreven, with which other episodes alternate. Rondo begins and ends with refrain, forming a circle. It comes from the French word " rond."- dance, walking in a circle.

The piano - the name of the basic type of piano in the country rooted in Russia. Characteristic of the piano, the woven shape of the body is due to the difference in the length of the strings. The name of the tool comes from the French word " royal"- Royal. And indeed, about the piano it is customary to say that this tool is the king of the orchestra.

The symphony orchestra is a musical team, the most perfect and rich in its expressive opportunities. Large symphony orchestras have more than 10 musicians. The possibilities of this orchestra are very high. The modern orchestra consists of four main groups: a string group, a group of wooden winds, a group of copper wind and a group of shock tools. Symphony orchestra - an indispensable participant of musical performances (operas, ballets, operetta), as well as cantat, oral.

Symphony - a work for the orchestra written in the form of a seen cycle. There are symphonies in the form of an extended cycle - up to 6-7 parts, and in the form of incomplete - up to one-piece. The word comes from the Greek " sIMPHONIA"- Consonance. Symphonies of V-A. enjoy wide fame. Mozart, L. Beethoven ,. Some symphonies are software - "fantastic" G. Berlioz, "pathetic", "pastoral" L. Beethoven.

Syncopa is a sound starting on a weak share of tact and kept in the next strong share. This term comes from Greek " sinkope"- skip something. Syncop is characteristic of Polish Mazurka, as well as for jazz music.

Scherzo - the name of various acute characteristic plays - humorous, grotesque, fantastic. The word comes from Italian " scherzo."- joke. The plays created in the Skierzo genre can be of different sizes - from funny miniatures to a part of the symphony. So, the Russian composer used the Schrozo genre to create the second part of his famous "Bogatyr Symphony".

The screamer is a stray musician, actor, singer and dancer in medieval Russia. His speeches of the squigches - "funmen" were usually accompanied by a play on a voyage, swirls, hurs.

The treble key is one of the main keys used in a music letter. Drawing a violin key is a distorted latin letter G.. In the violin key it is convenient to record the sounds of the middle and high register.

Violin is a string puff tool, the highest sound, the richest in terms of expressive and technical capabilities among the tools of a violin family. It is believed that the immediate predecessor of the violin was lira da Bracchowhich, like a violin, was also kept at the shoulder (in Italian the word " braccio."Means shoulder). Game techniques on it were also similar to violin. The building of the modern violin has an oval shape with the grooves on the sides. Violin - the tool is predominantly one-haired. The timbre of violin is rich, singers, by expressiveness approaches the human voice.

Bow - a thin wooden wand with a tensioned "ribbon" from horse's hair. Serves to extract sound from string tools (violins, cello). The length of the modern bow - about 75 cm.

The soloist is a performer of a musical work intended for one voice or tool. In the opera soloist - the executor of the responsible role.

Solo - episode in vocal symphonic, chamber, choir, performed by one singer or tool. The word comes from Italian " solo"- the only one.

Sonata - a work for one or two tools written in the form of a seen cycle. The word comes from Italian " sonare."- Play on any tool.

Soprano is the highest female singing voice. In musical practice there is a soprano dramatic, lyrical and coloratura. The word comes from Italian " sopra."- Upstairs above.

String - Elastic, tightly stretched thread used in many instruments (piano, violin, harp, balalaika, etc.) and serve as a sound source. The height of the sound of the string depends on its length, the forces of tension and the density of the material from which it is made. Strings are made of metal, from live animals, as well as silk.

The scene is a specially equipped part of theatrical room, designed to perform artists, singers, dancers. The word "scene" is also called part of the act or picture of the musical and scenic performance, which is a relatively complete fragment.

Tact - a small segment of the musical work, concluded between strong shares. Starting with a strong share, the clock ends before the next strong fraction; It is depicted by vertical features crossing a ton mill. The word comes from Latin " tACTUS"- action.

The topic is a melody, usually a short, expressing the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work and is the material for further development. Greek " thema."What is based on.

The timbre is a specific sound coloring characteristic of this musical instrument or voice. The nature of the tone depends on the overtones accompanying the sound and their relative force. The timbre may be deaf, ringing, clear, etc.

Temp - speed. The pace of work depends on its nature, mood, content. The deviation from the right pace leads to distortion of content. The word comes from Latin " tempus."- Time.

Tenor is the highest on the sound of a male singing voice. Two main tenor varieties differ: lyrical - soft on the timbre, gentle, and dramatic - more juicy, strong. In addition to the singing vote, the tenor is also called the medium-sized medium-sized brass instrument, characterized by a warm and saturated timbre.

Trell is the rapid alternation of this sound and the neighboring top of the Lada. In Italian " tRALLARE."- rattle.

Trepak - Russian folk dance, fast, prime, rhythmically clear, with dashing tributaries. The main figures are improvised by dancers showing their dexterity and ingenuity. Trepak dance genre was used by classic composers. For example, in this genre written "Russian dance" in the ballet "Nutcracker".

The triangle is a shock tool with an indefinite height of the sound. It is a rod of silver steel, curved in the form of a triangle. When playing on a triangle, it is suspended on a string or strap and lead to oscillation with a touch of a metal stick.

Trio - ensemble of three performers with an independent party from each of them. The trio is also called works for such an ensemble. Vocal trio is referred to as tercetami, there are as a chamber genre. The word "trio" also means the middle part in some musical plays of 3-bedroom shapes - dancing, march, scherzo.

Pipe is a copper brass instrument, the simplest samples of which are known long before our era. The modern tube is a pipe, bent several times and ending with a small socket. The narrow end is equipped with mouthpiece.

Troubadur is a wandering poet and singer in France in the Epoch of the Middle Ages. The word happened from Provencal " trobar."- To invent, identify poems. The main topics in the art of Trubadurov - chanting love, feats, beauty of nature.

Troupe - the creative team of the theater artists.

Tuck - a brief musical "greeting" of a fanfare warehouse. It is usually performed on solemn ceremonies.

Overture - Orchestra play, performed before the theater representation and entering the ideas and sentiment of the upcoming spectacle into the circle of ideas and sentiment. French word " ouverture."-" Opening "means.

Bassoon - low sounding wooden ovens invented in the XVI century. It is a long tube, the length of its channel is 2.5 m, folded several times. The word comes from Italian " fagotto."- a bunch, knitting. For the Fagota, the topic of grandfather in the musical fairy tale "Peter and Wolf" is written.

Falcette - the sound of a particularly high register of men's voices with characteristic timbrelessness; Differed small power of sound and some artificiality. The word comes from Italian " falso."- Fake, false. Occasionally, Falket is used as an expressive artistic technique.

Fanfar - Brass Music Tool Type Mountain. The fanfare also is also called a piping signal of a prize-solemn character. Fanfare intonations are used in the works of various forms and genres.

The final is the last part of the cyclic musical work (symphony, concert, quartet, sonata), as well as the final scene of the opera, ballet or a separate act. The word comes from Italian " final."- finite, final.

Flute is a wooden brass tool, one of the most ancient by origin. The ancestors of the flute are various kinds of reed twinkles, swirls. The primary flute sample - the flute is longitudinal, which subsequently displaced the sample flute transverse. Modern flute is a narrow tube closed from one end, which contains special air blowing holes. The name comes from Latin " flatus."- Wind, whiff. Flute is an indispensable participant of the symphonic team, the brass orchestra and chamber ensembles. Flute, as a mobile tool, the performance of fast, winding melodic phrases, lungs and graceful passages is usually entrusted. For the flute, the party of birds in the musical fairy tale "Peter and Wolf" is written. The flute performs the lattice of the Snow Maiden in the Opera-Prisakov monnemement.

Folklore - Oral Folk Creativity (Staroangalian Word " folklore."- means" folk wisdom "). Music folklore includes a song and instrumental creativity of the people, reflecting his history, life, aspirations, Duma. The main area of \u200b\u200bthe musical folklore is a folk song.

Piano (t. Piano) - a string-key tool that has been extremely important in musical practice due to a huge range and universal technical capabilities. The first samples of this tool were imperfect: their sound was distinguished by sharpness, and the range was limited. Prederprew a number of improvements, piano by the end of the XVIII century. Pushed out the harpsine and a keycorder. An important step towards the rich dynamic possibilities of the piano was the invention of pedals. At the beginning of the XIX century. Two main varieties of piano - piano and piano were entrenched. They are widespread and so on. For piano, a large number of musical works have been created. In the history of music, the names of the outstanding performers - matte, etc. are known.

Fugue is a multi-voice polyphonic product in which the main topic is in different voices. Translated from the Latin word " fuga"Means" run" The highest development of the Fugue reached in the work of the German composer I.-S. Baha. Often the fugue is performed in conjunction with other musical plays - the prelude, Toccata, fantasy.

Khabanner is a Spanish dance of Cuban origin. The name comes from the word Havana - Capital of Cuba. Performed in slow pace, movement in a significant part is freely improvised. Khabanner is the predecessor of Tango, which is characterized by the same rhythm of the accompaniment. The genre of Habarov is used by composer J. Bizet in his opera "Carmen".

Choir is a singing team that performs vocal music is preferably a multi-voiced one. Uniform (male and female), mixed and children's choirs differ. The word comes from Latin " chorus."- Crowd, meeting. According to the manner of execution, the choir is divided into academic and folk.

Khreasister - conductor in the choir. Typically, the Khramisister is called the assistant to the head of the choir, which works with the team when learning the repertoire. The responsible head of the choir team in the Opera Theater is also referred to as the choirmister.

Hota - Spanish People's Dance, is performed in a rapid pace, accompanied by playing guitar, mandoline, climbing kastannet. Hyda genre is used when creating His Spanish Overture "Aragon Hot".

Chardas - Hungarian folk dance. The name comes from the Hungarian word " csarda."- Tavern. Consists of slow and fast parts. Chardash is often found in the musical literature.

Chastushki - Russian folk songs based on multiple repetition of a small couple. Appeared at the beginning of the XX century. The word "chastushka" happened from the word "frequent", repeated many times. There are satirical, mischievous, lyrical, etc. on the content of the ductushki, and others. Slow-love.

Charmanka - a mechanical brass instrument, which has spread in the medium of the stray musicians in Europe at the beginning of the XVIII century. Sharmanka - a small box, inside which is placed mechanism from the tube, fur and roller. When rotating the handle sounds any musical play, usually very simple on a melodic pattern. The play is "programmed" in the scarmer, so the game on it does not require special skills.

Noise sound - no sound (in contrast to musical) clearly pronounced height. Noise sounds include hum, crackling, ringing, rustling, etc. Some noise sounds have found application in music: drum fraction, clicking kastannets, shocks of plates, etc.

Plug-in tools - a group of vintage string tools, the sound of which is extracted with a plug, that is, the engagement of the string with his finger, as well as the mediator - a special device for clinging strings. Tweed-colored tools include Gusli, Domra, Mandolin, and others.

Elegy - a pensive-thoughtful play. Greek " elegeia." - a complaint.

The pop orchestra is the name of the orchestra in our country, which performs the "easy" music. This orchestra includes a group of brass tools, a set of drums, piano, guitars, sometimes several violins.

The humorous is a small play of a humorous, bizarre character. Music plays under the name "Homoriesca" of composers A. Dvorakik, E. Grieg, enjoy popular in music.